Survey of Current Business May 1926
UNITED ·STATES DEPARTMENT' .. \ ' '' . ' '6.F COMMERCE' ' ,'- ' ,, ' ,. L WASHINGTON· ·:u····· ·. R···•·V>E·····.··y····· .. o··.. · F·'. ·. •:S • ~ • • , •' ~ '', • ':': - ' " J '~ ,· I ' : '; ', ' ' I ' '• ' •' ', .' ·.' • , '' •' ~-: ',: c ,'~· ' ' ' ' •C·URRENT .BUSINESS ,', ',', ., '\ '' •.; .•" . ,; . ,r i .., l\. ~I ' COMPILED BY ,-i " - .,., - ,BUREAU .OF THE' CENSUS . B\YRE)\U()F·FOREIGN: ;\NO DOMESlJC:CO.MMERCE:; I. \' ··. ·,; ·· .. · BUR~AU. OF STAJSDAR.:b~ . , . ' ' IMPORTANT' NOTICE: '• ... ··, . ~ ,' :I ·I~ additWn UJ figUres, give'~!' from Govern.~nt' sbutces, tker.e ~~e ~io ·i~porated f01' completeness.of , . ,· service fig'Uf'es from other sources generally accepted by the traaes, the authority and responsibility )'for which· are ..Wted in .the ''Sources of Data" on pagB,s I52';IQ5 of ike }lebr,uary, I9~6~ #~e ' : -' J ··, ' '' ' !· ' . • ' /.,· . ,': ' '' . '; ' ·< ' - . ' ..; ( ,s~hs'eti~clon pric.~ of t~e S~VEY'· ~~ C~llhNT ;Btysi~sss i~ Sl.SO'a y~at:;: ~Ingle .. c~~i~s (monthly),l6· cerits;(semjannual .. i&su~s, 25 ·cent"c:J~:~reigti ~bs<;ription~, $2;25; single :copies (m{)rtthly issues), in~luding ,postage; 1:l ·ceqts; ·semiannl,lal ' ·.issues., 3~ cen\:s~ ;.~ Subsctiptic:>n ptiee of ·COMMERCE REPORTS is $4 a yf;ar; .-yvith, the $tfRV];!Y; $5.50 a y~ar;' . Make . .. re~tt~nces:.only 1:9.'S1tpetiri~ende9t of Do.,:t,~~e~ts,. Washingtqni D: 'G.; by. post~l, ·~on~y prder, e~p~ss 9r4er, ?r ,New ' ,~ '' · ' · . , Y,orr qraft. CUrrency, a! sender s nsk... :Po$tage stamps• or for~gn m9ney not accepte4. : · · · · .. · . ' ' ' ' . ; '' ,. ,, . ,; '· .·. ". ,, . · .. ,·· .. '~ ', "' ,, < ' ,', ~· ;\:' . INTRODUCTION THE SURVEY OF cUnRENT BusiNJ;ss is desig11ed to per cent over the base period, while a relative number present. ea,ch month a J?ic~u;re of thebusin~ss situatio!l of 80 means a decrease of 20 per cent from .the base.
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