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w g w r o w . e .b in ap nl tistlifeo Baptist Newsjournal of the BaptistLIFE Convention of Maryland and Delaware August 23, 2002 Historic Jeffersonian letter to Baptists discovered in Elkton By Sharon Mager ern and late 20th century doctrine “That’s a different vision of But when he examined it, Staff Writer of strict separation of church and Jefferson than what many have tried Dixon began to wonder. The state. The new letter, Land indi- to make him out to be in the late 20th paper looked authentic, the time ELKTON, Md. –– A discovery cated, helps discredit the misin- and 21st century.” period was correct and the hand- of a letter written by Thomas terpretations of today’s liberals of Joanna Alford, a volunteer help- writing looked like Jefferson’s. Jefferson in Elkton, Md. near the that famous “wall of separation” ing with the restoration of the old Chris Coover, a specialist for Maryland and Delaware border, phrase. Hollingsworth Estate, discovered Christie’s of New York, volun- has caused quite a stir. Baptists, who were growing in both letters while sifting through teered to examine the letter and Dated July 2, 1801, it was writ- number but not well favored in paperwork from the old estate, which verified its authenticity. He told CareNow feature story ten to the Delaware Colonial times, the town of Elkton purchased three Dixon the letter is worth about See p.10 Baptist Association were drawn to years ago. The house and land date $700,000. (DBA) in response Jefferson, who, back to the late 1600’s when Zebulon Alford was also surprised to correspondence like them, pur- Hollingsworth, Sr. bought the proper- and was a little alarmed that she they sent Jefferson. sued the free- ty and named it “Elk Landing.” The had handled it and that it had Remarkably, both dom of reli- town formed “Historic Elk Landing been in her house. So she quickly the Jefferson letter gious rights. Foundation” to oversee and raise put it in plastic covers and gave and the DBA letter Land money to restore the estate. it to Dixon. It is now in a lock were found together. recounted the The property and the town box in a town bank until the “I thought it was story of a well- around it is full of American history. foundation decides what to do fascinating,” known Baptist Redcoats marched through the with it. com- preacher, John Hollingsworth land on their way to The DBA letter is full of old- mented on the Leland, who the center of town. In fact, workers time swirls and flourishes and Jefferson letter. was passionate are digging up cannonballs as they addresses Jefferson as “Friend Land is the presi- about religious repave the streets. and fellow citizen.” “With emo- Library of Congress photo dent of The Ethics & freedom. He Alford was sitting in her living tions of gratitude to the Religious Liberty Commission of came to see Jefferson on New room looking through the books Almighty ruler of the universe, SBC and has his doctorate in Year’s Day of who manageth “I thought it was fasci- Baptist history. “It really gives 1802, the day the affairs of this nating. It gives real insight into Jefferson’s thinking – Jefferson wrote terrestrial globe insight into Jefferson’s which is not nearly as radical as the Danbury let- and under whose thinking.” liberals try to make it.…He ren- ter. Leland trav- divine auspices - Richard Land ders tribute of thankfulness to the eled from we taste the almighty ruler – his deism had its Massachusetts to sweets of that limits.” Washington to liberty which Land referred to parts of the present Jefferson a thousands are letter that he said are especially mammoth block destitute of we powerful – the establishment of of cheese. lift our hearts liberty, equality of social rights, “Jefferson was and render the and exclusion of an uncivil and given the cheese tribute of thank- religious and usurpian domain of by Leland, who fulness to him…” one sect over another. was sent as the Jefferson is “That is not a secular vision,” head of the dele- congratulated on Land said. “It’s not an established gation of political his appointment religion where one denomination supporters,” Land “to the chief receives unequal privileges over said. “Leland pre- magistracy of this another. It is also not an exclusion sented the cheese Mike Dixon, president of the Historic Elk Landing Foundation nation.” It refer- of equal provision or treatment to him, prayed for examines the two historic letters worth about $700,000 ences the victory for all religious groups, which is him and Jefferson of the revolution what some modern interpreta- accepted. Jefferson went back to the and papers she brought home from and its results – “…liberty, peace, tions claim that it mandates.” White House that afternoon and the Hollingsworth site. As she emp- equality of birth, the destruction Land said that Baptists under- wrote the letter,” Land said, refer- tied one of the crates, she saw an old of created titles, emancipation Columbia, Maryland 21046-1716 10255 Old Columbia Road Baptist stood that Jefferson would not ring to the Danbury letter. That was envelope on the bottom. Inside was from British tyranny, the non- support giving one denomination a Friday. the DBA letter and then Jefferson’s establishment of ecclesiastical “Sunday, he went to a worship serv- reply. LIFE preference over other religious dignity and the preponderence of groups. ice at the House of Representatives, “That’s the one that caused all one society over another. the excitement,” Alford said. The letter was written six which was common at that time, continued on page five months prior to a letter written to and Leland was the preacher. He At first no one was certain the Danbury Baptist Association, was preaching from the speaker’s the letter was real. “It looked What’s Inside? dated January 1, 1802, in which podium. Clearly, Jefferson didn’t real,” Alford said, “but I’m not Jefferson wrote about a “wall of see having a voluntary worship an expert.” separation between church and service attended by the presi- Alford notified Mike Perspectives...... 2 state.” That phrase from the dent in the house chamber as a Dixon, president of the foun- dation. “I’m a skeptic. I did Danbury letter was used by the violation of separation of ConventionLIFE...... 3 Supreme Court to build its mod- church and state. not believe it,” Dixon said. ChurchLIFE...... 4 Resolutions request for annual All About Kids Productions...... 5 meeting Nov. 11-12 in Solomons Summer Camps 2002...... 6-7 Aunt Margaret...... 8 Those who would like to least 45 days in advance of the Resolutions coming from the submit resolutions for consider- annual meeting will be consid- floor of the convention must be Resort ministries...... 9 ation to the BCM/D annual ered by the committee before ready to copy and distribute. meeting Nov. 11-12, 2002, may the first session. Other resolu- They should have a valid reason FamilyLIFE...... 10 send them to the attention of: tions may be referred to the for not meeting the 45-day rule. Resolutions Committee committee by the general body. All proposed resolutions need BCM/D Classifieds...... 11 ouba MD Columbia, “Resolutions should seek U. Pe to be submitted to the resolu- Non-profit 10255 Old Columbia Road

S. to build up and unify the body r mit #350

PAID tions committee by Sept. 27.

P Columbia, MD 21046-1716 rather than divide it; therefore, Lifeway/State Missions Ads.....12 ostage The existing BCM/D only resolutions that have the Resolutions may also be (unless your church participates Constitution and Bylaws state full consensus of the commit- dropped off at the Baptist in our Back Page Program) that “only resolutions presented tee will be presented at the Center in Columbia in care of to the resolutions committee at annual meeting.” Carol Moore. BL • August 23, 2002 • 2

Try using WD-40 instead of duct tape omeone has said that you Joel Arther Barker, in his 1992 In Kingdom terms, we must tape only lasts so long. It does only need two things in life groundbreaking book entitled first embrace new life in Christ not fix the root cause. S– “WD-40 to make things go, “Paradigms: the Business of and then walk in obedience to The key is to stay as flexible and duct tape to make things Discovering the Future” said, “New all the new things the Spirit of as possible. We must keep our stop.” Now, I’m not exactly “Mr. paradigms put everyone practicing God begins to teach us. Often hearts and our minds open to Handyman” around the house. My the old paradigm at great risk. The when we are confronted with the fresh ideas that God blows wife would be the first to confirm higher one’s position, the greater something new, our natural ten- our way. In actuality, it is the this. But I am, however, fairly sea- the risk. The better you are at your dency is to stop short. We are WD-40 of God’s Spirit that soned in the art of using of duct paradigm, the more you have far too gifted at developing lubricates the path for growth tape. I have used miles of it to invested in it, the more you have to strategies for resisting the and opportunity both personal- Bob Simpson cover microphone and speaker lose by changing paradigms.” inevitable change that will be ly and in our churches. Baptist LIFE Editor, cords. I’d like to have a nickel for In Matthew 9:16, Jesus said, required. Even churches can get Paul said in Romans 12, BCM/D Director of every foot of tape I have used for “And who would patch an old into the mindset of working “…let God transform you into a Communications this purpose! garment with unshrunk cloth? For harder to maintain the same old new person by changing the Typically duct tape is most such a patch shrinks and pulls paradigms that haven’t pro- way you think.” Not to embrace effective when used to patch some- away from the old cloth, leaving duced results in a long time. change is to stop growing. And thing or to hold something togeth- an even bigger hole than before. And, of course, the opposite to stop growing is to start er temporarily. It occurs to me that And no one puts new wine into tendency is to embrace the “lat- dying. Nothing is more frustrat- we are highly prone to patch old wineskins. The old skins est and greatest” in an attempt ing than applying duct tape for things up, to renovate, to “make would burst from the pressure, to quick fix the situation. Both the long haul. Try a little WD-40 do,” to tenaciously keep repeating spilling out the wine and ruining fixes are flawed. and go ahead and make the familiar patterns within our com- the skins. New wine must be The duct tape approach can shift to something new. Besides fort zones, instead of being open to stored in new wineskins” (New never work because it only pro- being exhilarating, it will also something new and fresh. Living Translation). longs the inevitable. Even duct be Kingdom productive! Too gifted to be restricted

uring the month of June, body and to build up God’s this, the business of God is hin- There he ended up where God I had the privilege of Kingdom. From the least to the dered. The power of the Holy wanted him to be, doing what he Dattending the Hampton greatest, if we know the Lord as Spirit that is within us is the driv- was appointed to do. And Jesus, Minister’s Conference. The con- our personal Savior, we have ing force that causes our gifts to while cursed, lied on, abused ference turned out to be one of something to offer Him. function effectively. When His and scorned, did not allow the the most rewarding and uplift- However, there are times when power is manifested, no weapon challenge of the cross to restrict ing experiences I had ever we allow any and everything to formed against us will be able to Him from bringing salvation to encountered. The speaker, Bishop hinder God’s plan for us. prosper. this world. He died, was buried T.D. Jakes, challenged our hearts If we are not determined and Jakes used the story of Joseph but rose again, so even death with a message entitled, “Too focused, Satan will put up a as a human example and Jesus could not stop Him from accom- James Dixon Gifted to Be Restricted.” strong fight using trickery to try as our divine example and hope. plishing His task. BCM/D President Although the conference was and restrict us from doing the will In both of their lives, they were Let us strive to do what centered and geared toward min- of the Lord. It is a sad thing to confronted with many obstacles, pleases God at all costs. We must isters, the message was most say, but many times he gets the including life-threatening situa- be aware, stay alert and not helpful to any child of God. He victory because we allow him to tions. But no matter how hard allow the enemy to cause us to reminded us that we have been have it. The Lord has given us the task, they always kept their get so distracted that we forfeit empowered with gifts given to special gifts so that we can glorify focus and accomplished their the opportunities to use the God- us by God Himself; set in the Him. We are not to give anyone goal. Joseph had to go in a pit, to given gifts to minister in this body as it pleases Him. These the power to constrain us from prison and to Potiphar’s house world. Always remember we are gifts are to be used to edify the using these abilities. If we allow before he made it to the palace. “too gifted to be restricted.” May I come over?

am about to do exactly the I know how important your The size of the crowd is not opposite of what my mother Sunday morning pulpit is to important. I would be thrilled taught me. I only hope she you. I am certainly apprecia- to share the news with whoev- BaptistLIFE I tive of that! However, I would er will listen. Serving Baptists since 1836 does not find it out! She taught me to never invite myself some- welcome the opportunity to Thank you, Maryland/ 10255 Old Columbia Road come to your place on a Delaware Baptists. You are Columbia, MD 21046-1716 where, but to wait until you (Phone) 800.466.5290 ext. 245 chose to invite me. Sunday evening or a making a significant difference (Fax) 410.290.6627 But, I can’t wait to tell you Wednesday evening and give for the kingdom because of (E-mail) [email protected] what God is doing in Maryland/ an update. It would also give your faithfulness and partner- Published monthly except January Delaware. We are seeing His me an opportunity to field any ship in the gospel of Jesus Volume 85 Number 7 Dr. David Lee hand at work in so many ways. questions you may have about Christ. I look forward to Bob Simpson Editor BCM/D Executive Director There is so much to share. the work of our convention. telling you about it. Iris White Associate Editor Sean Copley Design Editor Jennifer Copley Ministry Asst. Cindy Harper Production Asst. Sharon Mager Staff Writer Sherry Lee Editorial Associate Ed Nettleship Photographer Dear Editor: how to contact them. We would Christian parent or grandparent this issue go forward without Postmaster: Send address changes Are there students from your be happy to meet them at air- need to find out. Call, write, or putting the facts in front of the to BaptistLIFE,10255 Old Columbia state who will be enrolling in ports or train stations and help email your county board of people of Maryland. I stand on Road Columbia, MD 21046-1716. one of the many universities in them in any way. education to tell them that you Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, New England (, Please send information to: do not want “sexual orienta- 1 Corinthians 6:9 and Romans Address Change: Please send the new address with the old mailing Maine, Massachusetts, New Collegiate Ministries, Baptist tion” language added to the 1:26-28. I would appreciate any label at least three weeks prior to Hampshire, Rhode Island and Convention of New England, school program in any way. Tell help you could offer. move. Vermont)? The Baptist 87 Lincoln Street, Northborough, them you do not believe that Please notify the Family Convention of New England MA 01532 (508) 393-6013; FAX homosexual behavior is normal, Protection Lobby of any Subscription: Free of charge by request to members of the BCM/D serves these six states and has (508) 393-6016, safe or healthy for students and responses you get. They will churches; outside BCM/D churches ministry on many of the cam- [email protected] or should not be considered as a serve as a clearinghouse for the and members, $10 per year; puses. [email protected] protected behavior in the various county responses and BackPage Program: $12 per issue. On most campuses, we do We will ensure that someone is school. help coordinate a legislative not have access to a religious in touch with them immediately. The phone numbers of your contact to the school boards. We Welcome: letters from readers, press releases and photo topics of preference list and therefore we Thank you and remember to local board can be found in the To get the most updated interest to Maryland and Delaware have no way of knowing pray for collegiate ministries in blue pages of your phone book, information concerning this Baptists. Southern Baptist students this area. usually listed under “Schools” issue in Maryland, please con- enrolled. We need persons in the John Ramirez in the “County” section. If you tact Family Protection Lobby, Letters to the Editor (LTTE): do not churches of your state to help us Director of Collegiate Ministry have access to the Internet go to phone number (410) 922-1088 or reflect the views or opinions of BaptistLIFE. We prefer letters from contact them. We are eager to Baptist Convention www.msde.state.md.us and fol- write FPL, P.O. Box 106, Maryland and Delaware. Only letters provide assistance and ministry of New England low the links under “School Annapolis, MD 21404, to the marked clearly for publication as a to those who come to any of the Systems” to your local county. attention of Doug Stiegler. LTTE, signed and with addresses great institutions in our area. Remember to use a “polite” as will be considered. Please include a day time telephone number for If any of your readers have Dear Editor: opposed to a “nasty” tone when Sincerely, verification purposes. Letters may family, friends or fellow church Where do county boards of writing your comments or not exceed 300 words and are members who are coming to col- education stand on sexual orien- speaking to board members. Frank L. Turlington subject to editing. Letters attacking lege in New England, we would tation instruction in their As a Christian first and as a Member of Valley Church churches or individuals will not be like to know who they are and schools? That’s what you as a Southern Baptist, I cannot let Lutherville published. BL • August 23, 2002 • 3

Skycroft Horizons provides leadership training

By Sharon Mager David Lee, BCM/D executive They are more polytheistic and is the second year for the program Staff Writer director, presented Friday believe in relative truth. Lee said and Smith said it was very suc- evening’s message. “You and I are we must be as Paul to Timothy, cessful. She actually launched a MIDDLETOWN, Md. –– Over going through difficult times. discipling to make disciples. special education network from 200 people drove Randy Tomkins, this year’s conference. up South stewardship director of According to June Holland, the Mountain for the the Baptist family ministry sessions, led by 2002 “Skycroft Convention led the family ministry consultant/spe- Horizons” confer- class on mentoring. He cialist, Ken Jordan, was very well ence at Skycroft believes firmly in hav- attended. Many churches, she Conference Center ing leaders recruit said, are beginning family min- on July 26 and 27. leaders and train them istry programs. The annual con- one-on-one. New Beryl Little, BCM/D resource ference used to be recruits, he asserts, also team trainer, led sessions on sen- specifically for must know exactly ior ministry. He talked about how Sunday School what the job entails, older people see themselves. leaders, but has what training is Some view themselves as cars evolved over the required, and why the destined to have replacements, years to include new recruit would be a patches and eventually fall apart. training for vari- good candidate. The Some are like trees that begin as ous ministries new leaders must also saplings bending and waving including discipleship, special The church is going through a get the approval from their fami- with the breeze but eventually education, technology, mentoring, transition,” he said. As Abraham lies. Then, over a period of loosing their leaves and sap and eldercare, deacon training and was called to leave everything months, the new recruit begins to drying up. The preferred thought family ministry. BCM/D staff and follow God in is that of an eagle, and leaders from Mississippi and faith, we too, Lee spreading its wings Louisiana taught the specialized said, must be will- and adapting to its classes. ing to be obedient new situations June Holland, Bible teaching and follow in faith. with gusto. consultant/specialist, planned “Part of the journey Little also said the conference and was pleased is going to have to senior teachers to find that 30 churches had first- be fleshed out need to be focused, time representation. “In the past, without a map and challenging and we’ve had larger numbers but without the stimulating without they were all from the same details,” he said. being overwhelm- churches,” Holland said. Lee talked about ing. Seniors need Holland was also pleased with leadership and said Bibles with big Skycroft. “They couldn’t have that leaders must enough print and been better prepared,” she said. be able to interpret comfortable well-lit Douglas DuBois, guest servic- the past, discern surroundings that es manager of Skycroft, worked the present and Doug Dubois, Aubrey Stewart and June Holland discuss aren’t noisy. hard throughout the weekend, anticipate the details and logistics for the conference Arrangements need personally supervising the egg future. to be made for those scrambling, opening meals in “Today’s people think differ- assist the leader and moves into who can’t get to church or who are prayer and adding a little humor ently,” Lee said, showing infor- the leadership position and in nursing or assisted living as well. mation that contrasted this gener- begins to help mentor someone homes. Raymond Higgins, minister of ation with those in the past. else. June Holland is already plan- music at Faith Church, Glen Today’s generation, the chart Aquilla Smith, special educa- ning next year’s conference. It will Burnie, and the church’s praise showed, does not trust institu- tion consultant specialist, led the include sessions on church planting, team led the worship. tions but focuses on community. session on special education. This prayer and student ministries. “Our Home, His Plan”- 2002 State Missions Offering “We work in this strategic area Oak Grove Church offered a under a burden of urgency. As class entitled Mother’s Corner VBS Peter reminds us in 2 Peter 3:10, for mothers of young children dur- ‘the day of the Lord will come.’ ing the regular VBS. Faith Church, The clock is ticking on our ability Glen Burnie, conducted Adult VBS, to reach our families and friends which included helpful 45-minute for Christ. That is why our state workshops, 15 minutes for refresh- missions emphasis is so important. ments and an hour-long Bible Reaching and surpassing our goal study. will help us plant churches, The State Missions Offering pro- strengthen existing congregations, vides funds for training clinics, meet the needs of hurting people which VBS workers may attend, and develop leaders to accomplish across the two-state Convention. God’s plan,” Lee explains. Project ideas for extending the Here are a few examples of witness and ministry circle abound: Maryland/Delaware churches Ocean City resort, Jessup trucking, stretching out their arms to Baltimore port, Eastern Shore By Jane Lippy Maryland/ Delaware. “‘His Plan’ is unchurched families and children: migrants, Dover raceway, Baltimore BaptistLIFE Correspondent to take this message of repentance Northwest Church, and Wilmington Baptist Centers, to all nations,” he adds. God’s plan Reisterstown, transformed their Baltimore inner harbor, college COLUMBIA, Md. –– Picture a for all persons to come to a saving Vacation Bible School into a week- campuses, new church starts. compass with the center point knowledge of Christ serves as the long day camp that met from 8:45 These and other ideas are part of directed at your home or church. guiding force in our ministry. a.m. to 2 p.m. at the local middle the promotional resource packets By turning the pencil attached to “Our Home, His Plan” is the school. Along with Bible lessons mailed to churches. They include a the compass, you can draw ever- theme for the 2002 Maryland/ and choice of three enrichment fact sheet, posters, a prayer guide, expanding circles. Delaware Week of Prayer and State programs – “Slammin’ Sports,” bulletin inserts, Lee’s letter and As Jesus instructed His disciples, Missions Offering, Sept. 8-15. “To “Movin’ Music,” “Awesome Art” – order form for other resources “This is what is written: The Christ Worship, Work and Witness” they offered free breakfasts and (printed or on CD rom). The will suffer and rise from the dead (Baptist Hymnal #389) directs lunches. A block party for campers resources will be posted on the on the third day, and repentance attention to the three important and families concluded the week. BCM/D website as well. and forgiveness for sins will be aspects of the week. Luke 24:46-47 Registration was held at several “The Lord is not slow in keeping preached in his name to all nations, challenges individuals and church- community locations. His promise, as some understand beginning in .” In Luke es to obey Jesus’ command to Patterson Park Church, slowness. He is patient with you, 24:46-47 (NIV), each of us has a extend God’s kingdom as we pray, Baltimore, held a block party and not wanting anyone to perish, but mission field that begins at that give, serve and go. health fair in partnership with everyone to come to repentance” center point, our home. From there, This year’s goal for giving is Johns Hopkins-Bayview Hospital. (2 Peter 3:9) NIV. “The only viable we can extend ministry and witness $210,000, with the funds being allo- The event promoted and pre-regis- reason for our Lord to delay His into other parts of Maryland/ cated as follows: tered children for the church’s coming is defined here. God does Delaware and beyond. Wherever • $65,000 - Starting Churches VBS and summer reading pro- not want anyone to perish...nei- we may live in the two-state area, • $60,000 - Strengthening gram. ther do Maryland/Delaware “‘Our Home’ is our responsibility,” Churches First Church, Beltsville, deliv- Baptists,” Lee emphasizes. explains David Lee, executive • $45,000 - Meeting Needs ered the Jesus video for Kids on Therefore, let us give, pray, serve director, Baptist Convention of • $40,000 - Developing Leaders. visits to families of children in VBS. and witness sacrificially! BL • August 23, 2002 • 4

Arundel AssociationArundel painting of the baptism, showing church, were published in the Plata High School on Sunday ChurchLIFE comes the city of Frederick in the back- monthly church newsletter. mornings. They serve coffee and primarily from church and About 40 members of Faith ground, painted by Laura Downs, Taneytown recently began a refreshments at 9:30 and have association newsletters, Church, Glen Burnie, ranging in an artist in the church. senior adults ministry and will morning worship at 10 a.m. bulletins, and written age from 12 to about 55, spent a Virginia Avenue Church, start an Awanas program in Sept. reports on events that are week doing missions work with Hagerstown, will have a concert Once a quarter the church hosts PrincePrince George’s George’sAssociation sent to Baptist LIFE. the Haitian Baptist Church in by “Only By Grace,” featuring church services at the Carroll Conchita McRavin, Monique You may feel free to New York City last month. The southern gospel and contempo- County Detention Center. fax it to us at Kirkland, Jerry Kirkland and team did prayer walking, led wor- rary music on Sept. 19. The group David Richard was ordained as (410) 290-6627 or ship services, conducted Upward is comprised of children of “The the church’s youth and education Brenda Jones spent some down e-mail to Sharon Mager Basketball and Vacation Bible Jacobs Brothers” evangelistic team. pastor earlier this month. Richard time with each other during at [email protected]. school programs, hosted a block and his wife Sue are from National Sunday School party and did construction work Delaware DelawareAssociation Michigan. Leadership Week July 19-21, at at the Metropolitan New York Northwest Church, Reisterstown, Baptist Association. The Delaware Association has has a BYOC night – bring your Youth from Faith also went on entered into a three-year partner- own craft. Participants bring a separate mission trip last month. ship with the Edinets Baptist along their ongoing craft projects They hosted Vacation Bible School Association in Moldova. The part- and work on them together for a for children at a campground. nership will focus on church plant- time of fellowship. Arundel Association wel- ing. The project manager is Mal The church’s drama and praise comed Gayle Farnsworth as its Utleye, pastor of Hockessin teams will present a program at new ministry assistant. Church. St. Mary’s United Church of Farnsworth is a member of First Christ on August 25. Church, Crofton. Eastern AssociationEastern A mission team from Tannehill MontgomeryMontgomery Association Lifeway’s Ridgecrest Conference Valley Church, McCalla, Ala. Everyone thinks about sending Center in . spent the first week in July help- cards of encouragement. It’s doing Colesville Church, Silver McRavin, Jones and Jerry and ing Berea Church, Glen Burnie. it that seems to be the hard part. Spring, had a reception last Monique Kirkland are members of The team of adults and youth First Church, Easton, makes it eas- month to honor interim pastor Kettering Church, Upper mowed grass, cut down trees and ier. They’ve put cards in the pews. Jimmy Jackson’s anniversary of 50 Marlboro. McRavin is the youth worked on other landscaping and Members just write their notes to years of ministry. Sunday School director; Monique fix-up projects for Berea. They also their church family and put them Kirkland is the Sunday school sec- hosted block parties for the apart- in the offering. A member of the retary, and Jones is director of ments near the church. missions committee gathers the children’s Sunday school. Jerry Linthicum Church sent a mis- cards and mails them. It’s that Kirkland is Sunday school director sion team to Charlottetown, simple. at Mt. Ranier Church. Prince Edward’s Island, Canada to The Marylanders joined 984 other work with Community Baptist Mid-MarylandMid-Maryland Association church leaders at the conference. Church. Esper Ajaj of the Arabic Baptist Currently the Community Baptist The seniors group at Bethel Church, Washington, D.C. was the Church is committed to planting Church, Ellicott City, works hard guest speaker at Landover Hills two churches on PEI, one in to make visitors welcome. Seniors Church late last month. Ajaj spoke Montague and one in Summerside. man a welcome table. Newcomers Potomac AssociationPotomac of his ministry to Moslems. The team did back-yard Bible can exchange information forms The church had a luncheon fol- clubs, prayer walking and light for gift bags that the seniors have Grace Church, Bryans Road, lowing the service. construction work. assembled. Inside each decorated had a patriotic music night. The church’s youth group will bag is a variety of “goodies,” Members of Whitehall Church have a yard sale later this month BaltimoreBaltimore Association including a butter pound cake and Forest Heights Church joined to raise money for a mission trip Remembering 9/11 donated by a well-known bakery, members of Grace for the celebra- to Haiti. Past BCM/D executive director a pen, information about the tion. Charles Barnes is the interim pas- church and a welcome letter from The children of Grace also had SusquehannaSusquehanna Association Summary of DC/NY tor at Middle River Church, the pastor. a special patriotic celebration. 9/11 Response Baltimore. The bags serve as an incentive They had a sleep over on Flag Ex-convict Richard Cross just Temple Church, Baltimore, is to get the visitor information for finished up a weekend revival Total actual days 319 Day. The church was decorated Total meals 1,286,513 planning a senior adult recogni- follow-up. Ed Nettleship and his with red, white and blue. Children meeting at First Church, DC Operation 68,306 tion family dinner for this fall. wife Mary head up the “Prime pledged allegiance to the Northeast. Cross was saved while NY Operation 1,218,207 Temple members will gather to Timers” group. They scout out lots American and Christian flags, had in prison and had such a dramatic Total volunteer days 20,852 honor the senior adults in the con- of gift bags from local dollar turn-around he was granted a DC Operation 818 Bible reading time and balloon NY Operation 20,034 gregation. stores. Ed said the program has games. presidential pardon. Now he regu- Apartments cleaned 643 resulted in return visits by the Members of Dunkirk Church larly speaks to death row inmate Childred served 850 Blue Ridge Association. newcomers. spent five days working at “Camp and at youth events. Teddy bears distributed 21,011 Blue Ridge Showers provided 11,552 Cops” in Huntingtown in Calvert Laundry loads 782 Summit Trace Church, CORRECTION: The following County during July. “Camp Cops” Western AssociationWestern Conventions responding 32 Frederick, had its first baptism information was attributed to a is a summer camp operated by the service since its launch. But it different church in a prior col- Maryland State Police for middle Welsh Memorial Church, For sermon wasn’t the least bit typical. umn. BaptistLIFE regrets the school aged children. Camp lead- Frostburg, is in the midst of a spe- outlines, photos, Summit’s service was a festive error. ers use a law enforcement curricu- cial prayer time leading up to graphics, go to revival services Sept. 29 to Oct. 2. party. lum to teach character education www.namb.net/911. “There were balloons and food Taneytown Church recently and to encourage children to posi- The church has members commit- and lots of people,” Bill Craig, celebrated its 25th anniversary. tion themselves to make positive ted to setting aside a special time pastor of the church said. The church found a copy of the life decisions. each day for 42 days to pray for The service was held in a city bulletin from the very first wor- During the week, the folks the revival services. David Lee, park using a portable baptistry. ship service in 1977 and duplicat- from Dunkirk Church served 650 executive director of the Baptist “We had to have the baptistry meals to the children. Associate Convention of Maryland/ filled by a water truck because of pastor, Marshall Coffman, a judo Delaware will be the guest speak- the water shortage here in black belt, along with Preston er for the revival. Frederick,” he said. Kirkham, a judo green belt and The church’s chancel choir will Everyone who was baptized student of Coffman, gave judo sing at a community-wide memo- received a leather spiritual jour- demonstrations to the campers. rial service at the Country Club nal/photo album that included Senior pastor, Dennis Felder, a Mall on Sept. 11. his or her testimony, an individual chaplain for the Maryland State baptism photo and any other Police, was present during the Misc.Miscellaneous ed the service for the anniversary week and ministered to the staff and campers. This was Dunkirk’s program, singing the same hymns New Beginnings Church, fourth consecutive year of service and keeping the same order. Pasadena, hosted a mission team at “Camp Cops.” Charter member Melody Smith, from Devotie Baptist Church, Approximately 300 community who is still very active in the Griffin, Georgia, last month. The members turned out for the team of about 20 adults and youth church, presented a history of the church’s fish fry on July 24th. The church. Everyone enjoyed a fel- brought materials and taught event coincided with Dunkirk’s Vacation Bible School for the lowship dinner afterwards. Photo week of Vacation Bible School and albums were displayed during the church. They also painted, helped featured a Christian band, a moon spruce up and distributed litera- dinner. In the evening the south- bounce for the children and a ture and tracts ern gospel group “True Alliance” dunking booth. Church members The Talley Trio will sing at Tri- presented a concert. report that their senior pastor County Church, Monrovia, on All of the former pastors were spent much of the evening under August 25. contacted but they were not able water. to attend since they live through- Promise Missionary Church, See You at the Pole Day is Sept. out the United States. Instead, Bryans Road, now meets at the 18. Youth throughout the nation each sent a letter giving an update Accokeek Fire Hall at 9:30 a.m. on will gather in front of the flag- items that Craig or a spiritual of their families and encourage- Sundays. poles at their schools at 7 a.m. to mentor shared. The journal also ment to the church. The letters, New Covenant Community pray for their schools, families and nation. contains a copy of a watercolor along with a brief history of the Church, La Plata, now meets at La BL • August 23, 2002 • 5

Cram‘n Jam at “Promise U” – a kid’s production

By Iris White musical, “Promise U,” were dis- Tubman and Martin Luther” when dance and the theatre Associate Editor tributed to all of the campers with he sang the songs. Smith recited began when he was a the expectation that they would excitedly one of his favorite lines child attending a camp COLUMBIA, Md. –– Kids know the music and their lines from the musical, “He nailed it! such as this. He and everywhere cheering wildly, jump- before showing up at camp! He nailed it! Martin Luther nailed Rachel Morgan are ing up and down, running up and From the first day of camp, the it!” referring to the time that interns for Lamplight down the aisles, dancing in the staff began working with the chil- Martin Luther nailed the “95 Artists and both helped halls. Just a normal summer day? dren, rehearsing, polishing musi- Theses” to the church door. with camp. Lamplight Artists Not on your life! Fifty-five chil- cal numbers, fitting costumes and Many of the children will look Dawn Raddin from dren from over 11 back at this week as a Lakeshore Church in Del Morgan, minister of different churches life-changing event. Pasadena directed the music at Covenant Church in within a 30-mile “Music really does open choreography and Columbia, established radius converged doors for kids,” com- Sherrie McKay, minister “Lamplight Artists” to create on South mented Janice Norris, of music from Bethany opportunities for Christian Columbia Church camp administrator from Lane, was the music artists to use their gifts to pro- for a one-week, South Columbia Church. director. claim the gospel…to provide action packed “This was an eye open- So, where do they go networking and relationships of rehearsal and per- ing experience for a lot from here? “We are encouragement and also to pro- formance camp of kids. They have been already thinking and vide some discipleship opportu- for children in able to do more than planning for next year,” nities. “All About Kids grades 1-6. they thought they could Pawnee Camp comment- Productions” grew out of his Produced by “All do in a short period of ed. “We want to expose church and the desire to provide About Kids time.” Because a produc- kids to all kinds of cre- tools and resources for churches. Productions” and tion of this size requires ative arts, such as dance, Morgan states, “The ultimate Lamplight Artists, many people, Norris puppets, mime, drama, goal is not just a week of camp children explored said it was a cooperative music, videography and but a ministry strategy for the the truths of effort between helpers stagecraft. It is also an local church and also to put God’s Word from different churches excellent opportunity to together a network of artists in through musical drama and the even leading Bible studies. At the working together and doing what- network with other the area.” visual arts. Del Morgan, minister conclusion of the highly charged ever was asked. In fact, approxi- Christian artists. We need of music at Covenant Church in week, the children put on a full- mately 25 adults and teens helped to retrain our thinking in Coming Events Columbia, is the founder of scale musical production with sets, throughout the week. how we see worship and Lamplight Artists and the execu- costumes and memorized lines The camp also provided an how we see expression. “All About Kids Productions“ tive producer for “All About Kids and music. The children captivat- opportunity for adults who work That is an incredible Summer 2003 Productions.” ed an audience of over 350 on with the arts in their churches to responsibility and incred- Eastern Regional Creative Arts Just weeks before, they were Sunday evening at South combine their talents with others ibly exciting. The oppor- Festival July 18-19, 2003 just your ordinary kids trying to Columbia Church. who have similar responsibilities. tunity to make some- (LifeWay is sponsoring three of find ways to keep themselves “It was my very first play!” Aaron Jackson, an English and one... see it [worship] in a these events in 2003: , TX; occupied over the summer. Then a said 8-year old Brooke Wible from dance major at the University of different light and then it Los Angeles, CA and Baltimore, parent signed them up for another First Church, Savage. “I enjoyed Maryland at College Park, dawns [on them] or MD.) camp. But… this was different. the music and singing because it observed that there was a surpris- becomes real… wow, Auditions were held two weeks was fun!” Logan Smith from ing “lack of ego” which he what a cool opportunity Contact Del Morgan at before camp began and parts were Crossway Church learned “about attributed to the “commitment to whether that person is 4, (410) 446-1678 assigned. Books and tapes of the God and also about Harriett glorifying God first.” His love of 40 or 80.” [email protected]. NAMB to end DCBC agreement in one year ATLANTA (BP) — Following the DCBC had “grown increasing- stewardship and partnership.” in the future on “limited evangel- nearly a year of discussions, the ly distant from the Southern According to the letter, the agree- ism events and ministry projects North American Mission Board Baptist Convention, its positions ment “will be null and void on the that are compatible to both agen- (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist and priorities.” 30th day of June 2003.” cies.” Convention has notified the NAMB’s proposal for greater Regarding jointly funded mis- Reccord acknowledged the District of Columbia Baptist accountability to the national sionaries, Reccord and Fox told decision to end the current rela- Convention (DCBC) that it will agency and to Southern Baptists Haggray “where there is a desire tionship with the D.C. Convention end the cooperative agreement was strongly and publicly criti- to continue as a NAMB mission- was very difficult, reached after between the two entities next sum- cized by Haggray who character- ary, NAMB will assist the mission- much prayer and consultation mer. ized it as an “ultimatum” that vio- aries in exploring future assign- with numerous people including Robert E. Reccord, NAMB presi- lated the autonomy of the conven- ments with the NAMB family.” NAMB’s board of trustees which dent, telephoned Jeffrey Haggray, tion. Harry Lewis, NAMB’s pri- However, they wrote, “Where agreed with the concerns, the pro- DCBC executive director, mary contact with state Baptist there is no desire for assistance, posal, and with the decision to Wednesday, June 26th to inform him conventions, said it was made NAMB support through the end the current relationship. personally about the Board’s action. very clear that NAMB wanted to DCBC cooperative budget will Reccord told he A letter outlining the action and discuss the proposal and was open cease at the end of the 12-month believes the foundation of the signed by both Reccord and NAMB to alternatives or counterpropos- notification period.” NAMB sup- agency’s disagreements with the trustee chairman, Terry Fox, senior als. ports eight missionaries with the D.C. convention stem from its pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, The notification letter says DCBC. attempts to meet the very differ- Wichita, Kan., was also emailed, “because of the inability for us to In the letter, Reccord and Fox ent needs of the three denomina- faxed and mailed to Haggray. reach a solution that is satisfactory acknowledged NAMB’s “commit- tions with which it is aligned. “No NAMB provides nearly half a to both agencies after numerous ment to carry out the Great other Southern Baptist state con- million dollars a year to the D.C. consultations, we recognize the Commission in D.C. ... and to con- vention or fellowship has the chal- Convention for evangelism, need to end the current coopera- tinue to share the love of Christ lenges of working with three dif- church starting and ministry proj- tive agreement with the DCBC as with the people of D.C.,” while ferent denominations which made ects, but expressed “deep con- it now stands due to irresolvable also affirming the agency’s open- our partnership in D.C. so diffi- cerns” last summer and fall that issues in the areas of theology, ness to possibly working together cult,” Reccord explained. Thomas Jefferson letter to Baptists... continued from page one “May you, dear Sir, long con- letter. Boggs was born in 1741, Wilmington and Mispillion. The from the bloody horrors which tinue to preside over the people fought in the Revolutionary War, association ended sometime after are depopulating the other quar- thus happy. And may the God of served several Baptist churches the Civil War. ters of the earth, the establish- battle, who hath granted us the in Delaware, and is buried in Jefferson responded in a dis- ment here of liberty, equality, of victory over our oppressors who Welsh Tract Cemetery. tinct compact handwriting, “I social rights, exclusion of presideth over join you fellow unequal privileges civil and heaven and all citizens in ren- religious and of the usurping worlds, preside dering the tribute domination of one sect over over you…” of thankfulness another. Joseph Flood, to the almighty “I thank you fellow citizens who signed the ruler, who in the for your congratulations on my letter to Jefferson, order of his prov- appointment to the chief was the modera- idence hath magistracy and for your affec- tor of the associa- willed that the tionate supplications on my tion. Flood was human mind behalf to that being whose born at Welsh Tract near Iron The Delaware Association at shall be free in this portion of counsels are the best guide and Hill, Delaware. He preached in that time began in 1795 and the globe. his favor the best protection Delaware until about 1803. included six Baptist Churches – “I rejoice with you in the under all our difficulties and in John Boggs, another Delaware Welsh Tract, Cow Marsh, Duck happy consequences of our rev- whose holy keeping may our Baptist preacher, also signed the Creek, Queen Anne’s, olution, namely our separation country ever remain.”

BL • August 23, 2002 • 8

BEGIN A RELATIONSHIP Aunt Margaret finishes the race WITH GOD By Sharon Mager One of her more recent proj- Kenneth Phelps, a friend of ministered. One picture is with Dr. Staff Writer ects was working to raise money Meyers’ and chaplain at Harbor and Mrs. Jimmy Draper, president GOD’S INITIATIVE: God sent his son, Jesus, to for the church’s “119 Fund.” The Hospital gave the eulogy. of LifeWay and former president of die on the cross, paying the BALTIMORE, Md. –– church purchased property at 119 Timothy Trexler, former pastor of the Southern Baptist Convention. penalty for your sins, and Margaret Meyers, known affec- Warren Avenue to eventually use Lee Street Church, preached the Church member Cleaon Stafford promised “everyone who tionately as “Aunt Margaret,” for Sunday school classrooms. On memorial message. Meyers asked wrote, “In all the years that I have believes in him will not perish died on June 8 at the Meyer’s 92nd birthday Trexler to return to preach at her known Aunt Margaret from the but have eternal life.” John age of 94, leaving a the church honored her funeral before he left the church. time I was a little boy she never 3:16 legacy of Christian by having a secret Brian Zimmerman, pastor of said anything negative about any- service that few could fundraising drive in her Streetlite Fellowship Church gave one, anywhere, any time.” OUR RESPONSE: follow. She had been honor. Everyone the benediction. Zimmerman and Jay Martin, pastor of the church, ADMIT…that you need to a member of Lee brought in gifts in mul- his wife Carol became “adopted” wrote that Meyers had a servant be rightly related to God. Street Memorial tiples of 92. Some children. attitude even at 94 years of age Understand that you are Church since 1926. brought 92 cents; others Jay Martin, current pastor of Lee when most would have stopped sinner. Pride keeps us from Throughout those 76 $9.20 and some brought Street conducted the graveside serv- long before. doing some of the most years, Meyers held an $92.20. Altogether the ice. “She ran all the way through the important things in life. astounding number church raised over Hoffman said there are so many finish line,” Martin wrote. Without God’s intervention, of positions, most of $12,000. people Myers corresponded with your sin will ultimately lead to death and eternal separa- them right up until shortly before Meyers recently began a cam- that it is going take a long time to

her death. She was editor of the paign of her own, pleading with be able to notify everyone of her THE tion from God. MUSIC & “No one is good –- not even church newsletter until health everyone who read the newsletter death. ORSHIP one. No one has real under- problems forced her to resign last to send in at least one dollar. The church dedicated the July INSTITUTE standing; no one is seeking year. Meyers was also chairman Money began to come in slowly. “Beacon,” Lee Street’s newsletter, to God.” Romans 3:10 of the flower committee and After her death, many have made the memory of Meyers. It was filled Music & Worship Institute “For all have sinned; all fall treasurer of the Beautify God’s donations to the fund to honor with pictures and notes about her begins September 3. short of God’s glorious stan- House fund. She was the presi- her. So far $2,677 has been con- and her life. There are pictures of dard.” Romans 3:23 dent of the Ladies Aid society for tributed Meyers with friends at birthday Register today! REPENT…from your sin 46 years. Other ministries includ- Meyers never married. But she parties and graduations, with many call 410.290.5290 x245. and turn to God accepting ed teaching Sunday school, had many “adopted” nieces and different pastors with whom she’s by faith His gift of salvation. directing Bible school and acting nephews. She prayed for and “Now turn from your sins and as church clerk. And those were encouraged them, wrote them turn to God, so you can be just her church jobs. consistently and oftentimes Over 2,000 Juveniles are Reported cleansed of your sins.” Acts Meyers also served as corre- helped financially. 3:19 sponding secretary of the Inner She traveled often and had * “For the wages of sin is death, Missing Every Day but the free gift of God is eter- Harbor Ministries. She volun- many friends all over the world. nal life through Jesus Christ teered at Harbor Hospital, log- Meyers’ funeral filled the our Lord.” Romans 6:23 ging in over 2,600 hours. She reg- church. It was two hours long, Let First ID help make sure the children in your ularly helped with the Mother’s but no one minded, Louise organization have identification readily available. BELIEVE…that God’s son, Club at the Mallory Center. Each Hoffman said. Multiple pastors When parents purchase our state-of-the-art child ID Jesus Christ, makes it possi- year she crocheted over 200 and other ministerial staff, most card, their child’s vital statistics, recent photo and ble for you to have a rela- scarves for the Port Ministry. of who were Meyers’ “adopted” thumb print are recorded on a card the size of a driv- tionship with God. Every new baby in the church sons and daughters participated “For God was in Christ, recon- ers license, making it easily accessible at any time. ciling the world to himself…” received an “Aunt Margaret” spe- in the service. 2 Corinthians 5:19 cially crocheted afghan. John Rogers gave the wel- “This is real love. It is not that In her “spare time,” Meyers come and introductory remarks. we loved God, but that he loved constantly wrote letters of Rogers was an “adopted son” and Call today us and sent his son as a sacri- encouragement and sent out lived across the street from to schedule your children’s fice to take away our sins.” cards to people around the Meyer’s home in Brooklyn, where ministry group or school! 1 John 4:10 world. she resided for over 80 years. (410) 964-3538 “She sent 30 cards and letters Meyers encouraged Rogers as he CONFESS…your sin to out every week to people all attended Seminary. He is now the God. If you want to make Child Identification Card Program this choice now, you can over the world,” Louise pastor of a church in South express that desire to God in Hoffman said. Hoffman and her Carolina. a prayer similar to this one: husband Ray are members of Franklin Gurd gave the wel- First ID, LLC, P.O. Box 84, Clarksville, MD 21029 “Dear God, I know I am a sin- Lee Street and were very close come remarks. Meyers also helped *Information from NCIC, FBI, US DOJ, January 2002 ner. I believe Jesus shed his friends of Meyers. Gurd through his seminary years. blood, died and rose again to take the punishment for my sin. I accept your offer of for- giveness and eternal life. I Girl doesn’t mind “under thank you for what you have done for me, and I give you my life from this day forward.” God,” mom says WHY CHRISTIAN

EXPRESS…your faith pub- ELK GROVE, Calif. (RNS) –– Banning has hired attorneys in COUNSELING? lically. Share it with a The mother of the girl whose part to consider intervention in That’s a good question. We find that even evangelical Christian friend or a pastor. father sued to have the Pledge of the case. She said her daughter You will want to become Christians face terrible monsters on the road to sanctification. involved in a local church Allegiance declared unconstitu- “expressed sadness” after the All terror is not external. Sometimes it is the terror within where you can grow in your tional said July 11 her daughter decision, which has been stayed that just won’t go away. We help you deal with your monster knowledge of Christ. If you does not object to reciting the in an unusual move by the appel- in a way that does not jettison your hope – or your faith. choose a Baptist church, you pledge at school. late court. will be encouraged to be “I was concerned that the Newdow argued in his suit that We are uniquely able to blend both the psychological baptized as a public expres- American public would be led to his daughter was “injured” by and the spiritual. Without faith there can be no sion of your faith. believe that my daughter is an being forced to listen to others at change. We help you bring your faith to bear in those “If you confess with your atheist or that she has been the Elk Grove (Calif.) Unified areas of your heart not yet fully exposed to the light of mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God harmed reciting the Pledge of School District recite the pledge. Christ. We help you face your monster differently. Our raised him from the dead, you Allegiance, including the words, “I have a right to send my highly-trained and fully-credentialed staff can make a will be saved. Anyone who ‘one nation under God,’” Sandra child to a public school without difference in your journey to maturity in Christ. believes in him will not be dis- Banning said in a statement. the government inculcating any Call us today. Yes, our multi-cultural and appointed.” Romans 10:9; 11 “We are practicing Christians religious beliefs,” he said. multi-disciplined staff will probably be counseling and are active in our church,” she He added that it doesn’t matter DEDICATE…yourself as a others when you call. But go ahead and leave your added. what his daughter believes and name, number, and where you are located. We will fully devoted follower of Banning’s comments, reported that taking her to church doesn’t Jesus Christ. Receiving discreetly return your call that day. Your insurance by the , were her mean she chooses to be religious. God’s gift of forgiveness may pay for your time with us. If not, we offer a first public remarks since the 9th “The main thrust of this case is through Christ will set your subsidized fee-scale to make your heart-to-heart with us life in an opposite of the one U.S. District Court of Appeals not my daughter,” he said, “It’s you’ve been going. Now agreed June 26 with Michael me.” affordable. you are following God. Newdow that the words “under Some legal experts think the It takes enormous courage to face your monster. “Jesus said to all of them, ‘If God” cause the pledge to uncon- mother’s declaration that the girl We can help you do it. Call us today! people want to follow me, they stitutionally endorse religion. The is not harmed by the pledge could must give up the things they two words were added by make the case moot. want. They must be willing to give up their lives daily to fol- Congress in 1954. “The federal courts can’t low me.’” Luke 9:23 Banning never married address anything unless it’s a case Newdow, the third grader’s father of controversy,” said Rory Little, a and the atheist who started the professor at the University of Scripture from the legal challenge. She has full cus- California’s Hastings College of 800.491.5369 or 410.882.1988 New Living Translation tody of their daughter, which Law in San Francisco. “You have www.centrepointecounseling.org Newdow is fighting in court. to have injury.” BL • August 23, 2002 • 9

Resort ministry offers a variety of opportunities

By Lori Thornton summer, 17 mission teams from missions.” She supervises eight BaptistLIFE Correspondent Maryland, Tennessee, Florida, summer missionaries and a South Carolina and Virginia will US/C-2er who oversee the “Sun OCEAN CITY, Md. –– For the help lead the Bible stories, crafts, and Sand Club” sites. past eight years, Janet Roach has songs and games for children. Recognizing the potential for spent a week each summer at Students also help with min- growth and leadership develop- Ocean City, Md. Unlike the thou- istries sponsored by Ocean City ment in the students, Lynn seeks sands who visit the Eastern Shore Church, pastored by Lynn’s hus- to match missionaries with camp- grounds based on their personali- ty and gifts. They are also involved in afternoon and evening ministries based on their interests. Brooke Andrew, a US/C-2er completing her second year, says Mississippi that Davis is “open to letting mis- Partnership Missions sionaries and teams express themselves” through ministries Request 2003 but “never compromises quality.” Beth Lunyou, a summer mission- It’s time to begin planning ary from Mississippi who is plan- your summer missions strategy ning to go into foreign missions, for 2003. If you would like to has explored work with interna- request a mission team from tional students at an internet cafe. Mississippi to assist your She “enjoys the opportunity to church’s local ministry project, participate in different ministries here are a few simple steps you and to be stretched.” While sum- should follow: Middle school and college student mission team from First mer tasks are very important, • Determine what kind of min- Church, Powell, Ten. working in Ocean City, Md. Lynn “expects us to leave a istry project your church would every year, she is not on vacation band, Terry. Some deliver bottles changed person and to meet our like to do. (ie. VBS, building and spends no time relaxing in the of water to lifeguards and invite personal goals,” according to project, backyard Bible clubs, sun. The results of her visit, how- them to the weekly church-spon- Teresa Harrelson, summer mis- etc.) ever, will last longer than a suntan. sored dinner and discussion sionary from Towson University. • Determine what size group The Central Atlantic Leisure group. Others This you will need to request in Ministries has been the destination share the month, Davis order to complete the project. of Roach, currently a volunteer Gospel by will send off • Select a date for the project. youth leader at First Church, approaching the summer You may want to consider a Powell, TN. When bringing stu- fishers on the missionaries, back-up date for this request. dents here, she knows that they bridge, by welcome a • Contact your local association will have a “variety of ministry playing beach new US/C- office for a Mississippi opportunities and many kids to volleyball, 2er, and Partnership Missions Project work with.” She returned this June basketball or begin anoth- Request Form. The Partnership with First Church’s mission team frisbee with er year as office at BCM/D will also have and saw more than 20 kids accept vacationers campus min- these forms available. Christ. or by present- ister for • Return the completed project Lynn Davis, resort missionary ing puppet Salisbury request forms with appropriate in Ocean City, emphasizes that the shows on the area colleges. signatures to the BCM/D summer ministries are highly boardwalk. Campfires, Parent’s She will also begin writing cur- Partnership Missions office no dependant on youth mission Night Out and special worship riculum and contacting youth later than September 30, 2002. teams. “Sun and Sand Clubs” are services are also held on different mission teams for the summer of For further assistance, please offered every weekday morning nights. 2003. For more information about contact Rick Hancock at (800) for nine weeks at locations includ- Part of Lynn’s passion is how your church can be 466-5290 (ext. 223). ing campgrounds and a Christian “working with the next genera- involved, contact Lynn Davis at school. Over the course of the tion, helping them learn about (410) 749-7069. Change is an inevitable part of life By Mel Pride This time also offers the church efits because the church has exam- opportunity will be offered to par- Consultant/Specialist for a window of opportunity to evalu- ined itself and is in a better position ticipate in a more extensive level of Church/Minister Relations ate and assess itself by examining to maintain or change course as is training that will build on this ini- its ministries, its vision and its lead- necessary. tial training. This class will convene ver heard the saying that the ers. The interim or transitional pas- This new process is being kicked in Jan. 2003. Please pray for this ini- only constant that we can tor can play an important part in off on Wednesday, Oct. 16, with an tiative as we believe that it can Ecount on in life is change? the future success of the church. initial training session held at the make a significant impact on Well, there are a few other con- As the consultant for minister BCM/D facilities in Columbia. All Kingdom work. stants, but it’s for certain that relations, it is my desire to see the current and potential interims are If you have any questions about change is right up there. Even interim process enhanced so that encouraged to attend. This training the interim process, please call me good changes, for good reasons, both the church and the interim are is designed to provide an initial at (410) 290-5290, ext. 215. You may Melvin Pride require us to make some adjust- focused on a win-win-win situa- level of training for all interims that register for the initial training by Director of ments in our lives. If that is the tion. A win for the church, a win for serve the churches of the BCM/D. calling Linda Waggoner at (410) Strategic Planning case, then it is for certain that the interim and a win for the new From this group in attendance, an 290-5290, ext. 222. unplanned negative changes will pastor that will later join the team. cause feelings of uncertainty and The goal is simply excellence in Brand New From fear. Few of us are totally happy ministry and serving God His way. Charles Stanley about change, but we all must face Utilizing input from the direc- this possibility at different times in tors of missions, the leadership ONLY $9.97 our lives. development team and a five-mem- Likewise, our churches will also ber implementation team, we are experience change as they are not putting into place a process that exempt from this process. Perhaps more fully accomplishes the excel- one of the greatest changes and lence in ministry goal. Our desire is challenges that a church will deal to add value to the current process. with during its life is that of a The church will benefit by having change of pastors. Regardless of an interim that, in addition to sup- the reason for the change in pastor, plying the pulpit, helps the church it can be a very unsettling time. to focus on those areas that need It is at this time that the interim clarity or direction. This may pastor is needed to assist while the include, but is not limited to, con- church goes through the pastor flict management, visioning, mis- search process. This time of change sion clarification or health assess- is in reality a time of transition for ment. the church from a familiar leader The interim pastor benefits by to a new leader. It may or may not being able to have a clear focus of be an unsettling time, but the how to help the church move in a interim pastor is necessary to help beneficial and intentional direction, add stability and continuity to the thus adding value to the process. life of the church. Of course, the incoming pastor ben- BL • August 23, 2002 • 10

Reclaiming a home for a Baptist family members of Seventh decided to ministry that would be dear to one home. The wiring needs to be I have invited the sell the block of houses with the my heart because I know what it upgraded, new ground fault inter- Coordinator of Baptist Family’s stipulation that they be owner is like to be young, unmarried rupters are needed in the bath- CareNow Program, Amy occupied. A vote was taken and and pregnant on your own.” room and major outlets need to be Patrick, to write about one of three houses were kept off the The house was built at the installed for the kitchen appli- the very interesting cases that market. Two are being used for turn of the (last) century, which ances. her program is working on this ministry purposes and one was means that many of the main The plumbing system needs to summer. It involves renovating held for the family of Wanda systems of the house are in need be upgraded to PVC pipe, some a row house, working with a Parks. of repair. The plumbing, electri- fixtures might be required to family of great faith and part- Wanda is the mother of six cal, heating and roofing all need make the bathrooms functional, a nering with a pair of strong, Bob Gerstmyer beautiful children ranging in ages to be upgraded. Since the build- laundry room needs to be determined churches. BFCS Executive Director from eighteen installed, and the water I’ll let Amy tell the story, but through six years heater needs to be these are the kinds of worth- old. The house is a upgraded. A new furnace while projects that you support four-story row home is also needed as well as when you give to Baptist with a full base- a check of all of the radi- Family, either through yearly ment. It has five ator intakes and returns. fundraising events like bedrooms and bath- Baptist Family & Mother’s Day, VBS or the rooms making it Children’s Services, in Annual Banquet, or through ideal for Wanda’s partnership with Long budgeted giving by your family and also for Green Baptist Church church. We are only able to help hosting women’s and World Changers are families like the one you are Bible studies, bring- putting together teams about to meet through the gen- ing friends and fam- of volunteers to work on erosity of you, our faithful ily together for a the home throughout the donors and partners. Please meal and giving summer. We are looking Want More? keep this in mind as you read children in the for some men and the following. church and neigh- women to help with this Sign up for our quarterly newsletter Family Life. Stay borhood a place to project by donating abreast of the latest from hang out in the time, talent, skills, mate- BFCS all year long. Receive By Amy Patrick basement. When her rials and money to make updates on our programs, CareNow Coordinator children are grown, Wanda Parks hopes to operate a crisis pregnancy cen- Wanda’s house into a cases and other child and Wanda looks for- ter in her newly renovated home in Baltimore. home for her family. If family-related topics. ears ago, Seventh Baptist ward to fulfilling her dream of ing used to be apartments, there you have expertise in any of Church was blessed to be operating a crisis pregnancy cen- needs to be a kitchen installed these areas, or you would like to Also, sign up for our able to buy a row of houses ter to provide housing, support that will accommodate a single help with the project in another new CareNow Y Communicator monthly in the 1900 block of St. Paul Street and skills training for unwed new family. The immediate goals are way, please call Amy Patrick at newsletter. Packed with sto- in Baltimore. The buildings were mothers. to remove all old kitchen and (410) 872-1050, ext. 103. ries and pictures, the used for a variety of ministries Wanda sums up her dream by bathroom appliances, some walls Communicator is your link including an after-school pro- saying, “up to four mothers will and the floor of the future [Editor’s note: Baptist Family to the exciting work of gram, community low-income be able to live there for a period of kitchen. offers special thanks to Wanda BFCS’s CareNow Family housing, a health clinic, a thrift about two years as they go The electrical system also Parks for agreeing to share her Preservation Program. store and housing for the elderly through their pregnancies, births, needs work, as it is now set up to story in this month’s issue of and disabled. Three years ago, the and early child rearing. This is a supply five apartments instead of BaptistLIFE.] Call Tim Durkin at 410- 872-1050 extension 143 or email baptistfamily@baptist- family.org with your name Erlich to speak at Annual Banquet Parenting Power and address to get on the list today! By Tim Durkin Bently--and has served in the on October 15th in the Grand Class Schedule Public Relations Associate House of Representatives ever Ballroom of the Turf Valley since. Resort and Conference Center in aptist Family is pleased to In the interest of fair play, Ellicott City, MD. Rep. Ehrlich Baptist Family’s McCormick announce a special addition Baptist Family has extended invi- joins Howard County Executive Family Life Institute will offer three Bto the pro- tations not only James Robey and former sessions of parenting classes, gram of the to Rep. Ehrlich, Maryland and NFL Quarterback beginning in October and running Annual Banquet. but also to his Frank Reich on the program of through May 2003. The classes will Rep. Bob Ehrlich, Democratic speakers. Musical entertainment utilize BFCS’s popular Parenting Maryland challenger, will be provided by Bryan Patrick Power curriculum and will be Congressman Lieutenant and Bob Simpson. taught by Amy Patrick, CareNow and candidate for Governor Individual tickets to the Coordinator of Baptist Family’s Information and the Governor’s Kathleen Annual Banquet cost $60; a table CareNow Family Preservation Referral Hotlne office this fall, Kennedy of 10 tickets costs $550. Corporate Program. Amy has earned a Townsend, as sponsors have the opportunity to To access the has accepted an Master’s Degree in Marriage and well as to display their company’s logo on CareNow Information & invitation to Family Counseling from the Maryland promotional materials and pur- Referral Hotline, please speak. Southwestern Baptist Theological Senators Barbara Mikulski and chase a table of 10 tickets for call (410) 872-1050, Rep. Ehrlich began his political Seminary. Paul Sarbanes. $750. extension 113. This line career in the Maryland General Classes meet on Thursday Baptist Family has previously Call Tim Durkin at (800) 621- is manned between the Assembly. In 1994 he succeeded nights for seven weeks, from 6:30 announced that this year’s 8834, extension 143 to reserve hours of 9 am and noon, the retiring Congresswoman from until 8:30 each night. The training Annual Banquet will take place your tickets today! Monday through Friday. Maryland’s 2nd District--Helen costs $80 per person, with a dis- At all other times, a counted rate of $150 per couple. THE FAMILY CIRCUS® by Bil Keane voice mail system col- Members of BCM/D churches lects messages. These who register for their class at least messages are checked two weeks prior to the first class regularly throughout will receive an additional $5.00 off business hours. per person or $10.00 off per couple.

Fall 2002: October 3, 10, 17, 24 November 7, 14, 21

Baptist Family and Winter 2003: January 9, 16, 23, 30 Children’s Services February 13, 20, 27 7175 Columbia Gateway Dr., Ste. F Columbia, MD 21046- Spring 2003: April 3, 10, 24 2537 May 1, 8, 15, 22

Phone: 410-872-1050 Baptist Family’s Parenting 800-621-8834 Power class represents a great Fax: 410-872-1047 value and is an excellent way for E-mail: you to get involved with the [email protected] work of the CareNow Family www.baptistfamily.org Preservation Program. To regis- ter for any of the above classes, Would you like to be on or for more information, please our e-mail list? Send a call Vickie Kent at (800) 621- message to: 8834, extension 144. [email protected] Reprinted in Baptist LIFE with special permission of Bil Keane. BL • August 23, 2002 • 11

Employment ministries, programs and activities TO PLACE AN AD and, secondarily, to lead the church to develop a comprehen- MAIL, E-MAIL, OR FAX YOUR AD – Deadlines are PASTOR –– First Baptist Church sive recreation program that reach- the last Friday of each of Lansdowne, with 125 active es church members and persons in month for the following members, is seeking God’s will in the community. Resumes may be month’s issue. Classified finding a Pastor. Resumes will be sent to: Dr. Wayne Kempson, FBC advertising is 75 cents per accepted until September 30, 2002, Waldorf, 11725 Berry Road, word ($18.00 minimum) for at the following address: FBC Waldorf, Maryland 20603. BCM/D churches and Lansdowne, Attn: Pastor Search church members; 85 cents Committee, 2320 Alma Road, MUSIC DIRECTOR –– Bethel per word ($20.00 minimum) for non-profit organiza- Lansdowne, MD 21227. Questions Baptist Church of Ellicott City, MD tions; and 95 cents per can be addressed to Mike Greenlee is seeking a part-time Director of word ($25.00 minimum) for at (410) 247-3655. Music. Deadline for resumes is commercial organizations. August 30, 2002. Send resumes to Word count does not ACCOMPANIST NEEDED –– 4261 Montgomery Road, Ellicott include words with two let- Olney Baptist Church – Part-time City, MD 21043; FAX to 410-465- As church ministry leaders, we wrestle constantly with ters or less. Spot color is paid position. For more informa- 6101 or email to [email protected]. how to effectively communicate our messages to the con- available for an additional tion call church office at (301) 774- $10 per ad. Contact us for gregation and community. It seems we are almost always display ad pricing. The 5433 or send resumes to Olney Miscellaneous sending out brochures, postcards, flyers and newsletters in entire paper is also acces- Baptist Church, 17525 Georgia the hope of catching the eye and grabbing the attention of sible online at Avenue, P.O. Box 325, Olney, MD our audiences. www.baptistlifeonline.org 20830-0325. CLEANCUT CINEMA –– Are you Note: Acceptance of ads tired of watching movies that you For those who would like to improve their design does not constitute an DIRECTOR OF MISSIONS –– have to fast forward? skills, a non-designer’s Design Workshop is being held at endorsement of products Piedmont Baptist Association, CleanCut Cinemas offers hit edit- the Baptist Center in Columbia, MD on Sept. 17, 2002, or services. Greensboro, NC is seeking a full- ed movies for rent or purchase. time Director of Missions in For more information: from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Sean Copley, of the BCM/D Metropolitan area, 63 churches. www.cleancutcinemas.com Communications Center staff, will present basic design Candidate should be an active SBC principles, rules of thumb for using text and contrast, and Christian, DOM experience pre- LIN WALLBERG, SOLO an overview of “good, better and best” when it comes to ferred, ascribe to the Baptist Faith HANDBELLS –– Available for various design software. and Message, called to association- concerts, worship services, clinics, This event is recommended for church and association- al missions, and have received at or weddings. Add the beautiful least a master’s degree. Send touch of handbells to your special al secretaries, administrative assistants, ministerial staff resume, with references to Mrs. occasion. Contact: Lin Wallberg who write for church newsletters and other promotional Dean Malone, Secretary, 6102 Phone: (301) 586-0317 E-mail: wall- publications and BaptistLIFE BackPage participants. O’Briant Ct., Greensboro, NC [email protected] Reservation requests must be received by September 27410 or email to 10, and attendance will be limited. The cost is only $7.00 [email protected]. RETREAT TO THE OCEAN –– for the workshop and lunch. No refunds will be given The Baptist Retreat Center in MINISTER OF YOUTH –– The Ocean City is available for Fall – after September 13. Send your check (payable to BCM/D) First Baptist Church of Waldorf is Spring Retreats. We can accom- to: Design Workshop, BCM/D, 10255 Old Columbia Road, seeking a full time Minister of modate groups as large as 65. For Columbia, MD 21046-1716. Youth. Primary responsibility will more info. call (410) 289-6573 or be to coordinate and direct youth check http://www.OCBaptist.org

5th annual Tent Meeting at Middle Creek DON’T FORGET!! August 30- September 1, 2002 DISCOVERY DAY WORKSHOP: in Fairfield, PA (near Gettysburg) Who, Me, a Church Planter? September 14, from 9:00-2:00 pm, Friday night concert with Sue Dodge, at the Baptist Center in Columbia, MD Larry Ford and the Johnsons Saturday night Old fashioned For pastors, staff and lay people, who are interested Hymn Sing led by the Ferrins in exploring the possibility that God may be calling them into church planting Featured speaker: Dr. , author of “Unveiling ” FREE (including lunch) for the first 20 people who register by email at [email protected] or call David at (800) 466-5290, ext. 225. Saturday lunch and dinner provided. Youth and Children’s programs Deadline: September 10 free! provided at Summit Lake. NOTE: This event is NOT for current church planters. call 888.770.5338 or visit middlecreekbible.org