PAOLO AMAT DI SAN FILIPPO studied chemistry at the University of Turin. After working in the polyamide and polyacrylonitrile fibres industry, he taught, as a professore incaricato, from 1964 to 1968 in the University of Cagliari, at the Faculty of Applied Sciences hydrology and chemical industries for agriculture, and from 1969 at the Faculty of Engineering, as professore associato, high polymers chemistry, fuels and lubricants. Today he teaches organic chemistry. He has published on the recycling of industrial wastes and by-products, and on the development of chemistry and chemical technology in Sardinia, from the eighteenth century, and on pharmacy, also in Sardinia, from the sixteenth century. Address: Universita degli studi di Cagliari, Dipartimento di ingegneria chimica e materiali, Piazza d'Armi, 1-09123 Cagliari, Italy.

ARNE ANDERSEN is Privatdozent at the Technical University of Darmstadt. He took his doctorate in social history and the history of labour movement. Subsequent• ly he turned to environmental history. For over ten years he has been working in this field, and is a pioneer of this new historical sub-discipline in . Currently he is studying the change from industrial to consumer society and its eco• logical consequences. Address: ZwickauerstraBe 33, D-28215 Bremen, Germany.

STUART BENNETT trained as a mechanical engineer and is now a Reader in the Department of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering at the University of Sheffield where he has taught since 1968. During 1988-89 he held a senior postdoctoral research fellowship at the Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC where he worked on the history of process control. He has published a two volume history of control engineering (covering the periods 1800-1930 and 1930-1995), and several papers on the history of industrial measuring instruments. His current interests relate to the impact of instruments (measuring, recording and controlling) on the organizational and operational structures of the process industries. His non-historical research is on the socio• technical modelling of manufacturing processes. Address: Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield, P.O. Box 600, Mappin Street, Sheffield SI 4DU, Great Britain.

ANNE-CLAIRE DERE is a doctor in pharmacy, and has completed a thesis on the history of chemistry. Her interests include the history of organic chemistry, biology and pharmacy, and especially the biographies of scientists. Her publications have been concerned first with the history of her own region (Bretagne) and with the role of scientists in industrial development. She has recently contributed two articles to the biographical dictionary of the teachers of the Conservatoire Nationale des Arts 321 322 Notes on contributors et Metiers. As associate member of the Francois Viete Research Centre of the University of Nantes she is working on a biography of Jacques-Louis Thenard (in collaboration with Gerard Emptoz). Address: 11, place du Pilory, 44000 Nantes, .

JAMES DONNELLY studied chemistry at University College, London. He was awarded a PhD at the University of Leeds with a thesis on the historical relationship between education and the chemical industry. He taught chemistry for some years in schools, and is now Senior Lecturer in Chemical Education in the Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education at the University of Leeds. He has published several articles on the history of industrial chemists and chemical engineers. He also works in the field of science education and is editor of the journal Studies in Science Education. His main historical interest at present is the history of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, jointly with Professor Colin DivalI. Address: Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education, School of Education, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, Great Britain.

GERARD EMPTOZ was appointed professor of the history of technology in 1993 at the University of Nantes, where he is presently Directeur-adjoint of the Centre Francois-Viete d'histoire des sciences et des techniques. He holds a doctorate in chemistry, which he taught at the Institut universitaire de technologie in Orsay. After studying the history of technical innovations in energy production - at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris - he became professor of the history of technology at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers in 1989 and chercheur associe in the Centre de recherches historiques of the EHESS. He is also adviser for science museums at the French ministry for higher education and research. His publications have been concerned with organic and analytical chemistry, the history of mechanical energy and fuels, innovation processes and studies of patents in these fields, the history of science-technology relationships in chemistry, and the history of scientific educational institutions. He is currently working on the Nantes region and on innovation processes in industrial chemistry during French industrialization. Address: Universite de Nantes, Faculte des Sciences et des Techniques, Centre d'histoire des sciences et des techniques, 2, Rue de la Houssiniere, 44072 Nantes-Cedex, France.

ERNST HOMBURG studied chemistry in Amsterdam. He taught pharmacy and society at the University of Groningen, and from 1979 to 1993 worked at Nijrnegen University, first as research fellow in a project on the history of the synthetic dye industry, and later as assistant professor in chemistry and society. He obtained a doctorate in history with a thesis on the polytechnic schools and the rise of the chemical profession in Germany, 1790-1850. He now teaches history of science and technology at the University of Maastricht. From 1989 to 1995 he was coeditor of a six volume History of Technology in the Netherlands. 1800-1890 (in Dutch), and author of chapters on the chemical and gas industries. He is currently writing a Notes on contributors 323 history of the Dutch chemical industry between 1890 and 1990, and i&. president of the Dutch Society for the History of Medicine, Science and Technology (GeWiNa). Address: Vakgroep Geschiedenis, Facu1teit Cu1tuurwetenschappen, Universiteit Maastricht, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, Netherlands.

ANDERS LUNDGREN has a PhD from the Department of History of Ideas and Science, Uppsala University, where he now is Senior Lecturer. His main. interest is the history of chemistry and he has published on eighteenth century chemistry, especially on the chemical revolution, and on the relation between mining and chemistry. He is also interested in the chemistry of later periods and has published on the development of biochemistry as an independent discipline in Sweden and on the development of Swedish pharmaceuticals (Everyday science. A history of Xylocaine, 1995, in Swedish). He is currently working on the relation between science and technology with special reference to the chemical industry. Address: Uppsala Universitet, Institutionen fOr ide- och lardomshistoria, Slottet, Ingang AO, S-75237 Uppsala, Sweden.

ROMAN MIERZECKI took his doctorate in physics at Warsaw University after studying chemistry at the Technical University in LOdz. He lectured on physical chemistry and history of chemistry at Warsaw University, and was professor at that university from 1984 to 1992, when he retired. His research work concerned molecular spectroscopy, intermolecular interactions and the history of chemistry. He is member of the Committee of the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and President of the Section of History of Chemistry of the Polish Chemical Society. His publications include The Historical Development of Chemical Concepts (English edition, Kluwer, 1991), and he was editor of Research Schools of Polish Chemists (in Polish, 1994). Address: ul. J. Bytnara 23 m. 19, PL-02645 Warszawa, Poland.

PETER REED is Head of the Development Office for National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside (NMGM) - a group of seven museums and art galleries in and around Liverpool. He has previously taught chemistry for eight years from 1967, before moving to the Education Department at Liverpool Museum. There he was later appointed Assistant Director (Museum Services). Following the reorganisation of local government in 1986 and the formation of NMGM he was appointed Head of Education and Public Programmes. His research has been mainly concerned with the history of chemistry and chemical industry in the nineteenth century, more recently focusing on pollution and on natural and synthetic dyes. Address: National Museums & Galleries on Merseyside, P.O. Box 33, 127 Dale Street, Liverpool L69 3LA, Great Britain.

CARSTEN REINHARDT studied history and technology at the and the Technical University of Berlin. Following a fellowship at the Edelstein Center for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Jerusalem 324 Notes on contributors he held a research position at the Forschungsschwerpunkt Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Wissenschaftstheorie in Berlin. He took his doctorate at the Technical University of Berlin with a dissertation on the history of research in the German chemical industry, 1860-1914. His interests include the history of chemistry and technology in the nineteenth and twentieth century. He is currently working on a business history of a German cement enterprise. Address: ZietenstraBe 21, D-I0783 Berlin, Germany.

HARM G. SCHROTER studied in Hamburg and Norwich and wrote his doctoral thesis on the relationship between state and industry in the interwar period. He has widely published on economic competition and concentration, particularly cartels and multinational enterprises. Since 1990 his interest has focused on the history of technology and on chemical technologies in particular. He is currently professor of economic history at the University of Cologne. Address: Birkenhain 1, D-22113 Oststeinbek, Germany.

CHRISTIAN SIMON is associate professor of modem history at the University of Basle, lecturer at the University of Geneva, and member of the Swiss Science Council staff at Berne, where he specializes in the evaluation and development of academic research and science policy. He first studied chemistry, then history and philology in , France and Germany. His research and teaching interests include late eighteenth century society and culture, and the history and historiograp• hy of the life sciences, chemistry and pharmacology, including their environmental and industrial aspects (from 1750 to 1950). Address: BaslerstraBe 235, CH-4123 Allschwil, Switzerland.

HANS J0RGEN STYHR PETERSEN is associate professor at the Technical Uni• versity of Denmark in Copenhagen. He graduated as a chemical engineer and worked for many years on process design and project management within the chemical industry. His main area of interest is risk assessment. He is editor-in-chief of the magazine Dansk Kemi. During the past four years he has been researching the history of the chemical industry. He is one of the founders of the Danish Society of the History of Chemistry. Address: Institut for Kemiteknik Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Bygning 229, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark.

ANTHONY S. TRAVIS is deputy director of the Sidney M. Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His publications include The Rainbow Makers: The Origins of the Synthetic Dyestuffs Industry in Western Europe (1993), and articles on the history of industrial chemistry and tunnelling. He is series editor of the History of Chemistry Series of the American Chemical Society and Chemical Heritage Foundation, and has contributed towards various teaching programmes in the United Kingdom. Address: Sidney M. Edelstein Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Levy Building, Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel. Notes on contributors 325

SARAH WilMOT holds a doctorate in geography. She was Marc Fitch Fellow in Agrarian History at the University of Reading from 1989 to 1992, and Leverhulme Fellow in History of Science at the Open University, and the universities of Cambridge and Lancaster, from 1992 to 1995. She is author of 'The Business of Improvement'; Agriculture and Scientific Culture in Britain, c.1770-c.lB70 (1990) and of several articles on science and the environment in Victorian Britain. She is currently an editor on the Charles Darwin Correspondence Project, Cambridge University, and associate editor of the journal Environment and History. Address: 39 Station Road, Waterbeach, Cambridge CB5 9HT, Great Britain.

WOLFGANG WIMMER studied modem history, philosophy of science and politi• cal sciences in Munich and Berlin. From 1987 to 1990 he was a member of the Cultural Success factors for Technological Innovations working group at the Berlin Academy of Sciences and Technology. There he began studying the history of the pharmaceutical industry, the subject of his doctoral thesis. Subsequently he trained as an archivist and at present he works in the Landesarchiv Berlin. Address: OdenwaldstraBe 23, D-12161 Berlin, Germany. INDEX

Aalborg, Denmark 31 147, 149·63, 181,207,218 Aarhus, Denmark 32-3, 38 alkaloids 9, 296 Aarhus Oliefabrik 32-3, 38 Allgemeine Elektrizitlits Gesellschaft Abderhalden, Emil (1877-1950) 289 (AEG) 113 Abel, Julius (1866-1948) 258 Alsace 15-8, 22-3, 33, 52, 107, 196, Academie des Sciences 297, 300-2, 309, 248-9,293,295-7,300,302,305-10, 313 313-4, 319-20 acetic acid 77 alum 45 acetylene 49. Also see calcium carbide aluminium 12,31,50, 107, 113,314 Aftalion, Fred 9, 12, 14, 74, 92, 223, Aluminium Industrie AG 113 293 America. See United States agriculture 12, 35, 38, 46-8, 62-3, 70, ammonia 30,46, 49, 57, 63, 70, 105, 76-7,82,85-7,90,92, 177, 184, 191, 136, 160-1, 213, 258 194-5, 198-9, 205 ammonia-soda process. See Solvay Air Liquide 302 process air pollution 22, 26, 68, 121-5, 127-38, ammonium salts 30, 48, 213 141-7, 149-50, 152-7, 159-62, 169-71, Ampere, Andre Marie (1775-1836) 77 173-4, 176-80, 183-5, 188, 192,207, Amsterdam 168, 174, 177, 179, 181 212, 235, 309 anaesthetics 32, 244 Aktien-Gesellschaft rur Anilin-Fabrikation analysis 25, 39, 41, 46, 57, 61, 75-7, (Agfa) 109, 112, 114, 263, 265, 268, 83-7, 89-90,92-3, 95, 98, 103, 118, 272, 274-9, 287 129, 136, 140, 147, 159-61, 171, 173- alcohol 29,33,67, 108, 168-9,233,316 5, 185-6, 188, 193, 195, 197, 200, Alexandersson, N.A. 86-7 204-5, 207-9, 211-3, 215-9, 234-5, Ali Cohen, Levy (1817-1889) 169-70, 237,243-4,246,249,256,266,281, 172-3, 176, 180 284,299 alizarin dyes 9, 16, 113, 115-7, 127, Andersen, Arne 122, 126, 140, 168-9, 215, 243-50, 253, 258-9, 262, 266, 183 277-8,299 Andersson, J.O. 84-5,89 alkali 19, 30-2, 34-5, 38, 42-3, 49-50, Anglo-Austrian Bank 48 64,66,97, 104-7, 113, 115, 122-4, Anglo-Sicilian Sulphur Company 46 126-9, 131-42, 144, 146-7, 149-50, aniline and aniline dyes 10, 17-8, 20, 152-4, 156-63, 166, 171, 176-9, 181, 22-4,68, 100, 107-8, 114, 116, 127, 183-4, 196, 203-9, 211-5, 217-8, 235- 185-9, 196,215,241,243-4,246-7, 6, 240, 243, 249, 252, 256, 262, 266, 253-4, 258-9, 263, 265-6, 268, 270, 278, 314 276, 299, 306, 309-13, 315-6 Alkali Act 123-4, 131, 135-40, 142, 150, Anilinfabrik A. Gerber & Uhlmann 10 153-4, 156-62, 177, 183, 207 Anilinfarbenwerk vormals A. Gerber & Alkali Inspectors 131, 133, 135-6, 138, Cie. 10 327 328 Index anthracene. See coal tar and coal tar Baurnhauer, Edouard Henri von products (1820-1885) 174 apparatus 47,49,50,77, 136, 145, 159, Bavaria 187, 189, 193, 196-9 216, 230, 281 Bayer company 103, 109, 114, 192, 198, Arenella Company 53-4 239, 263, 265, 268, 271-2, 274-9, Armstrong, Henry Edward (1848-1937) 281, 283-91 112,207 Beckett & Meyer 30 Arnaudon, Giacomo 55 Belgium 53,95, 104-5, 129, 133, 171, Arrhenius, Svante August (1859-1927) 176-8, 295 79,89 Bell, Isaac Lowthian 145, 214, 228-9 arsenic compounds 20,26,87, 126-7, Bennett, Stuart 209, 221, 229, 234, 237 129, 133, 168, 174-6, 185-9, 193, benzene. See coal tar and coal tar 195, 199 products Associazione Chimica Industriale 56 Bergen, A. von 228 Associazione Mineraria Sarda 56 Berlin 19, 55, 97, 104, 111-2, 184, 186- AT&T 214 7, 189-90, 192, 198-9,241,243,247, Austrian Empire 45-8, 59, 61, 66, 68-9, 249,254,262-3,265-6,272-3,275-7, 107 281,285,287,290,311 Avigliana, Italy 52 Bernthsen, August (1855-1931) 241,254- Ayrshire, Scotland 215 5, 257-8, 262, 268-9 Aziende Chimiche Nazionali Associate Berzelius, Jons Jacob (1779-1848) 75-9 (ACNA) 50 Beyer, Eduard (1828-1887) 188-9 azo dyes 9,240-1,244,248,250,255-6, Biilmann, Einar Christian Saxtorph 258, 263-80, 313 (1873-1946) 32 Bindschedler, Robert (1844-1901) 10-1, bacteriology 33, 35, 38 21 Baden 15, 196 Bindschedler & Busch 10, 21 Badier, Louis George 100 biology 38,54, 195-7,200,286 Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik (BASP) Birkeland-Eyde process 70 102-5, 110, 113, 116-7, 187, 189, Bismarck, Otto E.L. von (1815-1898) 195-9, 239-51, 253-9, 262-70, 272, 109,265 274-9,285 Bismarck brown (azo dye) 241,266 Baeyer, Adolf (von) (1835-1917) 19, Blatherwick, C. 156 102-4, 112, 240, 243, 246, 249-52, bleaching 12, 30, 134, 136, 155, 157, 259, 262, 273-4 205, 209 Bailey, G.H. 130, 143, 236 Blomstrand, Christian Wilhelm Balard, Antoine-Jerome (1802-1876) 297, (1826-1897) 75-6 309,312,315 Board of Trade 114, 156-7 Baltic Sea 186-7 B6brka, Poland 68 Banca Commerciale Italiana 47-8 Boehringer, C.F., & Sohne 196 banks and banking 15, 20-1, 23, 32, 38, Bogue, Robert (b. 1889) 51 46-8, 50, 55, 62, 90, 93, 95, 98, 114, Bologna 47 117, 118, 190, 196,210,219,265, Bolton, near Manchester 125 279 Bombrini Parodi Delfino 53 Bari, Italy 54 bone products 29, 30, 47 barium salts 49-50, 309 Bonn 198 Barmen, Germany 188 Borki, Poland 70 Basle 9-26, 53, 65, 107-8, 185-6, 188, boron compounds 46 196,268,310,314 Boruta, dyestuffs plant 65, 70 Basler Chemische Fabrik 10-1 Boryslaw, Poland 67-8 Basler Interessengemeinschaft 10 Bottiger, Paul 272, 275 Index 329

Bottinger, Henry Theodor (1848-1920) Carl Jager. See Jager, Carl 271, 285 Carlsberg Laboratory 33, 38, 40 Boussingau1t, Jean-Baptiste (1802-1887) Carlson, Birger 79 47 Carlson, Oscar (1844-1916) 78-80, 84, Brassey, Thomas A. 56 86-7, 93 Bratkowski, tinsmith 68 Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881) 122 Brescia, Italy 50 Carnelley, Thomas (1852-1890) 228 Bres1au, Poland 288 Caro, Heinrich (1834-1910) 49, 100, brewing 12, 29, 33-4, 38, 40-3, 100, 109,241-58,261-71,273-78,280, 102-3, 224, 239, 261, 281, 285, 308 287,320 Bristol Company 228 Carpathian mountains 62, 67-9 British Alizarine Company 115, 215 cartels 104, 110, 113, 251, 261, 267, British Aluminium Company 107 269, 272, 282-3 Brock, William H. 111-2, 315 Casale, Luigi (1882-1927) 57 Brown, Edward, & Co., instrument Casale Monferrato, Italy 51 company 229 Caserta, Italy 52 Brownmiller 51 Cassella, Leopold company 287 Brunner, Mond & Co. 104-7, 209, 214-6 Castner, Hamilton Young (1858-1898) Brussels 104, 171 107 Humm, head of the Imperial Health Castner-Kellner Alkali Co. Ltd. 50, 104, Service 193-4, 199 107 Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm (1811-1899) catalysis 57, 258 241, 249 caustic soda 49-50, 66, 107, 211 Burgin, Alfred 12-4, 16, 18, 20, 24-5 cellulose 195-6, 296, 301 Burke, Peter 97 cement 30-1,34,40,43,51-2,77,83, Burton, Thomas 228 136 Busch, Albert (1867-1902) 10,21, 100 Cepha 282-3 Chadwick, Edwin (1800-1867) 156 Cagliari, Italy 52 Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola 74, 88 Caillot, Amedee (1805-1884) 296, 298 Chamberlain, Joseph 114 calcium carbide 12, 49, 79, 113, 301 Chandler, Alfred D. 98, 105, 108, 113, calico printing 12, 14-6, 18, 100, 127, 116, 210, 216, 221-2, 281 204,262,265,295-6,319 Chark6wka, Poland 68 Callendar, H.L. (1863-1930) 229,231 Chatelaine, Albert (c. 1846-1871) 100 Calvert, Frederick Crace (1819-1873) Chelmi:a, Poland 64 100, 151 chemical analysis. See analysis Cambridge, England 121, 205 chemical engineers and engineering 37, Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company 43, 55, 57, 74, 79-80, 82-85, 87, 90, 230-1 93, 145, 159,211,294,298,301-2 Campbell, W. Alec 7, 121, 153 Chemical Manufacturers and Allied Campbell Brown, J. 236 Trades Association 143, 144 Candiani, Giuseppe (1830-1910) 45 Chemical Society (London) 152, 205, candles 40, 77 248 Cannizzaro, Stanislao (1826-1910) 46, 56 chemical synthesis 32,42-3,57,70,83, carbide. See calcium carbide 92, 102, 112, 240, 243-5, 250-3, 258- carbon dioxide 31, 53-4, 176 9, 262,272,277, 284, 290, 296, 314, carbon monoxide 57, 176 316 Carchedi, Guglielmo 219 chemical technology 27,37-8,43,47, Cardiff, Wales 231 55-6,61,68,70,73,77,80,82,84, Cardwell, Donald S.L. 203-4,311 88-90, 105, 163, 188, 198, 223, 240, Carey, Eustace 136 294, 296, 298 330 Index

Cheshire 124, 127, 153, 160,209,213-5 and Fertilisers 48 Chevreul, Michel-Eugene (1786-1889) condensing towers 30,43, 154-5, 157 46,294,319 Conservatoire Nationale des Arts et Chimica e L'Industria 56 Metiers (CNAM) 293-4, 296-8, Chippis, Switzerland 70 305-7,318 chlorates 49, 50, 53 consultants 18, 82, 86, 112, 140, 150-1, chlorine and chlorine compounds 49, 50, 157-8, 204, 206, 211, 235, 241, 257-8 57,66, 104, 106, 113, 115, 132, 136, controllers 221, 223, 231, 234 139, 141, 149, 154-159, 160, 162, Copenhagen 29-32, 34, 36-40, 42-3 176, 179,215,258. Also see copper and copper salts 48, 122, 133-4, hydrochloric acid 160, 226, 229 Chorz6w, Poland 63 cotton 15, 149, 263, 271-2, 275, 278, chromium salts 53 280, 318 CIBA 10, 13-4,21,25,65, 107-10, 114 Coupier, Jean-Theodore (1820-1908) citric acid 53-4 314-316 civil engineers and engineering 31, 52, cracking process 67 80, 221 Cracow 61,68,70 Claude, Georges (1870-1960) 302 Cracow Basin 62, 66 Claus, William Henry (1860-1936) 100 Credito Italiano 47, 48 Clavel, Alexandre (1805-1873) 10, 16-7 Cronquist, Albert Werner (1846-1910) Clayton Aniline Co. 107-8, 114, 215 81-4, 86, 88-9, 91-2 Ch:ment, Adolphe (1860-1933) 30, 38 Curie, Marie Sklodowska (1867-1934) Clemm, August E.K.K. (1837-1910) 61, 71 243-5, 253 cyanamide 49, 70 Cleve, Per Theodor (1840-1905) 85, 88, Cyanid Gesellschaft 49 90 Clichy, near Paris 319 Dabrowa Basin, Poland 62, 66 Clow, Archibald 73 dairy products 12-3, 33, 35, 38, 43, 87 coal 11,49,57,61,62, 87, 106, 125, Damm, importer of fertiliser 30 131, 146, 149, 153, 226, 285, 309, Dancer, J.B., instrument maker 159 314 Danish Chemical Society 42 coal tar dyes 9-11, 13-23, 25, 63-6, 70, Dansk Svovlsyre- & Superphosphat-Fabrik 87, 97-103, 105, 107-13, 116-8, 126- (DSSF) 30 7, 183, 185-9, 192-3, 196, 199-200, Danske Goonings-Kompagni 30 203-4,207,213-7,239-51,253-6, Danske Spritfabrikker 33 258-9, 261-78, 280-2, 285-8, 290, Danske Sukkerfabrikker 32 294-6,298-300,305-14,316-319. Also Darlington, Teeside (UK) 228 see alizarine dyes; aniline and aniline Darmstadt, Germany 106, 243, 258, 286 dyes; azo dyes; indigo Darwin, Horace (1851-1928) 230-1 coal tar and coal tar products 10, 14, 16, Davis, Georg Edward (1850-1907) 19,32,43,53,100-1,107,111,243, 130-2, 137, 143 245,250,265-6,296, 306, 312, 315- Davis, T.L. 52 6. Also see tar and tar distilling Dawson, Dan (1836-1907) 269-70 coke 32, 155 Deacon, Henry (1822-1876) 141,206 Coleridge, John Taylor 155 Deacon process 158 Coleru, Ch. 10 Dean, Harry 100 Colins, A. 317 Degussa company 103-4 College de France 297-8,317 Delft, Netherlands 27, 171, 180 Cologne 177, 198 Denmark 13, 29-43, 45 colourists 217,241,286,308,318-9 Derby, Lord 155 Company for Chemical Products, Glues, Derckmann, Carl 229 Index 331

Deutsche Bank 46, 48-9 economics 25, 78-9, 82, 149, 200 Deville, Henri-Etienne Sainte-Claire Edinburgh 213 (1818-1881) 297 Edison, Thomas Alva (1847-1931) 48 Dir.ksland, Netherlands 167 education 13,36-41,45-8,55,57,59, distillation 10,32,34,38,40-1, 165, 61-2, 77-8, 80-3, 91-2, 96, 99-101, 168, 226, 315 117, 150,203-5,208,210-1,215, dithionites. See sulphur and sulphur 217,235-6,241,243,261,278,294- compounds 8, 302, 308, 310, 313 Dittmar, William (1833-1892) 225 Ehrlich, Paul (1854-1915) 286, 289 diversification 12, 23, 79, 102, lOS, liS, Eichengriin, Ernst Arthur (1867-1949) 243,258 285-6 Dohrn, Max (1874-1943) 290 Ekman, Fredrik Lauritz 80-1 Dollfus, Albert(o) (1846-1909) 53 Elbel, Karl Bernhard 100 Dollfus, Jean-Gaspard (1812-1889) 10, Elberfeld, Germany 192, 271-2, 277, 16-8 285 Dollfus-Mieg company 296 electricity and electrochemistry 12, 23, Donnelly, James 19, 159, 203-4, 206, 48-50,53,55-6,63,66,70,79,95-7, 211,215,218,235,237,249,256, 102-7, 113, 115,203,214-5,217, 266,268 226,229-31, 233-4, 239, 281, 302 Donnet, Jean-Baptiste 310 Electrochemische Werke 113 Dorpat, Estonia 70 Ellesmere Port, Cheshire 110, 114-5 Dortmund, germany 229 Emmerling, Adolf (1842-1906) 316 Dowlais Works 231 Emptoz, Gerard 216, 293, 296 Drake, Edwin L. 68 Emscher, river 122298 Dresden 55 Enge1horn, Friedrich (1821-1902) 243-5, Dresdner Bank 46, 50 253 Dreyfus, Charles (1849-1935) 107 Engels, Friedrich (1820-1895) 149 DSSF. See Dansk Svovlsyre- & engineers and f;ngineering 30, 54, 56, Superphosphat-Fabrik 63-4, 74-:., 78, 86, 89, 96, 117, 170, Dublin 153, 228 177, 180, 197-9,210,228,231, Duisberg, Friedrich Carl (1861-1935) 233-6, 7.37, 310. Also see chemical 192-3, 272-4 enginf:"trs and engineering; civil Durand & Huguenin company 10-1, 17, engh,eers and engineering 22 Engler, Karl Oswald Viktor (1842-1925) Diisseldorf . 102, 186-8, 198 316 dyers and dyeing 10, 12, 15-8, 45, 100, environment 26,117,121-2,127,129, 103, 126-7,241,244,256,258,263- 144-7, 149, 151-3, 155, 157, 162, 5, 267, 275, 278, 294-7, 299-301, 165-9, 171, 175, 177, 180-1, 183, 307,309,311 185, 188, 190, 194, 197,200,204, dyes, dyestuffs. See coal tar dyes; indigo; 215-6,317 natural dyes EPCI. See Ecole de physique et de chimie Dynamo company 48 industrielle de la Ville de Paris Erba, Carlo (1811-1888) 54 Ecole de Chimie (Mulhouse) 295-6, 299, ETH (Eidgenossische Technische 305 Hochschule) 19, 112 Ecole de physique et de chimie Eulenberg, Hermann 175-6 industrielle de la Ville de Paris 294, Ewer & Pick 263-4, 268, 272-4 297-8, 302, 306-7 exhibitions 20, 81-2, 106, 127-8, 140, Ecole professionnelle (Mulhouse) 296-7 236,266,297,301,312,314,317-8 Ecole superieure des sciences appliquees explosives 46-8, 52-3, 79, 80-2, 204, 295-6, 297, 308 215, 301 332 Index

Fabbrica Chimica Italiana Goldenberg 53 216 Fabbrica Italiana di Acido Carbonico Freia treaty 282-4, 290 Dottor Candia 54 Freycinet, C. de 177 Fabriques de Produits Chimiques de Friedel, Charles (1832-1899) 295,297-8 Thann et de Mulhouse 33 Friedenshiitte, Poland 63 factory inspectors 21, 39-40, 126-8, 134, Friedlander, Paul (1857-1923) 247, 251 137, 140-1, 143, 145, 179-80, 186-8, Friese, Paul 319 1%. Also see Alkali Inspectors fuchsine. See magenta factory legislation 168, 180-1, 194. Also Fuchsine. See Societe La Fuchsine see Alkali Act Faraday, Michael (1791-1867) 77 Gabba, Luigi (1841-1916) 55-6 Farr, William 134 Galicia 59, 61-2, 64, 66-9 Farrar, Wilfred Vernon (1920-1977) 150, Gall, Henri (1862-1930) 295 152, 208, 211 Garessio, Italy 53 Feez, Friedrich (b. 1823) 246 gas industry 16-7, 23-4, 29, 32, 40, 43, Fehrenbach, Georg 79 46,49,53,68, 115, 136, 188,226, Ferrara, Italy 47 243 Ferrari, scientist 51 Gaskell, Holbrook 206 fertilisers 29-30, 34-5, 38, 40, 43, 47-8, Gaskell, Deacon & Co. 226 61, 63, 70, 78, 105, 113, 136, 170. Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis (1778-1850) Also see superphosphate 46 Fino, Vincenzo 55, 56 Geigy, Johann Rudolf (1830-1917) 13, fish and fishery 122, 125-8, 140, 151, 16,20 186-7, 189-94, 197-200 Geigy company 10, 12, 14, 18, 22-3, Fisheries Association 191 103, 107-109, 268 flavours and fragances 12 Geneva 12, 18 Fletcher, Alfred E. 136-8, 147, 156, 159 Gerber, Armand (1837-1886) 10, 18 Fletcher Moulton, J. 223 Gerber-Keller, Jean (1809-1884) 18, 313 Fleurent, Emile 298 Gerber & Cie. 10. Also see Anilinfabrik Fogelberg, Magnus 86 A. Gerber & Uhlmann food industry 12, 32-3, 38 Gerhardt, Charles (1816-1856) 55, 298, Forte dei Marmi 52-3 316 Foster, Robert Le Neve 125, 132, 137, Germany 9, II, 13-4, 17, 19,22-4,26, 143-4 30-1, 33,43,45-8,57,59,61-4,66, Fox, Maurice R. 65, 100, 108, 110, 69, 74, 76, 95-118, 122, 125-7, 139, 114-6, 265, 267-8, 277 150-1, 171, 177, 180, 183-200,203, Fox, Robert 55,96, 101,293,295,302, 207,210,214-5,217, 228, 239-43, 305,307,310-1,314,319 245,249,256,259,261-70,272-91, France 14-5, 17-8,20,23-4,43,45-6, 295,301-2,306,308-9,314-5,320 52, 55, 64, 70, 76, 100, 114, 153, Gerschenkron, Alexander 114 166,168,170-1,173,175,177,184, Gesellschaft fiir Anilinprodukte 10 186, 188, 210, 234, 255, 266, 293-320 Gesellschaft fiir Chemische Industrie in Franco-Prussian war 52, 295 Basel 10-1 Frank, Eugen (1854-1914) 49,272 Gesellschaft fiir Stickstoffdiinger 49 Frank-Caro process. See cyanamide Gewerbeinstitut (Berlin) 19, 241, 265 Frankfurt 12, 97, 106, 110, 169, 183, Gewerbeordnung. See factory legislation 191, 193, 251, 285, 287 Giddens, Anthony 210 Frankland, Edward (1825-1899) 112, Giessen, Germany 100, 150-I, 162 128, 139, 151,205,213 Girard, Philip de 64 Fredens M0lle plant 30-1 Glasgow 124, 150, 153, 156, 212, 225, Freeth, Francis Arthur (1884-1970) 214, 226 Index 333 glass and glass industry 29, 34, 136, Harz 184 153, 224-5, 227-8, 230 Haushofer, Max 82 Glauber's salt 30, 32 heavy chemical industry 12, 23-4, 43, Glover, John (1817-1902) 145 64, 66, 149, 162, 216. Also see alkali; glue 34-5 fertilisers; sulphuric acid glycerine 228 Hecht, Max (d. 1897) 257-8 Goes, Netherlands 167-9 Hehner, Albert (1851-1898) 251 Gossage, William (1799-1877) 154-5, Heidelberg, Germany 75, 196, 241, 249, 157-9 254, 262, 278 Gota Canal company 77 Helbig, Prof. 57 Gothenburg, Sweden 74, 88 Henderson process 160 Government School of Mines (London) Herz, Richard (1867-1936) 100 205 Hessen 187 Graebe, Karl James Peter (1841-1927) Hessen-Nassau 189 243-5, 308, 316 Heumann, Karl (1850-1894) 102, 112 Great Britain 17,29,43,45-6,52,65, Hewitt, Dr. 131, 136 74,76,95-102, 105-18, 121-47, 149, Hierta's, L.J., candle factory 78 151, 153, 156-8, 162, 170-1, 173-4, high pressure processes 105, 258. Also 177, 181, 183-4,203-6,210-2,214, see Haber-Bosch process 216-7,222-4,229-30,234,237,241, Hinderwet. See factory legislation 243-4,248,251,255-6,261-3, Hirschberger, Josef (1866-1954) 100 265-71,275-7,279-80,282,306,308, Hobson, J.T. 156, 228 311 Hochst on-the-Main 244 Greenford Green, near London 116 Hoechst company 102-4, 107, 110, 114- Greenland 31 5, 117, 192,240,244,251,263,272, Greenock, Scotland 225 274, 283-4, 287-9, 291 Grenzach, near Bas1e 22 Hoffa, Erwin Friedrich (1875-1967) 100 Griesheim company 106-7, 113 Hoffmann-La Roche company 11-2, 14, Griess, Johann Peter (1829-1888) 100, 22 241,246,267,270-1,279 Hofmann, August Wilhelm (1818-1892) Gripsholm, Sweden 76, 79 74,99-101,109,111-2,151,205, Groningen, Netherlands 165, 169-70, 213,241,266,308,311,313-7 172 Hohenhausen, J. von 100 Guagnini, Anna 96, 101, 302 Hohmann & Maurer 228 Gunning, Jan Willem (1827-1900) 172-6 Holliday, Robert (1855-1901) 100 Gussefeld & Ree 30 Holst, Malthe Conrad (1875-1951) 33, 38 Haber, Lutz F. 9, 13, 15,22,24,31, Homburg, Ernst 19,27, 103, 121, 128- 47, 49, 63-66, 74, 99, 106, 183, 204, 9, 165-8, 178, 180,203,216-7,239- 223,280 40,243,246,281-2,311 Haber-Bosch process 57, 70, 105, 113 Hordliczka, Ignacy 65 Haeffely, Henry & Co. 248 House of Lords 121, 127, 130, 155, 160, Hagemann, Gustav Adolph (1842-1916) 177,267 31-2,38,42 Howard, David 236 Haller, Albin (1849-1925) 294-5, 305 Hubner, Julius (1866-1942) 100 Hamburg 30, 40 Huddersfield, England 107, 269 Hamburger, Dr. 226 Hungary 66 Hanover 55, 189 Huningue, Alsace 22-3 Hanseatische Bank 46, 48 Hurter, Ferdinand (1844-1898) 106, 138, Hansen, Emil Christian (1842-1909) 215, 226 33-5, 38 Huta Pokoj, Poland 63 334 Index

Hutchinson, John 141 Products 48 Hutchinson, John, & Co. 154 Italy 45-57, 210 Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-1895) 127 Itzenpiltz, count von 186 hydrocarbons 17,53,67,266,315-6 hydrochloric acid 131-3, 135, 141, 149, Jacobsen, Jacob Christian (1811-1887) 33 153-7, 159, 160, 162, 179, 195 Jacques, Jean 320 hydrogen 50, 113, 149, 153, 161 Jager, Carl company 188 hydrogen sulphide 166-7, 173, 176 Japan 98, 318 hydrogenation 258 Jaslo, Poland 68, 69 Jaworzno, Poland 70 ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) 110, Jergensen, Alfred P.C. (1848-1925) 33 213-4, 265 Julius, Paul (1862-1931) 31,38,42-3, IG Farben 110, 239, 289 243, 254, 258 Imperial Health Department 193-4, 287 Jungfleisch, Emile Clement (1839-1916) indigo 102-6, 110, 112, 114-5, 240, 249- 295 53, 258-9, 272, 279, 299-300, 306-7, Jurisch, Konrad W. 190-2 316 Jutland 30 industrial chemistry. See chemical technology KaUe company 103, 107,274, 287 industrial research 19, 92, 102, 104-6, Karlsruhe, Germany 55 110, 113, 118, 203-4, 211, 214, 236, Kassel, Germany 187, 189 239-41,249,251,256,259,261,263, Kastrup, near Copenhagen 30 281,285,289,315 Kaufmann kilns 47 infectious diseases 133, 172-3, 176 Kekule, Friedrich August (1829-1896) innovation 16, 20, 93, 97-8, 106, 108, 19, 101, 243, 249-50, 258, 266 115, 118,216,244,258,281-91,293, Kellner, Carl (1851-1905) 107 296,298-303,308,314,317-8 kemiingenjor. See chemical engineers and inorganic chemicals 41-3,87, 104 engineering Inowroclaw, Poland 64 Kemiska Notiser 90 Institut de Chimie de Lyon 294 Kemistklubb 86 Institut de Chimie de Nancy 294 Kemistsamfundet 73-4, 80, 82, 86-93 Institute of Chemistry 152, 208, 211 Kennedy, William P. 102, 106, 114 instruments 208,210,214,221-37 Kern, Alfred (1850-1893) 10, 20, 21 intermediates for dyes 9, 23, 32, 64, 87, Kern & Sandoz 10 103, 107-8, 111, 114-5, 185, 187, Kestner company 309 189,207,243,249-50,252,258-9, Kijewski, manufacturer 65 263,266, 270-2, 275, 277, 280, 288, kilns 34,47,49,51,225,233 305,315-7 Kinning Park Foundry 226 invention 77, 101, 104, 107, 155,215, Kjeldahl, Johan Gustav C. (1849-1900) 223,239-41,244,247-9,255-6,258, 33,38 259,261-2,264,275,281,283,285, Klason, Johann Peter (1848-1937) 81, 289,300,307,310,313-4 88,90 iodine 54 Kleinhiiningen, near Basle II Ireland 136 Klepl, Arthur 100 iron and iron industries 61-2, 66, 113, Klobassa, Wiktor 68 179,224,227-9,231-4,265. Also see Knosp, Rudolph E. (1820-1897) 245, 257 steel Koch, Robert (1843-1910) 174 Irwell, river 140 Koechlin, Camille (1811-1890) 314 Italian Chemical Society. See Societa Koelner, Paul 14, 25 Chimica Italiana Kolkwitz, Richard 200 Italian Union for Fertilisers and Chemical Kolomyja, Poland 69 Index 335

Kopp, Emil(e) (1817-1875) 55,298,302 Leipzig 247, 273 Korner, Wilhelm (Guglielmo) (1839-1925) Leonhardt & Co, A. 193, 256, 268 45,48, 51, 53-6 Lepetit, Emilio 53 Krecke, Frederik Wilhelm Christiaan Lepetit, Robert( 0) (1865-1928) 53 (1812-1882) 178 Lepetit, Dollfus & Gansser 53 Krosno, Poland 68 Leprieur, Franl;ois 293-4, 300, 303, 305 KS. See Kemistsamfundet Leverkusen, Germany 198, 271, 285, KTH. See Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan 286 Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademien Levinstein, Herbert (1878-1956) 264, 77 265, 278, 279 Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan 74, 80-6, Levinstein, Hugo (1832-1878) 265 88-93 Levinstein, Ivan (1845-1916) 100, 109, Kupferberg, Hugo (1851-1939) 100 110,130-131,142-144,261,264,265, 267,268,274,277-280 labour market 203,206, 218 Levinstein, Levin Jacob (1803-1865) 265 lactic acid 35 Levinstein company 100, 109-10, Ladurie, E. Le Roy 184 113-15, 130-1, 142-4,214,217,256, Lambert, John 160-2 261,264-70,274-80,287 Lancashire 124-6, 134, 151, 160, 261, Liebermann, Karl Theodor (1842-1914) 265, 287 243-4,308,316 Lancet 124, 134-5 Liebig, Justus (von) (1803-1873) 47, Landes, David S. 221 100, 111, 150-2, 162, 169, 174-5, Landin, John 86, 90 205,249 landowners 121, 123, 150, 153, 155, Liebmann, Adolf 100 160, 162, 177, 178,212 Liguria 50, 52, 53 Landtbruksakademien 76, 90 lime(stone) 34,40,50-1,53-4,66, 168, Langevin, Paul 298 179, 186-8, 195 Larderello's Company 46 Limpach, Karl Friedrich Leonhard Larderel, Franl;ois de 46 (1852-1933) 100 large-scale production 124, 149, 153, Linde, Carl (von) (1842-1934) 49 183, 281-2 liquefaction of gases 49, 258 Larsen, mech. engineer 31, 37 Lithuania 59 Latour, Bruno 147,210 litigation 113, 124, 135, 139-41, 255-6, Latvia 70 261-2, 264, 266-70, 272, 280 Lauterborn, Robert 196-7 Liverpool 123-4, 130, 132, 149, 151, Lauth, Charles (1836-1913) 295, 298, 153-6, 213, 226, 236 306, 312, 319 L6dZ, Poland 64-5, 272 Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent (1743-1794) L6dZ Basin 65 208, 318 Loerrach, Germany 16 Le Chatelier, Henry Louis (1850-1936) Lombardy 45, 51 51,227,229,231 London 20,48,99, Ill, 115, 117, 124, Le Bel, Joseph Achille (1847-1930) 295 127, 171, 205, 210, 216, 223, 229, Leblanc, Nicholas (1742-1806) 153 230,236, 244, 248, 261-2, 264-7, Leblanc process 31, 105-6, 149, 153, 269-70,276-7,279,311 157-8, 160, 162, 184, 208-9, 215-6 London Institution 241 Leeds, Morris E. 234 Losh, William 153 Leeds & Northrup recorder 231-2, 234 Lucca, Italy 52 legislation 90,96, 108-10, 117, 122, Ludwigshafen, Germany 187, 196-7, 125, 127-8, 131, 135-40, 142-3, 145, 199,240-2,245-7,252,256-7,261-2, 147, 150, 156-7, 160-3, 180, 192-4, 266, 270, 274, 278, 287 261, 310, 313 Lukasiewicz, Ignacy (1822-1882) 62, 67- 336 Index

8,71 7,207-9,217,221-8,231,234-7,283, Lund, Sweden 27, 76, 88-90 290 Lundgreen, Peter 99, 104, 203 mechanisation 222, 234, 237 Lundstrom, Johan Edvard Olof 78-80, 93 Meddelanden fran Sveriges Kemiska Lunge, Georg (1839-1923) 12,51, 133- Industrikontor 91 4, 209 medicine 21,89, 125, 129, 132-5, 137-8, Lw6w, Galicia 59,61,63,67-8,70 145, 150, 167, 170, 172, 174-5, 180- Lyon 17, 294, 307 1, 188,205,240,284,286-90,296-8, 308 madder 16, 127, 166-9, 171, 173, 178, Meister Lucius & Bruning. See Hoechst 181,299,306-7,316 company magenta 10, 17-8,20,24,70, 185-9, Meldola, Raphael (1849-1915) 211, 241,244,248,251,265,306-7,312-6 261-3, 273 magnesium 54 Mellor, C.M. 311 Main, river 193-4 Mensching, Carl 100 Majert, Wilhelm 262 mercury 54, 175, 224-8, 233 Malaguti, Faustino (1802-1878) 46 Mersey, river 110, 127, 140 managers and management 13, 18,20-1, Merseyside 123, 124, 149, 154 23,30,42,45-6,56-7,78,84-6, %-7, Mesure, instrument maker 229 104, 106-8, 116, 118, 140, 150, 161, Mesy (Seine-et-Oise), France 297 167, 179, 193,206,209-13,215-6, metals and metallurgy 12, 32, 47, 49-50, 218-9,221-2,229,234-7,242-5,251, 56,62, 136, 171, 184, 189, 193,221, 253-6, 259, 267-70, 272, 274-5, 285, 224, 229, 230, 236. Also see iron and 287,296-9,302, 310, 313, 317 iron industries; steel Manchester 99, 100, 106-108, 124, 125, Metropolitan Sanitary Commission 156 130, 131, 138, 140, 142-144, 146, Meyer, Victor (1848-1897) 246 149-152, 156, 159,205,217,228, Meyer-Thurow, Georg 203,215-6,239, 236,241,256,262,264-267,269, 261, 281, 285 270, 275, 307 miasma theory 152, 165, 172-6 Manchester Guardian 130, 142, 151-2 Michaelis, Karl Arnold August Manchester Literary and Philosophical (1847-1916) 51 Society 150-2 microbiology. See bacteriology Manchester Noxious Vapours Abatement Middelburg, Netherlands 167, 169 Society 142 Middlesborough, Teeside (UK) 124 Manchester Royal Institution 151 Middleton, Lancashire 125 manganese 309 Mielec, Poland 68 Mannheim, Germany 196,262,274, Mikolasch, Piotr 68 277-8 Milan 45-47,50,54-57 margarine 32-4, 38, 40-1, 77, 87 military 50, 52-3, 62, 69, 70, % marketing 96, 104, 229, 241, 245, 256, mining and minerals 40,42,47,52,56, 281, 288-9 62-3, 68, 74-5, 78, 80, 92-3, 126, Maron, David 100 139, 156, 177, 189,205,213,294 Marsch, Ulrich 239, 240 Modena, Italy 52 Marsson, Maximilian (1845-1909) 200 Mond, Alfred (1868-1930) 105 Martiniere-school (Lyon) 307 Mond, Ludwig (1839-1909) 100, 179, Martius, Carl Alexander (von) 209,212, 215 (1838-1920) 100,109,111,241 Monsted, Otto (1838-1916) 32-3 matches 34, 35, 50 Montecatini Mining Co. Limited 47 Matwy, Poland 64 Morris, William (1834-1896) 122 McGregor,O.R. 121 Morrison, John 145, 211 measuring 136, 138, 140, 147, 159, 196- Mosander, Carl Gustaf (1797-1858) 75 Index 337

Moscicki, Ignacy (1867-1945) 63, 70, 71 198-9, 268, 295 Moscow 64 Newcastle 124, 128, 133-4, 145-6, 156, Moulton, John Fletcher (1844-1921) 223, 209,211,235 276 Newcastle Chemical Society 124, 133, Muencke, R. 233 145, 209, 211 Miihlheim am Main, Germany 193,256, Newton, Lancashire 124 268 Ney, chemist 100 Miilheim an der Ruhr, Germany 241, Nilson, Lars Fredrik (1840-1899) 89-90 262 nitric acid 30, 50, 63, 70, 136, 160, 179, Mulhouse, Alsace 15-8, 33, 248, 293- 243, 258, 315 302, 305, 307-11, 313-5, 317-20 nitrogen fertilisers 63, 105. Also see Miiller-Pack, Johann Jakob (1825-1899) Haber-Bosch process 18, 20, 23 nitrogen oxides 70, 179,248 Miiller, J.J. & Cie. 10, 18, 20, 23 nitrocellulose 52-3, 301 Miiller, Charles 248 nitroglycerine 52, 80, 83 Miiller, W. 229 Nobel Dynamite Company 52, 215 Mulling, Gabriel 67 Nobel, Alfred (1833-1896) 77-80, 93 Multhauf, Robert P. 73, 223 North America 9,31,63,99, 149, 162, Miinchener Gesellschaft fiir Linde's 183, 280. Also see United States Eismaschinen 49 North Sea 186-7 Mundelstrup, Denmark 30 Northumberland 124, 134 Munich 19, 33, 102, 112, 240, 243, 246, Northwich, Cheshire 215 249-51, 262, 283 Norway 66, 113 Murrie, James 226 Nottingham, England 226 Museo Industriale (Turin) 55-6 Nouel, instrument maker 229 Museo Civico di Storia Naturale (Milan) Novara, Italy 57 55 Muspratt, James (1793-1885) 124, 130, O'Neill, Charles (b. 1831) 311 132, 153-5 Odense, Denmark 32, 36, 42 Muspratt, James & Sons 123-4, 130-2, oil industry. See petroleum 136-7, 142, 153-5,206,226 oils and fats 29, 32-5, 38, 40-1, 43, 54- Muspratt, E.K. 123, 131, 136-7, 142, 5,87 226 Oisterwijk, Netherlands 167, 168 Musson, A.E. 73, 204 Oldham, near Manchester 125 Opferstrecke. See sacrificed stretch Naef, Ernest E. 100 ores 31,38,42-3,61-3,65-6, 185 Namur, Belgium 176 Orfila, Matthieu Joseph Bonaventure Nancy 294, 309 (1787-1853) 175 Nantes, France 17, 308-9 organic chemistry 32, 75, 92-3, 101, naphtalene. See coal tar and coal tar 204, 216, 241, 246, 249, 253, 266, products 294, 296, 298, 316 Naples 46, 50-1, 54, 57 organic wastes 125, 129, 184, 196, 198 Nasini, Raffaello (1854-1931) 56 Orla-Jensen, Sigurd (1870-1949) 35, 38 Natanson, Jacob (1832-1884) 70 0rsted, Hans Christian (1777-1851) 36 natural gas 62 Overduyn, Willem Lodewijk (1816-1868) natural dyes 16, 102, 265, 299, 306, 170 311-2. Also see indigo; madder Overlach, Martin 289 Naudin, Charles (1815-1899) 301-2 Owen, Joseph (1789-1862) 29,30 Nederlandsche Chemische Fabriek 179 Owen, Joseph Cunliffe (1861-1904) 30 Nestle company 13 Owen, Frederick (1818-1888) 30 Netherlands 31, 128-9, 165-81, 186-9, Owens College (Manchester) 99, 143, 338 Index

205,212, 213, 228, 267 Pharmaceutical College (Copenhagen) 37 Oxford 16, 205 pharmaceutical industry 9, 11-2, 17,23, oxygen 49, 124, 149, 300 ~.n,~,TI,~,5~~,M,~, 214,281-91 Pabianice 65 pharmacists and pharmacy 14, 30, 32-3, Pabianicer Aktiengesellschaft fUr 36-43. 65, 67-8. 167, 174, 246 Chemische Industrie 65 pharmacology 284. 286, 288-90 paints and varnishes 14, 34-5, 41, 179, phase rule 216 214 phenol 46,241,244,317 Palmstedt, Carl (1785-1870) 76-7, 79 Philadelphia, USA 228-9 Papal State 45 philosophy 73,89. 150-1, 158, 162,211, paper industry 34, 40, 126 237, 240 Papigno, Italy 49 phosgene 57 Paraf, Alfred 100, 302 phosphates 66, 80 Paris 61,79,228,233,266,294,296-9, phosphorus 79 301-2,306-7,312,318 physicians. See medicine Pasch, Gustaf Erik (1788-1862) 76-80 physicists and physics 73, 77, 80, 89, Pasteur, Louis (1822-1895) 174,294 172,217,249,298,316,319 patent law 17, 19, 83, 96, 109-10, 113, Pictet, Arne (1857-1937) 49 117, 240, 256, 259, 261-4, 276-8, Piemont 45. 50-3. 55 280,282,287-8,290,310 pigments 309,314 Patent Thread Recorder 230 Piria, Raffaele (1815-1865) 46 patents 13-4, 17, 19,30,33,70-1.83, Pisa, Italy 47, 56 96,98, 101-4, 109-11, 113. 117, 124, Piutti, Arnaldo (1857-1928) 57 207,213-4,228-30.234,229,239-40, platinum 77,227,296,301 243, 245-6, 248-51, 253,255-9, Playfair, Lyon 127, 139, 151. 156, 170- 261-70, 272-80, 282-3, 287-8, 290, 1,213 300-1,310,313,317 Poirrier-Dalsace company 266,296,313, Paterno, Emanuele (1847-1935) 56-7 317 Patterson, T.L. 225-6 Poland 31,45,59-71 peat 82 polishing agents 34-5 Pelouze, Theophile Jules (1807-1867) 46, Politecnico di Milano 54-5 77 politics 13, 22, 132, 198 Pennsalt 31 Pollak, Fritz 100 Pennsylvania 68 Pollard, Sidney 95, 100-1, 104, 107, Penny, Frederick (1816-1869) 150 114, 116 Peratoner, Alberto Antonio (1862-1925) pollution 151, 181, 198,208,262. See 56 also air pollution; water pollution Perkin, William Henry (1838-1907) 78, Poly technical College (Copenhagen) 30- 100, 105, 113. 116,244,248-9,251, 1, 33, 35-40, 42-3 278,306,308,311-2 poly technical schools 55-7, 246 Perkin & Sons 116 Polytechnicum (Zurich) 13. 19 Persoz, Jean-Francois (1805-1868) 296, Polzenius process 49 298 Pomerania 59, 64 Pescara, Italy 50 porcelain 29, 40 Petersen factory 13, 22-3 Porro, Benedetto 56 Peterson, K.E. 90 Portland-Cement-Fabrik 31 Petraczek, Joseph 100 Posadowski-Wehner, Arthur von petroleum 61-2, 67-9, 82 (1845-1932) 194 Pettersson, Otto 89-91, 93 potassium 50, 64, 66 Pfeiffer, Herman 100 Potsdam, near Berlin 186, 189, 192-3, Index 339

196, 198-9 Rennerfelt, Otto 87, 89 Poznan, Poland 59, 61-65, 67 Renterghem & Co., C.A. van 168 Prague 68 research laboratories 13. 19, 55, 102-3, pressure 204,218,224 106,203-4,214-5,239-40,245,247, Price, Derek John de Solla (1922-1983) 253-4,256,258-9,261,268,281-2, 214 285,288-90,313. Also see industrial Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804) 150 research process control 207,209,221-4,229, resistance pyrometer 226, 228 231, 233-7, 300 resistance thermometer 227, 229, 231 proteins 173, 296 Rheinfelden, Switzerland 23 Prussia 52,59,63, 186-7, 196, 198, Rhine, river 12, 15, 22-4, 187-9, 195-9, 200, 288, 295 228, 309, 313 public health 57, 121, 125-7, 132-4, 142, Rhineland 189 145,159,160,165,171-3,175,177, RhOne, river 70 180-1, 188, 191, 193-5,200 Ribble, river, England 126-7, 140 pure science 77, 111 Richardson, Benjamin Ward (1828-1896) purification 64, 130-1, 139, 142, 146 134 purity 33, 115, 198, 200, 223 Riese, Ferdinand (1846-1882) 244 pyrites 30, 47, 65-6 Rieti, Italy 51 pyrometers 225-9, 231, 236 Rivers Pollution Prevention Acts 128, 130-1, 139, 142, 162 quality control 103 Rivers Pollution Commission 127, 184 quantification 208, 283 Roberts-Austen, William Chandler Queen & Co. 228,229 (1843-1902) 231 quinine 54. 312 Roberts, Dale & Co. 100,241,244 Quinton, Keith 211 Roberts, Gerryllyn III Robinson, Eric 73 R&D. See industrial research Rochdale, Lancashire 125 Raaschou, Peter Esch (1883-1971) 32 Roche. See Hoffmann-La Roche company Rabkin, Yakov M. 208 Rochester, New York 228 Radom, Poland 65 Rome 45-6, 53-4, 56-7 railways 12, 68, 156, 189 Roscoe, Henry Enfield (1833-1915) 112, Ramsay. William (1852-1916) 112 130, 138. 140, 142,213, 252, 267 raw materials 9, 13, 23, 26, 29, 35, 59, Rosenberg, lohan Olof (1840-1925) 80, 63, 208, 234-5, 249 88 Raybaud, Louis 3 \2 Rosenstiehl, Daniel-Auguste (1839-1916) Read Holliday company 100, 107-8, 110, 248, 249, 295, 305-320 214,269-70 Rosenstiehl, Fanny 319 Reader, William 1. 81,210,265 Rosicki, l. 100 Rebuffat, Orazio (1862-1938) 51 rosolic acid 241, 244-5 recorders 223-4. 229, 231, 234 Rothschild bank 265 recruitment 204-6 Rotterdam 166,169,171-2. 187 Redtenbacher. Joseph (1810-1870) 68 Rouen 294, 301. 307 Regnault, Henri Victor (1810-1878) 46 Roussin, Franc;ois-Zacharie (1827-1894) regulators 222, 224-5, 231-3, 237 266 Reich, Leonard S. 214 routines and routinisation 26, 103, 174, Reich, O. 184 211,213,217-8,227,229,231,243, Reichstag 193-4 256,259 Reinhardt, Carsten 19,214,239,268, Royal Institute of Technology 83 270, 285, 320 Royal College of Chemistry (London) Renard freres 17, 313 99-101. 111-2,205,267 340 Index

Royal Commission on Noxious Vapours Scheurer-Kestner, Auguste (1833-1899) 128, 131, 293, 295 Rubber 34,35, 39134, 135, 138, 147, Schiapparelli, Giovanni Battista 159, 160 (1795-1873) 45,54 Royal Mines Commission 156 Schiemenz, Friedrich 199 Royal School of Mines (London) 213 Sch1umberger, Jules Albert (1835-1897) Royal Society (London) 149-50, 152, 18, 309, 313 211,214,252 Schmidt, Albrecht (1864-1945) 290 Royal College of Chemistry 267 Schoop, Paul 228 rubber 34-5, 39, 232, 258 Schopf, Joseph 67 Ruhr, river 23, 198,241,262 Schor lemmer, Carl (1834-1892) 100, 112 Runcorn Soap & Alkali Co. Ltd. 206 Schott, Segner & Co. 269 Ruskin, John (1819-1900) 122 Schumpeter, Joseph A. (1883-1950) 97, Russia 59,61,63-6,69 101 RzeszGw, Poland 68 Schiitzenberger, Paul (1829-1897) 293- 303, 306-8, 310, 314 S.I.M .. See Societe industrielle de Schunck, Henry Edward (1820-1903) Mulhouse 130, 142-3, 150-1 23 Schweikert & Frohlich 65 sacrificed stretch 139, 190-2 Schweizerhalle, near Basle 9, 22-4, 26 safety 53, 79, 158, 163, 172,204,215 Schweizische Kohlensaure-Werke 54 Saint-Denis, near Paris 296,312-3, 317 SCI. See Society of Chemical Industry Saint Louis, USA 318 science-based industry 19, 76 Sak, S"ren (1883-1950) 33,38 scientific knowledge 116, 145,208,221, Salford, near Manchester 124-5, 138, 235-7 143-4. 149, 152,265 scientific instruments 221 Salin, Edgar 24 Sclopis, Vittorio Felice (1844-1918) 45, salmon. See tish and fishery 56 Salmon Fisheries Inspectors 126 Scotland 225 Sa1omonson Hzn., Mozes (b. 1822) 169 Scuola Chimica Cavour (Turin) 55 salt 22-4, 30, 32, 62, 64, 66, 104, 128, Scuola di Elettrochimica (Milan) 55 136,153-5, 158,209,241,300,316 Scuola-Iaboratorio per gli Olii e i Grassi Salt Union 104 (Milan) 55 saltpetre 65 Segelcke, Thomas Riise (1831-1902) 33, Salvarsan 286, 289 38 San Giovanni a Teduccio 51 Seidler, Paul Robert Emmanuel 100, 271 Sandoz, Edouard (1853-1928) 10 Select Committee on Education 101 Sandoz company 10, 12, 14, 20-1, 23, Select Committee of the House of Lords 26, 109 on the Injury from Noxious Vapours, sanitation 21,26,122, 124-5, 128, 131, 121-2, 127-8, 130, 133, 135, 138-9, 133, 137-8, 150-3, 156, 160. 162-3, 141, 155, 157-8, 161, 177 165,170-1, 173. 175, 180-1, 194,200 self-cleaning capability of rivers 169, Sardinia 45, 52, 56 174, 185, 191, 197 Sartorius. chemist 100 Selmi, Francesco (1817-1881) 46 Saxony 184 sensors 224, 226-7, 231-233 scaling up 252 Serono & Cie. 54 Schad, Ludwig 100 Serono, Cesare (b. 1871) 54 Schaffer & Budenoerg 229 serums 54 Scharling, Edvard August (1807-1866) sewage 128, 130-1, 184-5, 188-95, 36 197-200 Scheidemann, Philipp (1865-1939) 194 Shaffer & Budenburg 225 Index 341

Sicily 45, 46, 53, 65 Societa Lombardo-Napoletana di Prodotti Siegle, Gustav (von) (1840-1905) 243, Farmaceutici 54 245, 256 Societa per il Progresso delle Scienze 56 Siemens, Werner (von) (1816-1892) 109 Societa Rumianca 50 Siemens (& Halske) company 48-9, 109, Societa Sarda Materiali Esplodenti 52 226-7,229 Societe La Fuchsine 17, 186 Siemens' pyrometer 226-7 Societe industrielle de Mulhouse 248, Siena, Italy 47 295-7,299,302, 307, 310, 315-7 Silesia 59, 61-3, 65, 67, 70, 184 Societe des Usines de Produits Chimiques silicon carbide 49, 301 de Monthey 11 silk 10, 15, 17, 77, 267, 307, 318 Society of Chemical Engineers (Denmark) Silliman, Benjamin (1779-1864) 68 43 Simon, Christian 9, 184, 307 Society of Chemical Industry 65, 107, Simon, John (1816-1904) 161, 138 123, 130, 136, 138, 140-1, 143, 146, Simons, Gerrit (1802-1868) 171 208,211,215,222-3,225-6,235-6, Simpson, Maule & Nicholson III 264, 277 Sion, Switzerland 70 Society of Dyers and Colourists 217, SIPE. See Societa Italiana Prodotti 264-5, 311 Esplodenti sociology 24-5, 121, 210, 240 smallpox 133 soda. See alkali Smidth, F.L. (1850-1899) 31 soda ash 30-1, 38, 42-3, 205 Smiechocki, Jan 64 Sodeau, William H. 233 Smith, Robert Angus (1817-1884) 131, sodium aluminate 31 133-6, 149-63, 175 sodium chloride 23, 153. See also salt smoke and smoke abatement 121-2, 125, Sohlman, Ragnar 79 130-1,142-4,146,149,153,176,184 Sohn-Rethel, Alfred 208 soap 29-30, 34-5,40,42,87, 123, 153, Solingen, Germany 194 206 Solvay company 50, 64, 66, 104, 107, Sobrero, Ascanio (1812-1888) 55 210. See also Solvay process Societa Anonima Eternit Pietre Artificiali Solvay process 31, 105-6, 160,208-9, 51 215-6, 258 Societa Anonima Fabbrica di Calce e Sonden, Claes 90 Cementi di Casale Monferrato 51 Sorbonne 293,295,297,305 Societa pel Carburo di Calcio, Acetilene Sorensen, S.P.L. (1868-1939) 33,38 ed altri Gas 49 South Eastern Sanitary Association 124 Societa Chimica Italiana 56 South Shields, near Newcastle 235 Societa Chimica di Milano 56 Souvestre, Emile 319 Societa Elettrica ed Elettrochimica del 66 Caffaro 50 Spannagel, Hermann 246 Societa Elettrochimica Pomilio 50 Speyer, Germany 195-6 Societa Elettrochimica Di Pont Saint St. Petersburg 77 Martin 49 St. Helens, near Liverpool 127, 153 Societa Elettrochimica Rossi 50 standards and standardisation 35, 68, 75, Societa Generale per la Cianamide 49 80,84,86, 102, 108, 114-5, 117, 124, Societa d'Incoraggiamento per Ie Arti e 131,135,137-40,143,159-61,169, Mestieri 55 204, 206, 208-9, 218, 221-4, 227-8, Societa Italiana per L' Alluminio 50 234,237,256,261,288 Societa Italiana pel Carburo di Calcio 49 Standard Oil Company 68 Societa Italiana Cementi di Bergamo 51 Stanley, Lord 156 Societa Italiana Ossigeno ed altri Gas 49 starch 169-173,176,301 Societa Italiana Prodotti Esplodenti 52-3 State Testing Laboratory 40 342 Index steam 16, 23, 217, 224, 231-2, 235 Swedisch Chemical Society. See stearic candles 166, 178 Kemistsamfundet steel 63,66,97, 113, 189,224,228, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 13 231. Also see iron and iron industries Swiss Society of the Chemical Industries Steenbergen, Netherlands 167-8 14 Stenhouse, John (1809-1880) 151 Switzerland 9-27.45-47,65,70, %, Stevenson, J.C. 138,235 99-101, 103-4. 107-10, 112-3, 185, Stockdale, T. & J. 123, 130, 132 188,287,295,306,310-1,314 Stockholm 74, 76-82, 86, 89-93 Swoszowice, Poland 66 Stockholms Hogskola 89-91 synthesis. See chemical synthesis Stockholms Kemistklubb 86 synthetic ammonia 63, 105. Also see Stockholms Superfosfat Fabriks Haber -Bosch process Aktiebolag 78 synthetic dyes. See coal tar dyes Stockport, Cheshire 127 synthetic indigo 102, 104. 106. 112, 249- Stoke Prior, Worcestershire 155 253 Storch, M. Vilhelm S. (1837-1918) 35, synthetic tanning agents 258 38 Szczakowa. Poland 66 Strasbourg, Alsace 19, 246, 249, 293, 296-8,305,307-9,311,316,319 tanning 16, 34, 45. 53. 65, 258 strategy (business) 20, 46, 97-8, 101-2, tar and tar distilling 17-8. 20, 23. 34-5, 117-8, 129, 132,214,237,239,259, 46.63,66.97. 110, 116, 185, 189, 268, 279. 285-6. 289-90 199,239,241.247,249-50.266.281- Strobel. Charles 248 2.285.287-8.290.309,313. Also see Studer. Arthur 100 coal tar and coal tar products Stuttgart. Germany 55, 243, 24 tartaric acid 54 Styhr Petersen. Hans Jorgen 13. 29-30. taxation 83, 90-1 45 Taylor, Frederick Winslow (1856-1915) substantive dyes. See azo dyes 237 sugar and sugar industry 12. 29, 32, 34. TO. See Technical Deputation 38.42-3,50-1.63-7. 70.90, 166. teaching. See education 168-71, 189. 225, 301 technical chemistry. See chemical sulphates 45, 48. 56, 136 technology sulphonic acids 244, 266-7. 272 technical education 45,61-2,80, 101, sulphur and sulphur compounds 30, 46, 117,215,225.297 66, 139. 149. 161-2. 173,296.300, Technical Deputation (Prussia) 187-8 312.314 Teknisk Tidskrijt 74.81-85.87,89 sulphur dioxide 47. 153. 176 TeknologfOreningen 74. 80. 81. 90 sulphur dyes 65, 258 Teknologiska Institutet 74, 80-3. 88-9. sulphuric acid 29-30, 34-5. 43. 45. 47-8. 91 53-4, 56. 63. 65-7. 70. 76. 78, 131, temperature 64. 213-4. 221-2. 224, 226, 136.161.165-6.168, 171. 176-9. 228-37. Also see control; regulation 181. 185, Terni. Italy 49 sulphurous acid 133.160-1.179.185. testing 39.40, 144,205-6.217.235, Also see sulphur dioxide 284. 286 superphosphate 29-30, 43. 47. 78. Also textile and textile industries 11-2, 14-6, see fertilisers 18. 20-1, 24, 29. 55, 64, 153, 248, Susa. Italy 53 251,262.280,2%,299,301.306-11, Svensk Kemisk Tidskrift 86. 90. 93 318 Swann, John P. 282 thalpotassimeter 225-6 Swansea, Wales 133-4 Thames, river 128. 174 Sweden 73-93. 101 Thann, Alsace 33. 293. 309 Index 343 thermo-electricity 48, 227-9, 231 United States 9,26,31-2,42,46,63, thermographs 229 .68,86,91,96-9,107,116,124,141, thermometers 33, 224-31, 233 145, 149, 162, 183, 203, 210-2, 214, thermostats 225, 234 216,221,227-9,231,239,248-9, Thevanez, William 100 255, 263, 265, 267-8, 270, 275, 277, Thierry et Mieg company 315,317,319 280, 282, 308, 318, 320 Thomas converter 63 universities 13, 19,26,31-2,36-7,41-3, Thomsen, H.P. Julius (1826-1909) 31, 47, 55, 57, 61, 63-4, 68, 70, 74-6, 78, 38, 42-3 81, 83-6, 88-93, 99-100, 102, 111-2, TI. See Teknologiska Institutet 121-3, 126, 145, 150, 155, 167, 173, Tiel, Netherlands 167, 168 186,204-6,211-4,217,228,239-41, Tietgen, Carl Frederik (1829-1909) 32, 243, 249, 252, 254, 262, 282, 288-9, 38 291, 293-4, 296-7, 305, 308-9, 311 tin 126, 313 Upper Silesia 59, 61-3, 70 TNT. See explosives Upper Silesia Basin 62 Todd, B. 156 Uppsala, Sweden 76, 78, 85, 88-90, 92 toluene. See coal tar and coal tar products Urbain, Georges (1872-1938) 298 toluidine. See intermediates for dyes Ure, Andrew (1778-1857) 54, 177,211, Tomkin 224 237 toxic substances 20, 22, 26, 121-5, 127- utility 75-6,78,85,89,91-2,207,210 8, 130-9, 142-4, 147, 155, 159-61, Utrecht, Netherlands 169, 171-3, 177-80 170-1, 174-8, 185-7,309 Trapp, Julij (von) (1814-1908) 77 Vado Ligure, Italy 53 Traub, M.C., Chemische Fabrik 11 Van Vyve, father and son 53 Travis, Anthony S. 9, 14, 95, 100, 102, vapours 121-2, 124-5, 128, 130-1, 104,109,116,121,203,214,216, 133-5, 138, 141-5, 147, 155, 159-61, 240-1,244,250,252,256,261,266, 167, 170, 173, 176-9 276, 287, 300, 305-6, 320 vegetation 122, 134, 141, 149, 177 Trier, Germany 187 Verband der chemisch-pharmazeutischen trinitrotoluene (TNT). See explosives GroBindustrie 282 Troost, C.F. company 241 Verein zur Wahrung der lnteressen der Trzecieski, Tytus 68 chemischen Industrie Deutschlands TT. See Teknisk Tidskrijt 190-1, 197 Turin 45,47,52-7 Verguin, Franc;ois Emmanuel (1814-1864) Turner, James 100 17,307,313 turpentine 87 Vetenskapsakademien 77, 78 Tuscany 46, 47, 50, 52 Vieille 53 Tyne Alkali Company 133 Vienna 59, 68, 81-2 Tyne, river 124, 128, 133, 145 Vienna Congress 59 Tyneside 124, 153 Ville, Georges (1824-1897) 47,294, typhoid 133, 167 297-8,302 Tyrer, T. 135-8 Vitale, Alfonso 57 Vittorio Emanuele II (1820-1878) 45 UAC. See United Alkali Company volumetric standards 131, 160 Uetikon, Switzerland 12-3, 23 Ukraine 59 Walker, J. & Co. 225 U1aszowice, Poland 68 Wanklyn, James Alfred (1834-1906) 241 Ullmann, Fritz (1875-1939) 199 Warrington, England 124-5 ultramarine 314 Warsaw 59,61,64,65 Unione Italiana Cementi 51 Wassilieff, N. 21, 22 United Alkali Company 104-7, 214-6 wastes 22,26,87, 122, 125-7, 128, 139, 344 Index

144-6, 149, 153, 157, 161-2, 166-71, wool 30,267,280,318 173, 183-200, 195-98, 200, 252 Woolgar, Steve 210 water pollution 121, 125-31, 138-40, Worcestershire 155 142, 145, 152, 157-8, 167-8, 170, World War I 21,23,25,29, 32,47-8, 172,183-5,187-197,199-200 52, 57, 66, 69, 103, 105, 108, 115, Waterbury, Connecticut 228 198, 216, 258, 264, 284, 287-8, 290- wax 62 1, 301 Weber, Alfred 24, 25 World War II 23, 66, 70 Weber, Max (1864-1920) 16, 24 Worms, Germany 77, 195-6 Wed. P. Smits company 178-9 Wright, Lewis 213, 226 Weigelt, Curt 191-2, 197 Wulff, importer of fertiliser 30 Weimar Republic 199 Wupper, river, Germany 188, 194, 198 Weldon, Walter (1832-1885) 158 Wurtz, Charles-Adolphe (1817-1884) West Ham, near London 115 295, 298, 316 West Riding, England 140 Wyler, M. 100, 265 Westphalia 184, 189 white lead 189 Yandjull, Ivan 64 Wibrough, instrument maker 228 Yates, JoAnne 221 Widman, Oscar (1852-1930) 90 yeast 33, 38, 43, 83, 87 Widnes, near Liverpool 124, 134, 141. 144. 158,215,226 Z~bkowice, Poland 66 Widnes Alkali Association 141, 144 Zambeletti Company 54 Willerslev, Richard 30 Zaorski, surgeon 68 Williamson, Alexander William Zeise, William Christopher (1789-1847) (1824-1904) 213 32,36 Willm, Jules Edmond (1833-1910) 295 Zevenbergen, Netherlands 167-70 Wilmot, Sarah 121-2, 157, 171, 173, Zierikzee, Netherlands 166-7, 171 175.177.181. 183.207 zinc and zinc ores 49, 56, 61, 63, 65-7, Wimmer. Wolfgang 14,214.281,283, 233 289 Zinin. Nikolai Nikolaevich (1812-1880) Winstanley, D. 233 77 Wintgens. Willem (1818-1895) 171 zoology 196-7 Wislicenus, Johannes (1835-1902) 273 Zurich 11-4, 19,20,54-5,65, 102, 112, Witt. Otto Nikolaus (1853-1915) 255, 246 266, 268, 273 Zyrard6w, Poland 64 Wolf. Alfred 100 Chemists and Chemistry

1. M. Morselli: Amedeo Avogadro [1776-1856]. A Scientific Biography. 1984 ISBN 90-277-1624-2 2. F.W.I. McCosh: Boussingault [1802-1887]. Chemist and Agriculturist. 1984 ISBN 90-277-1682-X 3. D.A. Stansfield: Thomas Beddoes, MD (1760-1808). Chemists, Physician Demo- crat. 1984 ISBN 90-277-1686-2 4. Pieter Eduard Verkade (1891-1979): A History of the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry. Edited by F.C. Alderweireldt, H.J.T. Bos, L. Maat, PJ. Siootmaekers and B.M. Wepster. 1985 ISBN 90-277-1643-9 5. A. Thackray, 1.L. Sturchio, P.T. Carroll and R. Bud: Chemistry in America, 1876- 1976. Historical Indicators. 1985 ISBN 90-277-1720-6; Pb 90-277-2662-0 6. G.B. Kauffman (ed.): Frederick Soddy (1877-1956). Early Pioneer in Radio- chemistry. 1986 ISBN 90-277-1926-8 7. R.B. Seymour and Tai Cheng (eds.): History of Polyolejin.s. The World's Most Widely Used Polymers. 1986 ISBN 90-277-2128-9 8. I. T. Stock and M. V. Orna, OSU (eds.): The History and Preservation ofChemical Instrumentation. 1986 ISBN 90-277-2269-2 9. N.A. Peppas (ed.): One Hundred Years of Chemical Engineering. From Lewis M. Norton (MIT, 1888) to Present. 1989 ISBN 0-7923-0145-8 10. R.B. Seymour (ed.): Pioneers in Polymer Science. 1989 ISBN 0-7923-0300-8 11. H. Benninga: A History of Lactic Acid Making. A Chapter in the History of Biotechnology. 1990 ISBN 0-7923-0625-2 12. R. Mierzecki: The Historical Development of Chemical Concepts. 1991 ISBN 0-7923-0915-4 13. S. Ross: Nineteenth-Century Attitudes: Men of Science. 1991 ISBN 0-7923-1308-9 14. Torbem Bergman (1775) (ed.): Chemical Lectures ofH. T. Scheffer. Translated by I.A. Schufte. 1992 ISBN 0-7923-1760-2 15. C.H. Evans (ed.): Episodes From the History of the Rare Earth Elements. 1996 ISBN 0-7923-4101-5 16. A.S. Travis, H.G. Schroter, E. Homburg and P.I.T. Morris (eds.): Determinants in the Evolution ofthe European Chemical Industry, 1900-1939. New Technologies, Political Frameworks, Markets and Companies. 1998 ISBN 0-7923-4890-7 17. E. Homburg, A.S. Travis and H.G. Schroter (eds.): The Chemical Industry in Europe, 1850-1914. Industrial Growth, Pollution, and Professionalization. 1998 IS·BN 0-7923-4889-3