Female reproductive system

Badil Lecturer Objectives: By the end of this lecture, the students will be able to: y List the organs of female reproductive system. y Understand the physiology of female reproductive system. y Elaborate the functions of female reproductive system. The External Genitalia of the Female/ y : majora and minora y : erectile tissue y Vestibule: vaginal and urethral orifices y Glands: Skene’s and Bartholin’s The External Genitalia of the Female/ Vulva y The labia majora are the outer "lips" of the vulva y Singular term labium majus y They are pads of loose connective and adipose tissue . y It is covered by pubic hair y It contains sebaceous ggglands and sweat glands y Medial to labia minora are two smaller fold of skin y Singular term labium minus y The labia minora are the inner lips of the vulva. y There is no pubic hair on the labia minora y It contains sebaceous glands y The labia minora ppgrotect the vaginal and urethral openings. Clitoris y It is small cylindrical mass of erectile tissues and nerves y Exposed portion of Clitoris is called glans. y It is highly sensitive organ. y Role in sexual excitement Clitoirs Clitoris

Internal organs

Ovaries y Female gonads y Almond shape y Production of ova y Progesterone y Estrogen Histology of Germinal epithelium y Simple epithelium y Cuboidal and squamous y It covers the surface of ovary Tunica Alboginea y Whitish capsule y Dense Irregular connective tissues y Located immediately deep to the germinal epithelium Conti.. Ovarian medulla y Deep to ovarian cortex y Blood vessels y Lymphatic vessels y Nerves y It consist of connective tissues Conti.. y Ovarian follicles y Follicus means little bag y Located in cortex y Consists of oocytes y Mature fo llicl e ( Graafi an f olli cl e) i s l arge, fl uid fill ed follicle that is ready to rapture and expel its secondary oocytes, this process is known as ovulation y Produces estroggpgen and progesterone Ovary structure Ovary

Uterine tubes y It is also known as fallopian tubes or oviduct y 10cm long y Composed of three layers y Mucosa y Epithelium (Ciliated columnar cells) y Lamina Propria (Areolar connective tissues) y Non ciliated peg cells – contains microvili-nutrition to ova y Muscularis y Smooth muscle ( Circular and Longitudinal) y Peristalsis contraction y Serosa y Situated between the urinary bladder and rectum y Fundus y Isthmus y y Internal Os y External Os y PiPerimet tirium y y Conti… y Inner layer of uterus is highly vascularized Uterus y It is tubular structure y 10cm long y Passage way for childbirth y Sexual intercourse y Outlet for menstrual flow y Situated between urinary bladder and rectum y Mucosa of the vagina continuous to uterus The Anatomy and Function of the Mammary Glands y Produce milk in females y Contain 15 to 20 lobes with lobules y Lobules contain milk-secreting cells y Milk is conveyyged through series of tubules y Areola: circular pigmented area around nipple Female breast