Sebastian Giwa, PhD, NASA Research Park Cell:+1-857-222-6669 Organ Preservation Alliance Building 20, S. Akron Road
[email protected] Co-Founder, President & CEO Moffett Field, CA 94035n Alliance For Immediate Release: World-Leading Surgeons, Scientists and the Organ Preservation Alliance Applaud Defense Department Initiated First-Ever Government Grant Programs Targeting Organ Cryobanking for Transplants December 22, 2014, NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, CA – The Organ Preservation Alliance, a Silicon Valley nnonprofitonprofit working to savsavee millions of lives by catalyzcatalyzinging breakthroughs in the storstorageage of organs, together with woworld-leadingrld-leading transplant surgeons and scientists on the Alliance’Alliance’ss medical and scientific advisory boards, jointly ccongratulateongratulate the UU.S..S. Department of Defense (DoD) on its announcement of the first-ever multi-million dollar grant funding poolspools dedicated to research on organ and tissue banking technologiestechnologies.. On January 15, 2015, the DoD will open three separaseparate,te, but complementarycomplementary,, organ crcryopreservationyopreservation grant programs. These programs could together fund research for 20 or mormoree leading American research tteams,eams, with strong, individual teamsteams potentially receiving $3-3.5 million across different phase 1 and 2 awards. These business innovation (SBIR) grantgrantss aimedaimed to support U.SU.S.. commercialization of science while achieving militamilitaryry health goals. Sebastian Giwa, PhDPhD,, President and CEO of the Organ Preservation AlliaAlliance,nce, said: “This bold step by the DoD will enable the crcrucialucial breakthroughs needed to create a future in whichwhich we can stop biological time for human organs, in much the way that we have, for decades, been able to bank stemstem cells, human eggs, sperm and embryos.” “35% of all deaths in the UU.S..S.