Forever Families

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019

July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018 July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 1 A message from our Board Chair CFS Brings Communities Together for Families

It has been an honor to serve as the Child & Family Service board chair for the past two years and I am truly pleased with how much we have accomplished together. I am confident knowing CFS is in a solid and sustainable financial condition, with outstanding board leadership and engagement, a dynamic leader at the helm, and positive positioning within the industry.

TONY MIZUNO WE KNEW REPLACING HOWARD In respect to CFS finances, we continue to Board Chair GARVAL’S 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE remain focused on financial diligence and our WOULD BE CHALLENGING, so it was both obligation to use our assets responsibly. Our Executive Vice President exciting and comforting to discover that the numbers are strong and sustainable, which helps Bank of most qualified candidate came from within our to ensure we have the ability to provide critical CFS ranks. In re-envisioning CFS’s place in the services even if hit with random hiccups such community, Karen Tan is transcending her role as a government shutdown, natural disasters or as agency president to becoming a champion for other unexpected events. social services in the state. With her guidance, CFS is sharing new learnings, shepherding Lastly, as I close my tenure as board chair, I want innovative projects and fostering inter-agency to thank my fellow board members. It has been collaboration in a kind and respectful way. a pleasure to work—and dance—with you. While a few of us could use some help with our At CFS, we believe in developing leaders from rhythm, our teamwork was impeccable. the bottom up. To honor Howard’s legacy, a thoughtful hui of donors made a special donation Accreditations & Affiliations ® Child & Family Service is accredited to the Stronger Families Fund to name and by the Council on Accreditation launch the Howard S. Garval Leadership (a national accrediting organization) Academy. Started in 2017, the Academy and is an accredited charity with the Better Business Bureau of Hawai‘i. identifies employees with the potential for CFS is affiliated with the Alliance for leadership in their area of expertise. To date, Strong Families and Communities the annual program has provided leadership and the United Ways (including Aloha United Way, Hawai‘i Island, training to 39 CFS employees from across the and Kaua‘i) state.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 2

“All the things that I have learned better me as a person and as a mother....” 3

“The help you gave makes sure our family is a family forever...” 4 A message from our President & CEO Changing Lives, Impacting Communities

As we prepared to celebrate our 120th anniversary, we looked deeply into our rich history. From helping to establish Child Welfare and Child Protective Services to providing support after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, we were able to draw connections between past accomplishments and the work we do today. Our work has meaning. It has longevity. And it truly matters.

ALONG WITH COMMUNICATION, One example of change is our pilot program KAREN TAN WE’VE INCREASED TRANSPARENCY in called Transition to Success®. Unlike other LCSW our budget and processes. By building a culture programs, Transition to Success approaches President & CEO that is celebratory, humble and appreciative of poverty as a treatable condition. Based on our people and their efforts, we’re all growing positive results on Kaua‘i and Maui, we now have together. The result? For the second year, CFS the impetus to launch the program statewide. was ranked among Hawai‘i’s Best Places to Work! The strides we are making today would not be possible without the wisdom and vision of Under the theme of collaboration, in 2019, our past and present CFS Board, the unfailing the CFS board literally helped us break down generosity of our donors and the tireless efforts our office walls and build a free collaborative of our dedicated volunteers and staff. On behalf hub for the community. Dubbed the CFS of the many lives we touch, mahalo. Innovations Lab, it’s our hands-on approach to bringing industry partners together to solve Hawai‘i’s most urgent problems.

Having a brainstorming space is just the start. Starting in 2019, I invited leaders from across government, human service, education and other sectors to get messy and “stomp in puddles” with me. The term is playful, but my intent is ambitious: to dig deep and objectively ask what is working for our community, our program participants and local service organizations. By stomping in puddles and being unafraid to examine the status quo we can affect change—together.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 5

15,798 PEOPLE SERVED IMPACT * A Visual 75,000 2018 FY LIVES TOUCHED Perspective 15,901 PEOPLE SERVED

* 60,000 2019 FY LIVES TOUCHED

*The number of lives touched is an estimate of individuals and families who CFS has assisted through outreach services such as our crisis line, educational work- shops and classes, youth events, presentations and training, food and clothing distribution through our seven Family Centers, phone calls and referrals. 6 FY 2018


Healing from Trauma (56%) O‘ahu (45%) Hawaiian / Polynesian (25%) Empowering Youth (17%) Maui County (23%) Unreported (20%) Caring for Keiki (16%) Hawai‘i Island (17%) Caucasian (15%) FY 2018 FY Social Enterprises (11%) Kaua‘i (15%) Asian (13%) Honoring Kūpuna (>1%) Filipino (12%) Other (10%) Hispanic / Latino (4%)


Young Adult - 20 to 34 (25%) Unreported (74%) Female (55%) Middle Aged - 35 to 55 (24%) At or under $28,870* (17%) Male (37%) Teenage - 10 to 19 (19%) At or over $50,000 (6%) Unreported (8%) Infant - 0 to 4 (10%) $35,000 to $49,999 (2%) Child - 5 to 9 (8%) $28,871 to $34,999 (1%) Unreported (8%) Senior - 56+ (5%)

*In 2018, according to the US Department of Health & Human Services site, $28,870 is the poverty line for a family of four, residing in Hawai‘i.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 7 FY 2019


Healing from Trauma (54%) O‘ahu (49%) Hawaiian / Polynesian (27%) Caring for Keiki (17%) Kaua‘i (18%) Caucasian (19%) Empowering Youth (14%) Hawai‘i Island (18%) Unreported (19%) Social Enterprises (14%) Maui County (15%) Asian (14%) Honoring Kūpuna (>1%) Filipino (12%) Other (4%) Hispanic / Latino (4%)


Middle Aged - 35 to 55 (26%) Unreported (74%) Female (53%) Young Adult - 20 to 34 (21%) At or under $29,620* (17%) Male (38%) Teenage - 10 to 19 (21%) At or over $50,000 (6%) Unreported (9%) $35,000 to $49,999 (2%) Child - 5 to 9 (8%) $29,621 to $34,999 (1%) Infant - 0 to 4 (8%) Senior - 56+ (7%)

*In 2019, according to the US Department of Health & Human Services site, $29,620 is the poverty line for a family of four, residing in Hawai‘i.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 8

Financial Report 9 FY 2018 Financials

REVENUE $30,606,023

Government Rental Income, Fee for Contracts (82%) Service, Other Revenue (5%) Contributions & Investment Income (2%) Fundraising* (11%) *Includes Designated Grants (5%), Stronger Families Fund® (3%), United Way (<1%)

EXPENSE $29,665,376

Healing from Trauma (36%) CFS Real Property Inc., Empowering Youth (23%) Facilities Management (8%) Caring for Keiki (21%) Hawaii International Development, Quality of Child (2%) Care, Management & General (9%) Honoring Kūpuna (1%)


NOTE: Audit revised draft issued 12/10/18; CW Associates will pass on additional Hawaii International Child adjustments due to immateriality. Audit draft as of 10/30/18 was approved by Finance and Audit Committee 11/1/18 (changes to Hawaii International Child balances between 10/30/18 and 12/10/18 reports).

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 10 FY 2019 Financials

REVENUE $30,824,054

Government Rental Income, Fee for Contracts (81%) Service, Other Revenue (3%) Contributions & Investment Income (3%) Fundraising* (13%) *Includes Designated Grants (6%), Stronger Families Fund® (3%), United Way (<1%)

EXPENSE $30,685,712

Healing from Trauma (38%) CFS Real Property Inc., Empowering Youth (22%) Facilities Management (8%) Caring for Keiki (20%) Honoring Kūpuna (>1%) Development, Quality of Care, Management & General (11%)


Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 11

2017 - 2019 AT A GLANCE From help to hope 12

2017: A Fond Farewell. OCTOBER 1, 2017 A Bold Beginning.


Karen Tan takes the helm

When CFS welcomed Karen Tan, LCSW, as our new President and CEO, we worked hard to get the word out. CFS secured a blitz of Star-Advertiser interviews featuring Karen’s fresh take Celebrating Howard Garval’s on fighting poverty. retirement

After 11 years at the helm as president and CEO, Howard OCTOBER 5, 2017 Garval retired with teary-eyed farewells. Mahalo, Howard for your years of service!

SEPTEMBER 29, 2017

ASB Raises $100,000 for CFS Family Centers

Karen attended her first event as President & CEO, the American Savings Bank Hawaii Curling Club Fundraiser Howard S. Garval Leadership benefiting CFS. The event was a resounding success, “sweeping Academy in” over $100,000 for the CFS Family Centers.

Congratulations to the inaugural graduating class of the Howard S. Garval Leadership Academy, sponsored by OCTOBER 14, 2017 donors through the Stronger Families Fund®.

SEPTEMBER 29, 2017

Lights! Camera! Action!

The 9th annual gala was an undeniable hit and showcased the talents of our star-studded board members and volunteer leaders. CFS board members say mahalo to Howard Garval

It was Howard Garval’s last pau hana as the leader of CFS, but his legacy of good work continues on.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 13

NOVEMBER 1, 2017 JANUARY 18, 2018

CFS launches public service TV Addressing the long-term effects of trauma We boosted awareness with a new TV spot titled “Hope is Contagious.” The spot was produced by MVNP and sponsored CFS Chief Program Officer Joey Keahiolalo was featured on by First Hawaiian Bank. KHON2’s Wake Up 2day segment to discuss ways CFS assists keiki with lingering trauma. Photo credit: KHON2 2018: A Year of Learning JANUARY 20, 2018 IN THE FIRST THREE QUARTERS OF 2018, Hawai‘i residents were hit by events that relentlessly traumatized families and created sustained stress on state and Community Based Organization (CBO) resources. These catastrophic events, compounded by the compressed time frame and overlapping destruction, required CFS to think creatively and act strategically. Painting a Hallway of Hope Our response was not perfect in all situations. We learned, Artist Boz Schurr, children of CFS and students from Island regrouped and evolved. As CFS rolled into 2019, we emerged Pacific Academy transformed a bleak hallway at a CFS family as a stronger and more agile organization with a renewed shelter into a Hallway of Hope. focus on tackling the problems that face our state.

JANUARY 25, 2018 JANUARY 13, 2018

Annual Board Meeting False missile alert caused real trauma We bid farewell to leaving board members, welcomed new faces and gave outgoing board chair Michele Saito a special Although the event was not real, the effects of 38-minutes mahalo. of emotional trauma could have lingering repercussions. CFS expanded hours of the DOH-funded Parent Line and provided trauma relief to 66% more families. In addition, CFS took the lead in explaining how to cope with trauma via interviews on Hawaii News Now, KITV, KHON2, Hawai‘i Public Radio and the Star-Advertiser.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 14

FEBRUARY 9, 2018 MAY 5, 2018

Ewa Family Center Blessing First Hawaiian Bank donates $50,000 to volcano victims We’re proud to open our newly-renovated CFS Ewa Family Center for families across O‘ahu. With businesses closed, roads impassable and homes devoured by lava, First Hawaiian Bank called on CFS to help distribute $50,000 to residents in immediate need. FEBRUARY 20, 2018

MAY 20, 2018

Hawai‘i’s Best Places to Work 2018

After a two-year absence we did it again. CFS was named by Rebuilding lives in the aftermath of Hawaii Business Magazine as one of Hawai‘i’s Best Places To Work 2018! Kīlauea’s eruption With more than 2,000 residents displaced and/or in dire need after a series of lava flows, CFS staff worked on-site to provide APRIL 24, 2018 trauma counseling at evacuation centers. Simultaneously, we partnered with the media to educate the public on the effects and ways to cope with trauma. CFS President and CEO Karen Tan made appearances on Hawaii News Now, KHON2, Hawai‘i Public Radio and the Star-Advertiser. CFS remained a calming presence on Hawai‘i Island until the fissure started to slow in August. Photo credit: KHON2 Responding to Kaua‘i floods

Faced with extensive property damage and mass evacuations, CFS partnered with more than 30 other CBOs and local businesses to share in relief efforts. CFS caseworkers even volunteered on their own time to ensure individuals and families would be covered. Fundraising was shifted mid-stride to better assist those who were affected.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 15

JUNE 13, 2018 AUGUST 30, 2018

Karen Tan selected to Omidyar A new space for innovation Fellows Cohort VI In a big break from tradition, CFS remodeled the conference CFS President and CEO Karen Tan was invited to join the room and Howard Garval’s former office to create a prestigious Omidyar Fellows, Cohort VI. Photo credit: Derek collaborative “Innovations Lab” for incubating new ideas, Wong Photography programs and ways of strengthening our programs to achieve the greatest impact.

JULY 18, 2018 NOVEMBER 3, 2018

CFS creates ‘Ohana Kits for traumatized Hawai‘i Island residents Heroes and Legends

With 700 homes destroyed by lava, CFS partnered with Superheroes. Greek Gods. First responders. Sponsored by American Savings Bank to produce “‘Ohana Kits” which , our 10th annual gala had them all. Mahalo to included a crisis resource guide for displaced families. our board members and event leadership for a fantastic show.

AUGUST 20, 2018 DECEMBER 14, 2018

Preparing for 3rd Annual Holiday Family Fair

CFS responded with ways for parents to protect their children’s It was a fun day for the whole family, with special gifts available emotional well-being before, during and after the storm. for children to select for their parents.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 16

2019: Advancing MARCH 27, 2019 Our Cause

JANUARY 22, 2019

CFS celebrates 120th anniversary

Organized on March 27, 1899, the Associated Charities of Hawaii—now known as Child & Family Service—turned 120 years old! CFS initiates Hawai‘i’s first National Imperative Summit APRIL 1, 2019 Convened by Child & Family Service, the conference fostered discussion on ways to improve the financial stability of local non-profits.

MARCH 14, 2019 Hawai‘i’s Best Places to Work 2019

We did it again! CFS was listed as one of Hawai‘i’s Best Places to Work in 2019 by Hawaii Business Magazine! Go team!

Karen Tan named among AUGUST 25, 2019 “20 for the next 20”

Congratulations to our President and CEO Karen Tan for being selected as a member of Hawaii Business Magazine’s “20 for the next 20.”

Visionaries “Islands of Change”

CFS was honored to be selected by Visionaries to be featured in their award-winning PBS documentary series dedicated to inspiring positive social change. Chosen for our comprehensive use of data, innovation and cultural values, we were able to showcase our programs and their success rates. The documentary was shown nationally on PBS, and rebroadcast on PBS Hawai‘i on 8/25/19.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 17

“The Fund builds on one of the basic strengths of CFS – a committed group of supporters who come together to collectively achieve more than any of us could do individually.” – RICH WACKER

CFS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 18 CFS Stronger Families Fund® Building Proactivity in a Reactive World

There are times when CFS must act boldly to support innovation and calculated risk-taking. Our State and Federal funds, however, are prescriptive. In response we created a new way to support our initiatives by establishing the Stronger Families Fund®. Launched by 10 “hui” or teams, these individuals understood the need for CFS to be constantly improving, challenging old norms, testing and, most importantly, evolving.

THE FOCUS OF THE FUND IS TO PROVIDE the flexibility needed to respond quickly to the ANNE MARIE RIZZO changing needs of Hawai’i communities. Over the last 4 years, the SFF helped implement innovative, CFRE evidence-based models of care for the State of Hawai’i, supported vast infrastructure improvements, Chief Advancement Officer boosted essential services and were vital in breaking CFS out of the traditional “social service model” by developing leading programs that break poverty myths and move families toward self-sufficiency.

The flexibility of the SFF makes it possible to direct funds to be innovative, deliberate and accountable. The SFF supported a portion of the following initiatives:

TRANSITION TO SUCCESS® (TTS) HALLWAY OF HOPE This innovative model of care, developed by Dr. Marcella Wilson, Security. Relief. Comfort. These are the emotions we wanted approaches poverty as a treatable condition. Piloted three years to greet our youngest guests. Thanks to generous donors, the ago on Kaua‘i and Maui, data has shown that TTS is effective in Hallway of Hope was transformed with a mural that lets keiki feel moving individuals and families out of poverty. The program will safe and welcome. be scaled throughout all CFS programs across the state. TRANSITIONAL APARTMENTS RESULTS-BASED ACCOUNTABILITYTM (RBA) When home isn’t a safe place, our transitional apartments offer Rather than subjectively rating a person’s progress, this scorecard- healing and a sense of belonging. SFF funding supported program based system enables us to objectively measure the degrees and enhancements. types of impact our programs are having on participants. We are currently implementing RBA statewide. WALK-IN FAMILY CENTERS Thanks to donors we renovated our old, worn facilities, expanded RISKING CONNECTIONS® hours and staffing and expanded outreach efforts. 100 percent of CFS program leaders and staff are trained in the Risking Connections trauma-informed approach to service HAWAI‘I ISLAND SERVICES delivery. The impact of the SFF is felt by families across East and West Hawai‘i through increased staffing and staff training in the areas HALE O ULU of abuse, violence, and research-based trauma treatments, and a Translated as “House of Growth” in Hawaiian, the program offers new play structure for the little ones. a second chance to students who are expelled from school for drug abuse, violence, or truancy. The SFF provided therapeutic counseling and the implementation of the Choose Love program for teens and families.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 19 CFS Programs Twinkle to Wrinkle

The bumps in the road of life can be many, and Child & Family Service is there to help, starting with programs such as Head Start for preschoolers to programs that honor our kūpuna. We also provide substance and abuse treatment, safe houses, intervention services, youth programs and programs to assist employers.

IN ALL, WE HAVE NEARLY 50 PROGRAMS AND SERVICES that assist families. What can we do better? In 2017, CFS launched three bold initiatives that are changing our culture, increasing our effectiveness and creating lasting change in the lives of the families we serve.

TRAUMA-INFORMED CARE TRANSITION TO SUCCESS® Trauma comes in many forms, from being the victim of sexual Over the past 3 years, Child & Family Service piloted a new anti- violence to a feeling of helplessness as you watch molten lava poverty program, Transition to Success®, on the islands of Kaua‘i destroy your family home. In 2018, CFS implemented a system-wide and Maui. TTS is a system of care that changes our understanding framework based on understanding, researching and responding and treatment response to poverty as a condition, not a character to the symptoms of trauma with empathy. This approach accepts flaw. that a person’s history—such as child abuse, houselessness or addiction—can greatly impact their ability to carry on day to day Using our model for Results-Based Accountability, we measured activities. Using important principles of Trauma-Informed Care, the program’s impact on participants in 19 domains such as CFS is changing lives in ways that feel safe and honors all cultures. housing security, financial security, safety in their homes, access to food and support and other necessities. The data revealed RESULTS-BASED ACCOUNTABILITYTM incredible changes in 16 of the 19 domains, with 11 areas showing More and more, human service organizations are being asked to statistically significant improvement in personal empowerment. use data to prove the effectiveness of their programs and services. CFS is leading the transition to Results-Based Accountability which employs models for measuring performance. Our CFS employees work together with their clients to self-assess their progress on domains such as their confidence that they will have a place to live, their feeling of safety within their home, their confidence in being able to work or attend school and other life skills. The resulting scorecards have proven invaluable in demonstrating the effectiveness of our pilot program to fight generational poverty, Transition to Success®.

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 20

CARING FOR KEIKI EMPOWERING YOUTH Childhood education programs and programs focusing on the Programs that help teens through personal crisis in school prevention of child abuse and neglect through parent education and in life, providing tools to become confident, independent, and and family counseling. successful and to earn a high school diploma.

K Early Identification K Alaka‘i Program O Ewa Family Center O Coalition Building Partnership Program K Hale Ho‘omalu Family Center K WH EH Crisis Mobile Outreach K Head Start / Early Head Start K Guiding Transitioning Youth to Success O K Healthy Families Home Visiting O Hale O Ulu (Alternative Education) K Nana’s House Family Center O Ho‘opono Mamo M Neighborhood Place of Wailuku Family Center O ‘Imi‘Ike Program K Specialized Substance Abuse Treatment WH Independent Living Program for Services for Pregnant and Parenting Women Residential Services and Children (E Ala Hou) O Ka Pa Ola (Community Based Residential) O K EH Strong Families Home Visiting M Kū Hanohano Truancy Program O K M WH EH The Parent Line / HomeReach O K M WH EH ‘Ohana Support Services O K M WH EH TIFFE Community-Based Parenting Education K Project Ho‘ohuli - Girls Court WH EH Therapeutic Crisis Home O WH EH TIFFE Evaluation & Outpatient HEALING FROM TRAUMA WH EH TIFFE Functional Family Therapy Programs designed to aid individuals and families in crisis, helping O TIFFE Intensive Independent Living Skills them to heal and rebuild their lives through counseling and thera- O WH EH TIFFE Intensive In-Home Therapy peutic support services. WH EH TIFFE Multisystemic Therapy O TIFFE Together We Can Comprehensive Counseling O K M O TIFFE Youth Outreach Program & Support Services (CCSS) (Community Based) Developing Options to Violence / O WH EH O TIFFE Youth Outreach Program Turning Point for Families Alternatives to (School Based) Violence O TIFFE Youth Outreach Program O WH EH Domestic Violence Shelters (Criminal Justice) Domestic Violence Advocacy O M WH EH WH EH Transitional Family / Respite Home Domestic Violence Services for Families (DVSF) O K M WH EH K Youth Independent Living Services O Employment Services for Legally (Positive Youth Development Program) Permanent Residents K Employment Services for Low-Income Persons O Employment Services for Refugees K EH Family Strengthening Services HONORING OUR KŪPUNA K Immigrant Resource Center Caregiver programs offering respite, resources, and support to M Maui Sexual Assault Center families caring for elderly loved ones with other health issues. M Moloka‘i Integrated Services System Wellness and case management programs help keep kūpuna safe O K M WH EH Multidisciplinary Team Services and living independently. O M WH EH Sex Abuse Treatment Services O EH Transitional Housing for O Health Maintenance Victims of Domestic Violence O Kūpuna Outreach Community Services K M Voluntary Case Management O EH Long Term Support Services O ‘Ohana Care O REACH (Responsiveness, Encouragement SOCIAL ENTERPRISES and Assistance through Counseling & Help) Contracted counseling and crisis intervention services for local O Senior Case Management businesses.

O K M WH EH WorkLife Hawaii

O - O‘ahu K - Kaua‘i M - Maui County WH - West Hawai‘i EH - East Hawai‘i Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 21

‘Onipa‘a Society 22

2018 ‘ONIPA‘A SOCIETY THE HAWAIIAN WORD ‘ONIPA‘A MEANS TO BE STEADFAST. The work of Child & Family Service would not be possible without the sustained commitment of our donors. The following donors join the more than 2,500 members of the CFS ‘Onipa‘a Society of steadfast donors.

40 Years Steve & Susan Metter FUND Dawn Suyenaga & Jeff Raynette Daite Dexter & Mary Kubota of Support Gail S. Miyata Dinsmore FUND Robert Decleene, Jr. Allen & Kristen Kubota Alvin & Sharon Narimatsu Felix & Karen^ Ta n FUND DTRIC Insurance Co., Ltd. Joshua Lam Cecilie R. Alexander Trust Dr. & Mrs. Robert Nemechek Lillian Taniyama Ryan Duffy Jill Larita Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Smith The RMR Group George & Jeanette Susan Tilden Lau 35 Years Jacqueline Thompson Lisa Tomihama Ehara FUND Layton Construction of Support Carol Jean Yakuma Thurston & Sharon Twigg-Smith Daniel Eliot Company, LLC

Sharon Weiner FUND Jan Yokota & Kip Xerox Hawaii Elite Parking Services Macy Lee Gregg & Ruthann Wilborn FUND Chantilly-Ann Chip & Kerry Lezy Yamanaka FUND 5 Years Espindola-Williams William Liesman 10 Years of Support Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Henry & Carol Lin Victoria Fisher Alwin Lo 30 Years of Support Anonymous (14) Garrett & Lori Fong John Lockwood of Support Anonymous (8) A-American Custom Flooring John Fong Vernon & Bernie Loo Robert F. Lange Foundation Sheila Campbell Ralph Acidera Dr. Linda C. Fox^ FUND Harold & Catherine Luke Gary & Marytina Choy AHL Tara Fujita Anthony & Mary Marks Tom & Rose Churma Alaka’i Mechanical Corporation 25 Years Richard Ganibe Barbara Marumoto-Coons Gil & Meredith^ Alaska Airlines of Support Wayne & Melissa Goo Mahealani Maruquin Contreras FUND Patricia Albrecht Richard & Terry Clifton Halekulani Corporation Cynthia Matsuda Ralph & Laura Cushnie William & Rebecca Allen Consuelo Foundation FUND Lisa Halvorson FUND Nicole Matsuo FUND Dentons Aloha Petroleum, Ltd. First Insurance Company of Hanapepe Artworks Thomas & Rae-Marie May Joel Fields Alter / Lalakea Family Hawaii, Ltd. Hanapepe Hawaiian Charlene McCrea Glenn* & Lillian Fujihara Amazon Smile Foundation Agnes H. Fujimoto Congregational Church Craig & Jennifer McGinnis Alvin & Muriel Ganzer Nicole Amina Robert & Carolyn Fujioka Trixie Harris Joy McLaughlin Geppert Ohana FUND Melanie Arcedo James Campbell Hawaii Dental Service Jennylou Medina-Abadilla John Guerri Chanella Asuncion^ Company LLC FUND Garrett Johnson & Susan Seana Mena Michael & Jo-Ann Harunaga Bee Bee Au Andrew & Barbara Kuljis FUND Hawker-Johnson Ira & Rayme Meyer Hawaii Electric Light Co., Inc. Carmelita Austria Market City, Limited Debbie Hayashi Kanani Miyahira David & Nery Heenan FUND Kristen Awa Fred & Eva Zane Maybelinda Hayashi Lyn Moku Lucy Hood^ Gary & Laura Baker Renee Hicks Brad Myers FUND Leonard Hoshijo Jim Balmilero Kaui & Margaret Higa Scott & Lauren Nahme 20 Years Brent Igawa To d & Michelle Bartell Nicole Hokoana^ FUND Candice Naito of Support Muriel Ikeda-Mahelona Charlie Bartolome Ellen Hoopai Don Ahuna & Sharon Jayar Construction, Inc. Keana Bate Anonymous (2) Gary Horita Nakamura-Ahuna Carolyn Johiro Paul & Diane Bennett D.R. Horton Hawaii HSI Mechanical Inc. Nan, Inc. Timothy & Robin Johns Marlaine Binas Kobayashi Group Rick Humphreys Elsa Navares Gale Kahao^ Brian & Aileen Brennan Bernie Lalau Jane Ibara Owen Nishijima J. Kam Felipa Callejo Merton Lau Ruth Igawa Jenny Nishimura Pamela & Don Lichty George Leong Diana Carroll Rochelle Ingano Alan Ong FUND Frances & Ivan Mike Carroll Michele Tokunaga Morikami & Deeann Iseri Danford Oshima Lui-Kwan FUND Carlton Chang Ken Morikami Chris Jackson Wendell Oshiro Joe & Mariko Lyons Gary Chang Edwin & Marian Nakano Martin & Carole Kahn Rudolph & Irene Pacol Michael & Dorothy Brenda Chee the Hawaiian Electric Carol Kalahiki Katherine Pall-Lyman Marsh FUND Norman & Jamie Cheng Companies Nicole Kanemitsu-Toa Bonnie Pang & Rob Roy Francis Nakamoto Glenn & Melinda Ching Glen Kaneshige FUND Brandon Panoke Nordic PCL Mike & Joyce Ching 15 Years Jonah Kaneshiro Brandon Park Construction, Inc. FUND Tracy Colburn of Support Sharon Kanno PBR HAWAII Kathryn Okazaki Rachel Coloma Anonymous (2) Coast Resort Natalia Peters Joy E. Patterson Commercial Metals Company Brant & Stephanie Ackerman Sabra Kauka Toni Pickford Cherie Picanco Dorothy Cooper Ranelle Akau Eri Kawaguchi Josette Rapoza Donna Mei Raposas Sarah Cosma CVS Health/Longs Drugs Kisha Kawakami Greg & Lisa Rapp FUND Select Income REIT/The Krissy Costa IBM Corporation Angela Kia Resort Management Group RMR Group Lourdes Coughlan Mr. & Mrs. Melvyn Kawahara Chantelle Klein Rex & Virginia Johnson Stanford Carr Matthew & Dianne Cox Mary Kondo Jana Koba Charitable Fund Development, LLC Myron & Margie Crain Cynthia Matsunaga Elizabeth Kohagura Jacqueline Rodrigues Sandy Crowell

Board Member Guild Member ∞ ‘Onipa‘a Society FUND Stronger Families Fund® ^ Employee of CFS * Deceased Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 23

Sarah Rogers Christine Singsongkham Dexter Takara Webling Elementary School Edwin & Georgene Yamada Gina Rosario Beverly Souza Rosemarie Tanap West Hawaii Concrete Grace Yap Caryn Sakahashi Michael & Lisa Splittstoesser Kellee Tenn Barbara Jean Williams Warren & Helen Yap Michele Sarae Marti Steele Franklin Tokioka Wilson Okamoto Corporation James & Juanita Yee James Manico & Tracey Josh & Becki Stinson Daphne Torres Brian & Donna Wong Phoebe Yeung Schavone Stronger Families Fund HeeYoung Trujillo Herb & Nancy Wong Joe & Lee Ann Young FUND Clara Seeney Keenan & Ahlinn Sue Lori Uyeda Lucy Wong Robelyn Sejalbo Leafa Su’e Stacy Viyavong Michael Wong Ishita Shah Dr. & Mrs. Ramon Sy Swee Wah WSP USA Buildings Inc. Kimo Silva Wayne Taira WE Painting, Inc. Margie Yaguchi


25 Years 10 Years 5 Years Bryce Kanehira Sharon Weiner Fund of Support of Support of Support Angela Lam of the Hawaii Community Edward Lastimosa Foundation FUND Anonymous Tabitha Alameida Anonymous (8) Cori Lau Kyle Shelly Central Pacific Bank Allied Builders System Justin & Dani Aiu Dennis & Reinette Lau Joni Shigematsu Hawaii Hotel Industry Foundation Anonymous (5) Dayna Arakaki Larry Lau Stacey Shinsato Star-Advertiser Benjamin Woo Architects Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa Christopher Lee Nikki Russel Siarot Jhamandas Watumull Fund FUND Brian Bentley Israel Avilla Jessica Lee Jan Snyder Pamela Larson Cathy & Gary Camp FUND Beachside Roofing, LLC Jodi Lee FUND St. James’ Episcopal Church Stephen & Jill MacMillan FUND Harold K. L. Castle Foundation James Belford Amanda Lindley Deborah Tada Mariajane C. Mee Pam Chinn-Pangelinan Sharla Billianor Melanio & Melinda Lorenzo Matthew Takamine Title Guaranty Michael Coates Daljean Book Lisa Maehara Fiatamalii Taualo Frederick F.W. Wong Dr. Peter & Leila Diamond FUND Verna Bornios Susan Maja Tracy Teruya Kenton & Lori Eldridge Della Bungcayao Gerry & Cheryl Majkut James Teson 20 Years Eleanor Fahrenwald CallisonRTKL Kevin Mao Stephanie Tessier Verna Felipe Joseph Carter of Support Mignonette Mercado Kristen Teves Group Builders Inc. Neill & Liz Char Sandy Mikami Alvin & Lorraine Tom Albert & Dolores Bediones FUND Haleiwa Joe’s at Haiku Gardens Ellen Cho Linda Misaki Marilyn Tomas Anonymous Mufi & Gail Hannemann Loretta Chong MOMS Club of - Christy Tuitele Kathy Croze FUND Debra Harbottle Ray & Sandy Choy Leeward HI Jane Uemura Hawaii Community Foundation Novelyn^ & David Louella Cirilo-Villanueva Vanessa Moreno Percy Unciano Hawaiian Electric Industries Hinazumi FUND Clinical Labs of Hawaii Sarah & Emilie Moy FUND Nestor Villanueva Charitable Foundation Brian & Earlyn Isa Richard Clise Lana Murakami Jodi Webb FUND Hawaiian Electric Industries David & Marlene Johnson Catherine Criste Faye Nago Sam & Nancy Webb FUND Kaiser Permanente KAI Hawaii, Inc. Deborah Daly Lillian Nakagawa Miyasaki Thi Wong Justice Steven & Mrs. Catherine Jeslyn Kawabata Jovita Davis Janice Nakama Betty Yada Levinson Campbell & Debra Kuhns Marcelena Dela Cruz Nathan Obando Walter Yamane & Janice Sawada David Louie & Johanna Chuan Mary Donohue Hayward & Tori Oblad Danielle Yafuso George & Gwen Tanoue John McComas & Christine Lyle & Brenda Du Pont Paula Ogimi Karen Yango Kobayashi Sharlen Eliu David & Kellyn Okabe Henry & Evelyn Yonamine 15 Years Vasi Penisini Michelle Espanto Gary & Lois Omori Drezlynn Yoshimoto of Support Philpotts Interiors Carol M. Fox Terry O’Reilley Michael & Kaiemi Steven & Heide Read Leonida Funtanilla Ryan Osakoda Young FUND Aloha Harvest Leanne Redona Sheila Garcia Bryanna Oyadomari Kelly Zane & Natalie Zane-Ota Balbi Brooks Anne Marie Rizzo^ FUND Deborah Ann Goto Janeen Oyama Robert & Edwina Clarke Dennis Sakuoka Chintana Griffin Fred & Julita Patricio Concetta DiLeo John & Mary Stein Calvin Hangai Keri Perry Anthony & Haunani Guerrero Jerelyn Sullivan Scott Hew Shelley Prado HEMIC UHA Health Insurance Heyer & Associates LLC Debbi Putnam FUND Chris Hilario-Yamane Raenette Uyehara Claryce Higa Christine Quintana^ FUND Noboru H. Izumigawa Audrey Valenciano Kelly Higuchi Trappeur Rahn & Christina Hom Anton & Julie Krucky FUND Glenn Wachi Connie Ho Wendy Raiola KTA Super Stores Eliza Young Mark Hogge Kekoa & Tiffany Ramos Mary & Doug Luther Carol Hoopii Jose Carlos Requilman MW Group, Ltd. Alyssa Hostelley Virginia Rivera Pearl City Elks Club Karen Howerton Cheryl Robello Thomas & Marcia Sumile Xavier & Janice Ignacio Rotary Club of West Kauai Patricia Teho Blake Isobe Consolacion Sagolili Floraine Van Orden Rudy Juan Kirsi Scotte Dan & Gerri Watanabe Grace Justice-Ibuos Dee Jane Severino

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 Board Member Guild Member ∞ ‘Onipa‘a Society FUND Stronger Families Fund® ^ Employee of CFS * Deceased 24

“Thank you for helping me, and for the values that I am learning to apply in my life.” 25

Honor Roll of Donors 26

THE CHILD & FAMILY SERVICE HONOR ROLL OF DONORS RECOGNIZES THE TREMENDOUS GENEROSITY OF DO- NORS AND VOLUNTEERS who provide the resources CFS needs to achieve its mission of strengthening families and fostering the healthy development of children. Along with individuals, corporations, trusts, foundations, and community organizations, we also recog- nize our ‘Onipa‘a Society and Stronger Families Fund® members – our most steadfast donors. It is with deep gratitude that, within these pages, we acknowledge their support.


$200,000+ Christopher & Starr Richard & Louise Steenblik Michele Tokunaga Morikami & Hayward & Tori Oblad Dods ∞ FUND Naomi^ & Doug Sutton ∞ FUND Ken Morikami ∞ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ocasek ∞ Anonymous George & Jeanette Sam & Nancy Webb FUND Cheryl & Justin Walthall ∞ FUND Bonnie Pang ∞ FUND Ehara ∞ FUND Beth Whitehead & Linda JD & Julie Watumull ∞ Jim & Anne Rautio ∞ FUND $199,999 to Dr. Linda C. Fox^ ∞ FUND Lockwood ∞ Eric & Melanie Yeaman Arthur & June Reinwald ∞ $100,000 David & Gina Haverly ∞ FUND Stephen & Christine Thomas & Robin Rohr ∞ Anonymous Arnold & Thuy Martines ∞ FUND $2,499 to $2,000 Yoshida ∞ FUND David & Martha Rome Mark Wagner & Edward Crystal Rose & Rick Charles B. Salmon Jr. Anonymous (5) ∞ FUND Randall & Joanie Shibuya ∞ FUND Beetschen FUND Towill & Gary ∞ FUND $999 to $500 ∞ FUND Cathy Camp ∞ Joan Bellinger ∞ FUND Michele & Kevin Saito Guy Shindo Kathy Croze ∞ FUND Anonymous (8) In Memory of Nanette Felix & Karen^ Ta n ∞ FUND Kirk Caldwell & Donna Tanoue Tom & Carol Fullerton Yvonne Ako ∞ FUND Dancil ∞ FUND Mark & Ruth Yamakawa Dennis & Brenda Teranishi Ruth Igawa ∞ Richard & Cynthia Albrecht Nicholas & Bonny Tinebra ∞ FUND Larry & Atsuko Fish ∞ FUND Jan Yokota & Kip & Julie ∞ FUND Gina Anonuevo ∞ Wilborn ∞ FUND Anton Krucky Colleen & Wayne Minami ∞ FUND Arlene Tolentino-Alquero ∞ FUND Terri Ann Motosue Suzette Arita Bruce & Liane Voss ∞ Roberta Weil ∞ FUND Joseph & Lee Ann John & Wendy Nakamura FUND Suzan Arnold FUND Young ∞ FUND Victor & Charlotte Witzke ∞ FUND ∞ Aimee Ogata Tod & Michelle Bartell Lucy Wong ∞ ∞ FUND Maureen Bates^ $99,999 to Alan Ong Laura Woods ∞ FUND $9,999 to $5,000 ∞ FUND $50,000 Shannon Sheets Patti Bates^ Carol Jean Yakuma ∞ Anonymous Jeffrey & Heather Shonka FUND J. Gordon Beaton ∞ Anonymous Walter Yamane & Danielle Jim Balmilero ∞ Michael & Kaiemi Young FUND Avi Soifer & Marlene Booth ∞ Dr. Thomas & Mi Kosasa FUND Yafuso Mark & Mary Benson Paula Boyce Steve & Susan Metter ∞ FUND Gary Caulfield ∞ Pinky & Meredith Ching ∞ FUND Earl & Sandi Stoner ∞ FUND $1,999 to $1,000 Norman & Jamie Cheng ∞ Loretta Chong $499 to $250 Rich & Eileen Wacker ∞ FUND Carol Hough^ ∞ Anonymous Michael Coates ∞ Anonymous (10) The Estate of Roy* & Norah* Kevin Bourgeois Kathy Mills ∞ FUND Matthew & Dianne Cox ∞ Patricia Albrecht ∞ Walker ∞ FUND Diana Carroll ∞ Tony & Martha Smith ∞ FUND Charles Dando Amelia Andrade ∞ Marti Steele ∞ Brenda Chee Marilyn Fitzgerald Todd Apo $49,999 to Dawn Suyenaga & Jeff Henry Chen Peter Fujiyoshi & Family George & Jean Ariyoshi Robert & Edwina Clarke ∞ $25,000 Dinsmore ∞ FUND Mabel Garduque ∞ Bud Bowles & Rosa Myron & Margie Crain ∞ Howard^ & MaryEllen Ruth & Arthur Ushijima ∞ FUND Michael Gilbert Asuelo ∞ FUND Ralph & Laura Cushnie ∞ Garval ∞ FUND Jodi Webb FUND Jeffrey & Elizabeth Grad ∞ Sandy & Marvin Au Fong ∞ Teresa Davis Kathy & Myles Inouye ∞ FUND Vivian^ & Grant Yasunaga ∞ FUND Calvin Hangai Glen & Loren Bailey Adm. & Mrs. Thomas Fargo ∞ Alika & Tanya Mau ∞ FUND Robert & Lori Harrison Joy Barua Carol Fox Jeff & Lynn Watanabe ∞ FUND $4,999 to $2,500 Cynthia Hermosura Keana Bate ∞ Geppert Ohana ∞ FUND Christina Hom & Trappeur Rahn James Belford Anonymous James & Priscilla Gary Horita ∞ Helen Bertles $24,999 to ∞ FUND Dolores & Albert Growney Brent Igawa ∞ Everett & Lorin Bettencourt ∞ FUND ∞ $15,000 Bediones Anthony & Haunani Guerrero Michael & Sandy Irish Brian & Aileen Brennan ∞ Anonymous Christopher Caddell Bradford Harrison ∞ Roberta Ishikawa John & Mary Lou Brogan Gil & Meredith^ & Christine ∞ FUND John & Janice Arizumi ∞ FUND Scott Higashi Martin & Carole Kahn ∞ Jerelyn Brown ∞ Contreras ∞ FUND Alexander Kim Monica Evslin ∞ FUND The Kirchner Family^ ∞ Della Bungcayao Frances & Ivan R. Stan & Patricia Duncan Mary Kondo ∞ David & Pam Kirk Chauvahn Cahill Robert & Carolyn Fujioka ∞ Andrew & Barbara Kuljis ∞ FUND Lui-Kwan ∞ FUND Bert & Susan Kobayashi FUND Felipa Callejo ∞ Lisa & Hal Halvorson ∞ FUND Tim Takaezu & Jodi Lam ∞ Anne Marie Rizzo^ ∞ FUND Stephen & Sherry Leis ∞ Mike Carroll ∞ Robert Harrison ∞ Cori Lau Sharon Weiner ∞ FUND George Leong ∞ Kimi Caswell ∞ Gregg & Ruthann Novelyn^ & David Russell & Constance Lau Leonard & Sherrilynn Leong Paula Chang ∞ Hinazumi ∞ FUND Dr. Robert Tanaka & Dr. April Yamanaka ∞ FUND Pamela & Don Lichty ∞ Tara Cheek ∞ ∞ Louise Ing & Michael Leong Henry & Carol Lin ∞ Mike & Joyce Ching ∞ Sitch ∞ FUND Joseph & Mariko Lyons ∞ The Estate of Virginia Paula Choy $14,999 to Glen Kaneshige ∞ FUND Fernando & Alexandra Manon Lippi ∞ FUND Clayton & Jane Chun $10,000 ∞ FUND ∞ Joey Keahiolalo^ Cynthia Matsunaga Harvey & Jeri Lung ∞ Reid Chung Anonymous Lori Ann C. Lum ∞ FUND Tad & Margaret Miura ∞ FUND Rosie Maldonado Kaleio Clifft ∞ FUND ∞ Carol Ai May & Michael Nicole Matsuo Robert L Pascua Rick Maruyama ∞ Richard & Terry Clifton ∞ May ∞ FUND Wes & Emily Reber Christine Quintana^ FUND Elahe Omidyar Mir-Djalali Michelle Dabu FUND Wayne & Katherine Richardson ∞ Scott & Cindy Barber FUND Porter Sarah & Emilie Moy FUND Michael Davy ∞ FUND ∞ Dr. Peter & Leila Diamond ∞ FUND Dr. Debbi Putnam Mark Taylor Alvin & Sharon Narimatsu ∞ Jacob & Kay DeClercq Greg & Lisa Rapp ∞ FUND

Board Member Guild Member ∞ ‘Onipa‘a Society FUND Stronger Families Fund® ^ Employee of CFS * Deceased Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 27

Jeff Demma & Ross Martineau ∞ Carolyn Johiro ∞ Linda Misaki Lana Seki ∞ Mr. & Mrs. George M. Wyman ∞ Keith Desaki Gordon & Sheila Kagawa Kyle Miyasato Gerald & Cathy Shintaku Kalena Yim Nick & Leslie Detor Kevin Kaji ∞ Kyson Morikuni & Robyn Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Smith ∞ Chris & Susan York ∞ FUND Concetta DiLeo ∞ Carol Kalahiki ∞ Yamakawa Beverly Souza ∞ Eliza Young ∞ Kahala Dotson^ Danny Kaleikini & Linda Wong Myles Murakami ∞ Stanford Stewart Greg Young Mike & Margie Durant ∞ Lynne Kaneshiro Ross & Dayle Murakami Josh & Becki Stinson ∞ FUND Dustin Valente & Jan Kenton & Lori Eldridge ∞ FUND Sharon Kanno ∞ Scott & Lauren Nahme ∞ Garret Sugai Yukumoto ∞ FUND Henry & Robin Eng ∞ Andrea Kaopua & Ben Villeza Candice Naito ∞ Thomas & Marcia Sumile ∞ Kelly Zane & Natalie Zane-Ota Ryan Engle ∞ Carrie Kawachika ∞ Brent & Gayle Naylor Deborah Tada Dee Zobel Devin Fukunaga ∞ David & Maria Kawananakoa Scott & Connie Neish Wayne Taira ∞ Morgan Gojanovich Esther W. Kaya ∞ Minh Ngo Aubrey Tamanaha Kimberly Greenly Karin Keller Kevin & Jinny Nip Gwyn Tamashiro ∞ Richard & Elizabeth Grossman Aaron & Janice^ Knapp FUND Joyce Nouchi Tamotsu & Esther Tanaka ∞ Sarah Guay Elizabeth Kohagura ∞ Paul Okimura Fiatamalii Taualo Michelle Habash Dexter & Mary Kubota ∞ FUND Terry O’Reilley Patricia Teho ∞ Patricia Halagao Brandon & Dawn Kurisu Danford Oshima ∞ Gary & Terri Terpstra Michael & Sandy Hartley Susan Tilden Lau ∞ Walter & Karen Oshiro ∞ Christine Terry^ FUND Kevin Haseyama Amanda Lindley Bronson & Paige Pai Lionel & Carole Tokioka Scott Hew Stephanie Lum ∞ Wendell & Annette Pang Kent & Jean Tsukamoto Bradford Hise & John Downey Robert Lund Natalia Peters ∞ Percy Unciano Nicole Hokoana^ ∞ FUND Mary & Doug Luther ∞ Michael & Judy Pietsch Pamela Varma Karin Holma ∞ Bruce & Pom Luxton ∞ Judy Pyle Michael Vickers ∞ Norman Hong Patti Lyons ∞ FUND Josette Rapoza ∞ Nestor Villanueva Sheila Honzaki Stephen & Jill MacMillan ∞ FUND Angela Ravera Craig Wagnild ∞ Ellen Hoopai ∞ Joshua Magno Rita Riggs Joel & Emily Walters Lee Hopkinson William & Maureen Marrs ∞ Douglas Sakamoto ∞ Scott-Michael & Heidi Waracka Mike Horton Ron & Coralie Matayoshi FUND Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Sakoda Dan & Gerri Watanabe ∞ FUND Alyssa Hostelley Dustin Matsudaira Min Maw Santayana Larry & Diane Wennick ∞ Rick Humphreys ∞ Roberta Mendez James Manico & Tracey Lauren Wright FUND Larry & Terri Ishii Kimo Mills ∞ Schavone ∞ Christine & Christopher Wyatt


$200,000+ $24,999 to Hawaii State Federal Credit D.R. Horton Hawaii ∞ Services, Inc. ∞ Union Deloitte & Touche LLP ∞ Neiman Marcus ∞ FUND American Savings $15,000 Hensel Phelps Dentons ∞ Office Pavilion Bank ∞ FUND A-1 A-Lectrician, Inc. ∞ Honolulu Star-Advertiser ∞ Design Partners Incorporated ∞ OliverMcMillan ∞ A-American Custom The Howard Hughes Dorvin D. Leis Co., Inc. ∞ Pacific Guardian Life ∞ Flooring, Inc. ∞ $199,999 to Corporation ∞ FUND Englekirk Structural Pacific Resource Alaka’i Mechanical Corporation ∞ $100,000 Kamehameha Engineers FUND Partnership ∞ Albert C. Kobayashi, Inc. ∞ Schools ∞ FUND Fiserv Solutions LLC FUND Par Hawaii, Inc. American Savings Bank - Central Pacific Bank ∞ Kona Brewing Co. ∞ Group Builders Inc. ∞ Pinnacle Wealth Management Hawaii Curling City Mill Layton Construction Hawaii Regional Council of Group of Wells Fargo Advisors Club Hui ∞ FUND Company, Ltd. ∞ FUND Company, LLC ∞ Carpenters ∞ - Sean Satterfield and Jodi American Savings Bank and Commercial Plumbing, Inc. ∞ The MacNaughton Group ∞ Hawaii Dental Service ∞ Nozoe Chang Teammates - Kahiau DTRIC Insurance Co., Ltd. ∞ ∞ ∞ FUND ∞ FUND Nan, Inc. Hawaii Gas ProService Hawaii Giving Program Goodfellow Bros., Inc. ∞ James Campbell Pan-Pacific Mechanical Hawaiian Dredging The RMR Group ∞ Hawaiian Telcom ∞ FUND ∞ FUND SKY Waikiki Construction Schindler Elevator Corporation Company LLC HMSA ∞ Sullivan Meheula Lee LLLP Company, Inc. ∞ Sodexo J. Kadowaki, Inc. ∞ and Pachulski Stang Ziehl Hawaiiana Management Stanford Carr The Queen’s Medical Center ∞ $99,999 to & Jones LLP Company, Ltd. ∞ Development, LLC ∞ Rider Levett Bucknall ∞ FUND $50,000 UHA Health Insurance ∞ FUND Imanaka Asato LLLC ∞ Starn O’Toole Marcus Watanabe Ing LLP ∞ FUND Bank of Hawaii ∞ Wasa Electrical Services, Inc. ∞ InForm Design FUND & Fisher First Hawaiian Bank ∞ InVision Imaging the Hawaiian Electric $14,999 to $9,999 to $5,000 Kaiser Permanente ∞ Companies ∞ FUND $49,999 to $10,000 Kobayashi Group ∞ WE Painting, Inc. ∞ Anonymous Kula Glass Company, Inc. aio Media Group $25,000 Ashford + Wriston, LLLP Kunia Country Farms / Ko Hana Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. ∞ Atlas Sales $4,999 to $2,500 Bank of Hawaii 2017 Live Rum FUND Allied Builders System ∞ FUND Kokua Employee Giving Bays Lung Rose & Holma ∞ Construction Management and AVALON DEVELOPMENT Locations ∞ Campaign ∞ Beachside Roofing, LLC Magnusson Klemencic Engineering LLC COMPANY ∞ ∞ ∞ Hawai’i Pacific Health∞ FUND Becker Communications Associates ∞ Electricians, Inc. ∞ Carrier Hawaii Benjamin Woo Architects ∞ Nordic PCL Matson ∞ FUND Ing Family Partnership Elite Parking Services ∞ Construction, Inc. ∞ FUND Bowers + Kubota Consulting Miyashiro and Jayar Construction, Inc. ∞ First Insurance Company of Commercial Metals Company ∞ JLL FUND Associates, Inc. FUND Hawaii, Ltd. ∞ Constructors Hawaii Inc. Monarch Insurance MC Architects, Inc. ∞

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 Board Member Guild Member ∞ ‘Onipa‘a Society FUND Stronger Families Fund® ^ Employee of CFS * Deceased 28

“...Thank you for helping me be able to start over and be a better person.” 29

MW Group, Ltd. ∞ FUND $1,999 to $1,000 Luersen Architects, Inc. ∞ FUND $999 to $500 $499 to $250 P3 Management LLC ∞ MGA Architecture, LLC FUND Accuity LLP ∞ ADAPT Performance Kauai Anonymous Philpotts Interiors ∞ Vacation Properties Clinical Labs of Hawaii Anonymous Big Island Candies ∞ Plaza at Waikiki FUND Pacific Development Group Coffman Engineers, Inc. ∞ Baldridge & Associates Structural Big Island Toyota Solomon Cordwell Buenz ∞ Pacific Travelogue Inc. Consolidated Engineering Engineering, Inc. CBRE Title Guaranty ∞ Reside Kauai LLC Laboratories BOSH, Ltd. (Buzz’s Original Cloroshko LLC Willis Towers Watson Resort Management Group ∞ Cultural Surveys Steak House) EMSS, Inc. Wilson Okamoto Corporation ∞ Ronin Properties, LLC Essence Organique Hawaii, Inc FUND Brett Hill Construction, Inc. ∞ Tori Richard, Ltd. ∞ CW Associates, CPAs Center for Spiritual Living Kaua‘i Hawaii LLP $2,499 to $2,000 Tradewind Capital Group FUND Hot Yoga Hilo LLC Carole Kai Charities dba Great iAGE Channel FUND Hawaii Self Storage ∞ Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. ∞ Aloha Run ∞ Earthworks Pacific, Inc. HSI Mechanical Inc. Xerox Hawaii ∞ Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative Hunt Companies and Moss & Elite Pacific M. Miura Store, Inc. Peter Vincent & Associates, LLC Associates ∞ Construction, Inc. FUND ∞ IBM Corporation ∞ Island Insurance Company, Ltd.. ∞ Risk Solution Partners, LLC InSynergy Engineering, Inc. Looney & Associates LLC S & F Land Company, Inc. ∞ JTA Hawaii ∞ Melinda Menezes MD, Inc. KTA Super Stores ∞ WSP Hawaii, Inc. ∞ FUND


$200,000+ $49,999 to $14,999 to $4,999 to $2,500 $1,999 to $1,000 Robert F. Lange Foundation ∞ $25,000 $10,000 Goodale Family Fund of the David and Carol Striph Charitable Bank of Hawaii Foundation ∞ Anonymous (2) Hawaii Community Fund, a Donor Advised Fund $199,999 to Jean & William K. H. Mau Stephen and Susan Metter Foundation ∞ of The U.S. Charitable Gift $100,000 Foundation ∞ FUND Family Fund of the Jhamandas Watumull Trust FUND Hawai‘i Community Fund ∞ FUND Jeff & Loan Arce Family The Clarence T.C. Ching $24,999 to Foundation FUND Kubota Foundation of the Hawaii Foundation of the Foundation FUND Community Foundation FUND Hawaii Community $15,000 Teresa F. Hughes Trust ∞ The Dods Foundation FUND The Pettus Foundation Towill Family Foundation FUND Hawaii Community Foundation ∞ Cecilie R. Alexander Trust ∞ Foundation FUND Keith and Polly Steiner Family Ellen M. Koenig Memorial Fund $9,999 to $5,000 Foundation $99,999 to of the Hawaii Community $2,499 to $2,000 Locations Foundation ∞ FUND $50,000 Foundation ∞ Anonymous Matson Foundation Kauai Relief and Recovery Fund Friends of Hawaii Charities, Inc. ∞ Anonymous Zonta Club of Hanalei Atlas Insurance Agency of the Hawaii Community Sharon Weiner Fund of the City Mill Company, Ltd./ Foundation ∞ Foundation ∞ FUND Foundation Hawaii Community Chung Kun Ai Consuelo Foundation ∞ FUND Foundation FUND Foundation ∞ FUND The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg $999 to $500 First Hawaiian Bank Foundation, Inc. ∞ TAJ Foundation Hawaii Hotel Industry Foundation ∞ The Make Sense Foundation The Cades Foundation ∞ Foundation ∞ Aranoff Keiki Fund of the Hawaii Hawaiian Electric Industries The Dwayne & Marti Steele Fund Rotary Club of Poipu Beach Community Foundation Charitable Foundation ∞ of the Hawaii Community Foundation, Inc. ∞ Hui Malama Ola Na Oiwi Island Insurance Foundation Weil Ohana of the Hawaii Mel and Pauline Ventura Fund Foundation ∞ FUND The Ronald Kurstin Community Foundation The Victoria S. and Bradley L. Foundation FUND $499 to $250 Geist Foundation ∞ The Schuler Family Foundation ∞ PACT FUND Verizon Foundation ∞ Rex & Virginia Johnson Charitable Fund ∞


$199,999 to $49,999 to $14,999 to $1,999 to $1,000 $999 to $500 $100,000 $25,000 $10,000 St. James’ Episcopal Church 808 Sports Leagues Aloha United Way ∞ Maui United Way ∞ Child & Family St. Anthony School Service Guild ∞ FUND $99,999 to $24,999 to $50,000 $15,000 Hawaii Island United Way ∞ Kauai United Way ∞ Honolulu Myohoji Mission FUND

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 Board Member Guild Member ∞ ‘Onipa‘a Society FUND Stronger Families Fund® ^ Employee of CFS * Deceased 30


Marcela Abreu Kathy Croze ∞ FUND Louise Ing & Michael MK Kapolei Commons Under My Umbrella Alaska Airlines ∞ CVS Health/Longs Drugs ∞ Sitch ∞ FUND Sarah & Emilie Moy FUND Ruth & Arthur Ushijima ∞ FUND Aloha Petroleum, Ltd. Dr. Peter & Leila Diamond ∞ FUND Kaiser Permanente Marketing, Next Design, LLC Rich & Eileen Wacker ∞ FUND American Savings Edward Enterprises, Inc. ∞ Sales & Business Development ProService Hawaii FUND Beth Whitehead & Linda Bank ∞ FUND First Hawaiian Bank ∞ Glen Kaneshige ∞ FUND Cara Ramey Lockwood ∞ Anonymous Four Seasons Resort O`ahu at Kauai Coast Resort Riggs Distributing, Inc. ∞ Frank & Shan Wirt ∞ FUND Anthropologie Ko Olina Kobayashi Group LLC ∞ Anne Marie Rizzo^ ∞ FUND Alan Yamamoto - Yama’s Bank of Hawaii Haleiwa Joe’s at Haiku Gardens ∞ Kyo-ya Hotels & Resorts ∞ Royal Hawaiian Center ∞ Consulting Corp. Dolores & Albert Bediones ∞ FUND Halekulani Corporation ∞ Russell & Constance Lau ∞ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sakamoto Joe & Lee Ann Young ∞ FUND Mark Wagner & Edward ∞ Arnold & Thuy Saks Fifth Avenue Younique Beetschen FUND Honolulu Publishing Martines ∞ FUND Shangri-La Tea Company of Dustin Valente & Jan Shari & Darin Brown Company, Ltd. Derek & Shelaine Maxfield Hawaii, LLC ∞ Yukumoto ∞ FUND Brad Char Honolulu Star-Advertiser ∞ Kathy Mills ∞ FUND Simply Organized Neill & Liz Char Richard Humphreys ∞ Colleen & Wayne Minami ∞ FUND TH!NK, LLC Robert & Edwina Clarke ∞ Whitney Husband Tony Mizuno ∞ FUND Theatrix Hawaii


$200,000+ $14,999 to Joey Keahiolalo^ ∞ FUND Geppert Ohana ∞ FUND Cori Lau ∞ Dexter & Mary Kubota ∞ Scott & Christine George Leong ∞ Anonymous $10,000 David & Tonya Kucic Higashi ∞ FUND Pamela & Don Lichty ∞ Dr. Thomas & Mi Kosasa FUND Anonymous Lori Ann C. Lum ∞ FUND Iris Matsumoto Harvey & Jeri Lung ∞ Mike May & Carol Michael & Kimberly Lum Cynthia Matsunaga ∞ Mary & Doug Luther ∞ Ai May ∞ FUND $199,999 to Nicole Matsuo ∞ FUND John & Wendy Nakamura Rick Maruyama ∞ Jeffrey & Loan Arce ∞ FUND $100,000 Dr. Debbi Putnam ∞ FUND Lorraine Newman Kimo & Regina Miller Dr. Peter & Leila Diamond ∞ FUND Greg & Lisa Rapp ∞ FUND Aimee Ogata ∞ FUND Holly Moriarty Anonymous Christopher & Starr Mark Wagner & Edward Rick Towill & Crystal Albert Orita ∞ Todd & Jeanne Murata Dods ∞ FUND ∞ FUND ∞ FUND Alvin & Sharon Narimatsu ∞ Beetschen FUND Rose Christine Quintana^ Dr. Linda C. Fox^ ∞ FUND ∞ FUND Heather Shonka FUND ∞ Joan Bellinger* ∞ FUND Naomi^ & Doug Sutton Jeffrey & Hayward & Tori Oblad David & Gina Haverly ∞ FUND Nancy Webb ∞ FUND ∞ Larry & Atsuko Fish ∞ FUND Sam & Susan Strong Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ocasek Felix & Karen^ Ta n ∞ FUND Mark Taylor ∞ Isaac Okita In Memory of Nanette Jan Yokota & Kip ∞ Dancil ∞ FUND Michele Tokunaga Morikami & David & Debbie Parke Wilborn ∞ FUND $2,499 to $2,000 Ken Morikami ∞ ∞ Colleen & Wayne Minami ∞ FUND Arthur & June Reinwald Joe & Lee Ann Young ∞ FUND Anonymous Justin & Cheryl Walthall ∞ FUND Stuart Shapiro & Janice Lee Todd Apo Roberta Weil ∞ FUND Patricia Shine ∞ $99,999 to $9,999 to $5,000 Stephanie Barton-Farcas Mieko Yajima Craig Takahata $50,000 Loretta Chong ∞ Anonymous (2) Marilyn Zimmerman Mel & Pauline Ventura ∞ Clayton & Jane Chun Dan & Gerri Watanabe ∞ Alika & Tanya Mau ∞ FUND John & Janice Arizumi ∞ FUND Carol M. Fox ∞ Steve & Susan Metter ∞ FUND Jim Balmilero ∞ Novelyn^ & David $999 to $500 Rich & Eileen Wacker ∞ FUND Gary Caulfield ∞ Hinazumi ∞ FUND Anonymous (3) $499 to $250 Lisa Halvorson ∞ FUND Louise Ing & Michael Justin & Dani Aiu ∞ Anonymous (13) Kathy Mills ∞ FUND $49,999 to Sitch ∞ FUND Yvonne Ako Roscoe Agapay Ritchie & Sunny Mudd ∞ $25,000 Anton & Julie Krucky ∞ FUND Jessee & Erika Amatore Lynn Aipoalani Scott & Kris Oka Robert Bean ∞ Michael & Dorothy Gina Anonuevo ∞ Patricia Albrecht ∞ Bonnie Pang & Rob Roy ∞ Myles & Kathy Inouye ∞ FUND Marsh ∞ FUND Suzette Arita Steven & Emi Arnold Wayne & Katherine Richardson ∞ Frances & Ivan Terri Ann Motosue ∞ FUND Tod & Michelle Bartell ∞ Brandi Asahara Tony & Martha Smith ∞ FUND Lui-Kwan ∞ FUND Alan Ong ∞ FUND Avi Soifer & Marlene Booth ∞ Keana Bate ∞ Beth Whitehead & Linda Arnold Martines & Thuy Robert L Pascua ∞ Kevin Bourgeois James Belford ∞ Lockwood ∞ Nguyen-Martines ∞ FUND Michele & Kevin Saito ∞ FUND Paula Boyce Della Bungcayao ∞ Mark & Ruth Yamakawa ∞ FUND Earl & Sandi Stoner ∞ FUND Dawn Suyenaga & Jeff Brian & Aileen Brennan ∞ Chauvahn Cahill Vivian^ & Grant Yasunaga ∞ FUND Jeff & Lynn Watanabe ∞ FUND Dinsmore ∞ FUND Angela Chow ∞ Mike Carroll ∞ Walter Yamane & Danielle Michael Coates ∞ Ava Chan $4,999 to $2,500 Yafuso ∞ Deborah Ann Goto ∞ Paula Chang ∞ $24,999 to Michael & Kaiemi Young ∞ FUND Jay Green Tara Cheek ∞ $15,000 Norman & Jamie Cheng ∞ Gil & Meredith^ Calvin Hangai ∞ Kalei‘o Clifft Anonymous ∞ Contreras ∞ FUND $1,999 to $1,000 Kevin Haseyama Richard & Terry Clifton Monica Evslin ∞ FUND Cynthia Hermosura Matthew & Dianne Cox ∞ R. Stan & Patricia Duncan Anonymous (3) Wes & Emily Reber Brent Igawa ∞ Ralph & Laura Cushnie ∞ George & Jeanette Ehara ∞ FUND Albert & Dolores Porter FUND Martin & Carole Kahn ∞ Keith Desaki Robert & Carolyn Fujioka ∞ Bediones ∞ FUND Anne Marie Rizzo^ ∞ FUND David & Siegrun Kane Mr. & Mrs. J.N. Detor ∞ Anthony & Haunani Cathy & Gary Camp ∞ FUND Sharon Weiner ∞ FUND Alex Khomenko & Crystal Chen Joane Diggs Guerrero ∞ Diana Carroll ∞ Gregg & Ruthann Danny & Jamie Kim Concetta DiLeo ∞ Ruth Igawa ∞ Richard Clise ∞ Yamanaka ∞ FUND Keethe Koyanagi Ryan Duffy ∞ Glen Kaneshige ∞ FUND Teresa Davis

Board Member Guild Member ∞ ‘Onipa‘a Society FUND Stronger Families Fund® ^ Employee of CFS * Deceased Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 31

“She actually listened to me. She understood that life is not perfect, things happen to people” 32

Luis & Megan Escamilla Randy King Kevin & Jinny Nip James & Christine Stone June Exzabe ∞ The Kirchner Family^ ∞ Mitchell Nishimoto Jerelyn Sullivan ∞ Alan Fentriss Elizabeth Kohagura ∞ Craig Norris Deborah Tada ∞ Conrado Figueroa Jim & Lynn Lally ∞ Laurie Okinaga Wayne Taira ∞ Fred & Bonnie Fong ∞ Susan Tilden Lau ∞ Terry O’Reilley ∞ Dana-Ann Takushi ∞ Tod Fujioka Macy Lee ∞ Danford Oshima ∞ Aubrey Tamanaha Tara Fujita ∞ Amanda Lindley ∞ Walter & Karen Oshiro ∞ Fiatamalii Taualo ∞ Devin Fukunaga ∞ Sarah Love Mark Oyadomori Patricia Teho ∞ Mabel Garduque ∞ Robert Lund Gary & Gwen Pacarro Christine Terry^ FUND Morgan Gojanovich Bruce & Pom Luxton ∞ Walter Palmer & Elaine Springer Dane Teruya Mufi & Gail Hannemann ∞ Lisa Maehara ∞ Evan Patek James Teson ∞ Scott Hew ∞ Joshua Magno Natalia Peters ∞ Jacqueline Thompson ∞ Glen Hiramoto Gayle Marumoto ∞ FUND Taqui Raza Zane Toledo Norman Hong Major Matsuoka Brent Ridenour Percy Unciano ∞ Ellen Hoopai ∞ John McComas & Christine Cole Ruiz & Holly Boling Ruiz ∞ Raenette Uyehara ∞ Gary Horita ∞ Kobayashi ∞ James Manico & Tracey Michael Vickers ∞ Alyssa Hostelley ∞ Gregory & Linda Miki Schavone ∞ Glenn Wachi ∞ Larry & Terri Ishii Brenda Gross Mitchell Ed & Cathy Schultz Barbara Jean Williams ∞ Carolyn Johiro ∞ Kyle Miyasato Kyle Shelly ∞ Danton & Helen Wong ∞ Carol Kalahiki ∞ Sarah & Emilie Moy ∞ FUND Randall & Joanie Shibuya ∞ Carol Jean Yakuma ∞ Laureen Kalawe Lana Murakami ∞ Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Smith ∞ Greg Young Andrea Kaopua & Ben Villeza Jim Napoleon ∞ Beverly Souza ∞ Lari Zelinsky-Bloom Senator Michelle Kidani Minh Ngo Richard & Louise Steenblik Huiying Zhou


$199,999 to $14,999 to CVS Health/Longs Drugs ∞ Sodexo $1,999 to $1,000 Deloitte ∞ Studio Becker $100,000 $10,000 Baldridge & Associates Structural Dentons ∞ The RMR Group ∞ American Savings aio family of companies Engineering, Inc. DTRIC Insurance Co., Ltd. ∞ TRANSAIR PRIVATE JET Bank ∞ FUND Alaka’i Mechanical Corporation ∞ Brett Hill Management Group/ Elite Parking Services ∞ CHARTERS & TRANSAIR American Savings Bank and AHL ∞ Brett Hill Construction ∞ Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. ∞ CARGO Teammates - Kahiau Atlas Insurance Agency ∞ FUND Clinical Labs of Hawaii ∞ Island Flooring UHA Health Insurance ∞ Giving Program ∞ FUND Beachside Roofing, LLC ∞ Coffman Engineers, Inc. ∞ Group 70 International Waianae Coast Comprehensive First Hawaiian Bank ∞ City Mill Company, Ltd. ∞ Cushnie Construction Group Builders Inc. ∞ Health Center James Campbell Commercial Plumbing, Inc. ∞ Company, Inc. Hawaii Regional Council of Watanabe Ing LLP ∞ Company LLC ∞ FUND Dorvin D. Leis Co., Inc. ∞ Damon Key Leong Kupchak Carpenters ∞ WE Painting, Inc. ∞ Hensel Phelps Hastert Hawaiian Dredging Wells Fargo Advisors - Heyer & Associates LLC ∞ Hunt Development Group ∞ $99,999 to Construction Sean Satterfield Honolulu Star-Advertiser ∞ Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative $50,000 Company, Inc. ∞ WSP USA ∞ Pacific Resource KTA Super Stores ∞ Hawaiian Telcom ∞ Zelinsky Company Hawaiian Electric Partnership ∞ Plaza at Kaneohe Hawaiiana Management Industries ∞ Stanford Carr Roberts Hawaii ∞ Company, Ltd. ∞ Development, LLC ∞ $4,999 to $2,500 Hawaii Self Storage In+Form Design, Inc. The MacNaughton Group ∞ $49,999 to InVision Imaging CallisonRTKL ∞ Title Guaranty ∞ ∞ $25,000 Gateside, Inc. ∞ Electricians, Inc. $999 to $500 Wasa Electrical Services, Inc. ∞ First Insurance Company of Bank of Hawaii ∞ KAI Hawaii, Inc. ∞ Earthworks Pacific, Inc. Hawaii, Ltd. ∞ Hawai’i Pacific Health ∞ Kaiser Permanente ∞ Elite Pacific Construction, Inc. HEMIC ∞ Kobayashi Group ∞ $9,999 to $5,000 Kamehameha Schools ∞ F.L.Y Fitness LLC HMSA ∞ Swinerton Builders ∞ FUND 87Zero Linda Lockwood Makeup Kukui’ula Development Magnusson Klemencic The Howard Hughes ABC Stores ∞ & Hair Company ∞ Associates ∞ Corporation ∞ FUND Alexander & Baldwin ∞ Locations ∞ Muumuu Rainbow Matson ∞ Allied Builders System ∞ MARYL ∞ Office of the Prosecuting Solomon Cordwell Buenz ∞ Atlas Sales Monarch Insurance Attorney $24,999 to ∞ Services, Inc. ∞ Wilson Okamoto Corporation $15,000 Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa ∞ Avalon Group ∞ MW Group, Ltd. ∞ to $499 to $250 Hawaii Leadership Forum Bays Lung Rose & Holma ∞ Neiman Marcus ∞ $2,499 $2,000 ∞ Anonymous Nan, Inc. Benjamin Woo Architects ∞ Pacific Guardian Life ∞ Design Partners Incorporated ∞ Big Island Candies ∞ Nordic PCL Construction, Blueprint Audio Visual LLC Par Hawaii, Inc. Eberjey Inc. ∞ FUND Cades Schutte LLP ∞ Philadelphia Insurance Co. Peter Vincent & Associates, LLC Construction Management and Philpotts Interiors ∞ Point Financial, Inc. Engineering LLC Ronald N.S. Ho & Associates Robert Half International Inc. Constructors Hawaii Inc. Servco Pacific Inc. ∞

Board Member Guild Member ∞ ‘Onipa‘a Society FUND Stronger Families Fund® ^ Employee of CFS * Deceased Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 33


$200,000+ $49,999 to $14,999 to Lynn & Jeff Watanabe Family $2,499 to $2,000 Fund of the Hawaii Community Hawaii Community Foundation ∞ $25,000 $10,000 Anonymous Foundation Robert F. Lange Foundation ∞ Alliance for Strong Families and Anonymous Bank of Hawaii Foundation ∞ The Cades Foundation ∞ The Victoria S. and Bradley L. Communities Harry & Jeanette Weinberg PACT West Hawaii Fund of the Hawaii Geist Foundation ∞ Discretionary General Fund Foundation Fund of the Hawaii Community Foundation of the Hawaii Community Community Foundation $1,999 to $1,000 Foundation Jean I. Fennimore Fund of the $199,999 to $4,999 to $2,500 Anonymous G. N. Wilcox Trust ∞ Hawaii Community Foundation $100,000 Jhamandas Watumull Fund ∞ Harold K. L. Castle Foundation ∞ Mario Family Foundation City Mill Company, Ltd./ Keith and Polly Steiner Family Samuel N. & Mary Castle Kauai Relief and Recovery The MacNaughton Group Chung Kun Ai Foundation Foundation ∞ Fund of the Hawaii Foundation Foundation ∞ FUND The Clarence T.C. Ching Community Foundation Hawaii Hotel Industry Foundation FUND Foundation ∞ Myles & Kathy Inouye to $999 to $500 The Dods Foundation FUND $9,999 $5,000 Kubota Foundation of the Hawaii Family Foundation Fund Aranoff Keiki Fund of the Hawaii Annie Sinclair Knudsen Memorial Community Foundation Community Foundation Fund of the Hawaii Community Sadamitsu, Milly, Fred and Leatrice $99,999 to Booth/Soifer Family Fund $24,999 to Foundation ∞ Yokoyama Fund of the Hawaii $50,000 Mel and Pauline Ventura Fund $15,000 Friends of Hawaii Charities, Inc. ∞ Community Foundation Zonta Club of Hanalei Atlas Insurance Agency Sharon Weiner Fund of the Hawaii Goodale Family Fund of The Donald C.W. & Iris K.O. Kim Foundation ∞ Foundation ∞ FUND Community Foundation ∞ the Hawaii Community Foundation Consuelo Foundation ∞ FUND Teresa F. Hughes Trust ∞ Foundation ∞ Towill Family Foundation Hawaiian Electric Industries The Make Sense Foundation Hawaii Island Volcano Recovery Weil Ohana of the Hawaii $499 to $250 Charitable Foundation ∞ Fund of the Hawaii Community Community Foundation Milton & Henrietta Kushkin Island Insurance Foundation ∞ FUND Foundation Fund of the Hawaii Community Jean & William K. H. Mau Locations Foundation ∞ Foundation ∞ Foundation ∞ FUND Mobile Giving Foundation


$199,999 to $24,999 to $1,999 to $1,000 $999 to $500 $499 to $250 $100,000 $15,000 Rotary Club of West Kauai ∞ Center for Spiritual Living Kaua`i MOMS Club of Oahu - Aloha United Way ∞ Kauai United Way ∞ Rotary International - Hui Malama Ola Na Oiwi Leeward HI ∞ District 5000 ∞ Nene Quilt Group $49,999 to $14,999 to St. James’ Episcopal Church ∞ $25,000 $10,000 Hawaii Island United Way ∞ Maui United Way ∞ Honolulu Myohoji Mission FUND


Alan Wong’s Honolulu ∞ CVS Health/Longs Drugs ∞ Kobayashi Group ∞ Prince Waikiki ∞ Jeff & Lynn Watanabe ∞ FUND Alaska Airlines ∞ Deborah M. Chavez, Ph.D., MFT Andrew & Barbara Kuljis ∞ FUND Steven & Heide Read ∞ Chris & Sandy Webster Aloha Petroleum, Ltd. ∞ DFS HAWAII ∞ Sharon Lasker Wayne & Katherine Richardson ∞ Beth Whitehead & Linda American Savings Kenton & Lori Eldridge ∞ FUND Russell & Constance Lau ∞ Riggs Distributing, Inc. ∞ Lockwood ∞ Bank ∞ FUND Thomas & Suzanne Ellis Ryan Lewers Sarah Rogers ∞ Frank & Shan Wirt ∞ FUND Anonymous (3) Monica Evslin ∞ FUND Carol Lloyd Safeway Laura Woods ∞ FUND Albert & Dolores Bill & Judie Fernandez Mary & Doug Luther ∞ Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sakamoto Joe & Lee Ann Young ∞ FUND Bediones ∞ FUND Reginald & Sandra Gage Lisa Kaha Macko James Manico & Tracey Dustin Valente & Jan Roberta Cable Golden State Foods Gayle Marumoto ∞ FUND Schavone ∞ Yukumoto ∞ FUND Caroline Campos Haleiwa Joe’s at Haiku Gardens ∞ Frank & Victoria Medeiros Seawind Tours & Travel, Inc. Neill & Liz Char ∞ Garrett Johnson & Susan Kathy Mills ∞ FUND Shangri-La Tea Company of Shanell Chung Hawker-Johnson ∞ Colleen & Wayne Minami ∞ FUND Hawaii, LLC ∞ City Mill Company, Heidi Hibbitt Tony Mizuno ∞ SKY Waikiki Ltd. ∞ FUND Honolulu Publishing Sarah & Emilie Moy ∞ FUND John & Mary Stein ∞ Robert & Edwina Clarke ∞ Company, Ltd. Jim Napoleon ∞ Theatrix Hawaii Kathy Croze ∞ FUND Louise Ing & Michael Neiman Marcus ∞ Claudia Trask ∞ Crystal Cruises / Seawind Tours Sitch ∞ FUND Next Design, LLC Ruth & Arthur Ushijima ∞ FUND & Travel, Inc. The Kirchner Family^ ∞ Toni Pickford ∞ Audrey Valenciano ∞

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 Board Member Guild Member ∞ ‘Onipa‘a Society FUND Stronger Families Fund® ^ Employee of CFS * Deceased 34

“I am beyond grateful for CFS’ services.” 35

2018 IN HONOR OF Child & Family Service acknowledges gifts that pay tribute to a special person or occasion while supporting the work of CFS.

ARTHUR USHIJIMA ∞ FUND Cheryl Suzuki^ ∞ FUND Jerry & Cheri Rauckhorst FUND Randall & Joanie Hawaiian Telcom ∞ FUND Mark & Nona Tamanaha ∞ Chris Jackson FUND Joe & Lee Ann Young FUND Shibuya ∞ FUND iAGE Channel FUND AUSTON STEWART Christine Quintana^ FUND Joey Keahiolalo^ ∞ FUND Richard Emery & JoAnn InForm Design FUND Stanford Stewart Christine Terry^ FUND John & Janice Arizumi ∞ FUND Farnsworth FUND Island Insurance CARL & LU SEYFER City Mill Company, John & Wendy Nakamura FUND Robert & Carolyn Foundation ∞ FUND James & Monica Jennings Ltd. ∞ FUND John Lockwood FUND Fujioka ∞ Kamehameha CHILD & FAMILY SERVICE - City Mill Company, Ltd./ John McComas & Christine Ron & Coralie Matayoshi FUND Schools ∞ FUND GUILD KAUAI Chung Kun Ai Kobayashi ∞ FUND Sam & Nancy Webb FUND Kunia Country Farms / Ko Sabra Kauka Foundation ∞ FUND Kathy & Myles Inouye ∞ FUND Sandy Crowell Hana Rum FUND DENNIS HORTON Colleen & Wayne Kathy Croze ∞ FUND Sarah & Emilie Moy FUND Miyashiro and Anonymous Minami ∞ FUND Kathy Mills ∞ FUND Scott & Christine Associates, Inc FUND EARL STONER ∞ FUND Consuelo Foundation ∞ FUND Kayle Perez FUND Higashi ∞ FUND MW Group, Ltd. ∞ FUND Roberta Mendez Crystal Rose & Rick Kristine Altwies FUND Sharon Weiner ∞ FUND Nordic PCL Anne Marie Rizzo^ ∞ FUND Towill ∞ FUND Laura Brucia Hamm FUND Stanton Michles FUND Construction, Inc. ∞ FUND MARK WAGNER & EDWARD Dan & Gerri Watanabe ∞ FUND Leslie Newman FUND Stephen & Christine Plaza at Waikiki FUND BEETSCHEN FUND Dawn Suyenaga & Jeff Lisa Halvorson FUND Yoshida ∞ FUND ProService Hawaii FUND The Ronald Kurstin Dinsmore ∞ FUND Lisa Rapp FUND Terri Ann Motosue ∞ FUND Rider Levett Foundation FUND Dennis Brown FUND Louise Ing & Michael Tony & Martha Smith ∞ FUND Bucknall ∞ FUND HOWARD & LAURA LUM Dexter & Mary Kubota FUND Sitch FUND Towill Family the Hawaiian Electric Anonymous Douglas & Debi Halcro FUND Lyn Moku Foundation FUND Companies ∞ FUND HOWARD GARVAL^ ∞ FUND Ethel Fried FUND Mary Valenti ∞ FUND UHA Health Insurance ∞ FUND Tradewind Capital Group FUND Aaron & Janice^ Knapp FUND Felix & Karen^ Ta n ∞ FUND Matson ∞ FUND Vivian^ & Grant Watanabe Ing LLP ∞ FUND Aimee Ogata ∞ FUND Frances & Ivan Mele Brewer^ FUND Yasunaga ∞ FUND LINDA C. FOX^ FUND Aloha United Way ∞ Lui-Kwan ∞ FUND Michael Broderick FUND JAN YOKOTA ∞ FUND Carol Fox Angie^ & Derwin Doi ∞ FUND Francis & Anna Oda ∞ FUND Michele & Kevin Saito ∞ FUND The RMR Group ∞ LORILYNN BAUER Anne Marie Rizzo^ ∞ FUND Gail S. Miyata ∞ FUND Mimi McCloskey^ ∞ FUND JOAN S. BELLINGER ∞ FUND Anonymous Anonymous Gayle Marumoto ∞ FUND Nalei Akina FUND Anne Marie Rizzo^ ∞ FUND MARGARET KAULUKUKUI ∞ Anton & Julie Krucky ∞ FUND Gil & Meredith^ Naomi^ & Doug Anonymous ∞ FUND Richard Leman & Donna Barbara Stanton FUND Contreras ∞ FUND Sutton ∞ FUND Sharon Weiner ∞ FUND Ching ∞ Barry Tokuhama^ ∞ FUND Gregg & Ruthann Nicholas & Bonny Suzan Arnold FUND MARLEY S. PARKER Bert & Susan Kobayashi FUND Yamanaka ∞ FUND Tinebra ∞ FUND The Dods Foundation FUND Anonymous Bonnie Pang Jan Harada FUND Nicole Hokoana^ FUND JOHN & MILDRED LOGGINS NANCY GOLDEN ∞ FUND Brant & Stephanie Jan Yokota & Kip Novelyn^ & David Kaui & Margaret Higa Mark Wagner & Edward Ackerman ∞ FUND Wilborn ∞ FUND Hinazumi ∞ FUND KAREN TAN^ ∞ FUND Beetschen Carol Ai May & Michael Janet Jackson FUND PACT FUND Allied Builders System ∞ FUND STEVEN TAKATA May ∞ FUND Janis Reischmann FUND Patti Bates^ ∞ FUND Aloha United Way ∞ Mary Delos Santos CFS Hawaii Island Team^ Jeff & Loan Arce Family Patti Lyons ∞ FUND American Savings Bank CFS Kauai Team^ Foundation of the Peter & Elizabeth Chun FUND Curling Club Hui ∞ FUND CFS Maui Team^ Hawaii Community PHOCUSED FUND Englekirk Structural CFS Oahu Team^ Foundation FUND Pinky & Meredith Engineers FUND Cheryl & Justin Jeff & Lynn Watanabe ∞ FUND Ching ∞ FUND Hawai’i Pacific Walthall ∞ FUND Jeffrey & Loan Arce ∞ FUND Health ∞ FUND


CHRISTOPHER L. Gil & Meredith^ Sharon Weiner Fund of the LINDA C. FOX^ FUND ROBERT T. FUJIOKA ∞ DODS ∞ FUND Contreras ∞ FUND Hawaii Community Carol M. Fox Roberts Hawaii ∞ Anthology Marketing Group Joey Keahiolalo^ ∞ FUND Foundation FUND NANCY P. GOLDEN ∞ FUND SHARON R. WEINER ∞ FUND DEBRA ANASTAS Naomi^ & Doug Sutton ∞ FUND The Dods Foundation FUND Ernest & Debra Blachowiak ∞ Karolle Bidgood Elite Pacific Novelyn^ & David KAREN C. TAN^ ∞ FUND NICOLE T. MATSUO FUND VIRGINIA L. LIPPI* ∞ FUND Construction, Inc. FUND Hinazumi ∞ FUND Cathy & Gary Camp ∞ FUND Noelle Chun Jeffrey & Heather Shonka FUND EILEEN WACKER ∞ FUND Vivian^ & Grant Yasunaga ∞ FUND Christopher & Starr PATRICK J. ADAMS Stephen & Jill MacMillan ∞ FUND Anne Marie Rizzo^ ∞ FUND JEFFREY N. WATANABE ∞ FUND Dods ∞ FUND Anonymous WILLIAM W. PATY ∞ HOWARD S. GARVAL ∞ Anthology Marketing Group Louise Ing & Michael RAJU REDDY Mike May & Carol Christine Quintana^ FUND JOAN S. BELLINGER* ∞ FUND Sitch ∞ FUND Anonymous Ai May ∞ FUND Christine Terry^ FUND Anne Marie Rizzo^ ∞ FUND Myles & Kathy Inouye ∞ FUND Cherie Nakamoto YUA AIDA Dr. Linda C. Fox^ FUND Anonymous Steve & Susan Metter ∞ FUND Christine Umipeg-Apilado Anonymous Felix & Karen^ Ta n ∞ FUND Russell & Lydia Villoria

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 Board Member Guild Member ∞ ‘Onipa‘a Society FUND Stronger Families Fund® ^ Employee of CFS * Deceased 36

2018 IN MEMORY OF Child & Family Service acknowledges gifts in remembrance of those who have passed away.

ALICE & JOSEPH AHN Alfred & Laurie Wong Island Insurance Stephen & Jeanne Fujikami James & Priscilla Anonymous Alison Shinn Foundation ∞ FUND Tamateru Kodama & Family Growney ∞ FUND ALVIN & EDITH IHORI Allan Totoki & Family Jan Shimamura Thomas & Linda Agawa James & Janice Pollock FUND Anonymous Alton & Dannette Miyashiro Keith & Bonny Amemiya Vance Tokumoto Jeffrey & Heather Shonka FUND CARLTON LEE Amy Tokioka Keith & Shannon Asato Wayne & Muriel Arakaki Jim & Anne Rautio ∞ Judy Nakaishi ∞ Ann Kobayashi Kristen Ribilla TERUO & SUEKO ARAI Jodi Webb FUND DIANE DODS Anonymous Lee & Colleen Chong Anonymous Joseph & Donna Franklin Tokioka Arnold & Thuy Lionel & Carole Tokioka VIRGINIA LIPPI ∞ FUND Goldcamp FUND FREDDIE CRANSON Martines ∞ FUND Mihoko Lipset Anonymous Kathy Mills ∞ FUND Rosie Maldonado Arthur & June Shida Mike & Joyce Ching Aimee Ogata ∞ FUND Kenton & Lori Eldridge ∞ FUND HELEN HONG Atlas Insurance Agency ∞ FUND Miki Okumura Anne Marie Rizzo^ ∞ FUND Laura Woods ∞ FUND Anonymous Barbara Marumoto-Coons Mr. & Mrs. Brad Tokioka Bruce Dusseault FUND Lauren Wright ∞ FUND JOHNNY BELLINGER ∞ Betty Takata Mr. & Mrs. Chang Kim Bud Bowles & Rosa Louise Ing & Michael Joan Bellinger ∞ FUND Clinton & Patricia Lee Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sakamoto Asuelo ∞ FUND Sitch ∞ FUND LEONARD IHORI Danny Kaleikini & Linda Wong Myles Murakami ∞ Carol Ai May & Mary Valenti ∞ FUND Anonymous Darryl Wong & Teresa Nancy Higa Michael May ∞ FUND Nancy Taylor FUND MARY JANE FERREIRA Brink-Wong Nancy Hiraoka Cheryl & Justin Patti Bates^ ∞ FUND Mabel Garduque ∞ Dennis & Brenda Teranishi Peter & Sara Dudgeon ∞ Walthall ∞ FUND Patti Lyons ∞ FUND MELINDA MOWER Diane Inouye Peter Fujiyoshi & Family Colleen & Wayne Paul & Tanya Alston ∞ FUND Nancy Silva Dr. & Mrs. Fujino Reuben & Shirley Zane Minami ∞ FUND Richard Zoraster & Ina NANETTE DANCIL Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Sakoda Rhoda Zane Dean Lippi FUND Van Hest FUND Anonymous Dr. Clyde Umaki Rodney & Sandy Shinkawa Debbi Putnam ∞ FUND Sam & Nancy Webb FUND PATRICIA LUNDBERG Edith Kondo Ronald & Lella Migita Dr. Peter & Leila Stephen & Jill MacMillan ∞ FUND Anonymous Edward & Jo Ann Chun Ross & Dayle Murakami Diamond ∞ FUND The Estate of Virginia RICHMOND PUAHALA First Hawaiian Bank ∞ Russell & Lei Anne Saito Dustin Valente & Jan Lippi ∞ FUND Mabel Garduque ∞ George & Jenny Wada Ruth Koga Yukumoto ∞ FUND Vivian^ & Grant RONALD EGUSA Gordon & Sheila Kagawa Samuel & Lynette Hata Felix & Karen^ Ta n ∞ FUND Yasunaga ∞ FUND Melissa Egusa Helen Meadows Scott Arakaki Frank & Shan Wirt ∞ FUND Wallace & Maria Blanca SUZANNE TOKIOKA Herbert & Karen Kitazaki Simon Chu & Patricia Inaba-Chu Gail S. Miyata ∞ FUND Soeda FUND Aaron & Mariko Fong Heydon Cheigh Sonia Leong Gary Stice & Apolonia YOSHI YAMAGUCHI Adele Tamashiro Irene Wakatsuki Stephen & Cheryl Yamane Agonoy Stice FUND Dennis Brown FUND


ALICE C. CULBERTSON James & Constance Hastings AYAKO FUJIO PATRICIA S. LUNDBERG VIRGINIA L. LIPPI ∞ FUND Anonymous Joe & Connie Ziegler Anonymous Anonymous ∞ Bank of Hawaii Capt. (Ret.) C. Curtis & Patty Leslie Hayashi CAROL ANN M. CARTER SARAH A. RUDOLPH Foundation ∞ Martin Linda George Anonymous Carol A. Fujiyoshi Colleen & Wayne Charles & Beverly Cardinal Lucy Senter HELEN L. HONG SUZANNE TOKIOKA Minami ∞ FUND Craig & Karen Whelden Mary Ann Todd Anonymous David & Siegrun Kane Debbi Putnam FUND David & Anne Foster Mary Ryzewic JOHN D. BELLINGER ∞ VALERIE N. HATA-KOWAL Kathy Mills ∞ FUND Dell & Janet Epperson The Estate of Alice Culbertson Joan Bellinger* ∞ FUND Mike May & Carol Sam & Nancy Webb FUND Donald & Marjorie Barrell Thomas & Linda Keller MEW SIN LEE Ai May ∞ FUND WILLIAM G. CHUNG Gordon & Mary Cho Stuart Shapiro & Janice Lee Myrna M. Zezza

Board Member Guild Member ∞ ‘Onipa‘a Society FUND Stronger Families Fund® ^ Employee of CFS * Deceased Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 37 CFS Leadership Our Strength is in Our Numbers


KAREN TAN, LCSW JOEY KEAHIOLALO, MSW ANNE MARIE RIZZO, CFRE President & CEO Chief Program Officer Chief Advancement Officer

VIVIAN YASUNAGA, MPA CHRISTIE ONATO, MA Executive Vice President & Chief Performance Officer Chief Financial Officer


The Child & Family Service Real Property Inc. Board oversees the properties of CFS.

JAN YOKOTA DAWN SUYENAGA* STEVE METTER Chair Past Chair CEO Vice President, Pacific Region Of Counsel MW Group, Ltd. The RMR Group, LLC Sullivan Meheula Lee BRAD MYERS LISA RAPP JEFFREY ARCE Former President (Retired) Vice Chair Senior Advisor Aina Nui Corporation & Kapolei Properties LLC Principal The MacNaughton Group Architects Hawaii, Ltd. CHERYL WALTHALL HOWARD GARVAL, MSW* Director of Strategic Partnerships ALIKA M. MAU Ex-Officio Pacific Resource Partnership Treasurer President & CEO (Retired) President Child & Family Service WALTER YAMANE Waikiki Restaurant Group Project Director MICHAEL R. MARSH* Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company NORMAN CHENG Director/Shareholder KAREN TAN, LCSW Secretary Case Lombardi & Pettit Managing Director Ex-Officio Starn O’Toole Marcus & Fisher President & CEO Child & Family Service

Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 38


TONY MIZUNO CHRISTOPHER DODS STEVE METTER Chair Executive Vice President & Marketing Communications CEO Executive Vice President Division Manager MW Group, Ltd. Bank of Hawaii First Hawaiian Bank TERRI ANN MOTOSUE LOUISE K. Y. ING GEORGE EHARA* Partner First Vice Chair Vice President & Division Manager Ashford + Wriston, LLP Partner Swinerton Builders Dentons ALAN ONG HOWARD GARVAL, MSW* President CATHERINE CAMP President & CEO (Retired) A&M Developments Second Vice Chair Child & Family Service Development Director, Commercial EMILY PORTER * Real Estate Division / Endowment Group JOHN GEPPERT Chief Operating Officer Kamehameha Schools Community Leader The MacNaughton Group

* ARNOLD MARTINES DAVID HAVERLY CRYSTAL ROSE Principal Partner Secretary Bays Lung Rose & Holma Group Executive Vice President Haverly Commercial Real Estate Central Pacific Bank GINA HAVERLY MARTHA SMITH CEO GLEN KANESHIGE Vice President, General Manager Neiman Marcus Kapiolani Medical Center for Women & Children Treasurer President EARL STONER Nordic PCL Construction, Inc. SCOTT HIGASHI President & CEO President Locations LLC S & F Land Company, Inc. MICHELE SAITO Past Chair KATHY INOUYE RICHARD WACKER President Senior Advisor President & CEO DTRIC Insurance Group Kobayashi Group American Savings Bank

KAREN TAN, LCSW VIRGINIA KA‘AIHUE* CHERYL WALTHALL* President & CEO Kaua‘i Head Start Policy Council Liaison Guild Chair Child & Family Service Child & Family Service Director of Strategic Partnerships Pacific Resource Partnership CAROL AI MAY ERIN KIRIHARA Vice President Senior Vice President BETH WHITEHEAD City Mill Company, Ltd. Rider Levett Bucknall Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer TODD APO ANTON KRUCKY American Savings Bank Vice President, Community Development Interim CIO The Howard Hughes Corporation HMSA MARK YAMAKAWA President & CEO JOHN L. ARIZUMI* FRANCES P. LUI-KWAN Hawaii Dental Service President Principal Carrier Hawaii Wealth Management CPAs JOSEPH A. YOUNG Audit Partner SCOTT BARBER* LORI LUM Deloitte & Touche LLP President & CEO Public Affairs Director Hawaiian Telcom Watanabe Ing, LLP MICHAEL YOUNG Vice President MICHELLE BARTELL NICOLE MATSUO* Albert C. Kobayashi, Inc. Guild Chair Guild Chair First Vice President, Director of Communications and Vice President Community Advancement Bank of Hawaii American Savings Bank ALIKA M. MAU CLAYTON CHUN President Senior Vice President & Chief Accounting Officer Waikiki Restaurant Group Alexander & Baldwin

DEANNE CORNEJO* Kaua‘i Head Start Policy Council Liaison Child & Family Service

*Left Board during fiscal year 18 & 19. Annual Report FY 2018 & FY 2019 1001 Bishop St., Suite 780 Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 543-8413

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O‘AHU MOLOKA‘I 91-1841 Ft Weaver Rd, Ewa Beach, HI 96706 20A Ala Malama St, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 P: (808) 681-3500 • F: (808) 681-6353 P: (808) 553-5529 • F: (808) 553-4287

KAUA‘I WEST HAWAI‘I ISLAND 2970 Kele St, Suite 203, Lihue, HI 96766 81-6587 Mamalahoa Hwy, Bldg C, Kealakekua, HI 96750 P: (808) 245-5914 • F: (808) 245-8040 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1808, Kealakekua, HI 96750 P: (808) 323-2664 • F: (808) 323-2999 MAUI COUNTY 392 N. Market St, Wailuku, HI 96793 EAST HAWAI‘I ISLAND P: (808) 877-6888 • F: (808) 877-6860 1045A Kilauea Ave, Hilo, HI 96720 P: (808) 935-2188 • F: (808) 961-2073