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Georgia College Knowledge Box Colonnade Special Collections 1-1926 Colonnade January, 1926 Colonnade Follow this and additional works at: https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade Part of the Higher Education Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Colonnade, "Colonnade January, 1926" (1926). Colonnade. 12. https://kb.gcsu.edu/colonnade/12 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at Knowledge Box. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colonnade by an authorized administrator of Knowledge Box. VOL. I. GEORGIA STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., JANUARY, 1926. NO. 8 EXAMINATIONS ARE DRAMATIC COMMITTEE PERFECTING PLANS SPECTRUM TO BE CHANGES OF TWO APPROACHING; BEGIN FOR STUDENT VOL- CRAMMING NOW OF Y. Mf, C. A, TO UNTEER CONFERENCE PUBLISHED SOON CENTURIES ARE "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine" PRESENT PLAY The annual Student Volun- Margaret Meaders Named Editor- DISCUSSED teer Conference is to convene in-Chief of Annual; Anna If you will take this adage to at G. S. C. from Feb. 12-14. E. Branch, Business mind, Cast Selected for Monsieur The students from colleges Members of Faculty and Student Beaucaire Rehearsing Manager. There is no doubt you will find Body Speak throughout the entire state are That the earlier you begin' expected to attend. Miss Katherine Scott Hopes of Students to Be Realized cramming, Many Advancements Presented Before you begin your exam- is Director Go by (he Y office and as- in Again Having Annual; Stu- ining, sure Miss Goodson that sh© dents Pledge Support. What are tlie most important Much interest is toeing shown in Tin; easier Dame Knowledge can count on you to do your changes of the last twenty-five years ? will come the play "Monsieur Beaucaire" part in making this conference The CoMonade welcomes to the This question was discussed in a very To the pen betwixt your finger which is to be given in the early a great success. literary field its sister publication, interesting manner by the faculty of and thumb! spring. It is toeing sponsored by the THE SPECOIRU1M. G. S. C. W. at a recent chapel exer- This will be the first edition of cise. Dramatic Committee oif Y. W. C. A. the annual in several y^ars and every Because of the vastness of the Miss Katherine Scott is coaching and NEW SEMESTER effort is being made to make it a MILLEDGEVILLE TIMES question no one answer was decided supervising 'practices. The plot is success. | upon, but many suggestions were, well known and shoupld create quite BRINGS CHANGE IN Late Start EDITED BY GLASS thrown out by those members par- an interest among the girls on our It is true that the SPECTRUM has ticipating in the discussion. IN JOURNALISM The immense contribution of auto- campus. COLONNADE STAFF gotten a rather late start this year, I'but the student body is'anxious to re- mobiles and gasoline that made pos- Monsieur Beaucaire is an exiled Irene Lamkin Resigns as Business ' establish the custom of having a rep- Prof. W. T. Wynn Sponsors sible good roads and consolidated French prince who is disguised as Manager resentative year-book of the students Project schools was mentioned by Dr. Bee- a banner in Bath, England. He was and activities of the college. son as one of the most important exiled because he refused to marry Head Reporter and Joke Editor Students Cooperate Mildred Wright Heads Editorial changes or contributions of the the lady chosen for him toy the king Selected Staff times. This desire was made known when Mr. Scott spoke of the big im- of France. When in Bath he is in- recently at chapel the idea of an On Fetoruary first, the Colonade provement, as he said, "from with- troduced to society as the Duke de annual was presented by the ad- The class of Journalism through in". Today honesty is a common staff is to lose one of its business visory board, composed of the of- Chateaurien, and falls in love with the courtesy of Mrs. C. B. McCullar everyday thing. Twenty years ago managers. Due to the fact that her ficers of the three upper classes and and under the leadership of Mr. W. Lady Mary Carlisle, the beauty of the idea seemed to be, in a great degree work will be complete at that Dr. Parks, and was received most T. Wynn, published the January 15, Bath. Many 'people resent his ap- time, Irene Lamkin will not return many cases, to beat the other man; joyously by the classes. Each group edition of the Milledgeville Times today the one thought is to give pearance dm society for it has been for the Spring term. stood as it pledged wholehearted co- paper. The business department has been value received. This honesty, as Mr. rumored that he is a barber. Lady operation. quite successful under the direction This project was the culminationigcott pointed out, has made possible, Mary at once resents his advances. of Irene Lamkin, and Martha Hen- Margaret Meiiders^ Editor of the girls' desire to handle and among other things, the mail order Monsieurs brother arrives upon the dricks, and the entire staff regrets Under the direction of Margaret publish a paper and to get a deeper business, the delivery system by insight into the mechanics of news- scene proclaiming the real • identity the departure of this member. Meaders, as editor-in-chief, and the which goods are ordered and never paper work. It, also, followed the of the barber. Lady Mary at once Lucetta Lawrence, a member of business staff led by Anna Elizabeth seen until they are delivered, the policy of the college to put into apologizes but Monsieur returned to the editorial staff has been elected Branch, plans for a beautiful book sealed packages of food, and . the every course some real, practical ex- France to wed the lady chosen for to fill this vaeancy. Because of co- are being made, by the following system of paying iby check. "The pierence. The writing of various him. oiplerat.ion shown Tin the .bast 'by staff members: philosophy a* the basis of check- types of articles, the correcting of The cast is as follows: Lucetta, there is no doubt that she Editor-in-chief, Margaret Meaders. writing", he declared, "is that of proof, the arrangement of the paper, Monsieur Beaucaire—Katherine Bag- will be efficient in this new capacity, i Associate Editor, Eleanor Hatch- absolute honesty." the getting of news, in fact, all the ley. In addition, two others have been er. Dr. Daniels suggested that the duties and details of a newspaper Lady Mary Carlisle—Caroline Chen- invited to join this group. They are Business Manager, Anna Elizabeth efforts of the inferior races, as they office formed a novel and interesting, ey. Marilee Anderson, and Caroline Branch. are called, to take care of themselves (Continued on page 3) Duke de Winterset—Mary Joyce (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) were very note worthy. He 'believes Banks. that in a very few years the world Mr. Bantison—'Gladys Harden. will see these races asserting their Lady Maltoourne — Virginia McMi- rights, and making a struggle for chael. liberty. Lady Rellerton—Elizabeth Reese. The big changes in education ap- Estelle—Shorty Godlby. pealed to Mr. Thaxton. "While these Harry Rachell—Eleanor Hatcher. changes are far from a perfect com- Captain Badger—Margarite Jackson. pletion, each of them is a decided Lord Townbroke—Anne Bryant. improvement. Beau Nash—Marjorie Denmark. Dr. Weber recalled the many dis- Francois—Annie Candler. asters the world has seen during the Sir Hugh Gilford—Frances Harris. last quarter of a century, and the Lary Baring-Gould—Clifford Fowler. great lessons that have been learned Marquis de Mixopois—Mary Louise because of them. Warren. To Mr. Wynne the discovery of Henri—Mary Parker. the ability to weigh the' capacities of Molyneux—Jerry Harris. the human mind and the possibilities Winton—Mary Brian. ^ of that discovery were outstanding Lady Clarise—Ruth Reed. contributions.' Dr. Johnson called the attention of those present to the fact that the world now has. a concept of what. SUFFERING History is. The new concept is that I sat down on a bumble bee History is "a story of all the activi- In Mrs. Jackson's yard; ties of mankind", and not merely I sat down on a bumble bee: "past politics". The bee stung good and hard. A second point brought out by Dr. Johnson dealt with the change I sat down on a bumble bee, in one of the policies of Uncle Sam For just the briefest spell; that of acquiring land outside of the And I had only muslin on, continent. x\s any one could tell. Miss .Bailey, who' has just return- ed from the Centenial Convention of I sat down on a bumble bee, the National Academy of Design in- But I arose again; terested the chapel group by relating And now I know the tenseness of some of the changes in style. Humiliating pain. To Miss 'Oroiwell, the socialization By Nathalie Crane, the child poet. "The Mansion," home of Dr. M. M. Parks, President of the College, formerly the Executive Mansion. (Continued on page 3) FIRST S T U D E N T V O L - DR. CARL HOLLIDAY at the well where she had given Him Luxuriating on a Teacher's Salary. NEW R E C R E A T I O N UNTEER CONFERENCE a drink. How I spice my Living. EXCHANGE THE COLONNADE WRITES NOVEL SOCIAL CENTER B E I N G P L A N N E D 1 HELD F O R T Y Y E A R S A G O Jacob and Joan were married and How to Smile When Books Wont Fifty poor children of Columbia, balance.