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MULTIJl.f.\'11 Aquarius (0\'IIHI> P.o.IIKir>.:G "0 . ..., 0 Aries ~ ~ ~ "'~ ij z 0 Scorpio 0 . ~ z ~ .'i )> c "'~ 0 ~ ·~ ~ g z Libra 0 ~ u ------.. ------Gemini

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West Wing

Galaxy Ballroom

Book Displays

,\ IRIU.\t IU•OtAUitM\'1

International Valet Parking Tower & Main Entrance c::=::J

ll)l\0~ Nl>-•1>1 Conference Registration Form n 54th Annual Meeting Evangelical Theological Society 0

Please Register Early ., i

Name: ______Phone: ( ______

Name for tag (no title please): ------

0 Spouse

Na1ne ~r tag: ------

Address: ______

C i l y______S tate/P rov. ______Zip/Post a I Cod c______Cou nl ry ______

Current Member of: 0 ETS 0 ATS 0 EMS 0 EPS 0 NEAS

School: ------

0 Faculty 0 Staff/Administration 0 Student

Church or 01hcr identification for those nm associated directly with a school:

Please enclose a check made out to the Evangel1cal Theological Society. No refunds after November I, 2002. Name badges & banquet tickets will be sent by return mail after October I.

0 Early Member RegistraLion $30 ______(Postmarked on or before September 30)

0 Late Member Registration (Postmarked after September 30) $50 ______

0 Early Student Member Registration $10 ______(Postmnrkcd on or bdorc September 30)

0 Late Swdcnt Member Registrmion $30 ______(Postmarked after September 30)

0 Non-Member RcgisLration (Non-ETS, EPS, ATS, NEAS, EMS) $70 ______

0 Banquet: Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. _____Ticket includes tax and gr:nuity. $20 ea. ______

TOTAL $ ______

Mail to: Dr. James A. Borland Sccrct<~ryffreasurer, ETS 200 Russell Woods Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502-3574

Inquiries: 434-237-5309 Phone & FAX Email: [email protected] Evangelical Theological Society - Membership Application Form

Application for (check one):

0 Full Membership - 530.00 (if retired $15.00) 0 Associate Membership- $30.00 (if rettred $15.00) 0 Student Membership - $15.00

Name ------Date______Address ______Phone: ( ___ ) ______

Cit y ______.Srote/Prov. ______Zi pfPostal Codc _____Cou n1 ry ______

Prcsc n 1 Position ( wi 1h rank) ------



School ______Degree Dare:

School ______Degree Date:

School ------Degree Date:

School------Degree Date:

l~onora~' Degrees ______

M c m be rs h1 p 1n Learn cd Soc 1cues ------

Books Published ______Pub!Jsher______

Books Pubhshed ______rublishcr ______

Specialized Field of Research ------

Positions held other than the present ------

De nomination or Church Affiliation ------

"The f3thlc alone a11d ll1c IJJh!c m 1/s entirety, IS r/11· \Vorrl of God wn!lcn, all(/ therefore ti1CtTant in tltc @/ograplls God i\ n Ti·inlly, fad1c1; Sott, al!d Holy Sp~r~t, f(/(11 (//1 IIIJCf(:'QiCd pcr~0/1, 0111: in C~\CtiCC, cquul in rnw,·r /Ill{/ glmy"

,\rridr 1\~ Srninu 2 nf rl1c Cou~uwritm reads: "/:\cry nu·mbcr mu,r ~11h1crihr 1n "'firing onnuully 10 rlrr 'IJ1Jdri11a1 Dosis ·•

Signature ol Rl.'commcndrng Socil'ty Munhct Sign~tltttc o!' i\pphc:mt

(f"r S111den1 & ,\ssou~IC App!ic.uwn~ Oiily)

Persons you would recommend ror membership:

Name ------Address______

N am c ------·Address______

Send to. Dr .James A. Borland Phone: 434-237-5309 Sccrclary!Treasurcr, ETS !'AX. -!34-237-5309 200 Russell Woods Drive Email: jt\[email protected] l Lynchburg, VA 24502-3574 Please cnclost: appltcable fee. Dear ETS Members and Guests,

Wlcomc to the 54th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society at the Regal Constellation Hotel in Toronto. This year's topic, "Evangelical Christianity and Other Religions," is especially timely, given the post-September Ll discussions of the nature of lslam, Christianity, and many other religions. We have six plenary sessions dev01cd to the LOpic, three from biblical or historical perspccuvcs and three relating to the comemporary world, and more than 60 papers on the topic. Our presidential address by Millard J. Erickson will challenge us to thmk about our wsk of doing theological scholarship in the new century.

Our Society continues its healthy growth, bDLh in numbers and in quality of p<1pers. One sign of this is that we have experienced a very encouraging growth of study groups in recenl years, each focused on a specific subdiscipline and contributing to in-depth exploration of themes anJ areas of smd>' in ways not possible previously; 20 are meeting this year. In all, more than 300 ETS papers are scheduled, both in study groups and open sessions. Comb~ned with the offerings of our affiliated societies-the Evangelical Society, Near East Archaeological Society, and Adventist Theological Society-the overall total is more than 350. Also thts year, the open papers arc grouped by discipline, so thal panicipants in the same disciplines will find groupings of papers of mutual interest.

Our hotel is ide:-~ I for our meetings: large: c:nough to accommodate our needs easily, yet small enough to enable easy gcn\ng around to sessions. There are good reswurants in the hotel iLSelf, and in several other hotels and stand-alone establish me ills nearby, as well, catering to every budgcL. Toronto is a world-class city and there arc plenty of tourism opportunities for any who arc interested; be sure to check out the information on this elsewhere in the progrL.,, ,______his unf<1ilingly gracious help in planning our meeting. I trust you will make it a ·-••---oo~IJID;_'i'l'fu> fr OOlJ1l il.@:xJ@ poim to thank him and the entire hotel staff for their services to us. 111lmlm))· ~-,;.1IDJI:, oooooooo~oo~

In the Old Testamem, one category of foreigners was the gcrim, the resident aliens, (OXJ\f\i\lft:

Bil>/ical Faitl1 and Otl!cr Religions Today: {/ l Religious Pluralism and the QueSiion of Trull! ~/) ~) Daniel I. Block Cf) The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Thursday, I :00-2:00 pm

Bibliwl Faith and Oll•c•· Religions in Old Testament Theology

I Gregory K. Beale Wheaton College Thursday, 2:00-3:00 pm

Bibliwl Faith allll Otl1er Religions I; ) in New Te.

/ \ Richard J. Plantinga* Calvin College Thursday, 7:00-8:00 pm

Biblical Fait It and Other Religions in Church Hiswry

Tite Tienou ,, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Thursday, 8:00-9:00 pm

"'>' / Biblical Faith and Otl~er Religinm Today: /,c Traditional Follt Expression

J. Dudley Woodberry* Fuller Theological Seminary Friday, 8:30-9:30 am ~' I ' I\_' 1' Biblical Faith and Other Religions Today: ~ -

*mdil.::ues invited guest or the Society ETS Meeting, November 20-22, 2002 Overview of Schedule

-~ . Wednesday, November 20 Thursday, November 21

8:30-9:10 a.m. Parallel Session I 8:30-9:10 a.m. Parallel Session 9 ' i i

9:15-9:55 a.m. Parallel Session 2 9:15-9:55 a.m. Parallel Session 10

10:00-10:40 a.m. Parallel Session 3 10:00-10:40 a.m. Parallel Session II

10:45-11:25 a.m. Parallel Session 4 10:45-11:25 a.m. Parallel Session 12

11:30-1:00 p.m. LUNCH 11:30-1:00 p.m. LUNCH

1:00-1:30 p.m. Business Session 1 1:00-2:00 p.m. Plenary Session 2

1:30-2:30 p.m. Plenary Session 1 2:00-3:00 p.m. Plenary Session 3

2:30-2:45 p.m. BREAK 3:00-3:15 p.m. BREAK

2:45-3:25 p.m. Parallel Session 5 3:15-3:55 p.m. Parollel Sesswn 13

3:30-4:10 p.m. Parallel Session 6 4:00-4:40 p.m. Parallel Session 14

4:15-4:55 p.m. Parallel Session 7 4:45-5:25 p.m. Parallel Session 15

5:00-5:40 p.m. Parol lei Session 8 5:30-7:00 p.m. DINNER

5:40-7:00 p.m. BREAK 7:00-8:00 p.m. Plenary Session 4

7:00-8:00 p.m. BANQUET 8:00-9:00 p.m. Plenary Session 5

8:00-9:00 p.m. Presidential Address

Friday, November 22

7:45-8:30 a.m. Business Session 2

8:30-9:30 a.m. Plenary Session 6

The Book Displays (Galaxy Ballroom) 9:30-9:45 a.m. BREAK are open as follows: 9:45-10:25 a.m. Parallel Session 16 Wednesday: 9:00 am-6:00 pm 10:30-11:10 a.m. Parallel Session 17 Thursday: 9:00 am-6:00 pm Friday: 9:00 am-12:00 pm 11:15-12:00 p.m. Parallel Session 18 \.:' I ' CONFERENCE REGISTRATION TIMING n The registration fcc fur curre111 members of ETS, Each parallel session lasts 40 minutes. Stncc one of ATS, EMS, EPS, and NEAS, is 530 pr10r to October I. the primary purposes of the Annual Meeting is w Dunng October and at the conference, the fee will give opponunity for scholarly tnteraction, presenters he $50 for members of these organizations. The arc asked to compktc reading of Lhcir papers in non-member rcgistrallon fee is $70. Spouses of 25-30 minutes, leaving 10-15 minute~ fnr members may attend the conference sessions without interaction with the audience. charge and will be provided with a fn.T n<1mc badge lncludc the nmnc ;md nonmember spouse who wt!l attend All tickets for the Wednesdny evening TAPES OF SESSIONS presidemial banquet arc $20 (graiUity and tax Again this year tapes of sesswns wdl be avallnble Included). ~dmost immcch:ncly Clftcr c~ch session ;H the Audio Mission upe tahk. You can order tapes, or get Make checks payable to Evangelical Theological additional inlormatton on available tapes, at their Souety. Mail rcgtstration form and fees to: \Vebsite at http.// or email them at [email protected]. Dr. James A. Borland Phone: 434-237-5309 Secreta ryrrrcasu rcr. ETS FAX 434-237-5309 200 Russell \Voods Drive RESUME TABLE Lynchburg, Vt\ 24502-3574 Booth 8 in the Book Displays area (Galaxy Ballroom) has been reserved for members to set out copies of On-site rcgistrattuns are accepted. The conference their resumes if they arc seeking n position. A large reg1strat10n area is in the Consu:".lbtion Ballroom message board will nank the tables, allowing interest­ Foyer. ed parties to make contact. No more than ten resumes, plense. LOCATION AND FACILITIES The 54th Annual Meeting will he held on November 20-22, 2002, at: BULLETIN BOARD Regal Constellation Hotel A bulletin bo

Phone: 416-675-1500 800-268-4838 PRAYER ROOM Throughout the.: Annual Meeting, Conference Room Web site: www.Rcgalconstcllation.cmn M \vill be set astde for quiet pr

VISITORS' INFORMATION For further information, check local Canadian Toronto Convention & Visitors Association consulates, call 800-0CANADA (800-622-6232), or check Phone: 416-203-2600 CURRENCY EXCHANGE The currency exchange rate is roughly as follows: City or Toronto ty.toron to ndex. ht m $1.00 (Canadian) = $0.65 (U.S.) Ontario Ministry or Tourism, Culture, and 51.00 (U.S.) = $1.55 (Canadian) Recreation www. tourism. gov. on. calc ngl ish Up-to·d

Future Meetings

Year Date Place General Theme 2003 November 19-21 Atlanta Jesus 2004 November 17-19 San Antonio What Is Truth? 2005 November 16-18 Philadelphia Personal and Social Ethics 2006 November 15-17 Washington, DC TBA ------

ETS Executive Commi!lce o 1 I .....~-- ~ Millard J. Erickson Wayne A. Grudem ~~ President President 1999 George W. Truell Dlvinuy School, Phoenix Theological Seminary ~I ~ Baylor University Norman L. Geisler ~ David M. Howard, Jr. President 1998 a President-Elect Sou1hern Evangelical Seminary ~~~ Bethel Theological Seminary ~ James A. Borland F=l Gregory K. Beale Sccrcwry-Treasurer Vice-Presidenl Liberty Un1versi1y Whealon College Andreas J. Kostenberger Darrell L. Bock Editor, JETS President 200 I Southeastern Bapust Theological Theological Seminary Semmary

John H. Sailhamer President 2000 Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminar)"

Program Chair, 2002:

David M. Howard, Jr.

Bc1hcl Theological Seminary 3949 ~elhcl Drive S!. Paul, MN 55112 USA

Voice: 651-638-6197 Ft\X: 651-638-6002

Email: [email protected]

Please contact Dr. Howard for questions regarding the schcclulc and paper presentations. For information about Annual Meeting registration, fees, ETS membership, name Lags, etc., please contact Dr. James Borland, ETS Secretary-Treasurer, at 434-237-5309.

For room reservations, contact: Regal Constellation Hotel 900 Dixon Road E!ob1coke, Ontario, Canada M9W IJ7

Phone: -+ 16-675-1500 800-268-4838 Web site: ldcuLify yourself'"" member of the ETS Evangelical Christianity and Other Evangelical Christianity and Other h.i Religions: Session 1 Religions: Session 3 Libra Conference A

8:30-9:10 am 8:30- 9:10am Eugene J. Mayhew, Michigan Theological Seminary Ben M. Caner, Irving, TX The Theology of the ai-Qaeda O•ganizali!m: A Study i11 Evangelical Buddhism the Mindsel of Abnonnallslam 9:15-9:55 am Mark Coppenger, Evanston Baptist Church, 9:15-9:55 am Evanston, IL lm

Evangelical Christianity and Other jJmcs DeYoung, Western Seminary, moderator Religions: Session 2 Theme: Can We Reproduce the Exegesis of the Jupiter 2 New Testament?

8:30-9:10 am 8:30- 9:10am Barbara Pemberton, Ouachila Baptist University Richard Longenecker, W)'cliffe College, So \VhmS \Vro11g h'ith f11e \Von/ "Crusade"? A Mtrslim University of Toronto Perspective of tl1c. C111s(l(lcs alld lls Impact 011 Mot/em Arab CcmscimiSIICSS 9:15-9:55 am Dan McCanney, \Vest minster Theological Seminary

9:15-9:55 am I 0:00 - I 0:40 am james A. Glasscock, Firsl Presby1erian Church, General Discussion ferris, TX Islam: Non- Tlleologicaf Perspectives STUDY GROUP: Literature of the Bible Jupiter I 10:00- 10:40 am J.D. Grcrt~r, Sonlhe<~slern Baptist Theological Leland Rykcn, WlH::atuJl College, tnoderatur Seminary Thcosis and Muslim Evangclis111: How the Rccovoy of a Theme: The Psalms: Expressing Emotion in .... Palristic Ullllcrsumding of Salvmioll Can Aid Poetry Evangelical Missiouarics in 1hc Evcmgdi::ation of Islamic Peoples 8:30-9:10 am Michael Travers, Mississippi College I 0:45 - I 1:25 am Expressing Emotion in Poetry: Ewilflllion in Psalm 45 Steven Tsoukalas, Asbury Theological Seminary 9:15- 9:55am The N(l(iou of Islam: Uudersfa11C/ir1g 11lc "Biacll Donald Williams, Toccoa Falls College Muslims'' Expn:ssi11g Emotion in Poetry: Grief and RcCO\'CI)' in Psalm 6

I 0:00- I 0:40 am Daniel Es1es, Cedarville University Expressing Emolion in Pocuy: Fear in Psalm 49

J 0:45 - II :25 am Tremper Longman, Ill, \Vestment College Leland Ryken, Wheaton College Responses from a Bihlical Sclwlar ancl Literal)' Critic l).() \:,___-\ STUDY GROUP: Other Voices on OPEN SESSION: Biblical Theology \- ---..l Interpretation S<~wrn 2 () ' __ -\ Saturn l ~ 8:30- 9:10am S~llllllel Lamerson, Knox Theological Seminary ~ Aida Besan~·on Spencer and \Villiam David Spencer, Gordon~Conwcll Theological Seminary, From Endor lo Hogwc1rts: \Virchuaft in the Old a modcr:Hors Testament, New 7i·srann:nc, a11d "liHlay 9:15-9:55 am Theme: Evangelicals and Other Religions :E David E. Smith, A'·ila College Acts as Unifier of the Cwwtl: A Looll £IL the Bihliwl and 8:30-9:10 am Patristic Evidence Ann Coble, Wcsuninster College How Ccm Evangelicals Embraa tile OtlrL'I"? A Model fin I 0:00- 10:40 am /Juenu:liun J<~mes A. Meek, Covcnalll Theological Seminary Tire !dcssic1h l!ndthc Ge111ilcs: Dm·id's Fa/len Tent and 9:15- 9:55am the Gentile Mission (Acts 15) Nathaniel Samuel Murrell, University of Nnnh Carolina, \\.'IImington 10:45- 11:25 am Mahc no covcJUIIIf! Sfwl"' 1w 111crcy! Do not intcrmany! Robcn C. Newman, Biblical Theological Seminary D1hliwl /ntolcnmcc and M11lticultura/ Thr 13irth P£1ills of the Messiah: Have They Started){:/? E\·augdicafis111 OPEN SESSION: Church History 10:00 - I 0:40 am Salon 21 Finny Philip, Filadcllia Bible College Biblical Faitl1 am/the Religion of the Mmginalizcd: 8:30-9:10 am ludian Dalitscl? The Qucs1 for a11 Egalitarian Faifh joel R. Becke, Puriwn Rdormed Theological Seminan• \Vi/limn Pcrltim on Prcclcstination lliiCI Preaching ' I 0:45- I I :25 am \Vooclrow E. \Vall on, Amnican Christian College and 9:15-9:55 am Scminarv jan van Vliet, \Vestminsler Theological Seminary \\'hen Tllrcc Parhs Cross: Chrisriwr Faull, Nco­ Thr Moral Tl1eolog.)' of \Villiarn Ames From Tlwn1us 10 \Vcstmiustcr Paganism, and NtHi\'C American Plains Spirit1wliry I 0:00- 10:40 am Kelly M. Kapic, Covenant College OPEN SESSION: Apologetics HIIIIIQII CmnmWIIOII with rhe Triune God: Rcj1rctio11s 011 Salon 28 John Owerr's Triniwri£1H Theology irr Liglu of Contcmpomry Trrnilarian Di.\CL1.~.\ions 8:30-9:10 am Terry Monenson, Answers in Genesis, Florence. KY I 0:45 - 11 :25 am Evangc/iwlis111 and Ymmg-Eanh Creationism: Ncccsswy R. N. Frost, Muhnomah Bibhcal Scminarv Bedfellows? A l~cspnnsc In "li:d Cabal\ 2001 Paper John Cutwu's Usc of Cah•in's Tltco/o~y of F~ith 111 tl11: Antmomilln C0111 mvrrsy 9:15- 9:55am Ted J Cabal, The Southern Baptist Theological OPEN SESSION: New Testament Seminary Gemini I ., The Age of the Eanh and Rc\'c/cilional Episrcmic Propriety 8:30-9:10 am James P. Sweeney, lmnwnuel Clwrch, Chelmsford, MA ~ -·· '1 LO:OO - I 0:40 am "Giving tire LCiw," "l~cct:ivi11g the /~(1\V," or Wlwt? .. --· John Mark Revno!ds, Biola Universilv 011 . ,, A Narc he. nomo1hesia in Ro111cms 9:4 .-...... · CrcatiolliSIII, s/Jirirualism, and llucllig~nl Design ' 9: 15 - 9:55 am I. 10:45- II :25 am john L. Tcrvccn, Muhnomah Biblical Seminary Thane Hu1chcrson Ury, Be1h~l College (Indian<~) Union Witl1 Christ: Pmdinc Cllristolo.~ical TouchslmJc ill The Evoh'ing Face of God as Crcmor Ellrl)' Nulctccurh­ Colossw11s 2:8~ 15 Ccntmy Traditionalist and Accommodalioni.H I 0:00- 10:40 am Thcodica/ Responses in 13rirish Religious T/wughf to E. Randolph Richards, Ouachiw Bapttst Univcrsily Palconarural E\·il iu tl1c Fossil Rcwnl A Defense of No11-Pauli11C llltcrpolmiw1s 111 rite Pauli11C Lcucrs

I 0:45 - 1 I :25 am Simon]. J

10:00- 10:40 am Gregory T. Christopher, Baptist Btblc College and OPEN SESSION: Old Testament Graduate School Conference B PaulS Sermon on Mars Hill: The Gospel Mandate in a Pluralistic World 8:30- 9:10am David Talley, Biola University I Talbot School of 10:45- 11:25 Theology Brian D. Johnson, Lincoln Chnstian College An Old Tcswment Proposal: The Movement from Pain Jesus, The Temple: Cltristology as the Fulfillmcrtt of (Demanding Glo•y for Self) to Rest (Attributing jt~daism in tl1e Gospel of John Clo1y to Yahweh)

OPEN SESSION: New Testament 9:15- 9:55am Salon 25 W Creighton Marlowe, Tyndale Theological Seminary (Amsterdam) 8:30 - 9: lO am Meditation in the Psalms Bill Warren, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 10:00- I 0:40am Earl Kellett, New Orleans llaplist Theological Daniel C. Lane, Trinity International University Seminary The Meaning and Use of the Old Testament Term When 1hc Text Comes to Church: Litwgicallnfluences on "Cm•cnanc" (beril): Some Implications for the Text of tl1e New Testament Dispcnsationalism and Covenant Theology

9:15- 9:55am 10:45- II :25 am Norris C. Grubbs, New Orleans Baptist Theological Ellis R. Brotzman, Tyndalc Theological Seminary Seminary (Amsterdam) A New Approach to tl1e Byzautine Manuscripts "The just Shall Live By Faith," or "By His Faithfulness"' A Study of the Usc of Haballlwh 2:4 in the New I 0:00- I 0:40 am Testamenr Charles Draper, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Bill Warren, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary OPEN SESSION: Openness of God Aries -, A Forgollcn Southern Baptist Treasure: The Robertson ' ...... ;; , -~,

Codex of the Four Gospels ~.:.~' ' ' •l I 9:15- 9:55am 10:45 - 1 I :25 am H. Wayne House, Faith Seminary Matthew llrook O'Donnell,, Albany, NY Moving Beyond Equivowlwn and Word Magic: ls Open Randall Tan, The Southern Baptist Theological Theism Really Compmible with Biblical ltterrallcy? Seminary '' "It Sta11ds \\'rillen": Phrase and Clause Stmcwre, 10:00- 10:40 am Ronums and Pauline Theology Roger Nicole, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando "Open Theism" is Incompaliblc with Inerrancy OPEN SESSION: Old Testament Patio 10:45- II :25 am Bruce A. Ware, The Southern Baptist Theological 8:30-9:10 am Seminary john Beck, Concordb Uni\•crsit)' (Wisconsin) Robots, Royally and Rclalionsl1ips? Toward a Clarified Ram, famine a11d Mount Carmel: The Narmlive- Understanding of Real Human Relations wirll the Gcograpltical Shaping of Elijah\ Duel with the God \VIw K11ows and Decrees All Thai Is Prophets of Baal (I Kings IS) l).(~ ~~ OPEN SESSION: Openness of God I 0:00 - 10:40 am \=- ' Mercury Archie J. Spencer, AssoCiated Canadian Thcologicnl 0 \C:.:...:::) Schools ~~ 8:30-9:10 am The P!umlisl/lndusivisf Appce1/ lo General Rrw/(11 ion: ~ Danny Hays, Ouachita Bolptist University A Sy.'ilcnwtic Tlrwlogtwl Assc...;srnem ~ Docs 5ystCIIICHics Drh•c Old Tcs/Wilt:ll/ E\"cgcsis, or Can a Cod Still "Change His Mind'? Question$ Rcgwding I 0:45 - I I :25 /tllcrprcti\'C Mcllwd Vincem B­ The Mode of Diviuc Kuowlcdgc 111 Rcjonnarion

wE oNEs oAv Afternoon

Constellation Ballroom 1:00 - 1:30 pm Reports: Business Session 1 Membership: i'. Call to Order and Welcome: James A. Borland, Secretary-Treasurer Millard J. Erickson, President Finances: Devotional: James A. Borland, Sccrcwry-Trcasurcr David M. Howard, Jr., President-Elect Election of Committees: and Program Chair Nominalions Adoption of ,\gcnda Rcsolmions Adjournment

1:30 2:30pm Plenary Session 1

Harold A. Net land, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Biblical Faith and Other Religions Today: Religious Pluralism and the Question of Truth Evangelical Christianity and Other 4:15- 4:55 pm Religions: Session 4 ]. Scon Horrell, Dallas Theological Seminary Libra lnccrfacc between Brazilion Spiritism and : Conjrontalio11, Contextualizcition, 2:45- 3:25 pm and ln~itation Timothy C. Tennent, Gordan-Conwell Theological Seminary 5:00 - 5:40 pm Cl1risliat1 and Buddhist Ethics: A Comparismz R. Alan Streett, Criswell College T D. jalles and the Oneness Pentecostal Revival 3:30-4:10 prn John Warwtck Montgomery, Trinity College and Evangelical Christianity and Other Theological Seminary (Jndinna) A Critique of Cl1incsc Religious Optious Religions: Session 7 Salon 26 4:15- 4:55 pm James A. Beverley, Tyndale Theological Seminary 2:45 - 3:25 pm (Toronto) Charles A. \Vhipplc, Central Florida School An Enemy \Vithin? Examining Claims of Islamic of the Bible Militancy ill tile UnitcJ Stales Biblical Faith c/lld Other Religions Today: The Two Marl~.s of the True Cull, Christianity 5:00- 5:40 prn james B. DeYoung, Wes1ern Seminnry 3:30- 4:10pm Jsla111 rt11d Bi!Jiiwl faith: The Rcvitrt/izccl Challc11ge of Walter M. Booth, Berrien Springs, Ml the Crescent to tl1e Cross Do Evangelicals Have a Gospel for Guspcl-Resistalll People(s)? Evangelical Christianity and Other 4:15-4:55 pm Religions: Session 5 Harvey Solganick, LeTourneau University Salon 21 Ethical Consequences for tl1e Exdusi\'e, Christian World Cilizen in WI lnclusi\'C, Multiculfural, Diverse, a/1{1 2:45- 3:25 prn Plltralistic Sociefy Brad Harper, Multnomah Bible College Recclll Roman Catholic Dcvdopmcn!s Conccming the 5:00- 5:40 pm Rclationsllip of CluislianiLy lD Other Religions: An Stephen J Nichols, Lancaster Bible College A11alysis of Dominus Jesus Unbound Spirit? Eugaging lnc/usivist Proposals 3:30-4:10 pm Dale W Little, Japan Btble Seminary, Tokyo STUDY GROUP: Alternative Religions E vangclical Tl1co/ogy Under Rcconst rucl!vn: Saturn 2 ~ NcwbiginS Pncumaccmric Tllcology of Religions james Bjorns1ad, Cedarville College, moderator 4:15- 4:55 pm c:;-~>, john B \\'ong, Lama Linda Univcrsil)' 2:45- 3:25 pm Christian Wlwlis111 and Other Religious: Contrast, Robert Coumcss, Kiev Chrislian Univcrsily Contact, Conjlicr, or Con.souancc A Novel Tin~c-LincforJcsus as Angel, Gad, Man, and 5:00 - 5:40 pm Angel AgHili.' Greg Swjfurcl's Coopualivt~ Ejfon in Worlling. Out a Watc/1/oH-'cr Ch,-iswlogy nf Sort.;, Theodore Arthur Turnau, Ill, lnlcrna\lomd lnstnutc l' for Christian SLUdics, Prague Popular Culwral "\Vorlds" as Altcrnati\'C Religions 3:30-4:10 pm \Vinfried Cordmtn, Taylor Universiry Basltf"l Plllmlism: \VIty Jt Does Not Help Evangelical Christianity and Other Religions: Session 6 4:15- 4:55 pm Salon 25 Chad Brand, The Southern Baptist Theologic;~l Seminary 2:45 - 3:25 pm A More Tlta11 Aclcqlla/e God: fi11i/c God a11d Tlteology Russell H. Bowers, Jr., Training of TimoLhys, i11 Open Theism and the Morm011 Traditions: \\'orld Vision, Cambodia A Comparison Ambling Arhcns' Agora. Discovering \Vhw They Really Believe 5:00- 5:40 pm James Bjornstad, Cedarville College 3:30-4:10 pm Soteriolugiwl Sin~ilanties Bcrwccn \Norlcl Religions Gary l Meadors, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary (llld New .Religious Movc-mcJJL~: lnc!usivislll and Faich, Love and HotJe: A Pamdigm of PaulS E.x:clusivism Compared and Confrastcd h-tissiDIWI)' Preaching 'il'il . \ ~' () STUDY GROUP: Dispensationalism 4:15- 4:55 pm Jupiter 3 Richard E. Averbeck, Trinity Evangelical ~') Divinitv School Philip Lueck, Nonhwestcrn College. nwdcrawr Lilcrm)', Hi~torical, and Theological Facwrs in ~ Biblical 1-lis/oriography Theme: The Future of Dispensationalism ~ 5:00- 5:40 pm ~ 2:45- 3:25 pm General Discussion ~ John Master. Philadelphia B1blc U111vcrsi1y ~~ Tile Fuwrc of DbpcnscHiOIIllfism 3:30-4:10 pm STUDY GROUP: Paul Mercury ~ Panel on Tile FUIHIC of Dispcnsatilllwlism Garv Nebeker Gr;.~ce Universitv (Nebraska) >­ M1Ci1acl Stalla~J, Baptist Biblic;d S~-:1ninary Linda Bcllcvilh:, Nnnh Park ThcolC1gical Seminary, <( moderator c Kent Berghuis, Dallas Theological Seminary Vl Theme: Paul and Pluralism STUDY GROUP: Hebrews 1.!.1 Jupiter 2 2:45- 3:25 prn 2: Pcrer Jones, \Vcsllninstcr Theological Seminary, c Gareth Lee Cockerill, \Veslcy Biblical Seminary, California 1.!.1 modcra10r Paul C011jrot1ts Pagw1is111 in The C/111rch: A Case Swdy of 1 Corindli

5:00 - 5:40 pm 3:30- 4:10pm Ken Stewart, CovcnanL College Ronald Youngblood, Bethel Seminary, San Diego Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe: Fictional Missionmy to Confessions of a Bible Translator the Heathen i11 Britain's P1c-Missionmy Age 4:15-4:55 pm Doug Kennard, Bryan College OPEN SESSION: Church History Biblical Authority in the Contemporary Salon 32 Hermeuwtical Scr11c 2:45 - 3:25 pm 5:00 - 5:40 pm Mlchael Willmcr, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary Robert H. Stein, The Southern Baptist Balanci11~ Love £md Frrcdom in Barth's Doctrine Theological Seminary of Election Is Our Readiug tl1e Bible tiJe Same as the Original AudienceS Hearing II? 3:30 - 4: I 0 pm William T. Chandler, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary OPEN SESSION: Missions and Evangelism The Roman Roue!: Cah•in, Bardt, am/ the General Conference A Revelation of God 2:45 - 3:25 pm 4:15-4:55 pm Thomas P. johnston, Midwestern BaptisL john D. Morrison, Theological Seminary Banh, Barthians. and Evangelicals: Reassessing the Lifestyle, Friends/rip, and Scn•ice: The Addition of Question of the Relmion of Holy Scripture 10 tl1c Preparatio Evangclica 10 the Ordo Salutis W01d of God 3:30-4:10 prn 5:00- 5:40 pm John K1rkpaLrick, New Covenant International john R. Franke, Biblical Theological Seminary University (New Zealand) Bar£11 Rcdivlvus: Karl Barth, Postmodemity, and Evangelicalism in a Hos1ilc Euviroumcnt: Responding to El'angclical Theology tl1e Rising Tide of Opposifion by Fowsi11g 011 Servant Leadership OPEN SESSION: Ethics and Spiritual Life 4:15- 4:55 prn Salon 28 Steve SLTauss, SIM USA, Tega Cay, SC . ' 2:45- 3:25 pm Can Evangelicals Abandon Clwlcedon? A Case Study of Roben W. Evans, Veritns Ministries I Knox tlte Christology of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Theological Seminary On l11c Moral Scat us of the Human Emb1yn Produced 5:00- 5:40 pm ) thro11gh Panhc11ogcncsis William E. !Jrown, SoULheastern BapList Theological Seminary 3:30-4:10 pm The Third Wave: Movemenl of God or a Tsunami of Kenneth Magnuson, The Southern Baptist Syncretism? Theological Seminary Aborlion, Birth Cmurol, aud So.1ll1l Morality: Auguslinc, Roc v. \Vade, and NARAL OPEN SESSION: New Testament 4:15 - 4:55 pm Gemini ] Tomas M. Roxas, International School of Theolog)', Asia 2:45- 3:25 pm The Apostle of \Vcallness: A Pamdigm for Leaders/rip Joseph Hellerman, Talbm School of Then logy Devcloplllcllr in Asia Purily and Nationalism (1/ ll1c Time The Symbolic Uni\'Crsc of Second- Temple judaism 5:00 - 5:40 pm Robert L. Plummer, The Southern Baptist 3:30 - 4: I 0 pm Theological St.:minary Dennis lngolfsland, Crown College A Tlreologic~!l Basis for the Clturch's Missiorr in PaulS Ali Arwly.1is of /{foppclibOJg\ Strwificatioli of Q "'"I Irs Leu cr.~ SignificliiiCC for /-lis./ en ical Jesus Stwlics )­ 4: 15 - 4:55 pm OPEN SESSION: Old Testament <:( Non·ald Yri, fjcllhaug Graduate School of Theology Patio c :md Missions, Oslo Ill Miraculous l\;Jiuisrry w1djcsus Cl!risl in/lie 2:45 - 3:25 pm w SyiWJJI ic Gospels David C. Deuel, The BelinTrs 1-ounclatron, 2: Brandon, FL 5:00 - 5:40 pm Polcmiwl Doxology: Genesis I as a Fai/lr Rnp01r~c to c Mark Striluss. Bethel Scn11nnry, S<~n Diego Other Religions w The Jsaianic New Exodus: A Pcn'llSi\'(: Thone 111 rhc Sy11opt ic Cost)(:/:.; 3:30-4:10 pm David M. Fouts, Bryan College Tire Geurc of Genesis I OPEN SESSION: New Testament Salon 22 4: 15 - 4:55 pm \Villiam D. Barrick. The ~'lasterS Scminarv 2:45- 3:25 pm T/11~ Clmmology mrd JVIcc/rwrics of tl11· Nnal;ic Flood: S1cphcn Pegler, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School A SylltliCt ic {llrd Litcrllly Ana/ysrs of Gnrcsi ..., 6-8 RonwHS 2:14, 15 and t"c Paga11 ConsciciiCC 5:00 - 5:40 pm 3:30-4:10 pm jan Vcrbruggc.n, Western Seminary Ronnld Russell, Univcrsitv of Tennessee Tile Dcvclopnrc11t of lire 0/d Tcswrnnrl 1/.:"\1 Mcdic;1l Center ' Tlwsc AccuJscd (G(datian:-o I :6-9): A V(lriation or ll False Rclip,imr? OPEN SESSION: Systematic Theology Aries 4:15-4:55 pm Timorhv Gombis, Universitv of Saint Andrews 2:45- 3:25 pm Tile Tri;unphs of fire Exallccl'Chrisc: Di\·inc Wwfarc ill Glen G. Scorgie, Bethel Seminary, San Diego EphcsiliiiS 2 The TmjatOI y o{ tire SJJi ril: Goula Ega/ it err iwrisiJI wrd Bi/J/iwl liiL;T£lllC.J' '- 5:00- 5:40 pm Sigurd Grindhcm, Tri111ty Ev<~ngelical Divinity School 3:30-4:10pm E\'CI)'tl!ing l3ul Hull!ilimion i~ \Vonlllcss Bruce A. VVare. The Southern Baptist (Philippialls J: 1-11) Theological Seminary Could Our Savior 1-lli\'C Been £1 \Vo111mr? The Rdc\'Cillcc of ]csu~' Gcrrclcrfor His lncanrmimwl Mission OPEN SESSION: New Testament ,, Salon 24 4:15- ~:55 pm \V:1yne A. Grudcm, Phoenix Scminarv 2:45- 3:25 pm Is Evallgclical fclllini.'lrll a Nc\\' Lihnaii.~rrrl Calvin D. Redmond, lmernatinnal School of Some Diswr!Jirrg lndiClltiOIIS Thcolog)', Asra Pau/a11d Idols: Conccnr for Conscience or Caul/oil Against Co11rpmmisc

3:30- 4: I 0 pm Gary S. Shogren, S~.:minario ESEPA, San Sebasti

OPEN SESSION: Systematic Theology 5:00 - 5:40 pm Salurn 1 j Daryl Charles, Taylor University Paul Before tire Areopagus: Reflections on the Apostle\ 2:45- 3:25 pm Encounter with Culwred Paganism Eric L. johnson, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary AFFILIATED SOCIETY: Evangelical Doug Huffman, Nonhwestern College Philosophical Society Mark Talbot, Wheaton College Conference B Knowi11g tile God of Classical Christian Theism 2:45 - 3:25 pm 3:30- 4:10pm james Spiegel, Taylor University Steve Reid, Grace Umversity Does God Taln: Risl1s? Wa>field\ Doctrine of the Knowledge of God 3:30- 4:10 pm 4:15 - 4:55 pm Brad Seeman, judson College Steve W. Lemke, New Orleans BaptisL Wlwl if tire Elephant Speaks' Tire Kanlian Problem of Thcolugical SL'nlinary Ubergang in the Third Cririquc and tile Problem of God's Relation w tile \Vor/d· Terrance Tiessen's Proposal Religious Otlws for john Hicks Philosophy of 011 Provide11cc and Prayer Religious Pluralism

5:00- 5:40 pm 4:15-4:55 pm Terrance Tiessen, Providence Theological Seminary Robert Larmer, University of New Brunswick God's Wor/1 of Grace in the Context of tl!e Religions: Is T/Jere Anything Wrong With "God-oj-1ilc-Gaps" A Reformed Proposal Reasoning?

AFFILIATED SOCIETY: Near East AFFILIATED SOCIETY: Evangelical Archaeological Society Philosophical Society Aquarius Gemini 2 Theme: Religions in the Biblical World 2:45 - 3:25 pm j. P Moreland, Talbot School of Theology Keith N. Schoville, University of Wisconsin, A Christian Perspective on tile Impact of Modem Madison, moderaLOr Scicllce on Philosophy of Mind 2:45-3:25 pm 3:30- 4:10 pm Keith N. Schoville, University of \\.'isconsin, Madison Douglas Geivett, Talbot School of Theology The Interconnections of Faith, Space, and Place Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins ~f Religious Thought 3:30- 4:10pm Charles A ling, Northwestern College (Minnesota) 4:15- 4:55pm Egyptian Religion, Alllu:nalOI!, and the Monml!cism of Moses Davrd Clark, Bethel Theolog1cal Seminary Bcyo11d Inerrancy: A Speech Act Proposal for a liolisuc 4:15- 5:40pm Vi en' of Scripwrc Ncar East Archaeological Society Board of DLrecwrs meeting wEoNEsoAv Evening ...... ~,· ~,:_;11"'..

Constellation Ballroom 1'.' '' 7:00-8:00 pm ETS Annual Banquet

i 8:00-9:00 pm Presidential Address: M1llard]. Erickson, George W Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University Evangelical Tl1eological Scholarship in the Twenty-Firs! Centtuy Evangelical Christianity and Other 10:00- 10:40 am Fred p Hall, Amencan Lutheran Theological Religions: Session 8 Se 1m nary Libra Marlin Lrahcr and Molwmmcdanism [Islam} 8:30-9:10 am 10:45-11:25 am james A. Beverley, Tynclale Theological Seminary \\'oodrow E. \Valton, American Chnstian College (Toronto) and Seminary Both \Vide lmd Narrow: Towwds li l3allmced and Fully The Ghost of Alexander Scvcrus. Posunodcm Religious Biblical Understanding of Orllcr Religions Pluralisn1 as a Throwlwch to the D(!)'S of Alexander Seve1 u.\ 9:15- 9:55am Clark H. Pinnock, McMaster Oi\'inuy College Holy Spirit and Rdigious Plurafism Evangelical Christianity and Other 10:00- I 0:40am Religions: Session 11 Harry Lee Poe, Union Universtty Salon 2l C.S. Lewis and Other Religions 8:30 - 9: I 0 am 10:45- 11:25 am David H. Vila, john Brown University . Larry Poston, Nyack College Can Evangclicaf!.. Learn from Art.\ and Literatures vj the The Myrli of "Poinrs of Conracr" \VorldS Religions?

9:15- 9:55am Evangelical Christianity and Other James L. Sauer, Eastern University Tao/jesus: Tl1c Way Ihal Cannot l3e N(!mcJ IS Now Religions: Session 9 Named jupiter 3 I 0:00 - 10:40 am 8:30-9:10 am David Musa, Trinity lnlcrnational University Jonathan M Walt, Geneva College The Afncan Facwr in Slave ChristianiZ£1/ion: A Stu~ly .The \Von/ Off tile Street· Divine lnsp!raltoll and of the /1!/cmcUon BclwL:cn Cl!ris!imllly and Afnccm Semantics in Christianity and ls}am Traditin~wl Religion iu 1/rc ColltCX"t of Nonfr Amcrrw11 SlavcJ}' 9:15- 9:55am Norman R. Gulley, SoUlhern Adventist Umversity 10:45- 11:25 am A Bibliwl Evaluation of Catholic alllllslamic VVilliam David Spencer, Gordan-Conwell Theological Sotcriology Seminary Developing an Evangcliwl Paradigm for Dialogu.e wirll 10:00 - 10:40 am Other Rcligiuns: Test Case w1th ll1c Rmtafan R. Philip Roberts, Midwestern Ibptist Theological Scminarv To the jew Fi;·M: An Assessment of Dcnominmional Posifions on Jewish Evangelism-How Arc the SPECIAL PANEL: Gender Language and Gentiles Doing/ Related Issues in Bible Translation Aries 10:45 - 11:25 am Bonnidell Clouse, Indiana Swtc Um\'crsity Darrell Bock, Dallas Seminary, moderator The Moral Teachings of Christianity and Judaism Theme: Gender Language and Related Issues in Bible Translation Evangelical Christianity and Other 8:30- ll:l5 am Religions: Session 10 Panelists: Mercury Wayne Grudcm, Phoenix Seminary Hall Harris, Dallas Semin;.try 8:30- 9:10am Doug Moo, Wheaton College Robert G. Clouse, Indiana Sta[e Universi[y john Piper, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Millc1mialism all(/ Messianism in Chrislianily, Juc/(liSm, Mmneapolis, MN and lslwn Mark Strauss, Bethel Seminary, San Diego 9:15- 9:55am Richard V. Pierard, Gordon College Christian Identity: Anriscmilism i11 Chrisrian Guise

'il@ STUDY GROUP: Biblical Law STUDY GROUP: Spiritual Formation Gemini I Saturn 2

Richard E. Averbeck, Trinily Evangelical Dinnily John Coe, Talbo1 School of Theology, moderawr School, madera LOr Theme: Spiritual Formation in Theological Theme: Pentateuchal Narrative as Torah Controversy, the Classroom, Ministry, and Historical Perspective 8:30 - 9:10 am John H. Walwn, WhealOn College and Graduale 8:30-9:10 am School John Coe, Talbo1 School of Theology A New Equation: (Narrative+ Law) x Covenant== lnlenliona/izing Spirituality in the Classroom: Mailing Torah Space fm !he Spiril in !he Seminmy and the University 9:15 - 9:55 am James \Vilhoit, WheaLOn College, respondcm Nicolai Winther~Nielsen, The Copenhagen Lutheran School of Theology 9:15 - 9:55 am The \Vmds From the Cloud: The Anchoring of Law in Gordon Smilh, Regem College the Narrative Discourse on God's Manifestation in Ignatian Spirituality and the Evangelical Tradirion 1hc Pentateuch. Judy TenEishof, Talbol School of Theology 10:00 - I 0:40 am Why l'm Retooling: Ministerial MO\•ementfrom Joe M. Sprinkle, Toccoa Falls College Counsclitlg to Spiritual Direction Law and Narrative in Exodus 19-24 I 0:00 - 10:40 am 10:45 - 11:25 am Robert Saucy, Talbo1 School of Theology R. Dennis Cole, New Orleans Baptist Theological Spiritual Formation in Theological Controversy Seminary Litera1y Tapestry in the Narrative of Torah: A 10:45- 11:25 am Comparative Study of Genesis 1, Leviticus 16, and Klaus lssler, Talbol School of Theology, respondent Numbers 19. Spiritual Fornwtion in Theological Controversy

General Discussion STUDY GROUP: Evangelical Theology and Postmodernity Saturn 1 STUDY GROUP: Stone-Campbell Adherents Ju pi 1er I John R Franke, Biblical Theological Seminary, moderator William R. Baker, Cincinnati Bible Seminary, moderator Theme: Philosophical Resources for Postmodernity Theme: Understanding God

B:30- 9·.10 am R:30- 9:10 em David Williams, Colorado Christian University Duane Warden, Harding University Metaplwrical T11colugy in a (Posl)Mudcrn Cuntt:.xL Understanding God: Should Churches of Cl1rist (a cappella) Be "Open" ro Open Theism? ...__...... 9:15-9:55 am .,_,..t .., ·'·'·Jr Amos Yong, Bethel College (Minnesow) 9:15- 9:55am Pragmmi(ci)sm and Evangelical Theology in lite Robert C Kurka, Lmcoln Chris! ian College (Post)Modem World Understanding God: Slwuld Churches of C/lrist (ludcpendcm) Be "Open" to Open Theism? 10:00 · I 0:40 am '' Keilh Pun, Uni\'ersil)' Baptisl Church, I 0:00 - 10:40 am Balon Rouge, U. Jack Courell, Crncinnali Bible Seminary Imagining 1he God \VIw May Be: Richaul Keameys Understanding God: God and Time T/lcopoetics of the Possible I 0:45- II :25 am 10:45- 11:25 am John Sanders, Huming1on College, respondent General Discussion (0/ '>I("' il •; J! ' ' 'I W' ·;:-;~~SC:A'!, :I!C\IEilf.~_::_::t_~~------G_oJ_: ?J-'w=-"-- :4, ')) l\\.\1.

~ l:ov GROUP: Y:: Scholars: Issues in OPEN SESSION: Missions and Eva~g-el-ism-- Research and Education Salon 32 J upllcr 2 8:30- 9:10am Peter 1-icltzcr, Boston University School or Theology. Tuvya Zaretsky, Jews for Jesus moclcraLOr All Ewmgcliwl Approach for Ministry 10 jcwish­ Chrisfiau lll[cmwrncll Couple.~ aJI(/ Their Families Kurt Anders l~icharclson. McM

College, sponsor 9:15 - 9:55 0111 Andre\\. Barron, Je\\'S for Jesus Canada Theme: Doing Graduate Work at a Catholic jC\\'ish Rejection of jesus: A Cullum/ Analysis University I 0:00 - 10:40 am 8:30-9:10 am JVIichael Rydclmk. lvloody Bible Institute Gcncml Discussion Slwuld jewish People Still De Evtmgc/izrd? 9: 15 - 9:55 am I 0:45 - 11:25 am General Discussion DJrrell A. Swanson, Princeton University The Theological Foundalious of Folll Islam OPEN SESSION: Church History Solon 25 OPEN SESSION: New Testament Salon 28 8:30-9:10 am Francis Gumerlock, Saint Louis University 8:30 - 9: I 0 am Tlwnws Aquirws mr tile RafHIIrc David \V. P

I 0:45- II :25om I 0:45 - 11 :25 am Kenneth lkrcling, Biola Univcrsityrralbot School Joel \Vdlitts, Cambridge Uni\'crsity of Thcnl0gy Co11lcx1 J\11(11/ns. P(lu/S Usc of Lc'\'llirus /8:5 in .Jol111 P Meier liS /3/IJ!iwl/rw:rprcto: An Ane~lysis of /-lis Gulntiw1s J: l2 Hrnncnclllical Principles-Bcyo11d du.' Quest OPEN SESSION: Old Testament 10:00- 10:40 am . '· Salon 29 Anna Galen ieee, Riga, Latvia An Analysis of Mctanarrativc: Evangelicl!l Clll"i.'ilianity and Od1cr 8:30- 9:10am Religions in lntcrrclalion Tim Erdel, Be- Con[crcnce A 9:15-9:55 am 8:30-9:10 am Andy Gus

10:45- 11:25 am james Beilby, Be

9:15-9:55 am Reuben Bullard, Cincinnati Bible College \VIwl Baal all(/ Aslar/c Dcma11dcd of Cwww111c \Vot·shippcrs

rH u Rs oAv Afternoon

Constellation Ballroom

1:00- 2:00 pm Plenary Session 2 _,

Daniel I. Block, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Biblical Faith and Other Religions In Old Testament Theology


2:00- 3:00 pm '· ' ' .. , .· Plenary Session 3 ) Gregory K. Beale, Wheaton College \/\ /

Biblical Faith and Other Religions In New Testament Theology Evangelical Christianity and Other STUDY GROUP: Biblical Theology Religions: Session 12 Gemini l jupiter 3 Richard Schultz, Wheaton College, moderator 3:15-3:55 pm Catherine Clark Kroeger, Gordan-Conwell Theme: Justification by Faith: Psalms 32 in Theological Seminary Romans 4:1-8: A Test Case Biblical faith and Radical feminist Theology 3:15-3:55 pm 4:00- 4:40 pm Willcm VanGemercn, Trinity Evangelical Di\·inity Stephen]. Wellum, The Southern BapliSI School Theological Seminary Psalms 32 in Romans 4:1~8 Spiril and Universality: An Evaluation of Clarll PinnochS h1dusivism 4:00 - 4:40 pm Thomas Schreiner, The Southern Baptist Theological 4:45 - 5:25 pm Seminary James F. Lewis, Wheaton College Psulms 32 in Rmnuns 4:1~8 An Evangelical Respouse w lhc Religion of Mohandas K. Gandhi: Is God Impersonal' 4:45- 5:25 pm Roy Ciampa, Gordan-Conwell Theological Seminary Psalms J2 in Romans 4:1~8 Evangelical Christianity and Other Religions: Session 13 Salon 21 STUDY GROUP: Faith and Salvation Jupiter 2 3:15- 3:55 pm Steven Tsoublas, Asbury Theological Seminary Mark Se1frid, The Southern Baptist Theological Is HinduiSm Only Monistic? The Vedanw of $anJwra, Seminary, moderator Ramanuja, and Madhva: A Case Study 3:15 - 3:55 pm 4:00 - 4:40 pm Mark Seifrid, The Southern Baptist Theological C. Fred Smith, Southwestern Seminary I Seminary Criswell College Lutho; Paul, and justification in Galatians 2:15-21 Christian Responses Ia Easrcrn Monism 4:00 - 4:40 pm 4:45 - 5:25 pm Paul Metzger, Multnomah Biblical Seminary Bob Robinson, Tyndale Graduate School of Theology Mystical Union with Christ: An Altenralive ro Blood (New Zealand) Trwrsfusions and Legal Fictions Cosmic Chriswlogy: Whal (iff. Its Impliwfions for an Eva11gclica/ Assessment vf the Religions? A Case 4:45 - 5:25 pm Swdy of the Christian·Hindu Encoumcr Carl Trueman, \Vest minster Theological Seminary Tire fimrish Line as New Beginnilrg? The New Scandinavian Approach to Luther Evangelical Christianity and Other Religions: Session 14 Salon 24

3:15-3:55 pm H. Drake Williams, Ill, Biblical Theological Seminary Paul and (he Wisdom of thc Wise: Paul~ Confrontalion witl1 Grcco-Roman \Visdom in 1 Corimhians

4:00 - 4:40 pm Brynn E.slcl\c, Westminster Theological Seminary Shadrach, Meshaclr, a/Ill A/Jcdnego: Heroes of the Faich or Uuonhodox Tl1cologimrs?

4:45 - 5:25 pm Timoth)' M. Pierce, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminarr Nada/1 ami Abihu, Aciran, a~~tl Uzzah as Precursors to the Exclusive Claims of Evangelical Christianif_r ,------

STUDY GROUP: Patristics OPEN SESSION: New Testament S01\on 2.5 jupiter I

Gkn L. Thnmrson, M

Brian Matz. Saint LolliS University OPEN SESSION: New Testament Doctrines nf a Lesser God? The Roman Empire's Salon 29 Enforcclllenf of Adherence fO the Onhodnx failh 3: 15 - 3:55 pm Michael G. Vani:lningham. Moody B1ble Institute STUDY GROUP: Synoptic Gospels Do lhc)cwisl1 Pc1'plc Need)cs!ts? A Rcsp011.~r 10 Mercury Lloyd Gas/em

Leslie It Keylock, Tyndale Theological Seminary 4:00 - 4:40 pm (Amsterdam). moderator Michael Ryclc\nik, Moody B1blc lnsLirU!c \Vas Paul Anli-5nuitic? A Rcappmisul of 3:15-3:55 pm I Thcs.~a/onian.'i 2:1.3-16 Charles L. Quarles, University of Bucharest I Bucharest Baptist Theological Seminary 4:45 - 5:25 pm IJrucc Chilto11S Rabbi jesus: An /nlimme Bio,gmphy? t\. Boyd Luter, Criswell College Emily Hunter, Criswell College DanielS. Steffen. Semmario TcuiOg~eo Tl1c Eartii-DI\'cllcrs and Hca\'cu-Dwr/lcrs in Unclwio11. Ccntroamcricano. Guatemala t\11 0\'cr/oollcd lnrrrprcfi\'C l<.cy '• \VIwrncr Happened w Jcsu.s' CoHIJJliSSIOII: Anothfr ' Looll lH Mallhcw:s Usc of the Cwuumilc \\"l/IIWI Swry

4:00 - 4:40 pm Ruben L. Thomas. The Master's Scnnnarv A11 /Hduclivc Approach fo Di.sccmiHg Ong/ns of IlK Sy11opfic Gospels

Rohcn H. Stem. The Southern f3;lptist ThcologiGll Seminary, rcspondem OPEN SESSION: New Testament OPEN SESSION: Openness of God Salon 32 Aries

3:15- 3:55pm 3:15-3:55 pm Steven L Cox, Mid-America Baptist Glen G. Scorgie, Bethel Seminary, San Diego Theological Seminary When \Vc Differ 5/Jarply: A Proposal for lite ETS jesus' Teaching and Pharisaical judai~m: Compliance aud Contrast 4:00- 4:40 pm C. Samuel Storms, Wheaton College 4:00 - 4:40 pm Open Tl1eism and lnrercessmy Prayer: Thomas). Finley, Talbot School of Theology Enemies or Allies? "Upon Tilis Roclt": Mattl!cw 16:18 and tile Aramaic EviclcJJCe 4:45- 5:25pm John Sanders, Huntington College 4:45 - 5:25 pm Opc11 Theism and Scripwrc: Reducing God to Sidney D. Dyer, Grcem·lllc Presbyterian Htii!U/11 Proporlicms? Theological Seminary rvfcthocfs of Emphnsis in the New Testamcm OPEN SESSION: Practical Theology Snturn 2 OPEN SESSION: Old Testament Saturn I 3: 15 - 3:55 pm James R. Beck, Denver Seminary 3: I 5 - 3:55 pm Is Psyclwlogy AmericaS "Otllcr Religion"? Paul D. Wegner, Phoenix Seminary \Vii/tile Real God Please Stand Up? Isaiah\ Concept of 4:00 - 4:40 pm Mmwrheism and lts Reunifications for Open Theism Stephen P. Greggo, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 4:00- 4:40 pm Docs CltrisLiclll Counscli11g Promote 0. Palmer Robertson, Knox Theologicr~l Seminary Privat izcd Rcligiotl? "Tile Book of the Words of lsaialt" (Lultc 3:4): Tile ProphetS Ctlil and His Critics 4:45 - 5:25 pm Eric L. Johnson, The Southern Baptist 4:45- 5:25 pm Theological Seminary Bo H. Lim, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Tile Role of the Cross in Cl1ristiw1 Counseling The PrnmwUon of a Conqueror: Tile Rhetorical FwJclion of Isaiah 41 i11 Relation lO Cyms' Role in Isaiah 40-48 OPEN SESSION: Systematic Theology Salon 28

OPEN SESSION: Old Testament 3:15-3:55 pm Patio Carl Sanders, Bethel College (Minnesota) I North\\'CSlern College 3:15-3:55 pm Towmd a Prclllillcnnial Thcolozy of Urban Mil1is1ty Robcn E. Longacre, University of Texas, t\rlmgron A Theory of Complementarity: Verb/Clause Types and 4:00- 4:40 pm ,,, Discourse Types in che Hebrew Bible John Shouse, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Scmin<~ry .-- ~·- i "~•· . •I 4:00 - 4:40 pm A Theological Exploration of the Dramatic E. Ray Clendenen, Life\Vay Christian Resources Clwractcr of Christian \Vorship A Tc

3:15-3:55 pm 3:15 - 3:55 pm Pc1cr M. Van Bemmclcn, Andrews Univcrsuy Owen Anderson, Arizona S1<1tc Uni\'crsnv Accommodation and lJiiJ/iwl Cosmology Chinese Philosophy and Clrrisliun Apologc~w.;: The Ncccssi[y of liwrsccndcttli!l Lc1ws of Thouglrt 1:00- 4:40pm larry L Lichtenwalter, Andrews Uni\'ersity 4:00 - 4:40 pm Riglrl lo rile Tree uj Life Ch;~d i'..Jeister, Berhel College (lndrana) Ewlngdicalisnt, CotTCSf)iHtdcr!cc Tltcmy, atHI tlr 1: 4:45 - 5:25 pm Role of Tr11l11 in Religion 1:crnando L Canale, Andrews University lkyimd Open Theism AFFILIATED SOCIETY: Near East Archaeological Society AFFILIATED SOCIETY: Evangelical Aquarius Philosophical Society Gemini 2 3:15-3:55 pm Gurdon Franz, Associates for Biblical Research, 3: 15 - 3:55 pm L;~ndisville, PA Greg lloyd, Bethel College (Minnesota) The S)"ragog!lc of Delos wulthc Ei)!St/c uf jc111rc~ Oocs God Learn? An Arw{ysi.s ofPossibiliry and Acwality in chc E'ipcricncc of God ~:00-4:40 pm Mark \Vilson, Regent University 4:00 - 1:40 pm The Churches of Cilicia: B(!cllg,rowul 011d Lncmion William Lane Craig, Talbot School of Then logy Docs I he Balance BLI\\'CCtt Sm'cd and Los/ Ocpntd upon 4:45-5:25 pm our 0/n·dience 10 Chris(<~ Great Cotnnti.~simt? Helen j. Aling, Nonhwcst~rn College (Minncso1:-~) CltristiaJtity and Multmis111: Comrmring Places of \Vorsltip

. ~· . ·.~. :· t : rHuRsoAv Evening

Constellation Ballroom

7:00 - 8:00 pm Plenary Session 4

Richard j. Planlinga, Calvin College*

Biblical Faith and Other Religions In Church History

8:00 - 9:00 pm Plenary Session 5

Tite Ticnou, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Biblical Faith and Other Religions Today: Traditional Fol/1 Expression

'"'--- . ·.~ ;. . ..~ '.

'' "'' I' FRIDAY Morning

Constellation Ballroom

7:45- 8:30am Reports: Business Session 2 Regional ETS Meetings: James A. Borland, Secretary-Treasurer Necrology: Call to Order: james A. Borland, Secretary-Treasurer Millard j. Erickson, President JETS: Andreas j. Kosten berger, Editor Devotional: Resolutions Committee Gregory K. Beale, Vice Presidem Nominations Committee Election of Officers Other Business Adjournment

8:30-9:30 am Plenary Session 6

J. Dudley Woodberry, Fuller Theological Seminary*

Biblical Faith and Other Rcligio11s Today: /slam

Evangelical Christianity and Other STUDY GROUP: Charismatic Themes in Religions: Session 15 luke-Acts Snwrn I J upucr 3 lI I 9:45 - I 0:25am Paul Eiben, Church of God Thcologicnl Seminary. Irving 1-lcxham, Uni\'crsity of Calgary modcrmor \Vitcla:s, \Vitc!Jcrciji, C//1(1 the Uc/Jirt!J of !VIodetl! P£tganism 9A5 - I 0:25 am Kenneth Archer, Church of God Theological 10:30 - I I: I 0 am Scm1nary Glen A. Taylor, Un1vcrsity of Glnuccslcrshirc PLJllccoslall·kmJolculio a11d a Critique of d1c The Bcn{'Jll~ of Occult (llld Mugil 10 cm Uudt.:rstnnding EvungdiGd His!Oriwi-Cnticnl Mc1hod of Evangelical Cl1risciclllify 10:30-11:10 am 11:15 - 12:00 pm Charles Holman, Regen\ Un1vcrsi1y Amos Yong, BeLhcl College (Minncso!a) \VIwt Docs II Mwn TodCiy to /Jc Spirit-Filled? Tuwartl n P(ncw)nuuological Pamdig111 iu Chrisi/Cl/1 Theology of Rcligio11s Gregg Allison. \Vcs\crn Seminary. rcspondenl

11:15-12:00 pm Gene Green. \Vhcmon College Ccssmionis111: Did ll1c Epicurcw1s cmd \Vmficld Gel II Ri,~lll'

Trevor Grizzle, Oral Robcns Un1vcrsll\' Proclwlllllion in Acts Today in the Apos/:1/ic Tradition ,;

STUDY GROUP: Jonathan Edwards STUDY GROUP: Synoptic Gospels Salon 21 Libra

Stephen J. Nichols, Lancaster Bible College, Leslie R. Keylock, Tyndale Theological Seminary modcra10r (Amsterdam), moderator

Theme: Jonathan Edwards and Other Theme: John P. Meier's A Marginal Jew: Religions: A Conversation with Gerald Rethinking the Historical Jesus McDermott 9:45 - I 0:25 am 9:45- 10:25 am Cwig Blomberg, Denver Seminary Gerald R. McDermott, Roanoke College An OvcrviCH.' of MeierS Recons/riiCiiou of the Hiswrical Jonmhan Edwards and Otl1cr Religions Jesus i11 A Marginal Jew

10:30- 11:10 am Ed Meadors, Taylor University Respondents: The S<~yings ALtribU!ccl to Jesus in Mcic1 's Douglas A. Sweeney, Trmity Evangelical A Marginal jew Di,·init)' School Harold A. Netland, Trinity Evangelical Divinity 10:30- 11:10 am School john P Meier,* University of Notre Dame, respondent Richard J. Mouw, Fuller Theological Seminary Robert \V Yarbrough, Trinity Evangelical 11:15-12:00 pm Divinity School General Discussion Tltc Miracles Af!ribUicd w jcsltS in MeierS A Marginal Jew

STUDY GROUP: New Projects in Systematic ll: 15 - 12:00 pm Theology John P Meier,* University of Notre Dame, respondent Aries General Discussion Kun Anders Richardson, McMaster Divinity College, rnoderawr OPEN SESSION: Apologetics 9:45 - 11:00 pm Mercury Discussion of Stanley Haucrwas, With tire Grain of tht: Universe 9:45- 10:25 am (The Gifford Lectures for 1999, Brazos, 2001) Edwin Yamauchi, Miam1 University jesus in the Qw·'a11 Panelists: Craig I3bising, SoULhwcstcrn Baptist 10:30- 11:10 am Theological Seminary John A. Jelinek, Michigan Theological Seminary Stanley Grenz, Regent College Varieties of Muslim Apologetics ancl Christian Rcspcmsc KurL Anders Richardson, McMaster Divinity College 11:15-12:00 pm Respondent: Douglas McCready, Roslyn, PA Slanley Hauc.rwe1s,* Duke Univershy jcsw; in Islam ~.,_ -- -:-. I STUDY GROUP: Patristics •.:_.;7>• •I Gemini I OPEN SESSION: Apologetics Salon 25 D. Jeffery Bingham, Dallas Theological Seminary, moderator 9:45- I 0:25am " Charles E. Powell, Dallas Theological Seminary Theme: "Your Word is Truth": Can Patristics Sola Scriptura and Apostolic Tradition: A Reasscsmcnt Help Evangelicals and Catholics Read Scripture Together? 10:30- 11:10 am Gary L. Nebeker, Grace University 9:45 - I 0:25 am Spiritual Transformation, Bcha\'iural Change, and Thomas C. Oden, Drew University Becoming Virtuous A View From Inside 1 1: 15 - l2 :00 pm 10:30 - 1 I: 10 am John Nuc, Tnnity Theological Seminary (Indiana) General Discussion The Only Defense i11 the Case Again.s/ Christ and 1hc Bible b{) s::___I ,-__ -1 OPEN SESSION: Church History OPEN SESSION: New Testament Salon 29 Sill urn 3 0 \->' ~ 9:45 - I 0:25 am 9:45- 10:25 am Eduard Friesen, Evangdische Thcologischc St:l!lky E. Porter, McMaster Divinity College ~ Facultnt, Lcuvcn Jesus, rhe jews, and Jolw 's Gaspe f. A Conj1 icl of a Deification andjustifiwtiort: \Vhat Did Lurhcr Ac/u(ll/y Religious Par(l(ligms BcliC\'c? 10:30-11:10 am ~ 10:30- 11:10 am Gary \V. Derickson, \\'estern l3aptist College Bernie t\. Van De Walle, Canad1an Bible College Tire Propose cif Ore Gospel (1 john. Sanctificauuu Rather Malle No MisWilc: Line/sell and Camel/ m1 /nCIHIIIC)' than]uslifiwtiort of joh11S Readers

11:15-12:00 pm 11:15-12:00 pm Gregory Alan Thornbury, Union University .John Lawrence Running, The I3tble Institute or C({r/ F II Henry a.~ 1-Jcir of Reformation [pi.'ilcmolo,t~y South A rrica llltcrprctillg)olllt I: 14: \'H\V/-1 Became flcslt

OPEN SESSION: Ethics and Spiritual Life jupi1er 2 OPEN SESSION: New Testament Salon 28 9:45 - I 0:25 am Gucn1hcr Haas. Redeemer University College 9:45 - 10:25 am Crwtivna/ Ethics. Historical, Conrcxuwl, and Dynamic R. larry Overs!rcet, Nonhwest BaptiSt Seminary The Grcdl Concept of the "Seven Ages of Mcm" and lite 10:30- II :10 am Nc\\' Tc.suwtctl/ Sleven Tracy, Phoenix Seminary DoiiiCSiic Violence in the Church a/Ill Rcdcmplivc 10:30 -!1:10am 5Hjfcring in I Pclcr Gt..:rald Peterman, Palm Beach Atlantic College Tollcre Lrberos wu/1ltc Romau Father. A Swdy 111 Parental Power OPEN SESSION: Hermeneutics Salon 24 I I: 15 - 12:00 pm nrad F Mellon, Biblical Theological Seminary I Bethel 9:45 - I 0:25 am Seminary of 1hc EasL Frederic Clarke Putnam, B1blical Theological E\'(mgclica/ Lcwkrsltip for lite 21 s1 Century: \VItm Seminary Would jesus Say' Poetic" Prdagogy Rrtdiz_in,g the Hcnncncutiwl lmpliwUo11s of dte Pm:Lic Presence in the C(IIIC!II OPEN SESSION: Old Testament 10:30- 11:10 am jupiter I Craig A. Smith, Trinity College, University or Bri~tol I Denver Seminary 9:45- I 0:25 am The Lrwting Tower: A Brief History of Cltiaslic Sludies \Valtcr E. Brown, New Orlc;llls l3aptist (111{/ Their Foundational lnadL'l{lliltic5 Theologic:1l Seminary Noah wtd Nalu.:dttcss i11 lite Old Tcsll/111<.'/ll.' 'ICnns, I I: 15 - 12:00 pm Synwgms, Image')', and Domai11 Raben B. Ch.ish.olm, Jr., Dallas Theological Seminary 7imting Contcxuw/izcd Gcncm/izatwns inro Universe!! 10:30- 11:10 am '' .. ,, '·:· Tnults: How a Hcnucneutiwl \lints Corrup1s john R. \Vilch, Concordta Theological Seminary Theological Sys1cms (Ontario) Rwlt: A Dmnw of Sacrifice and Covcruou Fiildity I.~

II: 15 - 12:00 pm .lohn \V Hilber, Untvcrsity or Cambridge Psalm 2 m tire Light of AsS)'rilln PropJrait:.'i .- .. ~. :J'}f, .. OPEN SESSION: Old Testament AFFILIATED SOCIETY: Evangelical Saturn 2 Philosophical Society Gemini 2 9:45 - l 0:25am Walter A. Maier, Ill, Concordia Theological Seminary 9:45 - \0:25 am (Indiana) Jay Richards, Discovery lnslitute, Bellevue, WA Syncretism in Kings Divine Simplicity and lhe Chrislian Doctrine of God

10:30- ll:IO am 10:30- 11:10 am Stephen R. Miller, M1d-America Baptist Mike Bergmann, Purdue University Theolog-Ical Seminary A Dilemma for lntenwlism Old Teswmenl Holy War and Islamic Jihad: A Comparalive Sludy 11:15-12:00 am Mike Bergmann, Purdue Universit}' ll: 15- 12:00 pm Discussion on A Dilemma for lnJernalism Terrance A. Clarke, University of Wales I Spurgeon:S College Covemmtal Nomism, SclrRighreousness, and joshua AFFILIATED SOCIETY: Near East Archaeological Society Aquarius OPEN SESSION: Practical Theology

Salon 32 OPEN SESSlON Bryan/ G. Wood, Associa1es for Biblical Research, 9:45- 10:25 am Landisville, PA, modermor C. R1chard Wells, Criswell College Harvard Business School Gels Religion, or \Vhm's 9:45-10:25 am "Christian" about "Christian Leadcrshit'"? Clyde E. Billington, Northwestern College (Minnesota) 10:30- 11:10 am The Mummy of 1he Firsl-Born Son of Plwraoh Webster C. Muck, Bethel College (Minnesota) Someday, We Shall Have ReSl 10:30-11:10 am Steven M. Ortiz, New Orleans Baplist 11:15- 12:00 pm Theological Seminary Kenneth Kea1hley, New Orleans BapliSI Current Issues in fron-Age Research: A Critique of the Theological Seminary Low Chronology None Dare Callll Treason: Arc Inclusivisls Pmtl Reveres or Benedict Anwlds? 11:15 a.m.-12:00 pm W. H;uold Marc, Covenant Theologicnl Seminary Excavations at Abila of the Decapolis, 2002 OPEN SESSION: Systematic Theology Conference A

9:45 - I 0:25 am Chris Morgan, Californi~l Baptist University Hell

10:30- 11:10 am Denms M. Swanson, The Master's Seminary Rcfonnalion or Rcougrcssion? An Exmninati(Hl of the International Prcterisl AssociationS Claims and .,. ' Mclhodology .'. ' 11:15- 12:00 pm Mabialajustin-Roben Kcnzo, Canadian Theological Senunary T11e Dialectic of lnnovmion and Sedimenrmion: Paul Ricocur 011 Crcalivily of Lcmg11age, Tllcology, ami Action Year President School (y} ~ \ 1949 Clarence Bouma Calvin Theological Seminary "-._· ' 1950 Clarence Bouma Calvin Theological Seminary ' ' ~~ 1951 Merrill Tenney Wheaton College 1952 Charles Woodbridge Fuller Theological Seminary ~~ 1953 Frank Neuberg Wheaton College I \ 1954 John Walvoord V1 Dallas Theological Seminary 1955 Harold Kuhn Asbury Theological Seminary ~) 1956 l

-- -- Place of Conference Year iii

Central YMCA Cincinnati, OH 1949 U1 Shelton College New York, NY 1950 Shelton College New York, NY 1951 ~--.,, Wheaton College Wheaton, IL 1952 ~ Trinity Seminary Chicago, IL 1953 ~ Shelton College Ringwood, NJ 1954 ,~~\. Calvin Theological Seminary Grand Rapids, Ml 1955 ~Q Westminster Theological Seminary Philadelphia, PA 1956 Asbury Theological Seminary Wilmore, KY 1957 a Nyack Missionary College Nyack, NY 1958 ~ Wheaton College Wheaton, IL 1959 ~ Gordon Divinity School Wenham, MA 1960 <===l Covenant College & Seminary St. Louis, MO 1961 Northeastern Bible Institute Essex Fells, NJ 1962 Calvin Theological Seminary Grand Rapids, Ml 1963 n Nyack Missionary College Nyack, NY 1964 a Free Will BapList Bible College Nashville, TN 1965 The King's College Briarcliff Manor, NY 1966 ~ Toronto Bible College Toronto, Onwrio, Canada 1967 Westminster Theological Seminary Philadelphia, PA 1968 I~ Cincinnati Bible Seminary Cincinnati, OH 1969 ~ Westmont College Santa Barbara, CA 1970 ~ Gordan-Conwell Seminary South HamilLOn, MA 1971 ~ Bethel Theological Sem·tnary St. Paul, MN 1972 ("") WheaLOn College Wheaton, IL 1973 Dallas Theological Seminary Dallas, TX 1974 ~ (.ff) Reformed Theological Seminary jackson, MS 1975 Westminster Theological Seminary Philadelphia, PA 1976 Simpson College San Francisco, CA 1977 Trinity Evangelical Di,inity School Deerfield, I L 1978 Bethel College St.. Paul, MN 1979 Columbia Bible College Columbia, SC 1980 Ontario Theological Seminary Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1981 Northeastern Bible College Essex Fells, NJ 1982 Criswell Center for lliblica\ Studies Dallas, TX 1983 Moody Bible lnstituLe Chicago, IL 1984 Talbot School of Theology La Mirada, CA 1985 Rehoboth Baptist Church Tucker, GA 1986 Gordan-Conwell Theological Seminary South Hamilton, MA 1987 vVheaton College Wheaton, IL 1988 Bethel Theological Seminary-West San Diego, CA 1989 New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary New Orleans, LA 1990 Airport Hilton Plaza Inn Kansas City, MO 1991 San Francisco Airport Hilton San Francisco, CA 1992 McLean Hilton Washington, DC 1993 Lisle-Naperville Hilton Lisle, IL 1994 Airport Radisson Philadelphia, PA 1995 Harvey Hotel jackson, MS 1996 Westin Hotel Santa Clara, CA 1997 Radisson Twin Towers Orlando, FL 1998 Sheraton Ferncroft Resort Danvers, MA 1999 Opryland Hotel Nashville, TN 2000 Broaclmoor Hotel Colorado Springs, CO 2001 Regal Constellation Hotel Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2002 CONFERENCE THEME SESSIONS: Evangelical Jonathan Edwards '' Christianity and Other Religions 1-ri 9:45am- 12:00 pm- Salon 21

Session I Wed 8:30-ll:25 am- Libr;l Literature or the Bible Sesswn 2: Wed 8:30-11:25 am- Jupller 2 \Vcd 8:30-ll :25 am- Jupiter Session 3: Wed 8:30-11 :25 am- Conference A Session 4: Wed 2·45-5:40 pm- Libra New Projects in Systematic Theology Scsswn 5: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm -Salon 21 1-ri 9:-15am- 12:00 pm- Aries Session 6: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm - Salon 25 Session 7: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Salon 26 Old Testament Hiswrical Literature Session 8: Thu 8:30-ll:25 am- Libra Wed 2:45-5:40 pm-jupuer I Scsswn 9: Thu 8:30-11:25 am-Jupiter 3 Session 10. Thu 8:30-11:25 am- Mercury Other Voices on lntcrprclation Scsswn II: Thu 8 30-1 I :25 am- Salon 21 Wed 8:30-11:25 am- Saturn I Session 12: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Jupiter 3 Session 13: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Salon 21 Patristics Session 14: Tllll 3:15-5:25 pm- Salon 24 Session I: Thu 3:15-5.25 pm- Salon 25 Session 15: Fri 9:45am - 12:00 pm- Saturn Session 2: Fri 9:45-11: I 0 am- Gemini I

Paul SPECIAL PANEL: Gender Language and Related Wed 2:-15-5:40 pm- Mercury Issues in Bible Translation Spiritual FonmHion Tllll8·30-11:25 am- Aries Thu 8:30-11 :25 am- Salllrn 2

Stone-Campbell Adherents STUDY-GROUP SESSIONS Thu 8:30-ll :25 am- jupiter I

Alternative Religions Synoptic Gospels Wed 2:-15-5:40 pm- Saturn 2 Scsston I: Thu 3:15-4:40 pm- Mercury Session 2: i'ri 9:45am- 12·00 pm- Libra Biblical Law Thu 8:30-11:25 am- Gemini Young Scholars: Issues in Research and Education Thu 8:30-9:55 am- Jupiter 2 Biblical Theology Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Gemini I OPEN SESSIONS Charismatic Themes in Luke-Acts fri 9.45 am- 12:00 pm-jupiter 3 Apologetics Session I Wed 8:30-11 :25 am- Salon 28 Dispcnsa tiona! ism Session 2: Fri 9:45am- 12:00 pm- Mercury Wed 2:45-4:10 pm- jupiter 3 Session 3: i'ri 9:45am- 12:00 pm- Salon 25

Evangelical Theology and Posunodcrnity Biblical Theology Thu 8:30-11:25 am - Sa111rn I Session I: Wed S:30-ll :25 am- Saturn 2 Session 2: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Salon 27 Faith and Salvation Tllll 3·15-5:25 pm- jupiter 2 Church Hiswry Session I: Wed 8:30-1 1:25 am -Salon 21 l-lcbrews Session 2: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Salon 23 Wed 2:45-5:40 pm-jupiter 2 Session 3 Wed 2:-15-5:40 pm- Salon 32 I Session 4: Thu 8:30-1 I :25 am- Salon 25 J·lcrmcncutics Session 5: r-ri 9:45 am- 12:00 pm- Salon 29 ~ Wed 8:30-10:40 am- jupiter 3 OPEN SESSIONS (continued)

Ethics and Spiritual Life Systematic Theology ' " Session l: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Salon 28 Session l: Wed 8:30-11:25 am- Saturn 3 Session 2: Fri 9:45-ll: I 0 am -Jupiter 2 Session 2: Wed 2:45-4:55 pm -Aries Session 3: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Saturn I ' .~ Hermeneutics Session 4: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Salon 28 Session 1: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Saturn 3 Session 5. Fri 9:45 am - 12:00 pm - Conference A Session 2: Thu 8:30-ll:25 am- Saturn 3 Se5sion 3: Fri 9:45am- 1.2:00 pm- Salon 24 AFFILIATED SOCIETIES Missions and Evangclisrn Session I: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Conference A Adventist Theological Society Session 2: Thu 8:30-11:25 am -Salon 32 Session l: Thu 8:30-11:25 am- Conference A New Testament Session 2: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Conference A Session 1: Wed 8:30-11:25 am- Gemini I Session 2: Wed B:30-ll :25 am- Aquarius Evangelical Philosophical Society Session 3: Wed 8:30-11:25 am- Salon 25 Session 4: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm -Gemini I Session l: Wed 8:30-J I :25 am- Gemini 2 Session 5: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm -Salon 22 SesSIOn 2: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Gemini 2 Session 6: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Salon 24 Session 3: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Conference B Session 7: Thu 8:30-11:25 am- Salon 28 Session 4: Thu 8:30-11:25 am- Gemini 2 Session 8: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm-Jupiter l Session 5: Thu 8:30- L I :25 am- Conference B Session 9: Thu 4:45-5:25 pm- Mercury Session 6: Thu 3:15-4:40 pm- Gemini 2 Session I 0: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Salon 29 Session 7: Thu 3:15-4:40 pm- Conference B Session ll: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Salon 32 Session 8: Fri 9:45 am - 12:00 pm - Gemini 2 Session 12: Fri 9:45am- 12:00 pm- Saturn 3 Session 13: Fri 9:45am- 12:00 pm- Salon 28 Ncar East Archaeological Society Old Testament Session l: Wed 8:30-11:25 am- Patio Session l: Wed 3:40-5:40 pm- Aquarius Session 2: Wed 8:30-ll:25 am- Conference B Sess10n 2: Thu 8:30-11:25 am- Aquarius Session 3: Wed 2:45-5:40 pm- Patio Session 3: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Aquarius Session 4: Thu 8:30-11:25 am - Patio Session 4: Fri 9:45 am- 12:00 pm- Aquarius Session 5: Thu 8:30-1 I :25 am- Salon 29 Session 6: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Saturn 1 Session 7: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm - Patio Session 8: Fri 9:45am- 12:00 pm- Jupiter I Session 9: fri 9:45am- 12:00 pm- Saturn 2

Openness of God Session 1: Wed 9:15-11:25 am- Aries Session 2: Wed 8:30-11:25 am- Mercury Session 3: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Aries

Philosophy Session 1: Thu 8:30-11:25 am- Salon 24

Practical Theology Session 1: Thu 3:15-5:25 pm- Saturn 2 Session 2: Fn 9:45 am - 12:00 pm -Salon 32 ---- . ------

~-;!-) ~' A ling, Charles ...... 15 Caesar, Lac! ...... 12 ~~ A ling, Helen J ...... 24 Caldwell, Robert ...... 13 ~.·\ Allison, Gregg ...... 26 Canale, Fernando L...... 24 ~ Anderson, Owen ...... 24 Caner, Emir. .. 7 ~~ Archer, Kennel h ...... 26 Caner, Ergun.. .. 7 V) Averbeck, Richard E...... 12, 11 Carter, Ben M...... 7 ~ Bacote, Vincent ...... 10 Chac, Young Sam...... 18 ~ Baker, William R ...... 17 Chandler, William T...... 13 ~ Barrick, William D ...... 14 Charles, j. Daryl ...... 15 Barron, Andrew ...... 18 Chisholm, Robert B., Jr .. 28 Beale, Gregory K...... 10, 26 Christopher, Gregory T ...... 9 Beasley, Jamie ...... 19 Ciampa, Roy...... 21 Beck, james I<...... 23 Clark, David ...... 15 Beck, john ...... 9 Clarke, Terrance A.. ...29 Beckwith, Francis...... 19 Clendenen, E. Ray ...... 23 Becke, Joel R...... 8 Clouse, Bonn ide !I ...... 16 Beilby, james...... 19 Clouse, Robert G ...... 16 Belleville, Linda L ...... 12, 22 Coble, Ann...... 8 Bcrding, Kenneth...... 18 Cockerill, Gareth Lee ...... 12 Berghuis, Kent...... 12 Coc.John ...... 17, 17 Bergmann, Mike...... 29, 29 Cole, R. Dennis ...... 17 Beverley, James A...... I I. 16 Collins, Steve ...... 20 Billington, Clyde E...... 19 Copan, Paul ...... 10 Bingham, D. jeffery ...... 17 Coppenger, Mark ...... 7 Bitar, Byron...... 19 C01·duan, Winlried ...... J 1 Bjornstad, james ...... !!, 11 Come II, jack...... 17 Illaising, Craig ...... 27 Countess, Robert ...... 11 Block, Daniel I...... 20 Cox, Dorian Coover ...... 23 Blomberg, Craig ...... 27 Cox, Steven L...... 23 Bluedorn, Wolfgang ...... 19 Craig, William Lane ...... 24 Bock, Darrell ...... 16 Davidson, joAnn ...... 19 Booth, Walter M...... ll Davis. Richard Brian...... 10 Borland, James A. ...! 0, 10, 26, 26 Derickson, Gary W ...... 28 Bowers, Russell H., Jr...... 11 Deuel, David C...... 14 lloyd, Greg...... 24 DeWeese, Garry ...... 23 Boyd.jeffrcy H...... 12 DeYoung, james B ...... 7, 11 Branch. Alan...... 13 Draper, Charles ...... 9 Brand, Chad...... 11 Dyer, Sidney D ...... 23 Brotzman, Ellis R...... 9 Eddy, Paul ························ ...... 19 Brown, Walter E .. 28 Elbert, Paul ...... 22, 26 Brown, William E...... 13 Ellis, Carl ...... J 2 Bryant, Carmen j...... 11 Erdel, Tim ...... 19 Bullard, Reuben...... 20 Erickson, MillardJ ...... 10, 15,26 Buder, Tre111 C...... 12 Estelle, Bryan D ...... 9, 21 Byargeon, Rick W ...... 19 Estes, Daniel ...... 7 Cabal, Ted J...... 8 Evans, Robert W. . 13 Finley, Thomas)...... 9, 23 lngolfsland, Dennis...... 14

Fouts, David M...... 14 lssler, Klaus . . ... 17, 23 j I j Fowler, Stanley K...... 18 jeffers, james S ...... 22 Franke, John R...... 13, 17 Jelinek, John A ...... 27

Franz, Gordon ...... 24 johnson, Brian D. .9 . li Friesen, Eduard ...... 28 Johnson, Eric L...... 15, 23 Frost, R. N ...... 8 johnston, Thomas P ...... 13 Fuller, Russell ...... 18 jones, Peter ...... 12 Galeniece, Anna ...... 19 Kapic, Kelly M ...... 8 Geivcu, Douglas ...... 15 Kauk, Myron C...... 18 Givens,). M.,jr...... 18 Keathley, Kenneth ...... 29 Glasscock, James A ...... 7 Kellett, Earl...... 9 Gleason, Randall C. ... 13 Kelly, Brem R ...... 19 Glenny, W. Edward ...... 1.8 Kennard, Doug...... 13 Gomhis, Timothy ...... 14 Kenzo, Mabialajustin-Roben ...... 29 Greear,]. D...... 7 Keylock, Leslie R...... 22, 22, 27 Green, Gene ...... 26 Kirkpatrick, john ...... 13 Greggo, Stephen P ...... 23 Kistcmaker, Simon]...... 8 Grenz, Stanley ...... 27 Klauber, Martin I...... 18 Grind hem, Sigurd ...... 14 Kosten berger, Andreas j...... 26 Grisanti, Michael A ...... 12 Kroeger, Catherine Clark ...... 21 Grizzle, Trevor ...... 26 Kurka, Robert C...... 17 Grubbs. Norris C...... 9 Lamerson, Samuel ...... 8 Grudcm, Wayne A...... 14, 16 Lane, Daniel C...... 9 Gulley, Norman R...... 16 Larmer, Robert...... 15 Gumcrlock, francis...... 18 Lee, jason K...... 13 Gustafson, Andy ...... 1.9 Lemke, Steve W ...... 15 Haas, Guenther ...... 28 Lewis, james F...... 21 Habcrmas, Gary ...... lO Lichtenwalter, Larry L...... 24 Hall, Fred P ...... 16 Um, 13o H...... 23 Hansen, Wayne S ...... ! 0 Litfin, Bryan ..... 22 Harder, joe ...... 13 LiLLie, Dale W...... 11 Harper, Brad ...... ·············· ...... 11 Longacre, Robert E ...... 3 Harris, Hall ...... 16 Longenecker, Richard ...... 7 Hauerwas, Stanley ...... 27 Longman, Tremper, Ill...... ? Hays, Danny ...... 10 Lueck, Philip ...... 12 Hellerman, joseph...... 14 Lmer, A. Boyd . ... 19, 22 Heltzer, Peter...... 18 Mabie, Frederick j...... 9 Hexham, Irving ...... 26 Magnuson, Kenneth ...... 13 Hilber, John W ...... 28 Maier, Walter A., Ill ...... 29 Holman, Charles...... 26 Mangum, Todd ...... 10 Horrell, J. Scoll ..... ll Mare, W. Harold ...... 29 House, H. Wayne ...... 9 Marlowe, W. Creighton ...... 9 Howard, David M.,Jr...... JO Martin, Edward N .19 Huffman, Doug...... 15 Master, john .12 Hunter, Emil)'...... 22 Matz, Brian .. 22 Mayhew, Eugene J ...... 7 Pmnock, Clark H ...... 16 McCartney, Dan...... 7 Piper, John...... 16

"-!- ~ McCready, Douglas .. . .27 Plantinga, Richard J. .. 25 '-. I McDermoll, Gerald R ...... 27 Plummer, Robert L. ... - ·-··· ··- -- 14 \ -~- ) ~) McKinion, Steven. ... 22 Poe, Harry Lee .... ············- ... 16 t!-) Meadors, Ed ...... 27 Porter, Stanley E . ------·------·----·---····-28 ~) Meadors, Gary T...... 11 Poston, Larry . .. 16 ~, Meek, James A...... 8 Powell, Charles E ...... 27 n, Meier, John P...... 27,27 Putnam, Frederic Clarke ...... 28 r----~ Meister, Chad ...... 24 Putt, Keith ...... 17 Mellon, Brad F ...... 28 Quarles, Charles L. _ ..... 22 Metzger, Paul ...... 21 Ray, Paul ...... 20 Miller, Stephen R. .... 29 Redmond, Calvin D ...... l4 Momgomcry,John Warwick .... . ll Reid, Steve . .... 15 Moo, Doug ...... 16 Rernolds, John Mark .. ... 8 Moreland,J P .. .15 Rhee, Victor...... l2 Morgan, Chris ...... 29 Richards, E. Randolph ...... _ ...... 8 Morrison, John D ...... 13 Richards, Jay .. ... 29 Mortenson, Terry...... 8 Richardson, Kurt Anders ...... 18, 27, 27 Moskala, Jiri ...... 19 Roberts, R. Philip... _ ...... 16 Mosser, Carl ...... 7, 12 Robertson, 0. Palmer ...... 23 Mouw, Richard j. ... 27 Robinson, Bob. - ...... 21 Muck, Webster C ... 29 Ronning, John Lawrence ...... 28 Murrell, Nathaniel Samuel ...... 8 Roxas, Tomas M ...... 14 Musa, David.. ...16 Russell, Ronald ...... 14 Nebeker, Gary L...... 12, 27 Rydclnik, Michael...... 18, 22 Net land, Harold A...... 10, 27 Ryken, Leland ...... 7, 7 Newman, Robert C...... 8 Sanders, Carl _ ...... 23 Nichols, StephenJ...... 11,27 Sanders, John ...... 17, 23 Nicole, Roger ...... 9 Sandy, D. Brent . .... ·---·-··-- ·---·--··----····-18 Nixon, John Ashley . 22 Saucy, Robert _ -· --·······-·· ······· 17 Noc, John ...... 27 Sauer, James L...... 16 Odcn, Thomas C. . ... 27 Schnabel, Eckhard ...... 12 O'Donnell, Manhew Brook .... 9 Schoville, Keith N .. " ...... 15, 15, 20 On iz, Steven. ..29 Schreiner, Thomas ...... 21 Osborne, Grant...... 12 Schultz, Richard _ ...... 21 Overstreet, Mark M ...... 18 Scorgie, Glen G -----··--······· , _____ 14, 23 Overstreet, R. Larry. .. .. 28 Seeman, Brad ...... 15 Pao, David W...... 18 Seifricl, Mark .. .. 21 Patterson, Richard D...... 12 Sennett, James ...... 19 Pegler, Stephen . ... 14 Shehaclch, I mad...... 7 Pemberton, Barbara...... 7 Shogren, Gary S...... l4 Peterman, Gerald ...... 28 Shouse, John...... 23 Philip, Finny ...... 8 Sigvartsen,Jan A .. _ ...... 19 Pierard, Richard V ...... 16 Sklar, Jay A...... __ ...... 18 ~I Pierce, Timothy M ...... 21 Smith, C. Fred ... .. --- ...... 21 Smith, Craig A ...... 28 Underwood,). Morris...... 19 Smith, David E ...... 8 Ury, Thane Hutcherson...... 8 ... Smith, Gordon ...... 17 Van Bemmekn, Peter M...... 24 Smith, Gregory S ...... 18 Van De Walle, Bernie A ...... 28 Smith, Kevin L...... 18 van Vliet, jan ...... 8 .. Smith, Nathaniel...... 10 VanGemeren, Willem ...... 21 Smith, Scali...... 10 Vanlaningham, Michael G ...... 22 Solganick, Harvey ...... 11 Vannoy,). Robert. . ... 12 Spencer, Aida Besan~on ...... 8, 22 Verbruggen,Jan ...... 14 Spencer, Archie J ...... 10 Vila, David H...... 12, 16 Spencer, William David ...... 8, 16 Walton, John H ...... 17 Spiegel, James ...... 15 Walton, Woodrow E ...... 8, 16 Sprinkle, Joe M ...... 17 Warden, Duane...... 17 Stallard, Michael...... 10, 12 Ware, Bruce A...... 9, 14 Steffen, Daniel S ... . ················ ...... 22 Warren, Bill...... 9, 9 Stein, Robert H ...... 13, 22 Watt, Jonathan M. ············ 16 Stewart, Ken ...... 13 Waucrs, Ronald E ...... ············ .. 10 Storms, C. Samuel ...... 23 Webb, William). .. 9 Strauss, Mark ...... 13, 14, 16 Wegner, Paul D ... 23 Strauss, Steve ...... 13 Wells, C. Richard ...... 29 Streett, R. Alan ...... 11 Wellum, Stephen)...... 21 Studebaker, Steven M...... 10 Whipple, Charles A ...... 11 Stump, James .. .. 19 Wilch, john R ...... 28 Swanson, Darrell A ...... 18 Wilhoit, james ...... 17 Swanson, Dennis M. .. 29 Williams, H. Drake, Ill ...... 21 Sweeney, Douglas A ... . .27 Williams, David ...... 17 Sweeney, James P ...... 8 Williams, Donald ... 7 Tacelli, Ronald ...... 19 Willitts, Joel ..... 18 Talbot, Mark .. . .. 15 Wilson, Mark ...... ··········· .. 9, 24 Talley, David ...... 9 Winther-Nielsen, Nicolai ...... 17 Tan, Randall ... . 9 Winmer, Michael ... 13 Taylor, Glen A. ..26 Wong, John B ..... 11 TenEishof, Judy ...... 17 Wood, Bryant G ...... 29 Tennent, Timothy C...... 7, lJ Woodberry, J. Dudley ... 26 Terlizzese, Lawrence ...... 7 Yamauchi, Edwin ...... 20, 27 Terveen,John L ...... 8 Yarbrough, Robert W...... 27 Thomas, Raben L...... 22 Yates, Jonathan P ...... 22 Thompson, Glen L...... 22 Yang. Amos ...... 17, 26 Thornbury, Gregory Alan...... 28 Youngblood, Ronald ...... 13 Tienou, Tite ...... 25 Yri, Non·ald ...... ············ ...... 14 Tiesscn, Terrance ...... 15 Zaretsky, Tuvya ...... 18 Tracy, Steven ...... 28 Travers, Michael ...... 7 Trueman, Carl...... ············ .21 Tsoukabs, Steven . . ... 7, 21 Turnau, Theodore Arthur, Ill...... 11 REGAL CONSTELLATION HOTEL 900 Di.xon Road Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada M9W lj7

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