Tredington Primary School Wednesday Note 12 – Wednesday 24th February 2016

Friends Learning Together Getting Outstanding Habits

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back, I hope you had a very enjoyable half-term break.

Car Park Update I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your understanding and co-operation during the last week of term when we had to close the school car park due to flooding. Through the co-operation and support of the school staff, playgroup staff and of course, parents, the daily drop-off and pick-up routine was managed successfully and without incident.

The situation now: we had hoped to have the potholes in the carpark filled during half-term however the contractor was unable to complete this work due to commitments. It is likely that this will now take place during the Easter holidays but we will keep you updated of any developments. Meanwhile we are continuing with our fundraising for a new surface and drainage for the carpark and the Friends are busy planning their next fundraising activities.

Open Assembly Our next Open Assembly will take place on Monday, 29th February and you are most welcome to join us.

After School Clubs

Week commencing Week commencing DAY CLUB 29th February 7th March Art Club   YR Craft Club MONDAY  X Y1 & 2 Dance/Exercise Club   Y3 to 6 Football Club WEDNESDAY X  Y3 to 6 Coding Club THURSDAY   Y4 to 6 Kick-Boxing Club FRIDAY   YR to 6

*Please note there will be NO football club next Wednesday, 2nd March or Craft Club on Monday 7th March*

Forest School Reminder A reminder that Class 1 – Reception, start Forest School this week, on Friday. Please remember to send your child’s Forest School clothing in

No Bikes’n’Trikes Due to the time of year children are unable to play on the school field at break and lunchtime. This means there isn’t enough safe room for the children to use bikes and trikes on the playground during these times, without risk of running into other children. In view of this we are suspending Bikes’n’Trikes lunchtime club until after the Easter holidays so please do not bring your child’s bike, trike or scooter in this term. Thank you for your support.

Congratulations The following children in Class 5 have all achieved their Bronze Housepoint Awards and will be awarded their badges shortly, well done:

Dylan Avery, Abi Dermody, Joshua Kent, Renna Powell, Jessica Rixon and Jaime Spaull.

Statutory Assessment Meeting for Parents On Monday 7th March we are holding a meeting for parents regarding statutory assessment arrangements in Years 2 and 6. We will explain about how children are assessed and how the whole process works. Information on how you can support your child at home will be given too. If you have any questions or concerns then we will answer those too. Please do try to come along as you should find this meeting of real benefit over the coming years leading up to these assessments taking place. A free crèche will be provided for your children if they are not attending an after school activity club (Craft Club will not run on this day).

Parent Governor Vacancy We currently have one vacancy on our governing body for a Parent Governor. Enclosed with this newsletter is the paperwork inviting nominations for this role. Unsure if this is something you would like to do or be able to do? See the message below from one of our current parent governors, Ruth Powell:

“Hello, my name is Ruth Powell and I am a Parent Governor. I am currently in my second term (each term lasts four years). I have three daughters, Renna and Lucy (year 5) and Georgie (year 2). I decided to become a governor as I wanted to be able to represent the views of fellow parents and their children, help influence and contribute to the priorities of our school, whilst we maintain our high standards and ensuring that all our children achieve their full potential. It is a very rewarding position to hold. I am happy to speak to anyone who is interested in this role, especially if you are unsure. I’m at school each day so why not pop over and see me, or contact the school office and they can arrange for you to meet with me.”

Ofsted: School governing bodies are responsible for the conduct of maintained schools in . The quality of their work is a matter of considerable importance.

Closing date for receipt of nominations is Friday 11th March at 12 noon.

Y4 ‘In The Net’ performance A letter will be coming home later this week with the Year 4 pupils. On Thursday 10th March they will join with other Year 4 pupils from Norton Primary School and & Apperley Primary School, to watch a play which will tackle some of the issues around Safe Internet Use, Cyber Bullying and prevention of exploitation. The play is age appropriate and is called ‘In the Net’. It will last for approximately 40 minutes and pupils will be provided with a support pack at the end of the production.

This activity is part of a pilot programme of work around raising and tackling the complex nature of Internet Use and is being supported by the Education & Learning Sub Group of the Safeguarding Children Board.

Cake Sale Monday 22nd February is World Thinking Day for Brownies. A couple of our pupils who are Brownies, Rebecca Shevlin Bridgment and Charly Jarman-Black, plan to sell cakes in school this Friday 26th February (postponed from 12th February). The money raised will be divided equally between the Friends of Tredington School and the Brownies.

Rebecca and Charly would be grateful for donations of cakes, as many as possible, to sell at 3pm on Friday 26th February. Don’t forget to bring your pennies and pounds to buy cakes, too.

World Book Day – Come Dressed as a Character from a Book Thursday 3rd March is World Book Day. This year we would like to invite the children to come to school dressed as a character from a book they enjoy. Children are asked to bring their favourite book to share with other pupils. All children will be issued a voucher to buy one of the specially chosen World Book Day books for free, or use as a £1 voucher off a book of their choice.

Scholastic Book Club Today we are sending home the latest book club leaflet (in your parent pigeonhole). You can use your World Book Day token against any orders placed.

School Talent Show Does your child have a talent they want to share with the rest of the school? We will be holding an Easter Talent Show on Wednesday 23rd March in the afternoon (time to

be confirmed). Parents are most welcome to come along and watch.

Headlice In Class 2 and 4 We have a reported case of headlice. Please take the opportunity to check and if necessary, treat your child’s hair. A regular ‘condition and comb’ routine can help to control this irritating problem. The special combs can be purchased from your local pharmacy, for a relatively small cost.

Uniform Organisations Days We have recently received a letter from a Beaver Scout leader from 3rd Scout Group informing us that in the past their members have enjoyed the option of wearing their uniforms to school on special occasions. This generous concession is still available to the young people of our Beaver, Cubs, Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section. . There are a total of six days a year these special occasions are held on, some of which fall during a school week: Founders Day- 22nd February, St David’s Day – 1st March, St Patricks Day – 17th March, St George’s Day- 23rd April, Remembrance Day – 11th November, and St Andrews Day – 30th November.

In addition Brownies may wear their uniform this Friday, 26th February, in support of the cake sale project. Should your child be a member of any of these groups then we are more than happy for them to wear their group uniform.

Cross Country Races for Years 4,5 & 6 A reminder that the next race takes place tomorrow, Thursday with the final race next Thursday 3rd March.

Parent Consultation Dates for Your Diary Parent Consultations will be held on Tuesday 15th March and Wednesday 16th March and will be organised as follows: Tuesday 15th March - for parents of children in Classes 4 and 5 (with no siblings in the other classes) Wednesday 16th March - for parents of children in Classes 1,2 and 3 plus Class 4 and 5 (with siblings in Classes 1, 2 and 3) Appointment letters will be issued shortly.

Table Top Sale Uckington & Elmstone Hardwicke WI are holding a Table Top Sale on Sunday 20th March, at Uckington Village Hall, from 10am to 12noon. Tables are available to book from now, for £10. This is a great opportunity to shift any unwanted items, following your spring clean! If you would like to book a table please contact Kim Beacham on 07749834390. You are all invited to go along and support this event, raising funds for the WI.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Jane Dunwell – Headteacher


If you are viewing this Newsletter on your computer/tablet/smartphone then you can access the following links which may be of interest to you:

Our website - to be advised Our school email - [email protected] Brigade Uniform supplier - Tesco Uniform supplier -

Coolmilk (school milk) - Parentpay (school dinners) -


FEBRUARY Thursday 25th - Cross-country race, 4pm at the Vineyards, Tewkesbury Friday 26th - Brownies Cake Sale at 3pm. Donations needed please

MARCH Tuesday 1st - Secondary School place allocation day Wednesday 2nd - Keystage 2 Football event Thursday 3rd - Year 5 Exploration Day at Tewkesbury School Thursday 3rd - World Book Day – come dressed as a character from a book Thursday 3rd - Cross-country race, 4pm at the Vineyards, Tewkesbury Thursday 10th - In The Net performance to Year 4 Tuesday 15th - Parent Consultations – KS2 no siblings in other classes and SEN appointments Wednesday 16th - Parent Consultations – KS1 and KS2 with siblings in KS1 Wednesday 16th - Rags 2 Riches 4 Schools collection day Thursday 17th - Tag Rugby Tournament Monday 21st - Keystage 2 trip to Gloucester Cathedral and Mosque Tuesday 22nd - Full Governing body meeting – 6pm Wednesday 23rd - Talent Show – times tbc. Parents welcome to watch. Wednesday 23rd - Last day of term for pupils Thursday 24th - INSET day – staff only

EASTER HOLIDAYS APRIL Monday 11th - Back to school for all Tuesday 26th - Full Governing body meeting – 6pm

MAY Monday 2nd - May Day – school closed Wednesday 4th - Short Tennis tournament Monday 9th - SAT’s week for Keystage 2 Tuesday 17th - Athletics event Friday 27th - End of term for all

HALF-TERM HOLIDAY JUNE Monday 6th - Back to school for all Wednesday 8th - Whole School and Leavers Photographs taken Friday 10th - Keystage 1 Football Skills event Tuesday 14th - Cricket event Tuesday 21st - Full governing body meeting – 6pm Tuesday 28th - Track Athletics event

JULY Thursday 21st - End of term for pupils Friday 22nd - INSET day – staff only


Stay’n’Play Afterschool Club

runs daily during term-time

From 3pm to 4.30pm

Session Fees: £2 for 3pm to 3.30pm, £3 for 3pm to 4pm and £4 for 3pm to 4.30pm (only £2.00 if they are attending an afterschool activity club that day)

(siblings charged at £2.00 per session)

To book a place please complete a booking form (these are kept in the parent pigeon-hole unit by the school hall entrance). You can also download a form from the school website at .

Please enclose correct payment (cheques payable to Gloucestershire County Council)

Breakfast Club Breakfast Club is open each day from 8am to 8.30pm. Costs just £2.00 per child (siblings £1.50) to include breakfast


Open daily and registered to take children from 2 years of age

Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 3.00pm and Friday 9.00am to 12.30pm

at Tredington Primary School

Spaces currently available

** We accept the Achieving 2 Year-olds funding and Free for 3 and 4 Year-olds funding **

TREDINGTON TEDDIES BABIES & TODDLER GROUP Open Wednesday’s at the Community Centre from 9.30am to 11.30am, just £2 per family No need to book, just drop-in



If you would like to comment on any of the articles featured in this week’s Wednesday Note, please use this slip and post it in the school post-box:

Parents Name: ______Date: ______

We are always happy to talk to Parents if you have any concerns or questions. Please speak to your child’s teacher or contact the school office for an appointment with the Headteacher.