EXPERIMENTAL SKIN KUNSTHAUS GRAZ document Dissertation 2. EXPERIMENTAL SKIN KUNSTHAUS GRAZ Oxford Brookes University · Module U30099 · Supervisor Christina Godiksen Dissertation document 2. A dissertation presented to the School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University in part fulfilment of the regulations for BA (Hons) in Architecture STATEMENT OF ETHICS This dissertation involved human participants. A Form E1BE REVIEW APPROVAL for each group of participants, showing ethics review approval, has been attached to this dissertation as an appendix. STATEMENT OF This dissertation is an original piece of work which is made available ORIGINALITY for copying with permission of the Head of the School of Architecture THEO JONES 12070837 COVER IMAGE fig.01 installation touch (author, 2014) DESIGN & LAYOUT Theo Jones JANUARY 2015 LICENSED Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike 3.0 theojones.com
[email protected] COPYRIGHT © 2015 CONTENTS 05. Focus 07. Timeline 09. Definitions 11. Introduction many thanks to 14. Competition vs. Building my parents 23. Contemporary Comment who have tirelessly proof read all my writings throughout my degree, including of course this dissertation 27. Conclusion 28. Figures 29. Bibliography 30. Appendix FOCUS The winning Kunsthaus Graz competition design spoke of a seamless laminated fabric skin of carbon threads, fluids, fiber optics, solar cells and varying transparency (Bogner, 2004, p.42). The built building’s skin has little relation to the proposal; being made from opaque acrylic panels separated