Cass City Area Escapes Major Storm Damage
ryrrt- --L J,q2r‘2Fl E!!ti;;EF,\ L,kn;Cl;-zhi-_- y! L;:.t4 VOLUME YO, NUMBER 13 CA; CASS CITY. MICHIGAN[TY - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1996 CHRONICLE FIFTY CENTS 16 PAGES PLUS ONE SUPPLEMENT County hard hit Cass City area escapes major storm damage Cass City area residents possible so road crews can counties to secure a presiden- Saginaw County, where a were spared the wrath of get their work done. tial disaster declaration. “If tornado roared through the weekend storms that roared Tuscola County, along with we could do that,” he ex- business district without through the Thumb Friday Saginaw, Lapeer, Sanilac and plained, “that would open the warning Friday at about night, wreaking havoc on St. Clair counties, received door for residents to at least 1 1 : 10 p.m. roads, bridges, drains, homes an official disaster declara- get low interest loans.” and other property. tion from Gov. John Engler While residents of Tuscola The twister damaged or de- While Cass City received Saturday. and surrounding counties stroyed some 50 homes as only a quarter-inch of pre- “Now, it’s just a matter of will feel the effects of the well as some businesses and cipitation Friday, much of putting together the num- recent storm for some time, the city library. Miracu- Tuscola County was deluged bers,’, Jashinske said, adding most areas fared better than lously, there were no reports with 5 to 7 inches of rain. an effort is underway by the Frankenmuth in eastern of injuries. Tuscola County officials are still trying to assess the dam- age in central, southern and HEAVY RAINS CAUSED high water in the Cass City area earlier last week, nearly western sections of the Farm visits set county.
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