The Hand of God in History: The Reformation Period November 5th-9th 2017 Featured Speakers – Colonel John Eidsmoe, Pastor Renato Giuliani, Dr. Joe Morecraft III, Historian Bill Potter, Dr. Ron Rumburg, Pastor Chris Lamb, Pastor Ben Gardner, Pastor Mark Liddle Conference is Free of Charge – Please RSVP at
[email protected] (205 587 0925) Let us know how many are coming and if you plan on eating Lunch with us Tues, Wed, & or Thurs! Glen Iris Baptist Church 1137 10th Place South Birmingham, Alabama 35205 **A nursery is available where the services can be seen and heard Sunday Services 10:00 Sunday morning - Pastor Mark Liddle The providence of God in the life of John Wycliffe 1330-1384 11:00 Sunday morning - Pastor Chris Lamb Justification by Faith Alone in Christ Alone 6:00 Sunday Evening - Pastor Ben Gardner John Huss 1369-1415 Monday Evening Service (Book Tables open at 6:00 PM in the School Library) 7:00 Monday evening - The Scriptures as the catalyst of the Reformation – Pastor Ben Gardner Tuesday Services (book tables open at 8:30 AM) 9:00-10:15 Tuesday morning - Martin Luther and American Constitutionalism - Colonel John Eidsmoe 10:30-11:45 Tuesday morning - The Theology of the Waldensians during the Middle-ages (1180-1517) – Pastor Renato Giuliani 11:45 – 1:00 Lunch Break 1:15-2:30 Tuesday afternoon - The Spiritual Condition of Scotland in the Middle Ages and the Reformation Ministries of George Wishart and Patrick Hamilton – Historian Bill Potter 2:45-4:00 Tuesday afternoon - William Tyndale and the English Reformation – Dr.