Santa Clara University Scholar Commons Jesuit School of Theology 1996 Feminist Spirituality: Christian Alternative or Alternative to Christianity? Sandra Marie Schneiders Jesuit School of Theology/Graduate Theological Union,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Religion Commons Recommended Citation Schneiders, Sandra Marie “Feminist Spirituality: Christian Alternative or Alternative to Christianity?” In Women’s Spirituality: Resources for Christian Development, 2nd ed. Edited by Joann Wolski Conn, 30-67. New York/Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1996. Reprinted with permission. This Book Chapter is brought to you for free and open access by Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Jesuit School of Theology by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Feminist Spirituality: Christian Alternative or Alternative to Christianity? Sandra M. Schneiders Let us consider the issue of fe minism in relatio n to Christi an spirituality, i.e . to the area of lived experi ence of the fa ith. It must be noted , however, that the term "spiritua lity" is no lo nger an exclusively Christian , no r even an exclusively reli gious, term . Not surprisingly, therefore , fe minist spirituality is not necessaril y a C hristi an o r even a religio us pheno meno n. In fact , however, as we shall see, fe minist spirituality whether Christi an or not tends to be deeply re ligious. Consequently, o ur first task is to define spirituality and specify the meaning of C hristi an spirituality so that we can then raise the questi o n of how fe minism is related to spirituality and fin all y how feminist spirituality is related to Chris tian spirituality.