Murray State's Digital Commons The Murray Ledger Newspapers 6-10-1909 The Murray Ledger, June 10, 1909 The Murray Ledger Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tml Recommended Citation The Murray Ledger, "The Murray Ledger, June 10, 1909" (1909). The Murray Ledger. 135. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tml/135 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Murray Ledger by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I '» I ^CM •T N >11 THE MURRAY LEDGER. 1 t« VHI.. ;-'. ML. _ Ml'HHAY. KEXTt'CKY. THBMbli* \ Jl Ml' nam. 11.UU RT.U V KA IT. SM to applicant* for certificates and: •nt in t!i« parents, Mr. Kd Col ley ahd wife. FINED $75.00 this city: "If the result of ' l >» iu Ci* . CHOP REPORT The little daught -r of Mr. and he believes that by the use of HANBERRY race, as officially announced, in ri-uttier or Mrs. Boone-Micks is VL'ry »ick oT ethM* question* and studying uif- favur of Judge Uaubery, nobody tuitMuce. stomach trouble. isonv practical** illiterate per- .. .. , ,,. ,, will offer him more hearty corw n*, whtcb Christian County. Farmer Who .•I l>v an • Kentuek) Department of Agri • Rev. Phillips, of Paducah, till- sons have secured certificates to W.na Nominal,.*, f.,r C-MMII Krit,|,tions than myself.» ml, which iulture Keeping In Touch ed liia regtj|ar appointment at Sold iili* fouled Ttthiero teach. He is already at work in-' Judge. Defeating Judge ()n >cco„nt of th(. closeness of . I'very veatigating the matter and it i 111 tlieae . , With the Condition. j the Christian church here last Plead* (iuilty. TKVra. P. Cook. the primary election, Judge Coot c in.liter, Sunday. may be that the examinations in said fie did not ~fnrv to lie quoted saver:-' .unties will be nullified ITLIMYCIY Mrs. IS. .L 1». Stevens spent further until the returns are got*- II. pt-rm:.- Agriculture Sunday with the family of her «».— and new ones held. It is said The primary e|eeti»n in ('alio-' over by the di*tri»l committee. cxterr...! ommissioner of •»'•"<"l'u r - M <-. Rankin gives out the de- daughter. Mrs. Ollie Boyd, near Tuesday was a busy time in cir-.that the .questions brought way county last Saturday" w»r Dynny Smith, who ran without payment's monthly bulletin of Brown's (irove. cuit court, quite a number of | per set to the sellers, j a very quiet affair. A total vote opposition for commonweath's crop conditions in Kentucky, j Mrt. Henry Cherry is on the cases being called and disposed Two.ctilored womkn who were of 2 1<»; was polled which indi- attorney, rweived about half of The department is keeping very: —-sickTut— . of, Wr-ie being dismissed, others- fottod'-with the questions in their catea that but little enthusiasm the votescast in the judge'a race, poaa. are already under ar- was aroused in the contest be- j His vote in HopkinsviUe was :»*>. closely in touch with the farmers. Arch Pullen and .wife, of Bur- being continued while several de- ihese being Almira L<jng. OUR, of the .state. The report June 1 'htll's ( hapet, of Elizubethtown, and Lucy JJ I»M SI. iiya: —(relatives here. - * In the last named class was the wr,hS latum. I Jackson, of Ijouiaailk. There has been a Aery large John Bridges and Miss Susie indictment against John Redd, a ten days joint canvass with Mr. When a auiretrr from Itnmach -1 anr*on. counties now under suspicion am; amount of rf'nH1 during the Smith eloped to Benton last Mon- farmer, charging him with un- Hanberry Judge Cook did not trouble iak<-« IJr. K ng'a New iifcara the investigation will be rnonth of May hindering the far-1 day and got married. lawfully selling pooled tobacco. spend a single jlay in Calloway Life Pill* be'« ttighty glad toaeo most rigid are- Jefferson, Lin- HITS greatly in their work. Several of our young people at- This -case was set for hearing in the interest of his candidacy, j hl» U.tpepttia and InrHgeettw coln. Hardin, Christian tlM » >r r The condition of wheat has tended singing at Coldwater last Friday but the defendant asked and and no tight was made in his be- 'ly. but .more ha s tickled over CMllTlft Scott. ; all p.-i. shown a considerable .endency 'Saturday night that it be set forward, which half by his friends, fponthe hi» new, tine apjietite, itrnng (urnatai toward improvement over last j Mrs. Desaie Paschall ami child- J was done and he accepted and The Fly Abomination. other hand active interest was uervea aud healthy vigor, all.be- ••auK- stomach, Lver and kid-_ month and with weather favora- ren, of Paducah, are visiting re- paid a fine of *75. This is one in H&oberrys behalf and nev« now work right. -JSk at will make a fair yield. lative... s here. 1 of the several indictments re- The most dangerous animal in^0^ was fre'^ use,J in his in" i* inrUoi Male & StubbMfrld'l. " Corn planting has about' all - Mft. Tobe Huges is siek- *f t^a«d at the last term of court t only id the world is-the common house . , — -.. — . ^n finished, excent in several* neuralgia. jcharghg violation of the Crece- ! S S S been finished, except in several' nejiralgia. fly. This is the statement- o:' The vote of the county as Victim of Runaway Horse. lias law. RIIFLWM sections^where the rainfall has Joe Bridges went to Mayfleld aciei.ee back by conclusive evi- shown by the c^trial ret urns'is' Metre.it It is 'believed that both the bven Tery great. A larger last Saturday on business, dence, A writer in Harper's j as follows: Little^Clare l/juise Wall, the ("EIRE W-N buyers and farmers who ..have C. FA, OA. aci -age. will be planted and more Mrs. Bill Riley is very sick of Weekly summarizes these facts * laix year old daughter ofHer- violated the law for selling pool- ft". Murray F.-TTR^ 205! attention to this crop will be .flux. about this animal most daugerous, bert Wall and wife, was-the vic- ed tobacco will receive heavy IL Murray, -156 m givPll Ilia* in many years. to health, arid the means of fight- Jlj-tim of* an accident Tuesday af- ___ , Everyone would be benefited .:..102 fines. In many eases the penal- ing it: Hazel Much rain has been favorable by uking Foley's Orino I.ixative • ternoon that nearly cost the ty -will be heavy. Fair .... 23 to those that had their ground |torconstipation, stomach-awd li*. The common house 11 y is a car- child lier life. The Smith & Par- N. Swann , .... 42 prepared for tobacco setting. er troo|,ie> „ jt .weetPEs the T i aroi I -serious results take rier of disease. Typhoid fever, kdr delivery horse ran a wax. S. Sv.ann .. VR 60 Many say. that much ground is BtoIlIllch oml gently sti. F ity't Kidney IJemedy at the diarrhoea, dyssentery. and tuber- starting at the McDaniel board- X. Concord.« 88 not ready and on account of ^^ the -liver and regulates tret cn of ki ,ney or bladder culosis are carried by flies. ing house and turned into Xorth S. Concord 90 mjch rain there is a large per tbe boweT7*T»4j« much superir.: | d:ForJ»r backache, uniu- Flies feed on food and also on '-j'Elkins street where the little Almo-.-'----'-— - S6 cent, not planted. There is also ^ pjjg tnd laxatines.-ery irregul tec, -exhaustion, filth. They go from .one to the Lg girl was playing near the front Jackson : 40 gate of the family residence, the? some complaint about plants be-: not trv j,-0|ey>„ t'irino Laxa- and- you will/ n be well. Com- other. In this way they cafry X. Briniley 28 hub of the vehicle struck the? ng scarce. Oats are looking tire todayV (fold by all Drug-! rr.ence taking Foley's Kidney disease germs to .the table? One S. Brinkley.. - 70 well and promise to be a larger Renitdy to-day. Sold by all fly car convey six million bac- child in the temple f/acturinR [N. Liberty 90 crop than for the past few years. ' „.,... , , , l)r JSPIETS. ieria fier skull and rendering her un- S Liberty Ill Alfalfa is doing well and mak-, <-»"ahan Shot From Ambush, Flies breed in manure heaps, conscious for several hours. X. W. I'tley's Damage SniL ing a splendid yiejd. but the outhouses, refuse ash-pits and all Her life was despaired of for Ky., June TotaJ V...,NCTF 1002 weather is not good lox cutting . Jackson, decomposing animal or vegetable seme time but she has since ral- _ _ "former "sheriff—off Henry Bennett, who figured in- The official returns also shflw lied and. it is believed she.will the first crop. There is. not Callahan. matter, and unciean places. Do , . Mibueh'sunshine to"cure it as.it j Breathitt county, was shot and a suit against Western Kentucky not allow decaying material of ,hat Denn>' P'Smlth' who ,h«d recover. should be The price of alfalfa fatally wounded this morning "inight riders," has had the case any sort to accumulate on or no opposition for commonwealths ranges from $12 50 to per early in front of his store at of N.
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