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The Murray Ledger, June 10, 1909

The Murray Ledger

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Recommended Citation The Murray Ledger, "The Murray Ledger, June 10, 1909" (1909). The Murray Ledger. 135.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Murray Ledger by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I '» I ^CM •T N >11 THE MURRAY LEDGER. 1 t« VHI.. ;-'. ML. _ Ml'HHAY. KEXTt'CKY. THBMbli* \ Jl Ml' nam. 11.UU RT.U V KA IT. SM to applicant* for certificates and: •nt in t!i« parents, Mr. Kd Col ley ahd wife. FINED $75.00 this city: "If the result of ' l >» iu Ci* . CHOP REPORT The little daught -r of Mr. and he believes that by the use of HANBERRY race, as officially announced, in ri-uttier or Mrs. Boone-Micks is VL'ry »ick oT ethM* question* and studying uif- favur of Judge Uaubery, nobody tuitMuce. stomach trouble. isonv practical** illiterate per- .. . .. , ,,. ,, will offer him more hearty corw n*, whtcb Christian County. Farmer Who .•I l>v an • Kentuek) Department of Agri • Rev. Phillips, of Paducah, till- sons have secured certificates to Nominal,.*, f.,r C-MMII Krit,|,tions than myself.» ml, which iulture Keeping In Touch ed liia regtj|ar appointment at Sold iili* fouled Ttthiero teach. He is already at work in-' Judge. Defeating Judge ()n >cco„nt of th(. closeness of . I'very veatigating the matter and it i 111 tlieae . . , With the Condition. j the Christian church here last Plead* (iuilty. TKVra. P. Cook. the primary election, Judge Coot c in.liter, Sunday. may be that the examinations in said fie did not ~fnrv to lie quoted saver:-' .unties will be nullified ITLIMYCIY Mrs. IS. .L 1». Stevens spent further until the returns are got*- II. pt-rm:.- Agriculture Sunday with the family of her «».— and new ones held. It is said The primary e|eeti»n in ('alio-' over by the di*tri»l committee. cxterr...! ommissioner of •»'•"<"l'u r - M <-. Rankin gives out the de- daughter. Mrs. Ollie Boyd, near Tuesday was a busy time in cir-.that the .questions brought way county last Saturday" w»r Dynny Smith, who ran without payment's monthly bulletin of Brown's (irove. cuit court, quite a number of | per set to the sellers, j a very quiet affair. A total vote opposition for commonweath's crop conditions in Kentucky, j Mrt. Henry Cherry is on the cases being called and disposed Two.ctilored womkn who were of 2 1<»; was polled which indi- attorney, rweived about half of The department is keeping very: —-sickTut— . of, Wr-ie being dismissed, others- fottod'-with the questions in their catea that but little enthusiasm the votescast in the judge'a race, poaa. are already under ar- was aroused in the contest be- j His vote in HopkinsviUe was :»*>. closely in touch with the farmers. Arch Pullen and .wife, of Bur- being continued while several de- ihese being Almira Lr r The condition of wheat has tended singing at Coldwater last Friday but the defendant asked and and no tight was made in his be- 'ly. but .more ha s tickled over CMllTlft Scott. ; all p.-i. shown a considerable .endency 'Saturday night that it be set forward, which half by his friends, fponthe hi» new, tine apjietite, itrnng (urnatai toward improvement over last j Mrs. Desaie Paschall ami child- J was done and he accepted and The Fly Abomination. other hand active interest was uervea aud healthy vigor, ••auK- stomach, Lver and kid-_ month and with weather favora- ren, of Paducah, are visiting re- paid a fine of *75. This is one in H&oberrys behalf and nev« now work right. -JSk at will make a fair yield. lative... s here. . 1 of the several indictments re- The most dangerous animal in^0^ was fre'^ use,J in his in" i* inrUoi Male & StubbMfrld'l. " Corn planting has about' all - Mft. Tobe Huges is siek- *f t^a«d at the last term of court t only id the world is-the common house . , — -.. — . ^n finished, excent in several* neuralgia. jcharghg violation of the Crece- ! S S S been finished, except in several' nejiralgia. fly. This is the statement- o:' The vote of the county as Victim of Runaway Horse. lias law. RIIFLWM sections^where the rainfall has Joe Bridges went to Mayfleld back by conclusive evi- shown by the c^trial ret urns'is' It is 'believed that both the bven Tery great. A larger last Saturday on business, dence, A writer in Harper's j as follows: Little^Clare l/juise Wall, the ("EIRE W-N buyers and farmers who ..have C. FA, OA. aci -age. will be planted and more Mrs. Bill Riley is very sick of Weekly summarizes these facts * laix year old daughter ofHer- violated the law for selling pool- ft". Murray F.-TTR^ 205! attention to this crop will be .flux. about this animal most daugerous, bert Wall and wife, was-the vic- ed tobacco will receive heavy IL Murray, -156 m givPll Ilia* in many years. to health, arid the means of fight- Jlj-tim of* an accident Tuesday af- ___ , Everyone would be benefited .:..102 fines. In many eases the penal- ing it: Hazel Much rain has been favorable by uking Foley's Orino I.ixative • ternoon that nearly cost the ty -will be heavy. Fair .... 23 to those that had their ground |torconstipation, stomach-awd li*. The common house 11 y is a car- child lier life. The Smith & Par- N. Swann , .... 42 prepared for tobacco setting. er troo|,ie> „ jt .weetPEs the T i aroi I -serious results take rier of disease. Typhoid fever, kdr delivery horse ran a wax. S. Sv.ann .. VR 60 Many say. that much ground is BtoIlIllch oml gently sti. F ity't Kidney IJemedy at the diarrhoea, dyssentery. and tuber- starting at the McDaniel board- X. Concord.« 88 not ready and on account of ^^ the -liver and regulates tret cn of ki ,ney or bladder culosis are carried by flies. ing house and turned into Xorth S. Concord 90 mjch rain there is a large per tbe boweT7*T»4j« much superir.: | d:ForJ»r backache, uniu- Flies feed on food and also on '-j'Elkins street where the little Almo-.-'----'-— - S6 cent, not planted. There is also ^ pjjg tnd laxatines.-ery irregul tec, -exhaustion, filth. They go from .one to the Lg girl was playing near the front Jackson : 40 gate of the family residence, the? some complaint about plants be-: not trv j,-0|ey>„ t'irino Laxa- and- you will/ n be well. Com- other. In this way they cafry X. Briniley 28 hub of the vehicle struck the? ng scarce. Oats are looking tire todayV (fold by all Drug-! rr.ence taking Foley's Kidney disease germs to .the table? One S. Brinkley.. . - 70 well and promise to be a larger Renitdy to-day. Sold by all fly car convey six million bac- child in the temple f/acturinR [N. Liberty 90 crop than for the past few years. ' „.,... , , , l)r JSPIETS. ieria fier skull and rendering her un- S Liberty Ill Alfalfa is doing well and mak-, <-»"ahan Shot From Ambush, Flies breed in manure heaps, conscious for several hours. X. W. I'tley's Damage SniL ing a splendid yiejd. but the outhouses, refuse ash-pits and all Her life was despaired of for Ky., June TotaJ V...,NCTF 1002 weather is not good lox cutting . Jackson, decomposing animal or vegetable seme time but she has since ral- _ _ "former "sheriff—off Henry Bennett, who figured in- The official returns also shflw lied and. it is believed she.will the first crop. There is. not Callahan. matter, and unciean places. Do , . Mibueh'sunshine to"cure it j Breathitt county, was shot and a suit against Western Kentucky not allow decaying material of ,hat Denn>' P'Smlth' who ,h«d recover. should be The price of alfalfa fatally wounded this morning "inight riders," has had the case any sort to accumulate on or no opposition for commonwealths ranges from $12 50 to per early in front of his store at of N. W. Utley against him. Many of our citizens are drift- near your premises. If such ex--,attorney- , , polled less than one- ing towards. Bright-« difease by. tonand with such conditions asCTOckettsville by an unknown a.- United States District Attorney ist, cover with lime or kerosine half the votes cast. iiet»Vctlng sym[)t

-goofbenTCTOfr - T»xwi»» faB--i>ftef-tln»-Wu>s a> ifyou wtwt to. There was a large crowd at|"'ssf»1 an I is constant!} --r..« tion. them in as vot* get them. Now

cn.p of blackberry blooms and save r .-it V9J had better come in the W. O. W.-unveiling Sundav ,n favpr ,' The race between Jndses took.Live minks is what. 1

,thers in proportion. and sott e v hile yoiV have got the at Concord. Kv«r*ibodv had a «me«iv r- - *Hl* and llanl.ery has. m One- want.. Remember I will pay th«

Hemp is looking well. Prices: monev. Most of the toliacco is nice time. " -tobhlefieTd. l>een a strenuous one on the-r regular a.ivertised price and tho part, requiring the exercise of $jo.»io in gold comes, extra. - g vKl, ranging from live to six |OUtof th« hands of. the farmer The election is over and Han- Card of Thanks. great physical endurance. They .STEPJLKN A. DOLULAS. The Saw. and one-half cents per twir.d. and >e.U hsrcgiH all or a jiart of berry is our rwminee, now what...... —- value: hence po eW. for any do yQU thinkr • ^ "expend my ^^^ Farmington. Ky man who has either sold or de- U KNOW. LMG r^^^^tg^ every section, and usually sp^k- \d\ertised letters. -- ~f - — " . Itfrtred awv part of his tobacco to lions Stolen. "^bo^ who so ^. ingo t.»ve ^ ,, Tho qrmpaign - (the BMOciatieu'. Naw n hint — Ttdtoiiii fit i nr. A. i < hmfn.• nniicriiawniiiiv^^^eirmHaWP to.r to hrwutrv^mi ' AlteAh r olio weok Ihe iuliov^wnj; Tobacft) sitting is about over. I ^ w. e ^ i -hall goto berry, during his sicknessi anu frwmanvthinKlHie^rsonalabll9e mail will be sent to the Dead Health is ery good here now. u.vvjn>. these taSes.this fall. State Superintendent of Puli- death. Tho will be exer re- ^ mudg,inRjnK The ameniUes Letter Office: lic Instruction Crabbe has dis- .aeU CarllAdai xind wife, of Tem- So don't take any chan. es but mewbered Ey he t^*- ,,,^'have been preserved at all ap- John Anderson. 1KAI c ivered that prior to the Exami- Paris Baiter, pie Ok la-., fcie visiting relatives j f0mr ticw and. l*y these U\es nation for colored school teach- pointmenls, and no bitterness May A. IW. Frank Fretrell. . ; * * for ihev are higher this year than them. MR>. .1. LI. i AI OK. ihas fcy (hp ract. Jame&Hart. Mrs. Ketti? Jackson, 1 Far! \dair has a new son »t|every before and we going-er.vj,eld in each countr in the state on May and 2!». that The vFRY best Creamery But»-in their speeches. Judge Cook Mess Florence Mills,.-Viss Stella , h , home. right after them. \ ours to serve, prxif sheets of the questions pre- ter Sac per lb.. -M>kes two lbs. and Judge Hanbery have been Martin. Morgan Owings. l^m JoKnT-TDick ard child-} J \ EI.WVKIVS. 'paroTTof that oeemrHin had been-emmtry butter. -WghumMolas- uniformly courteous and Judge'Row^nd. R. W. Swift, Dudley Stwrtl C«Hywa.V 'P'y^ ar-d so!J al^oX^r the state'ses 66cgallon. C.Jt KKRTC.RT>.fySunday on arriving in' Williams. Mis* Keron Wirkersnn. • ;'Tv -

Bora cn*rtrt)0E w*5 ntnt. Nmt htitxfhf! pupiTu Wffn^j A me»llu( ha(wMn.riu|wru« \VI|. CAPITAL NO IKS, The Murray Ledger I •«f. frmu « buriiTn^ h livul at Iitiitl ainl tijujuiar Siu'luds*-ka*. MM Clf«t fur 0»»»« 0$ Mm ih„i |ti,.L _; _ , >nnT| nttnt, keeu trrtuigfil ami will tak* (•'; » Ui ItsSiiar* Inot taaa*. ~ toll* MAU Kinft to Him i rima lhe- re.-I.fttmends*tee of V »«r« A go. Ki> m.-t r. Ualilulie L'li'iinnaim 1»- huid at )!'*» kiin «m'vl«e.i by wukn^wu -Wit*- CrtHh tirn -H .'It^ n. Moss la. a luaiuie. ihais U win In Mlir**»«l. I'I !•* »n uld t'hieago nu th* charge of killing Iu* i *uui ou hi* Calais ou KleairU. iniitler, aqd tli» laetis"- ia -lin « i t.*i,-.ini Wff<| *ri.»a nritl CHicao wife with poison. } J, i;, urimt* * street tU eonda*. anion lit of lh« reward Is due to lk» ''i»h»'Ut|i' Of «U thn HtUUUtlft Iu timl r.lfA'NED FROM MANY SOURCES. COM* •rl«» (piism* •( |h, Bvanla From , King Alfnnso, while pluyuu! polo. Iter, WM r^ibbtd AND nmrdcred KY IM of iH- .ilhiei. in i »aiia..ll > viliMftf* vt tin' dt'«»«l unly turn In rnrw) that he h i. left ill. I'lilOsI Hi.I1, s and for On Hutl thf irui (• nomly CAI I, tnciufltng o a two htgTiwatmoo whll* on duty In .s h.hterahle ditto.Ht> will W wel 1* 1rimnt«-«l llnwvrw*ftUmtii and nrvs-r « Bor Stat a*. »»rcr» iprain of tin qiikl*i . tiiu _»uiiurt)f .Diuuintluun, »«"««". JSt-J6bee»«lto-*LHWWM snutlua bis H'tuiu V VTTIL IT'JJ I» U R K ""T !I M V TSMTTR" W KU T^LUT for (aamlnatlsn at T«ach*r« Uncos John W. ti raves, a nitryliant, wm The Kuril Mail Carriers' Auntf*. «UKHI ••vMrtur t»f l«rv«» ailil tlt st. «'•* by T. W Vinson, at DspsrlmSnt Eleven were killed by tornailo In elcctroeut«l at Jaekann, Miss., when tion of Mississippi,in serstou at Me- (•-.tones Upheld tloti amid no infiMy #tfttti|»)#a uf fnr* ••'•due at tan. H f II I iif*® uauaUr »»k» whiwn jrnv«» l-ajtpiou. S. II. h* ttyiched a button to switch oa ridian, elect rd officer* and n'le. ted Judiiuenl ol lhe Kt niklla rlr. nit rourt setiien.tiia M W Kowlaad, nt U in, ami tht-jMUlnii 'Th* tVnMrralr memorial diljr Wan light. Yiiksburg for tlie ntit couvealiou. inati bVwIy ri f«»r Tha itiii'CHi'ffian Coull tint Jtar. _ meenteil nn ormhtp de-trnM r ttttei Wabash. I int., mis t aught limit r ot tb,- state, has' uneovrreil a bureau onm.-bT IHHHI* I. lion «.t elnla/.Ji ill I'd a Ihi> « i'iih » hara t*f i»nd lt« (ha TU- nllieer* nf (lie battleship Mil. Willi she!I> that ciptodi! ou etititai lit .li t5 kiru diair ami chokeil to death fur the milltlbulLull, ui uuistloli. tin tn. tit. uphsd* Uj 'In '.outI lit »1«- ruuituon 1..S.I ^SHiiiinsi ton for ti-s.1t B««la, ' - •— JTIUTE. Wiuftt AND MIIUIIIRR lia I'UUUI^ •tssippi were given n publie reeep. Willi aimther airslnp. before his parent* discovered him. era, ainl has hinl arrested Lacy Jai k Th^ lad l> th. but. har b*»y Th«> uian auk thr unly hiiinmi tiftng «bu avar tion at I'aai rtgnula, M i The pnttofflec ilepaitiuiiit .at The AitictiiiUi leals ...... itm I. a (Jeorge W. Karr, uged " 57, nf Washingtii'i hus announeeil a read mils for Ajneri.'iiu citizi.iia in law- laiulsvljle.andHoroli i .. . ; i . : «aa ktud lo th^&oy.'- ChleOI tuWB. ainl i.iwi arrests Mill follow lltltli. I ..f .i.i[nil. sttil |.in,l.nilt. of •Yn k.liing, Hi.Hii I uiiifinlliil .'miult ju.limnt of aalHfii-* ot j.h'iih ntial Ion, urn tor Itieiirntiil laxlge of Kng. t ll. ileal NTQLQ SU^U iIIIlsnjenl l-fabln- Is at a I he K.nlUtk, litlw.1 tun* e US U» Itt BtVONQ OOUBT. pnsltliaikra III l.ini;.ialiq and- Itw laud, tu. ..tiisisia Rtansvl by nbwliif hillMrlf iu Lhe heart. kias to know how the aHear.) sellets at n^r siafjipi dead. In Lodge UM-ntly by Lord -Ampthill, ibe l|tlestlnns sol hold ot III. Ill IA aRU The Oklaltotttu I'ollrge for Y'ounj; lull lull pfotiiieial grand master. - -<•• ~ >' . tor leathets w.le In Id til Women. «ituated two miles north of llarry Stove, ,.ne of (lie leading bnle III th. istbweil ai hoots oa Ma> 1'R ahil .3, horse men of the I'mtcd States ami Mat F Kmmerieh »as arreted Oklahoma City, was burned recently. anil-Ute nest day Ihere-wen- mer Canada, died in Sail laike City re- *t Jaeksoliville, Fla . by ileleetivK This Tt.rtui.Io at. j^'pliyr. Tex. kdkd fawn -feom -Hurdtrt- 1.IIIH la. Atlrls ally. Iw rating n ti 1,» ainl et iifi-nd that In had embe* Had ami ieflei sun .sMinltes. The Iran Clin ini'. tt and injnrwl M> m>| fcir»y»il I .„w«... *., I III!.take me for a wliu nil tied • lO.tMHt from the t'apital Nil that bad »H-, II .. t. then tin- a thn lower ..not H»S», llf'll It- L"Stl nt-s Tire tauied by light mug FCNNWN" U *ry" Stover. ftsiir si ol HIIH... In la 11 4 11,at. or thai ,.f an inr -re d -i-arty, flMetba The pojie of Home wti« H verts tLoiial Hunk of Indianapolis, Ind., Mlsrake wm* My il*nr boy, I Li. L. j- i hale all Hj.|.ralsfti?. 10 nf IKi- t.'.ito —f-*- II old June ?TTui»ing Im n borti at where he was niiployid aa * bowks kaow yow well'" lur ha, The nominatmn of U. W., Woo.I OOV WILLS0N WfkL tMPLOY made at mjr mm; oiler So dj) s fiuia J{ei. on June 2. ttSM. In .n.ord ' mrr. — iti« iteaih of the it.-, . il. n' Hi ll lhe For Htsdscho Try Hicks' Capudlno. The i ruff a^' Tf^lt-rnl jndge in Tljtwitt it sulfide mice with hi* wish the celebration Knginrer It. K. Juimson and All tha Machinery at His Oisposal I* ia* la duP and paiablt. at the tleail* «>t . f*»-e. tvtd». Slumsr-h If •till in t lie hall .is of the rubeola N.r.-.u. Irt.ifl.i. • ilte a-i.. . I.isin stilly tti^wre of tiie day sin pfivate. Bring to Jiisltc* the Lynchers Of Ibe ilet 11|. i.i; that If It'll w ii ti i ti nine i..ii.*..t In t'.i|*ii.lif.. It . I.liinl.1 i as nnttee. ireman tieorgr Snnderi of the fer. sn-ak i the Ntgro Massy. tnimthN a dlmiiutil of tin- |.< i d >'• «t 1 'rwa St'Tis ag.-r T J. U Lown'j adniiiting ilmt lit but after IK months In ;«.*r Mound t'lty, Ark., and Memphis, elder 11 planes in northern Japaorhave ilein. Frankfort, K v Hoy Wltlson, when | ...til interest Is added, and a 1'wlially hod taken II mini from his employ- It takes a hustler tu itlsllnfulsh tn* fir J nstratisl that guns and heivy load >ere Seahlt-d lo death when they de- Id of the lynehlnx ot the n.-uro Ma* ! of l") per rent ran tie inltl. d. tor he iliffeieio^ In.fween an nUrta. I* smt a er, at Wintilkild, Mrrendend mm w can be carried, was the »tory brought iended into the hull of tin- boat to In the shadow tit the slatellouse, | InJIttllLol llle tilhetr toll. . ilia atl. r liiiiitr.iin •• in til. path. *t Mobil*. tfc n'-rn-hs. The—atienffr ."ll- .l-'i1. lits-tnTI by tlie fteamer ^kmteagtv. repair a' itak. - ~ d'Ijretf that he wilt etli|doy all tin ..unit* altortii-y and luilfn of Iti. imill- Ka nit- Daniel Keolv. a resident nf New Iwrhlll. rv nl Ids .Itstmsiil to lirlnc III I'om Ihikcy pleaded .guilty at- l.'jLiltdcr uf lhe-qupreiiH' iniirt of JasnrF irie llomtu rs or tl)e niarkt <1 i f i-i-u-t may institute |irni i itllns. to remalnl Orlecrrr vns ai'ililenttv TtlTiuni-ti r.atmi limine to wr.vkni;.' a train Alabama. I>i W. L. Xis-I, tin years "tl whit Ti link him fium. 'he Jail ' i-tleet tllf lulu I llalu... la* '1'U- e.,^- rnmnttr wLiie in liathing witu his wife and Ae lsnlifi.iua ItalluilL and -\awga- uld, mini serve seun years ' ilis.ini- win ll. ,,rr,.,„| tiy the state nue n*icnl tan nut TIN, (Til J'III[IT 'If•1 up II •ewral friaJ. JUnt t»ir mntfr iiireryiwt, r Hi" ,t i Ills tall tion Company, ami was sentenced to der. It- p(mi Teintid lepnrt from Lislu n »a_i« the JHillr- tn d.*Ua.littta_ wn&kllig en th;; an-nip annual evn\eution. 1'ortugue.e governfflrnt lias nirthor- At a mcetrng iif thM'ttutilv riniy, The to.1, was tin'dimii li'i {In- — ami — fUrnu r ull.r lie was notlfl^d by Jv "I de The Setiate jndiriarv ...niittlitt. e the importation of eight million gists* Assmiaiiitn yt Alma, ft nil., a "Itcollicir nil laeti ll til tile afe-he Jty mi Kentucky Flashes vtpoif-4 deeidfd to fainnlhlv repnrt tin- IIWU. -fnrmir^Tes.Ttiltloii was ,'i.l^pted hlnd- krlos of wheat lip to Jntv'Tff. »•'IIHI of slum: IngT" but who iirriinl tli-y o ioation of A. W. t'onb-y as federal Wu Tin? Fang, ChiHlsc mmist. f ing alj druggistf not to nil liipmi after tlie mull hinl i]l>]i. rvd to hun juii^ie in- Xew Mevito.v - to tlie 1'mleil States, sailnl on tho n on pre- riplinn after tlie e\pi- my fat 5AFEBL0WER9 ENTER the ev One person wit= drowned live reamer Panama fnr CriiU.bal on hi. aiinli iif their present govemmeut Find Help in Lydia E. Pink- lice now, June thai II others narmwly escaped death in a way In I'. ru to invrstigat. the ion- Newport Pootoffice and Blow Ope' ham'sVege table Compound gasoline boat aeeuknt nu the I'nto- ditioti t'if his e"itiitr).uii n till re. — M rf. (Jeorge s].ea Occra ol Twa l-nmfr-ic vaults. " Winchester. Itul. —''Pour doctor* "— ^rar nvrr. near Ateiandria, \'a. The evtint of the prteauiioiis lw- iltnn.. repnrteii it. the poliev of Se- ti'lil lilt' Unit Uii y could nerer tnakn |t»H Js,w4.nir Ky—lii'ift binwt is - tiink" •li. «U|i-rvT»or erf tin- lmlll-ilM. sllle that she hail been robR of r*~ regular, and had ut Bookrr T. WarfmlgPM h** reveal, ' Ing laktfiT TnTguard tin- i >nr ou his Into tin .\ewj,urU.K> , ittislnfli.e I.tilld. mtIB lit llir tHtnnls fmrrit rt£i'tf~J '.'it.Ot.HI in eurreii' v. Mrs. Sin a, jtm • ti.•• i nniiiin. gallon. rd the fact that for many year- 11/ timing journey to l'oltava^ shows Ini: il Klfihth Street and WasbluKtog I rat It I.i '.f i Ii; i HI i iimnrlllp. ll! USTly Iiuve dropsy - .or 1-a, II. Rogers aitled in the sujijuiti yf th»t the gnvernmjut dees nut regard 1,0 arms.1 in Si.iiiJt. KHeiitlv. in- Uaail" and blew o;ieu the outer tit Ml. . •lllli IIJIIt U , rial -liuut'lm 1 would I limit, and two Itnilli li.e ' vaults when. Itoml- j charge icoret of Tt horde In the SuulH, llic -Ti-rriiri.l nwv,-HH-fit--iis-dvarl. .teflded tn "nil T-IL-ILM Iiniin i III prnp- nds ol ill.liars III and u...|na I iliiM'raiii|i# „ rlared Iv there. -Tfnr-r Jjeo Olivier. . .Vila tiui .-UtiJi ipf-iTf— t r.i'T* hotel l mnnlrr flf I't1. A. S.' km-- ST TTmC r indivttlunls or cnqmratloiit I roja-r regulation of the h|(uur l-lo-.' lust, at •r Gair, second mate for the, Hriti.di id fnr the purchase of Peters' is- esplosion awakened realdents In :lte sot lotion held in Atlantic Citv nelahbrirhot d ol ihe | office. It it ralf taUtlea of the C'onipouiid. I am all arount ftramor Xortumbria. anchored ..(I land In the Mississippi, about' 30 right again, and I reeotnineud It to X. J. tbousht tilat this explosion was th-* hiniae Gnlfport. Miss., wet* drowned while [miles la-lt.w Memphis The price every suffering woman." — ktas. iLsv em. that wreeked what Is known>» llLAL, Wliii'lu ster, Ind. tlie rt Federal_Jui;ge Campbell granted, bat limy. paid was UlHiui MO.OOO an.l K40.- th- j;riii riJ d'JI\..i) siit., a ksrae ttSan : lwff.llttr.K- ' Itff n.vT.iri tf'f.'g, Il'iiidreils of stu lr letters from girls Btnkb tw'-tJnwrnor. HjisViH "81 Ollahmi.a Uml si i,nd» near, the p*een) dellv, ry tis eat The !.ronzi^itjuesfr.iiii -tiili).. of UIHE—. - r.-"-r. llilritil <»f .ho-tSorYtmf .jr..;il J ,j and inoUier*ci|ire«sintf tlioirirra\itud« • and otli'i'is* in'ilirtt d f r .i!f.v- -I tf.u'.i W 'llltull th the ml.lill, of.tin Willi. III' 1.111 1 till-, ll ..C llilir nil.. | 11 | for What I.ydia |. I'inkliam'a Veptv ^t^F'tor Emmanuel IT. "inieritlnl to Karfirlh -hocks. .ii'i-nni[.mi:iil Kv tatilo uompotttid has aeeompllshedT>r loom, iit'il ,11* iv, ton'.i:r- ai t. n-i noun, t fiauils"^!! lAtitl-toft of I'O pi. -i.|i ll- jrfjh' (!. .li.Tal'tiij If the ui Itave | wen rerT+vett by The l.ydi* mriinmnt the monument to the lirst •rranean nimbling;-. continue tn 1 Deter %t." ncl"tl nl.sUuli - .11.1-- ell- | KvjiiE-1 rut LiiTm-ran rhorib iii t|>« R. I'liikhaniMedkino Company,Lynn. kmc of Italy on the tapiloi. Jias-juTt r\?cpt inn n "lii-sri« t in IVr- had rnii' H In it wben iti.. ' w. ens " 1'nltid S alt k ~ Isnta work! U-en east. * :c. ha, n lui H re t" Work ^n It.—The rTjitiisniB tjirl? ahaatelrntihlrd with painful LM- Id.- u«»or troiii lt*~ ,ml h y . '. • autciil Harvard tTl< rli.imfiTim.lMf. nf or irreiruUr periods, backache, bead- 'is hlne. s | nf Slleiriy aehe. dragging-down sensations. faint- erlppl collapsed. the Intercollegiate Athletic As-... ia- -im ., K-'llllli Wl..dl.uH4, t liiittn f„t. Ing spells ur linllgcatiim. stmu Ul tako could • ti<« at tin- tield «»4 intek meet at —Xeglu Jiillll .1U nft I n * Iras'"ToriftrT JOINT WATER COMMITTEE wltil' .in oiH-ration I. i ii'err:t| at> immediate nrtinn tn ward oil the seri- meml ous cohaequenees and lie restored to — - Ilt .il, survived In- 'qnn,. rolrs Cambridge, .with i-....iid and guillr at I i ntcrville. In.. t,f the health by Lydia E. ltnkham'a Vepv the t latulnvllle II lailvt-s n iii:!, all tl . Pennsylvania third. murder of l iar* ItesAUtlhe Utl ntii- table Compound Thousands hare been Mti.i I'.att iv jtbrariamii it. Ill a. restored to health by its usa. had t Frr-d S. tie'.ri'e is skull was frac- M. A. Knbert,. tlal letter tu Mm. IMiikham, at Bud I he ' 1.,.tiu , ,.,„. ,,.H„r I.ynn, Haaa. Her advice U free, tured tn two pl.i.T-" The hi-.tiu- of Forest fires in Hie M.^ta!er In- •of a rtrtne anion.nM1.. f ,. ",,„„,,. „.,„„ aud always helpful. the att.irk was r..f.b.rv. dUB rtMrvalinn near Tlllairif ia on eiritilar traeka will -,.,.„ |I lr. " "Xfi »•.» 'WWjU-M f " , flu. . . t„. hapn t'alvin Johiifon. a negro, was . nti- • •nth cealral Xeu .Urtten Iwve open rate meet* t„ |„ «M,.]v- and rieted of murder In the tir-t ib sree «troved, quantities of standing tim- OALTOSERVOIRR AND^WATRF MAINS TH" separated a lln , I., iwt en Jim., in and Your Blood Rein for the killing.of Walter I". Shultz,- 1. r and swept through thousands of romjuiiy »o'furnish 'in- city fr. of Oi>na -osi for fir«r au«i v i r. (mn onO Hi. trniv.i XI ita* :u S. .1. II ... r \ the t hi,ago artist, near AI-v.nnlria. ff Consumers eowwailor. > O riietna. HHWHTTr yeat ttSe Amcriean ever the wre.5, I the Maine that.M fit.ils are in cliy. aro to — ~ atHW' ui. one of thc-featurt? Uin an I and 'J* " t'apt. J. L. Wright of Xew Or- Tony' Caponi • of t Incag., was plat ing of a Wreath on the nnitraif If ci • re oanf d;-i..'. * nt Jfat. and te serve Wi iTayt in j-nl Hall . '..msI iast -fatf. when an atiltnd. n iri' ..Plee In lhe. t'elnmhla bttlhllnj. ,J-o*tnr'on. K* At'Ion by,ttir gen trry t urraa Pope. Fort Rewrei The Was ...hvirted' nf , i nspirit. 1 •,.. <|«. rit-nt was Totnf down. I'n.l. r th. Resides b' Ittc a veteran nf th. t it I Tral" eoroeil tli-_ tw-. t'.;* liv-vb.Vr wa„„ r I'an, ^l ,.- Ilurley war nromlaenttr tab:.! was riven |.v Mr. Mi-y Ty: fra'ej t!w -..v,rin. line ' •. 1. n iirusiaiiialion ttgnteirs mnv —nptrr.. Jct_r..p. of Lsmianlh". « d.iii -(4. f '.nth- tim.--iti>n»-A - t*j»traeLl"itt.-ern jthc clt\ cif-ta g'ntrlmi m-nti'h.-'t •h the "MSsons„ . btiiilr a 1 ' d. f.TTp^ ^ q^ii;, in fowSs orS.OOo (Kij and th- l-e\ nctiui ll* It iitlf. ami Mar |r*.cniber oTlbo p.. Moltc t'**nrmanderv. Of I l ii I'r.f . uho di.,'. be- !•>' .in'! LumU fens it.' • mpkt n. I fraud en-es. TUto'lgii ..the I.-,' . TTIP 4.roTtv.-F5 ail? ftfrivg :n .The—vtrimral'li g.-iij r I t II II I I ..ill. ' --"'i ri.—a—Sullivan 1™. rmm Di |n- atW..u.iuan,lTi..ll.«rty I'harle* l^m > I.oos. » ho r..r than former Congressman J. M K. hoe ami K-. rtndort-I hetp!,-.- by '.t krnk.n e.t 1A i.ff. i rem- •at }ear« ha- U-. n id n in.d with in John M narr. Jr. hav. l»-on ati|«.hii. d edy fur IHsalf —* Nine propeller, w.i- reSt'tied from a dan- sliluUo: - .1 Ii is tit r learning as pro | an Invt stigatlng eoinniMtye liv tho Ili-f.-in.—. M.S ••tsitjon and tnwetl into '}»>rt : - TK.MLAIHEMI.MH ENAT- f *v„r t-.| p *idrn- delivered h'.»| Kentllckv Kaek- rs Asseeta'lon to cv 0* Tv.i.,,1. I'.it, |n tb* mas. Mexiro. \ a led ^t -tn * a rearhrr to the stu j ai»lne .be. laws «f «ihrr states rejatit. _ Sid,. T..IIPII, l ime Tlie, regnlalo the Bos.,1. partly \>aet.l.i». dewJ of Transylvania I nlvtisl-jt l„ the , taminalis-n ntatj* banki , U'.i'V* h .1 >e. m m wiio and trust conipnnii SMALLTILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. rd as legatee of a Louisville liv Memorial service* rtuitii I Ma, ,i.i< fw honor of 'he la-e H-cho|. Charlvs 11. I |a*ulsvl1le. Ky - lain}*. Ib ston, a Yirgniet It Itarvsj a Genuine Must Bear nt out id_for_ a Jet]£ftl_j1irj^.» Call. * jt witLfc.; Ileal In 'he Mi tli.tlt fsrmecr Hv(t*r at t'ratt Strltn. sit CARTERS Fac-Simile Signature v»y 'of all ?'hitiUW ei^l.Jled-.u Ti'-n-pt^. ' < >. "i- •!•>. Jttr.i. Li'. 1...W.S "i.,.n.*iiie ba» dHi-nerrrd ITTla IVER rml il'-tnet-TOttft }«»fl.-«mn* tn. iS£T(h,. ,v.,,a; • ps < t f..i Ta.'liiiKiis Itishr.v W \ • rt. - • U.South law eit ht. farnt He waa dlas'nc fur ; mood* -itui ¥ lra.-jretr.M • <"hu . h. w 1 a.,-, tfe..j-«at

> a lUttSetJ' swwi

STRYCHNINE WHS Fl THE BACK-YMD JUNQLFI BRIEF TELEGRAPH NOTES PAYNE INSISTS Btjldleia from Fort t.eavauwortb CHIMIIT HIPORTCD POISON IN am rounded poli.-aaian who bad arreat Heights, LANOI OUANTITISS. •d IJeut V r Hamilton fur sttlklas alfify GAINS STRENGTH ON TARIFF CUTS a boy and angrily Ikeralenad to re- an uld In«wtsl an lady af Mra Arehar May lease ih* officii Only Hla preeeae* "»n abtl •t Hsid at (ariissl IHasibla of a »lie. lal hitrot rram tbe fiwt yrw • In II,.I CHICAGO AUTHOKITIIS »AV NIW vented towkle. Tb» iUutaaaat ialer Mamant, SENATORS MUST NSSTOHS »« la rar*4 was taieaaed lie says be atruck tba COMFIK AION or IinnUT DUCTIONt HOUSS MADS. II i neatly CAU DIMLACIT •UICIOI. OataaUiirg, til., Juttu I further cor- boy bacaiia* Ika tatter Insulted Mis haver a roboration 01 I he suspicion thai tha CHAIRMAN'S SDICT. ** ttMOlMa*. . . ' ' . ^ ilaalh III Mia liia.i|ilillin faiH^H Af- In the federal twirl al Helena. Mont. rher was due to strychnine poisoning Juilse II.1111 smuuiai lly remuted fruln was received when lu an Interview J allce Jalnai—I— owntwtn t'alitwl - INOUEST IS 10 0E,CONTPO orb tier t'haltnera reported l^iat Its TAFT TO HAVE MORE ilT[WS; Stales mm mission.'! al t'uater, Yel hail rei-wlved a partial report from the luwsiune county ilowlwla la un* hemlat who la making an ciauilmv under arrest mi charge uf liuiae steal- Hon of th. tmpw;-— cupatlooe. one glil aald that abc ill « li|r»*n. June The lliqu- at 1HI W .tl.liiM* m' June II. Mi-lubera 4i4 tend* to be piesidcnt ut the lulled IIUJ TU AILI HI V ll* Inqusat May Ba^ald at Ones. ill.- iiuuai uuuaiittee on ways and Miatca One hundred young wouwu rs- (|||«I ) |.hv«|rlnn fnim th** at ill .11. 1,1.. .1.1.1 ri.lsi.-'l lo fort •• • be 1 4jiiv4Ml di'i 1 ras. - (I-u-l in hl» amtiiiiiftu in iiiu WuliiuK it- he«« to iItU ri'piii 1 may be Imagined ."mil., i.. artnpl all I lie loltlH'ttona and »ON liol.l \V«-,|IJ. ^.IRTY A liitlls-T wh*Ht It la leartted that hi; has tiollfled iiiiiii a iiuii aro pioviif.-ii in ihe Payne Ftatik H Curtis ih* mining engine..? ' >i»l«» in iil« Ii* .i.l. litta b< < ii roiiiitiucd the relatives of th*« rep^ut. and has tillt -ti Is ss 1*1 tn tie-the Intention-of ot Octrolt who dlsappeared-lrom that until Jtiin- — , KPreaai'd a wllllngm-Ma to hold the in- till, houae confotei's. alt ot whom wilt oily AptII >7 and fbr whom relative* TM* irttBB 'Wi »»k"n hr DepSy tjucaina the remsltrs at the est Host be drawn from the ways and means are searching aiisiously. aciotdlng to -Tnrnnnr Kennedy after i»r. potfalbbt time and wlihout waiting Cur- iTiltYtnlHaa, to sain tion all ihe re.lur a La Iron dlapati b. Is Hvlag at de»tt|a whn «ojirlii. fth«« ni#«|my, find 4*>f*(|- tfV^r fe. I he funual rrport of th* Mona Wiark U|C AUi It h UU baa Uiad" 111 all apartment bouae. IWBllt B&jrt4hiiTfh" KhhUoii «|| 4Hu Wutind ami which do not appear tn the^Payne Ignatius MeRintee, Notro name uni. mud" iIn* |H>NNtld1My *»f thn nvd " Dr. iMialtni ra IM of Ihe opinion that kill rarilt) orator, who was disqualified in thla preliminary report of Ihe iheiulat Ika Interaiate oratorical debate at Ap- lor htf \ Wi4 *nhnt bliiiMulf vury i ^moti*. WJ'h tjiese eoneeaalotis on Ihe part Iff auricle III OH Whnh "to haae a eoro- pi.Kiu. VIU-. fur -alleged plagiarism, Thr pollci' luiw* ftlHI» obnndntifMt thr» .nlT lli? li furce from alul that It wm' ba. aa atronj M the oratorical association Mlu Janet Fen. tti»*-nr»nf mtttt wtw« kilted by v Haiwl t lie senate, 4ke bUl as It will go to formal report can be made, ihough almoie of Karlham. college at Rich- an.Mik dfuplii* Ho- roiit.Milion of Man LAW CANT TOUCH HIM I'ati will liw» wui< aiimblantc of a not golu^-lnto such detail! mond." lud , was gwarded '-the first •K«T T »' Cnptm of ihf»- hotal tkat tho WOMAN KILLED IU HOME downward revision measure It Is Report to Be Basic, of Verdict. plare which previously bad been elilt'i Jtliikl-y KMiiinlHad Hulvldc*. Tennessee Men WMi Open Saloon In protiatil" that before ibe lonference Coroner Chalmers further declared awarded iu McNamce. I»i John T Hlnklajr, Jr , aon of tha BOOY It FOUNO IN ROOM ROBBCR Mountains to Avoid la nser Ihe conferees will know what that he would-wUh to hold His ln« in in who huh aliot, hart unnonn<:<«d HAD RANSACK EO Prohibition. additional Mdudlon Taft thinks are Tbe United Commercial Travelers -quest ou Ihe boily^liL thn QneIda cent- lil* 'nt^rition of forAgOlflff i trip to neiea.ary.- chose Bafllmore. as their nest meeting et.ery not later than Monday, and 1f Ku will' ti had platmad, and Vicious Dog on Guard Lead St, Louie Nanlwitte, - Thai!.. June "S —w. p. ' Fioni rtw rtpwpolnt of the conauin- atari- and elected J. O Phelps, of lllua he ran the eonsenfrwla- remainln« h"c» until th«» rnyatpry aur Police to Think Aessealn Knew Congiu uf-McMinnvlfle <011111 y...has tbe bouse bill Is much better than field. W. Va.. grand".counsellor MM rti 14I IN the ikm- at whl^h it will fiHIniltllC hm fittinr n drnth la rl«.nrfd Ths Rremisse. found a spot on the lop of'the Cumber- the senate bill, but neither in'-ssur Tba steamer Admiral landed sis be. h. |.| Up Hn 1M iihaoliilrly ronvlnrnd that land Mountains, Ifl lieqiialchle^ eoutify^ In 4ta present form meeta ibo plodgu members of the craw uf the American C. K, Marsh, who lo behalf of hla IIIH father HUM inurdfti-d !>y HOID« I»I« St tyiiila. June Ti.—.The brutal mur- where the state prohfbtlon law. effee. of Ihe parly or Jhe views nf the proa- whaling brig riiilllvan of New l^nilon, wife has bei'ii pushing thfl InveMtlga r who onti'rnd th«* room for th#»*purpoM« d< - „f .in.,'.: worn tn tor < ha ptnpaw ttv<* 4ui* 11 inMiihn? *TTTrh Tftffl -ind he idcuL, While tb'u acnaie baa been dis- Conn Tha mon became separated Hon, was pot at home, Saturday fnorn* i'trf ro4>l>#ry. an4 ii Imping thai tlw of robbery has been a'dib'd to the long JS IK»W IMVHIG'U saloon erected there. cussing tho tarM the house as a leg from 1 hi* whaler while pursuing a Iny, and there was no Wiy"Tif fletsr- pollrt' departtnctrt will make a #nrl»rt»ii Hit of aliilTtflr crtm>K recorded Lu tbu H «• IS ipllt'S ffypi Mi Mlnnvlfli . and Jslatlw- lowly has boon for tbe moat Whale tn 11 thlik fog and bad drifted mlnlng Just what would bo donn in atU'inpt to uppri-hond thu gulHy p«»f* police fhiialk of HI l^lll|g.~ — liiai-ilno^linT ftie HliTBllier?. hare fur six days. tjietna 11 er "OT' hold I n g the Inquest. t'okcred with wounda and brulaea. the glacis,- hud luaaacs of correspond' riio to fourteen Tfallsns •uipeetod uf '1 inn-* Mt, MarHti tias tjeen anxlonw, ff»)wever, "I do nol «l«h to the body of Mr» Kaly'Teat, « yraw ft Js reported.that tron«er has 'leas- read.' , . forfeiting were arrested In a New to have Lhu lyspW'ions either con- ITPOTT FHE FFOTLC'»I L»»H IT «»I»M» LA TNE old. was fiiiiinl Tn b'*r room at hrr Tit" a 11 the lanrf for four mile* around York snl^tin by agents of the serrol flrru'd or tot ut reni, and It Is not Consumers Demsnj Rsductlsns. th'»y ought, to make It their bualneMa home. Wl Did Manchester roait. Fr! In order to prevont ike ereLLlon of a aervUi- after a tight In Which bntrteg lbought there will be any objections fo hunt out the pi-raon wh6 murdered day night. IIUxxl spatti n d walla anil s< hoolh'ouse. Ten 'or 12 barrels of Most of the letter/which they have glasses were thrown The police to having the tastiest he id at the my father, and that It IM fimllMh, with disarranged furniture told the story of whisky and a lot of case goods aro received are not of thep leasant read- say they found seventeen bad two He if possible Jime. c the pvldenro before them, to aaaert a desperate struggle. AH Intruder,avl- now at McMlnnvllle, awaiting trans- lug kind Their consuming constit- dollar bills on one prisoner In hla (hat It. IM a raae uf aul'ldu," nftld Dr. dently had rauaacked the room la a poMation to Conger's saJdon. uents have been telling the member* room was g rubber stamp which would print a' fair Imitation" of a two dollar Htttklt-y; Jr. - ; CLAIMS WHITLA REWARD aearcB ror valuables Rogular hack lines will be establish* that the Payne bllUa for the fi-w*nd octora Pofica lnv«at1gatlon Lag*. Within a fi-w hotira after the 41a- ed by the enterprising aalooujst lo fur- not for tho many, and that tho Aldrlch' bitS r make TTp tintH Friday nvenlni? the pollee rov»ry of Ih" bialy of Mrs. Teal, ano nish HqUdr to the neighboring -towtta faUHa-"»ofe so.'' . Mercer County, in Pomtcal Move. ir, unii had otUy made a perfunctory Inveatl- outer mid OB n «i"t woman wa« As the i+-g4*lamfe-doe» nnt meet until The ways and means committee IPTCIIU Wants $15,000 Prom Stats aiUlun Into the caae. and both 1 reported to tha police It la not 1911, he expi-cta to make a fortune. made lu own measure, for hone of PHILA. RIDES TO WORK dritfiey. at Pennsylvania, or lm\Inland Cant. I'. I). O'Hrlwn. in Thonjrtit- there la auy -conectliin be the oicmbera of the bouse outside of at, and Trolley Strike Over, Men Batlsfled to icanrir rhargo of the -detectlyfl btir>*a the crimes. ihe i-ummni«* TTteml)*'rslily bad any— Mereer.— Ha,. Juiul:-;.-"Tlic county Accept 22 Cents an Hour > • i-rami* r.lared that thuy-jwere ronrlnred that Th» murder ut -Mrs Teal walla th^ SHAMROCK III. TO SCRAP iiC"to do wdtt Us framing of 1 ' Pjut in a claim for the flj.OOO re- r—-Tentatively^— n»r fTf»' ^Uh l/l<' rneiH'y adtawifd fry ilm long IIsi itf aliallsr. t rlm.e«JjLi£5Jiav; courae, after tbe -bill waa reported, alccp 'ward off.?e3~gy tKe Htali^ of FMBIIiryr hotel manage tn«'nt corren't. shocked St. I>ouls and engrossed the THTgawnnr wrsflti srr Limwei tw TKT.'TKimmfTrTnra titanc- tw-espreae Rinlliir vanla fur tbc arreat Tld Philadelphia, June 5 —For the first "Deiectlvea Qulnn and OMeara BMllyn Uf ttal police during the. past Cup Failure to Get Metal themselves, and the insurgents did es- s. I'lak- of Ihe kidnapera of Hilly Whltli^ time in ,_a week, cars on all lines are Ice.arut were worktnx on the caae today," aald few years. No fewer than six brutal From Hull. press themselves vigorously, bilt Th-- stand la taken by the county running aa uaual, manned by their old 0 take Capt O'Brien, "and they report to murdera have oftcurred, and three of when the voting came the majority ol authorities that It was Mercer county New York. June S.—Sir Thomas crews Where there was excitement kha in's me that It la a eaae of auirlde. It the crlmea have not been solved. the Republicans, tided by some of the which apprehended the Uoylea and IJplnn's' big sloop yacht. Hhatnrix'k and rioting throughout the week, there . Com- aeenirt to me the moHt natural thin* A long kiilfe was used by the slayer Democrats, carried the day for the id one- convicted them and that the county lit., which unsuccessfully raced for Is quiet The atrike is dead. tn the world for a man to reach of the woman, according to the police. meaaure. am all should be reimbursed for Ua eipendl the American cup In ItKft. la on the When the compromise was submit- around with hla right hand and ahoot The woman often had told neigh- Aa far as tbe bouae Is concerned, 1 It to lures through tbe reward the atato way taa shlybroker, who Is breaking ted to the conductors and moiormen, .. MAY hlniaelf lu the left cheek, and a» for bors that in her younger days she was conditions have changed somewhat has offi*red. , her up for its nickel, steel and lead Friday night, a few bams voted th" rnhhyry I Cgll't fltld OUt Ihat^Dr; a famous beauty and that she was a since the bill went on Its passage. Back ut lbr move lies an interest hull against any proposition which did not Utnkley had any money on him whi n descendant of an old,Kngllsh family. Many of. .the Republican members Ing btt of polities. -For years Frank The. discovery of the yacht's relega carry the incr#k»*> demanded, but the BF • MPEI <«» < "lii«:UKO." U la bell eyed Bhe was killed some know now that they made a political miht. rich undo of the kldnap< d llltly lion to tbe acr,ap_(yard was^the result majority won and the. vote stood 3,258 Irmpasi/lisr Ijvln aalil Vrldav aftir- time Thursday afternoon or evening. mistake In aupportlng some of the Williiar wnd-jMB»» P. WWLla, tbe 4it the government's demand that" duty for p^ace and 819 against settlement. ropn. a/ter receiving a report from A myaterloua feature or tbe rrlme is aa reportod b^J'ayne They child's' father, have been political be paid on the read In llie The offtnahr of the strHwra staU-- I)etr>rlive Tom rtheehati. who- waa that, no person heard any Hound made took it for grunted that their constit- leaders of Mercer eotmty Thomas Mahoney. tbe broker, says that- if, after an investigation of the working on the eaae: during the desperate struggle which uents would stand by them, on tbe Then* Is now much III feeling tn the lead is not dutiable, as th'- yacht books of the company, by the city It looka to me llke' i nlann ray iif tnuai bate taken pla<'< ground of the necessity of party reg- 4lw cwuwuy dlslrlcu, orcr. tbi^.unsat- •came over u.idT her own power The comptroller, it can be shown that suicide. The fact that the man was1 RIP iiljrlty nnd of making the bill a Be- isfai-tory trial of the Iloyles. eapeclat ^uTy—rrfr-Ttm—teW--wo«M -ab4»iu. jxLarHZDian ?f'^nTa aft ^fftfll gjg1 crippled In hla left hand so that he [mbllcan* measure. ""Th!, tit" 111 Lie s ly the I&.0Q0 coat of the trial, t'nlesa A knife had been drives into the Il'.noo. j- paid without crippling the financea of could not handle a gun with that probably thought Ihey had made It the the Buhl Whttla element nn collect woman's brain through the forehead. tbe company, the men will Insist upoa member l» not significant, and as for Republican measure, but the letters the (15,000 reward to reimburse tho A dozen stab wounds ahd cuts were a further advance In Wagea. - the money, well. It must hare coat they have received from tbe party county their political future here found on her body, her throat hail BUCK'S CASE IS DELAYED all the money he Is known to have been bruised by the clutch of brutal votera In their districts have to a con- looks bad. vpold Foil Inventor Dies. had when he left Bvanavllle to brln* fingers and her face and arms bore the Appellate Court Adjourns aod Decis- siderable degree undeceived them. el. Oliver ia hetfer*. l.Tllttt; .t - Iter, and r*»s Belle Mrlllalne Mis* McBlaiae 4.754r7 35: awae. 4 ?5#4I4. ' J —- teatlfled that ho had often called at l-HK'AOO. June 4—Cattle— Reeves. out In a yawl and later were picked Kew York. June 5 — Five-sevenths of 5.14417.30; stocker, Svid feeders. 3 «04> her home and urged her to give him up and I trough I to Sandwich, near the credit or a. including all the larger BILLBOARDS WIN IN COURT 5.00. cows and heifer. 3 5404 30; calvea. the "pleasure of filling her teeth." free 5 004J7,5I> Hoga— I-tghl 7 14W7 5*. rotted. wtndsnr, by the st<-amer VrrMKM ones, ahd per cent of the atcck- ;ua7 hfa.JT iM; S4. rocsh. 7 30« of ecat holders of Milllken Bros. a large steel 4:. yurkent TWgTrrn. pig,, t io«7 t». When he sent he rthe bill Tor 1*0. Sheep—Native 4«tr«"0. lamba.'go —rtroat 36-foot car here J No I F705IH N"Ol «. - I'tan. died *' hl« home at Manhaas. tr ^ls a:' sjjroadtng In the linn TTTnt KANSAS flTT June WKcat —Wo. t« I, from 4rlaUug toQ_niucli sod» 3 red I otl St. No S. 1 ">"•! 54; No 4. ..-ctiou Crar North t«Ve oei th*- line Flood Incitea Suicide. T 3»W3 4T-Nw * heed 1 <*•>«•, N. L ot tile tluluth Extension railway Owe water, according lo his phvF'clans Knowille, la".. June r^—Johjg Cunls I W ' ON >.. a. Ui NIL 1, 71. NO. nice weighed 370 pounds He drank j 7 white T3V.: No 1. 73H. Na I v.tlow, r*ilwajr_btid*c J,M JilS destroyed, fcWloo. a farmer, "luiwc iiimaclt to a' 7SH So I yellow. 71 s Oats No 3. 6T\| ,• tltere are no of Oiv* i -r-..iw»isU to ten* ot soda ( Verj_ • raftct in Ins ham ti4U& lU'UJ w:.«V No 3. 1.7**55. So.) white. (I%§ 41. No 1, i#4jl" v lug aetdeiueuta. , rains lis me ibstateaod &rup rafTttro.

.t-iid, hand and hi* church one of it* AYtWS- H Mrt VIOOR LOCAL ".» The Murray Ledger moat faithful memliers. * I.. V. HrNften. The Oft Stove With Docs not Color the Hair' Patroni' m? v». 7. J««ki<•••»< Ml^ur »uii »>»»>• Will if lit i IW An ptvgiinl Jrt.w"< t:o. A It. a CABINET TOP 1 ,t)n the morning of Feb. ' (Muhi*.„ l Mil-"" - *T '* IHWi, the denlh angel v iaiU^ tl»* litgrt flk.1'- • ^ .0i at.„.' f.iiaaaa. nana uu* j-'ii".1 ffi .airii i. «*!'»•'. •-» heart truu t hrNrvr Wick H'nn homo of Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Hl^vjl' <: «.' Wietht- nut- put W B7-j Tlioma* and tiHik from tliem We twlk.Jikl •• 1 Flam. Oil C«n>k-Stove illKvit V IGOR Clyde I SATCRDAY'M PRIMARY. fiorti nit other Oil »I0V«."*7f fi.ll their dear little babe, Clifton, - ,\Vt:«'S HAIK Monthly t i whn*e illness waa but of short w C^D.IXET TOP, TBii Don't ft distress and his life but *hort ill Color tine Hair Jad«» Thm, Pi Oeak, 0>>tel mr.tin you rsn kwp tliahva and Telephone 1 uumuiIi within RJWY twa-H wlultt this world only three short jinrs mnty, wins. d' fy»H... '"ill jllDll.1 . Art [but lKid hath promised everTai-l- Saturday In the race I'ih- tin- ili'tin-f T cooking, <"»•' >•<"" trr/1 ft,.! ing life where there will he no A ikugli •cratic nomination for. circuit tflt' trmt- iiijf it/Hm iht Uu*t. dates ut the following places in NAKOI'liiliiin to Convene Soon more pain, no more deaths nnd judge of thu Third Judicial di» [ 1 mm ii, wondetlid bum.n to thaintcreat of theVanners Kilu- .. . no more goinl-liyes. ami would Mi-a I. trict by Mr, J. T, Hanberry. of- lu Uvk« l.ii luMmn iow»li iIm catiunal atuLCu upefalc t'nion M I heB'.''',,««lA»i..cjiati..nol' Keti sny to the brrejiv{.-d parents weep »'bri»tiati county, l>y tin- atuallj LAmsirk'O. Isfewit: frky I>i»|»ti» t.f nev-. Ill ,ailv|iutt not us for those -that trove no •majority OHMO vote*. About !>O .h . debt ''berry, Thursday"ni^. Jure^ntj^Shf disMct ^K-ljitionT.' ivIat.v.M hope for he has paid mtcant of the total democratic: the debt . , i.vj.I rhurcli^s and tW.'l'.'S mv;n hen t that we ull must pay sooner or viitc jjf the. district was poljetLJ i iwnui CMMTO Kridiiv nlirht hers. wtthMSrt.Wki.Lli contribu call and ot NEW PERFECTION Inter. So dear mother only re-j ^hMtnut l.rove, tridas ^ wjU mwt jn ,u S(,VL„l.y lodge Cook and Ids friend" do. June ttrtrr ' , . . .. . „. Murray T. not fsel any keendliaptiolfttmei t licet that little Clifton i* not Vdncleavt', Saturday night. ?«nnit wwtolt . Ashland. Ky . • Mrs._tk >vof (he result It waxoncededj Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove dead but sleepeth and if you arc June lath June and w ill be ctilled to or nwnt. Ten ipon every hand before the ptf-1 Ti without .quit••, tti prtm-tplt ol cotw*ittritiv| h*nt mcani thai lit. work obedient to the commands of our ' Sage Hill, Monday night. June d.-r by the Uev. Dr W. D. l.o V ents; Fran mary that the twiumwi have «•«" e no the united support of all demo- f | 'm,Jmm-' „ wlU. Thtw «,„.,. \v„h „, »,,hou, Cabin.. I.ibertv, Tuesday nighth. June'»"l>M«' "ernum will be preached Mrs. Bo «rats to insure an election in.No- more parting. At youc Jf«U'i'», or w rit, our iwaMM aitniuy, 15th.' ll>'')r' CalvinM. Thomp Texas, is I v ember. With lean than three- The little cradle empty Sugar Tree, Wediu^hiv night, wn, editor of the West.rn R» father. J i'ftiHIh* of the democrats partici- The place he loved stwell: June Ifith. Iifbrfer, Miss Ru pating 1rt the primary, a widej Oh, how it grieve* our hearts, .Elm drove. Thursday night. Th« lev. Pf. W..D. Powell:. of the wet . •reach existing within the party ! ^mmr >lhl« io »»t. Clou • i Ifai. No human heart could tell. V-- 4W(lit l.rfl* thai lU l*uK».l ol a aoud-*u«l June 17th. " i state: jcretary of fri«*ion*. will her si .tor , n Calloway county, brtiught! Ilium Writ nniSa 4lo.wgl~.iil ol I...aJaJ Waaat The little chair is facant lartM-ilr aala a(ui «ny oinaaianul. U iwt "itU |iww ' This is. -an or"gam,ati3El. tlw,nTO,t about by the comm*ttee election • The place he used to sit, " Rev. Is. daaiai, mita our nraiaat agaiuy. which every farmer should b(„ I'v--" made to the KenlueCy pub- * r.hi}fts last fsll," and recognising : Little Clifton could not stfy with left •tandard Oil Company long, it is 7 years old and ha. ... that Calloway'* big democratic You but you can see him yet. sas for'a t' ll.tHKi.tX*! membefs and is taking sorrnan Harris, who has been majority was absolutely necess- The little dresses left here for in at the rate of li.OtKI per day. (reeling in the east for a Ch> Rev. W ary to'innure election, Judge Cook I : T ]— Mother to weep and mourn; preach at The organizer has devoted much , house, came in Monday to —m. to have escaped the fate' N-ot onljr is there an aesthetic | our destiny for good." But littlt Clifton wears a robe time and energy to" this n^yble visit rWrtive* a few days before night the Around Hod's white throne. t? rtor*Kf<,r M,r ."r'T^ei'l ,idc l<- ,VIP',t,nn' but thpi'n 'he tempi, of ourmomory .. movement and every farmer leaving for th?_we»t, fuct A KRIKNK. November election. Pohti c a w„man with her hair at the thea- A loving imaire stands should hear him. Fraternally. | Wifa", of I'i lines seem to be obliterated in the lr ,s ami ;n churcht-s blot out . , .7 , ' Ii. I.. B.VRNKTT, State Secretin • Of iistrict. The lash th. buU S^e t£ ^ ' ands. A I hrllHnv R«uil(. li. \\. Treasurer and i>r; r - *hip of party bosses has lost its mgn form^^j. jj,} w|th their bats. 1 How I'ert H Leau, vt i hcuy, Atturr.e • terror and .sting, and ring rule is fhe legislature should pass a I There a beauty in that symbol iV sail , waa saved from a fright the . t|uite ill i A-oUgated into oblivion. - [law forbiddirg wmcn to wearj ()n ''arl'1 w'11 "" nK)rt'1)e' | (til -Ifalli ii ti slory to thilti- ihi* i' nf two kit il,.—ciinivinnT-'-rtT^ t'urif stri'i Wal teiiublicans. who say they coitTures over which she can not LT'w,M in modest jiature World. "A U^rdc l^" lie wri'cs big heaj that ciuiiea Crom a I; Mrs. M. speak with authority, declare j ,iip at |t a ten.gallon bucketf A loving mother to be. "brongiit on a de«perl,ie luny headache. Doe* yimr head «mi ren leit tf that. Hon. James Itrcathitt will; An.othermattcr which demandstiTer name is mother. fff I trouble Hijt ballli'd an extort feel like a ;ourd and your t r» B Ark , to s je the nominee against Mr. Han- - drastic attention is the custom o'f | A priceless Christian gem: doe or here. Then 1 ^aid Sly to feel looie and sore? You at berry, and also that Denny Smith French heels fliey are respon- [With other Heavenly Angels Miss R (l"i a yjiii tt ii lunz/pPcialTal in cure ii iu-no I HHP by aetiug. on .11 have strong opposition in his for many sprained ankles.} She wear* her" golden diadem. has been I • i v • j| S|io'»anP, who,did not help mr. your 11v-1 r wijb Uallard'g ll-r- •-ao» (or commonwealth's attor- broken legs..and then the women • school in AMI Ml.-S.1-1: BrtlKOCW. Then I ehooves both NlrTTlanlien-y am] .n,.nt< and sue the city, ! On Jan Or Jan. Ith. 1:4':', the nngel ot' Dr. Kinp's New Dwcnvprt: wliirh you'll ti,.M I,. !>•;•• > Kel-ie t Mr. Smith and their friends tii A law .-"huultl lie passed stipula ^'dav from death visited home of Mr.; i-oniplettfly ciWe me llt'W 1 Feliel 1 mid II -1), 'H,i.rnt :lose up ranks in the district in- lie has be ting that no woman .shall wear I from tlcjii-aiu ••»« tt ell ai ui-^r.' Kor liiingj .. STI-AFL JIF WTIFCRNNG ITI. . si,'vei,:il. tr vM.Stllig heel I>n liev shoe that is talW- ncimi", Ci ii g I if ati't I >lip-c of Sun .traie tTt+f 5r«ach: —^ Q'.'g.';''^.. a i , L.NIVBI-Pii si(J;ab'.ut t'ohls. A«thina/fni', P and'W IIIH>|I. The lloiiknVviIlc Kentuc'.:.a:. . pencil. 2 weeks during whk-li time lav- iuit Otusii it« *apre"i,e. .",ti.-nml j According to th." Aiimiiirf- a- -'•Klk occasion this week to J}nil{—4f tl'refor.n is started tin re is,inghanibaiid faithful,physfchtntr-fl iw... Triai l ;.tt o'a free, tinar t total eclipse of the sun b due on mfult at Judge. Cook because of "no endto what can be done in dnj all itXbvir power but t'» ml ml iiy Dale aV 'bletlel.l. I June lTthr' TI»eeeH|ise w ill IK- - 1 hid defeat, while other attempts tiTe beautifying and . , . . ,. : . . •:• - -:- kinng y- jrr-.'a'v'ail- . w...^^On Oct. 5.1SC4I she innif j gin about fi o'clock a. m„ and Only One ticnuine Webster. 1 lav. been made to cast odmnt'ditions-:-.ore sanitary and more into their home a bright ray of1 will be s-o-eempiete that the en-' ipon him because he was notgiv- aesthetic. sunshine and brightened their; . tire darkness will prevail and tne in a third nomination. \\ e would. Why BOt prohibit the wearing life only- 2 riwrt tnonthr and 201 If the truly genuine can be val •chickens will go to roost:—Tin reannd Mr. Hanberry that it is a of cigarette*, gre.-n hats, oxbleod davs. ;rt ^^ ,",re ^^ on earth to bloom in heaven.- j^eorae almost priceless. Numer-1 aloiift, with the- sun nearly t. Buy a $30,00 necK, recently released from the It" we are going to start the darling t p we need only to look j mensurate only with a monumen-(ring. -Ex. penitentiary where he served a movement at all let us hew to the to the bright side of life, f. »r lit-1 tal nerve, are placing on the mar- Sewing Machine. Women WHi »re Knviet! m for night riding, . •t^tte-Mrttb'TS-not-fead-faat >reep-)det eheap tarticlea bearing the ~tlt" >ther leg be ltnug; a v. nas. chips" fall, regulating extensively ing in the blessed arms of iesus' name of Webster and insisting -ftir:w n't'irtteo wr.'iivfi / This .Mnchitie i? -itrirtly hii:h . Meacham, editor of the Hopkins-j and vigorously ar.d without re- where she. will await our coming. I upon the public buying. There arc Inve v in face, 1 tem- vrradeIfrever.v particular. Drcp- head. automatic lift, cone bear- tile Kentuckian. to the seat of K3rd to age. sex or previous con- and oh, what a happy thought; I is only one Webster worthy of per are the envy of uianv, who us pantalosns. The dual role t)f, Jitioh or servitude.-Henderson j that whenW e knock at the pear-1 notice, and that is the one bear- might be like thorn. A weSte, ing and is fully guaranteed. W e will sell a limited numberof these a Dr. Jek.vl and Mr. Hyde can' .;9umal. ' ly gates little Myrtis will he the ing the imprint of its original sickly woman will be tiervou- machines at the above price- oot b» successfully ,,!ayed in this , .. . I fir,t t0 welcome us. We cati only , owners and "Publishers. G. & C. «Dd irritable. Constipation or •518.00 Cash at our store- and if district. The expression is heard umiuariis. | say to the heart-broken father | Merriam Co.. of Springfield,Kidne y poisons show in pimples, you are Jthinking of buying a daily that neither Judge Cook or — [ami grieve notrftSr we know our Mass. Not long since, we had ibl,,uhe"- !•»« eruptions and machine it will pay you to inves- IS Hanberry were acceptable; Ir. jr.err.sry 'of. Rcbecca Bo4t-idarUnK batre9tt andsom.- -vv^t offered to us "Webster's Uitfver-*'«*«hed complexion. .For al! tigate this proposition. A high- candidates to hundreds of voters, Tight, wile of .J. D. L. Boat- tjme W(? w;n a„ mwt here again.: sal Dictionary, "the voluble agent such, l£lectric_l5i£ter* work Won- grade. standard make, drop-head, and if Judge Cook's friends are vvnght. vvr.o was born May 11th, 0ne bj one the jjnk3 . hain' becoming .,uite excited when we Tltev reauUte Stirtiiacb, automatic lift, sewing machine driven from the support 8f Mr. departed this life Sept. 2»5th nre ^ng severed only to be re-' mentioned the word "pirate." Liver and Kidneys, purify th.' for §18.00, Don't that sound ... :rlanberr> by insult the defe«_of We^ the ardent lovers of lilifce(j -m that hea;.enjv tand' These cheap imitations, in any blood . "ive strong nerve", bn;ht Jike we were awake! Come and iiuivitable. _ -laufcdeggrtgd m'e8r i"V.r«> brent(i, tmt.n»the, re! form, of the W'ebster shmiltl be -ee. we are not asleep. -rhisi^a time for'rea-onir.g :r.;. it- ot rf<,.vt to her ^ where some sweet . ,e it avoided and coldly turned down vety skin, lovely coiuulexiua. lnd it certainly behooves Mr. memory to express ouTTiighest, win be com Ieted never ^ be by the public. The greatest care Many charming Women owe their YOl'RS FOR BUSINESS Hanberry and ]Mr . Smith to think regard for the noble life which broken a(fain should be taken in selecting a health timl lieauty to them. .>Y Dale .t- Sfnl.l.lotjyld'r. rf"'" ' j 'e -.u ^ . 'n ,''.fe A precious one from i- -time, A. B. Beale & SON. ~ ~ iessed fa;than-Christa%iinchiUl- A voice we loved is stii individuals, arid no mistake' will Regulating Women's Dress. 'ike simplicity cultivated this ' A place is vacant in our •_•:v.e be made in securing any of the priceless:!TH. nuttin in the manner of what whom she was associated as well^i Harsh physic; react, weaken .vomen shall weaT and "how Ttnct; She was a consecrated memlier John C. Ravburn was Mar. the bowe!», cause chronic consti-; Xotlcc

vhen they shall wear it. uf the M. E. church, a true and| 1852- and died at ki" ' in pa'ion. Doan's Regulets operate |

There are. abundant chances j..,v jted wife and mother: a high-'- Wadesboro Feb. IS, 190$, agw) b-sasily, tone the sumach, A a a aa as : . . . - . . "She leaves'L fifkf tty-liv •>. ni>eA yeartuia i>sa ananidl eie^.^vi.iiv v kn .i. in^hWs. . - . An cnustipati.n. 25c. Ask " I have fiougl'.t tK interest of the estate of the ror~instafice, a great many_, eighJJ t loved ones all of whom are Funeral services were c .itfeted dru£siet..fot them. ate J. At Parker—my father—in the firm of J. A. vanien are addicted to wearing married except the. vounger son, by Eld. \V. O. Hargrov Public Spcnking by an (Irganizer Jogs...... u juiiish' her memory as a hal- ,He was married 27". 187'J. Parker ,v Son. Jewelers. The business will be con- Tnere shouid l>c a 'ta a to pro- [owed and priceles? heritage. j.-W hen tweiity yearS-ad pro- " ': • -' M tinued in the same straight forward and courteous T. M. Davis, of Mt. Pleasant: ] "Smthis.— " " ^woGYtTsayT"loved onea, takecouf-1 faith-nrChpjjr-an.n;nifedt way that has ivifn iis so many friifnds and made the Tex., will ?[ieak on the following On the ot her hand, "bany wo- age, for death with mother was With a Mi jsior.afy Bapti-r.ehurch business of -I. A. Parker & Son. one of the best in . iien wear stockings and waists not dying, but living on,' for it l.-.ter in iiietras ordained a! the Country. • We 'han'n you for past favors shown - n-bav^re ui.) ffofus^ly decorated- was w-iti". he.-r ail wl.-'-si-y o-: deac n at. 1 ^....aj^a iq .hful. I BETTER THAN LAXATIVES us aitd In1 • tn liioi it uui iiirniii'.ieiii'ii'itii'iuedt p.itiim.ige -vith va -ant pt^ee*' • r Christ''„s .feritajro, when the si$r- zealous menrj,er. rogalar in at- Oiiliivarv |>iUr,catl«Arti. > .itnl^nrc-ti. canit |»ripinnitisea. and di»trr»*ing and - assure you we. will-do our part to make our b'usi Undoubte^ly-a law ahould be nal canie she pre< te4 -t with wel- tcndance at his"elwrefe —rvicee injunou* aftrr «tfect» aTe fir« . ruiTjr mto prevent' these articles dome, having the sweet %assuf^ and uncoWipjDmisingin doctrine life lasting. \ t>o may-have \-r»ttr money ness relationship pleasant. Let us show vou back for ihe mtie askir g tl Kt nail (»rde: M lu in^r more transparent ahce that the_pear]y ^ate on the until -hi/ death, lie leaves a lies do nut ftvEjcumeticnslipati- a axaiJiiiiv JOE T. PARKER, than a picket fenco. ^ sunlit shore of God's kjvo arni w i:e. One son. two daughters and restore the mte^tir^* t•> regular activity and go..d i.eahl, TWe art- eaten like Succes^r to J. A. PARKER & -Sox, Jewelers. - Another custom wltich calls for; birss stands ajar for her chi trance. a ho;t ofr friends to mourn his randy, a-id can ta^en dav or hi^ht. Tiore,legislation is that habit of I Woatdsay t ) the"bereaved fami- Ipio. In 'bis death the county Tht-y f>p»iti%-ely do n/H cause nativa^TT^i1 y 'I * in^ »r any diicomfurt vlf.itever. Two .vt^rinic vatit auanlities of hor-1y, lletj; s rftali7e vividly the lov^ 'lost an honorable citiiien. his Wtfand 15t*. - - — -—r a t-owod. porcha^cd. retiovatedand . faith and bo^e which our children a kind and affectionate nade over hair of various^ raj^U-T u^.:niitered mold father, his wife,a devoted hus- DALE & STUBBLEFIELD.


/ it' I - I /1 _ • - ^ T w — ! • . .



M>-> Tamp Keyi i.-ft Monday « • LOCAL & PERSONAL 3.1b can* Kraut ISc1 Genuine Open Kettle Nj|w Xui Iklljt Svimu*. M;»».. 4U \ U.t 3-lb cans Lye Hominy 25c Orleans Mhlasses. per gal. flBa < 'vornl week*. She will visit a _ 15c cana Strawbarriaa 20c, h Oranges, per do*. 25 A 90o P»t roi i 'W dms in Memphis, t 2-lb cans extra Table Pears 25c r»ncJr Apples, per peck 75* Bant Jr»**Jn < Co. A Itoiae inslfrtiti'in. 1 Large can I'nclj Sam Bananas, per dot. . j Mrs. Ada Keys Is very linked Means 10,. Nuts, mixed, per lb. SCKJ heart trouble. whero »h» 1:44 l«vn teaching Patent Flour ?or barrel. ftrrjixbarrio*, Large cans Van Camp* Graham Elour, 21-lb sack I0r : Clyde lltvukn Ieturned music th" past year. • Naw fttrlnfc Buanf. aw Potutoo It- ftc. FIfflRTHwni t5C Mamas Ready fee um> Pat, Monday flight ft- nt i-\ it M: SalHe' Bmwn has return- —— I can* \'an Camps String Cake Flour, 2 boxes SSe I leans Ucn't t* M--' M- ed heme from Martin. Tram. Li Large Unities Choice Olives 45c 3 10c Bum . n«l» 25c [5 lbs Good Rice 25a ^ B lbs Lady Peas Telephone C.i'i* I, vtif Di .t 1 Small size Bottles Olives 2Re 1 30c Box 2 " Bes t " 15c "®c ;( Boma Red Cross Spanhetti 25c' An) u-;.' ' '.Cc 12 lbs Kogtilar 2»ic Defender . Red Wing " in pkgs. 100 il lkixes Roil Cross M»c»ryni T." • I .—Pair of gold rint spec- 5 lbs Unit Sugar 40c L .. —— ( olTe* B8c T*kg Powdered Artsptee i\ene SiHin A ilvu-lil „ ' i 2 lbs Regular 11 2 Uk' Pkgs High Grade 80 tacle! between Methodist church 5 lbs Powdered Sugar " asc 16c " Mustard titty In f. Mince Meat 5c and remdeiKV, Return to Nat ' 1 Pktf Arhuckle at ion ol' K •• 11 1 " Vk 3 lik' cans Chipped Beef 2* Be«t Prepart d " ;ar 10c Mi's _titgee P'lt'et-M rt ., ..f t'ANNKU tW»w j 2 86c pfcs B!ttBk |m-.ei| ol' aev- 43c I!ii«.!vputtr Aim gueal of IL4WUixwellHauaa Uleud 35c - «»•* ('orn 2 +t— - -C+ta-eSttdrblel'teld. of Vietora-, •I 'J UL PI ill IJC. Buck wheat rtotir ready for < csn ishland. Ky . 3 Iba Lima I Butter 1 Beans, 25c Mri. tiertie Irvan, tit -Hentt. US Has, came in Wednesday even- • I x in rm \ nTTice reacncs ane use 2 pkgs. 20c 1 Large can Maxwell ho^se • called to tr 5 Iba 1W KoineyJUaiK, ing on a ahortiuialiurt i uitt to relatives 11 :t-lb can Choice Peaches 25c W. D. Low wioM. Ten 5 lbs Navy tSroisTTWffis* .^T, Turnip Greens - . coffee, per can at New Concord. 2 cancans Whitextrae, Heath Peaches 15c lerator. Tin- 2 Iba Rice 15c J. D. Kowlett. Jr.. is at home lice Pineapple 40c be preached 3 Iba Flaked ll.mtlliy 10c PLEASE NOTE-Some changes in this weeks Bulletin. My from -l.Duisville where he has 2 cans Choice Grated •ir»M. Thomp Texas, is here on a visit ti.hcri, ..' , ,. .1 . . Pinaapple 40c 3 lbs Evaiiorted Apricoti 35c Prices started right - they are always right, in keeping with any- Western I; • father, J. A. Ellison. 'b,en ulU'nd'nif Coll,?,ie the """ 2 Small cans Pineapple 2'» lbs Evaporated Apples 25c one's prices who expects and asks only a ligitimate profit in doing I rWi ^ — ^ , Chunks 25c J lbs Evaporated Peaches 2oe a credit business. If you want to pay the c^gh across the counter Miss Kubye Wear left the tirst .P. Powell,- Mrs. Elournoy Knight, of 2 I^irge cans Pineapple 3 Iba Fancy Prunes _ . Uoc or to our deli very boy* upon receipt of goods, please state so when of the week for Memphis to visit ;ssful repn-t her Hac fE wv«St ffuWfcy X U New Con. 2 Large (3 lb) cans Pie 1 Pkg Choice Figi 10c from above prices, and don't forget at all times we want to con- L-n'tuoky pub- Rev. E. B. tlourlaml ind wlfcjcortt'ind vicinity to visit Tela- Pineapple^ "25c 4 lbtt< booking Ktgs 25e conducUour buiinesa on the mutual plan. » We hav^jio kick coining left this week t>» visit itt Arkan- tives. 3 cans Ilk Quality Sugar • 'drn 25c 2 Pkg Knox Gelat'ne . 25c to the trade as to the progress of our business. Our buslnea* la aas for*a few weeks. 2 cans 15c (Quality Sugar Corn 25c 3 Pkgs Jello 25c only three months old and haa gone far beyond our expectations. vho has been S. RAi'lltov. Ilyt it together. 2 i.^cangGooseberries 10c All we ask and desire is, that our friends who have started with Rev. W. E Humphreys wnl [ am buying again and paying _ ,11.1b Pkg Seeded Raisens t for a Ch' •PPQPVHI^B. ,-1 can Bestt^uality Tomatoes 25c 1 25c Cake Bitter Chocolate 20c us continue in line, and any new customers who may be disposed Monday to preach at Pottertown lhursday Igyod prtcea. "T«ll me a',ou'4 3.1b cans Apples •J5ci j Large size t tOIbi Cottolene 1.20 to thrn their patronage my way .will be very much appreciated and days before night the 17th. jjL.fU'AttLEvJH^Jron man. 1 2 cans 2'

former' trouble. I know who you are. - |cal department of the State I'ni- chants using -its Long Distance'pected tonight from Memphia i. .. _ ^ - .. versity. service.' It where he is attending the reun- ion. One hundred and twenty-one "SufTereTday and night the tor-i sold by th& X. C. & nietft of itchira pHe*. Nothing STRAYED.-Jersy cow' with at tK:s phiCc- for helped m« utvlii T used* Dnan:K' white hind'feet; about 8 years Memphis i'n in im int of the Con- Dintment, Itemedme perma- old; Weighs about 73750 lbs. Been day from Chickaslia. < »k. Cal- 'nentlv."—U n. John R. Oarrett, gone about ten day^. Notify' J; lie li-as been looat.'d for :-3ev e ra I. mi'ntlis. Mayor, liirsrd, Ala. R. HAYDEN, Lynn Grove.

sh Will Geiintheweiidrcsscdcircie-wcarSchwabciothes in this Enormous Stock of Merchandise You will find unusually Low Prices in every 10,00 I* • SSBl department. Money Saved is Money Made, and this is what you can do if you achine.

ttrii'tly hiirh Sulfa SO Per Cent. Off of Each Dollar Mens' Furnishing*. cular. Drcp- :t, cone bear- $25.00 Suits going at • .$20.00 $2.50 Silk Shirt with collar • ranleed. We 20.00 " __ "• "....:..• ••••16.00 2.00_ " mber of these 15.00 71 " ..... 12.00 1.50 Silk FimsKShirt with collar bove price - lOTOO " " store- and if. 8.00 . 50 Cotton Shirt'with collar of buying , a you to invea- 6.80 2.00 Dress Shirt on. A high- ie. drop-head, ling machine ; that sound Come and iep. r5TNE55 ."si Nainsook[Shirt and Drawers ..... ; & SON. 50 B. V. D. Under Shirt and Drawees

Carpettlnft and Mattinft. 10 Pieces 25c and 35c Matting going at. per yard 20c TJ SI.IKI Best Qjality Owing to our enormous Millinery business 3 Pieces 12 '*c and 15c Matting going at, S 3.50 " per yard- ... 10c this Spring we are able now to give you some " • " 1 Pieee All-wool Carpet, 75c grade, going of the greatest inducements t'-at can be giv- at. per yard. •'• • • . • 50c of t!,e 1 Piece part-wool. 50c grade, goinglat, en and will find that our stock is being kept per yard 40c up full same as early in spring season. Two $22.50 Druggets going at. each... $18.00 >e cor.- Two $12.50 Druggets going at. each $10.00 Every one that has been in our millinery de- rteous 5.0IHI yards best American calico, per yd..4 « c partment acknowledges that we hay* tha 5.IKHI yds Hoosier Domestic, per yard. • 4e •ile tl*o :'. boxes of roll remnants, 10 yds in each largest and most tnvtVdate stock with oue cl Ladies, don'T R. .- IUU opportunity Uf "buy The above prices includes every pair of our roll, goinx n?r roll. . . .$1.10 the'most accomplished millinery ladies at the a waist that will cost you less than you could low cut shoes in Mens". Womens' and Chlld- Hope Bleached Domestic- —. ti -c buy the material and make one. rens' in wir house. Pieces fic Seoteh 4,awn at..per yard — • -3-Ve

A. Q. KINIGHT 8 SON Murray, Kentucky m rtMMV

'.'•* " v. •- '

HE KNEW HOW TO PfCK THEIL STREET OCCUPIED »Y FAMILY 'should have .lone •« Kv'»V»lt» he ,. I.ilv U.k.4 upon hy Mtra. While MIM'I Oculii* Cim HKPUVLICAN Waman a' Brittany, Frame. Still Ali»» ' aa a Irwveliflf .-mpattwn TRU Great Question Aki* t9 kHl *» 147 The Escape ' fur Uurii i. Mr tin! lurt attevl III* at- Modern NmOfc lor t i'ii* bn»'p- «• on t »*t. *" pMflHMl D><< AjMtf jjto ThoMgM from Mammon anp| a** W»m * rfurtni tli» fUHNtM^mift Wtttlonal "un®- Mttir. la' flea. h. a wwfw« •'( it \t Ok- !-4t.wii «T luart," nuiiUm. iuiU lha dinuii* t ivJkiii* Hvreatly In. tl v .--a**, i* »Hff'iiiiiUit by H? \1 ui IL .. . i JU it tli«u" hrr»»»i«i i t, «.«H. ii,W. » t*l»lo-tn Ifrfttitff-ni r« C-.m-- ffiu» ii "Hrtmittr Ahtr a» and who by the law of an-Tajes •» inevitably f. -i. ii,,;ir h« •* >ut 1U » «<»*! s«*r. U*»I>te»r liiii.) »•••«.I»iiw'"' t mEu-h llutb'a and Tvljt ~ vjt'ih lajkiuK wuiuuu' I'd llkw h» m««««l " iiatur IHH W, »l«l If tW* Tawtfurf-ltlF, rt«ii awa m^I m —Ll^ TU* mHM 1 »•!»» uvit, inhlu, ttbti ton, the Amrrtf i •iiU tUa UUv i .iluu uvul, (!)• flw bolln tli i i>.f •*' »i,t : i i;t >Mrn and }.» . . -r ' . r «.ra|.i. i in thr Irvinmiirir mnn «»n nhuiiUlfr aiuh •Aid fn»taty Wr. thui Kuly t* tuf duty. *oiild you » ' Kw Ijmllirrv of »how ..-il v live are nam •m| Ml Thai v titiulcl ttut "H. natt.r Abli Hy "<•• Mn.' L» A '-.aJju-iuJu Vm-w wliat >furiit hf-t Khiik'- fh# Timiniif PMN erntHi tn • 111 till* .Itfe »III 11 A lu.t.-Mt—i I- •• . ! I I >1 maW—lr»-u| - Lit i ttibera to Aw- «aitt » A 111 « I llllt "I am gtiHt in>n't y»u You inrtatutjr Would be In Ta" AI> i Ktthl (Hi Kil tn tho light « in tin* ' V,r u*.lt, and lu^ai tl^m hale I. An.l lu'wtnitUM Avuriwd dtU II.) tHOtlM can there be an - down the hitf of »>* umulati-iu from kvnm ml pr-'f^i-aa KvaoauA L'u«4. v- any reasonable : rlfnrti T son Wllmaith " ni.-d.iim tirtf'iti tTiij-'li id tii» . Prt»r-i»M#.vt Women Aid Good C«u»«. IJIJLILMI '11 unfit to be work ' t.wlai f* lite of -r—a --n* * ?--- - rt.c . A H«nntn'f wtiiiit'w wH^tty* tariff revision? I !n*s ppmuim nt poaitium* lu ineivlr «r anWWer fur Imnarlf. Ilia doctrine is •a th* ftla*#, nrv takiinc nn n« t|v« kiv Ordinarily it craay. i a>' Ut. f. t*l»nt tn thf> Mitt til bore ulowU IAIH* Kvcry sane pi tlir> ficl.l rrchaaJiaitL l'nt«n Mm W K Vund'TliUt ha» r>*> AiLun-HiiUlh or. - F R^UTTY F NI^N FOR WHMIHIT ' U. I.J. . 4 I'm . • , r < .—' I1B llT Kl'li to the preaiBt hvMiir* lor i'oimuuiplltMm K«>tth •tin. t. but if it ;to!mi«.-J ii tecllon" as th Sialtllnx »>f t'blriiKoftiii* •rmtcd » jlj^ * oat of pri afo into tt- 'l : ! I n.-ittltahutn f»'f tin- ChU nwo T\ib»'r«uh>^ abroad* plua ..iiavi- a gr^attj faTantml ifm. r *t* trrntttut«» rtt foat pf lbnilt~f^jlg homo TnrmnfttrT Mm. Ctrflte P Huntinicton Hn«| In Hid Kanijal ta»'. - an t tai We develops Mm lltirilen tUirrJman bav» ertuuituU' thruu^ih cofTipctitivr < • TIRGYFR W^TH«-TT)IIJT^IIIPTTON N*NT TIL war, from a tu If h<- liuxitnr a nma of fa- v > r,»*rtt» Kk-o. Mm Norton \\'in<'» :II> n vf tfw • •• J*I' . Jll;: *}'jjlojM* «• r\matl«' aba bmu k • Kmma Cal»i» tn. a liinti fntlitmlitNtlo au4 t.. ti^ .».»•!« (W.j-1. CtMIST NiLO IlllPtlt If that Mi l in , tid bii ktvao totyly of h«T tion of n. v -tv tn { • * • scan the hunrlri f vrj., . , { Ut«Mit and invitit y (or the relief uf AldrU'h tariff h tdmla pwp «ti l with t! ? r ' - . TT«V I ^ xiot { tt.(.vrrul«<*u »ttfTerera, and Mtna UlKft true principle Ni'tboriwiUi ban ••v*n Imtur^l, Unlur* rich and his a t'omparf with tL-- !-.:• .».' i I u.VM- j public oft tuboreukwla. oci'ti|«tian,<* for * leant scientific HM H" HA* ,, t TMC MINT GCNTECL. In American hl| work. Ill- a. I.'pt. this r; • •* ^ h. aft, on urrogantly a Hoi hia pariitiHar t«l«i' r'.ap- : on Ann'ilean ct .-»ifi|«-ni.-it!i'n itbirh will • n me tot. fit of manufae that j#tlM «• < eam d In The e;j«rnc«' Its InhenntlyJ rh6irr of a life work I..- m.n antii ij.ate t! • tin • -:: .a • . . polltlral econoi declaring that mav hav to tjumtion tiiM :i. • \ -• thing to be end romprtitions. Men writh lr-»i of tin . a! Hi !'.•:. »_ •• ' "V. -," n• 11 (irant, "the aort of 11 lays burden fii in tli- «r>.at Aliuiiition cIkmpd occujmtion. tb.-- ji^.-u Wk. •...•-. - : that should be 1 1'ivi- .VI1 you ».iv is, l kiioia. Mr S:iph«iid !ljr Jovi?, If a ncttrly an Industry IKI on.-v getting.- Uaja an.l nn-ans • , that • u ! t.;\ 12 oclcn k lVrhnpa J had b«'tt*r bo tru.." ' ' 7* " As % natlofTs" ith the young man'a i.J alL«m, but Iat»r ,b lii —i»roM|n-roo«— ^ Tt.-'1 '• nr h>- •• J«t ilnf n anim^'ITiTT,d Ittrii. .J T' " .Minn rtnmrt\V«I1, th<»y nay ".N'oyer crtitchi'a shoot family Ji-ji*'ti.l.'riT"u"p..n him and may • k for * IT 7.4. »arda hrr. put off fill to inorrow what you eun do favor ef a aim] tilings with which hw family most enter a «- u" ' Hut -..HI ran .a.-H|w," hw aaj>[, to-day." -Aldrli H ami himself dt»ap]wJint'i» i-ai.l you ha.) l.-ft Wall aln-et thlnga In the way of a younger firm. have «*onvlet* 'How about lotting tlobba A Kawnon schedules, not ticm of the dictum alwaya u a tat u[).iii tin j.r .Ct«. forever." har«' your neat consignment of canned revenues, but To in(«aim' ideal lam, then, agaitut inon . b- OLD PEBS-lTtO* "An.l the way of rva|M' :. ra«y noveltlea?" hie suggexted to one of the manufacturers. an nufxAaible.coniparative aliaunlitv for you," ti rant Kor I lotc manufacturers "They are hard-work* Ordinary AI Ing gentlemanly young felloes" tlri'd of B«-ing That'a Juat the trouble." nald the of a "protectT SIH- aat iHi nt. She 1cm>w what abandonetl hof : manufacturer^with a derided ahak<* of oirt-r»*«l li»T. Sin? aiond at tiiohi a heed 'Tin no gentleman myself, ate douiiuati'd . 1'tMiiunv. 4t«»i <»• c}t«*w h<»- and l don't propose tn'mtxiip nnr have TO"PNM«IDENL ta TiiltIiSnSrr»'Vif.- or any business dealings with gfnltlemoft. "I'll trouitiKn m^ jtooda-^ar^oti._me A—UNDTJJ A TIT.-LLIU as I've alwaya done, and you can do aa • RTURIOS, the HT F r ,-!if huii-Loni^ to love C.ranL L you Ilk* with 'cm.**—Youth's Com- aumers turn. "1 caimot offyr you itnmeiiM panion TS'XINGA* yU-k." h<- was saving, "hut Predatory tnktinc??. ! ami I to^thiT ini^ht know the jov The ttrtttsh Tb»' Inherlted predatory, tendency of passed 4»y A v of living. \VTjat Irf your aiiairi men tb aelze upon the fruits of other 1» . v..i| AFI^W why 1 am ti'-re iii new incom'* ta . Sii.' kiK'w ail that-ho tm*nnt, all people s labor la still very strong, and come above $1 Kn rope '"'* f_ —_ _ i1i»7 p^iT^joy of Uic which mTgfil while wo have nothing more to fear cent., and om By PkOf WOODIOW WILSON "I lis... thought ..f no r.a*«i.:' from king", we may yet have trouble per < ent. ejmiigh from comtnen lal monopolb-a fa;-! tirntit, "*avt- the naqal onea Thursday by for a Kur.ip.ari tour. Vou liavi- "Iai-t ino think," slio askith _and favored industries. man-Jilna to than two to « Arrosi* tlu lapo^n t!u? lights of the polls their horde a of bribed retain- come over now, "of '.MIRV, l^I-auis,; death, settlem \«'niio siione; X't'iiieOp whioh in her ers Wnll. Indeed, has It been naid sion duties. *1 ]{«l»rt .'oimiig to taW. up hia eternal vigilance ts the price of liber- lua fituoii-^. A iiian >; j 'j. -- ,i -j-.r- * on v r pic*. Htr inatiiwt for MR MORHRR. ! REJ^ AT.-D IUV r<-, . . . . # drives many a beatthy peraoil Into tha The antinfti HUo^elhcr a i»a'J Uling hiH on t?.' < i. ! '.-•.. - 1 i ? - 1 Jife 1 I anddepth a of deapalrtng iltneaa. Indeed, without a db much alekneaa cornea from wrong food vote It taxei i»uhiiu'H8 in pl'-ysurt'. -As a matter 'fI fiic!., a tnar. L !K>,,W> •magin. HI* «-'»n- J«T»NJ a suitable | * HLIO'TIW that Mammon and Juat so jnrely a.t that 1a the raa» a litle above l,rin rt and U> ao< M*tv i* lo got'Jsj^ brain inj > -u«-h -,.ap« intern );• S-VT m.»i airaiiI 'liiiii or K ^ man or w.Miiaii satisfac- rWit-f.xxl w ill make, the Bun shins tax on gftflll ( t'rtaiiih »ni1 her an- alek and wrnt to bed. loAlna t" |>ounda >.Hlf.-.-hrtl I|m Mviyta) it with- from A much swi-r. In about CU daya. 1 had doctor after i it or JIIJ sign of nurpri-.., doctor, f.KMt hurt me and I tiad to live -upon LX-RSONIV Wr hare rr.ul .it thai . .I hen II- kie w lliiglu s' 'II.. was uetfh- Hut PRE^PJITLI slie put her hand almost entirety mi iiiaKneala and a.ata In Great H '-.ti..*in ,,ilif-r wnni-V».. are j». bought aome and p.-raiiailed me to ~ est A" of the I "l\n afraid," sai.1 tin- n.ti.-jin; ililTi'i»-iiti.ili'iH uf the wrthaP-fewmw, was ht-c. liaitie toy It pill, ''that you liavcn't enough arm "I had no faith In It. but took It to the hotrs*san to be mentioned to tne I ..-5 to lie | thT f(.r t|„. ,onM|U)„r -- 1; WILLIAM LEE HOWARD The past hypn. ritiral denials of the LIUUHIM : I,.IT T TLL'T pleaae her. Ta my aurprlae It did not excn lse- liiial gr.-at paveWopn aiid ihanjujs Kef.,-tli fr- tin mv part I prom-1 -y„n ,ln nic rn .it'i,nju-tuc, " un- distress me as all other food had done ISOF. thr bhrt is. >1 that, at Ife fnJ .f life time tf,^. ^aW 'Sorghtiu, and before 1 had taken the fifth pack- ITS "TITTLE'WAET nnd m^i.'.!* whii-h are . "ri^tdiiiTy purging woold ••"iis.-NT if I!- I »•„., 1.1 pi.I .ml - Alia 1 niiligisl to fvmpathl>c—winr = In till- ;t.lLib'H.^lllIII JI.-MIMI~I- , bai'E d. iiiHci: harm. tn to brmg m\--lf to .1,, left my head, my mind became clearer producera and consumers. But tho and I (taln.-d- wei*bt rapidly. Let Them E aaya l>r. William lav Howard' in the .'Houae\i«.|irr. J'^ia . months are halfwav PRO.OF OF IT. through trou|,|0 is that some of us aspire to "I went back to my work attain and le. A ." - injury to growing laivs and girls in trying tn iUu..U.. tb- UI to- I he only producera of wonls an.l eon- now after sii wapks' use of the food No amount gvthcr is well, known lo ptrysifiana and psaxholngiafa. Many«Jmre .- "Is that rail juunf fell- VI a lift "An.! you nr. going lo consent?"! sumers gfjiine 1 aui hetter and stronger than ever be. Aldil.-h. <«er fore In my tire. Orape Nuts aurely Republican trual to eaivfiiHy tli—iinptiirtaift Watt, rs to par. nt- and fi ach- Mi froth?" — t.rant slwinaM — "How- can I i-efti-eV* she asked. aaved my life and made^ne t strong fact lhat the efs, but ao wrongly iihpreistf-1 have !»vn th.pan n*- ami Ii .h h.-r. of tij, Iiki it. TTe |,a yirt R¥XTT hearty man. If, (munda heavier than ' 11..»>>k at bis wealth. I.aik at his po- lilug I past, that lu^ny phyaiiians ha\e given up ill diagust. and some of tlam Tiought. another RV-U IUII.IH.-:' before I was taken III I • 111 R aition, hail at the |>u.'i I should' have lo»l {.iita-iiu by attempting to tell the truth. A. broken pitcher was •ffctt'd as "Belli my giaat wife and I are Will - Hel-i THE HOUSEHOLD WYSTERV. havr ;i his wife, H"•W iw calcalll I1 e»- testimony that Kphraim .ta.-k.on, In* to juake affidavit to the trutli'of IJ'.as are changing; truths ar.- for. :ng theui~. lfea t.. tin- aurf... cap- ''l • ''be rolore.1 prisoner, fiwd whacked this." It ts now and in th.. •Sung generafe-n of paMtts-an! J. acliers 1 Ta .. .. to l>oes Yi'yr hjiah.ind knoa tlfant out OTIVI. r the ilark. ilia »iU- head. • • Head The Road to Weltvltte," In pitlillran pal Pkgs "There's a reason "' tariff lev let. liafe the duitara tell of thr fitli^WtlliWf this .rotnuiT tila follow.^jn ,wii. nft'a well ri««M at tbrs,; tn;." said .tin teamed fwIgsv^Sohe. a* "rp^ar. fr.-w, MM.'|I> iimv- " «'"•"•»• «•*»> a.a full ..r hum.a F^MLILT ' : -"L II 'iria.-r i niafrr li--." !'»•' . - - .* 1 ' _ TuBC——:—. ^Z" ~~ LlBUgil '* JBBBBl %tur h«. miwuu ; ' '" ' "•

Tr: .'• ' ".sr. ; Tf-

- . -t

WBW—| ",n • "•WPP""

ArrttCTtOlt. OLS OF TRUSTS.' TOPUBUC MORALITY •UKDlNf LIFTIO toa « i. . . . .Out IK« Pram Imt Vaeka. MfUMLICAN (CATORt »IIN IN Oatnmartal (ffaat sf (atran • Mlyh Tariff. A bad back la a heavy handicap lo TMUt UUMr. ,oa# of ua who have to »urk.«v»ry | Get Well ; in "i"•»• "- '»rlt btt auw nL day. Nlttw tlmwa out ' Hi TiaUrul a If aria un uiurallty, rtiuialor of ten. ba< ka^ha \ olMIKn" Cry Invoked by Th«m I* wlnlrto grt | Maini'r uf Mnrylantl tnaraly iuad<- ID tvllaof kidtiey w»ak I If you arcrick, yo u woll, dont -yontl Ta> th« •••opia in lht InitrMlt I'UlilU' a aluti uii ul ohlth liaa uftan neaa The only way Of rnurnp yen ti". You winti to bo rid uf the pain and I to Hud relief la to •I a laaltrn Mait* t'" ii niftili' In mlale. "'"" •' till d«! I mim-rv, uml ha happy again. cure Hum h»r »in.til you In i auai* many laaa ara an ijinalltulad I lievt'd or cured IhounHndft of ladies, nuflerirg Ilka mull a £ "1*1* and women, Mra lla'a ml tha lur.rhull frvar"' ;>n »iih ii :mi |m i 11 iii li'cul mumttty or liinral U'aallly of palna In tnjf bark >n4 loltta ao aanara lain a TAKE duly, ftuulit ytm fttvur aiu h h rule'* nny kind of lunation on lni|Mirla I cuulil harilly andura It. Hoan'a Kid RBilaamf waa ma-la to Inruli-ata In "rtnintur AUrk h I *ir lil Anil If "WkM w* I'ay »Hat the lunda arr dp> I '11 la mad a tna f»al bptlar In ath a girl a ln»a for unli-r ami nlaaall- l^i'Miiiit') 'ja t^uiiTVul niun1. 1 worth »hy •hnuM wi Haw in pay a •hort tlnip, and I took thnn until aa naaa I ul m.l,l"iily UiTa .liai tpiina fcniilil In- In fat hi iirTF»T~ flna for Ihu prlrlli'itTT nf -bnylnf thi* | caaap.l rir thu |axir ahfla fli-.l to «ooda!" That la thr fotnlnlu- ar«u tlraly lrp» from my troabla." CARD UI In I hi' Hit lit of lila i|iinli-i1 rvmnrka k«r JtflBia In Ihi- faataaaapa Thlthar • mi tln-r.- In- unr ilmibt In lh<< nilntl ul want mill bvyottd that and Into Ihr Hold hy all di-nlpra to ranta a boi , tha ItalPlih wutnan Irarml bi-r aftvr FOP Women's Ills •ny rxnumublw hnnuin l» Ina lliat Not liam-a oi ppottiitilra vrry frw * "tilPit Foitur Mllbuin Co., lluffalo. N. Y. 1 «oma iliffli nit) win Wllumrlh Aliltli ll la utiaoluli Ir will i-oitdaai'pud to tfu In tlrw uf PITY FOR THC TOILER. "Wh> did yuii laava ma. Mary Vra. Tannic Kllld, of FOBUt, Atk., «uffrrwl Bpmy for «P»BB| until la la1 f»mim«*d any volrii. In lltla roadIIInB uml tin* Krurarf ul 1 JBBO*" alia a«l>p.| I yean. Krad bcr loiter about CarJuL She writoa: "1 waa aick (or I tariff rrviniiwMHH h l*-aa a»i« ri'Vlacr* our il">i rfplluh iif II may uaallgr Im I "Mia Mitican I )pa' ruulilll't atay!" Ilia dm-trlm* la |uutililnn gnu*1 i-li-mi aaii rlaliH'd by our raadnral lliurr la I acvra ypara with famals trouble. Kyi-ry irmith I woulil wry nearly aiclalmatl tba ttlrl. "I «aa Jai cloyoA L craty. fiaal for llioiittht In fho blunt alata I die with mv lu aJ mi l to. k. I took 12 boltlca of ('Brtlni and waa | wlU liiauir Kvrry aanf iMillllcal vruanmlal, fruin tui-nla of Manator llaynurof Maryland | cured. Cardui U a God^amd to aulTt-ring women." Try U. Adaui SIUIIIj ur.Juhu Ktwilt Mill ilu.u "Tlu'ii- ai'i-nia to br aoiupthlni Obfdiancc. to th»* prwit aitiiNii, iii-nni a "|ir<> abiiui I hi' t« riff that |u-r»i'Ma tha "PriBnpt and u?iqilPaTIi'flTrtl ftbaill. - * AT ALL DRUG STORES i V iiriinn*' aa iin- iiirr.-r.'iM . tM-twn-a IllHnan mind and aaplratlnna and Inni anra la, I tip rurtiar atoti* of tba foua> - llui mat ul iirmliii'lliin ul" hiihi.v- tna of ih«* HfMil for tnitfi Th» allua Ballon uf aupppa la Itfp Nn man ran nbniiul, PIuk ri'iimiBnl'lr iirnflla in lion in Washington la amh that you j alvp ordara pru|»prly 'who haa not home TniiiiiifarinriTa minim «.'! |||« truth out of ahyhndy I hi-ar, Lliupy, dat da prlra uf llvln' 1 lairnpd fu takx ttu-m. and "aa>p ha Tha Only Qrnutnv Kaaiav iNartTtrrn id Arliaaftaa Wi- d'-vi-lupail, In 11, la ri publli > t ntu ypry fund of liar«. I ha»p atudli'd baa Intrrfim-d" a*r»p. no man tii^iy tut"" It will ba vcdiuiiuU' auuanl* Ii4u.»iii# iW i-uu by Ilay and br m«ht. but I n-vr •Yrp. Up»..4t inuat bp toudh to ; feund t^t tha B*an wbo hav won ; feley R0r WHISKEY war, friini » tariff liir r«-v.'ini.' Imi.U In my llfr aaw aurh an aKKri-xnUnn of have lo »ork for »ot n falter aata.' ' Ultlr way to poalliona of powar and ' In a "nmliTllvf" tariff tinala Virtr tlii ui na art' uaO'inblvd In llita raplliil I rtapoiialblllty Itlva Invariably bppn f$re and DRUG USING •rarcrly iimr" tliun 4ti ytinra lali-r, »«• nnd tkpy ran HP «lth 11411aI (utility SKIN ROUGH AS BARK. tha man who illil not rpaami or nricua arr iitialilni: priili-il lv." tariff ualdi- ui*in imp aldp -or thp oihrr of thr nr anil "rpappi l fully rppraaanl," but A rourM of Hot Spring* Ilalha |i«ao aath patient who prnmptly did aa tbpy wara runt-' 702 Park limir In fat-in* of u trulff for tin' ain-rlal aauip iiupatlun " • Baby Bfiy Had Inttnaa Itchlig Humor MOT SPRINGS, ARK. Write fur lufurmatii'n. Corrc«|>oo«1onre t'onlblenllal. maild«4 ;.'tut quoaUuiilmi It la Iwnrttrnf rntit.i'r rr\l»m ' ;—;— — * I IK h tariff la a niPliaPP to publlr —Berate had Till Blood Ran. If that. aorma a airitntt atntrmrnt. Dinrallty tfm aSaei og hid naiiuu in i tha l»r«i' HUB. am Ilu IttflP man, who arnn thr himitrntir nf arftrrtnlmrtn thr thi' lilnn run la ditrlui'-ntal to thr bi al Found • Cura lit Culkura. racogni/ra a auparlur aiitlmrltf, Aldrb-h tariff bill that no Ix-yutul Ilu Inti ri-ala of Hint nntlntl Thla la th I - trui' prlnrlA*' "I "lirnti rllnn " Alii I rpauli of n aplrtlual law In thp natural Our »on, tarn yi-ara old, waa affllrtnl ^ Raopla Talk About Good Thlnga. 9, ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE rk'h mill bin hIIIi'h ari* |hoe» aut-li a prp|iaratinn 11 u rnwilpr f,T the Irua.t ai li-nllfli of nny tariff fr«nit-ra | "" »' r'' t>"' IIUlllrHl law* of (til- Mi-d.-s tha troublp apvi ral %pi-ka I look him KaPt. 'l"'l.i til, I 11... IMUUIII*-lupuS* i»|- Allan'* f 'N.ipKav , a powder for the feet. H relo-vei painful, awol IVr n Jen. umar'ting. htvouh fret. aii«t IhfttantfylakeiVhe ating ootof crrnjn In Aini-rii un liljtory *Tb«-y boldly and "'" " AiwiJ-a Herald to the doctor bm It got warae. Tho Allm'. r,»,i )-., 1,,n. I« "| I. 1 t,, ,, ,fl,r arroRnnlly ittti'inpt to to li-vy tasi'n up and bunions. It's the grrateit romlort discovery otthe age. raah ran togathpr and madB lar^a >r«r |,y iii^ipful pi r«»i, it iit.i,.|,. Allen • Imw teF.rifto m;»ket tighl-Otting or new ahoes.feei ea«y, It i« n on AniPt'tran innauliii ia fnr tin- lil t!' * The Sugar Tariff Outrage. One of th*- iwmTlnic de-i-efopmpntut»# bllatera. Tha Httla fellow didn't want «<> rii.llo.n. Ii i • I, »nly. wh"l- 14'ii.nm jr lift l-.r in«rr>jMnn nriils. j.»-t-.pirinR. c.tllbij'i and hot;-tired, • lit of innniifarturi'ra Mm havi- lunit to do anythlnK b,rt aemteh a^ we had ; mte.^lRTyir.,^^ the tariff neicdtatlona la the ukk ivtiini; fi'i t It n ,.1 A.tyN i-i d'-nun-l f«n u--ri ilDit' rravd In tii'iui turiff protr^'ilon to wrap hla humln up to k<<*p blm |t IUfw Xll„ n»,r •IvMgfa of »»!.. Kftam fnr purtHMliir A'y^and f < >r Hreuking in N>w We have-over jo.t*x» tewirnonmh. TIIP paarnrp of tariff "prulprlfotr* la from tearing tho fl<»h open till tho tcHtinKniul. ItuiUIiuna pay llic tltakr Iura« r iToftt otherwlM* >ou hoiiM nr vet- I KY IT I ODAY. Sold by all l»f..ggmt%, ajc. Do not accept Ita Inhprrntly iPtniMirary nalurt' lti-al dutieN. The moat determined hUh blood would run. Tho Itching wna In- any Subttitutr. SfiU by mail lor 25c. in »uinps. prolccttou maneuverM hav»» beer) made to offer.-.I a a.ub»titute for Alk'n'n Koot- polltlrul ppiiiioiulata an* iiniinltuiuia In tcnaa._ Tho akin on hla bu< k bocsm© Koae. the original. Coai powqer. A-k f.-r dPi-|Jttllig Unit ' protprtlon" la anmi' by ccrialn Houthcrn repre«enTatlv hard and rough llkn the bark of ai Alien'* K«Jot Kum-, and m-v that you m-t it, FREE TRIAL PACKAGE wni by m»i! Addrw. tliliiK to In- 1 tid'-d na aonn na poaalbli* and Mfflilm - • ' ••' - tr«»a. Ho aufforcd lntcna»»ly fombout ALLKN S. OLMSTED, LK ROY. N. Y. It lay* liurili-na on himu* ronaitnipra And now com— that old. uBcoinpro thrco months. . lint 1 found a remedy A Significant Test. that ahould bp rpmon-d thr mnmiiit ttilhltVK d' tiHM rarlr puper.•"tbe New In ("iitlcura Soap tn<» Cutlcura Otht- "Bo you Mwn'.l think the rommoir nn Induatry laon Italian rtnatu lal frpt Orlcana IMcayitne. with a vixffroua d> mcnt. The roault was almost mapc- peopb- hare the nerve to d"fy thoao Aa a nation a' lliiIunlrluTl.ttii rn'^u -that- doty «m he k«/t ieui. That waa moVft than (wo years . wbo airttk M ay*teui oi JlRanclal ofc. PFIIIIPITOIIII Ilu prnti 1 Hi'!'"-- limit midlaturbcd, ago and there haa not h^cn tho allnht- j preaalon?" rrdtebpa almuld lit• tlirnw'n nalilp In Of courue, the real reanon—the only eft xympfom of It alnco he wa« cured. •I am n.ure th'«y bhveh't." annwerea favor of a flmplp la riff-for rtitnui reuHon that thi* tariff tu retained oti J. W I .anek, Vukon, Okla., Aug. 2% Mr. Bfrfua Marker.-"I^ook at me. l'nr and Ht'j t 17. 1908." —AWrUb mid Ilia hitch-tariff altjafl In W|lf it that the American HUKar Juat aa senaitlve lo lnjuatice ua nny- TOILET ANTISEPTIC ffi^ifttirft*-ftit*rt4y <*orTt • lit** ,t.-i.f» d**i»utt!«.lp» U The fiiKar lru.«t Po«*r 4 Cb«B. Corp.. (Me-J^w^ bo4yl ABd yet 1 never liealtatn about ; NOTMIWO LIKE IT FOII tlon" f««il«h in th/« Inti r^hi of r>ant4»rn bus not 'made lteelf HO ltfdlcruua «k t handing a head waiter a comfortable Never Vary In irun(n, Their jmllry ono of trickery plead for thla tariff becauae It pr^ The Selfish Invalid. tip for doing nothing excc^t look Tlir *pcmj nctU any dentifrice I nt I tt I n ,n c|MIUMC, wkaMMg aod hoc! d«Mflt. ,Crfll*« wKB 1 n~fLhfr o^n dttrra a large rewnue. Yet the fact Senator Dixon, dlacuaaing a certain bauglity." ^ v Quality or Taata ' removing taitaf from th« teeth, be»idM cWioyinf I^iiKv rurikn, llkf> nolTTver of-TAWg-. -that K a dlmount to fore Ik ti conaumera tariff proportion, aaid: la Kiihatantlally the aarne aa Ita pro- " ''it is aclflahneaa, pure aclflahncaa. Rough on Rati.ainbeatableextermlnator because the utmost all ffrrmi of decay and iTimM which lifrtte>rj haw convlW^l ih«m of JuKRiinf; tooth pfeparabofu cannot do. sclicdutca, not to increanc jtov<>rnro<>nt tection In the home market ahowa con It remlndaroe o f George Cartwright Rou; ' on Hen Lice, Neat Powder. 25c. care is taker, by Uk- chislvely that It doea not need the re von ue«, but to line the pockets of of Mlaaoula. Rough on Uedbuga, Powder or Llq'd, 26c. waah duioiecla lh« mouth tariff for protection. by'a Oho fa to selcct THE MOUTH manufacturers. "(Jeorge Cnrtwrlght took alck and Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25. and throat. puriftM tha breath, aad lulls the wrai only the choicest mater- Ordinary American* are heartily There ia no more need for a tariff «pcnt a week shod, He carried on RoughoaRoaChex, Pow'd, 15c..Llq'd.25c. ; wKich collect in the mouth, cauung tore throat, on auRar than there {a for a tariff on dreadfully with hla groana and com- tln-d of tH'Ing robbed tinder the gulHe Rouch on Moth and Anta, Powder, 25c. 1 ials, and put these up in bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much «ichna» tea or coffee. And a tariff on tea and plainta. Hia wife aaid to hlin one TUP PVPC when mftamed, Ured, ache of ;i "protectlre" tariff. Tbey hart Rough on SkiM tera, agreeable toiuae,25c. the same careful manner abandoned hope of relief from a m*n coffee would alao produce enormous nlRht: Int LT tO IMJ burn, may be maantly EK8 Wella, Chemist. Jeraey City. N' J. every time. You are iite dominated by cralfjT (uols dl the revenue. Hut there IK iio American. Well, r.eorge, I'd rather huye the. relieved and atrenfthened by Paxtina. trilllft •—'•"•"•i ••••' * • xijili^i.triifcUor In a t^iiKt to demand whole family pit k than thii" thus assured of uniform OATADOU F'axline will dearoy the gerrnt —- Mar-veWf free "coffee and free t swered." At a baaebaU g;tn>H in ri.irago the fl«mmatJon tad aop the diacharga. It ia a mm •rniiltj a tliMlm ( ideditf tu low, r tariff gnt«ykeepe^ hurried to Comiskoy. leader the rt-.ison that the use tcmedy for uterine catarrh. du,tICR, the hopes ot American con- IT k nuthliiR hltort of a rini»- lo lax of the White Sax. and aaid: of Libbj's gives such "Paitrne is a ^trmlufyw poweitid f>um«Ts turn. the American augar conaumera to the To Check Spread of Trachoma. "l inplre Tliwj't ia here with two aerm^ide.dis;afedtant and deodorirer. extern pf more than $.riO.OOO,(J00 a "year It haa been reported that the dia- gcncfif satisfaction to frienda. Shall I pans 'em In?" Used in bathing it destroys odor* and for revemtes a tax that In hawed of^ eaue. known aa. trachoma, or granular -TaxTiTg~Wealth-— In England. "An umpire with two frienda every housewife. —-— - 4ea*«« ih« tody anlneptwlly clean TMie ttrftish lumsr nt com irintfcT ' Hit' Itlffi' in tin1 ot -Aui' TU iMfi eyelids, haa been spreading rapidly fOA SALE AT DRUGaTOREa.SOc. pjali passetl 4»y-a -vote-of -four-to oe*k fife Lsugar to American (.'onanmeriLiind the among the Indiana. "To . Il^'k tlilt gacped Ci.imivlfra "Bufe?"—tlvarr Oa^QlTPAlP gVjjAi^ trouble congreaa appTopFTated $12,000, body's Magazine, Try these IMy Foottmt new income taxes under which an in- I cost of American sugar to foreign con URGE SAMPLE FREE! I come above $ 15.000 must pay Il.fc per ' sinners when there are many ways placing It in the hands of the commis- sioner of Indian affairs, for the Imme- Important to Mother*. Dried Boat TMt PAXTOM TOILET CO.. BO«TON. MAM. cent., and orn> above $5 tKittle of diate Investigation and treatment of per cent. J the poor. CASTOKIA a anfo and suri- ri-mi-dv for the disease and to check ita apread. j- Mexloan Tama to Thursday by varying votes of more lDfants and i-bltdn-n. and arc that It Nursing Rickety Infants. Constipation— than two to one It passed the ne-a- Prafi Ihr Ham Lo* A well known statesman, speaking Sunburnt Eyelids. death, settlement, legacy and succes- Who doen not knoiv the misery of nin- 8ifinalure Nearly Every One Gets It sion duties. «The death duties art- to about the tariff at a banquet a few burnt eyeli'U that crinkly and burning OhW Oon Car no nights ag ». described some of the va lo Vac For Over ;K> Yi-ar» The bowels show first sign 1m six per cent on $10O.olng. Ibr his particular to liaik on the bright side of tliiuga?" j pcoduct, w ho said openly that he was mail. Hall A Rutkel. New York City. working naturally without y large «>state may pay to the ask,-il one actor For luncheon, getting SO per cent, protection now ' "I ahould say so," anawrred tho grip, gripe and tjiat upset nation nearlv one-quarter of its value Courage. spreads or every day fn lrr>Tn genyratlpq . jand that he hoped to have the duty other, "lie's never content unleae toe aTv.we Sou never can THAT'S IT tax on gasoTThe Th. law recently | to raliu' revenue by such methods Uy ? tell whrn Ihey Th* only aktn •oftencr and - unriu>i l bibi. : Mgg bv the Xew York legislature |»« this, but the speaker referred to Succeaa. Bocker—Tfie cook iTnga -about her a.ill com. in ban- It «iM> Mi mH and yn ^•-t^^m»ti»-r da) k. taxes a big automobile only $10 • voucTTed for the fact thjt tlie eommmt 4rWhy did you marry?" 7 "work, and my daughter worka attmrt dy AJt lot which dors not begin »to cover the ity in question was- protected by the her alng. UMj't and h« mi i.n wh« o m>pli«l on rr- "For sympathy." aurr you grt tJrirc ana wtui.Trd H xt road damage it does, and releases It increased duty demanded when th 1 mul-nlnir w.ttra tluinprloUL "Did you get what you were after?" tWa, TuMlfrs ana bol- from a much larger payment in taxes Tayne—tariff bill, emerged from 'th "Yes—from my friends."- For Colda and Gripp—Capudine. tl. v Trial Sii4> l(l<-. hands of the ways and mean com Tt" bM r t'> fnr Grlpp anil Ootda la KHher maiiod direct on ir- > -upon i>erfionaJty, Ubby, ' rtipi «»t price ; mlttee. 111.4,.' ''apil'lln* U^lli-i.a I!-"- .china and In Great Itr-itain, «as In Germany, For Any Disease or injury to f.'x.rtstriicM. 1 'nr- - 11 cidd—ll-ititachei «UMr HOOPER MCDICIN£ CO Such protection as ttys Is a pre!h « eye. um- PKTTIT S KYK S.Vt-VK. »h- • ami 11'- U'llll'l-Kf"" lmin.dliU^>-—10. Oal>a*. tea. *larae* Ca» U.L they have learned to tax wealth, not •olutely ItrtrmU-Hf. ae«» «|u». klv. - AU ',j£ ul St aL Prug Sjjirca poverLy. jmlum upon ireed. and a direct fraud druggj»in or llo*aid lfr«..«. ifiitf.ilo, N. Y. " upon the consumer. It does not ere- Ruling Paaaion. Wasting Talk and Patience. fate a new infant industry, but It lakes Not Exclusive. 1 ' "lU i half crazy about music." Always Ready Always Sharp The protracted tariff debate inTgTit rickety infant which- might better "Was it an exclusive party?" "Sure la. Eri n calla hla price Itml NO STROPPLN'G NO HONING • an y some semtrlarrre of justifteatiou not have been born, and wastes good "Not at "all. Some of her relatives a acale of prices." Readers if It offered any hope of ilhiminating fior se great deal more. g»»odx could be done HH. Weak. W»«rr. Ua.err Krta having what they aak (or, rriuamg all curing their • Adjustment in the-inter- by-smaller expendituhc In other dlrec- Over fifty year* of public confid'-nee Itcll.\,,t by Murine Kye K-u.-ily. Cjm- ftnd popularity. That in the retort f I I t,y Caperteaceil Vliyatclmna. Mu- ests of the phblic Ihit'whrii -it Is Hons. Any-Kj»tem_Qf reptiblleftn gov H.imlinB Wizard Oil, the world'- «'.;»nd- nn. Kinarl H-K>II:" Kyc l'.iln. , WORLD OVER horttt* in 101 ftltwil iw^i in rprmn»*nt «Mtst necessarily do all it can • Writ. Murine Hw IT'"" '^J' 't'Hk-^**. f ard remedy for achen-anti („r lllua.rated Kit It-am. At Jitugguia. the hotrse^and r man In fj; senate i to .secure equal opportunity for , all a reason ahd only one- mY HIT. FOR Ve viH make fro* any Good hull exerclsi- fiiial authority in —prcin citizens, but it ci'i^ffiTy fan not af _ A who l« fa la® to duty breaks a HAIR BALSAMN ' " iMinONrENtitAVINU isrs. thr bhttant farre of debate nnd ford to favor the l^ast worthy at the If you would criticise >oor Lo*a ^^ the kW find Ut. M Wan rMtt. la h fully 4 mile away from everybody, nM a BIiUJ^pufOL atre-tm «qniirf inrhet> or to • it5 tmn*-w-«**t4«rg e«perfl+»44.v--ap-— ^^^ - of 4h»> rest — Wall—iStfrt'l flaw be may hare, forgotten tba y jw-jfit tn N«-«i-pa|»r or th^n whisper TTT^urWif. pofont-i .iilanta Const it ui-ion ' lournrfl _! r«uaa —HI W. Deecher. < $1 tionrrv. TtirrratT, Rrrrtiltnir, HT^ aubtert >«u Daj bt I ret. Dr. Biggers Huckleberry Cordial Never Fails. Mra. Wtnalow a R«>othtnc Hyrnp. p»per will do the prtutlng for you . Let Them Expect! Aldrich Haa the But Aldrich la Not Feazeo. fo cure Children IWthirn?. ltowol Trotiblea, For wthin». the reduret n»- . • vo*^ - ' flamii.auuo,allay*palD,careaVtadcoUc. 3ftcabatUaFEV^. R AND AGUE H»mm»m Ualaa. Little Reck. Art. The newspapers of the country have etc. At 1'rug.gicta 25c arid 5i*c pt-i battle. pn«1t!»»»lT*Tirrintnrrent nm the fact that th'e pimple expect the cost of I pending tariff hill "Iterates are too Jiving to be reduced by the revision of high for some of the most •unwavering the IMnglev rates - Topeka Journal 1 » f Republican organs ~-Hoston Tran are wlH-- •Hept script ^ trutu of "It ir now evidiiutxhat- whetf tlic Rje ^Xubqdy ever pledged me." sar$ vllle,- In publican party adopted the phfaso. j g. n.lter-!ten«*-_C*b«'t Ix>dge. "to re- tnrlff revision it meant exactly the vj'^i the tSlttr dotrtward'.or to revise You Look Prematurely Old 7 opi mitt of turrtf relurni Memphis it rmaard So Mr I^^dgt his BncauaturfllXMIMlri BrtMly. "tA CBtOLE" HAIR RCSTOnCR.Q PRICE. •I.OO, rMall. w e ^rrtirApptar—' : 1 nwjcratjj; an mrtfti.i

n innwa* * - - "Tsomttitt ^ , m * / I

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.. .1

A little iitfrlfc^Kbt it ay -nts Obilu.r>. »brighter clime iW. Sttvj.j (IMF FVrRY MORIIM 1 C. r. Pavn.'. torn* t* on TllltUlltl fin Wtotf Ah* n». ,n,lu not lost or deed to tho.c who are ' """ tha eaat aide of Calloway eounty. tUU,to t.fsp n u Asleep in .lesus, blessed sleep, in Chriat. .he is not taken fromj - WM marrj^| Monday of this IT, < tmler MD from which none ever wakes to u. but merely gone befure. We! week toillss Mary Barnwell, of lliutw,„r„, liisrrlii t'B at i an,) wasp. _aro.»ujn» .that if ibe.Umgua ami A Lanie lUuk U Always IVormUn .Centrevtlle. TJUUI.- Air. - llaMie. w.-.U»innm»R»T» ±a: klionr tli • to >.i a r»(. Bettie Wynn^d.ughtcr of D. lip. that are now closed in denth the Morning. Murray People Ha» been teaching a{ Little V llale .V itnblileBi M. L. Thomas and wife; and Kellx could, speak they would nay to'- Are f inding Relief Tenn. He in » nw.t.Splendi1 d ( sZ*] A^. -JUIIU. .win I 1 . t ,!,. I:..!'.. inn I-.', -.t,^ Wynn were united in the holy the aorrowcing there is nothing, - ' land capable young- man ainamil bulmns I 11 ft IV «l'l' 'I "".' '"' bonds of matrimony May !>th, to be dreaded In death by those a wide of friend* In Cnllo-j afteriuain for Klkton, Ky.,' WHAT. AU It**. at Union City. Tenn.. after who are in Christ. Bettle hasi ...way- Miss Barnwell.i*u yrelly! A ahort visit to Cairo. 111. Kettle'crossed the .Uent river of death A Iwt* tTuiriichds all day »»ul;anAuUinU-d young lady and one J .|.«hh ttrwr I" before to ChickasliH. ' >k., - >t | .j iii in fell asleep in Jesus Match 2fi, Into the sweet beyond to await discomfort tt night Is ua-Uf the moat popular young ladies - ""-U-'—— 1 "., to 1 '^•.permanently. it Ii II tl* I») VOtl KM I llffli, she was Imrii Aprlf*. IWC. the coming of her loved onea who *'0™ •»> th» morning. |0f her home town. The ledger : ^.'^.^'mIX'.. • ,.ui. i.-.!. t Wy Jvti^a ami Alfred Out. no, now I h«r ag* being Iti years, 11 months know but that they wilt bo cull- Make. you a* if you hadn't extends happiest congratuliilioiis. i u-J imJaiUi^ « ^ ^ II) I AM . vv Tantl, young men ef the east mile CUM AND and S3 daya at the time of her ed sootier or later to meet onfr^' v . j They arri ved here nttwonTues-j .".'HV .,„• • . . are at home I'rtmi I.. , villi AM> ONI; O u ki daath. Her death wa* a sorrow- loved ones. Now bereaved one* . T H»I t A bad bnck until you ,JTTV (0 vi»tt in t. «•*•«•« «-m«*— >-* •'• where they aUftului tiii lical III AT MAK V Ac AI ION t ful ahcek to all who knew her, us juat wait the summons that will the kidney. Od'an's Kid- t VSi"i-' nill. re thejpiist year. shahad been sick but a short bring you all to the happy band J cure sick kldneys-mnkel l'r..Be ni Winters, of ArK- , , Ll Allien ial«ssi« c • n VI. ' , ,1.1. ,„.iV ..!,„. I vou feel better work bett, r rest ansas, lain the county the guest in. i,i.u.u. i ....t... • ;...t.MI.. . llu- iuitic.liouiland iind LubL-- lhi.ia.ll KMK1A mne. Bettie profeaatil faith in oil the other shore w here JUI fare- >"' ter' \N"fK • " " . . ... V..., ....iL™., vWt,i,i.(rt.»,t.+-rw-Tr TION BUREAU i Chriat at an early age imrt wns-well tears mav be she, 1 and there Mter And sleep butter. relatives. l»rs. K.j» and, ,. , Matigrum l**ft the vast week fnr Mfntm it.' "n't a i.. l.i nl «t.( KF 1 MatfiMitrvilte. Ky., to .-|>end the united with the Bfptial church at will be no more sad goodbye.. I'-rnianent cur* in Murray ^ ;^ : " a M li» ll»vl> • Mt. Carmrtof wtrtfh shetived" a' - Thetargo fsorfow.'^ve the merit of-IHmnV week and i>r. w ,„. ,; ,. •.itnmer. . JUNE NL iallhful-member until death call- ing frlamls laid the remain, to) & J/PfloL Murray. Ky j ^ tf^t ffi.?"^ tlaiua Adanis, who left here id st-viye pains in the ed her home. She suffare.l sorest in the Kattcree burying 1 ,,ad '»t'«'l KTd . V ,hT ' j « ••< back nod when I lent and assist in the operation. HH4 ii-tfiiAl, It . I.. 11 > 1. th. tni'l stiiiie few months ago ard I »at- . RECR1 much and bore it »o patiently, ground in which to await the,""1*"0/ "'>' l,BC niiTiil iu irniwrfcatitf if ted. 1 *uffei,4 in- ' Mr. Kagsdale has 1 a .-.ufTer- ed in Mr*'aulpy, TPT.. r. ^r is aaying slie dkl rnK fear death Resurrection more. .looped pr lifted . , tuallll l. .l..nli^ J.r 1.j . th. GREAT VA his Itlll*. If VIHI till-'." Kingsville. " ...j , iul,in. aio*« « but wry .to leave her laved one*., Written by a cousin. . , My back .ched at night," ''ral n'""Ul" »»'« . ii ii '11. i11•• ~ t'mi ' iMniinaa oa oi»*> FON SAI.K. Stanhope I ,ggy She sang "Home, Sweet Hume" Bi.tscii KMCMT. ,»nd whenTarow in themunung. many frleftitn hope now for H,s h»«Hhcl«.l S.I. •a.1 wii«fMtwif aitri* apeetly recovery dmI'l'» |n f.ft. i Uiat cost ?K» and W6 set of har* rttrmlfn ilia* and "In the I^onely Craveyard." M . "' * „" , 1 wa. lama and sore. 1 tired au.l .me il..liar Mini. nay aafaliet. and many other *WMt unga'a'"*1^ "J"""" «»«—••-..easily, was troubled wjth.a jail, : Cmild Nbi B« Bciitr, y. ii in.,f tlal r a Mlllplc laittli Ml.l lm ACL THR I I.vliiail. A.I'll... I H alliSI Si j*. . fcan few hours before she died. Bet- I* i" " mistake to sllow anyone languid feeling and at times was No one Ins ever made a naive', +;I.MI s HKALK. Murray, Ky. , ALL THE li-init., 1. AHP. PURN 4 weeks old. father, moth- pare with Hucklen'a -'Arnien Sal- N. V., no I'ti IV Ik/I lit. liu>iness in Luuiaville this week. arid was frequently annoyed Py a WHO M > er, brother, sister*, many- rela- in most Cises a i-ure effected by ve. lt> the the one perfect heal, THERH." tive. and a host of friends to a|iplting Chanil«rlain's Lini- blurring of the eyesight. -I knew er of Culs,r('orni, Knrim, llriii* INCHE5 Of from the too frequent passages . Walter Sweatt, if Lexington, ARTICLES mourn her departure, but to the ment. The relief from paiu IN THIS JU trtrreaved onea let ut» say "think wfeieh Mard^^aW^thio' the kidney «crtlona th«t my ^ T*."' '' .TT' Wa .Ml yo» I* of Bettie not as dead but as liv- many timeij its cj»t. It makes 'kidney, needed attention. One.. ...'. ...' . :er. < apt. A. W. Sw«*tt. • 'it.i -f RECREATION HIDES Ul FURS Tha Jun* aumhai, ing. not a. a flower that has with- »leep an J i e»t possible, Kven ln:b« Of Doan's Kidney Pills, pro- j the past we, k. ts.supreme. Infallibl.- for Piles] Irallxrf Titian li' ered but one that is transplanted > *si>. Hong striding this linj.trared at Date & Stubbfefield'.!(Onl y 2Se at.Oa'eAStubblelieli^s Fwt Kl:NT- '^aidefice tear •Ml E BUY THH JL and touched by a divine hand i.! ment al bemused on acyunt jtlruK store mad<' a complete cure[ L.... - •-».«- coiirt house yartl. Apply uftick', Drtlrri and iand v brtfrr AMY NHWM) • . ' -i nil Sri rnl iten I slnnmmnn.l »(•!.. ihsB MM mmiaioa laeirhinlt. CANNOT -SL FL blooming in sweeter colors and of the relief which it allordsT jj^jandln return 1 ricommend this Ed Thomas came in Sunday atlfi)s officiicei . MHML Bank U> Low 25 CENTS AN brighter shade than those on not be diKvuragad until you remedy at every opportunity." from Arkansas to spend WfH< A.'-I! YOU A COPY .. . , aome. Nathan Stubblefield says goose- or 8ale uv b.v earth." Like a star she bas van- have given it a fair trial. Many *' by fltl dealera. I'rice time visiting his family, iiel^ ^ lhi. is ypar. r~[ S ABEL RECI ished from our sight to shine in suilers have lieen surprised and j50 centK' Poater-Milburn Co., travels Arkansas for the Bel- 11 West jytb Sweet iK.taUi slip* at -vU delighted wttli its pmn-relievingiBuffalu, New York, sole agents knap Hardware Co., of lxmis- a.-..- minwti f qualities to and Ml cent sizes! foKthe Unitetl States. ville. . per 100.—W. G. I»VK/ 1 l-'i.l y'- il n for sale by Dale A Stubblelleld Remember the name- Doan'. A healthy m»n>»s a king in his'." l.e itl!\ r t'.rii and take no other. iiir rat i ti l ll SCOTT'S own Jflght ; an nn^al^y m, i, H.-WIU HASPS, jg. ... . W. Jl 3 JUA£Vfa- Rev. W. A. Swift, of Mena. n r mfcnyEratSie < Villis that hang on weaken tlie Arte., will preach at Mt. Caroiel a.tlrma and I EMULSION constitution aii.t ib-velop into Hlood Hitters ln;ittl. up sound j MA5DN & KEY5, ehareh aliout tetj miles south of ! .ill fov.'oH stops loss of flesh ill babif-a I 'healtli— keeps y.mi well. j ^ : I' i'-r and children und m adults Tar eurei persistent cough, that in summer as well as winter. ll o'elock a. m. ..T,,.™Everybotl,y .„- , , . ... _ . , {»OOI> HORHE. Have a good, a.l lJrt Surgical Work, ineludm j Iiifeaterof K»e, Far. Niwe tn I Kiroit Some people hare gained a ed to be present and hear this tu ".imenl farm horse for sale at a bargain.1 pound a day while taking it. gifted young divine.-Mayfield "" "^V™"" *",h u",rl<"'1 i Specialty. hyea te«!el an I gUtee. IitteA1 r. — il i I jybiir cold srttlinL' on your TiTii5».j «eLedger jfl £er Year. Ttrr- iOffice iicrwrf rfl-trt irfT ,., „„„ . S office, Ml. * LEDGER $1.00 PER YEAR 'SOLD L.V airTTrugitTsii.. Xrm:. I lionet: ., , . ti (let the news—(let the Ledger. ( 7 to it p. til. j Hesidence . 12

No other garment inr For ever-,' one that comeg off yrnr wotil the* world carries suchV a Warranty. For every V clan boMonttatcomrsoffwel pay ten cents; for every] rip $1. The warranty Bering the first two months of wear, we ll give you Ten C«-uts. is sew ed on the skirting Should a t- ant t:;>, we'll give of every pair, and the yoU'Oue : —— — •genuine garment has „ .J>it.chcF« are nn-'e i f the rl(- ..I 111 Wr.'.t S . ' I flll.t."! I. 1 DUTCHESS on m


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