Development tracker: The drugs and vaccines in development for COVID-19

The pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry is scrambling to put products into development to potentially treat, cure or prevent COVID-19 .

Based on a review by AgencyIQ of, company announcements and media reports, there are at least 170 medical product candidates in various stages of testing to assess their potential effects against COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes the condition. Some have already been approved and are being assessed for their potential to treat COVID, while others are being repurposed from other late-stage development pipelines. Others are still in the very early stages of development and have not yet been tested in humans.

Based on evidence from recent studies, the chances of clinical success are low. Of all drugs for infectious diseases that enter Phase 1 testing, just 26.7% go on to obtain approval. Just 31.6% of vaccines that enter Phase 1 testing go on to obtain approval. The size of the development pipeline and interest in COVID-19 may indicate that several of these products will go on to obtain approval, but the safety and efficacy of these products is far from guaranteed. As companies try to bring whatever compounds they have into clinical testing, it’s possible that few, if any, of these products will ultimately prove safe or effective.

Highlights: 115+ 55+ 36+ 64+ Therapeutic medical Vaccines in development Products already approved Products already in clinical products in development for other indications development (7 vaccines, 57 therapies)

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple.

Development Dashboard: Vaccines

Vaccine candidates by phase Candidates by type 19 52 15

7 5 5 6 7 1 mRNA Viral Other Protein DNA Virus Like Pre-Clinical Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Vector Subunit Particle Candidates by Type Candidates by Phase Development Dashboard: Therapeutics

Phase for candidates in clinical Development stage testing Not yet in clinical testing 49% Unknown 16 Compassionate Use 3 In Clinical Testing Phase 4 5 32% Phase 3 11 Approved for another indication; in Phase 2/3 7 25% clinical testing Phase 2 14 Phase 1/2 3 Approved for another indication 11% Phase 1 0

Notes on data: Based on AgencyIQ analysis of publicly available data. Not all candidates had information available for each data point. Current as of 23 April 2020.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Therapeutic Development

Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase is an L- valine derivative that is an antiretroviral drug from the protease inhibitor class used to Abbott (HIV treat HIV and approval) prevent or treat AIDS. It is often used as a fixed- Abbott received approval AbbVie, dose combination with Approved in 1996 for for the treatment of HIV in Approved Company Ascletis, another protease HIV. Currently a piece of 1996 under the drug name for another announcement Pharmstandard inhibitor, lopinavir. many clinical trials for Ritonavir Therapeutic Norvir. Many trials are indication; / PubChem / , Gilead, Ritonavir is also used in COVID-19 treatments in looking at combinations of in clinical / Shionogi, combination with combination with other ritonavir and other drugs testing. Trial Results Toyama sodium drugs. for treatment of COVID-19. Chemical, hydrate, and Janssen, (under the Biogen, Merck trade name Viekira Pak) for treatment of chronic virus genotype 1 infection and cirrhosis of the liver.

The First Affiliated Approved Testing is taking place Hospital of Drug approved for The estimated study for another Reported in in to assess Fujian Medical Fingolimod Therapeutics treatment of multiple completion date is July indication; media / treatment for COVID-19 University sclerosis (Novartis) 1st. in clinical Clinical Trials . testing. Novartis

Previous studies have First Affiliated shown the drug can treat Approved Currently in Phase II. Hospital of Testing taking place in H1N1 lung injury. for another Reported in Estimated study Wenzhou Thalidomide Therapeutic China for treatment of Thalidomide is approved indication; media / completion date is May Medical severe COVID-19 cases. in the US, though has a in clinical Clinical Trial 30th. University REMS due to causing birth testing. defects.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Approved FDA granted approval to for another Reported in Sildenafil Testing in China Currently in Phase III in Tongji Hospital Therapeutic Pfizer under the name indication; media / citrate currently. China. Viagra. in clinical Clinical Trial testing.

Peking Union Medical Approved Currently being tested Reported in College Approved for many for another Cortico- in China and under a Trial estimated to Media / Hospital Therapeutic indications by the FDA indication; steroid phase III clinical trial for complete on April 25th Clinical Trial / including cancers. in clinical H1N1 WHO University of testing Oxford

Novartis subsidiary Sandoz is donating up to 130 million doses of University of generic Minnesota hydroxychloroquine.

Many groups are University of assessing the ability for Some clinical results are Oxford Company Chloroquine to treat already available but Approved announcement Chloroquine patients with Approved by the FDA for are inconclusive. HCQ for another Various / FDA / HHS / / Hydroxy- Therapeutic mild/moderate COVID- treatment of malaria was able to shorten indication; Chinese Reported in chloroquine 19 to reduce the (Novartis). recovery times in one in clinical research media / duration of symptoms study. testing sponsors Clinical Trial and decrease viral

shedding. The FDA issued an EUA Novartis to allow the drug to be

distributed from the Mylan national stockpile and used on hospitalized patients.

Prior FDA approval for Approved Incyte’s Jakofi to treat Tongji Hospital Currently being tested Study in China set to for another Reported in “steroid-refractory acute Ruxolitinib Therapeutic in China for COVID-19 complete by end of indication; media / WHO / GVHD in adult and Incyte Corp. treatment. year in clinical Clinical Trial pediatric patients 12 years testing and older.”

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Wuhan Infectious Approved Testing taking place in Diseases Merck (Schering) received No timeline. Clinical for another Peginterfero China. Also studying Reported in Hospital Therapeutic approval for the treatment trials currently occurring indication; n alfa-2b the effect in MERS Media / WHO / of hepatitis C previously. in China. in clinical treatment. Eiger Bio- testing Pharmaceutic A recombinant humanized monoclonal Amgen received prior Approved IgG1 antibody that Clinical trial is currently Reported in Qilu Hospital approval from the FDA for another Therapeutic – binds to and inhibits the recruiting in China. media / of Shandong Bevacizumab under the name Avastin indication; antibodies biologic activity of Report out expected in Clinical Trial / University which is indicated for in clinical human vascular April. DrugBank cancer treatment. testing endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Gilead Clinical trial currently

taking place in China Sichian for COVID-19 Approved Academy of Approved by the FDA in treatment. It works as a for another Medical Emtricitabine Therapeutic - 2004 under name Truvada WHO / Clinical “Non-nucleoside No timeline indication; Sciences & , tenofovir antiviral (Gilead) to treat/prevent Trial reverse transcriptase in clinical Sichian HIV-1. inhibitor and testing Provincial nucleotide reverse People’s transcriptase inhibitor” Hospital Roche

BARDA Approved by FDA under No timeline, but further Approved Roche is starting a the name Actemra/ than others studying the for another Company First Affiliated Therapeutic – Phase III clinical trial for Tocilizumab RoActemra for the same drug in other indication; announcement Hospital of the antibodies treatment of COVID-19 indication of rheumatoid countries. Currently in in clinical / Clinical Trial University pneumonia. artritis. Phase III testing of Science and Technology of China

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase The company already markets iNO as INOmax in Currently working with the US to treat term and The company is FDA and other near-term newborns exploring inhaled nitric regulatory agencies to Mallinckrodt suffering from hypoxic Approved oxide (iNO) as a explore the use of the Company Inhaled respiratory failure caused for another supportive measure for treatment for COVID- announcement Massachusetts nitric oxide Therapeutic by pulmonary indication; COVID-19, particularly 19. / PubChem / General (ino) hypertension. Additionally, in clinical for patients with Clinical Trial Hospital iNO was used in a study to testing pulmonary Massachusetts General treat six SARS-CoV patients complications. has initiated clinical and showed trials. improvements compared to controls. was originally developed for Previously approved A/B infections. under another Baloxavir is an inhibitor The drug was initially indication. Currently in Approved of the influenza cap- approved for use in Japan Reported in clinical testing in China for another Baloxavir dependent in February 2018. It was media / Roche Therapeutic in combination with indication; marboxil endonuclease enzyme approved by the FDA on PubChem / at The First in clinical and is used as therapy October 24, 2018, for the Clinical Trials Affiliated Hospital, testing of influenza A and B. treatment of acute Zhejiang University uncomplicated influenza in School of Medicine. patients 12 years of age or older. -beta is a form of recombinant A clinical trial is BIOGEN received approval human interferon used ongoing in France, Approved in the US for this drug to Company to slow disease sponsored by the for another Interferon treat multiple sclerosis. A announcement Merck KGaA Therapeutic progression and reduce French Institut National indication; beta-1a trial for COVID treatment / DrugBank / the frequency of clinical de la Sante et de la in clinical began in France in early Clinical Trial symptoms in patients Recherche Medicale testing. March. who have relapsing (INSERM). multiple sclerosis. Binds to tubulin, thereby interfering with the polymerization of Montreal Heart This drug was approved by Trials are ongoing in Approved tubulin, disrupting Institute the FDA in 2009 for the Canada to test this drug for another mitosis. This leads to an Clinical Trial / Colchicine Therapeutic treatment of gout flares against COVID-19. indication; inhibition of migration DACIMA and familial Mediterranean Estimated completion is in clinical PubChem of leukocytes and other Software . in September. testing inflammatory cells, thereby reducing the inflammatory response. Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Baricitinib is a selective and reversible Janus kinase 1 (JAK1) and 2 (JAK2) inhibitor. Janus kinases belong to the Eli Lilly received approval tyrosine protein kinase in 2018 to treat arthritis family and play an under the brand name Approved in the US and important role in the Olumiant. Baricitinib was EU in 2018 under proinflammatory also approved in the EU in separate indication. Approved Reported in pathway signaling that February 2017 as a for another media / is frequently over- second-line orally Eli Lilly Baricitinib Therapeutic Clinical trials for COVID- indication / PubChem / activated in administered treatment for 19 are taking place at In clinical Clinical Trial / autoimmune disorders moderate to severe active Hospital of Prato and testing Clinical Trial such as rheumatoid rheumatoid arthritis in Nova Scotia Health arthritis. By blocking the adults, either as a Authority. actions of JAK1/2, monotherapy or when baricitinib disrupts the combined with activation of methotrexate. downstream signaling molecules and proinflammatory mediators. J&J received approval in 2006 for treatment of HIV Approved in 2006 under the name Prezista. under separate is an With the recent SARS-CoV- Johnson & indication. Clinical trials antiretroviral protease 2 outbreak of 2019 that Johnson (HIV) started in 2020 for inhibitor that is used in causes coronavirus Approved treatment of Company the treatment of human disease, darunavir is being for another Gilead (testing Coronavirus, which are announcement Darunavir Therapeutic immunodeficiency virus studied as a possible indication; for COVID-19), set to conclude in / Nature / (HIV) and prevention of treatment for SARS-CoV-2 in clinical August. J&J has Clinical Trial acquired due to in vitro evidence testing. Janssen (testing indicated there is a lack immunodeficiency supporting its ability to for COVID-19) of evidence supporting syndrome (AIDS). combat this infection. darunavir as a COVID- Clinical trials are underway 19 treatment. and are expected to conclude in August 2020.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Losartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) used to treat hypertension. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors The University of are used for a similar Minnesota is enrolling Approved Losartan was granted FDA Reported in indication but are for clinical trials to see if for another University of approval in 1995, and media / Losartan Therapeutic associated with a losartan can reduce indication; Minnesota many companies offer DrugBank / cough. When patients organ failure in COVID in clinical generic versions. Clinical Trial with ACE inhibitor patients, and avoid testing. associated coughs are hospitalizations. switched to ARBs like losartan, they have an incidence of cough similar to placebo or hydrochlorothiazide. Sargramostim is a human recombinant Partner Therapeutics granulocyte has announced the start colony- of a clinical trial at Approved Berlex Labs has already Company Sargramosti stimulating factor (GM- University Hospital for another Partner received FDA approval for announcement m, rhu-GM- Therapeutic CSF) expressed in yeast. Ghent. The company indication; Therapeutics this drug under the name / DrugBank / CSF It is a glycoprotein that notes medical centers in clinical Leukine. Clinical Trials is 127 residues. in other countries are testing. Substitution of Leu23 also considering joining leads to a difference the trial. from native protein.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase is an antiviral used for the treatment and prophylaxis of infection Oseltamivir was approved with influenza viruses A by the FDA in 2012 for the Trials are ongoing in (including pandemic treatment of influenza. China in combination Approved H1N1) and B. Company Roche received this and comparison to for another Oseltamivir exerts its announcement Tongji Hospital Oseltamivir Therapeutic approval under the name other antiviral therapies. indication; antiviral activity by / DrugBank / Tamiflu. Roche has stated The trial is expected to in clinical inhibiting the activity of Clinical Trial that it is extremely unlikely be completed by July 1, testing. the viral neuraminidase that this would be effective 2020. enzyme found on the to treat the virus. surface of the virus, which prevents budding from the host cell, viral replication, and infectivity. Anakinra is a recombinant, nonglycosylated human Approved Anakinra interleukin-1 receptor Swedish A trial is ongoing and for another DrugBank / and antagonist (IL-1Ra). Both drugs are approved Orphan Therapeutic set to complete in indication; DrugBank / emapaluma Emapalumab, also by the FDA. Biovitrum September. in clinical Clinical Trials b known as NI-0501, is a testing. fully human monoclonal antibody that targets interferon gamma. The company announced they are starting a clinical Sargramostim is a trial for sargramostim for Approved human recombinant Company treatment of patients with The trial is taking place for another Partner Sargramo- granulocyte announcement Therapeutic COVID-19 related currently at University indication; Therapeutics stim macrophage colony- / DrugBank / respiratory illness. The Hospital Ghent. in clinical stimulating factor (GM- Clinical Trials drug (known as Leukine) is testing. CSF) expressed in yeast. already approved by FDA for five other conditions.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase The company notes they will begin a phase Alexion received FDA Ravulizumab is III study for use of this approval for ravulizumab Approved considered a long- drug for the treatment in 2018 under the brand for another Company Ravulizu- acting complement 5 of adults with COVID Alexion Therapeutic name ULTOMIRIS for indication; announcement mab-cwvz (C5) inhibitor, who are hospitalized treatment of adults with in clinical considered similar to with severe symptoms / DrugBank paroxysmal nocturnal testing. eculizumab. such as pneumonia or hemoglobinuria (PNH) ARDS. This will begin in May. Tofacitinib is an The FDA approved inhibitor of Janus tofacitinib for the Pfizer is supporting a Approved kinases, a group of Company treatment of moderate to study of the use of their for another intracellular enzymes announcement Pfizer Tofacitinib Therapeutic severe rheumatoid arthritis drug in patients with indication; involved in signalling in 2012. The approval went pneumonia caused by in clinical / DrugBank / pathways that affect to Pfizer under the brand COVID-19. testing. Clinical Trials hematopoiesis and name Xeljanz. immune cell function. Acalabrutinib is an orally available inhibitor of Bruton's tyrosine AstraZeneca received FDA kinase (BTK) with approval for acalabrutinib The company potential antineoplastic Approved in 2017 for the treatment announced they will Company activity. Upon for another Acalabrutin- of chronic lymphocytic begin a global clinical announcement AstraZeneca Therapeutic administration, indication; ib leukemia, small trial which is estimated acalabrutinib inhibits in clinical / PubChem / lymphocytic lymphoma, to conclude in the activity of BTK and testing. Clinical Trials and Mantle Cell Lynphoma September. prevents the activation (MCL) in adults. of the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) signaling pathway. The company Selinexor is a first-in- Selinexor was approved by announced plans to Approved Company Karyopharm Selinexor Therapeutic class selective inhibitor the FDA in 2019 to treat intitiate a global trial for for another announcement Therapeutics of nuclear transport multiple myeloma. hospitalized COVID indication / DrugBank (SINE) compound. patients.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Niclosamide is an orally bioavailable chlorinated salicylanilide, with anthelmintic and potential antineoplastic The partners UNION activity. Upon oral announced they are Bayer received FDA Approved Company Therapeutics Niclosamid administration, planning to submit a Therapeutic approval for this drug, but for another announcement e niclosamide specifically development program has since discontinued it. indication Institut Pasteur induces degradation of to the Danish medical / PubChem the androgen receptor authorities. (AR) variant V7 (AR-V7) through the proteasome-mediated pathway. Dantrolene is a hydantoin derivative and direct-acting skeletal muscle relaxant. Dantrolene Eagle Pharmaceuticals Eagle announced they depresses excitation- received FDA approval for Approved Company Eagle Dantrolene have submitted an IND Therapeutic contraction coupling in this drug in 2014 for the for another announcement Pharmaceuticals sodium to the FDA and are skeletal muscle by treatment of malignany indication awaiting an answer. / DrugBank binding to the hyperthermia. ryanodine receptor 1, and decreasing intracellular calcium concentration. Lopinavir is an anti- Abbott Laboratories Approved in 2000 in retroviral protease received approval in 2000 combination with inhibitor used in to treat HIV using the ritonavir to treat HIV. Abbott (HIV combination with other combination of lopinavir Currently under approval) antiretrovirals in the and ritonavir under the Company investigation in Approved treatment of HIV-1 brand name Kaletra. announcement Lopinavir Therapeutic combination with for another AbbVie infection. Lopinavir is Lopinavir is currently under / DrugBank / ritonavir for the indication. (investigating marketed and investigation in Clinical results treatment of COVID-19. for COVID-19) administered combination with ritonavir One study has shown exclusively in for the treatment of no clinical benefit from combination with COVID-19 caused by the treatment. ritonavir. SARS-CoV-2.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase is a synthetic benzamide with antiprotozoal activity. Nitazoxanide Romark Pharmaceuticals exerts its antiprotozoal received approval in 2005 activity by interfering to treat parasitic infections with the under the drug name pyruvate ferredoxin/ Alinia. Recently, this drug Approved in 2005 for Approved Reported in Nitazoxanid flavodoxin Romark Therapeutic has been studied as a treatment of parasitic for another media / e oxidoreductase broad-spectrum antiviral infections. indication. DrugBank dependent electron agent due to its ability to transfer reaction, which inhibit the replication of is essential to anaerobic several RNA and DNA energy metabolism. viruses. PFOR enzyme reduces nitazoxanide, thereby impairing the energy metabolism. Siltuximab prevents the Janssen received FDA A case-control study is binding of IL-6 to EUSA Pharma approval for siltuximab in ongoing. One third of soluble and membrane- Approved Company 2014 under the name patients observed in an Siltuximab Therapeutic bound IL-6 receptors by for another announcement Papa Giovanni Sylvant for the treatment of interim analysis showed forming high affinity indication. / DrugBank XXIII Hospital multicentric Castleman’s clinical improvement, complexes with human disease. and 43% were stable. interleukin-6 (IL-6).

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Penciclovir is a synthetic acyclic guanine derivative with antiviral activity, mainly used to treat infections from herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2. In HSV infected cells, penciclovir is phosphorylated by viral thymidine kinase and subsequently Mylan received approval in Approved Reported in converted by cellular Approved in 1996 for Mylan Penciclovir Therapeutic 1996 to treat HSV under for another media / kinases into the active HSV. drug name Denavir. indication. PubChem metabolite, penciclovir triphosphate, which competitively inhibits viral HSV polymerase by blocking deoxyguanosine triphosphate substrate binding. As a result, herpes viral DNA synthesis and replication are selectively inhibited.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Chloroquine is a 4- aminoquinoline with antimalarial, anti- inflammatory, and potential Chloroquine is an chemosensitization and aminoquinolone derivative radiosensitization first developed in the activities. Although the 1940s for the treatment of mechanism is not well malaria. Chloroquine was understood, granted FDA approval on Approved in 1949 Approved Reported in Chloroquin Sanofi Therapeutic chloroquine is shown to October 31, 1949. Sanofi under separate for another media / e inhibit the parasitic received this approval indication. indication. DrugBank enzyme heme under the product name polymerase that Aralen. Since then, other converts the toxic heme companies have also had into non-toxic NDAs or ANDAs approved hemazoin, thereby for this drug. resulting in the accumulation of toxic heme within the parasite. is a synthetic nucleoside analog Valeant Pharmaceuticals of ribofuranose with received approval in 1985 Two approvals for activity against hepatitis for treatment of respiratory separate indications by C virus (HCV) and other Valeant infections in separate companies RNA viruses. Ribavirin is Approved Reported in (Bausch) children/babies under the were received decades Ribavirin Therapeutic incorporated into viral for another media / name Virazole. Later, ago. These targeted RNA, thereby inhibiting indication. PubChem Merck Merck received approval specific populations for viral RNA synthesis, to treat HCV with this drug HCV and respiratory inducing viral genome in combination with illness. mutations and interferon alpha 2-b. inhibiting normal viral replication.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Plasminogen activators are a heterogeneous group of proteolytic MIT and the University enzymes that convert of Colorado are MIT Plasminogen to working with hospitals Tissue Various forms of tPA are Company Fibrinolysin. They are in Massachusetts and Approved plasminoge already approved, for announcement University of Therapeutic concentrated in the Colorado to begin for another n activator example Genentech’s / DrugBank / Colorado at lysosomes of most cells clinical testing in the US. indication. (tPA) Alteplase. China results Denver and in the vascular Some results from endothelium, China show positive particularly in the response to the drug. vessels of the microcirculation. Eculizumab is a monoclonal antibody Alexion has discussed that targets with various complement protein Alexion received FDA government agencies C5. Binding to this approval for this drug in that they believe Approved Company protein prevents the 2007 for the treatment of eculizumab should be Alexion Eculizumab Therapeutic for another announcement activation of a paroxysmal nocturnal investigated and indication. / DrugBank complement terminal hemoglobinuria to reduce considered for complex, which is used hemolysis. treatment of COVID, to treat a number of but nothing more has autoimmune happened thus far. conditions. Favipiravir is a pyrazinecarboxamide derivative with activity Discovered by Toyama against RNA viruses. Chemical Co., Ltd., in Favipiravir is converted Previously approved in Reported in Japan, favipiravir is a to the ribofuranosyltri- Japan. Clinical trial in In clinical media / Fujifilm Favipiravir Therapeutic modified pyrazine analog phosphate derivative by China has shown testing. DrugBank / that was initially approved host enzymes and positive results. Clinical Trial for therapeutic use in selectively inhibits the resistant cases of influenza. influenza viral RNA- dependent RNA polymerase.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase In 2017, its activity against the coronavirus family of , or GS-5734, viruses was also is an adenosine demonstrated. Remdesivir Not yet approved. triphosphate analog is also being researched as Previous tests had taken first described in the Company a potential treatment to place for Ebola. Current literature in 2016 as a announcement SARS-CoV2, the tests are taking place in In clinical Gilead Sciences Remdesivir Therapeutic potential treatment for / DrugBank / coronavirus responsible tandem in the US and testing. Ebola. Gilead recently Clinical Trial / for COVID-19. Gilead China for COVID-19. received orphan drug FDA Sciences performed the Report out from trial status from FDA, but testing to treat Ebola and expected in April. voluntarily rescinded it is in Phase III clinical trials after backlash. in the US and China for COVID-19. It has been in use in Russia is currently Umifenovir is an - for approximately 25 years being investigated as a based, hydrophobic, and in China since 2006. potential treatment and dual-acting direct Umifenovir's ability to exert prophylactic agent for Reported in antiviral/host-targeting antiviral effects through COVID-19 caused by In clinical media / Pharmstandard Umifenovir Therapeutic agent used for the multiple pathways has SARS-CoV2 infections in testing. PubChem / treatment and resulted in considerable combination with both Clinical Trial prophylaxis of influenza investigation into its use currently available and and other respiratory for a variety of enveloped investigational HIV infections. and non-enveloped RNA therapies. and DNA viruses. Beijing BDB-1 received approval Initial data from two Reported in Defengrei in February to move This works as an anti- participants in China media / Biotechnology, forward on clinical trials in In clinical BDB-1/IFX-1 Therapeutic C5a monoclonal was positive. Studies Company Co China for COVID-19. testing. antibody. will soon begin in the statement/ InflaRx is now testing this Netherlands. Clinical Trial InflaRx in the Netherlands.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase The companies press release states, "Brilacidin is one of the few drugs targeting COVID-19 that has been tested in human Testing is scheduled to Brilacidin is Innovation trials for other clinical start the week of March Pharmaceuticals' top indications, providing an 16, 2020 in China. A Innovation Company defensin mimetic drug established safety and company In clinical Pharmaceutic- Brilacidin Therapeutic announcement candidate, which will be efficacy profile, thereby announcement notes testing. als, Inc. / PubChem tested against SARS- potentially enabling it to that they received data CoV-2. rapidly help address the supporting Brilacidin’s emerging worldwide inhibition of the virus. coronavirus crisis, developed both as an intravenous medicine and as a vaccine." Wuhan Hamilton Umbilical Biotechnology is cord- Wuhan investigating "human derived Clinical trials should Reported in Hamilton umbilical cord-derived Clinical trial was planned in In clinical mesenchym Therapeutic have already begun in media / Biotechnology, mesenchymal stem cells China in February 2020. testing. al stem cells China. Clinical Trial Co., Ltd. for the potential (intravenous intravenous treatment" ) of COVID-19. Ebastine is under Ebastine, investigation for the Wuhan Red lopinavir, Therapeutic - Clinical trial currently treatment of IBS. Lopinavir Primary trial to In clinical Clinical Trial / Cross Hospital interferon antiviral occurring in China. is a popular compound conclude March 31st testing DrugBank alpha among COVID-19 drug development programs. Multiple hospitals are Numerous participating in the trial. Chinese Mesenchym Aiming to treat Read out on March 31st, Reported in One outcome noted from In clinical research groups al stems Therapeutic pneumonitis caused by currently in Phase II in Media / the treatment is improved testing cells COVID-19 pneumonia. China Clinical Trial respiratory system function Celltex recovery time.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase A family of heat-stable, polypeptide hormones secreted by the thymus gland. Their biological activities include Reported in Southeast Thymosin; lymphocytopoiesis, Phase II trial is Therapeutic – Has been previously In clinical media / University in camrelizu- restoration of scheduled to finish April antibodies studied to treat Sepsis. testing. Clinical Trials / China mab immunological 30th PubChem competence and enhancement of expression of T-cell characteristics and function. Leronlimab is a CCR5 Leronlimab is already antagonist intended to being administered Two clinical trials are Company Therapeutic – treat patients with though an emergency IND. being planned for both In clinical CytoDyn Leronlimab announcement antibodies respiratory Five patients have already moderate and severe testing / Clinical Trial complications from been treated in New York COVID cases. COVID-19. City. The Frist Affiliated Recombinant protein Novaferon, Reported in Hospital of produced by DNA- Already licensed in China Studies currently taking In clinical Nova, Therapeutic media / WHO / Zhejiang shuffling for . place in China testing interferon Clinical Trial University of IFN-α . Medical School University of British APN01 is a recombinant Previous Phase I and Phase Columbia human angiotensin- Trials are starting in In clinical Company APN01 Therapeutics II clinical trials had positive converting enzyme2 China. testing. announcement results. Apeiron (rhACE1). Biologics This works as a fixed- Ritonavir received dose combination of approval under name In the US, a timeline is Company two HIV-1 protease Noravir for treatment of unclear. The clinical trial Ascletis Pharma, ASC-09 + In clinical announcement Therapeutic inhibitors, ASC-09 and HIV (Abbott) in 1996. in China has concluded, Inc. ritonavir testing. / PubChem / ritonavir, in order to Testing this year in China but no results have Clinical Trials treat HIV and COVID- was seen favorably as a been posted. 19. COVID-19 treatment

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Sarilumab is a fully Sarilumab was developed Press release from the human anti-IL-6R by Sanofi and Regeneron companies states that monoclonal IgG1 Pharmaceuticals, Inc. It was Phase 2/3 trials will be Sanofi antibody that binds to US FDA-approved in May enrolling patients Company both membrane bound 2017 and followed by EU immediately, starting in In clinical announcement Regeneron Sarilumab Therapeutic and soluble interleukin approval in June 2017 for New York. On March testing. / DrugBank / Pharmaceutic- 6 (IL-6) receptor forms, the treatment of moderate 30th it was announced Clinical Trial als thus blocking the cis- to severe rheumatoid that the first patient and trans-inflammatory arthritis (RA) in (outside the US) had signaling cascades of IL- combination with been treated in the trial. 6. methotrexate. New York State Reported in Convalescent plasma New York State DOH has Department of media / could shorten the begun recruiting Two studies are Health Convalesc- In clinical Clinical Trial / Therapeutic duration of incubation recovered patients to currently recruiting in ent plasma testing Clinical Trial / and lower viral loads of donate plasma for the the US. Many other Clinical Trial / COVID. study. sponsors Clinical Trial Azvudine is being This drug is not approved Zhengzhou tested at a COVID The clinical trial in China Reported in in the US, but has been In clinical Granlen Azvudine Therapeutic treatment in China, it is was initiated in media / tested for treatment testing PharmaTech an experimental reverse February. Clinical Trial against HIV/AIDS. transcriptase inhibitor. The drug is already approved in Japan under A clinical trial Camostat mesylate is a Reported by University of Camostat the name Foipan for sponsored by the In clinical Therapeutic serine protease media / Aarhus Mesylate treatment of remission of University is set to testing inhibitor. Clinical Trial acute pancreatitis being March 31st. symptoms. The two companies On April 2nd the want to expand the use company announced Sorrento of Celularity's CYNK- The NK cells have already they received FDA Therapeutics Therapeutic - 001, "an allogeneic, off- been shown to be effective In clinical Company CYNK-001 clearance for their IND cell therapy the-shelf, placental- in treating virally effective testing announcement application and will Celularity derived natural killer cells. start Phase I/II studies (NK) cell therapy" to for COVID. treat COVID-19. A study has already begun Meplazumab is a The estimated study Tang-Du Meplazuma recruiting in China to see In clinical Therapeutic humanized anti-CD147 completion date is Clinical trial Hospital b the effects on pneumonia testing. antibody. December 31st. from COVID.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Lenzilumab “neutralizes The company is moving granulocyte Humanigen is testing this towards Phase III trials macrophage colony drug for multiple for COVID related In clinical Company Humanigen Lenzilumab Therapeutic stimulating factor (GM- indications. They have now complications. The FDA testing. announcement CSF) a key in partnered with CTI for their has authorized the initiation of cytokine phase III study. compassionate use in storm.” this case. Interferon beta is widely The company SNG001 is an inhaled Company used for other indications, announced it treated its In clinical Synairgen SNG001 Therapeutic version of interferon announcement but this inhalable version is first COVID patient on testing. beta-1a. / DrugBank not yet approved for use. March 31st in the UK. Plitidepsin is a peptide found in tunicates which shows promise in shrinking tumors in Company pancreatic, stomach, The drug is approved in announcement bladder, and prostate Trials have begun in In clinical PharmaMar Plitidepsin Therapeutic Australia for the treatment / Reported in cancers. The specific and France. testing of multiple myeloma. Media / marine organism is DrugBank Aplidium albicans. It is also of interest as a potential treatment for some leukemias. The company’s press release notes that six Mavrilimumab targets patients have been treated granulocyte The announcement also Company Mavrilimu- using mavrilimumab and In clinical Kiniksa Therapeutic macrophage colony noted a plan for Phase announcement mab all showed positive results testing stimulating factor II/III clinical trials. including an early / Clinical Trial receptor alpha. resolution of fever and improved oxygenation. The company’s CEO notes, "CD24Fc is a The company first-in-class biologic The antiviral treatment announced the receipt Company that fortifies an innate In clinical OncoImmune CD24Fc Therapeutic aims to help hospitalized of a study-may-proceed announcement immune checkpoint testing COVID patients. letter from FDA for a against excessive / Clinical Trial Phase III clinical trial inflammation caused by tissue-injuries.”

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase

PUL-042 is an inhaled In January the company They have now moved immunomodulatory had announced strong into clinical phases, Company In clinical Pulmotect PUL-042 Therapeutic agent which works by results in animal tests operating one clinical announcement testing stimulating the immune against other trial set to conclude in / Clinical Trial system in the lungs. coronaviruses. the fall.

IC14 is a recombinant chimeric cAb which A previous pilot trial of the A compassionate use Implicit blocks CD14-mediated therapy showed it reduced In clinical IC14 Therapeutic open-label trial is Clinical Trial Bioscience cellular activation in alveolar inflammation and testing already taking place. patients developing decreased BAL . ARDS. The press release notes the study will be titled, “Randomized Open Octapharma An investigator initiated Label Study of Standard

study wants to assess if of Care Plus Intravenous George Itravenous A study in China showed this treatment can stop Immunoglobulin (IVIG) In clinical Company Sakoulas of Immunoglob Therapeutic clinical improvement from the progression of the Compared to Standard testing Sharp ulin (IVIG) this treatment. announcement virus toward respiratory of Care Alone in the Memorial failure. Treatment of COVID-19 Hospital Infection.” But no definitive timeline could be found. The company has already been testing MultiStem against a variety of other MultiStem is a cell indications. Most notably, therapy that promotes FDA has authorized they recently completed a tissue repair and Athersys to start a Phase Phase 1/2 study evaluating MutliStem healthing in multiple 2/3 pivotal study for the In clinical Company Athersys Therapeutic MultiStem administration Cell Therapy ways, and focuses ona use of MultiStem as testing to patients with ARDS announcement potential for treatment for ARDS which got them Frast Track multidimensional induced by COVID-19. Designation. FDA says that therapeutic impact. the treatment of ARDS from COVID falls under the same IND.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase The company will be providing the therapy to others through the CAP-1002 “mitigates compassionate use Two patients with COVID- the release of anti- pathway and collecting Company Capricor 19 have already been In clinical CAP-1002 Therapeutic inflamatory cytokines as information on the announcement Therapeutics treated with CAP-1002 in testing well as macrophage treatment. They also California. / Clinical Trial activation” have an IND under FDA review for CAP-1002 in specific COVID-19 patients.

BLD-2660 is a small A phase II clinical trial has The study is set to Blade In clinical BLD-2660 Therapeutic molecule inhibitor of been recruiting since early conclude in September Clinical Trials Therapeutics testing calpain 1, 2, and 9. April. 2020.

The company just Vazegepant is an The therapy is also in a received IND approval intranasal, high-affinity Phase III study for the In clinical Company Biohaven Vazegepant Therapeutic from the FDA and is CGRP receptor acute treatment of testing initiating their phase II announcement antagonist. migrane. study.

The drug is a small Other trials are molecule calcium- Regions Hospital has expected to start Company release-activated In clinical CalciMedica CM4620-IE Therapeutic already started a Phase II through the end of the announcement calcium (CRAC), which testing clinical trial. month, with completion prevents CRAC channel / Clinical Trial dates in the fall. overactivation. AMRS The group will start a Pharmaceutical ARMS-I works by clinical trial targeting

preventing airborne ARMS-I has been healthcare workers to Case Western Not yet in viral particles from previously studied related both prevent disease Company Reserve ARMS-I Therapeutic clinical attaching to the to reducing upper spread as well as treat University testing announcement oropharynx to stop respiratory infections. symptoms. A company

transmission. announcement notes a University trial will start in April. Hospitals

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Drug Emory developed the Innovation The antiviral has been compound which is Ventures at EIDD-2801 is thought to granted an IND from the Not yet in exclusively licensed to Company Emory EIDD-2801 Therapeutic work by preventing the FDA, and shown activity clinical Ridgeback. Ridgeback replication of the virus. working against other testing announcement is working to initiate a Ridgeback viruses as well. clinical trial in the US. Biotherapeutic PP-001 inhibits DHODH The Austrian company cellular enzyme which believes PP-001’s dual No timeline is stated, reduces the capabilities make it a Not yet in Panoptes but the company is Reported in PP-001 Therapeutic multiplication of viruses viable therapeutic clinical Pharma GmbH looking to begin a media in human cells and candidate, and it has been testing clinical trial shortly. reduces the release of “successfully tested” cytokines. against other viruses. The TAK-888 antibody is a plasma-derived anti-SARS-CoV-2 A spokesperson said TAK-888 polyclonal the therapy could be (plasma- hyperimmune globulin available to treat high- At the beginning of March, derived anti- (H-Ig). Takeda stated risk patients in 9-18 Takeda started Not yet in Takeda SARS-CoV-2 Therapeutic - they believe they will be months, though it is Company development of TAK-888 clinical

Pharmaceutical polyclonal antibody able to progress past unclear whether this announcement to treat high-risk COVID-19 testing. hyperimmun Phase I safety trials due would be in a clinical patients. e globulin to the IgG trial or available under (H-Ig)) immunoglobin and EUA or other therapies previously mechanism. proving to be "clinically safe." Emergent Biosolutions is developing two No official timeline, but plasma-derived The company has already next steps are to products for COVID-19. generated a hyperimmune develop the COVID-HIG Not yet in Emergent COVID-HIG, Therapeutic - Company These products will platform, which supports and COVID-EIG using clinical

BioSolutions COVID-EIG antibody announcement utilize the immune other FDA-approved plasma from humans testing. response to create products. and horses, protection from the respectively. COVID-19 infection.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Created a multi-year partnership to utilize Both companies bring the H2L2 Harbour Mice historical expertise into the Nothing announced; platform to generate partnership. Harbour however, the statement Harbour monoclonal monoclonal antibodies BioMed brings their from the two Not yet in Therapeutic - Company BioMed with antibodies targeting COVID-19. antibody generation organizations notes a clinical

antibody announcement Mount Sinai (mAbs) This therapy will be technology, while Mount commitment to "fast- testing. used to prevent the Sinai brings translational track innovative spread of COVID-19 by medical research research." inhibiting infection of experience. cells. The PolyTope mAb Therapy will be used to combine "the benefits of using well-defined ImmunoPrecis PolyTope and fully characterized The company started their None stated, but Not yet in Therapeutic - Company e Antibodies mAb monoclonal antibodies research program for this currently in an early clinical

antibody announcement with EVQLV Therapy with the essential need topic in February. research phase. testing. for a multi-targeting strategy," ImmunoPrecise said in a statement.

Regeneron has had prior The CEO has stated that mAbs success in mAbs they will know quickly if Regeneron aims to generated development for Ebola the mAbs are safe and Regeneron discover and develop a Not yet in against Therapeutic - and MERS. They currently effective, further noting Company Pharmaceutic- mAbs that are effective clinical

SARS-CoV-2 antibody note having 1,000 if this is the case, the announcement als in both preventing and testing. spike on antibodies in dishes being company could begin treating COVID-19. pseudovirus screened and selected for mass production in the their COVID-19 efforts. late summer of 2020.

No stated timeline. The mAbs from partnership between Vir patients Vir and WuXi want to Vir already discovered the groups includes Not yet in Biotechnology recovered Therapeutic - use human monoclonal multiple monoclonal clinical development, Company clinical

from SARS or antibody antibodies to treat antibodies that can attach manufacturing and announcement testing. WuXi Biologics another COVID-19. to COVID-19. commercialization, coronavirus which will begin at a later time.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Very few details have The company started been released, the Anti-SARS- preparations to test The group began Not yet in Therapeutic - program wants to use Company NanoViricides CoV-2 candidates in cell cultures preparation to test clinical

nanoparticle the companies announcement program against coronaviruses patients in January. testing. nanovericide using the ACE2 receptor. technology. Immunother The company statement LEAPS peptides have been apy notes this tested against H1N1 in None, development Not yet in CEL-SCI treatment Therapeutic - immunotherapy could partnership with NIAID and Company efforts were initiated on clinical

Corporation using LEAPS peptide reduce COVID-19 viral were shown to reduce announcement March 9th. testing. peptide load and tissue damage morbidity and mortality in technology due to lung infection. mice. Testing and The announcement made The company plans to None, but the company publishing Feb 6th noted Insolico will Therapeutic - examine multiple Small will continually post Not yet in Insilico structures of publish structures of small Company small molecules that can updates to their site. It clinical

Medicine up to 100 molecules targeting key announcement molecule target COVID-19 has so far posted 6 testing. small protein and synthesize and protein. small molecules. molecules test up to 100 molecules. Research is taking place The company has None, but company in the US and China to previously used siRNA considers itself "well Developing Not yet in Therapeutic - develop RNA drugs for treatment of positioned" to make an Company Sirnaomics novel siRNA clinical

siRNA interference (RNAi)- SARS and H5N1 in impact particularly announcement therapy testing. based prophylactics addition to other viral among patients with and therapeutics. respiratory infections. unmet medical need. The two groups have Utilizing Alnylam's already been in At beginning of March "advances in lung partnership for infectious the two groups Vir delivery of novel SARS-CoV-2 disease treatments and expanded a deal made Biotechnology conjugates of siRNA" targeting announced on March 4th in 2017 to develop Not yet in Therapeutic - with Vir's additional Company human that they are now RNAi programs for clinical

Alnylam siRNA capabilities, the announcement monoclonal expanding their infectious diseases to testing. Pharmaceutic- partnership will try to antibodies partnership (and their include siRNA als create siRNAs to treat technologies on the side of therapeutics for COVID- COVID-19 and other Vir) to help develop a 19. coronaviruses. COVID-19 treatment.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Llama- derived single Flanders domain The group will target Institute for antibodies the SARS-Cov and The group has a second None stated, but the Biotechnology generated Not yet in Therapeutic - SARS-CoV-2 spike pending program using VHH candidate has Reported in (VIB) against spike clinical

antibody protein using Llama- VHH-generated against already been media protein testing. derived single domain SARS-CoV-2. generated. Ghent domain antibodies (VHHs). University conserved across SARS- CoV and Sars-COV-2 The agreement between the companies was announced on the March No discussed timeline, Eli Lilly entered into an 12, 2020. Previously, however AbCellera agreement with AbCellera was awarded a technology aims to Eli Lilly Not yet in Unknown Therapeutic- AbCellera Biologics to contract from DoD DARPA "quickly screen for Company clinical

antibody antibody develop an to create an end-to-end potent antibodies and announcement AbCellera testing. experimental therapy platform for rapid validate potential for COVID-19. pandemic response in candidates on tight 2018. This tech was tested timelines." at the time against MERS- CoV with positive results. AbbVie will evaluate Company previously HIV medicine received approval for the Kaletra/Aluvia for drugs for the treatment of Previously approved in COVID-19 treatment in HIV. AbbVie donated 2005 and Not yet in Company Lopinavir/ partnership with health AbbVie Therapeutic Aluvia to China in January announcement for new clinical announcement ritonavir authorities and for experimental use exploration came March testing. / PubChem institutions to examine against COVID-19, and 11, 2020. efficacy and antiviral Chinese media reports activity in the have said it is effective. .

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Rintatolimod is a synthetic derivative of inosinic acid with antiretroviral and immunomodulatory properties. Atvogen Aim acts through a number Immunotech of pathways to stimulate Inc. (formerly intracellular antiviral Hemispherx activity of the immune Approved for chronic Biopharma March 9, 2020 press system: it stimulates fatigue syndrome in Not yet in Company Inc.) release indicated Rintatolimod Therapeutic interferon production; various countries; entered clinical announcement testing would soon activates discovery for coronavirus testing. / PubChem GP Pharm SA begin in Japan. the oligoadenylate synt in February 2020.

hase-RNase L pathway; Goethe stimulates natural killer University cell activity; and acts as Frankfurt a non-mitogenic stimulator of the immune system. This agent also inhibits replication of HIV in vitro. Novel Developing product for None stated, but Beroni Beroni Group Beroni Group has medication both detection and has discussed working Not yet in previously worked on Company using Therapeutic treatment of COVID-19 with regulatory bodies clinical

Tianjin products for global announcement nanobody using nanobody-based to advance toward testing. University diseases. technologies technology. clinical trials. Creating a monoclonal Antibodies antibody for treatment Celltrion has already from and prevention of sourced a library of Clinical testing set to Not yet in Therapeutic – Company Celltrion recovered COVID-19. They have antibodies from blood of begin in the third clinical antibody announcement COVID-19 been selected by the recovered patients in quarter of 2020. testing. patients Korea CDC as a Korea. preferred developer. Antibodies Kamada is looking to Kamada specifically from develop a polyclonal The company will use their notes “there can be no Not yet in Therapeutic – Company Kamada recovered immunoglobulin proprietary plasma derived assurance” for timely, clinical antibody announcement COVID-19 treatment for serious IgG platform. safe, and effective testing patients COVID-19 cases. therapy development. The groups are working Plutistem has requested to Pluristem Not yet in PLX cell in collaboration to utilize a per-patient Working to use in per- Company Therapeutics Therapeutic clinical product examine effects of PLX compassionate use patient treatment. announcement testing. cell product candidates framework in Israel. Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase BIH Center for for COVID-19 Regenerative complications. Therapy

Berlin Center for Advanced Therapies Scientists at the Erasmus MC No timeline, the Human University discovered Not yet in Therapeutic – The antibody has not been scientists are looking for Announcemen monoclonal an antibody they clinical Utrecht antibodies tested on humans. a pharmaceutical t antibody believe can detect and testing University company partner. prevent COVID-19. AstraZeneca

An April announcement United States notes that preclinical Army Medical Using proprietary Have engaged with WHO safety and efficact Research antibody discovering Not yet in Monoclonal Therapeutic – and European Federation assessments will take Company Institute of tech to search for clinical antibodies antibodies of Pharmaceutical place via USAMRIID and announcement Infectious antibodies to fight testing. Industries. University of Maryland Diseases COVID-19. School of Medicine’s

biosafety level 3 labs. University of Maryland The company is evaluating its allogeneic No timeline. Company mesenchymal stem cell is currently talking with Prior studies of this Not yet in Remestemce product for treatment of various stakeholders in Company Mesoblast Therapeutic product against COPD clinical l-L patients with acute US, Australia, China and announcement have been positive. testing. respiratory distress Europe to advance symdrome from COVID- forward. 19. “LAU-7b is a novel once-a-day oral form of fenretinide, an investigational drug The company notes LAU-7b is currently being Not yet in Laurent under development by they would like to begin Company LAU-7b Therapeutic evaluated as a treatment clinical Pharmaceutical Laurent clinical trials in the next for Cyctic Fibrosis. testing. announcement Pharmaceuticals for its month. ability to help control inflammation in the lungs.”

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase The company is OT-101, a operating a rapid OT-101 is also being Not yet in Mateon Currently in preclinical Company TGF-Beta Therapeutic antiviral response investigated for anti-cancer clinical Therapeutics testing. announcement antisense program against purposes. testing. coronaviruses. Partnering with Dr. Prior studies note that this No timeline, Not yet in BXT-25; David Platt to develop a treatment could help Company Bioxytran Therapeutics partnership was clinical glycoprotein galectin inhibitor that “restore the adaptive announcement announced March 24th testing. could treat COVID-19. immune system.” Ifenprodil is an “NDMA receptor glutamate receptor antagonist specifically targeting Algernon is a company Algernon is submitting the NMDA-type subunit focused on drug re- ethics approval for a Algernon Not yet in Ifenprodil, 2B (Glu2NB). Ifenprodil purposing. This drug is phase II clinical trial in Company Pharmaceutic- Therapeutic clinical NP-120 also exhibits agonist currently approved in Australia, and has filed announcement als testing. activity for the Sigma-1 South Korea and Japan, a pre-IND meeting receptor, a chaperone developed by Sanofi. request with FDA. protein up-regulated during endoplasmic reticulum stress.” Nafamostat is a synthetic serine protease inhibitor that is commonly formulated Nafamostat mesylate is The University of Tokyo with hydrochloric acid currently approved in announced they intend Not yet in Company University of due to its basic Nafamostat Therapeutic Japan under the brand to launch clinical trials in clinical announcement Tokyo properties. It has been name Fusan for treatment April for the treatment testing. / DrugBank used in trials studying of acute pancreatitis. of COVID-19. the prevention of Liver Transplantation and Postreperfusion Syndrome. Vicromax is an orally administered, broad Vicromax previously BioSig will develop this Not yet in BioSig spectrum anti-viral completed phase I and II drug under ViralClear Company Vicromax Therapeutic clinical Technologies agent. BioSig recently clinical trials for other Pharmaceuticals, one of announcement testing aquired the right to indications. their subsidiaries. develop it.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase

Galidesivir is an adenosine analogue that has been investigated for use against . While testing has been In animal studies, BioCryst developed this done previously against was effective drug and Phase 1 clinical some infectious in increasing the trials have begun to diseases, no approvals survival rates from determine the safety of this have been received. infections caused by drug in humans for Because it has already Not yet in Company various pathogens, BioCryst Galidesivir Therapeutic treatment of yellow undergone Phase 1 clinical announcement including Ebola, fever. Because of its testing in humans and testing. / DrugBank Marburg, Yellow Fever activity against other was reportedly “well and Zika viruses. In coronaviruses, it may be tolerated,” it may be vitro, it displayed studied as a potential able to enter clinical broad-spectrum therapy for COVID-19. testing for COVID-19 at antiviral activity against an accelerated rate. various negative- and positive-sense RNA viruses, including coronaviruses, filoviruses, and arenaviruses. AlloVir will use proprietary technology AlloVir has already done to develop a CoV other work in this space, AlloVir therapy that may be T-cell and has announced they Not yet in used alone, or in No timeline has been Company therapy, Therapeutic will expand their current clinical Baylor College combination with the discussed. announcement ALVR106 partnership with Baylor in testing of Medicine companies multi- order to progress against respiratory COVID. investigational therapy (ALVR106). The company announced they are working to create a Distributed Bio say they COVID treatment using have already generated a Not yet in Company Distributed Bio Antibody Therapeutic their Distributed Bio panel of therapeutic No timeline discussed. clinical announcement SuperHuman 2.0 antibodies to potentially testing technology, as well as a neutralize the virus. platform called Tumbler.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase CoCrystal Pharma The two groups have No timeline has been formed a partnership to They will use their Novel discussed but they are Not yet in Kansas State develop antiviral proprietary drug discovery Company antiviral Therapeutic working quickly toward clinical University treatments for norovirus platform to develop a announcement therapeutic pre-clinical testing Research and coronavirus novel antiviral. development. Foundation infections. (KSURF) The company has been The group is working WP1122 works by working on WP1122, their with a “major Texas Not yet in limiting the ability of a Company Moleculin WP1122 Therapeutic antiviral, for a while. With University” on this. They clinical virus (like COVID-19) to announcement the rise of COVID, there hope to generate testing. replicate. was greater urgency. animal data soon. The therapy is a recombinant anti- COVID hyperimmune gammaglobulin and works by reproducing The company is Gigagen has partnered Not yet in whole anti-body currently recruiting Company GigaGen rCIG Therapeutic with Access Biologics for clinical repertoires of recovered patients to announcement manufacturing. testing recovered patients and donate blood. will aim to provide passive immunity to help recover and fight the infection. They combination Vir Biotech is working No timeline has been approach being taken across multiple fronts to Generation Bio Gene stated, but the press Not yet in could neutralize use its technology to Company therapy/ Therapeutic announcement notes clinical antibodies and provide create a COVID treatment. announcement Vir Biotech mAbs they are beginning testing protection from the Generation Bio is a genetic research. virus. medicines company. Both groups are Neutralizing antibodies collaborating to utilize No timeline stated, the Amgen defend healthy cells by Adaptive Biotech’s companies are working Human interfering with the Not yet in proprietary immune on finalizing their Company Adaptive neutralizing Therapeutic invading viruses clinical medicine platform and partnership and note announcement Biotechnol- antibodies biological function. This testing. Amgen’s expertise across the desire to work ogies could work to treat and various development quickly. prevent the virus. areas.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase Tsinghua Multiple antibodies with University therapeutic potential have been identified The hospital and university The group wants to Human 3rd People’s and the groups, will work to discover move from selection of Not yet in neutralizing Company Hospital of Therapeutic working in tandem, will antibodies, while Brii Bio a lead candidate to first clinical monoclonal announcement Shenzhen advance multiple will provide development human trails in 6 testing antibodies candidates for a expertise. months. Brii prophylactic and Biosciences therapeutic. Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt wants to Medical Center Antibodies identify and analyze Thousands of antibodies The goal is to start Not yet in from antibodies from the that have been identified Company DARPA Therapeutic human trials by the clinical recovered blood of recovered are being analyzed by announcement summer. testing. patients patients to neutralize Vanderbilt. Multiple the virus. additional partners TJM2 is an antibody Not yet in I-Mab that may help treat I-Mab has submitted an Company TJM2 Therapeutic No timeline stated. clinical Biopharma cytokine storm IND to the FDA. announcement testing. associated with COVID. Gimsilumab is a No timeline stated, but monoclonal antibody A Phase I study was the company is that “targets GM-CSF, a completed and showed Not yet in prioritizing COVID Company Roivant Gimsilumab Therapeutic pro-inflammatory favorable safety and clinical studies and postponing announcement cytokine found to be tolerability. COVID-specific testing. Phase II studies for up-regulated in COVID- studies have not started. another indication. 19 patients.” The collaboration will use the proprietary The two groups monoclonal antibody No timeline is Vir announced a platform from Vir, and discussed, but the Not yet in Biotechnology partnership to develop GSK’s expertise. They also Company Antibodies Therapeutic company clinical solutions for plan to use CRISPR announcement announcement notes testing. GSK coronaviruses at-large, screening and artificial the need for efficiency. including COVID-19. intelligence to identify compounds that “target cellular host genes.”

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Clinical Company Drug Name Product Type Overview/Highlights History Timeline Sources phase The development process The company wants to will be in partnership with develop a COVID Green Cross wants to Not yet in Green Cross NK-cell KLEO Pharmaceuticals, Reported in Therapeutic treatment using a begin trials in the clinical Lab Cell treatment using both companies’ media cancer immunotherapy second half of 2020. testing. antibody recruiting – natural killer (NK) cells. molecules. AT-001 is a novel AT-001 is in Phase III for Applied Therapeutics Not yet in Applied Company AT-001 Therapeutic potent Aldose the treatment for diabetic has submitted an IND to clinical Therapeutics announcement Reductase inhibitor. cardiomyopathy. the FDA. testing. is an orally bioavailable non- nucleoside inhibitor of the polymerase basic protein 2 (PB2) subunit Pimodivir is under of the Extensive testing has Not yet in Reported in Johnson & investigation in clinical trial Pimodivir Therapeutic polymerase complex been done already for clinical media / Johnson NCT02658825 by Johnson with potential antiviral influenza. testing PubChem & Johnson. activity. Upon administration, pimodivir occupies the 7-methyl GTP (m7GTP) binding site of PB2. The partnership will draw on FairJourneys technical expertise and The press release notes FairJourney antibody libraries as that the partnership will Not yet in Biologics Antibody well as Iontas Company Therapeutic reduce the risk of No timeline was listed clinical treatment Mammalian Display development delays and testing announcement Iontas technology in order to or delays in scale up. develop a “highly specific” SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The therapy was SAB-185 is a “high- developed using SAB’s CSL Behring potency The partners state they DiversitAb platform, which Not yet in immunotherapy are on track to begin Company SAB-185 Therapeutic leveraged genetically clinical SAB delivering human clinical evaluation in engineered cattle to testing announcement Biotherapeutic polyclonal antibodies early summer produce human targeting SARS-CoV-2.” antibodies.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Vaccine Development

Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type First human trials to Moderna creates mRNA vaccines begin in Seattle at that use "viral bits" to train the Kaiser Permanente body to recognize them, rather Health Research than attenuated viruses. Institute. In Phase 1 Moderna is a recognized clinical testing industry leader in the Moderna has filed an Company and is development of mRNA vaccines, 8-K with the SEC. announcement progressing but many other companies also They believe a Moderna proposed a according to use this technology. commercial vaccine Company Status sequence for an schedule as of is 12-18 months Update Moderna mRNA vaccine in March 23, Vaccine - HHS announced that the drug away, but that mRNA mid-January 2020. 2020. RNA will transition to BARDA as an emergency use NCT04283461 NIAID This shipped for “emergency medical product.” authorization could safety trials at end of Results of BARDA and Moderna are make limited use HHS Press February. Phase 1 are piloting the preparation of Phase available by fall Release expected to be 2 and 3 trials while Phase 1 is 2020. announced ongoing with hopes of Media Update within the next expediting the process. Phase 1 clinical month. testing is expected BARDA will be giving nearly to conclude June 1, $500 million to fund Phases 2 2020. Estimated and 3. study completion date is June 2021. Company claims its platform has been used to help develop

other vaccines, Company Entered clinical CanSino including one Phase 1 clinical announcement A recombinant novel coronavirus testing in China on Biologics against Ebola testing has and Vaccine - vaccine (adenovirus Type 5 March 17 and will approved by successfully Development non- vector). The company is continue through Beijing Ad5-nCoV Chinese regulatory concluded. Pipeline replicating classifying its vaccine candidate December 2020. Institute of officials. viral vector as globally innovative, but not Biotech- Recruiting for Media globally best-in-class. Estimates the study nology CanSino has become Phase 2. will conclude by the first company to NCT04313127 December 2022. enter its vaccine candidate into Phase 2 trials.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type This government Clinical testing Shenzhen Vaccine – This process will introduce viral Efficient sponsored research began February 15, Geno- artificial proteins and immune lentiviral institute previously 2020. Estimated In Phase 1 immune antigen modulatory genes to modify NCT04299724 vector specialized in CAR-T study completion clinical testing. Medical presenting aAPCs and activate T-cell system cell therapy date of December Institute cell (aAPC) response. development. 31, 2024. Netherlands UMC Utrecht NE: Study began on Raboud March 25, 2020 and Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) University is estimated to was developed for tuberculosis Because BCG is a complete December NCT04328441 nearly a century ago. It well-known vaccine Australia: Vaccine – live 25, 2020. (NE) introduces weakened bacteria to for its safety, efficacy In Phase 1 Murdoch BCG vaccine attenuated trigger immune response. The studies against clinical testing. Childrens bacteria AUS: Study began NCT04327206 immune response may be SARS-CoV-2 are key Research on March 30, 2020 (AUS) effective against certain here. Institute and is estimated to respiratory viruses. complete March 30, Royal 2022. Children's Hospital Institut Chemical This would use a pre-exposure Pasteur prevention Study was slated to chemoprophylaxis approach, The timeline for with two begin March 30, where health care workers take a approval might be Centre Chemo- drugs: 2020 and is In Phase 1 potentially effective therapeutic quicker than that of a NCT04328285 Hospitalier prophylaxis Hydroxychlor expected to clinical testing. drug in advance of true biologic Universitaire oquine, and conclude November seroconversion from the SARS- vaccine. de Saint Liponavir/ 30, 2020. CoV-2 virus. Etienne ritonavir This is one of the few Vaccine – candidates for an Modified Uses a genetically modified Study is set to begin oral vaccine, which bacTRL- bacteria bacterium that expresses the on April 30, 2020 In Phase 1 Symvivo has some benefits NCT04334980 Spike expressing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to and conclude clinical testing. for distribution and protein trigger an immune response. December 31, 2021. delivery over subunit injection vaccines.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type Inovio received $5M from the Gates Foundation for research on a smart delivery device Phase 1 studies Company DNA plasmid dubbed Cellectra 3PSP for use Began preclinical began on April 7, announcement vaccine Vaccine - with the INO-4800 COVID-19 trials and 2020 and are In Phase 1 Inovio Electro- DNA vaccine candidate. preparatory research expected to clinical testing. NCT04336410 poration in January. conclude November device Inovio has received another $6.9 2020. Media Update million from CEPI.

BioNTech is partnering with Fosun for the China Received approval BioNTech Company mRNA vaccines use "viral bits" to market. Fosun has from German drug announcement Vaccine – train the body to recognize invested $50 million regulator on April Not yet in Pfizer mRNA RNA them, rather than attenuated with the potential for 22, 2020 to start clinical testing. Company viruses. $85 million more. human trials. Fosun Update Builds on existing agreement with Pfizer for flu vaccine. Expected to go into clinical trials in late spring 2020. Has ChAdOX1 been assigned NCT and Matrix-M number: This technique uses an University of adjuvant Vaccine - ChAdOX1 will use a NCT04324606. Company adenovirus to deliver genetic Oxford technology. non- platform originally Not yet in announcement material into a cell. Novavax has replicating developed for Novavax is expected clinical testing. received $4 million from CEPI to Novavax NVX- viral vector malaria. to begin phase 1 NCT04324606 develop a vaccine. CoV2373 trials in mid-May.

Estimated completion date is May 2021.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type Vaxart already operates a proprietary oral None discussed. Vaxart is a small biotech vaccine platform

Vaxart Vaccine - company specializing in oral called VAAST, which Not yet in Positive pre-clinical Company non- vaccine development. They plan has had prior clinical testing. Oral vaccine data has Vaxart announcement Emergent replicating to deploy this technology on success with poised to begin and Update Biosolutions viral vector COVID-19. Emergent will be influenza. They are phase 1 ahead of producing the vaccine. now teaming up with schedule. Emergent for the chemical development.

Vaccine - Market ready by late Ad5 S This uses an adenoviral Greffex is one of the non- 2020/early 2021, Not yet in Company Greffex (GREVAX compound without Ad genes first to move to replicating currently testing in clinical testing. announcement platform) and with plasmid packaging. animal testing. viral vector animals.

Protein Sciences, Uncertain of when subsidiary of S protein Vaccine - Sanofi is working on the vaccine The technology is this would be ready Not yet in Company Sanofi (baculovirus Protein and also has projects based on SARS but looking at

clinical testing. announcement Pasteur production) subunit therapeutics front. research. accelerated timeline approval. BARDA Janssen notably Company Vaccine - Janssen is in partnership with created an effective Janssen AdVac and announcement non- HHS for this development, using Ebola vaccine and No official timeline Not yet in PER.C6 replicating adjuvanted recombinant plans to explore announced. clinical testing. BARDA technologies HHS Press viral vector technology. existing coronavirus Release information. The four candidates Scaling up Takis will move to production of preclinical animal candidates this Applied testing. The Vaccine - The group designed 4 DNA month to send back Not yet in Company DNA DNA partnership with

DNA vaccine candidates. to Takis for efficacy clinical testing. announcement Sciences Takis is the first testing. Anticipates vaccine in Italy to pre-clinical results by Evvivax move to this stage of end of April 2020. development.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type

No official timeline announced, but the Plasmids are injected carrying DNA plasmid Vaccine - Zydus is partnered company statement Not yet in Company Zydus Cadila DNA sequences that code for

vaccine DNA with XOMA. speaks to the desire clinical testing. announcement the viral antigen. to develop a "speedy solution."

This is a US-Indian partnership Codagenix which will utilize a method that Human trials will Deoptimized The group claimed Vaccine - live uses a weakened form of a virus begin in summer live to be first to move Not yet in Company Serum attenuated to trigger an immune response 2020, aiming to be

attenuated from the lab to clinical testing. announcement Institute of virus from the body. Smallpox and market ready by vaccines preclinical trials. India measles vaccines use this 2022. method of inoculation. This is a US-Chinese partnership, The company where BravoVax will be anticipates human Vaccine - GeoVax responsible for manufacturing GeoVax will use its clinical trials by the Company MVA non- Not yet in and testing. This method uses GV-MVA-VLP vaccine end of 2020. They announcement encoded VLP replicating clinical testing. BravoVax virus like particles to trigger an platform. are preparing now and Update viral vector immune response, rather than for live animal live copies of the virus. efficacy trials. Altimmune noted on This technique uses an February 28, 2020 Vaccine - Adenovirus- adenovirus to deliver genetic that they have non- Clinical testing in Not yet in Company Altimmune based material into a cell. This project finished the design

replicating August 2020. clinical testing. announcement NasoVAX builds on technology used in and synthesis of a viral vector NasoVAX flu treatment. vaccine and will take steps to test animals. Awarded an EU Horizon 2020 grant Drosophilia Vaccine - for the COVID-19 S2 insect cell This method uses insect cells to Goal for 12-month Not yet in Company ExpreS2ion protein (SARS-CoV-2)

expression develop recombinant proteins. trial timeline. clinical testing. announcement subunit Coronavirus vaccine system VLPs development program. WRAIR Vaccine - S protein vaccines target the Not yet in Reported by S Protein protein spike on the on the virus, which Unknown Unknown

clinical testing. media USAMRIID subunit is used to break into cells. Vaccine - "Utilizing its patented Trimer- Clover's previous Clover The company notes protein Tag© technology, Clover has focus has revolved Not yet in Company Biopharmace S-Trimer that Clover could

subunit with produced a S-Trimer subunit around "developing clinical testing. announcement uticals Inc. quickly produce Dynavax vaccine that resembles the novel and

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type providing native trimeric viral spike via a transformative large amounts of the GSK CpG 1018, rapid mammalian cell-culture biologic therapies." vaccine. an adjuvant based expression system." RNA Dynavax recently Dynavax used in its viruses rely on trimerized joined the FDA- proteins to form the viral spike. partnership approved Hep-B vaccine GSK is working on COVID-19 GSK is providing its vaccine multiple fronts with XWG-03 adjuvant for Innovax for use with different partners to GSK vaccine with Vaccine – its vaccine candidate. It is hoped find solutions for No formal timeline Not yet in Company AS04 protein that the combination will trigger COVID. Its adjuvant announced. clinical testing. announcement Innovax adjuvant subunit the immune system to respond is sought as a platform to SARS-CoV-2. “booster” for other

vaccine candidates. S-protein GSK is providing its vaccine COVID-19 adjuvant for Sanofi’s use with its GSK Vaccine – This is the third of Entering clinical trials antigen with protein-based vaccine which Not yet in Company Protein GSK’s adjuvant in second half of AS04 uses rDNA to create proteins clinical testing announcement Sanofi subunit partnerships. 2020. adjuvant identical to those on the surface platform of SARS-CoV-2. The company has finished in silico Peptide vaccines are unique in A vaccine candidate Vaccine - analyses and feels a their ability to be especially was created using Not yet in Company Vaxil Bio Peptide protein vaccine candidate

targeted and mitigate Vaxil's proprietary clinical testing. announcement subunit has been unintended reactions. VAXHit platform. successfully identified.

The two companies will use EpiVax has identified Plan to send a series Generex Vaccine - li-Key EpiVax’s NuGenerex Immuno- "hotspots" in COVID- of synthetic amino Not yet in Company protein

peptide Oncology li-key technology to 19 amino acid acid peptides to clinical testing. announcement EpiVax subunit generate a peptide vaccine. sequences. China for testing.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type EpiVax will use proprietary in silico tools which showed success with H7N9. While a COVID-19 Vaccine - S protein vaccines target the EpiVax has joined an sample has been Not yet in Company EpiVax S Protein protein spike on the on the virus, which international obtained, no further

clinical testing. announcement subunit is used to break into cells. consortium of progress has been developers called announced. eTheRNA and is working on two candidates. This is a culmination of many entities coming together to Thus far, S protein vaccines target the work on a vaccine, University of partnerships have Vaccine - spike on the on the virus, which primarily under Queensland S protein been formalized, Not yet in Company protein is used to break into cells. This funding obtained by

clamp making way for more clinical testing. announcement subunit would form a molecular clamp CEPI. GSK progress on the around the spike. vaccine to begin. Partnering with Viroclinics Xplore for preclinical testing. Baylor, NY Targets spike proteins and Builds on a Blood Center Vaccine - S1 or RBD receptor binding domains, technique originally No announced Not yet in Reported by protein

protein exposing neutralizing epitopes used to target MERS timeline. clinical testing. media Fudan subunit which are vulnerable to attack. and SARS. University In partnership with DARPA, iBio built their FastPharming Facility to generate Both companies are rapid delivery of iBio Subunit expediting their Vaccine - medical Company protein, Will use plant-based expressions work. iBio filed four Not yet in protein countermeasures in announcement CC- plant system and virus-like proteins. provisional patent clinical testing. subunit the case of a and Update Pharming produced applications on pandemic. The March 11, 2020. partners have also had previous experience working on MERS.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type The group will work Tonix from Tonix's Tonix uses a proprietary Pharma Vaccine - proprietary horsepox Partnership was Horsepox horsevirus as a vector to Not yet in Company replicating vaccine platform announced on

vector introduce vaccines into the clinical testing. announcement Southern viral vector currently being used February 26, 2020. immune system. Research for a smallpox vaccine. The group previously Institute Not yet in sequenced the entire Pasteur This uses a weakened measles No formal timelines, clinical testing. genome of COVID- Vaccine - virus as a vector to introduce but company says it Announced Measles 19. With funding Organization University of replicating coding for antigens against a is aiming to tackle new

vector from CEPI, IP has Announcement Pittsburgh viral vector specific virus into the immune this as quickly as partnership on joined a consortium system. possible. March 19, with University of Themis 2020. Pittsburgh and Themis. China CDC mRNA vaccines use "viral bits" to The group isolated The vaccine has Tongji Vaccine - train the body to recognize the first new COVID- Not yet in Reported by mRNA been tested on

University RNA them, rather than attenuated 19 strain on January clinical testing. media animals. viruses. 24, 2020. Stermina Development will utilize the company's mRNA vaccines use "viral bits" to STARR tech platform No reported Arcturus Vaccine - train the body to recognize which may produce timeline, partnership Not yet in Company mRNA

RNA them, rather than attenuated a vaccine response announced on clinical testing. announcement Duke-NUS viruses. at lower doses than March 4, 2020. traditional mRNA vaccines.

A vaccine candidate Imperial was generated, and The company said Vaccine - This will use self-amplifying RNA Not yet in Company College saRNA animal testing began new methods are

RNA to rapidly produce vaccines. clinical testing. announcement London on February 10, much faster. 2020.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type

Heat The gp96 platform Biologics Vaccine – Heat will engineer multiple viral Viral uses “molecular No timeline Not yet in Company protein proteins and deliver them via its antigens recognition” to announced. clinical testing. announcement University of subunit proprietary gp96 platform. target the virus. Miami

FlowVax FlowVax believes its novel Vaccine –T- Flow Pharma does stable dry delivery platform may offer No timeline Not yet in Company Flow Pharma Cell not have previous powder advantages over traditional announced. clinical testing. announcement development history. platform vaccines.

Two Anticipates clinical German platforms: DZIF faculty have Viral vectors use weakened virus testing to be 12-18 Center for Measles vaccines for Ebola Vaccine – as a vector to introduce coding months out, but Not yet in Company Infection vector and and MERS viral vector for antigens against a specific might be clinical testing. announcement Research modified undergoing clinical virus into the immune system. abbreviated due to (DZIF) vaccinia virus trials. demand. Ankara

No formal timeline The I-Cell platform uses Sorrento generally has been Vaccine – “replication-deficient human Sorrento I-Cell focuses on immuno- announced, but the Not yet in Company Protein erythroleukemia K562 cells Therapeutics platform oncology and pain company anticipates clinical testing. announcement subunit expressing membrane-bound S1 management. clinical trials in mid protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.” 2020.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type

OncoGen has traditionally focused on cancer treatment, Epitope- Targets viral proteins that are Vaccine – including CAR-T. The based unlikely to mutate with a system No timeline Not yet in Media OncoGen viral company has said peptide that can adapt to population announced. clinical testing. announcement peptides Romania currently vaccine characteristics. lacks the resources to produce the proposed vaccine.

Viral vectors use a weakened IAVI specializes in Recombinant virus as a vector to introduce developing vaccine IAVI/Batavia vesicular Vaccine – No timeline Not yet in Company coding for antigens against a candidates for Biosciences stomatitis viral vector announced. clinical testing. announcement specific virus into the immune hemorrhagic fever virus system. viruses.

Entos currently has Uses a plasmid to stimulate brought no drugs to Entos Proteo-lipid antigen production by the Vaccine – market. It focuses on No timeline Not yet in Company Pharmaceuti platform recipient’s own cells. The DNA oncology, announced. clinical testing. announcement cals (Fusogenix) delivery system gets the DNA autoimmune and directly into cells efficiently. anti-aging.

Medicago has little development history This method uses particles and has primarily Vaccine – Expects to initiate Virus-like similar in structure to SARS-CoV- been focused on flu Not yet in Company Medicago Virus-like human trials in particle 2 to trigger immune response to vaccines. The clinical testing. announcement particle summer 2020. protect against the virus. Canadian government is the primary funder.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type

The research was funded by the Israeli Viral vectors use a weakened government and Clinical trials are MIGAL Infectious virus as a vector to introduce Vaccine – adapted a virus expected to begin Not yet in Company Research bronchitis coding for antigens against a Viral vector vaccine for an avian before summer clinical testing. announcement Institute virus specific virus into the immune condition. MIGAL 2020. system. plans to use an oral vaccine.

The ADDomer platform’s use of University of This method uses particles Vaccine – synthetic virus-like Company Bristol similar in structure to SARS-CoV- No timeline Not yet in ADDomer Virus-like particles would Announcement / 2 to trigger immune response to announced. clinical testing. particles ensure that a vaccine Media Imophoron protect against the virus. doesn’t cause re- infections.

Received a $10.3 No No Tulane million grant for No timeline Not yet in Company information information No information available. University COVID-19 therapies announced. clinical testing. announcement available. available. and vaccines.

No timeline IMV specializes in announced, but immuno-oncology seeking to begin DPX does not provide many Company therapies and is phase 1 trials in DPX Vaccine details about the mode of action, Not yet in announcement IMV seeking grant summer 2020. platform but notes that the DPX platform clinical testing. funding in Canada focuses on T-Cell stimulation. Update for its vaccine The company has candidate. completed Phase 1 design.

Proteins similar to those of the Saiba has a Vaccine – SARS-CoV-2 virus are introduced proprietary platform No timeline Not yet in Company Saiba GmbH CuMVtt Virus-like to stimulate an immune which it uses to announced. clinical testing. announcement particle response and induce induce neutralizing neutralizing antibodies. antibodies.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type

Vaccine – Uses the vaccinia virus with a CNB-CSIC worked to Defective replicated surface protein that develop vaccine No timeline Not yet in Company CNB-CSIC RNA SARS-CoV-2 mimics the spike on SARS-CoV-2 candidates for Ebola announced. clinical testing. announcement RNA to stimulate immune response. and Zika.

BIOCAD has Liposomes assist the mRNA with traditionally Vaccine – breaking the lipid membrane specialized in mRNA Liposome No timeline Not yet in Company BIOCAD mRNA that surrounds the cells. Once oncovaccines and is encapsulate announced. clinical testing. announcement inside, the mRNA codes the cell adapting this mRNA for production of antigens. platform to its coronavirus vaccine.

UHK is one of many institutes that has joined CEPI in researching vaccine Uses a live virus to introduce LAIV (live Vaccine – candidates. The flu- UHK expects to Company University of material that produces antigens Not yet in attenuated Replicating based vaccine begin human trials announcement Hong Kong that will respond to the SARS- clinical testing. influenza) viral vector means the candidate by July. and update CoV-2 binding domain. could be combined with existing flu vaccines.

USask has previously VIDO- worked on MERS Intervac Vaccine – Adjuvanted Uses proteins similar to the and SARS vaccines. Protein No timeline Not yet in Company microsphere SARS-CoV-2 virus to trigger They have University of subunit announced. clinical testing. Announcement peptide targeted immunes response. developed two Sasketchewa coronavirus vaccines n for animals.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type VBI intends to target MERS and SARS 1 and 2 with this vaccine.

“The collaboration will combine VBI’s viral vaccine Pan- expertise, eVLP coronavirus Proteins similar to those of the technology platform, vaccine Vaccine – coronavirus are introduced to and coronavirus Tentatively plans to using Not yet in Media VBI Vaccines Virus-like stimulate an immune response antigens with the initiate clinical trials enveloped clinical testing. Announcement particle and induce neutralizing NRC’s uniquely- at the end of 2020. virus-like antibodies. designed COVID-19 particle antigens and assay platform development capabilities to identify the most immunogenic vaccine candidate for further development.”

The company previously announced The mRNA vaccines use "viral successful rabies Expects to begin Vaccine - bits" to train the body to vaccination results Not yet in Company CureVac mRNA clinical testing in

RNA recognize them, rather than and boasts previous clinical testing. announcement June 2020. attenuated viruses. expertise in mRNA- based vaccine manufacturing. The EU has pledged €80 million to CureVac.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type

HaloVax previously attempted to use this

Self- platform for a Lassa HaloVax This platform uses a fusion assembling fever vaccine. The (Voltron) Vaccine – protein from weakened bacteria vaccine with company believes DNA and and biotin binding protein. No formal timeline Not yet in Media fixed this vaccine platform Hoth protein When mixed with pathogen- announced. clinical testing. announcement adjuvant or has the benfit of subunit specific peptides, it creates a variable expedient Massachuset vaccine. targeting development against ts General many emerging new pathogens.

Cobra Uses a plasmid to insert DNA This will be part of Biologics into cells to generate the Vaccine – the OPENCORONA Expects human trials Not yet in Media DNA production of pathogen-specific DNA plasmid consortium. The to begin in 2020. clinical testing. announcement Karolinska antigens and trigger immune company Institute response.

S protein vaccines target the The UM proposal spike on the virus, which is used was one of six to get Vaccine – University of to break into cells. This would funding from the No formal timeline Not yet in Company S protein Protein Manitoba target the binding domain of the Canadian announced. clinical testing. announcement subunit virus and stimulate neutralizing government in epitopes. march.

Researchers on this

Vaccine – S protein vaccines target the team previously University of No formal timeline Not yet in Company S protein Protein spike on the virus, which is used worked on Alberta announced. clinical testing. announcement subunit to break into cells. developing a SARS


This group has No formal timeline Vaccine – Uses proteins similar to the historically announced. Aiming Not yet in Media AJ Vaccine Unavailable Protein SARS-CoV-2 virus to trigger developed vaccines for global release by clinical testing. announcement subunit targeted immunes response. for other common 2021. infectious diseases.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Drug Name/ Product Company Overview/Highlights History Timeline Clinical phase Sources Platform Type

Viral vectors use a weakened University of Vaccine – virus as a vector to introduce The efforts builds on No formal timeline Not yet in Company Western VSV-S Replicating coding for antigens against a technology for HIV announced. clinical testing. announcement Ontario viral vector specific virus into the immune and MERS. system.

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple. Last updated April 23, 2020.

First published March 17, 2020

For questions or concerns, please contact the AgencyIQ team:

Alexander Gaffney, RAC Senior Director, Research [email protected]

Kedest Tadesse, MS, RAC Senior Research Manager [email protected]

Laura DiAngelo, MPH Senior Research Manager [email protected]

Lily Rosenfield Research Analyst [email protected]

Aaron Badida, JD Research Analyst [email protected]

Last updated 23 April 2020. New updates to this spreadsheet are highlighted in purple.