Nnar Eiilorailtil
Frcn 8. T.t - 90 v n Sierra, Mcb. 30. - s.r.r , 7 rrMatioa, Mcb. 31. Froa TftiteosTcrt .Ml 1 . Mikara, Apr. 22. For TuteoiTcri Niagara, Apr. 21. 5 Evening BulleUn. Est. 1882, Na 581S. 22 PAGES. HOKOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, SATURDAY, MAIICII 2S, 1914. 22 PAGES. PRICtt FIVE CE2iT3 Hawaiian Star. VoL XXI. No. 855. 11 nnar m T7' flF;R!'"f',, John V. Francis, CAP. PENHALLOW Governor of Texas ( 'I. Civil Yar Veteran, Yould Send Rangers Answers Last Call DIES AS RESULT Across Rio Grande --7 J OF BROKEN HIP - - Lsktil UUuy iicnei t mmmi m, ay $ Well-kno- wn Prom- Con- Promice Hade That Souza of Kohala Willi be Master and i Rebel General Telegraphs That Fighting Dismissed is Believed by Pacheco to'be Error inent Mason Suffered Acci-- tinues to be Heavy and That He Exp2ct3 to dent on March 9 V Inspired by His Opponent for the Post-- ; Occupy Torreon Sometime Tonight mastership of Honolulu Resigna- - REMAINS COMING HERE 240 Creusot Cannon and 10,000,000 ; IN THE S. S. MANOA March 1 2 ! Rounds Ammunition Purchased tion Took Effect ! Htnr-BuUft- ! ' ln Cable . - (Special VVas in Best: of Health Up to I . AMOoiated Irs3 Catll 2S-IroiI- sIonal arp WASHINGTON, D. March 28. M. C. Pacheco is out -- .PARIS France, March lrcsUrnt Haerta's arrnU ; C, of Suffering - Fall , Time busily engaged in this city porrhaslng a run and amnianltloo. That fur of the running in the fight for the postmastership of Honolu- : 10,(;CO,()00 ammunition been pur on. Inspection Tour , 210 lYeasot cannon and ronnd.4 of hate chased for delhery next week.
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