What word would you use to describe Friendship Circle?

LOVE WELCOMING EXCEPTIONAL Elana Levitan* Hannah Morris,* President Noah Cape Academy, 11th Grade Seattle Academy, 11th Grade The , 10th Grade

INCREDIBLE INSPIRING REWARDING Drew Cohen Clare Spiegel Micah Gonchar Issaquah HS, 10th Grade Issaquah HS, 11th Grade Seattle Academy, 11th Grade

COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION AMAZING HEARTFELT Mackenzie Martinez* Ali Dickstein* Sam Castellanos Hannah Wahl The Center School, 12th Grade Mercer Island HS, 11th Grade Mercer Island HS, 11th Grade Roosevelt HS, 11th Grade

Ballard High • • Bellevue High School • Bush School Cascade Parent Partnership • Eastlake High School • Eckstein Middle School French American School • Hamilton International Middle School • • Islander Middle School • • Issaquah Middle School • Jewish Day School • Lake High School • Liberty High School Mercer Island High School • MMSC Day School • Nathan Hale High School Newport High School • NYHS • North Seattle Community College • Open Window School • Overlake School • • Redmond High School • Redmond Middle School • Roosevelt High School • Seattle Academy of the Arts & Sciences • Seattle Girls’ School • SHA • The Center School • University of Washington • *denotes Executive Board FRIENDS@HOME Friends @ Home gives children with special needs the chance to bond with teen volunteers in their own home. Volunteers and children get together regularly to play games, read, bake cookies or just have fun. Having a friend over to play—an activity taken for granted by most children—creates feelings of belonging and self-worth in a child with special needs.

SUNDAY CIRCLE SUN Sunday Circle enables children with special needs to come together in a supportive environment for positive social interactions while receiving one on one attention from a teen volunteer. Participants are paired up with a buddy and enjoy activities such as art, music and Kung Fu. The children develop important life skills while moms and dads get a much needed respite. The experience also transforms our teen volunteers into advocates as they develop the values, sensitivity and skills to become tomorrow’s leaders.

BIRTHDAY CLUB Children with special needs are often excluded from birthday parties and miss out on opportunities to socialize. The Friendship Circle brings kids together to eat cake, celebrate, and see their friends. The agency hosts bi-monthly birthday and holiday celebrations for children with special needs and their families.

LEADERSHIP BOARD Several outstanding Friendship Circle teen volunteers are chosen to be on the Leadership Board each year. As members, they commit to weekly volunteering and participate in special projects related to community organizing and fundraising. The teens help recruit new volunteers and gain valuable leadership, communication and job skills.

SUMMER CAMP Summer Camp provides a chance for children to participate in fun and educational activities that build social, emotional and physical skills in a supportive environment. The sense of inclusion, importance, and participation in a loving community of peers is a unique opportunity for participants.

SIB CIRCLE Sib Circle provides a safe space where siblings of children with special needs can discuss their feelings and receive support and attention. Each workshop is designed to encourage discussion and communication. Sib Circle also enables children with similar experiences to form friendships of their own.

TEEN SCENE Teen Scene bridges the gap between typical teens and teens with special needs by enabling them to enjoy fun and meaningful experiences together. Teen Scene helps participants develop life skills such as banking, grocery shopping, or applying for jobs. MOM’S NIGHT OUT Mom’s Night Out gives mothers an opportunity to support each other while enjoying an activity such as yoga, painting or spa night. This support group of women is a much needed moment of respite and is imperative to maintaining positive mental health while raising a child with special needs.

TEEN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS General hands-on sensitivity training for teens on a range of topics.

MVP - MITZVAH VOLUNTEER PROGRAM The Friendship Circle Mitzvah Volunteer Program (MVP) engages 12 and 13 year olds in volunteerism and community involvement in a hands-on way. Volunteering with the Friendship Circle is a serious, year- long commitment, one that younger teens are often not ready to make. The MVP program enables these youth to be positively involved in their community, but requires less of a commitment. MVP youth receive sensitivity and general volunteer training, preparing them to become active community members & FC volunteers.

COOKING CIRCLE Cooking Circle integrates essential life skills training with the social interaction unique to The Friendship Circle. The activity provides an innovative way for teens with special needs to learn about nutrition. With the support of their teen volunteer buddies and the guidance of trained nutrition professionals, Cooking Circle participants will learn how to plan, shop for, and cook healthy meals.

“THE TEEN HEROES WHO DONATE THEIR TIME TO THE FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE ARE INSPIRING AND PROVIDE AN INDICATION OF THEIR FUTURE COMMITMENT TO MAKING THE WORLD A MORE ACCEPTING, TOLERANT AND JOYFUL The 11th Annual Heroes Gala, which honored Stacey and Dan PLACE TO LIVE.” Levitan and 150 teen hereos, was the most successful event to PATTY LAZARUS, EVENT CHAIR date. On May 15th, more than 500 friends and community leaders gathered in support of the Friendship Circle and in celebration of the dedication and hard work of our teen volunteers. The dinner raised over $500,000 for Friendship Circle programs. Funds will enable the organization to serve more children, help create continuing generations of teen leaders and build more inclusive friendships.

On October 7, more than 700 children, families, sponsors and partners came out to participate in the much anticipated annual “Walk with Friendship”. The walk is a special day to raise awareness around inclusion and to celebrate the fundraising efforts of all of our teams and individuals. Funds raised through sponsorship or event participation helps us serve even more children and families who need our vital programs and support.

ChaplinsBellevue Subaru Otto-Matic

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Avinoam Baral John & Alison Burchett Avishai Baral Jennie Burns Steven Baral Cynthia Burr Joseph & Karyn Barer Janis Burroughs Michelle Barnes Dan & Jill Calvo Sheryl Barnes William Campbell Joel & Sarah Baskin Bill & Christine Campbell Sanjay & Kate Batra Eric Candell Jacquie Bayley Benjamin Cape Aurora Bearse Michael Cape Julie Beckman Noah Cape Michael Beers Robert & Bonnie Cape Paula Begoun Bruce & Esther Caplan Helene Behar Pearl Caplan Howard Behar Herb & Hagar Carr Jay & Michelle Behar Martin Michael Casey ANNUAL Craig & Jill Beilinson Boris & Margaret Castellanos Tamar Ben-Dov Yehuda & Chana Chakoff Avi & Keren Ben-Menahem Jeannie Chance Robert & Susan Benardout Kent & Barbara Chaplin DONORS Larry & Sherry Benaroya Jane Chiong Tamar Bendov David & Julie Chivo Samis Foundation Michael & Rinah Benoliel Howard & Holly Chizeck CORPORATIONS Schultz Family Foundation Eric & Gloria Bensussen Chris Clark-Talley Adobe Isador Simon Family Foundation Larry & Shelley Bensussen Tamara Clarke Susan Benyowitz Marci Clevenger Alaska Airlines The Sunbridge Foundation Rachel Bernbaum-Goodman Gaby Clingman American Life Inc. Tulalip Tribe Charitable Fund Boeing Daniel & Carolyn Bernhard Bobby & Beth Cohanim John & Kelly Bernhard Porta Lee Cohanim Chaplins Subaru DONORS Aaron & Ruth Bernstein Gordon & Trisha Cohen Classic Accessories Marco & Molly Abbruzzese Neal & Leslie Bernstein Michael & Suzanne Cohen Commerce Bank Irwin & Mila Abouaf Louis Beryl Steve & Susie Cohen Costco Alan Abramson George & Jane Beyer Mark & Nettie Cohodas Deniham Corporation Tom & Anne Acker Brian & Lisa Bienstock Melissa Cole International Marine Industrial Sean & Sue Adelman Fleet Foundation Bishop Kim Comstock Market Optical Amy Adler Diana Black Sean Corcoran Microsoft Joshua Adler Perry & Sandra Bloch Carla Corkern MinuteMan Press - Bellevue Joshua & Amy Adler David & Vivian Blum Kevin & Gail Coskey Providence Health & Services Kate Adler Bruce & Ann Blume Erin Crawford Katherine Adler QFC Rodney Blumenstein Moshe & Bracha Cress Steve & Nance Adler Eileen Bocci Campbell Tim Cress Safeco Insurance David & Jennifer Adut Elazar & Esther Bogomilsky Dino & Jeannine Cristofilis Seattle’s Childrens Jay & Adrien Agoado Samuel & Yehudis Bogomilsky Ian & Aurora Crosby Wells Fargo Yonatan Ahdut Yitzy & Etty Bogomilsky Kit Cudahy Swedish Medical Ron & Noreen Akins Robert & Jacqueline Bollen Greg & Barb Damon Jennifer Alam David & Jennifer Bolnick Rick & Lara Davis Jim & Catherine Alchin Mary Ann Bolte Roderic Davis FOUNDATIONS Roly Alhadeff Michael & Marianne Bond Lucia De Funis Issac Alhadeff Foundation Brett & Ellen Alkan Bruce & Tina Borrus Lilly De Jaen Benaroya Family Foundation Jim & Catherine Allchin Harvey & Kimberly Bowen Krijn & Judy De Jonge Brookshire Green Foundation Eli & Rebecca Almo Kathy Braddock Sharon Debb Whilliam V. Campbell Foundation Jeff & Shari Altchech Simcha & Valerie Brandeis BJ Denihan Jerry Anches Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation Colin Brandt Brian & Sandra Denny Claire Angel Kevin & Elisabeth Britt Jim DePeso Greenstein Family Foundation Sylvia Angel Felicia Brooks Ben & Sarah Dershowitz Jewish Federaton of Greater Seattle Cindy Angelo Zan & Bert Brookshire William & Susan Dershowitz The Max & Anna Levinson Anonymous Gift Foundation Tim & Claire Brosnan Steve & Gina Dichter Kees Appleby Jeff Brotman Michael & Andrea Dickstein Levitan Family Foundation Jay & Rachel Ashberg Zane & Melissa Brown Jr. Dan Dixon The Loeb Family Charitable Foundation Wendy Auerbach Anna Brown Dan & Mimi Dixon Isaac & Elisa Azose Mercer Island Rotary Club Harry & Lauren Brown Dan & Sherry Dixon Foundation Jay & Dana Azose Zane & Celie Brown Francesca Donaldo Muckleshoot Charitable Fund Paul & Tamar Azous Michael & Kelly Browne Timothy Donlan The Norcliffe Foundation Roman & Lilliya Badabzhanov Iris Brumer Barbara & Barbara Dorr Mark & Ruth Balter Herman & Faye Sarkowsky Michelle Buetow Keith Dvorchik Charitible Foundation Elizabeth Banse Karen Bullard Keith & Alison Dvorchik Richard & Stacey Eastern John & Kim Giannone Julie Hirsch Stuart & Chana Esther Kaufman Zach & Stacey Eastern Pamela Gien Mike & Laura Hislop Ilan Kaufthal Keith & Danielle Eaton Eric & Stacy Gillett Peter & Stacey Hochfelder Craig & Carol Keebler Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Peter & Lisa Gillon Lillian Hollander Nora Kenway Elizabeth Ehrlich Jeffrey & Janet Gindin Derrick & Danae Hordyk Christy Kenyon Grant Ehrlich Jeff & Lora Ginsberg David Hornick Dan & Jo Kershaw Gail Eidinger Avremi & Chava Bayla Gitler Amnon & Revital Horowitz Meir & Frumi Kessler Nancie Eizen Deanna Godel Ed & Beverly Horwitz Imoniel & Mary Khaimov Elizabeth Dutton & Danny Shader Mike & Ilana Golan Brian & Alexa Huggins Sandra Kinderman Alice Elliot Jennifer Gold Caroline Hughes Stephen & Sheryl King Amanda Ellis Mitch & Dawn Gold Benjamin & Louis beryl Hutchinson Jason & Jane Kintzer Donald & Linda Elman Philip & Caryn Gold Allison Hyll Alan & Sandra Kipust Kate Emerson Robert Gold Garrett & Rachel Hyman Mitchell & Anne Kirschner Lawrence Engel Barbara Goldberg Mark & Nancy Igra Paul & Nancy Kirschner David Engelstein Leisa Goldberg David & Frances Israel Marion Kitz Jacob & Margo Engelstein Mark & Tziviah Goldberg Rick & Joyce Israel Adam & Lindsey Klaff Ed Epstein Martin & Marla Goldberg Julie Jablonski Jeff & Rivka Klaff Edward & Elaine Epstein Shlomo & Karen Treiger Goldberg Rob & Elizabeth Jacobs Sydney & Israella Kleiman Rick Eskenazi Arthur & Susie Goldman Tom & Sarah Janover Charna Klein Scott & Victoria Eskenazi Marshall & Lyda Goldsmith Simon & Lori Jawitz David & Nika Klinghoffer Ron & Jacquelyn Estrin Howard Goldstein Jody & Anneli Jefferson Jacob Kohn William Etkin Joel & Nancy Gonchar Kevin & Carol Jenney Roger & Kathryn Kohn Don & Deanne Etsekson Jordan Gonchar Jewish Learning Institute Adam & Michele Kohorn Paul & Nancy Etsekson Marc & Gina Gonchar Jennifer John Nissan & Mushka Kornfeld Jerry Evans Matt & Nancy Gordon Barbara Johnson Yichezkel & Devorah Kornfeld Aleah Farac Wayne & Alisa Gotel Rebbeca Kaden Elizabeth Krakow Bobby & Shaudi Farahi Norbert Gottenberg Gabi Kadish Bob & Barb Kramer Jon Farber Ellie Gottesman Ira & Susi Kadish Andrew & Nina Krasnow Mordechai & Ruchie Farkash Marla Gottschalk Marc & Debra Kadish Allan & Marla Krieger Jeff Fine Jean Goutal Ellis & Vera Kantor Bradlee & Sandy Kurland Rodney & Lauren Fisher Debra Gravelle Yael Kantor Lauren Kurland Steve & Patty Fleischman Phyllis Gravitz Betsy Karotkin Susie Kurtz Steven Fleischmann Beth Green Joel & Joanne Katzevman Andrew & Heather Lader Michelle Fleshman Clifford & Alyssa Greenberg Alan Forney Harvey Greenberg Bernie & Shirley Fox Martin Greene Nathan & Marcie Fox David Greenstein Harley & Lela Franco Jeff & Judith Greenstein Jack & Gail Frank Steven & Valerie Greenstein Rachel Freedman Harvey & Giselle Greisman Neal Freeland Claudio & Lori Guincher Robert Fried Sandra Gurkewitz Charles & Jill Friedman Erin Gurney Jon & Miriam Friedman Yankel & Amy Guterson Mary Frimer Frits & Myrna Habermann Deb Froct Kenady Hague Rebecca Froggat Andra Hall Jenell Fuchs Tammy & Dana Harken Richard & Barrie Galanti Kristy Harlan Jonathan Gallant James Harmon Yitzchok & Devorah Gallor Brian Haskel Anna Galperin Ben & Rubissa Sharona Joel & Lori Gamel Hassan Karen Gamoran Annette Hasson Ann Gardner Dan & Carloyn Hathaway Linda Garfinkel Doug & Jill Hawkins Dove Gartenberg Frank Hawkins Josh & Eva Gavant Janet Hawkins Hamutal Gavish Steve Hawkins “Friendship Circle has completely changed Jayden’s Stephanie Gebhardt Sandra Heinke quality of life in the most positive of ways. He had Linda Geffen Bruce Helberg Robert & Talby Gelb Ginny Heller never really had a friend until he was matched with Mesh Gelman Steven & Rachely Hemmat Sam. Sam sees Jayden every week and is like a part Eli & Eva Genauer Chris Hennigar of our family. Sally Gerling Debbie Heyer Philip & Ellen Gerson Samantha Hicks FOR US, THIS WAS THE MISSING PIECE.” Pam Rappaport, Mother of Jayden David & Sue Landau Pete McCormick James & Andrew Packman Paige Prill Richard Lane Ian & Sonnet Mckinnon Lauren Palk Adam & Jan Prossin Jonathan & Karen Langman Louise McQuade Marcia Palk Herb Pruzan Gary & Laura Lauder Patricia Mcquade Berel & Goldie Paltiel Herbert & Lucy Pruzan William Lauder Lauren Meade Joseph Paluska Martin & Tami Rabin Aaron & Amy Lavin Nancy Meade John Pantowich Bill Radke Fran Lawson Sherri Meade Mikesh & Swati Parekh Eitan & Leah Radstone Hershel Lawson Craig & Robin Medin Anne Pariseau Matt & Amy Ragen Joe & Sharon Lawson Michael & Diane Medved Ben & Brooke Pariser Mimi Ramsey Mark & Evan Lawson Leah Medway Greg & Anne Paskett Josie Randles Robin Lawson Peta Mehlman Jim & Susan Pass Darrin & Pam Rapoport Steve & Debbie Lawson John Meisenbach Mark & Martha Patricof Yechezkel & Ora Rapoport Patty Lazarus Donald & Shelley Meltzer Lauren Pearl Michael & Susan Raskin Josh Learner Melinda Merrill Tad & Margaret Pearl Lisa Ratliffe Dave Lenox Jeff & Jamie Elyse Merriman-Cohen Mindi Pearse Beverly Reed Lisa Leon Shuki & Chana Meyer Chun Yun Peng Chad & Jennifer Reibman Nina Lesavoy Yehoshua Meyer John & Maggie Pepper Arnold & Anita Reich Aaron & Shira Levin Beverly Mezistrano Kirana Perera Scott & Scott Reiter Joshua & Irit Levin Bruce & Lori Mezistrano Stan & Joan Perkins Jane Repensek Kayla Levin Joe & Michelle Mezistrano Joel Peterson Peter & Debra Rettman Chaim & Techiya Levine Joel & Hoda Mezistrano Marlene Piha Zelle Rettman Charlotte Levinson Marilyn Mezistrano Russ Pillar Ellis Reyes Dan Levinson Rachelle Mezistrano Paula Podemski Lorne & Elizabeth Richmond Dan & Stacey Levitan Adam & Marilyn Mihlstin Billy & Ricca Poll Steve & Laurie Ritt Robert & Yanina Levitan Brad & Laura Miller Judy Poll Taya Riviera Alter & Debora Levitin Brett Miller Charles & Eleaner Pollnow Melissa Rivkin Levi & Bancha Levitin Jeremy Miller Scott & Karin Pollock Jeff & Briana Roberts Shirley Levitin Jeremy & Barbara Miller Edee Polyakofsky Jonathan D. & Elizabeth Roberts Shnear & Chaya Levitin Jody Miller Dmitri & Rebecca Polyakovsky Richard & Colleen Robertson Ilana Leviton Stephen & Eve Milstein Terry & Erica Posner Matt & Lisa Robinson Elie & Miriam Levy Pete & Charlotte Minich Ofra Levy Edwin & Pnina Mirsky Clayton Lewis David Mohlman Andrea Lieberman Robert Monsky BEING A LEADER MEANS PUTTING Ben Linder Scott & Valerie Moore Erik & Andrea Lines Carrie Morgan OTHERS BEFORE YOU. Friendship Circle Patricia Lipton Michael & Linda Morgan Jennifer Liss David & Renee Morris gives you that experience because there Stanley & Harriet Litt Ian & Lisa Morris Stephanie Livers Kaylee Morris is nothing more rewarding than being able Don & JoEllen Loeb Stanley Morten to provide children with something so Richard & Francine Loeb Eleanor Moscatel Brian & Betsy Losh Neiso Moscatel basic and essential as Friendship.” Albert & Esther Lott Kiwa Nadas Jeremy & Elicia Lott Sally Narodick Friendship Circle Volunteer Martin & Sharon Lott Rick & Jodi Negrin Gordon & Michal Lotzkar Marty & Melissa Nelson Douglas & Ellen Lowey Vernon & Elizabeth Jacob & Talia Lunon Neppe Julie Lyss Nissim & Judy Neuman “ Alex Lytle James F Newell III Justin & Amy Magaram Jon & Naomi Newman Douglas Maguire Omri Nimni Shushanik & Galina Manashirova Balke & Molly Nordstrom Saifo & Frumi Marasow Dodi & Rachael Nov Michael & Lisa Margolies Helen O’Neill Emily Marks Louise Obadia Augustin & Augustin Martinez Rourke & Rourke Obrien Joel Martinez Kristina Olafsson Joel & Leigh Martinez Shai & Taryn Omran Neiso Mascatel Andrew Oshrin Katie Mason Andrew & Michelle Gary & Erika Matt Oshrin Daniel & Rosie Mattio Judith Osman Ron & Ann Dee Mayers Casey & Christy Otley Marius & Janet Rochon Allan Sherrif Lloyd Tucker Rochelle Romano Donald & Bobbi Shifrin Bobby & Lauren Turner Judy Rosen David & Rose Shinder Laura Umetsu Samantha Rosen Neal & Sarah Shore Kimberly Vance Stan & Michele Rosen Shimon & Michelle Shriki Stewart & Stephanie Vassau Dan Rosenberg Sharon Shuffler Manlio & Gail Vecchiet Samuel Rosenblatt Alan & Carol Sidell Michael & Stacy Vinnick Jay Rosenbloom Stan & Iantha Sidell John Vogan Norman Rosenbloom Jolie Siegel Brian Volkert Mark & Susanne Rosenkranz Ani Sieler David Voluck Dan & Alex Rosenstein Brad & Jan Silverberg Magen Wade Josh & Susie Rosenstein Lori Silverstein Nomi Wagner Bean Chaim Roslen Jill Simon Gregory & Ilyse Wagner Erin Ross David & Shirley Sinclair Steve Wagner Neil & Liz Ross John & Mary Ann Sindorf Martin & Deb Wahl Phil Rotner Suzanne Skone Alan & Kim Waldbaum Marc Rousso Anita Skop Neil & Lisa` Wallack Alexis Rubenstein Larry & Amy Slate Mike & Dina Wampold Elihu Rubin Marc Sloan Tom & Tali Wang anna Smilanksy is the ideal Mitchell Rubin Michele Slotemaker Jennie Warren HFriendship Circle volunteer. Thomas & Nina Rubin Laura Smith Jim & Andrea Watson Hannah, who has befriended three Arthur & Ellen Rubinfeld Scott & Joanne Smith Anne Way children over the past two years, David & Margaret Rudin Michael & Wendy Spektor William & Lindsay Webster Dan & Yuki Sacks Janet Spiegel Julie Weed came to Friendship Circle in her ju- Kenneth Sacks Ron Spiegel Carol Weeks nior year in order to earn communi- Susan Sacks Ronald & Ronnie Spiegel Michael & Lesley Weichbrodt ty service credits. Madrienne Salgado Joel & Jackie Spitz Yarden Weidenfeld Ari & Shelley Salomon Robert & Kathleen Spitzer Perry Weinberg Erin Sammons Tracy Squillace Yakov Weingrow annah shares her feelings on James & Sedona Sanchez Marjorie Starnes Mark & Kim Weinstein Hher summer camp experience; Aaron & Joanna Sandorffy Harvey & Irina Stein Ron & Devorah Weinstein “Working with children with special Steve & Esther Weinstein Walter Delaney Santarelli Irene Steinberg needs is something good. Faye Sarkowsky Gregory Steinhauer Jonathan Weintraub Steven & Stacey Sarkowsky Kate Stevenson Shoshanah Weisinger Yet, I never imagined Barbara Sayres David & Joy Stiefel Bettina Weiss Carl & Brianna Sayres Kimberly Stigliano Lowell Weiss that I would receive so Rachel Schachter Jason & Amanda Stoffer Peter & Robin Jennifer Weiss much in return, YOU Ilene Schaffer Sarah Stolberg Janet Wickersheim Jack & Lisa Schaloum Gary & Cindy Stratiner Christopher Wiggins BECOME PART OF A Gilbert Scharf Cynthia Stroum Sherry Williams Ludmila Schechtman Willie & Trilby Stump Patricia Willner COMMUNITY.” Gabriel & Nevet Scherzer Gary & Lily Stute Mindy Wilson Irwin & Babette Schiller Sarah Suenaga Ruth Wilson orking with the children at Marjorie Schmidt Bobby & Alayne Sulkin Kirby & Alison Winfield WFriendship Circle has even Teri Schneeweiss Erik & Kerry Sundholm David Wolf helped shape my career aspira- Jeff Schoenfeld Steve Sussman Judi Wolf Michael & Shainie Schuffler Michael & Elizabeth Sweeney Marshall & Judi Wolf tions. As a junior at Vanderbilt I Jeffrey Schwartz Tableau Robert & Lisi Wolf am studying child development Lee & Lisa Schwartz David Talberg Aaron & Amy Wolff with a focus on disability studies Steven & Peggy Schwartz Shmuel & Rosi Tennenhaus Jim & Marianne Wolff Girl Scouts Madeline Tessier Todd Woodruff and have become interested in Janet Seidel Sarah Thibaudeau Rachel Woodward developing better environments Danny & Elisabeth Shadder Lynne Thomas Amber Worden for children with special needs. Norman Nathan Share Cooke Thompson Stacie Worden Rachel Shaw Mikal & Lynn Thomsen Karen Wrinkle Jessica Shea Tim & Jane Tiscornia Moshe & Karen Yalovsky VOLUNTEERING HAS Matt & Jamie Shea Diane Titch Jennifer Yerkes Eli & Irit Shechtman Laura Tomaselli C. Yeshivaliness ALSO TAUGHT ME TO Marilyn Sheldon Rhonda Tomsic Charlene Yoritsune TAKE MY TIME & TO Evan Shereck James Toney Ze`Ev & Laurie Young Judith Shereck Rob Toren David & Shauna Youssefnia APPRECIATE PEOPLE Aimee Sheridan Libby Torrance Rose Yu Craig Sherman Erica Tripard Bernard & Evelyn Yudowitz OF ALL ABILITIES” Rich Sherman Merin Troutman Truist Ilan & Patricia Zawadzki David & Linda Sherran Lindy Tucker