1 Introduction: Taking Testimony, Making Archives
Notes 1 Introduction: Taking Testimony, Making Archives Notes to Pages 2–5 1. K. Gavroglou, “Sweet Memories from Tzimbali.” To Vima, August 29, 1999. 2. I am indebted for the use of the term personal archive to a panel organized by colleagues Laura Kunreuther and Carole McGranahan at the American Anthropological Association Meetings in San Francisco in November 2000, entitled “Personal Archives: Collections, Selves, Histories.” On the historian’s “personal archives,” see LaCapra (1985b). 3. On the history and theory of collecting and collections, see, for instance, Benjamin (1955), Stewart (1993), Crane (2000), Chow (2001). 4. The interdisciplinary literature on memory is voluminous, including studies on the “art of memory” from antiquity to modernity (Yates 1966; Matsuda 1996); monuments, public commemoration, and “lieux de mémoire” (Nora 1989; Young 1993; Gillis 1994; Sider and Smith 1997); photography, film, and other kinds of “screen memories” (Kuhn 1995; Hirsch 1997; Sturken 1997; Davis 2000; Strassler 2003); public history and national her- itage (Wright 1985; Hewison 1987; Samuel 1994); and trauma, testimony, and the “sci- ences of memory,” such as psychoanalysis (Langer 1991; Felman and Laub 1992; Caruth 1995, 1996; Hacking 1995; Antze and Lambek 1996); as well as many theoretical analy- ses, review articles, and comparative cultural studies (Connerton 1989; Hutton 1993; Olick and Robbins 1998; Bal, Crewe, and Spitzer 1999; Ben-Amos and Weissberg 1999; Stoler and Strassler 2000). 5. For commentaries on the “memory boom” as a “postmodern” phenomenon, see Fischer (1986), Huyssen (1995). James Faubion has argued that anthropological interest in history and memory might be ascribed to astute “participant observation” of a world in which the past has become the “privileged ground of individual and collective identity, entitlements, of la condition humaine,” but charges nonetheless that “anthropologists have been more likely to reflect this transformation than reflect upon it” (1993b: 44).
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