PRINTED BY EDWARD 0. Ji::•,KJNS, 20 :-.()l{'J'H W!LL!:\M Snn:ET,

FOR THE CO\lPILER, Nu. 4 DEAc'i STREET, llR<>OKLY:--S. X. Y. 1878.

IT is a s:icred duty to preserve the genealogy and history of families, but our busy population are so engrossed in the present cares, that few have had regard for the past, or solicitude for the future history of themselves or their families. But to those who have a respect for their ancestrnl name I know of no more agreeable duty than to place on record the history and incidents of their lives and their relatives, that they may be preserved to the latest generations. In nothing is the Divine benevolence more fully illustrated than by those ties of friendship and fraternal love which bind the family circle together. I know not of a more cheerless reflection to a social being than the thought of having no interest in the history of his ancestry; no affectionate regard for those who are to follow him ; no record of where or what he has been in life, floating like a bt;bble in the stream of time, into the ocean of eternity. And next to training the spirit for the Life Eternal, there can be no more noble employ­ ment than that of · treasuring up and perpetuating the deeds, principles, and virtue3 of a uoble ancestry.














XVI.---El'HRA['\1 A:'.V SAMt;EL LOCKE, 100






J\fosEs J. c>F N. C. REv. LvMA"1, AND JA~rns B. OF Lot:IS\'ILLE. KY., 132-133







I. JOSEPH, OF fIILLSllOIWUG!!, N. H., 363 IL MERRICK, OF Fmff EnwARJJ, N. Y., 364





THIS is a view of peculiar interest to the 1Yilders. The Sulham estate is the inheritance given by Henry Vll. to l\';cholas Wilder in April, 1497. Around that church lie the remains of the suc­ cessive inheritors of the estate; four of the line h:ive been rectors of the parish. John, the grandson of Nichol&.s, :rnd the grandfather of our ancestors Thomas and Edward, married the orily daughter and heiress of Thomas Keats, Esq., who built tl,c: S•.1ll1cc1n House. [t was given, in 1582, by entail, to \Villian1 Wilder, thc,;r son. lt has ever been in the possession of the \i'ilder Ln:,ily, and i~ now occupied by John \Vilder, f>.D., rector of the 11arisb, ,•.ho, on his access10n to the rectorship, greatly improved the clrnrch and grounds. JJurlcy Hall, since I 7 7 7 tLe residence of the inheritors of the estate, is a beautiful place, some two miles northerly from Snlham. They all worship in this church. The present rector, who with his wife is seen in the foreground, is r,ow seventy-seven years of age, and has been rector over forty year$. This plate is taken from a photograph sent rne a si1ort time ~ince by Frederic \Vilder, Esq., of l'urley Hall. We should have been glad to have h-:td a more extended hi:otory of this place ant.! its surro,indings, but had no time to ol.itain it. LrsT oF ILLUSTRATIONS.





S. V. S. WILDER, EsQ.,



PERHAPS there is no prominent name of which so little was known respecting their past history as the \rrLDERS. Three or four prominent men had traced their own pedigree, and were sup­ posed to know about all that could be known of the history of the name. The labor, for over forty years, in a profession that de-­ manded all my strength, prevented my carrying out an early desire to gather the materials for a histor~v of my name; and though rnore than twenty years' time has been partially given to it, I had only learned that the whole tin~e and mind must be given to the work in order to be effect11al. At the age of threescore and fifteen, with a toleraLle degree of health, and neither employment nor income, I gave my time, first, to a visitation of all the Wilder;; of New York and Brooklyn, for my own recreation. This led me to the libraries, genealogies, and local histories, and then to an extensive corre­ spondence-the result of which is before us. Had J possessed the strength and pecuniary ability ro spend a few years or even months in travel-visiting the old residences of the Vv'ilders, examining the town records, family records, cemetery monu­ ments, registries of deeds and wills, etc.-I should have made a far more complete genealogy and history than I have been able to obtain. The most I claim for· this Book is. that it is a sincere and laborious effort of more than four years to lay the foundation from which some future son of the YVi]ders, with more time and ability, may give to the world a more perfect genealogical history of the nafue. l\fy hearty thanks are due to the very many who have so freely responded to my requests and furnished me, with great pains, the register of their branches of the family. A similar faithfulness on the: part of some few others would have filled some important gaps which could not be filled without their aid. It will Le seen that all the old traditions have been swept away, and a short, though l think reliaLle, sketch of our connection with Vlll PREFACE.

the English gentry has taken their place. Even Pmley Hali has had to give place to Shiplake as the family residence of the olden time. I have found that records are not always reliable. Town records often differ from the records in the old family Bible, which must be presumed to be correct. In one instance, I had the famiiy record from the father and again from the mother, and the dates differing materially. When the children and grandchildren have given their statements of the families that have gone before them, they are not always in the order of their birth, and the dates are often defective; and it shonld not seem strange that many errors should creep into a work that has depended much on such testimony. Great care has been taken to make the Tables as correct as possible, and it is believed that very few essential errors will be found. The Tables were prepared for the press while in a state of ex­ treme suffering ; and in affixing the consecutive numbers, many errors are found to have been made (sometimes numbers are re­ peated; in one case, ten numbers twice used; in others, fifty numbers are left out); but h1ving been quoted in the "History," they could not be corrected. There are yet some large families whose pedigree is not traced back to any satisfactory root; yet, in their physique and mental characteristics, there is abundant reason to believe that they were from the same stock. Many thanks tr:> those who have aided so liberally in furnishing gratuitously the means of publishing the Book ; without their aid it would never have been printed. May God reward them for their kindness and liberality. Such as it is, this "BooK OF THE \Vn,DERS" is now commended to the kind attention and patronage of the Brotherhood as the closing work of one of them, whose whole life has been given to the moral, intellectual, and religious improvement of men ; and with all tht>ir imperfections, his labors have been owned of Goel; and now, at over fourscore years, he is waiting joyfully for the call to come up higher. As I have no responsible pul>lisher, it is proper here to say that all orders sent to me, enclosing $3. I .5, will lie filled Ly return of mail until the edition of 500 is exhausted.



THE records of families constitute the framework of history. \Ve can not estimate their importance too highly. They arc invaluable auxiliaries to science, re­ ligion, and especially tJ civilization itself. They exert a potent influence for the uniting of peoples in the alliance of a common patriotism. Thus they help to assure liberty, and to perpetuate institutions for its develop­ ment and proper upholding. The writer of annals is a public benefactor, and the chronicler of genealogies is no less deserving. He confers a priceless boon i1pon those whose names and achievements are thus rescued from oblivion, and preserves the experience and wisdom of ages for the emulation and admonition of posterity. He merits the more for his labors, in that they are ren­ dered without the hope of appreciation, or the stimulus which prompts Ii terary effort in other fields. The desire to know the names and history of those who have preceded us is inborn in the human constitu­ tion. The historian Gibbon, remarking its universa{ prevalence, asserted that "it must depend on the in­ fluence of some common principie in the minds of men.'' It is a sentiment cherished by the noblest. To its exist­ ence we are probably to refer the inquisitiveness that leads individuals to the investigation of the relics of by-g-une periods, whether as naturalists, philologists, or historical inquirers. I have no sympathy for the super­ cilious disdain of pretentious men for such explorations. 1t seems often to arise from their tell-tale consciousness of a want of moral integrity, which is certain to be ren­ dered conspicuous by contrast \vith the examples of nobler and l.Jetter men. It is oue of the most hopefui X INTRODUCTORY NOTE.

and gratifying indications of the present time tbat our best and most useful citizens are becoming more desirous, from year to year, to learn the names and record of their ancestors. Books of genealogy have become an im­ portant element of literature. They arc sought for eagerly in the public libraries, and are esteemed as among the most. valuable sources of historical informa­ tion. The service which they often render in legal and judicial inquiries can not be estimated too highly. ] n ancient times, the registration of families was re­ garded as vital to the permanency of the commonwealth. Clans, and even nations, where they could show no com­ plete genealogies, often resorted to the device of an eponymous ancestor, from whom they professed to have derived their name and parentage. He alone who could exhibit the record of ancestry had rank in co:mnunity, or was supposed to have the disposition, or even the right to worship, whether in the temple or by the house­ fire. The bond of kindred was also that of religion. It was necessary to be enrolled in a family in order to have a country. Citizenship always meant the right to par­ ticipate in public and household worship, as well as in civic functions. To be disowned at home was the most terrible outlawry. Banishment to the indi,·idual, not only from kith and kin, but away from every hope and consolation of religion, estranged him from his associates, and deharred him from every civil and personal right. In archaic jurisprudence it was considered as equivalent to capital punishment. It was the condition which has been graphically described: "His hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him." Socrates, in ancient Athens, declined to accept it as the alternative of drinking the hemlock. The young- Hebrew, David, has been represented as flying from place to piace to escape death at the hand of his sovereign; yet even he, in this desperate condition, deprecatcd exile as a calamity infinitely worse, as an actual expulsion from the presence of God. It ,vas the very fate of Cain to be driven out over the face of the earth, unprotected, so that every one INTRODUCTORY ~OTE. xi finding him might, without compassion or even scruple, put the outlaw to death. Such was the fate, in ancient times. of the friendless stranger, whether outcast or only unfortunate. \Vhoever found him brought him to the altar to be immolated, or he was driven over some precipice beside a temple. He was regarded as an enemy to his kind, who might be slain without question or remorse. Hence a vagrant existence was only worthy of Tartarus. The recall from banishment was like a summons to life from the dead. Eagerly would the exile return to his native town. Like Agamemnon coming home from Troy, he hastened first of all to the sacred hearth of his family to offer thanks to his ancestral god for his happy restoration to good fortune, and a place among his kindred and people. Our institutions in modern time have become more catholic and cosmopolitnn. The partition-walls of tribe and city no longer exist. N:=ttions are allied by other affiliations than those of race and a common origin. Religiun, always potent in cementing the social relation, has become less exclusive. The association for mutual advantage is regarded as a stronger bond of union. Happy will it be when superior force shall cease to be the higher law of national existence, and people shall be allied by the holier principle of human brotberhood. We do well to burnish the chain of friendship. Every social tic makes us better. \Vhoever has the love and memories of family to uphold him, possesses a strong de­ fense. The pride of ancestry will fortify him against many perilous temptations. Unhappy are they who bear no social relation to the community. They constitute no integral part of a neighborhood. They come and go, as though they were of little more account tlian a vagrant animal. It is fortunate if they do not bear the worst stigma of the vagabond and ou.tlaw. A shifting popula­ ti<)n, sundering at will and setting· at nought the relations of family and friendly association, is almost inevitably vicious and cruel. The lawlessness so often character­ istic of pioneer settlements, and the terrible dcnwral1za- xii INTRODUCTORY NOTE. tion of mining districts, are forcible examples of the con­ dition of society in which other moti,·es transcend the loyal bond of kindred and neighborly regard. It is easy to perceive that the literature which tends to establish a general knowledge of lineage and blood rela­ tionship is of the most beneficial influence. Everything which adds strength to the family bond cnnfirms, also, the unity of th:it larger household, the nation. The statesman derives from it his most valuable lessons of public policy. The scientist finds his knowledge more definite and exact. The teacher of morals and religion perceives more accurately the line of his duty. Ancestral traits and dispositions can not be overlooked by him who would deal wisely with men. The laws of blood rule everywhere. \Ve may not affirm that there is no power of choice, but there is not po~·er in climate or discipline to countervail the law of heredity. The destiny is in the inheritance. The key of descent will unlock the inmost mystery of character. The science of government, to be successfully applied, must be deduced from the accumu­ lated experience of the 'world. This is chiefly to be learned from the records and traditions of families. Statesmen and nations dispensing with it are sure to lose faith and respect for probity and public virtue. The social bond once disintegrated, a political household will hardly b~ capable of holding together. Here at this very time is to be found the greatest peril of our people and institutions. Liberty is the child of the book, and will not long outlive the severing of the umbilic3] connection. The modest literature of individual ai1d family biography does its full share in rendering stable and permanent the existence of the nation. It shows, as no other agency can, the vital dependence of the Commonwealth upon priYate morality and integrity of life. The compiler of this volume has performed a work of incalculable importance under ci:-cumstances which ought to be noticed. He had already devoted his best energies to the duties of a toilsome and responsible pro­ fession. He 1s now in the evening of life, and has long INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Xlll suffered from a most painful disorder. "\\That he has done has been for very many a most desirable matter. \Vith him it was a labor of love; nevertheless, it has been accom­ plished under the most discouraging pecuniary difficul­ ties. Others possessing greater means and physical vigor had begun the work, but relinquished it, discourag-ed at the magnitude of their undertaking. Fortunately, he was a man better used to conflict with obstacles. He had overcome impediments apparently insurmountable, when he was employed in the active labors of his profession. Few pastors of churches ha\·e succeeded so well in fields of labor that were most unpromising, or accomplished more than he in improving the moral condition of those under his charge. He deserves, and I earnestly desire that be may receive, a generous requital for this labor of his later years. He is opulent, to be sure, in that wealth of experience and satisfaction which has been acquired by doing his work faithfol!y. But that only justifies the trust that the mem­ bers of the family, whose records are now included in this book, and so made a part of the history of their time, will remember with something more than the purchase­ price the enormous labor which has been bestowed with praiseworthy zeal upon this undertaking. It is no less a debt in the view of a liberal-minded person, that it was performed from love for the work, without reference to personal reputation or emolument. No one will be made µoor by such liberality. The Wilders constitute a lineage well endowed with the qualities and faculties that are ahvays essential to moral and intellectual achievement. It i,, not quite four cen­ turies since a kin!c; of England conferred on their ancestral representative the distinction which has entitled his de­ scend:rnts to be enrolled among the landed gentry of Great Britain. Their career, at once modest and honor­ able, has shown that it was a guerclon not ill bestowed. Those of our name and race who live in this country have abundant reason to boast of their kindred and ancestry beyond the Atlantic. Nor here in America, under Re- XIV INTRODUCTORY NOTE. publican institutions, has there been any essential change of character. Those who bear the name display very generally a peculiar family resemblance. They affiliate together easily, and are prompt to acknowledge their common relationship. I do not doubt for a moment that the inciting cause was religious which led MARTHA \VILDER and her chil­ dren to emigrate to the colony of Massachusetts Bay. They firmly and inflexibly maintained that Ironside orthodoxy peculiar to the seventeenth century, when men were proscribed and persecuted for conscience'; when a faithless king, never hesitating to violate his plighted word, attainted and maltreated his loyal subjects in the infamous Star Chamber. .Many of us, in these later d:1ys, have swerved from that ancient rigidity of bdief; but for all that, none the less should we esteem and honor them. Certainlv we have in full measure their peculiar characteristics. vV e are better, truer, stronger, because they so lived. Their energy and achievement had full influence toward making us what we are. The fibrous and melancholic temperament so general among us, from parent to child, through all our generations, evidently distinguished the young Puritan at the head of our American lineage, who at Charles' Town in 1640, took upon himself, in his own name and in behalf of his posterity, the obligations of religion, at a time when that vow was an initiation into a career of anxiety and peril, and inducted him most emphatically into the Church militant. The descendants of Martha vVilder are n0w enume­ rated by thousands. Inheriting thf' "bluest blood of the Puritans," they have not departed widely from their primitive type of family and mental character. Fe,v among- them have ever received instruction at a college or university; fewer still have ever been enrolled as savants; yet very many have been self - taui::-ht and scholarly. The great body of them have been influential members of society, not often aspiring to lead, but not willing to follow a leader blindly. They neither became INTRODUCTORY NOTE. xv demagogues, nor are they acceptable to demagogues. Very few among them have been characterized by vicious conduct, want of public spirit, or other con­ spicuous unworthy qualities. They have displayed their full share of patriotism, when their country has been in­ volved in trouble or bloody strife. They have been little tainted in the general demoralization which for many years has existed in our social and business circics, as exhibited in the disclosures wade in bankrupt and ju­ dicial inves,igation. Such an exemption from culpable imputation is the bet-t evidence of probity, fidelity, and high moral worth. This excellence, in no inferior pro­ portions, is to he ascribed to the character and influence of the women bearing the family name and inheriting the old-time qualities that went with it. But in their respective fields of endeavor they have done their full pa:-t in honoring the family to whi;;h they belong. In eyery way, by works of utility and devotion of purpose. in the domestic circle, and whatever place or station they ha \"e occupied, they have acted well their part. Many, whose names I have in mind, will quickly receive the meed of praise and honorable mention from those who know them better than 1 ; and they richly merit to be prized and recompensed. I have wished that more of our number ha9 dis­ tinguished themselves in the walks of literature and scientific investigation, or, perhaps, in the councils of the Gcwernment; but it is more gratifying that they have generally cultivated the homelier virtues that make up the desirable neighbor and worthy citizen. They have displayed from the first all the nobler characteristics of their progenitors-earnestness of purpose, fidelity in pecuniary affairs, punctuality in the fulfilling- of eng;:;g-e­ ments, strict veneration for truth, patient industry, in. flexible tenacity, and other kindred qualities. They do not leave unfinished what they have begun. Intermar­ riage does not appear to have gre:1tly modified the typical character. \Vhether they render a good account of the talents with which they ha\·e been endowed, I ic:ave xvi INTRODUCTORY NOTE.

others to judge. For often, certainly, they have suffered diffidence to deter them from efforts which they ought to have made, and others frequently have carried off the reputation for what they had done. However, neither fame nor praise is the true recompense for worthy ac­ tions. It is to be found in another form, and where its bestowment is not niggardly or reluctant. \Vith this appeal, this volume is now committed to the public scrutiny. It assumes not to be complete, but it is far more perfect as a record than any one had dared expect. Every addition to its facts will be welcomed. It is an humble contribution to the general knowledge, and, as such, wiil be appreciated by those for whom it has been prepared. To them it will be a book of lines in which they participate, and a record of events whose im­ print is in their own spiritual constitution. I bespeak from them a cordial greeting. ALEXANDER WILDER. NEW YORK, May 14, 1878. l:N the year 1638 there were in the colony of .Massa­ chusetts Bay five persons of the name of \Vilder, sup­ posed to be of one family. There were the mother and two sons, and in two hundred and forty years they are numbered by thousands. This book is the first attempt to trace their origin, com1ection, and history. The book is naturally divided into two parts. rst. Their history from the origin of the name, showing whatever can be found, at this late day, ot their residence, occupation, and influence, with notes and incidents i.llus-­ trating- their character and standing among men. 2d. A genealogical table, tracing the present genera­ tion back to their origin, and the introduction of other influences and elements of character by intermarriag·e.


H I S T O R Y O F T H E \V I L D E R S .

C I I ,\ P T E R I.


THE first '\Vil

1777 they were born at Shiplake, which seems to have been the family residence, when Henry ,Vilder, LL.D., the heir of the Sulham estate, and Rector of Sulham parish, sold Shiplake House on the west bank of the Thames, three miles from Henley, Oxon, to the Philli­ mores, who now reside there, and bought the palatial residence of Purley Hall, about two miles from Sulham, and six westerly from Reading, Berks County. Of Nicholas Wilder we know not the time of his birth or death. He had one son, John, who, in 1525, was in possession of the estate by entail. His wife's name was Agnes, and they had a son, John ,vilder, Esq., and a daughter Agnes, who died 1580. vVe know not the time of his birth. He married Alice Keats, daughter and heiress of Thomas Keats, Esq., of the Sulham House, by whom he had four sons, John, Nicholas, William, and Thomas, and three daughters, Eleanor, Joan, and Alice. Thus far we have no dates of births and deaths. In 1582, John gave by deed of entail the Sulham House, of which his wife was heir, to William, their third son, probably as a part of an arrangement by which Thomas, the fourth son, was to become the proprietor of the entailed estate. By the will of John, made in October, 1588, and proved by his widow Alice, his executor, the following Novem. ber, John and Thomas were both provided for, and a deed of conveyance was also made to Thomas. We do not know by what power the third son could be made heir instead of the eldest, yet it was done in this case, and the family residence, Shiplake, which was not a part of the entailed estate, was probably conveyed by deed to Thomas, and thus made to continue as the family residence. IV. Thomas was the fourth in the line of inheritors from the death of his father, in I 588, to his own death, in 1634. He was born and died at Shiplake. Berry, in his "Pedigrees," says that Thomas succeeded John at his father's death, and that his heir-apparent was his son John of Nunhide, who was living in 1681, and probably died in 1688. Martha Wilder left Shiolake in HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 7

May, 1638, for the Colonies. The strong presumption is that Martha was the widow of Thomas, who died in 1634, and that Thomas of Charlesto\vn was the son of :\Iartha and the brother of Echvard; it follows that they had an older brother John, who was heir of Thomas, and that all the five who had emigrated were his children; and until this is shown, by proper eyidence. to be incorrect, we shall assume that they were all of one family. Burke traces the present family of Purle_y Hall back to John of N unhide, who, Berry says. was heir-apparent of Thomas, the fourth from Nicholas. There was a tradi­ tion in H ingr~1 a; late as I 802, that w idov; ~fart ha sold the entailed estate, and would neYer tell her chiidren \vhere it was located, or to whom it was soid. She might havt· sold, and probably did sell, the Shipiake House to her son John, the heir of Sulliam. It was a time of persecution, and the religious charac­ ter of the emigrant \\~ilders shows very clearly that they were of the persecuted class. It is not unlikely that after the death of her husballd she sent her children, Thomas, Elizabeth, and Ed ward. with friends, t~) the Nev, Colonies, while she disposed of her effects, and after a short time was able to follow them. A careful ex­ amination of the archives of the family at Purley Hall vrnuld probably unravel tbe whole mystery. Frederic of Purley Hall says tli,:re is a great amount of the archives of the past, but the writin;; of those days is so hard to decipher, tbat he could not furnish me the information I desired. V. John \Vilder, son of Thomas, had a srm, his suc­ cessor. YJ. Henry \Vilder, Esq., who was buried at Sulham, January 10, Ii65. He married Elizabeth, daug-htcT of Thomas Saunders, of Purley, \\'ho, witl1 her sister :\Iary, were heirs of their father's estate. They had uuc son ,rnd four daug-hters, John his heir, Elizabeth, Jane, .\Iary, and i\.nna; all were born at Shiplake. VII. John \Vildcr, Esq., son and neir of Henry. suc­ ceeded his father in r765, and died July 10.. 1772. He 8 HISTORY OF THE Vv'ILDERS.

was Deputy-Lieutenant of Berks County, Captain of Militia, and a Magistrate. He married January 3, 1735, Beaufoy Boyle, daughter and co-heir of the late \Villiam Boyle, brother of Henry, Earl of Shannon. Their only son was VIII. Henry Wilder, LL.D., born 1744, and died 1814. He was Rector of Sulham. In I 767 he married Joan Thoyts, daughter of William Thoyts, Esq., of Sulham­ stead; she was born 1748 and died in 1837. Burke, in his '' Royal Descents," says he was born at Shiplake, as also his sisters, Harriet, Ann, Mary, and Amy. Amy was born in 1 766. He succeeded to the estate in 1772, and in 1777 he pur­ chased the palatial residence of Purley Halt, which was built in 1722 by Mr. Hawes, a Director of the South Sea Company. He also sold Shiplake, the long-time resi­ dence of the \Vilders, to the Phillimores, who still reside there. The children of Henry Wilder, LL.D., and his wife Joan, were four sons and four daughters. John his heir, ·william, George Lodowick, Francis Boyle Shannon. The daughters: Mary Ann, who married Rev. Frederic Beaden; Harriett, who married Charles, Dixon; Lucy, who married Rev. Charles Parnell; and Charlotte Beaufoy, who married \Villiam Blackwood. George Lodowick married Augusta Mary Ivers Walcott, daugh­ ter of Edmund Walcott, Esq., of Winkton, County Hants, and had two sons, Edmund and George. Francis B. S. of Busbridge, Sussex, married Augusta Cornwall, of \Vinkton, Rants. IX. John \Vildcr, Esq., succeeded his father in 1819, was a magistrate and deputy - lieutenant for Berks Co., born at Shiplake, and died at Purley Hall; mar­ ried in 1796 to Harriet Beaden, daughter of Rev. Ed­ ward Beaden. Their chiidren were Henry \iV atson ·wilder, his heir, who was born 1798, and John, born 1801, Charles, born 1806, Frederic, born 1808, with two daughters. He died in 1834. X. Henry Watson, the heir, became Rector of Sulham,


and at his untimely death was succeeded by his brother John, who was in the place in 1878, living in the Sulham Hollse, ,rhich ,vas g-i,·en by John, the third inheritor, to his son \Vi!liarn rn 1582. Henry \\,.atson married, in 1827, Augusta Smith, and had two sons - Frederic, born 1832, and Henry Beaufoy, born July 2, 1834. On the death of his fr1ther in 1833. he succeeded to the estate. On the 6th of July, r83G. \\"hilc on a pleasure excursion in a boat. near the Isle of Wight, the bnat was capsized, and thus ,yere botb drowned. He was succeeded br his son (XLi Frederic, then four years of c1g-c, who is . . now 111 possession. There are but few of the name scattered o\·er the country. One Sir Francis T. C. \Vildcr was a l\1cmbcr of P:1rliarnent :rncl Lieutenant-General in tbc army. The landed estate bestowed upon Nicholas \V 1lcler was uot larg-c, and of itself would not sustain an cx1,cnsivc estab­ lishment: yet, so far as we can asccrtain, the family name h:1s ever been held in big·h esteem. CHAPTER II.


br 1638 the ship Con_(zdence sailed from Southampton with emigrants for Massachusetts Bay. In the list of passengers were widow Martha \:Vilder and her daughter Mary. '\Ve know nothing further of this Mary but the tradition that she married in Plymouth. It is represented that they landed at Hingham. The town records show that the town made grants of land to Martha and Edward. On the 17th of January, 1639, Elizabeth \Vilder was mar­ ried in Hingham to Thomas Ensign, of Scituate. In 1656 he removed to Duxbury, where he died in 1668. Thomas \Vilder was made a freeman in Charlestown in 1651; was received into the church, as its records show, in March, t640. He was married in 1640 to Anna --. His daughter Mary \Vas, born in 1642, Thomas born in 1644, John in 1646, Elizabeth in r648, and Nathanael in 1650. \Vhile in Charlestown, Thomas was connected with positions of trust, wl:ich show that he was a man of good Christian character and business talents. In 1659 he removed with his family to Nashawena, now Lancaster, and was a leader in the town until his death in 1667. Edv.rard remained in Hingham ,vith his mother till her death in 1652. It is on all hands conceded that they were all of one family, though it is not known when or how they came over. It was a time of bitter persecution in England. Charles I. had alienated the best of his sub­ jects by enforcing religious conformity, and great numbers fled from the star chamber and the administrations of Laud, and the fear of a return to Papacy, to the new colonies in New England, and, with the multitudes, it was not difficult for this family to be provided for. \Vith all the privations and trials incident to a new settlement in a hostile land, with few of the conveniences of civilized HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. II

life, they were free to worship God according to His Word. They regarded the Sabbath and the simplicity of their worship; and a separation from all the influences of a luxurious life enabled them to train up their children in the way they should go; and for many years. nearly or quite all the families were eminent for their Christian character and an "orthodox" faith, and many arc now liv­ ing whose whole line of ancestry have been in the bosom of the Church. Thomas was supposed to have been forty years old when he removed to Lancaster, which would place his birth in 1618. Edward was, without doubt, made a free­ man as soon as his age would permit. It is probably not generally known that at that time no1w but members of a Christian church and those who were twenty-one years old could take the freeman's oath and exercise the priv­ ileges of citizenship. These are the data from which I have fixed the time of their birth, viz.: Thomas, 1618? Elizabeth, 1620? Ed ward, 1023? ::V.Iary, 162 5 ? \Ve shall now follow, first, the history of Thomas' lineage to the fourth g-eueration, and then take up each head of a family of the fourth generation and trace it to this time. CHAPTER II I.


,vr: ha\-c no record of the time when Thomas ,Vilder first settled in Charlestown, or of bis business relations. He \\'as tbere, a citizen in 1640, and remained until 1659. YV c do not kno,v tbat he held any public office. That he was a substantial, capable man, respected in the com­ munity, an active member of the church, :.i. thorough Puritan, jealous of the rights of the brotherhood, and willing to resist the encroachments of the ministry, as he estimatul tlicrn, there are indications in the old records. In i632 a settlement was made on the Kasha\\'cna River. about forty miles westerly from Charlestown, by purchasing from the Indians a tract of lane]. eight miles by ten, which in 1653 was confirmed by tbe General Court, which the leg-isl a ti ve power of the colony was then called. After sending a committee to inquire respecting the character of the settlers and the suitable­ ness of the land for cl settlement, and recei ,·i ng- a fa ,·or­ able report, the purchase was confirmed ~rn, 1 they were incorporated as a town. There were then but nine families, but they were soon increased to thirty. A church was gathered and a minister employed. It was on the first day of July, 1654. that Thomas Wilder arrin:d with hio family, and took up his abode with them. His farm, of five huudrcd acres, was t:ituatcd near to, and easterly from the cen:er of the present town of Lancaster, as indicated by the "Burial Ground" g-iyen to tlie town by his son Thomas, and in which the father's remains- w-erc the first deposited. In 1660, Thomas \Vildcr was elected one nf the select­ men, an l)ffice which, it is said, he belrl until his dcatb, in 1667. He left his estate, by \\·ill, to his widow, Anna, and his three sons, Thomas(8), Jolin (SJJ, and Nathanael (11), HISTORY OF TIIE WILDERS. and his daughters, ;\Iarn7), and Elizabeth(Io). Thornas(8), then t\venty-three years of age, and his mother, were his executors. So far as we know, no mention is made of the marriage of his daughters; the three sons were all married before the Indian war, in r675. Thomas(8), married in 1668, June 20, .\lar_v ~n; he was executor uf his fothcr's will. and succeeded to his estate. Though married in 1668, his oldest child known, was born in 168-a.. It is not improbable that other chil­ dren were lost in the lnckrn massacres; the troublous times prevented tbe preservation of the record of events until the commencement of tlie ncxl century, J 700. \V c know very little of the history of Thomas during, or after the ,var. There an: indicati:,ns that he fortified his house, and made it a place n! protection for other faniilies. He died ill 1717. His ci.Jest son, James Wilder (r7), married, October 20. 1709, Abigail Gardner, dau6·htcr of Andrew Gardner, Esq., of Lancaster. and sister of Rev. Andrew Gardner, pastor elect of the church, whose ordination was soon to occur. His death prevented it. He was much beloved, and the circumstances oi his death left a feeling of gloom and sadness which contiHued for an entire generation. It was at a time when th".:'rc was danger of an attack from the Incliaus. Tbe militia were guarding the town. In the dusk of evening, a sentinel heard the approach of a man in the bushes, and ordered him to stand. He made no rep!;·. After repeating the command without effect, be fired his musket, and on examination fr,und that he h::id kilicd his minister. It. is sufficient for w; to k:rnw that the conduct of the sentinel was approved b_v tlic authorities at ti1c time, yet he car­ ried a sad heart with him trJ the grave. By this marriage he had two Sf)JlS; one was kw,wn as Major James, of Sterling, and the other as Dea. Gardner, of Leominster. No daughters arc known. · Joseph \ 18), son of Thoma-;, married, about 170:;, Lucy Gardner, sister of the wife of Jame-:, dau~liter of Andrew Gardner. Tliough he had but the ordinary advantag-es of cclucaticm and means of culture, he was a man of great 14 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

intellectual power. At an early day he was a Judge of the Courts in the province of , then a part of Mas­ sachusetts. In 1720, 1725-'26, he was a representative in the General Court, and in 1732 he was appointed a Judge of the C. C. P. for \Vorcester County, and from 1741 until his death he was its Chief Justice. In I 739 he was made Judge of Probate for Worcester County, which office he also held until his death. He was also a man of incorruptible piety and integrity, and left his impress on the church and the community to a most remarkable extent; and on his monument in the old cemetery in Lancaster is the inscription: "In life exemplary, and a steady friend to his country, to the good, to the poor, to virtue, and to God." He left four sons. We do not know of his daughters. His sons were all eminent men. Of the daughters of Thomas, Sarah married a Fair­ banks; Elizabeth, a Hutchings; Mary, a i:l-af'twell; and Anna married Hezekiah Willard, a farmer of Lancaster, and had seven children. John Wilder (9), son of Thomas, married in 1673; his wife's name was Hannah. At the Indian war he fled to

Charlestown, where two of his childr~» ..1 'Y'.,ere baptized; his daughter Hannah was born in ~:/ in Marlboro. We know not when he returned to Lancaster, but that is supposed to have been the place of his abode, and we know not the time of his death. He was one 0f the original proprietors of the town of Worcester, but it is not known that he ever resided there. He had six chil• dren, four sons and two daughters, most of whom lived in South Lancaster, then known as Six Nations, and now the town of Clinton, from which it is supposed that their father's home was there. 1 John Wilder (2 3) was a farmer of Six Nations, and bad, h_y his wife Sarah, five sons and three daughters. His son,;; were remarkable for their longevity and strength. Thomas Wilder (24) was a farmer of Six Nations, mar­ ried Susannah H:nnt, and left two sons and two daugh- HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 15 ters. Jotham, his son, succeeded him, and left a numerous posterity. Ebenezer Wilder (27) was of South Lancaster, and the father of the first Dea. David, the first of a succession of six Davids, all men of distinction. Anna Wilder (28), his daughter, married Colonel Joseph \Villard, then in command of the fort at Brattleboro. Their daughter Anna was first, the ,vife of Samuel Pren­ tice the father of Luke Prentice, who married a daugh­ ter of Hon. Abel \Vilder, of \\,~inchendon. After the death of her first husband, she married Dea. David \Vilder, of Lancaster, and was the motherofDavid,who married Lucy Joslin, daughter of Anna. daughter of Thomas Wiider. Nathanael \Vilder (11), third son of Thomas, married ' in 1673, Mary Sawyer, daughter of Thomas and Mary Sawyer, and had four sons and three daughters. In the time of the Indian attacks upon their settlement, ah Indian, who had surrendered to the people, was treach­ erously murdered by Nathanael \Vilder and Daniel Hoar, who were tried, condemned, and sentenced to be hung. In October, 1676, they presented a memorial to the General Court, acknowledging the justice of their con­ demnation, and asking for pardon. Their request was granted, on condition that they should pay ten pounds each-one-half to be given to the Indian who had prose­ cuted them; and also that they should pay the expenses of their imprisonment and trial, which was done, and they were set at liberty. Nathanael was a brave man, and an active, u~:efol citizen, a captain 0f the militia. He was killed by an attciek of the Indians in I 704. Nathanael \VilJer t~), son of Nathanael (r 1), a farmer, lived in what is no\v Sterling-, married soon after the Indian war, and had twelve children. In tl~e early set­ tlement of Petersham, when he was about sixty years of age, he made a purchase of seven hundred acres of land, and removed to the new town. He was a man of great force of character, never failing- in an enterprise because of its difficulty, and did much to give strength and char­ acter to the new town. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

It is said of him as a kind of tradition in the family, that when over seventy-two years of age, he took a horseback journey, and put up for tbe night at a tavern where he ,vas accustomed to stop. On retiring for the night, the landlord told him that he must not go to the barn in the morning, as he was in the habit of doing, until he was with him, for there was a furious bull in the yard, and his life would be in danger. He had always cared for his horse, and was not to be baffled. He took his whip, and, booted and spurred. he went mto the yard, when, true to his nature, the bull came after him. He stepped asi



JAMES WILDER (46), (James, Thomas, Thomas,) known in his day as Major James, was a merchant in Bos­ ton; was afterward of Lancaster. Married in 1723 at forty-two years of age to Martha Broughton, by whom he had seven children, six of whom died in early child­ hood. Josiah (135), born in 1744, was a graduate of Yale College, and a physician settled in Boston. He was mar­ ried, March 20, 1774, to Mary Flagg, daughter of Ger­ shorn Flagg, Esq., a lawyer of Boston. He removed to Lancaster and practiced his profession there. He had six children, four of whom died under three years and a fifth at nineteen. Polly, or Mary, (141) in 1805 married Daniel A. White, Esq., of Salem, a graduate of Harvard of 179r, LL.D. in 1837, a distinguished lawyer. They had three daughters, one died at one year old. The second, Elisabeth (147), married William Dwight, of Springfield, Mass., in 1830, and bore him seven sons. William was a graduate of \Vest Point, and a Brigadier - General in the army. \Vilder was a Lieutenant-Colonel of Volunteers, and died of wounds at the battle of Antietam. Howard was killed by guerrillas. Mary Wilder White (148), daughter of David A., mar­ ried Caleb Foote, of the Salem Gazette, and had six chil­ dren, of w horn the second, Henry \Vilder, is a graduate of Harvard, and is now the distinguished minister of King's chapel, Boston. The male line of Major James is now extinct, and the blood is represented in the families of the Dwights and Footes. The good influence of the Wilder blood may, HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

perhaps, not be lost upon the world, though, m future generations, it passes through other veins. Gardner (4i), son of James, was known as Deacon Gardner vVilder of Leominster, was chosen deacon of the Congregational church under the ministry of Rev. John Rogers, when about thirty years of age. lll Ii36 he mar­ ried .l\lary Phelps, am! had nine children. He was distinguished for his decided religious char­ acter and his interest in the public welfare. Gardner (184), his eldest son, was one of the first set­ tlers of Buckland. Mass., and his son Gardner was the first male child born in the town. \Ve have traced of his lineage over sixty names, of •.vhom, or connected with whose families,are four ministers and two physicians; some are mechanics, but they are chiefly farmers. Thomas Warner, a lumber-dealer and an enthusiastic numis­ matist, of Cohocton, Steuben Co., N. Y., is, by his mother, one of this line. Thev are found in Buckland and Charle­ mont, Mass.; in Steuben and Livingston Counties, N. Y.; and in l\Iichig-an. Edward (I86) and Elisha (187) lived in Leominster, and so far as we have been able to trace them, they are found chiefly in \Vorcester Co., Mass. They are quite numer­ ous, and of them arc men of influence and worth : one was an eminent physician, a graduate of Dartmouth Medical College, and a friend of education. Two were graduates of Harvard--a lawyer and a physician. One of the daughters of Gardner married Othnicl Taylor, of Charlemont; the others bear the names of Boutelle and Goodrich, of Fitchburg and Lunenburg. CHAPTER V.


THOMAS WrLDER(SOJ, son of Judge Joseph, in 1730 married l\lary \~, and settled in the north-west part of the nev,· purchase, now Leominster, as a farmer. He had three sons and four daughters. By some con­ nection of his wife's father with the war in Canada, he came into possession of a right to lands in Ipswich-Can­ ada, now \Vinchendon. In process of time his three sons, Thomas (331), Abei (333), and Joseph (335), became settlers, and after its incorporation in 1762 as \Vinchendon, they were citizens. \Ve know very little of him, except that he was a successful farmer. His son Thomas (331), born 1731, married Abigail Carter and settled in ·Winchendon, where he resided until the contest with England, which ended in the revolution, waxed warm, and portended .war. Not entering heartily into the spirit of independ­ ence, he returned to Leominster. Though this was the reason assigned for his removal by his neighbors, it is probable that other and more worthy motives led to his return. We know nothing further of his history. He had eight children. The eldest, Abel, was born in 1760, and the fourth, Peter Andrew, in I 765. Abel Wilder (337), son of Thomas, settled in Charle­ mont at \Vildersbrook, near where the Congregational church in East Charlemont now stands. He married in 1787 Dorothy Kemp, and had six children. One son had a family of ten children, nine of whom were married. They are now in Massachusetts, New York, and Illinois. One of the daughters married Orrick Packard, who now owns the farm, and lives in the house built by Mr. \Vilder. Peter Andrew (340), son of Thomas, lived in Ashburn- HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 21 ham, afterward in Leominster, in the old homestead, which is now (1877) in possession of his son AbeL He married in 1794 Sarah Joslin, by whom he had twelve children. One son settled in Laconia, N. H., and was the father of Mrs. Patterson, wife of Professor Patterson, of Dartmouth College; another was in Nashua, who has one son in New York ; another stiil is on the old farm in Leominster. \Ve have not learned anything of his daughters. Abel Wilder (333), son of Thomas, was one of the first settlers of \Vinchendon. In 1769 he married Anna, ~ tv>:0 Y' daughter of Abij::m Butler, of Leominster, and had ten children, eight of whom had families, and six of them lived to i.he allotted age of man. Two of them died over fourscore. Of his lineage we have the names of ten chil­ dren, sixty- one grandchildren, ninety great-grandchil­ dren, and a larger number of the next two generations, many of whose names arc not reported. Mr. \Vilder had but the limited means of mental culture enjoyed by farmers of that early day; but he had a mind of the first order, so that he readily grew into, and filled with -good reputation, every position to which he was called. There were few who could fill the­ place vacated by his death. He was a man of Christian character and principle, as might ha,·e been expected, from an unbroken line of pious ancestry, who had remembered, for six generations, that they were heirs of the covenanted promises of God, and which accounts for the almost uniform piety of his descendants. At the first organization of the town under the act of incorporation, he was chosen town-clerk, and was an­ nually elected until his death, a period of twenty-seven years. He was often moderator of the tuwn meetings, and one of the selectmen. The prominent positions which he held. and the confidence reposed in him by the people, strong-l_v confirm what was said of him by bis friends, that he was the first man in the town. \Vhen the war commenced, and preparation was made 22 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS

to resist. the aggression of the British forces, a company of troops was enlisted to be ready at a moment's warning, and Abel \Vilder was chosen as their captain. In a few days the signal was given that the English troops were on their way to Concord. It was at ten o'clock in the morning, and he was in the field plowing with his oxen and horse, ridden by his eldest son, then eight years old. He took his horse from his team, leaving his boy to care for the oxen, and went to the Common, where they were to assemble, and before night they were on the way. They were in the battle at Bunker Hill, and it was in November, when his wife urged his return, he replied that he should probably be compelled to return before the country could spare him. When Massachusetts framed her first Constitution as a State, he was a member of the Convention, and he was in the first Legislature under it in I 78 I, as a representa­ tive from \Vinchendon, and so from year to year, until he was elected a Senator for Worcester County, which office he held until his death, six successive years. In 1792 he was a Presidential Elector, and as the small­ pox prevailed in Philadelphia, he was, as a preparation for his visit there, innoculated, and died. It was said by his friends that he would probably have been their next representative in Congress. ln Marvin's "History of \Vinchendon" is the follow­ ing notice of him:

"Mr. \Vilder was in \Vinchendon as early as 1762, and from that time until his death, in 1792, was constantly in public employment. He was the first town-clerk, and he held, at different times, every office that was worth having. He was the first representative to the General Court, and a Senator from the time the Constitution was adopted until his death, except a year or two, when the town sent no representatives. At his death, the public mind was prepared to send him to Congress. '' He was a deacon of the church from its organization. Mr. Wilder was a remarkable man. He was of a stout HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 23 build, and had a pleasant countenance and a commanding presence. Though in constant employment in public business, not as an officer, but as a member, and gen­ erally chairman of every important committee in town or parish or church, yet he seems never to have pro­ voked the jealousy and envy that follow usually the efforts of superior men. "Though a man of firm principie, unbending rectitude, and fervent piety, he was one of those rare men ,vhose enemies were at peace with him. His minister relied upon him, the public confided in him, the church rested on him as a pillar, and his family regarded him with love and reverence. He filled the largest place in the history of the town. He was pre-eminently useful in life, cheer­ ful, and prepared for death, and universally lamented."

Abel (348), son of Abel, married, in 1792, Eunice Hale, daughter of Dea. Moses Hale, of ·winchendon, who, next to Hon. Abel Wilder, was, in his day, said to be the foremost man in the town and in the church, and was so honored after the untimely death of Mr. ·wilder. He was born in 1741, the same year with Mr. Wilder, and came to Winchendon in 1765. In 1769 he married Ruth Foster, of Boxford, and had six children, all of whom lived to an advanced age, over seventy. Eunice died at 73, Ruth at 88 years, Lucy died at 97, Achsah is now living, at 97, and, of Bridgewater, late M. C., at 95. Abel \Vilcler was a farmer. and at the death of his father was his administrator. In I 8 II he removed to the State of New York, rind in 1825 be died in :'.\fadison of heart disease, without a moment's warning. They had ten sons and two daughters. The daughters died within about two \.veeks of each other, in 1836. Nine of the sons were living in 1864. One died in.April of that year, aged sixty-two; three lived to be over seventy, and four are now living in their sixty-first, sixty-fifth, seventy­ second. and eightieth years. Abel (389), the eldest, was always in feeble health, but 24 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

temperate and industrious; he lived to be seventy-four years old. He was a consistent Christian, a magistrate, and postmaster for many years. In 181 3 he married Salina Congar, daughter of Ephraim Cougar, Esq., of Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., and removed to Attica, Gene­ see Co., where he resided over forty years. He removed in 1856 to Niagara City, where he died in 1867. They had one son and three daughters, one of whom married 0. H. Day, Esq., of Suspension Bridge, who had six children and six grandchildren. Mrs. ·wilder died in 1871, at eighty years of age. Charles (390), son of Abel, was born in Winchendon, settled in Attica, and afterward removed to Varysburg. He vrns for many years a magistrate, and an active man in public life. By trade he was a carpenter. In 1819 he married Amanda Congar, sister of Salina, the wife of Abel, and had eight children. Two of them are farmers and cheese-makers in \Visconsin. One was elected sheriff of \Vyoming Co., and died while in office. Another was in the army of the Rebellion, enlisted as a private, and was promoted until, at the close of the war, he was a lieutenant of cavalry. He is now a cheese-maker at Varysburg. Artemas (391), son of Abel, also settled in Attica on a small farm, and in 1822 married Fanny, daughter of Thomas Cooley, Esq. In a few years he removed to Lenawee Co., Michigan, where he resided, on a farm near Palmyra, until his death, in 1866, at seventy years of age. One of bis sons, R. M. Wilder, is manager of the Gas Company in Coldwater, Michigan. One died, leaving a widow and two children. One is in the Insane Asylum of the Government at Washington, as the result of Anderson\'ille prison fare. The daughters are all well settled, one in California, one in Toledo, and one in Te­ cumseh, Michigan. Moses Hale (392), son of Abel, bears the name of his grandfather, who adopted him, and took him to hi$ home at two years of age. He remained in the family until February, 181i, in his thirteenth year, when bis father HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

removed to Paris, N. Y. His uncle, Moses Hale, who, by the embarrassment of the estate had come into pos­ session, sent him home. With his grandfather he had enjoyed the ordinary ad­ vantages of the common schools of the day, with the additional assistance of the family, three of whom were teachers. He began at three years of age, and until eight, had eight weeks of school in the winter and nine in the summer; and from eight to twelve years of age only the eight weeks of winter school. With a retentive memory, and of quick perception, he made rapid prog­ ress, and had a pretty thorough knowledge of the branches of learning then taught. Naturally of a social disposition, and living in a hotel where was a large traveling custom, he gained a knowl­ edge of men and things quite in advance of most of the boys of his age. He was flattered and petted by all, until he had a very high estimate of his own attainments; and when taken out of his accustomed associations, at twelve years of age, and placed among strangers, and in a family of boys, whose modes of thought and attain­ ments were unlike his own, and yet with all confi­ dence in their o,,,n superiority-a peculiar \Vilder charac­ teristic-it is not strange that in the course of a few years he should be, in their estimation, of an inferior cast of mind, and that in the course of the seven or eigU years before his majority he should become exceedingly diffi­ dent of his ow1i capabilities, and that during most of a long life he should feel a want of confidence in his own powers, which required great and unceasing effort to overcome. During the six years from 1813 to 1819 he, with his older brothers, wrought for wages, to aid their father in providing a home for his family. During these six years he had an addition of nine months to his means of edu­ cation, or three months in each of three winters. A child of the covenant, he was never without serious impressions, sometimes with deep convictions, but it was not until his twentieth year that he indulged the hope 26 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. that he was indeed a child of God. It was on the first Sabbath in March, 1829, that he, with seventy-two others, made a public confession of his faith in Christ at the Old Congregational church, in Madison, N. Y., then under the pastoral charge of Rev. Jesse Miner. A sermon by Rev. Levi Parsons, just before he left as a missionary to Palestine, from Hosea iv. 5-6, awakened in him a desire to preach the Gospel, which was not at first encouraged, on account of the apparent impossibility of obtaining the requisite education, yet it was never quite extinguished. At twenty-one he re­ moved his abode to Attica, Genesee Co:r-N. Y., and having an opportunity of one term of instruction in the Wyoming Academy, he reviewed his old studies, so as to be able to teach a district school, and also commenced the study of Latin, hoping that some way would open for him to pursue his studie5 farther. He had at that time seen little of the world, and knew nothing of the efforts then beginning to be made to aid young men in their education for the ministry, and with an almost slavish diffidence and want of confidence in his own abilities for usefulness even in the most favorable circumstances, he relinquished all hope of the ministry, and in 1822 he bought a small lot of unimproved land, and undertook to make himself a home. But God thought otherwise. His health gave way under the pressure, and in 1826, on the fourth of July, he left his wife and two children to seek some otrier employment, and in October he was in New York, engaged in teach­ ing. The next year his family was with him, and his school was prosperous. In 1829, a revulsion in business affecting mechanics and small tradesmen, who were his supporters, endangered his school, and after a long and painful struggle, in which Robert 0. Dwight, Silas \\Toodbury, and ..William Yonge, all of whom had, with himself, neglected to prepare for the work of the ministry, participated, and, like him, were now troubled. He, with Mr. Dwight, spent an evening at his school-room in prayer and consultation; and there, alone before God, they both HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 27 came to the solemn determination to settle up their busi­ ness, as God should open the way, and never again seek for secular employment, but wait the leadings of Providence. Before they separated, the bell rang, and a gentleman called to see if he could be induced to sell his school. They both began anew, where, years before, they left their studies. R. 0. Dwight died a missionary in Asia, and in a few weeks the door was opened for Mr. \Vilder, in the office of the Seaman's Friend Society, Rev. J. Leavitt then Secretary, and he entered. l\f uch of the summer of 1829 was spent in organizing the monthly tract distribution, which had, the year before, at his suggestion, been undertaken. In the fall of 1829 he was appointed an agent of the American Tract Society for New Orleans, where he spent the winter. In June, on his return to New York, he, with Abishai Holbrook and Jesse Talbot, commenced a Sabbath-school in Baxter Street, which soon became the scene of the sainted McDowell's labors for the profligate, and of which the N cw York Magdalen Society and the Femaie Guardian Society are the outgrowth. Both of these institutions have grown, in regular order, from the little seed sown in that Sabbath-school, first held on the Sabbath, June 26th and July 3d, 1830, by \Vilder, Talbot, and Holbrook. He was appointed agent of the American Tract So­ ciety for Indiana, and left New York, with his family, on Monday, the fourth of July, for his new field of labor, and continued in that work until October, 1833, traveling on horseback from two to three thousand miles a year. In October, 1831, then thirty-three years old, he was licensed to preach the Gospel by the Salem Presbytery. It was unexpected. He had not given a month exclu­ sively to study in that direction. More than three-fourths of the Presbyterian ministers of Indiana had ad vised him to put himself under the care of Presbytery as a candi­ date for the ministry. He expected to be kept in a course of training for a time; Presbytery thought other­ wise; and after a thorough examination in the ordinary studies of an English education, Natural Philosophy, 28 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. and Theology, by rigid old school men, his examination was sustained, and he was licensed. It was just at the time when the great ecclesiastical war was concocting which was to rend the Church asunder. This case was seized upon by two members of Presbytery of the small fry, to show their zeal for the purity of the Church, and their utter contempt for whatever might come from New England. It proved to be God's method of calling out all the native energies of J\1r. \Vilder's character, and of giving him such a theological training as would make him a useful minister of Christ. A three years' contest to sus­ tain the correctness of his religious views, taxed all his strength of mind, taught him to make joints, and to understand all the relations of the doctrines of the Gospei to each other and to the life, which was the occa­ sion of his unusual success in the ministry. The records of the Synod of Indiana for 1836, at CrawfordS­ ville, show that the final victory was his. In 1833 he took charge of a missionary field with three churches, where, for six months, he preached the average of five times a week, with an addition of more than twenty to the churches by confession of their faith. He had borne an important part in the estabfishment of a seminary for the education of teachers of common schools; and in April, 1834, he was sent by the trustees as an agent for the collection of money to aid in its work, and continued with a good degree of success till Septem­ ber, 1835, when he returned to Indiana, under an arrange­ ment with three gentlemen of wealth, to labor in that State, at his own discretion, for the promotion of com­ mon school education. In April, 1835, he was ordained to the full work of the ministry at Tamworth, N. H., and, according to the cus­ toms of the Fathers, he preached his own ordination sermon. The charge was by Father Hidden. On his return, he immediately engaged, by travel and correspondence, to gain such a knowledge of the schools and school funds of the State as would enable him to pre- HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. pare such a system of education as would be suited to the wants of the State; and in January, 1837, he con­ vened the first educational convention ever held in that State. He presented a complete system, in the form of a bill, which was carried through the Senate, and was lost in the unfinished business of the House of Representatives at the close of the session. Its peculiar features were incorporated in the system afterward established, and is now in operation in that State. On his return from the East he was met with such a storm of abuse and persecution from many of the Pres­ byterian ministers, which, though removed so far as a decision of Synod could remove it, made it unwise to remain longer in the agency for schools, though his sup­ port was guaranteed for five years. He therefore re­ signed, and returned to pastoral labor. He ~reached at different times, under commission from the Atfierican Home Missiona,y Society, to poor churches in Indiana, with additions that were large, when com­ pared with the families represented in the congregations. Some of the churches were more than doubled under his ministry the first yeai:. In 1839, at the solicitation of Dr. Lyman Beecher, he accepted an invitation to the church at Batavia, just va­ cated by the call of Rev. George Beecher to Rochester, N. Y. The next seven years were spent in Ohio, where additions of from fifteen to eighty were made to the dif­ ferent churches which enjoyed his labors, besides many brought into other churches at sacramental meetings through his labors. In 1846 he and his family were so prostrated by chills and intermittent fevers that they were compelled to leave the \Vestern field and return to Massachusetts. His health recovered, and he spent twelve years in successful labor in churches that were ready to perish, but which were resuscitated, by the blessing of God upon his efforts; in one of them, with a population of but 300, or 60 families, a meeting-house was built, a parsonage bought 30 HISTOkY OF THE WILDERS. and all paid for, and sixty were hopefully brought to Christ within three years. The danger of a fatal disease of the lungs was urged by his physician as a reason for leaving the windy region of Harwich, and he spent the next eleven years in the State of New York, where are now three comparatively strong churches which were feeble and ready to die. In November, 1868, at seventy years of age, he retired from the pastorate at Paris Hill, N. Y., and removed to Meriden, Conn., where he resided until 1845, preaching, as opportunity presented, to vacant churches, three of which he supplied for six months each and until a pastor was settled. It is not a iittle gratifying to him now, in looking over the past, that he has had no experience of the unpopu­ larity of ministers who have passed the dead line of fifty. Over twenty years of the last of his ministry, from fifty to seventy years of age, he was not out of employment a single Sabbath, and never, in all his changes in places, has he left a place with a diminished congregation. It has been the lot of the subject of this sketch to pass through scenes of severe affliction-always bressings in disguise. A wife and two children were separated by death. They only passed on before to meet those that are coming after and welcome them home. His fields of labor have been the uninviting, often feeble, and appa­ rently ready to die. They have not been his choice, but he promised, when he entered the ministry, to go wher­ ever God should send him. Salaries have often been small, often painfully inadequate, and but for the bank of Faith, in which all his investments were made, would often have been insufferable. God has been true to His prom­ ises, and the bread and water have been sure. The persecutions of the old school in Indiana were hard to bear, but they disciplined the mind as well as the heart, and have proved the richest of God's mercies. The way-marks left all along the path, with a life of uniform trust in Christ for pardon and deliverance, have been the source of quiet enjoyment, such as the world can not give. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 31

In the forty-six years of his ministry, he has preached 5,930 times, and received to the fellowship of the churches over five hundred members. His writings for the press have not been extensive. Three sermons have been printed: One on ministerial support, in the 1Vationa! I'rcaciicr for l\farch, 1857; one on popular amusements, and one on the wine question, showing that Christ did not justify the use of alcohol by using alcoholic wine at the institution of the Lord's Sup­ per and the marriage in Cana of Galilee. He has also published a small dig-est of the Congrega­ tional polity, as taught in the Word of God, and gath­ ered from the approved usages of the churches, with occasional articles in the religious papers. In 1822 he married Susan S., daughter of Rev. Salmon Hebard, by whom he had six children, two of ,vhom, with their mother, have gone to the mansions above. The eldest died at seven years of age, with a good evi­ dence of a renewed heart. In 1839, the last day of December, he married Nancy B. Warren, daughter of Joseph ·warren, of Brighton, Mass., who still lives to soothe the cares and pains of the increasing infirmities of age. For thirty-eight years they have walked together. For many years strangers could not have known that his children were not hers by birth; she gave them all a mother's love; and they are in­ debted to her faithful training, more than any other one cause, for their morai integrity and sound principles. She has also had the care of two families of grandchildren for six years each, with like results ; and with all these cares and burdens she has been a faithful helper in whatever could make the labors of her husband in the parish, suc­ cessful. Salmon Hebard Wilder (557), son of M. H., also bear­ ing his maternal grandfather's name, is a mechanic, of good reputation as an improver and designer of ma­ chinery. From the avails of an invention he purchased a farm in Iowa many years ago, and removed there, but his health failed; and after laying his wife and eldest daughter in the grave, he went to Colorado, where he 32 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. spent six years, and then, with restored health, he re­ turned East, and has for ten years been working at his trade. He now resides in Meriden, with his two remain­ ing daughters as housekeepers. Though not a graduate, be has a clear, vigorous, and well-balanced mind, as several articles in the New-En­ glander, International l'rfagazinc, and other papers, on the fallacy of some of the positions of the scientists of the day, will show. Juliet Buchanan (538), born in Indiana, the only daughter of M. H., has for many years been a successful teacher. In 1853 she went out with Governor Slade as a teacher to Southern Indiana, and taught near Vevay for some years. In 186o she was in Grinnell with her brother, and was in charge of the High - School; and on the death of her brother's wife and children she returned with the remaining children to her father, and remained until his return from Colorado, when she took the children and rnz.dc him a home in Connecticut. In 1873 she was made a matron of one of the homes of the Girls' Industrial School in Middletown. She is now at the head of a home of the Industrial School at Lan­ caster, Mass., on the original \Vilder farm in Lancaster. Moses Grant Wilder (540) is a machinist, a fine work­ man, and a successful designer of machinery, as his uni­ versal milling machine in the Springfield armory, and~his power-punching and shearing presses and cold-bar cut­ ters \Vill show. Important considerations for the benefit of those who are to follow will best be stated in his own way, espe­ cially as he refers to some unmistakable \Vilder charac• teristics which, by careful training, may be overcome for their general improvement:

"The \Vilders, as a class, do not like to follow the old beaten track, aml their tenacity of purpose too often leads them, when in a new path, to pursue it too far without a close examination of its scientific details. As mechanics, they are ready to adapt means to ends, but

HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 33 do not always have the thoroughness and quiet perse­ verance in the details which mark the good workman and the successful superintendent. Early in my experi­ ence, I was thrown much in contact with some of the most prominent inventors and mechanics of the country, and was led to sec the folly of wasting one·s strength in climbing these rough side-roads and short-cuts when there is a smooth and beaten path ieading the same vv·ay and more easily traveled. The faculty of inventing is too often connected with the disv)sition to abandon a project too. lightly when a more attractive one is pre­ sented. lt is for this reason that inventors are so rarely successful men. "No man can become fully expert in many things. One or two branches of mechanics or science will give him full employment for all his mental powers. It was my purpose to become a successful designer and maker of industrial machines, as for working metals, ivory, wood, and similar materials. Except in my first patent in 1861, 1 have not gone outside of this line. 1 have, however, designed and built more successful original machines of this class than any man in the United States. Several of these were made for the Government, and are now rn · successful use by them. " My universal milling machine was made for the Springfield armory early in 1863, and from that time to the present has been used to cut a large majority of all the tools used in the manufacture of rifled muskets in the service. It is acknowledged to be the only complete machine of its kind in the world; it is adapted to any ki11d of machinery, and is, as its name implies, universal. in the fullest sense of the word. There arc several other machines which I have invented which have marked steps of progress mechanically to the trade at large. l would urge those who come after me to concentrate their entire powers within fixed lines of effort. Industry, p<.'rscver­ ance, selfreli::mcc, thoroughness, are all inadeguatc if the anchor is not well fixed. Having chosen a trade or pro­ fession, no detail of education or preparation should be 4 34 HISTORY OF THE W ILDERS.

neglected. A good foundation is always safe to build upon ; a poor one never. That we can do good work with poor tools does not excuse the neglect to get good ones when we can. " I hope that the know ledge of the family traits, gleaned from these pages, will enable the \Vilders of the future to a void some of the mistakes made in ignorance of the general tendency when that may have been wrong, and that history will contain many names of brave, wise, and eminent men, who rejoice in the family name." M. G. WILDER.

James Wilder(542), son of M. H., born in Indiana in 1838, at the age of fifteen was living with his father in Harwich, Mass., and contracted by his association with seafaring people a desire to be a sailor. In February, 1853, he shipped as a seaman for Australia, and has since been through e,·ery grade of the service, till now master of a vessel in the Mexican trade. Thomas (393), son of Abel, born in Winchendon, lived with his father in .Madison, New York, till 1822, when he joined his brothers in Attica. \Vas for many years · a successful teacher of common schools, filling up his time with other employments. In 1827 he married Hannah Dow, and had seven children. He afterward removed to Randolph, Cattaraugus Co., where, with his eldest son, he engaged in the stove and tin business, until his death, in 1864. One of his daughters married Delos Carson, an officer of the army of the Rebellion, who was killed at Fort Pillow, lea;ing one daughter. Mrs. Carson is now at the head of the female depart­ ment of the college at Madison, \Visconsin. David Wilder (395), son of Abel, lived with his father in Madison, New York, until his death, in 1825, when he removed with his mother and family to Attica, where he has resided over fifty years. He is a carpenter by)rade, and has, for forty years, spent his winter months in teaching sacred mu;,ic, chiefly in the towns in Western New York. 111 1835 he mar- HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 35

ried, and had one son, who served in the army of the Rebellion until the close of the war. He was an en. gineer on the Erie Railway, and in 1861 was killed by a collision. His wife died in 1839, and he has remained in single life . .'.\filton (398i, son of Abel, was born in Paris, N. Y., iu 1812. First settled in .Attica. ~farried in 1838 Jane C. Dumond. He was for many years a mechanic in Attica. In r 8 53 he was engaged as master mechanic for the Buft,lo and New York Railroad, at Buffaio. ·when that road was transferred to the Erie Railroad, be continued in their service, and on dividing his department into two, he was made the master car-builder, which place he still holds. He is a distinguished member of the Episcopal clrnrch, and one of the standing committee of the Diocese of Wes tern New York. He married second Mrs. Ruth D. Bothwell, had five children, four of the first family, and one by the second wife. Francis :l\1ilton (555), son of Milton, born in Attica, was an officer in the army of the Rebellion, and is now master mechanic of the Erie Railway, at Buffalo. Alvin Dumond (556;, son of l\1ilton, born in Attica, was several years in the service of the Erie Railway freight department at Buffalo, and is now acting superintendent of the Union Pacific, at Vallejo, Cal. Charles J. Wilder (557), s

\Vith true patriotism, he furnished two sons for the war of the Rebellion, one of whom died of diphtheria, at Ship Island, Mississippi; the other son lived but a few years after the war was over. He has one daughter, who married a Pennell, and is in Vallejo, Cal. Susanna (35 I), daughter of Abel, married Luke Pren­ tice, a blacksmith, of \Vinchendon, about 1800, a grand­ son of the widow Prentice, who, in 1741. married Dea. David \Vilder, and who was herself a granddaughter of Thomas, the emigrant. They removed, in 1810, tci Greenwich, \Vashing;ton County, N. Y. They had teu children. They, with one exception, were married, and most of them settled in the neighboring towns, and were in prosperous circumstances. Martha(353), daughter of Abel, in 1800 married ..:\saph Brown, of VVincbendon. He lived near the ~lineral Springs, a blacksmith. In r8r8 he removed to Rindge, and settled on a farm, where he resided till late in life, when he rcmond, with one of bis sons, to \Vinche:1don 1 where he died, in October, 1853. They had ten children, and a goodly nurnLcr of grandchildren. Some of them are now in \Vinchendon and Royalston, in Mass., others are in Illinois. They bore a good char­ acter as mechanics and traders. Some of them were eminent Christians. Betsy Wilder (354), the youngest daughter of Abel, married, October, 1806, Aaron Knight, a farmer and shoemaker, of \Vinchcncion. They were thought, at the time of their marriage, to be the most promising couple of their time. But the demon of intemperance entered their domain, and swallowed up all; farm. health, reputa­ tion, and all that ,vas promising before them. She was a noble Christian woman, and though for twenty years ,;be bore with the gross intemperance of her husband, she never gave him an unkind word. He had a leg ampu­ tated, as the result of a night's debauch. She was a kind wife, and cared for him most tenderly. and she had her reward for her faithful love. He became a sincere Chris­ tian, and for many years a sobc:r man. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

She had trained a worthy, respectable family of sons, who were good men, and though not wealthy, were in good circumstances. They provided her a home, to which she retired when not with her children. She was on a visit to this home, in Winchendon, where she was born, and her life had been mainly spent, a few months after the death of her sister Brown, when on a visit to her children. She was being helped into a car­ riage to return to her home. She dropped dead without a struggle, in the eighty-seventh year of her age. It had long been her prayer that she might be permitted to go to her Father's House without becoming a helpless bur­ den upon her children, and her prayer was most signally answered. All the children of Hon. Abel \Vilder, and, with very few exceptions, his grandchildren, were mem­ bers, and a number of them were office-bearers in the churches. CHAPTER VI.


.ANDREW (5 I), the second son of Judge Joseph, born in Lancaster, married, in I 739, Elizabeth Carter, and had se\'en sons and four daughters. Two only of his children have been traced. vVe are indebted entirely to a great­ granddaughter for what we know of the lineage of Andrew, and yet it is probable that 'a large numbei· would have been added to the list if we could have traveled through \Vestern Nevv Hampshire and Vermont, or if all to whom we have written had sent us what they could, the other sons would probably have been reported. Abijah (776), his fifth child, was born in Lancaster, was a cabinet and sleigh-maker by trade. He removed to Keene, where he carried on a large business, including spinning-wheels and other articles of domestic use. He was a man of uncommon capacity and strict Christian character. He was, for forty-eight years, a Deacon of the First Congregational church in Keene. He married four times. By his first three wives he had two children each, the mothers in each case dying a few days after the birth of her second child. In r 789 he married Tamar, daughter of Oliver vVilder. She was then forty years of age. She was a most devoted mother of other mothers' children. In all the relations of life she was a pattern of piety. He died in 1840, his wife Tamar sur­ vi\·ing him fuur or five years. They left six children. \Ve count thirty-four grandchildren, seventy-seven great­ grandchildren, and thirty-one of the next generation, all reputable in their lives as farmers, mechanics, tradesmen. and some professional men. Peter \Vilder (779), son of Andrew was a chair-maker. 40 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

He first settled in Lancaster. In 1810 he bought a tract of land in the extreme north-west corner of New Ipswich, called Tophet Swamp. The town history of Nc,v Ips­ wich says he removed from Boston, and, with his son-in­ lavv, \Vethcrbee, established a chair-factory. and for many years c::irried on an extensive business. \Ve know little of his family. His eldest daughter, Elizabeth (]92i, married Abijah \V etherbee, who was for many vears as­ sociated with Mr. \Vilder in business. Thev had one daughter, the wife of Re\'. Addison Brown, a Gnitarian m1111ster. His son Thomas (793) married Polly Chaffin. He was an artist, of \Vorcester, Mass. They had one son, who is now a book-keeper in New York, residing in Brooklyn. Josiah P. \Vilder, son of Peter, has one son in Ash­ burnham, and one in Fitchburg. Calvin (800), the youngest son of PeteL married Har­ riet daughter of :Moses Hale, of New York, and grand­ daughter of Dea. Moses Hale, of \Vinchendon. They lived for nearly twenty years in New York, and died, it is supposed, in California, in 1852. Abigail Wilder (785), daughter of Abijah, married Abijah Kingsbury, a boot and shoe dealer in Keene, whose daughter, l\Irs. Deacon Rand, furnished me with the record of the family; has a large family connection, living generally in Cheshire Co., N. H. One of his sons, Lyman T., is a Cong-regational minister. CHAPTER VII.


]OSEPI-I(58,. son of Judge Joseph, settled in Leominster, and, with his brother Caleb, introduced into this country the manufacture of pot and -r>earl ashes. The original ashery was at the outlet of the Chualoom Pond. They \Vere very successful, and the business became a source of industry and wealth to the whole country. Jose~h was a Colonel of the militia, and after his father's death was, for several years, a Judge of the C. C. P. in his stead. In 1733 he married Deborah Jocelyn, by whom he had nine children. She died in 1773, and, in 1775, two years heforc his death, he married ,\lrs. Rebecca Locke. He was a man of great influence in the tuwn, and died at seventy years of age. Joseph (997), his son, is supposed to have settled in Lancaster, and had, by his wife, Susannah Phelps, of Lan­ caster, four sons and three daughters. The eldest son, Joseph (1007), married Rachel, a sister of Dr. H. Ripley. pastor of the church in Concord, and the occupant of the "Old Manse" from which Flawthorne gathered his "mosses." By her he had two sons and one daughter. He was a farmer, residing at that time in Jaffrey, N. H. The daughter, Rebecca, married .'.\Ir. Arthur Taylor. The elder sons, Joseph and John, were millwrights, and settled about 1810 in Attica, Genesee Co., );'. Y. John ( 1024) married Sally Andrews. and had seven children. He was, for many years, Sheriff of Genesee County, and, when the county was di vidcd, be was Jiving in \Vyoming County, and was Sheriff until be was killed, by being- thrown from a carriag-c. Aretas ( 1056), the machinist, of Detroit, was his son. Joseph (i025) in 1818 married Elizabeth '.\lullctt, and 42 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

had ten children. For the last twenty years of his life he was in the cattle trade. Benjamin ( 1028), son of Joseph, by another wife, was settled in Hartland, Vt., where his father resided after removing from Jaffrey, and his children are now residing there. Peter (1009), son of Joseph (997), married Polly Wheeler, of Shirley. He was a clothier by trade, and spent most of his life in Vermont, living bnt a few years in a place. He had twelve children, all but one of whom were born in Vermont. Artemas Wheeler (1034) was born in Hardwick, Mass., and became a manufacturer of woolen cloths at Middle­ sex, Vt., and afterward of Montpelier. He was a man of devout Christian character and of sterling integrity. ln 1835 he married Sally Parker, of Walpole, N. H. They had two sons, Artemas \Velis and George \V. Artemas \V. ( 1079) was a machinist for some years in New York and Brooklyn, now a merchant of Northfield, Vt.; George W. (1080) is a stationer and bookseller in Montpelier. \Villis (ro38), son of Peter, married in 1828 Laura Huston, and had six children. He was a prominent member of the Methodist church, and his three sons were ministers. Robe1·t H., born in 1820, was a· graduate of Concord Theological Seminary. After preaching a few years, his health failed, and he is now in business in Lowell, Mass. Nathan \Villis (1 roo) was a graduate of the University at Middletown, Conn., and is now in Alt­ burg, Vt. Charles W. (r 101) was a graduate of Middle­ town, a professor in the Seminary at Montpelier, Vt., and is now in the ministry at Cliftondale, Essex Co., Mass. Charles H. (ro39), son of Peter, went to Lowell in its infancy in 1832, was a farmer, and engaged in the busi­ ness of pork and beef packing, and is still in business there. In 1835 he married Mary B. Robbins, and had two children, who are with him in Lowell. He was a man of correct business habits, and much respected. Of the nine daughters of Peter \Vilder, six lived· to ma­ turity, and four married ministers. There were of the HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 43 family of Peter, either by descent or by marriage, nine mm1sters. The whole family were noted for their piety. Deborah Wilder (998), daughter of Joseph, married Sherebiah Hunt, and had four children. Of Gardner (IOOO) we know nothing, except that he married Martha \Vilder and had one son, vvho died al one year old. His name was Gardner. CHAPTER VIll.


CALEB WILDER (53), son of Judge Joseph, married in 1736 to Abigail Carter, had eight children. He was a man of more than average powers of mind, and a con­ sistent, practical Christian. It is said that he pitched his tent just at the mouth of Chualoom Pond. He was en­ gaged extensively and successfully in the manufacture of pot and pearl ashes. He died in Lancaster in r 776, aged sixty-six, and his wife in 1802, at ninety-two years of age. In 1736 he was a deacon in the Congregational church. Samuel (1145 ), son of Caleb, married Dorothy Carter February 16, r 768, at twenty-nine years of age. She was then eighteen. They had ten children, of whom ·,ve have the record of but four-Caleb, Nahum, Abei, and Thomas. Caleb (1155) settled in Ashburnham on a farm. In 1800 he married Sarah Whitney and had eight children, five sons and three da11ghters. Of his family we knO\v but little. ~ Nahum (1 I 56) married in October, r8oo, Hannah Woods, daughter of Samuel Woods, Esq., of Princeton, a sister of Dr. Leonard \Voods, of Andover Theological Seminary. They had nine children. He was a farmer, and resided in Princeton. Abel \Vilder (1161) was a physician of Blackstone, .'.\Iass. Married Fanny Richardson, of \Vinchcndon, and bad seven sons, whose names he gave me in answer to my inquiry in 1858. l Iis sons arc distinguished men. Samuel and Abel Carter have been Mayors of Rochester. Daniel \\'. is a lawver of some distinction in Kansas. I have written to ft;ur of them, and to three of them repeatedly, HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 45 but have not been able to ascertain the names of their sisters, or whether they had any. I have not seen the

Wilder farm in Lancaster, near the center of the town, a part of which is now owned by the State and occupied by the Industrial School for Girls; and the old house, by his father for him just before his marriage, is now fitted up and occupied as one of the homes of the school. Levi married Sarah Stoddard, a daughter of Sampson and Sarah Vryling Stoddard. and a grand­ daughter of V ryling, the great East India merchant, of Amsterdam, Holland. He had eight children, two sons and six daughters. Of the daughters we know but little, except their names and the names of their husbands. For some unaccountable reason the dates and family records of the daughters could not be.obtained. Sampson Vryling Stoddard Wilder (II75), his eldest son, was born in the old home3tead, and was left, at thirteen years of age, by the death of his father, to the care and training of his most excel.lent mother. He was intended for the ministry, but reverses of fortune changed his whole course, and we find hi,m the same year a clerk in a store in Gardner. At the age of sixteen, he was entrusted by his em­ ployers with the sale of their winter accumulations of produce in Boston, and the purchase of their usual spring stock of goods for home trade. His capabilities for business gained for him a position in Boston. Of two offers, by the advice of his mother, he chose a place in a French silk and fancy-goods store in Charlestown, quite inferior from a worldly point of view, but more safe in morals, and the adyantage of being under the pastoral care of Dr. .Morse, who had the reputation of being a friend of young men. He was in due course of time in business for himself in Boston, and in process of time a purchasing agent of the notable William Gray and others in F ranee, and at forty years of age he is again in his native land with wealth and an enviable reputation. The lessons taught by the history of this remarkable m:in must not be overlooked in a work of this character. 1. His ancestry was such as would indicate a true

HISTORY OF THE WILllERS. 47 manhood in the sons. Frederic Wilder, Esq., of Purley Hall, England, says in a recent letter, of the \Vilders of the landed gentry of England: " I am thankful that though no one of our race have distinguished themselves in any particular manner, they have always been most respectable and respected." There were, however, men of that line who had cccupied places of note both in Church and in State, holding niilitary, literary, and official honors. Of the immediate ancestors of S. V. S., one was for forty years Judge and Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas in Massachusetts. All of his line were men oi" influence and active piety, and on the side of the mother he descended from the most distinguished piety and nobility of the Netherlands. 2. His own character in early life was worthy of such an ancestry, and a fitting prelude to a life of distin­ guished usefulness and piety. \Vhen a clerk, at sixteen, it was his trustworthiness which opened doors to higher positions: and the choice of a secondary position, by the ad\-ice of his mother, on account of the correct religious views of his employers, was, by the blessing of God, the direct road to eminent success. The influence of that position went far to shape his life for the future. The protection of his morals, and the business habits there formed, were far more profitable than a higher salary, in wbat would have seemed to many a young man a better position. On one occasion, in what seemed to his employers an emergency, he refused to attend to business on the Sa b­ bath. He expected to be discharged, but his regard for the dictates of his conscience was appreciated, and be was retained. A short time before the close of his apprenticeship. a customer wanted goods which they had not on hand; he promised to obtain them by noon, and sent a porter for them to Boston. He did not return as soon a:; he ex­ pected, and he went after him, and met him on the bridge over Charle5 River, overcome with the heat He toCJk the hand-cart and went home with his goods, and HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

was in time for his customer. On his way with his hand­ cart he met Mr. Cod man, one of the most eminent mer­ chants in Boston, who knew him, and wondered at his being in that position. On learning the reason for his act­ ing as porter, he pledged him the use of his name for thirty thousand dollars on entering into business for himself. On another occasion, when in business in Boston, he had an offer of a large lot of French goods, at a rate that would ensure a larg-e profit. His thorough acquaintance ,Yith the trade led him to purchase them if he could ob­ tain the means. The cash must be paid in ten days, and he could not command it. He was introduced, by a mutual friend, to William Gray, and offered him one­ third of the profits, more or less, for the use of his name, until he could make sales. It was accepte

4th. He had a strict regard for truth; was honest and honorable in all his business relations. His word was as good as his bond. 5th. Uprightness in all his dealings with the world, and regarding his duty to God as having the first claim upon his attention. God was with him in all his \\'ays, and, uutil 1840, when about sixty years of age. scarce an ach-erse wind had crossed his path. And when, in 1841, the crash came, and swept all a way, and he was even cast into a debt­ or's prison by the malice of his enemies and the enemies of the religion which had been his support, his integrity did not fail him. He freely admitted his mistakes, and when the veil is lifted, and all the circumstances which led to the final disasters are known, it will, without doubt, be seen that he was unequally yoked together with the enemies of God, and that while his life shone to the end with a purer lustre because of all his trials, God was right in withholding His blessing, though it should cause the temporal ruin of this eminent servant of His, through his social liabilities. This lesson is taught with great force by the dealings of God with :\fr. \Vilder: Enter not into business rela­ tions with corrupt men, and consent not to illegitimate means of increasing wealth. In .March, 1865, his long and eventful life was closed, and we can not better close this sketch than by inserting the notice of his death, taken from the Annual Report of the American Tract Society, over which he had pre­ sided for fifteen years : "The recent departure of the venerated first President of the Society, Sampson Vryling Stoddard VVilder, at the ripe age of almost eighty-fi,,e years, suggests illus­ trations of Divine Providence and grace of no common interest. The period of his youth was the darkest in our country's religious history, near the close of the last century; and he was surrounded by a dead formality, which at length sank into open denial of 'the Lord that bought us;' his early manhood was alw passed amid the 5 50 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. gay fascinations of the city of Paris; and yet at the age of forty-five, on the formation of the national Tract So­ ciety at New York in 1825. all eyes were directed to him as a highly evangelical layman, of world-wide sym­ pathies and relations, eminently fitted to preside over its counsels. "He was bDrn near his late residence in Bolton, Mass., l\fay 20, r780. His prayerful maternal grandmother Vryling was a Huguenot of Holland, rich in the orth0- dox faith; and while a merchant's clerk he was one of a class of young men who, on Saturday evenings, came under the careful evangelical instructions of the late Rev. Dr. Morse, of Charlestown. "Entering into business in Boston, he was sent out, at the age of twenty-three, to purchase goods in Paris, where for twenty years he was the successful agent and partner of large mercantile houses in Boston and ~ew York, visiting this country from time to time as business required, thus making sixteen voyages across the Atlantic. Though few men have lived who had more fascinating personal attractions, a greater flow and geniality of spirit, or keener susceptibility to the more refined pleasures and enjoyments of life, yet he was guided, as by an unseen hand, in a course of temperance and sobriety in the midst of profusion; and among his dearest friends and associates were many of the most distinguished Christians of the age. "Having business in London, he passed one evening, a small church, and entering it, found himself in a mis­ sionary meeting with Rev. Rowland Hill, Bogue, Burder, and their compeers, who had started the benevolent. movements of this century, a scene which deeply affected his heart. As he occupied a retiree\ scat, the collection­ plate did not reach him, but he found means to drop into it a ten-pound note, which led these friends to seek his acquaintance and introduce him to Christians of London, and among them to the officers of the British Bible and Tract Societies. Being asked if tracts could be circu­ lated in Paris, he at once directed ten pounds worth to HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. sr be;sent to his address in that city. The enormous box arrived at the custom-house, and being seized as contra­ band, he was summoned by the police to account for the crime, when he averred that there was nothing in them political or revolutionary, and presented a copy to each one present for his perusal. He thus found himself somewhat suddenly enlisted in the tract, Bible, and mis­ sionary work, and became a correspondent and personal friend of British Christians. "Returning to the lJnited States in 1814, and forming a happy connection in marriage, he purchased his com­ modious mansion and grounds of six hundred acres in Bolt.on as a permanent abode. But Providence had other designs for him. He was again called to Paris on business; and it is remarkable that in 1817, just as the ship was leaving New York, he stepped intCJ the office of Zechariah Lewis, Esq., then Secretary of the New York Religious Tract Society, and gave him an order on his agent for fifty dollars a year for five years, to cir­ culate tracts in French and Spanish. From that date he resided in Paris with his family for six years, perhaps the most eventful period of bis life. The choicest evan­ gelical influences here flowed in upon him. His hos­ pitable house and sumptuous board became the home of eminent Christians of Great Britain and other lands, bringing him spiritual blessings a thousand-fold in re­ turn. He was the medium of intercourse between British and American Christians and those of the Continent, especially Switzerland, where be hims,;elf made a de­ lightful visit to Drs. Malan, l\lerle d'Aubigne, and their associates. "Thus, by the providence and grace of God, was i'V1r. Wilder fitted for the presidential chair he was to occupy. Having returned in 1823 to his mansion in Bolton, a re­ tired and wealthy merchant, he was asked to accept the presidency of the American Tract Society ; but declined, as unworthy of the station, enclosing five hundred dol­ lars toward erecting the Society's house. He at last accepted the appointment, presided at the Society's or- HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

ganization, and laid the corner-stone of its commodious edifice. "His address, on taking the chair, comprised only four brief paragraphs, but they were highly appropriate, and rich in their evangelical bearing. The first congratulates those assembled on the object before them, 'the establish­ ment of a national Tract Society, for the eternal interests of thousands and tens of thousands of our immortal fel­ low-beings.' The second referred to the encouragements derived from the blessings he had witnessed on such ex­ ertions in the Old World. The third expressed his joy in 'the concentrated efforts of Christians of various denomi­ nations-one of the sweetest consolations of bis life-the privilege of forgetting that Christians can be called by different names, and of hailing, as brethren in Christ Jesus, all who bear His image on their hearts, and devote their liYes to His service.' The fourth was in these mem­ orable words: "' Indulge me with one simple request. It is that the Publishing Committee would ever bear in mind the hig-h responsibility of their office, and always feel that, as the eternal destinies of souls may hang on their deliberations and doings, no tract should ever be issued from the de­ pository of this Society which does not contain, should it find its way where the Bible was never seen nor the Gospel ever heard, enough of divine truth to guide the ignorant and the inquiring sinner into the path of eternal life.' '' Mr. \Vilder presided at sixteen successive anniversa­ ries, previous to every one of which he called on the Secre­ tary, and they held a season of united prayer for the Divine guidance and blessing. He often cheered the meetings of the Executive Committee by his presence and counsels, and did much to give efficiency to the So­ ciety's labors at home and abroad. He loved the institu­ tion, and was greatly beloved; and though be resigned the presidency in 1842, he was present at every anniver­ sary when he was in or near the city, never faltering rn his attachment to a work so near his heart. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 53

'' About 1828 Mr. \Vilder erected near his residence 'The Hillside Church, for the worship of Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,' the history of which forms an interesting volume, and which was his crown­ ing effort for the spiritual good of the region of his nativity. "In 1830 he remo\·ed to New York, and for many years exerted a very prominent influence in the financial world as a banker, in connection with the celebrated house of Hottinguers in Paris, and later with the Bank of the United States. But the day of revulsion came. The National Bank itself vanished away. In 1841 he retired to private life; and notwithstanding many remonstrances, resigned not only the presidency of the Tract Society, but more than twenty other offices he held in various kindred institutions, in which he was highly esteemed. '' In 1852 he removed to Elizabeth, N. J ., and enjoyed a calm and quiet retreat from business near his esteemed son-in-law, R. T. Haines, Esq., spending his summers at \Vhite Lake, Sullivan Co., N. Y., where at seventy­ seven he wrote seventy-seven valuable maxims for his grandsons, which have just been printed. His health remained firm much beyond the age of fourscore; but a paralytic affection terminated his useful life March 3, 1865, at the age of nearly eighty-five. His trust solely in the merits of his crucified Divine Redeemer was firm and unwavering; and all, to his closing hour, was in beautiful consistency with his entire consecration to Him he had so long delighted to serve." CHAPTER IX.


JONAS WILDER (63), son of John, son of John, son of Thomas, was born in Lancaster in 1699. In 1724 he married Eunice Beaman. She died in I 73 I ; and in r 733 he married one of the same name. Eunice Beaman. He removed about this time frorn Lancaster to Lyme, Conn., and in I76o to Hartland, Litchfield Co., where be resided until his death in 1797, at the age of ninety-eight. He was a deacon of the Congregational church, from its organization in 1767 until his death. The Connecticut Historical Collections has the following notice, taken from the Courant of I 796 :

"HARTLAND, '.Jan. 19, 1796. "There is now living in this town a Mr. Jonas vVilder, in the ninety-seventh year of his age, a steady, indus­ trious man, seldom losing a day in a month by reason of infirmity or old age. " He was, and has been, the oldest man in the town by several years. He has had two wives, both of the same name, both Christian and maiden. The last he has lived with over sixty years. He has had thirteen children, the oldest of which is now seventy-three years old and the youngest in his forty-seventh year. He has never lost a child. His sons, seven in number, have sustained the following honorable offices, besides town and society offices: One Colonel, one Major, one Captain, two Lieu­ tenants, three Justices of the Peace, three Represen­ tatives, and three Deacons. His posterity was numbered in 1795, and was found to be 232; all but fifteen of them were then living.''

Jcseph (1288), the eldest son of Jonas, married in 1746, HISTORY OF THE WILDERS 55 and settled in East Haddam, a town adjoining Lyme on the north. He was a farmer. He was living here in 1763, in his thirty-seventh year. Soon after this he was in Barkhamstead, a town adjoining Hartland. He was here a Justice of the Peace and a Representative for several years. A man of strict Christian character, of strong, vigorous constitution, he lived till his ninety-first year. He had nine children. The eldest, Elijah ( r 305 ), re­ moved to Bristol, and finally settled in Seneca, N. Y.; had four wives, and died in 1830. His son Jedidiah (1355) re­ moved to \Vayne Co., had six children. One, Louis de Va­ lois ( I 526), is a ph _vsician in New York ; Ed ward ( r 528) in the life insurance business, and a great Sunday-school worker. Jonas (1291), the second son of Jonas, returned to Bolton, the part of Lancaster where bis father li,·ed. He married in Bolton, and had there two children­ Elizabeth (1309) and John, born 1753. In 1;86 he re­ mo\·cd to Lancaster, N. H., where he lived with his brother Elisha (1292) until 1815. We have not been able to obtain any information uf his family except of his son, John (r31 I), who graduated at Dartmouth College in J 784, and studied theology with Dr. Hart, of Preston, Conn., and was ordained pastor of the church in Attleboro in r790, and died there in 1836. In 1789 he married Miss Esther Tyler, daughter of Colonel Samuel Tyler, of Preston. After her death in 181 r, he married Elizabeth Austin, widow of Dr. Samuel Austill, and a sister of Dr. E. D. Grinin, once President of \Villiarns College. He had twelve children, seven sons and five daughters. His eldest son, John (I377J, born 1796, graduated at Bro,rn University in 1823, studied theology with Re\'. Samuel Austin, D.D., of Kewport, and was ordained pastor at Charlton, .\lass. In 1832 he was settled in Con­ cord. and in 1839 removed to l\farshall, "Mich. Herc his health failed, an

Jonas (1378), son of John, was by profession a teacher, and was very successful and much respected in \Vater­ town and Brighton until his death in 1838. Two of his daughters are still living. One married a French, and is in Jacksonville, Florida; another is in Andover, Mass. Charles B. Wilder (1380), son of Rev. John, born 1802, was a successful merchant in Boston. He distinguished himself during the wa:;: by his labors with the Sanitary Commission. He now spends his winters in Florida. Richard E. (1384) was also a teacher. He spent many years in successful labor in Massachusetts and Kentucky. He was near twenty years in the neighborhood of Lex­ ington, Ky. He says: " Having experienced the evils of the peculiar institution, I longed to breathe the air of freedom. I gathered up my little family and came to this place (Greenfield, Ill.) in 1852, taking charge of the new seminary then just completed." He afterward built for himself a private academy, where, in 1876, he was still at his work. He married in 1848, and had three children. John (1293), son of Jonas, was a farmer of Hartland, where he died in 1805, about sixty-five years of age. He had six children, four of whom died in early childhood. He was a prominent member and a deacon of the church for forty years. His son Eli ( I 320) was also a farmer of Hartland. He married Mary Johnson, and bad ten children, four of whom died before twenty years of age. Calvin (1413) the eldest, born 1798, married Phebe Wil­ der, a daughter of Joseph, his grandfather's brother, and died when thirty-three years old. l\lary Lelia, his daugh­ ter, married Lester Taylor, a farmer of Claridon, Ohio, and had a large family. Horace (1415), son of Eli, was a graduate of Yale Col­ lege of 1825. He settled in Ashtabula Co., Ohio, as a law­ yer, was a Circuit Judge and Judge of the Supreme Court. He married Phebe J. Coleman, and had five chil­ dren, three of whom died in infancy. He is now, at sev­ enty-five, at Red Wing, Minnesota. Eli T. (1420) was also a lawyer of distinction of North- HfSTORY OF THE WTLDERS. 57 ern Ohio, living at Painesville, and was also a Judge of the Ohio Courts, and is now at Red 'Wing, Minnesota. Gamaliel (r294) bought a township of land in Ontario Co., N. Y., bordering on the west side of Canandaigu~ Lake. It is now South Bristol. His brothers, Ephraim (1295) and Jonathan (1296), removed to the same county, and their descendants are found in all that region under different names, such as Tiffany, Hatch, Gilbert, Sisson, as well as \V ilder. Ira (1343), son of Jonathan, spent most of his life in a tavern, three miles west of Canandaigua, on the road to Bloomfield. Louis de V. (1526), grandson of Elijah, is a physician. Some of their families settled in Medina Co .. Ohio. The mother of Francis D. Parish, so long and favorably known as a lawyer and a Christian in Sandusky City, Ohio, was a Wilder of this branch. The descendants of Jonas were very numerous, and are found now in all the Eastern States and so westward to California, of all trades and professions, and are pre­ eminently men of strength and influence. \Ve have obtained the names and most of the dates and history of his thirteen children, ninety-four grandchildren, one hundred and sixteen great-grandchildren. and eighty-six of the next generations. These are probably not more than half of the whole number-we number about eighty families-certainly not half of the families in the line of descent. CHAPTER X.


JOSIAH WILDER (64), son of John, son of John, son of Thomas, born in 1701. In 1725, married Prudence Keyes. He was a farmer, and settled in the extreme south-west part of Lancaster, which, in the division of the town, is now the north-east part of West Boylston. At this time, and for some years after, it was all Lancaster. There is in the old Indian cemetery in ·Lancaster a monument stating that Prudence, wife of Josiah ·wilder, and four of her fiye children, were killed by fire, and were buried there. They died on the 21st January, 1732. He mar­ ried again, and had in all fourteen children. The names of two who died bv fire are not known. Abner (1870), the eldest, married Eunice Osgood; was a farmer of \Vest Boylston, had four sons and two daugh­ ters. His sons were David (1882), Levi (1883), Nathan (1884), and Samuel (1885). Levi (1883), son of Abner, married Sally Moody, and had two sons and three daughters, of whom we know nothing more than that the youngest was born in 1800. Nathan (1884), son of Abner, born r86o, married Susan Sawyer, of Lancaster; was a farmer in \Vest Boylstoq, and had one son and five daughters. The son, David, re­ moved to Bloomfield, \Varren Co., Ohio, and married a Miss Hawes, and still resides there. Eunice (1908), the third, married in 1822 Gershom Bigelow. She was his second wife, and had four children. The eldest, Charles Dana, is Secretary of the Bay State Shoe and Leather Corn pan y in \V orccstcr, and Chambers Street, New Yark. Mary (1913), daughter of Nathan, married Joseph Hastings, of Shrewsbury, Mass., and had three children, one of whom is now living with her mother. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 59

Jonathan Wilcier (67), son of John, and brother of Josiah, remained in Lancaster, now Sterliug. He mar­ ried, in 1738, Zcrviah Houghton, and had seven children. His sons, Silas, Calvin, and Elisha, had large families, of which we ha,·e been able to obtain but little informa­ tion. They were generally sound, evangelical Christians. Some of them were, and ar<' now, deacons of the Congre­ gational church. Flavel (1981), a grandson of Jonathan, removed with his family to Denmark, Iowa, in 1830. Alexander H. (1976) was a register of deeds in \Vor­ cester. First he \Vas twenty-seven years a cierk in the office, then he was appointed Register, and hcid the office twenty-four years, in all fifty-one years. The office is now filled by his son. Henry B. \Vildcr. Ivory ( 1984) settled in Princeton. He had one son, Solon (2004), who was an eminent musical teacher. The family, so far as known, reside in Sterling and the neighborhood, with few exceptions. One, Salem (1990),. son of Jones. is in Boston, and Jones \V., his brnther, is of Butterick & Co., pattern dealers in New York. John \Vilder (68), son of John, and brother of the pre­ ceding, married, in 1738, Prudence \Vilder, of Hingham. They had four sons and two daughters. He removed from Lancaster tn Petersham when the town was first settled, in T742, with his cousin Nathanael. His family was not very extensive. None of the name are fonnd TIO\\- in that town. Artemas (2037), a grandson, who died a few years since at an adnwccd age, was the last of the name of this line. Josiah White married Adelphia (2042), great-gT,rnd­ daughtcr of John. All that arc known now of his de­ scendants who bear the name of \Vilder are., J. Lyman (2044), and N. Cornelius \Vilclcr (2048), of Hartford, Conn. One family of a sister of theirs is in Rocky Hill. CHAPTER XI.


\VILLIAM (70), the youngest son of John, settled in the part of Lancaster which was afterward Bolton. He was a farmer, married Sarah.Sawyer, an

Betsy (2102) in 1800 married John Crombie, of Dub­ lin, a farmer, and bad twelve children, an industrious, respectable family. Daniel Wilder(2105), son of Abel, married a Blake, and settled in Northern N. H ., then removed to Ohio. Hannah (2106) married Lucius Stiles, of Canada \Vest. Sally (2107) married Reuben Twitcheil, of Dublin, by whom she had three children. He died in rSr6, and in 1818 she married Alline Newell, of Jaffrey, and by him bad four children. She died in Brattleboro in 1862. Cyrus '.Vilder (2108), son of Abel, a house-carpente:· of New Boston, N. H., married Nancy Invin, and had seven children. He died in 1856. Dorcas Wilder(2ro9) married Jeremiah Greenwood, of Dublin, N. H., a wheelwright; lived in Keene, and had nine children. Levi vVilder (2110), son of Abel, a house-carpenter, married Betsy Pope; had several children: both dead. James \Vi Ider (2 I I 2), carpenter and joiner, married Mary .Crombie, and had eight children. He is now in Scranton, Pa. John Wilder (2113), son of Abel, married Harriet Lakin; lived in Antrim; had five children, and died in Canada. Mark vVilder (2137), son of Abel, married Eliza Ann Thayer, of Peterboro, in 1835. He became a resident of Peterboro, and commenced the manufacture of shoe­ pegs by machinery in 1834, the first that were ever made entirely by machinery-it was by machinery of his own invention. He also invented important paper-making machinery. He died in 1871, leaving eleven children. The children of Mark \Vilder were mechanics and skillful workmen in different departments of skill and labor, and in a large degree exhibiting the inventive fac­ ulty so peculiar!y a \V ilder trait. Charles (2257), the eldest son, for two years after he began his manhood, carried on his father's business, making shoe-pegs, but changed his shop eventually into a manufactory of thermometers and barometers. I-le 62 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

says of it, that he commenced the manufacture ot ther­ mometers and barometers in 1861. That it bad grown into the most extensive manufactory of its kind in the country, and that bis manufactures bear tbe highest reputation of any of their kind. Others say of him that he is a man, in the full sense of that wor;,d. He is said to be a man of Christian principle, zeal, and activity, and ready to e\'ery good work. He has been a Representa­ tive in the Legislature of New Hampshire several times. He is still in the prime of life, and in a position to bear a most important part in the renovation and future pros­ perity of our nation. This branch of the family is large, and its influence has done much to mould the character for good or for evil of the whole region of country where they have resided; not only the \Vilders, but the Crornbies, the Green­ woods, the Twitchells, and multitudes. of other names, have drawn many of their good, and, no doubt, some of their bad qualities from their connection with the Wilder race. One of them, who seems to have studied their character thoroughly, says of them: "They are not generally devout or religiously inclined."-Very unlike tbe general character of the Wilder family. He says further, '' So far as I know they were and are men of active, energetic habits, of fully average intelligence. They are not tall, but stout, and of great muscular strength and vigor. They are much given to field sports. I seldom e\,er saw one who did not like bunting, fishing, and horses. Never heard of one being rich, and they are seldom very poor. They are good livers, inde­ pendent to a fault, scorning meanness and penuriousness. They are long-lived, and retain the use of their faculties until the end of life." He then gives some less favorable trai':.s, with some remarkable specimens of strength and endurance, and adds, '' On the whole, I am proud of my race. If it does not contain many of the few the immortal names that were not born to die, I yet can speak better of it thaii Burns, when he says: HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

"' My ancient, but ignoble blood, Has coursed through scoundrels Ever since the flood.' '' On my mother's side, unites three strains of Pilgrim· blood. Her mother was an Everett, of 's race; her father, a cousin of . and a lineal descendant of John .\klen, and Priscilla, whom Lonc:;­ fellow imrnortaiizes. Uut yet I count the \Vil

This eminently Christian man says that" the Wilders, so far as he knows, are not, as a whole, religiously in­ clined." I would not refer to individual cases of moral delinquency ; the errors of the dead should die with them, unless they can be used for the protection of the living. The first five generations of the Wilders were pre-eminently Christian; and there are many of their descendants, to the eighth generation, who can trace their pedigree through an unbroken line of pious ances­ tors to the first emigrants. Indeed, so far as we can judge from the correspondence which has brought these facts together, they are now a pre-eminently religious people. The remark of a lady of intelligence, the widow of an eminent minister of Christ, respecting her branch of the Wilder family, will hold good in many other cases : " They are distinguished for two things-piety and pov­ erty ; " and 1 am sure that in every case where a large family connection has abandoned the old Puritan faith, or have become loose and dissolute in morals, the defec­ tion can be traced to an ancestor who has himself for­ saken the old paths and left the imprint of his own char­ acter on his posteritY: If the strictness of the observance of the Sabbath, so faithfully regarded by our Fathers, is HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. trampled on, and the house of God forsaken and modern fiction takes the place of the Bible, and the old standard works of the Fathers for Sabbath reading, and popular amusements and the dance are tolerated, the looseness in other things will prevail. The history of the past shows that it has clone it. The cli;;,honcstv and corruptiun in positions of rcsponsibilit_,- and trust, by men of profes­ sedly religious charJ.ctcr, de,·clopcd \\·it!tin the bst few years, is the natural, legitimate result of this change in the principles by which life is regulated, and can be avoided in thr future only by a strict regard to the lJw of God as exemplified in the old Puritan faith. Let the young of our name beware h

"The decree is univcrs~tl. 'The nation and kinf,:-dnrn that will nnt ,crvc Thee, shall perish.' God has JJCJt ck­ parted from tile reign of univers:il g-ovcrnrnent, or put beyond His power the instruments of puni,;hment. Vv;ithin us and anrnncl us arc the material that m:iv cficct our ruin, wl,icli w:iit onh· the IJivine pc-rmissio11 trt h to south, shipwrcckm~ the hope;.; of patriots and qf the world. '' \\'ho, then, would thrust 011!. our fship from her mouring-s in a starless night upon such an oce:111 of storm, 6 66 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

without rudder, or anchor, or compass, or chart. The elements around us may remain, and our giant rivers .and mountains; our miserable descendants, also, may multiply and vegetate and rot in moral darkness and putrefaction, but our character and our glorious institution will go down into the same grave that entombs the Sabbath." Daniel (2084), the youngest son of William, a carpenter by trade, was, in early life, in Orwell, Vermont. He mar­ ried Polly Gould, and had twelve children. He lived many years in Malone, N. Y., and removed to Michigan with one of his sons, and died in 185 I. One of his children died in Malone; one is now living, 1877, in Detroit, and one in Windsor, Eaton Co., and one in Brady, Kalamazoo Co., Michigan. Abel (21 I 5), son of Daniel, had a son, Royal G. Wilder (2199), who graduated at !-,fiddlebury College in 1840, and in 1846 went out under the patronage of the American Board of l\lissions toAhmednuggur, India,as a missionary, and labored with unusual success and the approbation of the Prudential Committee till 1852, when he was sent to Kolapoor to commence a station there. On the visit of the deputation of the Board to their missions in the East, the educational arrangements were greatly modified. Mr Wilder was so interested in his schools, that with his Wilder characteristics, he could net yield. The result was that he returned, was released from his connection with the Board, and returned to his work on his own account, sustained by friends. On the separation of the Presbyterians from the Board he was taken under their care, and remained until ill-health compelled him again to return. He was a conscientious, faithful, and success­ ful missionary. Painful as the change was to some of those whose mis­ sionary life was identified with the old system, the result has satisfied the patrons of the Board that it was ap­ prO\·ed of God. Though not definitely and at the time apparently, it was reallv the abandonment of what had become a popular idea. The change to Christianity by light and cultivation, and the adoption of the true Gos- HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 67 pel plan of regeneration by the power of the Holy Ghost through the instrumentality of truth, as evinced by the almost immediate multiplication of native churches, with pastors from among themselves. Hyman A. Wilder (2205), son of 01'ra, was a graduate of \Villi ams College, and in I 840 a missionary in Natal, South Africa; has labored faithfully and successfully for thirty years. He returned from his field in 1876, in feeble health, and died in Hartford in October, 1877. So far as \Ve know, the surviving descendants of Daniel ·wilder are to be found mainly in and around .Malone, N. Y., and in Detroit, Kalamazoo, and Eaton Counties, Michigan.

LINEAGE OF JOTHAM AND BENJA:'IUN, GRANDSO:NS OF JOHN, SON OF THOMAS. Jotham (73), son of Thomas, son of John. There is a tradition in the family that Jotham had two brothers, who carne with him from England; Levi and Rt'uben were given as their names. It is not improbable that Jotham had such brothers, and that they moved South. There was a family of \Vilders in Johnston Co., North Caro­ lina,' as early as I 720. Reuben, \Villiam, Samuel, and Tilley, changed to Hillery, were mmes in that family­ common names at Lancaster in those days; but we have no means .of ascertaining the facts. Dr. Hillery M. \Vilder, of Raleigh, N. C., is a descendant of theirs. Jotbam was born in South Lancaster, then known as the Six Nations. In r 746 he married Phebe Wheeler, and had five sons and two daughters; ,vas a farmer. Stephen (2307), the eldest son, also a farmer, married Betsy Sawyer, and had seven sons; there is no record of daughters. John (2315j, son of Stephen, in 1794 had nine children, of whom John, the eldest, was a Baptist minister of note in \Vayne Co., N. Y. Levi was a teacher of music in Brooklyn, and died there in 1875. Another son, \Varren, is a shuttle-maker in \Vilkinsonviilc, Mass. Some of this family are in Jndiana and Michigan. 68 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

Titus (2308), son of Jotham, was also a farmer in South Lancaster. In 1775 he married Mary Allen, and had eight children ; his son Ebenezer bad twelve children, Titus three, and Elisha five. A daughter of Ebenezer, near sixty years of age, says of her family: "Father was a man of superior mind, self-taught. He read many portions of Homer ancl Virgil by the light of pine torches, at the age of sixteen, and never forgot them. At seventy he could tell us where to find places of interest in the old authors as readily as if he had read them but a little time before. He, as well as several of his children, were teachers of common schools. My brothers were men of good mechanical genius. They were honest, industrious, intelligent, forming their own opinions of religion and politics, and allowing no man to dictate \vhat they should believe or do." A very com­ mon mode of conyeying the idea of independence that is so often connected with an utter disregard of the propriety of both human and Divine rules of life. l\fany of this branch of the \Vilders were and are good and true men; but, by their own admission, some few at least would have been much better men if they had been restrained somewhat by other minds instead of following their own impulses. "One of the family," she says, "was for twenty years chief engineer or superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad; now a machinist anc:l inventor in Cressona, Pa." Eiisha (2327) had five children; some of them live in Holliston and other parts of l\'Iiddlesex and Worcester Counties, though after repeated and earnest correspond­ ence, we have not been able to obtain any information except from two or three of them. Jotham (2310J, son of Jotham, remoyccl to Henniker, N. H., and afLer a time returned to Lancaster, where he lived two years, and there his first two children were born. He then removed to Salt Ash, now Plymouth, Vt., where he had land by deed from his father. There he spent the remainder of his days, and some of his de­ scendants are now in Plymouth and Ludlow. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.


Benjamin \Vilder (77), a farmer, of Lancaster, in I 730 married Jane Robbins, and had nine children. The first and the last two of his children were born tliere, indi­ cating that for a time he resided in some othcrtown, and returned. He died in Lancaster in I759· \Ve know but little of his descendants. His son, Ebenezer (2476), married Elizabeth Wilson (2516), a daughter of his father's sister, Hephzibah (79), and had seven child1·en. Some of them lived in Ver­ mont, others are scattered from Boston to St. Louis. Ransell (2493), a grandson of Ebenezer, is now in Lud­ low, Vt. Another, William S. \Vilder (2488), a prom­ inent member and preacher of the Baptist Church, is in Brooklyn. His business is in New York, a paper-ruler. This branch is dwindling away, so that very few remain of the name. We have obtained but thirty-three names of this line, though there are many scattered through the land who, perhaps like many others, have lost all knowiedge of their ancestors, and do not know even the place where they originated. CHAPTER XII.


DAVID WILDER (78), of Lancaster, of the part that was afterward Leowinster, was known as Dea. David. He had three wives, with a large descent, some of whom were men of influence and public notoriety. He mar­ ried first in 1741, Anna Prentice, widow of Samuel Prentice, and great-granddaughter of Thomas Wilder the first. She had one son, born I 739, who was the father of Dea. Samuel and Luke Prentice, of \Ninchen­ don. Luke married Susannah, daughter of Hon. Abel Wilder, of "\Vincht>ndon. She died in 1744, leaving one son, David, Jr. David then, in 1745, married Mrs. Eunice Jennison, who had two sons, Samuel and John. She died in 1750, and in 1751 he married Mrs. Martha \Vhite, by whom he had four sons and one daughter. David (2519) settled in Leominster. He married Lucy Joslin, daughter of Thomas and Lucy (vVilder) Joslin, a great-granddaughter of the first Thomas ·wilder. They had six·, children, all of whom married and left families. Anna (i6i0) married Joseph Knight, of Marlow, N. H., and had thirteen children. The Phelps' and Carters, of Leominster and Lancaster, are of the \Vilder stock. David (2530), son of David, son of David, was a man of large capacities, and filled many places of responsibility in the town and State. He was Commissioner of High­ ways, and Treasurer of the State. He was a physician, and in early life practiced in Leominster. He married Sally N. Butler, daughter of Dea. Abijah Butler, a brother of Anna, wife of Hon. Abel Wilder, of Winchen­ don, and had seven children. A brother and one son settled in Georgia, where their children no\v reside. His eldest son, David (26o4), has, for many years, served the State as Treasurer or Auditor, residing iu Boston. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 71

In 1833 he married Celia Burt, and has four sons. one of whom, Burt Green, a graduate of Harvard Scientific School, is now a Professor in the Cornell University at Ithaca. He has distinguished himself as a writer and lect­ urer in his department. He is a man of superior ability. Another son is in California, and another in Kansas, in the railroad business, and another still in Boston; ail are married, and give promise of a good reputation and ex­ tensive usefulness. Samuel (2520), son of Dea. David, was a blacksmith, settled in Berlin ; married, August I, r 768, Sally Bal­ lard, and bad ten children. The eldest, SamuPl (2535), was also a blacksmith, and wrought ,vith bis father. He married first Betsey Joslin, and second, Mary Carter. He had ten children, all by his first wife. the eldest of whom, Nathanael (2623) was, at our last knowledge of him, in 1877, living at Rockford, Ill., eighty-six years of age. Merrick Wilder(2625), the fifth child of Samuel Wilder, and brother of Nathanael, was born in Lancaster in 1802, and died at Fort Edward, in 1861. He was married, in 1826, to Mary Tarbell, of Groton, Mass., and had five sons. He commenced a silk- dyeing business in Malden, Mass., about 1824, and carried it on quite success­ fully for several years. From there he removed to Lebanon, N. H., about 1830, and was engaged in the manufacture of woolen cloths and flannels. From there he moved to Bethel, Vt., about the year 1833,_ and in­ vented an iron pump of large capacity, for lifting the water ont of the iron mines of Vermont. About the year I 835 he moved to Brandon, Vt., and worked as machinist in the manufacture of these pumps, for the Conant Iron vVorks of that place. As his children, five boys, grrw up, they took up the trade of their father, and followed it faithfully for several years. He got out a patent on railroad car-wheels, made with a hollow hub, which was a valuable invention, as it gave the wheel a chance to shrink evenly in the casting of them. It was HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. about the year 1844 that he made the valuable invention of manufacturing gum rubber so that it would not con­ geal, and could be used for springs under cars and coaches, etc. He sent his models to the Patent Office, and made his application for a patent. .After waiting several months, the report finally came, and it stated that there was an application for the same invention prior to his; but in after years there was an issue in the Courts between two large rubber companies; and, on the evi­ dence taken, it was proved that Merrick \Vilder, of Brandon, Vt., was the real inventor of non-congealing rubber, so that it could be used for many valuable pur­ poses. He moved from Brandon, Vt., to Fort Edward, N. Y., in February, 1853, and had the superintendence of the shops of the Hudson River Iron and Machine Co. Abel (2535), son of Samuel, settled in Keene, N. H., where he learned his trade, sleigh and cabinet-making, with Abijah Wilder. He married a Miss Sanger, and had five children, one of w horn is still living in Keene. He removed to Bridport, Vt., where he died, in 1861, aged ninety-two years. David (2539) also settled in Keene, married Lucy Rugg, and had six children. Abel (2522) went in early life to Vermont, was for some years in the family of Governor Paine, of Hanover, N. H., and in I 791 he married his daughter,Mary Paine, and set­ tled in Norwich, Vt., as a farmer. They had ten children. Abel, his eldest son, was a farmer, of Derby, Vt., on the extreme northern line. He had seven children. One son was killed by a railroad collision at Columbus, Ohio. Another was a blacksmith, a good workman, and but for the demon, strong drink, might have been a man of wealth and influence. He was, as the legitimate result of tippling, always in poverty. He often removed, and his family felt the influence of his sinful indulgence, in health, and the disgrace that attends its use. With a wife of unusual piety and strength of mind, his ten chil­ dren were care

In a letter from him a few months since, he says: "I am standing near the grave, and am only waiting for the Master to bid me arise and come

"To the glory of His presence, To the gladness of His home; A weary road I've traveled. 'Mid darkness, storm, and strife, Bearing many burdens, Struggling for my life. But now the mom is breaking, My toils are almost o'er; I am kneeling on the threshold, My hands are on the door."

He waited a little longer, and his Saviour came, according to His word, and took him to the mansions above. On the 19th of June, 1877, my own birthday, I wrote in this place :-there were eleven of the sons of \Vilders born in the year 1798, of whom but four are now living. Charles W., born in Salisbury, N. H., March 29th: Moses Hale, in \Vinchendon, Mass., June 19th; Lyman, in Brattleboro, June 28th; and Marshal P. in Rindge, Sep­ tember 27th, all in 1798. In a few days the death of Dea. Charles W. Wilder, of Bay City, Mich., was announced. Three are now living, and, like him, with the assurance that through the infinite love of Christ, who died for us. our sins will be pardoned, and our imperfect services, moving in different spheres, will be connected by God, the Holy Ghost, with the advancement of the Redeem­ er's kingdom on earth, and that we shall, ere long, meet together in the glorious light of His presence-the war­ fare ended, the victory won; with no more of the feeble­ ness of age, we shall be permitted to spend one eternal day in the service and praise of Him who sitteth upon the Throne. CHAPTER XIII.

THE LINEAGE OF THE so~s OF .\ATHA'.\AEL, (;R.\;'\1):,0N OF TI-10:'-IAS.

NATHAKAEL ~), son of Nathanael, son of Thomas, had twelve children, all born in Lanca,ter. He was born in 1673, married about 1706, and settled in the west part of Lancaster, probably in what is now Sterlin~. \Yhen Petersham, a new town about twenty miles west of Sterling. \Yas settled, he boug-ht ;, tr:1ct of seven hun­ dred acres of land, and, w;th his rnns. Ch:.:rks and Jerahmccl, and his cousin's son, John, touk up bis abc,de in that then new settlement. His n;:ime was first un the list of members of the Congregation;-il church at its or­ ganization in 1745. A monument al tbe gran: of his daughter, Damaris, places her death in 1747. Charles (93), son of Nathanael, married in Lancaster, Fehrnary 12, 1738, ~Jartha Sawyer, by whom he hacl six children, and remoYcd to Petersham, probably in 1744. "\Ve know little of his children. His son Charles re­ rnoYcd to V crmont, and his descendants, if any, are among those who live in Vermont :rnd ~orthern Nev,· York, of whom ·we have not been able to obtain ,my in­ formation. One

of Brattleboro, Vt. Married Lavinia Miller, and had nine children. One son, Joseph, is a farmer of Brattle­ boro; married Delia Merifield, and had five children, only one of whom is living. The remainder of the family of Solomon are in the neighboring towns. Abel (2751), son of Joshua, son of Nathanael, was in \Vardsboro, Vt., in 1790, when fifty-four years of age. \Ve have not been able to learn much of his history. He was a blacksmith by trade, and died in Guilford at an advanced age. \Ve ha\'e. with much effort and care, been able to find four of his children, and to some extent to learn their line­ age. It is not improbable that he had more children. His son Joel was born in 1763, when he was twenty-five years old; Joseph was born November 12, 1765. Of Joshua we know nothing but the name. Amherst was born in 1771, then a daughter, who married a Harris, we know not her name. Joel (2773) li\'ed in Littlcton, N. H., and removed to Somerville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. He married in 1783 Lydia l\'1orse, nf Newfane, where his eldest son was born. He was killed by the kick of a horse in 1835 at seventy­ two years of age. His son Joel was killed by one of the same team one year before. He had nine children, who, with their descendants, are now in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., and in Illinois, Texas, and Michigan. Joseph (2774), son of Abel, born in 1765, was a black­ smith of \Vardsboro. Married about 1790 Miss Abigail Partridge, and had seven children; she died in 1846. One son is now living in \Vilmington, Vt. His descendants are in \Vardsboro and Guilford; some arc li,·iug in Steu­ ben Co., N. Y.; others arc in other towns in V crmont. Amherst \Vilcler (2776) we claim as a son of Abel, though we have not the testimony of record; yet there is a train of facts associated with his name which can not otherwise be explained. No testimony short of the family or town record of his birth, in connection with other parentage, can show that the place we assign him in the HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 81 genealogy is not the correct one. He married in Newfane ]Vliss Mary Pre5ton, daughter of Samuel Preston, Esq., and had a daughter born in Orwell, Vt., December 10, 1795. who married, .August, 1824, James Beard, the father of A. ,v. Beard, Esq., of Boston, Mass. Another, Mary, was born in Cavendish. 1798, who married Lewis Persons, and has three children. N~ncy, born 1801,.,,, married Simeon Burbank, of Ludlow:-vt., and had nine children. One son, Alanson, was born in Cavendish in I8oJ. He was a leading man in the town of his birth until 1862, when he removed to St. f\rnlS, l'llinn., where he died in 1875. He had two children-Amherst ll., now a distinguished man of business in St. Pauls, and Helen Marion, who is the wife of Colonel John L. Merriam, of St. Pauls. Amherst was by t~ade a tanner and currier. In 1821 he removed to Le,vis, Essex Co., N. Y., where he died in 1859 in his eighty-tdnm-.year. t;:{fl,; His children all had families, among whom were men of wealth and distinction in the diflerent business pro­ fessions, chiefly in Minnesota, Troy, N. Y., and Boston, Mass. Solomon (2754), son of Joshua. A town history has the name of Solomon Wilder, who we suppose must be the one now before us. His mother's name was Keyes, and when about fifty years of age he was in \Vhitehall, N. Y. He had seven children. One son was Keyes \Vi!dcr. His wife was Betsy Ballard. They were in Dryden, N. Y., in 1819, where she joined the Congregational church. John Wilder (2756), son of Joshua, lived on the farm on Swift River, in \Vare, and when about fifty-six years of ag-c, was thrown from a load of hay, and killed. He married :Mary Rice, of Sturbridge, in 1776, and had four children. Flis eldest, Benjamin (:q87), succeeded him on the old farm until 1836, when he removed to Rich­ field Springs, where his youngest son ncnv resides. He had nine children. His eldest son, Hyrum Wilder (2870), was for many years a tavern-keeper, first in \Varc, then 7 82 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. in Sudbury, then in Boston, and other places. He is now a real estate agent in San Francisco. He had two sons: one, Waldo H. (2977), is an actor in Union Square Theater; William P. (2978), is a produce dealer in New York city. Their mother died at an advanced age in October, 1877, in Jersey City, N. J. A daughter of Benjamin married \Varren Needham, a farmer, of \Vales, Mass., and has eight children. Nathanael (2758), son of Joshua, born in Dec., 175 I. He died in February, 1852, one hundred years and two months old. He was less than two years old when his father removed to his farm on Swift River. One of his great-grandchildren gave it as a tradition in the family that v,•hen of age, he bought the land and water-power which is now the village of Ware, but thinking it a bad bargain, he sold it for less than three hundred doliars, and bought land at Gilbertsville. He finally settled on a farm in \V endall, about twenty miles north of the old Swift River farm. In 1773 he married Serena.Dickinson, by whom he had six children, five sons and a daughter. He was a man of great physical energy and powers of endurance. He was able to attend to his ordinary duties, and to work a large portion of his time on his farm until near the close of his life. At ninety-five he could mount his horse and ride to meeting on the S:1bbath three miles. He has left behind him but few descendants, and of these we have been able to obtain very little, except the names of the sons; their occupations and residences, the · names of their wives anrl. most of their daughters, even the dates of marriages, births, and deaths, have been studiously withheld. A grandson, Jonas of West Rupert, had nine years ago, issued a circular for information and facts for such a history of the \Vilders. He wrote to me in July, 1875, that he had gathered a vast amount of material, but that he was not able to use it himself. Yet he has declined repeated solicitations for a proper arrangement for the use of his material for this book, by leaving all my letters unanswered. How much of the HISTORY OF THE WILDERS, history ot the \Vilders of Vermont has been ·withheld from me, on that account, I shall never know, but justice requires this; that the blame may not all rest on the author of this work. \Ve are sorry that even a very few of the race have, for any reason, failed to send us the facts that were within their knowledge, which we have solicited, and which would have rendered so much more complete the history that has been otherwise so cheerfully and abundantly furnished by others. CHAPTER XIV.


BEZALEEL WILDER (95), son of Nathanael, settled in Shutesbury, in that part which was afterward the south­ west part of ,v endall. H~ had two sons and one daughter, to whom he divided his large farm, and spent his last days with them. \Ve know only what is found in the traditions of the family respecting Bezaleel and his children. He had three-Bezaleel, Nathanael, and Elizabeth. Bezaleel (3042) was born in 1751, married Sarah Adams, and had seven children. One of them married \Vilder Johnson, of Maine, and his descendants arc m that State. CharJes (3047) settled in \Vendail, removed in 1823 to Northfield, and in 1830 to Sheridan, N. Y. Levi (3048), son of Bezaleel, was a shoemaker of Wen­ dell, and his children are in Chesterfield, Palmer, and Montague. Hannah (3049) married Alexander Zuill, of Munson, where his family now lives. Nathanael (3043) married Anna Johnson, and had five children, and died on his farm in Wen dell. Of his children, only one was married, and bad one child, a daughter. Elizabeth (3044) married Jobn Ross, a farmer, of \Ven­ dell, and had four children, two of whom died unmarried, over seventy years of age. The descendants of Charles, and his sisters Betsy and Hannah, arc quite numerous. Aholiab (96), son of Nathanael, also settled in Shutes­ bury, and had five children. Catharine was baptized in Northampton in 1741, and was recorded as the daughter of Aholiab and Catharine Wilder. At this time Aholiab HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 85 was twenty-four years old. His son, Aholiab, died in childhood. His sons, Daniel Witherbee, Samuel, and Joshua, had large families, and lived to an advanced age. Daniel W. (3172), in 1770 married Elizabeth Bar­ nard, of Shutesbury. They lived for a time in Shel­ burne, and removed to \Vaitsfield, Vt., where he spent the remainder of his long life, and died in his eighty-ninth year. A granddaughter says of him: "He was of the strictest of Christian meu of the olden style. He read the Bible at his family altar in lessons, a whole chapter at a time, and repeated the same form of prayer, with variations, to meet the morning and evening services only. l have never known him to pray in the prayer-meeting but once. Every Saturday, when the sun was an hour from setting, e,,ery man and beast was released from work on the farm, in order that preparation might be made to keep the Sabbath day holy. Then followed the gathering up of clothing, and w batever was needed for the Sabbath use, and its preparation for the Sabbath service. Bath­ ing, changing of raiment, shaving, cleaning of shoes, etc. No beds were made, nor floors swept, until the setting of the sun; nor was any cooking done which could be avvided until the Sabbath was over. Every child of suitable age went to church, while the old dog, who every other day would follow his master, would, of his own accord, invariably take his position as home guard under the table. "He lived till he did not know his own family, and often would start for meeting- in the middle of the week. '' One night his faithful daughter, as usual, saw him comfortably disposcrl of for the night, and when, in the morning, she went to call him to his breakfast, he bad gone to his final rest. God had kept him, and in His own time came and took him home. " He had ten children and sixty-four grandchildren, many of \.Vhom had iarge families, and a widely increas­ ing lineage." 86 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

We have, in the history of Daniel W. Wilder, a prac­ tical exhibition of the principles and the training in regard to the Sabbath and the worship of God, and obe­ dience to His law, which underlies the mental activity and power, and the strict moral integrity of the past generations of New England people. A careful exami­ nation will show that those who live most closely to the lives of those Christians of the olden style, are the most reliable, honest, and faithful in public life, while almost, without exception, the unfaithful public servants, the defaulters, and those ,vho ha,•e been notably dishonest in their business relations, if they were members of churches, were of the class who sneer at the old Puritan religion and its doctrines, the pardon of sin through the atonement of Christ. And of scores of ministers of the different classes, who have been guilty of impurity or dishonesty, there is not one who has not first repudiated the Christian Sabbath and the Puritan faith. Of the children of Daniel W ., Daniel (3 I 76) settled in Burlington as a carpenter and builder. He married Persis Chandler, a sister of the late Dr. Amariah Chandler, of Greenfield, who boarded with his sister while in college. Dr. C. studied Theology with Dr. Packard, his pastor, in Shelburne. He was first settled in W aitsfielcl, the home of Daniel \V. He was installed at Greenfield in 1832, where he continued to labor until he was called home, at an advanced age. Daniel had five children, of whom one, John C. (3217), was a minister. He spent two _years in Vermont University, when his health failed. After private studies he was ordained to the work of the ministry, and preached for over twenty years in the towns in Addison Co. The University g-ave him the honorary A. l'vL At length, in feeble health, he retired from the ministry, and became a farmer in Charlotte, where he has since resided. A daughter of Deacon Daniel Wilder, Caroline (p 19), in 1831 married Rev. Theron Baldwin, then a missionary in Illinois. He was one of the most efficient promoters of education in the new States of the \Vest, and one of HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 87 the founders of Illinqis College, and was for many years at the bead of the Monticello Female Sf:'minary, the Mount Holroke of the \Vest. In I8..fO he, with other friends of collegiate education at the \Vest, originated the Society for the Promotion of Collegiate Education in the \Vest, of which he was the Secretary and General Manager for twenty-eight years. ·· In this work he did ,,ery much toward the endowment of colleges for the new settlements at the \Vest, and in giving a right direction to the unbounded liberality of the Eastern churches for that purpose. He died in 1834 in Hartford, Conn., where I\Irs. \Vilder now resides. They had five chiidren, of whom one is a merchant in New York. The other children of Daniel are not known to us. Levi Wilder (3 I 77), son of Daniel VF., had three wives anrl ten children, whose families, with those of his brothers, are no inconsiderable portion of the hardy and thriving farmers of Central Vermont, Two of his sisters married Josiah and Moses Dole, of Shelburne, l\fass., and their descendants are of different names, yet spreading the \Vilder characteristics over a large part of Franklin County. The whole line of Daniel \V. ·wilder were celebrated for two leading traits, says one of his grandchildren­ piety and poverty. Samuel Wilder (3173), son of Aholiab, settled first in Deerfield, where in 1773 he married Rebecca Nims. He was a farmer. He afterward (we know not when) removed to Conway, where he died. He had thirteen children. Some of them Ii ved and died in Con way. One settled in Shelburne, and two of them removed to l\licbig::m. Israel Wilder (3195), son of Samuel, lived and died in Conway in his eighty-sixth year. He was like his father, a farmer, and his six chiidren were all of the same em­ ployment. Samuel (3198), son of Samuel. had one son and three daughters, and is now living in Hinsdale, N. Y. 88 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

His son, George S. \Vilder, is a large manufacturer of socket tools. He has two children. Joshua \Vilder, son of Samuel, was a farmer in Shel­ burne. Married Lavinia Long, and had two sons and two daughters. One of his sons is agent in London of the Elgin \Vatch Company. i(--- Joshua Wilder (3199), the youngest son of Aholiab, settled in Dummerston, Vt. In 1781 he married Laura Harris. He was a successful farmer. Had thirteen chil­ dren, the most of whom settled in that and the neighbor­ ing towns. He was chosen deacon of the Congregational church at its organization in 1779, and continued until his death. One of his sons, Dan (3204), was born in I 786, and died in 1875, aged eighty-nine years. He ,vas a suc­ cessful farmer and a deacon of the church. Leroy, son of Dan, vd10 was also a farmer of Dummer­ ston, married Patience Gould in 1834, had seven children, five of whom died in childhood.



]ERAHMEEL (98), son of Nathanael, was born m Lan­ caster, and removed with his father to Petersham. Late in life he removed to Barre. He married Sarah Clark, of \Vorccster, and had nine children, of whom the first and the last were sons. One of his g-randsons has left on record that Jerahmeel, his first son, died young. His daughter Abigail (3513) married Silas Rice, of Cam­ bridge, N. Y., the grandfather of Victor M. Rice, late Superintendent of Public Instruction in New York. Sybil married Cyprian Baker, of Petersham. Abel \Vilder u518>, son of Jerahmeel (98), married Relief, the daughter of Timothy Whitney, Esq., of Win­ chendon. They lived in Petersham, and there had four­ teen children. About the period of the war with Great Britain, or later, he removed to Barre, where he died in 1831. Of his children, Abel, Silas, and Joel died in Ohio; Lucy in Vermont; Relief in New York; Paul in Michi­ gan; Simon, Nathanael, Barnabas, Lydia, and Abigail in Massachusetts. Polly (Mrs. Wheelock) yet survives. Of grandchildren we have the names of 23. Yet Abel had 10; Nathanael, 4; Joel, 9; Paul at least 8; Relief, 3; Lucy, number unknown; Polly 3; so that the number approximates 70. Abel (3546), son of Abel, born at Petersham, Septem­ ber r, 1783. He married, January 19, 1808, Asenath Smith, daughter of \Vrn. Smith, of Barre, of Irish Pres­ byterian stock, and of Katherine \Villiams, daughter of Hon. Abraham Williams, of Marlborough. They made their home one year at St. .Albans, Vt., three years at Ikrkshire, Vt., whence they removed to Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y., where they remained about forty years. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

They then sold the homestead, and remo,·ed rn 1852 to Chester, Geauga Co., Ohio, where they made their home with William S. Wilder, their oldest son. Mrs. \Vilder died in 1863 and he in 1869. They had ten children, as follows: \Villiam Smith \Vilder (3544), born at St. Albans, Vt .. November 26, 1808, married Sarah C. Adams, of \Vestrnorcland, N. Y., December 28, 1835, and removed to Chester, Ohio, ,vhere he died in January, r870. He had nine children. The eldest died in Nebraska in 1855. Theodore, the seCOIJ.J) son, born in 1838, was a graduate of Oberlin College. At the outbreak of the civil war he left his class, entered the army, and was dangerously wounded at the battle of South l\fount?in, Va. After his recovery, he completed his course. He became a Professor in Ripon College, \Visconsin, ,vhere he died in 1871, lea\'ing a widow. Angeline, the wife of Mr. Williams, lives in Chester; Martha, the youngest daughter, is married, and lives in California , \Vil\iam S., the voungest son, now married, lives at the family homestead in Chester. Lydia Lucretia Wilder (3545), horn at Berkshire, Apr"il 2, 1810, married Asahel Baker, of Marcellus, N. Y., in 1843, and removed to Chester, where she still resides. She is a widow, and has no children. She is a member of the Congregational church. Abel (3546), born in Berkshire, November, 1812, re­ moved to Ohio in 1836 and lived at Painesville. He died in :March, 1843. Asenath (3547\ born at Verona, December 16, 1814; married Samuel K. A,,ery, January 20, 1836. They re­ moved from Verona to Lisbon, Kendall Co., Illinois. in 1847, where she died, November 26, I 874. She was the mother of seven children, all of them but one now living. She belonged to the Congregational church. Judge Barnabas H. (3548). born at Verona, October 4, 1816, was married in 1841 to :Miss Amanda Ferree, of Connersville, Indiana. He made his home at ,vashing­ ton and Brighton, lowa. Lost his wife in 1848, who had borne two children. The oldest of these, Theresa HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 91

Asenath, married a young man named \Vessenger, who died in the annv. In April, 1876, she married Mr. Samuel K. Avery, of Lisbon, former husband of her aunt. Judge Wilder married Miss Emma Beale, of Chester, Ohio, in 1850, and had two children, Arthur and Cathe­ rine. He removed to John·s Branch, :'.\Iissouri, in 1865, and is now a resident of Mexico, :Mo., where he holds the office of Judge. His daughter, Catherine, graduated at Harding College in 1876, and was" Valedictorian" of the class. She is now a teacher in the college. Judge \V. belongs to the Presbyterian church. George Williams (3549), born at Verona, December 18, 1818; removed to Euclid (now Cleveland), Ohio, in 1844, and died in 1846. Though professing religion, he be­ longed to no church. He was a Perfectionist. David Wilder, M.D. (3550), born at Verona, N. Y., March 27, 1821 : married Miss Elizabeth A. Williams, of Howlett Hill, N. Y., June 26, 1844. He was a physician, and made his residence at Smithville Flats, Chenango Co., N. Y., where he died, September, 1850. (He left three children; Susan Elizabeth,' born April, 1845, now wife of Rev. Mr. Jewell, of Parma Center, N. Y.: David GeorgP., now a homeopathic physician at Fremont, Ohio; and John. Both sons are married and have children). Dr. \V. was, for some time, a member of the Baptist church in Vernon, ·N. Y., but withdrew because of dif­ ferences of belief, and never again belonged to a religious organization. Alexander Wilder (3551) was born at Verona, May 14, 1823. He also grew up on the farm, and, like the other members of the family, attended the district school. It should be subjoined that" School District No. 4, Verona," had a well-deserved reputation for the excellence of its teachers and pupils. He, however, began to learn at home. Having gone with his brother and sister to Sun­ day-school, at three years old, he was presented with an "alphabetical card,'' from which he learned the letters. At four he attended school; at six he had his first writ­ ing-book, began the study of Geography, and won the 92 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. prize for being oftenest at the head of the second spelling class. It was a New Testament, and was read through at once. He detected two misprints, croos for " cross" (John xix. 25), and Chirst for "Christ," in first Epistle to Corinthians. He became, ot course, a proof-reader in later life. At seven he studied English Grammar; at eight, Goodrich's History of the United States; at nine, Da­ boll's Arithmetic; then History, Natural Philosophy, and Rhetoric; followed, at fourteen, by Botany, Chemistry, Latin, and Surveying. This was the last of going to school. At fifteen he taught in a district school in the town, now city, of Rome. In the summer months of 1838 and 1839 he recited his lessons in Latin and Greek to Rev. Benjamin Lockwood and Rev. Charles F. Butler, pastors in turn of the Congregational church of Verona, to which his parents belonged. Henceforward, except for intervals of two or three years, he remained on the farm till 1851, adding meanwhile the study cf Algebra and higher Mathematics, the French and Hebrew lan­ guages, medicine, political and other science. He al­ most literally forced his way, procuring books with much difficulty, and having little other assistance. This avidity for knowledge was doubtless inherited from both parents. The Boardmans and \Villiamses, from whom his mother descended, were well-reared and cul­ tivated, and she was almost insatiably fond of reading. A weekly newspaper, the Utica Observer, then the Utica Sentinel and Gazette, Oneida Democrat, and vVilliam Goodell's Friend of Man, had been regularly taken; and there was a small family library of pretty robust litera­ ture, embracing such books as "Hervey's Meditations," Wardlaw's folio on the Trinity, J. McDowell upon the "Decrees," Clinton on" Infant Baptism,"" Life of David Brainerd," Captain Riley's "Narrative," Miss J. Porter's "Thaddeus of \Varsaw," "Clrelia," an heirloom from the Boardman-Williams ancestry, all which were re­ peatedly read. The School District Library, established in 1839-an agency that can not be praised too highly­ supplemented these by a wider selection of works on HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 93 history, natural science, biography, political economy, etc. In the same way he pursued the study of medi­ cine, receiving afterward three diplomas for scholarship. He had, in early life, contemplated a professional and literary career, but abandoned the purpose at the desire of his father. Subsequent experience on the homestead convinced him that two men of tastes and inclinations widely diverse could not wisely be associated in busi­ ness. It had never been his intention to teach or practice medicine. But the symptoms of pulmonary disease at the age of twenty, and the premature death of three brothers and a sister, about the same period, shook what­ ever confidence he had in the current modes of practice. He noticed that physicians had but littie faith in their own methods, and soon came to the conclusion that he must learn the art for himself, or hasten early to the grave. Having left the farm for good in 1850, he de­ livered courses of lectures two years at a medical college in Syracuse, upon Human Physiology, Chemistry, and Anatomy, demonstrating anJ teaching the latter by dis­ sections. He next, in 185k, entered the vocation of his choice, and was assistant editor in turn of the Syracuse Star, Yournal, and Republican, casting his first presidential ballot for John P. Hale. In 1854, at the invitation of the Superintendent, his kins­ man, the Hon. Victor M. Rice, he entered the Department of Public Instruction, then just created by the Legisla­ ture. In 1855 he became editor of the New York Teacher, an educational magazine, and afterward of the American College Ncview. Visiting Springfield, Ill., in January, 1857, be draughted the charter of the Illinois Normal University, selecting the name, and had the pleasure to see it become a law. \Vhile there he was a guest of Professor Abel Wilder Estabrook, a prominent educator in that State. The same year he was a teacher in the School of the Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen in the city of New York. In 1858 he made the acquaintance of the Hon. John Bigelow, for whom he always cherished a deep 94 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

regard. That gentleman placed him on the staff of the Evening Post, where he remained thirteen years as re­ porter, legislative correspondent, and " general utility man." He now made the acquaintance of many leading public men-among them Vice-Presidents Wheeler, Colfax, and \Vilson; Governors Andrew, Yates, :Morgan, King, Seymour, Fenton, Hoffman, ·wood, and Robinson. He was familiar and expert on financial and political topics, and indeed became somewhat of an oracle in that way. He was sometimes humorously denominated'' The Political Encyciopredia." Politicians do not wish for such men. He was not without his influence in public matters, and was repeatedly gratified at seeing the men with whom he had been confidentially associated elevated shortly afterward to _higher official position. Among these were Governor Robinson, Hon. F. A. Conkling, C. M. Depew, and C. T. Hulburd. His predictions and calculations were often sought in political matters. In 186o, at the request of J\,fr. Bigelow, he compiled a list of counties in New York, with his estimate of their average political majority. lt footed up 47,500 for Abraham Lincoln Lr President. The actual average was 47,700. The next year the Hon. Lucius Robinson becoming the Union candidate for Comptroller, asked his judgment of the result. He replied: " It can not be predicted, but your majority will be some indefinite amount over one hundred thousand." It was 109,447, the highest ever given any man in the State. In 1866 there was a division in the Republican party owing to the course of President Johnson. Governor Fenton being a candidate for renomination in New York, Dr. Wilder waited upon him with a tabulated computa­ tion of estimated majorities, promising him an aggregate of I 3,000; yet the friends of the opposing candidate felt sure of success. " \Ve have got you this time," said the Hon. A. Oakey Hall to Dr. Wilder on the afternoon of election-day. The newspapers of next norning were filled with telegraphic dispatches, which seemed to indi­ cate a Democratic triumph. Taking his seat in the HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 95

Evt'ning Post office, Dr. \Vilder began to analyze the returns, county by county, and so deduce the result. He had no other data. Eager visitants througed the office, and by ten o'clock, after an hour's labor, it was bulle­ tined: "Fenton's majority is not less than 9,000." It proved to be 13,700, the returns being generally almost like his estimate in September. In close study, one develops a faculty like prescience. He first suggested the Hon. Lucius Robinson for Comptroller of New York in 1861, C. M. Depew for Secretary of State iu 1863, John T. Hoffman for l\layor of New York in 1865, Roscoe Conk­ ling for U. S. Senator in 1866, and \Villiam A. Wheeler for President of the N ev.r York Constitutional Con ven­ tion in 1867-generally the right man in the right place. In 1871 he was elected, on the Republican and other tickets, Alderman-at-large in the city of New York, receiving over 26,000 majority. His total vote was 80,394-a vote never reached by a Republican candidate. It was his final contact with politics. He cast his last vote in 1872, and withdrcvv from further political activity. Since that time his pursuits have been literary and edu­ cational, but in many respects hardly more agreeable. In 1865 the Hon. William F. Havemeyer and others had applied and obtained from the Legislature the Charter of the Eclectic Medical College of the City of New York. In 1867 Dr. \Vildcr succeeded the ex-'.\:Iayor as President of the institution. 1n 1873 he consented, protesting, and in violation of his own inclinatio11 and judgment, to occupy the Chair of Physiology and Psychological Med­ icine. He held these positions till 1877, earnestly endeav­ oring to place the institution on a secure financial basis, raise its educational standard, and promote its reputation and prosperity. Convinced that these efforts were wasted, he refused to go on further. Though possessing great faith and cntht1siasm, it was al ways his practice to abandon every enterprise that he believed was not conducted wisely or uprightly. Science and literature have always been his passion. Limited circumstances have greatly impeded his endeav- HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. ors, but did not extiuguish his ardor. He has taken little pains to be conspicuous in learned and other societies where his ideas and attainments could be advertised, nor often careful to prevent others from carrying off the meed and reputation of what he had himself performed. He loves knowledge for its own sake and not for its eclat. Always a student and thinker, he was careful only to know what was true and live to it. He has long kept aloof from religious affiliations. For many years he was a friend and correspondent of the late Professor George Bush, also of Major-General Ethan A. Hitchcock. From boyhood he has entertained the theosophical doctrines of the Platonic philosophers and their later descendants; and while engaged in the diver­ sified pursuits of every-day life, always reserved a time and a corner for mystic contemplation. " My creed is very brief," he writes; "though, as usual, rather more than I understand. I believe in God, a Divine Person­ ality, the First and the One, of and from whom are all things. By Him the Universe subsists. He is the Father of the spirits of men; His law is written everywhere, and His children, inspired and guided by Him, perceive and obey it. Such may, and sometimes do, have their powers and faculties enlarged, and their perceptions quickened, till they are able to do and de­ clare things which are often esteemed supernatural. But such faculties are for the pure and the true. Man comes into God as the alone going to the Alone. Of this, how­ ever, and indeed of most interior experiences, it is not well to speak much or often." Before attaining nineteen, Dr. \Vilder had prepared a text-book on English Grammar, and in 1846 published a pamphlet entitled "The Secret of lmmortaiity Re­ vealed." He likewise contributed to several news­ papers and magazines. This was aside from his regular editorial engagements, the compensation of which was always meager and insufficient. He published also the following pamphlets: "Neo-Platonism and Alchemy;" "' Intermarriage of Kindred ; " " Plea for the Collegiate HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 97 Education of ,vomcn;" '' Medical -Education:" "Pro­ test against Vaccination; " "The Human Soul - its Origin and Destiny;" "Paul and Plato;" "Prophetic Intuition, or The Dxmon of Socrates,., etc. He also edited the following works: '' Ancient Symbol Worship;" Taylor's "Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries;" .R. P. Knight's "Symbolism of Ancient Art and .;\f_ytholog_y;" H _yde Clarke and C. Staniland \Vake on '' Serpent and Siva \Vorship;" also, Vols. IV. and V. of the "Transac­ tions of the Eclectic Medical Society of the State of New York," and Vol. V. of "Transactions of the National Eclectic .?11edical Association.'' He has likewise prepared an extended treatise on the Ancient l\Iystic and Ser­ pent \Vorship, and a volume of Essays on various liter­ ary and metaphysical subjects; besides making a new translation of the treatise of the philosoper lam blichus on the .Mysteries of the Egyptians and Assyrians. Perhaps the best estimate of his character and history may be found in the following description gi\'en of him, many years ago, by a professor of a \Vestern college, which we transcribe:

" The most careless observer will not fail to see the remarkable development of the front lobe of his brain, the elevation in the region of firmness, and the irregu­ larity of the lateral regions, indicating a marked, decided, and peculiar character of great intellectual activity. He is remarkable for the readiness and extent of his observa­ tion and memory ; a remarkable readiness in the acquisi­ tion of diversified knowledge, historical, geographical, astronomical, hiographical, professional, or pertaining to the business of life. He would naturally become highly intelligent, learned, and well-informed in any pursuit in which he might engage, whether literary, professional, or practical. His abilities would be characterized b_y gen­ eral intelligence, quick intuition, and correctness of per~ ception and judgment. He is a bold and independent thinker, an inflexible lover of justice, cordial and constant in friendship, and never forgetful of an InJur_y or a kind 8 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. act. He is not aggressive or contentious, but very quick and forcible in resistance to dictation or encroachment. He is disposed to shape his course independent of parties or cliques, but possesses the ambition, intellect, and un­ flinching will to carry out his purposes. He is quick in perceiving and deciding upon what is before him, and therefore able to transact any business with rapidity. He possesses a large endmvment of patience and forti­ tucle, which enable him to control the manifestation of his feelings, ,vithout, h:)wever, becoming really tranquil under annoyance. But these endowments enable him to persevere faithfully in difficult undertakings, and to struggle manfully with the difficulties of life. The temperament is restless, and the sensibilities quick and keen; but the predominant tendency is toward intel­ lectual pursuits. Here he might, by concentrated effort, attain the eminence due to merit; but he would not seek the factitious reputation won by petty intrigues and pan­ dering to popular prejudice."

Joel D. Wilder (3542), son of Abel, son of Jerahmeel; born in Barre in 1802, married December 27, 1824, Clarinda Cheney, and removed to Vernon, Oneida Co., N. Y. Here he resided until 1853, when he removed to Kirtland, Ohio, and in 1861 to Willoughby, Lake Co., where he resided until his death in April, 1872. He was a member of the Baptist church. His wife was alsu a member of the Baptist church for forty-four years. She died in the triumph of faith in 1872. They had eleven children living in \Vestern New York and in Lake Co., Ohio. The following notice of his death is taken fro:n the Willoughby Telcgrap!t:

"l\Ir. Joel D. \Vilcler died at Concord, Tuesday morn­ ing, April 24th, aged seventy-five years. The deceased was a rn1ti,·e of Barre ..Mass. After his marriage he removed to Oneida Co., N. ·y., fr<>m whence he removed to Kirt­ land, Ohio, in 1851, where he resided until 1861, when he HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 99 removed to Willoughby, where he has since resided, and where, since the death of his wife in February, 1872, he and his daughter, Miss Hattie E. Wilder, have kept house, except when he has made an occasional visit to his daug-hter, Mrs. G. N. Tuttle, and his son, Mr. Henry \Vilder, in Concord. \Vhile making such a \·isit at his daughter's he was taken with inflammation of the stom­ ach, of which he died after a painful illness of more than t\vo months. The deceased was a quiet, unobtrusive citizen, and esteemed as such by all who knew him. He joined the Baptist church more than fifty years ago, and adhered to the same faith till the time of his decease. Besides the children above named he left surviving one son, Mr. Abel M. Wilder, of Kendall, N. Y., and two daughters, Mrs. E. M. Taylor, of Lansing, Mich., and Miss Nettie R. Wilder, of San Francisco, Cal. Dr. Charles Wilder, a well known and highly esteemed -phy­ sician, who died in Battle Creek, Mich., some years since, was a son of his." CHAPTER X\'I.


Enrn.AI!ll ( 109), the eldest son of Ephraim, was born in Lancaster, and succeeded his father on the homestead. He m::irried Anna Wilder, daughter of Thomas, son of John ·wilder, and had by her seven children, two of whom died in infancy. The eldest, Ephraim (37I6), born 1733, lived in Sterling. \Vas a Representative and a member of the Convention that framed the first Constitu­ tion of the State, and also of the Con\'ention that ac­ cepted the Constitution of the United States, and one of the seven from \Vorcester County who voted to adopt it. In r 7 55 he married Lucretia, sister of Samuel Locke, who in 1770 was President of Harvard College. He had seyen sons and three daughters. Ephraim (3726), the eldest, marrierl Hannah Reed, and settled first in New Braintree, and then in Brookfield. He had five sons and one daughter. Three of his sons died unmarried. The eldest, Joseph R. (3746), married Mary H. Nichols. His son, John N. (3803), was a merchant in Albany, and was for many years successful in business, and had retired on a competence. He was a warm friend of the temper­ ance cause, and was one of the originators of the Roch­ ester U nivcrsity, a Trustee and brge contributor to its funds. He died July 15, 1858, at Ballston Springs, N. Y. The fo1lowing obituary notice is from the New York 1/islorica!Jfagazine of August, 1858: "July 15,John N. \Vilder, a prominent citizen of Albany, died suddenly of apoplexy." " He was well known in the city and through the State as a gentleman of high personal and social qual- HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. IOI

1t1cs, and of fine acquirements. He was a retired mer­ chant, devoting his time to literary pursuits and various efforts for the public good. He was President of the Board of Trustees of the University of Rochester, and one of its most liberal donors. "He delivered a poem to the Literary Societies at the commencement in 1851, in which he displayed much scholarship, as well as a happy faculty of versification. He paid a fine tribute of respect to Governor Macy, a long tried friend and associate, who had a short time be­ fore died at Ballston, where .Mr. \Vilder then resided with his family, by an attack as sudden as that which has now proved fatal to his friend and eulogist. ".\lr. Wilder was, in his politics, ranked with the American party, ancl sup­ ported Millard Fillmore. but in his affinities he was a Republican. He could hardly be called a politician. He was much interested in the temperance cause, and was one of the Trustees of the Dnclley Observatory. "His death will be much lamented by the large circle of friends to whom he was much ende:1rcd by his unas­ suming manners, his general accomplishments and the purity of his character."

:Mary ·wilder (3749), daug-hter of Ephraim, and sister of Joseph R., P:larried in r8 r6 to Ebenezer Farley, of Wiscasset, l\Ie. Ebenezer \Vilder Farley, late M. C., was their son. Kate (3806), daughter of Joseph R., and sister uf John N., was married in r834 to George \\'. Srnitb. \Vilder Smith, once pastor of the Congregational church, Derlin, Conn., and now of Rockford, 111., was tbei.r son. Timothy (3727), son of Ephraim, married, :tbout 1785, Eunice 0:;goocl, and had ten children, of whom we know but little. His rnn, Ephraim, born r 79r, lived in Tem­ pleton, married Rebecca Hunt, and had four daughters. Three of the childrcu of Timothy died in infancy. Lucretia (3728), daughter of Ephraim, married Ebenezer Pope, of Sterling, a merchant, and had seven children, all of whom lived and died in and near their native town. 102 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

Joel (373I). son of Ephraim, married Lucy, daughter of Josiah Kendall. of Sterling, and settled first in Gardner, then in \Vestminster and Lancaster. He was a farmer, and a deacon of the Congregational church. His son Joel (3772) was also a deacon, and succeeded his father on the farm. Charles Josiah (3774) lived on the same farm with his father Joel till 1873, when he removed to the center of the town. One of the daughters of Joel, Sen., married Deacon Otis Stearns, of Leominster, and had seven children, five of whom died young. One son is a mer­ chant in Boston and one in New York city, with families. One daughter, Caroline Amelia, married Robert Andrews, a copper-plate printer of Boston. Their two sons are now in Brooklyn. Josiah Wilder (3732), son of Ephraim and Lucretia, removed to Rindge in I 794, and commenced selling goods, with his younger brother, Samuel L., then eighteen years old, as clerk. These were at length partners in the business, and on the death of Josiah in 1812, Samuei L. continued the business while he lived. In 1801 Josiah married Susan Carleton. They had two children. A daughter married Dr. Augustus Robbins, of Harvard. They resided in Holden, and afterward in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he died in 1855, leaving two children, who now reside with the mother at Great N eek, L. I. Alfred Montrose (3780), his only son, was for a time in New York, then for a year in North Carolina, again in New York and Brooklyn, and is now living in Newtown, L. I. He married Esther, daughter of Captain Lodo­ wick L. Babcock, of New Lebanon, N. Y., and had four children. One died in infancy. A daughter married Rev. Thomas Bonsall, now living in Newtown; and a son, Alfred M., who lives with the family at Newtown, is engaged in the coal business in New York. Harrison Wilder (3733), son of Ephraim, born in Ster­ ling, remained on the old farm, which had for four gener­ ations remained in the family. In 1803 he married Keziah Parsons, and had five daughters. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 103

Samuel Locke (3734), the youngest son of Ephraim, born in I 776, was in I 794 associated with his broth er Josiah in the store. Married in 1798 to Anna Sherwin, daughter of Jonathan Sherwin, Esq., of Rindge. They had five sons and four daughters, three of whom died in their vouth. A letter before me, as I write, dated October 28, 1359, from Hon. l\f. P. \Vilder, says: "My father, the youngest son of Ephraim and Lucretia Locke \Vilder, resides in Rindge, N. H ., and is now eighty-two years of age, but is now sitting at my side," which places his birth in 1776, and his marriage at twenty-one years of age, and his age, at his death in 1863, near eighty-seven. He was a remarkable man, and I can not give a better description of the man as he vrns than by repeating a few pages of the sermon by his pastor on the occasion of his death:

"He removed to this town in 1794, and, with an older brother, entered upon the business of a country mer­ chant. This business he pursued with diligence and success during .the substance of his active life, with honor and profit to himself, and to the acceptance and satisfaction of the people. "Early securing the confidence of the people, he was soon called upon to take an active part in the service of the town, and was forty years one of the leading citizens in all public interests. Seventeen years he was the Town Clerk, nine years without interruption. Thirteen years in all he faithfully represented the town in General Court­ a rare instance, indeed, indicating distinctly both the in­ telligence and stability of the people, and the integrity and trustworthiness of his fellow-citizens. "Many years since, retiring, in a great measure, from his particular occupation and from public affairs, yet not abating his interest in the welfare of the community, he was looked and listened to for counsel and aid in all matters affecting the interests of the town. These are a few facts pertaining to his personal history. 104 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

"As to the characteristic features of his mind and his habits uf life, the statements to be made must necessarily be very imperfect. Of a clear understanding, great fore­ sight, singularly cautious and considerate in his judg­ ment and in reaching his decisions ; addicted to much reading and reflection, he had reasons for his opinions, his beliefs, and his actions, and he always had an object to accomplish in every course which he pursued. Saga­ cious, thoughtful, and of a calculating mind, he was most remarkable for order, method, and peculiar exactness, extending to everything with which he was concerned. "Of his general intelligence, sound judgment, accuracy, and uprightness in his business matters 1 need not speak. His 12:eneral walk and conversation were well known. "In civil relations, he was a sound, unflinching patriot. In his political ,iews, he was first a Federalist of the Washington and Adams school, then a ·whig of the \Vebster type, and since the fall of that once powerful party, a Republican, finding that his life-long principles were thus most firmly supported. He was deeply inter­ ested in the welfare of his country, especially in its present condition, and was earnest in his support of the Government in its efforts to overthrow the causeless rebellion that is upon us, and for our deliverance from the horrors which it has occasioned. "The last time this aged Christian patriot left his house it was to be com'eyed to the Town Hall to cast his vote for the support of the Government in maintaining the struggle till perfect success shall crown its endeavors. "Endowed with a remarkable memory, it would be difficult to find a man who had not made State affairs his special life's study, who at the last of his long life could give so accurate and intelligent a statement of State and national transactions, both past and present. "In social intercourse, grave, dignified, but affable, having a style and manner that could not fail to be noticed; instructive and interesting in his conversation, he may be denominated a Christian gentleman of the old school, so called, a class of whom only a few remain to HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

adorn the circles of social life. In the family relations, if I may very briefly refer to them, our departed neighbor and citizen manifested the kindness and faithfulness of the husband and father, and maintained to the end the thoroughness and exactness that so distinctly marked every movement of his life. "But I am yet to speak of him as a Christian. At my .first acquaintance with Mr. Wilder, I found him a firm believer in the peculiar doctrines of the Gospel as under­ stood and accepted by evangelical Christians ; a firm supporter of Christian institutions, a constant attendant on the public worship of God, a strict observer of the Sabbath, and habitually manifesting a deep interest in this object and the cause of religion. One of the original members of this religious society, his name occupying the second place on the list of signatures to the Consti­ tution, and for several years its clerk; be Ii ved to witness and experience the manifest blessings \vhich it has been the means of conferring upon this whole community. and to participate in the services and enjoyments of the for­ tieth anniversary of the first ordination of a pastor under its provisions. "After years of mingled hopes and fears as to his own personal interest in Christ, he at length, in the spring of I 842, after the experience of a strong conflict, came to the settled enjoyment of the Christian hope. He was admitted to the Church on the profession of his faith in Christ in April, 1842, and from that hour a light and pillar in the Church, he walked in all the ordinances of the Lord's House blameless. Retaining of course his characteristic consideration and system, he seriously, using his own words, set up his waymarks, and by their guide and promptings he walked with undeviating steps from strength to strength till he bad reached the end of his pilg-rimage. "As this aged Christian advanced in years. and his bodily infirmities increased, he grew in grace, in spirit­ uality, in depth of Christian experience, and in all the fruits of the Spirit. 1o6 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

"Always trustful, reserved, and cautious in communi­ cating his own feelings and his experience in spiritual things, yet entertaining increasingly clear and admiring views of the wonderful scheme of salvation revealed in the Gospel, he relied with unshaken trust on Jesus Christ as his all-sufficient Saviour."



l\IARSHALL P. WILDER (3788), son of Samuel Locke, was born in Rindge, N. H., September 22, 1798. For the history of this eminent man I am indebted main­ ly to what has been written by others, and I am under the necessity of using the facts and much of the lan­ guage in which they are expressed as it is furnished to my hand; yet it is so modified by selections and con­ densation, as to express my own views. not theirs. His grandmother was a sister of Samuel Locke, who, from 1770 to I 773, was President of Harvard College, and from whom his father received his name. The town of Rindge, ,vhere he was born, was at first settled by a hardy, industrious class of men, tillers of the soil. It was famous at the time of the Revolution for the daring and whole-souled patriotism of its inhabitants. Hardly had the news of the battle of Lexington reacl:ed them, ere a company of fifty men was raised, equipped, and sent to the scene of conflict. The population of the town has never been large, yet it must be remembered that many rural towns of its one thousand or twelve hundred inhabitants have been the nursery of young men who, when their education has been completed, have, like fledged birds leaving the ma­ ternal nest, sought some larger, more enterprising place. The granite hills of New Hampshire have produced many of the best minds of the nation, who have shed their lustre in every department of life. The names of Payson, \Vebster, Cass, \Voodbury, Chase, and others of like reputation, are not the property of their native towns: they belong to the world. Such was the birth-place of l\farshall P. Wiider. From the door of his father's house he could look over this vast range of hills and valleys, covered with the abodes of industry and comfort, with their flocks an

From some eminence he could count ten or more of the church spires of the neighboring towns. \Vhy should he not be a lover of nature? The writer of thi:, sketch, born the same year, has often, from the home of his boy­ hood, six miles south of Rindge, gazed upon this scene of beauty and grandeur, gathered the wild fruit of those hills, and caught the fish of those ponds and streams. We shall never know how much the world is indebted to the influence of these rural scenes upon the life of Marshall P. ·wilder, in preparing him for the position he has occupied, and the influence he has exerted in pro­ moting the various departments of the cultivation of the soil. It would be strange indeed if the influences around home in his early life had not done much to form his character, and that would leave its impress on all his future career. His parents had not imbibed the pernicious modern notion that the child's earli::st years should be devoted to amusement, or that which would make him happy. The old, old adage, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it," was with them an abiding rule; and they sent their son to the district school, when four years old. It is at least proba­ ble that that school, in the old house hard by his father's door, for the first five years, had more influence in the formation of his character and the training of his mind for the versatility and greatness of maturer years than all that was afterward done for his mental cultivation. The great men of the past were those who, in their child­ hood, were taught subordination and were habituated to constant and useful employment. They learned, before six years of age, that time was a gift of God, too valuable to be wasted or lost. After Marshall had finished his course at the district school, at twelve years of age, he spent one year at the New Ipswich Academy, and afterward studied for a time with private tutors. It was his father's desire that he should choose oae of the learned professions, but his taste was not in that direction; and when he was sixteen HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 109 years of age he gave him his choice of three things-to go to college, to work on the farm, or to be a merchant. He chose the farm. It was an exhibition of the taste which he expressed forty-five years later, when on a visit to his native town: "I think I can truly say, that from the day when my sainted mother first took me into the garden to help to clear and keep it, I have never seen the time when I did not love the cultivation of the soil; and I shall never cease to feel that a part of my humble mission on earth is to promote the most honorable and useful of all employments." It was not long before the business of the store in­ creased, so that his father took him to assist in its man­ agement. Here he began, as other boys, to earn his promotion. It was here, under his father's care and in­ struction, that he acquired habits of industry, method, and punctuality, and gained a knowledge of trade which enabled him to rise in self-possession an

sponsibility in the financial and commercial institutions of the time. Trade, and the accumulation of wealth, has not en­ grossed all his time and mind, as is too frequently the way with business men. In his prosperity, wide fields were opened before him, in which the time not actually devoted to business could be used for the benefit of man­ kind and their elevation in taste and social life, and he did not hesitate to enter upon their improvement. 1n July, 1831, the wife of his youth was removed from her earthly to her heavenly mansion. She left four chil­ dren to the care of their grief-stricken father, and the home, so long the center of attraction, was filled with gloom. In his loneliness and sorrow he sought a change of residence, in which he could fill up his time with em­ ployments suited to his taste. In 1832 he bought the country scat in Dorchester, for­ merly the residence of Governor Increase Sumner, near · Grove Hall, on the line of Roxbury, where he has since resided. While his business was not neglected, his leisure hours have been given to agricultural and horticultural pur­ suits. He gave the most careful attention for several years to the cultivation of his grounds. Rising early, and with habits of industry and economy of time, formed in early life, he found no difficulty in overseeing and directing- all his plans. His choicest flowers, plants, and fruits were gathered often from foreign countries, and, by cultivation, were improved, and new varieties obtained, until, in a few years, he had a collection that '.Vas unsurpassed for beauty and extent by any of his co-laborers. The :'.\lassachusetts Horticultural Society was chartered in 1829. l\Jr. \Vilder was one of the earliest and most efficient supporters of this Society, which originated the Mount Auburn Cemetery and Experimental Gardens; and when, five years later, the two objects were sepa­ rated and the l\1ount Auburn Cemetery ~\ssociation was formed, Mr. \\'ilder's proposition to relinquish the title HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. II I to the cemetery lands and franchise to the company, on condition that they should pay a specified proportion of their income from the sale of lots to the Horticultural Society forever, was accepted, and has proved one of the most beneficial acts of his life. The Temple of the Horti­ cultural Society on Tremont Street is an elegant standing monument of its advantages to the Society. They have already received from this arrangement more than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the annual in­ come is to continue for all coming time. Probably no one has done more during the last forty years for the improvement of the public interest in agri­ culture and horticulture than the subject of this sketch. In r848 a meeting of gentlemen from the several States who were interested in the cultivation of fruit, was held in New York, under the auspices of the American [n­ stitute. The National Congress was organized, with Mr. ·wilder as its president. After some changes, it became the American Pomological Society, and this is the twenty-ninth year of its existence, with Mr. \Vilder at its head, its sessions having been held in the principal cities of our country up to the present time. The various societies of Massachusetts for the improve­ ment of the culture of the productions of the earth, were, to a great extent, shaped and arranged by his mind. The secret of his success, as the executive officer of these societies, undoubtedly was that be had much to do with their formation, and was familiar with all their machinery, and was, in fact, but executing his own plans. Mr. Wilder had little taste for public life, but he has served as a Representati vc and Senator in the Massa ch u­ setts Legislature, was President of the Senate, and has also been on the Governor's Council, and discharged the duties of these several offices with credit to himself and honor to the Commonwealth. He had much taste for rni!itarv matters. Soon after his removal tu Boston he joined the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, already referred to. He wished to ~ce it restored to its pristine rank in public opinion, for it had partaken of the 112 HISTORY OF THE \VILDERS.

depression and indifference into which the militia at that period had fallen. This company- the oldest military organization in the country-was chartered in 1638, and in 1870 celebrated its two hundred and thirty-second an­ niversary. These occasions, with few exceptions, had been observed from its origin, and at each one some clergvman had deli,·ered a sermon. For twenty-five years Colonel \Vilder was not absent from these celebra­ tions, and having been nominated four ti mes and declined the honor. he accepted the command in 1857. This artillery corps is the only offspring of the Royal Artil­ lery Company in London, founded in r 537, and com­ manded by the King in virtue of his rank. Believing that His Royal Highness, Prince Albert, might be com­ mander of the parent company, Colonel \Vilder entered into a correspondence with him on the 1st of February, 1857, wherein he observed: "Permit me also to state that we regard the relatinn of these companies as one of the many ties which bind roung America to her old English parent; that \Ve fondly cherish the hope and the belief that these bonds will never be sundered, and we pray that peace and prosperity may crown both nations." His ability as a presiding officer is seen in the healthy condition of the numerous societies that have been under his care, and in the numerous calls for his services at oc­ casional meetings and conventions for various purposes. His almost intuitive perception of the effect of changes, and of the fitness of things, with his uniform urbanity, make him a popular and effecti\·e presiding officer of oc­ casional assemblies, as well as of public institutions. Though not a graduate, his mind was well trained, and there are few men who, in their public addresses, and the readiness with which they can address them­ selves to different topics of discussion, and change their field of effort for the public good, exhibit more of the marks of a liberal education than l\larshall P. Wilder. And most appropriately did the Trustees of Dartmouth College confer on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Philosophy. HISTORY OF THE WILDER5. 113

Among the important offices which Mr. Wilder has held is that of President of the New England Historic­ Genealogical Society, to which he was eiccted in January, 1868, as the successor of Johu A. Andrew, the celebrated war Go,·ernor of Massachusetts. To this office he has been annm1lly elected. Through his efforts the Society has been enabled to purchase and refit a building for its use, at a cost of more than forty thousand dollars, and to establish a fund of thirteen thousand dollars toward the support of the librarian. He has annually delivered an address, explaining the objects, and eloquently press­ ing the claims of the Society as a conservator of the his­ tory of New England. The life of Colonel Wilder is a striking instance of what an individual may accomplish by industry, indomi­ table perseverance, and the concentration of his intellect­ ual powers upon grand objects. No ordinary talent, no turn of mere good fortune could ever have placed him in the hig-h position he has attained as a public benefac­ tor. For we must take into view the difficulties and obstacles which impede the projectors of every new and noble enterprise. One person alone can do but little; he needs help and fellow-workers to carry out his ideas. He must stir up the minds of others in favor of his plans. This necessarily leads to the formation of societies ; and every society thus constituted must have a head to plan, arrange, and direct its operations. But v:e can not pursue in detail an account of the various offices which be has held, or recount the services which he has performed during a long and useful life. Suffice it to say that he is still President of '.he American Pomological Society, which position he has held for twenty-seven years, senior member of the State Board of Agriculture, senior Trustee of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, a member of the Executive Com­ mittee of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, Presi­ dent of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, a member of the Government of the Institute of Tech­ nologv, a Director of the New England Life Insurance 9 Il4 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

Company, and of the Hamilton National Bank, and senior partner of the firm of Parker, Wilder & Co. l\1r. \Vilder has excelled in all that he undertook, be­ cause he knew the measure of his own abilities. His plans and experiments pertaining to the grand object of his pursuits ,vere matured by deep thought, an

"We are glad to have the opportunity of laying before our readers the portrait of one of the most distinguished of transatlantic horticulturists, and one who, by his zeal, industry, ancl determination, has not only conferred last­ ing benefits on his native country, but ha~, by his careful experirn(;nts in hybridization and fruit culture, laid the horticulturists of all nations under heavy nbligations to hirn. The name and reputation of i\Iarshall l'. \Vilder are as highly esteemed in Great Britain as they are in America.'' HISTORY OF THE WTLDERS. IIS

As the zealous patron ,ind promoter of the noblest of all sciences, his name ,vill fill a luminous page in the his­ tory of human progress and improvement, a page which will suffer no deterioration by the lapse of years, and which will have its interpreter on every hillside and in every valley where rural taste and refinement are found. \Veil did Goyernor Bullock, on a public occasion, allude to Mr. \Vilder as "one who has applied the results of well-earned commercial fortune, so liberally, that in every household and at every fireside in America, where the golden fruit of summer and autumn gladdens the side­ board or the hearth-stone, his name, bis generosity, and his labors are known and honored." In 1833 Mr. \Vilder married Miss Abigail Baker, claughter of Captain David Baker, of Franklin, Mass., a lady of refinement and piety, and well adapted to make him a happy home. By her he had six children. She died, in r854, of New England's great scourge, consump­ tion, and in the following year he married her sister, Miss Julia Baker. who still lives to cheer him with her loving care. He had in all fourteen children, six of whom are now living. He still lives, surrounded by all that can make the evening of his days serene and happy. The energy that has impelled him to labor for many years still exists. Few men ha\·e accomplished more than l\farshall Pinck­ ney Wilder. The old store in Rindge, after the retirement of Samuel L. Wilder, passed into the hands of Josiah Wilder (3793), son of S. L. and Stephen B. Sherwin, under the firm of Sherwin & \Vildcr, who continued it until their death­ .Mr. Wilder in 1853 and Mr. Sherwin in 1861. For nearly seventy years there were no sudden changes in the firm. The proprietors were men of influence, and enjoyed, in an eminent degree, the confidence and re­ spect of the community. Mr. \Vilder entered the store at an early age, and, by his careful attention to business and strict integrity, won the confidence of his custom- 116 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. ers, and, having no taste for office or public position, he was known chiefly in his store, which, like all the country stores of that day, was the place of common res8rt in time of leisure for the people of the town. l\lr. \Vik!er in 1835 married l\Iiss Elizabeth F. Fosdick, and had two children, Francis L. and Anna E. Francis is now a mer­ chant in Painesville, Ohio. Mr. Sherwin (3888), born in 1805, married, in April, 1838, Mersylyia \Vilder, was a man of great popular favor; was for many years a member of the school com­ mittee, town clerk, and for several years a member of the Legislature, and died very suddenly in 1861. Mr. Sherwin had eight children. CHAPTER XVIII.


OLIVER (122), son of Oliver, was a Captain and Justice of the Peace. In 1739 he married Sarah Townsend, who died in 1743, three weeks after the birth of twins. He married again in r 745, and had in all nine children. His sons, Ezra (3974) and Oliver (3975) removed to Cheshire_ Co., N. H., as early as 1779. Their descendants are now chiefly in Cheshire and Hillsboro' Counties, N. H., and in Northern Vermont. His daughter Tamar was the fourth wife of Dea. Abijah Wilder, of Keene, and was an active, faithful mother of other mother's children; she lived with him forty-five years, and survived him but two or three years. She was for many years a faithful helper in every Christian work. The records of Bolton show that Ezra, son of Oliver, married, in 1762, Betty \Velch. He was a farmer, and had three sons. Ezra (4003) removed to Nelson, Silas {4004) settled in Keene, and Oliver (4007) rn Sullivan. They were all farmers. Silas, of Keene, had one son, who was a graduate of Dartmouth College, and a Congregational minister, settled for some years in Lewis Co., N. Y. His health failed, and he retireJ to a farm in Herkimer, on the Mohawk, where he died in 1865, at seventy-six years of age. Phinehas (126), son of Oliver, settled in Ludlow, Vt., where some of his grandchildren still reside . .~loses \Vi Ider 1128), son of Oliver, settled in Lancaster. w; kno·;·b~t-i'ittle of b{~·~c:r~~:-e~ants, except that there are several famiiies who trace their ancestry to Moses,· but leave it probable that there were two, if not three of that name contemporary with each other. This II8 HlSTOR\. OF THE WlLDERS.

Moses had two wives and fourteen children. He mar­ ried Submit Frost, and after her death he married, in 1772, Emma Forbush. One of his daughters, Tryphena, married a Corey, and had three children. \V c do not know where they lived. A son's name was .l\Ioses, born about 1740. His son, John (3991), married Sally Whip­ ple. of ,\Lulow, N. H., and had eleven children, five of whom died before five years old. Benjamin Goini; Wilder (4026), the son of John, resided in Brooklyn, :md was for many years engaged in the manufacture of the fire-proof safes which bore his name. He died in 1874, leaving a widow and two daughters. Charles Lewis \Vilder (4030), son of John, born in Lan­ caster. One who knew him well said of him: "That up to the age of sixteen he lived with his father, working with him on the farm, and attending the village school. He was a strong boy, and at the age of fifteen he could do a man's work. His father designed him for a shoe­ maker, but Charles desired to make his mark elsewhere, and obtaining his father's consent, he started for Boston, where he immediately obtained employment in the piano factory of McKay & Chickering. His application to business soon gained the esteem of his employers, and they advanced him from post to post till 1835, when they contracted with him to make their key-boards and ac­ tions. He removed to Lancaster, and with one assistant he began the work, doing himself the work of two men~ often working eighteen hours in a day. The connection formed with Jonas Chickering con­ tinued for thirty years, to the mutual satisfaction of all concerned. He sometimes employee! thirty men in his part of the work. He married, and had six sons and six daughters. As early as 1846 he bought a water privilege on the north part of his native town, and erected a saw and grist-mill. He was too active and enterprising to confine himself to one pursuit, and en;:;aged in other things chiefly to aid his brothers. who were less fortunate than himself. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

In 1856 a cotton mill was substituted for the saw and grist-mill, and for a time succeeded. In the winter of 1863 he contracted a cold, which settled iuto asthma, which compelled him, after the war, to go South, where he became interested in plantations. which were a great trouble to him. He has, to the present time, been an unusually active man. Though he li\·ed upon a farm, which he has kept up during all his business life, he has been connected with numerous companies in different parts of the coun­ try, ,vith quite different degrees of success. In public affairs lie has never been prominent, unle~s upon some unusual occurrence, where large executive ability was required, he has been induced to bear his share of responsibility. He was of a benevolent disposi­ tion, kind, and charitable as a Christian, and honored by his children, to whom he gave every advantage of men­ tal and social cultivation and improvement that Massa­ chusetts institutions could furnish-the best and most lasting- memorial of paternal affection. Enos \Vilder (4093), son of Charles Lewis, was a grad­ uate of Harvard in 1865, and was for a time a merchant, and Consul-General for the U. S. at Buenos .Ayres. He has since returned, and is now a commission merchant in New York. This closes the brief history of the descendants of Thomas, son of Thomas, Esq., of Shiplake. CHAPTER XIX.


EDWARD, son of Thomas and ~lartha \Vilder, of Ship­ lakc, ()xon, on the Thames, England; was in Hingham, Massachusetts Bay, in November, 1638, on the arrival of his mother from England, in the ship" Confidence," from the port of Southampton. Of ~Iary, who came with her mother, nothing farther is known, except a tradition that she married in Plymouth. Edward remained in Hingham, and was associated with his mother in his business relations until her death, in 1652. He was made a freeman in 1645, when he must have been twenty-one years of age. He, with his mother, received grants of land in. 1638, and in 1646-'7 be had grants in his own name. He married, about the time of his mother's death, perhaps the year betore, Elizabeth Ames, by whom he had eleven children, the time and order of whose birth will probably never be known correctly. The dates in the tables have been gathered partly from records, and more from tradition, as descend­ ing in different lines, yet as correct as can now be made. But little is known of Edward's public life. He died, October 28, 1690, at, as we suppose, about sixty-seyen years of age. In 1665 he bought land in South Hingham, on which he built a house, which is still standing, and although remodeled, is said to resemble the ori;..;inal dwelling. The sons of Erhvard were John, Ephraim, Isaac, and Jabez, by far the larg-er portion of the descendants of Ed\\'arcl, were through the iine of Jabez, who married : iary Ford. A grandson of Jabez, Ed ward, has left on record a paper, which bas had its influence in handing down the names o! the family. The following j-, a ver- HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. I2I

batim copy, as sent me by his great-grandson Edwin, of Hingham:

"My honored great-grandfather, Edward Wilder, was the first male \Vilder that came to North America. He was born in Great Britain, as we are told. That he and his mother, who was a widow. came from Great Britain when he was a boy. They settled on the land the south side of Boole's Pond, where Jonathan Laing's old house formerly stood; and in the year 1665, March 30. as will appear by the deed thereof. he bought Samuel Ward's grant of land between the two brooks, a few acres of fresh meadow excepted, and came to hve on the same spot of ground I live on, the west side of the way, aud which l wish you may inherit after me; and the remaining part of \Vard's grant, which I own, as you are of the same name. His wife's maideu name was Elizabeth Ames, of the town of Marshfield, and he died October r8, 169'.). She died in 1692, June 9. His son's names were John, Ephraim, Isaac, and Jabez "Wilder, which is my grand­ father. The names of his daughters arc not known to us. "My grandfather Jabez's sons were Jabez, Edward, and Theophilus Wilder, and from the ab(Jve ,,pring all the Wilders that ever lived in this t,own, or any part of the State, except from what originated from a family of \Vilders which was settled at Lancaster some years after, and we do not know of any relations between us and them; and they are numerous as well as ourselves.''

Thie; Edward made an earnest request that the sur­ viving- generations of the name of Edward particularly should be recorded. In many cases, as with other famiiics of that day, the names of the daughters were not kept in regular line with the sons. This may account for the fact that so little is known of the daughters and their lineage in both branches of the family. So far as we have been able to learn, this branch of the \,Yilders was confined to Plymouth and Norfolk Counties 122 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. for more than one hundred vears. Of the employments and enterprise of those who remained in the neighbor­ hood of their first settlement, we have not been able to learn anything. The \Vilders now living there, in their communications with me, have furnished me feyv dates. and very little respecting- the enterprise, public spirit, or employments of those, of whom I naturally looked to them for the facts of history. 1 can of course give only what I have received. In the time of the Revolutionary \Var, we have reason to think that they were not behind others of the name in devotion to national independence. Two brothers in each of two families were officers. Two fathers and three of the sons of each were also in the contest. The grand­ father and great-grandfather of General J. T. Wilder, now of Chattanooga, served with distinction till the close of the war; the bravery, tact, and military skill of Gen. J. T. bear testimony to the character of the family. Theophilus and Zenas, sons of Theophilus, son of Jabez, were in the war. Theophilus was disabled, and resigned his captaincy. About that time several wealthy citizens of Hingham, including these brothers. bought a tract of land in \Vash­ ington Co., Maine, about as near to the boundary line of the Province as they could go. It embraced what is now the towns of Pembroke and Dennysville. A descendant of the \Vilders says, that by the intermarriage of cousins, aimost the entire population of these towns, of all names, are of the \Vilder race. The Kilbys, Allans, .Mayhews, Eastmans, Reynolds, and Lincolns have drawn largelv from the \Vilder stock. This branch of the family have been noted for their evangelical piety. Many of them were deacons of Con­ gregational churches. Some were Baptists and some Methodists. But few, 1 am told, have departed from the old foundations of faith in a Divine Redeemer. They have, of course, been distinguished for their moral integ­ rity. They were content with ordinary prosperity, few have acquired or sought great wealth. They were HISTORY OF THE WILDER::; 123

mainly farmers, mechanics, and tradesmen, such as are necessary in a farming community. Some have been sea­ men, others have held public offices, and a few are professional men. One, Isaac, of Cutier, \Vashington Co., is a merchant of wealth, and Sheriff of the County, and a very few are in New York, Chicago, Boston, and New Orleans. Nathanael of the fourth generation, son of Thomas, son of Isaac, son of Edward, was a farmer in Middleboro, and was many years a representative in General Court. He was a man of distinction, and of great influence. And though but few of his descendants bear the name, the blood is scattered through the neighboring towns in other names. One, Henry \Vilder Allen, is a lawyer and Register in Bankruptcy in New York city. One son settled in \Viscasset, Maine. And of his sons, one is in Brooklyn, two in Pbi.ladclphia, and one in Chicago. Benjamin also of the fourth generation, grandson of Jabez, settled in I 787 in ·winchendon, and raised a large family. Most of the sons were mechanics and traders, and settled in Cincinnati, \Veston, Vt., Boston, vVor­ cester, and South Scituate, Mass. One grandson, Rev. Charles N. \Vilder, is a graduate of Vermont Univer­ sity, and a Congregational minister in Essex Co., New York. Capt. Edward, a brother of Benjamin, married Mary Hersey, anrl had twenty-one children, fifteen of whom were married, five died in childhood, and one died at seventy, unmarried. Five were sons, of whom we have some meager account. If we could have ob­ tained the record of all these families, it would have added much to the completeness of our table, and most likely to the interest of this history. For some reason unknown to us, there has been a most unaccountable ignorance of the histories of near relatives, an aversion to furnishing the families of daughters, or the dates of births and deaths, or historic facts. Time may perhaps reveal the difficulty, but not in season for this work. Capt. Edward was a farmer, and for many years an 124 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. officer of celebrity in the Massachusetts militia. His son Joshua was, in early manhood, a member of the So­ ciety of Friends. He was a pioneer in the Temper­ ance Reformation, and spent his time and money liberally in this cause. As a citizen he was public-spirited and bonest, and be acquired celebrity in his business as a clock-maker and watch-rcp::iirer, which is still conducted by his son Ezra, of South Hingham. His son Ezra, Jr., was in the Thirty-second Regiment of Volunteers in the war of the Rebellion. Joshua, son of Joshua, to whom I am indebted for these facts respecting his father's history, was the first keeper of the l\linots Ledge light-house. He, too, was in the 32d Regiment, l\Iassachusetts Volunteers, in the war of the Rebellion. Ephraim, son of John, settled in Abington, and a blacksmith by trade, as was his son Seth, of the fourth generation, who served through the Revolutionary \var from the battle of Bunker Hill. He had four children, the eldest of w horn, Seth, Jr.. was a mechanic in the army. He had three sons- Reuben, \Villiam, and Townsend. He afterward settled in Cummington, Mass., with his father, who died there at an advanced age. Reuben settled in Hunter, Green Co., N. Y., where he had two sons and three daughters. His eldest son, John Thomas \Vilder, settled in Indiana, was a me­ chanical engineer at the commencement of the war of the Rebellion, when he went into the army as Captain of Artillery, April, 1861. On May 12th he was made Lieu­ tenant-Colonel of Indiana Volunteers. In l\farch, 1862, h<: was promoted as Colonel, and was made a Brigadier­ General by President Lincoln in August, I 863. He was in many battles-such as Pittsburg Landing, l\l urfrees­ boro, Tenn., Chattanooga, Chickamauga, which he opened, and ;\lissionary Ridge, with all of the fights of Sherman's campaign to Atianta. He originated the use of mounted infantry, and intro­ duced successfully the Henry rifle. He commanded the mounted infantry in General Thomas' army during HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 125 its existence. He had five horses killed under him in riding. He had many fights, but was never whipped. He never lost a gun or color during the war. He went through the \Vest Virginia campaign in I 861, and then through the war under Bue11, Rosecranz, and Thomas, taking part in all the hard battles and many small ones preliminary to them. on his own scouts and raids. He was in command of the troops that caplured Chattanooga in 1863; was under fire two hundred and fourteen times during the war. He, after the war, removed to Chattanooga and founded the Roan Iron \Vorks, the largest and most successful one established in the South. At one time they were turning out one hundred tons of railroad iron in a day, and employed one thousand men. Isaac, of the fourth generation, son of Isazc, son of John, son of Edward, resided in Hingham until 1800, when he removed to Townsend. He had five sons and three daughters. Of these we have no information, except of Isaac M., who settled in Hanover, and was a trader of good reputation and a leading spirit in the Congregational church of Hanover village. He had two sons and three daughters. His eldest son. Joseph Eells, entered Amherst College in 1859, and in 1861 he enlisted in the army, and was killed at the battle of Sabine Cross-Roads. At a meeting of the citizens of Hanover, held in Sep­ tember, 1877, for the erection of a memorial of the soldiers who died from the town of Hanover, the following tribute to the memory of Quartermaster-Sergeant J. E. Wilder was presented by William C. Bates, Esq., of \Veyrnouth:

"The veterans of Hanover and vicinity have done well in choosing as the name of their Post that of this young volunteer, for it is a representative one. To us who knew him personally, his name stands for ,ill that affection can suggest, in recalling the bright ones of earth who have too soon (as it seems to us'; been translated from this ,vorld to that beyond the \'eil. 126 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

"\Ve remember him as a true friend, an affectionate, dutiful son, a Christian gentleman ; we think of the bright promise of his youth, the vigor of intellect he dis­ played. and the high hopes we had formed of his future usefulness. "We had watched his progress in early youth through the schools of his native town, and on his entrance at Amherst College had anticipated the credit he would reflect upon these and his native town, and we borrowed of the future the honors the world pays to its great and good men, and placed them in anticipation upon him. '' On the breaking out of the civil war, and the conse­ quent appeals to the patriotism of all thoughtful persons, he enlisted for three years, but it was no surprise to us; though few could sacrifice more than he, his friends ex­ pected no less from him. "To leave a college course, when well started on the way, im·olves a great change to a young man; none but the young can weil appreciate the sacrifice required to turn back at such a time, but he did it. In common with so many others, the flower of the youth of the land, he recognized no duty, no hope, or ambition of personal bearing, until the perpetuity of the Government had been secured; and here his life becomes representative, for he was one of a great body of men who unselfishly gave up themselves for their country, and 'Pro patria moritur sunt '-For their country they are dead. '' At the expiration of the first term of his enlistment, the country was not yet rescued from her peril, and our friend re-enlisted 'for the war,' and, as it proved, 'for life.' If space permitted, it would be a melancholy pleasure to trace the interesting details of his heroic service, to quote his ,vords ()f lofty cheer to family, comrades, and friends, but we can permit ourselves but this brief allusion to his noble qualities; he was a g-ood representative of the Volunteers of Massachusetts in the war of the Rebellion. Again, in the circumstances 01 his death, he was fortu­ nate in standing for a large number of soldiers whose memory must always be specially dear to us who survive. HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 127

Killed in battle, and buried in an unknown grave! In such instances as this of his death will the poet or his­ torian find bis most affecting annals. "It is to commemorate the services of men like our friend, and others of equal patriotism, if not equal accom­ plishments, that it is proposed to erect a monument in Hanover, and it would seem that we who still live have every incentive of gratitude and duty to perform, how­ ever tardily, this work.

" '\\'hen we remember how they died- In dark ravine and on the mountain-side, In leaguered fort and fire-encircled town, Upon the gun-boat's splintered deck, And where the iron ship:; went down­ How their dear lives were spent In the crushed and reddened wreck, By lone lagoons and streams, In the weary hospital tent, In the cock-pit's crowded hive, How they languishF.d and died In the black stockades-it seems Ignoble to be alive ! •

"Joseph Eells \Vilder was born at Hanover, Mass., April 24, 1839; entered Amherst College in September, 1859; enlisted in November, 1861, in Company D, 31st Massachusetts Regiment, under Colonel Hopkins; re­ enlisted in February, 1864, in the same regiment, then known as the 6th Regiment, Massachusetts Cavalry; killed at Sabine Cross-Roads, Louisiana, April 8, 1864, aged twenty-five years. "NEWTON, Mass., September 21, 1877."

A TOlJCJIING CIRCUMSTANCE. The valuable life of Quartermaster-Sergeant Joseph Eells Wilder was suddenly terminated by a ball from the enemy, which pierced his head, causing instant death. Sergeant Kehoe, Company K, who was taken prisoner at the time of the Quartermaster-Sergeant's death, and 128 HISTORY OF THE W1LDERS.

afterward exchanged, said that a Confederate lieutenant handed to him the face of an envelope, and told him that he took it from the coat-pocket of a quartermaster-ser­ geant lying dead by the roadside. This part of an envelope bore the words, "Joseph E. Wilder, Q. :.\I. Sergt., 6th Rc>g . .Mass. Cavalry, New Orleans," in the handwriting of his estimable father, who now has in his possession this sacred and touching memorial of a noble and r:atriotic son. Cushing Wilder, brother of Isaac M., went with his father to Townsend, and resided there until his death in 1846, leaving two sons, one of whom is now a farmer in Florida, Mass., and the other is still in Townsend Harbor. We regret exceedingly that no more of the history of this branch of the vVilders can be given. There are undoubtedly covered up in the various families, mate­ rials for a much more extended account of these, with incidents that would give a far greater reputation to the race than has bec11 revealed. Could I have visited and held personal conversation with each member of the branch, the choicest of its spirits would have been known and noticed; but we give what we have bee11 able to obtain. CHAPTER XX.


IN'june, 1876, in the items of news in the New York Tribune, we noticed that Dr. Hillary \Vi!der, of Raleigh, N. C., had accomplished an extraordinary feat of gun­ nery. Not having found any Wilders in that State, l im­ mediately wrote to the Doctor, and by return mail re­ ceived a reply, which resulted in the following very interesting history of what was hith,:>rto unknovrn to any of the \Vilders' historians so far as I hav.::- been able to ascertain. Dr. \Vilder says: "My great-grandfather's name W«: Samuel, as I learn from tradition. He had several sons, Billie, Samuel, Jr., Tilley or Hillery. The last-named was my grandfather." I gather from his statement facts which I shall put in order, and make a continuous his­ tory. Billie was, without doubt, the common Billy, a contraction for \Villiam, which we shall use as the family name. Till., or Hillery, has probably grown out of Tilley, which was a family name in Lancaster, Mass., at the time of the birth of Col. Hillery, abuut 1750 to '80. If there was any connection of this branch of the \1/ilcler race wil h the Lancaster or Hingham Wildcrs, they were from Oliver, son of Nathanael. son of Thomas, of Lan­ caster. Oliver, son of Nathanael, had a son Tilley, and there were others of that name in the family. It was not a difficult matter in those days of comparatively limited intelligence for a name to bt; changed for another of similar sound, in the recollection of the second or third generation. Fur example, Tilley, son of Oliver, born 1722, probably in the family and the neighborhood called Till, could easily be made when given to a grand- 10 130 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. son as his name, be called Hillary instead of Tilley. In this case, whatever the origin, the name is now Hillary. Samuel settled in Johnston Co., lying south of Frank­ lin, and south-east of \Vake, with Nash between Frank­ lin and Johnston, and north-east of \Vake. Samuel had three sons, \Villiam, Samuel, Jr., and Hil­ lary or Till, as Dr. Wilder says. \Villiam settled in Franklin Co. There was a Moses J. \Vddcr, who lived with his uncle Samuel in Nash Co., was born about I 760 to '65. Possibly he was a son of \Villiam. We know nothing more of this \Villiam. Col. Hillary, born 1784, May 18, was a man of note in his county, a Representative to the Legislature for a great number of years. He was also a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1835. In 1838 he removed to Wake Co., and died in 1849 at the scat of the Wilders of the presPr.~ generation, in that county. He married Esther Avery, who died November, 1857. They had nine children, two sons and seven daughters. \Ve know not the date of births or deaths of rr.ost of them, or the order of their birth. r Polly, 2 Esther, 3 Caroline, 4 Fannie or Frances, 5 Betsy, 6 Emeline, 7 Nancy, 8 Gaston H., 9 Madison. r. Polly Wilder married Wiley L. Hinton, and lived at Sipsey :Mills, Pickens Co., Alabama. Their children were, \Villiam H., Gaston, Mary. Victoria, Kate, and Caroline. The two last are married, and live in Mis­ s1ss1pp1. 2. Esther Wilder, daughter of Col. Hillery, married William Richardson, and had five children. I Hillery Richardson, 2 John, 3 Joseph, 4 Madison, and 5 Sally. Madison married Kate Hinton, a first cousin, sister of William H. Hinton. 3. Caroline Wilder, daughter of Col. Hillery, married Rufus Edmondson, and had three daughters: 1 Alice, 2 Lucy, and 3 Sally. Their mother is dead, and the father is again married. 4. Frances Wilder, daughter of Col. Hillary, married Thomas Bridgers. They had one son and two daughters. HISTORY OF THE, WILDERS. I3I

I Thomas, 2 Mary, 3 Ann B,idgers. Mary Bridgers mar­ ried Nathan Myatt, and had one daughter, Fanny Myatt. \Vhen he died, she married (so says Dr. Hillary) a New York drummer, Rufus Dunn by name, about the breaking out of the Rebellion, 1861, and had four chil­ dren, I William, 2 Samuel, 2 Molly, and 4 Saidie. Her husband is the present Sheriff of Wake Co. Ann Bridgers married James B. Dm1n, M.D. (a brother of Rufus, the drummer). Thomas, their brother, is unmar­ ried, and living on the border of the chartered limits of Raleigh. 5. Betsy Wilder, ddughter of Col. Hillary, married Ransom Hinton, and had four children: r 1fary, 2 Lydia, 3 Ann, and 4 VVilliam Hinton. Their father was drowned in the Neuse Riyer while in the prime of life, at thirty­ five years of age. Mary and Lydia Hinton married two brothers, Addison and \Villiam Lee. Mary is the mother of five children, four boys and one girl. I Ed ward, 2 Clee, 3 Regulus, 4 Cecil, and 5 Elizabeth. Lydia is the mother of five children, three of whom are now living; Harry Lee, who graduated as M.D. at the University of Pennsylvania; Bcthia, who is at the Peace Institute in Raleigh, completing her education; and Paul, who is residing with the family in Johnston County. 7. Nancy Wilder, the last of the daughters living, mar­ ried a man by the name of Whitley, by whom she had one son, Hillary Whitley, who is now a practicing physi­ cian in Johnston Co. He is married, and has a large family. She (Nancy) married again to Reuben Wilder, of another set of vVilders, distantly connected with the North Carolina branch, by whom she had one son, James R. \Vilder, who is now about twenty-seven years of age. Was of course born about 1849. 8. Gaston H. Wilder, son of Col. Hillary, born April 1, 1814, was educated at the North Carolina University, was an eminent lawyer, was Representative of \Vake Co. in the Legislature eight or ten years, and died the fifth day of August, 1873; married at thirty-six years of age, to Sarah E. Hinton, of Alabama. After having spent HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. some years in the service of his country in the Mexican war, was ranked as Major in the G. S. Army, but was in the Paymaster's department of General Taylor's line. After the war he was stationed for a time in New York and \Vashington. He had eight children: 1 Hillery, 2 Fannie, 3 Katie, 4 Samuel, S William, 6 Gaston H., 7 Sarah, 8 Isaac. Fanny, daughter of Gaston H., mar­ ried David Foote, and has one child. Hillary graduated :M.D. at New York, married June 6, 1876, to Lettie Wor­ sham, and is now practicing medicine in Raleigh, N. C. MOSES J. WILDER was undoubtedly a limb of the above branch, though we may never be able to place it in its proper position. He lived with his uncle Samuel in Nash Co. until sixteen years old, when he enlisted in General Greene's army, and was at the fall of Baron De Kalb. He had a sister Nancy, who married a Larter. He married three times in North Carolina, and had thir­ teen children: 1 Nancy, 2 Wylie, 3 Barbary, 4 Martha, 5 Samuel, 6 Temperance, 7 Berry, 8 Moses, 9 William H., 10 Lawrence, 11 Robert, 12 Henderson, 13 George. Moses removed with his family and his sister and her household to DeKalb Co., Tennessee, where he died in 1839. Some of his sons removed to Greenfield, Ill., one of whom, ·william H., is a farmer, who first married Charity Finley, by whom he had-I Josephine, 2 Worth, 3 Franklin, 4 Charlotte, S John \Vesley. He has since married a Mrs. Bradner, and has no issue. A peculiarity of this family is in spelling their name Wykkr, as the widow Martha spelt hers when she first emigrated. Other names are changed in the course of time by the whim of some member of the household or by general custom. Eames, as the name was spelled in 1653, when Edward \Vikler was married to Elizabeth, now it is spelled Ames. Jabez \Vilder's wife was Mary Foard, now it is universally spelled Forc1. So our name was in the old English records, \Vylder, now, even in copying tho:;e records it is Wilder. It is hoped that when the old papers of the first North Carolina \Vilders come to sight, as they may at HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 133

some future time, new testimony will be found to throw light upon the origin of this Branch of the Tree. It is nut impossible that it will be found that some one of the younger sons of the Shiplake families laid the foun­

He married :Miss Susan Key Egerton, on the 14th February, 18II. At the time of their marriage he had been a clerk for her father, and was engaged to be mar­ ried to her at the time of his death. They were married soon after, and he succeeded to the business of his father Egerton, who was a farmer and merchant at Chaptico, a small town in St. Mary's Co., l\faryland, which business he confrrned until his death, on the 7th of January, 1828. He left a widow with five children; three sons and two daughters-Margarette, born Feb­ ruary 17, 1813; Mary, born April 14, 1815; James Bennett, born July 12, 1817; Oscar, born June 4, 1819; and Edward, born December 31, 1825, this being the third Edward \Vilder of the family. It is somewhat singular that a family so remarkable for their health and vigor should have passed into their fourth generation leaving so few male members to per­ petuate the name. This Edward \Vilder was an only son ; his father was also an only son. He left three sons, and they have only one living son, and from !)resent prm:pects it is not at all likely that another son will he born unto them. James B. has a son Graham, born July 1, 1843, and has fortunately two bright and promis­ ing boys-James B. and Oscar \Vilder, who may be more fortunate in disseminating the family name in the country in ,vhich they have enjoyed so much happiness and pros­ perity. Edward was a tall, spare man, with no tendency to corpulcncy, industrious and entcrprisin~, and was highly respected in the community where he resided. .'.\Jr. \Vilder and his wife were both Episcopalians by birth. Mr. \Vilder, though not a communicant. was exceedingly fond of taking his family to church every Sunday. They continued, after the death of Mr. \Vilder, to reside in St. Mary's Co., MaryLrncl, until December, 1830. The spirit of emigration to Kentucky and Missouri began to run pretty high, and Mrs. \Vilder bclie\'ing it would be best for her young and growing family, decided to break herself loose from the friends ancl relations by ,vbich she HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. 135 was surrounded and seek a new home in the wild \Vest­ ern world, and on the 18th of December, 1830, they landed at Louisville, Ky., their present home. Soon after their arrival James B. engaged as a clerk in a wholesale drug-house. The two other sons, Oscar and Edward, were sent to school. In 1834 Oscar left school and engaged his services to the same firm with whom James B. was employL'.d. On the r 5th October, 1838, they purchased the business in which they were employed and commenced for themselves, and have con­ tinued the business until the present time. Oscar died in May, 1854, leaving a wife and tvvo children-one, a son, died in infancy; a daughter still lives in Louis\·ille. Edward continued at school until of suitable age to com­ mence business, when he was employed by his brothers and trained for his future business career. He afterward became a partner, and continued a member of the firm until 1858, when he went into business on his o,vn ac­ count, and has so continued till this time. He had on!y one child, Minernt Key, a lovely daughter, who died when seven or eight years old. \Ve have no means ofascertaining from whence this fam­ ily emigratrd. The first Edward died in 1779,justbefor-e the birth of his son Edward, the father of James B. It is natural to suppose that this was his first child, and that he had not long been married. \Ve suppose that he was from twenty-five to thirty-five years of age in 1777. 1-:l e was born between 1744 and 1754. \Ve have not one of that name born between 1730 and 1760 who is not ac­ counted for. Mrs. Wilder, the \Vidow of Edward, and the mother of James B., recollects distinctly that there were Wilders in her early days in Petersburg, Va., which was but eighty miles from the \Vilders of North Carolina at that time, which renders it probable that tbe_y were from tbe same stock. It is not a little rcmarkalile that a descendant of Thomas, son of Thomas, was not long- since in company witb this James B., and on looking at the portrait of Marshall P. \Vilder, a lineal descendant of Nathanael, son HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. of Thomas, a man of correct taste, said that they were enough alike to be of the same family. It is to be hoped that the old papers of the \Vilders of North Carolina will some time unravel the mystery, and find when and where all these branches were separated from the main stock, so that when another Book of the Wilders is published the table wiil em brace them all. CHAPTER XXI.


THE origin of the coats of arms was in the days of chivalry, when symbols or devices of honor were used to signalize merit and exhibit the tokens of royal favor. The arms and crest, as well as the motto, were originally intended to represent important characteristics of the bearer; and though, in later years, the crest has often been a fanciful token, perhaps selected by the bearer of the arms, and liable to change, it was not so in the days of the popularity of heraldry. The Wilder arms, it is supposed, were conferred by Henry VII. upon Nicholas, . a military chieftain, who it is now conceded was of Ger­ man descent, and distinguished himself in the battle by which Henry Vll. secured the crown of England. The character of a successful military commander is \vell represented by a lion issuing forth from behind bar­ rulets, and in the act of springing upon his prey. No other token was needed to exhibit the peculiar points of character which made Nicholas a favorite with his king. It is still farther indicated by the motto: '' Let Fortresses yield to Valor." . The crest which, at the time, surmrmnted the shield, has shown itself, after a period of four hundred years, to have been indicative of the general characteristic of the man. A bust of a savage or an uncultivated, uncivilized man­ a man from the forest. That bust is found in "The Book of Family Crests," published in 1840, by Washburn, London, Vol. I., p. 65, No. 7892. It is in most of our large libraries. That form of the crest was the one used from 1686, when the last visitation by authority ,vas made to correct impositions, until 1766, when the coat of arms with that crest was confirmed to John Wilder, Esq., HISTORY OF THE WILDERS. the then proprietor ot the landed estate of Sulham. It is a bust of a man with a stern, uncompromising- counte­ nance, indicating the abilit_v to surmount all obstacles and a pertinacity which overcomes all difficulties, which, with a proper cultiYation, would indicate all the qualities which have made the \Yilders distinguished in all times. Intermarriage very often, after a few generations, changes the entire characteristics of a name. :--Jot so with the \Vilrlcrs. They have a potentiality that is un­ common. \Vhile comparatively few of the name bear the elements of character derived from their mother, far more of the daughters have carried the \Vilder traits with them, and incorporated them with their assumed names. A distinguished descendant of the \Vilders at the Far \Vest. who was not able to trace his pedigree to the first Thomas of 1638, said there was no doubt of the connec­ tion, though it could not be traced, for his father and grandfather, and a distinguished man of another name, his cousin, and a leading man of the line of Thomas, and his known kinsman, were enough alike in physique to be brothers. Three of the name of \Vilder were in consultation in New York a few months since. 1t was remarked by another that there was a distinct family resemblance be­ tween them. It was found that each of them was a descendant of each of the sons of Thomas of 1638. They had carried the family resemblance through seven gener­ ations. They are not usually tall, but rather stout-five feet six to five feet ten in height; weight ofLen from 180 to 220; closely built; often of immense strength and great ag-ility; long-lived, and retaining their mental faculties to the last. Most of the early \Vil

Rindge, Dublin, Sullivan, and other towns in New H:impshirc, to all parts of Vermont. to Lyme and Hartland, Conn. : and in a few yenrs they sent out their branches to other States until tl:e whoie nation has theri1 in its different cities ancl towns. This w:is not. from ~t rm·ing disposition, but an enterprising spirit, studyi11g­ not so much the means of acquiri1?g- wealth, as an in­ ventive genius desiring to make things better and more useful, with a confidence in their own ability. and a per­ sever:mce which generaliy brings success. While God has given them a full share of His gifts, they have not been careful to imprO\-e them by culti­ vation. There are few graduates of college of our name, and yet there are many all along the line tbat have been called to fill places of responsibility and usefulness, and have succeeded as well, at least, as others. _And yet they might, any of them, have been more well-balanct:cl, and had a n-ider and more permanent influence had they been less anxious to enter tbe theater of active life until their minds had been thoroughly trained. Our ancestors were driven 011t of England by a perse­ cution which tested their religious character. The book of sports and the star-charn ber, were not to be tolerated if by emigration to the new colony they could be con­ scientious in the worship of God. The first few g-encra­ tions \Vere pre-eminently a devout, pious people. Tbeir duty to God was paramount to all othei- claims. The men were leading men in the churches, yet not so anxious ti) be seen in their work as to maintain the right in all things. Thomas, at Charlc:-:town, for near twenty years, was not one of the prominent men in official circles, yet when there was ;1 fear that official prJ1ver was tu be arrayed against perc:onal liberty in the churches, he was the champion of personal rights. His sons were officers in the church, and mally of the \Vildcrs of the present day are permitted to trace back their pedigree through an unbroken line of active Christian men. It was but yesterday that a descendant of J1.mas, son uf John, born 1699, who has more than five hundred names 140 HISTORY OF THE WILDERS.

in their Lineage table, and who has a very extensive acquaintance with that branch of the family in all the State, said to me that he scarcely knew of an adult in all that branch who v,;as not an intelligent evangelical Chris­ tian. The principles of evangelical piety are, I believe, a very general element of the Wilder character, and though some are of other denominations, there arc very few who have not retained their faith in a crucified Redeemer as the ground of pardon. They are generally men of in­ tegrity, and reliable in all their business relations. Very few have been found who have exposed themselves to the shafts of Justice, or dishonored their names. An unconquerable tenacity of purpose, connected with a strong confidence in their 0wn estimate of the correct­ ness of their conclusions, have done much to keep them out of the arena of political strife. They are not the material of which demagogues are made, and therefore · are not sought after to fill places for party purposes. Yet when called to fill places of responsibility, few in­ deed have failed to secure public confidence. May God grant that our children and children's chil­ dren may so improve the talents that He has given them, and avoid the errors of the fathers, that they may be greater and better men, more successful in their various professions and' employments, and useful to the world; and yet retain the abiding faith in the religion that so firmly rooted the characteristics of the fathers, and made them self-denying and useful Christians. l_TnENTE · i , ..Li,"I()(_,--,,:, ..A ~ T l ()F-... TIJE·_ __ _.J TITJLDI~I)q\i \- _ _ _ :..1. \., ~~_,..


THESE tables were intended to contain all the Wildcrs and the children of Wilders, who have descended from the family which first came from England about 1638. 1t consisted of the widow and children of Thomas, the third from Nicholas of 1/j97. He died in 1634, and his family came to Massachusetts Bay. T.he two sons, Thomas and Edvvard, were the progenitors of most of the American \\Tilders so far as we know. The tables, though as complete as we could make them, are yet very imperfect, on account of the great number of the families not being able to render assistance with their records, and the neglect of others to give the dates of births and deaths. Pet names have been avoided, and the real name generally inserted ; also present established names instead of the forms in use in former years, as Ford instead of Foard, and Ames for Eames. There are many mistakes in the consecutive number~ which could not be corrected, and must be left to mar the beauty of the work. The extreme suflering under which most of the tables were prepared for the press is our only excuse. In the table the left-hand column is a regular list of the wives and children from one to the end. The children who are afterward heads of families are numbered in large type. The children of each family numbered in Roman numerals, in the order of their birth, with the date 144 GENEALOGICAL TABLES.

of births and deaths when known, with the names of those to whom they were married. The head of the family is followed by his or her ancestors, with small figures, indicating the generation to which they belong. S. is used for son, dr. for daughter, and other ordinary abbreviations. The table is naturally divided into three parts: Part I. The Lineage of Thomas to the fourth genera­ tion. Part II. Each of the fourth generation rn their order, down to the latest record obtained. / Part III. The lineage of Edward, brother of Thomas. L- r 32f:" GE NE A LO G I C AL TAB LE.




1 1 THOMAS' WILDER (John," John,' .Nidwias ), of Shiplake, Oxon, proprietor of the Sullnm estate in Eaks Co., England. His wife's name wa, Marthl Wilder. Issue :. l 1. J,'}lrn 'Wilder, of Nunhide, snccessor of Thomas, d. 1688. 2 ll. Tnomas Wilder,1 b. 1618; d. Oct. 23, 1667. 3 rn. EiizalJeth \'Vilder, 1 L I62T ;"'m. Thomas Ensign. 4- 1v. Edwarrl Wilder,' b. 162.3; cf. Oct. 28, 1690; m. Elizabeth Ames.

v. Man., Wilder' ___,__,,,,,. '\c • ; ~ J·~·.· . /.

1 ::! THOMAS~ WILDER (Thomas ) and Martha settled m Charlestown, l\Iass. A freeman m 1640; m. 1641, 6 ; d. Jnne Io, 1617-z. Issue:

7 L Mary Wilder, b. June 30, 1642. S 1;__ Thoihas '\-Vilder, b. Sept. 14, 1644; 9 m. Joi;•; ·wilder, b. 1646. (o iv. Eliwbeth Wilder, b. r6.i8. l 1 v. ,'\iJ.tbnael '\Vi!der, b. Nov. 3, 1650; d. July, 1704; m. friary Sa,vyer.

8 ETIZABETH V,.'n,DEH, married in Hingham Jan. 17, rG,39, two months :ifte;- ihe arrival c,f her mother, to 12 THOMAS ENSIGJ,, cf J\fa!·~bLc:Id, d. 166.'.'i. l;J 1. Jfa.rwah En"ign, b. Jnly, 1640; 111. Thomas Shephard. 14 :1. flizabeth Ensign, m. N:;thanael \Vard. r5 111. John Ensign. !I 146 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

8 THOMA~ WILDER (Thomas'), was executor of his fat!H!r's will, and succeeded to his estate in Lancaster; 111. Jtme 16 i-.7, r678, Mary ~ghtou. Their children were:

17 1. James Wilder, b. 1680; d. May 13, 1739; 111. Abigail Gardner. 18 11. Joseph \Vilder, b. July 5, 1683; d. May 26, 1757; Ill. Lucy Gardner. r9 iii. Sarah YVildcr, b. Jan. 22, r685; m. --- Fairbanks. 20 iv. Elizabeth Wilder, b. 1687; m. --- Hutchings. 21 v. Anna \\'iider, b. 1689; m. Hezekiah Wiliard. 22 vi. Mary Wilder, b. ~; 111. --- Hartwell.

9 JoHN' ·WILDER (Thomas'), a farmer of Lancaster; m. 23 r673, Hannah---.

24 1. John \Vilder, bap. July 12, 1673; m. Sarah Sawyer. 25 11. Thomas Wiicler,·b. 1676; m. Susannah Hunt. 26 iii. Hannah Wifder, b. Oct. 31, 1679; d. Sept. 26, 1728. 27 1v. James Wilder, b. r68r. 28 v . .Ebenezer \Vilder, b. June 23, 1683; d. Dec. 25, 1728. 2!J v1. Anna \Vilder, b. 1690; cl. 1736; m. Joseph~Willard.

30 11 NATHANAEL' WILDER (Thomas'). :;e,.,t...~ 21f, /t 7 '/.. MARY SAWYER, dr. of Thomas, and Mary Sawyer, b. 7 4, 16s

33 111. Mary ·wilder, b. May 12, 791 ..,.._JIJ;.. ,~ .. ,.,t 34 IV. Elizabeth Wilder, b. Feb. 14, 1681. ao v. Jonathan Wilder, u. April 20, r68~f d. ~­ ~~'.· Dorothy Wilder, b. 1686; m. Samuel Carter. ·37 Vll. Oliver Wilder, b. 1694; d. March 8, 1 765.

I a HANNAH ENSIGN, dr. of Elizabeth (\V;lder) and Thomas Ensign; m. THOMAS SHEPHARD, b. 1632; d. Sept. 17, 17,9; of Mal- den. Issue:

39 1. Thomas Shephard, b. 1659, of Charlestown. 40 n. Hannah Shephard, b. 1661; m. r682, Joseph Blanchard. 41 111. Jacob Shephard, b. 42 1v. John Shephard, b. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 147

43 v. Ralph Shephard, b. 1667. 44 vi. Isaac Shephard, b.

1 17 JAMES• \V1LDER (Thomas,' Thomas ), of Boston, removed to Lancaster, and was Representative in 1732. He 45 married Oct. 20, 1709, ABIGAIL GARDNER, b. 1681 ; d Sept. rS, r 76r; was sister of Rev. A!ldrew Gardner, pastor elect of the Congregational church. Issue ;

46 i. James Wilder, b. 1 7I r; m ..r-.fartha Broughton. 47 11. Gardner Wilder, m. Mary Phelp;;. 48 m. Elizabeth Wilder, b. Sept. 18, 1726.

18 JOSEPH• \VrtDER (Thomas," Thomas'), of Lancaster, was a man of great gifts, and highly esteemed as a. man and a Christian. ..:\ judge and Chief Justice of the Court c.f Common Picas. Married in I 702 to 49 LucY GARDNER, b. 16j9;

50 l. Thomas vVilder, b. I 704. 51 ii. Andrew Wilder, b. Dec. '28, r706; d. Feb. w, r774; m. Elizabeth Carter. 62 m. Joseph \Vilder, b. Dec. 1708; d. Sept. r2, r776; m. De­ b:Yrah Jocelyn. 53 1v. Ctleb Wilder, b. 1710; d. June 19, x756; m. Abigail Carter.

21 ANNA• WILDER, dr. of (Thomas,' Thornas '), m. 1712, 54 HEZEKIAH 'VILLARD. Issue : 55 1. Thomas Willard, b. March, 1713. 56 lL Phinehas Wiliar

r 24 JOHN• WILDER (John; Thoma:,'), a farmer of Lancaster, 62 m. SA1tAH SAWYER, faH,e: 6:J i. Jonas Wi.lder, b. Nov. 16, 1699; cL 1797; m. ut, Eunice Bearn:in ; 2d, Eunice .Beaman. 148 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

6-i ii. Josiah Wilder, b. Jan. 6, 1701; rn. Prudence Keyes. 65 Ill. Mary Wilder, b. July 9, 1703 ; Ill. r 73 r, William Rich- ardson. 66 lV. Hannah Wikler, b. March 4, r 708. 67 v. Jonathan Wilder, b. Oct. 5, 1710. 68 VJ. John Wilder, b. April 13, 1713; m. Prudence Wilder. 69 Vil. Thankfoi \Vilder, b. April 15. r 715. 70 viii. William Wilder, b. Sept. 4, r 7 I 7; m. Sarah Sawyer.

25 THOMAS a \VII.DER (John,' Thomas'), of South Lancaster, 71 m. SUSANNAH ~1'. Issue:

72 1. John Wilder, b. Sept: 12; 1705, of Ludlow, Vt. 7;{ 11. Jotham Wilder, b. 1710; m. Phebe Wheeler. 74 m. Anna Wilder, b. I 711; -m:- E1,l11aim Witder: 75 1v. Prudence Wilder, b. r 7 r 9. 28 EBENEZER' WILDER (John,' Thomas'), of South Lan- caster. 111. June, 1 702, 76 MARY ---, b. 1684; d. Jan. 6, 1733. Issue:

77 1. Benjamin Wilder, b. 1703; d. 1759; m. Jane Robbins. 78 11. David Wilder, b. 1705; m. rst, 1\frs. Anna Prentice; 2d, Mrs. Eunice Jennison; 3d, Miss Martha White. 79 m. Hephzibah Wilder, b. 1707; d. 1802; m. Jonathan Wilson.


81 I. Abigail Willard, b. July 4, 1718. 82 JI, Susanna Willard, b. June 4, I 720. 83 m. Lois Willard, b. 1722. 84 1-V. Josiah \Villard, L. t 724; m. Hannah Hubbard. 85 v. Nathan Willard, b. 1725; m. Lucy Allen. 86 VI. Prudence Willard, b. r 728. 87 VII. Abner Willard, b. 1730; m. Thankful Doolittle. 88 Vlll. Sampson V,'illard, b. 1732. 89 JX. Wilder Willard, b. r 7 34 ; d. 1777.

1 31 NATHANAEL' \VrLLFR (Nathanaei; Thomas ), a farmer of the we;,t part ot Lancaster, Mass. (now Sterling), until r 743, when he removed to 1-'etersham, where he had purchased a large tr;tct of land; m. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 149

90 DAMARIS/Y~u'e f-' ·1 I~ 91 !, Nathanael, ~ b. _Nov. 26, 1708; m. Mary Bowman. twms. '92 11. Johathan, . Wilder, d. Nov. 26, I708. 93 111, Charles Wilder, b. Sept. 15, 171 o ; m. Martha Savage. 94 1¥. Joshua Wilder, b. Sept. 20, I712 ; d. 1762 ; m. Sarah Keyes. 95 v. Bezaleel \Vilder, b. Nov. 20, 1714. 96 V!. Aholiab \Vilder, b. :Feb. 5, 1717. 97 VIL Damaris Wil

:12 EPHRAIM• 1VILDER (Nathanael,' Thomas'), m. 1698, 103 ELIZABETH STEPHENS, b. 1680; d. J\hy 28, I 769. lssue

104 1. Ephraim Wilder, b. 1707; cl. May ·7, I770; m. Anna Wilder. 105 11. Elizabeth Wilder, b. 1797; m. Tilley Merrick, of Brook- field. 106 m . .Martha \Vilder, b. 107 1v. Dorothy \Vilder, b. 108 v. Eunice \Vilder, b. 109 v1. Susannah V11ilder, b. ; m. Samuel Willard. 110 vu. Asaph Wilder, b. 1714: d. July 28, r749; m. Zipporah 1Vheeler.

35 JONATHAN' Wn.DER (Nathanael,' Thomas'), m. 1706, 111 MARY---, and was killed by the Indians, August, 1807. Issue:

112 1. Jonathan Wilder, b. Dec. 28, I 707.

1 DOROTHY' WILDER, cir. (Nathanael,• Thomas ), m. March, I 7or, 113 SAMUEL CA1n·E1<, of Lancaster, Mass. Issue :

114 J. Samuel Carter, b. 1703. 115 JJ. Nathanael Carter, b. 1705. II6 111. Jonathan Carter, b. Jjir. 150 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

117 1v. Ephraim Carter. Li. 1713; 111. 1838, Abigail Wilder. rr 8 v. Oliver Carter, b. 1715.

37 OLIVER• \Vn,D!il-: (Nathanael; Thomas'), 111, 1713, n9 MARY FAIRBANh., b. 1692; d. June 12, 1745. 1ssue:

120 1. Hannah Wilder. b. Jan. 15, 1716; d. Nov. 23, 1723. 121 ll. Mary \Vilder, b. Dec. 24, 1717. 122 Ill. Oliver Wilder. b. "'lay I 7, 1720; m. Sarah Townsend. 12:l 1v. Tilley \\'ilder, l,. June 23, qzz. 124 v. Keziah Wilder. h. Feb. 27, 1725. 125 v1. Tamar ·wilder. b. May 23, 1727. 126 vii. Phinehas Wiidcr, b. April 14, r 730; m. r 780, Lois Boies. 127 viii. Lois Wilder, b ..\pril 20, 1733. 128 ix. Moses Wilder, b. l\Iay 4, 1736; m. Submit Frost. 129 x. Abigail Wilder, b. Dec. 16, 1740. GE J\: EAL O GICA L TABLE.


From this point each lineage of the four generations will be traced to the present time, so far as we have obtained the data, and following each other in the order of the consecutive numbers from 46 to 128.


4:6 JAMES• \VILDER (James,' Thomas/ Thomas'), m. 1723, 130 MARTHA BROUGHTON ; d. March Ii, 1774. Issue:

I 3 I i. Josiah Wilder, b. Oct. rt), I 73 5 ; d. April 4, 1736. 132 ii. Martha Wilder, b. Feb. z3, 1737. 133 iii. Abigail Wilder, b. June n, r 739. 134 iv. James Wilder, b. June zz, r 741. 135 v. Josiah Wilder, b. May 27, r744; d. 1788; m. Mary Flagg. 136 vi. Asaph Wilder, b. July 20, 1749. r37 vu. Snsannah \Vilder, b. April 23, 1751.

13 JosIAH' WILDER (James'), born in Lancaster, a graduate of Yale College, I 76 5. All the other members of his family died in early life, and he left no male issue, so that this lineage is represented now only by other names. He married l\farch 20, 1774, 138 MARY FLAGG, b. Oct. 20, 1750; d. Feb. 2, 180; dr. of Gershom Flagg, Esq., of Boston. Issue :

139 1. William P. Wildt>r, b. Oct. 8, 1775; d. Sept. 1, 1778. 140 ii. Henry Wilder, b. March 27, 1777; d. Sept. 19, q78. 141 iii. Polly Wilder, b. Aug. 2 7, 1 778; d. Sept. r 9. r 778. 142 iv. Angnstus Wilder, b. Nov. 4, r779; d. Nov. 16, 1779. 14:3 v. Polly Wilder, b. Oct. 8, 1780; d. r8n; m Daniel ·white, LL.D. 144 v1. Henry ,viJdcr, b. Aprii 29, I782; d. 1801.

14:-J POLLY' WILDER, dr. (Josiah,' James'), m. 1807, 152 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

145 DANIEL A. WHITE, of Salem, Mass., graduate Harvard I791, LLD. 1837. lssue:

146 I. Ivf ary Elizabeth White, b. March 7, 1808 ; d. 1809. 14:7 11. Elizabeth Ann White, b. March 4, 1809; m. William Dwight, Esq. 148 iii. Mary \\'ilder White, b. Dec. 1810; d. Dec. 24, 1857; m. Caleb Foote.

14, ELIZABETH ANN WHITE, dr. (Daniel A. White), m. 1830, 149 \VILLIA~r DWIGHT, a lawyer, of Springfield, Mass. Issue: iso 1. William Dwight, b. July 14, 1831; m. Anna Robeson. 151 ll. Wilder Dwight, b. April 23, 1833; d. Sept. 19, 1862. A graduate of Harvard College, Lieutenant-Colonel Vol­ unteers, Army of the Rebellion, wounded at Antietam and died. 152 m. Daniel A. Dwight, b. Jan. 30, 1836; m. Mary S. Peale. 153 1v. Howard Dwight, b. Oct. 29, 1837; d ..May 4, 1863. 154 v. Thomas Dwight, b. Oct. 5, 1841; d. 1847. 15a VJ. Charles Dwight, b. May 6, 1843. 156 vu. Chapman Dwight, b. Dec., 1844.

148 MARY WILDER WHITE, dr. of Daniel A., LL. D.; m. 1834, 15 7 CALEB FooTE, long the Proprietor and Editor of the Salem Gazette. Issue :

158 J. Elien D. Foote, b. 1836. 159 11. Henry Wilder Foote, b. Jan. 14, 1838. 160 111. William 0. Foote, b. 1841. 161 IV. Martha Foote, b. May 26, 1842. 162 v. Mary Wilder Foote, b. Aug., 1843 ; m. John B. Tileston. 163 VJ. Arthur Williams Foote, b. 1845.

150 WILLIAM DWIGHT, son of (William, and third from Josiah Wilder, M.D.), was a graduate oi West Point, and Brig.-Gen. in the Army of the Rebellion; m. June I, 1856, 164 ANNA ROBESON, cir. of Thomas and Sybil Robeson, of New Bedford. 1ssue : 16-5 William Arthnr Dwight, b. June 3, 1867.

152 DANIEL A. DWIGHT, son of (William), 111. June 2, 1870, GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 153

166 MARY SILSBEE PEALE, dr. of J. W. and Sarah S. Peale, of Boston, Mass. Issue :

167 1. Jane Appleton Dwight, b. May 14, 1871. 168 11. Howard Dwight, May 14, 1876.

155 CHARLES DWIGHT, son of (William), m. Oct. 18, 1865, 169 MARY A. H. WEI.CH, dr. of Francis and M. A.H. Welch. Issue :

170 i. Wilder Dwight, b. Aµril 20, 1868.

lo9 HENRY WILDER FOOTE, son of (Caleb and Mary w. Foote), a graduate of Harvard Col!ege, ordained pastor of King's Chapel, Boston, in 1866; m. July, 1858, I 71 FRANCES ANN ELLIOT, dr. of ( Hon. Samuel A. Elliot). Issue: 172 i . .Mary Foote, b. Nov. 6, 1869. 173 ii. Frances Elliot Foote, b. Feb. 2, 1875. 174 iii. Henry Wilder Foote, b. Feb. 2, 1875.

162 MARY WILDER FooTE, dr. of (Caleb and Mary W. Foote), m. Sept. 5, 1865, 175 JOHN Borns TILESTON. Issue :

176 ] . Mary Wilder Tileston, b. July 7, 1866. 177 ll. .Margaret H. Tileston, b. Nov. r, 1867, 178 iii. Roger Edmond Tileston, b. Aug. 7, 1869. 1 79 JV. Amelia Peabody Tileston, b. Oct. 30, 1872. 180 v. Wilder Tileston, b. Jan. 22, 1875.

SECOND LINEAGE. Gardner,' son of (James,' Thomas; Thomas'). 4-7 GARDNER WILDER lived in the north-west part of the new purchase, afterward Leominster; m. June 30, 17,36, 181 MARY PHELPS, b. 1718; d. April 21, 181 I. Issue:

182 I. Mary Wilder, b. Sept. 19, 1737. 183 ii. Elizabeth Wilder, b. 1739. 184 iii. Gardner Wilder, b. r 74r. 154 GENEALOGICAL. TABLE.

x85 1v. Joseph Wilder, m. Susannah Phelps. 186 v. Edward Wilder, 187 v1. Elisha Wilder, 188 v11. Lydia Wilder, m. Dea. Goodrich, of Lunenburg. 189 viii. Dorothy Wilder, m. Othniel Taylor, of Charlemont. 190 ix. Beulah Wilder,

184: GARDNER• WILDER, (Gardner'), of Buckland; m. I 7 75, 191 THANKFUL CARTER. Issue: 192 i. Gardner Wilder, b. Feb. 21, 1776; d. April 25, 1838; m. Thankful Colburne. 193 11. Nathanael Wilder, b. Dec. 30, 1777; d. April 5, 1842; m. Betsy Stearns. 194: m. Prudence Wilder, b. Aug. 10, 1780; d. April, 1850; m. Barnet W. Dole. 195 1v. Polly Wilder, b. 1785; d. Dec.31, 1865; m. Jabez Brooks.

186 EDWARD• WILDER, son of (Gardner'), a farmer of Leo­ minster; 111. Oct. 12, 1783, 196 DOLLY LINCOLN, b. Nov. 20, 1761; d. Oct. 9, 1815. Issue:

197 1. Dolly Wilder, b. Sept. 12, 1784; d. Dec. 31, 1784. 198 11. Edward Wilder, b. Jan. 3, 1786; d. Aug. 27, 1797. 199 m. William Wilder, b. Jan. 28, I 787; d. Dec. 26, 1866; m. Mary Hill. 200 1v. Ephraim Wilder, b. July 17, 1789; d. Feb. 12, 1834; m. Sally Bass. 201 v. John Wilder, b. March 2, 1791. 202 v1. Dorothy Wilder, b. Sept. 12, 1792; d. October 23, 1792. 203 vii. Elizabeth Wilder, b. Feb. 2, 1794. 204: viii. Martin Wilder, b. June 3, 1795; d. Feb., 1861; m. Nancy Stearns. 205 1x. Amelia Wilder, b. Jan. 27, 1797; d. June 21, 1797. 206 x. Edward Wilder, b. Jan. r, 1799; d. May 14, 1866; m. Sarah T. Flint.

187 ELISHA• WILDER son of (Gardner'), m. 207 .MEHETABEL DRESSER. Issue : 208 1. Augustus Wilder, 209 11. Arethusa Wilder, GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 1 55

210 Ill. Polly Morena Wilder, 2lI IV, Shephard C. Wilder, 212 V. Lorimella Wilder, 213 VI. Erasmus Darwin Wilder, 214 Vll. Eliza Jane Wilder, 215 vm. Charlotte S. Wilder, 216 lX. Savilor Wilder, 217 x. Laura Smith Wilder, b. Feb. 13, 1816. 218 XI. Irene Wilder,

192 GARDNER• lV!LDER (Gardner,° Gardner'), born in Buck land; m. June 21, 1802, 219 THANKFUL CoLBURNE, d. May 19, 1852. Issue:

220 I. Thankful Wilder, b. Ang. 9, 1803; d. Sept. 20, 1825. 221 II. Verona Wilder, b. Jan. 28, 1805; d. Nov. 22, 1869. 222 Ill~ Gardner Wilder, b. April, 1807; m. 1st, Fidelia Griswold; 2d, Sarah Bracket. 223 IV. Ebenezer Wilder, 9. Sept. 24, 1809; d. June 9, 1855. 224 V. Polly Wilder, b. April 17, 1810; m. Henry Taylor. 225 VI. C~arles Wilder, b. Aug. 9, 1816; m. --- Hartwell./

193 NATHANAEL• WILDER, (Gardner," Gardner'), removed in 1828 to Livingston Co., New York; 111. 1801, 226 BETSEY STEARNS, b. April 19, 1777; d. April 5, 1856 Issue :

227 1. Elisha Wilder, b. Oct. 4, 1802; d. June 6, 1809. 228 ii. Betsey Wilder, b. March 9, 1804; m. Daniel Warren. 229 m. Laura Wilder, b. Nov. 2, 1806; d. May 21, 1846; m. C. Warren. 230 iv. Nancy Wilder, b. Nov. 15, 1808; d. Dec. 8, 1808. 231 v. Nancy Wilder, b. Feb. 18, 18ro; cl. 1865. 231 vi. Prudence Wilder, b. Dec. 24, 1811: d. July 20, 1826. 232 vii. Nathanael Wilder, b. Dec. 3, 1813. 233 v111. Samuel Wilder, b. June 20, 1816; d. April, 1871. 234 1x. William Wilder, b. May 3, 1819; was a Baptist minister.

194- PRUDENCE• WILDER, dr. (Gardner, 0 Gardner'), m. July, 1802, 235 BARNET W. DOLE; d. Aug., 1859. Issue:

236 1. Julia S. Dole, b. Aug. 18, 1808; m. Edmund Hartwell. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

237 !I. Salmon Wilder Dole, b. Aug. 19, 1809 ; m. Salina Rudd. 238 Ill. Elizabeth W. Dole, b. Aug. 27, 1810; m. Rev. -- Danforth. 239 iv. Prudence Dole, b. May 14, 1812. 240 v. Lawretice P. Dole, b. Dec. 24, 1815. 241 Vl. Mary M. Dole, b. April 10, 1817; d. May, 1854; m.Rev. J. J. Smith. 242 vii. Thankful S. Dole, b. May 4, 1820.

199 WILLIAM• WILDER (Edward,' Gardner'), of Leominster; m. May 21, 1812, 243 MARY HILLS, b. Ang. 23, J787; d. Nov. 14, 1831. Issue : 24-4- i. Charles Wilder, b. May 1, 1813; m. Catharine Rugg. 245 11. Frances Hills Wilder, b. Oct. 25, 1814; m. Jonathan Drake. 24-6 .iii. George William Wilder, b. July 8, 1816; m. Sarah A. Balch. 247 IV. Adaline Wilder, b. June 25, 1818; d. May 13, 1832. 248 v. Catharine Wilder, b. Aug. 20, 1820; m. Henry R. Thayer. 249 vi. Henry Hills Wilder, b. Jan. 15, 1824; m. Abby B. Adams. 250 Vil. Mary Linco_ln Wilder, b. June 22, 1826; d. May 14, 1857; m. 1850, Ezra B. Adams. 251 viii. Christiana Wilder, b. Nov. 18, 1829. 252 IX. Albert Wilder, b. Oct. 27, 1831.

-iii"' 204 MARTIN• 'WILDER ·(Edward,• Dea. Gardner'), m. 182 r, 253 NANCY STEARNS, b. April 21, J798; d. April 19, 1861. Issue :

254 1. Ann Eliza Wilder, b. May 23, 1823; d. July, 14, 1854; m. 1849, F. J. Cutting. 256 11. Cassius Edwin Wilder, b. Nov. 24, 1824; d. Oct. 25, 1840. 257 iii. Charles Edward Wilder, b. Aug. II, 1826; m. Mary E. Staples. 258 1v. Henry Stearns Wilder, b. Oct. 18, 1828; cl. April 21, 1835. 259 v. Maria Adelia Wilder, b. Nov. 13, 1830; d. April 14, 1831. 260 v1. Frances Maria Wilder, b. June 23, 1832. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 1 57

261 v11. George Henry Wilder, b. Nov. 30, 1835; d. Aug. 13,. 1836. 262 vm. Abby Caroline Wilder, b. Oct. 3, 1837; d. 1855. 263 IX. Helen Augusta Wilder, b. Sept. 13, 1841.

206 EDWARD WILDER (Edward, Gardner), m. Jan. 12, r836, 264 SARAH T. FLINT, cl. March 9, 1860. Issue:

265 1. Martha. 266 11. Adaline.

222 GARDNER' ·WILDER (Gardner,' Gardner,• Gardner'), m. 1835, 1st, 268 1 FrnELTA GRISWOLD; d. March, 1847; m. 2d, 1848, 269 2 l\lRs.· SUSAN BRACKET. Issue:

270 I. Gardner A. Wilder, 27r JI. Lorenzo C. Wilder, 272 iii. Jane E. Wilder, 2 73 IV. Joseph S. Wilder, 274 v. Mary F. \Vilder, b. Aug. 8, r846. 27_s V' Nellie A. "\Vilder, b. April 14, r851. 276 VII. Charles A. Wilder, b. June 4, 1859.

225 CHARLES 7 "WILDER (Gardner,' Gardner: Gardner') m. 1855, 27i HARRIET E. HARTWELL. Issue :

278 l. Thankful Wilder, b. Feb. 4, 1857. 279 11. Julia E. Wilder, b. Oct. 25, 1859. 280 lll . Harriet P. ·wilder, b. Feb. u, 1864. 281 IV, .l\fary V. Wilder, b. Feb. 2, 1866. 282 v. Gardner E. Wilder, b. Jan. 7, 1867.

228 BETSEY WILDER, dr. (Nathanael,' Gardner,' Gardner'), m. Feb. 12, 1826, 283 DANIEL WARNER, b . .l\forch 8, 1801. Issue: e84 1. Elizabeth ·warner, b. May 5, 1828. 285 ll. Thomas Warner, b. June 25, r83r. 286 m. Henry Warner, b. !,fay 21, 1836.

22H LAURA 7 WILDER, dr. (Nathanael,• Gardner,' Gardner'} m. March 5, 1826, 158 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

287 CALVIN CROSSETT, b. July 24, 1799 ; settled in Livingston Co., N. Y.; a farmer. Issue:

288 1. Olive S. Crossett, b. May 24, 1831. 289 u. Laura E. Crossett, b. Aug 22, 1834; m. 290 James McMahon, farmer of Warsaw. Issue.: 291 1. Edith E. McMahon, b. June 10, 1865. 292 11. George C. McMahon, b. Nov. 16, 1807. 293 m. Hubert J. McMahon, b. April 8, 1870. 294 1v. Charlotte W. McMahon, b. May 2, 1871. 295 v. William W. McMahon, b. May 6, 1874.

232 NATHANAEL 7 WILDER (N athanael,6 Gardner,' Gardner') m. Nov. 3, 1848, 296 CECILIA PAYNE, b. May 27, 1821. Issue: 2 97 I. Charles Wilder, b. Jan. 18, 1856. 298 11. Lucy Wilder, b. July 22, 1858. 2 99 Ill. Mary Wilder, b. Jan. 13, 1860; d. Nov. 10, 1876, 300 IV. William Wilder, b. Nov. 3, 1862.

237 SALMON W. DOLE, s. of Barnett and Prudence W. Dole; m. 301 SALINA RUDD. Issue : 302 1. Sylvester B. Dole, 303 u. Mary E. Dole, 304 m. Emily E. Dole, m. F. Franklin,

24:4: CHARLES' WILDER (Williarn,6 Edward," Gardner'), m. 1839, 305 CATHARINE D. RUGG. Issue :

306 1. Charles S. Wilder, b. April 6, 1841; d. June 6, 1861. 307 11. Mary Hills Wilder, b. Aug. 9, 1843. 308 111. Frank Newton Wilder, b. Aug. 7, 1850; m. Susan W. Danforth. 309 1v. Henry Miles Wilder, b. Jan. 20, 1854; d. Nov. u, 1856.

24:6 GEORGE W.' WILDER (William," Edward,' Gardner'), m. 310 SfRAH A. BALSH. Issue :

311 1. George Edward Wilder, 3 I 2 u. Annette Eliza Wilder, m. George W. Chute. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 159

2t9 HENRY HILLS' WILDER (William," Edward,• Gardner'), a merchant of Lowell, m. April 9, 1850, 313 ABBY B. ADAMS. Issue :

314 ). Sarah Adeline Wilder. b. Feb. 20, 1851. 31r 11. William Henry Wilder, b. March d. IO, ' :J 2, 1854; April 1857. 316 m. William Frederic Wilder, b. Dec. 3 {, 1858. 317 IV. Bertha Josephine Wilder, b. Nov. 23, 1864.

CHARLES Enw ARD' \Vn.DER (Martin,• Edward,' Gard- ner'), m. 1855, 318 MARY E. STAPLES. Issue : 3 1 9 !. Franklin L. ·wilder, b. Aug. 7, 1857. 320 II. Charles Edward Wilder, b. July II, 1861. 321 lll. Mary Elizabeth Wilder, 322 IV. Henry Staples Wilder, 323 v. Alice :\!aria Wilder, 324 VI. Wilder, 32 5 vii. Frederic S. Wilder, b. April 28, 1874.

308 FRANK NEWTON• WILDER (Charle£,' Williarn,'Edward,• Gardner'), m. Oct. 25, 1873, 326 SUSAN DANFORTH. Issue:

327 I. Ralph Everett Wilder, b. Feb. 23, 1875.


1 Thomas,' (Joseph,• Thomas,• Thomas ).

50 THOMAS' \'(JLDER, of Leominster, a farmer, m. q30, 328 MARY Wuiffiti\i, Issue : ·

329 1. Mary \Vilder, b. Sept. 12, 1733; m. Thomas Warner. 3;J0 11. Sarah Wilder, b. May '10, 1735. 3.31 iii. Thomas Wilder, b. Sept. 15, 1737. 332 1v. Anna Wilder, b. June 10, 1739• 333. v. Abel Wilder, b. Sept. 7, 1741; m. Anna Butler. 334 v1. Eunice Wilder, b. 1743; m. James White, of Heath. 335 vn. Joseph Wilder, of Winchendon. r6o GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4 331 THOMAS' WILDER (Thomas ), rn. 17.~9, 336 ABIGAIL CARTER, b. March, 1741. Issue: 337 1. Abel Wilder, b. Sept. 7, 1760; d. Jan. 29, 1825; lived in Charlemont. 338 11. Elizabeth Wilder, b. ? r 762. 339 m. Vashti Wilder, b. ? 1764. 34:0 iv. Peter Andrew Wilder, b. Aug. 12, 1765 ; d. Oct. 3, 1855. 341 v. Lucretia Wilder, b. ? 1767; m. Joseph Joslin, of Jaffrey, N. H. 342 v1. Abigail Wilder, m. George Lincoln. 343 v11. David Wilder, 344 viii. Susannah Wilder,

4 333 ABEL ' 'WILDER (Thomas ), settled in \1/inchendon on a farm, and carried on the potash business. He was one of the most distinguished men of his time ; a soldier of the Revolution, Representative and Senator; also Presidential Elector. Died of the small-pox at fifty­ one years of age; m. June> 7, 1764, 345 ANNA BUTLER, b. Sept. 23, 1738; d. r8r8. Issue:

346 1. Eunice Wilder, b. April 22, 1765; d. Oct., 1811; m. Eli Bruce. 347 11. M,1ry Anne Wilder, G. Oct., 1766; cl. Jan. 1 , 1795 j m. C:1pt. Robert Burr, of Ashby. 348 lll. Abel Wilder, b. May I 5, 1768; d. Aug. 8, 1825 ; m .. Eunice Hale. 349 lV. Thomas ·wilder, b. March 1, 177°; cl. Aug. 20, 1850; m. Arethusa Crosby. 35° v. Grace Wilder, b. Dec. 8, I77J ; d. Jan. 17, 1848; 111 .. Levi Divoll. 35 1 Vl. Susannah ·wilder, b. Nov. 7, 1773; cl. July 18, 1845 ; 111 Luke Prentice. 35 2 Vll. David Wilder, b. Oct. IO, 1775; d. May 13, 1785. 353 Vlll. Martha Wilder, b. Jan. 25, 1780; d. lvfay 8, 1868; m .. Asaph Brown. 354 lX. Betsey Wilder, b. Aug. 25, I 784 j d. Sept., 1868; m. Aaron Knight. 355 x. David Wilder, b. Dec. 4, I 785 j cl. Jan. r, 1795.

4 335 JosEPH' ·wrLDER (Thomas ), a farmer in "Winchendon; m .. ANNA BARRET. Issue ; GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 161

356 i. Joseph Wilder, b. March 11, 1783; cl. Sept. r2, 1846; rn. Jane Dickey. 357 11. Thomas 0. Wilder, b. July 14, 1784. 358 m. James Wilder, b. May q, 1786; d. Jan. 19, 1872. 359 1v. Luke \Vilder, b. Oct. r 5, 1788; m. Clarissa Dunham, wife of Luke. 360 v. Abel Wilder, b. March 19. 1 793 ; cl. m Buffalo, N. Y., unmarried.

33·7 ADEL 6 \VILDER (Thomas,° Thomas'). a farmer of Charle­ mont; one of its first settlers; m. 1787, 361 DOROTHY KEm', d. April 9, r839. Issue:

:J62 I. ,Tashti Wilder, b. March 91 1789; d. March 9, 1857; m. Horatio Stearns. 36:J ll Dorothy Wilder, b. 1791 ; d. 1834; m. Orrick Packard. :mt HI. Abel \Vilcler, b. Sept. 7, 1793. 365 IV. Nancy Wilder, b. 1·795. !{66 v. Peter Wilder, b. 1 799; m. Mary Badger. 367 Vl. Abigail Wilder, b. 1801.

34:0 PETER A~DREW • \Vu.DER (Thomas; Thomas'), was a farmer of Ashburnham, afterward of Leominster, and lived on the farm occupied by his father, now in pos­ session of his son Abel; m. 1 794, 368 SARAH JoSLYN, b. Feb. 14, 1765; cl. Oct. 20, 1845. lssue : 369 1. Nancy '\Vilder, b. Sept. 24, 1 795; 111. Silas Bruce, of Templeton. ll70 ii. Thomas Wilder, b. Sept. 23, 1797; 111. Al.Jigail Parker. 37 r m. Smilinda Wilder, b. :\.fay 2, Ii99; m. Silas Bruce. :{72 1v. Abei \Vilder, b. Feb. 20, 1801 ; rn. Rebecca Putnam. 373 v. Sarah Wilder, b. Feb. 10, 1803; d. Feb. 22, 1828. 374 vi. Peter 'Wilder, b. May 30, 1805; d. March 3, 1809. 375 v11. Sophia Wilder, b. J\larch 27, 1807. :l,f; viii. Abijab Joslyn Wilder, l.J. Sept. 29, 1809; m. Sally Farrar, 377 1x. Peter Andrew "Wilder, b. Jan. 23, r8r r; d. April r8, 1815. 378 x. Pamela \Vildc"r, b. Ocl. 4, 1812. 379 x1. Aurilia K. Wilder, b. Oct.15.1814; d. April 3, 18.c;s. 380 x11. Susan H. Wilder, b. ?\larch 27, 1815; d. 1\fay, 1868.

34G Ecr-1c1.' W1L1JEK (dr. Al.le]," s. Thomas 'J, m. 1707, !2 162 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

Eu BRUCE, a mechanic, of Templeton, and celebrated mus1c1an. 382 1. Abel Wilder Bruce, b. Feb. u, 1794; d. Nov. 4, 1860; m. Emily Cutler. 383 11. Luke Bruce, b. 1 796 ; died young. 384 n1. Levi Brnce, b. 1799 ; d. 1799. 385 1v. Levi Bruce, b. 1800. 386 v. Nancy Bruce, b. June 30, 1802 ; m. Asa Fessenden. 387 v1. Betsy Bruce,

348 ABEL• WILDER (Abe],• Thomas'), m. 1792, 388 EUNICE HALE, dr. Dea. Moses Hale, b. July 28, 17i3; d. June 20, 1847, in Attica, N. Y. Issue:

389 1. Abel Wilder, b. Nov. 6, 1792; d. May 5, 1866; m. Selina Congar. 390 u. Charles Wilder, b. Sept. 17, 1794; d. Oct. 18, 1867; m. Amanda Congar. 391 m. Artemas Wilder, b. June 28, 1796; d. May 10, 1856; m. Fanny Cooley. 392 1v. Moses Hale Wilder, b. June 19, 1798; m. 1st, Susan S. Hebard; 2d, Nancy B. Warren. 393 v. Thomas Wilder, b. July 6, 1800'; d. April 1, 1864; m. Hannah Dow. 394 vi. Mary Charlotte Wilder, b. Sept. 6, 1803; d. Sept. 12, 1836; m. Joseph Johnson. 395 vii. David Wilder, b. July 20, 1805 ; m. Susan S. Adams. 396 vm. William Wilder, b. July 22, 1807; d. May 20, 1813, m Madison, N. Y. 397 ix. Alb~rt Wilder, b. Sept. 20, 1809; d. Jan. 20, 1868. All his life an invalid. 398 x. Milton Wilder, b. Jan. 10, 1812, in Paris, N. Y. All previous to him born in Winchendon. 399 xi. Lucy Wilder, b. Feb. 18, 1814; d. Aug. 27, 1836. 4-00 xii. William Wilder, b. April 7, 1816; m. Adaline Seeney.

349 THOMAS• WILDER (Abel,' Thomas'), commenced mer­ cantile business in Winchendon in 1792, and in 1802 removed to Dixmont, Maine, and engaged in farming; m. 1795, 401 ARETHUSA CROSBY (dr. Samuel Crosby, Esq.), of Winch- endon. Issue : GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

402 I. Sophia Maria Wilder, b. May 7, 1796; d. Sept. 22, 1839; m. Benjamin Crocker. 40!3 ii. Horace Wilder, b. April 1, 1798; d. Nov., 1852; m. Caroline Jennison. 404 Ill. Harriet Wilder, b. April 21, 1801; d. 1835. 4°5 IV. Samuel Crosby Wilder, b. April r, 1803; d. Sept., 1827. 406 v. Thomas Sewell Wilder, b. Feb. 13, 1805; d. Oct. 25, 1828. 407 v1. Arethusa Wilder, b. July 6, 1807; d. Jnly r, 1810. 408 vii. Abel \Vilder, b. Nov. 2, 1809; d. July 13, 1873; m Elizabeth Fenton. 409 viii. l\lason H. Wilder, b. Feb. 2 r, 18 r 2 ; m. I st, Mehetabel Littlefield; 2d, Miranda Littlefield.

350 GRACE• WILDER ( dr. Abel," Thomas'), m. 410 LEVI DIVOLL, a farmer of \Vinchendon. Issue:

4II !. Sally Divoll, m. Daniel Stimson, a grandson of Rev• Luther Stimson, the first pastor of the church in Winchendon. 412 ll. Levi Divoll, 4 13 iii. Nancy Divoll, m. John Pierce, who afterward removed to Avon, N. Y. 414 IV. Sophronia Divoll, m. Lewis Wilder, son of Capt. Ben jamin Wilder, of the Hingham branch. 4 15 V. Harvey Divoll, changed by act of Legislature to Abel H. Wilder; a medical graduate of Dartmouth College.

:l51 SUSANNAH WILDER ( dr. Abel,' Thomas'), m. r 796, 416 LUKE PRENTICE, a grandson of the first wife of David Wilder, of Leominster, Anna Prentice, who was a granddaughter of the first Thomas Wilder. They set­ tled in Winchendon, and in 18m removed to Green­ wich, N. Y. He was a blacksmith. lssue:

417 J. Emma Prentice, b. Aug, 12, 1797; m. Dec., 1822, N. H. Wing, Esq. 418 11. Horace Prentice, b. June 26, r799; m. Mary Anderson.

4 19 Ill. Gilman Prentice, b. Feb. 13, 1801; d. May 6, 1854; m. Almira Sherwin.

420 IV. Harriet Prentice, b. Feb. 91 r 803 ; d. 1848. 42r v. Eliza Prentice, b. April 28, 1805; m. Henry Locke. i64 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

422 v1. Mary Ann Prentice, b. Feb. 1, 1807; m. 1831, Consider Tabor. 423 Vil. Lucy S. Prentice, b. March 1, 1809; m. 1834, Asa Holmes. 424 vm. John M. Prentice, b. May 7, 18u ; m. Oct. 1834, Ann Fenton. 425 IX. Almira Prentice, b. Dec. 26, 1813; m. 1836, Edwin Wil­ marth. 426 x. Mason Prentice, b. July 20, 1816; m. 1840, Delia Hunt.

35:J MARTHA• \VILDER ( dr. Abel,' Thomas'), m. 1800, 427 AsAPH BROWN, a blacksmith, of Winchendon, near the Mineral Springs. He afterward bought a farm in Rindge, N. H., and resided there until, in 1852, he removed to \Vinchen


439 ). Philamler Sumner Knight, b. 1807; d. 1810. 44-0 II. Levi Knight, li. Sept. 16, 1808; m. Elizabeth Corey. 4-41 111. Philander S. Knight, b. Dec. 28, 1810; rn. 1837, Mary Ward. 442 lV. Aaron Knight, b. 1812; d. 1814. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

443 v. Betsey Wilder Knight, b. 1814; d. J8I 7. 444 Vl, Luke Lysander Knight, b. May 27, 1817; rn. Calista Sibley. 445 VII. Elam Clark Knight, b. May 3, 1820; lll, Mary Jane Craw. 446 viii. Eliza Ann Knight, b. 1822; d. 1824. 447 ix. Abel Knight, b. June 23, 1826; d. Nov. r, 1831.

4 356 JOSEPH• \VILDER l)oseph,' Thomas ), a farmer of Hills- boro', N. H.; m. Oct. 15, 18II, 448 JANE DICKEY, b. 1 786. Issue:

449 I. Abel Barrett Wilder, b. Jan. 18, 1818; d. June, 1864. 450 11. Sarah A. Wilder, b. July 20, 1821; m. Sept. 1, 1861, James lV[itchell, of Manchester, N. H. 45 1 lll. Almira T. Wilder, b. Feb. 17, 1825; d. Aug. 17, 1827. 45 2 IV. Almira Jane Wilder, b. July 12, 1828; cl. Oct. zz, 1846.

362 VASHTI' WILDER ( dr. Abel, 0 Thomas,• Thomas') ; m. 1804, 4.53 HoRATIO STEARNS, b. Dec. 21, 1784; d. Feb. 20, 18.36; a farmer of Charlemont. Issue :

454 1. Levi Wilder Stearns, b. Nov. 24, 180.5; m. Cornelia M. Belding. 455 11. Louisa Stearns, b. Nov. 7, 1807; m. Orson Lewis. 456 Ill. Nancy Emily Stearns, b. Oct. 2.5, 1810; d. Aug. 24, 18q. 457 IV. Charles H. Stearns, b. April 3, 1813; m. Sarah Bovie. 458 v. Emily Stearns, b. Jan. II, 1815; m. Jonathan Hartwell. 459 VI. Dorothy Stearns, b. April 2, 1817; n,. Pliny D. Walbridge. 460 VII. Vashti Stearns, b. Aug. 3, 1819; rn. David Ingraham. 461 VIII. Mary Stearns, b. Nov. 26, 1821; m. Daniel D. White. 462 lX, Edwin H. Stearns, b. Jan. 12, 1826; d. Aug. 27, 1829. 463 x. Henry Otis Stearns, b. Oct. 30, 1830; m. Elizabeth Knights. 464 Xl. Elizabeth Stearns, b. Nov. 27, 1831.

4 :16:l DOROTHY' Vl!LDER (dr. Abel," Thomas,' Thomas ), m. 1816, 465 URRICK PACKARD, and lives on the old Wilder farm in Charlemont. Issue:

466 1. Dorothy Packard, b. Dec. 3, 1818; m. Whitman Leach. 166 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

467 11. Joseph T. Packard, b. Dec. 14, 1821; m. 1851, Anna Hall. 468 m. Abigail Rand Packard, b. Jan. 26, 1829; m. 1857, Wil­ liam H. Wheeler. 469 iv. Ellen L. Packard, b. Jan. 3, 1833; m. John Caskey.

4 364- ABEL,7 ·WILDER (Abel,• Thomas,' Thomas ), 111. 1817, 470 HANNAH JOHNSON, b. 1776; cl. May II, 1865. He was a farmer in Charlemont till 1853, when he removed to Watertown, N. Y., where he died in Dec., 1865. Issue :

471 1. Nancy E. Wilder, b. Oct. 8, 1818. 472 11. Emily A. Wilder, b. May 9, 1820. 473 m. Moses J. Wilder, b. May 6, 1822 ; m. Laura Preston. 474 iv. Wales Tileston Wilder, b. June 27, 1823; m. Lydia A. Doten. 475 v. Adaline M. Wilder, b. June II, 182s; m. John Cushman. 476 v1. Charles H. Wilder, b. Feb. 22, 1829. 477 vii. Lucy Ann Wilder, b. Nov. 12, 1831 ; m. Noadiah E. Smith. 478viii. George J. Wilder, b. Jan. 25, 1835; m. Maria~V. Sheldon. 479 1x. Franklin A. Wilder, b. Dec. 4, 1839; m. Lutheria Green. 4:80 x. Hannah M. Wilder, b. Feb. 5, 1841; m. F. M. Parker.

366 PETER 7 WILDER (son of Abel,• Thomas,• Thomas'); m. 1st, 1843, 481 ! MARY BADGER, d. 1847; m. 2d, 1848, 482 2 JEMIMA PARSONS. Issue: 487 1. Edmund Wilder, b. 1844. 488 11. Mary Wilder, b. 1846.

370 THOMAS WILDER (son of Peter A., Thomas, Thomas), m. 1824, 489 ABIGAIL PARKER, b. May 25, 1805; d. Dec. 8, 1852. Issue :

4-90 1. Charles H. Wilder, b. Aug. 30, 1825; m. 1853, Celia Watson. 4-91 11. Sarah Parker Wilder, b. March 10, 1827; 111. 1858, James \V. Patterson. 4-92 m. George A. Wilder, b. May 19, 1829; m. Jane Ann Robbins. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

493 1v. Abigail E. Wilder, b. July 22, 1837; d. 1838. 494 v. Thomas lV. Wilder, b. Oct. r, 1838.

372 ABEL 7 WILDER (Peter A.,• Thomas,• Thomas'), rn. 495 REBECCA PUTNAM. Issue :

496 I. Virginnia Wilder, b. June rz, r84r; m. Thomas Williams. 497 ii. Victoria Wilder, b. June rz, 1841; m. Harris George. 498 Ill. Eliza A. Wilder, b. Feb. 3, 1843; m. Albert Pierce. 499 lV. Abel L. Wilder, b. Dec. 20, 1845; d. in Andersonville Prison. 500 v. Mary E. Wilder, b. July 11, 1849; d. 1850.

376 ABIJAH 7 JosLIN WILDER ( dr. of Peter A.,' Thomas,' Thomas'), m. 501 SALLY FARRAR. Issue : 502 i. Alphonso J. Wilder, b. Oct., 1843; rn. Kate A. Newhall.

382 ABEL WILDER BRUCE (son of Eli and Eunice-Wilder Bruce, a merchant arnl organist in Cambridgeport; m. 1827, 503 EMILY CUTLER. Issue: 504 1. Elizabeth Wilder Brnce, b. Jan. 31, 1828; d. Oct. r, 18;;7. 505 ii. Joseph E. Bruce, b. Jan. 7, 1831. 506 iii. Emily C. Bruce, b. Feb. 17, 1833; m. Frederic E. Roel )fson. 507 iv. J\fary A. Bruce, b. Oct. 19, 1836. 508 v. Fanny L. Bruce, b. Sept. 18, 1844.

386 NANCY BRUCE (dr. of Eli and Eunice W. Bruce), m. Aug., 1829, 509 AsA FESSENDEN, b. Sept. 9, 1799; d. Jan. 13, 18 . He was a carriage-maker of Baldwinsville. Issue :

510 i. Isabella B. .Fessenden, b. May 7, 1830; d. Oct. 22, 1833. 5 I l 11. Isabella Maria Fessenden, b. June 5, 1833 ; d. I:'ec. 19, 1847. 51z iii. George Bruce Fessenden, b. Jan. 20, 1835. 38H ABEL O WILDER (son of Abel,' Thomas'), m. 1813, 513 SAr,rNA CoNGAR, b. 1791; d. 1872; dr. of Ephraim Con- gar, Esq., of Paris. Issue :

514 1. Erotas Philander Wilder, b. 1814; d. Nov. 30, 1834. 168 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

515 ll. Julia Marion Wilder, b. Nov. 7, 1816; m. Oliver H. Day. 516 lll. Helen Jannette \\'ilder, b. 1821; d. 1866; m. N. E. P. Crocker, Ogden, N. Y. 517 IV. Sarah Ann _Wilder, b. March, 1823 ; m. J. W. Beebee.

390 CHARLES' WILDER (Abel,' Abel,' Thomas), m. 1820, 518 AMANDA CoNGAR, b. May 20, 1800; d. May 22, 1877; sister of 513. Issue:

519 1. Harriet Adaline Wilder, b. July 6, 1822; m. Wyman H. Ainsworth. 520 11. Charles Harrison Wilder, b. April 12, 1824. 521 rn. Mary Janette Wilder, b. Jan. 8, 1825; d. Oct. 26, 1865. 522 1v. Lucien Jerome Wilder, b. May 17, 1827; m. Clara W. Baldwin. 52 3 v. Almeron Wilder, b. Jan. 31, 1831. 524 VI. George Mortimer Wilder, b. July 3, 1834; d. Feb. 8, 1835; m. Clementine Godfrey. 525 vii. Lucy Adelaide Wilder, b. April 20, 1837; m. Eugene Tuttle. 526 viii. Erotas Henry Wilder, b. Oct. 10, 1839; m. Ellen Hutchinson.

391 ARTEMAS' WILDER (Abel,6 Abel,' Thomas'), m. Feb., 1822, 5 2 7 FANNY COOLEY, b. 1801 ; dr. of Thomas Cooley, Esq., Attica, N. Y. lssue :

528 1. Oscar Alonzo Wllder, b. Dec. 2r, 182 2; d. May 10, 1856; m. A. J. Day. 529 ii. Robert Milton Wilder, b. May 23, 1825; m. 1st Caroline Sawyer, 2d Louisa J. Butler. 530 iii. Charles Mulford ·wilder, b. Jan. 15, 1827. r.:-n IV. Dency Cook Wilder, b. Nov. 13, 183 I; Ill. Freeman s. Rogers. 5!J2 v. Deborah Foster Wilder, b. Oct. 19, 1836; m. Stimson G. Harvey. 5:J:J vi. Laura Ann Wilder, b. ; d. Jan. 13, 1832.

392 MosES 7 HALE WILDER (Abel,° Abel,' Thomas'), m. July 4, 1822, 534 1 SusAN SMITH HEBARD, b. Aug. 21, 1801; d. Aug. II, GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1839; dr. Rev. Salmon Hebard, of Attica, N. Y. ; 2d, Dec. 31, 1839, 535 2 NANCY BROWN WARREN, b. March 26, 1810; dr. of Capt. Joseph ·warren, of Brighton, Mass. Issue: 536 1. Laura Wilder, b. May 10, 1823; d. Aug. II, 1830. 537 11. Salmon Hebard Wilder, b. Jan. 23, 1826; m. Charlotte E. Reed, of Boston. 538 111. Juliet Buchanan Wilder, b. April 12, 1831. 539 1v. William Hallock Wilder, b. Nov. 8, 1833; d. Aug. 17, 1834, 54:0 v. Moses Grant Wilder, b. Aug. 13, 1836; m. 1st Eliza P. Norwood, dr. of Rev. A. Norwood, Meriden, Ct.; m. 2d Helen A. Hall. 54r v1. James \Vilder, b. Nov. 19, 1838.

393 THOMAS 7 WILDER (Abel,' Abel,' Thomas'), m. 1827, 542 HANNAH Dow, b. July 20, 1806. Issue:

5-i!l 1. Henry Fayette Wilder, b. Aug. 20, 1829; m. 1st E. Olmsted, 2d E. Redely. 544 ll. Delia E. Wilder, b. Jan. 5, 1831; m. Deios Carson, massacred at Fort Pillow. 54:5 111. Sarah D. Wilder, b. Aug. 25, 18;>2; m. A. T. Hill. 546 [iv. Abel Wilder, b. Aug. 18, 1835; d. Jan. 13, 1837. 547 v. Mary Wilder, b. May 13, 1838. 54:8 vi. Thomas Eugene Wilder, b. Aug. 15, 1843; m. Martha Goodrich. 549 vii. Helen T. Wilder, b. Jan. 13, 1852.

395 DAVID' WILDER (Abel,' Abel,' Thomas'), m. 1836, 550 SusAN S. ADAMS, b. Dec. 22, 1810; d. Dec., 1839.

551 1. Walter D. Wilder, b. March 6, 1837; cl. 1867.

7 ;{98 MILTON WILDER (Abel,' Abel,' Thomas'), 111. 1838, 1st 552 1 JANE C. DUMOND, b. 1818; d. Sept. 15, 1850; m. 2d 553 2 MRs. RuTI-I D. BOTHWELL, l>. May 31, 1810; d. Nov. 7, 187 3. Issue :

554 1. Amanda Jane Wilder, l>. Oct. 22, 1840; d. Aug. 22, 1845. 555 11. :Francis Milton Wilder, !J. May 4, 1842; m. Cornelia J. Barr. 170 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

556 iii. Alvin Dumond Wilder, b. July 31, 1843; rn. Anna E. North, dr. Rev. Alfred North. 557 1v. Charles J. Wilder, b. April 25, 1847. 558 v James Chase Wilder, b. May 7, 1857.

400 WILLIAM' WILDER (Abel,• Abel,• Thomas'), m. 1840, 559 ADALINE SEENEY, b. 1810. Issue : 560 1. William Alonzo Wilder, b. 1842 ; m. Ella V. Gladding. 561 ii. Ada Wilder, b. 1849.

403 HoRACE' WILDER (Thomas• Abel,6 Thomas'), m. 1823, 562 CAROLINE JENNISON. Issue: 563 i. William Wallace Wilder, b. Oct. 1, 1824; d. Sept., 1830. 564 ii. Samuel Wallace Wilder, b. Oct., 1827. 565 m. Wiiliam Wilder, b. Dec. 8, 1829. 566 1v. Mary Emily Wilder, b. June 5, 1833. 567 v. Arthur Tappan Wilder, b. Feb., 1837. 568 vi. Caroline Wilder, b. Feb., 1840. 569 vii. Sarah Wilder, b. Nov., 1844.

408 ABEL' WILDER (Thomas,• Abel," Thomas'), a black­ smith and carriage-maker of Greenwich, N. Y.; m. 1837, 570 ELIZABETH FENTON, for more than 20 years an invalid. Issue :

571 i. Harriet Maria Wilder, b. June 10, 1838.

409 MASON H. 7 WILDER (Thomas,• Abel,• Thomas•), an editor and lawyer of Machias, Me.; m. 1st, 1840, Me­ hetabel Littlefield; m. 2d, 1849, Miranda Littlefield. 572 I MEHETABEL LITTLEFIELD. 573 2 MIRANDA LITTLEFIELD. Issue:

574: 1. Rufus L. Wilder, b. July 8, 1842; d. May 2, 1874; rn. Kate Merrill. 575 JI. Edward 111. Wilder, b. Dec. 16, 1844; d. Jan. 16, 1862. 576 UJ. Sarah Maria Wilder, b. Aug. 4, r 846. 577 IV. Mary Ellen Wilder, b. 578 v. Horace Edward Wilder, b.

4:29 SAMUEL BROWN, s. Asapb and Martha (Wilder) Brown, m. 1828, GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 171

579 LOIS BUSWELL. Issue :

580 1. Lucia Brown. 581 II. Lois Brown. 582 m. Mary Brown. 583 IV. George Brown. 584 V. William Brown.

431 ALBERT BROWN, s. As'lph and Martha (Wilder) Brown, m. 1837, 585 ABIGAIL WooD, d. Dec. 28, 1875. Issue:

586 1. Martha A. Brown, b. Jan. 28, 1839; m. 1862, James Woodbury. 587 n. Albert Brown, b. Feb., 1841 ; d. March, 1841. 588 iii. Sarah E. Brown, b. March 28, 1843; lm. 1862, Abel Merriam. 589 1v. Hannah S. Brown, b. Oct. ro, 1847; d. Dec. 7, 1857.

433 GEORGE BROWN, s. Asaph and Martha (Wilder) Brown, m. May 28, 1839, 590 HARRIET OsGooD. Issue :

591 1. Harriet Martha Brown, b. April 9, 1841. 592 ii. Ada Osgood Brown.

434 AsAPH NELSON BROWN, s. Asaph and .Martha (Wilder) Brown, m. 1st, 1841, 593 I SARAH o. ROBINSON, d. 1846; 2d, 1848, 594 2 MRS. CALISTA STREET, of Fitzwilliam, N. H. Issue:

595 1. Asaph

435 LAVINIA BROWN, dr. Asaph and Martha (Wilder) Brown, m. Oct., 31, 1841, ELDAD PRESCOTT, of Jaffrey, N. H. Issue : 596 1 597 I. Mary Elizabeth Prescott, b. 1844- 598 ii. Francis Merrill Prescott, b. April, 1848.

436 \VILLIAM BROWN, s. Asaph and Martha (Wilder) Brown, m. May 13, 1849, 599 MARY H. WILSON. Issue:

600 1. ·williarn H. Brown, L. June 24, 1849; d. Dec. 21, 1849. 601 H. Charles Albert Brown, b. July 1, 1851. 172 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

602 iii. Mary Emma Brown, b. August 2r, r854, 603 1v. Frederic Wilson Brown/b. June IO, 1859.

41-0 LEVI KNIGHT, s. Aaron and Betsey (Wilder) Knight, m. 1846, 604 ELIZABETH COREY, b. Feb. r, 1816. Issue : 605 1. Levi Knight, b. Dec. 31, 1846. 606 ii. Ansel Brown Knight, b. May 26, 1848; d. Oct. 20, 1848. 607 m. Anna Gibbs Knight, b. March 26, 1850. 608 1v. Ansel B. Knight, b. Oct. 17, 185r. 609 v. Eveline F. Knight, b. April 22, 1854.

•i4-l PHILANDER SUMNER KNIGHT, s. Aaron and Betsey (Wilder) Knight, a farmer of Pelham, Mass., m. 1838, 610 MARY ·wooD, b. April 30, 1$1r. Issue:

6u 1. George Wilder Knight, b. April 9, 1840. 612 11. Charles Sumner Knight, b. April 4, 1842. 613 m. Mary Victoria Knight, b. June 30, 1844. 614 1v. John Wood Knight, b. Feb. 15, 1847. 615 v. Anson Ingraham Knight, b. Jan. 20, 1850.

414 LUKE LYSANDER KNIGHT, s. Aaron and Betsey (Wilder) Knight, m. 1843, 616 CALISTA SIBLEY, b. Sept. 25, 1818. Issue:

617 1. A daughter, b. Aug. 8, 1846 ; d. -- 618. 11. Helen Calista Knight, b. April 21, 1848. 619 m. Lydia Jane Knight, b. Aug. 15, 1850. 620 1v. Luther James Knight, b. Aug. r 5, 1850. 621 v. Herbert S. Knight, b. Aug. r 5, 1858.

445 ELAM CLARK KNIGHT, s. Aaron and Betsey (Wilder) Knight, m. 1847, 622 JANEE. CRAW, b. Oct. IO, 1827. Issue: 623 i. Jane E. Knight, b. Dec. 18, 1848; m. C. A. Pendleton. 624 ii. Alice Jones Knight, b. Jan.

473 MosEs J.' WILDER (Abel,' Abe],• Thomas,• Thomas'), m. 1844, 625 LAURA PRESTON. Issue: GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 173

626 1. Edwin E. Wilder, b. Feb. 13, 1846; m. E. B. Lane. 627 11. Charles 0. Wilder, b. July 14, 1849. 628 iii. Gertrude 0. Wilder, b. Feb. 2, 1852.

474 WALES TILESTON • WILDER (Abel, 7 Abel,' Thomas," Thomas') m. 1850, 629 LYDIA DoTE.N, b. July 4, 1831. Issue:

(-;:30 1. Frederic Wales Wilder, b. Aug. 20, 1852. 631 11. Emily Janette Wilder, b. Feb. 28, 1854. 632 m. Frank Eastman 'Wilder, b. March 9, 1856. 633 1v. Minerva Lois Wilder, b. Jan. 5, 1860. 634 v. Florence W. Wilder, b. Oct. 6, 187L

4-7 5 ADALINE• M. \VII.DER (

636 1. Frederic Cushman, b. Jan. 16, 1847. 637 11. Emma C. Cushman, b. Feb. ro, 1850; m. 1872. 638 m. Laura G. Cushman, b. Dec. 19, 1855.

4-77 Lucv ANN' WILDER (Abel, 7 Abel," Thomas,' Thomas'), m. 1850, 639 NoADIAH E. SMITH, Feb. 25, 1826. Issue:

640 1. Elizabeth Ann Smith, b. Feb. 5, 1853. 641 ll. Estella M. Smith, b. May 19, 1855.

478 GEORGE J." ·wrLDER (Abel, 7 Abel,' Thomas,' Thomas'), rn. 1857, 642 MARIA P. SHELDON. Issue:

643 I. Emily A. Wilder, b. 18_s9. 644 II. Mark S. Wilder, b. 1861. 645 III. Ge0rge S. Wilder, b. 1869. 646 IV. Frank M. Yvilder, b. 1873.

4:SO H,Di.KAH J\L' \VILDER (cir. Abel,' Abel,' Thomas,• Thomas'), m. 1861, (,47 FRANKLIN l\L PARKER, in Lusiness Trov, N. Y., 1876, Issue : 648 •. Nettie F. Parker, b. 1863. 649 JJ. Charles T. Parker, b. 1865. 174 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4:90 CHARLES• H. ·wrLDER (s. Thomas,' Peter A.,6 Thomas,° Thomas'), m. 1854, 650 CECILIA WATSON, b. Jan. 26, 1826. Issue:

651 1. Emma Frances \Vilder, b. April 22, 1858. 652 11. Josephine Wilder, b. Nov. 30, 1863. 653 rn. Henry Wilson '.Vilder, b. Nov. 1, 1867.

4:91 SARAH PARKER• WILDER (dr. Thomas,' Peter A.,6 Thomas,' Thomas'), 111. 1855, 654 JAMES W. PATTERSON, Senator in Congress, and Pro- fessor in Dartmouth College. Issue :

655 1. George Willis Patterson, b. Dec. 16, 1857. 656 ii. Arthur Hubert Patterson, b. June 12, 1862.

4:92 GEORGE A." WILDER (Thomas,' Peter A.,• Thomas,• Thomas'), a merchant of Lake Village, N. H.; m. 1852, 657 JANE ANN ROBBINS, b. Dec. 8, 1830. Issue:

658 1. Sarah Abigail Wilder, b. July 4, 1853; d. Sept. 26, 1854. 659 ii. Maria Louisa Wilder, b. July 1, 1859. 660 m. Henry Willis Wilder, b. June 6, 1861. 661 1v. James Alden Wilder, b. Nov. 11, 1863. 662 v. George Patterson Wilder, b. Jan. 24, 1869.

502 ALPHONSO J. WILDER (s. Abigail J. and Peter A.), m. Nov., 1862, 663 KATE AMANDA NICHOLS, b. Dec., 1843. Issue:

664 1. Blanche M. Wilder, b. 1870. 665 11. Helen Alphonse \Vilder, b. 1874.

515 JuLIA MARION• WILDER (dr. Abel,' Abel,' Abel,° Thomas'), m. 1841, 666 OLIVER H. DAY, a farmer of Niagara City, N. Y. Issue:

667 1. Helen S. Day, b. Sept. 29, 1842; m. Royal A. Hawley. 6t;S ii. Sarah Elida Day, b. Nov. 30, 1844; m. William H. Davis. 669 111. Clara F. Day, b. Oct. 23, 1846; d. April 6, 1851. 670 v1. Julia Marion Day, b. Feb. 20, 1848; 111. Franklin V. Todd. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 175

671 v. Henry N. Day, b. May zr, 1850. 67z vi. Oliver Day, b. Aug. 3, 1854.

519 HARRIET ADALINE• WILDER (dr. Charles,' AbeJ,• Abel,5 Thomas'), m. 184z, 673 WYl\IAN H. AINSWORTH, a merchant of Varysburg, N. Y. Issue : 674 1. Clara Adaline Ainsworth, b. Aug., 1844; d. 1874; m. Elon T. Spink.

020 CHARLES HARRISON• WILDER ( s. Charles,' Abel,' Abel,' 4 Thomas ), m. rst, 6 75 r ANNETTE NOYES ; m. zd, 676 2 NETTIE B. LEE. Issue:

677 1. George H, Wilder, b. Feb., 1850; d. Sept., 1850. 678 11. Charles S. Wilder, b. Nov., 1853. 679 111. William Almeron Wilder, b. 1860; d. Feb. 10, 1862. 680 1v. Louisa Lee Wilder.

522 LUCIEN JEROME• WILDER (s. Charles,' Abel,• Abel,' Thomas'), m. 185 7, 681 CLARA W. BALDWIN. Issue:

68z 1. Edwin M. Wilder, b. Sept. 10, r 869.

524 GEORGE MORTIMER' WILDER (s. Charles,' Abel, 0 Abel,• 4 Thomas ), was many years in charge of Wyoming County-House. In 1873 was elected Sheriff of Wyom­ ing County, and died while in office ; rn. 684 CLEMENTINE B. GODFREY. Issue:

685 1. Frederic C. Wilder, b. March 12, 1865. 686 ii. George Walker \Vilder, b. July 1, 1873. 687 lll. Gertrude Mabel Wilder, b. Jan. 17, 1875.

525 Lucy ADELAIDE' WILDER (dr. Charles,' Abel,' Abel,• 4 Thomas ), m. 1863, 688 EuGENE D. TUTTLE, of Orangeville, N. Y. Issue :

689 1. Charles S. Tuttle, b. April 16, 1866. 690 11. George W. Tuttle, b. Sept. 28, 1867. 691 n1. Allison 0. Tuttle, b._May 23, 1869. 176 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

526 EROTAS HENRY \VrLDER (s. Charles,' Abel,' Abel,• Thomas'), a Lieutenant of Volunteers, Arrny of the Rebellion, now a cheese-manufacturer of V arysburg, N. Y. ; m. 1864, 692 ELLEN HUTCHINSON. Issue :

(i93 1. Wyman H. Wilder, b. Dec. 2, 1865. 694 11. Milton Almeron Wilder, b. Nov. 28, 1866. 695 m. Harriet Lorena Wilder, b. April 21, 1871.

528 OSCAR ALONZ0 8 ·WILDER. (s. Artemas,' Abel,• Abel,• Thomas'), m. 696 ANGELINE JANE DAY, d. March 18, 1851. Issue:

697 J. Frances A. Wilder, b. Feb. 8, 1848. 698 11. Ellen Wilder, b. April 20, 1850; d. Sept. 22, 1851.

529 ROBERT MILTON WILDER (Artemas,' Abe],• Abel," Thomas'), Secretary of Gas Company, Coldwater, Mich. ; m. 1st, 699 1 CAROLINE SAWYER; d. May 2, 1852; m. 2d, 700 2 LOUISA J. BAKER. Issue :

701 1. Edward Milton Wilder. 702 11. George Oscar Wilder.

531 DENcv CooK 8 WILDER (dr. Artemas,' Abel,' Abe],• Thomas'), m. 1856, 703 FREEMAN S. RoGERs, a dentist, of Gilroy, Cal. Issue:

704 1. Edward Oscar Rogers, b. Ang 29, 1861. 705 11. Fanny Wilder Rogers, b. Oct. 9, 1863. 706 Ill. Eugene .Freeman Rogers, b. May 16, 1865.

5:32 DEBORAH FOSTER' WILDER (dr. Artemas,' Abe],• Abel," Thomas•), m. 1860, 70 7 STIMSON S. HARVEY, a mail agent of Toledo, Ohio. Issue :

708 1. Mary Rebecca Harvey, b. May 21, 1868.

5:m LAURA ANN' WILDER (dr. Artemas,' Abel,6 Abe],• Thomas'), m. I 868, 709 AUSTIN G. HALL. Issue: (;ENEALOGICAL TABLE. 177

710 1. Arthur Austin Hall, b. Jan. 4, 1869. 7TI II. n. Hall, b. July 13, 1872.

537 SALMON HEBARD" WrLDER (s. Moses' H., Abel," Abel," 4 Thomas ), a mechanic and inventor, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Ill. 1854, 7T2 CHARLOTrE EuzAHF:Tll REED, of Boston, Mass.; b. April 14, 1826; d. April 10, 1862. Isstw: 713 i. Susan Eliza Wilder, b. May 28, 185~ _; d. March 25, 1862. 7 q n. Emily Bruce \Vilcler, b. Dec. 24, 1856. 7 r 5 111. William Wilder, b. August, 1858; d. 1858. 716 1v. Charlotte E. W1lcler, b. July 28, 1860.

;ao :V1osES GRANT' WILDER (s. Moses' H., Abel,° Abel,' Thomas''), b. Aug. 13, 1836, in China, Ind., machinist and draughtsman, an inventor and designer of special machines in New York_; m. 1st, May, 1862, 717 1 EuzA PENSON NORWOOD, dr. Rev. Abraham Norwood; d. July 28, 1869; m. 2d, April 12, 1875, 718 2 H El.EN AUGUSTA HALL, of Gloversville, N. Y. Issue :

719 1. !\fary Augusta Wilder, b . .M.ay 8, 1863; d. Aug. 1868, 720 11. Helen Augusta \Vilcler, b. April 8, 1867. 721 111. Eliza Penson Wilder, b. July 14, 1869. 722 1v. Henry Wilson Wilder, b. Oct. 31, 1876.

i',4'.1 HENRY FAYETTE" WILDER (Thomas,7 Abel,' Abel,• Thomas'), a tin and stove merchant of Randolph, N. Y.; m. 1st, 1850, 723 1 EVELINE OLMSTEAD; cl. Jan. 21, 1871; m. 2d, 1874, 724 2 MARY RFDEJ.EY. Issue :

725 1. Frederic Wilder, b. Jan. 13, 1851; d. Nov. 18, 1863. 726 JI. George Olmstead Wilder, b. Dec. 8, 1855 ; cl. Oct. (.>, I 861.

;j4:4- DELIA" E. \VJLIJER (dr. Thomas,· Abel', Abel,'Thomas•), Ill, 727 UFLos CARSOK. He was Captain i11 a Colored kegi- nienl, and was killed in the Fort Pillow Massacre in the \Var of the Rebellion. 1;sue :

728 1. Jcla Bell Car:;011, li. June 12, 1864. 13 178 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

a4-5 SARAH Dow" "WILDER ( dr. Thomas,' Abel,' Abel,' Thomas'). m. 1860, 729 ALEXANDER J. HILL, a banker in Decatur, Ill. Issue:

730 1. Edward \V. Hili, b. Jan. 10, 1861.

54-8 THOMAS EuGEN"E' WILDER (s. Thomas,' Abel,6 Abel,' Thomas'). m. 1865, 731 MARTHA FOSDICK. Issue ;

732 1. Lillian \Vilder, b. Aug. 18, 1871.

555 FRANCIS lVlJI,TON' WILDER ( s. Milton,' Abel; Abel,' Thomas'), .Master ~iechanic of Erie Railroad, Buffalo, N. Y. ; Ill. 1866, 733 CORNELIA J. BARR, b. Jan. 6, 1842. Issue::

734 1. Charles D. Wilder, b. March 30, 1867. 735 11. Milton John Wilder, b. Feb. 20, 1873.

006 ALVIN DUMOND' WILDER ( s. Milton, 7 Abe!,• Abel,• Thomas'), Superintendent of the U. P. R. R., Vallejo Branch, California; m. 1870, 737 ANNE E. NORTH, b. Dec. 3, 1840, in India. (dr. of Rev. Alfred North). Issue ;

738 l. Edwin M. Wilder, b. Nov. 15, 1871. 739 11. Francis Alfred Wilder, b. Oct. 6, 1873. 74° m. Harriet Mason Wilder, b. Oct. 16, 1875.

560 WILLIAM ALONZO 8 WILDER (s. William,7 Abel," Abel,• Thomas'), m. 1871, 741 ELLA V. GLADDING, b. Dec. 5, 1850. Issue :

742 I. Harry A. Wilder, b. Aug. 1, 1872.

574- RUFUS L." WILDER (s. Mason 7 H., Thomas,• Abel•), was in the war of the Rebellion from 1861 to its close; m. 1869, 743 KATE .MERRELL, d. May, 1874. Issue: 744 i. Henry Merrell Wilder, b. June, 1872. 745 11, Frederic Mason \-Viicler, b. March, 1874.

5i6 SARAH MARIA' \-VJLDER (dr. Mason' H., Thomas,• Abel'), m. 1865, GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 179 746 WILLIAM H. PENNELL. They live m Vallejo, California. Issue :

747 1. Cassins A. Pennell. 748 11. Emma Pennell. 749 iii. Walter H. Pennell. 750 1v. Mary Pennell. 75 I v. Alice Pennell.

:i77 MARY E. WILDER (dr. ]\Jason H., Thomas, Abel), m. 1873, 752 CHARLES Goi.:LD. Issue:

753 1. Charles Gould, b. March 6, 1874.

626 EDWIN• E. ·WILDER (s. Moses' J., Abel,' Abel,• Thomas," Thomas'), 111. 1869, 754 EMMA R. LANGDON. Issue:

755 1. Eva R. Wikler. 756 ll. Grace Wilder.

628 GERTRuDE • 0. WILDER (dr. •Moses' J., Abel,' Abel," Thomas,• Thomas'), m. 1872, 757 HIRAM M. STACY. Isslle :

758 1. Keturah L. Stacy.

630 FREDERIC• WALES WILDER (s. ,vales T.," Abel,' Abel,• Thomas,• Thomas•), I 8 73, 759 CORA THAYER, b. Dec. 18, 1852. Issue :

760 ). Grace Evelyn Wil

667 HELEN S. DAY, dr. Oliver H. and Juiia M. (\Vilcler) Day, m. 1866, 762 ROYAL A. HAWLEY. Issue:

763 1. George P. Hawley.

H6S SARAH ELIDA DAY, dr. Oliver H. and Julia J\f. (\Vih➔ er) Day, m. 1871, 764 WILLIAM H. DAvrs, b. Oct. 19, 1835. Issue:

765 1. Fanny J\1. Davis, b. Oct. 6, 1872. 766 11. Horatio Davis, b. June, 1874. 7(,7 iii. Julia Marion Davis, b. Vee. 15, 1875. 180 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

fVi-l- CLARA A. AINSWORTH, dr. of Wyman H. and H. A. (\Yilder) Ainsworth, m. 1870, 768 E1.0N T. SPINK. Issue:

769 1. Antoinette Spink, b. l\fay I 7, r872. 770 11. David Leon Spink, Li. ::\larch 5, 1874.

F O U R T H L I N E A G E.

A N fJ R E \\" W I L ll E R .

.'",] ANJiREW' \\'JLDER (Joseph,' Thomas,' Thomas'), a farmer in Lancaster, m. 1739· 77 r ELIZABETH CARTER Issue :

772 1. Andrew Wilder, i.J. Sept. Ir, 1740; d. Sept. 1 5, 1740. 773 11. Andrew Wilder, b. Oct. 12, 1741; d. Feli. 10, 1775. 774 m. Elizabeth Wilder, b. April 4, 1743; d. l\l ,y 28. 1807. 775 1v. Thomas \Vilder, b. Feb. 27, 1744; d. July 30, 1746. 776 L Ruth Wilder, b. Dec. 15, 1746; d. June 30, 1754. 775 v1. Abigail \Vilder, b. July 7, I 748; cl. Aug. 8, 1814. 77fi v11. Abijah Wilder, b. Nov. 28, 1750; d. Jan. 8, 1831. 777 viii. Del.iorah Wilder, b. Ang. ro, 1753; d. Aug. 20, 1755. 778 ix. Joseph \Yilder, )J. l\1ay 26, 1757; d. Aug. 17, 1778. 779 x. 1'eter Wilder, b. April 10, 1761; cl. April 25, 1841. 780 x1. Calvin Wilder, b. Oct. 19, 1764; d. Feb. 29, I782.

771i AUJJAH '' \VJJ.JlER (s. Andrew'), was a mechanic of :Keene, l\. H., of great celebrity in his day. Marriell four ti1lles, and each of bis first three wives cliecl immediately after the birth of their second child ; Ill. 1st. Oct. r,

I 7i4, 781 :-iAEAH ELLIS, b. I 752; d. May 8, 1780; 111. 2d, Nov. 7, 1780, 782 .\1 ARTH.4 Jl1.AKJ:, b. I7 4(J; d . .May 2 1, 1784; rn. 3.J, Oct. I 7, 1784, 783 B1-:1; LAH JoH Nso~, b. 1751 ; c'.. Dec. 29, 1788 ; 111. 4th, Cict., 1789, GENEALOGICAL Ti\BLE. 181

784 TA'>IAR \VrLDER, b. May 21, q48;

785 l. AIJigail Wilder, b. July 3, I 775; d. Nov. 30. 1856; m. Abijah Kingsbury. 786 11. Sarah Wilder, b. Feb. 5, I780; d. July I8, 185 7 ; rn. James Welles. 787 iii. l\fartha Wilder, b. Sept. r, 1781; d. June 29, 1867. 788 lV. Abijah Wilder, b. Feb. 10, 1784; m. Rhoda Sanger. ,89 v. Hephzibah Wilder, b. April 17, 1787; cl. Jan. 30. 1847; m. Joseph Wheeler. 790 VJ. Azel Wilder, b. Nov. 20, 1789; d. April 9, 1860; rn. Elvira Warner.

779 PETER" WILDER (s. Andrew'), a chair-maker of Lancas­ caster, Boston, and then of New Ipswich, N. H.; m. 79 1 TAMAR RI ct:, b. r 763; d. Jan. 9, 1843. Issue: 792 I. Elizabeth ..Wilder, b. Jan. 15, 1784; d. Oct. 28, 1861; m. Abijah Wetherbee. 793 ii. Joseph Wilder, b. May r, 1787; d. May 12, 1825. 793 Jll, Thomas \Vilcler, b. May 13, I 791 ; m. Mary H. Chaffin. 794 IV. Peter Wilder, b. Feb. 15, 1793; cl. Nov. 25, 1814. 795 v. Andrew \Vilder, b. Dec. 13, 1775; d, Aug. Io, r822. 796 VJ. Laura M. Wilder, b. Sept. r, 1797; d. Nov. :n, 1840. 797 vi,. Nancy \Vilder, b. July ro, f799; m. -- Smith. 798viii. Josiah P. Wilder, b. Nov. 21, 1801; d. June 28, 1873; 111. Amanda Carter. 799 IX. John B. Wilder, b. Aug. ro, 1804. 800 X. Calvin Wilder, b. M.arch 18, I 806; d. I8S r ; m. Harriet Hale.

7Sa ABIGAIL. \VII.DER (dr. Abijah,. Andrew'), m. April l 2, 1803, 801 AHIJAH KrNGSllURY, b. 1777; d. 1857. Boot and shoe- maker, Keene Co., N. H. Issue:

802 l, William 1-:.ingsbury, b. June 3, 1804; m. Huldah Stone. 803 11. Charles J. Kingsbury, b. Dec. 21, 1 So 5 ; cl. 18 72 ; 111. Ruby Osgood. 801 lll. Josiah Kingsbury, b. Nov. G, 1807; m. Sarah Baker. 805 IV. Abijah \Vilder Kingsbury, b. Sept. 13, 1809; m. En1eline Wood. I 8:2 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

80fi V. Albert .Kingsbury, b. Sept. 19, I8II; m. ,\nn E. Lyma!::: 80, Vl. Julia Ann King~bnry, b. Jan. 29, 1813; rn. lsaac Rand. 80S VJI. Mary, b. Oct. 9, 1815; m. Jonas Parker. SOH viii. (;eorge Krngslmry, b. Jan. 24, 1818; m. Lydia Briggs. 810 IX. Abigail .Kingsbury, b. Aug. 12, 1820: m. Enoch \V. \\-in- chester. Sn x. Sarah Kingsbury, b. Aug. 8, 1824; m. George Rising. 81:? xi. Elizabeth Kingsbury, b. Jan. 23, 1827; m. George P. Drowne.

786 SARAH• WILDER ( dr. Abijah,' Andrew'), m. Dec. I 2, 1804, 813 JAll!ES \VELLES. Issue : 814 i. James Welles, in 1874, was County Clerk of Shelby Co., Ohio ; and Postmaster at Sidney. Sr 5 11. Charles Welles.

788 ABIJAH' \Vn.DER (s. Abijah' and Andrew'), m. 1814. 81 6 RHODA SANGER. Issue :

817 :. Francis A. Wilder, b. April 5, 1816; d. Nov. 10, 1850; m. Luther Holbrook. 818 11. David .M. Wilder, b. Feb., 1819; died April, 1874. 819 m. Elizabeth J. Wilder, b. Nov., 1821; d. May 13, 1851; m. Ervme Gates.

820 JV, Martin Wilder, b. May 4, 1824; m. Augustus Tafft. 821 v. George S. Wilder, b. May 30, 1826. 821 VI. Emily Wilder, b. June 18, 1829; m. George Baker, of Boston. 822 Vil, Rhoda J. Wilder, b. July 26, 18.12; m. Edward H. Pet­ tingill. 823 viii. Mary .Ellen Wilder, b. Feb. 7, 1833 ; m. Ervine Gates. 824- ix. Harriet P. Wilder, b. April 4, 1835; m. Elisha Lane.

789 HEPHZIBAH' WILDER (dr. Abijah." Andrew'), 111. Oct. 8, 1813, 825 JosEPH WHEELER, of Whitesboro, N. Y. Issue:

826 1. Azcl \\"heeler. 827 II. Daniel ·wheeler. 828 iii. l'vlartba W. Wheeler, Sept. 3, 1823; m. Thomas H. Wil­ liams. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 183

790 AZEL' WILDER (s. Abijah,' Andrew•), Patentee of the Double-Geared Wheel-Head for Spinning Wool; m. 1813, 829 ELVIRA lVARNER. Issue :

830 I. Elvira P. Wilder, b. Nov. 24, 1814; m. Edward Poole. 831 II. Charles J. Wilder, b. Sept., 18 r 6 ; d. Dec. r 8, 1818. 832 lll. Lucius E. Wilder, b. Aug. 15, 1818; d. Oct. 25, 1843. s:13 lV. Charles J. Wilder, b. July 7, 1821; d. Aug. 13, 1869; HJ. Elmira Nims. S3i v. Hephzibah Wilder, b. April 29, 1823; d. Aug. 19, 1869; m. George H. Richards. 835 VI. Azel B. Wilder, b. Jan. r3, 1824; d. April 30, 1826. s:rn Vil. Maria A. Wilder, b. Jan. 30, 1827. 837 VIII. Azel B. Wilder, b. Jan. 30, 1827; d. Jan. 30, 1827. 838 IX. Lauretta Wilder, b. Dec. 20, 1829; d. May 22, 1845. 839 x. Edward B. Wilder, b. Nov. 6, 1832; m. l\fary Ann Wil- liams.

4 7H2 ELJZABETH' WILDER (dr. Peter,• Andrew ), m. 840 ABIJAH WETHERBEE, b. q8r ; d. 1838. Issue :

841 1. Anna Elizabeth Wetherbee, m. Rev. Addison Bm):Y~- i;,u._ J. 1T '

7H:l THOMAS 6 WILDER (s. Peter,' Andrew'), an artist ofWor- cester, Mass. ; m. 842 i. MARY H. CHAFFIN, Issue:

844 1. William Wilder, b. 1815. 845 11. Lavinia Wilder. 84:6 m. Willard H. Wilder, b. 1820; 111. Cynthia A. Kendall.

798 JOSIAH' P. WILDER (s. Peter,' Andrew'), m. 1825, 847 AMANDA CARTER, b. Aug. 25, 1799; cl. Jan. 1, 1851. Issue :

S!S 1. Charles W. Wilder, b. i\[ay ::i, 1827; m. Nancy Rice. 849 JI. N. Elizabeth WilJer, b. Oct. 25, 1828; m. J. H. Wil­ iams. 850 m. Oliver D. Wilder, I.>. Aug. 25, 1830; m. Charlotte E. !\'lay- natd. 851 iv. Josiah P. Wilder, b. April 3, 1832; d. Nov., 1863. 852 v. Catharine A. Wilder, b. April 30, 1834; rn. N. Morill. 853 vi. Emeline A. YVilder, b. Oct. r, 1835; rn. C. N. Colbume. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

854 v11. Milton A. \Vilder, b. Sept. 15, 1837; d. Feb. 8, 1842. 855 Vlll. Luman A. \Yilder, b. Oct. r4, 1840; d. Feb. 2, 1842.

so:1 CHARLE~ J. E.ISCSBUZY, s. Ab1jah and Abigail (Wilder) 1,;:ingsbury, 1n. Sept. ro, 1831. 856 Rnw (),;r;om,. Issue :

85i l. Lucy 0. Kingsbury, b . .\lay 9. 1833; m. rst, Henry E. Betts; 2d, Joseph Smith, 1'151-i I!. Ellen J. Kingsbury, b. Dec. r 1, 1834: 111. Rev. Daniel E. Adams. S5!1 111. l\lary .-\. Kingsbnry, b. Aug. 23. 1836; m. Terry 1-la!pine. 860 lV. Charles E. Kingsbury, b. ,\larch 7. 1838; d. Ang. 27, 1838. S(H v. .\lartha A. Kingsbury, b. Sept. 25, 1840; m. Lonis Kil- bourne. 862 \'I. Stella ,\1. Kingslmry, Ii. Sept. zS. 1842; d. Sept. 9, 1843. 863 VII. Stella .\I. Kingslrnry, b. Sept. 25, 1845; cl. Oct., 1857. 864 Vlll, Charles E. Kingslrnry. b. 1\:!arch 25, 1849; c.l. March 29, 1849. 865 IX. Juliette E. Kingsbury, b. Nov. 15, 1852.

801- Jos1.u1 K1xr;srn:RY, s. Ahijah and Abigail (Wilder) Kings­ bury; m. 866 SARAH BAKER. Issne :

Sfi, 1. Edward B. Kingsbury, b. Feb. 4, 1839; m. Ellen Car­ penter. 868 11. (~eorge A. Kingsbury, b. Sept. 28, 1840; m. Elvira Rogers.

sor) ABIJAH WILDER KINGSl)URY, s. Abijah and Abigail (Wikler) King,bury; Ill. 1830, 869 EMELJ,,T \ruov. lss11e:

870 1. Samuel Kingsbury.

SO(; Aull.Kr K1-.;csHURV, s. i\bijah and Abigail (Wilder) Kingsbury; m. June 6, 1/;36, 871 AN:-i E. Ln!AN, of Waltham, l\'las,. Issue:

872 1. Frederic A. Kingsbury, b. June 6, 1837. Si:J ll. Julia E. Kingsbury, l>. Jan. 26, 1839; m. Josiah Niles. S'i4 111. Harriet A. Kingslmry, b. Sept. 24, 1841 ; m. Edward Spalding. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 185

8'i'o IV. Chester L. Kingsbury, b. April 25, 1846; Ill. Sarah Joslin. 876 v. Arthur E. Kingsbury, b . .March 24. 1848.

807 JuuA ANN KINGSBURY, dr. Abijab and Abigail (Wilder) Kingsbury, m. April 16, 1840, 877 ISAAC RAND, a farmer of Keene, N. H. Issue:

878 I. Harriet L. Rand, b. March 20. 1844; d. Jan., 185 1. 879 11. Emily A. Rand, b. Ang. 28, 1846; d_ Feb. 22. 1847. 880 111. Lyman T. Rand, b. June 16. r849 : a Congregational minister. 881 IV. Selden T. 0. Rand, b. Jan. 9, 1853. 882 v. Ella N. Rand, b. Nov. 27, 1855.

808 MARY KrNGSRURY, dr. Abijah and Abigail (Wilder) Kings- bury, m. 1840, 883 JONAS PARKER. Issue:

884 I. Mary A. Parker, b. April r, 1841. 885 ii. Helen M. Parker, b. Dec. 6, r843.

809 GEORGE KINGSBURY, s. Abijah and Abigail (Wilder) Kings- bury, m . .May 1, 1847, 886 LYDIA BRIGGS. Issue:

887 1. Eliza vV. Kingsbury, b. Oct. 10. 1848. 888 11. Emily S. Kingsbury, b. May 9, 1851. 889 111. Mary Jessie Kingsbury, b. June 21, 1852; d. Feb., 1857.

812 ELIZABETH KINGSBURY, dr. Abijah aml Abigail (Wilder) Kingsbury, m. Oct. 20, 1854, 890 GEORGE P. DROWNE. Issue:

891 1. George P. Drowne, b. March 4, 1856; d. July 3, 1858. 892 11. Frank H. Drowne, b. J\fay 2, 1858; d. Oct. 5, 1870. 893 m. Edward P. Drowne, b. April 3. 1865.

s•>•>-~ RHODA 7 J. WILDER (dr. Abijah,' s. Abijah," Andrew'), m. March 21, 1868, 894 EDWARD H. PETTIN(,11.L, M.D. of Saxton River, Vt. Issue:

895 i. George Thomas Pettingill, u. Jnly 11, 186q. 896 ll. Fanny Mabel Pettingill, l>. Sept. 22, 1870. 186 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

897 m. Florence Pettingill, b. Jniy 23, 1872. 898 IV. Edward P. S. Pettingill, b. Nov. I7, 1874.

823 MARY ELLEN' WILDER (dr. Abijah,' Abijah," Andrew'), m. 1858, 899 ERVINE GATES, a teacher in Superior, Wisconsin. Issue:

900 1. Edward S. Gates, b. April 19, 1859. 901 11. Ervine V•'ilder Gates, b. Oct. 8, 1861. 902 Ill. Samuel W. Gates, b. Nov. 3, 1863; d. Aug. 10, 1864. 903 1v. Fanny J. Gates, b. Oct. 22, 1868. 904 v. Gertrude 0. Gates, b. Dec. 31, 1872. 905 vi. Joel Franklin Gates, b. April 1, 1875.

824 HARRIET P.' WILDER (dr. Abijah,• Abijah,' Andrew'), m. 906 ELISHA LANE. Issue:

907 1. Henry M. Lane. 908 ii. Susan G. Lane.

828 MARTHA WHEELER, dr. Joseph and Hephzibah (Wilder) Wheeler, m. Dec. 25, 1850, 909 THOMAS H. WILLIAMS. Issue : 910 1. Ella Williams, b. 1851; d. 1859. 911 11. Sarah Williams, b. Ang. 9, 1853. 912 m. Mary Williams, b. 1856. 913 1v. Robert Williams, b. 1859. 914 v. Edith \Villiams, b. 1863.

830 ELVIRA P.' WILDER ( dr. Azel," s. Abijah,' s. Andrew'), m. June, 1836, 915 EDWARD POOLE, a jeweler of Keene, N. H. Issue : 916 1. Elizabeth Poole, b. March 16, 1838; d. Sept. 18, 1869; m. Julius Morse.

7 s:rn CHARLES J. WILDER (_s. Azel, • Abijah, b Andrew'), born in Keene, N. H. Was a Lieutenant in the Army of the Rebellion, and killed before Richmond in I 864; m. 917 ELMIRA NIMS. Issue:

918 1. Helen Wilder. 919 11. Mary Wilder. 920 111. Azel Wilder. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 187

834 HEPHZIBAH' WILDER (dr. Azel," Abijah,° Andrew'), m. r845, 921 GEORGE H. R1cHARDS, a jeweler of Keene, N. H. Issue:

922 1. Frank L. Richards, b. May 10, 1845. H23 ll. George H. Richards, b. Aug. l 3, 1846; 111. Isabella Merrill.

924 111. Jane Richards, b. Dec. I' 1848; d. Aug. 4, 1869. 925 IV. Louis l\L Richards, b. June 30, 185 r. 926 V. Mary Ann Richards, b. l\farch 25, 1853. 927 Vl. Clara H. Richards, b. May 14, 1855. 928 VII. Emma A. Richards, b. May 26, 1857. 9 2 9 Vlll. Charles E. Richards, b. Ang., 1859. 93° lX, John W. Richards, b. July 30, 1863.

8!J6 MARIA' A. \Vn,DER ( dr. Azel, 0 Abijah, •Andrew'), m. r 85 5, 931 \VrLI,JAM \VYMAN. Issue:

932 1. V{illiam T. Wyman, b. Jnne 19, 1856. 933 ll. Mary \Vyman, b. 1857.

S3H EDWARD' B. WILDER (s. Azel,' Abijah,' Andrew'), m. 1st, Nov. 8, 1859, 934 1 MARY ANN \Vn,I.IAMS; m. 2d, Jan. 3, 1868, 935 2 EDNA E. FOWLER. lssue : 936 1. Viola .Maria Wilder, b. Nov . .30, 1861. 937 11. Edward Warren Wilder, b. Feb. 4, 1864; cl. Oct. 18, 1864. 938 111. Azel Warner Wilder. b. Feb. 5, 1866. 939 iv. Lillian J. Wilder, b. April 30, 1869. 940 v. Charles H. Wilder, b. June r, r870.

8J6 WILLARD' H. \Vn,DER (s. Thomas," Peter,• Andrew'), m. 1842, 94r CYNTHIA A. KENDALL, b. Aug. 28, 1826. Issue:

94 2 I. Edith M. Wilder, b. May 1, 1843; d. May 24, 1851. 943 JI. Charles H. "Wilder, b. March 19, 1846; a jeweler in New York. 944 Ill. E

84:8 CHARLES W.' WILDER (s. Josiah,' Peter,' Andrew'), m. April, 1851, 188 GENE/\ LOGICAL TABLE.

945 NANCY RICE, b. June 31, 1834. Issue:

946 1. George vV. Wilder, b. May 21, 1852. 947 11. Edward R. Wilder, b. Oct. 6. 1858. 948 n1. William C. vVikler, b. Oct. 6, 1861. 94'J 1v. Ellen .M. Wilder, b. Oct. 6, 1861,

S'."iO OLIVER' D. WILDER (s. Josiah,' Peter/· Andrew'). a chair-maker of Ashburnham, Mass.; m. Nov., 1854, 9so CAROLINE E . .\IAY:>l'ARD, b. i\farch 23. 1833. Issue:

951 1. Maynard 0. ·wilder, b. Sept. 13, 1858. 952 11. Alice R. Wiider, !J. Nov. 5, 1860. 953 nr. Wesley M. Wilder, b. Nov. 1. 1873.

s:rn EMELINE A. WILDER (dr. Josiah. Peter, Andrew), m. 954 CHARLES N, CoLBURNE. Issue:

955 1. Charles L. Colburne, b. Aug. 10, 1867. 956 11. Frank A. Col!Jurne, b. Feb. 21. 1869. 957 iii. William VI'. Colburne, b. Oct. 1. 1874.

85i Lucv 0. K1;-;GSBURY (granddaughter of Abijah Wilder), m. 1st, Oct., 1854, 958 1 HENRY E. BETTS; m. 2d, Dec., 1864, 959 2 JosEPH SMITH. Issue :

960 1. Mary J. Betts, b. March 4, 1855. 961 11. Joseph B. S111ith, b. Sept. 4, 1868. 962 lll. c~roline fvf. Smith, b. Aug. 23, 1870. 963 1v. William E. Smith, b. May 6, 1872.

k~8 ELLEN J. KINGSBURY (granddaughter Abigail Wilder Kingsbury), m. 1854, 964 SAMUEL E. ADAMS. Issue :

965 1. Charles D. Adams, Li. Oct.··_2, 1856. 966 11. Mary K. Adams. L. Sept. 4. 1868. 967 111. Ceorge W. Adams, b. April 28, 1873.

Si)!I MARY A. KINGSBURY (sister of 858). m. Sept. 24, 1856. 9(J8 TERRY HALPlolE. Issue : s1G<1 1. Frank J. Halpine, b. June 15, 1857. 970 11. Estella 1\1. .Halpine, b. Oct. r6, 1858. 'l7 1 Iii. ,l\,fary E. Hal pine, b. Dec. I 3, 1861. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

861 .MARTHA A. KINGSBURY (sister of 859), lll. Aug. 21, 1859, 972 LEWIS KILBOURNE, a farmer of Paxton, l\,fe. Issue:

973 1. Elien M. Kilbourne, b. Jan. 2, r861. 974 11. Charles B. Kilbourne, b. June r, 1867.

86 7 EDWARD R. KINGSBURY, s. Josiah, Abijah, and Abigail (\Vilder) Kingsbury, m. Jnne 29, r86r, 975 ELLEN CARPENTl.':R, of Surrey, New Hampshire. Issue:

976 i. Edward hingsbnry, b. March 14, 1863. 977 li. Elizabeth W. Kingsbury, b. Oct. 28, 1866. 978 111. Franklin Kingsbury, b. Feb. 20, 1868. 979 1v. Adelaide Kingsbury, b. Nov. 16, 1869. 980 v. Mary Kingsl.n1ry, b. Aug. 7, 18iJ.

861'1 GEOI{GE A. KINGSBURY (s. Josiah, brotl,er of 867), m. 186,, 981 ELVIRA RoGER;;. Issue:

982 1. John D. Kingsbury, b. March 16, 1868. 983 JI. George vV. Kingsbury, b. Dec . .30, 1869. 983 iii. Isabella Kingsbury, b. Nov. 26, 1871. 984 1v. Sarah A. hingsbury, b. Aug. 8, 1873. 985 v. Martha Kingslmry, b. Mayr, 1875.

87:J Ju.IA E. KINGSBURY (dr. Albert, s. Abijah), m. 1861, 986 JOSIAH NILES. Issue:

987 1. John T. Niles, b. Dec. 31, 1861; d. Aug. 1862. 988 n. Agnes M. Niles, b. April 18, 1863.

S7.j. HARRIET A. KINGSRURY (sister of 873), m. May 19, 1870, 989 EDWARD SPALDING, a merchant of Keene, N. H. lssne:

990 i. Arthur E. Sp:ilcling, b. April 19, 1871. 991 11. Frank L. Spalding, b. June 9, 1872.

875 CHESTER L. KINGSBURY (br. of 874), m. 1867, 992 SARAH JOSLIN, Issue:

99.3 ,. Frederic E. Kingsbury, b. Nov. 9, 1867. 994 n. Henry J. Kingsbury, b. Jan. 16, 181;9. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

92~ GEORGE H. RICHARDS, s. George H. and Hepi1zibah (Wil­ der) Richards, m. Feb., 1868, ISABELLA MERRELL Issue :

995 1. Hubert Richards, b. Feb., 1869.

For most of this Lineage. we are indebted to the kindness and energy of ,\! rs. Julia A., wife of Deacon Isaac Rand, of Keene, N. H., a great-granddaughter of Andrew Wiluer.



1 52 JosEPH • ·wrLDER (Joseph,' Thomas,' Thomas ), m. July 4, 1733,

996 DEBORAH JoscELv;s, b. 1708; d. April 20, 1773. Issue:

997 1. Joseph Wilder, b. April 15, 1734; Ill. Susannah Phelps. 998 11. Deborah Wilder, b. Nov. 17, 1736; m. Sherebiah Hunt. 999 111. Sarah \Vilder,·b. March 2, 1738. 1000 1v. Gardner Wilder, b. March 22, 17 39; m. Martha Wilder. 1001 v. Rebecca \Vilder, born May, 18, 1741; m. James Locke. 1002 v1. Peter \Vilcler, b. Nov. 10, 1743. 1003 Vil. John Wilder, b. Nov. 10, 1743; d. Nov. 11, 1743. 1004: viii. Lucy \Vilder, b. April 24, 1747; d. Jan. 19, 1771; m. John Locke. * 1005 ix. John Wilder, b. August 1, 1750.

997 JosEPH \VrLDER (s. Joseph), a fanuer of Lancaster, m. roo6 SU:'iANNAH PHELP:,. Issue:

1007 1. Joseph Wilder, b. 1760; Ill. Rachel Ripiey. roo8 ii. Willis Wilder, Li. 1764. }OOH iii. Peter Wilder, b. 1766; d. Fel.J. 22, 1847. 1010 1v. Nathan \Vilder. 1 o I I v. Lucy Wilder. 1012 v1. Rebecca \Vilder, m. Arthur Taylor. 1 o 13 vii. N ancv \Vildcr. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

998 DEBORAH WILDER (dr, Joseph), m. I758, 1014 SHEREBIAH HUNT. Issue :

1015 I, Sherebiah Hunt, b. 1760. 1016 ll. Deborah Hunt, b. r 762. 1017 iii. Peter Hunt, b. r 764. 1018 lV, William Hunt, b. 1766.

1000 GARDNER WILDER (s. Joseph), m. Nov. 13, qbo, 1019 MARTHA WILDEI<. lssne:

1020 1. Gardner Wilder, b. Sept. 17, 176 L

1004: Lucy WILDER (dr. Joseph), m. March 8, 1765. 1021 JoBN LOCKE, b. April 19, 1742; d. June 14, 1781. Issue : 1022 i. John Locke, b. Sept. 28, q66.

1007 JosEPH' WILDER (s. Joseph,6 Joseph'), m. 1st, 1786, 1023 J RACHEL RIPLEY, b. I 759; d. 1789. She was a sister of Rev. Dr. Ripley, of Concord, Mass., who lived in the house where Hawthorne gathered his '' Mosses." m. 2d, r 790, 1024 2 Lt:CY SAFFORD. m. 3d, 1025 3 P.urn::-1cE CoBB. Issue: 1026 1. John Wilder, b. Dec., 1786; m. Sally Andrews. l 027 11. Joseph Wilder, b. March, 1 788; d. Feb., 1841; m. E!izabeth Mullett. 1028 Ill. Elizabeth Wilder, b. r 789. 1029 lV, Benjamin R. Wilder, b. Nov. 24, 1792; d. Nov. 29, 1867; m. Lydia Dutton. 1030 v. Cyrena Wilder. 1031 n. Elias Wilder, b. 1809. 1032 vii. Lucy Wilder, b. 18n.

1009 PETER• WILDER (s. Joseph,6 Joseph'), m. 1793, 1033 Pous \VrrnELER, of Harvard, ,\fass.; cl. 1838. Issue:

10:14: 1. Artemas vV. \'Vilcler, b. Nov. 22, 1794; cl. Aug. 2, 1851; rn. Sarah Parker, 1035 ll. Polly Wilder, b. 1797 ; d. 1804. 1036 m. Betsey Wilder, b. Jan. 29, r 799; d. April 18, 18(i2; m. Rev. Ira Allen. 192 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

10:n JV. Lucretia Wilder, b. April 15, 1801 ; m. Simon Alverson. 1038 v. Willis Wilder, b. July 5, 1803; m. Laura Huston. 10:19 VJ. Charles H. Wilder, b. Oct. 8, 1805; m. Mary B. Robbins. 1040 Vll. Harriet Wilder, b. 1807; d. Feb., 1824. 1041 Vlll. Aurilia Wilder, b. 1809. 104-'! JX. Arvilla ·wilder, b. Sept. 3, I 812; m. Rev. John Loveys. 1043 x. Lucinda \Vilder, \;_ July 2, 1814; rn. Rev_ George \V. Barney. 1014 Xl. Nanc_v \Yilder, b. May 23, 1816; m. Rev. John Lowery. 1045 Xll. Mary Wilder, b. 1818; d. 1819.

1022 JOHN LocKE, s. John and Lucy (Wilder) Locke, dr. Joseph, b. in Lancaster, removed to Bnckland in T793, and to Sempronius, N. Y., in 1802, m. 1782, 1046 ESTHER PHELPS, b. Dec. 2, 1766. Issue:

1047 1. Esther Locke, b. April 8, 1787; rn. 1048 11. Lucy Locke, b. Dec. 17, 1789, in Lancaster. 1049 Jll. Betsey Locke, b. Feb. 1 I, 1793, in Bnckland. 1050 1v. John Locke, b. Dec. 5, 1794, lived in Lodi, N. Y. 1051 v. [>avid Locke, b. July 13, 1797. 1052 v1. Mary Locke, h Feb. 19, 1799; m. Channey Wright. 1053 Vll. James S. Locke, b. Jan. 6, 1802. 1054 vm. Henry W, Locke, b. Jan. 22, 1805; m. Temperance Wood.

102(, JOHN' WILDER (s. Joseph," Joseph,6 Joseph•), born in Hartland, Vermont. In 1810 he and his brother Joseph were millwrights in Attica, N,, Y. John was many years Sheriff of Genesee and Wyoming Conn­ ties, and was killed by heing thrown from a horse while in office in \Varsaw, N. Y.; m. ro55 SALLY ANDREWS. Issue:

J056 ]. Aretas Wilder. 1057 11. Lucy Wilder. 1058 111. Eliza An11 Wilder. 1059 JV. Benjalllin Ripley Wilder. 1060 v. John Wilder. 1061 VI. Helen M. Wilder. 1062 Vll. S:irah Wilder. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 193

1027 JosEPH WILDER (s. Joseph, Joseph, Joseph), m. 1818, 1063 ELIZABETH Mm.LETT, of Pembroke, N. Y. ; b. 1784; d. 185 r. Issue :

ro64 l. Cyrena Wilder, b. 1820? m. G. L. Davis, Esq. 1065 II. Delia \Vilder, b. 1822? ro66 Ill. Laura Ann \Vilder, m. 1067 IV. Orcas C. Wilder. 1067 V. Joseph M. Wilder, m. R. Paddock. JOGS VI. James Mullett Wilder, m. Mary V. Platte. 1069 Vil. Angenette Wilder. IU70 viii. Caroline Wilder. 1071 IX. Julia Elizabeth Wilder.

I029 BENJAMIN' R. WILDER (s. Joseph,' Joseph,' Joseph'), 11l. 1824, 1072 LYDIA DUTTON, of Plainfield, N. H., b. 1800. Issue:

1073 1. Sanforci L. Wilder, b. Ang. 12, 1825; m. Mary Ann Standish. 107-1 ll. Mary Ann Wilder, b. Dec. 3r, 1827; m. Rollin Amsden. 1075 ll!. Benjamin Franklin Wilder, b. July 16, 1831. 1076 IV. Susauna Maria Wilder, b. Jan. 18, 1837. !077 v. Silas Dutton Wilder, b. Dec. 30, 1839.

lO!li ARTEMAS WHEELER' WILDER (s. Peter,' Joseph,' Joseph'), 111. June 20, 1820, 1078 SALLY PARKER, of Northfield, Vt.; b. Dec. 7, 1781; d. Sept. 22, 1859. Issue:

107!) 1. Artemas Wells Wilder, b. April r3, 1821; m. Eliza M. Cleaves. 10-,0 H. George \Villis Wilder, b. Aug. 25, 1825; m. Maria A. HuLil,ard.

10::W BETSEY' WILDER (dr. Peter,' Joseph,' Joseph'), m. Jan. 27, 1822, 10~1 l I<.·\ ALLEK, a Christ-ian minister of Potsdam, N. Y. ; b .•'\Tay 20, I770; cl. May 14, 1850. lssne:

1082 1. Harriet B. Allen, b. Oct. 28, 1825; d. Oct. 5, r807; m. Frederic Hawes. 194 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1082 JI. Ira w. Allen, b. July 5, 1827. LL.D., a teacher in Chicago; in. Lydia Ford. 1083 iii. Albert L. Allen, b. Feb. 27, 1830; m. Mary L. Blades. 1084 IV. Elizabeth Allen, b. March 28, 1832; m. Moses R. Gilrna11. 1085 v. Henry S. Allen, b. Jan. 3, 1835; cl. Aug. 24, 1865; m. Della L. Eili3. 1086 v1. Alden Allen, b. April 20, 1837; m. Emma L. Shearman. 1087 vu. Charles F. Allen, b. Aug. 17, 1839.

1037 LUCRETIA' WILDER (dr. Peter,' Joseph,• Joseph'), m. 1820, 1088 SIMON ALVERSON, b. Dec. 10, 1787; cl. Nov. 10, 1846. Issue :

1089 1. Eliza A. Alverson, b. April 3, 182 r. 1090 11. Harriet S. Alverson, b. April 8, 1823. 1091 lII. Charles B. Alverson, b. March 14, 1825; m. Elvira Sweet. 1092 1v. Susan Alverson, b. April 7, 1827; m. Joseph Browne. 1093 v. Mary Alverson, b. April 10, 1830. 1094 vi. Lorinda Alverson, b. May 31, 1834; m. Silas Clark. 1095 VII. Arvilla Alverson, b. July 12, 1840,

1038 WILLIS' WILDER (s. Peter,• Joseph,• Joseph'), m. July 5, 1829, 1096 LAURA HUSTON, of Middlebury, Vt., b. Oct. 28, 1801. Issue :

1097 !. Robert Huston Wilder, b. July 5, 1830. 1098 11. Laura A. L. Wilder, u. Nov. 23, 1831. 1099 Ill. Arvilla Elizabeth Wilder, b. Feu. 30, 1833. 1100 IV, Kathan Willis Wilder, b. FeiJ. 25, 1835; m. Jane Ann Hubbard. 1101 v. Charles Wesley Wilder, b. Fe!J. 21, 1837. 1102 VI. Harriet Julia Wilder, b. Dec. 27, 1838; d. Dec. 8, 1861, in Meriden, Ct.

103H CHARLES' H. WILDER (Peter,• Joseph," Joseph'), a provision dealer in Lowell, Mass.; m. Fe!J. 5, 1839, GENEALOGICAL TABLE. no3 MARY B. RoBRINS, b. Sept. 16, 1816; cl. Nov. 25, 1875. Issue : I 104 1. Harriet Arnclia Wilder, b. Nov. 4. 1844. 1105 11. Charles YVheel.::r Wilder, b. Nov. 4, 1847,

4 1042 ARVILLA' \VrLDER (dr. Peter,• Josepb,° Joseph ), m. rst, Oct. 3, 1833, uo6 r REv. JoHX LovEYS, b. March 7, 1809; d. Oct. 12, 1847 .: 111. 2d, May 21, 1855, uo7 2 REY, JOSEPH H. LAMB. Issue: no8 i. Margaret Louisa Loveys, b. Jan. 20, 1843; d. June 1, r864.

1014- NANCY' WILDER (dr. Peter,• Joseph," Joseph'), m, Sept. I7, 1837, no9 REV. ]OHN LOWERY, b. June 18, 1808; d. Oct. 12, 1873. Issue :

IIIO 1. William L. Lowery, b. May 19, 1839; m. JH. L.1\lartin. IllI 11, John Baruey Lowery, b. May 28, 1841; Ill. H. M. Duell. II12 lll. Robert 0. Lowery, b. June 23, 1843,

1068 JAMES MUI.LETT' iVILDER (Joseph,' Joseph," Joseph/ Joseph'), m. n13 MARYiYAN-WYCK PLATT. Issue:

1 n4 1. James B. \Vilder, of Lockhaven, Penn.

1070 CAROLINE'. WILDER (dr. Joseph,' Joseph,• Joseph,° Joseph'), m. 1 r r 5 HENRY S.• l\!cKENNA, Issue: rrr6 1. Thomas N. l\!cKenna, b. May 4, 1856. rrr7 JI, Claude Wilder McKenna, b. nee. II, 1861. rr 18 rn. Joseph Henry _Mc:Kenna, lJ. June, 1863. r 119 1v. Hugh L. :\Tc.Kenna, l>. Oct. 2, 1864.

1()7:l SA:-.FORD LoR£NZO' \VILJJER (Benjamin,' Joseph," Joseph," Joseph'), n1. June rr, 1857, 1 I zo l\f ARY ANN STANDISH. lssue :

1121 1. John S, \\'ilder, b. Dec. 29, 1860. u22 11. Carrie Augusta \Vilclcr. b. Aug. 29, 1863. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1'07'1 MARY ANN WILDER (sister to 1073), m. July r, 1852, 1123 ROLLIN AMSDEN. Issue: 1124 1. Frank W. Amsden, b. Ang. 23, 1853. II25 11. Charles Sumner Amsden, b. June 17, 1855 ; m. Sally Jones. 1126 m. Henry iV'.lrd Amsden, b. Seµt .. 1857; d. July, 1860.

1079 ARTEMAS WELLS" ·WILDER (Artemas,' Peter," Joseph,• Joseph '), a machinist of New York and Brooklyn, now a merchant in Northfield, Vt.; m. 1st, 1846, II 27 1 ELIZA M. CLEAVES, d. Aug., 1848 ; m. 2d, Sept. 2o, 1849, 1128 2 SusAN AUGUSTA STEARNS; m. 3d, Dec. 8, 1873, II29 3 MRs. SARAH P. BROWN. Issue: Il30 1. Charles Wilder, b. June 7, 1848 ; d. Aug. 18, 1848. IIJ I u. Charles A. Wilder, b. July :F, 1850; d. Feb. 4, r857. 1132 m. George Ellis Wilder, b. Feb. 28, 1852; d. July u, 1858. 1133 1v. Sarah Elien Wilder, b. Jan. 12, 1856. 11 34 v. Charles E. Wilder, b. Feb. 12, 1858. 11 35 vi. Fred. Artemas Wilder, b. Sept. 23, 1874, IIJ6 vu. Edward Porter Wilder, b. Ang. 9, 1876.

1080 GEORGE WILLIS• WILDER (Artemas,' Peter• Joseph," Joseph'), m. June 18, 1856, n37 MARIA A. HUBBARD. Issue: n38 1. George Hubbard Wilder, b. Jan. 22, ·1858.

1100 NATHAN WILLIS WILDER (Willis, Peter, Joseph, Joseph), m. March, 1852, 1139 JANE ANN HUBBARD. Issue:

u40 ]. Frank \Vells Wilder, b. March 7, 1863. 1141 11. Anna Lincoln Wilder, b. Sept. 19, 1865. 1142 Ill. Alice Amelia Wilder, b. Aug. 18, 1868. 1143 JV. Mary Frances 1Vilder, b. l\larch 14, 1870. 1144 V. Henry Hubbard Wilder, b. June r8, 1873. I 145 VI. Edmunrl Jonas Wilder, b. Feb. 29, 1876.

1101 CHARLES WESLEY" WILDER (Wiliis,' Peter,' Joseph' Jo~eph '), 111. May 5, 1866, 1146 JANNETTE H. DAVIS, b. Feb. 7, 1842. Issue: n47 i. Edith Harriet Wilder, b. May 13, 1870. 1148 ii. Henry Willis Wilder, b. Aug. 5, 1875. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 197



5:J CALEB• \VrLDER (s. Judge' Joseph. Thomas,' Thomas'), born in Lancaster; lived in Leotninster, where, with his brother J osepi;, he carried on the Pot and Pearl­ ash bn,iness successfully; m. Feb.. 1736, I J 43 ABIGAIL CARTER. Issue :

I 144 1. Caleb Wilder, b. Feb., 1737: d. March 5, 1737. IH;j JI. Samuel Wilder, b. May 7, I 739 ; d. I 798; rn. Dornthy Carter. 11-!6 m. Calel, Wilder, b. July 1, 1741. rr47 !Y. Nahum Wilder, b. Aug. 17,174.3. u48 v. Abigail Wilder, b. April 24. 1746; d. r778; m. --- Smith. 114:~} vi. Levi Wilder, b. April 23, 1750; cl. 1793; m. Sarah Stoddard. II So VIL Sarah \Vilder, b. Aug. 6, I 751.. 1151 Vlll. Anna Wilder, b. July 10, 1755.

JL!u SA:lffEL0 \\JUJER (s. Caleb,'), 11!. rsr, J-eb. 15, 1768, 1152 Uo1-u)Tlff CAlffER, of Lancaster; b. 1750; J. I790; 1n. 2

1146 CALEB' \\'JLDER (s. Caleb'), a farmer of Ashbnrn­ ham, 111.· 1165 -.:.__._...:_ WooDWARD. Issue : n66 1. Abigail V{ilcler, rn. Silas \Vhitney. II67 I!. Joseph Wilder. 11(;8 Ill. Charles Woodward Wilder, L. Dec. 30, 1790; d. Feb. 12, 1851; rn. 1st, MYRA LAWRENCE_; m. 2d, II69 MRS. L. s. KENDALL. 1170 lV. Caleb Wilder. II7r v. Deborah \Vilcler. u72 Vl. Betsey Wilder. n73 vii. Nancy Wilder.

1149 LEVI' WILDER (s. Caleb,'), lived on the old \Vilder Fann, in Lancaster, was a merchant; m. 1779, II74 SARAH STODDARD, b. 1753; d. Aug. 2, 1819. Issue:

II75 ). Sampson V. S. Wilder, b. May 20, 1780 ; d. 1864; m. Electa Barrell. 1176 l!. Sarah Wilder. 1177 Ill. Margaret Wilder. 1178 IV. Levi Wilder. 1179 v. Elizabeth Wilder. II8o VI. Nancy Wilder. II8I vu. Abigail Wilder.

1155 CALEB• WILDER (s. Samuel,• Caleb'), m. 1800, SARAH \VHITNEY. Issue:

1184 1. Samuel Wilder, b. Dec. 30, 1801; . Oct. 1, 1810. u89 v1. Silas Whitney Wilder, b. July 20, 1814. II90 vu. Abel Thomas Wilder, b. Oct. 19, 1816. u9r vn1. l)orothy Carter Wilder, b. Jan. 16, 1819.

1156 NAHUM• WILDER ( s. Samuel,'',~ Caleb'), m. Oct. 15, r8oo, GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1192 HAKNAH \VooDs, sister of Dr. Leonard Woods, of An- dover. Issue :

1193 1. 1\Iilton Wilder, b. l\tarch 15, 1801; cl. July 5, 1864. l 194 11. Mary Wilder, b. :\lay 13, 1803. 1195 lll. Caroline \Vilder, b. Nov. 25, 1805. 1196 IV. Lucy B. \\.ilder, b. Jnly 17, 1809. n97 V. Samuel \Vilder, b. j\fay 9, 1812; cl. June. 1840. u98 VJ. Harriet A. Wilder, b. Nov. 18. 1815. 1199 VII. Alden A. Wilder, b. July 23, 1817. 1200 Vil!. Solon F. ·wilder, b. Aug. 10, 1819. 1201 IX. Sarah W. F. Wilder, b. Dec. 29, 182 r.

1161 ABEL• \\'If.DER (s. Samuel,'' Caleb'), born in Ashburn- ham ; was for some of his early years in \Vincbendon; settled as a physician in Blackstone; was eminent in his profession. In his 70,h year, he removed to Rochester, N. Y., and, in 1866, he died in New York city; 111. 1816, 1202 FANNY RICHARDSON, of \Vinchenclon, b. 1786 ; d. Feb. 23, 1876, at 90 years of age. The following was given me by the Doctor himself in 1858, but after repeated correspondence, I have not been able to obtain the names of the three daughters or the dates of birth or the family records of the children. His sons' names are inserted in the order in which I obtained them. 1204 I. David Smith ·wilder, of Toledo, had two sons, 1205 Albert Wilder. 1206 Foster Wilder. 1207 ll. Charles Wilder. 1208 Ill. Caleb Wilder. 1209 IV. George Wilder. 1210 v. Samuel Wilder (ex-Mayor of Rochester, N. Y.) 1211 VJ. Abel Carter Wilder ( ex-;\layor of Rochester, N. V.) 1212 Vll. Daniel \Vebstcr Wilder, a lawyer of Kansas.

O 4 116:.? THOMAS WILDER ( s. Samuel," Caleb ) m. 1213 MARY V1,oons (sister of r 192). Issue:

1214 1. Thomas Scott \Vilder. 1215 11. Mary Woods Wilder, cl. Feb. 23, 1826. 200 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1216 m. Abbie Whitney Wilder, m. Charles E. Ryan. 1217 1v. Rebecca Kimball Wilder, d. May 12, 1863.

1168 CHARLES WooDWARD 0 WILDER (s. Caleb,• Caleb'), a gradllate of Dartmouth M.edical College; practiced medicine in Templeton for many years with much success, when he removed to Leominster, where he was a useful citizen; m. 1st, in 1820, 1218 l MYRA LAWRENCE, d. 1843; Ill. 2d, 1844, 1219 2 MRS. LAl'RA S. KENDALL Issue:

1220 1. ElizabethWilder,b.1822; tl.1858; m.WilliamPeck,M.D. r 221 11. Abigail ·wilder, b. 1824; d. 1843. 1222 lll. Charles \V. Wilder, b. 1827; m. Emma C. Wood. 1223 1v. Rufus L. Wilder, b. Aug. 17, 1845; a physician of New York. 1224 v. Joseph \Voodward Wilder, b. Aug. 11, 1847; a lawyer in Leominster.

117 5 SAMPSON VRYLING O STODDARD WILDER (Levi,' Caleb'), a distinguished merchant. For many years Presi­ dent of the American Tract Society. See History, p. 46; m. June 30, 1814, 1225 ELECTA BARRELL (cir. of Joseph Barrell, Esq., of Bos- ton). Jssue : 1226 J. Eiecta B. Wilder, b. Sept., 1815; rn. Guy U. Richards. 1227 11. Francena iV!elanie Wilder, b. Aug., 1817; d. 1818. 1228 111. Francena Eglee Wilder, b. Feb., 1819; m. Richard T. Haines. 1229 IV. Sarah Vrilina Stoddard Wilder, b. Jan., 1821; d. 1823. 12ao v. Sarah Stoddard (aciopted) Wilder, b. Jan., 1823; cl. 1868; m. J. B. Sheffield. 1231 VI. Sarah Vrilina Tappan Wilder, b. July, 1824- 1232 Vil. Sampson V. Stoddard Wilder, b. June, 1828; d. 1832. 1233 Vlll. Anna Maria Stoddard Wilder, b. 1832. 1234 JX, Josephine Christina Wilder, b. Oct., 1838; rn. Rev. J. H. Dwight.

12'!'! CHARLES \V.' Wu,DER ( s. Charle:; W. ", Caleb'), of Fitchburg; a gn\duate of Dartmouth Medical

School, 1849 ; 111. 1850, 1240 EMMA C. \VooD. Issue :

1241 1. Thomas. E. Wilder, b. March 1, 1851, GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 2or

1242 11. Charles H. Wilder. b. 1853. 1243 Ill, Fr:inces W. Wilder, b. 1856.

1226 ELECTA' BARRELL \VJLI!ER (dr. S. V.' S., s. Levi,• Caleb'), n1. 1244 GuY U. RICHARD:;. l ssue :

121-5 1. Gustavus i\"ilder Richards. 12 i G 11. Electa M eian ie Richards.

122S FRANCE~A' EGLEE \\'JLDEk (dr. S. V' S., s. Levi,• Caleb'), m. 1247 RICHARD T. HAINES. a merchant of Kew York. Issue :

1248 I. Richard Townley Haines. 12m 11. Fanny Electa Haines. 12"0:, lll. Edward Wilder Hai1Jes. 1 :! f> 1 JV. Electa Barrell Haines. 1252 v. Robert Halstead Haines. 1253 VI. Laura Theodora H~,ines. 1254 VIL Margaret Vryling ffaine,. 1255 Vlll. Caroline Rosalie Haines. JX. Frank Stodd:ud Haine½. 1256 x. Lillian .\fagie Haint:s. 125 7 XI. Henry Alexander Haines. 1258 Xll. Ev:rngcline Haines.

12:lO SARAH STOIJDARll • \\'1LIJFR (dr. S. V.' S., s. Levi,• Caleb'), m. 1259 J. H. SHEFFIELI>. Issue:

1260 i. Josephine L. Sheffield. 12(;1 ii. Sarah Stodclan: Sheffield. I 262 iii. Louisa Wilder Sheftielcl. I :!G3 iv. William Richard Shclfo:lcl. 12lj4 v. Hel<:n North Sheflield. 126_:; v1. Mary C. Shefiielcl. , z(i6 v11. Caroline P. Sheffield.

I21:. (;IJcTAVUS' Wn.nEJi R1CHAJ,:D,; (grandson of S. V. S.' Wilder), m. 11.67 V1RG!I\JA McLt:AN. h,ue.

1 ;,68 1. Guy McLean Richards. 202 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1269 II. Upson Richards. 1270 lll. Barreli Richards. 1271 IV. Vryling Richards.

12,!6 ELECTA MELANIE RICHARDS (sister of 1245), lll. 1272 CHARLES L. NoRTo::,,. Issue:

1273 1. Melanie Elizabeth Norton.

124:9 FANNY ELECTA HAINES, dr. R. T. and F. E. (Wilder) Haines, 111. 1274 WILLIA'\! J. HALSEY. Issue: 1275 1. Richard T. Halsey. 12 76 II. Margaret Halsey. r 2 7 7 Ill. Rosalie Halsey. 1275 iv. Jack Halsey. I 2 76 v. Lillian Halsey.

l'UH ELECTA BARRELL HAINES (sister of 1249), Ill. 1277 W. H. WICKHAM, of Brooklyn. Issue : 1278 i. Fa"-riny Wickham. 1279 II. Edith Wickham.

1261 SARAH STODDARD SHEFFIELD (dr. J. B. Sheffield), m. 1280 SILAS B. BROWNELL. Issue:

1281 !. Louisa Brownell. 1282 11. Matilda Brownell. 1283 Ill. Sylvia Brownell.

1263 WILLIAM RICHARD SHEFFIELD ( s. J. B. Sheffield), m. 1284 MRs. JULIA LALONG. Issue :

1 285 1. Helen Sheffield.



1 63 JONAS' WILDER (s. John,' John," Thomas ), born in Lancaster. In 1733 he removed to Lyme, Conn., and in I 760 to Hartland, where he was a farmer and a leading citizen until he died, in I 797, at the age of 98 years; 111. 1st, 1724, GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 203

1286 I EUNICE BEA~J.i\K, cl. I731; Ill. 2d, I733, I 287 2 EUNICE BEAMAN. I ssne :

1288 I. Joseph \Vi!cler, b. Jan. 14, 1725; d. Jan. 3, r816. 1289 11, Hannah \\.ildcr, b. Feb. 15, 1727. 1290 111. Pri~cilh Wilder, ii. Apnl I7, 1 729. · 12!)1 IV. Jonas Wilder. lJ. !\Tay 9, 173r. 12~)2 V. Elisha Wilder. l:?!J:{ VI. John \Vilder, b. -·--; J . .\fay 26, 1805. UH! Vll. Gamalid Wilder, b. 1743. 1:!!>5 Viii. Ephraim Wilder. 1'.!HH IX, Jonathan ·wilder, b. Jnly 25. 1751. i2H7 X. Sarah Wilder, 111. Consider Tiffany. I 298 x:. Bctsev \ViiJa, 111. Daniel (;i!bert. 1299 Xll. Eunice \Vilder, b. July 25, T755; d . .\fay 12. rS3.5; ni. J a,nes Gilbert. 1300 Xlll. Tam:,r ·wilder.

l'.!HS JosE!'H" WILDEJ:. (s. Jonas'), lived in East Hadch.w, adjoining Lyu1e, •Conn., till 1763, when he rcni,)ved to Barkharnstead, wh•cre he w:is a Justiu:: of ti1e Peace and Representative; m. 1301 HANNAH --. Issue :

1?02,J 1. Ephraim \Vilcler. 1303 JI. Ca!nalid \Viidcr. r:304 Ill. Dani,:! ·wilder. r305 v. John Wilder. 1301 iv. Elijah Wilder, b. Sept. 19, 1752; cl. Jnly 9, 1836. l:JOi, vi. Thomas Wiider, b. Sept. 23, 1756 ; m. Tryubenil Au;,tin. vii. Hannah \Vilder, b. l\Iay 25, 1759. v111. Patty Wi!der. ix. Sarah 'Nilder, Li. Oct. 19, 1762.

12n1 JONAS,, \'VrLDEI< (s. Jonas settled 111 Boiton. 1n 1776 he re1n0Yed to Lancaster, N. H. !fr died in 1810; m. 1309 EuZA!lETH --, or, as the records say, BETSEY -- 1 ssue :

1310 1. Eliz:i.beth Wilder, 11. Jan. 28, 1756, 1311 11. Johll Wilder, b. i\1arch 22, J 758. 204 (;ENEA LOGICAL TABLE.

1 '!92 ELISHA'' WILDER (s. Jonas;), settled in Bolton. In 1786 he removed to Lancaster, N. H. \Vas a farmer. Do not know the name of his wife. Issue:

1:-n~ I. Hannah Wilder, Li. r 7 56 ; d. 18 5 I. 1am II. Lorissa Wilder, b. 1758; cl. 1848. mu Ill. Eunice Wilder, b. 1761; rn. Jonathan Springer. 13' ,; IV Jolin \\"ilder, b, 1763; d. :March r 1. 1848. 1316 V. Ephraim \\"ilder, b. 1768 ; cl. :\larch r. 183 7. 1:n, n. Manasseh \Yilder. b. I 7 7I ; d. Feb. 2, 1849; m. Nancy Spnnger. rn1s n1. Artemas Wild~r, Li. 1775; d. Aug. 21. 1823. 1319 Vlli. Betsey Wilder, b. I 77 8 ; cl. June 8, 1869.

1~9:J JoHK'' WILDER (s. Jonas'), a farmer of Hartland, Conn. \Vas many years a deacon of tbe Congrega­ tional Church; m. 1 762. HANXAH Ausnx, cl. July 26, 1787. Issue: t:Ho I. Eli \Vilcler, b. May 2, I 770, rntt II. Anna Wilder, b. 1772; d. July 16, I 8t6; lll. John Taylor. 1322 iii. Oliver Wilder, --- cl. Sept. 21, 1788. 1323 IV. Calvin \\'ilder, --- d. Sept., I778_ 1324 V. Seth Wilder, --- d. l\farch 14, 1797. 1325 vi. Seth Wilder, --- cl. March 8, 1778.

l2H-i- GA\IALIEL ,. \\'a.DER (s. Jonas'), settled in Hartland, and when about 40 years of age he bought the town­ ship of land now known as S. Bristol, Ontario Co., l'\. Y. He re1noved there. as near as we can ascer­ tain, about 1 790. Some of his brothers and their children hall emigrated a bout that time. and formed a considerable portion of the inhabitants. His chil­ dren, whose mother's name and dates of birth we have not obtained are : l:J•W 1. David Wilder. 1 :{ ~! 7 ii. Daniel \\'i\der, m. l'olly l\l ower. 1 :i::s 111. Joseph Wilder, m. Charlotte Gilbert. rn·rn 1v. Asa Wilder, m. lsabel Root. 1:;:30 \', Jonas Wilder, Ill. Lucretia \Varre11. 1331 v1. .Mehetabel Wilder, m. Theophilus Allen. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 205

1:l!l~ vu. Lucy Wilder, m. Nathan Hatch. 1:iaa Vlll. Lois Wilder, m. Elisha Parish. I3.H 1x. Lydia Wilder.

12!};j EPHRAl~J :, WILDER (s. Jonas·'). In his hter years he lived in South Bristol, N'. Y. His wife's name not known. 1 ssue :

1:i:J;j I. Timothy Wilder, was a lawyer of Canandaigua, N. Y., and was killed by a railroad collision, 1336 11. Russell Wilder. ma, !II. Jobn Wilder. rn:v,; lV. Naomi Wilder, m. William Gooding. 1:1:JH V. Lydia \'V1lder, m. Geo1ge Hogue. l:HO VI, Pamela Wilder. m. John Hatch.

]:!!Hi JoNATHAK'' WILDER (s. Jonas'), Ill, 1777, 1341 -- AusTii:-. Issue:

1. Clement Wilder, b. r 778. 11. Ira Wilder, b. I 780. Was for many years an inn­ keeper in Canandaigua, on the road to J3loomfiel

l~H7 SARAH" W11.1>ER (clr. Jonas'), Ill. 1344 CONSIDER TIFFANY, lssue :

1 345 l. Ephraim Tiffany 1346 11. l .ewis Tiffany. 1 347 iii. Consider Tiffany. 1348 IV. Jemima Tiffany, lll. EIJenezer Crane. 1.H9 ,- . Dolly Tiffany, m. Nf oses Daily. 1350 VI. Betsey Tiffany, Ill. Asher Hulbert.

l;{O+ ELIJAH' .Wll,DER (s. Joseph,",'), was a farmer in South Bristol; m. 1st, 1787,

1351 r JAKE SPEN'CER; rn. zd, 1791, 1352 2 CATHARINE DOOLITTLE, b, 1766:; d. I795; 111. 3d, 1 797, 1 353 3 EsnJER M rcJJLE.~, b. I7 54 ; d. 1832 ; m. 4th, 1833, 1354 4 l\1Rs. L,;cy Jn1D, b. 1767; cl. 1846. Issue:

J;Jr,;; 1. Jedediah V,'ilder, b. Oct. Hi, 1792. 1ar,G II. Elijah \\'ilder, L. Jnne 12. !795· 206 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1ao;; TH ml AS V.'rLDER ls. Joseph, Jonas), m. 1778, 1 357 TRYPHENA AusTI~. Issue: rn;;s ]. Henry l\"ilder, b. Oct. 17, 1779; m. Dency Jones. 1359 11. James \\"ilder, b. March, I 78 r. Ja(i() Ill. Hannah ·wilder, b. Jan., 1783; m. Joel Tiffan\'. 13Gl 11·. Tlionns Wilder, b. Jan., 1785 ; d.-'!878; m. Deiclamia ::'\ewell. l:J(i2 v_ Joseph Wilder, b. Feb. 20, 1787; cl. July, 1852; m. Ann Gillett. i:rna n. William Wilder, b. Jan 12, 1789; 111. Elsie T. W. H.1tch. 1364 VII. Sally Wilder, !J. March, 1 791. 1365 Vlll, Polly Wildn, b. March, 1793. laHG IX. Annis \Viider, !J. Dec., 1 795 ; m. Truman Case. 1367 X. Austin \V1lder, b. I 797. 1368 xi. Phebe Wilder, b. I799; m. C::ilvin \Vilcler. 1369 XII. Anna Wilder, b. 1801; m. Orville flmvei[ 1370 Xlll, Susan \Vilder, b. 1804; HJ. Ichabod Hurlbut.

1311 Jcmx' WrLDF.R (s. Jonas,'' Jonas'), a gradnate of Dart­ mouth College, and ordained as pastor at Attleboro, 1789; m. 1st, Jan., 1790, r372 1 EsTHER TYLER, b. I 771; cl. 1815; m. 2d, 1373 2 MRs. ELIZABETH AusTlN, sister of Rev. E. D. Griffin, V.D. Issue:

1374 ]. :Lther Wilder, b. 1770; d. 1808. 1375 11. Eiiz.i -Wilder, b. I792; cl. I 83 l ; Ill. Hon. Samuel May. 1376 111. J 1ili.1 Wilder, b. 1 794· 1377 JV. ReY. John ,Viider, b. 1796; d. 1844; 111, Mary w. J;:unes. 1:ns V. Jonas Wilder, b. l 798; cl. l 838 ; 11]. Parthenia Hyde. 13j9 v1. Sanrnel T. \Vi!der, b. 1800; d. 1837; a lawyer of Rochester, N. Y. 1aso Vll. Charles B:iker \Vilder, b. 1802; now of Jacksonville, Florida. 1381 vn1. Betsey Brown \Vilder, b. 1804. 1382 1x. Amy Ann Wilder, b. 1809; cl. 1843 ; m. Rev. J. \V. Smith. 1383 x. Joseph A. Wilder, IJ. 1811; d. 1854, in Louisville, Ky. 1:r-;1 x1. Riclurcl E. \\"iltlr'.r, b. 181 2 ; a te:1cl1er in (;reenfield, 111. 1385 x11. George Criffin Wilder, L. -- ; rn. J\fartha Snow GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 207

1312 HANNAH' WILDER (dr. Elisha,' s. Jonas'), m. J386 1VALTER BLOSS. Issue : 1387 I. Aaron J. Bloss. J388 !] Chester Bloss. 1389 Ill. Samuel Bloss. 1390 JV. Josiah Hloss. 1391 v. Hannah Bloss. 1392 VI. Polly Bloss.

1313 LoRISSA O WILDER (clr . .Elisha, 0 s. Jonas'), m. r 393 AARON DERBY. Issne :

1394 1. Aaron Derby. 1395 11. Artemas Derby. 1396 m. John Derby.

131-i .EeNICE' WILDER (clr. Elisha,' s. Jonas'), m. r 397 JONATHAN SPRINGER. Issue :

1398 1. Jonathan Springer. 1399 11. Mary Springer.

1317' J\L\.NASSEH' WILDER (s. Elisha','), m. 1400 NANCY SPRINGER. Issue :

1401 l. Joseph Wilder. 1402 ii. Lewis -Wilder. li03 ]ll. Orange Wilt!er. lJOJ IV. Joseph 1"/ilcler. 1405 V. Lewis Wilder. 1406 vi. Lucy Wilder. I4°7 Vll. Lucena \Vilder. 1408 Vlll. Fanny Wilder. 1409 IX. Louisa \Vilcler. 1410 x. Nancy Wilder.

1318 ARTEMAS 6 WILDER (s. Elisha,' Jonas'); wife's n::une not known. Issue :

H,11 1. Gilman Wilder, b. June 29, 1808. 11. Laura \Vilder, b. Jan. 3, 1810. Ill, Edmund \\-ilder, b. Sept. 9, 1814.

1320 Eu WILDER (s. Jolin,' Jona,'), a farmer of HartLrncl; Ill. I 797, 208 r;ENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1412 MARY JoHNSON, b. May 14, 1773; d. Sept. ro, 1844. Issue :

1413 ]. Calvin Wilder, b. May 9, T 798; d. Sept. J 3, 1830. HH- 11. J\fary L. Wilder, b. May 7. 1800;

1321 ANNA" WILDER (dr. John,' Jonas'), m. 1794, 1423 JoHN TAYLOR; d. Sept. 24, 18.30, of Bristol, N. Y. Issue : 1. Samuel F. Taylor, b. Sept. 20, 1795 ; m. Naomi Gooding. n. Chester Taylor, b. Aug. 19, 1798; d. May 10, 1802; m. 111. Clotilda Taylor, b. Dec. q, 1801 ; m. General Horatio Sissou. H27 IV. Hannah A. Taylor, b. Feb. 10, 1803; d. Feb. 1838; m. Rhodes .Francis. H-28 v. Bethia H. Taylor, b. Nov. 8, 1804; d. July, 1848; 111. Simeon Hatch. l42H VI. Electa Taylor, b. May 10, 1806; m. Warren H. Cod- ding. 1430 Vil. Orpha Taylor, b. March 11, 1808. 14,31 Vlll. John W. Taylor, b. Sept. 6, 1810; m. Nancy Wilder. 1432 IX. Chester W. Taylor, b. July 28, 1813. 1433 X. Eli 0. Taylor, b. April 9, 1816.

132{, DAvm" WILDER (s. Jonas,'' John';, a farmer of Bark­ hamsteacl; lived in South Bristol, N. Y., and in Jones Co., Michigan; m. L+34 l\·TRs. --- RICE. Issue: 1435 ::ieth Wilder. 1436 11. Joel Wilder. 143 7 n1. David \\/ilder. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1327 DANIEL" \VII.DER (s. Gamaliel,• Jonas'), lived with his father in South Bristol, on the west side of Lake Canandaigua; m. 1st, r 793, 1438 I POLLY l\Iowrn., .b. July -- ; 111. zcl. 1810, 1439 2 ANNA ,VrLLJAil!S. Jssue:

141-0 1. Orpha \Vi!der, b. Oct. 14, 1795 ; m. L. K.nicker- bocker. 11-11 ll. Gove Wilder, b. Dec., r 796; 1n. Abigail Parsons. lHt iii. Thompson Wilder, b. Aug. 2, 1798; cl. 1875; m. -­ H13 JV. Althea \Viicler, b. April 15, 1800; m. Augustus Torry. HU \". \Villiam \Nilder, b. l\larch 5, 1802; m. Hortense IV[ i tchel. 14:45 Vl. Polly \Vilder, b. April 10, 1803 ; m. Hiram Brown. 1-UH Vil. Betsey \Vilder, b. _) u ly r 6, 1805 ; m. John Wise well. 1 447 Vlll. Nelson \Vilder, b. l\fay 5, 1807. 1448 JX. George Wilder, b. Nov. 17, 1809; d. 1873; m. Betsey Reynolds. 1449 x. Gamaliel \Vilcler, b. Oct. 29, 181r. 145° XI. Hannah M. Wilder, b. Sept. 17, 1813; m. Jacob Van Arsdale.

1 :izs JOSEPH• WILDER ( s. Gamaliel,' Jonas'), Ill. 1451 CHARLOTTE G1LEERT. Issne:

J 4 52 I. Colburne \Vilclcr; m. Adeline Fuller. 1 453 ii. Peter Wilder. 1454 111. James \Vilder. I455 IV. J osepb \Vilder. 1456 V. Lncincb Wilder. 1457 VJ, H::wnah \Vilder, 14c;8 Vll. Nancy Wilder; m. -- Reed. 1459 viii. Rowena \Vildcr; m. -- Fuller. 1460 IX. Charlotte Wilder; rn. Joseph Allen.

1H2H AsA ffn.I>ER (s. Gamaliel, s. Jonas), m. 1st, 146r 1 lsAEELLA RooT; n1. 2d, 1462 2 MARCIA HILLS. lssue:

1463 1. Welles Wilder. 14(>4 ii. Anna \Yilcler; m. Solomon \\alker. 1465 111. Sophia "\\'ilder. 1466 1v. A,cenalh Wilder. I 5 2 IO GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1467 v. Lafayette Wilder. 1468 v1. Edith Wilder.

1330 JONAS ·WILDER (s. Gamaliel, s. Jonas), m. 1469 Lt:CRETIA \YARREX. dr. Rev. Ahijah Warren, of South BristoL Issue :

1470 I. \Yarren Wilder. 1471 11. Jonas \rilder. 14 72 111. William Wilder. 1473 IV. Adaline y\·ilder. 1 474 V. Christina 1\'ilder. 1475 VI, Oliver ·wilder. 1476 Vll. I.ncy Wilder. 1 477 Vl!l. M ehitabel \Vilder.

133-Z Lucv' WILDER ( dr. Gamaliel,' Jonas'), m. 1478 NATHAN HATCH, a farmer of Granger, Ohio. Issue: .... 1479 1. Hiram Hatch. 1480 11. Elsie T.W. Hatch, b. l\farch 8, 1799; rn.William Wilder. 1481 111. Simeon Hatch. 1482 1v. Howell Hatch. 1483 v. Andrew Hatch.

1333 Lors WILDER (dr. Gamaliel, Jonas), in. 1484 ELISHA p ARI SH. Issue ;

1485 1. Anson Parish. r 486 11. Francis Drake Parish.

133:-. TrnonIY 0 WILDER (s. Ephraim,' Jonas'), a lawyer of Ca11andaigua, .K. Y. ; was killed by a railroad col­ lision. Issue : 1487 1. Russeli Wilder. 1488 n. :M.yra Wilder. 1489 m. I\Iary Wilder. 1490 1v. Nancy Wilder. 1491 v. Louisa 1Yilder.

t:{:Vi JouN' WIT.DER (s. Ephraim,' Jonas 'J, wife not known. Issue :

1492 1. Loomis Wilder. 1493 11. Ona Wilder. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 2II

1494 111. Benjamin Wilder. 1 495 IV. Scott 1\-ilder. 1496 v. George \Vilder. LFJ7 VJ. Phebe Wilder. 1498 Vll. Naomi Wilder. 1:J38 NAO:\ll" \VrLDER (dr. Ephraim.' s. Jonas'), m. 1499 \\-JLLIAJ\I GOODING, Issue :

1500 !. Welles Gooding. 1501 n. Timothy Gooding. 1502 Ill, George Gooding. 1503 IV. Erastus Gooding. 1504 v. Naomi Gooding ; m. Samuel F. Taylor, 1505 Vl. Louisa Gooding. 1506 Vil. Ann Gooding. 1507 Vlll. Roxana Gooding. 1508 IX. Angeline Gooding.

1339 LYDIA ' \VrLDER (dr. Ephraim,' s. Jonas'), m. 1509 GEORGE HOGUE. 1 ssue : 1510 ]. John Hogue. 1 5 I I 11. Eleanor Hogue. IS I Z Jll. Polly Hogue. 1513 JV. Lois Hogue. I 5 I 4 V. Orpha Hogue.

1340 PAMELA• \VrLDER (dr. Ephraim," s. Jonas'). m. 1515 JOHN HATCH. Issue :

1516 1. Seymour Hatch. l 5 I 7 11. Timothy Hatch. 15 18 Ill. Ira Hatch. r5 r9 JV. \Varren Hatch. 1.=;20 v. Nancy Hatch. 1521 VI. Naomi Hatch. 1522 Vil. Lydia Hatch.

13.rn lRA' \VrLDER (s. Jonathan,' Jonas'). \Vife's name not known. Issue :

1522 l. Austin Wilder. 1523 JI. Lucy Wilder. l 5 24 111. Nancy Wilder. 212 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

13:i5 JEDIDIAH r WILDER (s. Elijah,• Joseph,• Jonas'), a farmer of \Volcott, Wayne Co., N. Y.; rn. 1816, 1525 PRTJDENCE WELLS, b. April 1, I79z; d. July 19, 1873. Issue :

152(, 1. Louis De Valois \Vilder, b. Aug. 6, 18I7; 111. 1st, M. Sherwood; m. 2d, Mary Bostwick. 1527 11. Joseph Hanning Wilder, b. Feb. IT, 1819; rn. Jane l\l. Arms. 1528 m. Edward Coe \Vilder, b. l\fay I 2, 1822; m. 1st, Fanny A. Canfield ; m. 2d, S. A. iVheeier. 1529 1v. Jane Elizabeth -wilder, b. March 13, 1829; m. E. L. J,eavenworth. 1_s30 v. Cornelia \Vilcler, b. Jan 12, 1826. 1531 v1. Martha \\'i!Jer, b. July 19, 1832.

135G ELIJAH' WILDER (s. Elijah,• Joseph,° Jonas'), m. June, 1820, 1532 ELIZABETH HAWKES. Issue:

1533 1. Catharine l\faria Wilder, b. May 10, 1821. 1534 11. Jonathan Wilder, b. July 19, 18.zz. 1535 Ill. Helen Lavinia \Vildcr, b. /H1g. 12, 1826.

1358 HENRY' \VILDER (s. Thomas,• Joseph,' Jonas'), m. r 536 DEN CY JONES. Issue :

1537 !. Milo Wilder. 1538 11. Henry Wilder. 1539 ll!. Isaac Wilder. 1540 IV. Austin -wilder. r54r v. Elsie Wilder. 1542 Vl. Luna \V1lder.

1360 HANNAH 7 \VILDER (dr. Thomas,• Joseph,' Jonas'), m. 1543 JoELTIFFANY. Issue:

1544 l. Henry Tiffany. 1545 11. Elijah Tiffany. r546 111. Joel Tiffany. 1547 I" James Tiffany. 1548 v. William Tiffany. 1549 Vl. Anna Tiffany. 1560 Vil. Hannah Tiffany. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1361 THO\IAS 7 \VILDF.R (s. Thomas,• Joseph,' Jonas'), of Painesville, Ohio; m. Jan. 16, 1808, 1561 DEIDAMIA NEWELL, b. April 5, 1788; d. 1860. Issue: li",62 I. Dcncy YVil

1362 JOSEPH' \VrLDER (s. Thomas,' Joseph,' Jonas'), m. 1569 ANN GILLETT. Issue:

1570 I. Electa Wilder. 1 57I II. Joseph Wilder. I 5 72 Jll. Henry Wilder.

1363 "\VrLLIAM' WILDER (s. Thomas,' Josepl1,' Jonas'), a farmer of Granger, Medina Co., Ohio; m. Dec. :w, 1819, 1480 E1,s1E T. W. HATCH, b. March 8, I799. Issue: liJ74 1. Lucy A. T. Wilder, b. Jan. 13, 1821; m. Homer Johnson. 1575 11. William H. Wilder, b. March 7, 1823. 1576 lll. Calvin II. Wilder, b. Jan. 5, 1826; 111. Mary Ann Oviatt. 1577 JV. Anna A. Wilder, b. Aug. 8, 1828. 1578 v. Charlotte E. Wilder, b. May 20, 183 r; ni. Samuel H. Rhodes. 1579 vi. Joseph I\farlin \Vilder, b. April 28, 1834; m. Kate Segur. 1580 vn. Sophronia L. Wilder, b. Feb. 15, 1836. 1581 viii. James A. Wilder, l>. Jan. 14, 1841; m. J\fary A. Hough. 1582 1x. Na than T. "\Vilder, b. April 1 ,, 1843; rn. Sarah A. Nettleton. 1583 x. Janette Wilder, b. July 24, 1846; cl. Sept. 3, 1868. 214 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1366 ANNIS 1 WILDER (dr. Thomas,' Joseph,' Jonas'), m. 1584 TRUMAN CASE. Issue :

1585 !. Annis Case. 1586 11. Truman Case. 1587 iii. Elsie Case. 1588 IV. Ahiram Case. 1589 v. Shelden Case.

1377 REv. JOHN' WILDER (s. Rev. John,• Jonas,' Jonas'), graduated at Brown University, 1823; a Congrega­ tional minister of marked ability; m. 1827, 1590 .MARY W. T. JONES (dr. Nehemiah Jones, Esq., Charl- ton). Issue : 1591 i. Eliza May Wilder, b. May, 1828; d. 1845. 1592 11. Mary Alden Wilder, b. May, 1833; m. E. J. Lewis. 1593 m. John Wilder, b. 1837; d. 1870. Graduated at the Harvard Law School. Colonel and Judge Advocate in the army of the Rebellion.

1378 JONAS' WILDER (s. Rev. John,' Jonas,' Jonas'), many years a popular and successful teacher in Brighton and Watertown, Mass.; m. April--- 1593 PARTHENIA HYDE, of Newton, Mass.; b. Aug. 1, 1805; d. July 4, 18-. Issue:

1594 1. Mary Esther Wilder, b. June 12, 1830; m. 1848, Hiram W. French. 1595 11. Louisa Tyler Wilder, b. Jan. rr, 1832; d. July 31, 1836. 1596 111. Parthenia Hyde Wilder, b. March 28, 1834; m. 1869, Samuel Clark. 1597 1v. Sarah Elizabeth Wilder, b. Jan. 20, 1836.

1380 CHARLES BAKER' vVrLDER ( s. Rev. John,' Jonas,' Jonas'), a merchant of Boston, now of Florida; m. 1827, 1598 MARY ANN GurLD, b. Nov. 6, 1802. Issue: 1599 !. Mary J. ·wilder, b. Jan. 9, 1830; m. J. R. Campbell. 1600 11. Charies Tyler Wilder, b. Sept. 1, 1831 ; m. Mary E. Ware. 1601 lll. Esther Frances ·wilder, b. Aug. 3, 1833. G~NEALOGICAL TABLE. 215

1602 IV, Herbert A. Wilder, b. Jan. 22, 1837; m. Sarah B. Page. 1603 V. Harriet Lee Wilder, b. Jan. 5, 1841; m. Thomas A. Wilson. 1604: v1. Sarah Caroline Wilder, b. Aug. 5, 1845; m. John F. Spalding.

1384 RICHARD EVERETT' \VrLDER (s. Rev. John,' Jonas,' Jonas'), of Greenfield, Ill. ; m. 1st, Feb. 19, 1846, 1605 I ANN JEWELL, b. Nov. 5, 1828; d. April 1, 1862; 111. 2d, Feb. 6, 1867, 1606 2 MRS. Lucy TURNBULL. Issue :

1607 1. Henry Jonas Wilder, b. June 25, 1848; d. March 26, 1863. 1608 11. Ann Esther Wilder, b. Oct. 23, 1853. 1609 Ill. Frances E\'erett Wilder, b. Oct. 19, 1856.

1403 ORANGE 7 WILDER (s. Manassah,' Elisha,' Jonas'). He married three times, but we have not been able to obtain the name of either wife. Issue : 1610 1. Charles Wilder.

1!04 JosEPH' WILDER (s. Manassah," Elisha,' Jonas'); could not get the wife's name. Issue :

16II l. George Wilder. 16r2 ll. Helen Wilder. 1613 Ill. Lewis Wilder. 1614 IV. Lucy Wilder.

1411 GILMAN WILDER (s. Artemas, Elibha, Jonas). Wife not known. Issue : 1615 !, Ivlartha Wilder. 1616 11. Edward Wilder. 1617 111. Mary Wilder. 1618 IV. Harrison \Vilder. 1619 v. Eliza Wilder.

1413 CALVIN' WILDER (s. Eli,6 John,° Jonas'), a farmer of Barkhamstead ; 111. Dec. 26, I 821, 1368 PHEBE WILDER, b. I 79 r ; dr. Thomas Wilder. Issue : 1621 1. 1\fary L. Wilder, b, Nov. 12, 1823; d. 1867; m. Wat- son E. French. 216 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1622 11. Anstin J. Wilder, b. Sept. 9, 1824. 1623 m. Delos D. Wilder, b. Feb. 23, 1826; m. Miranda French. 1624 iv. Lucy Ann Wilder, b. April g, 1828. 1625 v. Susan W. Wilder, b. Aug. 20, 1830; m. Watson E. French.

1•1-14: MARY L. WILDER (dr. Eli, John, Jonas), m. May 21, 182 I, 1624 LESTER TAYLOR, a farmer of Claridon, Ohio. Issue:

1625 ,. Robert De Witt Taylor, b. March 27, 1827; d. May 1, 1830. 1626 11. La Royal Taylor, b. March 17, 1829; m. Ann B. Cleaveland. 1627 lll. Mary J. Taylor, b. April 1, 1830. 1628 JV. Lester De Witt Taylor, b. "ec. 31, 1832; m. Carrie A. Braman. " I 1629 v. Lucy W. Taylor, b. Aug. 19, 1835; m. Clinton Goodwin. 16:10 Vl. Jane S. Taylor, b. Nov. 23, 1839; d. June 30, 1866; m. William D. Ringland. 1631 VJJ. Susan R. Taylor, b. April 10, 1841 ; m. Ozro R. Newcomb.

1415 HoRACE 7 WILDER (Eli,° John,• Jonas'), a graduate of Yale College, a lawyer and Judge in Ohio; now of Redwing, Minn.; m. April 25, 1836, 1632 PHEBE J. COLEMAN; d. Aug., 1847. Issue:

1633 1. Edgar Wilder, b. Jan. 16, 1839. 1634 11. Arthur H. Wilder, b. Dec. 16, 1840. 1635 111. Alice Wilder, b. April 30, 1843; d. Dec. 8, 1867. 1636 iv. Horace C. Wilder, b. July 3, 1845; d. March 3, 1846. 1637 v. Julia Wilder, b. July 20, 1847; d. Feb., 1848.

1420 Eu T.' WILDER (Eli,• John,• Jonas'), a lawyer and Judge of Painsville, Ohio; m. 1st, May 12, 1839, 1639 JuuA W. WAKEFIELD ; d, Feb. 16, 1864; m. 2d, 1868, 1640 MRS. LAvIN;A KENDRIX, of Waterloo, N. Y. Issue:

_1641 1. Ann W. Wilder, b. May 1, 1841; d. ~fay 6, 1845. 1042 11. Eliza S. Wilder, b. Sept. 6, 1846; d. March 24, 185 r. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 217

14:24 SAMUEL F. TAYLOR, s. John and Anna (Wilder) Taylor, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. 1st, r643 I NAOMI GOODING; m. :zd, Sept. 9, 1831, 1644 2 LUCINDA GooDING. lssue:

1645 J. Samuel F. Taylor, h. Dec. :z5, 1832; went to Australia, 186:z. 1646 11. James C. Taylor, b. Oct. :z, 1836.

1426 CLOTILDA TAYLOR, dr. John and Anna (Wilder) Taylor, m. r822, 1647 GENERAL HoRATIO SrssoN, of Bristol, Ontario Co. N. Y. lssue: 1648 1. Horatio B. Sisson, b. Dec. 8, 1823 ; m. Matilda Chase. 16:19 11. Mary Ann Sisson, b. Nov. r4, 1825; m. Aaron H. Bullock. 1650 u1. Ann L. Sisson, b. Dec. :z9, 1827; m. R. Wells Pomeroy. 1651 1v. John T. Sisson, b. Jan. 27, 1830. 1652 v. Naumi L. Sisson, b. Sept., 1832. 1653 v1. Clotilda 0. Sisson, b. Feb. 2, 18.)4. 1654 vu. Orpha A. Sisson, b. Jan. 28, 1836. 1655 viii. Daniel Sisson, b. Feb. 23, 1837. 1656 1x. Marth:i. E. Sisson, b. l\fay, 1845.

14:27 HANNAH A. TAYLOR, dr. John and Anna (Wilder) Taylor, m. Sept., 1826, 1657 RHODES FRANCIS, of Granger, Ohio; d. Feb., 1837. Issue :

1658 1. Louisa E. Francis, b. Jan., 1827; m. James Seclge­ wick.

1428 BETHIAH H. TAYLOR, clr. John and Anna (Wilder) Taylor, m. Oct. 9, 1824, 1659 SIMEON HATCH, of Granger, Ohio. lssue : r66o I. Electa R. Hatch, b. 1824. 1661 ll. Elsie Hatch, b. 1828. 1662 Jll. Cornelia Hatch, b. 1830. 1663 IV. Lucy Hatch, b. 1834. 1664 V. William Hatch, b. 1837. 1665 vi. Oliver Hatch, Li. 1839. 2 I 8 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1666 Vil. John T. Hatch, b. 1841. 1667 Vlll. Henry C. Hatch, b. 1843. 1668 lX. Thomas C. Hatch, b. 1845. 1669 x. Chester T. Hatch, b. 1847.

1429 ELECTA TAYLOR, dr. John and Anna (Wilder) Taylor, m. 1826, 1070 "\'VARREN H. CODDING. Issue:

1671 1. Mary L. Codding, L. 182 7. 1672 11. Robert W. Codding, b. 1829. 1673 lll. Russell 0. Codding, b. 1831. 1674 IV. Eunice C. Codding, b. 1833. 1675 V. Horace W. Codding, b. 1837. 1676 VI. James H. Codding.

1-131 JOHN "\V. TAYLOR, s. John and Anna (Wilder) Taylor, m. 1st, 1842, 1677 1 NANCY WILDER; cl. July 5, 1844; m. 2d, 1845, 1678 2 EMMA F. BROWN. . Issue:

1679 1. Louisa F. Taylor, b. July 4, 1844. 1680 11. Jan1 es B. Taylor, b. May, 1846. 1681 m. John A. Taylor, b. July, 1848. r682 lV. Charles Taylor, b. March, 1850; d. Jan., 1852. 1683 v. Emma Taylor, b. Sept., 1852.

1440 ORPHA 1 WILDER (dr. Daniel," Gamaliel,• Jonas•), m. 1684 LARA KNICKERBOCKER. Issue :

1686 I. Hester Knickerbocker. 1687 ii. William Knickerbocker. 1688 Ill. Wilson Knickerbocker. 1689 lV. Wilder Knickerbocker. .,1690 V. Louisa Knickerbocker.

7 4 144:1 GovE WILDER (Daniel,• Gamaliel," Jonas ), m. 1691 ABIGAIL PARSONS. Issue:

1692 !. Clarissa Wilder. 1693 B. Lucretia Wilder. 1694 111. Delia Wilder. 1696 IV. Eunice Wilder. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 219

1697 V. Clementine Wilder. 1698 Vl. Myro11 Wilder. 1699 Vil. Nelson Wilder. 1700 Vlll. Timothy Wilder.

1442 THOMPSON' \VrLDER (Daniel,' Gamaliel,' Jonas•~, born at Sonth Bristol, N. Y. ; lived in Avon, Ohio; m. 1701 SABRINA FuLLER. lsst.:e : 1702 I. Ann Eliza Wilder. 17°3 II. Wealthy Wilder. 17°4 111. Althea Wilder; 111. Dr. Leonard, of Oberlin, 0. 17°5 IV. Hortense W ikler. 1706 V. Mary West Wilder. qo7 vi. Delia Wilder. 1708 VII. Nellie Wilder. 17°9 vm. Annette Wilder. 1710 IX. William Wilder. 1711 x. Marietta Wilder. I 7.12 XI. Lydia Wilder.

1H3 ALTHEA' WILDER (dr. Daniel," Gamaliel; Jonas'), 111. Jan. 14, 1818, 17 1 3 AUGUSTUS TORREY, of Rushville, N. Y., one of the original abolitionists, and a lawyer of some note. Issue :

I 714 I. Judith L. Torrey. q15 II. Polly Torrey. 1716 Ill. Anna Gould Torrey. 1717 iv. Emma A. Torrey.

7 14:H WILLIAM \VILDER (Daniel,' Gamaliel," Jonas'), Ill. 1718 HORTENSE MITCHELL; lived m South Bristol, N. Y. Issue : 17 1 9 l. William Wilder. T720 11. Helen Wilder. 1721 111. Daniel Wilder. 1722 IV. Janette Wilder. 1723 v. Hannah Wilder. 1724 VI. Thompson Wilder. 17 2 5 Vll. Augustus T. Wilder, ~ . I\ . \Y"ld twms 1726 Vlll, • ugustme 1 er, ~20 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1727 1x. Mary Wilder. I 728 x. Charles Wilder. 1729 x1. Cora Wilder. 1730 xu. George Wilder.

1-1-4:5 Pouy' WrLDER (Daniel,' Gamaliel,' Jonas'), m. 17,p HIRAM BROWN, of North Plains, Michigan. Issue:

1733 1. Caroline Brown. 1734 11. George Martin Brown. I735 111. Hiram Brown.

1416 BETSEY' WILDER (Daniel," Gamaliel,' Jonas'), m. 1736 JOHN WrsEWELL, a merchant of Rushville, N. Y. Issue :

1737 1. Henry A. Wisewell. r 738 11. Caroline B. Wisewell.

1526 Loms' DE VALOIS WILDER (Jedidiah,' Elijah,• Joseph/ Jonas'), m. 1st, July, 1848. 1739 MARGARETfA SHERWOOD; m. 2d, 1856, 1740 MRS. MARY A. BOSTWICK. Issue:

1741 1. Louisa Sherwood Wilder, b. Jan. 22, 1850. 1742 11. Marshall P. Wilder, b. Sept. 19, 1859. 1743 iii. Jane Cornelia Wilder, b. June 19, 1866.

1527 Jos1.:PH BANNING WILDER (Jedidiah, Elijah, Joseph, Jonas), m. Jan. 5, 1842, 1744 JANE MARIA ARMS, b. March 3, 1821. Issue:

1745 1. Freeman Edward Wilder, b. Sept. 8, 1845 ; d. July 24, 1855. 1746 11. Myron Arms Wilder, b. Oct. 19, 1850; d. Jan. 29, 1854. c747 Ill. Elisha Leavenworth Wilder, b. May z, 1854. 1748 1v. Emily Arms Wilder, b. June 17, 1858.

1528 EDWARD" Cm: WILDER (Jedidiah,7 Elijah," Joseph," Jonas'), m. 1st, Sept. 30, 1856, 1749 FANNY AMELJA CAMPBELL; d. March 6, 1863; m. 2d, March is. 1864, GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 221

1750 2 SoPHlA AMELIA "\VHEELER, b. Jan.;, 1837. Issue: q51 1. Edward C:rnfield YVilder, b. Nov. 5, 1859. 1752 n. Fanny Amelia Belle Wilder, b. Feb. 28, 1863; d. Sept. 3, 1863. 1753 Ill. Carrie Bell Wilder, b. Nov. 15. 1865; d. Sept. 3, 1866. 1754 IV. Charles Wheeler YVilder, b. July 20, 18t'i7. I 755 V. Kalph Welles Wilder, b. March 2, 1870; d. Feb 7, 1871. 1756 VJ. Daisy "Wilder, b. Ang. 25, 1874- 1757 Vll. Margaret Wilder, L. Aug. 21, 1877.

152!) JANE EuzABETH' WII.l)ER (Jedidiah,' Elijah.'· Joseph! Jonas'), m. 1758 ELISHA LEE LEAVENWORTH. Issue:

17 59 1. J\fary E. Leavenworth. 1760 11. Caroline Leavenworth. 1761 m. Cornelia S. Leavenworth. 1762 iv. Frederic Augustus I,eavenworth.

1562 l>ENCY' \Vil.DER (dr. Thomas,' Thomas," Joseph,' 4 Jonas ), m. 1763 NORMAN Loo~ns. Issue: q64 l. Niah D. Loomis, b. March 2, 18_32. T765 ll. Thomas Loomis, b. March 29, 183+· 1766 111. John T. Loomis, b. Jan. 12, 1836. 1767 iv. George A. Loomis, b. Sept. 2, 1838. 1768 v. Edward Loomis, b. June 24, 1842; d. Feb. 26, 1843. 1769 VI. Edwin Loomis, b. June 24, 1842 ; d. March 5, 1843. 1770 vii. Fidelia A. Loomis, b. Feb. 5, 1845. 1771 Vlll. Wallace Loomis, l>. Jan. 18, 1846.

1574 Lucv A. T.' WILDER (dr. William,' Thomas,'· Joseph, 0 Jonas'), m. 1843, l-loMER JOHNSON, of Sharon, Medina Cn., Ohio. Issue :

1772 I. Cyrus M. Johnson, b. March 5, 1844. 1773 II. William Wilder Johnson, lJ. Aug. 2<), 1847. 1774 lll. Albert H. Johnson. u. Nov. 1 :,. 185 1 , ,1. j,1ly 22, 1875. 1775 IV. Newton V. Johnson, h. Juiy 6, 1,l:,54. 222 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1776 v. Newell Johnson, b. Jan. 19, 1856. 1777 vi. Cary N. Johnson, b. Aug. 15, 1861.

1571{ CALYIN H." W11.nt:R (s. William,' Thomas/ Joseph,' Jonas'), a Baptist minister; settled as Pastor at Argyle, Vvisconsin, in 18h2, and at Evansville, Rock Co., 1867; 111. 1X50. 1778 MARY ANN OVIATT, b. Aug. I..J-, 1829: cl. Feb. 25, 1875. Issue:

1779 1. Percy C. Wilder, h. Nov. 7, 1852. r 780 n. Stephen C. Wilder, b. July 22, 1854. 1781 m. William J. ·wilder, b. Jan. r8, 1856. 1782 1v. Elsie P. Wilder, b. Sept. 5, 1857. 1783 v. Cary W. Wilder, b. Aug. 18, 1859. 1784 v1. Newton D. Wilder, lJ. July 9, 186 I. 1785 v11. John Wilder, b. July Ir. 1872.

}."Vik CHARr.orrn' E. \\'ILTJER (dr. William,' Thomas,' Joseph,' Jonas'), m. 1858, 1786 SA~IUEL H. RHQl>J-:s. of Clyde, Ohio. lssue:

1787 1. James W. Rhodes, b. May 6, 1860. 1788 u. Luella Rhodes, b. Aug. r6, 1864. 178c_, m. Ralph Rhodes, b. July 19, 1866.

1581 JAMES' A. W1r.DER (s. William,' Thomas," Joseph,' Jonas'), m. Nov. 21, 1866, 1790 MARV A. Ho[11;u, b. June 28, 1842; d. Dec. 23, 1874. Issue:

1791 1. Helen l\L Wilder, b. June 7, 1868. 1792 11. Wiliia1n \\'. \Vilckr, I,. Ang. 28, 1872.

J.'.'iS'! NATHA'\T' T. \\'ruiv1, (s. William,' Tho111as," Joseph," Jonas'), m !Jee. 3, 18(,G, 1793 SA.k.AJJ i\. Ni-:·rrLETur-.:, of Medina, Ohio. Issue:

1794 1. Nettie Wilder, Ii. lJe1. 2, 1868. 1 79S 11. Edna C. \\'ilder, Ii. A11g. 18. 1872. 179(1 111. !vlartha E. Wilder. lJ. Fd1. 1 J, 1X75. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 223

1599 MARY J.• WILDER (Charles B.,' Rev. John,• Jonas,' Jonas'), m. Oct., 1856, 1797 J. R. CAMPBELL, of Chelsea. Issue: 1798 I. Mary Gertrude Campbell, b. May 31, 1858. 1799 ]!. Charles Herbert Campbell, b. July 25, 1860; d. l\fay 2 l, I 86 I. 1800 lll. Frederic P. Campbell, b. July r6, 186r. r8oi IV, Alice Grant Campbell, b. July 1, 1862.

1600 CHARLES" T. WILDER (Charles" B., Rev. John,' Jonas,• Jonas'), m. Oct. 29, 1850, ,802 MARY E. ,VARE. Issue: 1803 i. Charles B. Wilder, b. May 27, 1867.

1602 HERBERT A.'WILDER (Charles B.,"' Rev. John,' Jonas,' Jonas'), m. Oct. 12, 1871, 1804 SARAH B. PAGE. Issue:

1805 1. Constance Perley \Vilder, b. l\fay 8, 187 3.

Hl03 HARRIETR LF-r: WILDER (Charles B.,7 Rev. John,• Jonas,• Jonas'), m. June 6, 1869, 1806 THOMAS A. WILSON; d. Jan., 1870. Issue.

1807 1. Herbert Guild Wilson, b. Jan., 1870.

1604- SARAH CAROLINE' \VrLDER (clr. Charles B., 1 Rev. John," Jonas,' Jonas'), m. Nov. 7, 1860, 1808 JoHx F. SPALDING, of Boston. Issue:

1809 1. Ernest Ripley Spalding, b. May 14, 1869.

1621 MARYL.' WILDER (clr. Calvin,' Eli, 0 John," Jonas'), m. 1810 \YATSON" E. FREXCH, a farmer of Granger, Ohio. Issue :

1811 1. Calvin '\Vilder French, b. Alig. 23, 1844. 1812 n. Afary L. French, b. Sept. 2. 1846.

1622 ACSTL\' J! W1Lf>ER (Calvin,' Eli," John," Jonas'), m. 1st, 1856, 1816 r MoRE!\DA PICKETT; d. Aug. 8, 1868; m. 2d, March 15, 1870, 224 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1817 2 MARY R. THOMAS. Issue:

1818 1. Orville H. \Vilder, b. Jan. 3, 1857. 1819 JI. Robert T. Wilder, b. Aug. 6, 1871. 1820 111. Phebe E. Wilder, b. Feb. 3, 1874.

1625 ScsAN \\-.8 WILDER (Calvin,' Eli,' John,' Jonas'), m. Jan. 1, 1858, 1821 ·WATSON E. FRENCH. Issue:

1822 1. Leroy E. French. 1823 ii. 1Villiam C. French. 1824 111. Emerson 1V. French. 1825 1v. Delos D. French. 1826 v. Horace 1Y. French.

1626 LA ROYAL TAYLOR, s. Lester and .\fary (Wilder) Taylor, m. May 18, 1854, 182 7 ANNA B. CLEAVELAND. Issue:

1828 1. Annette S. Taylor, b. March 26, 1855. 1829 11. Royal C. Taylor, b. June 24, 1857. 1830 m. Ella C. Taylor, b. Jan. 18, 1861. 1831 1v. John W. Taylor, b. Dec. .r8, 1866. 1832 v. Mary A. Taylor, L. Sept. 14, 1871.

Hi28 LESTER DE WITT TAYLOR, s. Lester and Mary L. (Wilder) Taylor, 111. Sept. 29, 1868, 1833 CAl

1834 1. Wilder J:. Taylor, L. Sept. 15, 1869. 1835 11. Althea W. Taylor, b. l'llay 11, 1872.

Hi29 IxCY ff. TAYLOR (clr. Lester), rn. J\fay 31, 1854, 1840 CLJXTO"-" GooDWL',, a farmer of Claridon, Ohio. Issue:

18.,p 1. Florence S. Coodwin, b. Aug. 12, 1860. 1842 11. 1'lary C. (;oodll"in, li. Feb. 23, 1863. 18,u 111. Lester F. Coodwin, b. Dec. 24, 1865. 1844 1v. Emily \V. Coodwin, b. Nfarch 30, 1868. 1845 v. Lucy 1:. Goodwin, L. June 6, 1871. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1630 JANES. Twt.oR, dr. Lester and i\fary (Wilder) Taylor, 111. Jan. r, 1863, l846 \VU.LIAM D. R1NGl-AND. Issue: i847 1. Effie J. Ringland, b. Feb. 23, 1864. 1848 ii. Herman S. Ringland, b. Aug. 9, 1869,

tmn SusAN R. TAYWR, dr. Lester and Mary (Wilder) Tay~ ]or, m. 1349 OtRu R. NEwccntB. 1ssue :

l850 i. O.uo R. Newcomb, b. July 21, rS66.

1648 Ho!UTtoB. SrssoN (s.General Horatio), m. April,, 1850, 1851 M,n'!I.DA CH.ASE. Issue:

1,8 5 z 1. Charles E. Sisson. b. Jan. :q, l 85 z. 1853 11. Ida L. Sisson, b. Sept. t, 1853. 1S54 lll, Olive i\L Sisson, b. May 20, 1855. 1855 1v. George H. Sisson, b. Jtme 19, 185i'.

1649 MARY ANN StssON (cir, Horatio), m. -Dec. i2, 1848, 1856 AARON H. BLa,LOCK, of Ellyria, Ohio.. Issue;

1857 1. Edmund D. BLillock, b. Sept. q, 1849. 1858 ii. Martha E. Bullock, b. June rg, r85i.

l 650 ANNA L. S1ssoN, sister of 1649; m. April It, 1853. t859 R. \Vi;u:.s POMEROY, a wcrchant of Hrun~wick, Ohio. Issue: 1860 1- Francis L. Pomeroy, b. J unc, 1-854. 1861 ii. Grace Pomeroy, b. Jnne, 1S57.

] G:'Jl JOHN T. Srsso::-. (s. General H. Sisson), m. Vee. 25 1 1854, SARAH CASE, Jssue: i. Eliza Sisson, u. Aug., 1856. 11. Stephen Sisson.

l(j58 L01.:1sA E. FRANCIS (dr. Rhodes, tu57), m 186-."J JAMES S1-:nr;w1ci;., of Weymouth. ls~ue: t866 i. William Sedgwick, b. 18;ii>. 1867 II, Lucy Sedgwick, b. Aug., 1S,o;7.

This end-; the Lineage of Jonas,' Jolin," of whom there are 58 r. 16 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.



1 Gi JosIAH • \VILDER (John,' John,• Thomas ), born in Lancaster, 1701; removed to Boylston in 1730. "In 1732, hi, wife and four chil

1870 1. Abner Wilder, b. Nov. 24, 1725. 1871 11. Asa Wilder, b. Jan., 1730; d. Jan. 27, 1732. 1872 iii. Martha Wilder, b. Jan., 1732; d. Jan. 27, 1732. umi 1v. Asa Wilder, b. 1734. 1874 v. Sarah Wilder, b. Jan. 2, 1736. 1875 v1. J\fartha Wilder, b. Ap1 il 30, 17 3 7. 187b v11. t,!iriam Wilder, b. 1740. 1877 viii. John Wilder, b. March 12, I744. 1878 ix. Prudence Wilder, b. 1746. 1879 x. Rufus Wilcler, b. March 2, 1748. 18S0 xi. Josiah Wilda, b. 1750.

1870 ABNER• WILDER (Josiah'), of West Boylston, m. 1754, 1881 EUNICE OSGOOD; d. Dec., 1813. Issue:

1882 1. David Wilder, b. Nov. 2, 1756. 188:J 11. Levi Wilder, b. Aug. 11, I 758. 1881 111. Nathan Wilder, b. May 3, 1760. 1885 1v. Samuel \V1lder, b. Aug. 2, 1762.

1873 AsA • WILDER (Josiah'), of West Boylston, m. Sept. 22, 1753, 1886 LYDIA RUGG, Issue :

1887 1. Reuben Wilder, b. Nov. 3, 1755; d. 1756. 1888 11. Elijah Wilder, b. March 22, 1757; m. Awbah Larkin. L889 111. Prudence Wilder, b. July 17, 1759. 18.90 1v. Reuben \Vilder, b. June 19, 1762; m. Mary Pierce. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 227 r89r v. Isaac Wilder, b. April 19, 1763. 1892 vi. Asa Wilder, b. Nov. I7, 1767. 1893 vii. Abraham Wilder, b. Dec. 20, 1776.

1880 JosrAH • WILDER (Josiah'), lived in Gardner; m. 1st, I i7I, 1 HEZEDIAH LARKIN; d. 1776; m. 2d, 1777, 2 JOANNA BAKER. lssue:

1896 1. Azubah Wilder, b. 1773; d. April r, 1852 ; m. Uriah Clapp. 11. Katie 1Vilder, b. 1775; m. Abel Burpee. m. Hezecliah 1Vilder, b. 1778. 1v. Josiah Wilder, b. 1780; married Mary Wheeler. r900 v. David Wilder, b. 1782. 1901 vi. Isaac Wilder, b. 1784; m. Persis Jones.

1883 LEVI• WILDER (Abner,• Josiah'), m. 1902 SALLY MOODY. Issue:

1903 1. Clarissa Wilder. 1904 ll. Almer Wilder. r 90 5 m. Rebecca Wilder, 1906 1v. Levi Wilder. 1907 v. Sally Wilder.

188! NATHAN• WILDER (Abner,• Josiah'), m. SusANNA SAWYER. Issue : 1908 i. Eunice Wilder, b. June 19, 1792. 1909 JI. Susannah Wilder, b. April I z, 1 793. 1910 iii. Betsey Wilder, b. Nov. 28, I 795. 19II 1v. David Wild~, b. May 12, 1796. 1H12 v. Patty Wilder, b. May u, 1796. mm VI. Mary v..-ilder, b. --- There were said to have been six others who died young.

189fi AzuBAH' WILDER (cir. Josiah,' Josiah'), m. 1807, 1914 URIAH CLAPP, a cabinet-makt:r of c;ardner, lVIass. Issue:

1915 1. Asahel Clapp, b. Sept. 5, 1809. 1916 ii. Daniel Clapp, b. Feb., 18IJ. 1917 111. Mary B. Clapp, b ..May 15, 1815. 228 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

1918 IV. Lovell Clapp, b. Jan. II, 1818. 1919 v. l\f artha Jane Clapp.

1897 KATIE• WILDER (dr. Josiah,' Josiah'), m. 1920 ABEL BURPEE. Issue :

1921 !. Samuel Stillman Bnrpee. 1922 11. Mary Ann Burpee. 1923 lll. Catharine Wilder Burpee. 1924 IV. Sophia Burpee. 1925 v. Relief Burpee. 1926 VI. James Burpee.

18~)9 JOSIAH' WILDER (s. Josiah,• Josiah'), of Gardner, Mass., m. 1927 MARY \V HEELER. Issue :

1928 I. Betsey Wilder. 1929 ll. Mary Wilder. 1930 lll. Abel \Vilder. 1931 lV. David Wilder.

1901 ISAAC WILDER (s. Josiah, Josiah), m. 1812, 1932 PERSIS JONES, b. Nov. 16, 1792. Issue: 1 933 !. Homer Wilder, b. 1812. 1934 11. Isaac Wilder, b. 1814. 1935 Ill. Asa Wilder, b. 1816, r936 IV. Mary Wilder, b. 1818. 1937 V. Abel Wilder, b. 1820. ;r93S Vl. David Wilder, b. 1822.

1908 EUNICE' WILDER (dr. Nathan,• Abner,' Josiah'), m. 182 I, 1939 GERSHOM BIGELOW, b. March 12, 1768; d. 1846. Issue :

1940 1. Charles Dana Bigelow, b. Feb. 17, 1822. 1941 11. (;ershom P. Fox Bigelow, b. J\farch, 1824. 1942 m. John Bigelow, b. Feb. 26, 1826; d. March 1, 1849. 1943 1v. Mary Augusta Bigelow, b. Nov. 18, 1829. il':J44 \'. Walter B. Bigelow, b. April 10, 1831; d. March 24, 1870. GEN"EALOGICAL TABLE.

1909 SusANNAH 1 WrLDER (dr. Nathan,' Abner,' Josiah'), m. April, 1823, 1945 EZRA BALL. Issue: 1946 i. Homer Ball, b. Oct. 28, 1824. 194 7 ii. Joseph Ball. 1948 lll. David Ball. 1949 1v. Susan Ball.


1912 PATTY' V,'ILDER (dr. Nathan,• Abner,' Josiah'), m. Feb., 1824, 1953 BRADISH BRAMAN. Issue: ,1 1954 J. Martha Braman, b. Feb. z, 1825. 195~ JI. Angeline Braman, b. August, 1828; d. Feb., 1877 _: m. Robert L. Smith, of \V orcester. 1956 Ill. Mary Braman, b. June 3, 1830. 1 957 IV, Sarah Braman, b. 1833; d. 1858. 1958 v. Cynthia Braman, l>. April 9, 1835; m. Henry Harlan.

1913 MARY' WILDER (dr. Nathan,' Abner,' Josiah'), m. 1834, 1959 JosEJ-'H HASTINGS, of Shrewsberry, a farmer. lswe: 1960 1. James J. Hastings, b. Jan. 8, 1836.~ 1961 ii. Adaline Hastings, b. Sept. 4, 1839. 1962 iii. :Mary l\I. Hastings, b. Feb. 8, 1844-

~ I :N" T H L I :N" E A G E.


(Vi' Jo:s.ATHAN' WILTJER (John,' John,' Thomas'), m. 1738, 1963 ZFRVIAH HOUGHTON. lssue: 1964 i. Sibs Wilder, b. Feb. I7, I743; d. 045. 19G:i 1:, Sila, Wilder, L. Feb. 2 7, 1 i 4 7. 23'.) GENEALOGICAL T ADLE.

1966 lll. Marth1 Wilder, b. Feb. 16, 1751. 1967 IV. Hannah Wilder, b. March 22, 1753; d. 1845. 1H68 v. Calvin Wilder, b. June 12, 1756. 1HH9 VI. Elihu Wilder, b. Feb. II, I760. 1970 Vll. Martha Wilder, b. Nov. 3, r 761.

1965 SILAS' WILDER (s. Jonathan'), of Sterling; m. Dec. 28, 1869, 1971 ELIZABETH SAWYER. Issue:

1972 1. Sawyer Wilder. 1973 n. Silas Wilder. 1974 rn. Jonathan Wilder.

1968 CALVIN' WILDER (s. Jonathan'). The record of this family and its descendants is taken from the town records of Lancaster, and the cor­ respondence of some of its members, and has the semblance of correctness. Yet there are fears that if all the facts were known, it might not be found correct. Members of this family are invited to make due search for the records, and trace out the families that may be found to be out of place. Calvin m. in I7-, 1975 SuKEY CELANDINE. Issue:

1976 1. Alexander H. Wilder, b. 1804; d. Dec., 1874.

l96!J ELIHU O WILDER (s. Jonathan'), a farmer of Lan­ caster; m. 1977 PRUDENCE MANNING. Issue: tn78 1. Jones \Vilder, b. May 7, 1791; d. Nov., 1861; Ill. Arethusa Townsend. IfJ79 JI. Spencer Wilder; m. Harriet Rugg. 1980 lll. Pmdence Wilder. IH81 JV, FlaveI Wilder, m. Laura Taylor. 1982 v. Anna Wilder, l>. May 27, 1796; d. April 15, 1870; m. ELenezer Smith. 1983 VI. Haily Wilder, m. Stacey Lindsey. 1981 VII. Ivory \Vil

1976 ALEXANDER H.6 WILDER (s. Calvin,' Jonathan'), m. Dec., 1835, 1985 HARRIET EATOK, u. May, 18or. Issue: 1986 1. Hervy B. Wilder, Li. Oct. 12, 1836. Register of Deeds. 1987 11. Alexander E. Wilder, b. 1839; d. 1841.

1978 JONES' WILDER (s. Elihu,' Jonathan'), m. June, 1820, 1988 ARETHL'SA llfA:-.XING. Issue: 1989 I. l\fark Wilder, b. Feb., 182r; m. Nancy J. Stoddard. 1990 !l. Salem Wilder, 1,, Jan. 28, 1823; m. Betsey S. Shaw. 1991 lll. Emily \Vilder, b. March 4, 1825. 1992 JV. Fordyce 1Vi!Jer, b. Nov. 12, 1826; m. 1st, Sarah G. Curtis; m. 2d, Emily V. \Vickes. 1993 v. Eliza Wilder, b. Oct. 4, 1827; m. James P. Wickes. 1 994 VI. Acaline A. Wilder, b. March 5, t830; m. Ch:uies D. Newton. 1995 vii. Jones \Varren Wilder, b. May, 1832; m. Jane E. Raymore.

1981 FLAVEL' \Yu.DER (s. Elihu,' Jonathan'), rn. :\-larch 2, 182 7, 1996 LAURA TAYLOR, b. June 16, 1800. Issue:

1997 1. George Wilder, b. Oct. zo, r829. 1998 11. Eilen Wilder, b. May 6, 1833. 1999 111. Charles S. Wilder, b. Feb. 19, 1836. 2000 1v. Harrison T. \Vilder, b. Sept. 7, 1840. 2001 v. Alfred \Vilder, b. Jan. 21, 1843. 2002 vr. Fanny 1Vilder, b. Sept. 22, 1845.

198! lvoRY' \VILDER (s. Eiiht1,• Jonathan'), a farmer of Princeton, Mass.; rn. April 8, 1830, 2003 Loc1sA ·w1LSON, b. Dec. 5, 1806; dr. Soiomon Wilson, Esq. Issue:

200! I. Solon Wilder, b. Dec. 20, 1832 ; d. April 6, l S74; Ill. S. W. Smith, 200;; H. Eliza Wilder, b. May 9, 1835 ; Ill. ReL Henry M. Holmes. 2006 111. Theodore Wilder, b. Dec. r7, 1840. :.?00, 1v. Ab!Jy Augusta ·wilder, L. Jan. 9, 1843; n1. Daniel Davis. 232 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

Im•m HERVV B.' Wn.DF.R (s. Alexander H.,• Calvin," Jona­ 4 than ), Register of Deeds in Worcester, llass. ; lll. 1st, Oct., 1862, 2008 1 ANNA F. CHAP1IAN ; m. 2d, 18 70, 2009 2 .MARY J. PRATT. Issue:

2010 1. Charles P. Wiider, b. April 3, 1873.

7 umo SALE~! WILDER (s. Jones,° Elihu,• Jonathan'), 111. 1847, 201 r BETSEY S. SHAW. Issue:

2012 1. Elizabeth S. ·wilder, b. July 28, 1853; m. Walter .Marsh. zo13 11. Anna S. ·wilder, b. March 31, 18.5&

2004: SoI.DN' WILDER ( s. Ivory,• Elihu,' Jonathan'), was a distinguished teacher of music, a composer and con­ ductor; died of consumption in 1874; m. Sept. 13, 1855, 2014 SARAH "\V. S:11ITH. Issue :

2015 1. Harris Hawthorne "\Vilder, b. March, 1857.

200:j ELIZA WILDER (sister of Solon'), ni. April 30, 1867, 2016 REV. HENRY M. HOLMES, of Southboro, Mass. Issue:

2017 1. Kirk Wilder Holmes. 2018 ll. Elizabeth Holmes. 2019 m. Rebecca A. Holmes.

2007 ABBY AUGUSTA' Wu...oER (dr. Ivory," Elihu,' Jona­ 4 than ), m. 1872, 2020 DANIEL DAVIS, a designer and machinist. Issue :

202 I 1. Florence l\largnerite Davis.



GH ];CE WuDER, of Hingham, b. 1722; d. 1792. lssue : 2023 1. Martha Wilder, b. Jan. 26, 1739. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 2 33

2024 ii. . Samuel Wilder, b. Aug. 17, 1740; d. Sept., 1740. 202,) iii. John Wilder, b. July r2, Ii44; m. Sophia· Hapgood. 2026 iv. Prudence 'iVilder, b. Sept. I 2, 1745 ; m. Col. E. Stearns. 2027 V, Cornelius Wilder, b. 1747; m. 1st, Abigail Wilder; m. 2d, Elizabeth Hastings. 2028 v1. l\ianassah Wilder, b. I 749.

2025 JoHN • WILDER (s. John'), m. 2029 SOPHIA HAP<;ooD. ls,-;ue : 2030 1. Lyman Wilder, b. 1780; m. Betsey Bent. 2031 Jl. Asa Wilder. 20:12 iii. Nahum Wilder, b. I 79 r ; d. Aug. 2 2, 1833 ; m. Laura Parsons. 2033 1v. Prudence \Vilder, m. John Grout.

2027 CORNELIUS' WILDER (s. John'), m. 1st, 2034 1 ABIGAIL \VILDER; m. 2d, 2035 z ELIZABETH HASTINGS. Issue : 2036 i. Caroline Wilder. 2037 ii. Artemas Wilder, b. r776; d. 1869. 2038 m. Daniel Wilder, b. I 7 78. 2039 1v. Damaris Wilder, 204-0 v. Susan Wilder; m. James Rice.

4 2oao LYMAN• WIJ,DER (John,• John ), m. 2041 BETSEY BENT. Issue :

2042 1. Adelphia Wilder; m. Josiah ·white.

2032 NAHUM• WILDER (John", John'), a farmer of Rocky Hill, Conn.; m. Nov. 21, 1818, 2043 LAURA PARSONS. Issue: 204-4- 1. John Lyman Wilder, b. Nov. 20, 1819. 204-5 II. Abigail Sophia 'Wilder, 11. Dec. I7, 182 r. 2046 iii. Nahum Wilder, b. March 15, 1824; d. 1828. 204-7 IV. Laura Parsons Wilder, b. July 27, 1826; m. ,villiam H. White. 201-8 v. Nahum Cornelius \Vilcler, b. Sept. 23, 1830; m. Sarah Jane Bliss. 2049 VJ. William Smith Wilder, b. March 5, 1837; d. April 14, 1843. 234 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

2033 PRUDENCE• \VILDER (cir. John,' John'), m. 2050 JonN GROUT, of Petersham. Issue :

2051 l. Daniel Grout. 2052 11. Sophia Grout. 2053 Ill. Thoma,, Gront. 2054 lV. John Grout.

20!0 SusA"I • \VILDER (

2056 ]. Warner Rice. 2057 11. Henry Rice. 2058 iii. Susan Rice. 2059 IV. William Rice. 2060 v. Samuel Rice.

2044 JOHN LvMAN 7 WILDER (Nahum,• John,' John'), m. 2061 HANNAH .M. CHALKER. Issue: 2062 1. Julius Lyman Wilder. 2063 li. Charles Costar Wilder. 2064 111. Estella M. Wilder.

20-15 ABIGAIL SOPHIA 1 WILDER (dr. Nathum,' John,' John'), m. 1840, 2065 WALTER ROBBINS, a farmer of Rocky Hill, Conn. Issue:

2066 1. Frederic Walter Robbins, b. June II, 1842. 2067 II. Laura Sophia Robbins, b. May 19, 1844. 2068 111. Edith Caroline Robbins, b. June 6, 1847. 2069 IV. Ellen Wilder Robbins, b. Aug. 3, 1849. 2070 v. Agnes G-. Robbins, b. May 25, 1854. 2071 VI. John Rockwood Robbins, b. l\fay 25, 1854. 2072 Vil. Anna Manning Robbins, b. 1\lay 25, 1854, 2073 vm. Grace Gertrude Robbins, L. May 19, 1858.

2047 LAt:RA PARSONS' WILDER (dr. Nahum,' John,' John'), m. May 14, 1846, 2074 \VII.LIAM H. WHITE. Issue:

2075 1. Lillian White. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 2 35

20!8 NAHmr' CoRNELIL'S WILDER (Nahum,' John,° John'), m. 2076 SARAH JAJ\'E BLISS. Issue:

2077 1. Edward Wilder, b. -- 1861.


WILLIAM WILDER. 70 \VrLLIAM • \VrLDER (John,' John,' Thomas'), was a farmer in the part of Lancaster which is now Bolton ;

Ill, 1739, 2078 SARAH SAWYER, of Lancaster. Issue: 2079 1. John \Vilder, b. Nov. 28, 1741; m. Rebecca Sawyer. 2080 ll. Williatn \Vi Ider, b. Oct. 17, 1743. 2081 rn. Sarah Wilder, b. April 24, 1750. 2082 1v. Prudence \Vilder, b. April I7, 1757. 208::J v. Abel Wilder, b. Jan. 16, 1760; d. June 6, 1806; m. Hannah Green. 2084 v1. Daniel Wilder, b. Aug. 21, 1764; m. Polly Gould.

2079 JOHN' WILDER ('Villiam '), settled as a farmer m Putney, Vt.; m. March 2 r, 1~2, 2085 REBECCA SAWYER. lssne: 1

2086 1. Sarah Wilder, b. April 17, 1764. 2087 Jl. Rebecca \Vilder, b. Nov. 23, r 766. 2088 Ill. John Wilder, b. July 2, 1769. 2089 !\', Jerusha Wilder, b. Sept. 17, 1771. 2090 v. Solon Wilder, b. April 27, 1774. 2091 Vl. David Wilder, b. April 6, 1777. 2092 Vil. lVarren Wilder, b. Oct. 22, I i79, 2093 viii. Betsey Wilder, b. Jan. 21, I 782. 2094 IX. Thomas Wilder, b. May 8, 1784. :!OHa x. William Wilder, b. Dec. 2 1, 1786 ; m. Sophia Stearns. 20?6 Xl. Lucy Wilder, b. Nov. 12, 1791. 2097 Xlll, Stearns Wilder.

2080 WH,LIAM' \VII.DER (William'), m. ------Issue :

1. William Wilder, b. Oct. 8, r 778. ii. Levi Wilder, b. April 4, I i8o. 236 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

21 oo m. l\ folly \Vilder, b. Sept. 8, 17 86. 2101 iv. Patty Wilder, b. Oct. 30, 1788.

2083 AnEL • WILDER (\Villiam '), m. March 29, 1779, 2102 HANNAH GREEN, b. -- 1759; d. Sept. 22, 1832. Issue:

2103 1. Abel Wilder, b. March 28, 1779; d. July 20, 1828; m. Deborah Perry. 2104 11. Betsey Wilder, b._ Dec. 24, 1780;

208! DA::-.IEL • Wrr.DER (William'), was a carpenter of Northern Ycrmont; removed to Malone, N. Y., and died in Michigan. We have the names of his chil­ dren, though not in the order of their birth. He married in Northern Vermont, 2u4 PoLLY GouLD. Issue :

2115 1. Abel Wil

2103 ABEL' WILDER (Abel,• William'), a farmer of Dublin, N. H., Ill. 1801, 2134 DEBORAH PERRY. Issue:

2135 l. Keziah \Vilder, b. July 9, 1802; d. June 22. 1S12. 2136 Ji, l\lary Wilder, b. July 22, 1804; d. 1870; m. Nathanael Burchard. 21!37 iii. Mark Wilder, b. Aug. 3, 1806; m. Eliza A. Thayer. 21:18 IL ALel \Vilder, b. July 2r, 1808. 2r39 v. Emeline \\'ilder, b. Oct. 8, 1810; d, Dec. 15, t863; m. Jos. Burchard, 2140 VI, Ivory Perry Wilder, b. Aug. 12, 18r6. 2141 vu. Deborah P. Wilder, b. Aug. :n, 1818; rn, Josiah Cross. 2 J 42 Vlll, :Franklin \VilJer, b. April 10, 1821; d. Ang. L 1821. 2143 JX. John Wilder, b. Oct. 8, 1822; m. Diantha Royce. 2144- x. Benjamin F. Wilder, b. Dec. 9, 18:14.

210-! BETSEY• Wit.DER (Abel,' William'), 111. 1800. 2144 JOUN CROJ\IB rn, !J. 1776; d. 184 7 ; a farrrn:r of Du olin, N. H. Issue:

2145 I, Jra Crombie, b. ---; Ill. Lucy Wilder. 2146 11. John Crombie, b. Feb. I' I 80, · d. hlJ. 1 5. 1803. .) ' 2147 lll. J\lo,;es Crombie, b. March 12, 1/,04; Ill, Lotj;a M. Manning. 2148 IV. Abel \\'ikler Crombie, 11. Aug. 9, 1806. 2!4() V. John Crowbie, b. Jnly 2~, 1808. 238 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

:u50 v1. Hannah Crombie, b. March 26, 18rr; d. Sept. 5, 1813. 2151 VII. Rebecca Crombie, b. May 24, 1814; m. Clark C. Cochran. 2152 viii. Mary Jane Crombie, b. Feb. r3, 1817; m. John Andrews. 2r53 ix. Harriet E. Crombie, b. Oct. 7, 1819; rn. John Brooks, of Dublin, N. H. 2154 x. James Crombie, b. Jan. 1r, 1821, 2155 xi. Betsey G. Crombie, !J. April r, 1824; d. May 13, 1828.

4 2107 SALIX• "'II-DER ( dr. Abel,• William ), m. 1st, 1807, 2156 r REUBEN TWITCHEL, b. l\Ltrch 22, 1776; d. 1810; m. 2d, 1818, 2157 2 ALLINE NEWELL, of Jaffrey, N. H. Issue:

2158 1. Orlando Twitchel, b. Feb. 6, 1808. 2159 11. Reuben Wilder Twitchel, b. Sept. 17, 1810. 2160 m. Alline Newell, b. r820. 2r61 1v. L. W. Leonard Newell, b. ---. 2162 v. Ira Newell, b. 1823; d. 1829. 2163 v1. Sarah Newell.

2108 CYRUS• WILDER (Abel,• William•), m. 2164 NANCY IRVING. Issue:

2165 1. George Wilder. 2166 II, James Wilder. 2167 lll. Edwin Wilder. 2168 IV. Alfred Wilder. 2169 v. Walter Wilder. 2170 Vl. William W. Wilder.

2109 DORCAS• WILDER (dr. Abel,° William'), m. 1816, 2171 JEREMIAH GREENWOOD, a blacksmith of Fitchburg, .Mass. Issue: 2172 i. Edward S. Greenwood, b. May 18, 18r8. 2173 ii. James Wilder Greenwood, b. May 14, 1820. 2174 lll. Cyrus Greenwood, b. May 14, 1822; d. 1824. 2175 JV. Hannah S. Greenwood, b. ---; d. 1842, 2176 v. Julia Greenwood, b. ---; d. 1845. 2177 VI. Jeremiah Greenwood. 2178 Vil. Electa Greenwood, b. 1830; d. 1837. 2179 Vlll. Albert Greenwood. GE~EALOGICAL TABLE.- 2 39

2112 JAMES• WILDER (Abel,' William'), m. 2180 MARY CROMBIE. Issue:

218r 1. John Wiider, b. •·---; d. 1868 in New York city. 2182 11. James Waterman Wilder. 2r83 lll. Charles Wilder. 2184. IV. Mary Wilder. 2r85 Y. Harriet Wilder. 2r86 VI. Betsey Wilder. 2r87 Vll. Samuel \\'ilder. 2r88 Vlll. George Wilder, of Scranton, Penn.

21m JOHN' WILDER .(Abel," \Villiam '), m. 2r89 HARRIET LAKI:K. Issue: 2190 i. Sally \Vilder, b. r 821 ; d. 1846 in Hancock, N. H. 2r9r 11. Maria Wilder, m. -- Washburn. 2192 111. Julia Wilder, m. Alfred Tenney, of Lynn, ,'vlass. 2193 1v. John \Vilder, b. --- ; d. 1850.

2115 ABEL• WILDER (Daniel,' William'), a carpenter of !11alone, N. Y.; m. 1808, 2194 HANNAH PAYNE, b. J784; d. 1842. Jssue; 2195 I, Royal Gould Wilder, b, Feb, 1809; d. 18r5. 2196 JI, Thomas P. Wilder, b. April 4, r8n. 2197 ]II. James M. \Vilder, b. June 25, 1813. 2198 JV. Hannah P. \Vilder, b. Nov. r3, r814. 2199 v. Royal Gould Wilder, b. Feb, 28, 1816; m. Eliza J. Smith. 2200 VI. Polly Maria Wilder, b. March 4, 1821; d. March I7, l 85 L 2201 Vll. Phebe Elmira Wilder, b. July 16, r824. 2202 Vlll. William Clement Wilder, b. April 24, 1826. 2203 ix. Sarah Charlotte Wilder, b. Feu. 15, 1830. 220.j. x. Josiah Prince Wilder, b. Jan. 9, 1832.

2116 ORRA WILDER (Daniel, William), wife not ascertained, and the children may not be in the order of their birth. Issue: 2205 1. Hyman A. Wilder, a graduate of Williams College, and a missionary to the Zulus in South Africa. 2206 11. George W. Wilder. 2207 w. Cyrus R. Wilder. 240 CEN'EAt0GICAL TABLE.

2208 iv. Hannah M. Wilder. 2209 V. Mary S. Wilder. 2:lIO VI, Harriet Wilder.

2117 JosEFH T.i WILbBR ( s. Daniel, L William '), of Detroit, m. :2211 BE1'SE\' Ht.-:Al'H, b. Jan. u, 1812. Issue:

221:2 I. Sarah H. Wilder, 2213 ll, Uet,,;ey A. Wilder, b. - ; d. May :11, 1871. 2214 111. JV[ary J. Wilder. 2215 IV, Joseph H. Wilder, :2216 V, Royal H. Wilder. n17 Vl. Charles H. Wilder.

2123 SARAH ELriABET!-l. • WrLDER ( dr. Daniel,' William'), m. Aug. 1, 1826, 2:zr8 JoB PIERCE. Issue :

2:219 · i. Adaline Pierce, b. Oct. 6, 1817; d. March 18, 1868• .1220 ii. Caroline Pierce, b. March 9, 1819. 222 I Ill. Arvilla Pierce, b. Dec. 2, 1834. 2222 1v. Aurilia Pierce, b. June 13, 1837. 2223 v. Jane Pierce, L. March 13, 1841 ; d. 1856.

2127 ABIGAlL R.' WtLDER (dr. William,° John,° William~), 111. 2225 JosEPH P, METCALF, of Erie, Penn, Issue:

22::16 i. Joseph P, Metcalf. 2227 11. Frederic W. Metcalf. :2:228 lll. George Ralph Metcalf.

1 2128 MARYS.' WILDER (clr. William/ John,' William ), 111, :2229 JAMES S. SHATTUGK, of Erie, Penn. lssne :

2:230 1. Catharine S. Shattuck,

212H Lucv' WILDER ( dr. \Villian1,' John,' \Yilliarn • ), 111. 2237 SAMUEL 1-'HEI.P:,,, Issue;

2238 i. Julia Phelps. 2239 11. Rose Phelps. 2240 Ill, Abigail Phelps. GEKEALOGJCAL TABLE.

2130 SoPHfA T.' WTLDER (ck William,• John,° William'), m. 2242 RrLEY BURDETT. lssue:

2243 1. Liliie M. Burdett.

4 :'!132 Jt:LIA A.7 WrLDER (dr. William,' John,' William ), m. 2244 (;EORGE ·w. BARR. Jssue:

2245 1. Alice Barr.

2133 J\fARIA 7 WILDER ( dr. William,• John,' \Villiam '), m. 2246 BENJAMIN" GRAXT. Issue:

2247 1. Frank W. Grant. zz48 u. Emma S, Grant.

213(i MARY 1 WILDER (dr. Abel,• Abel,' \Villiarn '), m. 1834, 2249 KATHANAEL BURCHARD. Issue :

2250 1, Nathanael Burchard, b. April 18, 1836. 2251 11, _\[ary Burchanl, b. May 25, 1837; d, Jan. ro, 184::i. 2252 lll. John Burchard, b. Dec. 14, 1839. 22 53 IV. Lucy Keziah Burchard, b. Aug. 27, 184r; m. James Lewis. 2254 v. Emeline E. Burchard, b. J\fay r2, 1843. 2255 v1. Alwl Wilder Burchard, b. 1845.

2137 MARK 7 WILDER (s. Abel," Abel,' William'), m. Sept., 1835, 2256 ELIZA THAYER, b. 1813; d. J\fay, 1871; dr. of Elihu Thayer. Issue :

22;;7 1. Charles Wilder, b. ,\fay r3, 1836; m. Mary E. Jones. 2258 ll. George Wilder, b. July 31, 1837; 111. Sarah B. Hanford. 2 2.59 lll. Elihn Wilder, b. Sept. 26, 1838; m. Laura, Moses. 2260 IY. William H. H. Wilder, Li. July 7, 1840; rn. Frances A. J\l iller. 226r v. Anna ,\,faria Wilder, b. Ju11e 8, 1842 ; cl. Feb. 14, 1869, 2~!<>2 VJ. J\fark A. Wilder, b. July 1 r, 1843; m. Eva S. Ramsey. 22(i3 VII. Jrving Wilder, u. I\larch 13, 1846. 2264 Vlll, Ellen B. Wilder, b. Feb. 9, 1849; d. May 24, 1874. 2265 1X. Abd Judson Wilder, b. Oct. i, 1850; cl . .l\1arch 28, 1874. r7 242 GEXEALOGICAL TABLE.

2266 x. Eli1.a J. Wilder, b. Aug. 15, 1852. 2267 x1. John F. Wilder, b. Oct. 15, 1855.

2138 ABEL' WILDER (s. Abel,' Abe],• William'), m. 2268 ANNA A. GowING, b. May 17, 18q. Issue:

2269 I. Lucinda R. Wilder, b. Aug. 15, 1846; m. Frank Pierce. 2270 ll. Ella L. \Vilder, b. Sept. 16, 1853 j cl. Sept. 16, 1856.

214:3 JoHN' WILDER (s. Abel," Abel,' William 'J; m. 1st, 1848, 2271 1 D1ANTHA ROGERS, b. 1829; d. 1865; m. 2d, 2272 2 SoPl-HA GRANT. Issue:

2273 1. Elsie E. "\Vilder, b. J\farch 5, 1850. 2274 11. Frances H. \Vilder, b. Sept. 28, 1854.

214:i BENJAMIN T.' WILDER (s. Abel,6 Abel,6 William'); m. 2275 SARAH ANN SMITH. Issue:

2276 1. Cephas Wilder, b. Feb. 20, 1850; d. 1854. 2277 ii. Herman T. Wilder, b. April 2, 1851. 2278 m. Helen M. Wilder, b. Aug. 9, 1852. 2279 1v. Cephas A. Wilder, b. Ma1ch 11, 1854. 2280 v. Harry .M. Wilder, b. Nov. 13, 1857. 2281 v1. Sarah M. Wilder, b. March 30, 1859. 228 2 vn. Willi.101 H. Wilder, b. Sept. 18, 1860. 2283 vllt. Elmer E. Wilder, b. April 6, 1862. 2284 1x. Wallace W. Wilder, b. Oct. 2, 1868. 2285 x. Mabel H. Wilder, b. Aug. 7, 1871.

2U}9 ROYAL GouLD' WILDER ( s. A be!," Daniel,• William'), a graduate of Middlebury College, Vt., and for years a missionary at Kolapoor, India. He is now living in Princeton, N. J., publishing a missionary periodi­ cal, and educating his children, his health not per­ mitting a return to I n

2287 1. Edward Payson Wilder, lJ. July 22, 1849; a graduate of Yale, and a lawyer in New York city. 22 88 ii. Mary Jane Wilder, b. Feb., 18s1; cl. ]\larch II, 1857 . .2289 iii. William Royal Wilder, b. June 30, r858. GEXEALOGICAL TABLE. 243

2290 1v. Grace Evelyn Wilder, b. May 27, 1861. 2291 v. Robert \Vilder, b. Oct. 2., 1863.

4 2257 CHARLES~ \VII.,DER (J\1':trk/ .A.bel/ ..Abel/ \Yi1lia111 ), born in Peterboro, N. H. ; . succeeded his father in the shoe-peg business, adding afterward a cotton factory, and then a manuf;tctory of Larorneters and thermometers; was a Representative from 1867 to I 876 ; Ill. J 860, 2292 :MARY E. JONES. Issue: 2293 i. Charles A. \Yilder, b. Jan. I, 1861; cl ..March 23, 11361. 2294 ii. Frank Jones \Vilcler, b. April 20, 1863. 2295 111. Henry Howard \Vilder, b. Sept. 19, 1864. 2296 IY. Mary A. \Vilder, b. Oct. 5. 1869; cl. r870. 2297 v. John M. \Vil

2260 WILLTA~I H.' H. \VnDER (Mark,7 Abel,' Abel.'' \\'il- liam '), m. 2300 FRANCES A. MILLER. lssue:

2301 1. Frances Lillian 'Wilder, b. Jone 16, r871. 2302 11. Perley \\'ilder, b. Jan. 16, 1875.

2262 MARK A. WILDER (Mark, Abel, Abel, Wilham), m. June 8, 1870, 2303 Ev A S. RAMSEY, of Peterl;oro, N. H. Issue:

2304 1. William \Vdder, b. Feb. 24, 187 r. 2305 u. Edwin .M. Wilder, b. Dec. r2, r872.



13 JoTHAM' \\'ILDER (Thomas," John,' Thomas'), a farlller of South Lancaster i 111. i\lard1 3, r 746, 2306 PHEBE WHEELER. lssue:

2307 1. Stephen Wilder, b. Feb. 17, I747; d. 1819; m. Betsey Sawyer. 244 GEKEALOGICAL TABLE.

2:1os \ ii. Titus Wilder, b. 1750; m. Mary Allen. •>30(•_ ,, 1;,111. .. Susannah \Vilder, b. Dec. 3, 1751 ; n1. Thomas Sawyer. 2:no 1v. Jotbam Wilder, b. Feb. 10, 1755; removed to Ply- month, Vt. 230 v. Reuben Wilder, b. July 16, 1761; 111. l\fary Pierce. 2312 YI. Polly Wilder, b. 1763.

4 2:107' STEPHEN' WILDER (Jotham ), a farmer of South Lan­ caster; m. I 7 70, 2313 BETSEY SAWYER, dr. Elisha Sawyer, and sister of Thomas, who married her sister, Susannah. Issue :

2314 1. Levi Wilder, b. July 28, 1771. 23L:i 11. John Wil'ilder, b. Sept. 3, 1 783 ; rn. Patience Sar­ geant.

2308 Tnus • WILDER (Jotharn '), a farmer; 111. April 21, 1773, 2321 MARY ALLEN. Issue : 2322 1. Thomas\Vilder, b. June 22, 1774. ii. Polly Wilder. m. Titus Wilder; 111. Eunice Butler. 1v. Ebenezer \Vilder; m. Lucina Sawyer. 2326 v. Betsey Wilder. 2327 v1. Elisha Wilder ; 111. Emily Pollard. 2328 vu. Tabitha Wilder. 2329 v111. Jotham Wilder.

2:10H S1.:sANKAH' WILDER ( clr. J otham '), 111. 1 778, 2330 THOMAS SAWYER, of Sterling; l.J. Sept. 7, 1757. Issue:

233 I 1. Elias Sawyer, b. April 9, I i79 ; m. -- Slater. 2332 11. Thomas Sawyer, b. June 5, 1780; rn. Eunice Fellows. 2333 111. Sarah Sawyer, b. Nov. 16, 1781. 2334 JV. Elisha Sawyer, b. Dec. 2, 1783 ; d. r 785. 2335 v. Jotham Sawyer, b. Oct. 28, 1 785 ; m. -- Harper. 2336 v1: Susanna Sawyer, b. Dec. 26, 1787; m. Joseph Wake- field. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 245

233i vn. Elisha Sawyer, b. Feb. 16, 1790, in Plymouth, \'t. 2338 vm. Eunice Sawyer, b. Feb. 28, I 792. 2339 1x. Joseph Sawyer, b. March I 7, r 794; m. I\fary Pope. 2340 x. Jesse Sawyer, b. May 24, T796; rn. ElizaLeth Gould. 234r x1. Ezra Sawyer, b. April 22, 1798.

2310 JoTHAM' WILDER (Jotham '), born in South Lancas­ ter, now Clinton. In L 781 he was in Herrniker, N. H. ; was afterward a resident of Lancaster. 1 n 1785 he removed to Salt Ash, now Plymouth. Vt., where be had a cleed of land from his father. He re­ sided here while he lived; m. I 781, 2342 Lucv ---. Issue :

2343 I, Ephraim Wiider, b. Dec. 20, 1781. 2344 11, Jotham \Vilda, b. Nov. 2, I784. 2.,45 m. Sally Wilder, b. May 24, 1787. 2346 1v. David Wilder, b. July 15, 1789. 234 7 v. Samuel Wilder, b. June 2 2, 1792. 2348 v1 Lucy Wilder, b. Sept. 16, 1794; m. Caleb Lincoln. 2349 VII. Rebecca Wilder, b. Sept. 30, 1796.

2315 JoHN' WILDER (Stephen," Jotham '), m. Sept 25, 1794' ~o whom we know not. Issue:

2!lo0 1. John Wilder, b. Jan. 15, 1796. 2aol ll. Danforth Wilder, b. Jan. 25, 1798; d. ~ov. 26, ,844; m. Dolly Rice. 2352 lll, Sally Wilder, b. Jan. 12, 1801; d. Dec. 25, 1830; m. John Gamble. 2:l53 lV. Annis \Vilcler, b. Feb. 14, 1804; cl. June 1, 1850; m. Leonard Pollard. 235± \'. Levi Wilclc:r, b. Jan. 12, 1807; d. Aug., 18j4; m. Rachel Ruton. 23;,5 vi. Harriet Wilder, b. June 8, 1809; m. Henry :\by. 2356 v11. Franklin Wildei'; b. Sept. 17, 1810. 2Ho7 \'Ill. Warner Wilder, b. Dec. 12, 1815; m. ALiigail Weymoth. 2:l58 Ix. Lucy L. Wilder, b . .l\fay 28, 1820; d. Feb. 25, 1068; m. D. T. Dudley.

2:n H ABEL 6 \Vil.DER (Stephen," Jotham '), m. 180(,. 2359 HANNAH ll'[ERRF.TT. bsue:

23(,0 I. Rebecca B. Wilder, l.J. June 27, 18oj. 246 GE:\'EALOGICAL TABLE.

2361 II. Hannah 1\f. \Vilder, b. Oct. 27, 1808. 2362 Iii. Sarah Lee \Vilder, b. June 4, 1810. '.!:{(>!~ JV. Joseph T. Wilder, b. Aug. 14, 1812; m. Eunice Olds. 2364 v. Julia Wilder, b. Nov. 16, 1816. 2365 VJ. Seth Wilder, b. Sept. 25, 1819. 2366 Vll. Abel ·wilder, b. Jan. 27, 1823. 2367 Ylll. Sampson V. S. Wilder, b. Dec. 31, 1825.

2a2.t Tr-res' WtLDER (Titus,' Jotham '), m. l\fay 21, 1807, 2368 EUNICE BGTLER. Issue :

2369 1. Philinda Wilder, b. Nov. 30, 1807. 2370 11. Oliver Wilder, b. Nov. rs, 1810. 2371 111. l\fary Wilder, b. Dec. 19, 1815. 2372 1v. Anna Wilder, b. April 19, 1820.

232i> EBENEZER' \VrLDER (Titus,' Jotham '), a farmer, m. rst, 1807, 2373 r LUCINA SAWYER; d. r826; m. 2d, 1827, 2374 2 CLAR.AKE.YES. Issue: 1. Ebenezer F. Wilder, b. Aug. 24, 1808 ; m. Sarah Howe. u. Joseph M. Wilder, b. Aug. 18, 1811; m. 1st, Maria Flagg ; m .. 2d, Sarah Brown. Ill. Sidney Wilder, b. Sept. 15, 1813; m. T. B. Green- hedge. 2378 1v. Charles \Vilder, b. Jan. 30, 1815. 2 379 v. Rufus A. Wilder, b. Aug. 20, 1817. 2:JSO vi. Lucina \Vilder, b. l\Jay 18, 1819; m. Dr. George l-L Lee, of Barre. 2:l81 Vll, George \Vilder, b. Aug r8, 1822; m. Hephzibah Moore. 2382 Vlll. Elizabeth Wilder, b. March 13, 1825; 111. R. Hnm- phreys. 2383 IX. Clarissa Wilder, b. Sept. 19, 1828. 2384 x. James Wilder, b. Feb. 19, 1830. 2385 Xl. Anna Wilder, b. April T9, 1832.

2°86,) Xii. Katharine Wilder, h. Oct. 25, 1834_

:!a21 ELISHA WILDER (Titus, Jotharn), Ill. Aug. I 1, 1818, 2387 EMILY Pou,ARD. Issue:

2388 1. Elllma \Vilder, b. June r6, I 819. GE:\EALOGICAL TABLE. 2 47

2389 !l. Edwin E. Wilder, b. Jnne 31, 182r. 2390 ill. Caroline l\f. Wilder, b. May 21, 1823. 2391 iv. Emery T. Wilder, 1J. No,. 4. 1827. 2392 v. Christoµher \\'ilcler, b. Jau. 7, 1829.

2:l:iO JoHN' \Yrr.DER (John,' St<.'phen,• Jotham '), a minister of the lfaptist church of Wayne Co., N. Y.; wife's name not obtained. lssue :

2394 1. Sidney Wilder, b. June 23, 1822. 2395 u. Drutus \\'ilder, li. Oct. 13, 1325.

2:3:il DA'ffORTH' WIU.JER (John,' Stepl1en,' Jotham '), m. Aug. is, 1818. 2396 DoLLY .k1cE. Issue:

2397 1. John Wilrler, b. Jnly r 1, 18 HJ. 23,)8 11. Milo Danforth Wilder, b. July 26, 1825. 2399 Ill. Levi Franklin \Vilder, b. July 2, 1830 2400 1v. Sarah Fidelia Wilder, b. May 31, 1834. 2401 v. · :\rtlrnr Tappan \Vilder, L. July 9, 1836; m. l\fary Mix. 2402 V' Josiah \Yarren Wilder, b. Aug. 28, 1839; Ill. Harriet Heard. 2403 V!L Cornelia Letitia Wilder, b. Jan. I:,, 1841, 2404 vn1. Lucy Matilda Wilder, li. Oct. 29, 1842.

2!liJ~ SALLY 7 WILDER (dr. John,' Stephen,' Jotham '), m. ]t1ne 12, 1825, 2405 JoHN CA.\!l!LE. Isst1e:

2406 1. Sarah Jane Gamble, b. Oct. 26, 1826. 2407 11. Catharine J. Gam\Jle, L. AJJril 20, 1830. 2408 m. George Gamble, !J. July 21, 1836.

:,?;J.;:} ANNI.S' ,vll,IJER (John,' Stephen,' Jotl1am '), n1. Feb. I 9, I X2 I, 2409 Li,:u~AkJJ h,1.1.AR1,. issue:

2410 l. Charles F. Poihrd, b. l\farch 27, i822. 2 •.p I 11. Lyman L. Pnliard, u. ?-.ov., 1823. 2412 lll. J\.'ancy /\1. l'ollanl. 2.p3 JV. Sarah H. l'ulhrd. 2414 V. Ah ah l'ollanl. 2.p5 Vl. Sylvia Ann l'oliard. 248 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

2351 LEY!' YVILDER (John,6 Stephen,' Jotham '), m. r838, 2416 RACHEL RuroN. Issue: 24I7 i. 1\foses Stewart Wilder, b. 1839; d. 1875. 2418 11. Emily ·wilder, b. 1841; d. 186r. 2-119 lll. Lucy Dudley Wilder, b. 1844; m. Wm. H. ~ea], a merchant of Brooklyn. 2:po iv. Edll'ard Kirk Wilder, b. 1846. 2421 V. Annis P. Wilder, b. 1851.

1 23,j,j HARRIET WILDER (John,• Stephen,' Jotham '), m. 1843, 2422 HEKRY MAY. Issue:

2423 1. Cyrus J\Iay. 2424 11. Harriet May.

2357 "\\.ARNER 1 WILDER (John,• Stephen,° Jotham ') a shuttle- maker; m. Oct. 2i, 1841, 2425 ABIGAIL \VEYMOTH. Issue:

2426 J. Cassius l\L Wilcler, b. July 11, 1844; d. J nly I 7, 1852. 2427 11. Charles W. 1Vilder, b. Feb. 14, 1846. 2428 m. Abigail J. Wilder, b. May 21, 1850; d. July 15, 1874. 2429 1v. Ella Annis Wilder, b. Feb. 14, 1854. 2430 v. Levi Wilder, b. Sept. 21, 1856.

2358 Lucv L. WILDER (sister to Warner, 2357); m. Nov. 30, 1838, 2431 D. T. DUDLEY. Issue:

2432 1. Henry Tyler Dudley, b. April 27, 184r. 2433 11. Lucy Augusta D11dley, b. ---. 2434 m. Fred Chase Dudley, L. Aug. 24, 1852. 2435 JV. Samuel Arthur Dudley, L. April 15, 1854, 2436 v. Charles F. Dudley, L. April 18, 1856. 2437 v1. Phebe Janette Dudley, b. Feb. 15, 1858.

2:JH!l JosEPH T.' WILDER (Abel,' Stephen,' Jotham '); m. 183 7, 2438 Ecx1cE OLDS. Issue:

2iHH 1. Albert J. Wilder, b. Nov. 27, 1838. 2440 ii. Alonzo\\'. Wilder, b. May 16, 1041. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 249

2441 111. Frank L. Wilder, b. March, 1847. 2442 1v. Sarah A. Wilder, b. March, 1851. 2443 v. 1v1ary E. Wilder, L. June, 1858.

23 7S EBENEZER F.' \VILDER ( s. Ebenezer,' Titus,' J otham '); m. 2444 SARAH HowE. lssne:

2445 1. Oscar Wilder. 2446 ii. Edwin \\'1kler.

2376 JOSEPH M. WrLDER (s. Ebenezer, Titus, Jotham) ; 111. 1st, 2447 I ;\fARIA FLAGG; m. 2d, 2448 2 SARAH BRUCE. Issue :

2449 1, Henry Wilder. 2450 11. Rufus A. Wilder.

2377 SIDNEY \VILDER (s. Ebenezer, Titus, Jotbam); m. 245 I T. B. GREENHEDGE. Issue :

2452 1. Charles Sidney Wilder. 2453 11. L. Elizabeth \Vild.~r.

2380 LUCINA \Ya.DER (dr. Ebenezer, Titus, Jotham); m. 2454 DR. GEORGE H. LEE, of Barre, l\lass. Issue:

2 -1-55 1. Helen Lee.

2:J81 GEORGE \VILDER (s. Ebenezer, Titus, Jotham); m. 2456 HEPHZJBAH MoORE. Issue:

245 7 1. Laura Wilder.

24- H) Lucv DUDLEY \V1u1ER ( dr. Levi, Jvhn, Stephen, Jothan,); m. 2458 W1u,1A:.1 H. NEAL, a merchant of Iirooklyn. Issue:

2 459 l. Wilhelmina Neu!. 24(,0 11. Stuart Eel ward N ea!. 2461 Ill. William A rthnr N cal. 2462 lV, Mabel Neal. 2463 v. Allly Florence Neal. GENEALOGICAL TABLE,

2139 ALBERT J." WILDER (s. Joseph T.,' Abel! Stephen,' Jotham 'j, of Springfield, Mass.; 111. 1860, 2464 ABIGAIL L. ROBERTS, b. Ang. 21, f838. lssne:

2465 1. Eliza \V. Wilder, b. June 25, 1861 ; d. Oct. 30, 1866. 2466 11. Francis A. Wilder, b. April 30, 1868. 2467 Ill. Harriet Wilder, b. Feb. 18, 1871. 2468 JV. Minor NL Wilder, b. April 18, 1873.



77 BENJAMIN' WILDER (s. Ebenezer,• John,' Thomas'); m. 1 735, 2469 JANE ROBBINS; cl. March zo, 1759. Issue:

2470 ]. Benjamin Wilder. 2471 11. James Wilder. 2472 Ill. l\l ary Wilder. 2473 JV. Hephzibah Wilder. 2474 V. Achsah \Vilder. 2475 VI. Rebecca Wilder. 2-!76 Vil. Ebenezer Wilder. 2477 VIII. Beulah Wilder.

2476 EBENEZER• WILDER (Benjamin'); m. Jan. 22,. 1776, 2478 ELIZABETH WILSON, Issue:

2+79 1. Jacob Wilder, b. July 9, 1780; m. Betsey Snow. 2480 11. Benjamin ,v11der. 2481 111. Paul Wilder, b. 1785; d. r86o. 2482 1v. Jonathan Wilder. 2483 v. Betsey \Vilder. 2484 v1. Beulah Wilder. 2485 vu. Nancy Wilder.

2!7H JACOB• WILDER (s. Ebenezer,' Benjamin'), of Ply­ mouth, Vt. ; m. 2486 BETSEY SNow, b. 1772; cl. 1852. Issue:

2487 1. Almira Eliza Wilder, b. 1803. GE~EALOGICAL TABLE. 251

2488 11. Wilder, b. r.iarch 16, 1805; m. Sarah Henry. 2489 n1. Horace M. Wilder. 2490 1v. Laura \\'ilder. 2491 v. Harriet Wilder.

2!81 PAl'L 6 Wn.DsR (s. Ebenezer,' Benjamin'); wife not known. Issue :

2492 1. Harvey \\.ilder. 2493 IL Ransell Wilder. 2494 111. Asahel Wilder. 2495 1v. Danid Wilder. 2496 v. Spencer Wilder.

24:88 WILLIA'\! STEDMAN WILDER (s. Jacob, Ebenezer, Ben- jamin); m. 2497 SARAH HESRY. Issne :

2498 1. Henry Clay Wilder. 2499 11. Harriet Wil

7H HEPHZIBAH W1LDER, sister to Renjamm, is included in his lineage ; m. 1733, 2500 Jo:sATHAS \Vr!, of Lancaster, b. 1706; cl. r784. Issue :

2501 1. Jonathan \Vilson, b. Ang. 9, 1734. 2 ~02 ii. l_.,ois \Vi Ison, h. :\1 arch 28, I 7 36 ; tn. Ang. 14, I i6o, 2503 Michael \Vcod-tbeir Issue were: 2504 i. Lois \Y ood. 2505 11. Abel iVood. 2506 111. Relief Wood. 2 507 Jv. Susan \Vood. 2508 v. Hephzibah Wood. 2509 Ill. :!\1ercy Wilson, b. Oct. 31, 1738. 2510 iv. Jacob \Vilson, b. :v1arch I, 1740. 2 ,SI I v. Jonathan Wilson, b. Jan. 7, 1743. 2512 VJ. Caleb Wilson, h. Ang., I i48, 2 ... I,., .) ,) vu. David Wilson; b. 1750. 2 514 vu1. Hephzil>ah \'Vilson, b. April, 1752. 2515 1x. l ,uke Wilson, b. June, 1754. 2516 x. Elizabeth "'1lson, Li. Sej>t., 1765. GE:N"EALOGICA.L TABLE.


1 78 DAvrn' WILDER (Ebenezer,' John; Thomas ), m. 1st, June ro, 1739, 1 ANNA(W!LLARD) PRENTICE, b.1721; d. Sept. 22, 1744; granddaughter of the first Thomas \Vilder; m. 2d, I 74S, 2517 z Ecxrn: JE:-.'-"IISO-"I, b. 1720; cl. 1750; m. 3d, 1751, 25 r8 3 l\IARTHA WHITE, b. 1717; cl. Nov. 6, 18r1. Issue:

251!) 1. fo:n·id Wilder, b. 1741; d. Dec. 5, 1815; m. Lucy Joslin. 2520 11. Samuel \Vilder, b. June r3, ·045; m. Saliy Ballard. 25:?I m. John Wilder, b. March 24, 1749; cl. Oct. 4; 1803. 2o.22 JV. Abel Wilder, b. Nov. 30, 1752; cl. !797; m. l\fary Paine. 2523 v. Jonathan ,vilder, b. A pri1 2 r, 175 5. l m. Ru th Prescott. 2524 v1. Martha 'iVilder, b. April 21, 1755. I 252,> Vll. Luke \\'ilder, b. J11ly 2, 1757: d. 1836; m. Susan Poor. 2526 v111. Jacob Wilder, b. -- ; d. Jan. II, 1836; m. ,'\fary Wakefield.

2519 DAVID• 'WILDER (David: Ebenezer,' John,~ Thomas'), m. 1768, 2_c,27 Lucv Josr.rN, a granddaughter of Thomas Wilder. Issue: 2.j28 1. Anna 'Wilder, b. July 21, 1770; m. Joseph Knight. 2529 11. Eunice \Vilder, b. Nov., 177 r ; m. Abel Phelps. 2,'i:Jo m. Da\'icl Wilder, b. 1\fay, 1 i78; Ill. Sally N. Butler. 251H 1v. Martha Wilder, b. Dec. 22, 1779; Ill. John Carter, 2532 v. Lucy Wilder, L. Ang. zo, 1781; d. May 21, 1816; m. Abel Carter. 2,'>33 v1. John Wilder, b. Aug. 20, 1783; m, Lucinda Wash- burne.

2520 SA,IL'EL' Wu.DER (Dea. David'), a Llacksmith of Ber­ lin; 111. Ang. r, f'll68, 2534 SALLY BALLARl), of Lancaster. Issue :

1. Samuel \Vildcr, l>. June 2 5, 1 769; d, 1849; Ill. Mary )

2536 ]]. Abel Wilder, b. Aug., 17io; d. 1862; m. -- Savage. 2537 J II, Sarah \Vil

4 2522 ABEL' WILDER (Dea. David ), settled in Norwich, Vt.; m. 1777, 2545 !\fARY PAINE, dr. of Governor PJ.ine, of N. H. Issue:

2546 1, Nancy Wilder, b. 1778. 254-7 11. Abel Wilder, b. June, 1780; d. June 20, 1858; rn. Mrs. -- Grow. 2548 lll. Cloudeley Wilder, b. 1782 ; d. 1784. 2549 IV. Polly Wilder, b. July 4, 1784; cl. Oct. 28, 1865. 2:;so V. Patty ·wilder. b. q86; d. June 20, 1876; m. Joseph Howes, Esq. 2551 VI. Sophia Wilder. 2552 Vil, Abigail Wilder. 2 553 Vlll. Sophronia \Vilder. 2554 lX. Sally Wilder, b. 1794; cl. 1806. 2555 x. Harriet Wilder.

2523 JONATHAN WILDER (Dea. David), of Lancaster, Mass.; 111. l 779, 2556 RUTH. PRESCOTT ; died Nov. 1826. 9, IssueI : z--~ ]. jj/ Jonathan Wilder, b. Sept. .)>' 1780. z558 ll, David Wilder, b. Feu. 15, 1781, 2 559 111. John Wilder, !J. Nov. z, 1782. 2560 n·. Patty \Vilder, !J. Jan. 22. I 784. 256r V, Nancy Wilder, !J. Dec. 30, 1 7b5. 2562 Vi, ]);;_vid \\'ilder, b. June 4, I 787. 2563 Vll. John \\'ilder, b. April I, I 789. 2564 Vlll. Luke Wilder, b. Sept. 9, 1791. 254 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

2565 1x. Cephas Wilder, b. May 23, 1793. 2566 x. Prescott M. Wilder, b. May 8, 1795; cl July 3, 1818. 2567 x1. Henry Wilder, b. Feb. 4, 1800. 2568 xn. Lewis Wilder, b. July 23, 1802. 2569 xlll. Fre

252a Lt:KE' WILDER (Dea. David'). was a Captain in the \Var of the Revolution; was disabled, and settled in Salisbury, K. H., where, at forty years of age, he 111arried 2570 St:SAN PooR, b. 1763; d. 1844. Issue:

1. Susan Wilder, b. Nov. 20, 1794· 11. Luke Wilder, b. Nov. 23, 1796; d. 1842; m. Mary Stockman. 2a73 ill. Charles W. Wilder, b. March 29, 1798; d. June, 1877. 2574 IV. Elim A. Wilder, b. April 26, 1800. These four born in Salisbury. 2575 v. Samuel John ·wilder, b. June 6, 1806, in Bangor, Me.

2526 JACOB• WILDER (s. Dea. David'), was an officer in the war of the Revolution, from the battle of Bunker Hill to the final close of the war. About 1790 he re­ moved to "Woodstock from Plymouti1, Vt., where he resided until his death, in 1848, at 91 years of age;

11], l 794, 2575 MARYWAKEFIEf.D. Issue:

2 5 76 1. Benjamin \Vilder, b. Aug. 9, 1 79.S ; Ill. Elizabeth Davis. ':.1.577 11. Mary Wilder, b. Nov. I, 1796; 111. David Watson. 2578 rn. Frederic Trask Wilder, b. Sept. 13, 1798; m. Rachel Runnels. 2579 1v. Nancy Wilder, b. Aug. 25, 1800; m. Daniel Mar~h. 2580 v. Lucy Wilder, b. Nov. 25, 1802; d. April 28, 1811. ':.l.581 n. Louisa \Vil

2586 Xl. l\fartha M. Wilder, b. Aug. 3, 181 7 ; m. Lncius F. Green. 2587 xii. Sarah Wilcle-r, b. Oct. 8, 1819 j cl. Sept. 8, 1820.

2528 ANNA' WILDER (clr. David,• Dea. David'), m. 1781, 2588 JosF:PH KNil;HT, a farmer of Marlow, N. H. Issue:

2589 1. Dorothy Knight, b. June 9, 1788; m. Jnne, 18c3, Lemuel Towne. 2590 ii. Joseph Knight, b. Oct. 6, 1790. 2591 iii. Wilder Knight, b. Aug. 27, 1792. 2 59z JV. Cutler Knight, b. Oct. I 2, 1 794; cl. 1803. 2593 v. Lucy Knight, b. June 17, 1797. 2594 v1. Dwicl Kn;ght, b. Sept. IJ, 1 799; m. Candace Gilson. 2 595 v11. Nancy Knight, b. Feb. J 3, 1802. 2596 vm. Cntler Knight, b. March 2, 1804. 2597 1x. Eliza Knight, b. Jan. 29, 1807, 2598 x. Adaline Knight, b. March 15, 1809.

2S29 EUNICE' Wu DER (dr. David,' Dea. David'); m. 2599 ABEL PHELPS. Issue:

2600 1. Sumner Phelps, b. Sept. 8, Ii9 7 ; cl. I 842. 260J u. Ihvicl Phelµs, b. March 29, I799· 2602 m. Abel Phelps, b. :Feb. 22, 1801.

2:i30 DAVID• WILDER (s. David,' Dea. David'), Commis­ sioner of Highways, Representative to the General Court, physician, and aulhor of the "History of Leominster" ; Ill. 1808, 2603 SALLY N. BUTLER, u. 1787; d. 1833; " Dea. Elijah Rntler. Issue : 2(;04: i. David \Vilder. L. April 19, 1809; m. Celia Bmt. 2(105 II. Sarah Ann \\.1lder, b. Feb. rz, 1811; m. -- Johnson. Zl>OG Ill, Wiluer, b. Sept. 24, 1813; 111. Frances Kelton. ~W07 iv. Henry Marc11s Wilder, b. March r, 1815; d. Feb. 6, 1846; m. R. l'. Osborne. 2608 v. Abel Carter Wilder, b. Jan. 26, 1817; d. June, 18D6. 2(;09 Vl. I',lartha Wilder, b. Jan. 1, 1820; d. Jqne, 1866. 2lil0 Vil, Sophia Wilder, L. April 22, 1823; d. 1858; ni. J. "\\'. Eclger!ey. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.


~612 1. Lucy Cuter, b. August 30, 1812. 2613 11. J::11nes Wilder Carter, b. April 3, 1816; d. Oct. 6, 1838.

2532 Lrcv' WILDER (dr. David,' Dea. David'); m. 2614 ABEL CAh'"TER: Issue :

261 S 1. l\fartha Carter.

2533 JOHN• WILDER (s. David," Dea. David'), of Savannah, G-eorgia; m. 1814, 2616 LrcINDA A. WASHBURNE, b. Aug. 21, 1793; d. Nov. 12, 1841. Issue:

2617 1. John Randolph Wilder, b. March 10, 1816; m. Anna D, Lewis. 2618 11. Joseph Wil-der, b. Nov. 13, 1817; cl. Nov. 12, 1841. 2619 Ill. Abigail Wilder, b. Nov. 11, 1819; d. Aug. 1, 1836. 2620 1v. Ruth \Vashburne Wilder, b. Nov. 12, 1821; m. A. A. Eccles, of Savannah.

2535 SA,IIUEL' WILDER (s. Samuel,' Dea. David'), a black­ smith of Berlin; m. 1st, July 17, 1793, 2621 1 BETSEY JosLYN, d. May 16, 1810; m. 2d, March, 18u, 2622 2 MARY CARTER. Issue:

2623 1. Nathanael \-\'ilder, b. June r 9, 1794; living at Rock­ port, Ill., 1877. 2624 Jl. Cynthia Wilder, b. June 14, 1796; m. Apollos Osgood. 2625 111. Samuel Wilder, b. May 16, r 798. 2626 IV. Eliza Wilder, b. May 3, 1800; m. Luke Bigelow. 2627 v. Merrick Wilder, b. l\larch 13, 1802. 2628 VI, Mary Joslyn \Vilder, !J. April 3, 1804; d, May, 1804. 2629 Vil. Anthony Wilder, b. 1808; d. 1810. 2630 VIII. Malinda Wilder, b. May 8, 1810. 2631 IX. Augustus Wilder, b. ---. 2632 x. Mary Carter Wilder, b. ---.

2536 ABEL• WILDER (s. Samuel,' Dea. David'); m. 2633 -- SANr.ER, of Keene, N. H. Issue:

2634 1. Emily Wilder, b. ---. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

2635 11. Eliz.a \Vilder, b. ---. 2636 m. Mary Jane \Vilder, b ---. 2637 1v. Aug1fstus T. \.Vilder, b. Sept. 5, 18n. 2638 v. Sarah Wilder, b. ---.

2539 DAvm' WILDER (s. Samuel," Dea. David'), a black- smith of Keene, N. H.; m. Jan. 19, 1800, 2639 Lucy Rucc, b. Ji;ne 16, 1772. Issue:

2640 1. Caleb Wilder, b. Sept. 5, 1800; d. March 2, 1801. 2641 11. Lucy Wilder, L. July 28, 1802; d. June 3, 1868; m. Ira Crombie, No. 2145. 2630 lll. Volney Wilder, b. July 23, 1804; m. Charlotte Page. 2631 iv. Nancy L. Wilder, b. April 27, 1806; m. Shubael White. 2632 v. Caleb F. Wilder, b. March 21, 1808; m. Catharine Templeton. 2633 v1. Daniel Wilder, b. April II, 1821; M.D. at Turner's Falls, Mass.

25-i3 LUKE• WILDER (s. Samuel,• Dea. David'), a black- smith of Leominster; 111. 1st, July 1, 18n, 1 MARY HONEY; 111. 2d, August 3, 1820, 2 CLARISSA MERRIAM. Issue:

2636 1. Henry A. Wilder, b. Aug. 6, 1812; m. 1837, Susan Gardner. 2637 ii. Mary Honey Wilder, b. Nov. 22, 1814; m. Joseph T. Merriam. .~ 2638 m. Sn,rah Ballard Wilder, b. March 22, 1817; d. Sept. 22, 1832. 2639 1v. Luke A. Wilder, b. March 6, 1821; d. April 15, 1826. 2640 v. Luke Augustus Wilder, b. Dec. 12, 1827; m. 1st, M.ary Ann Starr; m. 2d, Sarah M. Thacher. 2641 vi. Francis Marion Wilder, I b. April 17, 1829. 2642 v11. Frances Maria Wilder, f b. April 17, 1829; m. James K. Young. 2643 vrn. Elizabeth M. Wilder, b. Sept. 17, 1831; m. Stimson Stacy. 2644 1x. Clarissa Ann Wilder, b. July 22, 1834; d. March 19, 1838. 18 258 GE:'.\'EALOGICAL TABLE. z645 x. Ellen Florilla Wilder, b. Ang. 16, 1836; rn. William H. Cilley.

2547 ABEL' WILDER (s. Abel,' Dea. David'), a farmer of Derby, Vt., Ill. 1\!Rs. -- GRow. Issue:

1. Sarah Eliza Wilder, b. Oct. 16, 1810; m. Dr. Leonard Kewcomb. 264:8 11. 1Vi!liam Wilder, b. Apri1 18, 1812; m. Mary Ann Brownell. m. Olive Wilder, b. ---; m. Benjamin Newton. v. Abel Wilder, b. ---; d. 1848; killed by railroad cars, Columbus, Ohio. 1v. l\fary Wilder, b. 1816; m. Poiter Hinman.

2550 PATTY• WILDER (cir. Abel,' Dea. David'), m. 1808, 2652 JosEPH HowEs, a lawyer and Judge of Montpelier, Vt. Issue :

2653 1. William Howes, b. April 21, 18o9. 2654 11. Almira Howes, b. Aug. 21, 1810; m. D. L. Camp. 2655 iii. Joseph Wilder Howes, b. Nov. 5, 1812; rn. Julia \'fright. 2656 1v. George Howes, b. Nov. 15, 1814; m. Helen Anderson. 2657 v. Sarah Sophia Howes, b. July 27., 1817; m. E. P. Walton. 2658 vi. Solon Howes, b. Aug. 6, 1819. 2659 vii. Martha Howes, b. May 21, 1823; m. Rev. Calvin Pease. 2660 vm. Henry Howes, b. May 7, 1825; d. May 26, 1827. 2661 1x. Henry Howes, b. April 31, 1827; m. Julia Loomis.

2572 J_.,t;KE t, \VII.DER (I.Juke/ Deas David'), n1. 2662 1\I. STOCKMAN. Issue :

2663 1. Eugene Wilder. 2664 Il. Charles L. Wilder. 2665 Ill. Frederic \Vilder.

2,j73 CHARLES' W. YVILDER (Luke," Dea. David'), born in Salisbury, N. H.; lived in Bangor and Hudson, :Me.; Elgin, Ill.; and died in Bay City, Mich.; m. 1st, 1824, 2666 r PRI:,CILLA IV. DEXTER; rn. 2d, 1843, 2667 2 Il-fARV McDor,GAL. Six children of his first wife died in Maine; their names not known. Other issue: GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 259

2668 vii. Mary E. Wilder, b. Sept. 5, 1844; m. Newt-0n H. Culver. 2669 vm. William H. ·wilder, b. Feb. 9, 1846; m. Emma Ben­ jamin. 2670 1x. E!ien JVL Wil

257 5 SA:.WEL' JOHN ·WILDER (Luke,• David'), rn. r 830, 2671 LYDIA S. GREENLEAF. Issue:

2672 I. J. Arthur \Vi!der, b. r832; now of Shakopee, Minn.

260! DAVID' WILDER (David,' David,' Dea. David'), Treasnrer and Auditor of Mass.; m. 1833, 2673 CELIA BURT. Issue:

2674 I. David \Vilder, b. Sept. 24, r837, of San Francisco, Cal. 26{'5 ll. Burt Green Wilder, b. Aug. II, 184r; 111. Sarah C. Nichols. 2676 l!I. Edward Wilder, b. April 19, 1843; m. Mary Catharine Scott. 2677 IV. John Wilder, b. Aug. 21, 1846; m. 1868, i\farcia K. Webb.

2606 FISHER AMES 7 WILDER {David,• David,• Dea. David'), m. rst, Jttly 3r, 1839, 2678 1 :FRANCES KELTON, b. Aug. 4, 1819; d. 1849; m. 2d, 185 r, 2679 2 MRs. MARY A. PETTEE, b. March 9, 1822, a lineal descendant of 1Villia111 IV. of Holland. Issue :

2680 I. Calvin ..K. Wilder, b. 1840; ti. 1$40.. 2681 ii. .Frances Lucina Wilder, b. July 15, 1841; d. Sept. S, 1842. 2682 Ill. Martha Butler \.Vilder, b. Sept. ro, 1842 ; d. Sept., 1842. 2683 IV. Leonard B. Wilder, b. Dec. 15, 1844. 2684 v. Charles Wilder, b. April 3, 1847; d. July 6, 1849. 268s VI. Mary Wilder, b. June Ir, 1849.

2607 HENRY 7 MARCUS WILDER (David,' David,' Dea. David'), m. May I!i, 1850, 2686 REBECCA P. OSBORNE; d. July 16, 1857. Issue:

2687 I. Sarnh Elizabeth vVilder, !J. July 6, 1354. .GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

2610 SoPH!A 7 \VrLDER (David,' David,' Dea. David'), 111. May 14, 1850, 2688 JAMES W. EDGERLY, b. ---; d. Dec. 17, 1856. Issue :

2689 1. James Edgerly, b. Oct. 19, 1851. 2690 ii. Lucinda Edgerly, b. June 1, 1853. 2691 rn. 1fartha Edgerly, b. April 2, 1854. 2692 1v. Joseph Edgerly, b. Feb. 3, 1856.

2n2:1 NATHANAEL 7 \\'rLDER (Samuel,6 Samuel,' Dea. David'), rn. 1st, April, 1819, 269,3 1 Lucv OSGOOD, b. 1792; d. 1854 (

2695 1. Joel Osgood Wil

2630 VOLNEY 1 WILDER (David,• Samuel,• Dea. David'), born in Lancaster ; removed with his father to Keene, N. H. ; jg now a piano - forte - maker m Boston; m. March 13, 1834, 2699 CHARLOTTE PAGE, b. March 23, 1806. Issue:

2700 1. Helen Wilder, b. Nov. 19, 1835. 2701 ll. Edward Wilder, b. Sept. 16, 1842 ; d. Aug. 20, 1843. 2702 111. Francis Wilder, b. --- ; d. Aug. 23, 1843. 270!1 1v. Edward Francis Wilder, b. June 5, 1845; m. Rebecca Jane--.

2632 CALEB 7 F. WILDER (David,° Samuel,' Dea, David'), m. 2704 CATHARINE TEMPLETON. Issue:

2705 i. Jane Wilder, Li. M.1y 1'.i, 1838. 2706 11. J\.fartha Wilder, o. June 25, 1840, :.?707 m. Rodney Harkness Wilder, b. Jan. 20, 1843; m. Laura J. Hill. GE~EALOGICAL TABLE.

26!7 SARAH 7 ELIZA 'iVILDER (Abel,• Abel," Dea. David'), m. Dec. 19, 1831, • 2708 LEONARD NEWCOMB, M,D., of Dloomington, \Vis. ; b. Jan. II, 1804. Issue: 2709 l. Charles R. Newcomb, b. Oct. 12, 1832. 2710 II. Amelia Newcomb, b. Jan. 21, 1840; d. l\farch 1, 1841. 2jl[ Ill. Abel \Vilder Newcomb, b. July 20, 1842; cl. Aug. 23, 1844.

26!8 \V°ILLIAM 7 WILDER (Abe!,' Abel,' Dea. David'), m. Sept. 8, 1838, 2712 MARA ANN BROWNELL, of Leroy, N. Y.; b. July 24, 1818. Issue: 2713 1. Lavinia \Vilder, b. Oct. 20, 1840; d. Ang. 18, 1841. 2714 u. Eliza J. Wilder, b. March 6, 1843; m. 1860, A. J. Corcoran. 2 715 m Caroline E. Wilder, b. May 20, 1844; m. Charles Jacobs. 2716 1v. Frances A. Wilder, b. May 28, 1845 ; m. Oscar Scott. 2717 v. Lorenzo Wilder, b. Aug 4, r847; d. l\fay, 1849. 2718 v1. Laura \Vilder, b. Nov. 10, 1849; rn. Romaine Parker. 2719 v11. Janette Wilder, b. April 29, 1851; d. Oct. 4, 1851. 2720 vm. Anna J. Wilder, b. Ang. 24, 1853. 2721 ix. Mary B. Wilder, b. Dec. 18, 1854. 2722 x. Edward E. Wilder, b. Nov. 6, 1855.

2675 BURT GREEN• WILDER (David,' David," David,° Dea. 4 David ), was a graduate of the Scientific and Medi­ cal Department of Harvard College, a Surgeon in the Army, and is now a Professor in Cornell Univer­ sity, at Ithaca, N. Y.; m. Jan. 9, 1866, 2723 SARAH CASWELL NICHOLS, dr. Wm. Nichols, of Wo- burn, Mass. Issue :

2724 1. Ruth \Vilder, b. Jan. 23, r868; d. March 2, 1870, 2725 11. Mary Nichols Wilder, b. July 22, 1871. 2726 m. Bertha Wilder, b. Sept. 23, r874,

2676 EDWARD 8 ·WILDER (David,7 David,' David,' De, David'), m. 2727 MARY CATHARINE Scon·; b. May r2, 1843. Issue:

2728 1. J\fabtl Scott Wilder, b. Nov. ro, 1869. 262 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

2729 11. Edward Twitchell Wilder, b. Sept. 23, 1872. 2730 111. ·walter 'Wilder, b. Jan. I7, 1874.

2677 Jow,' ..iVILDER (David,7 David,' David,' Dea. David'), m. 1868, 2731 MARCIA 1'-Ew WEBB, b. on the Isle of\Vigbt, Aug. 15, 1848. Issue :

2732 1. John Richards Vv'ilder, b. Aug. 14, 1870. 2733 11. Alexander Wilder, b. May 30, 1873, 2734 m. Maria Kate Wilder, b. May 30, 1873.

26H7 FREDERIC AUGUSTUS' WILDER (Nathanael,' Samuel," Samuel,• Dea. David'), m. 2735 ADA CLARK. Issue:

2736 1, Charle5 \Vyman Wilder.

2698 FRANCIS AucusTINE • ·WILDER (Nathanael,' Sarnuel,6 4 Samuel,' Dea. David ), m. Jan., 1850, 2 72 7 ANN ROBERTS. Issue :

2728 1. \Villiam \Vilder, b. 1851, of Sacramento, Cal. 2729 11. Osgood Wilder, b. 1853. 2730 m. Mary L. ·wilder, b. ---. 2731 1v. Francis T. Wilder, b. ---.

270:J EDWARD FRANCIS" vVILDER (Volney," David," Samuel," Dea. David'), m. 2 i 32 REBECCA. JANE --. Issue :

2733 1. Mary Charlotte \Vilder. 2734 11. Helen Lonisa Wilder.

2707 RODNEY HARKNESS" WILDER (Caleb' F., David,' Sam­ uel,' Vea. David ') m. 2735 LAliRA J. Hu.L, of Francistown, N. H. Issue:

2 i 36 1. David Franklin Wilder. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.



91 NATHANAEL• ·w1LDER (Nathanad,3 Nathanael,' Thom­ as'), m. Dec. 11, 1729, 2i37 MARY BEAMAN. issue;

2738 1. Nathanael Wilder, b. May 22, q30; m. 1st, Lydia Kendall ; m. 2d, Lucy Knight, 2739 11. Jonathan Wilder, b. 1732.

1 93 CHARLES• WILDER (Nathanael," Nathanael,• Thomas ), m. Feb. 13, 1738, 2740 MARTHA SAWYER. They lived in Lancaster, until 1744, when, with his father an

1 94 JosHuA • \VrLDER (Nathanael," Nathanael,' Thotna5 ), a saddler by trade ; born in Lancaster. He removed in 1739 to Princeton, then jnst settled; his daughter Sarah being the first child born in the town. After 1750, probably in 1752, he removed to a farm on the 1 bank of Swift River, now in the town of 'iVare, on r which some of his line still live; m. 1731, 2748 SARAH KEYES, dr. of John Keyes, .Esq., of Lancaster. Issue:

2749 I. Rosina Wilder, b. Julv r"t, r732. 27;,0 11. Joshua Wilder, if.~-J2. 1 21;;1 lll, Abel Wilder, b. Aug. :f, r 736; d. 1828. 2752 IV. Sarah Wilder, b. Oct. 12, I739; m. Thurnas lvierria,n, oi \Vestminster. 2753 v. l'hebe Wilder, b. l 742. 264 GEXEALOGICAL TABLE.

275! VI. Solomon Wilder, b. li'-44; m. Betsey Ballard. 2755 Vil. Thankful Wilder, b. 2756 Vlll. John ·wilder, b. Nov. 8, 1748; d. April II, 1805; rn. 1\fary Rice. 2757 IX. Prudence \Vilder, b. _ ___._ 2758 x. Nathanael Wilder, b. -'Q.ee_, 1751; cl. Feb, 1852, wo years old ; m. Serena Dickinson. 2759 XI. Damaris Wilder, b. ---.

2750 Josm;A' WILDER (s. Joshna '), m. Jnne 4, 1760, 2760 MARGERY DUNSTER. Issue:

2761 i. Sarah \Vilder, b. March 28, 1 761 ; d. I 763. 2762 ii. Mary Wilder, b. SepL 9, 1763; d. 1764. 2763 iii. Sarah \Vilder, b. April I 6, 1765 ; m. Henry Willard. 2764 1v. Polly Wilder, b. July 16, 1768. 2765 v. John Wilder, b. Oct. 4, 1770; d. Jan. 8, 1858; m. Rebecca Chamberlain. 2766 vi. Solomon Wilder, b. Oct. TI, 1 772 ; cl. May 16, I 832 ; m. Lavinia Miller. 2767 vii. Margery Wilder, b. Oct. 20, 1774. 2768 vm. Clarissa Wilder, b. Oct. 12, 1776. 2769 1x. Joseph Wilder, b. Jan. 17, 1779. 2770 x. Damaris Wilder, b. March 10, 1781 ; m. Samuel Chamberlain. 2771 xi. Phenice Wildei, b. --- ; 111. James \Vaite. 2772 x11. Eunice \Vilder, b. ---; 111. Simeon Duncan.

2751 ABEL• WILDER (s. Joshua'), was a blacksmith by trade; owned land in \Vardsboro, Vt., in I 790, and died in Guilford, Vt.. in 1828. His wife's name -not.-~ a-seertB:ined lssqe : 2,73 1. Joel Wilder, L.--April 3, 176-j-; d. Aug. 27, 1836; tn. Lydia Morse. 2771 ll, Josepb Wilder, b. Nov. 12, 1765; cl. 1846; 111. Abigail Partridge. 2775 Ill. Joshua Wilder, b. ~; ~­ •2776 lY. Amherst \Vilder, b. 1771 ; rn. Mary Preston. 2777 v. Esther Wilder, b. ---.

~) .- .... if ,.. , tl-r SoLo,10:'>' \VJLDER ( s. Joshua'), m. 2 77 8 BETSEY BALLARD. Issue : 2 779 1. Diana Wilder. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

2780 11, Alzina \Vilcler; m. March 24, 1811, Joshua Hall. 2781 lll. Phebe Wilder. 2782 IV. Keyes Wilder, was in Dryden, N. Y. in 1816. 2783 vi. Mahala Wilder. 2784 vii. Beulah Wilder. 27Sc; Vlll. Elliott Wilder.

2756 JOHN' lVrLDER (s. Joshua•). succeeded his father on Swift River, in \Vare; m. 1778, 2786 MARY RICE, b. 1749; d. Nov. 1, 1801. Issue:

2787 i. Benjamin Wilder, b. Sept. 4, I 780. 2788 ii .. Keyes Wilder, b. ---. 2789 m. -- Rice Wilder, b. ---. 2790 iv. Damaris \Vilder, b. r 790.

2758 NATHANAEL• WILDER (s. Joshua'), a farmer of Wen dell; m. 1772, 2791 SERENA DICKINSON, b. 1745. Issue: 2792 i. Jonas B. Wilder, b. Jan. 20, 177s. 2793 11. Keyes Wilder, b. ---. 2794 lll. Abel Brown Wilder, b. ---. 2rno IV, William Wilder, b. ---. 2796 v. Rosanna Wilder, b. ---. 2797 VI, Daniel Wilder, b. ---.

276a SARAH 6 WILDER (dr. Joshua,' Joshua'), m. 1784, 2 798 HENRY \VILLARD, of Dummerston, Vt. Issue:

2799 i. Benjamin \Villard, b. Sept. II, 1787; d. Ang. 6, 1814. 2800 11. Patty Willard, b. 1790;

2765 JOHN• WILDER (s. Joshua," Joshua'), of Newfane, Vt.; m. 1796, 2807 REBECCA CHAMBERLAIN. Issue :

2808 !. Hephzibah Wilder, b. Oct., r 796. 280H Ji, Lyman Wilder, b. June 28, 1798; m. Virtue Ball. 2810 m. Mary Wilder, b. July 16, 1800; m. Franklin Cook. 2811 I\', lthamar Chamberlain Wilder, b. July 19, 1802; m. l\[arcia l\Iiller. 2812 v. John Wilder, b. Jan. 2, 1805; m. Sarah Kidder. 281!1 VJ, Rebecca Wilder, b. Jan. 22, 1807; m. Hiram Newell. 2814 Vll, Philander Wil

2766 SoLO:\WN" WILDER (s. Joshua,• Joshua'), a farmer of Brattleboro, Vt.; m. Feb. 28, 1806, 2816 LAVINIA MILLER, b. March 5, r772; d. April 9, 1862. Issue:

2817 1. George Miller \Vilder, b. Jan. 9, 1807 ; d. Aug. 9, 181 I, 2818 ii. Susan Wilder, b. r:'ec. 2, 1808; d. June 18, 1861; m. Asahel Clapp. 2819 m. Mary Wilder, b. Feb. 3, 18n. 2820 1v. Joseph Wilder, b. Oct. 13, 1818; m. Delia Merrifield. 2821 v. Sarah Wilder, b. April 23, 1815. 2822 v1. George Anson Wilder, b. May, 1817. 2823 vn. Marshall Wilder, b. Oct. 25, 1819. · 2824 vm. Rebecca Jane Wilder, b. May 14, 1823. 2825 1x. Russell Keyes Wilder, b. April 27, 1826; d. Aug. 31, 1838.

2770 DAMARIS• WILDER (dr. Joshua,• Joshua'), 111. Dec. 7, 1797, 2826 SAMUEL CHAMBERLAIN', a farmer of Chesterfield, N. ~- ; b. Oct. 27, 1775; d. March 3, 1852. Issue:

2827 1. Joshua "\V. Chamberlain, b. June 28, 1799; m. Mary Wilder. 2828 11. Alanwn Chamberlain, b. · May 24, 1801 ; m. Eliza Thompson. 2829 m. Josiah Chamberlain, b. Oct. 20, 1803; d. June 30, 1837. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 267

2830 IY. Alfred Chamberlain, b. Oct. 14, 18o6; m. Emily H. Farr. 2831 v. George Chamberlain, b. May 20, 18II j m. Diantha Thompson. 2832 VI. Samuel Chamberlain, b. Jnne 28, 1813; m. Elmira Thompson. 2833 vn. Elizabeth Chamberlain, b. May 3, 1823; m. s. H. Randall.

4 2771 PHENICE • WILDER (dr. Joshua,' Joshua ), m. 2834 JAMES WAITE, b. 1777; lived in London, Mich. Issue:

2835 1. Phebe Waite, b. Sept. 8, 1808; d. 1812. 2836 ii. Seth Waite, b. Jan. 19, 18u. 2837 iii. James Waite, b. 18r5. 2838 IV. Susanna Waite, b. 1817. 2839 v. Mary ·waite, b. May 25, 1821. 2840 v1. James 'Waite, b. March 13, 1823. 2841 vii. Joshua Waite, b. May 20, 1826. 2842 viii. Phebe Waite, b. May 10, 1828.

EuNICE 8 WILDER (dr. Joshua,' Joshua'), m. /Zrr.Jti, /'{tJf-, SIMEON DUNCAN, of Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., N. Y. Issue: 2844 i. Anson Duncan, b. ---, of Beloit, Wis. 2845 11. Mary Ann Dnncan, b. ----.

2773 JoEL • WILDER (Abel,' Joshua•), m. 2846 LYDI.-\,MORSE. Issue: 284:7 i. Roswell Wilder, b. March z, I784; d. Jan. 12, 1860; m. Sally Belknap. 284:8 11. Joel Wilder, b. Sept. 30, 1785; d. Oct. II, 1834; m. Anna Apvlebee. 2849 Ill. Tillotson Wilder, b. Jan. 13, 1787: d. Aug. 4, 1870. 2850 1v. Leafy Wilder, b. Jan. 3, 1790; d. June 9, 18 r 7. 2851 v. Mary Wilder, b. July 8, 1795; died July 2I, 1842. 2852 v1. Pardon \Vilder, b. Jan. 12, 1797; d. Aug., 1860. 2s;;:1 vn. Clark Wilder, u. Oct. 4, 1801. 2854 vm . .Major Wilder, b. Dec. 7, 1803; d. Nov. 3, 1847. 2855 1x. Hannah Willler, b. Dec. 10, 1807 ; m. Lewis Pike. 268 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

277-! JosEPH • WILDER (Abel,5 Joshua'), of Wardsboro, 11l. I i89, ABIGAIL PARTRI])GE, b. 16, q68. Issue: ct,, ,,.-:.j--()f.- "J-1._, .2 .J'' / i'J/, '·l,1,--..__.J $" z • 1. George W. ·wilder, b. March 10, 1 796; "m. Clarinda Pratt. 2858 n. Zatter Wilder, b. Feb. 4, r 798. 2859 111. Abigail Wilder, b. Feb., 1800; m. -- Colgrove, 2860 1v. Abel Keyes Wilder. b. 1802. 2861 v. Betsey \\'ilder, b -- \\'ooclward. 2862 vi. Patty \Vilcler, b. ~: m. -- Cushing. 286:{ vn. Liberty Wilder, b. Dec. u, 1813; m. Artemisia Hunt.

2776 AMHERST' \VrLDER (Abel,° Joshua'), a tanner and cur­ rier by trade; was living in Cavendish, Vt., 1 i96; removed to Ludlow, and in 1826 to Lewis, Essex Co., N. Y.; m. 1 794, 2864 MARY PRESTON, of Newfane, Vt. Issue:

28G;j I. Chloe \Vilder, b. Dec. r r, I 795; d. April 12, 1849; m. James Beard. 2866 Jl, Mary Wilder, b. May 23, 1798; d. July 3, 1839; m. Lewis Persons. 28(;7 111. Nancy \Vilder, b. Nov. 21, 1801; m. Simeon Burbank. 2868 1v. Alanson Wilder, b. Dec. 26, 1804; m. Eveline Hol- comb.

2787 BENJAMIN• WILDER (John," Joshua'), succeeded his father on the old homestead at Swift River, Ware. In 1838, he removed to Richfield Springs, Otsego Co., N. Y., where he was killed by being thrown from a wagon; m. 1802, 2869 JULIA l\fAclNTOSH, b. July 31, 1784; d. Sept., 1862. Issue : 2870 l. Hyrum Wilder, b. Aug. 11, 1803; m. Sarah Page. 2871 ]l. John V,ilder, b. Mayr, 1806; d. March 11, 1869; m. Louisa Needham. 2872 iii. Sarah Wilder, b. Dec. 15, 1808; d, Juiy 20, 1848. 2873 IV. Mary ·wilder, b. 1814; d. 1815. 2874 v. Mary R. Wilder, b. Jan. 25, r815; d. March 29, 1825. 287il VJ, Elizabeth \Vilcler, b. Oct. 1, 1817; 111. Warren Needham. 2876 vii. Charlotte Wilder, b. Jan. 12, 1820; d. April 4, 1845; m. Lowell Randall. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

2877 vm. Benjamin \\''il

2792 JONAS• B. WILDER (Nathanael,' Joshua'), wife not known. Issue: 2879 i. "Wilson l\farsden Wilder, b. Oct. 5, 1803. 2880 ii. Abel \Vest Wilder, b. Jnne 12, 1807. 2881 111. Josephns Wilner, b. March 11, 1809. 2882 1v. Jonas Wilder, b. Oct. 7, 18r3.

2795 WILLIAM• \VILDER (Nathanael,• Joshua'); could not learn wife's name. Issue:

2882 1. Joshua Wilder, b. ~--. 2883 n. Lewis Wilder, b. ---. 2884 m. Rosina Wilder, b. ---.

2809 LYMAN' "\V1LDER (John,• Joshua,' Joshua'), a manu. facturer of machinery in Hoo5ick Falls; m. 1st, 1829, 2885 1 VIRTUE BALL, h. March 5, 18n; d. Feb. 18, 1850; m. 2d, 1852, 2886 2 CATIIARINE E. HASWELL, b. May 18, 1817. Issue:

2887 1. Jonathan Hall Wilder, b. Dec. 6, 1829;

2810 MARY' WILDER (John/' Joshua,' Joshua'). m. 1825, 2895 FRANKLIN CooK. Issue:

2896 1. Myrick Cook, b. Sept. 19, 1826, 2897 11. Eliza Cook, b. Aug. 4, 1828. 270 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

2811 lTHAMF.R CHAMBERLAIN' WILDER , (John," Joshua,' 4 Joshua ), born in Brattlebow; settled as a farmer in Dummerston, Vt.; m. 2898 MARCIA MILLER. Issue :

2899 1. Eliza V{ilder ; m. Robert Arthur.

2812 JoHN' WILDER (John,• Joshua,' Joshua'), of Newfane, Vt. ; m. 183:\- 2900 SARAH KIDDER. Issue:

2901 1. Pascal Philander Wilder, b. Dec. 31, 1835; d. March 15, 1836. 2902 ii. Abbott Pierson Wilder, b. Jan. 13, 1838; m. Adele N. Brown. 2903 Ill. Sarah Corbin ·wilder, b. Aug. 13, 1839; d. Jan. 12, 1857. 2904 1v. Theodore S. Wilder, b. April 16, 1841; d. Dec. 6, 1846. 2905 v. Sedgewick Porter ·wilder, b. May 28, 184 7 ; a graduate of Beloit College, "Wisconsin, and Yale Theological Seminary; pastor of a Congregational church, Bran­ don, Vt. 2906 vi. AllJeroni K. Wilder, b. Ap-ril 4, 1851;

4 2813 REBECCA.,, WILDER (J ohn,6 Joshua,' Joshua ) m. 1827, 2907 HIRAM NEWELL. Issue: 2903 I. Philip Newell. 2904 It. Amanda Newell 2905 111. Russell Newell. 2906 IV. Pascal Newell. 2007 V. Elizabeth Newell.

2818 SUSAN 7 'WILDER (dr. Solomon,• Joshua,' Joshua'), m. April 20, 1843, 2908 ASAHEL CLAPP. Issue: 2909 I. George H. Clapp. 2910 II. Arthur Brainard Clapp.

1 2820 JOSEPH' WILDER (Solomon,t Joshua,' Joshua ), 111, Dec, 6, 18_s3, 2911 DELIA l\1ERRIFIEtD, of Newfane. Issue:

2912 1. Julia V. \Vikler, b. Nov., 1854. 2913 II, Em1ria Lewis \Vilder, b. l'iov. 4, 1858. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 271

2914 m. Ella Louisa Wilder, b. Nov. 30, 1861 ; d. June 8, 1863. 2915 1v. Jane Elltn Wilder, b. July 4, 1863-

28!7 RosWELL' WILDER (Joe1, • Abel,' Joshua'), born in Newfane, Vt., lived in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.; died in Aurora, Kane Co., Ill. ; m. 2916 SALLY BELKNAP. Issue:

2917 l. Caroline Wilder, b. ---. 2918 ii.. Charlotte Wilder b. ---. 2919 m. Emeline Wilder, b. ---. 2920 1v. Befoia Wilder, b. ---.

284:8 JOEL' WILDER (Joel,6 Abel,• Jo,hua '), horn in Little­ ton, N. H.; removed to Somerville, N. Y.; m. about 1830, 1 ANNA APPLEBEE, of Littleton, N. H.; m. 2d, 2922 2 RACHEL \V ASHBURNE. Issue :

2923 1. J,uke Wilder, b. --- ; 111. Mary Sawin. 2H2i ii. Warren Wilder, b. ---; Ill. Cynthia Richards. 2925 111. Jane Wilder, b. --. 2926 iv. Eliza Wilder, b. ---. 2927 v. Anna \V1lder, b. ---. 2928 vi. George Washington Wilder, b. ---. 2929 vu. Joel Wilder, b. ----. 2930 viii. Roswell Wilder, b. ---. 2931 ix. Susan Wilder, b. ---.

2853 CLARK' WILDER (Joel,' Abel,• Joshua•) born in Lit~le­ ton, N. H.; removed with his father to Somerville, N. Y.; then, in 1837, to Aurora, Kane Co., lli.; m. 1831, 2932 HANNAH LORD. Issue!

2H33 I. George Wilder, b. Dec. 24, 1833; rn. Ammittee Perry. 2 934 ii. Bnrt S. Wilder, ti. July 26, 1835. 2 935 iii. :Mary Wilder, b. March 3, 1837. 2936 IV. Joel Wilder, b. Oct. 11, 1838; d. Sept. 24, 1839. 2937 v_ Emeline Wilder, b. March 29, 2938 VI. Wallace W. \Vilcler, b. Oct. 21, 1841; d. Mnrch 16, 1865, a prisoner of war, 2939 Vll. Lewis Wilder, b. Aug. 28, 1843. 272 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

2940 viii. Joel Wilder, b. May 7, 1846. 2941 ix. Amelia Wilder, b. May 24, 1848; cl. Oct. 4, 1849. z 42 x. Francis C. Wilder, b. May 28, 1850; d. Oct. 10, 1862.

2857 GEORGE \V.' WILDER (s. Joseph,' Abe],• Joshua'), a blacksmith of\Vardsboro, Vt.; m. Dec. rr, 1820, 2943 CLARI:-iDA PRATT, b. Aug. II, 1802, of Stratton, Vt. Issue : 2944 I. Joseph P. Wilder, b. Oct. 29, 1821; 111. 1849, Ann S. Hale. 2 945 11. l\fary L. \Vilder, b. Jan. 18, 1824; m. April 15, 1847, Charles S. Fletcher. 2946 iii. Titus P. Wilder, b. May 15, 1826, d. Dec. 18, 1841. 2947 IV. Martha A. Wilder, b. June 7, 1828; m. James P. Derry. 2948 V. Wealthy P. Wilder, b; Oct. 18, 1830; m. B. F. Eddy. 2949 vi. Paxton G. Wilder, b. April 26, 1833; m. Martha Smith. 2950 vii. Charlotte E. Wilder, b. Sept. 8, 1835; 111. S. S. Phillips. 2951 viii. George Wilder, b. l\fay r6, 1838; m. Mary E. Smith. 2952 lX. Henry N. Wilder, b. Oct. 2, 1840; m. Anna Forbush. 2863 LIBERTY' WILDER (s. Joseph,' Abel,• Joshua'), inn- keeper, Wilmington, Vt. ; m. Oct. ro, 1838, 2953 ARTEMISIA HUNT, b. March 16, 1817; d. Aug. 13, 1875. Issue: 2954 i. Imogene Judith Wilder, b. Sept. 13, 1847; m. J. Henry Kidder.

2865 CHLOE' WILDER (Amherst,• Abel,' Joshua'), m. Aug. 30, 1821, 2955 JAMES BEARD, b. Jan. 3, 1791. Issue:

2956 1. Alanson Wilder Beard, b. Dec. 6, 1823; d. Sept. 18, 1824. 2957 ii. Alanson W. Beard, b. An{.,-01825. 2958 111. Maria Margaret Beard, b.' July 31, 1830; m. Isaac Taggart.

2866 MARY' WILDER (dr. Amherst,' Abel,' Joshua'), m. Jan. 23, 1823, 2959 LEWIS PERSONS, Issne: 2960 1. Mary Wilder Persons, b. May 23, 1826; m. James E. Griffin. GENEAl,0GICAt TABLE. 273

2961 11. Laura Louisa Persons, b. June 22, 1829; m. M. Ball, Esq. 2962 111 •. William N. Persons, b. April 10, 1831; d. Oct. 31, 1854.

2867 NANCY 7 Wn,DE'.R (dr. Amherst/ Abel/ Joshua'), m. Jan. 26, 1820, 2963 S1M£ON BURBANK, of Ludlow, Vt. Issue:

2964 l. James C. Burbank, b. ;-. 20, 1822; d. June 12, 1876. 2965 ll. Mary Wilder Burbank, b. Nov. 5, 1824. 2966 m. George Sullivan Burbank, b. Nov. 3, 1826. 2967 IV. Helen M. Burbank, b. Jan. 8, 1830; m. Eliab L. Whiting. 2968 V. Caroline N. Burbank, b. April 16, 1833. 2969 VI. Henry Clay Burbank, b. May 4, 1835; Ill. l\fary C. Mitchell. 2970 vu. Bertha Louisa Burbank, b. Dec. 9, 1837; m. Andrew J. Whitney. 2971 vm. Loretta A. Burbank, b. Sept. 12, 1840; 111. Cyrus G. Wykoff. 2971 1x. Eveline Gertrude Burbank, b. Oct. 30, 1844; m. Henry P. Upham.

2868 ALANSON 7 WILDER (s. Amherst,• Abel,' Joshua'), m. 2972 EVELINE HoLCOMB. lssue : , ,· '· /,,.~•,,\ 2973 1. Amherst H. Wilder, b. July 7,{__ISz"b m. Frances{-!: t :.- 15..,1 S~n~~ _ · 2 974 ll. Helen Maria Wilder, b. Dec. 13, 1830; m. Col. John L. Merriam.

2870 HYRUM 7 WILDER (s. Benjamin,• John,• Joshua'), m. 1828, 2975 SARAH PAGE, b. --- ; d. Dec., 1877. Issue:

2976 1. Mary R. \Vilder, b. 1830. 2977 !I. Waldo Hyrum Wilder, b. 1832. 2978 11!. William P. Wilder, b, 1834.


29j9 WARREN NEEDHAM, of Wales, Mass.; b. April 13, 1813. Issue:

2980 1. Warren Eugene Needhaar..b. June 15, 1839; m. Mary L. Hopkins. 2981 n. \\'atson \Vilder Needham, b. May 21, 1841; m. Susan R. Young. 2982 111. Carlos Delano Needham, b. Sept. 9, 1843; m. Helen Gardner. 2983 1v. Helen Elizabeth Needham, b. :March 25, 1845; m. George B. Clark. 2984 v. Ernest Tndor Needham, b. Sept. 25, 1847; d. J11ne 1, 1857. 2985 v1. Emma Josephine Needham, b. Oct. 15, 1851 ; m. Edward Hard. 2986 v11. Albert Chandler Needham, l>. Dec. 8, 1854_ 2987 vm. Henry \Y. Needham, b. Feb. 13, 1859.


2989 1. Charlotte Randall, b. !\fay, 1844. 2990 11. Delia Randall, b. Sept., 1846.

2879 \VILSON MARSDEN 7 \VrLD~R (s. Jonas B.,6 Nathanael,° Joshua'). "'ife not known. Issue .:

1. William Wilder. 11. Orpha Wilder. m. A ug11stine \Vilder.

2880 ABEL WEsT' WILDER (s. Jonas B.," Nathanael," Joshua'). 2 994 \Vife not known. Issue : 2995 1. Lorenzo \Vilder. 2996 11. Emma Wilder.

2881 JoSEPHCS' WILDER (s. Jonas B.,' Sathanael," Joshna '), Ill. 2997 CLARA LOUISA HASTINGS. Iss11e: 2998 i. L11cy Rebecca Wilder. 2999 11. Lydia L. Wilder. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 275

3000 lll, De Wilton Jonas Wilder. 3oor IV. Milo West .Wilder. 3002 V. Edward Wilder. 3003 Vl. Edwin Wilder.

7 4 2882 JONAS WILDER (s. Jonas B.,• Nathanael; Joshua ). 3004 Wife unknown. Issue :

3005 1. Frederic Woods Wilder. 3006 11. Arthur Bricket Wilder.

2889 MARTHA Lou!sA • \VILDER (dr. Lyman,' John," Joshua,• Joshua'), m~ 3007 EDWARD CLARK. Issue:

3008 1. Edward Clark. 3009 11. Junius Clark.

2890 JoHN JAMES• WILDER (s. Lyman,7 John," Joshua,' Joshua'), 111. Oct. 27, 1861, 3010 MARIA REMICK. Issue:

3? r I 1. Lyman R. Wilder, b. Nov. 4, r 866. 3012 ll. Maria Lydia Wilder, b. Sept. 5, 1869. 3013 m. John Archer Wilder, b. Aug. 1, 1871. 3014 1v. Charles .Newton Wilder, b. Aug. 2 7, 1873.

2891 PHILANDER NEWTON WILDER (s. Lyman, John, Joshua, Joshua), m. 1868, 3015 EMMA S. HASTINGS. Issue:

3016 1. Martha V. Wilder, b. M«rch 1, 1871. 3017 11. Mary Ellldine Wilder, b. J~1ly 9, 1873. 3018 111. Edward Lyman Wilder, b. Nov. 30, 1875.

2902 ABBOTT PIERSON" WILDER (s. John,7 John,• Joshua,• Joshua'), 111. 1862, 3019 ADELE N. BROWN. Issue:

3020 1. Ethel May Wilder.

2923 LUKE• WILDER (s. Joel/ Joel," Abel,' Joshua'), 111. 3021 MAR\' SAWIN. Issue:

3022 1. Joel \Vilder. 276 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3023 JI. Albert Wilder. 3024 111. Maria Wilder.

2924 WARREN 8 WILDER (s. Joel,' Joel," Abel; Joshua'), m. 3025 CYNTHIA RICHARDS. Issue: 3026 I. Frank Wilder. 3027 11. Jesse Wilder. 3028 Ill. Martha Wilder.

2933 GEORGE 8 WILDER (s. Clark,7 Joel,6 Abel,• Joshua'), m. Oct. 5, 1858, 3029 AMMITTEE PERRY. Issue : 3030 I. Perry Wilder, b. July 6, 1859. 3031 11. Charlotte Wilder, b. Nov. 12, 1860, 3032 111. Grant Wilder, b. Feb. 13, 1863. 3°33 IV. Wayne Wilder, b. Sept. 10, 1865. 3o34 v. ·wallace Wilder, b. Jan. r, 1868. 3°35 YI. Francis Wilder, b. 1870; d. 1872. 3036 vii. Almira Wilder, b. March 15, 1874..

2971 EVELINE GERTRUDE BURBANK (dr. Nancy Wilder and Simeon Burbank), m. Sept. 23, 1868, 3037 HENRY P. UPHAM, a banker of St. Paul's, Minn. Issue: 3038 1. Gertrude Upham, b. Oct. 1, 1870. 3o39 11. Grace Upham, b. Dec, 31, 1874. 2973 ·AMHERST H." WrLDER (s. Alanson/ Amherst," Abel,6 Joshua'), m. Sept. 18, 1860 FRANCES ANN SPENCER, d:.,'~pencer, Esq., of Utica, N. Y. Issue : 1. Cornelia D. Wilder, b. June 24, 186t l t \D 8



95 BEZA LE EL • WILDER ( s. Nathanael,' Nathanael/ Thom­ as'), born in Lancaster; settled in Shutesbury, in what is now Wendell, Mass. We have no knowl- GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 277

edge of his wife, or rhe time of his marriage. YVe learn that he bought a tract of land, which he divided equally with his three children, and with them he lived, and died at a good oid age. These children were : 3042 1. Bezaleel ·wilder, b. Aug. I 3, I7 5 I ; d. Oct. ro, 1828 ; m. Sarah Adams. :30!3 II. Nathanael Wilder, b. q 5 2 ; d. I 82 7 ; rn. Anna Johnson. :·JO.U Ill. Elizabeth Wilder, b. 1757; d. April 8, 1837; m. John Ross.

304:2 BEZALEEL • ·wrLDER ( s. Bezaleel,4 Nathanael,' Nathan­ ael,' Thomas'), a farmer of \Yendell, Mass.; m. t785, 3o45 SARAH ADAMS, b. 1760; d. Jan. 8, 1840. Issue:

3046 I, Betsey Wilder, b. Oct. 25, 1786; d. 1861; m. Wilder Johnson. 304:1 ii. Charles Wilder, b. March 23, 1788; d. April 24, 1864; m. Nancy Lawrence. 3048 lll, Levi Wilder, b. Aug. 7, 1790; d. June 24, 1850; m. Sarah Pierce. 3049 IV. Hannah Wilder, b. Dec. 21, 1793; m. Alexander Zuill. 3050 v. Nathan A. Wilder, b. March 7, 1795 ;_d. Jan. 10, 1863; m. Nancy Dickinson. 3051 VJ. Lucinda Wilder, b. May 2, 1799 ; m. Seneca Johnson. 3052 Vll. Sally Wilder, b. May, 1803; m. Job Pierce.;

4 3043 NATHANAEL• WILDER (Bezaleel ), a farmer of \:Yen- dell, Mass. ; m. 3o53 ANNA JOHNSON ; d. Oct., 1823. Issue: 3°54 l, Joseph Wilder, b. June, 1787. 3055 II, Nathanael Wilder, b. 1789; m. Sally Hale. 3056 Ill. Bezaleel Wilder, b. 1791; d. 1809. 3°57 iV, Ab,igail Wilder, b. 1793. 3044 ELIZABETH WILDER (dr. of Bczaleel, of Wendell, Mas;,, Ill, JOHN Ross, a farmer. Issue: 1. Charles Ross, b. --- ; d. 1863; m. Huldah Mon­ tague. 278 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3060 n. Nathanael Ross, L. 1784; d. 1857. 3061 m. Betsey Ross, b. Feb. 23, 1785; d. Oct. 15, ,850. 3062 1v. Lydia Ross, b. ---; d. 1842 ; m. Jonathan Ross.

3016 HETSEY 0 WILDER (dr. Bezaleel,5 Bezaleel '), m. 1818, 3063 WILDER JOHNSON, of Maine. Issue:

3064 1. Sarah Johnson. 3065 11. Levi Johnson. 3066 Ill. Joseph Johnson. 3067 1v. Hannah Johnson.

3047 CHARLES' WILDER (Bezaleel,' Bezaleel '), m. Feb. 15, 1810, 3068 NANCY LAWRENCE, b. May 10, 1784; d. April 12, 1832. Issue : 3069 I. Mary Ann Wilder, b. May 17, 18n; m. William Pingree. 3070 11. Nancy Bent Wilder, b. Aug. 31, 1818; rn. Samuel J. Brown. 3071 Iii. Sarah Lucinda Wilner, b. May 30, 1824; 111. John Van Valk en burg. 3072 IV, Charles A. Wilder, b. Nov. 7, 1828; d. March 8, 1829: 3073 V. Charles M. Wilder, b. May 20, 18--; m. Alice B. Locke.

301-8 LEVI• WILDER (Bezaleel,° Bezaleel '), a shoemaker, of Wendell; m. Dec. 6, 18n, 3°74 SARAH PIERCE, b. June r, 1793. Issue: 3°75 L Nathan Wilder, b. Oct. 19, 1823; m. Ellen Strong. 3076 ll. Lucinda \Vilder, b. Dec. 12, 1824; m. Albert Montague. 3°77 lll. Mary Wilner, b. April 4, 1827; d ..May 25, 1827. 3078 IV. Mary ·wilder, b. April 6, 1828. 3o79 V. Lyman Wilder, b. Jan. 18, 1830; m. Lucy Butler. :-wso Vl. Alden \Vilder, b. Aug. 30, 1833; m. Jane E. Woodbury. 3081 Vil. Elizabeth Wilder, b. Jar.., 1836; m. Dwight Maynard. :l0!-12 viii. Caroline Wilder, b. March 16, 1839; m. Merrick Mon- tague. 3083 IX. Harvey \Vilder, b. May 22, 1842; m. Isabel Shaw.

:10-!H HANNAH• WILDER (Bezaleel," lkzaleel '), 111. Feb. 14, 1814, 3084 ALEXA"iDER Zi:ru.. Issue: GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 2 79

3085 I, Sarah Zuill, b. Feb. 19, 1815. 3086 11. Sophronia Zuill, b. Feb. 13, 181 7 ; d. April 21, 1849. 3087 111. Lucinda Zuill, b. July 31, 1819; m. John B. Holmes. 3088 JV. Hannah Zuill, b. May 28, 182t. 3089 V. Alexander Zuill, b. July 20, 1823; m. Seba Bromley. 3090 VI. Dorcas Z □ ill, b. July 10, 1825 ; d, Aug. 5, 1830. 3091 v11. Eliza Zuill, b. July I 7, 1828 ; d. July r 3, 1833. 3092 Vlll. Nathan Zuill, b. Feb. 12, 1831; d. Nov. 12, 1879. 3°93 IX. Philena Zuill, b. Sept. 22, 1833; d. Oct. 6, 1844. 3°94 x. John Zuill, b. Aug. 2, 1835; d. Nov. 14, 1849. 3°95 Xi. Caroline Zuill, b. March 10, 1838.

:3050 NATHA!-1' ADAMS WrLDER (Beza1eel,' Bezaleel • ), a sadcler of Chesterfield, Mass. ; m. Jan. 3, 1819, 3096 NANCY DICKINSON, d. 1870. Issue:

1. Roswell Wilder, b. July II, 182 r; m. Elizabeth J. Shaw. 3098 11. Eliza J. Wilder, b. Oct. 30, 1822; rn. Edward Safford. 3099 m. Baxter \Vilder, b. 1824; m. 1st, Louisa J. Torry; n1. 2d, Rachel Lyman.

:3051 LUCINDA• \VILDER (BezaleeJ,• Bezaleel '), m. Oct., 1826, 3100 SENECA JOHNSON, cl. 1854. Issue:

3101 1. Seneca Johnson, b. Aug., 1827; cl. 1829. 3102 11. Richard M. Johnson, b. 1833. 3103 lll. Joseph Warren Johnson, b. 1836; d. 1838; m. Laura Chase. 3104 1v. Charles Adams Johnson, b. 1837. 3105 v. Charles Kendal Johnson, b. 1839; died in the army.

3052 SALLY• Wr1.DER (Bezaleel,' Bezaleel '), m. Aug., 1826, · 3106 Jc>B PIERCE, a farmer of Shutesbury, Mass. lssne: :no, 1. ALlaline Pierce, b. Aug., 1827;


* 3II3 1. Samantha Wilder, b. June, 1824; m. 1859, Marcus W. Price.

3059 CHARLES Ross, s. John and Elizabeth (Wilder) Ross, 111. 3114 HuLDAH MONTAGUE, of Wendell; d. 1847. Issue:

3115 1. John Wilder Ross, b. 1813; m. Sarah Partridge.

3062 LYDIA Ross, dr. John and Elizabeth (Wilder) Ross, m. JONATHAN Ross. Issue:

3II6 1. Alonzo Ross, b. May, 1837. 3 I 17 ii. Serena Ross, b. Feb., 1842.

3069 MARY ANN 7 WILDER ( dr. Charles,• Bezaleel, • Bezaleel '), m. March 15, 1839, 3n8 WILLIAM PINGREE, b. Aug. 1, 1806; a fam1er of Spring- ville, N. Y. Issue:

3119 1. William Henry Harrison Pingree, b. June 5, 1840; m. Josephine E. Wells. 3120 11. Charles Wilder Pingree, b. March II, 1843; m. Sarah Ann King.

3071 SARAH LUCINDA 7 WILDER (dr. Charles,• Bezaleel,6 Be­ zaleel '), m. Dec. 24, 1840, 3121 JoHN VANVALKENBURG, b. Dec. 21, 1819; a mer- chant. Issue : 3122 i. Nancy Emily Vari Valkenburg, b. April 19, 1844; m. George P. Webster. 3123 11. Mary Josephine Van Valkenburg, b. ---; m. Augus­ tus Gleason.

3073 CHARLES MESSENGER' WILDER (Charles,' Bezaleel," Bezaleel '), m. July 19, I 846,

3124 ALICE BRITTANY LOCKE, b. April 131 1826. Issue :

3125 1. Caroline M. Wilder, b. Jan. 23, 1848. 3126 ii. Rinaldo D. F. Wilder, b. --, 1850. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 281

3076 LUCINDA 7 \VII.DER (Levi,' Bezaleel,' Bezaleel •), m. April 18, 1 849, 3127 ALBERT MONTAGUE. Issue:

3128 1. Abigail Tabitha Montague, b. Nov. 8, 1852. 3129 ii. Emma Lucinda Montague, b. Oct. 12, 1857. 3130 iii. Frank Fayette Montague, b. Feb. 27, 1862.

3080 ALDEN 7 WILDER (Levi," Bezaleel,' Bezaleel '), m. June 28, 1869, 3131 JANEE. WOODBURY. Issue:

3132 1. Francis Alden Wilder, b. Nov. 11, 1870. 3133 ii. Henry Jason Wilder, b. Jan. 15, 1873.

3082 CAROLINE 7 WILDER (dr. Levi," Bezaleel, • Bezaleel '), m. Jan. n, 1860, 3134 MERRICK MONTAGUE, d. Nov. 28, 1866. Issue:

3r35 1. Sarah Lucinda Montague, b. Jan. 10, 1866.

3099 BAXTER WILDER (Nathan A., Bezaleel, Bezaleel), m. 1st, 3r36 I LoursA J. TORRY, d. Oct. 2, 1858; m. 2d, 3137 2 RACHEL LYMAN, of Hadley, Mass. Issue:

3138 1. George'Edmun

3107 ADALINE PIERCE, dr. Job and Sally (Wilder) Pierce, m. 3140 HENRY PIERCE. Issue:

3141 1. Julia A. Pierce, b. Oct. 8, T846; d. 1870; m. Austin E. Miller. 3142 n. Myra E. Pierce, b. Feb. 5, 1849; d. Sept. zz, 1853. 3143 rn. Sarah S . .Pierce, b. June 23, 1851.

3109 ORRILLA PIERCE, sister of Adaline, m. Dec. 18, 1869, 3140 HENRY PIERCE. Issue: 3145 i. Jane A. Pierce, b. Nov. 8, 1871. 3146 11. Mabel G. Pierce, b. Aug. 6, 1874. 3147 m. Caroline M. Pierce, b. May 11, 1876. 282 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3115 JOHN WILDER Ross, s. John and Elizabeth (Wilder) Ross, m. June, 1842, 3148 SARAH PARTRIDGE; d. 186s. Issue: 3149 i. Charlotte Eliza Ross, b. Dec. 2, 1844. 3150 ii. Charles Francis Ross, b. April, 1848. 3151 iii. Hannah Jane Ross, b. June, 1850; m. -- Sibley.

3119 WILLIAM H. H. PINGREE, s. Wiliiam and Mary Ann (Wilder) Pingree, 111. 1861, 3152 JosEPHINE E. WELLS, b. Sept. 3, 1841. Issue:

31 53 i. Clara Estella Pingree, b. May 3, 1863. 3 1 54 ii. Mary Elizabeth Pingree, b. Feb. 'i, r868. 31 55 iii. William Pingree, b. July 3, 1870; d. Aug. 21, 3156 iv. Leah H. Pingree, b. Dec. 20, 1874.

3120 CHARLES WILDER PINGREE, brother of 3u9; m. 1866, S:ARAH ANN KING, b. Sept. 7, 1846. Issue:

1. Adelbert L. Pingree, b. Feb. 3, 1867. u. Francis Charles Pingree, b. Ang. 17, 1873; d.

3122 NANCY EMILY VANVALKENBURG, dr. John· and Sarah Lucinda (Wilder) Van Valkenburg, 111. 1st, 3160 I GEORGE P. WEBSTER, b. 1842 ; d. 1865; rn. 2d, 1866, 3161 2 ROBERT H. PINGREE, b. 1842; a farmer of Sheridan, Chautauque Co., N. Y. Issue:

3162 1. Lyman L. Webster, b. 1864. 3163 ii. Royal R. Pingree, b. ---. 3164 iii. Arthur Pingree, b. ---. 3165 iv. Sarah Pingree, b. ---.

3123 MARY JOSEPHINE VAN VALKF,NBLlRG, sister of 3122, m. 3166 AUGUSTUS GLEASON. Issue : i. George Gleason, b. ---. ii. Etta Gleason, b. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.



96 AHOLJAB • WILDER (Nathanael,' Nathanael,2 Thomas'). There is a church record in" Northampton that states that, " Catharine, daughter of Catharine and Aholiab ·wilder, was bapti.zed in 174 I," which is all that we can learn of his wife ; m. 3169 CATHARINE --- Issue:

3I70 1. Catharine \Vilder, b. 1741. 3171 H. Aholiab Wilder, b. 1743. :n72 rn. Daniel Witherby Wilder, b. 1746; d. 1833; m. Elizabeth Barnard. · 3173 1v. Samuel \Vilder, b. May 20, 1752; m. Rebecca Nims. 3174 v. Joshua Wilder, b. March 4, I 754; m. Lois Howes.

4 :n 72 DANIEL• WITHERBY WILDER (Aholiab ), a farmer of Shelburn, Mass.; afterward of Waitsfield, Vt.; m. 177°, 3175 ELIZABETH BAR!"ARD, of Shutesbury, Mass. Is,;ue:

:nm 1. Daniel Wilder, b. June 21, 1771; d. July 3, 1854; m. Persis Chandler. 3177 ii. Levi Wilder, b. Aug. 24, I 772 ; d. June 3, 1855 ; m. Lavinia Skinner. 3178 Jll. Elizabeth Wilder, b. Nov. 21, 1774; d. Sept. 27, 1851; m. Josiah Dole. 3179 IV. Catharine Wilder, b. April 13, 1777; m. Moses Dole. 3180 v. Enos Wilder, b. April 21, 1779; d. June 9, 1810; m. Lavinia Nims. 3181 VI. Electa Wilder, b. April 10, 1781 ; d. Dec. 4. J 848. :ns2 Vil. Asa Wilder, b. May 9, 1783; d . .May 1, 1860; m. Philena Foster. :ns:i Ylll. Lucy Wilder, b. May 18, 1785 ; m. William Sherman. 3lSJ. ix. Paulina Wilder, b. Aug. 12, 17'67; d. Aug. 3, r869; m. Erastus Allen. a185 x. Francis Wilder, b. Jan. 12, 1791; d. Al:)ril 27, 18,39; m. Betsey Joscelyn. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4 3173 SAMUEL• WILDER (Aholiab ), a farmer of Conway, Mass.; m. r772, 3r86 REBECCA NIMS, b. Aug. 30, 1757. Issue:

3187 1. Ephraim Wilder, b. Feb. 12, 1773; d. May 26, 1775. 3188 11. Erastus Wilder, b. May 5, 1775. 3c89 111. Clarissa Wilder, b. Jan. 2, I 777. 3190 iv. Rebecca Wilder, b. March 13, 1779. 3191 v. Samuel Wilder, b. Sept. 3, 1781; d. Oct, 25, 1785. 3192 vi. Mercy Wilder, b. Sept. 2r, 1783; d. Jan. 1, r796. 3 193 vu. Polly Wilder, b. Sept. 1, r785; d. 1812. 3 1 94 vm. Consider Wilder, b. Oct. r, 1787; d. July 17, 1817. 3195 1x. Israel Wilder, b. Oct. 16, 1789; d. Nov. 21, 1875; m. Mary Childs. 3196 x. Electa Wilder, b. April 4, 1792; d. Nov. 20, 1873. 3 197 x1. Philinda Wilder, b. July 30, 1795. 3198 xn. Samuel Wilder, b. July 25, 1797; m. Sally Merrell. 3199 xiii. Joshua Wilder, b. Sept. 7, 1799; m. Lavinia Long. 3174 JosHUA • WILDER (Aholiab '), b. Shutesbury, Mass.; settled in Dummerston, Vt.; m. Sept., 1781, 3200 Lors H'QlV'Es. Issue ! 3201 I. Anna Wilder, b. Jan. 23, 1782. 3202 ii. Betsey Wilder, b. March 28, r 783. 3203 m. Nat Wilder, b. July 9, 1784. 3204 IV. Dan. Wilder, b. Jan. 9, 1786; d. March 29, 1815; m. Joanna Bemis. 3205 v. Nabby Wilder, b. April 14, 1787. 3206 VI. Clarissa Wilder, b. Oct. 14, 1789. 3207 VII. Nixon Wilder, b. Feb. 20, 1791. 3208 Vlll. Lindall Wilder, b. Jan. 14, 1793. 3209 IX. Ruth Wilder, b. March r, 1795. 3210 x. Samuel Wilder, b. Dec. r, 1796. 3211 xi. Daniel Wilder, b. Jan. 1 5, 1798. 3212 xii. Columbia Wilder, b. April 14, 1800. 321 3 XIII. Jefferson Wilder, b. March 19, 1802. 3176 DANIEL • WILDER (Daniel W., • Aholiab • ), a carpenter of Burlington, Vt. ; m. r 796, 3214 PERSIS CHANDLER, of Shelburn. Issue: 3215 i. Emily Wilder, b. Oct. 9, 1797; d. Feb., 1846; m. Gilbert Selleck. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3216 ll. Persis Wilder, b. Jan. 20, I 799· 3217 lll. Wilder, b. Aug, 1, 1803; m. Edna S. Smith. 3218 lV, Harris B. Wilder, b. Aug. 11, 1805; m. Phebe High. 3219 v. Caroline Wilder, b. May 30, 1807; m. Rev. Theron Baldwin. ·

3177 LEVI• WILDER (Daniel w.: Aholiab '), m. Ist, Sept., 1801, 3220 1 LAVINIA SKINNER, d. Sept., I8ll; m. 2

3223 1. Pomona Wilder, b. June 21, 1802; d. Jan., 1841; m. Rev. William Dabney. 3224 11. Mellona Wilder, b. Oct. 30, 1803; m. Timothy Jos­ celyn. 3225 iii. Jared S. Wilder, b. Nov. 14, 1807; d. Dec. 20, 1849; m. Ascenath Fitts. 3226 iv. Abigail N. Wilder, b. June 13, 1810; d. April 18, 1858; m. William Josceiyn. 3227 v. Pamela C. Wilder, b. Sept. 14, 1813; d. July, 1850; m. Amariah Joscelyn. 3228 v1. Fidelia A. Wilder, b. Feb. 18, 182r; m. Lucius Parmelee. 3229 vii. Levi C. Wilder, b. April 30, 1824; m. Orinda Holmes. 3230 VIII. Ann M. Wilder, b. May 13, 1826; m. Dr. Leonard Harrington. 3231 IX. Orcas C. Wilder, b. May 9, 1828 ; m. Mary E. Holden. 3232 x. Oramel A. Wilder, b. June 13, 1829; m. Ellen S. Robinson.

3178 ELIZABETH• WILDER ( dr. Daniel W., • Aholiab '), m. 3233 JosIAH DoLE, a chairmaker of Shelburn, Mass. Issue: 3234 ]. Lucius Dole, b. Nov. 10, 1797. 323& JI. Elizabeth Dole, b. June 25, 1798; m. Dea. Elam Kellogg. 3236 Jll, Josiah Dole, b. June 25, 1798;

3241 Vlll, Lawrence B. Dole, b. Aug. 24, 1810; m. Mary A. Tobey. 3242 IX, Philena M. Dole, b. June 27, 1812. 324:3 x. Enos Dole, b. Oct. 17, 1814; m. Mary Hastings. 324:1 Xl. Elmira Dole, b. July 19, 1817; m. Anderson Joscelyn. 3 245 xn. Lois Dok, b. Nov. 25, 1821; m. Hanna.h Alvord.

4 3179 CATHARINE• WILDER (dr. Daniel W.,• Aholiab ), m. 3246 MOSES Dou;, lssne:

32 4i I. Cynthia Dole, b. ---. 3248 II. Moses Dole, b. ---. 3 249 Ill, Catharine Dole, b. ---. 3250 lV, Lavinia Dole, b. ---. 3251 v. Asa Dole, b. ---. 3252 VI. Caroline Dole, b. ---. 3 254 VII, Cordelia Dole, b. ---. 3255 Vil!. Electa l>ole, b. ---.

3180 ENOS• WILDER (Daniel W.,' Ahoiiab '), m. 3256 LAVINIA Nn1s. Issue :

3257 1. Eliza W. Wilder, b. ---.

3182 AsA' \VILDER (Daniel W.,' Aholiab '), m. 3258 PHILENA FOSTER. Issue : 3 259 1. Foster Wilder, b. ---. 3260 II. Asa Wilder, b. ---. 326[ Ill. Emeline \Vilder, b. ---. 3262 lV. Daniel Wilder, b. ---. 3263 V. El111ira Wilder, b. ---. 3264 VI, Huldah Wil

3183 LUCY• WILDER (Daniel W.,6 Aholiab '), m. 1803, 3268 \VII.LIAM SHERMAN, a farmer of Fayston, Vt. lssue: 3269 1. Plumea Sherman, b. Aug. 30, 1804; m. Eli Bruce. n. Lang

3275 Vil. Rosamond Sherman, b. ---. 3276 nu. Celia Ann Sherman, b. ---. 3277 IX. Lucina Sherman, b. ---.

318! PAULINA' \VII.DER (dr. Daniel W.," Aholiab '), m, 3278 ERASTUS ALLEN. lssue :

3 2 79 l. Amelia Allen, b. ---. 3280 II. Electa Allen, b. ---. 3281 Ill. Horace Allen, b. ---. 3282 JV. Louisa Allen, b. ---. 3283 v. Catharine Al!en, b. ---. 3284 VI. Lucinda Allen, b. ---. 3285 Yll. Francis A!len, b. ---. 3286 VII!. Henry Allen, b. -- 3287 IX. Martin Allen, b.---.

3185 FRANCIS 6 WILDER (Daniel W., Aholiab), m. 3288 BETSEY JoscELYN. Issue:

3289. 1. Caroline Wilder, b. ---. 3290 n. William Wilder, b. ---. 3291 m. Julia Wilder, b. --·-. 3292 1v. Charles Wilder, b. ---,

3195 IsRAEL 6 WILDER (Samuel,' Aholiab'), m. r827, 3293 MARY CHILDS, b. June 6, 1806; d. July 8, 1852. Issue:

3294 1. William C. \Vilder, b. June r, 1828. 3295 n. Samuel \Vilder, b. April 11, 1830. 3296 Ill. Minerva Wilder, b. 1833; d. 1833. 3297 1v. Mary Sophia Wilder, b. Nov. 2, 1835. _,298 v. Francis E. Wilder, b, Sept. 6, 1838. 3299 v1, Henry J. Wilder, b. April 27, 1840; ,:l July 31, 1864,

3198 SAMUEL• WILDER (Samuel,'' Aholiab'), m. June 22, I 823, 3300 SALLY MERRILL, b. Oct. 20, 1796. Issue:

H:301 1. Sarah Jane Wilder, b. Aug. 20, 1824. !·Ja02 n. George Sheldon Wilder, b. March r, 1828; m, 1st, Eliza Carpenter; rn. 2d, Eunice A. Wellman. 288 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3303 m. Sereno Merrell Wilder, b. Feb. 14, 1832; m. 1st, Helen M. Thompson ; m. 2d, Harriet A. Taylor.

3199 JosHUA' WILDER (Samuel,° Aholiab '), of Shelburn; m. 3304 LAVINIA LONG, b. 1801. Issue : 3305 1. Olive Wilder, b. 1826. 3306 u. Alfred Loring Wilder, b. 1828. 3307 m. William Franklin Wilder, b. 1830. 3308 1v. Nancy Wilder, b. 1837.

3204 DAN• WILDER (Joshua,° Aholiab '), m. Feb. II, 1804, 3309 JOANNA BEMIS, b. Ma:rch 6, 1785; d. Nov. 5, 1865: Issue : 33ro i. Alfred Wilder, b. Nov. 31, 1805. 3311 u. Leroy Wilder, b. Nov. 5, 1808; rn. Patience Gould. 3312 iii. Eliza Bangs Wilder, b. April 16, 1812; d. Jan. 18, 1870. 3313 1v. William Bemis Wilder, b. Nov. 24, 1814. 33 14 v. Lindall Wilder, b. Feb. n, 1817. 33 1 5 v1. Edmund Wilder, b. Oct. T 1, 1818 ; d. March 2, 1819. 3316 vu. Betsey Wilder, b. Oct. 22, 1820 ; d. Nov. 1, 1820. 3317 vm. Elvira Jane Wilder, b. Aug. 22, 1823. 3318 1x. Horace Smith Wilder, b. May 27, 1825; d. Oct. 4, 1829. x. Jason Hawes Wilder, b. Oct. 14, 1827.

3215 EMILY 7 WILDER (dr. Daniel,' Daniel W.,' Aholiab '), m. 3320 GILBERT SELLECK, served in the Army of the Potomac. Isstte:

3321 1. Charlotte Selleck, m. -- Young.

3217 JOHN CHANDLER' WILDER (Daniel,• Daniel W.,' Aholiab '), a Congregational minister for 20 years, and retired in ill health to a farm in Charlotte, Vt. ; m. 1838, 3322 EDNA S. SMITH, b. Jan. r, 1813. Issue: 3323 i. Henry Baldwin Wilder, b. Feb. 7, 1839; m. Mary Louisa Baxter. GE~EALOGICAL TABLE.

3324: 11. Edna Caroline Wilder, b. Sept. 3, 18 ..p ; m. Oscar E. Spear. 3325 Ill. Sarah Elizabeth "\Yilder, b. June 6, 1843. 3326 JV. Charles Theron l\'ilder, l.i. March 12, 1845. 3327 V. Martha Louisa Wilder, b. May 18, I 84 7. 3328 \'l. John Chandkr Wilder, b. Oct. 2, 1849. 3329 Vll. Abigail Chandler Wilder, b. l\fay 12, 1853; d. April 20, 1854.

3218 HARRIS BARNARD 7 WILDER (Daniel,' Daniel W.,' Aholiab '), m. 3330 PHEBE HIGH. Issue:

3331 1. George H. Wilder. 3332 11. Lucia Wilder.

32Ul CAROLINE 7 W1LDER/dr. Daniel," Daniel W.,' Aholiab'), m. Jan. 29, 1831, 3333 REV. THERON BALDWIN. Issue:

3334 1. Caroline L.. Baldwin, b. Jan. q, 1834. 3335 11. Theron Baldwin, b. March 12, 1837; m. Julia A. Thompson. 3336 a1. Emily Baldwin, b. March i2, 1839; m. Clnrles E. Fellowes. 3337 1,·. l\fary Philena Baldwin, b. March 23, 1841. 3338 \. Henry Baldwin, b. Dec. 17, 1845.

:l22-! MELLONA 7 WILDER (dr. Levi,6 Daniel w.,' Aholiab'), m. Jan. 13, 1826, 3339 Tn10THY JoscELYN, of Waitsfield, Vt. Issue:

3340 '" Lucilla L. Joscelyn, b. Nov. 28, 1828; cl. Oct. 22, 1850. 334 1 JI. Anu E. Joscelyn, b. Feb. 7, 1830; d. Nov. 14, 1))70. 334 2 IJI, Celestia Joscelyn, li. I>ec. 6, 1831; d. !lfarch 3, 1838. 3:H3 11'. Charles H. Joscelyn, b. June 27, 1833; cl. July 18, 1834. 3344 v. Timothy W. Joscelyn, b. May 14, 1835; cl. N'ov. 26, I 83 7. 334-5 v1. Charles E. Joscelyn, b. April 14, 1837; 111. Susan J. Visher. 20 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3346 v11. Sophia M. Joscelyn, b. Feb. 2 t, 1839; m. Orio H. Chapin. 3347 vm. Ahira 0. Joscelyn, b. June 27, 1842; m. Mary S. Spencer. 3348 1x. Jared A. Joscelyn, b. Dec. r, 1843 ; m. Harriet M. Crandall.

3225 JARED S. 7 WILDER (Levi,' Daniel W.,' Aholiab •), m. 1833, 3349 AsCENATH Fins. Issue:

3350 1. Lavinia A. Wilder, b. Sept. 23, 1839 ; d. Oct. 8, 1845.

3226 ABIGAIL N. 7 WILDER ( dr. Levi,' Daniel W.,' Aholiab •), m. Nov. 2, 1831, 3351 Wn,LIAM JoscELYN. Issue:

335 2 1. Ginnethan Joscelyn, b. Jan. 21, 1834; d. May 23, 1834. 3353 ll. Myron W. Joscelyn, b. May 25. 1835. 3354: lll, Ginnethan S. Joscelyn, b. May 20, 1836; 111. Susan Currier. 3355 lV. Helen P. Joscelyn, b. Jan. 12, 1839. 3356 v. Pomona W. Joscelyn, b. July 15, 1841. 3357 VJ. Stephen R. Joscelyn, b. March, 1843. 33.58 Vil. Frederic M. Joscelyn, b. March 9, 1845 ; d. Aug., 1848.

3227 CLARISSA PAMELA 7 WILDER (Levi,' Daniel W, • Aholiab •), Ill, Oct. 31, 1839, 3359 AMARIAH C. JoscELYN. Issue: 3360 1. Charles H. Joscelyn, b. :March 25, 1841; d. April 18, 1845. H. Clarissa P. Joscelyn, b. March 2 5, 1846 ; m. Gilbert J. Cross.

3228 FIDELIA A.7 WILDER (dr. Levi," Daniel W.,• Aholiab '), m. Oct. 9, 1851, 3362 lxcrns PARMELEE. Issue: 3363 1. Effie G. Parmelee, b. Jan. n, 1853. 3364 11. Florence Parmelee, b. Nov. I, 1858.} 3365 m. Clarence Parmelee, b. Nov. 1, 1858, d. Nov. 81 1858. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3229 LEVI 1 C. WILDER (Levi,• Daniel W.," Aholiab '), m. 3366 ORINDA HOLMES. Issue : 3367 . i. Ossian- L. Wilder, b. Feb. 18, 1855.

3230 ANN M.' WILDER (dr. Levi,• Daniel W.,' Aholiab'), rn. Jan. 1, 1846, 3368 DEA. LEONARD HARRINGTON. Issue:

3369 1. Charles W. Harrington, b. Aug. 6, 1850; m. Sarah Boies. 3370 I\. Orcus C. A. Harrington, b. May, 18yz. 3371 lll. Katie E. Harrington, b. Oct. 12, 1853.

3231 0RCUS 7 C. WILDER (Levi,• Daniel w.: Aholiab'), m. 1855, 3372 MARYE. HOLDEN. Issue:

3373 1. Alice M. Wi\

3232 ORAM EL' A. Wn.DER (Levi,• Daniel W.,6 Aho!iab '), m. Nov. 4, 1854, · 3380 ELI.EN S. RoBlNSON. Issue:

3381 1. Agnes M. Wilder, b. May 1 r, 1857. 3382 11. Mary F. Wilder, b. Sept. 3, 1859.

323! Lucres DOLE, s. Josia.h and Elizabeth (Wilder) Dole, m. ------• Issue : 3383 l. Charles D. Dole. 3384 ii. Elizabeth C. Dole. 3385 Ill. Silas W. Dole. 3386 IV. Franklin Dole. 3387 v. Jo!!-iah Dole. .3388 Vl. Francis M. Dole• GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

323~ ELIZABETH DOLE (sister of 3234), m. 1818, 3389 DEA. ELAM KELLOGG, of Shl"lburn. Issue :

339° I. Betsey Aurelia Kellogg, b. Jan. 20, 1819; m. Solomon W. Root. 3391 ii. E'iam Jtisiah Kellg_gg, b. }uly 12, 1821; m. Mahala llir~•.t rile>' bl ¥,(,3, J 6'J IJ.r'rra,, #fC-u-r d

3392 lll. Julia K. Kellogg, b. Dec. 2 7, 182 3 ; m. Aaron Rugg. 3393 iv. Chauncey Kellogg, b. Feb. It, 1826; rn. Sarah Thayer. 3394 v. Francis Kellogg, :\fay 20, 1828; cl Nov. 21, 1850. 3395 vi. Philena Dole Kellogg, b. March 19, 1831; m. Danie Rugg. 3396 Vil. Mary Kellogg, b. Jnne S, 1833; m. Lewis Sheldon. 3397 viii. Henry 1\1. Kellogg, b. June 3, 1834; killed in the War of the Rebellion before Vicksburg. 3398 IX. Lovilia Elmira Kellogg, b. Oct. 19, 1838; m. John Bardwell. 3399 x. David Brainard Kellogg, b. Aug. 5, 1840; d. 1840.

3237 \Vu.DER DOLE (brother of 3235), m. 3401 ABIGAIL \VooD. Issue :

3402 I. Hannah Nims Dole, b. ---. 34°3 ii. Clara Dole, b. ---. 34o4 iii. Harriet Dole, b. ---. 34°5 IV, Lydia Dole, b. ---. 3406 v. Lawrence Wilder Dole, b. ---.

3238 SILAS DoLE, s. Josiah and Elizabeth (Wilder) Dole, m. 3407 ESTHER CLARK. Issue : 3408 i. George Dole, b. ---. 3409 ii. Elizabeth A. Dole, b. ---. 3410 iii. Edward Dole, b. ---.

3239 Lvcv DoLE, dr. Josiah aml Elizabeth (\\.ilder) Dole, m. 1825, 34Il JAMES ANDERSON. Issue: 3412 J. Wealthy M. Anderson, b. Oct. 10, 1827. 341 3 ii. Isabella Anderson, L. Nov. 22, 1829; m. S. Tobey. 3414 Ill. Betsey S. Anderson, L. Jan. 12, 1831. 3415 iv. Sarah R. Anderson, b. Aug. 7, 1834; m. C-- Smith. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3416 v. Ella B. Anderson, b. Jan. 28, 1836; m. James Preston. 3417 VI. Lucy Jane Anderson, b. May 9, 1839; m. John Ba;;s, 3418 VII. Olive W. Anderson, b. April 26, 1842. 341 9 Vlll, David A. Anderson, b. Dec. 13, 1844.

3240 ORPHEUS DoLE, s. Josiah and Elizabeth (Wilder) Dole, m. 3420 MARY THAYER. Issue :

3421 I. Mary Elizabeth Dole. 3422 11. Nancy Dole, b. ---: 3423 iii. Lucina Dole, b. ---. 342 4 IV, Augustus Dole, b. ---. 3425 v. Dora Dole, b. ---·. 3426 Vl. Edwin Dole, b. ·-·--.

32-H LAWRENCE DoLE, s. Josiah and Elizabeth (Wilder) Dole, Ill. MARY A. TOBEY. Issue: ·3428 •. Gilbert M. Dole, b. ---. 342 9 n. Cornelius Dole, b. ---. 343° m. Calista Dole, b. ---.

!J243 FNos Dou;, s. Joshua arid Elizabeth (Wilder) Dole, 111. 3431 MARY HASTJNGS. Issue:

3432 1. William J. Dole, b. -- 343J 11. Charles Dole, b. ---. 3434 rn. Elizabeth Dole, b. ---. 3435 1v. Delia Dole, b. ---. 3436 v. Carrie Dole. b. ---.

3·!-i-4 EL\!IRA DoLF:, dr. Josiah and Elizabeth (\Vildeq Dole,

Ill. 3437 ANliERso:,; JuscELY:-1. Issue:

3438 1. Almira F. Joscelyn, L. ---.

3439 11. Rollin 0. Joscelyn, b. -·--. 3440 111. Ferrena C. Joscelyn, b. ---- 3441 1v. Marietta(;, Joscelyn, L. ---. 3442 v. Fanny L. Joscelyn, b. ---. .3443 v1, F, Wilder Joscelvn, b. 294 GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 3~69 PLUMEA SHERMAN, dr. William and Lucy (Wilder} Sherman, m. Dec. 14, 1822, 3444 Eu BRUCE. Issue :

3445 1. Alzina Bruce, b. Nov. 27, 1823; m. Joel Patterson. 3446 ii. Eliza Bruce, b. June 14, 1825; d. Oct. 16, 1826. 3447 m. '\'Villiam Wallace Bruce, b. May 1, 1827; m. Emily Hallock. 3448 lV. Eli Bruce, b. July 5, 1829; m. Emeline Meneely. 3449 v. Catharine Bruce, b. Oct. 2, 1830; m. James H. Holden. 345° VI. Omri Bruce, b. Jan. 23, 1832. 345 1 Vil. Ethan Allen Bruce, b. April 26, 1835; m. Emily S. Robinson. 3452 Vlll, Cyrus Bruce, b. Aug 2, 1837; m. Louisa \Vashburne. 3453 IX. Orris Duane Bruce, b. April 13, 1842; m. Martha Tucker.

3301 SARAH JANE 1 WILDER (Samuel,• Samuel,• Aholiab '), m. 1844, 3454 JoiIN AMSDEN, d. 1874. Issue: 3455 !. Sarah Jane Amsden, b. Aug., 1845. 3302 GEORGE SHELDON' WILDER (Samuel,• Samuel,• Aho- liab '), m. 1st, 1857, 3456 1 MRS. ELIZA ANN CARPENTER, d. Feb. I 1, 1868; m. 2d, 3457 2 EUNICE A. WELLMAN. lssue:

3458 i. George Frederic Wilder, b. Aug. 1, 18_c;8. 3459 11. Herbert Merrill Wilder, b. Sept. 20, 1864.

3303 SERENO' MERRILL WILDER (s. Samuel,° Samuel,• Aho­ liab'), m. 1st, Jan. 10, 1852, 3460 1 HELEN M. THOMPSON, d. June 20, 1857; 111. 2d. Oct. 2, 1862, 3461 2 HARRIET N. TAYLOR. Issue: 3462 i. Frank S. ·wilder, b. May 13, 1857; d. Sept. 12, 1863. 3463 11. :Merritt B. Wilder, b. Sept :w, 1873.

3311 LEROY 7 WILDER (Dan.,• Joshua,' Aholiab '), m. July II, 1830, 3464 PATIENCE GOULD, b. March 19, 181 I. Issue: 3465 1. Wallace Leroy Wilder, b. Oct. 15, 1832; d. Sept. II, 1856. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

34:66 ii. Horace Newell Wilder, b. Jan. II, 1836; m. Jane Miller. iii. Jane Rosalia Wilder, b. Oct. 20, 1840. 1v. Abbie Gould Wilder, b. Sept. 2, 1843; m. John Miller. v. Fidelia Janette Wilder, b. March 25, 1846; d. Oct. 12, 1873. 347° v1. Frank Cook Wilder, b. April 2, 1849; m. Laura Sargent. 347 1 vn. Frederic B. \Vilder, b. May 29, 1851;

3323 HENRY BALDWIN• WILDER (John c.,' Daniel," Daniel W., • Aholiab '), was in the army, and went through the Peninsular campaign with General McClellan ; m. April 22, 1857, 3473 MARY LoursA BAXTER. Issue:

3474 1. Anna Caroline Wilder, b. ---. 3475 ii. William Baxter Wilder, b. ---. 3476 iii. Henry Baldwin Wilder, b. ---

3324 EDNA CAROLINE• WILDER (John c.,' Daniel,' Daniel W.," Aholiab '), m. Jan. 1, 1862, 3477 OscAR EUGENE SPEAR, b. Aug. 24, 1839. Issue:

3478 1. Fred Hazeltine Spear, b. Nov. q, 1862. 3479 ii. William Miller Spear, b. July 17, 1866. 3480 iii. Daniel Curtis Spear, b. May 18, 1868. 3481 1v. John Taney Spear, b. June 10, 1871. 3482 v. Francis Elijah Spear, b. July 18, 1873. 3483 v1. Orcas Eugene Spear, b. May 25, 1875.

334:5 CHARLES E. JosCELYN, s. Timothy a.nd Mellona (Wilder) Joscelyn, m. June 24, 1864, 3484 SusAN J. FISHER. Issue: 3485 1. Kate B. Joscelyn, b. April 26, 1866. 3486 ii. Frederic C. Joscelyn, b. Nov. 30, 1867. 3487 111. Clara M. Joscelyn, b. June 2r, 1874.

334:H SOPHIA M. JosCELYN ( sister of 3345), m. Oct. 5, 1868, 3488 ORLO H. CHAPIN. Issue:

3489 i. Frederic 0. Chapin, b. Oct. 20, 1869. 3490 ll. Clara W. Chapin, b. Jan. 14, 1874. 296 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

334:7 AHIRA 0. JosCELYN (brother of 3346), 111. 3491 MARY S. SPENCER. Issue : 3492 i. Mary S. Joscelyn, b. ---. 3493 JJ. Wilder S. Joscelyn, b: Dec. 22, 1873.

3348 JARED A. JosCELYN (brother of 3347), m. March 10, 1869, 3494 HANNAH M. CRANDALL. Issue :

3495 1. Edgar W. Joscelyn, b. -_--. 3496 11. Ella J. Joscelyn, b. ---.

3354- GINNETHAN JoscELYN, s. William and Abigail (Wilder) Joscelyn, 111. 1869, 3497 SusAN CURRIER. Issue: 3498 i. Roy W. Joscelyn, b. ---.

3369 CHARLES W. HARRINGTON, s. Dea. Leonard and Ann M. (Wilder) Harrington, m. 1872, 3499 SARAH Borns. Issue: 3500 I. Lewis N. Harrington, b. Feb. 19, 1874.· 3501 11. Lois 0. Harrington, b. Oct. 15, 1875.

34-66 HORACE NEWELL" WILDER (Leroy,' Dan.,• Joshua,• 4 Aholiab ), m. 1859, 3502 JANE MILLER, b. July 23, 1838. Issue:

35°3 i. Frederic Wallace Wilder, b. Nov. 21, 1860. 3504 ll. Ida Jane Wilder, b. Jan. 26, 1864. 35o5 111. Dan. Horace Wilder, b. Nov. 29, 1866.

34-68 ABEY Gout,D' WILDER (Leroy,1 Dan.,• Josbu 1,' Aho- liab 'J, m. Feb. I7, 1861, 3505 JmIN MILLER, b. April 6, 1836. Issue: 3506 1. Abbie Jane l\1iller, b. Jan. 6, 1864. 3507 11. Frank Warren Miller, b. Oct. 9, 1866. 3508 111. Norman J. Miller, b. July 24, 1871. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.



98 JERAHMEEL • \Vrr.DER (Nathanael,' Nathanael,' Thom­ 1 as ), born in Lancaster; when about 2 I years of age he removed with l1is father to Petersham ; m. 3:;o9 SARAH CLARK, of \Vorcester. Issi1e: 3510 i. Jerahmeel Wilder,' b. ---; d. yomig. 3511 11. Joanna Wilder, b. ---. 35r2 iii. Sarah Wilder, b. ---. 3513 IV, Abigail Wilder, b. ---; m. Silas Rice. 35q V. Lois Wilder, b. ---. 35 1 5 VI. Eunice Wilder, b. ---. 3516 Vll. Susan \Vilder, b. ---. 35I7 Viii. Sybil Wilder, b. ---; m. Cyprian Baker. 3518 JX, Abel Wilder, b. Feb. 10, q58; d. 1831; m. Reiief Whitney.

:J513 ABIGAIL' WILDER (dr. Jerabmeel,') m. 3519 Sn.As RICE, of Cambridge, N. Y. (his children may not be in the order of their birth. Issue :

3520 1. Clark Rice, b. ---. 3521 ll. Hercules Rice, b. ---. 3522 iii. William Rice, b. ---.

;{518 ABEL• WILTJER (s. Jerahmeel '), a farmer of Peter­ sham ; 111. 3523 Rr:LIEF V{HIT~EY, dr. of Timothy Whitney, Esq., of Winchendon. Jssue :

3524 1. Lucy Wilder, L. Oct. 8, I 778; m. R.andall Stearns. 3s 2 s ii. Alice Wilcler, b. June 15, 1780. 3526 111. Simon Wilder, h. !IL1y 7, 1782. ;{:;~! 7 iv. Abe! Wilder, b. Sept. 1, 1783; d. 1869; 1n. Ascenatb Smith. 3528 v Sar;ih Wilder, !;. Sept. 1, 1784; d. 1840; m. Uriel S1!lith. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3529 vi. Nathanael Wilder, b. Nov. II, 'I;,85_; 111. -- Mann. 353° vii. Abigail Wilder, b. June 21, 1787. 353 1 viii. Pan! Wilder, b. June 28, 1789. 3532 ix. Lydia Wilder, b. Aug. 2, 1791; cl. 1875; m. Ephraim Hunt. 3538 x. Relief Wilder, b. Oct. I 2, I792 ; d. r 833. 3.539 x1. Silas Wilder, b. May 2 I, I 795. 3540 xu. Barnabas ·wilder, b. Oct. 22, r 796. 3541 xm. Polly J. Wilder, b. Jan. 30, 1799; m. Pbinehas Wheelock. 3542 xiv. Joel D. Wilder, b. June 27, 1802; m. Clarinda Cheeney.

3527 ABEL" WILDER (Abel,' Jerahmeel'), m. Jan. 17, 1808, 3543 AscENATH SMITH, a descendant of a County Derry family of Irish Presbyterians; a farmer, settled in Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y., from 1813 to 1853, when 'he removed to Chester, Geauga Co., Ohio. Issue:

3544 1. William Smith Wilder, b. Nov. 8, 1808; d. June 14, 1870; m. Sarah Adams. 3545 u. Lucretia Lydia Wilder, p. Aug. 2, 1810; m. Asahel Bake~ · m. Abel Wilder, b. Nov. 21, 1812; d. Feb. 23, 1844. 1v. Ascenath Wilder, b. Dec. 16, 1814; d. Nov. 25, 1871 ; m. Samuel K. Avery. 3548 v. Barnabas Wilder, b. Oct. 4, 1816; 111. 1st, Amanda Ferree; m. 2d, Emma Heall. 3549 v1. George William \vilder, b. Dec. 18, 1818; d. Aug. 29, 1845. 3550 v11. David Wilder, b. May 27, 1821; d. Oct. 13, 1850; m. Elizabeth A. Williams. 3551 viii. Alexander Wilder, M.D., b . .l\farch 14, 1823. 355 2 IX. Isabella C. Wilder, b. May 10, 1825; d. Feb. 18, 1874. 3553 x. Simon Hubert ·wilder, b. Sept. 14, 182 7;

3529 NATHANAEL• 1V1L0ER (Abel,6 Jerahmeel '), m. 3554 -- MANN, lived in Ashburnham and Hubbardston. Issue: 3555 i. John 1Vilder, b. 1820. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

35!1 POLLY J.' WILDER (dr. Abel,' Jerahmeel '), m. 3556 PHINEHAS WHEELOCK, Issue :

3557 1. Austin Wheelock, b. ---. 3558 ii. Channey Wheelock, L. ---. 3559 m. Polly Wheelock, b. ---.

3542 JOEL D.• ·WILDER (Abel,' Jerahmeel '), m. 3559 CLARINDA CHEENEY, b. Dec. 14, 1808; d. Feb. 12, 1872. Issue :

3560 i. Charles Wilder, b. Feb. 26, 1828; m. Harriet E. Kellogg. 3561 11. Henry Wilder, b. Feb. 2, 1830; m. Amanda M. Andrus. 3562 iii. Leonard C. Wilder, l>. March 25, 1832; d. Oct. 20, 1842. 3563 1v. Elizabeth A. Wilder, b. Feb. 27, 1834; m. G. N. Tuttle. 3564 v. Abel M. Wilder, b. March 28, 1836; m. Emma T Spicer. 3565 v1. Mary L. Wilder, b. June 19, 1838; d. Jan. 30, 1846. 3566 vu. Lydia A. Wilder, b. Jan. 26, 1840; d. Oct. 12, 1843. 3567 vn1. George Wilder, b. Sept. 25, 1841; d. Nov. 18, 1841. 3568 1x. Harriet E. Wilder, b. Feb. 13, 1843. 3569 x. Janette R. Wilder, b. Nov. 25, 1844. 3570 xi. Marion E. Wilder, b. Aug. 13, 1850; m. Elsworth W. Taylor.,

3544: WILLIAM SMITH 7 WILDER (s. Abel," Abel,• Jerahmeel '), m. Dec. 28, 1835, 3571 SARAH ADAMS. Issue:

3572 1. George M. Wilder, b. 1fay 7, 1836; d. Oct. 27, 1858. :}573 11. Theodore ·wilder, b. Dec. 2, 1837; d. March 8, 1871; m. Fanny Duncan. 3574 Ill. Eliza Ann Wilder, b. Dec. 18, 1839; m. Charles Wil1iams. 35i5 1v. Angeline Wilder, b. 1841. 3576 v Ascenath \Vil

3579 vm. Calvin Abel Wilder, b. Aug. 29, 1849; d. Nov. 27, 1852. 3580 1x. Daniel W. Wil

3547 ASCENATH 7 WILDER (dr. Abel,• Abel,' Jerahmeel '), 111. 1836, 3581 SAMUEL K. AVERY. Issue :

3582 l. William B. Avery, b. Aug. 1, 1838. 3583 ll. George Edward Avery, b. 1841; d. 1851. 3584 Ill. Christiana Elizabeth Avery, b. ---. 3585 iv. Hubert King Avery, b. ---. 3586 V. Elisha A very, b. ---. 3587 VI. Fremont Avery, b. ---.

3548 BARNABAS 7 WILDER ( s. Abel," Abel,• J erahmeel '), born in Verona, N. Y.; settled in Connersville, Ind., where he married 1st, 1841, 3588 I AMANDA FERREE; Ill. 2d, 1851, 3589 2 EMMA BEALL, b. Feb. 6, 1822. Issue:

3590 1. Thirzah Wilder, b. April 13, 1849. 3591 11. Charles Arthur Wilder, b. April 13, 1853. 3592 iii. Thomas Allen Wilder, b. July 21, 1854. 3593 iv. Martha A. Wilder, b. Oct. 20, 1856.

3550 DAVID 7 WILDER (Abel,6 Abel,' Jerahmeel' ), a farmer of Smithfield, N. Y.; m. Jan. 25, 1844, 3594 ELIZABETH ANN Wrr.LIAMS. Issue : 3595 1. Susan \Vilder, b. April, 184'i; m. Rev. G. S. Jewell. 3596 ii. David George Wilder, b. 1847, M. D., of Fremont, Ohio. 3597 iii. John Wilder, b. 1849.

3573 THEODORE' WIT.DER (William S., 7 Abel," Abel,' Jerah­ meel '), of Chester, Geanga Co., Ohio; enlisted from Oberlin College in 186 I ; was wounded at Cedar Mountain ; was in the hospital four months, when he returned, graduated, and was Professor of M athernat­ ics in Ripon College; m. 1868, 3598 MRS. FANNY DUNCAN. Issue:

3599 I. George D. \Vilder, L. June 26, 1869. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 301

3574: ELIZA ANN 8 WILDER ( dr. William S.,' Abel,' Abel,6 Jerahmeel '), m. April 20, 1859, 3600 CHARLES WILLIAMS. Issue :

3601 I. Eudora Williams, b. March 10; 1861. 3602 ii. Arthur W. \Villiams, b. ---. 3603 iii. Auna W. Williams, b.---. 3604 JV. Elmer 'IV. "\Villiarns, b. ---.

3578 MARTHA 'IVILDER (dr. William S., Abel, Abel, Jerah- meel), 111. Feb. 5, 1866, 3605 JoHN LINDERMAN. Issue: 3606 i. Isabel Linderman, b. June 5, 1867. 36o7 JI. Herbert L. Linderman, b. May 5, 1869. 3608 iii. Frederic L. Linderman, b. Dec. 8, 1870.



102 ELIAS' WILDER (Nathanael,' Nathanael/ Thomas'), lived in Dummerston, Vt., ami" had a large family, of whom we have obtained knowledge of but one . .Mrs. Olive Waterman wrote in 1875, that her father's name was Charles, and that he had brothers, Charles, Joshua, and Aa!on, and that her brother Ch~rles lived in Brattleboro; all of which could be true only of Eli1s, youngest son of Nathanael of Petersham. Charles, the son of Elias of Dummerston, was in Brattleboro when she was born in r 794, and that year signed a petition for a road to be laid out in th<;: dis­ trict where he lived. 3Go9 Charles Wilder, b. 1766; m. Sarah Spaulding.

365H CHARLES• WILDER ( s. Elias'), a farmer of Brattleboro, Vt., m. 3660 SARAH SPAULDING. Issue (in the order in which they were received from Mrs. Waterman) :

366! i. Charles Wilder, 3662 ii. Sarah Wilder. 302 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3663 lll. Reuben Wilder. 3665 JV, Nathanael H. Wilder, b. Dec. 22, 1 787 ; d. Oct. 12, 1860. 3666 V, Mary Wilder. 3667 VJ, Olive Wilder. 3668 vii. Cynthia Wilder 3669 Vlll. Willard "\Vilcler. 3670 IX. J o~iah \Vilcler. 3671 x. Samuel Wilder. · 3672 XI. Elizabeth \Vilder. 3673 XH. Leonard "\Vi Ider,

3665 NATHANAEL H." WILDER (Charles," Elias'), m. 1812, 3674 NANCY SMITH, b. Sept. 19, 1793; d. June 1, 1861. Issue : 3675 J, Elizabeth A. Wilder, b. Oct. 18, 1813. 3676 ii. Varnum Wilder, b. March 24, 1814. 3677 ll 1. Amy Wilder, b. April 12, 1818; d. Dec. 20, 1835. 3678 IV. Sarah E. Wilder, b. March, 1819. 3679 v. Nathanael H. Wilder, b. Feb. 15, 1821. 3680 VI. Charles L. Wilder, b. March 29, r822. 3681 VII. Daniel Carew Wilder, b. Jan. 14, 1826; m. Theresa H. Craw. 3682 VII!, Nancy Wilder, b. May 23, 1828. 3683 IX, Benjamin Franklin Wilder, b. Aug. 3, 1830; Ill. Eliza- beth Wager. 3684 X, Chester P. Wilder, b. April 5, 1833. 3685 XI, Ambrose G. Wilder, b. Feb. 5, 1835. 3686 XII, Lucy Wilder, b. July 20, 1839.

3681 DANIEi. CAREW' WILDER (Nathanad, •Charles,• Eiias '), m. Feb., 1850, 3687 THERESA B. CRAW, b. April l4, 1833. Issue: 3688 I, Grove H. Wilder, b. Oct. 22, 1852 3689 ll, Susan Wilder, b. Jan. 6, 1854. 3690 Ill. Laura E. Wilder, b. Sept. 8, 1856. 3691 JV. Edward R. Wilder, b. Jan. 7, 1858.

3683 B. FRANKLIN· ·w1LDER (Nathanael," Charles,° Elias'), a Real r:state Agent in New York City; m. 1849, 369z Er.IZABET» WAGER. Issue:

3693 Charles Wilder, b. Aug. 2, 1850. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3694 11. George B. Wilder, b. Aug. 18, 1853. 3695 Ill. Nancy L Wilder, b. July r8, 1855. 3696 IV. Georgiana Wilder, b. Aug. 8, 185 7. 3697 v. Eugene T. Wilder, b. Sept, 30, 1859. 3698 \'1. Nathanael Wilder, b. June 23, 1861. 3699 Vll. Elizabeth l\f. Wilder, b. Sept. IO, 1863. 3700 Vlll. Eva Wilder, b. Jan. 6, r 8 7 I. 3701 IX, Benjamin F. Wilder, b. Jan. 2, 1873.

3684 CHESTER P.' WILDER (Nathanael,• Charles,• Elias'), m. 3702 ELIZABETH--. Issue:

3703 1. Emma C. Wilder, b. April 15, 18~6. 3704 ii. Frank Wilder, b. Feh. 9. 1866. 3705 !II. Henry Wilder, b. Jan. 19, 1872.

3685 AMBROSE G.' ,v11.DER (Nathanael,• Charles,° EEas '), m. 3706 MARTHA--. Iss11e: 3707 l, Caroline Wilder, b. Jan. 29, 1859. 3708 JI. Morgia Wilder, b. August 28, 1860. 37°9 Ill. Martha J. Wilder, b. Feb. 9, 1862. 3710 IV. Ambrose Wilder, b. Jan. 29, 1863. 3 7 I I V. Robert D. Wilder, b. Jan. 20, 1865 3 712 VI. F.lla Wilder, b. May 30, 1867. 3713 vii. Hannah B. Wilder, h. Jnly 28, 1869. 37'4 vm. Mary Wilder, b. Feb. 12, 1871.


1 104: EPHRAIM• WILDER (Ephraim,• Nathanael,• Thomas ), m. Jnne 17, 1731, 3715 . ANNA WILDER, b. I 71 I; d. Oct. 16. r 778. , Issue:

3716 i. Ephraim Wilder,~b. July 8, 1733; m. Lucretia Locke. 1 37 1 7 11. Manassah Wilder, b. May 5, I 7 35 ; d. 1735 .. 3718 m. Catharine Wilder, b. Oct. 17, 1737; d, 1737. 37 1 9 iv. Catharine Wifrler, b. July 18, 1742, 3720 v. :Eunice Wilder, b. Sept. 5, t 745, 304 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3721 VI. Elizabeth Wilder, b. l\fay 16, I 748. ) 3722 Vil. Abigail Wilder, b. May 16, 1748. l :3723 VIII. Manassah Wilder, b. May 4, 1750; d. Nov. 4, 1822; m. Sarah White. 3724 IX. William Wilder, b. May 5, 1755; d. May 20, 1816; m. Relief Carter.

3716 EPHRADI • WILDER (Ephraim'), m. April 3, 1755, 3725 LUCRETIA LOCKE, L. Nov. 5, 1733; d. Dec., 1Sr6. Issue :

3726 1. Ephraim 'Wilder, b. April 21, t 756; d. May r, 1815,. m. Hannah Reed. 3727 JI. Timothy Wil

3723 MANASSAH • WILDER (Eµhraim '), m. r775, 3735 SARAH WHITE. Issue:

3736 1. Sally Wilder, b. 1775. 3737 11. Lucy Wilder, b. July, 1777. 3738 iii, Anna Wilder, b, Nov,, 1779, 3739 iv. Joseph Wilder, b, Feb. 8, 1783; m. Eliza Andrews. 374° v Sumner Wilcler, b. r 790.

3724 WILLIAM• WILDER (Ephraim'), rn, Dec. 8, 1777, 3741 RELIEF CARTER, b. I760;

3742 1, William Wilder, b. Oct. 14, J 778; m. Nancy Beaman. 3743 11. Ephraim Wilder, b. 1780, 374i 111. Elijah Wikl:r, b. 1782; m. Sophia Thurston. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 3o5

3726 CAPT. EPHRAIM• WILDER (I::phraim,' Ephraim'), of Sterling; m. r 778, 3745 HANNAH REED, b. 1763; d. 1812. lss·1e: 3746 i. Joseph R. Wilder, b. May 10, I 780; m . .Mary H. Nichols. 3747 JI. Nathan \Vilder, b, Nov. 16, t78r ; d. unmarried at Reading. 3748 m. Ephraim Wilder, b. --. WH9 1v. I\Iary Wilder, b. Oct. 5, I 787; lll. Ebenezer Farley. 3750 v. George W. \Yiluer, b. March 8, I 790.

4 3727 TnmTBY • WILDER (Ephraim; Ephraim ), m. 1783, 3751 EUNICE OscooD. Issue:

375 2 I. Timothy Wilder, b. :May 29, 1 784; d. at Sterling, 1850. 37;-,3 II. Ephraim Wilder, b. Nov. r6, 1791; m. Rebecca Hunt. 3754 Ill. Rebecca Wilder, b. July 12, 1795. 3755 IV. Dimock Wilder, b. June 20, 1797 ; d. Sept. 14, r 799. 3756 v. Albert \Vi Ider, b. Sept. 22, 1 799 ; d. Sept. 24, I 799. :1757 VJ. Nancy Wilder, b. Sept. II, 1800; m. Ezekiel Kendall. 3758 VII, Merrick Wilder, b. July 18, 1802; m. Catharine Day. 3759 viii. Charles A. Wilder,-- b. Aug. 21, 1807; cl. Sept. 21, 1809. 3760 IX. Lucretia \Vi!cler, b. Jan. 25, 1809; m. George Stuart. 3761 x. Augustus Wilder, b. Feb. 23, 181I; m. Charlotte Moore.

4 3728 LvcRETIA • ·wrLDER (Jr. Ephraim,' Ephraim ), m. 1779, 3762 EBENEZER Pon:, b. May 29, 1752; J. 1827, a mer­ chant of Sterling. lssue:

3763 1. Joseph Pope, b. March 29, 1781; d. Aug. 12, 1814, a farmer. 3764 ii. Ebenezer Pope, b. Nov. 12, 1783; d. 1843, a merchant. 3765 Ill. Hannah Pope, b. Nov. 27, 1785; d. 1862. 3766 JY. Betsey Pope, l,, Feb. 7, 1 788; m. Jo"iah Conant. 3767 v. Lucretia Pope, b. Sept. 15. 1791; m. Jabez C. Howe. 3768 Vl. Nancy l'. Pope, b. Dec. 20, 1 793; rn. A1nus Howe. 3769 VII. Josiah Pope, b. Jan. 15, 1798; m. Lydia G. Catlin. 21 3o6 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3i31 Jon' WILDER (Ephraim,• Ephraim'), m. 3770 Luc, KENDALL, b. l\fay 16, 1770; d. Dec. 2, 1857. Issue :

3771 1 Lncy Wilder, b. Feb. 7, 1792; cl. April J9, 1870; 111. Otis Stearns. 3772 ii. Joel \Vilder, b. July 13, 1797; 111. Deborah K. \-Vhit- man. 377:J m. Caroline Amelia Wilder, b. July 16, 1810; m. Roberr Andrews. 3774 1v. Charles Josial1 Wilder, b. Dec. 31, 1812; m. Eliza Carter.

3732 JosIAH • WILDER (s. Ephraim,' Ephraim'), m. 1801, 3778 SusA:s CARLTON, b. April 4, 1777; cl. 1844. Issue: 3779 i. Julia Ann \\'ilder, b. Sept. 21, 1802; m. Dr. Augustus Robbins. 3780 11. Alfred Montrose Wilder, b. April I7, 1804; m. Lydia E. Babcock.

3733 HARRISON' WILDER (Ephraim," Ephraim'), lived on the old farm in Steriing; m. 1803, 3781 h.EZIAH PARSONS. Issue:

3782 1. Maria Wilder, b. June 3, 1805; d. July 29, 1839. 3783 11. Mary Ann Wilder, b. March 1, 1807. 3784 111. Elizabeth Wil

..,,..,.-·3734 SA~!UE!.,' LOCKE WILDER (Ephraim,' Ephraim'), a rnerchant from 1794, when 18 years of age, till age co111pelled him to retire. A man of great mental power; faithful lo the welfare of the church and the world; m. 1797, 3787 Ax:s:A SHERWI:-s, b. Dec. 31, 1778; d. 1857. Issne:

3788 l. Marshall Pinckney Wilder, b. Sept. 22, 1798. 3789 II. Eurydice Wilder, b. Jnly 13, 1801; d. Jan. ~l, 1818. 37HO lll. Frederic Adolphus Wilder, L. April 16, 1804; d. May 26, 1869; m. Apphia Tyler. 3791 IV, Mary Ann Wilder, b. April r, 1806 ; d. Dec. 2 5, 1830 ; m. Rev. Albert B. Camp. GEKEALOGICAL TABLE.

3792 v. Nancy \Vilder, b. Nov. 10, 1809; d. Feb. 23, 1830. 3793 v1. Josiah Wiider, b. Oct. 31, 1813; d. April 27, 1853; m. Elizabeth F. Fosdick. 3794 Vil. Mersilvia \Vilder, b. Jnne 18, r8r6; d. March 8, 1877; m. Stephen B. Shern·in. 3795 viii. Eurydice Augusta Wilder, b. Jan. 28, 1819. 37'96 1x. Samuel Locke \Vilder, b. Jan. 9, 18z2; m. 1st, Anna Silsbee; rn. 2d, Lorania L. Tuttle.

3739 JOSEPH' WILDER (Manassab,' Ephraim'), rn. 1777, 3797 ELIZA ANDREWS, b. 1800; r'.. 1865. Issue: 3798 i. Martha E. Wilder, b. 1818; m. Granville Carter. 3799 11. Charles H. Wilder, b. 1820. 3800 m. Mary Ann Wilder, b. 1822; m. James Waoleigh. 3801 1v. Anna E. ·wilder, b. 1824; m. --- Ballard.

374-6 JOSEPH R. 7 \VILDER (Capt. Ephraim,• Ephraim,' Eph- raim '), m. 1808, 3802 MARY H. NICHOLS, Issue: 3803 1. John Nichols Wilder, b. 1810; d. July 15, 1858; m. Delia Farley. u. Helen 1\f. Wilder, b. 1812; d. 1834; m. T. R. Ray- mund. 3805 111. Frances A. Wilder, b. 1813; d. l\farcb, 1857; m. -- Cooper. 3806 1v. Kate Wilder, b. 18r5; m. George W. Smith.

7 4 37 4:9 MARY \VLDER (Capt. Ephraim,' Ephraim,• Ephraim ), m. Sept. Ii, 1806, 3807 EBENEZER FARLEY, b. Jan. I7, t 777, of \Viscasset, l\'Ie. Issne :

3808 I. Ephraim Wilder Farley, M.C, b. Aug. 27, 1817. 3809 11. Martha B. Farley, b. Dec. 6, 1818. 3810 iii. Sally Farley, b. Sept. 2, 1820. 38n IV. Frederic Farley, b. April 4, 1823. 3812 v. Charles Farley, b. Feb. 24, 1826. 3813 VI. Mary Farley, b. Oct. 20, 1830.

3750 (-;EORGE W.' \VJLDER (s. Capt. Ephraim,' Ephraim,' Ephraim 'J, of South Reading, m. ------Issue:

3814 1. Eliza \Vilder, b. Oct. r 5, 1822. 308 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3815 u. George W. Wilder, b. July 6, 1824.

37 53 EPHRAnI 1 \VJLDER (s. Timothy,• Ephraim,' Ephraim'), lived in Templeton; m. 1827, 3816 REBECCA HUNT. Issue:

38r7 1•. Mary Ann Wilder, b. Sept. 24, 1828. 3818 I!. Nancy hendall Wilder, b. Jan. 1, 1831; m. 1st, Josiah \V. Wheeler; m. 2d, John "\\'. Foster. 3819 Jll. Catharine Harding \\"ilcler, b. Jan. r r, 1834. 3820 I\'. Caroline A. Wilder, b. ---.

3757 NANCY' WILDER (dr. Timothy,' Ephraim,' Ephraim'), m. 1823, 3821 EZEKIEL hENDALL. Issue:

3822 1. Ann Elizabeth hendall, b. 1825; m. Theodore Brown. 3823 11. Lydia Conant hendall, b. ---. 3824 iii. Eunice Wilder Kendall, b. ---. 3825 iv. Eliza Putnam Kendall, b.---.

3 7 60 Lt.:CRETIA' WILDER ( dr. Timothy,' Ephraim,' Ephraim'), m. Jnne 30, 1810, 3826 · GEORGE L. STt.:ART. Issue :

3827 1. Ellen Elizabeth Stuart, b.---. 3828 11. Harriet Marian Stuart, b.---. 3828 Ill. Lucretia Ann Stuart, b. ---. 3829 1v. George Samuel Stuart, b. ---.

3771 Lt.:CY' \VILDER (dr. Joe],• Ephraim,' Ephraim'), m. Jan. 2, 1 8 r 6, OTis Sn;ARXS, b. 1787; d. Aug. 25, 1856, of Leom- inster. 1 ssue : •

1. Thomas Charles Stearns, b. Dec. 2_1, 1816; m. Jnlia Chase. 3832 ll. George Otis Stearns, l;. Oct. 3, 1819; cl. Sept. 7, 1822. 3833 Ill. Susan Stearns, b. July 12, 1822. 3834 1v. Amelia Stearns, b. Dec. 15, I 824. 3835 v. Frances Ann Stearns, b. April 20, 1826; d. April 2 r, 1826. v1. Joel Wilder Stearns, l;, April 4, 1827; m. Elizabeth Beale. v11. Lucy Amelia Stearns, b. Sept. 16, 1829; J. Jan. 28, 1854. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

37'72 JOEL 1 Vi'ILDER (Joel," Ephraim,' Ephraim'), m. 3837 DEBORAH H. \VHITMAN, b. 1807; d. Sept. 14, 1875. Issue : 3838 i. George Waite Wilder, b. June 12, 1829; d. Nov. 8, 1843. 3839 !l. Francis ,vhitman Wilder, b. June 5, 1831; d. Nov. 8, 1872; m. Mary Emerson. 3840 iii. Edward Everett Wilder, b. Aug. 19, 1835; d. May 13, I8j5.

3773 CAROLINE AMELIA7 WILDER (Joel,' Ephraim,' Eph­ raim'), m. 1834, 3841 ROBERT ANDREWS, a copper-plate printer of Boston. Issue :

384-2 I. Charles Denny Andrews, b. July 20, 1835; m. Olivia F. Murray. ;" 384-3 11. Caroline Louisa Andrews, b. July r, 1838; m. George E. Carter. 3844 m. Robert Henry Andrews, b. Aug. 9, 1849; m. Naomi Von \Vymer.

3774: CHARLES 1 JosrAH WILDER (Joel,• Ephraim," Ephraim'), m. 3845 EuzA CARTER, !J. Nov. 30, 18II; d. July 18, 1851. Issue :

3846 1. Joel Thomas Wilder, b. Dec. 19, 1840; d. April 24, 1844. 384-7 11. George Waite Wilder, b. Dec. 27, 1842; d. March IO, 1843. 3848 m. Charles Francis \Vilder, b. April 1, 1846. 3849 iv: Anna Eliza Wilder, b. March 12, 1850.

3779 JcLIA ANN \VrLDER (clr. Josiah), m. 3850 DR. A UGt:STUS ROBBINS, a graduate of Harvard Med- ical College; settled in Harvard, Mass., until 1849, when he remover! to Bruoklyn. His widow is now, 1877, at Whitestone, LI. l%ue:

3851 1. Alfred A. Ro!Jbin,, b. July 6, 1836. 3852 11. Olive Susanna Robbins, b. July 8, 1839. 310 GEXEALOGICAL TABLE.

3780 ALFRED l\lONTR0SE 7 WILDER (Josiah,' Ephraim,• Ephraim'), m. Nov. 7, 1835, 3853 LYDIA E. BABCOCK, b. Aug., 1814. Issue: 3854 l. Emma Carleton ·wilder. 3855 11. Emma Carleton l\'ilder. 3856 lll. Ella Hamilton Wilder. 3857 lV. Alfred Mcntrose Wilder.

378;'} JosIAH 7 WILDER (Harrison,' Ephraim,' Ephraim'), m. Sept. 15, 1841, 3857 Si;sAN B. .MAYNARD, b. July 3, 1818. Issue:

3858 1. Josiah H. Wilder, b. Sept. 18, 1842. 3859 n. Ella Susan Wilder, b. Dec. I 1, 1845.

378G MARTHA 7 WILDER (dr. Harrison,' Ephraim,' Ephraim'), m. 1841, 3860 HENRY F. TAYLOR. Issue :

3861 1. Maria l\'ilder Taylor, b. Aug. r, 1845, 3862 11. William Henry Taylor, b. Feb. 6, 1847.

3788 'HON. MARSHALL 7 PINCKNEY WILDER (s. Samuel L.,' Ephraim,' Ephraim'), [see History, page 107], m. 1st, Dec. 31, 1820, 3863 r TRYPHOSA JEWETT ( dr. Dr. Stephen Jewett, of Rindge, N. H.), b. Dec. 27, 1799; d. July 31, 1831; m. 2d, Aug. 29, 1833, 3864 2 ABIGAIL BAKER ( dr. Captain David and Jemima Rich- ardson Baker, of Franklin, Mass.), b. Aug. 1, 1810; d. April 4, 1854; m. 3d, Sept. 8, 1855, 3865 3 Ji;LIA HAKER (sister of Abigail). Issue: 3866 1. Marshall P. \Vilder, b. Ja11. 15, 1822; d. Dec. 29, 1854. 3867 11. Eurydice Wilc-Jer, b. June II, 1823; d. Oct. 24, 1824. 3868 rn. Nancy Jewett \Vilder, Li. Feb. 19, 1825; m. Dec. 28, 1858, Rev. A. Bigelow. 3869 1v. Lucius Jcilins Wilder, b. Oct. 2 7, 1826 ; d. Oct. 14, 18(,7, in New Orleans. :V,70 v l\laria Louisa Wilder, b. Jnly 28, 1828; d. June 2, 1852, at Rhinebe<:k, N. Y. 3871 vi. William Henry Wilder, b. July 15, 1830; d. Aug. 31, l 83 I. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 3 I I

3872 vn. Abbie Tryphosa Wilder, b. May 22, 1834; d. M1rch 20, 1870; rn. William Wallace. 3873 vm. William Henry Wilder, b. March 17, 1836; m. Oct. 17, 1861, Hannah ·wallace. 3874 1x. Sarah Jane Wilder, b. Sept. 29, 1841; d. July 28, 1858. 3875 x. Samuel Locke Wilder, b. Oct. 2, 1843; d. Oct. 5, 1853. 3876 xi. Jemima Richardson Wild<:r, b. June 30, 1845. 3877 xii. Grace Sherwin Wilder, b. April 23, 1851. 3878 xiii. Ed ward Baker Wilder, b. Nov. 1 7, 18 5 7. 3879 xiv. Marshall P. Wilder, b. Oct. 3, 1860.

3790 FREDERIC ADOLPHUS' WILDER (s. Samuel L.,• Eph­ 4 raim,° Ephraim ), a farmer in Rindge, N. H. ; Ill. Jan. 28, 1828, 3880 APPHIA TYLER. Issue:

3881 1. Charles A. Wilder, b. Aug. 15, 1829; rn. Nov. 6, 1856, Mary Manning. 3882 11. Mary Ann Wilder. 3883 m. Mary Anna Wilder.

0 3791 MARY ANN' WILDER (dr. Samuel Locke ), m. Feb. 3, 1829, 3884 REV. ALBERT R. CAMP, Congregational pastor, Ashby, Mass. Issue:

3885 1. Nancy Elizabeth Camp, b. July 23, 1830.

3793 JoSL4,.H' WILDER (s. Samuel L.," Ephraim,• Ephraim'), m. May 13, 1835, ELIZABETH F. FosDJcK, dr. Dea. James Fosdick, Charlestown, Mass. Issue:

3886 1. Francis L. Wilder, b. Nov. 8, 1836; m. Oct. 31, 1858, Julia M. Martin. 3887 11. Anna E. Wilder, b. April 30, 1842; m. Oct. 31, 1858, Stepheu A. Howe.

3794 MERSYLVIA W11.DER (sister of Josiah, 3793), b. June 18, 1816, tll. 3888 STEPHEN B. SHERWIN, cousin to Josiah, who with him sncceecled his father in the store as ",vilder & Sher­ win." lssue :

3889 J. William FLrdinand Sherwin, b. Feb. 12, 1836. 3r2 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

11. Ellen Augusta Sherwin, b. Oct. 7, 1838;

3796 SA1ri.JEL LOCKE' -YVILDER ( s. Samuel L.,' Ephraim,' Ephraim'), 111. 1st, Oct. r.s, 1845, 3897 I ANNA SILSBFE, who d. Jan. 18, 1856; m. 2, Sept. 30, 1857, 3898 2 LORANIA TUTTLE, cir. Henry and Lydia Tuttle. Issue:

3899 1. Frederic Wilder, b. April 2, 1849.

3803 JoHN NICHOLS' WILDER (s. Joseph R.,' Captain 0 Ephraim, Ephraim,' Ephraim•), a merchant 111 Albany, firm of'' Wilder & Hastings"; m. 1838, 3900 DELIA FARLEY, b. 1822. Issue :

3901 1. Ephraim Wilder, b. 1840; d. 1852. 3902 Ji. John N. Wilder, b. 1842; d. 1846. 3903 111. Mary Wilder, b. 1844; d. 1874. 3904 1v. Joseph Farley Wilder, b. 1848. 3905 v. Harold Wilder, b. 1850. 3906 vi. Blanche Wilder, b. 1852. 3907 vn. Maude 'IVilder, b. 1854.

3~06 KATE WILDER (sister of John N., 3803), m. 1834, 3908 GEORGE W. SMITH, b. 1804; d. April, 1875. Issue: 39°9 ]. Wilder Smith, b. Jan. 17, 1835. 3910 II. George W. Smith, b. Jan. 5, 1837. 39II lll. Helen Thatcher Smith, b. June 25, 1838. 3912 IV. Heber St. Clair Smith, b. May 28, 1840; d. Aug. 9, 1862; 2d Lieut. in the Army of the Rebeilion, and was killed at Cedar M ountarn. 3914 VJ, Ira St. Clair Smith, b. Jan. 25, 1842; was a Captain in the Army. 391 5 VI. Fanny Addine Smith, b. June 20, 1845; cl. N"ov. 8, 1845. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3916 vu. Ada Clifford Smith, b. Sept. 1, 1846; d. Feb. 29, 1865. 3917 vm. Howard Langdon Smith, b. July 15, 1847. 3918 1x. Ebenezer Langdon Smith, b. Aug. 15, 1848.

3817 MARY ANN• WILDER (dr. Ephraim,' Timothy,' Eph- 4 raim,• Ephraim ), m. 1848, 3919 EzkA LOVELL \VHEELER. Issue:

3920 1. Charles Oliver Wheeler, b. 1849. 3921 11. Catharine F. Wheeler, b. Oct. 1, 1851. 3922 Ill. Mary Ann V,'heeler, b. Nov. 27, 1853.

3818 NANCY KENDALL WILDER (sister of 3817), m. 1st, 1848, 1 Josu,H \V. \VHEELER; m. 2d, 1851, 2 JuHN H. FosTER. Issue: 3925 i. Catharine H. Wheeler, b. Oct., 1850. 3926 11. Charles B. Foster, b. Sept. 12, 1852. 3927 m. Caroline Foster, b. Nov. It, 1854.

3831 THOMAS C. STEARNS, s. Otis and Lucy (Wilder) Stearns; m. 1841, 3928 JULIA A. CHASE, b. ---. Issue: 3929 1. lHelissa Stearns, b. Feb. 8, 1842; d. Sept. 18, 1844. 3930 u. Frank Day Stearns, b. !\-larch 31, 1845; d. June 29, 1847. 3931 111. William G. Stearns, b. Jan. 2, 1848; d. Sept. 3, 1849. 3932 iv. Louisa Amelia Stearns, b. Oct. 10, 1854.

3836 JoEL WILDER STEARNS, s. Otis and Lucy (Wilder) Stearnes; m. 1850, 3933 ELIZABETH REALE, of Brooklyn, b. Oct., 1836. Issue:

3934 1. Joseph B. Stearns, b. Oct. 3, 1854. 3935 H. Dauiel B. Stearns, b. Aug. .;8, 1862. 3936 Ill. Edward 0. Stearns, b. Dec. 8, 1864. 3937 1v. Joel Wilder Stearns, b. Feb. 12, 1868. 3938 v. Arthur Kendall Stearns, b. July 20, 1873.

3839 FRANCIS WHITMAN' WILDER (s. Joel,' Joel,' Ephraim,° Ephraim'), m. 3939 MARY EMERso~, L. 1833;

3940 1. Frederic Wilder, b. ---. 314 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3941 11. Ida Frances Wilder, b. ---. 3942 m. Susan Wilder, b. ---.

3842 CHARLES DENNY ANDREWS, s. Robert and Caroline (Wilder) Andrews, m. 1870, 3943 Ouv!A F. MURRAY, b. July 21, 1845. Issue:

3944 1. Lillie Wilder Andrews. 3945 JJ. George B. Andrews. 3946 m. Caroline Amelia An

3843 CAROLrXE LomsA ANDREWS (sister of 3842), m. Nov. 12, J874, 3947 GEORGE EDWARD CARTER, of Leominster, Mass. Issue: 3948 i. Helen Stearns Carter.

3870 .MARIA LOUISA WILDER (dr. Hon. Marshall P.,7 s. SA~!UEL L., • Ephraim,• Ephraim'), m. Sept. 26, 1850, 3949 A~rnRosE \VAGER, of Rhinebeck, N. Y., and died there June 2, 1852. Issue:

3950 1. Henry Wilder Wager, b. April; d. July, 1852.

3872 ABBIE TRYPHOSA WILDER (sister to 3870), m. Nov. 10, 1859, 3951 WILLIA.'.lf \VALLACE, a merchant of Boston. Issue:

3952 1. Ida Wallace, b. April 22, 1861; d. April 5, 1863. 3953 11. Belle Wallace, b. Sept. 8, 1862. 3954 m. Annie Wallace, b. Sept. 8, 1864. 3955 iv. Edith Wallace, b. Dec. 6, 1865. 3956 v. Jenn:e Wilder Walb.ce, L>. March 6, 1867.

3873 1V1LLTA.'.lf HEXRY • WILDER (s. Hon . .M. P.,' s. Samuel L.,' Ephraim,• Ephraim'), a merc:iant ;n Boston ; m. Oct. 17, 1861, 395 7 HA'\'NAH WALLA CE, a $ister of Wiiliam Wallace. Iss,:e:

3958 I. Alice Wilder, b. Nov. 5, 1862. 3959 l!. Lizzie \\'ilder, b. Nov. 27, 1864. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

3960 m. William Henry Wilder, b. lfarch 3r, r867. 3961 iv. Hannah Wallace Wilder, b. March 6, 1869. 3962 v. Jose;Jhine Hall Wilder, b. Nov. 23, 1874.



112 JONATHAN• "\VII.DER (s. Jonathan,' Nathanael," Thom- as '), m. in Marlboro, 3963 MARY--. They lived in Watertown, Mass. Issue:

3964 1. Solo11Jon Wi!Jer, b. Dec. 18, 1738; d. 1739· 396.5 ii. Jonathan Wilder, b. July 31, 1740. 3966 iii. Mary Wilder, b. Aug 25, 1743. 3967 iv. Solomon Wilder, b. Aug. 29, 1745. 3968 v. Sarah Wilder, b. Jan. 19, 1749. 3969 vi. Lydia Wilder, b. May 28, q5r. 3970 vii. Ephraim Wilder, b. Nov., 1755. 3971 vm. Eunice Wilder, b. March 3, 1759.

118 OLIVER• WILDER (s. Oliver,• Nathanael,' Thomas'), of Sterling, a Just1ct! of the Peace, and Captain of Militi~; m. 1st, June 6, 1 739, 3972 1 SARAH TowNSEND, d. 1743; m. 2d, 1745, 3973 2 RUTH --. Issue : 397i 1• .Ezra Wilder, b. May 27, 1741; d. 1816. 3975 ii. Oliver "\'\~ilder, b. ~ov. 7., 17.4_3. } 3976 iii. Sarah Wilder, L. Nov. 7, 1 743. 3977 iv. Samuel Wilder, b. Jan. 13, I 746. 3978 v. Tamar Wilder, b. May 27, 1748.

123 T1LLEY • ·WILDER (Oliver,' Nathanael," Thomas'), m. 3979 PERSIS --·. Jssue : 3980 1. Persis \\'ilder, b. Oct. r 2, I 7 45. 3981 ii. Elizabeth iVilder, b. A!.Jril n, 174 7. 3H82 iii. Tilley Wilder, b ..May 8, r 749. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

126 PHINEHAS • WILDER (Oliver,' Nathanael,' Thomas'), m. 3983 L01s BRows. Issue: 3984 1. Pbinehas Wilder, b. 1758. 3985 11. Adam Wilder, b. 1760. 398(; m. Ezra Y\'ilder, b. r 762. !3987 IV. Edward \\"ilder, b. 1770; d. 1866.

1 128 Mos Es' WILDER, (Oliver,' Nathanael,' Thomas ), m. Nov. 17, 1757, 3988 ScB:111r FROST. Issue : -s:;t e:,:, ~ "'"Yl 3989 1. Tryphena Wilder, b. Oct. I7, 1759; m. Cmi-1'1t1her Corey. 399° 11. Luther Wilder, b. July 24, 1763. 3991 m. John \Vilder, b. June 10, 1765; d. July r, 1852; m. Sally Whipple. 399 2 1v. Rebecca Wilder, b. April ro, 1767. 3993 v. Sarah Wilder, b. May 8, r 770. 3994 vi. Moses Wilder, b. Oct. 28, 1772. 3995 vii.' Submit Wilder, b. Feb. 25, 1775. 3996 Vlll. Aaron \Vilder, b. Sept. 14, 1776. 3997 1x. Abel Wilder, b. Oct. 28, 1778. 3998 x. Pa"tty Wilder, b. April 20, 1780. 3999 x1. Elias Wilder, b. Dec. 19, 1782. 4000 xu. Betsey Wilder, b. Jan. 4, 1784. 4001 xiii. Jonas Wilder, b. Nov. 9, 1786.

3974- EZRA' \VrLDER ( s. Oliver'), settled in Bolton and re­ moved to Jaffrey; m. 1762, 4002 BETTY \VELCH. Issue:

4003 i. Ezra lVilcler, b. r 764; m. Polly Hodges. 4004: ll. Silas Wilder, b. I 769 ; rn. Abigail Page. 4005 111. Betsey Wilder, b. 1772. 4006 1v. Mary Wilder, b. r 774. 4007 v. Oliver Wilder, b. 1777; d. Jan. 4, 1859; m. Betsey Hodges.

3982 TILLEY• WILDER (s. Tilley'), was in Brattleboro, Vt., with his wife, 4008 MARY ---, in I 780, when he buried twin infants, who died the day of their birth. Other issue ; 4009 1. Sally Wilder, li. 1782; cl. q86. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4010 11. Dolly Wilder, b. 1786; d. 1794.

4 3984: PHINEHAS • \VILDER (s. Pbinehas ), m. ------Issue :

401 I i. Bailey Wilder, b. ---. 4or2 11. Oliver \Vilder, b. --.

3986 EZRA• WILDER (s. Phinehas '), m. ------Issue ; 4013 i. Jonathan \Vilder, b. ---. 4014 ii. Phinehas Wilder, b. ---.

3987 EDWARD ·_WILDER (s. Phinehas•), m. r-ao~ ;ip.;;' ~ ~r-t.lssue: (/1;.,,.. P-/ ve .... ·;:::r~1,,.,.r, $~wo.1rd.. t ~' 4015 i. Edward L. \Yildcr, b. ---. 4016 ii. Josiah S. Wiider, b. ---.

3989 TRYPHENA • WILDER (dr. Moses') m. ~t~-~~:~~ 4017 C~-- HER CoREY. ' Issue: 4018 i. Moses Corey, b. ---. 4019 ii. Charles Corey, b. ---. 4020 iii. -saHy, Corey, b. ---.

4030 1x. Charles Lewis Wilder, b. Feb. 20, 1~,2; 111. Harriet E. Harris. 4031 x. Eliza A. \V. Wilder, b. Oct. 14, 1814; m. Levi Harris. 4032 x1. Rebecca Wilder, b. Oct. 3r, 1815; d. Aug. 28, 1839.

4003 EZRA' WILDER (s. Ezra,• Oliver'), of Jamaica, Vt.; m. 4033 Pol.!.Y HonGES. Issue:

4034 1. Ezra Wilder.

4001 SILAS• \YrLDER (Ezra,° Oliver'), a farmer of Keene, N. H.; m. 4o35 ABIGAIL PAGE. Issue: 4036 i. Abigail Wilder, b. 1787; d. Oct. 24, 1866. 4037 ii. Silas Wilder, b. 1789; d. Oct. 24, 1864; m. Mary Cook. 4038 iii. Jonas Wilder, b. 1791; d. Oct. 9, 1866; m. Cynthia Pond. 4039 JV. Jesse Wilder, b. .1793; d. Feb. 4, 1864; 111. Dolly Holmes. 40-!0 V. Cynthia Wilder, b. 1798; d. July 31, 185 r ; m. Henry Case. 4041 Yl, Hannah Wilder, b. 1802 ; d. July 8, 1867 ; m. James Daniels.

4007 Or.rvER • \VILDER (s. Ezra,• Oliver'), m. 1804, 4042 BETSEY HODGES, b. 1779; d. 1857. Issue: 4043 1. Oliver Wilder, b. July 19, 1806; m. Calista Hathorne. 40-!4 JI. Joseph A. Wilder, b. June 7, 1807; d. 1853; 111. Lydia Powers. 40-!5 lll, Sally Wilder, b, Feb. 15, 1809; d. 1836; m. Gilman Miller. 4043 IV, Ezra Wilder, b. Dec. TI, 1812; m. Elizabeth Hathorne. 4o44 v. Betsey Wilder, b. Aug. 26, 1815; d. 1842. 4o45 VI, William Wilder, b. Dec. 13, 18I7. 4016 Vll, Louisa Wilder, b. Jan. 2, 18:11; d. Nov. 22, 1874; m. John Scott.

4013 Jm1ATHAN • WILDER (s. Ezra,' Phinehas '), of Ludlow, Vt.; m. ------. Issue : 404 7 i. Phinehas Wilder, b. ---. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4015 EDWARD L.' WILDER (s. Edward,' Phinehas '), m. - ---. Issue : 4048 i. Duane E. Wilder, b. ---.

4016 JosIAH • WILDER (s. Edward,• Phinehas '), m. 4049 EVELINE S. "\VoRTHINr;ro~. Issue:

4050 1. John Franklin Wilder, b. ---. 4050 11. Everett Elsworth Wilder, b. ---.

4022 Jmrn WARREN• WrLDBR (s. John,• 1\foses '), m. 1796, 405 [ BETSEY WELLINGTON. Issue : 4052 i. John Emery Wilder, b. --. 4053 ii. Joseph Warren Wilder, b. -- . 4054 iii. William Otis VVilder, b. ---. 4°55 iv. Sarah Wilder, b. ---. 4056 v. Jonas Brooks Wilder, b. ---. 4°57 VI. Benjamin Wilder, b. ---.

4023 JOSEPH WALES• WILDER (John,6 Moses'), m. 4058 RUTH CLARK. Issue :

4°59 I. Elizabeth Wilder, b. ---. 4060 11. Frederic Otis Wilder, b. ---. 4061 iii. William Wilder, b. ---. 4062 IV. Abigail Wilder, b. ---. 4062 v. Sarah H. Wilder, b. Oct. 21, 1832. 4063 VI. George Wilder, b. Aug. r3, 1834. 4064 vu. Thomas J. Wilder, b. Oct. 3, 1836.

4024: SALLY WHIPPLE• WILDER (dr. John," Moses'), m. Sept. 17, 1832, 4065 EMERY HARRIS. Issue :

4066 1. Frederic W. Harris, b. ---. 4067 ii. Emery Harris, b. ---.

4025 ABIGAIL' WILDER (dr. John,' Moses'), m. rst, 4068 I I. G. CHILDS; II], 2d, 4069 2 JOSIAH T.KASK. Issue:

4070 J. Josiah Trask, b. ---. 407 r 11. Sarah Tra~k, b. ----. 4072 Ill, Josiah Wilder Trask, b.---. 320 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4026 BE:S.JAmx GOING' WILDER (s. John,' :Moses'), for many years a prominent bL1siness man of Ne,Y York city. Patentee of the "Wilder Fire-Proof Safe"; m. 407 3 CHARLOTTE STEVENS. Issue :

4074 1. Frances \Vilder, b. --- ; m. Luke Harrington. 4075 11. Georgi:rna Wilder, b. --- ; m. George ,\-hite. 4076 m. Augusta \\'ilder, b. ---.

4021 Exo~ • WILDER (s. John,' Moses'), m. 407 7 REBECCA VARNEY. Issue : 4078 1. Rebecca Wilder, L. ---. 4079 n. Tryphena Wilder, L. - ; m. R. M. Yale.

,_1028 JosEPHus' WILDER (s. John,• Moses'), m. Sept. 13, 1832, 4079 LYDIA A. IlfAYNARD. Issue:

4080 1. Ellen E. \Vilder, b. ---. 408r 11. George Washington Wilder, b. ---.

402H LllCY • \VrLDER (clr. John,' Moses'), m. 4082 THO),fAS \VELLINGT0N. Issue:

4083 1. Ann ·Maria Wellington, b. --- 4084 11. Francena Wellington, b. ---. 4085 iii. Charles Wellington, b. ---. 4086 IV. George Wellington, b. ---. 4087 v. Ellen Louisa Wellington, b. ---.

4030 CHARLES LEWIS. WILDER (John,• Moses'), m. Oct., 1835, 4088 HARRIET E. HARRIS. Issue:

4089 I. George H. Wilder, b. March 10, 1837; d. Julj· 2, 1869; m. E. A. Vinal. 4090 JI. Anna Eliza Wilder, b. Sept. 19, 1839; m. -­ 4091 lll. Harriet E. Wilder, b. June 29, 1840; d. July 10, 1841. 4092 IV. Charles I ,ewis Wilder, b. Dec. 22, 1842 ; m. Sarah E. Greene. 4-0H:J v Enos Wilder, b. Sept. 2i, 1844; m. Emeline A. Wilder. 4094 v1. Harriet E. Wilder, b. Oct. r5, 1846; m. :Nathanael B. Palmr:r. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 321

4o95 vu. :Frances A. Wilder, b. Jan. 28, "r849. 4096 Vlll. Augustus w. \Vilder, b. April 28, 185 I ; d. April 2 I, 1865. 4°97 IX. Alice Gertrude Wilder, b. Sept. 18, 1853. 4098 x. Thomas E. Wilder, b. Aug. 15, 1855. 4o99 XI. Maria L, Wilder, b. June 15, 1859. 4100 Xll. John E,;1ery Wilder, b. April 18, rS6r.

4031 ELIZA A.' WILDER (cir. John,• Moses'), m. 4101 LEVI HARRIS. Issue:

4102 1. Edmund Se«rs Harris, b. ----. 4103 11. Levi 'Wilder Harris, b. ---.

4037 SILAS' WILDER (s. Silas," Ezra,• Oliver'), born in Keene, N. H. ; was a graduate of D;:;rtmomh Coi­ iege, an

4105 1. Edward Wilder, b. ---. 4ro6 11. Elizabeth Wilder, b. --. 4107 m. Joseph Wilder, b. ---. 4108 1v. Parsons Wiklt;.r, b. ---.

4:038 JONAS WILDER (Silas, Ezra, Oliver), of Alste;id, N. H.; m. 4ro9 CYNTHIA PoND. Issue:

4no I. George P. Wilder, b. ---. 4111 JI. Mary Wilder, b. ---. 4112 Ill. Charles Wilder. 4IlJ IV. .Edward Wilder.

7 4031➔ JESSE WILDER ( s. Silas/ .Ezra," Oliver'), a farmer of Stoddard, K. H., m. 4114 DOLLY HoufEs, 1ssue : 4-115 i. Abig:iil F. Wilder, b. Aug. 3r, 1822; m. D. 0. Wood. 4116 ll. George H. Vililder, b. May 3, 1824; drowned at Mount Holyoke, 1867. 22 322 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4117 JI!. Sarah Ann Wilder, b. July 3 I, 1829; m. \Villia111 \Veslon. 4n8 lV. Dorothy Maria \Vilder, b. April rz, 1832. 4rr9 V. ]'vi arv Amanda Wilder, b. April 7, 1838; d. Dec. 31, 1852.

4-040 CYNTHIA' \VILDER (clr. Elia~,' Ezra,' Oliver'), m. 4120 HENRY CAs£, of Keene, X. H. Issue:

4121 1. Charles Wilder Case, b. --- 4122 11. Jerome Case, b.--. 4123 Jll. George Case, lJ. --- 4124 JV. Abigail Case, b.--. 4125 v. Jesse Case, b. ---.

-1043 OLIVF.R 7 WILDER (Oliver,' Eliz:1," Oliver'), 111. 4126 CALISTA HATHORNE. Issue:

4127 1. Marcy C. Wilder, b---.

40!4 JOSEPH A. WILDER (Oliver, Ezra, Oliver), of Sullivan, N. H., m. 4128 LYDIA PowERS. Issue:

4129 i. William A. Wilder, b. 1837; 111. Lucetta Brooks. 4130 11. Austin P. \Vilder, b. 1840; m. Jennie Moat. 41:31 n1. Lansing \V. Wilder, b. 1842; m. M·ary H. Harris. 4132 1v. Lydia Ann \Vilder, b 1844; m. William H. Foster. 413:3 v. Almariah Wilder, b. 1846; 111. Charles B. Reed.

4045 SALLY 7 \VJLDER (clr. Oliver,' Ezra,• Oliver') m. 4134 Gru1AN ]\'fJLLER. Issue:

4;35 1. John Miller, b. ---. 4136 11. Maria Miller, b. ---. 413 7 lll. Sarah l\l ill er, b. --- 413.8 JY. Ellen Miller, li. ---. 4 1 39 v. Anna Miller, b. ---.

40,1a EZRA 1 WILDER (s. Oliver,6 Ezra,• Oliver'), of Nel- son, m. 4140 ELIZABETH HATHORNE, Issue :

4141 i. Albert E. Wilder, b. ---. 4142 11. Addison N. Wilder. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4143 lll. Oran J. Wilder. 4144 1v. Sarah E. Wilder. ..p45 ,·. Lucy N. Wilder. 4146 YI. Frederic H. Wilder.

J0-1{; LoeISA 7 WILDER ( or. Oliver," Ezra,> Oliver'), m. 4147 JOHN ScoTT, of Clinton, l\fass. Issue:

4148 L Alvin Scott, b. ---. 4149 11. \\.alter 0. Scott, b. ---.

-HHW FREDERIC 0Trs 7 WILDER (s. Joseph \Vales,• John," Moses') 111. 4150 :\:--,:-; JAMES. Issue:

4151 1. Frances Ann Wilder, b. ---. 4152 Ii. Frederic 'vVilder, b. ---. 4r53 llI. Mary Wilder, b. ---.

10!):{ E:-.os ViILDER (Charles L., John, fi-foses), m. widow of his brother George, 4154 E:11EJ.1;-,E A. Wu.DER. Issue:

415 1 1. Nellie Vmal Wilder, b. March 10, 1872. 4156 11. 1'v1adge B. 'Wilder, b. Nov. 9, 1876.

Jl],j ABIGAIL F.' \VILDER (Jesse,7 Silas,° Ezra,' Oliver'), m. June, 1850, 4157 lJAvID A. WooD, a farmer, of Hancock, N. H., b. 1821. Issue :

4158 1. George A. Wood, b. March Ir, 1853. 4159 11. 1''rank A. Vl'ood, b. Jan. 24, 1856. 4160 111. ,l\lary A. Wood, b. June 24, 1858. 4161 1v. Ca1rie J. \Vood, b. Oct. 6, 1861.

J 11 7 SARAH ANN• \VrLDEk (Jesse,' Silas,• Ezra,' Oliver'), m. April 7, 1860, 4162 \\"II,LIAM \VESTON, b. J\fay 8, 1824. Issue:

4163 1. James F. Weston, b. May 25, 1861. 41IJ4 11. Harriet E. \Veston, b. June 25, 1863. 4165 111. Sarah Holmes Weston, b. June 26, 1865. 4166 l\'. ,r..Jary Ellen ·weston, b. Sept. 21, 1867. 324 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4167 v. William Weston, b. March 3, 1869. 4168 vi. Ephraim Weston, b. Aug. 1, 1872.

4130 AvsTIN P.8 WILDER (Joseph A.,7 Oliver,' Ezra,' Oli­ ver'\ m. 4169 JENNIE l\foAT. Issue:

4170 1. Emma \Yilder, b. 1872.

4131 LANSl:S-G \V.' WILDER (s. Joseph A.,' Oliver,6 Ezra,• Oliver'), m. 4171 MARY H. HARRIS. Issue : 4172 i. Alice E. \Vilder, b. 1867. 4173 ii. Ida Wilder, b. 1869. 4174 m. Charle~ J. \Vilder, b. 1870.

4:132 LYDIA ANN WILDER (dr. Joseph A., Oliver, Ezra, Oliver), m. 4175 WILLIAM A. HORTON. Issue:

4176 1. Frederic 0. Horton, b. 1869. 4177 11. Martha Horton, b. 187c

4:133 ALMARIAH WILDER (dr. Joseph A. and sister of 4132), m. 4178 CHARLES A. REED. Issue : 4179 i. Charles A. Reed, b. ---. GE NE A L O GI CAL TA B L E.



4 EDWARD l "WILDER, b. 1623? d. 1690; ril. 1652,

4r80 ELIZABETH EAMES, b. --- ; d. June 91 1692. Lived at Marshfield. Issue :

4181 1. John Wilder, b. 1653; d. April II, 1724; m. Rebecca

4182 ii. Elizabeth Wilder, b. 1655; m. July 16, 1673, Israel Fe:uir:g. iii. Ephraim \Vilder, b. -- ; d. Oct. zr, r690. iv. Is2ac \Vil

4-181 Jow:' WILDER (s. EdVl'.ard '), a farmer of Hingham in ··I ' I 6 75; lll,/:.. :·:, i;. '\ 4 192 REBECCA _:_, d. Oct. 6, r 7 28. hsne :

41 r}3 i. Hannah \Vilder, b. Nov. 12, 1676; d. Jan. 12, 168z. 4194 ii. Efoaheth Wilder, b. April 27, 1679; m. 1704? Josiah Spragne. 326 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4 1 95 Ill Hannah Wilder, b. May 3, 1683 , d. Nov. I 7, r 756. 4196 lV. Rebecca Wilder, b. Feb. 2 7, 1687. 4 1 97 v. Mary Wilder, b. July 30, 1692. 4198 Vl. Ephraim Wilder, b. Aug. 25, 1696; m. Mary Loring. 4199 VII. Isaac Wilder, b. ---.

4-182 ELIZADETH 2 WILDER (dr. EL~ward '). One of tht: lists of names says she was born in 1660, and tho•1gh this has been persisted in with great pertinacity, I have chosen another date furnished me, which seems to me to be the true one. 1f she was born in 1660, she was a wife at 13, and mother at 14. Jf in 1655 she was 1J1arried when 18, and was a mother at 19, for she was marri~d July, 1673, to 4200 IsRAEL FEARING. Issue :

4201 1. John Fearing, b. Dec. 20, 1674.

4202 11. Elizabeth .Fearing, b. Jan. 161 1678. 4203 m. Margaret Fearing, b. Jan. 8, 1680. 4204 1v. Israel Fearing, b. Aug. 24, 1686.

1 4J84 ISAAC• "\-VrLDER (s. Edward ), m. Jan. J 31 1689, 4205 MARY WHITON, dr. of James \Vhiton, Esq., of Hing- ham. Issue:

4206 1. Thomas Wilder, b. Oct. II, 1698; m. Anna Eells.

4-186 MEHETABEL* WtLDER (dr. Ec'lward '), m. Dec. 25, 1692, 4207 JOSEPH WARREN, of Plymouth, son of Joseph "\Varren, Esq. Jssue: 4208 1. Joseph Warren, b. 1694. 4209 11. Priscilla Warren, b. 1696.

4191 JABEZ 2 WILDER (s. Edward'). Defects in the records of towns and families often make it difficult to determine the correctness uf the cla·es, or the order of liirth, unle~s w1; c;:i,n have the original family record. That record, often on the fly-leaf of the old family Bible, is always reliable, liut when copies are kept l;y others they are often incorrect. 1 t i; claillletl of Jabez that he was born before 1656. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

I have chosen 1671, because I think it most in ac­ cordance with all the facts that are known. He

ll). 1692, 4210 MARY FORD (name then spelled Foard), b. Afay r6, 1671; d. Feb. r, 1748. Issue:

42 IT 1. Ephraim \'hider, b. Jan. 2, 1693; d. Feb. 12, 169_:;. 4212 u. Leah Wilder, b. March 13, 1b95. ~ 4213 m. Rachel Wilder, b. 1\farch 13, 1695, ) cl. March 24, 1695. 4214 1v. l\lary \Vilder, b. May 27, 1697; rn. Samuei Stader. 4215 v. Keziah YVilcler, b. Nov. 22, 1698; cl. Nov. 12, r i45- 4216 vi. Jabez Wilder, b. March 13, 1700; d. July 25, 1795; m. Sarah Cushing. 4217 vu. Edward Wiider, b. July r, 1702; d. Jnly .30, I 769; m: Hannah Lewis. 4218 vm. Sarah Wilder. b. May 2 5, r 704; rn. Solomon L0ring. :1219 ix. Theophiln3 Wilder, b. May 12, r710: w. Mary Hersey.

-1198 El'HRArn' WILDER (s. John,' Edward'), lived and died in Abington; 111. July 30, I723, 4220 MARY LANE. 1 ssue:

4221 l. Ephraim \-Vil cl er, b. June 30, 1724; m. Snsannah Whiton. 4222 ll. Lyrlia Wilder, b. Nov. 24, 1725; m. Matrhew Tower. 1223 lll. John ·wilder, b. M .. rch, 1727. 4-224: IV, David Wilder, b. May 12, 1729; m. Ruth Heywood. 4225 v. Hannah Wilder, b. May 20, I730; d. Nov., 1756 .. 4226 VJ. Mary Wilder, b. Aug. 12, 173r; d. 1731. 4227 vu. Mary ,vilder, b. Jnne r2, 1732; m. Jonathan Anderson. 4228 Vlll. Abd Wiider, b. April 9, 1736. ~!229 lX. Seth Wilcler, b. Feb. 3, r 739; m. Miriam Beale.

4-19!) ISAAC' \\'rt.DER (s. John,• 1''.r"llrnrd '), m. rst, 1744, 4230 r BAnL~HEBA ·.:. ~.,,.-,···•;''m. 2d, 1756, 423r 2 LET!l.lA CI-IlJHBCTK. Issue:

4232 ]. Hath"h,•ba Wil

4-2:16 v. Daniel Wilder, b. March q, 1754; m. Ndncy Starr. 4237 vi. Bathsheba Wilder, b. Nov. 8, 1756; m. Zenas Wilder. 4238 vn. Lucy \Vilder, b. May y, 1 760; rn. John Jones.

1 -1206 THOMAS' \Vu.DER (s. Isaac; Edward ), rn. 1720, 4 2 39 ANN"A EELLS. J ssue : ,p40 l. Samuel \\-il

,J-216 JABEZ' \Vu.DER (s. Jabez,' Edward'), m. Sept., 1718, 4248 SARAH CusHING; d. 1737. Issue: 42 49 I. Sarah Wilder.

4217 EDWARD' WILDER (s. Jabez; Edward'), m. July 8, I7SI, HANNAH LEWIS, b. Jan. 24, 1731. 1ssuc :

1. Edward Wilrler, b. Nov. 15, 1752; cl. Nov. 2, 1817; m. Mary Hersey. 4252 ll. Hannah L. \Vilder, b. Sept. 13, 1754; d. 1846; m. Nehemiah Howard. 4253 11!. Joseph Wilder, b. Jan. 15, 1756; d. July 4, 1839; m Tamesin Cushing. 425! l\i. Isaiah Wilder, b. May 20, 1758; d. July 2, 1848; m. Susan A. Leavitt. v. Tamesin Wilder, b. 1759; m. Abishai Lewis. vi. Leah Wilder, b. June 13, 1762; cL 1856; m. Prince H aakell. rn. Benj,1mi11 \Vilder, b. Jnly 30, 1764; d. 1842; 111. Lyclia Lane. v111. Celia Wilder, b. July 16, I 765.

i:!IH THF.OPHIIXS 3 WILDER (s. Jabez,2 Edward'), m. May 25, 1732, 4259 MARY H1,RsEY. Issue:

4260 1. Rachtl Wilder, b. Jan. 23, 1734; 111. Robert Gardner. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4261 11. Jabez Wilder, b. March r9, 1737; m. Sarali Crocker. 4262 iii. Theophilus Wilder, b. 1740; m. Lydia Cu~hing. 4263 iv. Mary Wilder, b. 1742; d. r8II; m. Elijah Whiton. 4264 v. Persis Wilder, b. 1746 ; m. Laban Stoddard. 4-265 vi. Keziah \Vilder, b. 1747; m. ft\!fmiriah Whiton. v11. Zenas ·wilder, b. I 749; rn. Baihsheba Wilder.

4:221 EPHRAIM' 1.VILDER (s. Ephraim,' John; Edward'), m. I 743, 4267 SUSANNAH \VmTON. Issue:

4268 1. Susa!}l1ah Wilder, b. 1751. 4269 11. Ephraim Wilder, b. 1752. 4270 iii. Peter Wilder, b. r756.

1 4:!23 JOHN' \YrLDER (s. Ephraim,' John,' .Edward ), m. 4271 REBECCA---. Issue: 4272 i. John Vlilder, b. --- 4273 ii. Zechariah Wilder, b. ---; m. Temperance Strong. 4 2 H iii. Abel Wilder, b. ----. 4 2 75 IV. Lot Wilder, b. --- 4276 v. Elias Wilder, b. ---. 4 2 77 VI. Stephen Wilder, b. ---.

1 4-224 DAvm' WILDER (s. Ephraim,' John; Edward ), m. 1 749, 4278 RUTH HEYWOOD. Issue;

4 2 79 1. David \Vilder, b. Sept. 17, 1751; d. June 12, 1778. 4280 ii. Shubael \.'Vilder, b. --- ; m. Sarah '"'right.

4229 SETH• WILDER (s. Ephraim; John,' Edward'), a black. smith in Abington, Mass., m. I759, 428r MIRIAM B~~ALE. Issue:

4-~s2 1. Seth Wilder, b. April 3. 1763. 4283 H. Miriam Wilder, b. Dec. 18, 1765. 4284 111. Molly Wilder, b. Feb. 28, Ij69. 4285 iv. Abel Wilder, b. Oct. 19, 1771.

4:?!13 I&AAC • WILDER (s. Isaac,• John,' Edward'), m. 1776, 4286 AJiIGA!L ().,'sH1Nr;_ lsrne:

-i:28, 1. Isaac Wilder, b. -----. 4288 11. Laban Wilder, b. ---. 330 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4289 m. Abigail Wilder. b. ---. 4290 1v. Calvin Wilder, b. ---. 42Hl v. Cnshing Wilder, b. ---. 4292 v1. John Wilder, b. ----.

4236 DANIEL• ·wrLDER (s. Isaac,' John,' Edward'), m. Jan. 27, 1780, 4293 NANCY STARR. lssue : 4 294 I. Nancy YVikler, b. Nov. 27, 1781 ; m. James BirdsaT!. 4 2 95 11. Jane Wilder, b. Fe~. 9. I 783; m. Jesse Bates. 4206 Ill. Daniel ,,.ilder, b. Aug. I7, 1784; m. !-.fary Dyer. 4297 lV. Abie! Wilder, b. June 9, 1786 ; cl. Jan. 18, 1838; m. Deborah Humphrey. 4298 Y. Lucy "\Vilcler, b. Oct. 16, I79z ; m. Hosea Dunbar. 4 2 99 VI. Clarissa vVil

424:1 NATHANAEL• \VILDER (s. Thomas,' Isaac,' Edward'), m. 1 743, 4302 ELIZABETH JONES. lssue: 4303 i. Nathanael Wilder, b. 1745. 4304 II. Elizabeth Wilder, b. April 3, 1747.

4243 THOMAS• ·wrLDER ( s. Thomas,• lsaac,' Eel ward '), m. July, 1751, 4305 SARAH GARNETT. Jss11e: 4306 1. Sarah Wilder, b. Oct. 20, 1753; m. Abel C11shing. 43°7 11. Betty Wilder, b. Oct. 10, 1755; m. Seth Sprague. 4:108 111. Thomas Wilder, b. June 25. 1757; m. Bethiah Gardner. 43°9 1v. Ann \Vil!ler, b. Nov. i, 1759; in. Ezra I>uncan. 43ro v. Robert Wilder, b. Jnne 5, r 764. 43 r I v1. Delight Wilder, b. March r9, r769; 111. Laban Dunbar. 4312 Vil. Na:thanael Wilder, b. Nov. r5, 1772.

-i246 SA:VHJEL' \Vu.DER (s. Tho1nas,' Isaac,° Edward'), m. I j56, 4.F 3 MARY CHUBBUCK. Issue :

4314 1. Mary "\\'i!der, L. Oct. 16, q56. GE:\'E.\LflGICA L T.-\BLE. 33 1

4.FS 11. James "ffilcler, L. Feb. 10. I760. 4316 Ill Samuel '\"ilclcr, b .•\larch 30, I762: d. April 5, 1842; m. Hannah Lazell. 43 1 7 IV. 1\la1-y \\'ilder, b. J\larch .10, 1765; m. Solom0i1 Cardner. 4318 \". l-•.1nma \\'ilLkr, !J. Au,;. zo, r 7 7 r ; tn. Thon Lb Hobart.

4.320 1 Lt·titia \\"ilder, Li. July 1:;. 17_=:,8; Ill. Experience Ham- inond. 432r Ji. h:iac \\"ildn, L. Jan . ._F. 17/io: d. Aug., Ii,7- 4322 lli. Chim· \\"iidcr, L. Juiy 18, I762; rn. Elisha Whiton. 4.F3 l\', Jk1a \\'ihler, b. J\la_r 10, r7Cq; d. _bn. 2--1-. 1S28; m. S:m,h Et·lls. 4.124 Y. Submit \\"dder, li. :\fa_1· 21, 1766; 111. Almer Cardner. 432_:; Y,. OiiV\' ',\"ildcr, b. ?\larch 7, 17(,9_ 4_-p(, vn. kachel \\"ildn, L. 1\farch I, r 77 r ; Ill. l'etr'.r Loring. 4327 viii . .JoarllJa \\"it,ler, I_,_ April 10, 1773; m. Regc0 1n1nelech c:ushin~. ix. Li11.11r \\"ilcl,cr, !i. April 26, 1775; d. Oct. 20, 1856.

4:Jal LJ,,\'Af".Ji' \\'JLTJFR (s. Edward! Jabez,' Fclw:ucl 1 j, :n. Sept. I I~ 1777, ?\iAJ:Y HEESE\', IJ. Au,;. 8, 1755; d. Sept, (), 1842. J ssue :

433° 'dary \\ ilcler, l>. Jan. 20, r 778, rn. Gan1aliel Hartwell. 4.33 1 11. Twin lnfan,, Loru and died Jan. 20, 1778. 111. 1'.,,cbel \\":lcler, l>. 1\11,il 10, 177<); cl. Ang. z 7, i/)lf.J; 1:,. Loring Jacob~. 4333 lY. CLu1,~-1 Wilder, L. July 30, I /80; cl. J\fay 2(), 18.39; m. Charles F. S111iti1.

L Edll':ud \\"iirb·, lJ. Oct. ]. 1781 ; cl. --;ov. 2S 1 1853 ;

1i !. ;\ i 1l~_:1 il Sri vest er.

-J:{:~t) Y~. _Lt>\\'L, \\"iL_j,-.:r 1 Ii. ?\o\·. I~), r 7';,-:.,2 _; d. ~·\112". 10. zf;(o; Ill. l-.:.el1c:f Richanls,rn. v11. ,\l1ll1cl \\'1!dcr, L, ••\larch 20, 1784; cl. 1\p1;J, 1f!6r; lll,;.; _la.-c,l,,-_ 4337 v1:1. Juan:,:1 \\':ldu. 1,. !\11::• 11;, 17-½_c;: d. _Tnne r_c;, r8,H, .:.:!:r'-1 J-;, Ju,!111,l \\ilckr, l1. lkc:. i::. I7i->6; d. Uct. 4, 18(,0_; m. Jud~ti1'ann0..11. 33 2 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4339 x. Leab Wilder, b. March 12, 1788. 434° XI. Sally Wilder, b. Oct. 24, 1789; d. l\Iarcb 26, 1864. 4341 XII. Martha Wilder, b. Nov. 11, 1790. 4342 Xlll. Roxanna 'Wilder, b. Nov. 12, 1791 ; m. John Groce. 1 4343 XIV. Benjamin Wilder, b. Nov. 22, 1792; m. Sarah J. Cushing. 4344 xv. Lucinda Wilder, b. March 18, 1795; d. May 31, 1807. 4345 XVI. Amelia Wilder, b. April 19, 1796; m. Rev. A. G. Duncan. 4346 XVII. Harriet Wilder, b. May 10, J 797 ; d. June 8, 1850; m. Lucius Perkins. 4347 xvm. Matilda Wilder, b. Nov. 20, 1799; m. Hawkes Fearing. 4348 XIX. Hannah Wilder, b. Jnne 8, 1801 ; d. Sept., 181s. 4349 xx. Mary Wilder, b. Nov., 1802; 1d. Nov. 3, 1802. 4350 XX!. Martha \Vilder, b. Nov., 1802; I d. May 2, 1807.

4253 JOSEPH• WILDER (s. Edward,' Jabez; Edward'), m. 1 779, 4351 TAMESIN CusHING. Issue :

435 2 1. Tamesin Wilder, b. April 8, 1781; d. March 9, 1841. 4353 11. Joseph Wilder, b. June 10, 1783; cl. Feb. 22, 1870; m. Lydia Loring. 4354 Ill. I saian Wilder, b. 1785. 4355 iv. Deborah Wilder, b. May r, 1787; d. March 10, 1844. 4356 v. Celia Wilder, b. 1 789. 4357 vi. Hannah R. Wilder, b. 1792. 4358 vii. Leah H. Wilder, b. 1795; cl. Aug. 24, 1827.

42/H ISAIAH' WILDER (s. Edward,' Jabez,• Edward'), m. Oct. 4, 1 779, 4359 ScKEY A. LEAVITT, cl. May 9, 1840. Issue:

4360 i. Sukey Wilder, b. Feb. 26, 1780; cl. May 18, 1850. 4361 ll. haiah Wilder, b. May 23, 1782 ; d. Oct. r 1, 1860. 4362 m. Hannah Wilder, b, Feb. 1, 1784; d. July 3, 1788. 4363 iv. Lydia Wilder, b. Aug. 3, 1786; d. Dec. 1, 1865; 111. Daniel Stoddard. 4364 v. Hannah Wilder, b. Sept. 27, 1789; d. May 21, 1819. 4365 v1. Caroline Wilder, b. April 3, 1800; d. Sept. 15, 1842; m. Rev. A. Barnard. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 333

4257 BENJAMIN' WILDER (s. Edward," Jabez,' Edward'), m, Ist, I 787, 4366 I LYDIA LANE; m. 2d, 1824, 4367 2 MRS, SALLY GRANT WALKER. Issue:

4368 1. Lydia Wilder, b. Oct. 20, q88; d. 1826; m. Nathan White. 4369 11. Nancy Wilder, b. Aug. 28", 1790; d. 1849; Ill. Fox- well Thomas. 437° ill. Lucy Wilder, b. Aug. 28, 1791 ; m. Caleb Lincoln. 4371 JV. Josiah Wilder, b. July 19, 1793; d. Sept. 19, 1828. 4372 v. John Wilder, L. April 22, 1795; m. Polly Wilson. 4373 VL Lewis Wilder, b. Oct. 13, 1796; d. Aug. 13, 1856; 111. Sophronia Divoll. 437'1: Vll. Mary L. Wilder, b. 23, 1798; m. rst, Silas Gay; m. 2d, Josiah Metcalf. 4375 Vlll. Peter Wilder, b. March 1.3, 1800; d. Nov. 22, 1871; m. Laura Leach. 4:376 1x. Benjamin Wilder, b, May 9, 1802; m. Nancy M. Stoddard. 4377 X. Anna Wilder, b. June 19, 1804; d. Sept. 9, 1863 ; m. Joshua Stoddard. 4378 Xl. Hannah Wilder, b. Oct. 5, 1806; m. Abner Pratt. 4379 Xll. James S. Wilder, b. Oct. 8, 1808; m. Zipporah Eldred. 4380 Xlll, Alonzo Wilder, b. Oct. II, 1811. 4381 xiv. Harrison Wilder, b. July 28, 1813; m. Mrs. Lucy Litch­ field. 4382 xv. Josiah Wilder, b. March 4, 1826 ; m. Emma Morse.

4261 JABEZ• WILDER (s. Theophilus,' Jabez,• Edward'), m. Oct. 25, 1861, 4383 SARAH CROCKER. Issue:

4384 l. S:nah Wilder. 4385 JJ. Crocker Wilder; m. Deborah Jacobs. 4386 11!. Eunice Wilder. 4387 JV. Alice Wil

4262 THEOPHILus' WILDER (s. The0philus,' Jabez,' Ed­ 1 ward ), m. r 762, 4391 LYDIA CusHING, b. Sept. r, 1745; d. Aug, 1, 18n. Issue:

4392 1. Lydia Wilder, b. Jan. 20, 1763; d. July 2, q63. 4393 11. Lydia Wilder, b. May 30, 1764; m. William Lewis. 4H9! m. Theophilus \\.ilder, b. Jan. 21, 1766; m. Mary Bridges. 439;; 1v. Illary Wilcler, b. July 15, 1768; d. July 31, 1830; m. William Kilby. 4396 v. Sarah Wilcler, b. Aug. 7, 1770; m. Moses Lincoln. 4:J97 VI. Ebenezer Wilder, b. Aug. 5, 1772;


4406 1. Mary Whiton, b. Oct. I, 1764. 4407 ii. Persis \Vhiton, b. Sept., I766. 4408 111. Elizabeth Whiton, b. Aug., 1769. 44o9 IV. Tamesin Whiton, b. Oct. 1 r, r77r. 4410 v. Charlotte Whiton, b. Feb., q74. 44II Vl. Merritt Whiton, b. July, 1776. 4412 Vli. Isaiah Whiton, b. 1778. 44 13 Viii. Blossom \\'hiton, b. 1781. 4414 JX, Waiter Whiton, b. l 783. GE:'-:L\LOGICAL TABLE. 335

J-:?(i5 1'.EZIAH \VTLDF.R (si,ter of i'\bry), m. 1770, ZEUIARIAH \VHJTO:-.', s. I>avicl Whiton. Issue:

4416 l. Prudence 1Yhiton, b. 177 I. 4417 11. Charles Whiton, b. 1773; d. 1775. 4418 ni. Thcophilu 0 Whiton, ]J. I 775. 44 1 9 1v. Susan 1Yhiton, b. 1777. 4420 v. :-,yLil \Yhitnn, u. I 780.

1 4421 \' l-Iose.1. ,Yhiton, b. 1782. 4422 vII. l'atty \\'hiton. 4--1-23 vrn. ;\I art ha \\'hi ton. 4424 n. Priscilla Whiton.

1 ,i26G ZEN AS' WJLDER (Theophilus,' Jabez,• Edward ), m. 1780. 4425 llATH~HEr..\ \VJLDER, L. Nov. S, q56, dr. Isaac \ri!cler. Issue :

4-12{; I. Len:,s Wilder, b. Jnne 2S~ l 781 ; d. Aug. 16, 1817. 4427 ]). Bathsheba 1Vildc:r, b. l\!ay 5, 1783. 4418 111. TalJlar \\'ilder, b. Dec. Z I, l 784. .JJ2!) JV. Theophilus \\'i!cler, b. June I I, I 78j. 443° v. 1-'yam Wilder, lJ. Mardi 12, 1789. 443 1 VI. 1 ,ydia Wilder, lJ. Sept. I, 1791. 443 2 VJI .. :\! ary \Vi Ider, b. April 2 2, 1794. 4433 VJJI. Eunice Wildt'f, b. Sept. 20. 1796. JJ:1J IX. Et>hraim Wilder, b. Sept. 24, I 798.

427:J ZECIJARJAJJ '· 1\'rLVER (John,' Ephraim,• Jabez,' Ed­ ward'), m. 4435 TnrPERA.>-;CE STRoxc;, L,. Jnnc 15, 1758. Issue:

4436 I. Ezra Wilder. 4437 ii. John Wilder. 4438 I!!, Zcch,uial, 1\'ilder, 443,, 11·. I<.ciiecca \\'Jider. 444° \'. ;\ !Ji"ni! \\'ilder. 4441 \'I. r I annah 1\'ilder. 444 2 Vil. l ,11ll1er \\'iider. 4443 VIII. 1>,1vid Wilde .. 44,,4 ix. ·1·empera1H>.: 1\'iidcr. 444S x. Nathan \\'il(kr. 4446 XI. Stq,hcn \\'ildcr. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4280 SHURAEL' WILDER (David,' Ephraim,' Jabez; Ed­ ward'), m. 1789, 4447 SARAH \VRIGHT, of Northampton. Issue :

44-J.8 1. Asenatl1 Wilder, b. Aug. r8, I 793.

4282 SETH• WJT.DER (Seth, 4 Ephraim,' John,' Edward'), m. ------. Issue : 44-19 i. Reuben Wilder. 4450 11. \Villiam Wilder. 4451 111. Townsend Wilder.

4-287 ISAAC• WILDER (s. Isaac,' Isaac,' john; Edward'), rn. 1801, 4452 RuTH MANN. Issue:

4453 1. Ruth Wilder, b. April, 1803; m. Josiah Prouty. 4!54 IL Isaac M. Wilder, b. June 19, 1805; m. Lucinda Eells. 4455 m. Hannah Wilder, b. Sept., 1Ffo7. 4456 iv. John C. Wil

4288 LABAN• WILDER (s. Isaac,• Isaac; John,• Edward'), m. 4459 REBECCA DONNEL. Issue :

4460 1. Rebecca Wilder, m. Ansel Groce. 4461 u. Jane \Vilder, Bl. R. G. Greene. 446:z lll. Laban Wilder, m. Lucy E. Curtis. 4463 iv. Charles Wilder, m. Mary E. Hayes.

4291 CUSHING• WILDER (Isaac,• Isaac,• John,• Edward'), m. June 17, 1817, 4464 NANCY SPAULDING, b.Jnne 27, 1787; d. June 22, r832. I ssne :

4465 \. John Wilder, b. June 13, r820; m. 1st, Fanny E. Bon- ner; m. 2d, Margaret Fairfield, 4466 ll. Dan. E. Wilder, b. Dec. 19, 1822. 4-167 ]lJ. Ephraim s. Wilder, b. June 22, 1829; 111, Harriet Hardy. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 337

4:297 ABIEL' WILDER (Daniel,' Isaac,' John,' Edward'), m. Jan. 1, 1802, 4468 DEBORAH HUMPHREYS. Issue:

1. James H. Wilder, b. Ang. 14, 1809; m. Elizabeth M. Parsons. 447° 11. Cordelia Wilder, b. Nov. 3, 1812; m. Joseph D. Adams. 4471 111. Edwin \Vilcler, b. Oct. 14, 1814; d. May 23, 18i2; m. Eliza B. Osgood. 4472 1v. Deborah Wilder, b. May 26, 1817. 4473 v. William \V. Wilder, b. IS 19 ; rn. Eliza Peake. 4474 v1. Snsan R. \Vilder, b. May 10, 182r; rn. Hiram Chapin. 447S v11. Abie] Wilder, b. April r, 1823; m. Susan Chandler. 4476 viii. Henry A. Wilder, b. April 29, 1825; m. Zelinda Humphreys. 4477 lX. Charles B. Wilder, b. April Io, 182 7. 4478 x. George V/ilder, b. Jan. 3, 1829; cl. Aug. 16, 1830. 4479 XI. George Wilder, b. July 9, 1830.

4303 NATHANAEL' WILDER (s. Nathanael,' Thomas,' Isaac,' Edward'), a farmer of distinction in Middleboro; a Representative in General Court; m. 1st, in I 766, r PRISCILLA PRA'IT; m. 2d, in 1771, 2 MRS. SARAH (WooD) TINKHAM. Issue:

4-l8Z 1, J\i"athanad Wilder, b. 1766; cl. 1846; rn. Hannah Barnard. 4:t-8:i lL Ebenezer Wilder, 111. Mary Hamp. 44-81 lit. llenaiah Wilder, Ill. Susan Bryant. 41ko IV, Priscilla '\\'ilcler, b. May I, 1773; m. Jedediah Holmes. H&6 V Sally Wilder, d. Oct., 1863 ; m. Sylvanus Thomas. 1 4!87 V!. Betsey \ /ilder, 111. 1st, Consider Bradford ; m. 2d, Robert Cook. -1--4-88 VII. Mary Wilder, m. Henry Holme,:, 44kH VIII. 1 la1 iu, \Vilder, m. f-Lwnah Sayward. H!JO JX. Tholllas \Yilder, Ill. Lydia Thomas.

4 ::015 THO,\t.~s • V/u,nER (Thomas,' Thomas,' lsaac,' Ed­ ward'), 111. Dec. 17, 1779, 4491 BETHUH GARJ.JNER. Issue·

449 2 1. llethiah Wilder, b. May 28, 1780; m. Joshua DearLorn. 338 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4493 11. Sarah Wilder, b. Feb. 2, 1782 ; d. 1849; m. Timothy Field. 4494 111. Ruth Wilder, b. Feb. 13, 1784. 4495 l\', Betty \Vilder, b. March 6, 1786; d. Jan. 18, 1802. 4496 v. Mahala Wilder, b. April 12, 1788; m. Thomas Harris. 4497 VI. Robert Wilder, b. July 22, 1790; d. Seµt. 12, 1832 _: m. Martha Field. 4498 Vll. Miriam Wilder, b. Feb. 2 r, 1793; d. July 29, 1796. 4499 Vlll. Thomas Wilder, b. March 1, 1795 ; d. Sept. 1 r, 1796. 4500 IX. Miriam Wilder, b. May 21, 1797; d. Sept. 3, 1845.

4312 NATHANAEL• vVrLDER (s. Thomas,• Thomas,' Isaac," Edward '), m. Sept. 30, 1792, 4501 JANE MARSH. Issue :

4502 1. Nathanael Wilder, b. Feb. 3, 1793; 111. Patty Bates. 4503 ll. Caleb Wilder, b. March 29, I 795; d. Dec. 3, 1798. 45°4 iii. Seth S. Wilder, b. Jan. r5, 1797; d. May 21, 1795. 4505 IV. Jane M. Wilder, b. March 15, 1799; d. Feb. 13, 1833; m. Peter Stoddard. 4506 v. Caleb Wilder, b. Dec. 23, 1801; d. Ja1~. 12, 1850; m. Lydia Damon, 45°7 VI, Eliza Wilder, b. May 20, 1804; m. Isaac Waters. 4508 Vil. Seth S. \Vilder, b. March 25, 1806; d. Sept. 19, 1849; m. Maria Lincoln. 45°9 VlJl, Mary Wilder, b. Jan. 8, 1808; d. Dec., 1832; m. John Waters. 4510 1x. Henry Wilder, b. June 3, 18u. 451I x. Martin W. Wilde-r, b. Feb. 25, 1814. 4512 xi. Emeiiue Wilder, b. Oct. 17, 1816; m. Ge-orge Adams.

4334- EDWARD• WILDER (Edward,' Edward,' Jabez,' Ed- 1 ward ), 111. 1805, 45 r 3 ABIGAIL SYLVESTER. Issue :

4514 1. Mary F. Wilder, b. Nov. 13, 1806. 4515 ll. Abigail G. Wilder, b. May 6, 1810; d. Oct. 30, 1845; m. Theodore Reed. iii. Lucinda Wilder, b. Nov. 9, 1811; d. Oct. 14, 1829. 1v. Charlotte \Vilder, b .• Feb. 21, 1814; m. Charles lV. Smith. v. Harriet Wilder, b. Jan. 27, 1816; m. Charles Sµrague. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 339

4519 v1. Edward ·wilder, b. March 30, 1819; m. Emily Cushing. 4520 vu. Martin \Vilder, b. May 27, 1821; rn. Hannah H. Churchill. 452r viii. Franklin Wilder, b. Aug. r2, 1824; d. Aug., 1844. 4522 1x. Edwin Wilder, b. Feb. 8, 1829 ; m. Olive .M. Whiton.

4335 LEWIS ·WILDER (Edward, Edward, Jabez, Edward), m. Sept. 4, r 80 3, 4523 RELIEF RICHARDSON. Issue:

4524 1. l\fary Wilder, b. Sept. 14. r 804; d. Feb. 9, 1 tLiS. 4525 11. Lewis Wilder, b. Dec. 3, 1807; d. Sept. 19, 1808. 4526 Ill. Lewis Wilder, b. June, 1809; cl. 1831. 4527 IV. Eliza Wilder, b. July 27, 181r. 4528 v. William Wilder, b. Sept. 8, 18 r 3 ; d. Oct. 20, 1813. 4529 v1. \Villiam \Vilder, b. June 8, 1815; m. Margaret Meighan. 4530 vu. Edward Wilder, b. Nov. 3, 1816; d. June 10, 1851. 453r vm. Martha Wilder, b. Sept. 8, 1818; d. Aug. 29, r820.

4338 JosHuA• WILDER (s. Edward,' Edward,' Jabez; Ed- 1 ward ), rn. 1812, 453 2 JuDITH SHEARMAN. Issue: 4533 I. Joshua Wilder, b. Dec. 19, 1813. 4534 ll. Judith S. Wilder, b. July 30, 1815; cl. Feb. 9, 182r. 4535 Ill. Rachel Wilder, b. June 27, 1817; m. George D. Sylvester. 453(j iv. Ezra \Vilder, b. June 12, 1819; m. Rebecca Towne. 4S37 v. Lucy Wilder, b. Oct. 7, 1822 ; cl. Oct. 10, 1323. 4538 VI. Judith S. Wil,Jer, b. Nov. r6, 1824; d. April 7, 1853. 4539 VII. Henry \Vilder, b. Feb. 2, 1827; d. March 30, 1855.

434)3 BENJAMIN• WILDER (Edward,' Edward,' Jabez,' Ed- ward'), m. 1814, 4540 SARAH J. CvsmNG. Issue:

4:i41 1. Henry C. Wilder, b. July 14, 1816; m. Mary Jacobs. 4542 !l. Benjamin Wilder, b. March 14, 1818; m. Jane M. Stoddard. 4543 Ill. Sarah G. \\'ilcer, b. Nov. IO, 18t9; d. April 22, 1824; m. Philip W. Colby. 4544 1v. Joanna \Vilder, b. Sept. 30, 1821; d. July 10, 1873; 111. Charles \'V. Lane. 340 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4545 v. Andrew Wilder, b. May 27, 1827. 4546 v1. Edward Wilder, b. Feb. 8, 1831; d. May 17, 1854.

4353 JosEPH • WILDER (s. Joseph,' Edward,' Jabez,• Ed­ ward'), m. 1810, 4547 LYDIA LORING. Issue:

4548 !. Lydia Wilder, b. Oct. 18, 18u; m. Daniel Bartlett.. 4549 11. Joseph C. Wilder, b. June 10, 1815; d. Aug. 29, 1867; m. Priscilla Bailey. 45S 0 iii. Sarah L. \Vilder, b. Nov. 15, 1817. 455 1 iv. Hannah Wilder, b. July II, 1820; m. Daniel Childs. 455 2 v. Mary Ann Wilder, b. Nov. 22, 1822 ; 111, William S. Towne.

4363 LYDIA• WILDER (dr. Benjamin,• Edward,' Jabez,• Ed- ward'), m. 1st, 1812, 4553 1 NATHAN WHITE, d. Feb., 1817; 111. 2d, 4554 2 LOWELL GOODRIDGE. Issue:

4555 1. Nancy White, b. 1816.

4369 NANCY• WILDER (dr. Benjamin'), m. 1814, 4556 FOXWELL N. THOMAS, d. 1841. Issue:

45 5 7 1. Eliza Thomas, b. ---. 4558 11. Nelson Thomas, b. ---. 4559 m. Nancy Thomas, b. ---.

4-372 JoHN • WILDER (s. Benjamin,' Edward," Jabez,• Ed­ ward'), m. 1st, 1822, 4560 1 POLLY W1r,soN, b. Aug. 11, 1801; d. May 10, 1850; m. 2d, 1852, 4561 2 SARAH ELLEN CRAGIN. Issue:

4562 i. Josiah Wilder, b. 1823; d. Nov. II, 1852. 4563 11. Lucy E. Wilder, b. May 11, 1825; m. R. \V. Clark. 4564 m. Charles Carroll Wilder, b. Sept. 3, 1827; d. Oct., 1844; 111. Harriet Haskins. 4565 lV. Alexander Pope \Vilder, b. 1829; 111. Sarah Eager. 4566 v. Susan Oella Wilder, b. April 25, 1835. 4567 vi. Solomon \Vilson Wilder, b. 1837; 111. Ellen Sabin. 4568 Vll, Joseph Warren Wilder, b. June 28, 1841; d. Oct., 1841. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 341

4569 viii. Emma Jane Wilder, b. March 19. 1854. 45 70 ix. Edward Wilder, b. Aug. 8, 1856.

4373 LEWIS• \VrLDER (Benjamin,' Edward,' Jabez, 2 Ed- 1 ward ), m. 457r SOPHRONIA DIVOLL (dr. Levi Divoll). Issue:

4572 1. Alonzo D. Wilder, b. ---. 4573 JI. Nathan \Vilcler, b. ---. 4574 Ill. Nancy \Vilder, b. ---.

4374 MARY L.0 WILDER (dr. Benjamin,' Ed~:•·d,' Jabez/ 1 Edward ), m. 1st, 1814, 4575 1 SILAS GAv, d. 1834; m. 2d, 4576 2 JosrAH METCALF, d. 1854. Issue: 4577 1. Lydia Gay, b. ---; m. Miles Stoddard. 4578 ii. Mary Jane Gay, b. --- ; m. Dexter Underwood. 4579 m. John Gay, b. ---; m. Emma Grout. 4580 IV. Anna Gay, b. --- ; d. 1839.

4375 PETER• WILDER (Benjamin,' Edward,' Jabez,' Ed­ ward'), m. 1831, 4581 LAURA LEACH. Issue:

4582 J. Joseph Wilder, b. 1833; m. Eliza Merriam. 4583 IL Lucy Wilder, b. 1836. 4584 m. George Wilder, b. 1839. 4585 iv. Isabella Wilder, b. 1841.

437(i BENJAMIN• WILDER (s. Benjamin,' Edward,' Jabez,' 1 Edward ), m. 4586 NANCY M. STODDARD, b. June 6, 1809. Issue: 4587 i. Harriet Wilder, b. July r5, 1833; m. O1.Jadiah Walker. 4588 H. Elizabeth L. YVilder, b. Jan 2, 1835 ; m. Levi Haskell. 4589 m. l3enjamin 0. Wilder, b. June 23, 1836; rn. Ella Walker. ·15!10 iv. Charles N. Wilder, b. Ang. 20, 1837; Ill. :\fart ha s. Thornton. 4591 v. Nancy H. Wilder, b. .March 25, 1839; Ill. George L. Souther. 4592 Vl. Hosea S. \Vilder, b. rS40; d. I 841. ·342 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

,1377 ANNA• WILDER (dr. Benjamin,4 Edward; etc.), m. Nov., 1832, 4593 JOSHUA STODDARD. Issue : 4594 1. Marietta Stoddard, b. 1833 ; m. Daniel Garfield. 4595 II. Sophronia Stoddard, m. Ebenezer Willis. 4596 111. Martin Stoddard.

-1378 HANNAH' lVrLDER (dr. Benjamin,' etc.), 111. 4597 ABNER PRATI, of Hingham. Issue : 4598 l. Sarah L. Pratt; m. Jacob Burrill. 4599 11. Benjamin F. Pratt.

4379 JAMES• s. WILDER (s. Benjamin; Edward,' Jabez; Edward'), m. 4600 ZIPP0RAH ELDRED. Issue:

4601 }, William \Vilder. 4602 JI. Frances Wilder.

4381 HARRISON• WILDER (s. Benjamin,• Edward,• Jabez,• Edward'), m. 1840, 4603 MRS. Lucv LITCHFIELD, b. Jan. 17, 1812. Issue:

4604 1. Harrison Wilder, b. April 21, 1844; m. Lois R. Cleave- land, of Scituate. 4605 u. George W. Wilder, b. Oct. 1, 1846; a carpenter of Georgia. 4606 m. Lucy L. Wilder, b. Jan. 26, 1852; m. James S. Clapp. 4607 1v. John H. Wilder, 1). May 26, 1854. 4608 v. Lydia S. Wilder, b. --- ; m. Sydney H. Merriam.

4382 JoslAH • WILDER {s. Benjamin,' Edward,' Jabez,' Ed­ ward'), a produce and agricultural dealer in Cin­ cinnati, Ohio; m. 1854, 4609 ELMIRA MORSE, b. Feb. 17, 1827. Issue: 4610 i. Florence Louisa Wilder, b. Feb. 9, 1857. 461I ii. Ida Belle Wilder, b. Feb. 13, 1859. 4612 iii. William H. Wilder, b. Dec. 16, 1860. 4613 1v. Nellie Wilder, b. Nov. 8, 1863, i . . . · twms 4614 v. Nettie ~'dder, b. Nov. 8, 1863, \ · 4615 v1. Carrie Chase Wi!Jer, b. July 4., 1866. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 343

4616 v11. Emma W. Wilder, b. July 1, 1869. 4617 vm. Mary E. Wilder, b. June 23, 1871; d. May 17, 1873.

4-385 CROCKER• WrLDER (s. Jabez," Jabez,' Theophiius,' Jabez,' Edward'), 111. 1795, 4618 DEBORAH JACOBS. Issue:

4619 1. Deborah Wilder, b. May 4, 1796; d. May 23, 1856; m. Theophilus Kilby. 4620 n. Martha C. Wilder, b. Ang. 30, 1797; d. Aug. 16, 1875; 111. Isaiah Tower. 4621 iii. Hannah Wilder, b. May 2, 1799; d. May 5, 1871; m . .Michael T. Clapp. 4622 iv. Lydia Wilder, b. Jan. 27, 1801; d. Dec. 4, r869; m. Elijah Whiton. 4623 v. Crocker Wilder, b. May 5, 1802; d. Dec. 17, 1875; m. Mary A. Spooner. 4624 vi. Alden Wilder, b. Feb. 5, 1805; m. Joanna Cushing. 4625 vu. Mary Wilder, b. Feb. 7, 1806; m. Thomas Eastman. 4626 viii. Eunice Wilder, b. Oct. 8, 1807; m. James H. Fearing. 4627 1x. Sarah Wilder, b. Sept. 24, 1809; m. Leonard Gardner. 4628 x. Lorissa Wilder, b. May 26, 181 I ; d. - 10, 18 r 2. 4629 x1. Louisa Wilder. b. June 4, 1813; m. Joshua Tower. 4630 xu. Theophilus Wilder, b. Feb. 28, 1815; d. Nov. 8, 1842. 4631 xn1. Susan Wilder, b. June 5, 1817.

4394: THEOPHILUS• WILDER (s. Theophilus,' Theophilus,; Jabez'), m. 1st, in 1784, 4632 I MARY BRIDGES, d. -- 20, 1801; Ill. 2d, 1802, 4633 2 HANNAH \VATERMAN. Issue : 4634- i. Theophilus Wilder, b. April 6, 1786. 4635 11. Mary Wilder, b. May 12, 1792. 4636 iii. John Wilder, b. July 24, Ii94, 4637 IV. Joseph ·wilder, b. Aug. 2 3, Ii<) 7. 4638 v. Wilharn ·wilder, b. Aug. 30, 1799; d. Dec. 4, 1819. 4639 vi. Robert \Vilder, b. July 14, I 802. 4640 vn. MehetaLle Wilder, b. Aug., 1804. 4641 vm. Cushing \Yilcler, b. Sept. 14, r 806. 4642 1x. Theodore Wilder, b ..May 9, 1809. 4643 x. Hannah Wilder, b. June 13, 18II. 4(i44 xt. Isaac \Vilder, b. Feb. 10, 1813. 4G45 xii. Charles Wilder, b. Aug. 14, 1818. 344 GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 4395 MARY• WILDER (dr. Theophilus,' s. Theophilus'), m. 1783, 4646 DEA. WILLIAM KILBY, b. 1762; d. April 15, 1829. Issue : i. William Kilby, b. April 20, 1784; m. Abigail Wilder. 11. Daniel Kilby, b. March 25, 1791; d. Jan. 31, 1820; m. Joanna Hobart. 4649 111. John Kilby, b. May 19, 1793; d. May, 1852; 111. Lydia C. Wilder. 1v. Mary Kilby, b. Aug. II, 1795; d. Aug. 24, 1846; rn. . 4651 v. Theophilus Kilby, b. Nov. 10, 1797; d. Sept. 7, 1852; 111. Deborah Wilder. 4652 v1. Sarah Kilby, b. Nov. 13, 1799; d. June 30, 1806. 4653 vu. Benjamin Kilby, b. Nov. 26, 1800; m. Eliza Rice. 4654 vm. Sarah Kilby, b. July 15, 1807; d. Sept. 1, 1827. 4655 1x. Lydia C. Kilby, b. Feb. 5, 1809; d. Aug., 1849; m. John Allan.

4396 SARAH• WILDER (dr. Theophilus,' Theophilus,' Jabez,• Edward'), m. 46,'i6 MosEs LINCOLN. Issue: 4657 i. Mary Lincoln, b. ---. 4658 11. Lucy Lincoln, b. --- ; m. Theodore Wilder. 4659 111. Susan Lincoln, b. --- ; m. John Wilder. 4660 iv. Sarah Lincoln, b. ---; m. -- Sprague. 4661 v. Moses C. Lincoln, b. ---; 111. Mehetabel Wilder.

4397 EBENEZER CusHING WILDER (s. Theophilus, The­ ophilus), m. Dec. 15, I79r, 4662 ABIGAIL AYERS, b. Nov. 14, 1775; d. Nov. 21, 1862. Issue :

4663 !. Abigail YVilder, b. Dec. 12, 1792 ; m. Dea. William Kilby. 4664 II, Elizabeth Wilder, b. Dec. 1, I 795; d. Nov. 9, 1808. 46(,5 lll. Lydia C. Wilder, b. Dec. 14, 1797; d. Feb. 18, 1859; m. Dea. John Kilby. 4660 IV, Dolly A. Wilder, b. May 3, 1800; d. April 18, 1836; 111. Samuel Johnson. 4667 v. Ebenezer C. Wilder, b. May 13, 1802 ; 111. Jane Allan. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 345

4668 VI. Deborah Wilder, b. May 26, 1804; d. Jan. 30, 1838; m. Hela R. Reynolds. 4669 v11. Hannah Wilder, b. June 21, 1806; d. May, 1827. 4670 viii. Elijah A. Wilder, b. June 20, 1808; m. Eliza Foster. 4671 1x. Elizabeth Wilder, b. March n, 1810; m. Solomon J\L Foster. 4-672 x. Hannah Wilder, b. Aug. 8, 1812; rn. Ebenezer Gardner. 4673 x1. Mariner A. Wilder, b. April 8, 1814; m, Mary E. Smith. · 4674 xu. George W. Wilder, b. March 2, 1816 _; m. Lydia E. Loring. 4675 xiii. Samuel A. Wilder, b. 1818; m. EUen --.

4.::l98 SUSANNAH WILDER (dr.. Theophilus, s. Theophilus), m. 4676 MARK ALLi\N. Issue : 4677 1. Mary Allan, b. Aug. 24, r 792 ; 111. Andrew Sprague. 4678 ii. Lydia Allan, b. r797; m. -- Bradbury. 4679 Ill. Elizabeth Allan, b. Feb. I 7, I 799. 4680 IV. Jane Allan, b. Dec. 2, 1800; m. Ebenezer C Wilder. 4681 v. John Allan, b. Sept. 3, 1802; m. Lydia C. Kilby. 4682 VI. Theophilus Allan, b. April 28, 1804; m. Martha Sargent. 4683 vii. Sally Allan, b. July r 3, 1806. 4684 Ylll. William Allan, b. May 13, 1808j m. Jane Potter. 4682 IX, Abigail Allan, b. June 9, r8r 3. 4683 X, Ebenezer Allan, b. July 13, 18Ij.

4-399 BELA• Wu.DER (s. Theophilus,' Theophilus,' Jabez,' Ed­ ward'), 111. 4684 HANNAH LEWIS. Issue :

4685 1. Bela 'Wilder, b. June 29, 1800. 4686 11. Lewis \VilrJer, Li. Nov. 4, 18or. 4687 m. Ebed Wilder, b. May 6, 1803; d. 1804. 4H88 1v. Ebed Wilder, Li. Aug. 7, 1806; m. Esther Farnsworth. 468c) v. Hannah Wilder, b. June 21, 1809.

4401 PERSIS \VILDER (sister of Bela), m. 4690 JONATHAN REYNOLDS. Issue:

4691 1. Lydia C. Reynolds, b. Aug. 17, 1795. 346 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4692 11. Bela R. Reynolds, b. Sept. 15, 1 797 ; m. Deborah Wilder. 4693 iii. Persis Reynolds, b. Aug. 16, 1799; d. June 12, 1821. 4694 lV. Jonathan Reynolds, b. Sept. 15, 1801. 4695 v. Nathanael Reynolds, b. May 16, 1803. 4696 Vl. Benjamin Reynolds, b. June 18, 1805; m. Eunice Clark. 4697 v11. l\faria Reynolrls, b. Sept. 12, 1806. 4698 viii. Mary K. Reynolds, b. June 12, 1808. 4699 1x. William A. Reynolds, b. July 5, 1810. 4700 x. Parker Reynolds, b. June 4, 180.

4:402 DEBORAH• WILDER (dr. Theophilus: s.'.Theophilus,• Ja­ 1 bez; Edward ), m. 1800, 4701 \VrLLIAM MAYHEW. Issue:

4702 1. Priscilla Mayhew, b. Nov. 14, 1801. 47°3 ii. William Mayhew, b. April 1, 1803. 47°4 111. Hannah Mayhew, b. Dec. 2, 1805. 47°5 lV. John Mayhew, b. Dec. 12, 1806. 4706 v. Lydia Mayhew, b. Dec. 16, 1808. 4707 Vl. Ebenezer Mayhew, b. June 7, 1810. 4708 vii. Lewis D. Mayhew, b. Feb. 1, 1813. 47°9 Vlll. Abijah G. Mayhew, b. Nov, 15, 1814; d. 1858. 4710 lX, Bela Mayhew, b. Aug. 6, 1816. 47II x. Maria Mayhew, b. Jan. 14, 1819. 4712 XI. Benjamin Mayhew, b. June 16, 1821. 4713 XU. Theodore Mayhew, b. 1823.

44-03 ELIZABETH• \Vu.DER (dr. Theophilus, etc.); m. 1804, 4714 THOMAS EASTMAN. Issue: 4715 i. Thomas Eastman, b. May 14, 1806; m. Mary Wilder. 4716 11. Isaac Eastman, b. Dec., 1808; rn. Susan D--. 4717 m. Samuel Eastman, b. Feb., 1810; m. Catharine--. 4718 1v. Eliza Eastman, b. Oct. 3, 1812, 4719 v. Hannah G. Eastman, b. July 14, 1816; m. Azor Baker. 4720 v1. Daniel Eastman, b. Aug. 28, 1818; m. Alicia Mc- Gregor. 4721 vu. Charles Eastman, b. July 4, 1820; m. Rachel Hewes. 4722 vm. George Eastman, b. July 19, 1824; m. Cyrene Hewes. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 347

4723 ix. Andrew M. Eastman, b. Jan. 28, 1830. 4724 x. Catharine Eastman, b. June 8, 1833.

44:0:i THEODORE• WILDER (s. Theophilus,' Theophilus'), m. 1813, 4725 l\lARGARET HERSEY. Issue :

4726 1. Lydia L. Wilder, b. July 22, 1814. 4727 n. Jotham Wilder, b. July 30, 1818. 4728 m. Bela Wilder, b. May 24, 1821. 4729 iv. Abigail C. Wilder, b. Feb. 27, 1824. 4730 v. Persis R. Wilder, b. Aug. 5, 1826. 4731 vi. Alfred R. Wilder, b. Dec. 28, 1828.

4-!26 ZENAS • WILDER (s. Zenas,' Theophilus'), m. 1804, 4732 HANNAH CLARK, h. 1781; d. March 6, 1874; lived in Dennysville. Issue :

4733 I. Roxby Wilder, b. April 5, 1805; m. Thomas Shaw. 4734 n. Hannah Wilder, b. May 27, 1807. 4735 iii. Lydia Wilder, b. Sept. 28, 1809; d. July 5, 1870; 111. Dugald McLaughlin. 4736 IV. Emma Wilder, b. June 6, 1812; m. Zadoc Smith. 4737 v. Susan ·wilder, b. Dec. 13, 1814. 4738 VI. Isaac Wilder, b. Feb. 22, 1816, Sheriff of Washington Co. 4739 vn. Pyam Wilder, b. May 10, 1822; m. Mary Mcllvain. 4740 viii. Sarah Ann Wilder, b. Sept. n, 1825; m. -- Randall.

4429 THEOPHILUS• WILDER (s. Zenas, • Theophilus'), m. r814, 4741 RACHEL --. Issue:

4742 1. Jaims Wilder, b. June 12, 1816. 4743 IL Rachel Wilder, b. Sept. 20, 18 t8. 4744 Ill. Nancy Wilder, b. Aug. 28, 1820. 4745 JV. Sophia Wilder, b. May r, 1823. 4746 v. Lydia \Vilder, b. Jan. r8, 1825. 4747 VJ. Mary Wilder, b. June 27, 1826. 4748 VII. Theophilus 1Yilder, b. April 14, 1829; m. Abby Rey- nolcls. 4749 Vlll. Benjamin Wilder, b. Nov. II, 1831. 4750 IX, Caleb Wilder, b. Dec. 15, 1833. 348 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4751 x. Isaac Wilder, b. Nov. 20, 1836; m. Frances B. Smith. 4752 x1. Salome Wilder, b. Nov. 26, 1838.

4!34: EPHRAIM• WILDER (s. Zenas,4 Theophilus,' Jabez; Ed- 1 ward ), m. 4753 SARAH ---. Issue :

4754 1. Ephraim Wilder, b. Feb. 22, 1824. 4755 11. Thomas Wilder, b. March 20, 1826. 4756 111. Zenas Wilder, b. Dec. 10, 1827. 4757 1v. Catharine M. Wilder, b. Oct. 1, 1830. 4758 v. Elvira Wilder, b. Sept. 2, 1835.

4448 ASENATH • WILDER ( dr. Shubael,' David,• Ephraim,• 1 John,• Edward ), m. 1st, 47S9 1 JOHN EDWARDS; m. 2d, in 1820, 4760 2 LEWIS PHELPS, a farmer of Northampton, Mass. Issue:

4761 1. Fanny Phelps, b. Aug. 21, 1822; m. Hiram Augur, of New Haven. 4762 11. Calvin Wilder Phelps, b. Feb. 13, 1826. 4763 iii. Julia Rockwell Phelps, b. Nov. 14, 1828. 4764 1v. Levi R Phelps, b. Sept. 7, 1832; d. Oct. 17, 1832. 4765 v. Elijah Phelps, b. Sept. 18, 1834. 4766 v1. Adelaide Phelps, b. Dec. 25, 1836; m. William A. Augur.

4449 REUBEN" WILDER (s. Seth,' Seth,' Ephraim,' John,• 1 Edward ), m. ------. Issue: 4767 1. John Thomas Wilder, b. Jan. 31, 1830. 4768 11. Horace Wilder. 4769 iii. Elizabeth Wilder. 4770 JV. Clarissa Wilder. 4771 v. Mary Ann Wilder.

445! ISAAC M." WILDER ( s. Isaac,' Isaac,' Isaac,' John,' 1 Edward ), m. 4772 LUCINDA EELLS. Issue :

4773 1. Isaac Wilder, b. Nov. 15, 1834. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 349

4774 11. Joseph E. ·wilder, b. April 14, 1839. 4775 m. Lucinda Wilder, b. July 1, 1841; d. April 2, 1871.

4457 DAvrn• WILDER (s. Isaac," Isaac,' Isaac,• John," Ed- ward '), m. 1st, 4776 1 JUDITH TOLMAN; rn. 2d, 4 777 2 MARY E. THO;\,JPSON. Issue :

4778 1. John Calvin '\Vilder, b. Aug. 12, 1853. 4779 ii. Eliza Tolman Wilder, b. May, 1856. 4780 iii. Ruth l\Iann Wilder, b. Dec. 18, 1858.

4465 JoHN 6 WILDER (s. Cushing,• Jsaac,' Isaac,• John," Ed- ward') rn. 1st, Jnne 8, 1808, 4781 1 FANNY A. BONNER ; m. 2d, 4782 2 MARGARET 0. FAIRFIELD. Issue: 4783 1. John A. ·wilder, b. Sept., 1846; d. April 18, 1848. 4784 ii. Helen \Vilder, b. Feb. 15, 1849. 4785 m. Fanny E. Wilder, b. Aug. 26, 1854. 4786 1v. Mary E. Wilder, b. May 1, 1861. 4787 v. Albert E. Wilder, b. Feb. 23, 1864. 4788 vi. Adaline J. Wilder, b. Oct. II, ,r866. 4789 v11. Nellie L. Wilder, b. March II, 1871.

4467 EPHRAIM S. • WILDER (s. Cushing,• Isaac,' Isaac,• John,• Edward'), m. Sept. 28, 1852, 4 790 HARRIET HARDY. Issue :

4791 1. George A. Wilder, b. March 2, 18~9. 4792 n. Edgar},. Wilder, b. Jan. 21, 1861. 4793 m. Miletta Wilder, b. April 20, 1863.

4482 NATHANAEL• WILDER (Nathanael,• Nathanael,• Thom- as,' Isaac,• Edward '), 111. 4794 HANNAH BARNARD, d. 1828. Issue:

4795 i. Priscilla P. YVilder, 111. Captain Christopher Smith. 4796 n. Catharine Wilder.

4-483 EBENEZER" WJJ,DER ( s. Nathanael,' Nathanael,< Thom­ 1 as,' l saac; .Edward ), m. 4797 1\fARY BAMP. Issue:

4798 1. Harriet ..Wilder, 111. Sylvanus Hinckley. 350 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4799 u. Eliza Wilder, m. Edward S. Perkins. 4800 111. James D. Wilder, m. Bathsheba Murdock. 4801 iv. Thomas Wilder. 4802 v. Ebenezer Wilder. 4803 v1. Mary Wilder.

4!84: BENAIAH • WILDER (Nathanael,• N athanael,4 Thomas,• Isaac,' Edward'), m. 4804 SusAN BRYANT. Issue:

4805 l. Sally Wilder. 4806 ll. Benaiah ,vihler, m. Diana Bruce. 4807 lll. Nathanael Wilder. 4808 IV. Gilbert Wilder, m. Susan Clark.

4:485 PRISCILLA• WILDER (dr. Nathanael,' etc.), m. 1802, 4809 JEDIDIAH HOLMES. Issue:

4810 l. Caroline Holmes, b. May 5, 1803; ll. May, 1806. 4811 Ii. Eliza Ann Holmes, b. June 21, 1805; m. Alexander Holmes. 4812 lll. Christopher Columbus Holmes, b. Dec. 22, 1812; d. June u, 1814. 4813 iv. Christopher Columbus Holmes, b. Sept, 14, 1814; m. Elizabeth M. Kirk.

44:86 SALLY WILDER (sister of Priscilla), m. 1801, 4814 SYLVANUS THOMAS. Issue: 4815 i. Caroline W. Thomas, b. 1802 ; d. 1834; m. Earll Shaw. 4816 ii. Sarah L. Thomas, b. 1803; m. George W. Rapp. 4817 iii. Mary F. Thomas, b. 1804; d. 1862; m. Joseph F. Goodridge. 4818 vi. Priscilla H. Thomas, b. 1805. 4819 v. William H. Thomas, b. 1807; d. 1827. 4820 vi. Marcia L. Thomas, b. 1809; m. James Whipple. 4821 vii. Sylvanus Thomas, b. 1811; d. 1836. 4822 vm. John Thomas, b. 1812; d. 1863. 4823 ix. Lucy Thomas, b. 1814; d. 1817.

4487 BETSEY WILDER (dr. Nathanael, sister of Sally), m, 4824 CONSIDER BRADFORD. Issue: 4825 1. Alexander Bradford, b. 1817; m. Charlotte Dean, GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 35 1 4826 ii. Elizabeth \V. Bradford, b. 18r9. 4827 iii. Louisa Bradford, b. ---.

44:88 MARY WILDER (dr. Nathanael), m. 4828 HENRY B. HOLMES, of Alfred, Maine. Issue :

4829 l. Lucy .\!aria Holmes. 4830 ii. Christopher C. Holmes.

44:8!} DARJt::'.WU,DER (.N"athanael, Nathanael, Thomas, Isaac, Edward), settled in \Viscasset, Maine; m. 4831 HANNAH SAYWARD. Jssue ;

4832 i. Lucy Wilder, b. 1815; m ..M. -- Martin. 483,3 11. Sarah B. Wilder, b. 1817; m. -- Pelham. 4834 111. Thomas Wilder, b. 181 9, of Philadelphia. 4835 iv. Nathanael .F. Wilder, b. ---, of Chicago. 4836 v. J\fary Susan VVilder, b. --- ; m. --Clapp. 4837 vi. Dorcas Wilder, b. •-.--. 4838 vii. Theodore Wilder, b. --- ; a sail-maker, Brooklyn. 4839 viii. Edward ·wilder, b. ---.

44.90 THOMAS' \V1LDER (Nathanael,• Nathanael,' Thomas,' Isaac,' Edward'), m, LYDIA THOillAS. lssue ;

4841 i. Shubad "\Vilder, b. --- ; m. -- Woodward. 4842 11. Emeline Wilder, b. ---. 4843 iii. Emeline lVilder, b. ---. 4844 1v, Betsey "\\'ilder, b. --- ; rn. -- Wilbur, 4845 v. David Wilder, b. ---.

4-4-!)7 Ro BERT' W1LDER (Thomas,' Thomas,' Thoma,,• 1 Isaac.' Edward ), m. 4846 1\JARTHA FJELD, issue;

4847 l. Robert Wilder, b . .May 14, 1 8 I 2 ; m. Lydia Lowell. 48,i8 11. Eiizabeth \\'il

1. Edward F. Wilder, b. June 91 1846; m. Mary E. Bartlett. ii. Emily D. Wilder, b. Sept., 1847. iii. Bra

4522 EDWIN• \VII.DER (Edward,"Edward,' Edward,' Jabez,• 1 Edward ), m. Feb. 22, 1852, 4860 OLIVE M. WHITON. Issue:

4861 1. Olive A. Wilder, b. Nov. 22, 1852. 4862 11. Edwin M. Wilder, b. May 19, 1867.

4-536 EZRA• WILDER (Joshua," Edward,• Edward,' Jabez,' 1 Edward ), rn. Feb. 28, 1841, 4863 REBECCA TOWER. Issue:

4864 I. Lucy S. Wilder, b. Jan. 30, l842. 4865 11. Ezra WildP.r, b. Dec. 25, 1843; m. Helen M. Cowing. 4866 m. Ellen R. Wilder, b. July 1, 1845. 4867 IV. Frederic Wilder, b. Aug. 26, 1846; m. Lucretia A. Hayward. 4868 v. Joshua S. Wilder, b. Nov. 18, 1847; d. Feb. 21, 1876; m. 1st, Estella Brackett; m. 2d, A. Verona Clark.

4541 HENRY c.• WILDER (s. Benjamin,' Edward,• Edward,' 1 Jabez,• Edward ), m. 1837, 4869 MARY JACOBS. Issue: 4870 1. Mary Wilder, b. Aug. 18, 1838; d. 1842. 4871 11. Sarah C. Wilder, b. June 29, 1840; m. Josiah M. },each. u1. James H. Wilder, b. Dec. 26, 1841; m. M. --. 1v. Mary Wilder, b. June 6, 1844; } d, 1844. v. Martha Wil

4875 v1. William H. Wilder, b. March 15, 1845; m. Oristella Carr. 4-876 vii. Benjamin F. Wilder, b. Nov. 18, 1847; m. Mary Ann Brown. 4877 viii. Zenas J. ·wilder, b. Feb. 10, 1850. 4878 1x. Jenny Lind ,vilder, b. l\fay 23, r85r. 4879 x. :Mary Ann Wilder, b. Sept. 14, I 854. · 4880 xi. Clara W. \\\Ider, b. July 24, 1856. 4881 xii, Eumena \Vilder, b. July 9, 1858. 4882 x111. Charles Wilder, b. July, 1860, 4883 xiv. Anna J. Wilder, b. Jan. 23, 1863.

4542 BENJAMIN' WILDER (Benjamin," Edward,' Edward,' 1 Jabez; Edward ), m. Oct. 20, 1844, 4884 JANE M STODDARD. Issue: 4885 i. Oscar S. Wilder, b. May 19, 1847. 4886 ii. Benjamin Wilder, b. Feb. 8, 1852; d. Nov. Ir, 1854. 4887 i~i. Everett Wilder, b. Sept. 1 r, 1854. 4888 1V. Benjamin ·wilder, b. Nov. 23, 1856; d. 1,ov. 24, 1857. 4889 v. Jane M. \Vilder, b. July zo, 1859. 4890 Vl. Hannah Wilder, b. Ang. 14, 1867. 4587 HARRIET• \Vu.DER ( dr. Benjamin,• Benjamin,• Ed 1 ward," Jabez,• Edward ), m. 4891 OBADIAH WALKER, a merchant of Royalston. Issue : 4892 1. Harriet E. Walker. 4893 ii. Charles S. Walker. 4894 lll. Elizabeth C. Walker. 4589 BENjAMIN O." WILDER (Benjamin,' Benjamin,• Ed ward,' Jabez,' Edward'), m. ELLA WALKER, of Spiingfiekl, Vt. Issue : 4896 i. :Frances Ella Wilder, b. Nov., 1875.

4:590 CHARLES N. • VilrLDER (Benjamin," Benjamin,• Ee; 1 ward,' Jabez,' Edward ), a graduate of Vermo.1t University, a Congregational minister of Essex, New York; m. 1865, 4897 1'fARTHA L. THORNTON, of Sydney, Australia; b. l\fa.y 21, 1843. Issue: 4898 i. Henry White Wilder, b. July 15, 1866. 4899 11. Mabel l\I. Wilder, b. May 5, 1869. 24 354 GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4900 111. Charles Thornton Wilder, b. Dec. r 7, 1870. 4901 1v. Elizabeth Cutler 1Vilder, b. Sept. 19, 1872.

-!635 THEOPHILUS • WILDER (Theophiius, • Theophilus,• 1 Theophilus,' Jabez,2 Edward ), m. 18r3, 4902 L t:CY --. Issue :

4903 i. Benjamin Wilder, b. July 1, 1814. 4904 ii. Moses Lincoln \\.ilder, b. Aug. 22, 1816. 4905 iii. Lucy Wilder, b. Jan. 13, 1819. 4906 iv. J\lary Wilder, b. Aug., 1821. 4907 v. Amos Wilder, b. '.\farch 13, 1825. 4908 v1. Theophilus C. Wilder, b. March 26, 1831.

4:653 BENJAMIN KILBY, s. Dea. William Kilby and l\fary (Wilder) Kilby; m. 1st, 4909 I ELIZA R1cE ; m. 2d, 4910 2 1'vlARY STODDARD. Issue :

491 I 1. Frank Kilby, b. 18yz. 4912 11. Edward B. Kilby, b. March 30, 1 834. 4913 m. Solomon R. Kilby, b. Sept. 6, 1836. 4914 1v. Mary Eliza Kilby, b. Jan. 12, 1843; m. Edward Philbrick. 4915 v. Ferdinand Kilby, b. April u, 1845. 4916 VJ, Lyman 0. Kilby, b. Dec. 3, 1847. 4917 Vll, Clara Kilby, b. June 7, 1850, 4918 VIII, Helen Maria Kilby, b. April 23, 1852. 49r9 IX. Henry H. Kilby, b. Feb. 1, 1855. 4920 X, John Kilby, b. April 30, 1857. 492r Xl. Horace P. Kilby, b. July 3, 1859.

4:661 THEOPHILUS KILBY (s. William), m. 4922 DEBORAH WILDER, of Hingham. Issue:

4923 1. Charles H. Kilby, b. Jan. 18, 1823, 4924 11. Alden Kilby, b. Sept., 1824. 4925 w . .Martha C. Kilby, b. Sept., 1826. 4926 1v. Sarah E. Kilby, b. Feb. 5, J830. 4927 v. Francis Kilby, b. July 15, 1832. 4928 Vi. Alfred Kilby, b. Sept. 26, 1837. 4929 v11. Theophilus Kilby, b. July 3, 1839. GENEALOGICAL TABLE. 355

4633 _ABIGAIL• WILDER (clr. Ebenezer,• Theophilus,' The- ophilus,' Jabez,' Edward'), m. 4930 DEA. WILLIAM KILBY {s. Dea. William K.) Issue:

4931 1. William :Kilby. 4932 11. Abigail hilby. 4933 rn. Edwin Kilby. 4934 n-. James Clinton Kilbr. 4935 v. Sally M. :Kilby.

,1(,6;, LYDIA CusHING • \V!LDER (dr. Ebenezer,• Theophilu,,, • 1 Theophilus,' Jabez," Edward ), m. 1817, 46-19 JOHN KILBY, b. May 12, 1793· Issue:

4937 I. Mary Kilby, h. 1818. 4938 11. Eliza Kilby, b. Aug. 17, 1820; d. Sept. 6, 1855; m. Rev. Josiah Stearns. 4939 m. Lydia Kilby, b. Jan. 2, 1822; m. Peter Vose. 4940 IV. Jane hilby, b. March 8, 1824; d. Oct. 13, 1835. 4941 v. John D. Kilby, b. Aug. 23, 1826; d. Sept. r:z, I849, 4-9-12 Vl~ Cyrus H. Kilby, b. Nov. 24, 1828; m. Elvira 1'.. Lincoln. 4943 vn. George Kilby, b. Aug. 2 r, 183 r; d. May ro, 1839. 4944 viii. Emma Kilby, b. March 12, 1834; m. Henry M.. Hutchinson. 4945 IX. Lucy J. Kilby, b. Feb. q, 1839.

4:667 EBENEZER• CusHING WILDER (Ebenezer,• Theophilus,' Theophilus," Jabez," Edward'), m. 1825, 4946 JANE Al.LAN, b. 1800. Issue:

49!7 1. Ebenezer A. Wilder, b. Oct. zz, 1826 .: m. Lvelyn 8. Reynolds. 4948 11 ••\lariner ,hider, L. April 7, 1827. 4949 Ill. Jane Wilder, b . .!\larch 3, 183r; m. Jonas l'earsail. 4950 1v. 1\fark A. Wilder, LJ. June 17, 18,12; m. D.:borah W. Reynolds. 495 r v, Heman Wilder, b. Jan. 5, 1834; d. 1839. 4952 v1. Abigail Wilder, b. Jun.: 4, 1835. 4953 v11. Heman Wilder, b. July 31, 1837. 4954 v111. William H. H. Wilder, b. Nov. 10, 1840. 4955 ix. lfarriet L. C. Wilder, b. Feb., 1845; d. 1846. . GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

46(;8 DEBORAH WILDER (sister of Ebenezer C.), m. 1823, 46H2 BELA R. REYNOLDS, b. Sept., I 797. lssne :

4957 1. Eveline S. Reynolds, b. Dec. 2r, J826; 111. Ebenezer A. Wilder. 4958 n. George R. Reynol

4670 EuJAH A.' WILDER (s. Ebenezer C.,• Theophilus,' 1 Theophilus,' J abez,2 Edward ), m. 1st, 1831, 4961 l ELIZABETH FOSTER, d. l 840; Ill. 2d, l 841, 4962 2 SARAH GLEASON. Issue: 496.3 1. Ellen ·wilder, b. Nov. 15, 1834; d. 1843. 4964 11. George Albert Wilder, b. June 12, 1835. 4965 m. Ellen E. Wilder, b. Dec. 13, 1836. 4966 1v. Laura \Vilcler, b. Dec. 3, 1837. 4967 v. Joanna F. \Vikler, b. May 1, 1839. 4968 v1. John G. Wilder, b. June r6, 1842. 4969 vn. Emiiy \Vilder, b. 1844. 497° v111. Dolly \Vilder, b. 1847. 49il 1x. Harriet E. Wilder, b. Jan. 25, 1849; d. 1859. 497 2 x. Hannah G. Wilder, b. Ang. 9, 1851 ; d. 1863. 4973 xi. Abigail A. Wilder, b. Jan. 21, 1853; d. 1863. 4974 Xll. Edith H. Wilder, b. Feb. 22, 1855; d. 1863. 4975 xiii. Samuel Gay Wilder, b. Jan. 15, 1857; cl. 1863. 4976 xiv. Oliver Wilder, b. Dec. 14, 1858; cl. 1863. 4977 xv. Winfield J. Wilder, b. Oct. 31, 1862; d. 1863. 4671 ELIZABETH WILDER (

4-(;72 HANNAH Wu.DER (sister of Elizabeth), 11,. 1841, 49S3 F.nFNFZER GARDNER. lssne :

4984 1. Frederic G. Gardner; m. Mary Cooper. 4985 11. Deborah Gardner; m. Benjamin Lincoln. 4986 iii. Lyman R. Gardner; m. Mary Hobart. 49':i7 iv. Sarah Gan.Iner; m. Thomas C. Eastman. UE?\'EALOGICAL TABLE. 357

4:fi7:J l\Lu:.INER A. 6 \V!!.DFR (s. Ebenezer C.," Theophilus.' 2 Tbeophilns,' Jabez, Edward '.), Ill. r S ..p, 4988 l\lARY E. s~!ITH, L. June 25, 1822. Issue:

4989 1. Mary A. Wilder, b. Sept. Ii- 1842. 4990 11. Victor A. Wilder, b. July S, 1845; m. c\cleline l\fc- Dougal. 499r 111. Clara P. ·wilder, L. :\larch z, 1846. 4992 Iv. Agnes F. Wilder, b. l>ec. 28, 1848.

467,:l GEORGE \V.6 \VILDFR (s. Ebenezer," Tl1t.:ophiiu::,' The­ ophilns; Jabez," Edward'), Ill. 4993 LYDIA C. LORING. Issue: 4994 I. Sus:1nnah E. Wilder, b. Vee. 3 r, 1845. 4995 ll. Loring L. Wilder, b. Dec. 9, 1847. 4996 lll, lVfary R. Wilder, b. Feb. 28, 1849. 4997 IV. Abigail \V. \Vilder, b. Sept. 9, 185 I j

4:677 AfARY ALLAX, dr. Mark and Susannah (Wilder) Allan, lll. 5000 ANDREW SPRAGCE. Issue:

5001 1. Andrew Sprague, b. April 30, 181_<;. 5002 n. Mary Sprague, L. Feb. 4, I 8 r 7. 5003 m. Benjamin Sprague, L. April 18, 1819. 5004 iv. Susannah Sprague, b. April r. 1S21. 500_<; v. Samuel Sprague, b. Sept. 6, 1823. 5006 v1. Eliza Sprague, lJ. June 10, 1826 5007 v11. Sarai1 Sprague, b. March 2, I 82&. 5008 V!ll. (~eorge vV. Sprague, b. Sept. 9, 18.30.

-4:682 THEOPHILUS ALLA!':, s. Mark and Susannah (Wilder) Allan, m. 1829, 5009 MARTHA SARGENT. Issue:

:;010 1. !'Jelsoli Allan. b. Fel1. 22, 1830; 111. ,-\IJ;gail liuLnt. 5orr 11. Martha All8.n, b. l\Ltrch 31, 18,F; Ill. Andrew Tod,L 5012 l!J. Theophilus Allan, !J. No\". 21. 18_14. 5013 1v. Hannah L. Allan, !J. Dec. 30, 1836. _~014 v. John lJ. Allan, b. -- . 5or.5 n. Susannah Allan, b. ---. so16 vu. Elizabeth Allan, b. ---. ;;01 7 VIIL William R. Ai!an, h. •---. J5S GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4-688 EBED • ·w1r.DER ( s. Bel ah,• Theophilus,' Theophilus,• 1 Jabez/ Edward ), m. 5018 ESTHER FARNSWORTH. Issue:

5019 l. Evelyn M. Wilder, b. //'J ('.. 5020 11. Reh S. '\\'ilcler, b. --. '.'02 I 111. Edward F.. Wilcler, b. ---. 5022 !'' Roscoe E. Wilder, b. ---. 5023 \'. Honce W. Wilder, b. ---. 5024 n. Eliza E. Wilder, b. ---. 5025 \"ll. Anna L. Wilder, b. ---. 5026 \'111. Frederic E. Wilder, b. ---.

Ji a:i LYDIA. \VJLDER ( dr. Zen as,. Zenas,4 Theophilus,' Jabez,' Edward'), rn. Dec. rr, 1825, 5027 DUGALD McLAUGHLIN, b. in Scotland. Issue:

_<;028 ]. Eliza A. McLaughlin, b. Feb. n, 1827. 5029 11. \Villiam C. McLaughlin, b. March 19, 1829; m. Sally M. Kilby; he was one of the Selectmen of Den­ nysville, Me.

.50°1 .:, lll. Lydia M. McLaughlin, b. Aug. 13, 18;,1.

.~0'2 .) JV • George H. :McLaughlin, b. Sept. 14, 1833; m. Eliza­ beth M. Hobart; he was Town Clerk of Dennys­ ville, Me. 5°34 v. Cecilia L. McLaughlin, b. Feb. 17, 1836 ; m. Silas M. Clark. 5°35 Vl, Charles Alonzo McLaughlin, b. May 3, 1838. 5036 Vll. Emma V. McLaughlin, b. March 31, 1840.

•'i0'., .::, I Vil!. John S. McLaughlin, b. Ang. 24, 1842. 5038 JX. Edward A. McLaughlin, b. Aug. 16, 1844. 5o39 x. Julia Ann lvfcLaughlin, b. July 2, 1847. 5040 XI. Albert C. McLaughlin, b. June 26, 1850; n1. Emma Gardner.

I- iaH PYA~r" \V!LDER (Zenas,' Zenas,' Theophilus,' Jabez; 1 Erlward ), Ill. 1846, 50.p MARY Mc!LVAINE. Issue:

5042 1 ..Randolph Wilder, b. Aug. 18, 1848.

5043 11. Isaac Wilder, b. Oct. 8, 1851. 5044 lll. Frederic Wilder, b. Oct. 12, 1853; d. 1854. 5045 1v. Emma \\'ilder, b. Nov. 21, 1858. GE:\'EALOGICAL TABLE. 359 5046 v. Frederic Wilder, b. April r9, 1862. 5047 v1. Nellie W. Wilder, b. June 30, 1864. 5048 v11. George vVilder, b. Feb. 24, 1866. 5049 vm. Lydia Wilder, b. Dec. 2 r, 1869.

4 7H'! C.\LVIN '\Y!LDER PHFLI'S, s. Lewis and Asenath (\\"ilder) Phelps, m. }'eb. 29, 1850, 5050 PA:lfELA CLARK. Issue:

5051 1. Albert L. Phelps, b. Feb. r2, 1851. 5052 11. Caroline E. Pheips, b. April I 1, 1853. 5053 Ill. Julia E. Phelps, b. Oct. 4, 1856. 5054 IV. l'dary Fidelia Phelps, b. Aug. rS, 1860.

•1767 Jm-rN THOMAS 7 \Vu.DER (Reuben, 6 Seth,' Seth,' E;,h­ 1 raim,3 John,' Edward ); he was a }lrig;,dier-Gen­ erai m the Army of the Rebellion, now Po5tmaster in Chattanooga, Tenn. ; m. 5055 -----·- Issue:

505G l. Mary Wilder. 5°57 ll. Anna Wilder. ::,~o-8 ::, llL Raebel Wilder. 5°59 IV. '\fartha Wilder. 5060 \". Stuart Wilder. 5061 VI. Edith Wilder.

•:!811 ELIZA ANN Hourns, dr. Priscilla (Wilder; and Jedidic:h Holmes, m. 5062 ALEXA;);VER HOI.MES. lssne:

5063 1. Joseph Alexander Holmes, b. Jnne 10, J830. 5064 11. Francis Henry Holwes, h. ]\,fay 3 r, 18,31.

,!,-,2H IxcY MA!UA Ho1.:11cs, dr. ;\fary (Wilder} ancl Henry H. Holmes. m. 1832,

5'.)65 \V1u.IA:1r A. ALU;i\". Issue:

5066 1. Anna Allen. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

5067 ll. Henry Wilder Allen, a lawyer acd Register. of Bank- ruptcy in New York city. 5068 111. \Veld Noble Allen.

4:84: 7 ROBERT 1 WILDER (s. Robert," Thomas, 5 Thomas,' Thomas,' Isaac; Edward'), 111. 1832, 5069 LYDIA LOWELL. Issue : 5070 i. Gerrish L. Wilder, b. Oct. 15, 1833. 5071 11. Mary J. Wilder, b. Jan. 13, 1836. 5072 rn. Martha E. Wilder, b. Nov. 10, 1837. 5073 JV, Sylvanus S. Wilder, b. Nov. 13, 1841. 5074 v. Sarah S. Wilder, b. June 6, 1843. 5075 VJ. Robert J. Wilder, b. May 13, 1846. 5076 v11. Abigail S. Wilder, b. Oct. 15, 1848 5077 viii. William J. ·wilder, b. Sept. r5, 185r.

4854: EDWARD F.1 ·w1LDER (s. Edward,• Edward,• Edward,' Edward,' John,• Edward'), m. Nov., 1864, 5078 MARY E. W. BARTLETT. Issue:

5079 i. Edward R. Wilder, b. Oct. 18, 1868. 5080 n. Percival B. Wilder, b. Feb. 16, 1874. 5081 n1. Emily C. Wilder, b. Aug. 9, 1876.

4856 BRADFORD C.7 WILDER (Edward," Edward," Edward,' 1 Edward," John,• Edward ), m. Jan. 10, 1870, 5082 SYLVIA A. KENNEDY. Issue :

5083 1. Franklin B. Wilder. 5084 !!. Elizabeth C. Wilder.

4:86:i EZRA WILDER (s. Ezra,' Joshua,• Edward,' Ed1vard," John,• Edward'), m. June 24, 1866, 5085 HELEN M. COWING, of \Vcymouth. Issue:

5086 J. Frederic S. ,vilder, b. Oct. 15, 1867.

-!867 FREDERIC 1 \VrLDER (s. Ezra,6 Joshua,• Edward,' Ed- 1 ward,' John,• Edward ), m. rst, Jan. 17, 1874, IxcRETIA A. HAYWARD, Issue: i. Ella L. \Vilder, b. Aug. z6, 1874. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

4868 Josm;A S.' 1VrLDER (s. Ezra,6 Joshua,• Edward,' Ed­ ward,' John,' Edward'), m. 1st, Jan. I 7, 1870, .5089 r S. ESTELLA BRACKETT, d. Sept. 24, 1873; m. 2d, Dec. 18, 1875, 5090 z A. VERO~A CLAKK. Issue:

5091 1. Fiora Estella Wilder, b. Oct. ro, 1872.

4875 WrLLLDJ H' \Va.DER (s. Henry,• Benjamin,' Edward,' Edward,' John," Edward'). lll. 1866, 5092 OxISTELLA A. CARR. Issue:

5093 J. George Wilder, b. 1867. 5094 11. William Wilder, b. 1867. 509 5 iii, Sarah YVilder, b. 1869. 5096 iv. Francis Wilder, b. 1872.

4876 BEX JAMIN F.' V1'ILDER ( s. Henry," Benjamin,' Edward,' 2 Edward,' John, Edward'), 111. 1873, · 5097 MARY A. BROWK. Issue:

5098 I James Henry Wilder, b. 1875.

,19:38 ELIZA KILBY, dr. of Lydia (Wilder) and John Kilby, m. 5099 REV. JosrAH STEARNS. Issue: 5100 1. Abigail T. Stearns.

49!19 LYDIA KILBY (si~ter of Eliza K,, No. 4938), m. 510 I PETER E. VOSE. Issue :

5102 1. Mary Vose, b. l\farch 18, 1848. 5103 a. John T. C. Vose, b. March 2, 1852. 5104 iii. Ida Sumner Vose, b. Dec. 14, 1854. 5ro5 1v. Lydia E. Vo.,e, b. lvfay 10, 1860.

4:Hi2 CYRUS H. KILBY, s. John and Lydia (Wilder) Kilby, m. 5 rn6 ELVIRA K. Lr:-:cor,:-,;, lssue :

5ro7 1. John D. Kilby. b. ---. 510S 11. Lincoln II. Kilby, b. ---. 5109 iii. Anna Kilby, b. ---. GENEALOGICAL TABLE.

49-1-7 EBENEZER A.' WILDER (s. Ebenezer," Ebenezer: The­ 1 ophilus,• Theophilus,' Jabez; Edward ), m. June r3, 1850, 5 r 10 EVELINE S. REYNOLDS. Issue :

5 II 1 i. Frances l\L Wilder, b. Jan. 6, 1851. 5112 11. Hela R. \\'ilder, b. Nov. 9, 1855. 5113 n1. Frederic Sargent Wilder, b. Dec. 30, rS,,. CONTAINll\'G



JOSEPH WILDER. 27(W JoSEFH" WILDER (s. Joshua,' Joshua'), of Hillsborough, :r-.. ILm. - 1 SusAK TURNER. Issue: z ,. Emiiy \Yilder, b. 1806: m. -- Underwood. ;{ 11. Joseph -ffilder, b. Oct., 1808; d. June, 1876. 4 111. David Wilder, b. 1810; d. 1868. 5 iv. George vVilder, b. 1811 ; m. Laura Bradshaw. 6 v. Mary Wild1or, d. 1860; m. George Gould. 7 v1. Harriet Wilder, m. Jacoh I ,ane. 8 v11. Charlotte \Vilder, n1. Cnus Mitchell. 9 vm. Jane \Yilder, unmarried. 10 1x. Emeline \Yilder, m. Andrew McConnell.

a Jos,:PH 7 WILDER (s. Joseph," Joshua,' Joshua'), resided in Orleans, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; a farmer; m. 1st, 1836, 11 r ESTHER CLARK, d. T 862 ; m. z

13 1. Mary S. Wilder, b. April, 1837; m. William Dean. 11 11. Clark ,vilder, b. Juiy 17, 1840; m. Mercy L. Hill. 15 iii. E,1gene Wilder, b. Sept., 1f54G; m. Eliza Hilt. J 6 n-. Emily Wilder, b. Sept., r 8.1r1 ; m. Robert Peacock. 1 7 \·. Sarah J. \Vilder, b. /l64~; m. \Yashington HoltL.

-! D,wrn '\YE.DER (s. Joseph,' ju.,htw,' Jushna '), m. 1037, 18 JU.iA H. G11Avb, b. 1812. Jssue:

19 1. Celestia \Yilcler, b. 183(J; 11i. J-,zra Cornwell. 20 11. Celia \\'1lder, L. 1841: 1n. 18(11, -- 1\fcKinley. 21 iii. Melissa \ri!der, L. 1845. SUPPLDIE:\'T.

22 IV, l\faria Wilder, b. 1847; Ill, I8i 2, Willi::un Gardner. 23 v. Orrilb \Vil

2'::J Vll. Alvaro Wilder, b. l X52. 26 Vlll. Helena \Vilcler, b. 1854.

1-1 CLARK 8 \Vn.nER (s. Joseph/ Joscph,6 Joshua," Joshua'), an innkeeper of Lafargeville, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; Ill. Jan. 1, 1866, 2 7 .MERCY L. HILL. lssue :

28 1. Jane Wilder, b. Jan. 2, 1867. 29 11. Francis James \Yilder, b. Apnl IO, 1868. 30 iii. 1\"ilfred Clark Wilder, b. July 17, 1869. 31 1v. Jane Adele Wilder, b. Dec. 24, 187r. 32 v. George Fay Wilder, b. July 15, 1876.


2627 l\1ERRICK \VII.VER (5th son of Samuel, Sallluel, Dea. David), m. April 4, 1822, NA"ICY TARBI:LI., b. at Groton, April 4, 1802; cl. April 1, 1872. Issue: 2 1. William C. \Vilder, b. March 13, 1830; m. Elizabeth Henderson. !1 ii. Augustus V. \Vilder, b. April 30, 1833; m. Loduski L. Churchill. 4 iii. Henry ?-.Ierrick ·wilder, b. Dec. 6, 1835; cl. Oct. 10, 1868. ;) IV. James .F. Wilder, b. Sept. 26, 1837; u1. Abby Bogardus. 6 v. Chari es Edward \Vilcler, b. Sept. 2 2, 1840.

2 \Y1LL1A!ll 8 C. \VJLDLR (s. Merrick,' Samuel,' Samuel,' David'), m. Nov. 23, 1853, 7 ELIZABETH HEN1>E1,so:--;-, !..>. J\larch 31, 1833. ls~ne:

8 1. \Villiam AugLJstus Wilder, Li. Sept. L 1854. 9 11. Joseph Henry Wilder, b. Sept. 1, 1859. 10 Ill. Anna Belle \Vilder, b . .:\larch 31, 1864.

:{ A1:Gl:STCS V. \VJLDER (s. J\!errick, Samul=\, Samuel. Da- vid), m. S"pt. rs, 1857, 11 Lom..:sKI L. CmJI-tCHILL, b. JLtne 4, 1835. Issue:

12 1. Luelh .Maria Wilder, b. Feb. 10, 1X59. 13 11. Edward Augustus Wilder, l.J. Feb. 29, 1864. SUPPLEMENT. q iii. Frank Henry Wilder, b. April rr, T866. 15 iv. Albert Otis Wilder, b. March 24, 1872.

,> J.-nrEs FRANCIS' WILDER ( s. J\l errick ,7 Samuel,' Samuel! David'), m. r6 Annv BoGARDL·,;. b. Aug. 11. 1837. Issue: r 7 i. Electa Edna \Vilcler. L. :\ O\'. 26. I 8 j 3.



2560 CHARLES' Wrr,DER (s. Joel J).,' Abel," Jerahmeel '), m. ]\fay 29. 1852. 1 HARRIET E. h.ELLocc, b. l\[arch 25, 1838. Issne:

2 1. Edgar C. Wilder, b. / 22, 1868.

!1i}fH HE,,,-RY 7 IVILDER (s. Joel D.,' Abel," Jerahnwel '), m. Feb., 1853, 3 A)IA::s;DA M. A:-.-DREWs, L. Oct. 25, 1834. Issue: 4 l. Charles S. \\'ilder.

3Zl6-l ELIZABETH A. Wn,DER ( d:-. Joel D.), m. J..,ec., 1861, 5 G. N. TUTTLE, b. March 30. 1834. 1ssne:

6 ]. Carter C. Tuttle, b. July 24, 186~ . d. March 1, I 87 5. ,) ' 7 ]]. Martin A. Tuttle, b. March <./u, 1868. 8 l!l. Mary C. Tuttle, b. Feb. 7, 1 875. 9 lV. Walter St. Clair Tuttle, L. i\farch 16, 187i-

3;;70 l\Lu:.rA."\"' EDITH \Vn,DER (dr. Joel D.), 111. March 25, 1868, Io ELS\\'OJ-:TH "\Y. TAYLOR, Ii. Feb. 28, 18,p. Jssue: r r i. f]izabeth i\. ~ray1or, 1.i. June 1 7~ 1871.

FOURTH Fi\.\l1LY Is a Genealo;y of tl~e family rkscriiwd ;it pa,:'.c· 120, Chapter XX. of the Hi,torv of th,: \Vildcrs : 1YILLIA',r, the eldest, mif[ht h,tvc Lc,:u one of the Lan- 2 caster \Yiidcrs who c1JJi.:.(rated befor,: 1750. ~anrnel, his son, born i1! r 7(,0, Jud till"ee sons: 3 1. ·wiiliam 'lri!der. 366 SUPPLE:-.IE:\'T,

4 11. Samuel \Vilder. 5 ui. Till, or Hillary, b. May 18, 1784; d. 1838.

5 HILLORY WILDER (s. Samuel, \Villiam), n,. 6 ESTHER A\'ERY, d. Nov., 1851. Issue:

i 1. FrJ.nces \\'ilder, m. Thomas llridges. 8 11. ~ ancv \\'ilder. !} m. Esther \Vilder. 10 n·. Polly \Vilder. 11 v. Gaston H. Wilder, b. April r, 1814; cl. March 2j, 1844. 1-.! v1. Caroline Wilder. ] :l vn. Betsey Wilder. 14 vm. Emeline Wilder. 15 1x, l\[aclison \\'ilder, b. Sept. 5, r823.

7 FRA>,;CES \Vrr.DER (clr. Hillory, SJ.muel, \Villiam), m. 16 THO~L\.S BRIDGES. Issue :

r 7 1. Thomas Bridges. 18 11. J'vTary Briclges, m. rst, :-Jath:u, Wyatt; Ill. 2d, Rnfns Dunn. 19 m AnnJ. Bridges.

8 NA"CY \VII.DER (dr. Hillory), m. 1st, 20 1 -- \VHITLEY; m. 2d, 2r 2 RECBEN \VII.DER, of another race. Issue:

22 1. Hillary Whitley, now a physician of Raleigh. 23 n. James R. Wilder, b. 1850; m. Mrs. Kennedy.

9 EsTHEI.: WILDER (dr. Hillory, Samuel, Wiiliam), m. 24 \VILLJA~I RrcHARl.>SO'l. Issue :-

2.'i 1. Hillory Richardson. 26 11. John Richardson. 2 7 111. Joseph Richardson. 28 1v. ,\bdison Richardson, 111. Kate Hinton. 29 v. Sally Richardson, m. -- l'ippin.

10 Pol.LY \\'IJ,PER (dr. Hillory), m. 30 \VIJ.l:\' L. H1:--:ToN. Issue:

31 1. William 1-L Hinton. 32 11. Caston H 111ton. 33 Ill. ,l\lary Hinton. SL"Pl'LEME:NT.

34 iv. Victoria Hinton. 35 v. Kate Hinton. 36 vi. Caroline Hinton.

11 GASTO!\ H. \\'rLDER (s. Hillory. Samuel, William), educated at the Xnrth Cuolina Colleg,,: a lawyer of di;;ri11ctio11 ; a Representative for twelve years ; a paymaster i11 tile Army at the time of the l\fexican war, with r:rnk of l\!ajor under Gener.11 Ta_rlor; m. March, Ib,So. 37 S.\RAH E. Ilc,"ro::s, b. 1831. Issue:

38 1. Hillary ·wilder, b. Jan. 16, 1351; m. Sally Worsham. 39 IL Fanny Wilder, m. David Foote. 40 Ht. b:.:i.te ·wiLier. 41 1v. Samnd Wilder. 42 v. \Villiam Wilder. 43 Yl. Gaston H. Wilder. 44 vn. Sarah Wilder. 45 vrn. J saac Y\'ilcler.

12 CAROLINE \\' ILDEJ! ( cJr. Hillory), Ill. 46 RurL·s Eu.,10xnso:,;_ 1 ssne: 47 i. Alice Edmondson. 48 11. Lucv Edmondson. 49 lli, Sally Edmondson.

13 BETSEY WILDn: (dr. Hillary), m. 50 RA:--.'S<.nr HINTOX; was drowned in the Neuse. Issue:

1. l\lary Hinton, rn. Addison Lee. 11. Lydia Hinton, m. \\"illiani Lee. 53 Ill. Anna Hirnon. 54 1v. WiliiJ.1n I-linton.

] IS I\IAEY B1WJGE.~, dr. Tiiornas a11d l'rances (\Vilder 1:;ridges, 111. 1st, 55 1 J\'.\THA'; \\rATT; Ill, zrl, 56 2 kn,T.~ Dt:NN. bsiw :

S7 1. Fa11ny Wyatt, m. Henry Powern. _;8 11. \Villia111 Vunn. 368 SUPPLE1fEXT.

59 rn. Samuel Dunn. 60 1v. l\Tolly Dunn. 61 , •. Sadie Dunn.

51 l\L.\RY H1~To~, dr. Ransom and Betsey (\Vilcler) Hin- ton, 111. 62 Ann1so~ LEE. Issue :

]. Edward Lee. 11. Clce Lee. ll l. Coreil Lee. IV • Regulus Lee. v. .Elizabeth Lee.

52 LYDIA HINTO~ (dr. Ransom), m. 68 \\'1LLIAM LEF:; have three living c-hilclren :

69 1. Harry Lee, who graduated at Pennsylvania Mt'dical F1iiversity. 70 11. Bethia Lee is at the Raleigh Institute. 7I lll. Paul Lee, who is with the family in Johnston Co.

There was in Nash Co., living with his uncle Samuel \Vilder, a Moses J. \Yylder, who enlisted under General Green when sixteen years old, and was at the fall of Baron De Kalb. He married three t11nes, and had thirteen children, with whom, and a sister Nancy, he removed to De Kalb Co., Tenn. Two of the brothers are 1101\· living in Greenfield, Ill. His children were :

I. Nancy Wylder. 2 JI. Wylie \Vylcler. 3 111. BJ.rbary \Vylder. 4 IV. l\Iartha Wykler. 5 v. S:unuel \\'ylder. 6 VI. Temperance \Vylcler. 7 Vil, Btcrry Wylder. 8 Vlll. l\ioses Wylrler. H JX. "'illia1n II. Wyldcr, a farmer in Greenfield, Ill. JO X. Lawrence \Yylcler. I I Xl, Robert ,vylcler. 12 Xll. Henderson ffylder. I, .) Xlll. George Wylder. SUPPLE:\IE~1.

9 1Y!LL!AM H. WYI.DER (s. J\fo,es J.), 111. 14 CHARITY FrxLEY. Jssue: 15 i. Josephine \Vylder. 16 11. ·worth Wylder. 1 7 iii. Franklin Wylcler. 18 iv. Charlotte Wrlder. 19 v. John Wesiey \Yylcler.


4 2038 DANIEL• WILDER (s. Cornelius,' John ), m. May 28, 1801, 1 SALLY McCLELLAN; d. in Pittsfield, 0., March, 1871. Issue: 2 l. Harriet Wilder, b. Sept. 9, 1802; d. 1876; m. Timothy Pearse. 3 ii. Orsamus Wilder, b. 1805 ; m. Charlotte Barber. 4 lll. Artemas Wilder, b. 1807 ; m. Omyra Tower. 5 JV. Hosea Wilder, b. Aug. 12, 1809;

2 HARRIET 7 WILDER (dr. Daniel," s. Cornelius,' John•), m, 1 r TIMOTHY PEARSE. Issue :

1 2 1. Sherman Pearse. 13 lt. l'vtarcus Pearse. 14 111. Catharine Pearse;

3 0RSAMUS WILDER (Cornelius, Johu), m. 16 CHARLOTTE BARGER; d. 1832, at Orwell, Vt. Issue:

17 1. Jane Wilder.

4 ARTEMAS WILDER (Daniel, Cornelins, John), rn. 18 0MYRA Towu:, of Sudbury, Vt. Issue:

19 1. Harriet Wilder. 20 11. Demira Wilder. 25 370 SUPPLEME~T.

21 111. Joseph Wilder. 22 1v. Ann ·wilder. 23 v. Alice Wilder. 24 v1. Edward Wilder.


26 1. Isadore \Vilder; m. -- Monroe.

6 JOEL Wn,DER (s. Daniel, John), m. z 7 I ,oursA WHITNEY, of Pittsfield, Ohio. Issue : 26 1. Jesse Wilder; m. --McRoberts.

7 Ar.MO:"! WILDER (s. Daniel), m. 2 7 TH ERINA GOODELL, of Sudbury, Vt.; d. at Sacramento, Cal. Issue :

28 1. Leonard G. Wilder.

9 MARY WILDER (dr. Daniel, s. John), m. 29 B. F. WoRCESTER. Issue:

30 1. Orlando \Vorcester. 31 11. Marion Worcester. 32 m. Annette \Vorcester. 33 1v. Julia Worcester. ·34 v. William Worcester. 35 v1. Leonard Worcester.

10 SusAN WILDER, m. 36 M. D. YouNG. Issue:

37 1. Frances E. Young.

SIXTH FAMILY. ABEL WILDER. In 1760, it is claimed that Zechariah Wilder resided in Salem, Mass. No record is fonnd of his residence there. He had one son, born in Salem in 1760, Abel Wilder.

1 ABEL WILDER (s. Zechariah), b. 1760; d. --- ; m. 2d, 2 Si;sANNAH ROGERS, of Hardwick, Mass. Issue :

3 1. Zenas Wilder; had five children, of whom we do not obt1in any information. SUPPLEMENT. 37 1

4: u. Abel Wilder. m. J,ucinda Wilder, b. 1 783; rn. Benjamin Bonney. 6 1v. Justus Wilder. These by bis first wife: v. Lyman \Vilder, b. 18II; d. Oct., 1877. 8 v1. Wealthy Wilder; m. Augustns Slater.

4 ABEL WILDER (s. Abel, Zechariah), m. ------lssat! :

9 I. Eli ·wilder. 10 ll. Edwin Wilder. II Jl!. Rufus Wilder.

12 IV, Catharine Wilder. 13 v. Maria Wilder.

5 Lt:CINDA YVILDER (dr. Abel), m. r8o8. 14 BENJAMIN BONNEY, of Hamilton, l\ladison Co., N. Y. Jssue:

15 1. Mary Bonney, b. 1812; d. 1812. 16 11. Franklin Bonney, b. 1814;

7 LnJAN WILDER (s. Abel, Zachariah), a Baptist minister; living till his death, in Oct., 1877, in Columbia City, Ind.; m. n AMELIA \V1LsoN. Issue:

2 2 1. Charlotte Amelia Wil. 2 _:;, I 846. 28 Vll, Warren W. Wilder, b. June 25, 1850, 372 SUPPLEMEKT.

8 WEALTHY \VrLDER (dr. Abel), m. 29 AUGUSTUS SLATER. Issue : 30 i. Augustus Slater.

10 EDWIN WILDER (s. Abel, Z:::chariah), 111. ------Issue: 31 i. Flavius l\I. Wilder, M.D., of Chicago. 32 ii. Lois Adelaide Wilder. 33 m. Edwin P. B. \Vilder, M. D. 34 1 v. Charlotte Caroline Wilder. INDEX OF THE NAMES OF VVILDER.

A. Alfred ~1., 102, 3o6, 3ro. Asaht..\ 2::;r. Alfred R., 347. A~::i.pb, 149, !31.

Aaron, :q9. ...\liet..:. 6, 210, 297 1 3J3· A~ct:n,1t.l,;, b9, '.)o. 2001 299,300, Abbutt P., :qo, 275, Alice'A., 196. Abby (;,, 295, 2~6. Aiic:e E.., 324, ~,\\~i~.~ti~/!;, ?19, 2j4. .Abt:i, 1:,,20,2:. ;;;3, 24,371 3'). Atlee C., 320 . 4~, (o. 61, hii, 7.;, 7;;,, :- --!• t;o, Al!ce !\1., 1 5_9, 29r. t9. Qo. 9'3, 15) tt.iv. 1 i_,J. ro2, Ahc:e R., r8b. ~~~~;~!:~'(;H";;,. "ID.), lr,61 10(;, IT>, 1,17, I')q, Almanah, 3221 324. Aug-.1st1l~ \V. 1 3n. :i35. 236, 237, :,-,3~,. ;245, Almer-on. 168. A11ri!L½ 19.:-. :24-c, '2):..{, z ,:,. '."'"-" 21)3. Alrmra, 276. J\u,·ill;:l. K .., 161. 2(,4, 297, 327, ;!2'7·• Almira E., 250, Au,:,tin, ;'-:.6, 2}r, 21.z. Ate}~-, 105._ ~c.,-;. Ai;i1lra. J .. 165. A11:-r_rn J•, 21,.,, 2·?3.

.A..,•et \.~., 441 19:-.,. 255, Almira T. 1 165 . An::-tm P. 1 :~z:2, :p4. Abel J.:, ~.p. Alonz,1, ,:::33. Azd. 181, H~3.., 1:;6 . Ab-d h..~ z68. .Aionzo D., :-,+r. Azd B., ,83. At.el L., 167. Alonzo W., 24S. -~ze~ \\·., 107. ALel 1\l.. 9.l, 2ry;. A lvarn, 364. .t\.Zt.:.oah, ,;,.77~ Ainl T., t93. Alrihonso J ., 167. 174. ibf~.~:·;_z_9~ 274. !l:lti~~-~r, 219. B.

Aliiel 1 33u1 33;, Alvin D., 35, 1701 r78. lh.ile~·. 317. Abiga.:l, t.9, 130, 13r, i5i., 16o, Al.t:ina. 265. H:irnaba.;; H., 90, 2r.?-, 300.

101, .r8v. r61:, 197, ·r-16 1 200, mbrose. -=<03, B:!th."'-hcb~t. 327 •.32-~, 32(1, 333. 2"33, 253, 2.:/i. 26:.;, 2r'fd, 77], An1brose (;.., 3tf.?, 301. B.,xter, 27-?, ;,.l,1,

2c;1, ::;oi~ 317~ 319, J2S, 330, Amelia, 154, 2:72 1 332. Beia. :,3 1 .., 3:H1 3451 347• ~.\.::,, 344, 355. An~her:--t, <'.So, Sr. 2':,4, 268. AL~)Y A., 23r, 355. .l\mhcrst H .. 8r, 273, 7.7r~. ~~:~ ~~:: j~:~~ Al.nga:l C., 2◊9, 3U• Amos,354. J;enj:n:nir.~ 42 1 67~ :Si;,, i4 1 31, Ab~a~l E., 167, 3:.:4. Amy, 3(.'J• 142,, 2.lI, 2501 2;;4, :zf-5, 268, Ab1g,u1 ~·., .'.P3· Amy A., 2::>6. 2 1JJ, ·:vS. :"\j-:?, 3331 33'!! 3·F, Ab1g-3.1l G.~ 31◊. Andrew, 39, 11-1~ 180, 18t, 340. 347, 3.::3, 3.'i4, Ab!g"ai! J ·\ 2{d Angeline. 2)9. lk.. :,j;unir. F., 193, :e37, 302~ 1 Abigail N ., 285, 290. Angenette, 193. 1 Abigail R., 237 24-:i. Aun, 330. B;~~J~r~~i{ <1: .r,!18. 1 Ab.ig:.1ii S,, 233, Ann :'vi., 285. I;~~tqamin 0,, 341, 3~3. Abig~1il \V.l 20:), .Ann W .. 216. Jh::,jam~n ~, t, 1. 192, H;,3. .AbtJ1e W .• 200, 3"i7· . \.·ina, 12, J4. r5, 100, 14 ""., ;:46, Hcnjaml'l 1,, 242 .

Ao:jah, 39, 72 1 .1 :- h 1?..01 131 1 LHt 1481 159, 197, 2'J4, J;:J_:;, He!'rb:1, ~61.

r'.h. 203. 2r.>9 1 '230, 2,{5, 24f;. ~~::2, Her-1ha J., ryJ. Ahija½ J ., -:-6,, :.:67. 2.35, 271. 2:--ti, 3031 :-:r:.:t. 3:2,:,. 3 Ahner. JO, 2:.:0. 22·;. 32j, ?1.t~ 3s2 • 359. ii:_;}:i:~:: ;~;·~ ~~ ;~ P.,. .'o_r-;l.h~m, n7. Anna A.,, ';;:TJ. lki>.1..·y . .'.:7· 6u, ~,I, H-4, t5~1 ''-57 1 A..1.:risaIJ:, :250. Anna B., 364. 1fn; r64, I,,)l, u;·;, 10··, 203, Ati.:1.. 17,,. Ann:::. C., zr,.::,. 2,'{, 2i::,~. '27:J, :,-:-·:'. 2.:;::, :2_:_J,, AUa!i:lt;:, 156, r57~ .210. Auna E., 11.G, ?! :'-t 219, 3"7~ 237, ~39, .?.r+ 1 :.i..,v. 2b61 '2/7l Adeline A., 23t. 3('91Jl:i? 32(,, 31> ~,:,,t, 2S"::i. '._,:,/, 3~•. ✓, 3::.J, Ai1ia. S'-1, 233. 1\uncttt.:, :21y • 1•,~. 2_:;0. 265. ...\;..: ;: -~ ... i',i.' 'L.·1:. An11c.rr,} E., r;E. t' 1 -4)• 27:.,, '27i· -\~·H·· F .. 3 ',/ Annis. 20',. 21.;., 245,· An1:i:; J·., 24(;, ti\-;\a,~~-. ::\ ')-, ~-,,,;:l~i 1~-3- .:\ nttiC,1,r, z~r;. Aht:-fLni. K., z;,o, An:.:la:,, 41, 1q2. A 1:;~•n. 16:,.-. Aretl1u·,a, 1:::;.:., r(·;.

~\ib~·n L .. Artcm;1s, 24· 1 77, ri.~:t, '!60, 204, Afoe:!:. J., ~;- ,.-:, ;~ iJ AU1t.n (J._ A ;tf·w:1s \V ., 42, 191. 193, r/,

.·\ide11 1 :;-;.), ~.::it, 1P- Actinir, qr.

1-\l::-x.·111dcr1 t,r, 94, 1;5, '.,0, ':--! 1;-J 1 A rtbur H., ?7:', c. H., 2.r6.

1 ..-'\nhur T., J7'.J1 247, C,1lt:•h. ,p, 4-4 1 4'i, 14;, '?7, , An.ilia. h.2, z~_;. 1::.:~~~i~~ ~•. ?/.' i>n·. 231. HJ8, Ii/J, 257, :,161 338, _:"~41• A lc•.i:-:11tdtr 1' ~ 34·, Arvii!a L, 194. Cakb F. 1 257, -i:x,.

Ai,-P~d, 23c, 2r..,1;, ~g;.; As.a, ::M.,4, 20'!, 226, 227, :nB.., l .-tlvii,, 4e;, 56 1 c;r;, .<8c• 1 rBr, A.Hro::d. L., 2~d. :2331 :;103, 286. ~04. '.'..:PR, 21:-,, ~30, 330• (373) 374 INDEX OF THE NAMES OF WILDER.

Calvin A., 300. Cornelia D. 1 276, F.dward A., 364.

Calvin H., 213 1 2:12. Cornelia L, 247. Edward B. 1 183, 1S7. Calvin K., 2-59 CoroehtL.<;, 77, z 3, 263, 248. Edward C 1 220. Caroline, 86, 170, 193, 195, Crocker, 3.33. 343. Edward E., 30~, 358. 109, 233, 263. 27f, 281, 2!$5, Cushing, 330, 336, 343· Edward F.i 352, 36o. 2b7. 269, 30:i, 332, Cynthia, 250, 302~ 318, 322. .Edward K., 187, :248. Caroline A .. 102. Cyrena, 191, 193. Edward Lu 2j5. Caroline E .. 2-.1. Cyrus, 61, 236, :238. Edward ~l., 170, 176. Caroline L.~ 2t9. Edward P., 242. l arolinc :\L. 230. .Edward R . 183, 302, 36o. Carrie A., 19_;. D. Edw:i.rd 1'.. 202. Carrie IL, ~21. Edward \\: .. 184. Carrie C., 342. Daisy. 221. .Edwin. 249,275, 337, 33'9, 352. Cary \V .. 2':!2, Damaris, :q.9, 233, 264t z65, EflwiB F., 173, I79~ 247. Cass~u._, L., 156. 266. Edwin .M .. 175, 17), 243,352. Cassim; M ., 248. Dan., 88, 284, 288. E!ecta, 2 r3, 283, 284. 200, 201. Catharine 1 91, 156) 283 1 ::i86, J>an. E. 1 336. Electa B., 3°3, 349. Van. H., 296. Electa b., ::;65. Catharine A., 183. Daniel, fo, 66, 67, 86, 87. 204, Eli. ;6, 204, zo7. Catharine I\f., :u2, 248,348. 209,219,233, 235,236, 231, Eli T .. 511, 208, 216~ Catharine R., 217. 257,265, z83, 284,286,283. Elias, 149, 191, 3or, 316,329.

Celestia, 363. · DanicJ C .• 302. Elihu, 2301 2-41. Cephas1 :2,1.2, 2:,4. Daniel W., 85, 86, 871 199, Elijah, 57, 203, 205, 212,226, Crpha,, A:. 242. 263, 300. 304· Celia, 328, 332, 362. Danforth, 245,247. F.lijah A., 345,350.

Charles. 24 1 fo~, 77, 84, 99, Darius, 337, 351. Eiish2, 19, 45~ 5q-. 68, 154, 149, T;j.), 15'5, 157, :r58, 1(12, David, IS, 34 1 37, 58, 70, 72, 155. 203, 204. 244, 246. 166, 196. 199. 215, 220, 239, 73, 741 75, 91, 148, 16o. 162, Elisha L., 220. 241, 243. 246, :259, 263. 277, 16q, 204, 2o8-, 225, <227, 222, Eliza, 2o6. 21 5, 231, 232, 256, 287, 301, 302, 336, 343, 353· 245, 252. 253, 2s5. 257, 259, 257, 270, 271, 3o7, 337, 339, Charles A., , 57 ~ 196, 243, 298, 300, 327, 329, 33o, 335, 34q. 300. 330, 319, 351. Eliza A., 167, 19-2, 254, 299,

Charles B., 56. 206, 214 1 223. David F., 262. 3n, 321. 137• Davie! G.1 300. Eliza H., 288. Ch~r1es C .. 340. David S., 199. Eiiza E., 358. Cha:--les D., 173 Deborah. 4'3, 180, 19.J, 19r, Eliza J ., 155, :242, 261, 279. CharlC5 E., :r56, 159, :rg6, 198. 332, 334, 337, 345, 3-4:;, F.liza ~L. 214. 364. ~56. Eliza P., 177, Charles H., 4z; 166, 168, 1741 Deborah F., 168 1 176. El!7a S .. 210. 175, 187, Il)21 H/4, 2'2J 1 240, Deborah P., 237. :Eliza T . 1 349. Charles J., 35, .102 1 :170, 1821 Deidamia, 213. Eliza W .• 250, 286. 188, 324. Delia, l93· 218 1 21q.. Elizabeth,(,, 7, 10, n, 13. 14, Charles L., n8, n9, 258. 302. Delia E., 16Q~ 177. 55, 841 145. 146, I l7, 149, Ch::trJe3 fl.!., 188, 270. Delight, 3:10, 1531 154, 16o1 180. 18r, 183, Charles N., 275, J..P, 353. Delos D.~ 216. I',)I, 200, 20~, 268, 273, 27], Charles 0., r73. Dency, 213, 221. 2831 285, 3u2, 304, 315, 319, Charles P ., 232. Dency C., 168, 176. 32I, 324, 325• 3261 327, 330, Charles S .• 158, 1751 1¢, 231. Dewilton J ., 275. 334, 344, .'HS, J46, 348, 351. Charles T ., n4. 2z3, z&Q, 354- Diana, :264. Elizabeth A,, "99,302. Charles T. B .• 269. Dimock, 305. Elizabeth C .. 354, 3;.o~ Charles W., 42, 75, rf,, ,83, Dolly, 154, z53, 356. F.1izabeth H,, 26g. 187, 194, H)S, 1¢, 198, zoo, Dolly A,, 144· Elizabeth L., 341. 201, 221, 248, 2.54, 2-53, 259. Dorcas, 61~ :236, 23&, 351. Elizabeth M., ~51, 303 ..

2l2, Dorothy. 146, 1491 l54, 1(1, Eiiznr. 331. Charlottct 209, 2C8, 271, 27,h 165, 1q7. Ella, 303. 333. Dorothy C.~ x98. Ella A., 248. Charlotte L., 177, 213, 222, Dorothy .M., 322. 1-lla IL, 310. 272. Duane E., 319. Fl1a L., 242, 271, 360. Charlotte S" 1,;5. Ella S., 310.

Chester P., -,02: 303. Ellen~ 1761 231 1 356. Chloe, 268,272, 331. E. Fllen B., 241. <:,nristiana, 1 5G. Ellen E., 3=-;6.

Christina, 2ro. Ebed. 345, 358. Ellen F.~ 2=;8 1 291. Chris1c,pher, 247. Ebenezer, 15, 68, f9, 7-h 14(\ Ellen .\1 .. 18,::;, 259. 1 Clara P., 3,7. 155,244, 246, ?.501 334, 3371 El en R. 1 35~. Clara Vv' ., 351. 349, 3~0. I· lliott. 265. Clarissa. :zr8, 227, _:;246, 25~, Ebenezer A., 355 1 362, l·.Jrncr L. 1 242. 264, 2SJ. -:i.10, 331, :HS, Ebenezer C., 3441 345-35,;. E?.,1ira, 28(,. Clarissa A.; 257. · Edgar. 216. E.hic, 212. Clarissa P., 290. Edgar C., 365, Fb.ic F,., 242~ Clark. 2n7, 271. Edgar L., 34q. J hie P,, 222 Clement, 20:;. Edith, 210, 359. f , v1ra, 348. CJ em en tin<:, ;n9. Edith H., 196, 356. F!vira P., 183. Clondeicy, 2s.:,. Edith M ., n7. l.: \ ira J ., 288,

Colburn1 2oc;: Edmund, -i:66, 207. 288. :tnu·J111t: 1 '.237, 271, 286, J!f3t Columbia, 284. l'.,,:lna C. 1 222. z89, 29~. 31d. .4.~r Constance P, 22-i, }::'..

Emily C.,300- Frank ~., 15~, 159. Hanna~ 1:·• 32~. Emi!y D., 352. J, rank S., .294. Hanna,. ~L- 1601 209. Ennly J ., 173. Frank \V ,, 196. Hannah R., 312. Emma., 246, :274 1 324~ 331, 34i• Frank!in. 217, 245 1 3JQ. Ha;:;:.n;-;,ft 'l ., :.:~1- 3,8, Franklin .A.. , 166 Hannah \\"., ·.p5. Emma C., 30::;, 310. f' !;., 36o. Harrit:r~ 103, 1w,, 213, z_?. .)~ .Emn1~t r'., T7•l4 .Franh.lin L .. 1s9 . Emma. J,, :Hr. Fred .•-'\ ,, rqr.. ;;~: ~~;: ~:;: ;;;: :t~.- 2: J., En:ima L.. 27,_1. .Frl:!de::ic, 71 8, 177, 254,238, HarneL A., 163, r75. 17d. 1 Emm.1 \\.., 341· 313, 3:t:;. J-forri .!t E.., 091 299, 32~,, 3~1~ Enos, 119, 28 3~ z86, 291, 31 :- • Fi ederi; -~ ., n.x;., H16, 2fo, Harriet J .• 194. ::;?,·, 3·:.:::3. ~,:,·, _~Tl, 3I4, 3~2, 35b, JOO. Harrid L., 12:i, 17<\ 215. Ephr;1hn, 111. 57,100, ro1. r0.J~ Fre:rl.erk J;., 20"~,. J b.rr\et L C . ., 355.

r4C, 14c;, r::4. 19;, :io_-,, :..?04 1 Fred~ric C., 1;-5. H,,rnet !\L, 170, ~n:,. 24s. ,~::..t, 303, 304, J()), ! re

£phr;iim S., :-,4{). Fred•.::ru;: 0 .. 31-; 1 ~2-;. Harri~1.1tl~ 1021 ~rs~ 304, 306, Erasmu~ lJ., 155. Frl''l,~ric :~., IS9'. 36n, 362. 3 ,,. 342, Fr:tSi!!'>.-:;; ,;. f're

Ernta.:-. l'., 16;. .Fre(ie1ic \\·., 17·3. i79, 273. Harry A.. 1 nc: . Lrr:;u:s 1L. 16'3. 176. Freeman E., 2'~ lhtrry IV1., ;.!42. .Esther. :?o6, .;.•i,4. Harvey. 231, 251 • l>c-,tlH~:· F., .!'.4. 1-'ide!:, 349. Ethd M, 275. G. Heleu A., 174~ Eu~ette, :...53, 303. Helen L., ·~6..t. Eu:nl"na, 3:'-3• Gamaliel., 203., 204, 2cxj. H den ;\I., 307. Eunice. 5::,, 1_:9, 160, t6:. 20.h Gardner. r~, r41, 153, ;:54, Hden ~I'., lt"hi~ :rr-J+, 207, :u 1~. 2:,7, :a8, 252, T3'5, !'::;3, 190, J9I~ Hd!:!na. 16,1.. 253, 2S~, z-64, .._')7, :.t.9J, JU,3-, Gardner A .• r_.-:,7. Heman, 3s5- . .n ,. J,', 3" ,- Gardner E., 157• Henrr, f), 7. 8., 99,, r5~, 2~ Eury-.~:.-,_..,.<.. J~o. <_;a...;Wtl H •., "ifa,. 212. 2r3~ 2.:9, 254, Jj&, 339• George, r99 ..:u,9, :H-o, 220, Henry A ... '.1S7, 3~7• 2~0~ 23.:), .246, 249, ~54, 2~ Henry B.~ ~9. 2::>B, 2'J5. 3"i• r,g:i~y;;: ?7I~ 2";";i:l -:,,70, 2991 319, .lJ7; } ferny C., 2jl, 331), "1t:]. 341, 3';9 ·16I. Henry}'.. 1

(K',,rge E., 1 58, 1¢, 281. Henry ,~- 1 -:>n. Geur.u:e F ., .294, 364. }hni,1· t.L r.:;t,. :,.59. F. George ~;., ?c,r. Heury \\.' .. r74, :77. 1~61 335• George IL. 157, .175, .t:96, H~;-ill7.ihah~ t.:y~ 7+, qb, 1~1, F,rnny,, ·¥~7. 23r~ 28\), .-P.C, ;24, 1!:S.{, T,5/,,, 2'.:',L

Fa.!11:,: ~- }} .• :12r. George J. 1 t'J6, 173. J-krnen A .• ~!j­ hrnny l ... 149· &org~ M." 16~~ J 7;), 18:2, He-1ben \L .. ·29~ .. Fidelia. zr-i, 266, 2.99. Henn,m. 2~:i.. FiJek~ .\.,-28::i, 21y·,. (;.eorg:e 0., 176, !77· Ht rvr f-;,, ~v-, 23,:z. fi,Jt.:iia J .. 29::-. Ce(lrge P. 1 174. 321. I·h:ll!

n~vd, 59. ZJO. 231. (~or:~:c "1-., 42- 1 91~ J 5C, 175~ l 1l3, r70, 21~, 2z6, fihra f. .. 3'5!. 188, H)J, 190, 231), ;:(;?<, '2/1, :~4S. F'.11n~nce L., 3~•,>. 272., 29&. 301, 3-,::;4, 30_.;, 3u;. Ht•t"~u:.·,:. C .• n6. Florence W ., 113. 30q, 320. :H:::-, 3-,.:.'~ :$5'.'"~ HoraCt! E .. 1.7J. t ,1rdyce. 231. Georgianna, ·-303, 320. Hc,r::-K(; \i., 25L F ln:rer. 1'1 -l, ~~86. ( ~e,ri~,h L.. 3r)u. fI(;r;:t<:e ~-· ✓.4S· 1·r.a;1cc':i. ,1-2.J, 342, H'.-rac(' ~-· 2?.d. Vrance:; .-\ ..,, 17h, 307 iZI,- J23. 8:~:~~:~~ ~:.' /!~:- 'i'1~ ~43. Hr.,ra<::•.! \\."., 3;;6. 2 Gilbert, ·1_:-,0, l-Jnrteus 1 z73. _::et;,·, !<_'nn,:!.;. 1 ,;,.76 1 :~61, {,rQ.ncii~,•in, n3.

.fr~nci..., A. 1 178~ 250, ;tlX-., 2fo:~ (.,r,Ji~ H, 1 3')'.'.:, :l5! I. --~'1-l Fr:1ri~;is C., ?72. Franci~ I<., :.:67. H. l1;la, 3-~4. l-ram.;s L. 2r.7. Idi-1. n.1 _;;.:12. r r~n-cis J . :- ➔:-; Halley, ~:1:-:. .Ida F" :;i1 , .f rc1:1CJiC L., 3u, Ha11i1.~h~ 14, 6r., 84~ t451 146, Id, J., J<'1;, Fr:nirj; _:\l 1 3''..'l 1591 173, 173, r,vs, <_s,,, 2'lJ, '.!-c,;. ':.!<18, l rnogcn,· J ... ·17'l. ~!(•(_. 23(1 246, lr... 57, 2 1 ,_:, :iu, F/i~::,:t\t.t '.llj. ?;f:,i·-. 32;, 3:,.:2. lrt:1~"!, 15;,,, J40l 34;:, ·:143, ln·iug~ 2.p. ba.ic. ;,,,n, ;.:27 72,S, :p;, ,26 n;~~~:.-:r}.'/i ~156. 1 1 .J/ ,, :;,;•7, :::~. :1:,,,. 331. 3-,t, .1·i3~·r::)/ Ifairn;,I, 1...;", J-•J, :-.4:::. :~_,:,;., INDEX OF THE NA:\1ES OF WILDER.

Isaac M., 336, 348. John Vl., 317, 319, Leah H., 332. Isabella, 3.p. Jonas, 54, 55, 56, 57, 82, '147, Leonard, 302. Isabella C.. 298. 202. 203, 204, 206, 210, 214, Leonard H., 23q. Is..1.iah, 323, 33.i. 264, 275, 316, :Ps, }21. Leonard C., 299. lsr.1el, 07, 2.:+ z87. J l,nas Ti,, 231. 20.5, z,._9 1 319. ] ,eroy, S3, 23:3 1 294. lthamer C., 266, 270. Jones, S9, 230,231. Letitia, 331. l\'ory. 230,231. Jone,:; \V •• 59i 231. Levi, 45, 53, 6,, 87, 197. 11}8~ Ivory P., 237. Jonathan, 16. 57. 59. 74, r46, 226, 227, 235, 236, 244, 245.

149, 203, 205r 212, :;229 1 210, 24S, 2n, 28·-h 285, 2:)I. 252. 253. 263, 'FS, 317, 318. Levi C., 2QT. - J. Joseph. 13, 20. 41. 43, 5G, 73, Levi J,' .• z47.

&">, 146, 147, 154, I5Q, IbU 1 Lewis, 16:; 1 207, ns, 269, 271, Jabez, 323, 326, 327, 328 1 329, 161, 165~ 180. 181. 190, 191, 331, 333, 339, 34 1 ~ ~45. 333. 193. 1-.;it;, 203! 204-, 2,J6, 207, Liberty, 2G~, 272.

Jacqb1 73, 74, 75, 250, 252, 209, 213, 215, 24+, 256, 264, Lillian, 17b. 2 54, 260, ?68, 270, 2n, 30-1-, 307, Lillian J., 187. Ta1rn<., 347. , 3zr. 32h. 332, 340, 341, 343. r~nc~all, 284~ 237. }ame~, 13, 19, 34, 75, q6, 147, Joseph A., 2o6, 311:L LlUle, °",l4. 151, I3'2 1 J6I 1 IL19. 206, 2091 Joseph B., 212,220. ':... Loi.-:;, 1_·0. 205, 210, 297. 236, 239, 250, 330. ] O'-Cph c., 340. Loomis, 210, James A., 114, ~1:3, 222. Joseph D., 330. Lorenzo 2{,1, 274. ames B.t 195. Joseph E , 349. Lorirnelb, 15c;. ames C., 170. Joseph F,, <36. Lnring L., 35_~. affiCS n,l 350, Joseph H., 240, Lorissa, 207 1 343. ~ ames F., 365. loseph M., 193 1 2::::3, 246, 249. Lot, 329. James H., 3371 352. 361. )oseph P., 272. Loui:-ia, 207, no, 254, 3r8, 323~

James :\1.. 193, 195, 239 .. Joseph R., 1001 rot, 305, 307. 34,, H.ffiC5 s.l 333, 3-4:z. Joseph S., r57. Louisa S., 1751 220. ame.s Vl., 239. Joseph T., 240, 2461 248. Louisa T., 214. 200, Louis De V ., 5~, 212, 220. _i ane1 26o, 271,330,336,355. Joseph\~{., 45, 317,319, Jane C., ~20. 340. . ' Lucia, 28q. - Jane E .. 157, 2t2, 2-21, ,271, osephme. ljA, Lucien, 16:l~ 175.

295. osephine C., 200. L·lcina, 207. 2461 24Q. Jane M., 338, 353· iosephine H., 315. Lucinda, 3 ~2. 33~\ 349· Janet-re., ~13,-219. 26:1, 299• Josephus. 269 2i4, 317, 320. Lucinda R., 242. Jared S .. 28-,, 290. Joshua, 78, 79~ 6o, 81. 82, 88, Lt11.;ius, 3w. J.:., .. ltn H., ~88-. 149, 26l, 264. 2t:>u, 283, 284, Lucius E,- 143. J eiidiah, ~~ 205, 212. 288, 331, 339, 340. Luciu"' F., 179. e,t-er.son. :;;84. Joshua S •. 332. 301. Lucretia, 101. 16o, 197. 194,. emima R., 3u, 315~ Josiah, 18, 5g, 59, 1c-•2. 103, 2d, 236. 3-04. 305, 30~. , t. ienny,_;i57, 115. 148_, 151, 226, 227, 253, Lucre!.ia L .• 200. \ \.9 Jenny L.\ 353• 304, JOS, 307, 3ro, 3ll~ 333, Lucy, 70, 89. 158. 162. 190, Jerllhmee.i, 71, ll9, <)8, >49, l9f, 192, 205, 20;', 203, 2lO, - 297. Jo~t:i, P,, 40, 181, r83, 239, 2II. 215, 23;~ -237. 240, 245, J erusha, 235.,, 23&-~ Josiah S •• 1:1, 310.. 252. 254, 256. 257, 283. 286, Je.q,-s!!i ~:76, 318,.321,. )osian W., 247, 297, 302, 3041 3o6, 3o8, 317,, Jessie C~1 291. ), 15. 67, 68, 148, 243, 32 8, 33.,, 339. 341, 351, 354. Jnanna, 097,,331, 33g, 244, 245, 3-t7• Lucy A., ro6, 168, 173. 175, Joanna F,, ~5(>. Judith S., 339. 2I6. }Jel1 So, 59, 102, 2::>8. :264, ~-, J ul~a, 206, 216, 239, 246, 287. Luer A. T., 213. ~r. ~71. 272. 275, 3o6, 3og. Julia A, 2371 2.p:, 306. Lucy B .. 199. oei D,, -98, 299. -ulia E,, 157, 193. Lucy D., 248, 249. oel 0., zoo. ulia M, 168. Lucy E., 340. joel T., 309. uli-a V., 270. Lucy L , 245, 248. ,. John, 9, 10, 12, 14-, 41, 5-4, ulia W., 246. Lucy M., 747· 55, 56, 58, SY', 6o. 67 • 70, tdiet B~, 32, 169. Lucy 1\. 323. 1 1 ]2, 75, 78, '/9, 81. 91~ Joo, Lucy R., :274. u3, 145, 146. 147 ~ 148, 154, Lucy S., 352. 190, 192, 203, :204. 205, 2o6, .K. Lucila M., ,64,

203, 210, :214. 2221 226, 232, Luke 1 74, 75, 161 1 252 1 ZS4~ 233, 235, 236, 237, 239, 241, Kate. JOj. 257,258,271,275. 244, 245, 247, :252, 253, :156, Keziah, 150, 3~7, 329, 335• Luke A .. 257. 2'i9, 2lz. 264~ 208, 270, 2.98, Keyes, 265. Luman A., 1$4. 300, 3tt\ 317, 32::;, 327, 329\ Luna. 212. 33'1, 33.1, 3351 33C, 340, 343• Luther-, 3rf\ 335. 349. L. Lydia, S9, ?.'.1',, zn, zrq. 2r1?,, John. R

Mabel S .. 261. l\fercy. 284. Oran]. 1 J'23, :l\hd.~1: n .. :2·23. J\lernd:, 7r, 7~,. 256,303.364, Ur.rngr., zo--;. 21 ::;. !\L1di:1un 1 :~6G. !1ler,-yh·ia, 116, 30:. Ure\)~ C .. :U)3, r2;:.5, 29r, l\LhaLl, 265, 338. l\lerritt H., 294. Orpna., 209, 21/5~ 274, J\·b_ior. 2-67. ?lliletta, 349. ()rpah, 200. J\L!incla, 2:56. rv1iiv, '.-'t·<'. Orr::-, 67, 2m) 23~, ~39. Manassah • .404~ 2u7, 233, 303. MiLi D.,:t47. Ornlh, 3f•4. '.\O.L i\lih y,.: .• 27:, u~:.:,-:n-. z+'J· ;\f;itor;, 33. 1~~.-1G9,.. T(j]. 199. Marcy C .. 12:1. 163. 176. ::-,..tar!:,':::tiet. h)R, ni:. ;\liltvn A., 1·16, 184-. · - ,g~~; t:,' !\1ilton J .. 178. Os:zooci. ~f ~;i;ie,r;·;;,(,;;9, 2c,:. 276, 306. .'.i-1int:.n '.l. ?.6'J. {JsSian L., ·:z;n: • !•f::tna. A., 15~., r'.)3, rS7. l\!inPna L .. 171. ,:\iar!.a K .. z:.;2, j.\j inc,r- :\l., i'lii:i:tnt, 329,333. P. ~i~;i~e7,;•t~.?' 3w, 314, 316. .!\Ioilv. 23'\ 32q. 7 Parsl)ns1 ~21. ~V;:;!~•xi'?·us~ r501 316. ~~rtl1e1_ii.a H_~ 214. ni~:f ~:f ::JX~::. • Moses G., ::;2~ 16c;, 1.77. 1 'a,::;c,:1,1 P .• :t7o. 1 1 '\ .tr-'-: A .. 2,p, qJ, 3"'~. \ln~es H., -.i4, 76, 16z 1 I66. Pat:y" :203. ;27. :r.:•:1 1 23-6 1 233,., >,Lvst1all. 266. :\Iose,;;, _1., 16C, 172. 25S., 26&~ 310. ":\Lr'.:iha.11 l- ., 7f., .07, nu\ ·!\Jose,; :'l,, :248. r.iau!, 3()1 2:::;c.

I!2 1 n_;, Ii:4, 3t:i, JII, Mn,;t"s L., 3.)4· Mur~el. ~3L ~:~~;~~:i, r~:..,~;:· l\1:i~l1a, G.... , 10. 1&1 43, 73-1 74, ~iY_rn., 2J'). ~-.,ers~~' )I'), ·3-29, :H•h 345~ ::;Ss., I2C11 Li.';, 15r, 157, 16:.1, 164, .11) ron+ 21a. t'c:·s,s K, 347· I.3:. 191, :nz. :21.5, 225. 22r\ .Myron A.,- 2zo. Perr;. ~76~

7,~,. ?32. :.r,2~ 25:::,~ 256, 259; Pt:ter, 3,;i, 1(-1 1 161\ 18·,, 1:21,: 2f;:,, 27C, :!9•~. 3or, 3,:,6, 310, 33 11 3 N. Pc~:;• .it?·A◊, '~{):t: :,d.~-:111 ):.:;;~;;~:11·1~ .Pt:.cbc., .Y->, 2001 :n:1,. ;:."15 1 2.631 :M.lrtha. ~L, 2y.,. N~bby. ~3A. zh:1 •

M".lrt.ha C~, 343- ~ahum 1 44, 45. JQI 1 "i98. :t33 . .Ph-.:b(' 'E.., -z-r1- J-.13.rtha E., n..,, 307, 36o. 1'ahum C., 59, I9i, 2_:n, 73'.i, Phc:11ice, .:·64,. ":!.f..J.

1fartha J., 303. .~ancy, 81. 153, x61, 18.:. 1 -.:~o, Pttil.u•d~r. 2N:. J\.iartha L .. 209, 275, :..89. l'li:, 1q::, 1981 ~1:07, 2fJ9', 2lC:•• 1ihilan1 316, _-_.,1ji ~}~;~~~: 1;,::.~;:~ 3~0. ;.;.ii ·HS. J\-f

2sB~ 2~q, 264. zu:.., -;,67, ~02. Nzt'n:u,, 58, 1,;y,, ·2-261 n;-.. :.o;:;~ Pn~-citl.!. l', 1 349. 2G9l 305; 3(t"', 3,;. 31~~~ :·:~~. ),p. Pi u.deucc~ 5'-1, 149i 154, 155' 3;;_)} 3.<7, :r,.,s. 32-,, :,.:,;;, ~;.i.t)::rn. .. •·17, 2n. i!:6, ~3.1, '2J2, '1-3:1, ZJ41 23,)T 3',,;t, ,;,J6, 331, ::,.:,,:;~ 3:,i>, ·i;:3, ,·a~.h.-..11 'i . ~·.1·~, ~2::.. -;;::·,,;.. :nc;.,,, ~--1°, :w:1, 31+. :., r-•, ::;4-7 .. Natn:.ui \\' .. 4.t. l\)4, Jr/i. Pyam, 335., 347, ~58. 3~•>, 351, 3i;;.:;, 354, J'IJ· }~.a.thanad, 12. t -,, 161 , i, !i-!Hry A .• 1Go, 177. 193, 10.S, 54, 71, 17, ~4, t.,f, '45-, 2·q. 24.1, ~79, y:..10, 30;, 3()8.. IV_;, 143~ 14c, 1:;_; 1 -i5f.>~ :a. 1 .Jl I, 313, 32~, 34'.lt 3.48, 353, zf,r.l, -:;:63, ~ ->4 1 •;,77, 27'.), 357• :z.yS, 303, _pd, JJV, JJ71 3.iC:\ R:v-:hd,3c71 Ji8, ~31 1 :S:i9~ ~47\ !i.fa.ry H.~ 26r. :~..-;,..;. ·!sc., ~\b.ry C., u\2, 'Z':/,, zfo.. R ;~\~;·/, E .. 15:-1, :\1ary E., 15.;}, 1G.i. t/(J, YJf'.J~ ~;it:f;,ii re,:~~:·. E,dp!l '.\·~, :nT~ 2--i9, ~57• 34.-<• :l49e :Rarirtri!oli'., :;vfa,y f .• 157, 191:., 'l','", 332., 9 0 l-Z:i:.!lScil~ (_,i;., 751. ~~ift:·X\ ;/: • k,.. i,u;c~. I'J/., H)'-,, :M;-~;,~ H.. F,S, ::~.':7- 2,;D. 7:ft', 2j .• -,.J•H )Lry _L ! :-,t\ 11,:::,. :.:1 .t, ::t'..'J~ 240, ¼:;l;I:~ t':~ t~_~: J\ieHie W., J..'-jr,, ~1~g; '.C':\ zs:t 174, zrs. :\etti..:, ·.:·.::;, _14:,. ·.1':'i. ?.'}2, " 33..!, -~4l.- >'h,y :--~., ~: ~~,! ~}\ L~;,1 J\1.. try1• .. '.\ icLuia~. s~ 71 9. / "1..5 1\1:--iry R~, -;::66, 27:;., 1\i.:,;t,ll, 284. ..;4••·

.\Lt•y ~-- '.t:l"'.'· 24(,, 3~l- 4 }.'l)nt\3._ 7.l'.;, J:.'.1(J-,·.trd L .. 56, .1-:/:·; ·its. o. };·11~\id::- ]1_ f .. n.,_ !-r.oL:·.:.11~ :c·,p ::]J; J]7\ 3·t·t, !5lt ~~9,; :it 1 1 ~i::~~5,;}f ( ll'ive, ?<._~, -;it>?. ::v:r 1(.fJ _\; ,t11<"\t:, ·,1' fj!1v~ A .. ~c,:, R-,:,,_r,JJ,rc·, '.\bynarri { J•. l' :,7 .. ,3b. u:,v(:;!, 1 h,,!H'.r:- H. 1 -t~- J(;l, '11:·l!d.ibc·it 104. no, :v::;, :52l""' 2 .•4, 21 .. , H."beit _!., ·;;r,-:;. ·,:,q, 3 +3-· 3 }<,1iwrt ~1., .,._., u.::"> 7 11f.·. M-di:::.s.a, -::6,. nir·~~:' (/: 11 ,~ln•:v. •:r-, -, ·•• r;:.;... i\.lcllon~, 2,\i· Urnrncl A.. H.o..;,anna 1 :,,.•• \ .. 378 INDEX OF THE NA'.\fES OF WILDER.

Roscoe E., 358. Scott, 2II. Tillotson, 267. Rosina. 2b3, 269. Sereno 1\1., 288, 294. Timothy, 1cu:, 205.

Roswell, 2u7, 271, 279. Seth. 204, 20'.), 244 1 246, 327. Titus, 244. Rowena, 209. 329, 33,1. To~:nsend, 336.

Roxana, 332. Seth L., :ao8. Tryphena, 316 1 317, 320. Roxby, 347. Seth :--., 339. Royal G., 6o. 239, 242. Sh ubael, 329, 336> 351. Royal 11., 240. ~idoey, 24,\ 247,249. v. R('Y J., 291. Silas, 59, 8-,i. li/, .229, 230, Rufus. 22t., 298, 3 ,6, 318, 321. Varnum, 102. Rufus A., 246, 249. SiLs U,, 193. Vashti, 16o, 161, 165. Ru:-us L., 45, 1701 Ii8, zoo. Sila~ \\· •• IC,1.S. Verc,11:1. r55, Russe\1. 2c.,5, 210. Simon, 89,297. V\cturia, 1(17. Ru5se\1 h.., 2r)r,, ~imon H., 298. Victor A., 257, 357.

Ruth, 180, 2b1, 284,336, 3~8. Smilinda1 I61. Virginia, 167. Ruth (1.1., 349. Soion. ~9, 231, 232, 235. Yivla M., 187. Ruth \V., 256. Solon F., 199. Volney, 257, 26o. So\omc,n, 79, 81. 264,266,315. Solomon \Y., 340, s. Sophia, 161:, 209,253,255, 347· w. Sophia l\1., 163.

Salem, f9, 231, 232. Sophia T., 237, 241:. Wales, 1661 173.

Sally~ 2ob, 227, 236, 2391 245, Sophronia, 253. \Valdo H., 82, 273,- 247, 253, 277. 279, 316, 3d, Sophronia L., 213. Wallace. 242, 276. 322. 3321 337. 350. Sper.cer, 2301 251. \Vallace L., 294. Sally W .. 3,7, 31g. Stearns, 235. Wallace \V., z71.

Salmon H. 1 31, 169, 177. Stephen, 243,244, 329l 335, Walter, -.i62. Salome ..148. Stephen C., 222. Walter D., 169. Samantha. 279. Stuart. 359. \Varner. 245, 248, 333. Sampsc,n V. S., 46, 49, 198, Submit, 316, 331. \Varren, 67, 210, 235,. 271,276. 200,246, Sukey~ 332. Wayne, 271.,,

Samuel 1 44, 67, 70, 71. 72, 74, Sumner. 3'.J4. '\Vealthy, 219. 85, &7, 8cl. 149., 155, 19i, 199, Susan, s,o6, 233, 234t 254, 266, 'h'ealtby P., 272. 226,23 1 , 239. 245, 2_::2, 256, 270, 297. 300, 3141 343i 347• \,Velles, 209. 283, 2~4. 287, 302, 315, 3~8. Susan E.-, 91, 1.77. \Ve:>.ley ?v!., 188. 33:31 33l. Susan H., 161. WiHard, 102. Samuel A., 345. Susan R., 137. Willard H., 183, :187, 269. Sam ud C .. 163. ~usan 0., 340. William. 6, 8, 9, 35, (Jo, 66~ Samuel G., 3.56. Susan W., 215. :148~ •:A• 1.55, 158, xfo, 170, bamuel J., 254 1 ~59. Susannah, 37, 70, 149, 151~ 177, 183, 2c,6, 209, 2ro, 213. Samuel L., 3o6, 307, 3n, 31:.i. Ibo, F 3, 329, 334, 345• ::ng, 234, 235, 258, 261' 205, Samuel T., 206, · Susannah E., 357. 26g, 274, 287, 3041 :n8, 319. Samuel \V., 170. Syhil. 263. 297. 336. 33-9, 342, 361, 365. Sanford L., 193, 195. Sylvan us S., 36o. \ViUiam A ... 170, 175, 178, 364_

Sarah, 14, 77, 146, 159, 161, William B., 208 1 295. 170, 181, 190, 192, r97, 1g8, William C., 23q, 287, 364. 203, :.tv5, 226, 235, 253, 257, T. William D., 236. 263, 264, 265, 206. 268, 2Q7 t \V.il1iam E., 159. 301, 31.5. 319, 32&, 334, 338, Tabitha, 244. ,viUiam F ., 159. 2&&. 343, 344, 36,. Tamar, 39, u7, 150. ,81, 2031 William H., 159,169,213,310, Sarah A., -i59, 165, 168, .174, '315, ~35. 3n, 3.14, 315, 342\ 343, 353, 1 arrwsrn, 328, 332. 36x. Sa~!t 330, 333, 347. B~:·2i;:• 1'emper,mce, 335. Wi~liam H. H. -.?41,. 243, 255. 1 Sarah C., 215, ~3Q, z70, 352. Thnnkfol, 148. William J., 222, 36o. Sarah D., 1691 178. Theodore, 33-4, 343, 347,351. William U., 319. Sarah E., 196, n4, 236, 240, Theophilu:-., 327, 328, 3~9, \ViHiam I-'., 82.

246, 258. 259, 289, 302, 323. 334, 335, 343, 347, 354· William S., 69, 901 233 1 251. Sarah F., 247. Th1rzah, 100. 298, 2oq. Sarah ( ~-, 339. Thomas, ;J_, 71 10, 11, I.?, 1/.1 \ViJl1arn \V., 170, 2n, 337. S:uah H .. 240, 319. 14, 15, 10, ZO, :!II~ 34, 35• 3,1, Willis, 42. r,.,,o, 192, 194.

~ar:1h J,, 2~7, 3n, 315. 37, 40, 4\, 45,58 1 D7, 7c, 100, WiJsrrn ~1:,, 269, 274. Sarah L., 246, ~o. 120, 14.5, 146, 147, 159, 160, Winfield J., 356. S.:1.rah M., 1701 178, 242~ 162, 166, 16q, 130, 181, 183, \\:yman IL, 176. Su.rah P ., 166, 174. 197, 199. 203, 2o6, 213, 235, ~::trnh S., 4G-, 20u, 350. :?.44, 3~u. 32 .s. 33'.), 337, 338, Sarah V. S., 46, :liOO. ·348, 350, 35r. z. Sarah V. T., 200, Thorttas A., 300.

Sarah W. F., 199. Thomas E., 16y, 178 1 zoo, :p1. Zatter, 2'68. Savilor, 15;;. Thomas J ., 319. ' Zechariah, 329, .13 s. Sawyer 1 23~. T~ompson, 2o;i, 219. Zenas, 32Q, 335, 347, 3~8.. Sedgewick P ., 79, 270. Tilley, 150, 315, 31G. Zeua,; J·, 335, lSJ· INDEX OF OTHER NAl\IES WITH WHOM THE WILDERS HAVE INTERMARRIED.

ADAMS. A.1-fL~;.• Geonze E., '!oo.

Abby B .• 156. 159. Etiza.beth, q5 1 325, Hu\J..:rt K,, 1--.,0. Charics D .. r8i:i. Sa~1~d .b._ •• 2,.1.5! 300. Danid E., rS4. AM.c.DE-..;-. \V 1!!1.a.m iL, 3vo. C:1;.~rie~.. S., 1e;6. ti~;:tB~: :~~~ l·n.nk \\'., J\)6. AYERS. George, 238. ~f~III')' \V., !96. Ahig.a;H, 3341 344· George, Lh:j. )O!JD 1 :l94· 1 }{,1Hin, 11/;. 294. AUGUJL ir::til/! ';l/ • 294. Sarah J. 1 Ilu·am _{43. Samtlel E., .:J;8. 1 William A. 1 348., 277, ~yB, 299. At\.ERSOl'L Su.;an S., rt<·..:, 169. AniHa 1 HJ4. Charles H., 1q4. B.-\6C0C~. .ATNSWORTH, Eliza A., 194-. l"sther, 102 . Clara A,, 175. r8o. Harriet S., l94· }, ran~.;.iin \V., 229,.

Wyman H., 168 1 175. L(;rinda, 19,i. H.cµ-hzib;.ih, 22:;;~· l\Iary, 194. Lydu E.~ 306, 310. ALFOf..:D. Sim on. 192, 194,. Peter, 229. Esther A.~ 213. :ju:,a.n, 194. HADGER. ALI.At-:. ANDERS.>~. ~lary, tfrr, :r66~ A bi~, 293. Lydia, 345. L~ncy J a,"c, 293. Azor. ·{4t::. Irlark, 3~.,.;., 345• :\iary~ 1tJ3. ~ypnin, 297. Oliq: \V ., 293. :Martha, 357. ,yeorge 1 ri:"o, 1ifa< J\.Jary, 34~• :'.'am½. R., 2g2, ]'.ia.nna, 2'L.], Ndson, 357. \Vealthy M., 292. .Ju.ha, ,iIG.

Saily, 345. l:ouisa J. 1 176 .. ;_'.,us.anria_h~ 287. A:-.OREW. Su.rah, 101! 104. .l heophilu~, 345, 3.57• John, 238 . ~Viliiam R,, 345, 357• HAL("Jf, ANDREWS. Saral1 A. 1 1:,6, 158. ALLYS, <-::-u-oiine A. 1 309. ~t4. Alhert L., 194. Car..::line L .• ,;,,o-J, 1-14. Aitgc .b., 314. ~i:-:t~~l \V ll':J, 168, 175. Catherine, 237. Lillie \V .. 3 i4. t.-nuiy, Ch ark.; F. i 1c,4. ko,bert, ::r:•-,~ 3:'.)..'), Henrv. Elcctd, ·i87, ~Obert H.~ 30::,. J\Ltr'v-F., :;11, Eli?.:ibeth, 1q4. Sally, q11 192. '11u,;;·on 1 285 1 289. 1-:r.tstns, 2331 ~37 . .Fr~1nl:is, 287. ANDRUS. BALL. Harriet B. 1 r93, AmJnda ~i., 299. l i;rvid, 22·:-,. IJ,;nry. :.;:b7. Lir:t. :.::..:y, H•""'.ury C.:: •• 194. A.Pr1.E::!£E. Hrim{•r, :;.2y. Henry Y.{., ::z,t>o. ~-"._nil~! 2f>7, ~71. Hi ,rat,e, z~.7. :-~/.:~,\'J·;_ z::\';. I,)fT 1.r;-;.. 193. AR~,fo. ;")i!:,ar.., 22 •· Jr;i \Y ,, I,f4, Jane M., :n~, 220. \- 1nue, ..:'_-1(., 26 • io~eph, zog. 1 9 Lot.w,:-1., '287. ARTHt:R. J;._,:,r.Ann. Lu1:iu·~di, 28·{· 380 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES

Hannah, 337, 349. BLACK. Asaph, 160, 164 1 170. Re\·. A., 332. Ann, 269, A.saph X .• 164, 171. Ada 0 .. 171. BARNEY. BLADES. Abd, 164. George W., 192. Marv L., 194. Adele K., 276. Albert, 164, 171. BARR. BLAKE. Caroline, 220. Alice, 241. .Martha, 180, Charle.c; A., 171, Corneli,1 J.. 16;), 1:78. Emma F., 218. Geo. \V., 237, 241. BLANCHARD, Era:-tus. 164. Joseph, 145. Frederick \\".~ 172. EARRELL. ("Je,irgc. T-5+, :::71. E.lecta, 200. BL1ss. George .:\1 .• 220. Sarah J ., 233, 235. 1---l 1rarn 1 209, :220, BARRETT. Hannah S., 171. .Anna, 16o. B1.os_·.., Harriet .M., 171, Aaron J., 207. Joseph, 194. BARTLETT, Chester. 207. Lavinia, 164, 171. Daniel, 340. Hannah, 207. Lois, 171, 316. Mary E., 352, 36o. Josiah, 207. Lucia, 171. l>olly, 207. :Martha A., 164, 171. BASS. Samuel, 207. Martha L., 164. Jo~n, 293- Walter, 207. l\.1ary, 171. Sal1y1 154. :Mary Ann, 353, 36o. Borns. Mary E., 172. BATE.S. Lois, 150. Samuel1 170. Bernice, 285- Sarah, 296. Samuel J., 278. Jesse, 330. Samuel W., 164. B0~:N"ER, Sarah, 2-46. li.AXTER. Fanny E., 336. Sarah E., 171. Mary L, 283, 295. F'anny A., 349. Sarah P .• 196. The->dore, p3. BJ->U~E. BOSTWICK. Wiliiam, 164, 171. Elizabeth, 308, 3r3. ! A., 212, 220. \Villiam H., 171. Ernrna, 91~ 298,300. Miri?Jll, J.2h329. BOTHWELL, Il~oWNRLL, Ruth JJ., 39, 169. I,r)uisa. 202. BE.-\..\IA.....;. 1\1 atilda, 202. Eunice,. 54, I47t 203~ BOWKER. Mary Ann, 258, 26t. Mary, 263. Ezclc.iel, 263. ~ ila-.., 202, l~ancy, 3Q4. Sylvia,~. BOVIE. BE~.\RD. Sarah, 16g. BRUCE. Alanson W., 272. Eliza, 294. _Jame~, 8I, 272. BOWMAN. Emily C .• 167. Maria .M., 27~. Mary, 149,,, Ethan A., 294. Fanny L., 167. BsEUEE. BRACKET, Joseph E., 167. J. W., z68. Sarah, 155. Luke 162, Mary A., 167. BELDfNG.. BRADFORD. Nancy. 162,167. C. M., 165. Alexander, 350. Omri, 294. <.:onsider, 337t 350 • Orri..; lJ., 294• .BELKNAP. Elizabeth, 351. Sarah. 249. Sally, 267, 27,. Louisa, 351. Sib.-.,, r6r. Willi:im \V., 294. HEMJS. BRAMAN. Joanna, 284, 28i. Angeline. 22g. B IYAST. Bradish. 229. Susan, 337. lle:KT. Carrie A .• 216, 7.24. Betsy, 233- Cynthia, 229. :BcLLDCI<:. M arth::i, 229. A<¼ron H •• 225. BE'.;TAMI!'<. Mary, 229. r,:,J·wmd n., 225. E1l1ma, 259. Sarah, 229. ~fa.rtha L., 225.

BETTS. BKIDGES. .Bt·RBA>\K. .J-I enry E .. 18_:;, 183. Mary, 343. Hntha L. 273 . Mary]., 1SS. C,1rr,line .\L, 273, BRIGGS. Lveline G., 273. 1:1cr.r~ow. Lydia, 182, 185. (~':Ofs!e S .. 273. Hev, A., 310. Hclr:n ~f., 273. Char}ei., lJ., 53, 228. llROOKS. Henry C., 273. (,e,-.hom, :228. John, 238. Jarr,e-.; C,, 27:1• Ccn,hom P. F., 228. Jabez, 154. I, ,rerLI ·\ .• 273. i-v Joh11 1 22~. Lucetta, 322. ~L.. \V .• 2n. 1.ukc, 2;6. Sime'JJJ, S-1~ 2-:-d, 273. Mar:; A-., 223. BRr)UGHTON • \rValter B., 228. .0-lartha, 147, 151. Bm~C'{o\<

Lucy, 24-r. Philiip, 213. r1fartha J.t 228. l\lary, 241. Relief, 3Ctl• T\[ichael 'l, 1 343• .t\athanael, 237 1 241. Sa.mud, 146, 149 • Uriah, 227. Thankful$ 154. Bl"RPEE. CLARK. ~.\bel, 227. 228. CASE. A.d::i.. 26o, 262. Catharine \V., 228. Ahira.m, 214. A•. Verona, 352, 361. fames, 228. .(~nnis, 21:i' Edward, 2•).,/, ~75. Charles \\ ., 322, Eunice1 340. {I~\~rr:;;3~28. El~iet zq. H.1•111..i.h, 317.

Sarr1 ud :::. , 228. George, 322. Juniu;:; 1 2,75.

:::.v p'.~i..i., 22B. Henry, 3r8, 322. :Ru:l1, 317 1 JHj,

J trome1 322. ku:m, \\ . 1 34u. BvRR. Jesse, 322. ::::.ara:1. 297. Robert, 16o. Sarah, :l25, Samuel, :.:14, Shelden. 214. Sib.-; \-V,, 333. E. l

Bt:SWELL. Julia, 308. Eliza :M. 1 193, 196. Lois, 164, I7Io Laura. 279. :Matilda\ 225. CoBB. BUTLER. Patiew:::e., 191. Abijah, 21, 70. CHAFFIN". Anna, 70, 159. Mary H., 181, 183. CocHRAX. Eunice, 244, 246. Clark C., 238. Lucy1 ~78. CHALKER, Sau,,::--:., 7v. 22;, 252, 255. Hannah L., 234-, Cn-001?-;G. Lol!1sa J., 168. Eunice C .• 218. 1 CHAMBERLAIN. Horace \ /., 218~ Alanson, 266. {ames H. 1 218. CAMP. Alfred, 267. Jlary L., 218, Rev. Albert, 306. Elizabeth, 267. Robert. \V .1 218. George. 267. kussdl 0., 21:t CA:-fPBELL. Joshua W., 266. \V arren H., zo,3~ Alice G.,_223, Tosiah, 266. Charleo; H., 223. kebecca, 266. CoLHY. Fanny A., 220. Samuel, :z66, 267. Phillip W., 339. Frederick P., 223. J. l<. •• 214. 223. CHANDLF.R. COLEMAN. friary G., 223. Amariah, 283. Phoebe J., 016. Persis~ 283, 284. CANFIELD. Susan, 337• COLI1tiRNE. Fanny A., 212. C. N., 183 1 1.813. CHAPPJ. Ch<1.des L., r83. CARl.TO!'-:. Clara V,l., :.195. Fr~nk AH 1&3. Susan, 304, 3o6. Frederick 0., •95• ThankfoL I54, 155. Orio H., 2,p, 295. \ViU.iam Vl., 1..SB. Hiram, 33'7. CON-'\.NT. CHAP~!AN. Josiah, 305, Anna F., 232.

<'AR'<. CHEENEY. CoNGAR. Oriste!la} 353, 361. Clarinda, 298, 299, Amanda, 1fa, 168 .. Chubbuck, 328. Sal!n~, 162, r67.

CARSO:{. Letitia, 3271 328, 3;~I. lJelns, 16;;, 177. Mary, 330. Co(,LEY, Ida l:L 1 177, 1'annv, t62, 168. CHil.DS. Thorilas, 168. CARTER. ha G.~ 3171 3z9. Abel, :t_;2, z5t. Daniel, 340. Co.,K. At.i..;ad. u7, irJ0, 197. 1Y1ary. 287. Eii;,:J. :-::bf. A .. mand::i, 16r, 1<::3.,:r. :-.·--., 29:?;. }1,,rothy, IQi, CHT'.TE. }r,inU:n, 2':l-'."i, 2(9. George \V., 15.8. M:iry, ,i:..., 3z1. f i;~;:b:~,,~;: ·i·~·t~ i\lv"lck, :l(i9. E11hr .... 1m. 1.c:o, Cru,£Y. H1,iJtrt, 337. (~ef,rgt_: L., 309, 314• William !I., 258. \ ,rstn v1i11'., 3~,7. Cu•_PP. )/:t\~~.~ ~'':/ ::.t ArlhU'r' B., 270. Jollathan. J.{~). Ac;::i.hd. :::n, 266, 270. Lucy, 2~;,. i ,~uid, 217. Cnrn~-.. Mary. 2~6. ( ~corgt~ H., ~70, Charle'-., 3r7, Mart!1:,, ~~c."-. S., .H2. Chri,;tr;p\1er1 317. ~::tti;.11i;ti·J, 1-4'), L•Jvd!. "22::-:, Mc,.-.,f;;;, JI7,

Ohver1 15c,, !tL1ry B., 227. Sally, 317. 382 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES

CORCORAN. CUT'!'ING. Cornelius, 293. A.]., 26x. F. ]., 156. Cynthia, 286. Delia, 293. COWING. Dora1 293. Helen, 352, 36o. DABNRY. Edward, 292. William, 285. Edwin\ 293. CRAGrN. Electa. 286. Sarah E., 340. DAILY. Elizabeth, 285, 292, 293. . 1-loses, 205. Elizabeth A •• 292 • CRANDALL. Elizabeth C., 291. Harriet 1\-f.; 220. DAMU~. Elizabeth \V -~ 156. Hannah l\L, 296. Lydia, 338. Elmira D .• 28 1.J, 293. Emily E., r58. CRAN'E. DANFORTH. Enos, 286, 293. F'rancis I,I., 29r. Ebenezer, 205, Susan \V,, 158 1 159. Franklin, 291. CRAW. DANIELS. George, 292. Jane E. 1 172. James, 318. Gilbert AL, 293. Mary J ., 165. Hannah N., 292. Theresa B .• 302. DAVIS. Harnet, 292. Daniel, 231, 232. Josiah, 283, 285,291.

CROMBIE. Elizabeth 1 354. .1 uli~ ~ .. 155 .. Abel W., 237. Fanny l\I., 179,232. Lavm1a, 286 Betsy G,, 233. G. L., 193. Lawrence B .• 156, 286, 293. Hannah. 218. Horatio, 1_79. Lawrence \V., 292. Harriet E.: 238. J an.nette H., 196. Lois, 286. Ira, 237, 257. {vha M., r79~ Lucina, 293. lames, 238. iUiam H., 174, 179. Lucius, 285. 291. 1ohn, 236, 237. Lucy, 2S5, 292. 'K-f ary, 236, 239. DAv. Lydia, 292. Mary Jane, 238. Angeline J., 168, 176. Mary E., 158, 293, 1"1oses, 237. Catharine, 305. Mary 1'1., 156. Rebecca, 238. Clara F .. 174. Moses, 283, 286. Helen S., 174, Nancy, 293. CROSBY, Henry N., 175. (!rphcus. 293. Arethusa, 16o, 16•. Ju~ia M,, 174. Philena M., 286. Oliver, r75. Prudence, 155.

CROSS. (?liver H., 168 1 174. Salmon VV., 15'$, 158. Gilbert J., 290. Saxah E., 174. S\la:,, 285. 292, Josiah, 237. Silas \V ., 291. DEARBOR:,.;', Sylve~ter J!., 158. CROSSETT. Joshua, 337. Thankful ~-, 156. Calvin, 158. William J., 293. Laura, 158. DERbY. \Vilder, 292. Lam-& E., 158, Aaron, 207. Olive S., 158. Artemas, 207. Do~?--;ELL. John, 207. Rebecca, 336. CROCKER. Thankful, 148. Benjamin, 163. DERRY. N. E. P., 168. James P., 272. DOOLITTLE. Sarah. 329, 332. Catharine, 205. DEXTER, Thankful, 148. CULVER. Priscilla W., 258. Newton H., 259. DOTEN, DICKEY, Lydia A., 166, 173, CURRIER. Jane, 161, 165. Susan, ~, ~96. Dow. DICK!NSON. Hannah, 162, 16g. CURTIS. Nancy, 279. Lucy E., 336. Serena, 265. Dn.AKR. Sarah G., 231, Jonathan, 156. CUSHING. DIVOLL. Abel, ~30. ,· bd H., Y63. DROW:--:E, AL1fpd, 327, 3::i9. Harvey, 163. Edward P., 185. Emily, 339. 351. Levi. 16o, 163, !·rank H., 185. Joanna, 343. Nancv. 163. George P ., 1b2, 185. Lydia, 32J, 334. S&!Jy; 16·{. Regemmelech, 331, Sophronia, 163 1 333, 341, DRESSER. 332. Sarah J ., DOLE. l\lehetabel, 154. Sarah, ·p7. 32:8. A!.--a, 286. Tame:.,;in, 328, 332. A ugm.tus, 293, DunLRY. CesHMAN. Barnet \V., 154, 155. Charie'.-1 T ., 248. Emma C., 173. Calista, 291. V. T., 2t5, 248. Frederick, 173. Caroline, 2-;6, Frederic , 248. _John, 166, 173. Carrie~ 293. Henry T., 248. Lama J., 173. Catharine, 286. Lnq.-- A., 248. Charle:-., 293. Phehe J ., 248. CtrTLJ!.R. Charie~ 1>., 2QI, Emily, 167. Chm., 292. DIIMOND. Isaac C. 1 265. Cordelia, 086. Jane C., ,69. WITH WHOM THE WILDERS IIAVE IXTERc\1ARRIED. 383

Du.Na.AR. Hannah, 145, 146. Henry w.l 152, 153. Hosea., 330. Joiu1, 145. ~,jartha.1 152. Laban, 330. Thomas, 145, 146. 1\'larr, r53. ::'>.lary \V,. r53. Dt;NCAN, Vr'1lliam 0., 132. Rev. A.G., 332. FAIRflANKS. Anson, 267. Abigail, 197, FOR.DUSH, Fanny. 299, 300. Abij:ih. 197. Anna, 272. 1\.-iary A .• 267. James, 147. Simeon, 26j. .Mary, 150, Fosmc;:.;:. Elinheth F., 307. DC"NHA!II. FAIRFIELD. :r~fartha, 178. Clarissa, 16:r. -:\Jargaret~ 316, 347• F'.\t-'.LL',', }',:x~Tf':1\. DUTTON, ChJ.rle:.-. 307. l)eborah, 3:::6,

Lydia 1 :r9I, 193. Jkli:.t, 30;,. 312. Edward1 356. Ebenezer, :1,05, 31'9'· E1iza, 345, 356. DwrGHT. Ephnum \V .• 307. Philew-t, 263, 286. Chapman, 152. Frede:·icl<, 307. So"inmori M .. 345,356. Charles, i52. 153. !VJanha B, 1 307. \\Tilliam H., 322, 356. Daniel A .• r5::!. Mary; 307. Howard, 152, 153, FowLER. Jane A., 1.53. FARNSWORTH. Edna E., z87. J. H., 2«>. Esther, 345, 358. Thomas, 132. FRANCIS. '\\'iliiam, 152. f'ARR. Lrrni::-a E .• 217. \Villiam A., 15z. Emily H., 067. J{hoties, 208, 2z7. ,Vilder, 152, 153. FARRAR. F.R-\NKLIN. DYER. S:llly, 16:r, 167. F., r58. Mary, 330, FE.\R!~G. FRE~~CH. Hawks, 332. CalYin \V., 223. EAGER. Israel. 12-::, 326. [~elos D., 2~4. Sarah, 340. James H"' 343. .r,mer:;(JH \\· ., :2~-4. T0hn, 3z6. Horace \V ., 2.l4. EAST~~AX. Margaret, 326. Hira".'"n \V .• 214. Andrew ~L, 347. c~uhctrine, 347, FELLOWS. kt~~~~: ;;~_224. Charle:~, 1-+6, Eunice, 244. 1\1 ·uy l ,. , z23. r!l~~n id, 3f6. Miranda. zr6, :":uza, 34b, f'E~TON, \\'al:>l,n E.i 2!5, 2J6, 123, l.7,e0r:re, 316, Ann. r64. :t::i:4 Hannah G., 346. Eiizabeth, 170. William C., 2:t4. Isaac, ~{46, Samuel, ::u6. J.'r:RREE, FI~EF MAN. Thoma.;;, ·-;34, :\431 346. Amanda., 298, 3(X). Lucy, 2G9. Thomas C., 356. FessE~DE~. E,Yro:--1 FROST, .i\ca. r(7 Submit, 150. 316. Harriet, 231. Ge1.,rze B .• 167. h",allel1a IL\ 1(-7. E1:;nv. FULLER. habella M., 167. .A(faline 209, H.F., 272. 1 babrioa, ·.ng. :FIPLD. EnGERLV. Martha. 33S. 351. J<"-r.1es 1 21'.'.o. Timvthy, 338. James\\'",, 255. 26o. GAV1JILE. Catherine J., :.:s47. f o~eph. z(,o. FISHER. ~:e_on;c, .i44. J,ucinda. ·;/Kl. \' !'-1.. 213. ::\Ia.rtha. ~~f-,.-.J. Jotiti, ~1~, 247, ~usan J ., 289 1 295. ~arah J., ,47. ED\VARDS, l'JTTS. Juhn\ 348.. GAJ.n>"'1r:u, Asccnath, 285 1 290. A!Jigaii. r46, 1:47. Ab111:r. 3JI. EE'-LS .F1..~.GG. .Andre\.;". 147, A:1 nc1, 126, 328. :i.I~L"ry 1 o;z, ::q.o, 1 Ltl h J:1, J'\(), 337• J .udnt!a, 3J6, 348. I ,ershon., 15r. Sarah, 3~:p. Maria, 246. v:~~;::~~l•, \\·;, j~(,• .!•,mm,,,:1,=.S. El.DP.ED, Fu•;TCHF-R. l· r1;:;deri, k C. 3.56. Zipp0r:.ih, 333, 342. 1 Charles S .. 173. Lennard, .:Hi• 4 ELLI~. FLI!'.'T. Delia L., r94. i~~~~;;nrlt. \ ;7e;~ :::iarnh T., 154. ](,,[Jf;rt, ·p8. ~arnh, 18u. ~'Jll•~l1EHS0'.'-.. t's.rtliur \V., 152. Mary, 3"9· Sw,,111. '257· Caleb. 152. Er-.srG."-, Ellen V .. r.32. (;,'.,JffJEL[i, Elizabeth, I45t qC Frances E., 153. 1Jaoie1, 34'1. INDEX OF O -HER NAMES

GARNE1. GRANT. Lillian. 202. Sarah, 328, 330. Benjamin, 37, 241, Margaret, 202. :Emma S., 241. kichard T .• :lo2. GATES, Frank W., 241. Rosalie, 202. Edward S., 186. William J., 202. Ervine, rd2, r86. GREEN. Ervine \V., 186. Hannah. 23.5, 2.{. HAMMOND. Fanny J ., 186. Luciu~ F., 2_:,°i. Experience, 331. Gertrude 0., 186. Luthcria, 1r,l,. lnei F., 180, Sarah E., 320. HANFORD. bamud \V., :186. Sarah B., 241. GREENLE:\F. Lydia S.i 259. HAPGOOD. GAY. Sophir1., 233. Anna, 341. GREENWOOD. John, 34r. Albert, 238. HARDY. Lydia, 341. Cynb, 238. Harriet, 336, 349. ~lary J., 34r. Edward S., 238, Silas, 333 1 34 I. Elccta, 23.). HARRI~GTOS. Hannah S., 2::18~ Charles \Y., 291. 295,

GEOl>'GE. Jame,;; \V. 1 23~. Leonard, 285, 291. Harris, 167. Jeremiah, "230,238. Lois 0 .. 296. Julia, 238. Lewis N., 296. GrLBER~. Lukf·, 320. Charlotte, 204,209. GmswoLD. Orcus C. A., 291. Daniel~ 203, .Fidelia, i:55. Kate E., 291. James, 203. GROCE. HARRIS.

GII.MAX. Ansell, 338 • Emery, 3rr 1 319. .Moses R., 194. John, 332, Frederick W ., 319. Harriet E., :nS, 320. GLADDING. GROUT, Le\·i, .v8, 32r. Ella V.~ 170, 178. Daniel, 234. .Mahala. 292. Emma, 341. Mary H., 3221 324. GLEASON. John, 234, Thomas, 338. Augustus, 28o, 282. .Sophia. 2~-4. Etta, 282. Thomas, 234. HARVEY.

George, 282. ~timsun G., 168 1 176. Sarah, 356. CL"ILD. lllary R., ,76.

Mary A. 1 214. GODDARD. HASKELL. Josiah, 265. Levi, 341. HAINES. J:Jrince, 328. GODFREY. Carolille R., 2or, Clementine, 168, 175, Edward W., 201, HASKINS. Electa. B. 1 2-01, 202. Haniet, 340. GoonIKG. EYang-eline. 201. Angeline, 211. FannV E .. ?o, 202. HASTINGS. Ann, 2II. Frank S., 201. Adaline, :229, Erastus, '2I I,· Henry A., 201. Clara L., 274. George, 21 r. Laura T., .201. Elizabeth, 233. Louisa, 2u, Lillian ~I.. ?OI. Emma S. \ 269, 275. Lucinda, 217. Margaret V ., 201. ames, 229. Naomi, 208, zn,- 217. Rir.hard T., 200, 201. Joseph, 229. Roxana, 211. Robert H., 201. Mary, 286, 293. !llary J\1., 229, Timothy1 21 •• \Veils, 211. HALR. \Villiam, 205, 211. Ann S., 272. HASWELL. Eunice. 160,162. Catherine £., 269. GooDNICH. S;.,l!y. 280. Martha, 16<), Harriet, 181. HATCH. HALL. Andrew, 210. GoonRlDGE, Chester T., 218. Joseph F. 350. Anna, 166. 1 Arthur A., 177. Cornelia, 2r7. Lowtll 1 340. Au~tin G .• 176. Electa R., 217, V .. r77., 217. GnoDWIN. \V .• 2,:,6 21e.i, 213. Helen A., 169, •77• Ehie T. 1 ClinU1n, 216, 224, Henrv C., 21d. Emlly \V. 1 224, H1r.u{1, 210. Erastus. 208. HALLOCK. Emily, 294- Howeii, 210. Florence S., 224. lra, 2Il, Le.stcr F., 224. John, 205, 2n. Lucy E., 224. HALPIXE. JoiH1 T-1 218. Mary C. 1 224. Estella M., 188. Lucv, 21;;. Frank J ., 188. J,ydu, 211. GOULD. Mary E., 188, °?-,:,u1cv, zrr. Charles, 179. Terri, 184, x88. ~.aon{i_ 2r I. ~athan, 2c•;1, 210. Elizabeth 1 245. Patience, 288, 29~ HALSEY. ( !ivu·, 217. Polly, 235, 236. John, 202. Seymour~ 2n, WITH WHO~! THE WILDERS HAVE I~TER~IARRIED. ,3 8-,

Simeon. 208, 2101 217, Orpha, 211. Ephraim. 298. 1 Thomas C., 218. J.>oilr, 2Il, l etr-r 1 lQI. Tunnthy, :211. f~.ebecc?-. 305, 308.

\Villi;:.i.m, 217. HOLCOMB. St1crd>1,1t1, 1901 191. \Varrcn, 211, E, eline, 263, ·:q3. ::,nsannah, 146, 148. \\'illian1~ tgl. lL-\THO!;'.NE. HOLDEN". Calista, 318, 322. :\lary E., 285, 2qt. HtiSTON', Laur:1 192, 194. Elizabeth, 3181 322. Jame:> H., 294. 1 HA\\"LF.Y. Hov•rns Ht:TCHIN'G.S, Geor.s;-e P., 17J. A~.,,, 164. John.·\., 25q. Royal A., 174. 179. ..A. lexa,1der, 350, 359, Car-=:iline, 350. Ht"TOIJ:'\~O:-;:. H.11,\\'KF.:S. Chri,;;topher C., 350, 35r. L'.!t'!l. 11",3 1 r;-6. Eli1.abeth, 212. J>c,lly, 3d, J'?I. Henry l\1. 1 355. Eli1a A .. 350, 3.:,9. fl..i.YES. Flizabet h. '.2 -t2. Hrnv.. l\bry E.1 336. Franci_;;; H., -:15~• }\uthenia1 209,214. H~:iry ::;37, 3:, r HA\'WAHD. 1-ie_i!ry ~L, 231,232. LLiCn::tia A., 3(0. Je01d1ah, 337. 35u, JRVI!\"G. fo<;eph A., 359. ~ancy, 2361 238. H-\WES. ~\..irk ~v ., 2~2. Frederick, 193. J ,11cy ~\1., ::;:. r 1 359. Orinda. z'.);, 2::;,r. JAC'DRS. Rebecca A,i 232. l>t:-borah, ::33, 34~. HEARD. (. baries, 26t. J-farri~t, 247. Hose:\'. Lori11g, 3:11. ~lary • 339 . H:-;ATH. .Mary, 2531 2:,,7. Bct•-;y. 2p. Hot:GH. ]A',iES. lVbry A. ~13, 222. Ani1, :;t23. HEF>.\RD. 1 1-lary \V . ~06. 1 1 ~~'.~t;J: ~~•-~~1~, tG8, Hol'GHTON', Ma0"1 145, 146. HE'\'RY. Zcrviah, 229. Sarnh, z51. How ..;r{n HERSr:\'. )..ehcmiah, 328. ]EWELL. /;Lr.:z:-arct, 334, 347· ,3~,1s .. :'.\lary. 327,328, 33r. HowE, ,2;~. Amo~,305. B.~:.YWQ;)D, Jabez C .. :~05. ]!CWETI". Ruth, .V4, 329. :-;amuei. 253. Tryphos..;, 310. Sar:ih, 246,248. Stephen A., 3u, HIGH. li}J!~SOK. Phebe. 2R5, 288. ~ Anna. 21j. HowEs. Albert H .• 221. Aimira, 2:;8. HILL. Heul<,h, :rSo. ( ,eor.~:e, :;;-::;8. A1cxander J .. 169,178. {. ary \1., :nz. Ed ,vard \V .. 08. Henry. 2.•3. Ch<1rie•; :\., 27c;. Jo-.,eµh, 25S. Ch:lrles .h.. 279. Laura j .• 26o1 262. 1 l\I:-ncia. 2,_)9. Joseph\\· .. 258. 1_.yru-; ~I., :;:2L Loi~. 258, 2'.:-3, 281-. 1\lary. 1.54. Hani1-2h, t6-:, 278. Martha. 258. !/,·,mn. :::n, 22!. ~arah S. 25' Hr--..;~~AN'. 1 _f ,,..,r·11h. 1'.;i. ::t;8. Portr:r, 2.:;8. S(,.10:1, ,,.j.3. .ln:w;._,:1 \\' '.179· W;liiam, 058. Jwli,h~ H~;WFS, J__.,, .i 271'> I{ache1, 146. HOWELL. ;1L.i:-y.. ::o:-;. Cyrene~ )46. Orvilie, '-306. >t'wc::!, '> l:1'>t,,li •• 2?1, HnPATIT. Hur~B \RD. Rl-...!1:1r;J '-L,:z7 1. Hrin1i:1'.1, 1,S. • 'ti. J;•Jlt: .:i_,, ICLj. 1''/, tEi(i•;;:?;;:,_ r\1.uia A,, rs,·s. l•JI,. _lclIIH:S1 'HI, '..<':-0. ,l oami:,, ;:s4 , \V,. 22L 4 Hl'RLBUT. :}!t:~~~ ~~)~~\ 16. LhaLod, 206.

Ht-!'lfPfH!l::\"-.,, 1-TPOGES, } il •'.i'fJt::l:: j'. ji 33n. De1,0r;d: 3·10, ~~ t{et,-y, ·Ffi, _,pS. 1 Ji-,.,], J<..,,q';. Polly, 31!\ 3 r:3, ,; try 1 ·.,.p, 2.n. Zt~liiub.. 337. :\:;.~• '. \\. I , -_•q. HncmE. 1..,-:r•,j-,_ ~:27, :::2G. Elt:.-tll{lf, '2(1. lh::-:'f. (~e•orgtc. Z<•S, 2n. !\.rtefl11:-.ia, 2(,8. 21:2. 111..;1 1·:l. ',','., • _.',.!,,:·:~ l i., ?v'l, l ,,hn, 211. JJeL_vr;di, 111 ;., rt,;/;. l.oif-i, Zll. Vd.1.t, 104. Awura i, • ., ::tg,1. INDEX OF OTHER NAMES

Amariah, 285. 290. KIDDER. Julia E., 184, 189. Anderson, 286, 293. J. Henry. 272. Juliet E., 184. Ann E., 289. Sarah, 266, 270. Lucy 0 .. r84, 188. Betsy. 287. 1\1artha, 189. Celestia, 289. KILBOURNE, l\lartha A., 184, 189. Mary, 182, 185, 189. Charles E., 2891 295. Louis, 184. Ch:ules H., 289,290. 1\iary An:1, I84, 188. Clara M •. 295. KILRY. IVlary J., 185. Clarissa P .. 290. Abigail, 355. Samuel, 184. 182. Deborah, 147, 190. Anna, 36o Sdrah. Edgar \V., 296. Alden. 353. Sarah A .. 18q. Ella J., 296. Alfred, a53· Stella :.L 184. Fanny L., 293. Benjamm. 344, 352. William, 181. Ferren~ C., 293. Charles H., 354, 36o. Frederic C., 295. Clara. 354. KIRK. Frederic M., 290, Cyrus H., 355. Elizabeth, 300. F. \Vildcr, 291, Daniel, 344. Ginnethan~ 290, 296. Ed ward B., 354, KNICKRRBOt:KER, Ginnethan S .• 290. Edwin, 355. Hester. 218. Helen P., 290. Eliza, 355. Lara, 209. 218. Jared A., 290, 296. .Emma, 355. LLlUl:';:li 218. Joseph, 16o. Ferdinand, 354. \V1lder, 218. Katie B., 295. Francis, 354. \Vill1am, n8. Lucella L., 289. Frank, 354. \Vil son 1 218. !viarietta G., 293. George, 355. Mary S., 296. Elien M., 354. KNIGHT, Miron W, 290. Henry H., 354. Aaron, 16o, 1641 172. Pomona W., 2go. Horace P., 354. Ahel, !65. kollin 0., 293. James C., 355. Adaline. 255. Roy W., 296. Jane, 355. Alice J., 172. Sarah. 185, 189. Jo_hn. 344• ,54, 355• Anna G .. 172. Sophia M., 29-:> 1 295. John D., l55, 360. An~eil .U ., 172. Stephen R .. 290. Lincoln IL, 361. An~on J .. 172. Timothy, 289. Lyman 0 .. 354. Betsy V/., 165. Ti~othy W., 289. Lydia C., 344, 345, 358. l utler. 255. Wilder S., 29(1. Mart ha C .. 354 Charles ..... 172, Willliam, 285 1 290. Mary, 344, 355. David, 2,0:;. Mary 354. 1·h, l>orothe:11 235. JOSLIN, Sally !\L, 355. Ebm C., 165, 172. Betsy, 256. Sarah. J44• EliL:t. 25:=,. Lucy, 252. Sarah C., 154· t.liza A .. 165. Mary, 252. Solomon R , 354. },ve'.me F .. 1;2. Theophilus1 343, 344, 354• George W ., 172. JUDD, William, 334, 344. Helen C., l72- Lucy, 205, Herbert S. 172. KING. Jane E., 172. Sarah Ann, 28o, 282. John W .. r72. KELLOGG. Josf:ph, 252. 255. F'rancis, 292. Levi. 164. 172. Harriet E., 299. KINGMAN. John, 330. Lucy, z55, :.>63. Henry M., 292. Luke L .• 165, 172. Julia K., 292, Luther J., 172. Lovilla E .• 202. KING~BURV. Lydia J.. 172. Mary. 292. • Abigail, 182. ~lary V., 170,253. Phtlena, 292. Ahijah, 181. 1\ancy. 255. Abijah W .• 184. Philander S., 164. 172. KEr.ToN. Adelaide. 18'.). Wilder. 255. Frances, 255, 259. Albert, r82. 184. Arthur E., rS4. KENDALL, Chrtrle,; E., 184. Ann E. 308. Charles J., rqr, 184. LAKIN. Harriet, :;:-36, 239. Cynthi.t A .. 183 1 187. Chester L.. 184, 189. Eliz~ .P .• 308. Edward, 189. 1'.1n11ce W ., 3GB. Edward B., 189 LA~lB.

},zekiel, 105 1 308.~ Ellen J., 134. 18S. Joseph H., 195.

Laura S. 1 198, 200. Eliz:-tbeth, 1~2, 18_-;. Lydia, 203. ~::)8 Elizabeth W., t8J. LANE, Lucy, 304, 3o6. ~lizaW., 185. Charles"'\\'., 339. Lmily S., 185. Elisha, 182, 186. KENDRIX, Frederi.c A., 184. Ht!nry !tl., 186. Lavinia M., 216. Fredenc E., 189. Lyd1a1 328. 333. :Franklin. 189. 2\lary, 327. Ke:Nr-.E.DY. George. 182, 185. busan r..., 186. Sylvia A., 36o. George A., 164, 189. KEYES. (.reorge W., 189. Harriet A., 184, 180. LANGDON. Clara1 246. Emma R., 179. Pruden:::c, 148, 226. Henry J ., ra9. Sarah, 149, 263. Isabella, 18y, Jobn D., ,89. LARKI"I. KrMP, Josiah, 1b1, 184. Azubah, ~n6. Dorothy, 161. Julia A., 182, 184, Hezed1ah, 227. WITH vVHO!lf THE WILDERS HAVE INTER'lfARRIED. 387

LAWRE:{C.E. L0nMJ5, Mcli.VA!NE. !rlyra. rq.S, 200. Edward, 221. .Maryl 347,358. 1\aacy, ·278. Edwin. 221. Fideiia A. 1 221. 11cKENKA. LAWS. George A .. 221. C!a,.1de \V,t r95. Stephen, 198, Johll T., 22r. Henry S., 195. Julia, 258. Huch L., rg_:::,. L.'\ZELL. l\iah I> .. 221. J~-;sr:-ph H., 195. Hannah, 31. .1 ~l ., 1,;;5. i~~~;~~~: ::~ .. 221, LEACH. "\Vallace, :n1. :f\k:l ATGHLJN. Laura, 333, ':l;4I. Jo_r.\ah ~\1., j:,2. Lo,sc. \Vhttman, 1t.i6. La·dnia, 234, 285.

LEAVENWORTH, LORD. ~ts~}:;it Hannah, <271. E11za A., -;58. CarvJine, 221. !·:mma Y., 3:,8. Corncli:t S,. 2:;\I. \re'-lrg-c 1-:L, 358. 212. LORt'SG. }~iiz~oeth L. 1 Ju1-.n S., 3:b, E!tsna J ,. , 221. Lydia, J3>2 1 339. 340. Lydi~l r.. , 345, :f6J. Julia.:~., y.;i?.. Frederic A .. 22•. Lydia l\l ., 358. l\b.ry E .• 221. !'-1ary, 326. .Peter~ 331. \Villiam C., 358 . Lr~ '\.VI"rf. LoYEYS. McLB,:. Susan A., 3'18 1 33:-:. John, 192. 195. Viiginia, 201 • LE BARRO:,;, .;_\la.rgaret L .• 195. 1' rancis 325. Soiomon 1 327. !\ic:\-J.-;1-1..--,~. 1 l:harJotte. 153. LEE. LowERV. Luith E,, 158. ~eorge H., 246, 249. John, 192, 195. 1 •(:01';'.;C 1.., I.;-i.3, 5 H cle11 1 2.i9. 1 !d.1 0. Nettie B., 175. LYMAN. 11:~~;:~ Ann E., 182, 184. \\'iliiain ,,.,.,, .:5e. LE-WJS. kachcl, 279, 281. Abi:.hai, 328. I\j;.~·-xFELV. Ann.a V., z,;6. bm time, 294.

Hannah1 32.5 1 3281 334, 345, MA""· }.lEJ.:~L•\;\f. Vlil11am, 334. kuth, 336. 1\bd 1 17r. LINCOL~. MAN.N"l~G. CLni.,sa, 257. Arethusa, 23f. Eiizc,, 341. ~e~ j_amin_,.. 356. John·L. 273. Caieb, 33;:s. Mary, 31r. 1 S1tine:,' H , 34~. }Jolly, 154. :Prudenc.:e1 230. jr)~eph T .. 2';-7• George1 ·•16o. Lu('y, 344. l\fARCY. Thornas, 263.

Maria. 1 338, 34-4. Thomas B., 254. 1\ioses, 33-t, 344• !\1£Rk!CK. ~1 o~es C .. 344. J\.-:IARSH. Tilley, 149. ~arah, 344. J ianiel, 254. Sus:1n. 344. '\\'alter, 232. :!\1ERRIFIELD. lielia, 266~ 270. Lr~DERM;\S, MAY. !· redcric L., 3ot. ;yrus, 2~8. 1.\lfiRRILI.. JI erbert L., jor. Harrit"t, 248. h,_:1t~, Ij8.

habel 1 3ox. Herny, ~4', 243. ~ally~ 2t-1-, 28;, John, 2~y, 301. SamueJ, 2c:i6.

LIN"DSEY. MAYHEW. l\J r;~_:d1>,~/i~ \V,, 2.;o. Stacey, 230. A bijah G., 346. Heb, 340. J1..,s1:1h, 33'.1, 341.. Jknjami11, 346. Jo:.-epil }'., ::37, ::240. LtTCHFJTT:LD. ln:urge 1{., :24ci. Lucy, 3.p, J:J·..,enezer, 346. Hannah, 346. LITTLEFIELD. John~ 346. J\111,1-1u··..,_ .:\leht.:t~bd, 163. 170. Lt:\'.'l':, lJ., ::;146 • l~·~tl1cr, 20j, L\·di,;.:Ht.., T',Iiranda, 1t,3 1 170. Maria. 346. 1\-Irt.LER. }-lri.-.olh1, J46, LOCKE. Ab,,, J .• 29G. rj beutte L. 1 1B3. 188. !!k\;n. ':/.'l'~­ Henry. rn~~, 192, 1)\, igh t. ·z78. Jame,,, 190, C,,ima1,, Jh, '-;~:i. ~us~rn H., 310. J,nne:> S., 192. ):1:-11:. 2 ,,S, 290,. Lydia A., 3i71 320. 1: ?

Norman J., 29(. Amanda, 270. PAGE. Sarah, 322. I )eidamia. 2o6, 213. Abigail, 316.

l 1izabetb, 270. Charlotte, 2571 2to. MITCHELL, Hiram~ 2G6, 270. Sa.rah, 268, 273. Hortense, 209. 219. lra, 218° ~arah B., 215, 223. James. 16:;. I .. \V: Leonard, 233. 1'IarJ C., 273. Haskell. 27u. PAINE. Phillip. 270. Cecilia, 158. Mix. !; µssell, 270. Hannah, 236, 2395 Mary, 247, 0arah 1 238. l\lary, 252, z53.

MoAT. NEWHALL. PARISH. Jane, 324. Kate A., 167. Anson, 210. fJi~ba. :ms~ 210. Afo:sTAGUE. N:rrV.'TON, Francis D., 210. Albert, Zi3. 28I. Benjamin, 258. Abigail T., 281.:t Charles D., 231, PARK~F.,

Emma L. 1 28r. A b1gail I r66. Frank F., 281. NICHOLS. Char'e, T., 173. Huldah, 277. 280. Kate A .• 174. Franklin ..\1., 166, 173. Merrick, 2781 281. .f\.lary H., 305. 307. Helen M ,, 185. Sarah G., 259, ~6t. Jonas, 182, 185. !\-foooy. 11ary, r85.

Sally, 227. NILFS. :Keliic F. 1 173. Agnes T\L, 189. Romaine, 261, MooFE. John T., I~Q. Sally, ,93.

Charlotte. 305. Josiah, 184 1 189. Sarah, .9r. Hephzibah, 246, 249. NIMS. PAR?<.mLEE. :MoRSE. Elmira, :183, 186. Clarence, ?QO. Em_ma, 333. Lavinia, 283, 286. Effie G., 29'1. _Tuln;s, 186, Rebecca, 283, 2$4. Florence, 2go. Lydia. 267. Lucius, ::85, 290. Elmira, 342. NORTH. Alfred, 17,;i, 178. PARSON'S.

Mow&R. Anna E., 170, 1 1 8. A ~iga1l, 209,-218. Polly, 204, 2:.:,8, E1izabeth 1\1., 337. KoRTON. Jemin:ia, 16,. !\il'.JLLF.'.TT. Charles L .• 202. Keziah, 304, 3o6. Elizabeth, 191, 193, :Melanie T ., 2r:;2. PARTRIDGE. MURRAY. NORWOOD. Abigail, 268. :Malvina, 286. Abraham, 169. Sarah, 262. Olivia F .• 309, 3'4 Eliza P., 16<), 177. PA'M'ERSOM, NOYES. Arthur H., 174.

NASH. Annette, 175. George W, 1 174. J0seph, 325. James W., 166, 174 Joel, 294. NEALE. OLDS. Amy F., 249. Eunice, 246, 248. PEAKE, Mabel, 249. Eliza, 337. Stuart, 249. OLMSTEAD. \Vilhelmina, 249. Eveline, 1.6g, 177. PEALE,

William A., 249. Mary S. 1 153. \Villiam H., 249. 0SBO'RNR. Sarah S., 153, Rebecca P ., 259. NEV.DHAM. PEASE. Alhert C .. 274. OSGOOD. Cah,Jn, 258. Carlo5 D •• 274. Apollos, 256. Emma.] .. 274, t.1iza li., 337. PENNELL. Ernest F., 274, Eunice, 226, 304, 305. Alice, 179. H clen E., 274. Harriet, 1.71 Ca~"lllS A., 179. Henry \V ., 274. Harriet E,, 1.64. l:.mma1 179. Louisa, 268, 274. Lucy, 260. Mat}', 179. \Varren, 268, 274. :Ruby, 18l, 183, \~/aht.:r H. 1 179. \V arren L., 274. \V iliiam H., 179. \Vatson \V ., 274. OVIATT. . PEARSALL. 1\-lary Ann, 213 1 222. NRTTl-ETON. Jonas, 155• Sarah A., :;n3, 22:2. NF,vco,-..rn. PACKARD, PECK. \Villiam, 200. _.1, bel \V .. z6x. Abby R., ,66. Amelia, :261, Dorothy, 165. PERR',", Ellen L .. rtt-. Charles R., 26?. Arnmittee\ 271 1 276. Leonard, 258, 26t. Joseph F., 166. Deborah, 23t1, 237, Ozro R., 216, 22.5. Orrick, 1.61, 165. PERKINS. NEWELL. PADDOCK. Ldward. 350.

Allme1 23t\ :238. R. 1 193, Lucius 332. WITH WHO'.! THE WILDERS HAVE INTER'.fARRIED. 389

PERSONS. POLLARD. PtlTNAM. Laur.1 L., -::.72. Alvah, 247. Rebecca, 16r, 167. Lewis. 2(3, 272. Charles F., 247. J\Iary W., 272. Emily, 244. 246. William N., 27.z. Leonard, 245, 247. RAMS.\Y. Lyman L., 247. E\·a S., 141, 243. PETTEE. Nancy .M .• 247. Mary A., 259. Sarah H., 247. RAND. Sylvia A. 1 247. David, 265. PETTINGILL. Ella~ .. r85. Edward P. S., 186. Po~rnRoY. Emily A., 185. Edward H., 182. 185. R. W., 225, Barnet L., 185. Fannv .\I., 185. Francis L., 225. Isaac. 1ih, 185. Ftorence, 186. Grace, 225. ~Y,n;~m_ r , ,185. (Teorge T ., 185. s. I. u., 185, Po!'-m. PHELPS. Cynthia, 318, 321, RAXD,\.LL. Abel, 252, 255. Charlotte, 274. 274. Abigail. 240. Po01.E. Delia. Adelaide, 348. Edward, ,83. 186. Lowell. 2t8 1 274, Albert L., 359. Elizabeth, 186. S. H., 267. Calvin \V., 348, 359• David, 255. POOR. RAPP. Ei,tner, 192. Susan, 252, 254. Geo, \-V'., 350. Elijah, 348. Fanny, 348, POPE. Betsy, 236, 305. REDELRY. Julia. 24c 1 259. Mary E., 169, ,77• Julia .K. •. 348. .Ebenezer~ 304, 305. !-,ew_is. 348. Hannah, 305. 0 REFD, Levi R., 3-4v. J oseph1 305. 322, 324. 1vJary. 147, 153. Jo~iah 1 305. Charles B., Mary F., 35y. Lucretia, 305. Charlotte E .. 1 r&;, Ii7. Rose, 24(), Mary, 245. ~a.or.ah, 303, 305. Susannah, 154, 190. Nancy P. 1 305. 'lb eodure, 338. Samuel~ 237. 240. Sumner, :.:55. PoTT1~R. RF.MICK. Jane, 345. l\laria, 26gt z75. PICKEIT. Morcuda, 223. POWERS. Lydia, 318, 322. REYNOLDS. Abby, 347• PIE:~CR. PRATT. Abigail, 357. Adeline, 24-0, 279, 281. Bela R., 345, 346, 355-6. Albertj 167. Abner, 333, 342. Benjamin F. 342. BetP.y, 20on, 164. Ralph, 222. Mary A., 164. Samuel H., 213. 222. PJNGREI!. Samuel, 147. Arthur, 282. RICE. AdeltJert L., 282. PRESCOTT. ~iark, 29i• Charlt:s \Y ., 280, 282. 1~enjamin, 164. 1Jully, 245, 248. Clara E., 282. J-:Jdad. 171. Eliza1 )44, 354. Francis C., .282. Francis 1\1., I7Iw Henry, 234-. Leah H ., 28l, Mary E., 171. lien.:u!e;;, 297. Mary E., 202. 1<.uth, 252, 253. Jame5, 2-:-;4. koLert H,. 282, l\iary, 205, Royal R., z02, PRESTON. Nanc:,i,, 188. ~arah, 28;t. James, 293. Samut·I, :,,--i.4· \\' illiam, 278 .. 28o, 282. Laura, 166, 77'~. 5iia~. 297.' Wilham H. H., 2bo, 282. .M:uy1 208. ~us:rn, 234. ·1arnar, 181. Pt.,",,TI'E. PRJCf-:. \\'\l!iam, 2341 ,197.

Mary V., ,93, 195. .l\1arcus W., 28o. \Varner1 234. INDEX OF OTHER NAMES

RICHARDS. Betsy, 278. Mary C., 259, 26!. Barrell. 202. Chades F., 277, zSo, 282, Oscar, 261. Charles E .. 187. Charlotte E., 282. Walter 0., 323. l Clara H., 187. John, 277. Cynthia, 271:, 276. John W., 282. S1mGEWtcK.

~ "F.lecta 1\1., 2:n, 202. Lydia, 273, 280. James1 225. Emma A., 187. Hannah J ., 282. Lucy, 225. Frank L., 187. Jonathan, 278, 280. William, 225. George H .• 183, 187, igo. Nathanael, 278. (_~ustavus \V., 201. Serena, 28c. SEENEY. Guy V .• 200, 201. Adaline, 162, 170. G11y ::\JcL., 201. ROYCE. Hubert, 190. Diantha, 237, 242. SEGUR. Jane, 187. Kate, 213. John W., 187. RUDD. Louis ~I.. 187. Salina, 156, 156. SELAN DINE. Mary A .. 187. Sukey, 230. Upson, 202. Rl'GG. V ryling, 202. Aaron, 292. SELLECK. Catherine D., 156, 158. Gilbert, 284, 288. RlCHARDSOX, Daniel, 292. Fanny, 197, 198. Harriet, 230. SHATTUCK. Relief, 337, 339• Lucy, 257. Catherine S., 240. \Vilham, 148. Lydia, 226, James L., 237, 240. Samuel, 253. R:NGL..... ND. SHAW. Effie J., 225. RrNNELS. Betsy S., 231, 2:32. Heman L., 225. Rachel, 254. Earll, 350, ,villiam D., 216, 225 .. Elizabeth. 279. RUTON. Isabel, 278. RIPLEY. Rachel, 245, 248. Thomas, 247• Rachel, 1901 I91.

ROBBINS. SABlN. SHEARMAN. Alfred A .. 309. Ellen, 340. Judith, 331, 339• Agnes G., 234. Anna M., 234. SAFFORD, SHEFFIELD. Augustus, 3o6, 309• Edward, 279. Caroline P., 201. Edith C., 234. Lucy, 191. Helen N., 201,202. Ellen W., 234. Josephine L., 201. . B., 200, 201. Frederic W., 2'l4, SANGER, { Grace G., 234. .Rhoda, 181, 182. ouisa .W ., 201 • Jane, I48, 166, 174, 2.50. :Mary C., ?.OJ.. Sarah S., 201, 202. John R., 234. SARGENT~ Laura S., 234. Laura, 295. William R., 202. Mary B., 192, 195. :Martha, 345, 357• \Vaher, 234. Patience, 244. SHRLDON. Lewis, 292. Olive S., 309. SAVAGE. Maria V., 166, 173. ROBERTS Martha, 149,, Abigail L., 250. SHEPARD. Hannah, 146. Anna., 26ot 262, SAWIN. Mary, 271, 275. Isaac, 147. Jacob, 146. ROBESON. John, 146. Anna, 152. SAWYER. _Joseph, 213. Sybil, 152. Bet-:;y, 243, 244. Ralph, 147. Thomas, 152. Caroline, 168, 176. Thomas, 146. Eiias, 244. ROGERS. Elisha, 244, 245. Freeman S., 168, 276. Elizabeth. 230. SHERMAN. Diantha, 242. Eunice, 24s- Ceiia A., 287. Edward 0., 176. Ezra, 245. Daniel. 286. l•anny W., 176. J es:.e, 245. Elizabeth, 286. Eugene F., 176. Joseph, 245. Langdon, 286. Elvira, 184, 189. Jotham, 244- Lucy Ann, 286. Lucina, 244, 246. Lucina, 287. ROBINSON. Martha, 263. Pl um ea, 286, 293. Emily S., 294. Mary, 14.1, 146. Rosamond, 287. Ellen, 285. 291. Rebecca, 235. ~·elcome \V., 286. Sarah A., 164, 171. Sarah, 146,147,148,235, 2-4-4. William, 283, 286. Susannah, 227\ 244, Ro ELOFSON. Thomas, 244. SHERWIN, Frederic E., 167. Anna, 304, 3-00. SAYWARD. EU ward lL, 312. RooT. Hannahl 337,351. Ellen A_., 312. Isabel, 204 209~ 1 Emma M., 312. Solomon W., 292. SCOTT. Henry H., 312. Ross. Alvin, 323. Josiah W ., 312, Alonw, 28o. John, 31B, 325. Marshall P ., 31~. WITH WHOM THE \VILDERS HAVE INTER.MARRIED. 391

Samuel, 11:2. SPEAR, Nancy, 154, 156.

Stephen 1L 1 311. Daniel C., 295. Nancy E., 165. William, 3u. Francis E .. 295. ( )1 is, -:i;o6, 3o8. Frederic H.~ 295. Rand.iii, 297. SHERWOOD. John T., 29s, Sophia, 235, 237. 1'-iargaretta, 212, 2:20. Oscar £ .. z8q, 295. Sasan, 308. Wiliiam l\l., 295, Susan A., IQ6. SIBLRY. Thoma~ L •., 308. Calista, 16si 172. SPENCER. Vashti, 165. Frances A., 273, 276,. Sn.SREE. Jane, 3.05. STE\'ENS. Anna, 307, lvhn \,..,., '276. Char1ottl'!1 317, 319. ~lary s., 290, 296. Elizabeth, 149~ SISSO'!'\, Anna L .. 217, 225, SPICER.. STJLE

l,ohn T .. 2171 225. Mary A., 343, r}shua~ 335, 342, !\.fartha E., :217. Laban, 329. J\.lary A., 217~ 225. SPRAGUE~ J\.iiie-'">, 341. Naomi L .• 217. Andrew, 345, 357 .. Marietta, 342. Olive 11.. 225. Benjamin, 357. :&.1artin 1 352 Orpha A., 217. Eliza. 357. :Nancy, i333· Stephen, 225. George W,, 357. J\ancy J•• 23r. ii.try, 357• Nancy l\1., 341, ~53· SKI:SNER. Samuel, 357. Peter, 338~ Clarissa, 285. Sarah, 357. :,arah.., 197, 198. Lavinia, 283 1 285, Seth, 330. Sophronia, 34.i:. Susannah, 357. SMITH. STONE. Asenath, 29j, SPRINGER. Huldah, dr. c .. 292. I on a than, 204, 207. Caroline M .•• 88. l\1ary, 207. STRONG. Charles W., 338. Nancy, 204, 207. Elien. 278. Charles F., 331. Temf)Crrtn.ce., 329, ::\35--

Ebenezer1 230. STACEY. E. 217, 1b.ry, 1G.3. Harnct A~. :.ii:56 1 2';:14- ~ara.h 1 301. 392 INDEX OF OTHER NAMES

Henry, 155. Hannah, 212. UPHAM. Henry F., 310. Henry, 212. Gertrude, 276. John, 204, 2:iS. James, 212. Grace, 276. lohn A., 218. Jemima. 205. Henry P ., 273, •76. )ohn \V., 2o8, 218, 224. Joel, 200, 212. James B., 218. Lewis, 205. James C.~ 217. William, 212. VANARSDALE. Jane S .. 216, 225. Jacob, 209. Laura, 210, 231. TILESTON. La Royal, 216, 224. Amelia P .. 153. VANVALKENBURG, Lesrer, 208, 216. John B., 153, John, 278. 280. Lester D. \V., 216, 224. 1'.!ary W., 153. Mary J., 28a, 282. Louisa M., 218. 1'largatet H., 1.53. Nancy E., 28o, 282. Lucy W., 216, 224. P oger E., 153. l\lana w· .• 31:0. Wilder, 153. VARNEY, Mary A., 2:-.!4. Ruth S., 317. Mary J., 216. TISKHAM. Rebecca, 320. Orpah, 2o8. Mrs. Sarah, 337. (ithnicl. 154. VINAL, Robert D. W., 216. ToaEv. Eliza A .• 320. Royal C., 224. Mary A., 286, 293. Samuel L., 208,217. s., 292. Vos&. Susan R .• 216, 2-25. Ida, 361 •. Wilder B., 224. TODD. John T. C., 361. ~-illiam H., 310. Franklin, 174. Lydia E., 36,. Andrew, 357. .Mary, 361. TEMPLETON, Peter K, 355. Catharine, 257, 26o. "J.'ORREY. Anna G., 21i;i. TENNEY. Augustus, 209, 219. WADLEIGH. Alfred, 239. Emma A., 219. James, 30'/•, Judith L., 219. THAYER. Louisa J., 279, 28"1. WAGll:R. Alfred A., x.64. Polly, 219. Ambrose, 314, Cora, 179. Eih•..abeth, 302. Eliza A., 237, 241. Tow,m. Henry W., 314. Henry R., 156. Jsaiah, 343. Mary, 285, 293. Joshua, 343. VlAITE, Sarah, 292. Matthew, 327. James, 267._ Rebecca, 352. Joshua, 267. THACHER. Mary, 267. Sarah M., 057. TOWNE. Phebe, 267. R~b~cca, 339. Seth, 267. THC.MAS. Wilham S, 340. Susannah, 267. Caroline W., 350 .. .Ehza, 340. TowNSBNn. WAKEFIELD • Foxweil N.l 333, 340. Areth usa, 230. Julia W ., 2o8, 216. John, 350, " Sarah, 1,50, 315. Joseph. 244. Lucy, 3,50. Mary, 252, 254. Lydia, 337, 350. TRASK. ~iarc1a L., 350. Josiah, 317. 319. WALKER. Mary F ., 3,0. Josiah VI., 319- Charles S., 353. Nancy, 340, Sarah, 319. Elizabeth C., 353. Nelson, 340. Ella, 14' 353. Priscilla H., 300. TUCKER, Harriet f.., 353, Sarah L., 350. Martha, 29-4. Obadiah, 341, 353. Sylvan us, 337,. 350. Sally G., 333. William H., 350~ TURNBULL. Solomon, 209. Lucy, 215. TKOMi>SON', WALLACE, JJiantha, 267. Tt7ITLll:. Annie C., 3r4. Eliza, 266. Allison 0., 175. Belle, 314. .Elmi.ra, 267. Charles S., 175~ Edith, 314. Helen M., 288, 294. Eugene, 168, 175. Hannah 1 3n1 314. Mary E., 349· G. N., 299. Ida. 314. Ge0rge W., 175. William, 311 1 314. THORNTON. Lorania L., 307. Martha S.~ 341, 353. WALTON. • TWITCHELL. E. P., 258. THURS'l'ON. Orlando, 238. :Sophia, 304. Reuben, 236, 238. \VARNER, Reuben W., 238. Elvira, 181, 183. Tho mas, 159. TU.FAN\'. 'l'n.ER. Anna, :;i12. Apphia1 3o61 3n. Bet::-.y, ::05. £i,,ther, 2o6. WARREN. Consider, 20:l, 205. c., 1.55. l>olly. 205. Daniel. 155.. Elijaf;, 212. U!--DFRWOOD. JoseJih, 325, 3'.:l6. Ephraim, 20 s~ Dexter 1 341. Lucretia1 204, 210, WITH WHOM THE WILDERS HAVE INTERMARRIED. 393

Nancy B., 162, 16<]. James, 159. Samson. r48, Priscilla, 326. Lillian, 234. Susannah, 1i48. 1v1artha, 148, 252-. Thomas, 147. WARD. Mary E., 152. Wilder, 148. Mary, 164. Mary W., 152. Nathan, 33), 340. Wn.LIAMS. \VARE. Nancy, 340. Anna \:V.~ ~, JOI, Mary E., 214, 223. Sarah,304. Arthur,\'., 301. ShubaeL, 257. Ch~r1es, 299, 301. WASHBt.:RNE. ,vmiam H .• :133, 234. EdJth, 186. Louisa, 294. Elizab~th A., 298, 300. Lucinda, 252, 256. ,VHITING. Ella, 186. Rachel, 271. Eliab L., 273. Elmer W ., 3c1. El!dora, 301. J. H., 183. 'VATERMAN. WHITMAN. Hannah, 343. 11ary. 186. Deborah K., 3o6, 309· :Mary Ann, 183, 187.1 WATSON. Robert, 186. Cecilia, r66, 174. WHITl'iEY, Sarah, 186. David, 254. Andrew J., 273. Thomas H.t 167,182,186. Relief, 29i . WEi>B. .Sarah, 197, 198. WILLIS, .Marcia K., 259, 262. Silas, 198 . Ebenezer, 342.

WEBSTER. WttJTON VlILMARTH. Geo. P ., 28o. Blossom, 334. Edwin~ 164, Lyman L., 282. Charles, 335. Charlotte, 334• WILSON. WELCH. Eliiah, 329, 334, 343• Caleb, 251:. Mary A. H., 153. Elizabeth1 334. David, 251. Hosea, 335. Elizabeth. 25g.~~. WELLES. Isaiah, 334. Hephzibah, 25L Charles, 182. Martha. 335. Herbert G., 223. Jame:,., 181, 182. Mary. 325,326, 334. Jacob, 23r. _Josephine E .. 28o, 282.. Merritt, 334• Jonathan, ;r:48, z51. 212. Patty, 335. 251, Prudence, Luke1 Olive l\1., 339, 352 • Lois, 2-5h WELLMAN. Priscilla, 335. Loui:'.a, 230, 231. Eunice A., 287, 294. ~ru~ence, 335. Mary H., 171. I ers1s, 334. Mary W .. 16~. WESTON, Susannah, 327, 3~5- Mercy, ::51. Harriet E., 323. Sybil, ~35. Polly. 333, 34o. James F., 323. Tamesm, 334. :r;komas A., 215, 223. .Mary E., 323. Theophilus, 335~ Sarah H., 323. Walter, 334. WINCHESTER. William, 323. Zecha.riaht 329, 335• Enoch W., r82, Ephraim, 323. WicKRs. \VJSEWELL, WE\'MOTH. Emily, 23t. Caroline B., 2.20. Abigail, '.l45, 248, James P., 231. Henry A .. :.:20. John, zog, 220. WHF.ELER. WICKHAM. WELLiNGTON. 1t:z:el, 182. Edith, 202. 320, Daniel. -r82. Fanny. 202. Ann :tii-1., Josiah W., 308. Wm. H., 202. 'Betsey, 319, 320. Jo!-enh, 182. Charles, 320, 320. :Martha, 1821 186. Ellen 1..., WJLLA.RD. Francena, 320. Mary, 159. 227, 228. Abigail, 148. Phebe, r 48, 243. George., 320, Abner, 148. Thomas, 317,320. Polly, rqr .. Anna, 147. Suphi~-1. A.~ 212,221. Benjamjn, 265. William H., 166. WnRTHINGTO!.,;, Elizabeth, 147. Evdine S., 319. Zipporah, 149. Ephraim, 147. hunice. 265. \Vnon. ,vm:rnLnCK, Henry, 2t15. Abib,:..iil, 164,171. Austill, 299. Hezeki:;h, 146, I47• ~­ Carrie 32.1, Chauncy. 299, Jo~eph, 146. J ., Phineha-.,, 298, 299. David A, 1 32"3. Josiah, qC. l·.rneiine, 18r. 184, Polly, 299. Lewis, 265. Emm

Jane E., 281. ,Villiam. 187. Caroline, 279. joshua. 254. William T., 187, lJorcas, 279, Eli1.a, 279. \VR7GHT. Hannah, 279, Chauncy. 192. YALF.. Joh11i 279. Julia. 258. R. 111., 320. Lucinda, 279. Sarah, 329, 336. YorNG. J\athan, 279. Philena, 279. WYKOFF. · James K., 251. Cyrus G., 273. Sarah. 279. Sophronia, >79• '\\1Y!11AN. ZnLL. ]\-fary, i87, Alexander, i78, i79,