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http://www.archive.org/details/notebookofelbertOOilhubb 0MERSON loved the good more than he abhorred evil *» Carlyle abhorred evil more than he loved the good. If you should by chance find anything in this book you do

not especially like, it is not at all wise to focus your memory on that, to the exclusion— of all else—bless my soul ! E. H.

ELBERT HUBBARD or Qlfert J3«Wta*

IHottofs, Epigrams, Short HL%%Wt #*mw ^^


Coined from a Life of Love, Laughter and Work, by a Man Who Achieved Greatly in Literature, Art, Philosophy and Business **

••» Gathered Together by Elbert Hubbard II. Done into a Book by The Roycrofters, at their Shops which are located in East Aurora, Erie County, New York, and Published by


jfc^lv^ Copyright 1927 By The Roycrofters


Introduction BY c/7 L I C E HUBBARD

LBERT HUBBARD, the most positive human force of his time, is a man of genius in business, in art, in literature, in philosophy. He is an idealist, dreamer, orator, scientist. In his knowledge of the fundamental, practical affairs of living, in business, in human interests, in education, pol-

itics and law he seems without a competitor. {{, He is like Jefferson in his democracy, in teaching a nation to love to govern itself and to simplify all living. He is like Paine in his love for liberty and in his desire that all shall be free to act in freedom and to think in freedom.

CL He is like Lincoln in that he would free all mankind. He, too, knows that there can be no free man on the earth so long as there is one slave. Elbert Hubbard sees, too, that just so long as there is one woman who is denied any right that man claims for himself, there is no free man ; that no man can be a superior, true American, so long as one woman is denied her birthright of life, liberty and happiness.

He knows that freedom to think and act, without withholding that right from any other, evolves humanity. Therefore he gives his best energy to inspiring men and women to think and to act, each for himself. He pleads for the rights of children, for so-called criminals, for the insane, the weak, and all those who having failed to be a friend to themselves, need friendship most. The Golden Rule is his rule of life.

His work is to emancipate American men and women from being slaves to useless customs, outgrown mental habits, outgrown religion, outgrown laws, outgrown superstitions. He would make each human being rely upon himself for health, wealth and happiness.

Elbert Hubbard is like Emerson in seizing upon truth, embalmed and laid in pyramids of disuse. Into these truths he has breathed the breath of life and they have become for many of us living souls. From the thoughts of Moses, Socrates, Solomon, Pythagoras, Loyola, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, he has brought to us wisdom that applies to the art of living today.

Elbert Hubbard is a unique figure in history. The strength of his indi- viduality comes from his having lived much and intensely. He lives his philosophy before he writes it, proves his theory before he announces it. Like Shakespeare he has access to universal knowledge, and from his storehouse he draws the vital fact whenever he needs it. Without effort, his mind seizes upon the important part of any subject, scene or situa- tion, and he presents the few parts which will suggest the whole. He knows psychology, the needs of humanity at large, the needs of races, the needs of classes in races, and individuals in a class.

He knows men and women, American men and women, their hopes, their fears, their strength, their weakness, their possibilities, and he deals with them, having ever before him the ideal. He, too, is looking for a Hapi, a Messiah, a Superman. He is never discouraged, never tired, never de- pressed. Eternal hope is in his heart, so every morning brings to him a New Day, and ushers in a New Year of the Better Day. Work, laugh, play, think, be kind, is the day's program he lives and recommends.

Economic freedom is the first necessity in human happiness. So Elbert Hubbard's first lesson is industry, producing wealth, using it wisely, distributing it. He knows, too, that food, shelter, clothing, fuel, are not enough to fill man's needs.

Man has a soul to be fed and evolved as well. Love, beauty, music, art, are necessities, too. Had he but two loaves of bread he would sell one and buy White Hyacinths with which to feed his soul. He loves all animal life, and believes that men should spend a part of every day in the garden, on the farm, with horses and animals, which are the civi- lizers of man.

Elbert Hubbard is a businessman and a philosopher. He is a wise man in the use of his time, his energy. The law of his life is action. He knows that to focus his mind on the development of man is to degenerate into something less than a man. Man is developed, quite incidentally, through his work. Work is the exercise which develops brain, nerve, muscle.

Work is the means which man uses to accomplish the end, the super- man who shall understand Nature. He knows that creed is the sub- jugation of the individual, so his desire is to give every person about him equal opportunity with himself. He loves humanity. He believes in man, of the ultimate triumph of the noblest qualities in man. He is brother to all mankind and kindred to every living thing. He lives as a noble- man, every day without fear. All days are holy days.

All natural phases of human life are sacred, and he respects them all. Through the power of his imagination he has lived all lives, and he con- demns no man. Content to live in one world at a time, he has the genuine faith which does not creep into the Unknown, but lives to the full today, assured that "the power which cares for us here will not desert us there."

—From An American Bible, May, 1911 The Note Book of Elbert Hubbard



AN! I wonder what a man and look into his sad and weary eyes.

really is! Starting from a A man ! C^. Weighed with the sins of his single cell, this seized upon parents, grandparents, great-grandpar- by another, and out of the ents, who fade off into dim spectral Eternal comes a particle of shapes in the dark and dreamlike past. the Divine Energy that makes these €1 No word of choice has he in the selec- cells its home s* a^ tion of his father €[ Growth follows, HE Supreme prayer of my and mother; no cell is added to cell, voice in the choos- heart is not to be learned, andtheredevelops a ing ofenvironment. rich, famous, powerful or man—a man whose Brought into life body, two-thirds even good, but simply to be radiant. without his con- water, can be emp- I desire to radiate health, cheerful- sent, and pushed tied by a single ness, calm courage and good-will. out of it against his dagger -thrust and will — battling s+ I wish to live without hate, the spirit given d striving, hoping, fear. I back to its Maker whim, jealousy, envy, wish cursing &+ waiting, in a moment. to be simple, honest, frank, natural, loving, praying s+ • •C>llll<>» clean in mind and clean in body, burned by fever, ilXTY gen- unaffected — to say " I do not not torn by passion, erations have checked by fear, know," if it be so, and to meet all come and gone reaching for friend- since Caesar trod men on an absolute equality, to ship, longing for the Roman Forum. face any obstacle and meet every sympathy, and H The pillars a- difficulty unabashed and unafraid. hungering for love, gainst which he of- C[ I wish others to live their lives, clutching—nothing. ten leaned still ..f>im<». too, up to their highest, fullest and stand. The thresh- olds over which he best. To that end I pray that I may %1| out to you> q passed are there. never meddle, interfere, dictate, give man, because I can The pavements advice that is not wanted, or assist not conceive of any ring beneath your when my services are not needed. being greater, no- tread as they once bler, more heroic, If lean help people, I '11 do it by giv- rang beneath his. more tenderly lov- ingthem a chance to help themselves C Three genera- ing, loyal, unself- tions and more and if I can uplift or inspire, let it ish and enduring have come and be by example, inference and sug- than you are s+ $+ gone since Napol- gestion, rather than by injunction All the love I know eon trod the streets is man's love «•» $+ and dictation. That is to say, I de- of Toulon contem- All the forgiveness plating suicide s— sire to be Radiant—to Radiate Life! I know is man's Babes in arms were forgiveness. C All carried by fond mothers to see Lincoln, the sympathy I know is man's sympathy. the candidate for President. <[ These €L And hence I address myself to man babes have grown into men, are grand- —to you—and you I would serve. The fathers possibly, with whitened hair, fact that you are a human being brings furrowed faces, looking calmly forward you near to me. It is the bond that unites to the end, having tasted all that life us. I understand you because you are a holds in store for them. Yet Lincoln part of myself. lived but yesterday ! €1 You can reach You may like me, or not—it makes no back into the past and grasp his hand, difference. If ever you need my help I am —

Page 12 CTVIB WOTB BOO/C with you. <[ Often we can help each other I do not ask you to incur obligations most by leaving each other alone ; at other nor make promises. times we need the hand-grasp and the There are no dues. I do not demand word of cheer. that you shall do this or not do that. I am only a man— a mere man—but in I issue no commands. times of loneliness think of me as one I can not lighten your burden, and per- who loves his kind. haps I should not even if I could, for men What your condition is in life will not grow strong through bearing burdens. prejudice me either for or against you. If I can I will show you how to acquire <[ What you have done or not done will strength to meet all your difficulties and not weigh in the scale. face the duties of the day. If you have been wise and prudent I It is not for me to take charge of your congratulate you, unless you are unable life, for surely I do well if I look after to forget how wise and good you are one person. then I pity you. If you err it is not for me to punish you. If you have stumbled and fallen and We are punished by our sins not for been mired in the mud, and have failed them s«» £•» to be a friend to yourself, then you of Soon or late I know you will see that all people need friendship, and I am to do right brings good, and to do wrong your friend. brings misery, but you will abide by the I am the friend of convicts, insane people law and all good things be yours. I can and fools—successful and unsuccessful, not change these laws—I can not make college-bred and illiterate. you exempt from your own blunders and :+ s» You all belong to my church. mistakes And you can not change the eternal laws I could not exclude you if I would. But for me, even though die for if I should shut you out I would then you me. close the door upon myself and be a But perhaps I can point you the path- prisoner indeed. way that leads to love, truth and use- fulness, and this I want to because The spirit of friendship that flows do I am your friend. through me, and of which I am a part, And then by pointing you the way I is your portion, too. find it myself. The race is one, and we trace to a com- You belong to me you are a member mon Divine ancestry. — of my church. All are members of my church. None is excluded nor can be ex- OFFER you no reward for being cluded s+ :+ loyal to me, and surely I not X do So over the plains and prairies, over threaten with pain, penalty and dire you the mountains and seas, over the cities disaster if indifferent *^ you are to me and towns, in palaces, tenements, mov- You can not win me by praise, prom- ing-wagons, dugouts, cottages, hovels, ises or adulation. sleeping-cars, autos, day-coach, caboose, You can not shut my heart toward you, cab, in solitary cells behind prison-bars, even though you deny and revile me. or wandering out under the stars, my C, Only the good can reach me, and heart goes out to you, whoever you are, no thought of love you send me can wherever you are, and I wish you well. be lost or missent. Only love do I send and a desire to bless All the kindness you feel for me should and benefit. be given those nearest you, and it shall all be passed to your credit, for you Our admiration is so given to dead mar- yourself are the record of your thoughts, tyrs that we have little time for living and no error can occur in the count $+ heroes £•» «» You belong to my church, and always and forever my friendship shall follow The Ideal Life is only the normal or you, yet never intrude. natural life as we shall some day know it.

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N San Francisco lived a law- in the hallway, with overcoat, hat and yer—age, sixty—rich in money, cane in hand. When the weather was rich in intellect, a businessman threatening, an umbrella was substituted with many and varied inter- for the cane. The door was opened, and ests. Now, this lawyer was a the master departed. When he returned bachelor, and lived in apartments with at nightfall, on his approach the door his Chinese servant, " Sam." swung wide. Sam never took a vacation; Sam and his master had been together he seemed not to either eat or sleep. He for fifteen years s+ was always near The servant knew when needed; he the wants of his ENIUS is only the power of disappeared when employer as though making continuous efforts. he should. He knew he were his other The line between failure nothing and knew self &+ No orders everything. and success is so fine that we were necessary. If For weeks scarcely scarcely pass it: there was to be a know when we a word might pass company — one so fine that we are often on the between these men guest or a hundred line and do not know it. How —they understood —Sam was told the many a man has thrown up his each other so well. number, that was The lawyer hands at a time when a little C all, and everything grew to have a more effort, little more patience, was provided. a great affection for This servant was would have achieved success. As his servant $+ He cook, valet, watch- the tide goes clear out, so it comes paid him a hundred man, friend $+ No clear in. In business, sometimes, dollars a month, stray, unwished-for prospects may seem darkest when and tried to devise visitor ever got to other ways to show really turn. the master to rob they are on the A his gratitude; but him of his rest little more persistence, a little Sam wanted noth- when he was at more effort, and what seemed ing, not even home $•* £•» hopeless failure may turn to glo- thanks. All he de- If extra help was sired was the privi- rious success. There is no failure wanted, Sam se- lege to serve. except in no longer trying. There cured it; he bought But one morning what was needed; is no defeat except from within, as Sam poured his and when the law- no really insurmountable barrier master's coffee, he yer awakened in save our own inherent weakness said quietly, with- the morning, it was of of purpose. out a shade emo- to the singing of a tion on his yellow tiny music-box face, " Next week with a clock attachment set for seven I leave you." The lawyer smiled. o'clock $+ s+ " Next week I leave you," repeated the The bath was ready; a clean shirt was Chinese; " I hire for you better man." there on the dresser, with studs and CL The lawyer set down his cup of coffee. buttons in place; collar and scarf were He looked at the white-robed servant. near; the suit of clothes desired hung He felt the man was in earnest. over a chair; the right pair of shoes, " So you are going to leave me—I do polished like a mirror, was at hand, and not pay you enough, eh? That Doctor on the mantel was a half-blown rose, Sanders who was here—he knows what with the dew still upon it, for a bouton- a treasure you are. Don't be a fool, Sam; niere. Downstairs, the breakfast, hot and I '11 make it a hundred and fifty a month savory, waited. —say no more." When the man was ready to go to the "Next week I leave you—I go to China," office, silent as a shadow stood Sam said the servant impassively. Page 14 TUB 1VOTE BOO/C

" Oh, I see! You are going back for a a kind of clutch at his heart, but he wife? All right, bring her here—you will says nothing. return in two months? I do not object; bring your wife here—there is work for ^^HE desire for friendship is strong in two to keep this place in order. The ^^ every human heart. We crave the place is lonely, anyway. I'll see the companionship of those who understand. Collector of the Port, myself, and ar- The nostalgia of life presses, we sigh range your passage-papers." for " home," and long for the presence " I go to China next week: I need no of one who sympathizes with our aspir- papers—I never come back," said the ations, comprehends our hopes, and is man with exasperating calmness and per- able to partake of our joys. A thought sistence s* «•» is not our own until we impart it to " By God, you shall not go! " said the another, and the confessional seems to lawyer *•» $+ be a crying need of every human soul. "By God, I will!" answered the heathen. €[ One can bear grief, but it takes two €1 It was the first time in their experi- to be glad. ence together that the servant had used such language, or such a tone, toward We reach the divine through some one, his master. The lawyer pushed his chair and by dividing our joy with this one back, and after an instant said, quietly: we double it, and come in touch with " Sam, you must forgive me; I spoke the Universal. The sky is never so blue, the birds never sing so blithely, our quickly. I do not own you—but tell me, acquaintances are never so gracious, as what have I done—why do you leave me " when we are filled with love for some this way—you know I need you! one else s+ «" " I will not tell you why I go — you laugh." Being in harmony with one we are in " No, I shall not laugh." harmony with all. The lover idealizes and " You will." clothes the beloved with virtues that " I say, I will not." exist only in his imagination. The beloved " " Very well, I go to China to die! is consciously or unconsciously aware of " Nonsense! You can die here. Have n't this, and endeavors to fulfil the high I agreed to send your body back if you idea; and in the contemplation of the " die before I do? transcendent qualities that his mind has " " I die in four weeks, two days! created, the lover is raised to heights " What! " otherwise impossible. " My brother, he in prison. He young Should the beloved pass from this earth —twenty-six, I fifty. He have wife and while such a condition of exaltation ex- baby. In China they accept any man ists, the conception is indelibly impressed same family to die. I go to China, give upon the soul, just as the last earthly my money to my brother—he live, I view is said to be photographed upon " die! the retina of the dead. Next day a new Chinaman appeared as The highest earthly relationship is in servant in the lawyer's household. In a its very essence fleeting, for men are week this servant knew everything, and fallible, and living in a world where nothing, just like Sam. And Sam dis- the material wants jostle, and time and appeared, without saying good-bye. change play their ceaseless parts, gradual He went to China and was beheaded, obliteration comes and disillusion enters. four weeks and two days from the day But the memory of a sweet affinity once he broke the news of his intent to go. fully possessed, and snapped by Fate His brother was set free. at its supremest moment, can never die And the lawyer's household goes along from out the heart. All other troubles about as usual, save when the master are swallowed up in this; and if the calls for " Sam," when he should say, individual is of too stern a fiber to be " Charlie." At such times there comes completely crushed into the dust, time Or TBLBERT HUBBARD Page 15 will come bearing healing, and the mem- good. And the constant dwelling in sweet, ory of that once ideal condition will sad recollection of the exalted virtues of chant in his heart a perpetual eucharist. the one that is gone, tends to crystallize And I hope the world has passed for- these very virtues in the heart of him ever from the nightmare of pity for who meditates them. the dead; they have ceased from their £•» . ©. labors and are at rest. ^\HE old and once popular view of But for the living, when death has en- life that regarded man as a sinful, tered and removed lost, fallen, de- the best friend, spised, despicable Fate has done her BELIEVE that no one and damned thing worst; the plum- can harm us but our- has very naturally met has sounded tended to kill in the depths of grief, selves; that sin is misdirected him enthusiasm, and thereafter health, and self-re- energy; that there is no devil nothing can inspire liance. Probably it terror &+ a* but fear; and that the uni- has shortened the At one fell stroke average length of is for all petty annoy- verse planned good. We life more than a ances and corrod- know that work is a blessing, score of years s^ ing cares are sunk When man comes into nothingness s+ that Winter is as necessary to realize that he The memory of a is part and particle as Summer, that Night is as great love lives en- of the Divine En- shrined in undying useful as Day, that Death is ergy that lives in amber. It affords all he sees and feels Life, a ballast 'gainst all a manifestation of and and hears, he will, the storms that just as good. I believe in the indeed, be in a po- blow, and although sition to claim and it lends an unutter- Now and Here. I believe in receive his birth- able sadness, it im- right »+ And this you and I believe in a power parts an unspeak- birthright is to be able peace. Where that is in ourselves that healthy and happy. there is this haunt- d The Religion of ing memory of a makes for righteousness *+ Humanity does not great love lost, seek to placate the there are also forgiveness, charity and wrath of a Non-Resident Deity, nor does sympathy that make the man brother it worship an Absentee God. to all who suffer and endure. It knows nothing of gods, ghosts, gob- The individual himself is nothing: he lins, sprites, fairies, devils or witches. has nothing to hope for, nothing to lose, I would not know a god if I saw one nothing to win, and this constant mem- coming down the street in an auto- ory of the high and exalted friendship mobile 3+ S+ that was once his is a nourishing source If ever a man existed who had but one of strength; it constantly purifies the parent, this fact of his agamogenesis mind and inspires the heart to nobler would not be any recommendation to living and diviner thinking. The man is us, nor would it make special claim in communication with Elemental Con- on our reverence and regard. Rather, ditions $+ :— it would place him outside of our realm, To have known an ideal friendship, and so that what he might do or say would have it fade from your grasp and flee not be vital to us. He would be a different as a shadow before it is touched with being from us, therefore his experiences the sordid breath of selfishness, or sul- would not be an example for us to follow. lied by misunderstanding, is the highest <[ The Religion of Humanity knows, Page 16 must be saviors yet to come. Even yet we find that if you would go It believes that the supernatural is the in " good society " you had better not natural not yet understood. lift a trunk, sift ashes, sweep the side- walk or carry a hoe upon your shoulder. aOMMERCE is no longer exploi- tation. It is human service, and j^vHERE is a common tendency to no business concern can hope to prosper X^ cling to old ways and methods «•» which does not meet a human need and Every innovation has to fight for its add to human happiness. life, and every good thing has been The indiscriminate giving to the poor condemned in its day and generation s«* was a mistaken policy. It tended to Error once set in motion continues in- make poverty perpetual. Now we aim definitely, unless blocked by a stronger to give just one thing, and that is op- force, and old ways will always remain portunity $+ $+ unless some one invents a new way and Business aims to render life safe and then lives and dies for it. secure. To supervise wisely the great And the reason men oppose progress corporations is well; but to look back- is not that they hate progress, but that ward to the days when business was they love inertia. polite pillage and regard our great busi- Even as great a man as ness concerns as piratical institutions foresaw that the railroads would ruin carrying letters of marque and reprisal England by driving the stages out of is a grave error, born in the minds of business and killing the demand for little men. When these little men legis- horses, thus ruining the farmer. late they set the brakes going up hill. Thomas Jefferson tells us, in his auto- €1 Charity and piracy are things of the biography, of a neighbor of his who past. They were always closely akin, was " agin " the public schools, because, for pirates were very charitable, and " when every one could read and write, ever in their train were troops of sturdy no one would work." beggars --<» s* Governor Berkeley thanked God there Business will yet do away with graft was not a printing-press in Virginia. and begging. Reciprocity, cooperation C In the time of Mozart, musicians were and mutuality are the important words classed with stablemen, scullions and now &* £•» cooks. They ate below stairs and their Laws for the regulation of trade should business was simply to amuse the great be most carefully scanned. That which man who hired them.


EACHING things out of sea- fallacy that he is really doing something. son is a woful waste of time. C In the meantime the plain and alert It is also a great consumer young man brought up in the business of nerve-force, for both pupil keeps the chimes on the barrel, otherwise and teacher so* so* 't would busticate. For instance, the English plan of having Use and acquaintance should go hand little boys of eight study Latin and in hand. Skill must be applied. All great Greek killed a lot of boys, and probably writers learned to write in just one way never helped a single one to shoulder —by writing. To acquire the kit is ab- life's burden and be a better man. surd—get the tools one at a time as you Knowledge not used, like anything else need them so* so* not used, is objectionable and often dan- College has just one thing to recommend gerous So* So* it, and that is the change of environment Nature intends knowledge for service, that it affords the pupil. This is what not as an ornament or for purposes of does him good—new faces, new scenes, bric-a-brac so* so* new ideas, new associations. The curricu- " Delay adolescence — delay adoles- lum is nil—if it keeps the fledgling out of cence! " cries Stanley Hall. The reason mischief it accomplishes its purpose so* is plain. The rareripe rots. What boy But four years in college tends to ossi- well raised, of ten or twelve, can com- fication instead of fluidity—and seven pare with your street gamin who has years means the pupil gets caught and the knowledge and the shrewdness of a held by environment: he stays too long. grown-up broker! But the Arab never €1 Alexander von Humboldt was right becomes a man. —one year in any college is enough for The awkward and bashful boy from the any man. One year gives him inspiration country—with mind slowly ripening in and all the spirit of good there is in it; its rough husk, gathering gear as he a longer period fixes frats, fads and fan- goes, securing knowledge in order to use cies in his noodle as necessities. it, and by using it, making it absolutely Men are great only as they train on. his own, and gaining capacity for more College may place you in the two-thirty —is the type that scores. list, but you get into the free-for-all only The priestly plan of having one set of by letting the Bunch take your dust so* men do all the thinking, and another €[ Happy is the man, like Ralph Waldo set all the work, is tragedy for both so* Emerson, who is discarded by his Alma To quit the world of work in order to Mater, or like Henry Thoreau, who dis- get an education is as bad as quitting carded her so* so* the world of work and struggle in order In any event—God's name, get weaned! to be " good." The tendency of the SO* SO* classical education is to unfit the youth r\V father has practised medicine for for work. He gains knowledge, like the ^*^ seventy years, and is still practising. gamin, in advance of his needs. C I, also, have studied the so-called sci- The boy of eighteen who enters college ence of medicine. and graduates at twenty-two, when he I am fifty-five years old; my father is comes home wants to run his father's ninety so* so* business. Certainly he will not wash We live neighbors, and daily ride horse- windows so* so* back together or tramp through the fields He has knowledge, but no dexterity and woods. Today we did our little jaunt he has learning, but no competence »•» of five miles and back across country. He owns a kit of tools, but does not C I have never been ill a day—never know how to use them. And now, if his consulted a physician in a professional father is rich, a place is made for him way; and, in fact, never missed a meal where he can do no damage, a genteel except through inability of access. and honorable place, and he hypnotizes The old gentleman and I are not fully himself and deceives his friends with the agreed on all of life's themes, so existence — —

Page 18 "THE WOTB JSOO/C for us never resolves itself into a dull perfect religion. We used to think it neutral gray. was a man's belief concerning a dogma He is a Baptist and I am a Vegetarian. that would fix his place in eternity s+ €[ Occasionally he refers to me as " cal- This was because we believed that God low," and we have daily resorts to logic was a grumpy, grouchy old gentleman, to prove prejudice, and history is stupid, touchy and dictatorial. A really searched to bolster the preconceived, but good man would not damn you, even on the following important points we if you did n't like him; but a bad man stand together, sol- would. As our ideas id as one man: of God changed, we 23 First—Ninety-nine draper ourselves changed people out of hun- for the better. Or, a POWERS that be, make dred who go to a as we thought bet- sufficient to physician have no me my own ter of ourselves we organic disease, but occasions &+ Teach me to thought better of are merely suffer- know and observe the rules of God $•» It will be ing from some func- the Game. Give me to mind my character that lo- tional disorder, cates our place in own business at all times, and to caused by their another world, if lose no good opportunity of hold- own indiscretion $+ there is one, just Second—Individu- ing my tongue. Let me never lack as it is our charac- als who have or- proper pride or due sense of humor. ter that fixes our ganic diseases nine Preserve, Oh, preserve me from place here. We are times out of ten growing stogy and unimaginative. weaving character are suffering from every day, and the the accumulated CL Help me not to cry for the moon way to weave the evil effects of medi- or over spilled milk; to manage best character is to cation s^ .«* my physical constitution and my be kind and to be Third—That is to useful. Think right, practical affairs discreetly, never say, most diseases act right; it is what are the result of to dramatize my spiritual discom- we think and do medication which fort. Grant me neither to proffer that makes us what has been prescribed nor to welcome cheap praise; to we are. to relieve and take distinguish sharply between senti- away a beneficent To know the great ment and sentimentality, cleaving and warning symp- men dead is com- tom on the part of to the one and despising the other. pensation for hav- Nature s& s* ing to live with the Deliver me from emotional ex- Most of the work d. mediocre. of doctors in the cess. Deliver me from atrophy, of past has been to It is easy to get prescribe for symptoms, the difference everything you want, provided you first between actual disease and a symptom learn to do without the things you can being something that the average man not get s+ s+ does not even yet know. And the curious $& :<* point is that on these points all phy- Love goes to those who are deserving sicians, among themselves, are fully not for those who set snares for it and agreed, what I say here being merely who lie in wait. The life of strife and truism, triteness and commonplace. contest never wins. BRELIGION of just being kind We are under bonds for the moderate would be a pretty good religion use of every faculty, and he who misuses don't you think so? But a religion of any of God's gifts may not hope to go kindness and useful effort is nearly a unscathed. —


OURTESY in every line of ness. d Give each customer your whole life is now the growing rule. attention, and give just as considerate €[ No strong man lowers attention to a little buyer as to a big one. himself by giving somebody C If asked for information, be sure you a lift, no matter who that have it before you give it. Do not assume " somebody " is. It may be an ignorant that the location or fact is so now be- foreigner, unversed in our ways and cause you once thought it so. language, but there is a right way and Don't misdirect. Make your directions a wrong way, even so clear that they in pantomime. will be a real help. the emotions. When it is appointed And to the clerk d And the more who would succeed, me to suffer, let me, so far as people you direct, I say, cultivate humanly be possible, take example and the higher the charm of manner. from the well-bred beasts, and go intelligence you Courteous manners away quietly to bear my sufferings can rightly lend, in little things are the more valuable by myself. an asset worth ac- is your life. quiring s» When a Let me not dwell in the outer The most precious custom e|r ap- whirlwind of things and events; possession in life proaches, rise and guide me rather to central calm is good health «•» offer a chair. Step Eat moderately, and grant that I may abide there- aside and let the breathe deeply, ex- in. Give nevertheless to be store's guest pass me ercise outdoors and first into the ele- always a good comrade, and to get eight hours' vator $+ These are view the passing show with an sleep s^ And culti- little things, but eye constantly growing keener, vate courtesy as a they make you and charity broadening and deepening business asset. your work finer &+ day by day. To gibe visitors, or TTT requires two to give fresh and Help me to win, if win I may . t o make a flippant answers, and this, O Powers, especially home s+ The first even to stupid or if I may not win always, make me home was made impudent people, when a woman, at least a good loser. Vouchsafe me is a great mistake. cradling in her lov- Meet rudeness not to estrange the other me at ing arms a baby, with unfailing po- my elbow; suffer not my primal crooned a lullaby. liteness and see light to wane; and grant that I All the tender sen- how much better may carry my cup, brimming, yet timentality we you feel. throw around a unspilled to the last. Amen. Your promise to a place is the result customer is your of the sacred employer's promise. A broken promise thought that we live there with some always hurts; and it shows weakness in one else. It is our home. The home is the character of a business organization, a tryst—the place where we retire and just as unreliability does in an individual. shut the world out s+ Lovers make a C If your business is to wait on custom- home, just as birds make a nest, and ers, be careful of your dress and appear- unless a man knows the spell of the ance. Do your manicuring before you divine passion I can hardly see how reach the store. A toothbrush is a good he can have a home at all; for of all investment. A salesman with a bad blessings no gift equals the gentle, trust- breath is dear at any price. Let your ing, loving companionship of a good dress be quiet, neat and not too fashion- woman a^ $+ able. To have a prosperous appearance helps you inwardly and helps the busi- We help ourselves only as we help others. Page 20 THE WOTE BOOK,

ROM being regarded as The men and women and all churches are Book, the Bible is now looked endeavoring to make earth, heaven, and upon as one of many books, all agree that to live now and here the and is only worthy of respect best one can, is the finest preparation as it instructs and inspires. for a life to come. We read it with the same reverence that We no longer accept the doctrine that we read Emerson and Whitman. our natures are rooted in infamy, and The preacher was once a commanding that the desires of the flesh are cunning figure in every community. Now he is traps set by Satan, with God's permis- regarded as a sort of poor relation. The sion, to undo us. We believe that no term " spiritual adviser " is only a one can harm us but ourselves, that sin pleasantry. We go to the businessman is misdirected energy, and that there is for advice, not the priest. If a book is no devil but fear, and that the universe listed on the Index, all good Catholics is planned for good. On every side we read it in order to know how bad it is. find beauty and excellence held in the d Those who institute heresy trials have balance of things. We know that work no power to punish—they only adver- is a blessing, that Winter is as necessary tise $•> -^ as Summer, that night is as useful as Christianity was evolved, as all religions day, that death is a manifestation of have been—it was not inspired. It grew life, and just as good. We believe in the in a natural way and it declined by the Now and Here. We believe in You, and same token a* s+ we believe in a Power that is in Our- Whether it has benefited the race is selves that makes for Righteousness. a question which we need not discuss These things have not been taught us now. That it ministered to poverty and by the rich—a Superior Class who gov- disease is true, and that it often created erened us and to whom we paid taxes and the ills which it professed to cure is tithes—we have simply thought things equally a fact. out for ourselves, and in spite of them. Poverty, ignorance, repression, super- We have listened to Coleridge, Emerson, stition, coercion, disease, with nights of Brisbane, Charles Ferguson and others, horror and days of fear, are slinking who said: " You should use your reason away into the past; and they have slunk and separate the good from the bad, further and further away the more Chris- the false from the true, the useless from tianity's clutch upon the throat of the the useful. Be yourself and think for race has been loosened. yourself; and while your conclusions may The night is past—the day is at hand! not be infallible they will be nearer right The East is all aglow! Health, happiness, than the conclusions forced upon you by freedom and joy are all calling to us to those who have a personal interest in arise and sing our matin to labor. Our keeping you in ignorance. You grow prayer is, " Give us this day our daily through exercise of your faculties, and work, and we will earn our daily bread." if you do not reason now you will never C Our religion is one of humanity. Our advance. We are all sons of God, and desire is to serve. We know that we can it doth not yet appear what we shall help ourselves only as we help others, be. Claim your heritage." and that the love we give away is the only love we keep. Mankind is moving toward the light, We have no fears of the future, for we and such is our faith now in the Divine have no reason to believe that the Power Intelligence, that we do not believe that which cares for us in this life will ever in our hearts were planted aspirations desert us in another. and desires that are to work our undoing. s*« -"«» r\HAT is good which serves—man is The heroic man does not pose; he leaves ^-^ the important item, this earth is the that for the man who wishes to be place, and the time is now. So all good thought heroic. OF ALBERT HUBBARD Page 21

ORK to please yourself and courage to make an enemy. When at you develop and strength- work he never thought of any one but en the artistic conscience. his other self, and so he infused soul Cling to that and it shall into every canvas. The limpid eyes look be your mentor in times down into yours from the walls and tell of doubt; you need no other. There are of love, pity, earnestness and deep sin- writers who would scorn to write a cerity. Man, like Deity, creates in his muddy line, and would hate themselves own image, and when he portrays some for a year and a one else, he pic- day should they di- tures himself, too HE Busy Man's Creed: I lute their thought —this provided his I with the platitudes believe in the stuff am work is art. of the fear-ridden handing out, in the firm I If it is but an imi- people $— Be your- am working for, and in my ability tation of some- thing self and speak your to get results. I believe that hon- seen some- mind today.though where, or done by est stuff can be passed out to it contradict all you some one else, or have said before s* honest men by honest methods s*» done to please a And above all, in I believe in working, not weeping; patron with mon- art work to please in boosting, not knocking; and in ey, no breath of yourself oth- life —that the pleasure of my job. I believe has been er self which stands breathed into its that a man gets what he goes over and behind nostrils, and it is you, looking over after, that one deed done today nothing, save pos- your shoulder, is worth two deeds tomorrow, and sibly dead perfec- watching your that no man is down and out un- tion—no more. It act, is easy to please every word til he has lost faith in himself. and deed—know- your other self? I believe in today and the work ing your every Try it for a day. thought &•» £•» I am doing; in tomorrow and the Begin tomorrow Michelangelo work I hope to do, and in the morning and say: would not paint a sure reward which the future holds. "This day I will s+ picture to order €[ I believe in courtesy, in kind- live as becomes a " I have a critic man. I will be filled ness, in generosity, in good-cheer, who is more exact- with good-cheer ing than you," said in friendship and in honest com- and courage s* I Meissonier, "it is petition. I believe there is some- will do what is my other self." s+ thing doing, somewhere for every right; I will work Rosa Bonheur for the highest; I man ready to do it. I believe I 'm painted pictures ready— will put soul into just to please her RIGHT NOW! every hand-grasp, other self, and every smile, every never gave a thought to any one else; expression — into all my work. I will and having painted to please herself, live to satisfy my other self." You she made her appeal to the great com- think it is easy? Try it for a day. mon heart of humanity—the tender, the ?*> «•> noble, the receptive, the earnest, the Man's business is to work—to surmount sympathetic, the lovable. That is why difficulties, to endure hardship, to solve Rosa Bonheur stands first among the problems, to overcome the inertia of his women artists of all time; she worked own nature: to turn chaos into cosmos to please her other self. That is the by the aid of system—this is to live! reason Rembrandt, who lived at the time Shakespeare lived, is today with- There is no such thing as success in a out a rival in portraiture. He had the bad business s+ Page 22

|OT long ago, in a Western It is a pretty good general rule that, town, I was invited by a barring accident, the man will live as district judge to sit on the long as he expects to, or, if you please, bench with him and listen as long as he wants to, or hopes to. to the evidence in a certain Many people are obsessed with the fal- case that he was sure would interest me. lacy that the age of man is fixed at the 4[ It was a divorce suit, and everything limit of threescore and ten; and so, with had been conceded except the question a vast number of people, when they are of alimony. In. determining this, the around sixty-five they begin to prepare value of certain property held by the to shuffle off. They quit business, retire parties jointly was under consideration. from active work, close up their affairs, 4[ The Northampton Tables of Mor- and when they do these things, death tality had been cited as authority. To and dissolution are at the door. There back up these tables an insurance actu- are other men who work on until they ary had been called in. Sure enough, are eighty, and then they do exactly the evidence of this actuary struck a what the other man did at seventy, cosmic chord in my consciousness. with a like result. In the preliminary examination, to show Great numbers of very strong, active, his fitness as an expert witness, the earnest men, reach the age of eighty, actuary was asked this question: and die at eighty-two, eighty-three, " Can you make a close estimate on eighty-four. And the reason for this " the average length of human life? passing is not so much a physical one And the answer was, " Yes, if numbers as it is a mental. These men have fixed are taken into consideration." this age limit in their minds, and their " Can you tell the probable length of entire life and death conform to the idea. " the life of an individual? C As a general proposition I would say And the answer was, " No." the way to live to be one hundred is, When asked why, the witness said, "The not to consider the question of time, element of chance enters into single lives, but simply to continue an active, earn- and where large numbers are considered est interest in human affairs, and not chance is eliminated, so we get the law of overeat a^ $+ average." The individual who looks for ease and The next question was, " But suppose rest, and bodily gratification, be he we bar the element of accident, can you young or old, is in a dangerous po- then tell how long an individual will sition. To eliminate the toxins which " live? accrue in the human body, activity is And the answer was, " No." positively necessary. The activity of the Being pressed for a reason, the actuary mind reacts on the organs of the body. expressed himself in a little speech that So thought is a physical process, and impressed every one in the courtroom. to gain this elimination which insures I can not recall the exact words, but health, no man should ever think of the gist of it was as follows: retiring from business and quitting the There is an element in longevity that game .- s* can not be ascertained or passed upon If you retire from one thing you must by any one except the man himself. take up something else that is more My opinion is that every man should difficult s+ s+ be his own physician, and he should be Change of occupation is a great factor wise enough and sane enough to make in human health; but the one thing a diagnosis of his own case—spiritually, that makes a man live long is an earnest mentally, physically—much closer than vow early in life, well kept, to "never any one else ever possibly could. say die! " s» s+ The one thing in human life that no one Only such a one can make a century but the man himself knows, is, how long run, and the death of the centenarian does he expect to live. is almost without exception a painless OT 'ELBBRT HUBBARD Page 23 process. <£ And no physical examination rest in Heaven, is to spread the present can probe these inner facts and attitude very thin $+ s+ of the man's mind. The man who lives in the present, for- The individual himself knows and can getful of the past and indifferent to the determine how long he will live, better future, is the man of wisdom. than any one else possibly can; and I The best preparation for tomorrow's believe he can himself, if he is honest work is to do your work as well as you with himself, size up his case, and, can today s* &+ barring accidents, figure the day of his The best preparation for a life to come death, as Moses did on Mount Horeb. is to live now and here. Live right up to your highest and best! fYHRISTIANITY supplies a Hell for If you have made mistakes in the past, V-l the people who disagree with you reparation lies not in regrets, but in and a Heaven for your friends. thankfulness that you now know better. The distinguishing feature of Christian- C It is true that we are punished by ity is the hypothesis that man is born our sins and not for them; it is true also in sin and conceived in iniquity: that that we are blessed and benefited by through Adam's fall we sinned all, and our sins. Having tasted the bitterness to save us from eternal death or eternal of error, we can avoid it. If we have damnation, the Son of God died on the withheld the kind word and the look cross, and this Son was God, Himself. of sympathy in the past, we can today These things are still in its creeds and give doubly, and thus, in degree, redeem confessions of faith. Has the Roman the past. And we best redeem the past Catholic Church or any of the orthodox by forgetting it and losing ourselves in Protestant churches officially repudiated useful work. its creed, and made a new one founded It is a great privilege to live. Thank on industry, reciprocity, sweetness and God! there is one indisputable fact: light? m> «• We are here! Christianity is not a unique religion. It has traits in common with many other No man should dogmatize except on religions s* It is a conglomeration of the subject of theology. Here he can Judaism and Egyptian mythology, with take his stand, and by throwing the the protests of Jesus and the ideas of burden of proof on the opposition, he Paul fused in the pomps and pride of is invincible. We have to die to find Rome. It is a combination of morality out whether he is right. and superstition, and they never form a chemical mixture. Man is the only Mental dissolution : that condition where creature in the animal kingdom that sits are perfectly satisfied in judgment on the work of the Creator you with your re- ligion, education and government. and finds it bad—including himself and S— to* Nature. God, personally, we are told, To know but one religion is not to know looked upon His work and called it good. that one s— s+ There is where the clergy of Christen- dom take issue with Him. No greater insult was ever offered to What a superb thing it would be if we God than the claim that His chief were all big enough in mind to see no product, man, is base at heart and slights, accept no insults, cherish no merits damnation. jealousies, and admit into our heart no hatred! AKING men live in three worlds m at once—past, present and future To remain on earth you must be useful, has been the chief harm organized re- otherwise Nature regards you as old ligion has done. To drag your past metal, and is only watching for a chance behind you, and look forward to sweet to melt you over. Page 24

|N courts of law, the phrase "I believe" has no standing. Never a witness gives testimony but that he is cautioned thus, 'Tell us what you know, not what you believe." Ct In theology, belief has always been regarded as more impor- tant than that which your senses say is so. Almost without exception, "belief" is a legacy, an importation—something borrowed, an echo and often an echo of an echo.

The Creed of the Future will begin, "I know," not "I believe." And this creed will not be forced upon the people. It will carry with it no coercion, no blackmail, no promise of an eternal life of idleness and ease if you accept it, and no threat of hell if you don't.

It will have no paid, professional priesthood, claiming honors, rebates and exemptions, nor will it hold estates free from taxation. It will not organize itself into a system, marry itself to the State, and call on the police for support. It will be so reasonable, so in the line of self-preservation, that no sane man or woman will reject it, and when we really begin to live it we will cease to talk about it. As a suggestion and first rough draft, we submit this.


HAT I am here. C In a world where nothing is per- manent but change, And that in degree I, myself, can change the form of things, And influence a few people;

And that I am influenced by these and other people; That I am influenced by the example and by the work of men who are no longer alive, And that the work I now do will in degree influence people who may live after my life has changed into other forms;

That a certain attitude of mind and habit of action on my part will add to the peace, happiness and well-being of other OF TBLBBRT HUBBARD Page 25

people, And that a different thought and action on my part will bring pain and discord to others;

That if I would secure a reasonable happiness for myself, I must give out good-will to others; That to better my own condition I must practise mutuality; That bodily health is necessary to continued and effective work;

HAT I am ruled largely by habit; That habit is a form B of exercise; That up to a certain point, exercise means increased strength or ease in effort; That all life is the expression of spirit; That my spirit influences my body, And my body influences my spirit;

That the universe to me is very beautiful, and everything and everybody in it good and beautiful when my body and my spirit are in harmonious mood; That my thoughts are hopeful and helpful unless I am filled with fear,

And that to eliminate fear my life must be dedicated to useful work—work in which I forget myself; That fresh air in abundance, and moderate, systematic exercise in the open air are the part of wisdom; That I can not afford, for my own sake, to be resentful nor quick to take offense;

That happiness is a great power for good, And that happiness is not possible without moderation and equanimity; And that the reward which life holds out for work is not idleness nor rest, nor immunity from work, but increased capacity, GREATER DIFFICULTIES, MORE WORK. Page 26 THE WOTB BOOK,

BELIEVE in the Motherhood yourself, d, I believe in my own divinity of God. I believe in the blessed —and yours am am Trinity of Father, Mother and I believe that we are all sons of God, Child s«» s^ and it doth not yet appear what we I believe that God is here, shall be sm am and that we are as near Him now as I believe the only way we can reach ever we shall be. I do not believe He the Kingdom of Heaven is to have the started this world a-going and went Kingdom of Heaven in our hearts. away and left it I believe in every to run itself. man minding his I believe in the LITTLE more patience, own business. sacredness of the I believe in free- a little more charity for human body, this 3K3 dom—social, eco- transient dwelling- all, a little more devotion, a nomic, domestic, place of a living political, mental, soul, and so I deem little more love; with less spiritual am am it the duty of every I believe in sun- bowing down to the past, and man and every wo- shine, fresh air, man to keep his or a silent ignoring of pretended friendship, calm her body beautiful sleep, beautiful through right authority; brave looking for- thoughts am am thinking and right I believe in ward to the future with more the living s» .-« paradox of success I believe that the faith in our fellows, and the through failure am love of man for wo- I believe in the man, and the love race will be ripe for a great purifying process of woman for man, of sorrow, and I burst of light and life «•» *+ is holy; and that believe that death this love in all its is a manifestation promptings is as much an emanation of of life. C[ I believe the Universe is the Divine Spirit as man's love for God, planned for good. or the most daring hazards of the human I believe it is possible that I shall make mind a^ s#» other creeds, and change this one, or I believe in salvation through economic, add to it, from time to time as new social and spiritual freedom. light may come to me. I believe John Ruskin, , Sm Sm Henry Thoreau, and Leo The pathway to success is in serving Tolstoy to be Prophets of God, who humanity. By no other means is it possi- should rank in mental reach and spiritual ble, and this truth is so plain and patent insight with Elijah, Hosea, and that even very simple folk recognize it.

r s«» am Sm . -C» I believe that men are inspired today We need an education which fits a boy as much as ever men were. to get a living, creates a desire for more I believe we are now living in Eternity education, implants ideals of service, as much as ever we shall. and lastly, teaches him how to spend I believe that the best way to prepare leisure in a rational manner. Then we for a Future Life is to be kind, live can get along with less government. one day at a time, and do the work you :m sm can do the best, doing it as well as you If college education were made com- can am am pulsory by the State, and one-half of I believe we should remember the week- the curriculum consisted of actual, use- day to keep it holy. ful, manual labor, most of our social I believe there is no devil but fear. ills would be solved and we would be well I believe that no one can harm you but on the highway toward the Ideal City. OF 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 27

BUSINESSMAN once superintendent. So does the manager. bought a farm for a diver- So does the man who is responsible for sion, to help balance the day the business. Bennie's ignorance seems of work s^ s+ ridiculous, but in every factory, shop It was a great joy to him and place of industry where many people to jump on his saddle-mare and ride are employed, the majority of the work- through the farm in order to think out ers are named Bennie. a problem that might be puzzling him. Bennie thinks that if the owner would " " C It was a small tract of land and the only announce to these underlings investment was not great, so how the that he is Boss, all he would have to farm was carried on gave him no serious do would be to sit in the Boss's chair, thought s+ s^ with his feet on the table, smoking However, one day the man who owned infinite cigarettes; that heaven would the farm adjoining offered the business- be his, and he would be really Boss: man his farm at a price that was reason- that the " underlings " would file past able. The farm was worth the money. him, doing him honor and glory daily; It was bought. that all matters of great importance The land began to be of interest to its would be brought by some trembling owner. Besides there was quite an in- vassal for his sublime judgment, and vestment and it must bring some re- that he would decide. Then no man, turns. It must be supervised. woman or child in the vicinity would Riding across the farm at an unexpected do anything but just what the Boss hour one morning, the businessman wanted to have them do, and that infinite found several men sitting down by the ease, joy and gladness would be his. roadside eating their lunch. He took Bennie thinks that a rich man has out his watch. It was eleven o'clock. nothing to do but ride around with One of the men sprang to his feet when a multitude of servants to come and he saw the " Boss " arriving. The owner go at his call; that the rich man has thought he would be filled with conster- a great big cave full of money, some nation. But no, the hired man, Bennie, King Midas keeping it perpetually full. made a gesture which meant, Stop $+ C Bennie thinks that all there is to Then, in a piping voice, he said, " I being Boss is to have somebody say " want to be farm-boss! he is; if he can only get into the " Front " What 's that you say? " shouted the Office " and sit in the manager's chair proprietor $+ s#» that he is " It." " I want to be farm-boss," repeated Ben- You can not explain to Bennie that, nie, all undaunted. " Where MacGregor sits is the head of " " Who 's hindering you? the table." &+ s+ Bennie did not understand. You can never explain to Bennie, had " Why don't you be farm-boss? Nobody you all the gifts of the gods, that the has hindered you. You have every op- Boss is he who does the most work, portunity." who carries a burden that would crush " You just tell the men, now," persisted any man but him. Bennie will never Bennie, " that I am the farm-boss, won't know that with every command that you? " s* s^ the Boss gives, there goes responsibility It was foolish to try to explain to this that he may be wrong, and that the clown the fact that farm-bosses, and any Boss must have the power within him- other kind of bosses, evolve. self of making good every one of his Shakespeare said, " Some men are born own mistakes and the mistakes of all great, some achieve greatness, and some who work for him. The Boss never have greatness thrust upon them." resigns, and in the darkest hour that He was wrong. There is only one kind can come has only one thought, and of great men: it is the kind that achieve. that is to stay with the ship. €[ The farm-boss evolves. So does the The Boss is he who can carry off the Page 28 CTWE WOTB BOOK,

Gates of Gaza. The Boss is he who is beyond the average who did not possess big enough to say, " The mistake is them. And it is an indictment of our mine; I am wrong—I will make this colleges and universities when we con- right," and does. sider the fact that the men who have The Boss is he who is big enough to these qualities plus, usually acquired take any criticism, and takes the criti- them at " The University of Hard cism that he does not deserve with as Knocks "—and in spite of parents, good grace as he does the criticism guardians, teachers and next of friends. which is deserved. C Let us take three great Americans The Boss is he who is willing to start and see what made them supremely things, stand by them through their great: Washington, Jefferson, Franklin. entire making, finish and complete them. C Let a certain quality stand for each €[ The Boss is he who is capable of say- man: Washington (Self-reliance); Jeffer- ing, as did Napoleon, " The finances, son (Concentration); Franklin (Indus- I will arrange them." try) £•» S+ The Boss is he who is willing to pay But each of these men had all three the price of success, no matter what of these qualities, and without these it is $+ s+ qualities the world would never have The Boss is he who finds his completest heard of them, and without these three joy in playing the game, seeing the men, America today would not be known finish, and being ready for a new job. as a Nation. 41 The Boss is he who demands of him- It was only the Self-reliance of Wash- self more than he demands of all the ington at Valley Forge which saved rest of his people. independence from being " a lost hope." The Boss is the one who makes good. Washington was hooted and denounced :+ &— for preferring starvation to defeat, but 'T is not the attainment of the persistence of the man never fal- knowledge which marks the tered. It was a losing fight for most superior person—the Master of those long, dragging, dread, nine Man—it is the possession of years—a fight against great odds—pov- certain qualities. erty against wealth, farmers against There are three traits of character, or trained troops, barracks against the habits, or personal qualities, which once wind-swept open. But Washington be- attained, mean money in the bank, lieved in his cause and best of all he friends at court, honor and peace at believed in himself. home—power, purpose, poise. "It is only a question of which side These qualities are Industry, Concen- gets discouraged first. I know we will tration and Self-reliance. outlast them. Give in? Never! This fight The man who has these three qualities is mine." $+ $+ is in possession of the key that unlocks You can't whip a man who talks like the coffers of the world and the libraries that s+ *• of Christendom. All doors fly open at And as time went by, George the Third his touch. " Oh, he 's a lucky dog," had brains enough to sense it, Cornwallis they say—and he is. felt it, all England began to acknowledge And the strange part of it is, there is it, and best of all America knew it. no mystery about the acquirement of It was n't fighting that won the inde- these three things; no legerdemain; no pendence of the Colonies: it was the rites nor ritual; you do not have to generalship and Self-reliance of George memorize this or that, nor ride a goat; Washington s+ And this Self-reliance the secret of these qualities is not locked shaped his actions, and finally spread up in dead languages; no college can over the land. Our political blessings, impart them, and the university men as a people, come to us through the who fail, fail for lack of them. unrelenting, unrelaxing Self-reliance of On the other hand, no man succeeded Washington s+ s+ OF 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 29

HE education that aims at misery, and misery means disease. s+ £•» mere scholarly acquirement, Unhappiness is an irritant. It affects the rather than useful intel- heart-beats of circulation first; then the ligence, will have to step digestion; and the person is ripe for two down and out. The world hundred nineteen diseases, and six hun- needs competent men; then, if their dred forty-two complications. €£ The hearts are right, culture will come as recipe for good health is this: Forget it. a matter of course. To go in search of d What we call diseases are merely culture is to accu- symptoms of men- mulate that which tal conditions. can gain the King- is rotten at the E Our bodies are au- core $+ $+ dom of Heaven by hav- tomatic, and think- We grow through ing about our di- expression—if you ing the Kingdom of Heaven gestion does not know things there in our hearts. aid us. Rather it is a strong desire hinders, since the to express them s» It means universality. process of think- It is Nature's way ing, especially anx- of deepening our We reach God through the ious thinking, robs impressions—this love of one. the stomach of its thing of recounting blood and trans- love's — them. And happy, Love for sake there fers it to the head. indeed, if you If we are wor- is nothing better. 41 know a soul with ried enough, diges- whom you can con- It sweetens every act of life. tion will stop abso- verse at your best. lutely ** 6+ Love grows giving. by The moral is obvi- XF you have The love we give away is the ous: Don't Worry. health, you only love we keep. probably will be INHERE are per- happy; and if you Insight, sympathy, faith, ^^ sons who are have health and always talking knowledge and love are the about preparing happiness, you will for life. The best have all the wealth results of love they are the — way to prepare for you need, even if children of parents mentally life is to begin to not all you want. live s» s+ C Health is the mated. C Love for love's sake. A school should most natural thing not be a prepara- in the world. It is natural to be healthy, tion; a school should be life. C Isolation because we are a part of Nature—we from the world in order to prepare for are Nature. Nature is trying hard to the world's work is folly. You might as keep us well, because she needs us in well take a boy out of the blacksmith- her business. Nature needs man so he shop in order to teach him blacksmith- will be useful to other men. The rewards ing £» s» of life are for service. College is a make-believe, and every And the penalties of life are for selfish- college student knows it. From the age ness .' £•» of fourteen and upward the pupil should Human service is the highest form of feel that he is doing something useful, self-interest for the person who serves, not merely killing time; and so his work d We preserve our sanity, only as we and his instruction should go right along forget self in service. hand in hand. To center on one's self, and forget one's The truly educated man is the useful relationship to society, is to summon man *•» & Page 30 "TUB JVOTE BOO/C

N history there are three men read into it. C[ In order that no one who conquered the world s^ may feel there is danger of getting These men are Alexander, out of a job, I am going to give here a Caesar, and Napoleon. Their ilst of worlds that we have yet to conquer. method of conquering was We have sighted these worlds, we know through violence. These men had no their orbit, and there is no excuse now desire to give themselves to the world; to let them go unconquered. to make the world a better place because The University Militant is now engaged they were here; to merge themselves in fighting: into the world and be lost in the mass. 1. For the rights of women. They were intent on honors, ease, lux- 2. For the rights of children. ury and lust for power. 3. For the rights of criminals. Alexander began the task when he was 4. For the rights of dumb animals. twenty years of age and he completed 5. To make all work and business beau- it when he was thirty. He died sighing tiful $+ s>+ for more worlds to conquer. 6. For the elimination of theological fet- His teacher, Aristotle, twenty years his ish — a thing that has caused more mis- senior, foretold for him the end. To ery and bloodshed than all other causes complete one task and not have another combined $+ s+ in sight was to die. Aristotle outlived Al- 7. For the elimination of medical super- exander and saw his prophecy come true. stition, to the end that mankind shall Aristotle refused to have anything to be freed from racial fear, one of the most do with the business of destruction, prolific causes of insanity and disease s+ but he told Alexander that when his 8. For the eradication of parasitism, soldiers died, let them die at the point through the reformation of our social of the spear. What he meant was this: ideals and our systems of education, Let them die fighting, not in the hospital. so that every man and woman shall C Alexander lost more men in battle know the joys of earning an honest living than he lost by disease, so he surely had —this for the good of the individual and a pretty good hold on sanitary science; the preservation of the race. but his specialty was destruction and 9. Against the tyranny of fashion as ap- dissipation. From one standpoint it was plied to clothes, housekeeping and social a great feat he performed. With an army customs so s+ of thirty-five thousand men he flung 10. For the disarmament of the nations, himself against a Persian horde of over and international arbitration, in order a million. He scattered them and de- that this world shall cease to be a place stroyed them piecemeal. of the skull so so :o SO BLEXANDER marched Eastward gLEXANDER, Caesar and Napoleon through Persia, through Asia Minor, each lived in a very limited world. the Northern part of Africa and a small They conquered all the world they could part of India. This was his world. reach, and then they erected a shrine We have mapped and plotted the world to the god Terminus. within our own time. Today we know Every individual lives in a limited world. the geographical world. Yet we will And all the world we should attempt to never die from Alexander's disability &+ conquer is our own world. Also, it is We see a milky way of worlds to conquer. well to realize the dictum of Aristotle, d The worlds for us to conquer are that the foes of an army are those within economic, political, pedagogic, philoso- its own camp so That is to say, our phic, artistic and scientific. Aristotle told enemies are those which lurk in our Alexander that the dangers that con- own hearts—hate, fear, jeslousy, sloth, fronted an army were not in the ranks greed, inertia, appetite. To conquer the of the enemy, but were in their own foes within is a task indeed. But the camp—which means all that you can recipe for peace at home is a foreign —


war, and so the person who would be VERY day in the year in strong and efficient should enlist in the come pilgrims to Mount University Militant and help conquer Vernon—dozens, hundreds, the foreign foe, this as a part of the plan thousands—and the interest for conquering himself. in the place and its memories Choose your division and enlist in the never fades *© $+ army that is fighting for Human Rights. At Monticello we tread softly over the Don't be a neutral or a camp-follower. green turf once pressed by the feet of Get in the fight Thomas Jefferson, and stand back to who said, "That is the wall s* Be one N educated man one country is gov- of a glorious mi- with a universal sym- erned best that is nority. Be a Greek, governed least." s^ and never let your- pathy for everything and a In a quaint little self be swallowed old church at Rich- up by a Persian certain amount of Knowledge mond weTare shown mob. Dare to stand about everything that is the pew where Pat- alone, to fight alone, rick Henry stood to live alone, to die known, and who still is on when he exclaimed, alone! Otherwise, " Give me liberty you will not live the line of evolution and is or give me death." at all you will on- We make quest — learning to the end ** *•• C ly exist. to Independence .^, ** *•• Hall, Philadelphia; HE very first item in the creed of and at Arch and Third Streets we look ^^ commonsense is obedience. through the iron pickets on the grave of Perform your work with a whole heart. Benjamin Franklin. €L Revolt may be sometimes necessary, On Boylston Street in Boston we read but the man who tries to mix revolt the name on a simple slab, " Sam Ad- and obedience is doomed to disappoint ams," and our hearts go out in admir- himself and everybody with whom he ation for the pamphleteer. has dealings. On Rector Street, in New York, just off To flavor work with protest is to fail busy Broadway, is a marble marked, in the protest and fail in the work. "Alexander Hamilton," and every day When you revolt, why, revolt—climb, hundreds uncover as they pass. hike, get out, defy—tell everybody and Then we go to Concord to visit Sleepy everything to go to hades! That dis- Hollow, where rests the dust of Ralph poses of the case. You thus separate Waldo Emerson. Not long ago I was yourself entirely from those you have in Spencer County, Indiana, down near served—no one misunderstands you the Ohio River, and visited a little vil- you have declared yourself. The man lage barely more than a railroad-station, who quits in disgust when ordered to and walked a half-mile up a hillside to perform a task which he considers menial a grave at the top of this hill, for here or unjust may be a pretty good fellow; sleeps Nancy Hanks, mother of Abraham but the malcontent who takes your order Lincoln s& s* with a smile and then secretly disobeys Then we go to Springfield, Illinois, and is a dangerous proposition. pay silent tribute to Abraham Lincoln, To pretend to obey and yet carry in Liberator of Men. your heart the spirit of revolt is to do And then we realize that the name and half-hearted, slipshod work. fame of Lincoln grow brighter as the If revolt and obedience are equal in years go by s* > power, your engine will then stop on Sometimes the place of pilgrimage is a the center, and you benefit no one, not battleground, at other times a church, even yourself $+ s* or a house, more often a grave. Page 32 THE WOTB BOOKi

And the only places that are sacred Some much prized thing had gone out shrines are where certain men have lived, of this woman's life—something great worked, spoken and died a^ And the and good—some one had ceased to love theme of these men has always been her, and this woman had such a hunger one and the same, and that theme is for love—such capacity for affection! Liberty a* s+ H, The car was full of people, but I No name lives enshrined in the hearts longed to go right over and hold her of humanity save the names of those hands and whisper to her that I, at who have fought Freedom's fight. least, loved her, that all my being re- On the tombs of a few of these we carve sponded to that inward longing her face simply the one word—the word Savior. could not conceal. I wanted to tell her 41 These are the men who died that we that there is no tragedy except for those might live. who believe in it. What though some They flung away their lives for a noble loved form was lying cold and rigid in cause, and that the only cause worth death—will not we, too, some day fold living for, fighting for, striving for, dy- our hands, just so, across our tired ing for—the cause of Freedom. breasts and sleep! Or if love had gone And we say with the orator: " I know to another, why should we desire to not what discoveries, what inventions, compel it, would we not make those what thoughts may leap from the brain free we love? I wanted to say to her, of the world. I know not what garments " I know, I know—fate has hammered of glory may be woven for the years me, too, hammered my soul into better to come. I can not dream of the vic- shape than it was once. Relax, cease tories to be won on the fields of thought; the struggle, and you have nothing with but I do know that coming from out which to fight." the infinite sea of the future there will The car stopped and the woman got never touch this bank and shoal of time off, turning her face from me as she a richer gift, a rarer blessing, than liberty passed. She turned from me, I knew, for man, woman and child." because she felt that I was her friend, and she did not wish to burden me with HEART-ACHE is only a her weight of woe. God fill her with huge joke, when it is mine. His Love and lend her Peace! Yours makes me cry, but mine goodness! I glory in — At last we must admit that the man who pain, for all I have endured towers above his fellows is the one who I now know has been for my lasting has the power to make others work for benefit s+ s+ him; a great success is not possible any Yesterday in Buffalo I saw a woman on other way s+ &+ a street car whose heart was nigh burst- ing with grief. She was dazed, stunned, bereft. I never saw the woman before, Abnegation: A plan for securing the and I am sure she did not know me. thing in the easiest and surest way. Her look of anguish wrung my heart and when at last our eyes met, she gave Individuality is a departure from a com- me such an involuntary look of dumb plete type, and so is never perfect ** entreaty that I lifted my hat and tried to smile, as if we were old acquaintances. €[ She tried to smile back and the lines The quality of our race turns on the tightened around her lips, and as she quality of the parents; and especially still looked at me, great tears welled to does the quality of the child turn on the her eyes. Then she turned away and peace, happiness and well-being of the I saw she was shutting her teeth hard mother. You can not make the mother so as to master the grief that was gnaw- a disgraced and taunted thing and expect ing at her heart. the progeny to prosper.



HEN Grief is great enough these boys and girls—curious, quaint, it cuts down until it finds half-frightened—will belong twenty the very soul, and this is years from now? Agony. And he who has it Many of them will be contractors, law- does not seek to share it yers, bankers, scientists, doctors, teach- with another, for he knows that no other ers—it is all a matter of individual en- human being can comprehend it — it ergy, intelligence and desire, modified by belongs to him alone, and he is dumb. the antics of the gods of Chance. There is a dignity There is no con- and sanctity and spiracy in America grace about suffer- HE big man at the last to hold people ing ; it holds a chas- down and under. is the man who takes tening and purify- ing quality that an idea and makes of it a gen- ET us be a a Jjf . ? makes a king or tion of build- queen of him who uine success — the man who ers, creators, dis- has it. Only the tributors, not a £•» silence of night brings the ship into port petulant people dare look upon it, whose joy lies in and no sympathy save God's can miti- libel and scandal. f£ As we distrust gate it s+ £» the person who comes to us with ill ;t* »<* news of another, so let us hold aloof from these evil tidings concerning our F you wish to lessen the worries of men of business that Europe so likes the world and scatter sunshine as to spread $+ s& you go, don't bother to go a-slumming, Shall we cut our Mona Lisa from the or lift the fallen, or trouble to reclaim frame and pawn the smile with a junk the erring simply pay your debts cheer- — dealer? s+ s* fully and promptly. It lubricates the Let us be proud of our country, and wheels of trade, breaks up party ice, not bespatter her men of mind with tone to the social system and lib- gives r mud . -*» so» erates good will. It is time to build. chief duties will con- In the future, the It is time to unite. one's life as to give the sist in so forming It is time for faith. possible good, and do the least highest It is time for brotherhood. others. possible harm to Let us be glad we are Americans, and stand together for American institutions.

UBLIC Opinion is the great natural ET it not be forgotten that all restraining force. We are ruled by wages are based primarily on pro- Public Opinion, not by Statute-law. If ductive power. Anything else would be expresses the it is Statute-law Zeitgeist charity. We want what we earn and well, but often law hampers and re- we do not want more than we earn, Public Opinion. strains otherwise we are victims of paternalism. And paternalism breeds the beggar m>

EOPLE who belong to one so-called £?SHE world will be redeemed; it is class today are in another tomor- being redeemed s+ It is being re- row. Most of our so-called predatory deemed not by those who shake the rich wiggled up out of the mass and — red rag of wordy warfare, who threaten they may be poor again. and demand, but by its enterprisers, Many of the poor will be rich. Watch workers, inventors, toilers—the men and the immigrants landing at Ellis Island. women who do the duty that lies nearest Can you prophesy to what " class them £•» .' t

Page 34

BELIEVE in the blessed trin- good behavior, increasing the sum of ity of Man, Woman and Child. good-will and lessening hate, will have These to me express Divinity. a most potent influence on future gener- Left alone the woman would ations &» s» be the companion of the man, I can not imagine a worse handicap than not his slave, pet, plaything, drudge and to be tumbled into life by incompatible scullion s^ s+ parents and be brought up in an atmos- Happiness lies in equality. The effort you phere of strife. "We have bred from the put forth to win worst in the worst the woman, you HYnot be a top-notcher? possible way, and should be com- the result is a race pelled to exercise A top-notcher is sim- of scrubs," says Al- through life in or- fred Russel Wal- der to hold her. ply an individual who works lace $+ 9+ And you will hold for the institution of which he All that tends to her by so long as tyranny in parents Love kisses the lips is a part, not against it. manifests itself in of Death, and the He does not wear rubber boots slavish traits in the dimpled hands of children. Freedom the babe encircle and stand on glass when he is a condition of the neck of its mind, and the best ••» father «*> &+ gets orders from the boss way to secure it is The house of the He is a good conductor, and to breed it. harlot exists be- cause love is gyved, through him plays the policy >|«HEN an Anar- blind- chistgetsajob, fettered, of the house. The interests of \mJ folded and sold in buys a lot and be- the market places. the house are his — he is the gins to build a There is nothing home, the "Cause" so pulls on the business and he never sepa- has lost him, and heartstrings of the rates himself from the con- can never get him normal, healthy back for a bouton- man as the love cern, swabbing the greased niere, or just for a for wife and child. shute, by knocking on the ribbon to stick on Always and forever his coat. When a he wears them in place or management ** *» Socialist starts a his heart of hearts. restaurant and be- To imagine that he A top-notcher never says in- gins to prosper, his would forsake them Socialistic zeal be- wardly , or outwardly , "I was n' for the husks of li- comes lukewarm cense, unless looked hired to do that," nor does he and his comrades after by Jaggers 8b go into mourning Jaggers, is to doubt the Wisdom of the for him as for one who is dead s+ s+ Creator s+ $+ The actual workers have abandoned In our hearts Divine Wisdom implanted Marxian because they know the seeds of loyalty and right. These that if the " revolution " should come, are a part of the great plan of self- the work of rebuilding would fall on preservation. We do not walk off the them, and the " Yours for the Revo- cliff, because we realize that to do so lution " folks, who brought it about, would mean death. would be as helpless as Steve Reynolds Make men and women free, and they at the head of a construction-gang. will travel by the Eternal Guiding Stars. C That which makes for self-respect in Robbers always give much to charity, men and women, putting each on his for thus do they absolve themselves. —


brand him forever as a criminal in the preachers are men, caught world's assize. Under the same condi- in a certain environment, tions, if I were of the same quality and trying to win the world's temper, I would have done the same. olaudits and Dlunderplunder in a €1 If I criticize lawyers, doctors and certain way s+ &+ preachers, it is simply because there I may consider the way a mistaken courses through my veins a quality and one, but I surely do not hate the man. kind of corpuscle which fits me emi- H And the fact nently for success that I have hun- either as a lawyer, dreds of close figure to work exactly eight doctor or preacher. " friends among the hours, and wear the face off A hair, perhaps, professions proves divides the false that I am not en- the clock. and true," says old tirely misunder- Omar £* a» stood in this mat- He works until the work is Yes, and I missed ter «•» Doctors are done and does not leave his becoming a prac- men &+ s+ ticing physician by Lawyers are men. desk looking like a map of a hair. Preachers are men. s+ $+ Francisco after the shake- So, also, are judges. San F all the world Marxian Socialists up. As a general proposition, I loves a lover, are men, and all it is equally true these are very I would say that atop-notcher that all the world much like the prizes his health more than a hates a quitter *^ people with whom Stand by the ship! they mix and asso- good time, so he has a good If necessary, go ciate s+ *•» down with it, and all the time. *• Rogue clients time Soreheads go down gloriously, evolve rogue law- and belliakers are usually suf- as did Captain yers to do their Smith on the work; fool patients fering from overeating, lack of s+ s» evolve fool doctors; oxygen and loss of sleep. Or, if you leave the and superstitious, ship, leave it as did silly people in the If you want to be a top-notcher those survivors on pew secrete a pre- the Jeannette in tentious, punk par- beware of the poker proclivity the Arctic Sea s* ty in the pulpit s* and the pool-room habit — When their gallant C[ For the man, little craft was himself, I have otherwise destiny has you on crushed by the only admiration, overwhelming ice, *» respect and love his list *» they took the few and sometimes effects they could pity. C I may despise his business and carry out on the ice s+ $+ some of his acts, but how can I hate Then they went back and ran up the the man, when I realize that his life Stars and Stripes to the highest tip of is a part of the Great One from which the mainmast. And as the ship slowly mine is derived? settled in the sea, and the flag disap- This man may quit his business and peared in the crevasse, they lifted three take up something else. The criminal ringing cheers for the Red, White and is not wholly a criminal—he is on 1 y a Blue :••» s+ criminal at times. Some of his impulses And they were alone on the ice, and are good, and most of them may be unafraid, three thousand miles from civ- excellent; but one mistaken act will ilization S+ £•» —


What shall we say of the soldier who that his pay be cut one-half as punish- deserts on the eve of battle; of the sailor ment 3* £•» who abandons the ship at sea; of the The owner accepted the man's offer to cook who quits on the day of the ban- work at the reduced wage and never quet; of the waiters who walk out when once after referred to the mishap. the guests are coming; of the farm-hands The foreman went to work nursing those who throw up their jobs at harvest- injured sheep. He looked after them time; of the employee in business, who, night and day, as a mother does her having made a bad break and caused children s— $+ a loss to his firm of thousands, thinks At the end of the year the owner sent to make all good by sitting down and the foreman's check for the difference calmly writing: " I hereby tender my in wages so so resignation," etc., etc.! The man had made good! When the captain of a ship has put Both men were of the right quality so out from Singapore bound for Boston, If faults were met in this straight- we have only one question to ask. And forward way, instead of trying to run this question does not refer to typhoons, away from them, the mistake would hurricanes, pirates, shoals, shallows or prove a source of strength, rather than icebergs. The one question we ask is, a disadvantage. " " Did you bring the ship into port? The employer has a duty to perform, s«> woman wasting in sickness. But it is One day the man and his foreman de- something to use your time and strength cided that the sheep should be " dipped." to war with the waywardness and

C The next day the foreman ordered one thoughtlessness of mankind ; to keep the of his helpers to prepare the mixture $+ erring workman in your service till you €L The sheep were dipped, twenty of have made him an unerring one, and them—and behold the effect! The wool to direct your fellow-merchant to the came off in patches. The poor things opportunity which his judgment would were scalded, scorched and blistered «•» have lost." C The helper had used carbolic acid One thing sure, that young farm fore- diluted one-half, when it should have man who dipped sheep in a mixture, been used as one to one hundred. without knowing exactly what the mix- Of course, the foreman was to blame ture was, was a better man after that he should have prepared the "dip" him- mistake than he ever had been before. self. But after the damage was done, H, The fool is not the man who merely the average man would have sat down does foolish things. The fool is the man and written a letter to the owner saying who does not know enough to cash in " I hereby tender my resignation," etc., on his foolishness. etc. s+ s*. SO SO This man did n't so He wrote his em- A person may be very secretive and yet ployer, stating the plain fact, and asked have no secrets. — —


HIS secret, which I am about nitrogen. C. The plant takes in nitrogen to impart, is the most valua- and gives off carbon. ble and far-reaching of any All things are in motion, ebb and flow, fflh known to man. action and reaction, cause and effect, It is the key to health, hap- swirl and whirl. piness, wealth, power, success. It is the Centripetal and centrifugal forces make open sesame to Paradise, here and now. our life on the planet Earth possible $+ C^ A secret is something known only to €1 The heart rests between beats. That a few. Often the best way to retain a which we call static is merely equilibrium. secret is to let others help you to keep it. C[ The tiger crouches for one of two rea- C The only way to retain love is to sons: to spring or to die. give it away—art and religion the same. And death is a form of life. Death is a C This secret, which I am about to combination where the balance is lost, impart, will cause no thrill, save in the and gas, water and solids are in wrong hearts of those who already know it s+ proportions. The only thing then is to d, And all I can do for you, anyway, dissolve the body and use in new masses is to tell you the things you know, but the substances that composed it. which possibly you do not know you 5^ :<* know until I tell you. ^VAN is the instrument of Energy $& .<* :<* >*4 And if you wish to call this energy [O here, then, is the secret: Let Mo- God, or the First Principle, or The tion equal Emotion. Unknowable, there will be no quarrel. Must I elucidate? Very well, I will: We will only divide when you insist There is only one thing in the world, on calling it a Super-Something, or a and that is Energy. This Energy takes Superior Being. a myriad million forms; and its one If there is any Being superior to man, peculiarity is that it is always in motion. we have thus far not the slightest evi- It has three general manifestations: at- dence of His existence. Man is a part mosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere—or, of the Divine Energy. if you prefer, air, water and rock. Also there are no unique men, although From air, water and rock we get fungi men differ in quality, but not so much and mosses; and then from these spring as we often think. What one man has vegetation $+ Disintegrating vegetation attained, other men may attain. gives us animal life ; and from the animal To talk about a Superior Being is a dip to the vegetable kingdom, and the vege- to superstition, and is just as bad as table to the animal—with the constant to let in an Inferior Being or a Devil. interchange of gas, water and solid C^ When you once attribute effects to gives us Nature's eternal program. the will of a personal God, you have In Nature there is nothing inanimate. let in a lot of little gods and devils Everything is alive; everything is going then sprites, fairies, dryads, naiads, somewhere, or else coming back; nothing witches, ghosts and goblins, for your is static. Fixity is the one impossible imagination is reeling, riotous, drunk, thing ;+- $+ afloat on the flotsam of superstition &+ And the fallacy of fixity has been the What you know that does n't count. one fatal error of theology and all phi- You just believe, and the more you losophies in the past. believe the more do you plume your- Progress consists in getting away from self that fear and faith are superior to the idea of the static. science and seeing. Nature's one business is to absorb and What I am now telling you is Science, to dissipate—to attract and repel—to and Science is the classified knowledge take in and give out. And everything of the common people. which Nature makes is engaged in the same business. AN is a transformer of energy. This Man takes in carbon and gives oft ^£ energy plays through him. In degree — — —

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The cure for grief learned , approaches is motion s+ The the ideal. recipe for strength OST of the Socialists I On the other hand, is action. know do not work—they the college that im- To have a body parts knowledge that is free from only talk about work *+ What but supplies no op- disease and toxins, portunity for work they want is an orthodox you must let mo- is faulty in the ex- tion equal emotion. heaven of ease, where the harps treme. A school for


IVORCE-laws are obsolete in HE country that sells raw their character, and should materials will always be poor, die the death. just as the farmer who sells J A marriage that can not be corn, and not hogs, will never dissolved tends to tyranny. lift the mortgage. If you have There is a rudimentary something in a forest, and can work it up into tables, man that makes him a tyrant—that di- chairs, bookcases and violins you will vides humanity into master and slave make a deal more money than if you sell —and to these bar- firewood s» **• baric instincts we The United States are heir s+ *• HE only right has one-sixteenth The business of the population of civilization is to That any man should the world. make men free s+ have ** s+ But we have one- And freedom third the wealth of means responsi- Is the right to be decent the world **• The bility. The curse North American That is, of marriage is that Indians had the it makes the par- To be agreeable and useful. raw stock, but they ties immune from did not know how very much of that to use it *»• Our gentle consideration which freedom be- wealth comes from the ability to com stows $+$+ bine coal and iron-ore; lumber and steel

Freedom in divorce is the one thing bolts ; leather and shoe-strings ; paint and that will transform the marital boor glue; rubber and steel. into a gentleman. So we have supplied the world auto- Freedom to divorce is the one thing mobiles, shoes, farm implements, loco- that will abolish the domestic steam- motives, engines, brass castings, machin- roller S+ «•» ery and manufactured commodities in a Freedom to divorce is the one thing million forms. that will correct the propensity to nag, We take paper, glue, leather, copper, in both male and female. steel and make a " Kodak." The value We gain freedom by giving it. We hold of the raw materials that go to make love by giving it away. a kodak is, say, twenty cents. The con- To enslave another is to enslave your- sumer in South Africa, England, Japan self 6+ &+ or Germany pays five dollars for the Constancy, unswerving and eternal, is machine, and counts it a bargain. It only possible where men and women is brain that makes value.

are free. *•» .ST- $+ s» ATURE is the best guide of which nIFE is a gradual death. There are we know, and the love of simple animals and insects that die on pleasures is next, if not superior, to the instant of the culmination of the religion *>» t«» act for which they were created. Suc- Nature forever strives for a right ad- cess is death, and death, if you have justment, and sends satiety after license. bargained wisely with Fate, is victory.

It is foolish to say sharp, hasty things, I modestly protest that simplicity, truth- but 't is a deal more foolish to write 'em. fulness, mental self-reliance, physical When a man sends you an impudent health and the education of the hand, as letter, sit right down and give it back to well as brain, shall not be left out of the him with interest ten times compounded accounting when we make our formula —and then throw both letters in the for a man s» ^» waste-basket s+ $•- —


'HEN a man ridicules cer- JOWER unrestrained is al- tain traits in other men, ways tragic. The world is he ridicules himself. held in place by the oppo- How would he know that sition of forces. The men in other men were contempti- power are ballasted by re- ble did he not look into his heart and sponsibility, as never before in history. there see the hateful things? C You have your use as an agitator; Thackeray wrote his book on Snobs, so go it, Jack, and say your say. because he himself That fly on the was a Snob, but ^ORCE expends itself wheel of the chari- not all of the time. ot of Achilles said, When you recog- Sd and dies; every army is " Oh, just see what nize a thing, good a dust we do kick marching to its death; nothing or bad, in the out- up! " $•» $* side world, it is be- but a skull and a skeleton fills And this remark of cause it was yours the fly has added already. " I carry helmet and cuirass; the ag- to the gayety of the world in my gressor is overcome by the nations. But get heart," said the enough flies on the Prophet of old s^ poison of his pride; victory is chariot of Achilles All the universe and not a wheel €[ only another name for defeat; you have is the revolves $+ The E- universe you have but the Spirit of Gentleness gyptians in Moses' within. Old Walt time battled with Whitman when he and Truth is eternal *» ^ swarms of flies, saw a wounded sol- when the flies dier, exclaimed, " I am that man! " and scored home-runs and base-hits. two thousand years before this, Terence said: " I am a man, and nothing that eVERY employer is constantly look- is human is alien to me." ing for people who can help him; «* »•> naturally he is on the lookout among ^HE man of genius is everywhere his employees for those who do not help, ^^ welcome: all doors fly open at his and everything and everybody that is touch. He who has the talent to instruct, a hindrance has to go. This is the law amuse or entertain needs no passport. of trade—do not find fault with it; it But the person who can neither create is founded on Nature. The reward is nor produce, who can do nothing that only for the man that helps, and in the world wants done, and has nothing order to help you must have sympathy. to say to which the world will listen, C You can not help the Old Man so requires a certificate. long as you are explaining in undertone This social Letter of Credit the college and whisper, by gesture and suggestion, undertakes to supply. It used to give by thought and mental attitude, that out letters of Marque and Reprisal, but he is a curmudgeon and his system dead now the college degree is more or less wrong. You are not necessarily menacing of a pleasantry—valuable only to those him by stirring up discontent and warm- who need it. One who is without either ing envy into strife, but you are doing character or personality need not feel this: you are getting yourself upon a abashed so long as he has his degree well -greased chute that will give you he can yet join a University Club, a quick ride down and out. proudly wear the pin of his frat and rah-rah-rah! when the mood is on s+ How much finer it is to go out in the woods and lift up your voice in song, and be a It is only life and love that give love child, than to fight inclination and waste and life s— s^ good energy endeavoring to be proper! OJF TBLBERT HUBBARD Page 41

N this matter of bodily health, and have these habits, and also have just a few plain rules suffice. the love of a woman who has the And these rules fairly followed same habits, you are in Paradise now soon grow into a personal and here, and so is she. habit. And the habit is a Health, Books and Work, with Love pleasure s^ s^ added, are a solace for all the stings Fortunately, we do not have to super- and arrows of outrageous fortune—a de- intend our digestion, our circulation, fense 'gainst all the storms that blow; the work of the for through their millions of pores use you transmute that form the skin, I HE man who is anybody sadness into mirth, or the action of the and who does anything trouble into bal- nerves s* $+ last, pain into joy. Folks who get fus- is surely going to be criticized, C Do you say that about their di- religion is still sy vilified and misunderstood. gestion and assume needed? $» $9* a personal charge This is a part of the penalty Then I answer that of nerves, have Work, Study, " nerves," and are for greatness, and every great Health and Love apt to have no di- constitute religion. man understands it; and un- gestion 8* $& Moreover, any re- " I have a pain in derstands, too, that it is no ligion that leaves my side," said the any of these out proof of greatness. The final woman to the busy is not religion, but doctor s+ $* proof of greatness lies in being fetish s^ .<» " Forget it! " was Yet most formal the curt advice s#» able to endure contumely religions have pro- the Health C Get without resentment $+> a*- *•» nounced the love Habit, and forget of man for woman it, is excellent ad- and woman for vice. It is the same with your soul as man an evil thing. They have proclaimed it is with your body. labor a curse. The man who is always stewing about €1 They have said that sickness was his soul has a very small and insignificant sent from God; and they have whipped one &+ s* and scorned the human body as some- You don't have to trouble about your thing despicable, and thus have placed soul's salvation. a handicap on health, and made the Everything in the universe worth saving doctor a necessity. will be saved. And they have said that mental attain- Don't worry. ment was a vain and frivolous thing, That advice of the busy doctor should and that our reason was a lure to lead be used by the preacher, and when the us on to the eternal loss of our soul's black-ant breed come around fussing salvation s^ s«* about their souls, the advice should be, Now we deny it all, and again proclaim " " Forget it! that these will bring you all the good there is: Health, Work, Study—Love! HERE are three habits which, with C Work means safety for yourself and ' but one condition added, will give service to mankind. Health means much you everything in the world worth hav- happiness and potential power. Study ing, and beyond which the imagination means knowledge, equanimity and the of man can not conjure forth a single evolving mind. Love means all the rest! addition or improvement. These habits d, But Love must be a matter of reci- are the Work Habit, the Health Habit procity, not a one-sided affair. <[ " I love and the Study Habit. If you are a man you because you love the things I love." Page 42 THE JVOTE BOO^,

HAT which does not serve, ORDS are tools for the dies. If the Trusts overcharge transmission of thoughts. they invite competition and Thoughts are the result of dissolution. feelings so The recipe for Success lies in cooperation good writing is, write as and reciprocity, and the hope of the you feel, but be sure you feel right so so future is in the fact that the world knows scolding. And with DEGENERACY all your getting, always begins get busy! Yours for the Evolution ! in the cities; and the failure of civiliza- So So tion has come when the cities succeed A man who marries a woman to educate and the urbanites decline. her falls a victim to the same fallacy as the CO Co woman who marries a man to reform him. Give me the man, who instead of always If you marry a woman who is not on telling you what should be done, goes your mental wire, you '11 either go down ahead and does it. to her level or you will live in a water- CO so tight compartment and go to purgatory Atlas could never have carried the world through mental asphyxiation. had he fixed his thought on the size of it. so SO CO SO Choose this day the habits you would Do not separate yourself from plain have rule over you. people; be one with all —be universal. —


HE other day I met a man €1 He shouted, and called again and who was on the ill-fated again. And slowly the boat turned Titanic. When the boilers in his direction. It came nearer and burst, and the great ship took nearer, and he knew that if he could her final plunge, my friend once get in that boat and feel that the felt himself going down into the waters. boat was under him, it would be para- {[ Being an experienced swimmer, he dise, indeed. involuntarily knew enough not to inhale. In a few minutes the wish came to pass, He held his breath, but he did a deal of and he was in the boat s* He was ex- thinking. So down he went, but he knew, hausted, too weak even to lift his hand. too, that soon he would be coming to But the joy was exquisite: he was with the top, and it was only a question of human beings. being able to hold his breath long enough So they floated with the tide, and they to escape immediate drowning. pulled the oars. After a long time, a When he felt himself coming to the sur- flush of pink came into the East, and face a great joy possessed his soul. As they knew that day would soon come. his head came above the water, he €[ And then they saw a great gray-like reached out his arms, flattened himself form, with many lights, away off in on the surface of the wave as nearly the distance. as possible, and took in a great big They prayed, they wept, they waited breath s^ s* there was nothing else to do. Then he looked up at the stars, and The Carpathia came nearer, and my gratitude filled his mind. friend breathed a great prayer that he He was still alive; his senses were intact; might be able to climb the side of the he was able to think, to breathe, to real- ship and lie on the deck. That was all ize, to see the shining stars. He felt as he would ask—simply the privilege of one who had been dead, like Lazarus, lying flat on the deck, and knowing and returned to earth. He was alive! that the ship was beneath him. €[ But suddenly there came to him the And his prayer was answered £•» He thought that he could swim for a little climbed up the rope ladder and knelt while only. The water was icy cold, and on the deck in thankfulness. he began to look around for deliverance. But soon he realized that strength had 4[ About a hundred feet away he saw gone out of him, and he begged that he a floating spar, and it came to him be placed in the meanest room in the that if he could reach that spar it would steerage, just so it was a bed and he was indeed be paradise. So he struck out for covered with blankets. the spar. It seemed to be floating away Some of the mothers and children in from him as he swam, but with great the crowded steerage made room for effort he reached it, grasped it with his him, and when he was in the bunk, he said

! hands, drew himself up and then sat to himself, " Surely, this is paradise " and upon it s+ $* he closed his eyes in gratitude. When he felt that it was holding his But after an hour or two the crying weight he was relieved. Again he was of the children, the smell of cooking, filled with a great sense of gratitude. the presence of so many people began And as he sat on that spar, holding on to pall on him. He felt he must get away with hands and feet, he looked up at from this mob. the sky in thankfulness. He was alive; So he called to a petty officer and begged and to know that this spar was holding that he might have a cabin. his weight filled his soul with joy. And a bunk was found for him in a cabin. But the wind was cold. His frame was And here in this cabin he was very happy " chilled, and he knew that it was only and he said, " This is paradise, indeed! a little time that he could hold on. and he rested and thought, and tried to Just then he saw a boat pulling away write out telegrams to send to his friends at fifty or a hundred yards' distance s+ when he reached shore. —


He slept soundly that night, but when TD when Fate has flung a he awoke in the morning he realized that man into a certain situation, the cabin was n't exactly right. And so he if it is a place of some honor, asked the steward who came to wait on the man will give himself all him if there was not a berth somewhere the credit for having attained in a cabin on the upper deck. And the it $+ If it is a position that perhaps steward said that every bunk was full, carries no honor, the party will always except, possibly, one berth in the cap- blame some one else for putting him tain's cabin. there $+ $+ And so my friend took pencil in hand and We credit ourselves for our successes; wrote a letter to the captain of the ship. we blame others for our faults. And this is a copy of the letter: Also, we justify ourselves in everything " Dear Sir: we do. And wise men see plainly that " This cabin in which I am located is this self-justification is a part of Nature's right alongside of the engines. I hear the great plan of self-preservation. The ex- clank and clash of machinery all the aggerated Ego is a primal necessity. Good night-time through. I am awakened by men all and everywhere multiply the the noise and foul air, for this cabin is value of their work by ten. Success in life very small and illy ventilated. consists in convincing yourself that you " I understand that you have a vacant are the whole cheese, and then getting bunk in your cabin on the upper deck. the world to accept your view. Kind sir, please send word by bearer, Rostand's rooster was fully assured in his allowing me to occupy this cabin with own mind that the sun would not come you, and I will ever be up if he did not crow. The hens being told " Your sincere friend." this by the rooster, cackled it back to No answer came from the captain. him, and it became a crystallized part But the moral of this true story is this. of the orthodox Zeitgeist. And it would Nobody is ever satisfied with anything have so remained for all time, but for an after he gets it. Titanic Survivor s+ s+ accident—an accident of love, when a guinea -hen became enamoured of the boss XPORTS of raw materials of the barnyard. and foodstuffs mean skim- So Life is a paradox—and love is not ming our milk and giving the only illusion, but it is also the great cream away. We must use enlightener s+ &+ our raw materials and con- sume our foodstuffs right here. Then let /rtOMEN are adding greatly to the us sell manufactured products. By so do- Vly welfare of society. Woman is a natu- ing we siphon into this country the wealth ral economist and a conservator. She of the world. does not need patronage, and paternal- Henry Ford sells steel, brass, leather, and ism is a thing from which she has suffered wood properly coordinated, at fifty cents much :+ .-«* a pound. Thereby he is able to pay a Chivalry is paternalism gone to seed s+ minimum wage of five dollars a day to €[ Let women fit themselves for the pro- American workmen. He does this with duction of wealth, and wealth will be the aid of a manufacturing equipment theirs. Every school now is putting in unequalled in any European country s+ business courses. There are business col- Henry Ford first supplies the home mar- leges everywhere that are doing splendid ket, and then he has facilities to supply and helpful work, fitting women for pay- the foreign trade. And so today there ing positions s+ s+ are Ford agencies in every civilized Factories, department -stores, are all, in country. €[ What America should sell is degree, pedagogic institutions. not raw material—we should sell our The world is not moving as fast as we genius, our talent, our skill, our efficiency, would like, but it is certainly moving, our organizing ability. and it is moving in the right direction. OF 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 45

HE people you see waiting In so stating I lay down a proposition in the lobbies of doctors' of- agreed to by all physicians; which was fices are, in a vast majority expressed by Hippocrates, the father of of cases, suffering through all medicine, and then repeated in bet- poisoning caused by an excess ter phrase by Epictetus, the slave, to of food s+ $+ his pupil, the great Roman Emperor, Coupled with this goes the bad results Marcus Aurelius, and which has been of imperfect breathing, irregular sleep, known to every thinking man and wo- lack of exercise and man since: Moder- improper use of ation, Equanimity, stimulants, or the HUNDRED-POINT Work and Love ! a— thought of fea man is one who is true jealousy and hate N the Lewis C All these things, to every trust; who keeps his ^*^ and Clark Ex- or any one of them, pedition there were will, in very many word; who is loyal to the firm thirty-four men persons, cause fe- that employs him; who does and one woman s+ ver, chills, cold feet, This woman, Saca- congestion and not listen for insults nor look jawea, was the faulty elimination. guide and chief for slights; who carries a civil €1 To administer counselor of Lewis drugs to a man suf- tongue in his head; who is and Clark $+ She fering from malnu- knew the fords, trition caused by polite to strangers without passes and springs; " and a desire to get being "fresh;" who is consid- when food was even," and a lack of scarce she went on fresh air, is simply erate toward servants; who is alone to the Indian to compound his villages where moderate in his eating and troubles, shuffle his making known her maladies, and get drinking; who is willing to wants to the him ripe for the squaws, she was ether cone and the learn; who is cautious and given food for her- scalpel &+ s^ yet courageous. self and the men. Nature is forever For two thousand trying to keep peo- miles she led the " ple well, and most"so-called " disease way a-foot, her baby on her back. When (which word means merely lack of ease) hope sank in the hearts of the men she is self-limiting, and tends to cure itself. cheered them forward. C If you have appetite, do not eat too In Portland, Oregon, the white women of much s^ s^ the land have erected a statue of this If you have no appetite, do not eat at all. brave Indian woman. The artist has been C Be moderate in the use of all things, singularly happy in his modeling—silent, save fresh air and sunshine. sober, patient, firmly poised, she looks The one theme of Ecclesiastes is moder- out wistfully to the western mountains ation s* io and points the way. On her back is her Buddha wrote it down that the greatest pappoose, chubby and content, innocent word in any language is " equanimity." of the thought that he is making history. €1 William Morris said that the finest This noble bronze reveals the honest blessing of life was systematic, useful wife, the loving mother, the faithful work ;<•» &+ friend, the unerring guide. Thousands Saint Paul declared that the greatest looking upon this statue have been thing in life was love. hushed into silence and tears. There Moderation, equanimity, work and love is an earnestness in it that rebukes frivol- —you need no other physician. ity and makes one mentally uncover. —;


HERE is a maxim in law that, We think of how Phidias, the right hand no good deed shall act as a of Pericles, and the greatest sculptor the set-off against bad deeds s+ world has ever seen, was executed for This is where life forges ahead blasphemy on account of having put the of the law. Law always lags picture of his patron on a sacred shield behind «•» Blackstone says, how he was dragged at the cart's tail " The business of a good lawyer is to to the place of execution, and his body bring the law abreast of the times " s+ thrown to the wild beasts. C We think The punishment of how Socrates, must fit the crimi- the greatest mind, AN'S only enemy is himself. nal, not the crime. perhaps, the world this Down in our hearts His ignorance of world has ever known, when we hear a and his superstitious belief was passed the man indicted, we in another have blocked his path- deadly hemlock on all say: " Who is way s+ s+ order of a jury of this man? Is this five hundred who Our troubles, like our diseases, come all? " And we usu- sat on his case s+ ignorance weakness, ally know it is not. from and and Surely, Socrates The indictment through our weakness are we weak could not complain mentions only the and unable to adjust ourselves to that he did not worst, and it re- better conditions. The more we have a fair trial s+ peats this over and He had his day in know of this world, the better we over with malice court, and his pass- prepense and afore- think of it, and the better we are ing, written by his thought. The busi- able to use it for our advancement. pupil, Plato, is one ness of an indict- €[ So far as we can judge, the un- of the immortal ment is to indict. known cause that rules the world things in literature. Law is one thing The glory that by natural law is a movement for- C and justice an- was Greece lingers other s* All good ward toward happiness, growth, around the life of lawyers and judges justice, peace and right. Therefore, Socrates, Aspasia, now admit this £•» the scientist, who perceives that all Pericles, Phidias, not prate Herodotus, Hippo- They do is good when rightly received and glibly about justice crates, Aristotle rightly understood, is the priest, the as they once did, all criminals before ex- any more than doc- holy man, the mediator and the the law—all dis- tors talk about plainer of the mysterious. As fast as graced, exiled or " curing " people. we can understand things they cease executed $+ Greek We think of how to be supernatural. The supernatural history lives but the greatest men in for these, and the is the natural not yet understood. history have been men most instru- berated, reviled, mental in destroy- imprisoned, and their property confis- ing them live in letters, if at all, simply cated; and if they lived long enough, because they linked their names with they were executed, and the public was greatness s+ $+ given a holiday $+ $+ Follow down and see history repeated We think of how Pericles, who built in the rule of Rome! the city of Athens, was destroyed and And the Middle Ages come with their disgraced, and how he had to go in the night of a thousand years, when men Forum and plead for the life of his wife, forgot how to smile, how to laugh; Aspasia : : when enterprise died and originality We think of how the son of Pericles languished; when the world did not and Aspasia was executed on order of produce a poet, an inventor, a painter, the Government. a sculptor, a man of originality s* ** !


4[ But the world awakens from sleep in the world to its use. When George West- the year, say, Fourteen Hundred Ninety- inghouse invented the airbrake, his real two, when Columbus sailed, when Mar- task was to convince the railroad world tin Luther sang in the streets and held of its value. up his cap for pennies, and Michael Angelo and Leonardo da Vinci lived, XT is a wonderful thing to have some- loved and worked. body believe in you. This is the And for a hundred years thousands on one great benefit of love. Love idealizes thousands of the its object. It exag- best, the greatest, ENIUS has always come in gerates little ten- brightest men dencies into great the groups, because groups pro- who lived were exe- virtues,possibilities duce the friction that gene- cuted, reviled, dis- into genius. Love is graced, imprisoned rates light. Competition with fools action and re- —men like Coper- is not bad— fools teach the imbecil- action so Where nicus, Bruno, Gali- ity of repeating their performances. much is expected leo and Balboa s+ from an individual, A man learns from this one, and 4[ Columbus, who he may rise to the had given the that ; he lops off absurdity, strength- level of events and world a continent, ens here and bolsters there, until in make the dream was thrown into his soul there grows up an ideal, come true. prison, and was on- which he materializes in stone or Mother-love is the when great, surging, di- ly liberated bronze, on canvas, by spoken word, death filed his vine current that chains, and set the or with the twenty-odd symbols of plays forever captive free. Cadmus. Greece had her group through humanity. when the wit of Aristophanes sought We see it manifest C You had better to overtop the stately lines of i4Esch- in the dumb ani- be a round peg in mals; in the moth- ylus; Praxiteles outdid Ictinus; a square hole than er bird who dies a square peg in a while the words of Socrates out- rather than desert square hole «•» The lasted them all. her young; in the latter is in for life, Rome had her group when all the tigress who is in- while the first is arts sought the silver speech of vincible when she only an indetermi- has her babies to Cicero. One art never nourishes nate sentence s+ Protect. How much together, each :•*• sd- alone—they go man men of genius owe aVERY new doing the thing he can do best. All to their mothers, thing has to the arts are really one, and this one will never be told in fight for its life s*. cold words, because art is simply Expression—the ex- Every innovation love cannot be ana- pression of Mind speaking through is opposed. The tug lyzed, nor placed of inertia has us all its highest instrument, Man. under the slide. by the foot, and we so so would rather fight for the old than take The punishment of the liar is that he on the new so $+ eventually believes his own lies. Beside that, there is the eternal doubt as SO so to the value of the new invention, and A man's theories are apt to smile sadly the chances, it must be admitted, are all at his practice over the gaping gulf that on the side of failure. In the application separates the ideal from the real. of electricity, Edison had not only to so so discover methods whereby electricity A seer is the scout of civilization. could be utilized, but he had to com- so so mercialize the proposition and educate Nothing so fatal to integrity as pretense — —

Page 48 THE JVOTJB J500/C

WAS mousing the other day was used to this, for in his youth he in a book that is somewhat had been taunted with having no name disjointed and disconnected, and he said, " Then I '11 make one for and yet interesting The myself." And he did. Standard Dictionary—when I But this gentle pen-pusher in Frankfort came across the word " scamp." It is who passed his vocabulary at Froben 's a handy word to fling, and I am not proof-reader, Erasmus in time calls a sure but that it has been gently tossed " schamp," because he used cheap paper, once or twice, in my direction. Condem- cheap ink and close margins. Soon after nation is usually a sort of subtle flattery, the word was carried to England and " " so I 'm not sad. spelled scamp — a man who cheats But now I '11 prove that I am not a in quality, weight, size and count. But scamp £•» s+ the first use merely meant a printer who To scamp means to cut short, to be scamps his margins and so cheats on superficial, slip-shod, careless, indifferent. paper. I am sorry to see that Erasmus To say, " let 'er go, who cares—this is imitated his enemies and was ambidex- good enough! " If anybody ever was a terous with the literary stinkpot s+ His stickler for honest work, I am that bu- vocabulary was equal to that of Mul- colic party. I often make things so fine doon. Erasmus refers to one of his critics that only one man out of ten thousand as a " scenophylax-stikken," and another can buy them, and I have to keep 'em he calls a " schnide enchologion-schisto- myself s^ . <* somus." And perhaps they may have You know that when you get an idea been—I really do not know. in your head, most everything you read But as an authority on books Erasmus contains allusions to the same thing $+ can still be read. He it was who fixed Knowledge is mucilaginous. Well, next the classic page margin—twice as wide day after I was looking up that pleasant at the top as on the inside ; twice as word, " scamp," I was reading in the wide at the outside as the top; twice Amusing Works of my old college chum, as wide at the bottom as the side. And Erasmus, when I ran across the word any printer who varies from this displays again, but spelled in Dutch, then, his ignorance of proportion. " schamp." Now Erasmus was a printer Erasmus says, " To use poor paper and also he became the most learned man marks the decline of taste both in printer of his time. He was a successful author, and patron." and he was also the best authority on After the death of Erasmus, Froben's paper, inks, bindings and general book- firm failed because they got to making making in Italy, Holland or Germany. things cheap. " Compete in quality, not Being a lover of learning, and listening price," was the working motto of Eras- to the lure of words, he never wallowed mus ."•« .'<* in wealth. But in his hunt for ideas he All of the great bookmaking centers had a lot of fun. Kipling says, " There languished when they began to scamp. is no hunt equal to a man hunt." But That wordy wordissimus at Frankfort Kip is wrong—to chase a thought is who called Erasmus names, gave up twice the fun. Erasmus chased ideas and business and then the ghost, and Eras- very naturally the preachers chased mus wrote his epitaph, and thus— supplied Erasmus—out of England, through Benjamin Franklin an idea " Here lies France, down to Italy and then he found an old book, its cover gone, its leaves refuge at Basel with Froben, the great torn, the worms at work on its vitals." Printer and Publisher. The wisdom of doing good work still Up in Frankfort was a writer-printer, applies, just as it did in the days of who, not being able to answer the argu- Erasmus s+ s* ments of Erasmus, called him bad names. A book on cheap paper does not convince. Among the other choice ones he heaved A book should not only be true, it must at Erasmus was " bastardicus." Erasmus be beautiful. Scamp. you want work well done, select a busyman^^ the other kind has no time


AITH in your own opinions HE world bestows its big is a good thing, but—were prizes, both in money and in you ever absolutely certain honors, for but one thing a*. of the result of an election And that is Initiative. prophesying a tidal wave for What is Initiative? " " our party —honestly advising your I '11 tell you: It is doing the right thing friends to put up all their loose change, without being told. and then the next morning awake to But next to doing the right thing with- know that your basis for belief was built out being told is to do it when you are on East Wind? told once. That is to say, carry the Did you ever size up a young fellow Message to Garcia! who wanted work, or who was in your Next, there are those who never do a employ, and foretell that there was noth- thing until they are told twice: such ing in him, that he would always be a get no honors and small pay. counter-jumper, and then in a few years Next, there are those who do the right have to eat your words? thing only when Necessity kicks them Did you ever go to a horse-race and lay from behind, and these get indifference your money on Sure Thing and never instead of honors and a pittance for pay. see the hard-earned again? This kind spends most of its time polish- Were you ever an editor, turned down ing a bench with a hard-luck story $+ a Manuscript as rot, rubbish, drivel and C Then, still lower down in the scale diluted idiocy, and then see this same than this, we find the fellow who will MS. published by your rival and accepted not do the right thing even when some by the public, and the author whom you one goes along to show him how, and declared could n't write for shucks, set- stays to see that he does it: he is always ting you a pace you could not follow? out of a job, and receives the contempt €[ Have you ever as a businessman had he deserves, unless he has a rich Pa, a certain scheme presented and did you in which case Destiny patiently awaits reject it as foolish and fanciful, and around the corner with a stuffed club. later behold it make a million dollars To which class do you belong?

for your enemy? .'© .^* Have you ever fought valiantly for a THINK it really better, if you have creed, or a platform, and then in a few X to choose, to drink beer out of an years, conclude, of your own accord, earthen pot—as did the father of John that you were on the wrong track, and Sebastian Bach—and be kind and gentle, turn around and denounce the thing than to have a sharp nose for other folks' you once upheld? faults and be continually trying to pinch Were you ever a plaintiff in a lawsuit and prod the old world into the straight and on the case going to the jury, say and narrow path of virtue. with a chuckle, " The opposition has n't .'€* :<* a leg upon which to stand," and a little wants help, the help of later hear the foreman calmly remark, nUMANITY " strong, sensible, unselfish s* sa» " We, the jury, find for the defendant? men Education is an achievement, not a Well, if so, and you have thus learned C bequest s+ $+ to dilute faith in your own infallibility with a little doubt, you have not lived in vain $+ $+ Light stands for literature. The words have a common root. Literature tokens The author who has not made warm intelligence, and intelligence mirrors friends and then lost them in an hour by enterprise, thrift, industrialism. Busi- writing things that did not agree with ness at the last is largely a matter of the preconceived ideas of those friends, sentiment. The light seems to give has either not written well or not been courage, hope, animation, and binds read s^ a#» people together into a common bond. !

Page 50

USINESS is a fight—a con- HE spirit of obedience is the tinual struggle—just as life is. controlling impulse that Man has reached his present dominates the receptive degree of development mind and the hospitable through struggle. heart. There are boats that Struggle there must be and always will mind the helm and there are boats that be «•» * do not. Those that do not get holes The struggle began as purely physical. knocked in them sooner or later. As man evolved it To keep off the shifted ground to jE yourself and think for rocks, obey the rud- the mental, the der &+ £» psychic and the yourself; and while your Obedience is not spiritual, with a slavishly to obey conclusions not in- few dashes of may be this man or that, Caveman proclivi- fallible they will be nearer but it is that cheer- ties still left. ful mental state But, depend upon right than the conclusions which responds to it, the struggle will forced upon you by those who the necessity of the always be—life is case, and does the activity. And when have a personal interest in thing without any it gets to be a strug- back talk—uttered in ignorance. gle in well-doing, it keeping you You or expressed £» a*. will still be a strug- grow through exercise of your CL Obedience to gle. When inertia the institution gets the better of faculties, and if you don't —loyalty! it is time to man has you reason now you never will The who telephone the un- not learned to obey dertaker s+ s+ advance. We are all sons of has trouble ahead C The only real of him every step neutral in this God, and it doth not yet appear of the way s+ The game of life is a what we shall be. Claim your world has it in for dead one s» $*• him continually, Eternal vigilance is heritage because he has it in not only the price for the world s* *» of liberty, but of every other good thing. The man who does not know how to €1 A business that is not safeguarded on receive orders is not fit to issue them every side by active, alert, attentive, to others. But the individual who knows vigilant men is gone. As oxygen is the how to execute the orders given him is disintegrating principle of life, working preparing the way to issue orders, and night and day to dissolve, separate, pull better still, to have them obeyed. apart and dissipate, so there is some- There is known to me a prominent busi- thing in business that continually tends ness house that by the very force of its to scatter, destroy and shift possession directness and worth has incurred the from this man to that. A million mice enmity of many rivals. In fact, there is nibble eternally at every business ven- a very general conspiracy on hand to ture ." ;«* put the institution down and out a^ *» The mice are not neutrals, and if enough In talking with a young man employed employees in a business house are neu- by this house he yawned and said, " Oh, trals, the whole concern will eventually in this quarrel I am neutral." come tumbling about their ears. "But you get your bread and butter from I like that order of Field Marshal Oyama, this firm, and I do not see how you can " Give every honorable neutral that you be a neutral." d And he changed the find in our lines the honorable jiu-jitsu subject. €L I think that if I enlisted in the hikerino." s+ s+ Japanese army I would not be a neutral. OT 1SLBBRJT HUBBARD Page SI

OMING up from Hot Springs HENEVER you go out I met a smooth faced, jaunty of doors, draw the chin little man. He was dressed in, carry the crown of, the like a youth, and at first head high, and fill the lungs sight, I took him for a young to the utmost; drink in the man, but another look convinced me sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, he was sixty, at least. Whether he was and put soul into every hand-clasp s+ born sixty years ago or not really makes Do not fear being misunderstood; and no difference, he never waste a min- had lived sixty ute thinking about AN, like Deity, creates years «•» Evidently your enemies. Try he had made mon- in his own image. to fix firmly in your ey, but just how, mind what you it would have been When a painter paints a por- would like to do, indelicate to ask. and then without His short, sharp trait he makes two—one of violence of direc- sentences revealed tion you will move himself and one of the sitter. an intimacy with straight to the goal. the ringside and C Keep your mind the race-track, and If there is a sleazy thread in on the great and diamond stud splendid things you the your character you will weave in his scarf told of would like to do; gains I hoped not it into the fabric you are and then, as the ill-gotten. days go gliding by The little man had making. you will find your- gone the pace, and self unconsciously he now was paying the penalty. s+ $+ seizing upon the opportunities that are This was sure, for sprinkled in his sporty required for the fulfilment of your desire, talk were remarks about MacFadden, just as the coral insect takes from the Rest Cure, No Breakfast, Health Foods running tide the elements it needs «•» and Mental Science. These things were Picture in your mind the able, earnest, new to him, but in them he had now a useful person you desire to be, and the direct and personal interest. He asked thought you hold is hourly transforming me what I thought of Mary Baker Eddy; you into that particular individual $+ s^ and at another time questioned me as C[ Thought is supreme. Preserve a right to what the test was for uric acid; and mental attitude—the attitude of cour- then asked if I wore an Electric Belt. age, frankness and good-cheer. To think €1 On the second day of the journey rightly is to create. <[ All things come we were in the smoking car together. through desire, and every sincere prayer I was reading and he was sitting looking is answered. We become like that on out of the window in an abstracted way, which our hearts are fixed. Carry your his neat Fedora slightly tilted over one chin in and the crown of your head high. eye s+ s+ We are gods in the chrysalis. The train whizzed through a little vil- lage. I was conscious that my friend was /|


T is just here that a bright a Sphinx with stony lips. When the woman, who has thoughts as inhabitants of that old city in the East well as feelings, said to me were sore beset by enemies, they called (seated near) that she never upon their god to tell them what to do. ceases to marvel at the miracle They gathered around the statue expect- of a person making marks on bark, paper ing a reply, but when no answer came or parchment, and when this bark, paper and the enemy thundered at their gates, or parchment is looked upon by another they dragged the speechless Idol from person that this second person should its pedestal and brake it in pieces $+ s+ weep or laugh or be moved to profound- est thought. A traveler says that once ^f^HEN the papyrus-roll seemed to in Africa he sent a written message to vl/ yield no message the Wise Men his Lieutenant a hundred miles away. cast it aside and would fain have de- After the Lieutenant had looked at the stroyed it. The papyrus that gave an flimsy little piece of paper, behold! he answer they called Canonical, and that knew just where his chief was and how which answered not at all, or but faintly, it fared with him—and this without the they termed Apocryphal. And they de- messenger saying a word. Then did they termined which was Canonical and which who carried the little piece of paper fall Apocryphal by ballot. That which was down on their faces before the white declared Canonical was always believed man and pray him that he would cut to be Apocryphal by some, and that off their heads, or do with them what- which was Apocryphal to many was al- soever he would. In Mexico I have been ways deemed Canonical by a few s+ in villages where only one man—the Canonical books were accepted by the priest—could read and write, and it was people as the Word of God until certain not hard to imagine why the people of men called Infidels arose and wished to the place looked upon the priest as the destroy the Idol because it gave no agent of Deity, the mouthpiece of God. answer that they could hear: how to Even today, when the rumble of print- bring deliverance from the doubts and ing-presses never dies from our ears, the fears that besieged their hearts. anonymous editorial carries a certain And then all the people who accepted specific gravity and is quoted as au- the verdict of the Wise Men and be- thority, when the spoken words of the lieved that the Idol had spoken to man himself are scarcely listened to, others, even though it had not to them, certainly not remembered, even by his arose, and instead of destroying the Idol barber. And in days agone, when rolls they destroyed the Infidels. And this was of carefully prepared papyrus were found meet, for the Infidels should have under- I wonder not that men looked upon the stood that a statue may be beautiful deathless thought of a man long dead in itself: that it may adorn a niche upon as a message from the gods. Then, for- the wall of Time and so speak by silent sooth, if the message were so plainly inference to all who pass. Whether it expressed on the surface of the text has ever spoken to others is naught, the Wise Men sought to interpret it save to the anthropologist and the his- and make it plain to those less wise. torian, and to us—who read their enter- And as in boyhood's days when I went taining tales. It was not so very long swimming, the lad who dived the deep- ago that a Book bound in oaken boards, est and brought up the most mud was riveted in bands of iron wrought in curi- crowned with honor, so the man who ous shapes, locked with ponderous key, found in the words of the papyrus the born upon a silver salver by a stoled most portentous meaning was deemed and tonsured priest of God, was carried most profound. All people with broad in solemn processional with silent steps sympathies agree that there is some- and slow to the Altar &+ Then the thing pathetic in these frantic efforts Book was unlocked, opened and from to wring a message from a Sphinx it the priest chanted in strange, unknown OF *ELBERT HUBBARD Page S3 tongue, and the people listened in breath- never been challenged save by a few less awe to the words that Deity had captious critics of no standing in scholar- dictated in order that men might be ship. The Holy Fathers could be cited surely saved from an impending doom. at great length to show the high esteem " In times of old all books were religious and exalted reverence in which the Song oracles. As literature advanced they be- has ever been held. come venerable preceptors; they then In the Mishna, Rabbi Akiba says: descended to the rank of instructive " Peace and mercy! No man in Israel friends, and as their number increased ever doubted the canonicity of the Song they sunk, still lower—to that of enter- of Songs, for the course of ages can not taining companions." There is a certain vie with the day on which the Song of truth in these ambiguous words of Cole- Songs was given to Israel. All the Keth- ridge, but books have not sunk; rather, ubim are indeed a holy thing, but the men have been raised to a degree where Song of Songs is a Holy of Holies." they are the companions of the men who Origin, who is called the Father of Chris- instruct and entertain them. No longer tian Exegesis, enumerates the chief songs do we crawl with our faces in the dust of the Bible and then says: " And after before a tome. thou hast passed through all these, thou must mount higher to sing with the (C^UT it is unfortunate that there is Bridegroom the Song of Songs." Ibi/no demarcation whatever between Sacred Writ and profane writing: some BCCORDING to the statement of distinguishing feature that could not be Luther, the Book is an allegory overlooked nor waived aside. Such a representing Solomon's relation to the mark set on Inspiration would have Commonwealth of Israel; but it is inti- saved much bitter controversy, for it mated that the author doubtless belonged is mere truism to state that families to the fleshly school of poets $<> On the have been severed, churches divided, other hand, DeWitt Talmage was wont cities separated into factions, aye, na- to explain that the Song is a prophetic tions destroyed—all through a difference parable referring to Christ as the bride- of opinion as to whether or not certain groom and the Church as the bride $& literary works were directly communi- Indeed, I believe this is the universal cated by God. In one of Mr. Spurgeon's Evangelistic belief. But various fanciful sermons he says, " Holy Writ exists for interpretations have been given us, some the purpose of showing man his duty of which are nearly as ingenious as the to God," but the poem with which we claim recently made by an English cler- have to deal is peculiar in that it is gyman that the Golden Calf, which was one of the two in the Bible that con- worshiped by the Children of Israel, was tains no reference to a Supreme Being. prophetic of the British Nation : the gold A man belonging to the Chosen People of the calf signifying the wealth of the is talking with a woman who is a heathen, Empire on which the sun never sets, and if this couple know anything of God and the calf doubtless being a bull calf they keep the knowledge strictly to them- —for there is no evidence to the contrary selves. The man makes no effort to con- -—and hence typical of John Bull $— vert the woman; indeed, she seems fully Theodoret, long, long ago stated it as as intelligent as he : not a hint of Elohim, his belief that the Song of Songs was or angels, or spirits, or devils, or heaven simply a love dialogue which passed be- hell or ; of man's duty to God, or man's tween Solomon and a certain Shulamite duty to man; not a single moral injunc- maiden. But to this a clamorous denial tion, not an ethical precept; not a sug- has rung down the centuries, and the gestion of miracle is given, or of things assertion has repeatedly been put for- supernatural—nothing but the earth and ward that mere love songs chanted back the beauty that is seen in it. and forth between a young man and And yet, the canonicity of the Book has a young woman were not lovely things Page 54 THE WOTB BOOK,

" at all, and without there was some deep, where the beams of our house are hidden and occult meaning in the lines cedar, and our rafters of fir, and our the Song would not have been preserved, bed is green," is the dream of all lovers either by Divine Providence or by His and poets. Thus the story of Adam and Instruments, the Wise Men of Old s» Eve in the Garden of Eden, " naked and unashamed," has been told a score ^T{E of today, however, perhaps swing- of times, and holds its place in all Sacred vi/ ing back to a view which corre- Writ. Shakespeare, in -4s You Like It sponds with that and The Tempest of the author of shows the idea s+ the lines, do not Paul and Virginia regard passionate gives us a glimpse love as an unholy HARACTER of the same thing. We say, as thought; so does does Andrew Lang Is the Result the Emilius of in his preface to Rousseau, and Aucassin and Nico- more than once lette, that a love Of Two Things- Browning suggests without conscience it in his matchless admitting that at Mental Attitude and poems. Stevenson present it may be has touched deftly bad sociological spend on the beautiful policy, is delight- The way we dream, and so have ful to contemplate. several other mod- And with Herbert Our Time. ern story-tellers a* Spencer as authori- €(, And surely the ty I will add that love of man and nothing is " wick- woman is not an ed " per se. Things are either good or bad ungodly thing, else why should God have as they bring good results or bad re- made it? " God's dice are loaded," says sults. Even the stern Mosaic Law is Emerson, and further he adds, "All natu- merely sanitary in its aim, its design ral love between boy and girl, man and being social good and nothing more. So woman, is a lovely object, for the rich- let us view the statute simply as a stat- ness of its mental and spiritual possi- ute. We will touch elbows with the theo- bilities are to us unguessed." logians as they view it, too, and if they will but allow us to hold that it has no EX holds first place in the thought significance to us save the significance of God. Its glory pervades and suf- that a passionate love without dignity fuses all Nature. It is sex that gives the always has, we will allow them to display bird its song, the peacock his gorgeous any result they may bring up from their plumage, the lion his mane, the buffalo deep dives after truth. To me the Song his strength, and the horse his proud of Songs is simply the purring of a arch of neck and flowing tail. Aye, it healthy young barbaric chief to a sun- is sex that causes the flowers to draw kissed shepherdess, and she, tender from the dull earth those delicate per- hearted, innocent and loving, purrs back fumes which delight the sense of smell; in turn, as sun-kissed maidens ever have it is sex, and sex alone, that secures to and I suppose ever will. This poem was them the dazzling galaxy of shapes and composed, we have good reason to be- colors that reflect the Infinite s^ The lieve, fully three thousand years ago, painter knows naught of color, and never yet its impressionistic picture of the ec- could, save as the flowers lead the way. stacy of youthful love is as charming The flowers are at once the inspiration and fresh as the color of a Titian s+ s+ and the hopeless tantalization of the col- €1 An out-of-door love, under the trees, orist and the perfumer: they can never —

OT 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page SS hope to equal their matchless harmonies. woman has a sure and delicate insight And thus while we see that the sex into many things, in this particular she principle is the animating factor for is singularly ignorant and wilful. The good in the animal and vegetable king- profound Doctor Charcot says: " I have doms, man, for the most part, deliber- known many men who endeavored to ately flings away God's most precious put their marital relations on a gentle, gift. And he is made to answer for his chivalric basis, but in nearly every case folly with his spiritual life, for man, the wife interposed a tearful, beseeching wise as he is, and veto, or else she pluming himself filed a hot accu- upon his ability to sation of growing defeat his fellows, coldness that could can not with im- ESPONSIBILITIES only be disproved punity play his in one way. Virtu- tricksy games with Gravitate to the Person ous women very God. Savages at seldom know any- heart are boys of thing of the psy- twelve or fourteen. Who can Shoulder them; chology of love un- Being devoid of til it is too late to pity they often vis- Power flows to use the knowledge, it on one another and young women and on dumb ani- thinking they know mals the most The Man already, can not be shocking cruelties. taught." A few years pass Who Knows How. &*- $— and your young j^s HE position of barbarian is trans- I X-/ woman as set formed into a gen- forth in the Bible tleman—a man of fine feeling and tender is one of slavery. The Pauline doctrine sensibilities. The years keep going by and that women should learn in silence with if love is thwarted, perverted or mis- all due subjection runs like a rotten placed he passes into savagery again thread through all the fabric of Chris- no matter what his creed may be tianity. The feature is pure Orientalism. controlled by fear and kept in check And as the Second Commandment was through awe of society and statute law. the death of Art for a thousand years, After marriage men no longer win their so has the forced servility of woman held wives; they own them. And women, liv- our civilization in thrall to a degree that ing in the blighting atmosphere of a no man can compute $+ The flaunting continuous personal contact that knows boast that woman owes her freedom to no respite, drift off into apathetic, dull the Christian Religion is only advanced indifference. The wife becomes an ani- by ignorant and over -zealous people $+ mal; the husband a brute. The lively &— Honest scholarship knows otherwise grace, the tender solicitude, the glowing The enslaving of women and holding animation, the alert intellect, the sym- them by law came in only when man pathetic heart, the aspiring spirit—where was getting a bit " civilized." The pure, are these now? They are gone, gone like happy life of Nature would pale at the time gone—dead as the orange-buds that thought of abusing one's mate. Among erstwhile opened their shell-like petals wild animals the females are protected: to catch the strains of the Wedding no tigress is ever abused or imposed up- March—dead. on—in fact, she would not stand it. In That men and women bring about their a condition of untrammeled Nature, ani- spiritual bankruptcy through gross ig- mals are eminently just and moral in norance, I have not the least doubt m» their love-affairs. In a state of captivity, And I am fully convinced that while however, they will sometimes do very Page 56 . ., , man to do penance with delicacy and which the Deity works. and make sacrifice

deference ; and in forherfault of bear- the state councils their advice was always ing a child; all of which monstrous perver- listened to. Between the man and his sion oftruth seems pitiable when compared wife there existed a noble comradeship. with pagan Greece, where men uncovered Paganism in Scandinavia evolved a stur- their heads on meeting a woman with child, dier type of womanhood than Chris- solemnly made way, feeling that they were tianity has since s+ In pagan Iceland in the sacred presence of the mystery of women were treated better than we treat the Secret of Life. Birds are blessed with them today. The Icelanders recognized no such things as "rights." The male wins their intelligence and were in full pos- and holds his mate by the beauty that is session of the truth that the children manifest in his life, and by this alone. OF "ELBBFLT HUBBARD Page 57

But man vaunts the proud boast that O me the love of man for woman he has found a better way. He calls his © is as sacred a thing as Christ's love scheme " the crown of Christian civili- for the Church, and all of its attributes zation." As a matter of expediency I are as divine as any of the fantastic admit the plan has many advantages, hazards of mind. Indeed, we would know but to say it is perfect is to reveal a nothing of love did we not see it manifest dullard's mind. A higher civilization will in man, and the only reason we believe build on the ruins of this, and a universal in the love of God is because we find sublime attain- love on earth. The ment will yet thought of the love come so When it OD operates through of God can not be does arrive it must man, and man's business grasped in the come as every sub slightest degree so lime attainment is tO be 3. good conductor of even as a working now comes, and hypothesis, by a has ever come, the divine current which we man who does not through the con- call Life. know human love. servation of an en- And fully believ- ergy that the re- Civilization is the efficient way ing that the mys- spectable mob mil- terious desires of of doing things. lions now degrade. the body are as But as yet we are Art is a beautiful way of doing much emanations like the people of of the Eternal Spir- the Eastern plains things. it as the most al- who consider the Economy is the cheapest way truistic of moral chetah, that often promptings, I feel devours them, a of doing things; and in order that we are fully sacred thing. to do things rightly we must justified in waiving ;o so all explanations of TH A VE no combine efficiency, industry, the theologians, perfect pana- testing the poem art, and economy, and cement cea for human ills. before us with the And even if I had all with love. emotions that we I would not at- ourselves have felt. tempt to present All modern efforts of com- a system of phi- 1 after all in the line » merce are of making Pf ? , losophy between r* I I have not those the soup and fish, life pleasant, safe, agreeable wise Men of oid but this much I builded better than and beautiful. will say: The dis- they knew? How tinctively modern else can we reach custom of marital bundling is the doom Heaven save through love? Who ever of chivalry and death of passion. It had a glimpse of the glories that lie wears all tender sentiment to a napless beyond the golden portals save in lov- warp, and no wonder is it that the novel- ing moments? For disobedience the man ist, without he has a seared and bitter and woman were put out of the Garden heart, hesitates to follow the couple —they wandered far—and they can on- beyond the church door. There is no ly return hand in hand! Yes, this we greater reproach to our civilization than know: all of man's handiwork that finds the sight of men joking the boy whose form in beauty has its rise in the loves heart is pierced by the first rays of a of men and women. Love is vital, love is life-giving sun, or of our expecting a creative, love is creation. It is love that girl to blush because she is twice God's shapes the plastic clay into forms divine- child today she was yesterday. ly fair; love carves all statues, writes all Page 58 THE WOTB BGOfC poems, paints all the canvases that glori- when Mohammed said, " If I had but fy the walls where color revels, sings all two loaves of bread, I would sell one the songs that enchant our ears. Without of them and buy white hyacinths to love the world would only echo cries of feed my soul," the sentiment was ex- pain, the sun would only shine to show pressed only for a woman's ear. us grief, each rustle of the wind among The inconsequential quality of the text the leaves would be a sigh, and all the and the charming inadvertence of the flowers fit only to garland graves. Love questions and answers are all very lover- —that curious life-stuff—which holds like s«» m» within itself the spore of all mystic possi- bilities: that makes alive all dull wits, lovers all things are of equal gives the coward heart and warms into j^<0 importance, and this is the highest being the sodden senses: that gives joy, ^^ sanity. In fact, Kant takes a long chap- and gratitude, and rest and peace: shall ter to prove that nothing is trivial, noth- we not call thee God? ing unimportant. Neither is there any- thing so vital that it should have an the two characters in BLTHOUGH exclusive attention s+ Schleiermacher this poem go back to times when sums up the case by saying: " Nothing the earth was young, we see that love had bestowed upon them a wonderful really matters, for all things are of equal value. So far as man is concerned, noth- alertness, a clearness of insight and a ing is worthless, nothing important s+ closeness in observation such as love Death is as good as life; sleep as activity; alone can give. The scene of the poem silence as speech." is laid in the wooded district of Northern Palestine, near the bride's home, where On their walks hand in hand, by field the bridegroom, after the manner of Ori- and grove, over hill and dale, across ental princes, is spending the Summer. moor and mountain, our lovers see to According to all writers the lovers have the north the towering heights of Leba- been living together long enough so that non and Amana with the opposing peaks all embarrassment has entirely disap- of Senir and Hermon, the dens of lions peared. The bride has no coyness, af- there and the haunts of leopards; the fected or otherwise; they are thoroughly branching cedars and the spreading cy- well acquainted. Their love is complete, presses; the bright, green, flower-enam- and consequently their joy in all created eled sward. They hear the gentle gurgle things is supreme. This is shown in the of running streams, and breathe deeply fact that, although the poem is short, of the incense-laden breeze that fans the constant reference to flowers, herbs, their cheeks. Moving southward on the trees and landscape tells of walks and east of Jordan, they behold Gilead with talks by light of moon, and of days when its trees of healing balm, its flocks and summer winds sang gentle love-ditties herds feeding in rich valleys; the heights through the soughing branches. And as of Bithron, the district of Mahanaim, for flowers, they are essentially lovers' and toward the west, Carmel with its property. Many a good man and true olive-groves, fish-pools and cultivated can allow his thoughts to go back to a fields. Just beyond is Sharon, where time when love made earth a vast garden roses clamber over old stone walls, its of posies. Who but lovers ever botanize? lowland rich with nodding blossoms, the Many is the troth that is plighted over troops of gazelles feeding among the collector's drum, and indeed, I verily lilies, milk-white doves cooing and sport- believe that God made flowers only that ing by the water-side or hiding in the lovers might give suitable gifts. " Send clefts of the rocks and in the turtle- me flowers, only flowers, a bouquet each haunted groves. morning that shall never cost more than Then, turning to the south, our lovers a shilling," wrote the charming Peg tell of En-gedi with its palaces, gardens, Woffington to Sir Henry Vane. And and well-placed towers of the Royal City, ; —

OF 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 59 henna plantations, and of Heshbon with to market, could not have reared the its reservoirs; of the beautiful for situ- whole fabric right out of their hearts. ation; but the thought of the city does I do not say positively that this was so, not satisfy, and they hasten back to but like the preacher already referred the simple pleasures of country life, to who has told of the Golden Calf, to the vineyard, the orchard, the open I say there is no proof that it was not. field, and the spreading forest, where And now behold that while love is the all is so free and beautiful, yes, even mainspring of all animate Nature, and if the foxes, the without it the earth little foxes, do would be shrouded come and spoil the in hopeless night; tender vines $+ s— and while under its LL Good Men benign influence OUR lovers keep the human lover is their feet on And Women transformed, and earth, even though for him, for the their heads were Crave Comradeship first time the splen- sometimes in the dors of the earth clouds: they were are manifest and not indifferent to But to have Any One the wonders of the good things eatable stars revealed and drinkable, for Accept your Word finding good in ev- they tell of going erything —possess- into the garden ing a key to the and tasting of As Holy Writ, mysteries of the pleasant fruits, of Universe that be- mandrakes, apples, Is a Dire Calamity fore he wist not of, grapes and palm- right here Man ' nuts, and reference halts and hesitates. is made to the juice He does not go on. of the pomegranate and the wine, the Either his capacities limit, or else So- well-spiced wine. Yet they are not true ciety thrusts him back and our so-called children of Nature, for when the Sum- Enlightened Age grins at him and says " mer is gone they intend to go to the in hoarse guttural, " You are a fool! city, and they anticipate it by references and he, being one, believes it. to the Tower of Lebanon that overlooked Damascus, and David's Tower in Jeru- course, I do not pretend to fathom salem with its hanging shields, battle- a?the meaning of all the inferences in ments and courtways. They tell of rings this poem: doubtless much of it is just and jewels, signets and precious stones, simple love-prattle that the lovers alone crowns and necklaces, studs of silver understood, for lovers dote on curious and gold, palanquins and chariots, of ways to communicate. Forsooth, I doubt rich furniture, palaces with pillars of not that it was lovers who first formed marble, towers of ivory and of various an alphabet! Lovers are hopelessly given kinds of spice and costly perfume s* s*. over to mysteries and secrecy, to signs And because these luxurious things €[ and omens and portents; they carry are mentioned, the Wise Men have meanings further and spin out the thread never for a moment doubted that the of suggestion to a fineness that scowling lover was a king. Yet when we think philosophers can never follow. of the lavish richness that love lends the imagination, there is no good reason why a pair of rustics having talked a TND thus I think that I am safe bit with travelers and listened to the 2-JL in saying the remarks in the poem tales told by those who yearly went addressed to third persons are merely ! —

Page 60 THE 1VOTE BOO/C monologue and interjectory exclamations, galaxy of worlds that fade on our feeble daydreams and love-musings, in which vision into mere Milky Ways. Love holds young men and maidens ever revel. No within her ample space all wrecks, all man can tell exactly what the twittering ruins, all grief, all tears; and all. the of the bluebirds means, nor can he logi- smiles, and sunshine and beauty that cally interpret the chirping of the chicka- mortals know are each and all her dees, and I am very sure that I can not priceless gifts, and hers alone s«- :* explain the signifi- cance of the song from a friend OD of Mercy. j LETTER GJv-* the robin sings to . whose name is his lost mate from — Why it IS a WindOW Love! Look Thou of a tall u on s nd in pit the top flung open to the azure y poplar-tree when & r pluck? £ fromf our the sun goes down. What 'S that ? — hearts that deep- But these things rv1 T , ,, -i j rooted unbelief, I see, you haven t any glad are very beautiful, Oh, and that mirin g and even when you uncieaniiness of tidings and you owe a letter ! think of them, per- thoughtthat ,, , , , haps when you are Well, don t you remember causes us yet as a alone at the twi- pl e to 1 e ar n that immortal letter written by light-hour, the ?rom the lips f holy, unbidden Dr. Johnson to Mrs. Thrale ? vice and stupid ig- tears will start s*» norance our knowl- TJ > We have wandered summed up in the like 3. Sea-Shell, far, and know not barren formula, the path, but " Bear and forbear." Do you say that I hearken Thou unto us, for we thirst and place too much importance on the are never quenched, our hearts hunger Divine Passion? I say to you that man and are never satisfied, we cry and the has not sufficient imagination to exag- heavens are but brass! God of Mercy, we gerate the importance of Love. It is as beseech Thee to hear us, and in pity high as the heavens, as deep as hell, as bring us back, through love, to Thee! sublime as the stars and great as the —From The Song of Songs. —


ERE is the outline of a New if you prove that you are on hers. We Party. The truths it express- should all be in partnership with Nature. es are the oldest known to C If you are sincerely trying to do man . «* .<* your share of the necessary work of the It is to be called the Com- world, Nature will reward you in honors, monsense Party. money and power. It is at once political, social, economical, Keep good-natured. Do not look for ethical, commercial and religious s* s«* slights or insults. If you can't get the Women and child- job you want, then ren are eligible and take the one you vote the same as HE great Big Black can get. The only men. No one is too Things that have loom- way to get a big old, and none too place is to show young to join. Your ed against the horizon of my that you are not past record will not ashamed to fill a life, threatening to devour me, count against you, little one. unless you are too simply loomed and nothing The world needs boastful of it. more Common- There are no rites more. The things that have sense Men and of initiation ! no really made me miss my train Women—just plain goats to ride—and everyday folks who you can never be have always been sweet, soft, belong to the Com- put out of the Com- pretty, pleasant things of monsense Party s* monsense Party The motto of the unless you hand in which I was not in the least New Party is this: your resignation to Do unto others as your cosmic self. afraid. if you were the Here is the basis of others $+ $+ the Commonsense Party: Cheerfulness, Commonsense Culters, when in doubt, Courtesy, Kindness, Industry, Health, mind their own business and if they do Patience, Economy. not know what to say, do not say it. There are two ways to live—just two When they speak of their neighbors, one right way and one wrong. If your they mention only the best concerning life benefits humanity you are on the them, for Commonsense Culters know right track; but if you are a bother, a that none of us are so very good—cer- worry, a menace and a burden to the tainly not good enough to be put in a world you are on the wrong route and glass case. will soon be " up against it." The Commonsense Man knows that he Everybody and everything will have it must get eight hours sleep ; that he must in for you, because you will have it in not overeat; that he must give out good for yourself. Then when you begin to will if he is to get it back; that he must repine, your bodily health will wane, exercise in the open air every day if he is and inertia and weakness will seize you to keep well; and he realizes that if he hand and foot. does not keep well he will be more or less Weakness is the only slavery. Freedom is of a nuisance to everybody in his vicinity the supreme good—freedom from self- and that he will fail utterly in getting his imposed limitation. share of Health, Wealth and Happiness. It is the law of nature that the world helps every person who is trying to help C Commonsense Folks do not borrow himself. If you want to be well and strong trouble—or small sums of money, anti- work with nature not against her, and cipating pay-day. They live within their she will make you well and strong and means, pay their debts, accept what keep you so, barring collision with a comes and are thankful that things are benzine buggy. Nature is on your side, not worse s& $+ — — —

Page 62

N Lunnon, where live all sorts The next day Sir Walter took his walk and conditions of men, once in another direction. lived one Sir Walter Besant. Once after that in Whitechapel he was Sir Walter often took a walk startled by a shrill voice, calling, "There out through Hyde Park. At he goes, there he goes,—the man Wot the entrance to the Park there used to ruined me self-respeck! Look at him, crouch an old beggar woman, who held the fine rascal—he guv me dole—he " out a grimy hand and mumbled a woeful guv me dole! tale of a dead soldier husband and hun- Sir Walter saw a bus approaching, and gry mouths at home. Sir Walter always barely reached the ladder and climbed gave the woman a big copper penny as to the top, when there was a gang of he passed. C. It grew into a habit. urchins and old—women behind, pointing After a few months Sir Walter and the him out, thus "That's 'im—the fine old woman were on friendly terms: he rogue wi' the long wiskers—the bloke nodded to her and spoke of the weather in the 'igh 'at!" as he gave her the penny, and she Sir Walter's experience is not unique showered on him blessings with a tongue among philanthropists. Everybody who needlessly glib. is anybody has gotten the hatred of One day as he gave her the penny people by trying to help them. Your he stopped to talk a moment, as he enemies are those you have helped most. occasionally did, and the old woman C This sort of thing is what so often handed him back the penny. "Guv me turns the milk of human kindness to siller or nawthink," said the woman, bonny-clabber. But if we were strong "the idea of a gent like you guvin a poor enough we would never resent it; and old woman like me a dirty penny guv Sir Walter, big, generous soul that he " — me siller! was, did not complain of his treatment The woman came close and stuck her it was all a queer little comedy, with a face up close to his and waved her arms touch of pathos in it, as all true comedy in threat. has, just as tragedy itself is flavored by Sir Walter started to go. comedy. The world is not made up of Her voice shot up into a cracked and beggars, ingrates and fools—it is the vicious falsetto, she grabbed the lapel patient workers and the active, kindly of his coat and screamed, "Guv me sympathetic men and women who hold siller, you rascally rogue! Guv me what the balance of things secure. " you owe me! No man who does a good deed should Other beggars began to crowd around. expect gratitude. The reward for a good Cabmen came running from across the deed is in having done it. And possibly road, pedestrians stopped. There was Sir Walter made a mistake ever to give a mob gathering. that first penny to the old woman. His The woman made her appeal to the heart was right, but perhaps his act was crowd. "Look at him now! Just look at wrong—who knows! him—he's the man that did it! He ruined Anyway, keep sweet—in the main me self-respeck—he ruined me self- humanity wishes to do what is right. " respeck! For a few days that old beggar assumed The cabbies gathered close and began a place in Sir Walter's horizon quite out to mutter threats—they were clearly of keeping with her importance. But in sympathy with the old woman. "He in this transaction you should pity the ruined me self-respeck! He guv me dole woman, not the man. " he guv me dole! She forfeited the friendship of Sir Sir Walter reached into his pocket, and Walter Besant. taking out a handful of small coin, God help all those, who through ignor- scattered it among the crowd. ance or folly, push from them the During the scrimmage he made his generous hearts that might benefit and escape s» &•» bless! A Question of Charity. —


HE success of every great read in books and told by college pro- man hinges on one thing fessors $+ s— to pick his men to do the It is easier to be taught than to attain. work. The efforts of any one d It is easier to accept than to investi- man count for so very little! gate. It is easier to follow than to lead It all depends on the selection and man- —usually «•» s+ agement of men to carry out his plans. Yet we are all heirs to peculiar, unique In every successful and individual tal- concern, whether it ents, and a few men be bank, school, TRY to fix my thought are not content to factory, steamship follow. These have company or rail- on the good that is in usually been killed, road, the spirit of every soul, and make my and suddenly s» s+ one man runs Now, our cry is, through and ani- appeal to that. And the plan is " Make room for " mates the entire individuality! a wise one, judged by results. institution $+ The 0» £» success or failure It secures for you loyal helpers, of the enterprise J-fSUALLY the turns on the men- worthy friends, gets the work v-A English lan- guage contains all tal, moral and spir- done, aids digestion and tends itual qualities of of the words neces- this one man. And to sleep o* nights. And I say sary to express an the leader who can idea; but for the imbue an army of to you that if you have never French phrase, " workers with a known the love, loyalty and esprit de corps," spirit of earnest fi- we have no equiva- delity to duty, an integrity of a proscribed per- lent $+ $— Get busy you word- unswerving desire son, you have never known to do the thing mongers—here is that should be what love, loyalty and integ- your chance! done, and always The success of a with animation, rity are. I do not believe in business turns on kindness and good- governing by force, or threat, its esprit de corps. cheer, should be There is an ani- ranked with the or any other form of coercion. mating spirit or great of the earth. soul in every con- I would not arouse in the $+ s+ cern, otherwise it HIFE, now, is heart of any of God' s creatures is a dead one s*. human ser- Neither a commer- thought of fear, or discord, vice 5* ^ a cial enterprise or To deceive is to or hate, or revenge. I will in- an army can suc- beckon for the ceed as long as it Commissioner in fluence men, if I can, but only is filled with strife, Bankruptcy m> ;-— by aiding them. jealousy, doubt, Nothing goes but fear and uncer- truth c+ :-•» tainty *• $+ We know this — because for over This esprit de corps is largely supplied two thousand years we have been trying by the leader. And a leader who can everything else. not inspire his corps with a spirit of Academic education is the act of memor- victory has on his hands a force to feed, izing things read in books, and things not one with which to fight. told by college professors who got their The Tenth Legion of Caesar was invin- education mostly by memorizing things cible on account of its esprit de corps. Page 64 THE 1VOTJB BOO/C

1RUTH," says Doctor Charles fast, and inventing so fast, and chang- W. Eliot, " is the new vir- ing so fast, and there are so many tue." Let the truth be known of us, that he who does not advertise about your business. is left to the spiders, the cockroaches The only man who should and the microbes. not advertise is the one who has nothing The fact that you have all the business to offer in way of service, or one who you can well manage is no excuse now can not make good. C. All such should for not advertising a* s+ seek the friendly shelter of oblivion, r^° stand still where dwell those O supply a thought is is to retreat. who, shrouded in To worship the mental massage; but to god Stygian shades, Terminus is to have foregather gloom, evolve a thought of your own the Goths and Van- and are out of the dals that skirt the game $* $+ is an achievement. Thinking borders of every Not to advertise is is a brain exercise—and no successful venture to be nominated pick up your Ter- for membership in faculty grows save as it is mini and carry the Down-and-Out them inland, long exercised. Club s^ . «* miles, between the About the best we setting of the sun can say of the days that are gone is that and his rising. €[ To hold the old cus- they are gone. tomers, you must get out after the new. The Adscripts and the Adcrafts look to When you think you are big enough, the East. They worship the rising sun. there is lime in the bones of the boss, The oleo of authority does not much and a noise like a buccaneer is heard interest them. They want the Cosmic in the offing. Kerosene that supplies the caloric. The reputation that endures, or the A good Adcraftscripter is never either institution that lasts, is the one that a philophraster or a theologaster—he is is properly advertised. a pragmatist. He seeks the good for him- The only names in Greek History that self, for his clients, and for the whole we know are those which Herodotus human race. and Thucydides graved with deathless The science of advertising is the science styli $* $* of psychology. And psychology is the The men of Rome who lived and trod science of the human heart. the boardwalk are those Plutarch took The advertiser works to supply a human up and writ their names large on human want; and often he has to arouse the hearts. All that Plutarch knew of Greek desire for his goods. He educates the heroes was what he read in Herodotus. public as to what it needs, and what C All that Shakespeare knew of Classic it wants, and shows where and how to Greece and Rome and the heroes of that get it 5^ $+ far-off time is what he dug out of Plu- The idea of the " ethical dentist " who tarch's Lives. And about all that most refrains from advertising was originally people now know of Greece and Rome founded on the proposition derived from they got from Shakespeare. the medicos that advertising was fakery. Plutarch boomed his Roman friends and This view once had a certain basis in matched each favorite with some Greek, fact, when the only people who adver- written of by Herodotus. Plutarch wrote tised were transients. The merchant who of the men he liked, some of whom we lived in a town assumed that every one know put up good mazuma to cover knew where he v/as and what he had expenses s» £•»

r to offer. The doctor the same. .«» . -<* This no longer applies. We are living so Our greatest deeds we do unknowingly.


^IJT of all the Plenipotentiaries of I 'U tell you—the writings of Moses, ^J Publicity, Ambassadors of Adver- and nothing else. So able, convincing, tising, and Bosses of Press Bureaus, none direct and inclusive were the claims of equals Moses, who lived fifteen centuries Moses that the world was absolutely before Christ. Moses appointed himself won by them. ad-writer for Deity, and gave us an ac- In the Mosaic Code was enough of the count of Creation, from the personal saving salt of commonsense to keep it interviews. And although some say these alive. It was a religion for the now and interviews were here. The Mosaic faked, this account laws are sanitary life is its ex- has been accepted VERY own laws, and work for for thirty-five cen- m cuse for being, and to the positive, pres- turies s+ s+ ent good of those Moses wrote the deny or refute the untrue who abide by first five books of things that are said of you is them. the Bible, and this C It is not deeds account includes a an error of judgment. All or acts that last of the au- it is the written record recoils doer, thor's romantic wrong upon the record of those birth and of his and the man who makes deeds and acts a*. serene and digni- It was not the life fied death. Moses wrong statements about others and death of Jesus central fig- fixed His place is the is himself to be pitied, not the that ure, after Yahweh, as the central fig- in the whole write- man he vilifies. It is better to ure of His time up $+ 3#» and perhaps of all be lied about than to lie. At Egyptian history time—it was what makes not a single the last no one can harm us Paul and certain mention of Moses unknown writers or the Exodus, and but ourselves. who never even no record is found saw Him claimed of the flight from Egypt save what Moses and had to say in written words $+&+ wrote s* :•»• At best it was only a few hundred people nORATIUS still stands at the bridge, who hiked, but the account makes the because a poet placed him there $+ whole thing seem colossal and magnifi- €[ And Paul Revere still rides a-down cent. And best of all, the high standard the night giving his warning cry, because set has been an inspiration to millions Longfellow set the meters in a gallop $+ to live up to the dope. C Across the waste of waters the enemy The phrase, " The Chosen People of calls upon Paul Jones to surrender, and God," was a catch-phrase unrivaled s+ the voice of Paul Jones echoes back, Slogans abound in Moses that have been " Goddam, your souls to Hell—we have taken up by millions on millions. not yet begun to fight! " And the sound When Moses took over the Judaic ac- of the fearless voice has given courage count, Jehovah was only a tutelary or to countless thousands to snatch victory tribal god. He was simply one of the from the jaws of defeat. many. He had at least forty strong In Brussels there is yet to be heard a competitors, The Egyptians had various sound of revelry by night, only because gods; the Midianites, Hittites, Philis- Byron told of it. tines, Amorites, Ammonites had at Commodore Perry, that rash and in- least one god each. pulsive youth of twenty-six, never sent Moses made his god supreme, and all that message, " We have met the enemy other gods were driven from the skies. and they are ours," but a good reporter What turned the trick? did, and the reporter's words live, while Page 66 THR WOTJB BOOK,

Perry's died on the empty air so so LY character counts so And Lord Douglas never said, what is character? " The hand of Douglas is his own, Well, first, character is a And never shall in friendship grasp, matter of habits. The young The hand of such as Marmion clasp." man or woman who, work- Sir Walter Scott made that remark ing all day in a shop or factory, will get on white paper with an eagle's quill, a certain amount of outdoor exercise and and schoolboys' hearts will beat high then buckle down to some course of as they scorn the offered hand on Fri- intellectual improvement for one hour day afternoons, for centuries to come. out of the twenty-four, is going to be- C Virginius lives in heroic mold, not come a distinguished person. for what he said or did but for the words But to slide, glide, drift, loll, dawdle, put into his mouth by a man who pushed with no definite objective point in mind, what you call a virile pen and wrote is to arrive at the point of Nowhere such an ad for Virginius as he could and to have your craft lie hopelessly never have written for himself. becalmed on Mud Flats. Then is your Andrew J. Rowan carried the Message name Mudsocks so so to Garcia, all right, but the deed would Walk in the open air, dig in the garden, have been lost in the dustbin of Time, play ball, then buckle down to half an and quickly, too, were it not for George hour at the lessons, and you are bound H. Daniels, who etched the act into to be a winner so so the memory of the race, and fixed the Continually comes the tramp of march- deed in history, sending it down the ing feet *o so corridors of Time with the rumble of " What is this army? " you say. the Empire State Express, so that today It is the youth of the land. They are it is a part of the current coin of the arriving, arriving! mental realm, a legal tender wherever Babies grow into children, children into English she is spoke. youth, youth into men and women so d The mass of humanity is a marching mass—steady, irresistible, onward and QLL literature is advertising. And all upward they come! genuine advertisements are litera- There are more of us on this old earth ture s^ so than ever before. The author advertises men, times, places, Life is complex, difficult. The struggle deeds, events and things. His appeal is exists as it never has before. to the universal human soul. If he does need all the equipment we can get. not know the heart -throbs of men and We women, their hopes, joys, ambitions, C. But in spite of numbers, opportuni- tastes, needs and desires, his work will ties were never so great as they are to- interest no one but himself and his ad- day so so miring friends. There is no such thing as complete suc- Advertising is fast becoming a fine art. cess. After every achievement comes the " for Its is Wants, and where, voice, Arise, and get thee hence, theme Human " when and how they may be gratified. It this is not thy rest! interests, inspires, educates—sometimes So we never arrive, but always we work, amuses—informs and thereby uplifts and we struggle, we strive, and this continual benefits, lubricating existence and help- endeavor is all there is of life. ing the old world on its way to the But when life is methodized, when we Celestial City of Fine Minds. work, study, play and laugh, flavoring all with love, we have found the key .'O S^ to the situation. We are moved only by the souls that So So have suffered and the hearts that know; and so all art that endures is a living, Respectability is the dickey on the bosom quivering cross-section of life. of civilization. OE 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 67

HE laws of health are very AY it please the Court, I simple, and for the most part arise to present certain rea- are understood by all people sons why judgment should of average intelligence $+ s* not be passed upon human- C One reason why we do not ity. The time has not yet all have good health is not because we arrived when it is fair, reasonable, proper are ignorant, but because inertia has or right to judge my kind. Man is not us by the foot. The trouble is in our yet created—he is only in process. I heads—we lack have a few excuses Will 5^ 5^ to make for him. If a high degree ONDUCT, culture and d, Emerson says, of health were the character are graces " I have not yet rule, instead of the seen a man." That exception, we that go through life hand in is to say, he had would cease to talk never seen a man hand, never separate or alone. about it. We dis- as excellent as the cuss health, be- Happy is he who has more man he could imag- cause pallor, lan- ine. And he gor, and breaths than a speaking acquaint- thought the man that almost derail anceship with each. that one man could trolley-cars ride, create in imagina- Godiva-like, adown tion would some the times, and put us on the binkereens. day become an actual, living reality. 4[ In one respect at least we have made Before the act comes the thought; be- head. It is no longer necessary to order fore the building is completed, we draw people to keep personally clean—hu- the plans. This is true in all our activi- manity's hide is now daily soaped, ties—we have the feeling, the desire, soaked and scrubbed. Whereas, in the the idea, the thought, and after this days of Good Queen Bess, who they comes the deed. So Deity has the desire say was not so very good, the courtier for a perfect man, and the universe is who took a bath in his altogether be- working toward that achievement s+ s* tween November and May was unknown. €1 All the men we now see are fractional C Even fifty years ago, the man who men—parts of men. To get a really great ordered a bath at a tavern was regarded man we have to take the virtues of a as reckless of both health and money. score of men and omit the faults. It was an event! The water had to be The great man now is only supremely heated in the kitchen and carried in great after he is well dead, or to people buckets to his room, and a porter stood who see him from a distance. To those by to see that the carpets and plaster who have to live with him he is at times did not suffer. The danger of catching more or less of a trial—a tax upon the cold through bathing, except in hot patience and good nature of his friends. weather, was considered very great s^ s& $& Scientific plumbing is less than forty HOR the individual, Nature has little years old. The famous Fifth Avenue thought—her care is for the race. Hotel did not have a single room with What her intentions are we think we, bath attached when it was built s+ Now in part, know. She desires to incarnate everybody bathes, and we have ceased herself in the form of perfect men and to talk about it. Will the time come women. The reason we know this is when we will cease to advocate outdoor because it is the chief instinct in the exercise, deep breathing and kind minds of the best and strongest men thoughts? I hope so. and women to grow, to evolve, to be- &» £•» come. After every achievement comes Caste is a Chinese Wall that shuts people discontent. After every mountain scaled in as well as out «•» a» there are heights beyond. Always and Page 68

ability, but this is always true—they are man who thinks he has the world by safe men to deal with, whether drivers the tail and is about to snap its demni- of drays, motormen, clerks, cashiers, tion head off for the delectation of man- engineers or presidents of railroads s+ kind, is unsafe, no matter how great €1 Paranoiacs are people who are suffer- his genius in the line of specialties $& ing from fatty enlargement of the ego. d, The Hundred-Point man looks after They want the best seats in the syna- just one individual, and that is the man gogue, they demand bouquets, compli- under his own hat; he is one who does ments, obeisance, and in order to see what not spend money until he earns it; who the papers will say next morning, they pays his way; who knows that nothing sometimes obligingly commit suicide. is ever given for nothing; who keeps his digits off other people's property. When \HE paranoiac is the antithesis of he does not know what to say, why, X-/ the Hundred-Point man. The para- he says nothing, and when he does not noiac imagines he is being wronged, and know what to do, does not do it. We that some one has it in for him, and that should mark on moral qualities, not the world is down on him. He is given merely mental attainment or proficiency, to that which is strange, peculiar, un- because in the race of life only moral certain, eccentric and erratic. qualities count. We should rate on judg- The Hundred-Point man may not look ment, application and intent. Men who, just like all other men, or dress like them, by habit and nature, are untrue to a or talk like them, but what he does is trust are dangerous just in proportion true to his own nature s+ He is himself. as they are clever. I would like to see C He is more interested in doing his a university devoted to turning out safe work than in what people will say about men instead of merely clever ones a* $+ it. He does not consider the gallery. He How would it do for a college to acts his thought, and thinks little of give one degree, and one only, to those the act $+ *» who are found to be worthy—the de- I never knew a Hundred-Point man who gree of H. P.? was not brought up from early youth Would it not be worth striving for, to to make himself useful and to economize have a college president say to you, over in the matter of time and money. his own signature: " He is a Hundred- " Necessity is ballast. Point man? The paranoiac, almost without exception, $+ s» is one who has been made exempt from God, too, is only in process. He is get- work. He has been petted, waited upon, ting an education out of His work, coddled, cared for, laughed at and chuck- at His work.

led to oo c-o .•-*- r-«* The excellence of the old-fashioned big OHE Reverend Sydney Smith once family was that no child got an undue made up a list of things that we amount of attention. The antique idea could do without. It will be remembered that the child must work for his parents that he finally ended by saying we could until the day he was twenty-one was a eliminate everything but cooks. deal better for the youth than to let him Yet Charles Lamb used to go without get it into his head that his parents must food in order to save money to buy work for him «•» s* books. And Andrew Lang said that if Nature intended that we should all be there were no good books in Heaven poor—that we should earn our bread he would not want to go there. every day before we eat it. Also, we find several modern cults founded on the idea of eliminating cooks HEN you find the Hundred-Point by eating raw food. •*J man you will find one who lives I know a man who consumes only nuts, like a person in moderate circumstances, raisins, prunes and milk, and he seems no matter what his finances are. Every to thrive on the diet. Page 70 TUB WOTB BOOK,

Our ancestors only a few hundred years are the men and women of earth who ago ate their meat raw and worshiped think and feel and dream, and ask them- " fire $m sm selves each morning, " What is Truth? Nevertheless, in spite of these quillets We think better of Pilate for his ques- and quibbles, the fact remains that tion. To meet a god face to face and not Sydney Smith is right—the person who ask would have betokened complete im- prepares food for the people is a neces- becility. But Jesus did not answer. He sity s^ s— could not. All truth is relative, and that Let us define a bit: The cook is the message which comes out of the great individual who prepares our food for us. Silence to you can only be interpreted {[ But before food is prepared it must to another who, too, has listened and be secured, and so we must have the heard. Yes, let us all be Zionists and farmer who evolves the food out of the dwell in the New Jerusalem of Celestial ground sm &m Truth am am In the preparation of hare-soup, the first am am move, we are told, is to " catch your If calamity, disgrace or poverty come hare," to which the would-be joker has to your friends—then is the time they written an advertisement for a certain need you. firm that supplies hair-dye and explains, . *• .m " The first requisite in dyeing your hair Reformers are those who educate people is to secure your hair." to appreciate the things they need am am am am HIS country is suffering from §«2g!gaOLSTOY somewhere tells of over-legislation. Our reform- -d a priest who saw a peasant ers seem to have small faith plowing and asked him this in natural law. They have an question, " If you knew you eczema for regulating things. S^y

OT 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 71 nor foes. His praise and blame are alike i^\HE question may here be asked, futile, and his lavish spending and "treat- V-/ " Why may not a special com- ing" are at the expense of some one else munity be formed where the standard —he lives to impress the waiters. Such of conduct is low, and so make the good " a one may deceive a society made up fellows, idlers and rogues feel at home? of individuals, but he can not deceive €1 And the answer is this: A community a community s^ There his measure is is only possible where truth and loyalty quickly taken. He does not have to abide. Weakness never formed a com- be sent away—he munity and never goes. In a com- O not go out of your way to can. And if it could munity, an ounce the institution do good whenever it comes of loyalty is worth would not hold to- a pound of clever- your way. Men who make a gether a day $+ In ness 9+ s* business of doing good to others are weak and vicious No coin of conduct apt to hate others in the same oc- people there is no is current in a attractive force, no cupation. Simply be rilled with the community but coalescing prin- thought of good, and it will radi- sterling honesty ciple $+ The weak truthfulness alone ate—you do not have to bother pull apart—they is legal tender and about it, any more than you need thwart, retard and passes at par s+ trouble about your digestion. impede one an- Apologies and ex- Do not be disturbed about saving other *•» They are planations are nev- like drowning peo- your soul it will be saved if you er in order; your — ple —they clutch life must proclaim make it worth saving. Do your and strangle one itself and must be work. Think the good. And evil, another. A goodly its own excuse for which is a negative condition, shall degree of integrity being. And while be swallowed up by good. disinterestedness all faults are for- and unselfishness evil ; if think only given in the man Think no and you are demanded even of perfect candor, good, you will think no evil. to start a commun- the smile that does Life is a search for power. To have ity, and the more not spring from the power you must have life, and life of these qualities soul will transform you can get the in abundance. And life in abund- itself into a gri- more enduring the great love. mace $+ A com- ance comes only through institution. A part- munity can not be nership of weak deceived. Only those who deal in de- men does not give strength. Weakness ception can be duped. William Penn multiplied by weakness equals naught. once asked a man who was much Two weak people will not make a strong given to drawing the long bow, " Why team. Strength multiplied by strength do you not lie to me?" And the liar gives strength. Weak men need a mon- " answered, " What 's the use ? arch, and defectives need a priest. They In Athens of old the criterion or stand- want some one to direct—to think for ard of art sprang from the most com- them s» But the enlightened cooperate, petent; so in a community the criterion and in pooling their best in thought and of conduct is formed by the best. The effort they reach a degree of power and highest minds fix the standard, and the excellence that can be obtained in no lesser ones try to adapt themselves to other way. The Good Fellow. it; but there is an unseen mark which, if they drop below, eliminates them abso- It requires a Pharaoh to develop a lutely from the community. Moses, just as it took a George the Third to evolve George Washington. Blessed

Let this be a world of friends ! a+ s* be stupidity! — —


HERE is an honest farmer mysterious way fire came and in a single in East Aurora who has over night all that lumber was reduced to ten thousand dollars in the ashes—that is to say, was burned. Now, bank. All farmers in East the party who owned the portable saw- Aurora are honest, but not mill had not paid the honest farmer, all farmers in East Aurora have ten claiming he could not pay him until he thousand dollars in the bank. In fact, got his money for the lumber. this is the only farmer in New York And the lumber being burned the saw- State, of whom I know, who has ten mill man vamoosed, and the farmer got thousand dollars in the bank. This man no money $+ s+ placed the money there thirty years ago, And, behold, one Ali Baba, a blasphem- the funds being secured, mostly, from ous man with chin whiskers who lives the sale of logs and lumber that he sold in East Aurora, when he heard that the off his broad acres. lumber was burned, said, " I 'm damn This farmer, and his father before him, glad of it." owned a very large tract of pine forest, As for myself, I never swear, but when and they cut the timber off all of it, Ali Baba made that remark I simply except ten acres that covered the shores added, " So am I." of a beautiful little lake, near the village. Today there quivers and quavers about C This pine grove was the only bit of the streets of this village the honest old primeval pine forest left in this part of the farmer, yammering because he lost his country. It was as charming a piece of two hundred dollars. He never says a the handiwork of God as one ever saw. word about the grove. But the beautiful C To walk out there on a summer's day, pine-trees are gone—gone forever s+ s*. recline on the soft pine needles, watch the gently swaying branches overhead, >E take an interest in the breathe the aromatic flavor of the pines, lives of others, because and listen to the lullaby of the breeze, when we think of another was a blessing and a benediction &+ $+ we always imagine our re- You felt glad you were alive, and your lation to him. Then, too, heart was lifted in a prayer of thankful- other lives are to a degree repetitions ness $+ s+ of our own life. There are certain things One day a man came along and said to that come to every one, and the rest we the honest farmer who owned the grove, think might have happened to us, and " Them 'ere pine trees is about right to may yet. So, as we read, we uncon- cut, and I '11 give you two hundred dol- sciously slip into the life of the other lars cash for 'em just as they stand man and confuse our identity with his. it 's now or never, take it or leave it." To put ourselves in his place is the only <[ Now, the farmer had ten thousand way to understand and appreciate him dollars in the bank, he was owing no and so enrich our own lives. It is imagi- money, he owned six hundred acres of nation that gives us this faculty of trans- land that brought him all the income migration of souls; and to have imagi- he needed, but the offer of two hundred nation is to be universal; not to have it cash was more than he could stand s+ is to be provincial. He sold the beautiful pine-trees, the last of their race. |^\HE habit of borrowing small sums The man who bought them moved in ^^ of money—anticipating pay-day his portable sawmill, and cut them down. is a pernicious practice and breaks many €1 The logs were sawed up and the lum- a friendship. It is no kindness to loan ber placed in piles ready to ship. money to a professional borrower s» s» It was in the Autumn and everything was dry. And God caused the winds to There are six requisites in every happy blow, and tumble-weeds rolled in big marriage. The first is Faith and the piles up against the lumber, and in some remaining five are Confidence. —


HEN I speak well, as I REAT men are not so great occasionally do, I know a as we think them, and dull dozen words ahead just people are not quite so dense exactly how these words as they seem. It is really a are to be expressed. Last question in my mind whether week at Pittsburgh I reached a point the Great Man ever existed. Seen at an in my lecture where I usually give a angle across the distance, so the light certain quotation, and this quotation strikes on a certain facet of his being, was so familiar to we say the man is me that I neglected ATURALLY, every man brilliant $+ In his to formulate it in own household he my mind before thinks well of himself. is probably con- voicing it. In other sidered something words I ran right If no one ever told us that we else s+ s«» up on it a-tilt, with- were worms of the dust, we He is great to us out taking a good only because we do look at it, and would never come to the con- not know him. He when I got to it I does a few things clusion ourselves. If no one was looking down well, but special in the auditorium ever told us that we were talent in any direc- at a big hat all cov- tion is purchased ered with nodding "lost," we would never have with a price. If you roses, the whole as have much skill in guessed it. We naturally carry big as a bushel bas- certain lines, you ket *• And for the our chins in and the crowns are lacking in other life of me the quo- directions. Like a of high. Fear is tation would not our heads chain, a man's real come at my bid- fostered by those who would strength is no ding «•» I grasped greater than his for it in mid-air, control us. weakest part. gasped, coughed :>+ £«» it was no use. The circuit between me HE average man believes a thing and the listeners was broken. The audi- V-/ first, and then searches for proof ence was away off there, a goggle-eyed, to bolster his opinion. Every observer staring monster, spread out over a must have noticed the tenuous, cobweb hundred feet—just staring at me, little quality of reasons that are deemed suf- me dressed in black, standing all alone ficient to the person who thinks he knows on a big platform. or whose interests lie in a certain direc- The room seemed to be teetering up tion. The limitations of men seem to and down, and then it began to swirl. make it necessary that pure truth should C I dived for my quotation, but brought come to us through men who are stripped up the wrong one, when from the back for eternity. Kant, the villager who never of the room came a stentorian voice, traveled more than a day's walk from " thus: " Two Strikes! his birthplace, and Coleridge, the home- There was a grim silence, just as you less and houseless aristocrat, with no see a gun fired from a mile away and selfish interests in the material world, then hear the report. Then came a wild viewed things without prejudice $+ s+ burst of applause, and laughter from the audience, and in it I, too, joined. HE Brotherhood of Consecrated The self-appointed umpire had saved ^^ Lives admits all who are worthy; the day. I seized the quotation firmly and all who are excluded, exclude them- by the collar, and all the rest of my selves. If your life is to be a genuine speech as well. And the lesson taught consecration, you must be free. Only the me was this: Don't be too sure s+ s+ free man is truthful. — —


DUCATION up to the time PINIONS are much divided of Friedrich Froebel was the in East Aurora whether Ali evolution of intellect $m s— Baba is a genius or a fool. Froebel held that education It has always been so. .So- for character was the only crates did not stand very education worth striving for. well, according to all reports, in Athens. Now comes Stanley Hall, who not only But Baba excels Socrates in that he endorses Froebel's dictum, but declares does something beside dream and talk that the first aim in the education of philosophy. Baba, like Socrates, can con- both boys and girls should be in the line verse with you on any subject, and has of enabling the pupil to earn his own an opinion ready on any theme you care living sm &•> to mention. Usually he takes the con- And to earn your own living you must trary side, and is " agin it," no matter be able to serve humanity. what you bring up. Society is a vast interchange of service This habit of " argufying " is one that through labor, ideas and commodities. he acquired full half a century ago. I C Now before you can wait on others think it was forced upon him by the you must be able to wait on yourself. determined efforts) on the part of his s C And before you can wait on yourself, parents and elders in early life to "con- you have to decide upon what should be vert him." sm sm done, and what you want to do. .-* sm "The ability to make a decision—to /|


a shovel or gunny sack into the trusty pleasantries, thus: €1 " Hello! Baba, give " wheelbarrow and starts down the middle us a lift on the cook-stove, please! of the street. To deliberately leave his " I can't," says Baba wearily, as he work, to shirk duty, and go to Hamlin's stops and sits down in the wheelbarrow barn merely to tell some horse-driver a —" I 'm not feelin' well, myself! " s^ s* " " story that has come into his head—no What 's the matter—no appetite? sir! Baba would never do it. But through " That 's it, my appesy is all upset a self-imposed hypnotism he is led into still I s'pose I got to help you tho' the belief that he how 's the old wo- " has to go down man? undertake to supply that way after pO " Oh, she 's all some sand for the people with a thing you right." &+ s+ baby to play in, " Jerush with you " or for some par- think they need, but which yet? ticularly well rot- " Yes." «» s- they do not want, is to have ted compost that " Well, Jerush is " he has located, for your head elevated on a pike, the kind for me! the plants, and of All the time your bones buried in the Je- course as he has and rusha is watching to go by Hamlin's Potter's Field. out of an upstairs barn, there 's no window, and now harm in stopping But wait, and the world calls down threats in a minute s+ $+ in a shrill voice at will yet want the thing it C As the Baba old Ali Baba s+ $+ goes trundling his needs, and your bones may Baba affects sur- wheelbarrow down prise, and says the road, he be- then become sacred relics. something about stows civilities on not being as young all he meets—men, women and children. as he once was, or all the beauty in this €[ Usually he goes scarcely a block be- town would n't be going to seed, etc. $+ fore he sees some wee toddler that wants After the task of lifting the stove is to ride, and so he tenderly lifts the little done, Ali Baba usually emerges from the one into the wheelbarrow and goes on door suddenly, chased by Jerusha with his way, scattering jokes and lively a soapy dishcloth or a broom, amid loud repartee on all sides. I have many a laughter from others of the household. time seen him take a baby out of a fond What the particular offense is that he mother's arms to give it a ride in the has committed can only be guessed wheelbarrow; and other village women let us hope it is nothing worse than seeing him go by, often explain, " Oh, purloining a piece of pie, or grabbing how lucky! here comes Ali Baba—he '11 into a pan of Jerusha's cookies. " give us a lift! " Well, so long, Jerushy," calls Baba as And so the Baba is called over and he starts off with the wheelbarrow, " I 'd delivers a bag of meal, a trunk, a rock- really like to stay, but can't do it you ing chair, or anything up to a piano, know—I 'm a married man! " This last to some particular place, and is rewarded in a voice that can be heard by all the with smiles, kind words, a piece of pie neighbors. All laugh loudly and Baba (his weakness for pie being an open joins in the chorus. secret), or a quarter of a dollar, as the And so he continues his triumphant case may be. On these little hatched-up march down the street to Hamlin's stock- wheelbarrow excursions Ali Baba is often farm «•» :-<* called upon to beat a carpet, put up a A carping quibbler might say that if stove or give a lift on getting a trunk we hire this man by the day, and he upstairs. He is ever obliging, and the leaves his duties to go off and gossip, task is always lightened by many little he is inflicting on his employer a wrong. —


Such an argument has no basis in truth. MONG the world's great The fact is, AH Baba never leaves urgent workers—and in the front work to go off and visit. He is always rank there have been only a around at half-past five in the morning, scant half-dozen — stands winter or summer, and he works until Fra Junipero Serra. This is nine at night. He knows neither Sunday the man who made the California Mis- nor legal holiday, and if a horse or cow sions possible. In artistic genius, as a is sick, he '11 stay all night. And often, teacher of handicrafts, and as an indus- when thunderstorms come up in the trial leader, he performed a feat unpre- night, he will come over to cedented, and which probably will never House and go through every room, shut- again be equaled. In a few short years ting down windows. He may go around he caused a great burst of beauty to and tuck the children in, see that the bloom and blossom, where before was visitors are comfortable, or turn down only a desert waste. the lights a little, and always there is The personality of a man who could this earnest, loyal desire to help lubricate not only convert to Christianity three the wheels of existence. thousand Indians, but who could set Such cheerful service surely deserves an them to work, must surely be sublimely hour's holiday now and then, and if great. Not only did they labor, but they Ali Baba trundles his wheelbarrow over produced art of a high order. These to the Grocery when he has nothing to missions which lined the Coast from go for, I 'm not the one to say him nay. San Francisco to San Diego, every forty d Ali Baba being a Corner Grocery In- miles, were Manual Training Schools, fidel, may not go to Heaven, but if he founded on a religious concept. does I hope that Gabriel, instead of giv- Junipero taught that, unless you backed ing him a crown and harp, will supply up your prayer with work, God would him a nice old hat and a wheelbarrow; never answer your petitions. And the and I am sure that his presence there wonderful transformations which this will make the environment more endur- man worked in characters turned on the able, and help to dissipate the monotony fact that he made them acceptable and which probably pervades the place «•> beautiful. Here is a lesson for us! He ranks with Saint Benedict, who rescued BERBERT SPENCER deals at classic art from the dust of time and length with what he is pleased to gave it to the world. Junipero is one with term the " Messianic Idea." It seems Albrecht Durer, Lorenzo the Magnifi- that all nations have ever held the hope cent, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, of the coming of a Strong Man, who Friedrich Froebel, John Ruskin and would deliver them from the ills that William Morris. These men all taught beset their lives. This hope never dies, the Gospel of Work, and the sacredness although it assumes different forms, vary- of Beauty and Use. ing according to conditions. No doubt Junipero was without question the that the hope that springs eternal in greatest teacher of Manual Training the United States, when each four years which this continent has so far seen. roll round, is a rudimentary survival of Without tools, apparatus or books, save the Messianic Idea. As yet, however, as he created them, he evolved an archi- the President who is to take the bitter- tecture and an art, utilizing the services ness out of this cup of life has not been of savages, and transiorming these sav- elected s+ s+ ages in the process, for the time at least, into men of taste, industry and economy. A vast number of men and women see C This miracle of human energy and the fact that immunity and exemption love could not endure, and after Fra are not desirable, that nothing can ever Junipero had passedout, there being none be given away, and that something for to take his place, the Indians relapsed in- nothing is very dear. to their racial ways. FraJunipero Serra. :


ENJAMIN FRANKLIN was SATE has bumped me a few, but I the strongest all-round man believe in every case I invited the that America has produced $+ punishment £•» s+ He was laborer, printer, busi- For instance, I can think back to a time nessman, inventor, scientist, when my mother used to sing at her publisher, financier, diplomat, phi- work. She eliminated the servant prob- losopher. C Everything Franklin lem and thereby cut out one topic of touched he flavored with love and conversation. C She used to cook, sew, enthusiasm. Cour- scrub, wash, make age in his heart garden, and when is the cream never died. He had ULTURE she washed dishes wit and humor of conduct. It is the sure I can remember and humor is the that she would sense of values ^ result of the Study Habit, prop a book up He knew a big linked to Self-Reliance and against the castor thing from a little —now an obsolete thing. He was able blessed by concentration. thing—and let a table-fork hold the Fortunate are we if we evolve Se'htae £L& of pages open *•» And life; and he sym- from our hearts these great as she worked she pathized with those ./., »j_i_ t_« i_ j.i_ ^ read «•» <•» who had failed or grftS With which the Creator, She would knit us stumbled, or who in His goodness and wisdom, stockings and mit- had been mired tens—warm wool- and gone down to has endowed us. en mittens for Win- defeat and " the ter—and this knit- Culture, like all of life's bless- tongueless silence ting she would do of a dreamless ings, can not be hoarded— it after supper while dust." &+ s+ some one read If ever a man saw is for service. aloud *» $+ the future illum- Those who are wise give their w^n she was do- ined by the flam- ing her ironing she beaux of a great culture away, and thus do would sing, loud and clear, some t^y retain it. Sf^SST- good old Baptist min Franklin s+ s+ hymn «•» s^ Three countries honored him. He bor- I admired her voice, even if at times rowed money from France when Amer- I provoked a discord. She could lift ica had no credit, and with this money a high C that you could hear a quarter Washington fought the battles of the of a mile. And certainly she did make Revolution. If any man can be named that iron sizz! I can hear it hit the table who gave us freedom, it is Benjamin now, and closing my eyes, I can see her Franklin. He gave us freedom from super- test the heat of the iron with a moistened stition, from fear and doubt, woe and finger s^ r.<* want. His plea was always and forever And so she ironed and sang, and I, per- for industry, for economy. He prized haps three or four years of age, would the fleeting hours, and life to him was occasionally creep softly into the room, a precious privilege. navigate under the table and suddenly clutch the soloist by the feet. All things work together for good, This would stop the song and cause a whether you love the Lord or not a*. $•» good spitball Baptist expletive to spin through the air, and I was apt to get Whoever you are! claim your own at a good kick at the same time. And cer- any hazard! &+ s>+ tainly it was coming to me. Page 78 THE JVOTJB BOO/C

HAVE a profound respect for hat he cast a quick glance out of dark, boys $+ s+ half-bashful eyes and modestly returned Grimy, ragged, tousled boys my salute £» &+ in the street often attract me His back turned, I took off my hat and strangely £•» &+ sent a God-bless-you down the furrow A boy is a man in the cocoon—you do after him s* &+ not know what it is going to become Who knows?—I may go to that boy to —his life is big with many possibilities. borrow money yet, or to hear him preach, €1 He may make or unmake kings, or to beg him to defend me in a lawsuit; change boundary-lines between States, or he may stand with pulse unhastened, write books that will mold characters, bare of arm, in white apron, ready to do or invent machines that will revolution- his duty, while the cone is placed over ize the commerce of the world. my face, and Night and Death come Every man was once boy: I trust I creeping into my veins. shall not be contradicted: it is really so. Be patient with the boys—you are deal- €[ Would n't you like to turn Time back- ing with soul-stuff. Destiny awaits just ward, and see Abraham Lincoln at around the corner. twelve, when he had never worn a pair Be patient with the boys! of boots? The lank, lean, yellow, hungry The Boy: A Potentiality. boy—hungry for love, hungry for learn- ing, tramping off through the woods for OST social reformers indict the times twenty miles to borrow a book, and M< in which we live. This is their sub- spelling it out, crouched before the glare stitute for argument. They picture for of the burning logs! us the ideal, and paint the present black. Then there was that Corsican boy, one €[ These things are right and well, but of a goodly brood, who weighed only not final. We live in a world of cause fifty pounds when ten years old; who and effect, sequence and consequence, was thin and pale and perverse, and and only a calm, commonsense view had tantrums, and had to be sent sup- brings a solution s+ «» perless to bed, or locked in a dark closet Pascal says, " In viewing the march of because he wouldn't "mind!" Who the race, we should not view humanity would have thought that he would have in the mass; we should regard humanity mastered every phase of warfare at as one man who has come marching twenty-six; and when told that the ex- down the centuries." chequer of France was in dire confusion, Look back two, three, four thousand would say, " The finances? I will arrange years! Aye, look back two hundred " them! years; look back a hundred years; look Very distinctly and vividly I remember back thirty years, and see the distance a slim, freckled boy, who was born in we have traveled! the " Patch," and used to pick up coal Woman, as a factor in business life, along the railroad tracks in Buffalo. A arrived in the year Eighteen Hundred few months ago I had a motion to make Seventy-six, discovered, if you please, before the Supreme Court, and that boy at the Centennial Exposition by a man from the " Patch " was the Judge who by the name of Remington. wrote the opinion granting my petition. With the typewriter, woman's advent Yesterday I rode horseback past a field into the business world was assured s— where a boy was plowing. The lad's Before the Civil War, women were not hair stuck out through the top of his employed even as schoolteachers. The hat; his form was bony and awkward; scarcity of men in the years Eighteen one suspender held his trousers in place; Hundred Sixty-six, Sixty-seven and Sixty- his bare legs and arms were brown and eight brought the woman schoolteacher sunburned and briar-scarred. He swung into view, and Normal Schools sprang up his horses around just as I passed by, all over the United States to fit country and from under the flapping brim of his girls for the office of teaching. —


greater shock ever comes ONLY the heart suffers The brain is to a young man from the the peaceful, undisturbed, eternal country, who makes his way spectator of the monstrous paradox up to the city, than the called Life s+ $+ discovery that rich people The mind never worries, is never per- are, for the most part, wofully ignorant. turbed, is never in pain. The heart He has always imagined that material that great lupanar of desires—may se- splendor and spiritual gifts go hand in duce the brain to participate in its earth- hand; and now, if itches; but in itself is wise, he dis- the mind is a de- he F all examples of blind covers that million- tached, impersonal aires are too busy imbecility on the part of observer of the making money, and great tangled web is too anxious about men, none so preposterous of passion and er- what they have as the opinions men hold of ror that is spun by made, and their the heart of man. families are too in- other men. Genius does not C Mind as mind tent on spending has the placidity of recognize genius; worth is it, to ever acquire a mirror s^ s* a calm, judicial, blind to worth s* Men often All things are re- mental attitude s+ flected in it, but f[ The rich need taunt women with treating for the image of education really other women unjustly, but the Lady Macbeth it more than the cares no more than poor. " Lord, en- records of great men who have for the image of lighten Thou the scorned other great men leave Falstaff. The un- rich! " should be conscious universe the prayer of every the injustice ofwomen towards struggled and man who works for fought until it e- progress &+ " Give women quite out of the race. volved a brain $+ clearness to their In mind, the star mental perceptions, awaken in them and planet rise to thought. The World- the receptive spirit, soften their callous Spirit contemplates itself through the hearts, and arouse their powers of reason. brain of man. It is the light born out C Danger lies in their folly, not in their of darkness. Through the brain, nature wisdom; their weakness is to be feared, passes from actor to observer, from blind, not their strength. eyeless combat to wide-eyed intelligence, That the wealthy and influential class from an immemorial pain to the begin- should fear change, and cling stubbornly nings of an immemorial mirth. to conservatism, is certainly to be ex- pected. To convince this class that spiri- ^PERSONAL contemplation—that tual and temporal good can be improved Xis the secret of laughter. Mirth is upon by a more generous policy has been as old as the first mind that detached a task a thousand times greater than itself—even for a single hour—from the the inciting of the poor to riot. service of emotions and the lower nature It is easy to fire the discontented, but generally. The first man who said, " I to arouse the rich, and carry truth home will retire from the combat a little while to the blindly prejudiced, is a different to yonder hill to watch the fray," was matter. Too often the reformer has been the first man who laughed with his brain. one who caused the rich to band them- Distance, aloofness, height, strike out selves against the poor. by a magic psychic friction the spark that bears in its center the germ of Life without absorbing occupation is hell philosophy. Only cosmic comedians be- —joy consists in forgetting life. come as the gods. —


AM thankful for the blessed light of this day, and I am thankful for all the days that have gone before. I thank the thinkers, the poets, the painters, the sculptors, the singers, the publishers, the inventors—the businessmen —who have lived and are now living. I thank Pericles and Phidias, who made the most beautiful city the world has ever seen, and were repaid by persecution and death. I thank Aristotle, the mountain-guide and schoolteacher, who knew how to set bad boys to work. I thank Emerson for brooking the displeasure of his Alma Mater s» I thank James Watt, the Scotch boy who watched his mother's tea- kettle to a purpose. I thank Volta and Galvani, who fixed their names, as did Watt, in the science that lightens labor and carries the burdens that once bowed human backs. I thank Benjamin Franklin for his spirit of mirth, his persistency, his patience, his commonsense. I thank Alexander Humboldt and his brother, William Humboldt those great brothers twain, who knew that life is opportunity $+ s+ I thank Shakespeare for running away from Stratford and holding horses at a theater-entrance—but not forever. I thank Arkwright, Hargreaves, Crompton, from whose brains leaped the looms that weave with tireless hands the weft and warp that human bodies wear. I thank Thomas Jefferson for his writing the Declaration of Indepen- dence, for founding a public-school system, for dreaming of a college where girls and boys would study, learn and work in joy. IthankBaruch Spinoza, gardener, lens-maker, scientist, humanist, for being true to the dictates of the tides of divinity that played through his soul. I thank Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer, Englishmen, for liber- ating theology from superstition. I thank Tyndall the Irishman, Draper the American, Herschel the German, Bjornson the Scandinavian, and Adam Smith the Scotchman, for inspiration and help untold. These men and others like them, their names less known ,havemade the world a fit dwelling-place for liberty. Their graves are mounds from which flares Freedom's torch. And I thank and praise, too, the simple, honest, unpretentious millions who have worked, struggled, toiled, carrying heavy burdens, often paid in ingratitude, spurned, misunderstood—who still worked on and suc- ceeded, or failed, robbed of recognition and the results of their toil. To all these who sleep in forgotten graves, my heart goes out in grati- tude over the years and the centuries and the ages that have passed. Amen, and Amen!


HE daily newspaper the edu- by the molders of public opinion, these cator of the people! beneficent educators of the people. Even God help us, it may be so! staid old Boston had a week of fits a It educates into inattention, short time ago, when every paper in the folly, sin, vacuity and fool- city combined to terrorize women and ishness. It saps concentration, dissipates children by conjuring forth an awful aspiration, scrambles gray matter and " Jack," who finally was run to cover irons out convolutions. Watch the genus and found to be a mischievous cigarettist commuter rush for boy who should his Dope when he IFE is a paradox. Every have been left, reaches the station from the begin- in the morning s* truth has its counter- ning, to the police He may be a Sun- and alienists $+ s+ part which contradicts it; and day School Super- But not so! The intendent, a col- every philosopher supplies the newspapers saw lege graduate, a their chance and logic for his undoing. man of social own they grabbed it in standing, but he I plead for mercy, unselfish- gladsome glee £•» must have his mat- The pernicious ef- in-mess of rotten- ness, service and the love that fects of such an ness or he would epidemic of fear, suffereth long and is kind, and die of fidgets. He to say nothing s+ reads of how a man yet I know that over against about a million peo- in Manitoba elopes ple devoting an with another man's this, enthroned on his pedestal hour a day to read- wife, with consum- of old, sits the Great God ing and talking s^ ing interest s+ He about it, can not be scans the advertis- Might, and smiles at our computed $+ s+ ing pages with their If the men who talk about altruism, columns of fakery mushy prepare the copy and filth, and it abnegation and self-sacrifice. for the daily pa- never occurs to him pers were allowed that a certain s+ C It is all a paradox. to write out of amount|of the slime their hearts and that slides into his brain must stay there state their beliefs, what they would say and line the vacuum. might be worth reading; although the At night when he goes home he buys printed words of a commonplace person the last edition, reads the whole thing exert an influence far beyond the speech over again written 't other end to. He of the same person, for we still worship does this for ten years, twenty—does it the fetish and miracle of a printed book. not make him what he is? Would you But what shall we say of the writing of like to go to Heaven with him? mediocre men who write on order! I knew one commuter, ten years ago, What the world needs is a great tem- who refused to read the daily papers, perance revival where men will swear but instead carried with him in his side off and quit reading the newspapers $•> pocket a volume of Emerson. That man Quit and you '11 be the gainer. is now a marked personality, wielding $— :o a large and healthful influence in a The man at his work ! There is nothing rational way. His old-time fellow pas- finer. I have seen men homely, uncouth sengers are still feverishly guzzling their and awkward when " dressed up" who last edition. Every city in the land has were superb when at work. periodic perturbations about " Jack the s«» $* Stabber," " Jack the Snipper " and Expose not thyself by four-footed " Jack the Peeper " fanned into flame manners «• s«» Page 82 THR JVOTE BOOK,

E were watching a litter are not Business Men, because they are of little pigs up at the on the side of expense and not income s* farm. They were busily When H. H. Rogers coupled the coal- intent on getting a square mines of West Virginia with tide-water, meal s+ They were only he proved himself a Business Man. about a week old. 4[ When James J. Hill created an Em- Suddenly two of the pigs left the lunch- pire in the Northwest, he proved his counter and began to fight. right to the title. The Business Man is "What do you suppose they are quarrel- a Salesman. And no matter how great ing about?" asked Terese. your invention, how sweet your song, "I think one of them must have referred how sublime your picture, how perfect to the other as a pig," was the answer. your card-system, until you are able to " But," said Terese, " if he did, and did convince the world that it needs the not use any adjective, the remark was thing which you have to offer, and you certainly true." get the money for it, you are not a Busi- "This, however, had nothing to do with ness Man. — What is a Business Man? the case. Truth is seldom pleasing, especially when it refers to ourselves." HND so we say that happiness

XPANSION without system guess work audit the accounts. €[ The spells failure. Organization successful country store is an easy mark means that a man shall grow for every petty thief and little poker- with his business. player in town. The village Smart Aleck I used to work in a country hires out as clerk and supplies his friends store where a ten-year-old boy stole eggs the things they need, just as a sneakerino from us at the back door and brought reads the postal cards and hands out the them around in front and sold us our news, if he or she clerks in the post-office. own property. He C Success in busi- kept this up for a ness nowadays year, and he might OULD you have your turns on your abili- have kept it up in- ty to systematize. definitely had he name smell sweet with s*> :+ not taken in a part- DO business long ner and tried to do the myrrh of remembrance remains great- wholesale business. er than the man ([Success did and chime melodiously in the who runs it s+ And much for him, too! the size of the busi- Dead stock, bad ness is limited only €[ ear of future days, then culti- accounts, pilfering by the size of the clerks,pinching set- man. Our limita- vate faith, not ters, and lime in the doubt, and give tions say to our bones of the boss business, "Thus far work the certain every man credit for the good and no farther." $+ ruin of every coun- We ourselves fix try store. he does, never seeking to at- the limit. Without If the business is system the most so small that the tribute base motives to beauti- solid commercial proprietor and his structure will dis- wife can remember sipate into thin air. ful acts. Acts count. everything they d The Gould Sys- have in stock, and tem, the Vander- then sell for cash, and can not get or bilt System, the Hill System, the Harri- will not accept credit, then the business man System, the Pennsylvania System is safe until the sons grow up and take —they are all rightly named. It is system the management. A thousand mice nib- that makes a great business possible «•» ble at every business concern. When Jay Gould gathered up a dozen In order to avoid leaks there must be warring, struggling streaks of rust and a system that will locate them. The rights of way and organized them into department store, where there is a sys- a railroad system, he revealed the master tem that tells every day, every week, mind. The measure of your success is or every month just what every depart- your ability to organize, and if you can ment pays is the safest business that not bring system to bear, your very exists. If any one department does not success will work your ruin. The average pay it is reformed and made to pay life of a successful general store is twenty or else is eliminated. years—then it fails. And it fails through its lack of system—the man does not DO big business can possibly pay un- grow with his business. An army un- less it is divided up into depart- organized is a mob. Napoleon's power ments S+ 8+ lay in his genius for system, and he A non-paying department is never al- whipped the Austrians, one against three lowed to continue and drag the whole but only because he had the ability to concern down to bankruptcy as in the systematize. " But the finances? " asked good old general store, where jumble and his secretary. " I will arrange them," —

Page 84

petition ! S* $* clematis. These girls proceeded to festoon — —

OF *ELBERT HUBBARD Page 85 the pillars of the big room with the beau- nervous, yellow and scared girls and " tiful plant. " Who told you to do that? send them out by turns for clematis demanded the Boss. whenever the sun shines—don't stand " Why, Mr. So-and-so," said the girls, around keeping me from work—don't referring to the J. B. you think I have anything to do my- " " Did you send those girls away during self? " working hours after weeds? " asked the " Go on with you! shortly after " 7. B. Things. Boss of the J. B. C Cer- — Runs tainly," was the answer. " You see, 2=Jn drew I noticed those par- F all Christians were like Lang had ticular girls seemed Christ, there would be drunk deep from very white, and not the Pierian spring. very strong and sort no necessity for Christianity; His was true cul- of nervous and ture, if there is for when once have achiev- worn— they say we such a thing, and they have things ed absolutely and in every par- we believe there is. tough at home By some he has and I just thought ticular our object, our passion, been accused of ar- I would try to im- our dream, the motives that rant dilettanteism, prove their com- a charge implying plexions and spir- urged us on to that consum- what Lamb was its by giving them pleased to call "su- are a run out in the mation disappear, and we perficial omnisci- sunshine." left in exactly the same pre- ence." S+ 8+ " Oho, you thought To others Lang they were getting dicament from which we represented a " " Prison Pallor, did wiggled. syndicate and you? " s* $+ the implication is " Yes, you guessed There is no Utopia that would a genuine compli- it—I was thinking ment to the man's in of Prison Pallor." be worth living for a single versatility s^ $+ " And so contrived month. Andrew Lang was an excuse to send thoroughly at the girls on a two- Unless you are prepared for home in a wide mile walk out a- multiplicity of lit- " pain, prepared to kill, skirt cross the fields? erary fields s* s* " Yes." precipices and be killed, you As an all-round " Had Prison Pal- litterateur he had, " lor yourself, eh? will always remain a decadent, perhaps, no peer " Yes." that is, an idealist, a sick man. among modern " Used to look in- writers s* :*> to a pocket mirror He was a poet of " and thought it was a Ghost? marked ability, a first-class critic and " Possibly." book-reviewer, a graceful essayist, a " Never saw the blue sky except through faithful and charming translator, and a grating, or when walking lock-step an enthusiastic Classicist. across a stone-paved courtway? " s+ «• Not essentially and primarily a stylist, " You have it." in the sense in which Walter Pater and "Well, look here, J. B., don't stand Edgar Saltus, for instance, are stylists, around here keeping me from work he yet possessed an easy, fluent style I wish t' Lord I could find a few more which radiates through all his works and J. B.'s to help me run this shebang s^ renders them eminently readable and And say, make a little list of the pale, entertaining. He commanded the Midas —


literary touch, and transmuted into pur- thinks; he alone lives, embalmed in the est gold whatever he committed to paper. memories of generations unborn. 41 Despite the fact that he was a prodi- The Thoreau race is dead. gally prolific penman, his works were In Sleepy Hollow Cemetery at Concord endued with unfailing freshness and nov- there is a monument marking a row of elty of treatment, and were never tinc- mounds where half a dozen Thoreaus rest. tured with the odor of midnight oil &•* The inscriptions are all of one size, but $— $— the name of one Thoreau alone lives, and S a rule, the man who can do he lives because he had thoughts and all things equally well is a expressed them for the people. very mediocre individual. One of the most insistent errors ever put €1 Those who stand out out was that statement of Rousseau, before a groping world as paraphrased in part by Thomas Jeff- beacon-lights were men of great faults erson, that all men are born free and and unequal performances. equal. No man was ever born free, and It is quite needless to add that they do no two are equal, and would not remain not live on account of their faults or so an hour, even if Jove, through caprice, imperfections, but in spite of them. should make them so. 's place in the If any of the tribe of Thoreau get into common heart of humanity grows firmer Elysium, it will be by tagging close to and more secure as the seasons pass, and the only man among them who glorified his life proves for us again the paradoxi- his Maker by using his reason. cal fact, that the only men who really Nothing should be claimed as truth that succeed are those who fail. can not be demonstrated, but as a Thoreau's obscurity, his poverty, his hypothesis (borrowed from Henry Tho- lack of public recognition in life, either reau), I give you this: Man is only the as a writer or as a lecturer, his rejection tool or vehicle—Mind alone is immortal as a lover, his failure in business, and —THOUGHT IS THE THING. his early death form a combination of •'9* $9» calamities that make him as immortal ^TK HEN there is a question of success, as a martyr. Vl/ do not look to this man or that Especially does an early death sanctify newspaper for help—look to your work, all and make the record complete, but and make it of such a quality that the the death of a naturalist while right at market must come to you. the height of his ability to see and enjoy ;— $•»

—death from tuberculosis of a man who Keep your ray of reason ! It is your only lived most of the time in the open air guiding star. He who says you would these things array us on the side of the see better if you would blow it out is a man 'gainst unkind Fate, and cement preacher $•» &•* our sympathy and love. Nature's care :-9* sm* forever is for the species, and the indi- HRIFT is a habit. H A vidual is sacrificed without ruth that habit is a thing you do the race may live and progress. unconsciously or automatic- This dumb indifference of Nature to the ally, without thought. We individual—this apparent contempt for are ruled by our habits. the man—seems to prove that the indi- When habits are young they are like vidual is only a phenomenon. lion-cubs, soft, fluffy, funny, frolicsome Man is merely a manifestation, a symp- little animals. They grow day by day. tom, a symbol, and his quick passing Eventually they rule you. proves that he is n't the thing. Choose ye this day the habit ye would Nature does not care for him—she pro- have to rule over you. The habit of duces a million beings in order to get one thrift is simply the habit which dictates who has thoughts—all are swept into that you shall earn more than you spend. the dustpan of oblivion but the one who In other words, thrift is the habit that —


provides that you shall spend less than the column advanced over their dead you earn. Take your choice. bodies. That night, when the Legion If you are a thrifty person you are camped, new men were put in place of happy. When you are earning more than those who were lost, and so, although you spend, when you produce more than individuals might die, the Tenth Legion you consume, your life is a success, and lived on forever. you are filled with courage, animation, The Romans were builders and engin- ambition, good -will. Then the world is eers. Caesar set apart a hundred men to beautiful, for the world is your view of build an aqueduct. Knowing that it the world, and when you are right with would take probably longer than the yourself, all's right with the world. lifetime of these men to complete the il The habit of thrift proves your power task, Caesar ordered that whenever one to rule your own psychic self. You are of the hundred died the rest should elect captain of your soul. You are able to his successor, and thus, though the take care of yourself, and then out of entire original hundred men would pass the excess of your strength you produce away, yet the corporation would live a surplus «• ^ on £» £» Thus you are not only able to take care of yourself, but you are able to take care

T is well to cultivate a mild, do, to be and to become. Your desire gentle and sympathetic voice, will be theirs. By their voices ye shall and the one way to secure a know them. mild, gentle and sympathetic s*. :<» voice is to be mild, gentle and ^T^HO is the great man? Listen, and I sympathetic. The voice is the index of vl/ will tell you; He is great who feeds the soul. Children do not pay much other minds. He is great who inspires attention to your words—they judge of others to think for themselves. He is your intent by your great who tells voice. Your voice you the things k AN, like Deity, creates reassures s+ " My you already know, sheep know my in his own image. And but which you did voice." We judge not know you each other more by if you grind all the personality knew until he told voice than by lan- you. He is great out of a man, and make him guage, for voice col- who shocks you, ors speech, and if but part of a machine, you are irritates you, af- your voice does not fronts you, so that corroborate your hastening the death of Art, you are jostled out words, doubt will of your wonted follow. We are won for Art is born of Individual- ways, pulled out of or repelled by a your mental ruts, ity. Love, we say, is life; but voice s+ Your dog lifted out of the does not obey your love without hope and faith mire of the com- words — he does, monplace 5» S» however, read your is agonizing death. That writer is great intents in your whom you alter- voice. C The best way to cultivate the nately love and hate. That writer is voice is not to think about it. Actions great whom you can not forget. Certain- become regal only when they are un- ly, yes, the man in his private life may conscious; and the voice that convinces, be proud, irritable, rude, crude, coarse, that holds us captive, that leads and faulty, absurd, ignorant, immoral—grant lures us on, is used by its owner uncon- it all, and yet be great. He is not great sciously. Fix your mind on the thought, on account of these things, but in spite and the voice will follow. If you fear of them. The seeming inconsistencies you will not be understood, you are los- and inequalities of his nature may con- ing the thought—it is slipping away tribute to his strength, as the mountains from you—and you are thinking of the and valleys, the rocks and woods, make voice. Then your voice rises to a screech, up the picturesqueness of the landscape. subsides into a purr, or bellows like the C. He is great to whom writers, poets, vagrant winds. Anxiety and intent are painters, philosophers, preachers and shown, and your case is lost. If you fear scientists go, each to fill his own little you will not be understood, you probably tin cup, dipper, calabash, vase, stein, will not. If the voice is allowed to come pitcher, amphora, bucket, tub, barrel naturally, easily and gently, it will take or cask. These men may hate him, on every tint and emotion of the mind. refute him, despise him, reject him, So, to get back to the place of beginning, insult him, as they probably will if they my advice is this: The way to cultivate are much indebted to him; yet if he the voice is not to cultivate it *•» s+ stirs the molecules in their minds to a The voice is the sounding-board of point where they create caloric, he has the soul. God made it right. If your benefited them and therefore he is a soul is filled with truth, your voice will great man s^ s» vibrate with love, echo with sympathy, His very faultiness brings him near. and fill your hearers with the desire to His blunders make him to us akin. — —


HOULD the Angel Gabriel come to me and in a con- We learn by keeping in mo- fidential undertone declare tion; by travel; by trans- that a certain man, any plantation; in moments of man or any angel, was a S» joy and times of grief. Only vlifier of tr uth, a snare to the innocent, running water is pure, and Sir Oliver a pilferer, a sneak, a robber of grave- Lodge says that a planet not in motion yards, I would say: " Gabriel, you are would dissolve into a gas and be lost. troubled with in- Young men and cipient paranoia women should be I do not believe a ET a man once see him- allowed to try their word of what you wings. The desire self as others see him, say. The man you to "go somewhere" mention may not and all enthusiasm vanishes has its proper and be a saint, but he natural use. Do not is probably just as from his heart; and when that oppose it. Also, do good as you or I. is gone he might as well die at not insist on the In fact, I think he chaperon *•» e» must be very much once, for enthusiasm is the one The chaperon hab- like you, for we are it is a bad one, since necessary ingredient in the never interested in it may become either a person or receipt for doing good work. chronic and make a thing that does the chaperon a ne- not bear some di- cessity. The chap- rect relationship to ourselves. Then, m* eron is n't so bad, but the need of one Gabriel, do you not remember the words is simply fierce. of Bishop Begum, who said that no man a* a^ applies an epithet to another that can j^\HE youth of fifteen or sixteen who not with equal truth be applied to him- \J is allowed to go away a hundred self? " &+ $+ miles or so on a visit, or on a business errand, will often get more good out of HEN we remember that hoarse, gut- the trip than he would get in a year vl/ tural cry of " Away with him at a boarding-school under the fussy away with him! " and when we recall care of a man with his collar buttoned that some of the best and noblest men behind, or one with brass buttons all who have ever lived have been reviled up and down his martial front. We grow and traduced, indicted and executed, by through making decisions. so-called good men—certainly men who If you travel with some one who looks were sincere—how can we open our up the route, keeps tab on the train and hearts to the tales of discredit told of buys the tickets, you lose, in great de- any man? The Billingsgate Calendar has gree, the benefits of travel. been exhausted in attempts to describe That young man of meager means who Walt Whitman, and the lexicon of abuse could not afford a wedding-trip for two, has been used to hammer the heads of and so sent his bride away on a tour such men as Richard Wagner, Victor alone, was no fool a«» s* Hugo, Count Tolstoy and William Mor- The girl who can not go single in safety ris. Knowing these things, as every one is not fit to work in double harness &+ does, shall we imitate folly, accept con- crete absurdity for our counsel and guide. The actual benefit of college does not come so much from curriculum as from When you grow suspicious of a person the change of environment. New people, and begin a system of espionage upon new scenes new conditions with which him, your punishment will be that you to cope—these are the things that work will find your suspicions true. for[growth. —


The simple act of going into a dining- - F all the writers that lived in car or restaurant and selecting from the Rome in that wonderful bill of fare a dinner is a lesson in life time which we call the Age which many a well-bred girl, full-grown, of Agustus, none now is so has never been allowed to gain. widely read as Plutarch. Plutarch was a farmer, a lecturer, and a [O the plea is this: Give your Priest of Apollo. On investigation, I children liberty; let them develop find that the office of Priest of Apollo their self-reliance through the exercise corresponded about with that of an of choice, and of all methods or plans of American Justice of the Peace. education, travel, without head-cheese Between pasture and palaver, Plutarch chaperonage, is the best. became rich, and owned an estate on the Alexander and William Humboldt are Isle of Malta. And there he lived when the two greatest brothers in history, Paul was shipwrecked on his way to judged by achievements. They attended Rome s+ &+ six universities and never remained more Plutarch never mentions Paul, and Paul than a year in any one. They thus secur- never quotes Plutarch. What a pity they ed points of comparison, and evolved a did not meet! self-reliant habit of thought which sel- Plutarch wrote the lives of twenty-three dom comes to a man who has gone Romans, and compared each with some to but one college. noted Greek, usually to the slight advan- To the Humboldts, the university was tage of the Greek; for although Plutarch never a finality. lived under the rule of Rome he was born The fact that they never graduated was in a province of Greece, and his heart was an advantage. They never "got through." true to his own. €1 They never banked on a degree, It is quite probable that no sure-enough because they never had one. They got literary man—who knew he was one, all of the advantages of college with none and acknowledged it—would mention all of its petty plaster-of-Paris, dwarfing, of the many trifles which Plutarch brings caste influences. to bear, shedding light on the subject. The reason that the special-student plan Whether Plutarch gathered some of has never become popular is because these airy, fairy, pleasing tales of persi- the special student never gets the social flage from his imagination or from the prestige that a pupil does who goes populace, is a question that is not worth through or graduates and thus becomes while discussing. Practically all we know a member of an order. of the great men of Greece and Rome is Cast the bantling on the rocks. Let him what Plutarch tells us. acquire an education, instead of being It is Plutarch's who live and tread presented with one. And that's a part men the boardwalk with us. rest are of the process that goes into the mak- The dead ones, all. ing of a man. Youth and Freedom. The only men who endure are those The age is crying for men; civilization whose lives are well launched on the wants men who can save it from disso- inky wave. Heave ho! lution; and those who can benefit it Such trifles as Caesar's remark that he most are those who are freest from pre- was deaf in one ear; that Pericles had a judice, hate, revenge, whim and fear. head like an onion; that Cleopatra em- $& $& ployed a diver to attach a salt codfish to

There is no moment that comes to the hook and line of Mark Antony ; that mortals so charged with peace and pre- Socrates made pastoral calls on Aspasia; cious joy as the moment of reconcilia- that Aspasia was very well acquainted tion. The ineffable joy of forgiving and with Cyrus, King of Persia, and from being forgiven forms an ecstacy that him gained her knowledge of statecraft might well arouse the envy of the gods. —these are the things that endear Or 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 91

Plutarch to us. C^The things that what shall we do to be saved? And shouldn't be told are the ones we want concrete absurdity consists in saying we to hear «*> :-»• must all do the same thing. And these Plutarch discreetly gives us. Shakespeare evidently knew Plutarch by l^fHE delight of creative work lies in heart. He was inspired more by Plutarch ^^self-discovery — you are mining than by any other man who put pen to nuggets of power out of your own paper. It was the one book in which he cosmos, and the find comes as a great dived and swam, and glad surprise. in the days of his budding and im- LOVE the diamond for ^fOHN BUR- pressionable youth V> ROUGHS has its own sake it symbols and most of his — no use for tobacco plots are those of infinity, eternity. or stimulants; and Plutarch. Lives of so you find him great men all re- The diamond is pure carbon; turning into the mind us — of a last lap of the three at least, we can resolve it back great many things score-and-ten with that we would do into carbon, but this done we breath sweet as a if we were able. baby's, muscles it over into Plutarch's writings can not make a that do the bidding have passed into diamond. of his brain, and the current coin of nerves that never it language :-*> His It is like life, we can take go on a strike s+ works are literary Yet he has been away, but we can not give it. d. legal tender, wher- a man of strong ever thinkers meet. The secret of the diamond is passions and appe- Whoever writes, tites. In stature he not ours—it took an eternity and writes well, is is rather small, but debtor to Plutarch to produce it. the way he carries for much wit, wis- the crown of his dom and gentle I am as old as the diamond head and his chin, philosophy. reveals the well- and I shall never die. Academic writing sexed man. He is dies and is forgot- a natural lover s» ten. Information about men, women and €[ How do I know? Well, any man is events, and that which relates to practi- a lover who writes well. Literature is cal life, lives on and on. a matter of passion s+ All Art is a sec- Biography broadens the vision and ondary sexual manifestation, just as the allows us to live a thousand lives in one; song of birds, their gay and gaudy plum- for when we read the life of a great man age, the color and perfume of flowers **• we unconsciously put ourselves in his It is love writes all true poems, paints place, and we ourselves live his life over all pictures, sings all songs. again s+ $+: This man is a lover. Yet I know nothing We get the profit without the risk, the of his private history, neither do I want experience without the danger. to. He never told me " the sad story of " his life —only weaklings have the con- fOST of the frightful cruelties in- fessional habit—neither does he explain >M flicted on men during the past have or apologize. His life is his own excuse arisen simply out of a difference of for being. The man himself is explanation opinion arising through a difference in enough; every man is to a great degree temperament. The question is as live the product of what has gone before—he today as it was two thousand years is a sequence. More than that—man is a ago: what expression is best? That is, tablet upon which is written his every — —

Page 92 THE WOTB BOO/C word, and thought, and deed. He is the C Yet when I alighted from a West Record of himself. The Record is the Shore train, I got off alone, and he was Man, and the Man is the Record. It the only man at the railroad station. No will be easy to reckon accounts at the faces peered from the windows as he Last Great Day. The Judge will only stood there leaning against the build- have to unfold the heart and look—all ing; no one came out upon the platform is graven there—nothing was ever hidden to see him; the trainmen did not call out, nor can it be. God is not mocked s+ $+ " This is the home of John Burroughs!" This man will say to his Maker, Neither conductor, brakeman, baggage- " See, thus was I — my claim is man, nor mail agent glanced toward only this!" And the chief gem in his the simple old farmer standing there, diadem shall be a great, sublime and meditatively chewing a straw. The all-enfolding love. fireman, however, knew him, for he Why do I say this? I say it because the dropped his shovel and leaning out of the truth is this:—No man ever reached the cab waved a salute which was returned spiritual heights that this man has as comrade greets comrade. attained save through the love of One. John Burroughs was in no hurry to rush From this love of One, his love radiates forward and greet me—the only man to all—he becomes Universal. that I ever knew who is never in a hurry Men who have not tasted the Divine about anything. He has all the time Passion belong to a sect, a society, a there is. We met as if we had parted city, a country. They work for their own yesterday £» s— little church, hurrah for their own <* £•» society, canvass for their pee-wee party, OHN BURROUGHS has written fight for their own country. They can V-/" delightfully of boys and told how not love virtue without hating vice. they could live in a world of their own, If they regard America, they detest oblivious absolutely of the interests of England. They are like Orange John of grown-ups. He is a good deal of a boy Harvard, whose loyalty to Cambridge himself: he has the eager receptive men- found vent in the cry, " T' 'ell wi' tal attitude. He is full of hope and is ever Yale!"—a sentiment to which even yet expecting to see something beautiful most Harvard men inwardly respond. something curious. Each day for him is a New Day, and he goes out in the morn- OHN BURROUGHS is the most ing and looks up at the clouds and scans V-A Universal man I can name at the the distant hills; and as he walks he present moment. He is a piece of Ele- watches for new things, or old things that mental Nature. He has no hate, no whim, may appear in a new light. This habit of no prejudice. He believes in the rich, the expectancy always marks the strong poor, the learned, the ignorant. He man. It is a form of attraction—our own believes in the wrong-doer, the fallen, comes to us because we desire it; we find the sick, the weak and the defenceless. what we expect to find, and we receive He loves children, animals, birds, insects, what we ask for. All life is a prayer trees and flowers. He is one who is strong natures pray most—and every afraid of no man, and of whom no man is earnest, sincere prayer is answered. Old afraid. He puts you at your ease—you John Burroughs' life is a prayer for could not be abashed before him. In his beauty. He looks for beauty and good- presence there is no temptation to ness, and lo ! these things are added unto deceive, to overstate, to understate—to him. John Burroughs—A Man. be anything different from what you are. You could confess to this man—re- Forms change but nothing dies. Every- veal your soul and tell the worst; and thing is in circulation. Men as well as his only answer would be, " I know! I planets, have their orbits. Some have a know!" and tears of sympathy and love wider swing than others, but just wait would dim those heavenly blue eyes. and they will come back. OT 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 93

A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a been able to do good work is because I horse!—Richard III. have always kept on close, chummy terms with at least one good horse. RIDE horseback because I C Alfred Russel Wallace says that prize my sleep, my digestion civilization had its rise in the domesti- and my think-trap. cation of animals; that where men dom- That is to say, I ride in order esticated the horse, the ox, the camel, that I may work. the elephant, civilization thrived and

I wish to be a good transformer of divine man evolved ; but that in countries where energy. I want to add to the wealth and man had nothing in the way of domestic happiness of the world, and to make two animals, except a tame wolf—that is, grins grow where there was only a the dog—there was no evolution. grouch before. A man on horseback was pretty nearly To take care of myself, and then produce invincible until the invention of gun- a surplus for the benefit of the world, powder; and the first use of gunpowder is my ambition. was to scare horses. The idea of the "We are strong," says Emerson, "only explosion heaving a rock or an iron ball as we ally ourselves with Nature." was a later idea. C I find that when I go in partnership My opinion now is that if we are going with a good horse, I keep my nerves to preserve our vigor, our courage, our from getting outside of my clothes. I am enjoyment, we will have to be on good better able to act sanely, serenely, and terms with Mother Earth and close up happily, dispose of difficulties and sur- to Equus Caballus. mount obstacles. A horse helps you to "forget it." two greatest men the world A horse has no troubles of his own. ^HE \*S has ever seen were both horsemen. €1 He does not pour into your ear a sad Aristotle was the world's first school- tale of woe. master and the world's first scientist. I have ridden horseback almost daily He taught school out-of-doors, and all for the last forty years. of his pupils were taught to ride horse- And I enjoy horseback riding today more back 5^ &+ than ever before. Aristotle was the tutor of Alexander the Great. He taught Alexander to ride the XHAVE never been sick a day in wild horse, Bucephalus, and Aristotle my life; and I have never lost a sat on the top rail of the corral and meal except through inability of access. watched his pupil turn the trick. C I have made fortunes for myself—and Aristotle wrote a book of a thousand for other people. Also, I have lost for- pages on the horse. He said all there was tunes; but, thank Heaven, I have always to say on the subject, and no man can had all the mazuma I needed, even if ever write at length about the horse not all I wanted. The man who keeps his without quoting Aristotle. strength and goodcheer in this country will never be out of a job. And of work I ^|HE next man to write a book on have always had a plenty. V«/ the horse was Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo was the most accomplished, eOD has certainly been good to me. I graceful, gracious, efficient and versatile think I have had as much fun and personality that the world has ever seen. as many laughs as any man in the wide C Leonardo was a horseman. And one world $+ s+ of the big things that Leonardo did was "I know what pleasure is, for I have done to write a book on the horse. Aristotle good work," said Robert Louis Steven- wrote the first book, Leonardo the nest, son, the well -beloved. and nearly two thousand years separate One of the principal reasons why I have these men. No one has ever tackled the Page 94 THE WOTB BOO/C job of writing on the horse exhaustively It is a great thing to feel that you are since the days of Leonardo. bigger than the elements. And a horse Leonardo attributed much of his bub- of the right kind helps you to hypnotize bling, perennial joy in life to his close yourself into the belief that you are a association with the horse. He was a part of all you see, and hear and feel. horseback rider from childhood until CL No man can have melancholia who his eighty-fourth year, when death, loves a horse and is understood by one. through accident, claimed him, C[ You shake off your troubles and and he went out send your cares with a smile and a flying into the wave of the hand, IjHIS habit of expectancy wanton winds first intimating when you ride always marks the strong with broken breath 3 horseback.— that if there were man. C It is a form of attrac- On Horseback no horses in Para- dise he did not tion : our own comes to us There is a touch care to go there. of pathos in the because we desire it. thought that while |^

HE intent of all art is to communities without number have communicate your feelings failed. It is the Something that binds and emotions to another. people together and holds human hearts Art has its rise in the need of in leash «•» s^ human companionship. You The things that influence civilization feel certain thoughts and you strive are not its warriors, preachers or re- to express them. You may express by formers—progress comes through the music, by chiseled shapes, by painted struggle for bread and the effort to make canvas or by writ- a home s— &o ten words. At the We are changed last all art is one. INVENTION in language through our act- And as you work, ivities, and when over against you Wm should no more be dis- you give a man sits another who couraged than should inven- a pleasurable job, says "Yes, yes, put upon him I understand!" tion in mechanics. responsibility, set The person I write him to work, he Grammar is the grave of for is a Woman. then, for the first At times she sits letters. C Spirit is supreme. time, gives bonds and looks at me, for his good be- leaning forward, He who can express most in havior and evolves resting her chin on fewest terms will be crowned the virtue that her hand. make for length of

r She smiles indul- with laurel, and pilgrims will days $+ . <<* gently, and some- C All creeds, held little journeys to his times a little sadly, make simply as intellec- as my pen runs on. grave «•» &•> tual beliefs, have She knows me so small effect on the perfectly that she man, save as he often anticipates what I would say and works his belief up into his daily toil a»> thus saves me the trouble of writing. She guesses my every mood. This woman XT is the belief now, among all think- has suffered and known and felt, and ing men, that Moses, when he led that is why she understands. Her heart the Children of Israel out of captivity, has been purified in the white fires of was not a religious fanatic, but a prag- experience. She knows more than I, for matist, and a pragmatist is simply an she sees all around me, and any little opportunist. Moses did the thing he effort to palm off a white lie, or the could do. He managed his people in the smallest attempt at insincerity or affect- only way he could manage them. He did ation brings only a wondering look, that for them what was best; and the Mosaic stings me for a week and a day. I can say Code is a sanitary code. It is a code for anything to her I choose: no topic is the Here and Now. It is a mode of liv- forbidden—she only asks that I be hon- ing, and it is the sensible mode. est and frank. The Judaic Religion was a commonsense I always know when I have pleased religion. It has passed through periods this woman with the wistful eyes, for of fanaticism, but again, at this writing, then she holds out her arms in a slow, for the most part, it has emerged out sweeping gesture. She is the sister of into the clear sunlight of reason. Ra- my soul, and for her I write — because tional Judaism is universal religion, and she understands. its cornerstone is commonsense. Q RELIGIOUS concept has always A retentive memory may be a good been supreme in every community thing, but the ability to forget is the that has succeeded. For the lack of it, true token of greatness. —

Page 96 TB .BOO^C

HEN you reach the Ozarks, Something for nothing is always paid for. you are in a land of glor- C The cure for hoodlumism is manual ious sunshine, where the training, and an industrial condition air everywhere is flavored that will give the boy or girl work—con- with the healing odor of genial work—a fair wage, and a share in the pines, kissed by the soft winds of the honors of making things. Salvation the South, where the mocking bird lies in the Froebel methods carried into sings you a welcome, and the robins, the manhood m> $+ blackbirds and the brown thrush have preceded you. IVE miles up the creek from These things come as a great and glad East Aurora is the village of relief—a delightful change. Here the South Wales. Society there water comes hot out of Nature's labora- centers around a schoolhouse tory, bubbling cheerily up right out of where the Presbyterians the heart of the earth. hold service each Sunday morning and No wonder that the Indians used to say the Methodists in the afternoon. South that this is the dwelling place of the Wales has two stores, a blacksmith Great Spirit. shop and a town-pump where you always And here they came for hundreds and water your horse and get a drink for thousands of years before the whites luck. The first turning to the left after discovered the Ozarks, before a bath- the four corners, where the pump stands, house was built, before a building was up on the hillside, second house on the erected «• s+ right, lives a fine Philistine, beloved by They bathed in the waters of the bubbl- all who can appreciate plain, hard, com- ing pools, and they were relieved of their mon sense, honesty of purpose, and a disorders and diseases, and went away dash of wit. refreshed, rejuvenated, healed, breathing This man was a forty-niner, but some prayers of gratitude to the Great Spirit. way things with him never panned. His And then the white man came, and see- motto once was, "Pike's Peak or bust." ing the results obtained by the red He reached Pike's Peak, and managed brothers, he too utilized the healing to get back to East Aurora, busted. waters *» s+ C. But some one loaned him money to buy a team and a few implements, and QDAM SMITH'S dictum that all he bought a farm where boulders grew lush lusty. wealth comes ( from labor applied and There was no market to land is true, but it is not true that then for boulders. When crops were labor applied to land will necessarily good, things didn't bring any price, and produce wealth. Another factor is needed when prices were high there was nothing —the factor of intelligence, which im- to sell. plies purpose, system, order, intent However, the man and his wife managed enterprise s+ s— to get a living, and send their boy and The result of labor turns on the quality girl down to East Aurora to school—the of superintendence. boy going in the winter and the girl In the raising of fruits and flowers love attending the spring and fall terms. is just as necessary as labor. And so the years passed, as years will. No drunkard ever had success with flow- ers, and for him fruits will not ripen. <^^UT there came an evil day when C You can not fertilize land with ^2* Deacon P. closed in on his mort- whiskey, nor can you successfully irri- gage, and the occupants of the old farm gate with strong drink and woman's found themselves just exactly where tears s» $+ they were when they took the place Fruits and flowers are primal sex pro- twenty years before. ducts, and are best raised by men and Then it was that the Philistine and his women in partnership. family moved down to South Wales,

OF ALBERT HUBBARD Page 97 first turning after you leave the town- million dollars. And then he built the pump, second house on the right. Crocker Hotel, and when the Crocker They raised bees, and as the mother Estate gave him a check for nine thou- was' now the business man, they got sand dollars for his services, what do you along first-rate — their income one year think he did?" was three hundred and eighty dollars! "Never could guess!" "Why, he sent us a New York draft for a I YESTERDAY I watered my saddle thousand dollars—that's the way we got 2r mare, "Garnet," at the South our bank account." Wales town-pump, and then took the The old man got up and I followed him first turning to the left. At the second into the house, where he groped his way house to the right an old man with white to a bureau drawer and brought forth hair and a long white beard sat in a the book which he insisted I examine. chair on the veranda. By his side, just €1 "How much is it to our credit?" he below him, seated in the doorway, her demanded $+ *^ hand in his, was an auburn-haired young " A thousand dollars," I answered. woman, say thirty years of age. "What did I tell you!" was his proud " Don't speak—don't speak!" called the answer *•» *•» old man in a loud voice, as I reined in. "Don't speak! I've bet Maud fifty cents XT wasn't the money so much, that it is Colonel Littlejourneys; I know either; it was the consciousness that the one-two-three-four step of that Jack was succeeding—Jack who had horse—Oh! you can't fool me!" laughed plowed and sowed and reaped and culti- the old man. vated stone bruises! Jack who had gone The man and his daughter are both to the East Aurora "Academy" in winter blind s+ *>+> and then taught school, and gone to the I tied my horse, and went in. There were Boston Tech, and won a Foreign Travel merry greetings, much asking after the Scholarship, and worked in McKim, folks, and urgent demands that I should Mead & White's (because they wanted a put my horse in the barn and remain to first-class man) and then had gone to dinner &+ $+ San Francisco and was making a fortune "Oh, but that Mozart was bad!" said —that is what made Jack's sister and Maud. "Why didn't you give the colored Jack's father so proud and happy. Only man a dollar and let him throw it after one thing blurred their joy—Mother " the first one? didn't live to know of Jack's success. Of " What's the Ashtabula Disaster got to course, she knew he would succeed, but do with Mozart?" demanded the old she grew tired, so tired, and fell asleep man in pretended wrath. and didn't awake, and that was four "What business have you to know any- years ago. thing about literature, music or art?" I " Let us show you some photographs demanded in turn. " Why, you are of Jack's buildings," said the old man. nothing but a farmer!" He arose and started for a little side "I used to be a farmer, but now I am a bedroom, the spare room. Maud was literary critic. I'm what you call a dilet- going after the photographs, too, and tante, for I even have some one read for they met in the doorjamb and stuck me!" there like humpty dumpty and Panta- "Surely, Colonel, Papa is right—we are loon. There were mutual apologies and not only dilettantes, but aristocrats finally the photographs were brought why, we have a bank account!" said forth, the father leading the daughter Maud. "Indeed," I answered. and the daughter leading the father, and "Why, yes, you know Jack is getting each cautioning the other to look out along famously at his work. He is super- for the big rocking-chair. vising architect at San Francisco for a I took the photographs in my hand, and government building that will cost a sightless eyes gazed into vacancy over — —

Page 98 THE JVOTE SOO/C my head. I tried to look at the pictures, OAQUIN MILLER is dead. but could n't see them for the tears were His body was burned on the running down my nose. Luckily no one funeral -pyre that he had saw me mopping. made ready, and his ashes Why did I cry? Really I do not know were scattered to the four perhaps I cried because I am a fool, and winds. But the good in him abides. For think sometimes I have troubles, when him I had a great affection. For twenty- there is no trouble and no calamity five years I wrote him every little while, excepting to those anything that hap- who think trouble pened to be in my ; ULTIVATE the intellect, and and recognize cal- mind foolish lit- you shall have a mind that — amity &+ s+ tle nothings, stor- produces beautiful thoughts, I bade my dear ies about children, friends good-bye worthy images, helpful ideas; that dogs, bears, cats out there on the will serve as a solace in times of things I imagined, little veranda. The stress, and be to you a refuge 'gainst things that might summer breeze have been so; and all the storms that blow. The cult- stole through he in turn respond- the wistaria and ured mind, as compared with the ed in kind. kissed the flowing uncultured, is the difference be- Some of his letters white locks of the tween a beautiful garden which I was able to read. old man, and car- produces vegetables, fruits or C. He sent me pre- essed the golden sents of books; bits flowers, and a tract of land that is hair of the young for bridles; spurs; woman, as they overgrown with weeds and brambles. and if anybody stood there hand d. To be a person of culture is to be gave him anything in hand «» s^ at home under all conditions. Your he did not want or I not the time mounted my mind is stored with mental images, had horse and rode to care for, he sent and memory comes to keep you away down the it to me by express dusty road. I took company, and guide you from nos- collect. I joyed in the first turning to talgia and the sense of separateness the society of the the right, and to universality or oneness with the man, perhaps for looked back as I Divine. The country will be beau- the reason that he passed the corner. was not on my tiful to you in any season, and so- C The father and hands, and that I daughter were still ciety and solitude each will be wel- did not have to standing there, comed by you in turn. You are to endure his society motionless. Their reject nothing, despise nothing, for long s» $+ faces were raised, knowing that everything belongs When he came to and they were look- East Aurora, somewhere, that it is needed to ing out over me, and everybody took a completely over make up the great mosaic of life. holiday, and we me, looking clear laughed and played to San Francisco, where Jack is s+ &+ and picnicked the livelong day. I thought of a little book that was in my Then we built a bonfire and told ghost- sidepocket. I had been reading it that stories until midnight. very morning. I took the volume out and Whenever I was in San Francisco, read the title: WHERE LOVE IS, which has been about once a year for the THERE IS GOD.— Where Love Is. last two decades, I made a pious pilgrim- age to " The Hights." There was one who thought himself And usually I waited to see the sun go above me, and he was above me until he down and sink a golden ball through the had that thought. Golden Gate—with the permission of OT 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 99

Joaquin. His estate of several hundred hauled up the hill by a weary route. He acres at the top of the mountain was constructed a dozen little houses about purchased about thirty years ago, out of as big as drygoods-boxes some with the royalty received on The Danites. cupolas, curious little verandahs, strange The site overlooked the city of Oakland, observatories s^ *•» San Francisco, the Bay, and gave a Any visitor who came this way was given panoramic view of the Golden Gate and a house to live in, and told to remain as the blue Pacific beyond. He spell- long as he wished and go away when he ed it " Hights " be- wanted. His con- cause a visitor versation was en- once called it " The OU are not to draw close tertaining,! illum- He-ights," and about you the skirts of inating, surpris- anyway Joaquin ing, witty, pro- didn't do any- intolerance, nor look with dis- found, contradic- thing as others did. tory. He had a way dain on those less fortunate; H It was a tum- of abusing his bled mass of rocks, but always, and at all times, friends when they trees, vines, wild called. Before you flowers, with here be able to place yourself, thru could formulate a great word of greeting, and there a the gift of imagination, in the giant redwood. he unlimbered his For agricultural position of others. vocabulary $+ He purposes it would told of your sins, have bankrupted Thus do you evolve sympathy your crimes, your anybody who own- and pity, two sentiments with- misdemeanors, ed it. Joaquin Mil- your faults, your ler bought the land out which a man is indeed but foibles, your limit- for purposes pictur- a mental mendicant. ations. He knew esque and poetic. where you had No one else wanted been, what you it. To reach it you had to climb up a had done, and his frankness might have winding road, a distance of about four been positively shocking were it not for miles from the turnpike below, where the fact that he carried it over the eventually the street-car came and stop- ridge until you laughed and everybody ped. Civilization has gradually moved screamed for joy. that way, until now the land has a On the gateway where you entered " The tangible value, and if sold, it will Hights" there was a sign: " No admit- certainly clear off the debts of the dead tance; keep agoing. Better view higher poet and leave a snug little sum for up." This did not mean, however, that his heirs. you were not welcome. Miller expressed things by contraries. His heart was ILLER got tired of the world at friendly, tender, sympathetic. He was a >M fifty. Perhaps the world was a little poseur, but he posed so long that the tired of him. And here he fled for sanct- pose was natural. uary. He had a little money, a few hun- He wore long hair that fell to his dred dollars; but he made raids down shoulders. His beard came to his waist. into the lowlands, and gave lectures and His dress-trousers were buckskin, and he readings for which he received from fifty wore high-top boots with flapping ears. to a hundred dollars per evening. When he went down town he often wore Like Thoreau, he loved solitude—when jangling spurs. He wore a leather vest, he was able to escape it, any time. with solid-gold nuggets for buttons, C He occasionally got twenty-five dol- brought from the Klondike. His necktie lars for a poem. And all the money he was red, the symbol of anarchy, and in made he invested in lumber, which was it nestled a thousand-dollar diamond-pin. Page 100 THB WOTB BOO/C

*—tfOAQUIN had no respect for law or Jack Crawford used to land on the beak ^r for society—that is, if you believed of the party who got fresh on the subject his conversation. But the fact is that he of hair. Joaquin Miller loved his friends was not a criminal in any sense. He only and hated his enemies. He had positiye played in his mind at being a lawbreaker. ideas, as long as he held them; and he


N Grecian History the time stood the needs of his wife. {£ Socrates between the years Four Hun- lived more than two thousand and three dred Sixty-one and Four Hun- hundred years ago. We have not yet dred Twenty-nine Before caught up with the teachings of Socrates. Christ is known as the Age of Our word "school" comes from a Greek Pericles. €1 It is known as the Age of word, the meaning of which we have Pericles because in twenty years of that changed. Originally the word meant time he adorned the city of Athens, and leisure, spare time. It is the spare time so beautified it that that every one has, it has been the de- it is not for the rude when walking, after builders of supper in the even- spair of breath of man to blow- cities to this day. ing, on the way to This present age out the lamp of hope. the theater, a con- the cert s» Such occa- resembles Ageof Instead, let us hold it high, a Pericles, in that it sions to Socrates isatime of great un- guide by day, a pillar of fire were leisure. rest, a time of great by night, to cheer each pilgrim And Socrates activity, time thought, and al- a on his way. when people are ways came to a working, a time of For have there not been times, conclusion in his great enlighten- O God, when we peered into thinking :& .©» ment. Pericles had " What is its use?" for his supervisor of the gloom, and the heavens was the Socratic public works, Phi- were hung with black, and question $+ .-«» dias, a sculptor to Socrates had many then when life was well-nigh whom the ages have pupils who have not given a rival. gone, we saw a light. been world teach- Phidias was a great It was the Star of Hope ers s+ Plato and teacher. The peo- Aristotle are the ple of Athens appreciated art. He two whom we know best. taught by example; his work was ever There came to Socrates one day a rich before the people. He set thousands of man's son named Alcibades. He asked men to work with mallet and chisel, the way to eternal life. For, to the mind carving out wonderful marble ideals of Socrates, a searcher after knowledge which their minds created, d One of the was a searcher after virtue. Said Alci- men who worked for Phidias was Soph- biades, " Socrates, how shall I become " roniscus . He married Phaenarete , a woman educated?" Socrates said: What can who had much skill in taking care of the you do? Can you drive a mule to the top sick, who knew something of the laws of of the Acropolis, carrying one of those life. Phaenarete's son was Socrates. shining blocks of marble to be put in Socrates learned the trade of Sophronis- the top of the Parthenon?" cus and became a sculptor of some re- " Oh, no, the muleteer does that." nown. He worked with hand, heart and " Can you drive a chariot?" brain until he had made a statue that " Oh, no, the charioteer does that." fulfilled his ideal, when he said, " I " Alcibiades, can you carve a statue?" have learned what I can from sculpture." " Oh, no, we hire our statues carved." d. Then he set himself to another task. " Can you cook your dinner?" He made his brain think to a purpose. " Oh, no, we have cooks to do this." Everything that Socrates did had a " Is it not strange, Alcibiades, that purpose. Even his marriage with Xan- your father should give to his humb- tippe seems to have served him even lest servant a better education than he better perhaps than it served Xantippe. does to his son ?" And Alcibiades went She could not understand his logic, and away sorrowful, for he loved ease and clever as was Socrates, he never under- was slothful. Socrates. —— —

Page 102 THE WOTB .BOO/C

T is a night of a thousand Again the steam is shut off &•» Then stars. The date, Sunday the siren-whistles cleave and saw the April 14, 1912. The; time, frosty air s^ && 11:20 p. m. Silence and the sirens! Alarm, but ho The place, off Cape Race tumult—but why blow the whistles when that Cemetery of the sea. there is no fog! s^ s— Suddenly a silence comes—the engines The cold is piercing. Some who have have stopped—the great iron heart of come up on deck return to their cabins of the ship has for wraps and over- ceased to beat. coats $+ $+ Such a silence is HIS story of the Titanic has The men laugh always ominous to a fascinating appeal, coming and a few nervous- those who go down as it does from the pen of the ly smoke t>+ &* to the sea in ships. It is a cold, clear man who, a short two years later, "The engines night of stars. was destined to meet at sea the have stopped!" There is no moon. Eyes peer; ears death which he here relates so The sea is smooth listen; startled vividly. as a Summer pond. minds wait! The reference to Mr. and Mrs. The great tower- half-minute goes ing iceberg that A Straus, is particularly poignant for by s* s+ loomed above the Elbert himself shortly Then the great Hubbard was topmost mast has ship groans, as her to pass out as gloriously with his done its work, keel grates and wife at his side to share his fate. gone on, disap- grinds. She reels, "And Mr. and Mrs. Straus, I envy peared, piloted by rocks, struggles as its partners, the you that legacy of love and loyalty if to free herself darkness and the children from a titanic left to your and grand- night $+ s— grasp, and as she children. The calm courage that " There was no rights herself, was yours all your long and useful iceberg—you only people standing career was your possession in death." imagined it," a lose their center of man declares. Had he indeed a presentiment of gravity $+ $+ " Go back to bed to his destiny? Not a shock—only what was be — there is no —Editor's Note about the same danger—this ship sensation that one can not sink any- feels when the ferryboat slides into her way!" says the Managing Director oi landing-slip, with a somewhat hasty the Company s+ s* hand at the wheel. In a lull of the screaming siren, a On board the ferry we know what has hoarse voice is heard calling through a happened—here we do not. megaphone from the bridge—" Man the " " An iceberg!" some one cries. The word lifeboats! Women and children first!! " is passed along. C It sounds just like a play," says " Only an iceberg! Barely grated it Henry Harris to Major Butt. side-swiped it—that is all! Ah, Ha!" Stewards and waiters are giving out C The few on deck and some of those in life-preservers and showing passengers cabins peering out of portholes, see a how to put them on. great white mass go gliding by. There is laughter—a little hysteric. " I A shower of broken ice has covered the want my clothes made to order," a decks. Passengers pick up specimens woman protests. " An outrageous fit! " for souvenirs to carry home," they Give me a man's size!" laughingly say. The order of the Captain on the bridge Five minutes pass—the engines start is repeated by other officers—" Man the " again—but only for an instant. lifeboats! Women and children first!! —


C " It's a boat-drill—that 's all!" j» the hat on the boy's head, takes the lad "A precautionary measure — we'll be up in his arms, runs to the rail and calls, going ahead soon," says George Widener "You won't leave this little girl, will to his wife, in reassuring tones as he you? " s* $+ holds her hand. "Drop her into the boat," shouts the Women are loath to get into the boats. officer. The child drops into friendly Officers not over gently, seize them, and hands as the boat is lowered. half-lift and push them in. Children cry- Astor turns to Widener and laughingly ing, and some half-asleep, are passed says, "Well, we put one over on 'em that over into the boats. time." s«m £•» Mother-arms reach out and take the " I '11 meet you in New York," calls little ones. Parentage and ownership are Colonel Astor to his wife as the boat lost sight of. pulls off. He lights a cigarette and passes Some boats are only half-filled, so slow the silver case and a match-box along to are the women to believe that rescue is the other men. necessary s+> s^ A man runs back to his cabin to get a The boats are lowered, awkwardly, for box of money and jewels. The box is there has never been a boat-drill, and worth three hundred thousand dollars. assignments are being made haphazard. The man changes his mind and gets C A sudden little tilt of the deck hastens three oranges, and gives one orange each the proceeding. The bows of the ship are to three children as they are lifted into settling—there is a very perceptible safety $+> $+> list to starboard. As a lifeboat is being lowered, Mr. and An Englishman tired and blase, comes Mrs. Isador Straus come running with out of the smoking-room, having just arms full of blankets, brought from their ceased a card-game. He very deliber- stateroom. They throw the bedding to ately approaches an officer who is the people in the boat. loading women and children into a "Help that woman in!" shouts an lifeboat *» am* officer. Two sailors seize Mrs. Straus. The globe-trotting Briton is filling his She struggles, frees herself, and proudly pipe. "I si, orficer, you know; what says, "Not I—I will not leave my seems to be the matter with this bloom- husband." Mr. Straus insists, quietly in' craft, you know?" and gently, that she shall go. He will "Fool," roars the officer, "the ship is follow later. sinking!" *•» &*> But Mrs. Straus is firm. "All these years "Well," says the Englishman, as he we have traveled together, and shall we strikes a match on the rail, "Well, you part now? No, our fate is one." know, if she is sinking, just let 'er down a She smiles a quiet smile, and pushes little easy, you know." aside the hand of Major Butt, who has John Jacob Astor half forces his wife ordered the sailors to leave her alone. into the boat. She submits, but much "We will help you—Mr. Straus and I against her will. He climbs over and come! It is the law of the sea—women takes a seat beside her in the lifeboat. and children first—come!" said Major It is a ruse to get her in—he kisses her Butt a*, a+> tenderly—stands up, steps lightly out " No, Major; you do not understand. I and gives his place to a woman. remain with my husband—we are one, "Lower away!" calls the officer. no matter what comes—you do not "Wait—here is a boy—his mother is in understand!" "See," she cried, as if to there!" s«* a«» change the subject, "there is a woman "Lower away!" calls the officer—"there getting in the lifeboat with her baby; is no more room." she has no wraps!" Mrs. Straus tears Colonel Astor steps back. George Wid- off her fur-lined robe and places it ener tosses him a woman's hat, picked tenderly around the woman and the up from the deck. Colonel Astor jams innocently sleeping babe. ——

Page 104

William T. Stead, grim, hatless, with Thayer, Widener, Guggenheim, Hays furrowed face, stands with an iron bar I thought I knew you, just because I had in hand as a lifeboat is lowered. " Those seen you, realized somewhat of your able men in the steerage, I fear, will make a qualities, looked into your eyes and rush—they will swamp the boats." pressed your hands, but I did not guess C Major Butt draws his revolver. He your greatness. looks toward the crowded steerage. Then You are now beyond the reach of praise he puts his revolver back into his —flattery touches you not—words for pocket, smiles. "No, they know we will you are vain. save their women and children as Medals for heroism—how cheap the quickly as we will our own." gilt, how paltry the pewter! Mr. Stead tosses the iron bar into the sea. You are beyond our praise or blame. We C He goes to the people crowding the reach out, we do not touch you. We call, afterdeck. They speak a polyglot lan- but you do not hear. guage. They cry, they pray, they suppli- Words unkind, ill-considered, were some cate, they kiss each other in frenzied times flung at you, Colonel Astor, in grief &* *^ your lifetime. We admit your handicap John B. Thayer, George Widener, Henry of wealth—pity you for the accident of Harris, Benjamin Guggenheim, Charles birth—but we congratulate you that as M. Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Straus, move your mouth was stopped with the brine among these people, talk to them and of the sea, so you stopped the mouths of try to reassure them. the carpers and critics with the dust of There are other women besides Mrs. the tomb £•» &+ Straus who will not leave their husbands. If any think unkindly of you now, be he These women clasp each other's hands. priest or plebian, let it be with finger to They smile—they understand! his lips, and a look of shame in his own Mr. Guggenheim and his secretary are dark heart. Also, shall we not write a in full dress. "If we are going to call on postscript to that booklet on cigarettes? Neptune, we will go dressed as gentle- C Charles M. Hays—you who made men," they laughingly say. life safe for travelers on shore, yet you The ship is slowly settling by the head. were caught in a sea-trap, which, had C The forward deck is below the water. you been manager of that Transatlantic The decks are at a vicious angle. The icy Line, would never have been set, baited waters are full of struggling people. as it was with human lives. Those still on the ship climb up from You placed safety above speed. You deck to deck. fastened your faith to utilities, not The dark waters follow them, angry, futilities. You and John B. Thayer would jealous, savage, relentless. have had a searchlight and used it in the The decks are almost perpendicular. danger-zone, so as to have located an The people hang by the rails. iceberg five miles away. You would have A terrific explosion occurs—the ship's filled the space occupied by that silly boilers have burst. plunge-bath (how ironic the thing) with The last lights go out. a hundred collapsible boats, and nests Darkness! *•» **• of dories s+ s^ The great iron monster slips, slides, You, Hays and Thayer, believed in other gently glides, surely, down, down, down men—you trusted them—this time they into the sea. failed you. We pity them, not you. Where once the great ship proudly C And Mr. and Mrs. Straus, I envy you floated, there is now a mass of wreckage, that legacy of love and loyalty left to the dead, the dying, and the great black your children and grandchildren. The all-enfolding night s+ Overhead, the calm courage that was yours all your thousand stars shine with a brightness long and useful career was your posses- unaccustomed :+* &+ sion in death. The Strauses, Stead, Astor, Butt, Harris, You knew how to do three great things "

OF *ELBEFLT HUBBARD Page 105 you knew how to live, how to love and Lethe, and these are rocked in the cradle how to die. of the deep. We kiss our hands to them Archie Butt, the gloss and glitter on and cry, " Hail and Farewell—until we your spangled uniform were pure gold. meet again! " I always suspected it. But for the living who wait for a footstep You tucked the ladies in the lifeboats, that will never come, and all those who as if they were going for an automobile- listen for a voice that will never more be ride. "Give my regards to the folks at heard, our hearts go out in tenderness, home," you gaily called as you lifted love and sympathy. the your hat and stepped back on doom- These dead have not lived and died in deck $* $+ ed vain. They have brought us all a little You died the gallant gentleman that you nearer together—we think better of our were. You helped preserve the old and kind zv &+ honored English tradition, " Women and One thing is sure, there are just two children first." All America is proud of respectable ways to die. One is of old you. Guggenheim, Widener and Harris, age, and the other is by accident. you were unfortunate in life in having All disease is indecent. more money than we had. That is why Suicide is atrocious. we wrote things about you, and printed But to pass out as did Mr. and Mrs. them in black and red. If you were Isador Straus is glorious. Few have such sports, you were game to the last, cheer- a privilege. Happy lovers, both. In life ful losers, and all such are winners. they were never separated, and in death €1 As your souls play hide-and-seek with they are not divided. sirens and dance with the naiads, you $+ $+ have lost interest in us. But our hearts are with you still. You showed us how AFETY lies in living like a poor death and danger put all on a parity. man, no matter how much money The women in the steerage were your you have; and above all things, bring sisters—the men your brothers; and on your children up to be useful, to perform the tablets of love and memory we have the necessary tasks of life, never to be 'graved your names. above doing good, plain, old-fashioned William T. Stead, you were a writer, a work s* £» thinker, a speaker, a doer of the word. Any one who uses the term " menial " is You proved your case; sealed the brief touched with intellecticism. There are with your heart's blood; and as your no menial tasks. The necessary is the bearded face looked in admiration for sacred, and the useful is the divine. the last time up at the twinkling, shining Keep your feet on the earth, even though stars, God in pardonable pride said to your head is in the clouds. Do not be Gabriel, " Here comes a man! exclusive, and set yourself apart, as And so all you I knew, and all that something special and peculiar. The high thousand and half a thousand more I and lofty attitude we often see in the did not know, passed out of this Earth- poet, the artist and the musician all token Life into the Unknown upon the unfor- the defective. Have intellect, of course, getting tide. You were sacrificed to the but build it on a basis of common-sense. greedy Goddess of Luxury and her con- sort the Demon of Speed. The duels between our celestial and Was it worth the while? Who shall say? terrestial natures often take place at so The great lessons of life are learned only deep a point in our souls that we are in blood and tears. Fate decreed that not aware of the conflict — but still the you should die for us. fight if on. Happily, the world has passed forever from a time when It feels a sorrow for the dead. The dead are at rest, their work is All my gods dwell in temples made with ended, they have drunk of the waters of hands $+ &+ ; —


USIC is the youngest of took over the business of the seventy the arts. C. Modern music book-makers, and the art schools of dates back only about four Amsterdam, Leyden and Antwerp hundred years. It is not so reproduced every picture of note that old as the invention of had been done in Venice. The great printing $+ s* churches of Holland are replicas of the As an art it began with the work of the churches of Venice. And the Cathedral Church in endeavoring to arrange a at Antwerp, where the sweet bells have liturgy s* £•» chimed each quarter of an hour for The medieval chant and the popular three centuries, through peace and folk-song fused, and the result was our plenty, through lurid war and sudden modern science of music. death—there where hangs Rubens' Sculpture reached perfection in Greece, masterpiece—that cathedral is but an painting in Italy, portraiture in Holland enlarged Santa Maria dei Frari, where but Germany, the land of thought, has for two hundred years hung the Assump- given us nearly all the great musicians tion by Titian. and nine-tenths of all our valuable In these churches of Holland were musical compositions. placed splendid organs, and the priests Art follows in the wake of commerce, for formed choirs and offered prizes for the without commerce there is neither sur- best singers and the best composition. plus wealth nor leisure. The artist is Music and painting developed hand in paid from what is left after men have hand, for, at the last, all of the arts are bought food and clothing; and the time one—each being but a division of labor. to enjoy comes only after the struggle The world owes a great debt to the for existence. Dutch. It was Holland taught England When Venice was not only Queen of the how to paint and how to print, and Eng- Adriatic but of the maritime world as land taught us; so printing, painting well, Art came and established there her and music came to us by way of the Court of Beauty. It was Venice mother- Dutch $+ »m ed Giorgione, Titian, the Bellinis, and The march of civilization follows a those masterful book-makers, and the simple trail, well defined beyond dis- men who wrought in iron and silver and pute. Viewed in retrospect it begins in gold; and it was beautiful Venice that retrospect. It begins in a haze thread gave sustenance and encouragement to stretching from Assyria into Egypt, Stradivarius (who made violins to the from Egypt into Greece, from Greece glory of God) up at Cremona, only a few to Rome, widening throughout Italy and miles away. Spain, then centering in Venice and But there came a day when all those tracing clear and deep to Amsterdam, seventy book-makers of Venice ceased widening again into Germany and across to print, and the music of the anvils was to England, thence carried in "May- stilled, and all the painters were dead, flowers" to America. and Venice became but a monument of That remark of Grover Cleveland that things that were, as she is today; for there is no culture west of Buffalo was commerce is King, and his capital has indelicate if not unkind; and residents been moved far away. So Venice sits of Kansas City aver that it is open to sad and solitary, a pale and beautiful argument. But the fact stands beyond ruin, pathetic beyond speech, existing cavil that commerce and art have travel- on the sale of souvenir postal-cards and ed westward $+ $+ by taking in boarders, patroled by petty From the rocky shores of New England pilferers, degenerate sons of the robbers civilization moved toward the setting who once roamed the sea and enthroned sun. Art and Commerce. her on her hundred isles. All that Venice knew was absorbed by Writer's Cramp is caused by undigested Holland. The Elzevirs and the Plantins ideas and unpronounceable words. — !—


HE rubber tire made the quality that commends itself to all men. automobile possible, just as C, Undoubtedly the American more than the iron rail made the loco- the Roman or the Briton will live in His- motive a fact. If Doctor tory as a Roadmaker; at least he de- Goodrich had invented the serves to. In the year Nineteen Hundred rubber tire before Stephenson utilized Fifteen we have ten thousand Appian the steel rail, the railroads would never Ways and as many Watling Ways here on have been built $* this continent ; ribbons of brick and stone Possibly yet the and macadam streak of rust and stretching from the right of way HERE is no damnation County Seat to will live only in for any one—there never County Seat; from history, passing in- State to State. All to the realm of was, and never will be—and of which effect for things that were, good the lives of there is no defeat except for like the high-wheel one hundred mil- bicycle, the beaver, those who think defeat. Suc- lion people. the wild pigeon These Ways are the buffalo, the do- cess is for you. Life is good memorials to great do and side whisk- builders. They ers s& s* show Vision, and Courage, and Stick-to- Transportation is the second most im- it-iveness. They bespeak an intelligent portant thing in the world; and he who desire to " get there!" They animate the lubricates transportation is a world- spirit of the times—" Forward! March!" builder, a benefactor of his kind, and 4l The evolution of Roadways depends will live in the hearts of humanity. upon modes of transportation. The *•» s^ modern automobile has been the greatest

' hundred twelve years before factor in scientific highway construction. i HREE ^-^ Christ, Appius Claudius began the Perfection in the one has brought perfec- making of the Appian Way. When this tion in the other. Roadways. European War is over and you go Abroad with your White Car, you may have the YMPATHY, Wisdom and Poise pleasure of motoring over parts of the seem to be the three ingredients original Roadbed of the Appian Way. that are most needed in forming the C It was a Roadway eighteen feet wide, Master Man. extending south from Rome to Capua No man is great who does not possess and thence on and on to Brundisium; Sympathy s* $— parts of it are still in daily use. Sympathy and Imagination are twin The Appian Way was the symbol of sisters. Your heart must go out to all abundance. It made the Oil and Wine men: the high, the low, the rich, the accessible. It became the Milky Way of poor, the learned, the unlearned, the Roman Commerce. It was a Great White good, the bad, the wise and the foolish; Way of Prosperity. it is necessary to be one with them all, The Romans, two hundred fifty years else you can never comprehend them. later, while occupying Britain, con- C Sympathy!—it is the touchstone to structed Watling Way, leading from every secret, the key to all knowledge, Dover to York, and the great North the open sesame of all hearts. Put your- Road from London to Edinburgh; and self in the other man's place, and then of this road, too, portions still remain. you will know why he thinks certain €1 Caesar's Legions, by establishing that things and does certain deeds. broad stretch of Roadway, endowed the Put yourself in his place and your Britons with one of the primary prin- blame will dissolve itself into pity, and ciples of Civilization. Also, it may have your tears will wipe out the record of suggested to them that thoroughness is a his misdeeds. The saviors of the world —

Page 108 THE JVOTE J300/C have simply been men with wondrous to be self-conscious, stiff, preposterous. Sympathy s+ $+ Poise is a question of spirit controlling But Wisdom must go with Sympathy, flesh, heart controlling attitude. else the emotions will become maudlin Get Knowledge by coming close to and pity may be wasted on a poodle Nature. That man is the greatest who instead of a child—on a field-mouse best serves his kind. Sympathy and instead of a human soul. Knowledge in knowledge are for use—you acquire that use is Wisdom, and Wisdom implies a you may give out; you accumulate that sense of values—you know a big thing you may bestow. And as God has given from a little one, a valuable fact from a unto you the sublime blessings of Sym- trivial one. Tragedy and comedy are pathy and Wisdom, there will come to simply questions of value; a little misfit you the wish to reveal your gratitude by in life makes us laugh; a great one is giving them out again; for the wise man tragedy and cause for expression of is aware that we retain only as we give. grief s* $+ Let your light shine. To him that hath Poise is the strength of body and shall be given. The exercise of Wisdom strength of mind to control your Sym- brings Wisdom; and at the last the pathy and your Knowledge. Unless you infinitesimal quantity of man's Know- control your emotions they run over and ledge, compared with the Infinite, and you stand in the slop. the smallness of man's Sympathy when Sympathy must not run riot, or it compared with the source from which tokens weakness instead of strength. In ours is absorbed, will evolve a humility every hospital for nervous disorders are that will lend a perfect Poise. to be found many instances of this loss The Master Man is one with Sympathy, of control. The indiviual has Sympa- Wisdom and Poise. And such are always thy, but no Poise, and therefore his life learners, as well as teachers. Sym- is worthless to himself and to the world. pathy, Wisdom and Poise. €[ Poise reveals itself more in voice than it does in words; more in thought than OHE Science of Eugenics is no pass- in action; more in atmosphere than in ing, transient fad. It is receiving an conscious life. It is a spiritual quality, earnest, sincere, serious attention from and is felt more than it is seen. It is not a many very great and noble minds. It has matter of bodily size, nor of bodily been taken out of the hands of theology, attitude, nor attire, nor of personal the fortune-teller and the sensational comeliness; it is a state of inward being, reformer, and is being dealt with as it and of knowing your cause is just. deserves, by men and women intent on €1 I know a man who is deformed in leaving this world a better place than body, but who has such Poise that to they found it, and who are not afraid to enter a room where he is, is to feel his follow a reason to its lair. presence and acknowledge his superior- ity *•» «•» {S^TRQNG men are in demand. You To allow Sympathy to waste itself on E/ can always hire men, plenty of unworthy objects is to deplete one's life- them, for two dollars a day. When you forces s^ *• want a man, however, to fill a ten-thou- To conserve is the part of Wisdom, and sand-dollar position, you have to hunt reserve is a necessary element in all for him; and when you want a fifty- art, as well as in life. thousand-dollar man, you find that he Poise being the control of our Sympathy already has a good job and is not anx- and Knowledge, it implies a possession of ious to give it up. these attributes, for without Sympathy . £•» and Knowledge you will have nothing to To fail to win the approval of one's other control but your physical body. To self is defeat, and there is none other. practise Poise as a mere gymnastic :•+ $+ exercise—just as to study etiquette—is Talk less and listen more m> s+ OE 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 109

3JN/2AN seeks happiness: all men Huguenots, the early Methodists and all %\J seek happiness. There is no that excellent class that exists now and other goal or intent in life, have always existed, known as Primi- ; J/*] and whether men seek it tive Christians. »3 through license or asceti- A man in this second stage lives a life of cism, through selfishness or sacrifice, it struggle—he wrestles with the spirit for is the one eternal quest. a blessing, he struggles with the world of There is no other aim in life for any man wrong, and he tussles with the demon or any woman than this—happiness. within. He believes that his own nature Even the suicide seeks happiness, his is rooted in evil, and to eradicate this act slips the cable of existence, being devil within is the chief thought of his always an attempt to flee from misery, life. His energies are given over, in great which is the opposite pole from happi- degree, to " resisting temptation." He is ness $+ *•» an abstainer, and to abstain from certain In man's search for happiness his per- things he thinks constitutes " virtue." ceptions pass through three separate and His life is largely negative, not positive; distinct forms of reason. The first and and to suppress and repress he believes lowest form is rather a condition of un- is the duty of every one. In fact, the idea reason than reason. The man does not of " duty " is forever strong upon him. yet comprehend that life is a sequence, €1 The first stage does not distinguish that this happens today because that between right and wrong. happened yesterday—that effect follows The distinguishing feature of the second cause. He seeks happiness, and he wants stage is, it separates right from wrong. it now. He knows nothing of the plea- C. The third stage resembles the first to sures of anticipation, the beauty of the uninitiated, for it does not seek to patience, the splendid reward for self- separate right from wrong. It recognizes control *•» «•» that at the base of evil lies good; and The second stage is the period of virtue. that right and wrong are relative terms The man has caught glimpses into the and easily shift places. It believes more law of consequences. He knows that in the goodness of bad people than the headache follows debauch, that satiety badness of good people. It sees that sin follows license, that notes come due, and is misdirected energy, and also that often that there is a difference between right through sin do men reach the light, and and wrong. it recognizes that that which teaches can That is, in fact, his distinguishing fea- not be wholly bad. ture—he knows right from wrong. He Of course, these three stages that I have thinks much on this subject, he talks outlined are to a degree arbitrary class- about it, writes about it, preaches about ifications, for they all overlap more or it—right and wrong. He separates this less, and a man may be in one stage one from that, eschews evil and cleaves to day and in another the next. Yet true that which is good : his life is given up to types of stages number one and number separating good from bad, and all that two exist on every hand, and can easily which he thinks is good he desires to be recalled by all observing men. Stage appropriate, and what he thinks is bad number three is not so sharply defined; he discards. men in this class are often unknown to If he has the power he passes laws for- those nearest them, and to the uninitia- bidding under ' severe penalties this, ted they are sometimes pigeonholed with that and the other. He sees that certain class one—they are branded " infidels." things are " sins " and so he would stamp But you need not be disturbed by this, them out. He knows what is best (or for if you have read history you know he thinks he does), and for the good of that the " infidel " has often been a men he would restrain them, and compel person with faith plus. them to follow in the straight and nar- He is ahead of his fellows, when they are row path. Such were the Puritans, the quite sure he is behind. —

Page 110 cTHE WOTB BOOK,

The true type of man in stage three be- mistakes are made; and that all the seem- " lieves in all religions and in all gods. He ing errors of men—so-called sins" sympathizes with every sect, but belongs are stepping stones that can be used to to none. He recognizes that every religion reach a higher good. Every truth is a is a reaching out for help, a prayer for paradox, and every strong man supplies light, and that a sect is merely a point of the argument for his own undoing; each view. He recognizes that there is good in truth is only a half truth—and the state- all, and that a man's " god " is the ment of truth always involves a contra- highest concept of diction. Wise men what he would like INIMIZE friction and realize these things to be—his god is and so they cease to himself at his best, create harmony. quibble . They know and the devil is you can explain friction for himself at his You can get noth- nothing to any one worst $+ s>+ ing, but harmony costs cour- —if the man does Yet the wise not already know man does not cavil tesy and self-control. it, your anxious at the multiplicity efforts to make of beliefs and strife of sects. For him- him see will all be futile. self he would much prefer a religion that Every man does what he does because would unite men, not divide them. Yet he, at the moment, thinks it is the best he perceives that denominations repre- thing for him to do. He believes he makes sent stages of development in the onward a choice, but the truth is, his nature suc- and upward spiral of existence. There is cumbs to the strongest attraction ; and he much clay in their formation, and all are is as much under the dominion of natural in a seething state of unrest; but each is laws as if he were pure oxygen or nitro- doing its work in ministering to a certain gen. Schopenhauer once said if you saw a type of mind. Birds moult their feathers stone rolling down hill and you would because they are growing better fea- stop it and ask it why it rolled down hill, thers; and so in time will these same if it had conscious life, it would undoubt- " orthodox " believers gladly moult the edly answer, " I roll down hill because I opinions for which they once stood ready choose to." to fight $+ s+ Any man of certain temperament, who The wise man not only believes in all has had certain experiences, and is pos- religions, but in all men—good, bad, sessed of certain qualities, will always do ignorant, learned, the weak, the strong. a certain thing under certain conditions. He recognizes that night is as necessary And if you can find another man like as day; that all seasons are good; and him, he will also do exactly the same that all weather is beautiful. The fierce thing as the first under like conditions. blowing wind purifies the air, just as d Knowing these things, the man of running water purifies itself. The winter wisdom does not blame. He may pity, is a preparation for summer. but he does not attempt to punish, for he Each and every thing is a part of the knows that the law of consequences sees great whole. We are brother to the bird, that exact justice is done and he never the animal, the tree and the flower.—Life makes the mistake of supposing that he is everywhere—even in the rocks " a is divinely appointed to act the part of a square foot of sod contains at least two section of the day of judgment. He will

' hundred separate forms of existence, ' said influence if he can—he will reform, edu- Grant Allen. Life is everywhere, and it is cate and lead out, but he will not try to all one life, and we are particles of it. repress nor chastise. And this life is good. His life will be one long pardon, one in- Of all human reason none is more valua- exhaustible pity; one infinite love and ble than that higher understanding therefore, one infinite strength. which comprehends that in nature no Anchorage is what most people pray for, —

OF *ELBERT HUBBARD Page HI when what we really need is God's great bad, with an impassable gulf between, open sea. The command, " Sail on, and was a good thing. Yet the man to whom on, and on, and on!" comes only to is attributed this parable did not believe those who are in stage three, or the stage in extrication, for his life was a living of enlightenment. protest against it. He deliberately asso- It is almost too much to expect that the ciated with so-called bad people, and period of insight and perfect poise should surely had more love for the sinner than be more than transient. Yet it does exist, he had for the so-called righteous s+ s+ and there is no The law of con- reason why it sequences works T is a great man who, should not in time both ways ; by asso- become a habit of when he finds he has ciating with the life. Most free souls sinner and recog- who have reached come out at the little end of nizing the good in this state of " cos- the horn, simply appropriates him you unconsci- mic consciousn- ously recognize the ess," will testify the horn and blows it for ever- good in yourself. that insight came more. The love you give first as a thrill, and away is the only the periods then love you keep—by gradually extended as mastery became benefiting another you benefit your- complete. It was a matter of growth—an self 5^ $+ evolution. Yet growth never proceeds at The thought of getting safely out of the aneven, steady pace, either in the realm world has no part in the life of the en- of spirit or matter. There are bursts and lightened man—to live fully while he is bounds—throes and throbs—and then here is his problem—one world at a time times of seeming inaction. But this inac- is enough for him. He believes that that tion is only a gathering together of forces which is good here is good in every star, for the coming leap—the fallow years are and the Power that is caring for him just as natural, just as necessary as the here will not forsake him there. Man's years of plenty. Search for Happiness. " Who shall relieve me of the body of this death? cried the prophet. He had in mind HE public school is life; the private the ancient custom of punishing the mur- school is a preparation for life. derer by chaining him to the dead body of Just take this matter home to yourself: his victim. Wherever the man went he You are a banker, merchant or railroad had to drag the putrefying corpse—he manager : you need a young man to help could not disentangle himself from the you in your business; two boys apply, result of his evil act. No more horrible seemingly of equal intelligence. One boy punishment could possibly be devised; has been educated in the public schools, but Nature has a plan of retribution that the other is fresh from a boarding acad- is very much akin to it. What more emy—now which boy do you choose? terrible than this: The evil thing you do I '11 tell you—you '11 take the public shall at once become an integral part of school boy without a second thought, for what you are. the reason that you consider he probably You can not escape it—no concealment knows the world of work, business and is possible, you are what you are on things much better than the other. You account of what you have done. want a helper who can go after things The man who imagined that scene of and bring them, and you assume that the the " Final Judgment" where the right- private school boy has been cared for eous file into paradise and the wicked and protected while the other boy has are tumbled into perdition, had a certain had to care for himself. conception of life. And this conception was that separation of good people from A creed is an ossified metaphor. —


^*HE other day a lady asked me this QEVER write a grouchy letter ^^ question: "What is your best book?" telephone. The grouchy word pass- And I was going to say, The Essay on es, and if you write in the mood it is Silence, but the earnestness expressed fixed, and only the charming should be in the lady's eyes indicated that persi- perpetuated s+ $+ flage was tabu, and so I answered truth- Of all living men no writer's letters are fully, " The best piece of writing I ever so valuable as those of James Whitcomb produced is a little booklet entitled, Riley. Jim may say foolish things, but he How I Found My Brother. never writes them. Riley's letters are like bunches of violets with the morning OHE Reformers tell us that this dew upon them. Jim caught the idea country needs this, that and the from 'Gene *^ ** other, to save it from dire dissolution. As a relief to pent-up emotions, the C These things are true, or not, as the writer of a nasty letter has its use and case may be, but to my mind the one purpose. So, if you must, then write it, vital thing needed in America is an in- fold it up, put it in the envelope, direct

crease in the 'Gene Field Letter. We are it in a bold hand, and mark it Personal. . suffering from epistolary elephantiasis. Next, stamp the envelope, placing the d Every college should have a 'Gene stamp upside down in the left-hand Field Chair. Very few folks know how to corner of the envelope. Then tear the write a letter, what to say or when to whole thing into bits and throw them stop $+ ;+ into the wastebasket. A 'Gene Field Letter always contains an element of joy. ^^HE chief value of life-insurance Next, it bears a message of wisdom. ^^ seems to be that it gives the man C Third, it has a jigger of wit that gives insured an increased capacity for meet- the wisdom flavor. Fourth, it closes when ing the natural and inevitable trials, it is done, and there is no postscript. difficulties and obstacles of lift. C A 'Gene Field Letter breathes kind- We fight the cussedness of inanimate ness, appreciation, friendship, love, things, the stupidity and inapprecia- truth. The owner clings to it, shows it tion of the public—also, we fight our to friends, preserves it. If you own an own limitations. But to meet these things original, you '11 not part with it any with faith and fortitude and know in more than you would sell your mother's advance that you are victor—this is to portrait. live $+ to* 'Gene Field may not have been a great That is the big thing at last—to live! man, but he had a great heart. He knew C And all that which helps us to live is the secret of friendship. To live so you good s+ *+ will love and be loved is a fine art. Field The man who lives rightly will die grace- was a friend. fully when his times comes. Now let the world learn at his feet and And he '11 not die a hundred deaths be- follow his example. fore *^ »+ The age demands it. Sensible people do not go around putting everything >|

— —


HE extension of the peace XLOOK for a day when education area is what constitutes pro- will be like the landscape, free for gress, and nothing else does all. Beauty and truth should be free to or can $+ $— every one who has the capacity to It was a mighty achievement absorb. The private school, the private when King Arthur brought about peace library, the private art gallery, the ex- over an area as big as New York State, clusive college, have got to go. We want by dividing the country into districts, no excellence that is not for all. My and over all of these having a central brother must have all that I have—for government or " court," to whom all my brother is myself and I am here. grievances must be submitted. There must be no educated class, no Likewise it is a mighty and almost mirac- superior class—every man must feel ulous achievement when the whole of that he is superior to taking and enjoy- North America is a place of peace and ing a thing from which others by birth prosperity, all through the matter of or ill-fortune are debarred. wise organization. A good man in an exclusive heaven would be in hell. 1 AMES WHITCOMB RILEY once As long as other men are in prison, I, too, V-/" told me that when he is about to am in bonds. begin a lecture he always expects to com- But the world is getting better: go and mence in a squeak or a squawk. He visit your village school—any school doubted himself—would memory fail, and compare it with the school you voice go on a strike, and thought sit attended twenty-five years ago! There silent, stupid, sullen in the brain cells? is beauty on the walls, cleanliness, I know the feeling. And what an atro- order, fresh air, light and gentle consider- cious, brazen, brass-plated presumption ation. Do not expect to find perfection on the part of any man to call from fields, there is much work yet to do, but we are parks, libraries, and homes of the great, looking out towards the East! And I the good and the strong of a big city and expect to see the day when all the great ask them to sit still and listen to him colleges of the land will be absorbed into prate for two hours concerning this and the general public school system of that ."-« s— America &•> $— We are looking toward the East. XT is a mistake to raise false hooes 'ware of the reaction. But now comes a new style of advertise- T is, of course, very necessary that ment, founded on the old idea of luring ^•* when you are entrusted with a the reader on, butwithout its disappoint- message you deliver it to the right person ing features s*> so» in the least possible time. I write advertisements for rest and re- The man, however, who entrusts an- creation. But I only write about the other with a message has a dutyquite as things I know have merit plus. much as the man who is given one. If your heart is in a theme, when you There are men who can never get mes- write about it, the product is easy to sages carried; and other men there be read, instructive and amusing. These who inspire messengers with loyalty, publicity articles, I frankly head, " An fidelity and courage. Advertisement." s*» s— It is a somewhat curious thing that the Thus at the start, I disarm disappoint- most able men are never good teachers. ments and make peace with prejudice. " The great teacher," says Emerson, Some of these advertisements are read- " is not the man who supplies the most able. A few are read from the first word facts, but the one in whose presence we to the last, and some of them impress good become different people." people and great, with the truth, beauty Too much individuality repels, over- and desirability of the thing advertised. awes, subdues. An overpowering person- — —


ality is a willopus-wallopus, or a steam- asked where he got his marshals, he said, roller that flattens anything and every- " I make them out of mud!" What he body in the vicinity. A great actor meant was that he took obscure men and seldom surrounds himself with able lifted them into positions of prominence actors. In fact, a great actor usually re- by throwing responsibility on them. duces the whole company to a nullity. Note the loyalty and love of Bertrand, In his presence animation subsides, who followed his master to Saint Helena, ambition declines, originality takes to giving up home, religion, family and the tall uncut, and all of his own pri- initiative becomes vate interests that apologetic. E become robust, only he might serve his In the United States through exercise, and master—even re- there are a few mer- fusing to leave his chants who are dis- every faculty of the mind master when he was coverers of genius, dead, but remain- but most are served and every attribute of the soul ing at Saint Helena mediocre, in order his by the grows strong, only as it is that not to mention the own dust might be timeserver, the exercised &+ *» buried in the grave hypocrite and the of this man he So you had better exercise lickspittle. loved. Any man One great merchant your highest and best only, who can inspire in the United another with such States lives in his- else you may give strength to love can not be tory, not only be- habits and inclinations that obliterated by the cause he was a scratch of a pen or

great merchant , but may master you, to your great the shrug of the because he discov- disadvantage *» &+ shoulder a* «•» ered to the world Napoleon certainly fully a half-dozen had personality; other great merchants. That is, he took at the same time he did not use it to young men, gave them an opportunity, destroy the personality of others. and under his beneficent guiding influ- Great is the man—supremely great ence these country boys mentally bloom- who does not bestride the narrow world ed and blossomed. like a colossus and cause other men to When you expect a messenger to deliver run and peep about under his huge legs a message it is well not to hamper him to find themselves dishonorable graves. with too many instructions, nor scare C The world is big enough for all of us, him into innocuous desuetude by retail- and a very good slogan is, " Make ing the dangers that he will encounter, room! Make room!" And if you are describing for him the punishment he bound to give an order, let it be this: " will receive if he fails to " make good." " Open up that gangway! C It is a great man who knows when and When President McKinley gave that how to place reliance in another; to rele- message to Rowan, he trusted Rowan gate and delegate and keep discipline out to carry it. There were no instructions, of sight. To let one line of figures at the no threats, no implied doubts, no in- bottom of the balance-sheet tell the junctions. Rowan asked no questions; tale—this is genius. Of course, if you neither did McKinley. repose confidence in the wrong man you The big man is not the man who wants will rue it, but genius turns on selection. to live not only his own life but the life Big men, nowadays, are big because of others, but he is great who reposes they get others to do their work. faith in others, and thus brings out the Napoleon said, " I win my battles with best there is in them, that which was my marshals." And then, when he was often before unguessed. The Other Side. —


AM going to content myself often hear of the beauties of old here with the mention of one tre,age, but the only old age that is thing, which so far as I know beautiful is the one the man has been has never been mentioned in long preparing for by living a beautiful print: the danger to society of life. Every one of us is right now pre- exclusive friendsips between man and paring for old age. man, and woman and woman. There may be a substitute somewhere in No two persons of the same sex can com- the world for Good Nature, but I do not plement each other. know where it can 41 We should either RE you in the tread- be found. have a good many The secret of sal- acquaintances or mill? Well, the only vation is this: else none at all. Keep sweet, be use- way you can get out is by C When two men ful, and keep busy. begin to " tell each evolving mastership. other everything," not lean on they are hiking for We are controlled by our OOany one, and senility $* s* let no one habits. At first we manage lean on There must be a you 5^ The ideal bit of well-defined them, but later they manage society will be reserve s+ s— made up of ideal us. Habits young are like lion In matter—solid individuals. Be a steel, for instance cubs—so fluffy and funny! man and be a friend —the^ molecules to everybody. never touch. They Have a care what kind of When the Master never surrender habits you are evolving—soon admonished His their individuality. disciples to love C We are all mol- you will be in their power, their enemies, He cules of Divinity, had in mind the they eat and our personality and may you up. It truth that an ex- should not be aban- is habit that chains us to the clusive love is a doned. Be your- mistake—love dies self; let no man be treadmill and makes us sub- when it is mono- necessary to you; ject to the will of others. And polized— it grows your friend will by giving. Love, think more of you it is habit that gives master- lim., is an error. if you keep him at Your enemy yourself CI, a little distance. ship—of and others. is one who mis- Friendship, like understands you credit, is highest where it is not used. I why should you not rise above the fog can understand how a strong man can and see his error and respect him for the have a great and abiding affection for a good qualities you find in him? thousand other men, and call them all by name, but how he can regard any one of fTlE want the competent man. Self- these men much higher and closer to ^*s reliance, patience, good cheer—the him than another, and preserve his men- ability to be useful—these are the things tal balance, I do not know. we are working for in the public schools Let a man come close enough and he '11 of America. And we are all working for clutch you like a drowning person, and them—the man or woman in a commun- down you both go. In close and exclusive ity who does not take a pride and interest friendships men partake of others' weak- in his public school has a very small and nesses s* $+ insignificant soul. And this general inter- est of the best minds token a continual Enthusiasm is the great hill climber. betterment—we are going somewhere. ; ——; —

Page 116 THE WOTB BOO/C fr^ax^y AM the tireless servant of man. C I symbol safety, surety, sanity, sani- 41 To the intelligent merchant tation; Kj\ or manufacturer—the man I carry the White Man's Burden! prizes economy, efficien- \7fti who «U AM THE MOTOR TRUCK. v^ln^iy cy, sanity, sanitation and —The Motor Truck. safety—I am a necessity. No animal that lives has strength and endurance OST certainly not all Socialists are such as I possess. >M shirks, but many shirks are Social- Congested highways cried aloud for me, ists. I have hired dozens of them, and that the channels of commerce might be when they agree to work eight hours cleared, delays to distribution destroyed they cross their fingers. They know little —and the quicker enjoyment of life's of obligation and nothing of responsibil- luxuries might be yours. ity. They regard their employer as their Then Inventive Genii waved a wand, enemy. They do not know that a great and I CAME! industrial institution is a matter of con- I—WHO am more powerful than fifty servation, eternal vigilance and sleep- horses—swifter than flesh and blood less persistency. This talk about bloated tireless and sleepless; bond-holders and millionaires indulging I—who eat little and drink seldom in champagne suppers and exceeding the who feel not the lash of the driver and speed is Number Six tommyrot. Your fear neither heat nor cold; captain of industry works sixteen hours I—who ask no mercy—expect no kind- a day, often sweats blood to make up a ness—to whom day and night are as pay-roll, drinks tea and is satisfied with one;—born full grown and full strength, a baked apple and one egg on toast. as Minerva leaped from the brain of C He is the man at the helm—chained Jove, full armed; to Ixion's wheel—and his business is " I—whom age does not weaken nor ill- like unto that of Jim Bludsoe, to hold ness harm; her nose to the bank, till every galoot is I—who lengthen the reach of the mer- ashore." He is the one man who cannot chant's arms a thousandfold, and daily take off his apron, and throw down his help him win the battles of life;—bring tools. Only a free man can do that. Your from the fields and marts of plenty the so-called capitalist has to stay, face the overplus that feeds the rest of the world deficit and bear the disgrace of defeat, —to the factories the food from the if defeat it be, and often is. field—to the stores the cloth from the :-* s» looms—from the press the news of the OUR hope now lies in business men world;—to your home what you wear, and women. eat or drink—the music you play, the It is the businessman—the economist books you read; who constructs houses, builds railroads —to the trains the passengers who ride and irrigates the waste places. And the and the goods whose shipment is the farmer of today is a businessman—he is commercial life of a community no longer a serf. Of all men, he is an econ- —to you the wealth that comes from omist. You can get along without lawyers, bridging space bring I, compressing time, but the farmer is a necessity. We all lean saving money, eliminating uncertainty. on the farmer—and sometimes heavily. €\, Various imitators have I, but no com- C Dreadnaughts add nothing to your petitors $+ s+ wheat crop. They take from the ranks of The brains of a thousand inventors have production some of our brightest, strong- seethed, dreamed, contrived, thought, est and best young men, and make of so as to bring me up to my present form. them consumers, not producers. The C I render useless the Society for the work of the soldier, the lawyer, the doc- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; tor, is all palliative, not creative or con- C I represent a maximum of carrying structive. And it all has to be paid for power with a minimum of cost by the men who dig it out of the ground. —:


PILEPSY is a very ancient Possibly, if we could see the cells of the disorder. It was known in the brain, we would find the secret of time of Hippocrates as the epilepsy in a lesion. But as it is, to treat " Sacred Disease," because a brain-storm with ether, bromides, the priests had it—victims calabar bean, nitroglycerine, chloroform, we would say of trances or religious arsenic, and continued narcosis with frenzy. In Rome it was frequent. We are opium, are all futile. The relief is bought told of a man who came to Christ saying, with a price. For the time you may para- " Lord have mercy lyze the patient, on my son, for he but quiet is not OO much emphasis is no is a lunatic and cure. The cause is sore vexed; for emphasis — raise your faulty elimination often he falleth in- and the return of to the fire, and oft voice too loud and no one the norm must be into the water, and hears you. Hit too hard and by the turnpike of I have brought him God — sunshine, unto thy disciples you excite sympathy for your work, equanimity, and they could not victim. Draw your indictment moderation s«* a«* cure him." The seizure or too sweeping and it becomes eVERY sani- spasm of epilepsy tarium, every &— s» is a remedial en- suspicious hotel, every public deavor on the part institution — every of Nature to throw off a poison in the family, I was going to say—has two lives system. The primal cause of the imme- the placid, moving life that the public diate explosion is hidden in the secret knows, and the throbbing, pulsing life of recesses of infinity—no microscope can plot and counterplot—the life that goes find it. But there is always an immediate on beneath the surface. It is the same cause—a pushing of the button—the with the human body: how bright and current goes off with a bang—the vital calm the eye, how smooth and soft the fluids are short circuited, and the burn- skin, how warm and beautiful this rose ing out of the fuse saves the patient's mesh of flesh! But beneath there is a life s+ ot> seething struggle between the forces of But the tendency is always toward life and the forces of disintegration—and dementia, for the wear and tear on the eventually nothing succeeds but failure. machinery that races, when the governor ^^ &+ $+ is on a strike, is terrific. KO cultivate concentration, practise Epileptics are, almost without exception, ^^ relaxation. Lie down on the floor for gluttons. Here epilepsy and apoplexy three minutes on your back, breathe are twins. Gourmands sleep too much, deeply, lie still, and turn your mind in and at the wrong time. Bolt your food think of nothing. and you are beckoning for the barrel- To concentrate on your work, you must stave of Nemesis. Fear, hate, worry, enjoy your work. And to enjoy your alcoholism, and all psychic trolley-rides work, you must drop it at certain hours. that exceed the speed limit, make for He lasts longest, and soars highest, who epilepsy $+ s& cultivates the habit of just being a boy Whether epilepsy is hereditary or not is a for an hour a day. Take a vacation every question, but the tendency toward it day, if you want to do good work. surely is. Epileptics should not marry. For a I think that in Literature the man who healthy person to mate with an epileptic wins in the future can not afford to be is a sin. For two epileptics to mate should diffuse or profound. He will be suggest- be a crime—it is to cross chaos with a ive, and the reader must have the privi- blizzard s* ?+ lege of being learned and profound. Page 118 THE JVOTE BOO/C

HOSE who are given to the CONTINUALLY there comes to luxuries of the table are pre- every thinking man a Voice which paring for the pleasures ot says, " Arise and get thee hence, for the operator's table. this is not thy rest." All through life are The average length of life these way stations where man says, would be increased immensely if we " There, now I've found it; here will I would just begin to " Know Thyself." build three tabernacles." But soon he €[ As it is now, we depend on the doctors hears the Voice, and it is ever on, and to cure us if we are sick, and if worst on, and on. He came into life without his comes to worst, we are fully prepared to choice and is being hurried out of it go to the hospital and have the surgeon against his will, and over the evening of remove the inflamed organ. Would n't his dream steals the final conclusion that it be better to so live that no inflamma- he has been used by a Power, not him- tion would follow? self, for unseen ends. Disease comes only to those who have But the novelists, and politicians, and been preparing for it. Disease is a se- economists, and poets are continually quence postponed by Nature as long as telling us that man's trouble comes from she can, and then, discouraged, she says, this or that, and then they name their " Let 'er go—back to the Mass!" Begin- specialty. They are like catarrh doctors ners on the bicycle run into the object who treat every patient, no matter what they seek to avoid. The doctor and the the ailment, by nasal douche. hospital are in our minds: we think dis- Marriage is only a way station. ease, not happiness and health. Trains may stop two minutes or twenty Health is within our reach—it costs minutes for lunch. The place may be an nothing—only the effort which soon ugly little crossroads, or it may be a grows into a pleasurable habit. Ask any beautiful village s+ s+ doctor of any school if I am not right! Possibly it's the end of a division, but C Why not acquire the Health Habit? egad, dearie, it's not the end of the C Here is the formula: journey! s+ s>+ First, deep breathing in the open air Very young people think it is, but they with your mouth closed. find their mistake. It's a nice place, very Second, moderation in eating—simple often, but not the place they thought it dishes—fletcherize. was. They bought one thing and when Third, exercise at least an hour in the they got home found something else in open each day, walking, working in the the package, and Nature won't change garden, playing with the children. it * *» Fourth, sleep eight hours in a thoroughly But woman should n't be blamed for ventilated room. that—that's God's fault, not hers. Fifth, don't bother to forgive your enemies—just forget them. Sixth, keep busy—it is a beautiful world, ^< HERE is a disease known as factory and we must and will and can leave it V./ melancholia. If there is a depres- more beautiful than we found it. sion of spirit in the front office it goes out through the foreman, the superin- 6MERSON says, "A great institu- tendent, and reaches everybody in the tion is the lengthened shadow of one employ of the institution. Even the man." $+ *• horses that deliver the goods to the rail- That is, one man's spirit runs through road station will catch it. They will and pervades every successful institu- moderate their pace, and no longer will tion. He keys the symphony. they frolic in glee. The brass on their Is the store a jumble of rush, push, grab, harness is not receiving attention. The graft and disorder? That is the soul of ivory rings are being lost. Indifference is the manager you see. He is not big showing itself in every department. enough to make an atmosphere. Everybody is saying, " What's the use!" — !


HEN a guinea sees a hawk Pup stipulates all the facts concerning or any big bird flying his lineal descent to be as stated, and around, he gives the alarm hikes .'*© $•» and all the fowls but the

guineas scoot for cover. 1NY man who plots anothers' undo- The guinea just flies up on the gate and Q ing is digging his own grave. Every shoots forth a torrent of Billingsgate de- politician who voices innuendoes, and fiance. No bird that wears feathers has a hints of base wrong about a rival, is vocabulary equal blackening his to the guinea—it is HE individual busy at work, own character. For so profane that it a time he may seem at work he likes, is safe. This is unprintable. Epi- to succeed, but the way sanity, health and hap- thet, ridicule, sar- end is sure—it is casm and cussword piness lie s«» $+ defeat and death. are sent forth in Through the proper exercise of the All those plotters rapid fire. When a three H's—Head, Hand, Heart—are of the French Re- guinea is a little volution who work- we educated. And to be educated is excited you can ed the guillotine hear him a mile. to live, for education means develop- in double shifts As before intimat- ment, unfoldment. There is only were at last drag- ed, it is Mr. Guinea one thing worth praying for, and ged to the scaffold, himselt who makes that is to be in the line of evolution and pushed under most of the noise, the knife. —growth. There is no happiness but his wife is a The hate we sow good imitator, and elsewhere, save in the consciousness finds lodgment in she always echoes that we are tunneling toward the our hearts, and the the sentiments of light, slowly but surely. To know crop is nettles that her liege political, Fate unrelentingly — this is to live. We are all Sons of social, religious. demands we gather. God, and it doth not yet appear On the subject of Who lives by the hawks, weasels, what we shall be. Our Windows are hammer shall per- skunks and strange open toward the East ish by the hammer. cats, old Mr. and If you work in a Mrs. Guinea are absolutely one. On department-store, a bank, a railroad- non-essentials they occasionally differ office, a factory, I beg of you, on your life, and exhibit these differences as to do not knock. Speak ill of no one, andlisten what constitutes wit by many interest- to no idle tales. Whether the bitter things ing little physical-culture exhibitions. told are true or not, has no bearing on the In other words, they fight. issue. To repeat an unkind truth is just as But with guineas a foreign disturbance bad as to invent a lie. If some one has always makes peace at home s+ s* spoken ill of me, do not be so foolish as to The guinea has surpassed man in this hope to curry favor by telling me of it. he has abolished fear. He sounds warn- The " housecleaning" that occurs in the ing notes, but as for himself, he resembles offices of companies and corporations, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, his former owner, and every little while, comes as a necessity. does n't give a damn. In a small establishment the head of the Mr. Guinea is boss of the barnyard. house can usually pooh-pooh the bicker- Even a game-bird considers discretion ing out of the window; but in large con- the better part of valor. A guinea will cerns where many men are troubled with tackle an English bulldog. If the dog lint on the lungs, and everybody seems knew his power he might win, or at least to have forgottenhis work, just to "chew," get a slice of the gate-receipts, but when then self-protection prompts the manager a guinea begins to say things at a bulldog to clean house. It is the only thing he can any other dog for that matter—Mr. do to preserve the life of the concern. Page 120

HAT this country has got but there are a few things that yet need a to do is to retain the good little buffing and a bit of sand-papering. and valuable services SO Co which lawyers and doctors ^"YUBLIC opinion will not tolerate in have to give; and this can &=£. America a heartless judiciary. At only be done by making them attaches last the people judge the judge. The of the State, and putting them on sal- court of last resort is not the Supreme aries so so court at Washington so so The doctors must The judge who is find it to their not a gentleman is interest to destroy pp]EN POSITIVE COM- now the rare excep- their business. They So SO tion; and a gentle- { MANDMENTS must keep people man is one who is well and show them I. Thou shalt think well of thyself gentle toward the how to banish the and well of thy neighbor. friendless. He real- demons of disease. izes that the person II. Thou shalt add to the health, C Every lawyer who has failed to should be a concil- wealth and happiness of the world so be a friend to him- iator. He should III. Thou shalt be on good terms self, needs a friend. thrive through dif- with sunshine, fresh air and water so The instincts of the fusing justice, har- IV. Thou shalt get eight hours' typical American mony, peace, good judge are all in the sleep a day. will and love, and direction of pity not through dis- V. Thou shalt eat moderately, and and helpfulness. He tributing their op- exercise every day in the open air so is not a sanctimon- posites, like the VI. Thou shalt love the memory of ious bigot. Jeffreys termagant woman thy mother, and be true to the is dead. distributing the The wide exper- friends that have done so much for dust, dirt, bacteria, ience of a judge by violently agita- thee so so dealing with hu- ting a broom. VII. Thou shalt recognize the di- manity in every We must make vinity in all men. phase, makes him it easier for law- VIII. Thou shalt remember the slow to condemn. yers to do what is He realizes that week-day to keep it holy. right, by making it the major habit or for their interest IX. Thou shalt remember that thee the minor sin trips so to do ; and can only help thine by helping other its victim over the exactly the same people, and that to injure another bank at an un- rapplies guarded point, thing to is to injure thyself, and that to love doctors. We must and to get back and benefit others is to live long fix the doctor's to safety, strong ideal on health, and well. and friendly hands happiness and use- X. Thou shalt love the stars, the must reach out. fulness, and take ocean, the forest, and reverence all That man who, his gaze off the living things, recognizing that the when any one fell warts, tumors and in the canal oppo- source of life is one. inflamed appen- site his house, put dices so So up the price of People who live rightly are well; and it is lumber, was not fit timber for the for the doctor to show us how to keep wool -sack so so well, and this he will do when he thrives How any man can look into the mirror through health and not through our dis- and blame any man or woman for any- abilities. thing, I do not know. The world is being made over, it is true; We fight on forever and fail; we are —

OF TBLBERT HUBBARD Page 121 mauled to the earth and arise; we stumble JZITNYTHING you prepare for, you forward with feeble vision and tired 3—1. get. Nations that prepare for war feet, and only the love that lives in len- will find an excuse for fighting. ient hearts makes life tolerable. When The Law of Compensation never rests. mankind repudiates us and fellowship is There was no such thing as civilization dead, we then turn for surcease to the until individuals ceased carrying arms, welcoming waters of the lake and find and agreed to refer their differences to peace s+ &* the courts s^ s«» Our common lot is not to succeed, but to If Ohio and Pennsylvania have a mis- struggle, persevere and fail. understanding, they do not go at it .©» .'©» tooth and nail to destroy property TNY law that can be easily broken is they have agreed on a way to adjust 3—1. a bad law. Any tendency in life that their misunderstandings $* is wrong, which is palliated and perpet- The good sense of the world says today uated by society, is unethical. that nations should mediate and arbi- Every one is agreed that we should make trate s«* s«* it easy for everybody to do what is right, The War-Lord spirit is an anachronism. and difficult to do what is wrong. That And no matter what it was once, it is, we should reward, by a natural auto- today is a detestable thing. matic process, everything which tends War preparedness leads to war. to human betterment; and we should The coast-line between Canada and the discourage, by withholding a reward, United States, from the Saint Lawrence everything which tends to double-deal- River to Lake Superior, is about two ing, falsity, finesse, chicanery. thousand miles. /•<* so In the year Eighteen Hundred Twelve, NCE, in my callow days, there were forty-six forts, big and little, I accepted a wager that I on the United States side, and about the could wear a prison suit and same number frowned at us from Canada. walk from Buffalo to Cleve- C At Fort Niagara alone there were at land without serious molesta- one time six thousand troops. Alto- tion. It took me over four days to get gether we had on the Great Lakes over a thirty miles, I was arrested nine times, hundred craft devoted to the art of and at Dunkirk I came near being mob- fighting—this in the interest of peace. bed by Sunday School picnickers, and was C In one little battle we had with our compelled to give up my uniform for British cousins, on Lake Erie, Commo- citizens clothes. Yet I was a free man and dore Perry, a rash youth of twenty- innocent of crime, and there was no law seven, captured six British ships and defining what I should wear, so long as it killed three hundred men. A little was male attire. before this the British destroyed ten But there are unwritten laws, and to a ships for us and killed two hundred great degree society dictates what its Americans s* $+ members shall wear, just as in feudal After the War of Eighteen Hundred times, and much the same today, the Twelve was ended and peace was de- master dictates to his servants what clared, both sides got busy, very busy their clothing shall be. strengthening the forts and building And the master himself is caught in the warships s* a^ mesh that he has woven, and this soulless At Watertown, Conneaut, Erie, Port something we call Society dictates to him Huron, Cleveland and Detroit were what he shall do and what not. There are shipyards where hundreds of men were limits beyond which he can not go. So working night and day building war- the men who make fashions are caught ships. Not that war was imminent, but and held captive by them, just as the the statesmen of the time said there was children who play ghost get badly nothing like " preparedness." In Can- frightened themselves. ada, things were much the same, and Page 122 " 5. All other armed vessels to be at A full-grown Jew might put up a good once dismantled, and no other vessel of company bluff, but a child is no hypo- war shall be built or armed along the crite; and mark you this, the child gets Saint Lawrence River or on the Great its cue for manners and behavior from Lakes." $+ s» its parents. If the mother has little This agreement has been religiously patience the child is a little worse, and if kept. Its effect was to stop work at once the father is a boor in his home his boys on the fortifications, and cause disarma- are hoodlums. Jewish children respect ment along the Great Lakes. their parents and grandparents. So far as we know, the agreement will I do not believe that you can teach a continue for all time. Both parties are child under fourteen anything by admon- satisfied, and in fact so naturally has it ition; you do teach him, however, most been accepted very few people know of emphatically, by example. If you scold its existence $+ s+ a child you only add to his vocabulary, Here is an example that our friends in and he visits on doll or playfellow your Europe might well ponder over. If those language and manner. forts on the frontier had been main- The Jew may hang on to a dollar when tained, and had the ships of war contin- dealing with the Enemy, but he does not ued to sail up and down, it would have dole out pittances to his wife, alternately Or TELBERT HUBBARD Page 123

humor and cuff his children, nor request, No one can ever describe Yellowstone by his manner, that elderly people who Park, because what you see and feel are not up-to-date shall get off the there is beyond compare, and therefore earth s— s+ beyond speech. The eyes reveal the soul, the mouth, the flesh, the chin stand ET me relate a somewhat for purpose, the nose means will. But sad but true incident: In over and behind all is that fleeting New York, years ago, there Something we call " expression." This used to live an elderly gen- Something is not set or fixed, it is fluid tleman with long white as the ether, changeful as the clouds that whiskers, a linen duster and patriarchal move in mysterious majesty across the ways a* $+ surface of the Summer sky, subtle as the He was known as the " Bum Peter sob of rustling leaves—too faint at Cooper." At conventions, mass-meet- times for human ears—elusive as the ings and public gatherings, his services ripples that play hide-and-seek over the were in demand at two dollars per. All bosom of a placid lake. You feel there he had to do was to applaud the speakers as did Leonardo when he tried to portray by pounding vociferously on the floor the face of his lady-love. To do so would with his cane, say nothing and look like have been to picture his own fleeting, the real Peter Cooper. changing, moving mood. Finally, through the applause that You see Niagara Falls and you go away always greeted him when he appeared and talk about it; you see Yellowstone upon the stage at public meetings, a Park and you go away and think about buzzing bluebottle got into his bonnet, it $+ It is an Experience, and never and he became possessed of the idea that again are you quite the same person. he was the Sure-Enough Peter Cooper, You have been close to Infinity. and the other man, who built the Cooper Robert Browning tells us of Lazarus, Union was a Bum. He grew garrulous who, having come back from the confines and fell into the habit of referring to the of Death, could not speak of what he Real Peter Cooper as a freak, a fake and had seen, because there was nobody he a fraud. As long as the Bum was quiet, could talk with who had had a similar all was well, but when he began to talk, experience a^ s^ his supporters were obliged to throw The person who has been to Yellowstone him into the Irish Sea. Park can only talk about it with those .'-/» £4» who, too, have seen, known and felt. HERE is just one objection to Yellowstone Park and BNY man who is unfamiliar and out that is, it exhausts your of sympathy with the simple, supply of adjectives. little, common, every-day things of ^^ Usually we describe things life, who is not in touch with the multi- by saying they are like this or they tude and whose heart does not go out to remind you of that. the many, is a good man to let alone. No But the Yellowstone Park reminds you matter how plausible his arguments, of things you have seen and experienced give him absent treatment. Flee any man in dim eons past and ages gone. You look who does not have commonsense,no mat- upon the gushing geysers, the towering ter how great his mental attainments. crystal peaks, the dashing streams, the limpid lakes, the mountains lifting them- ROOK FARM disbanded because selves to the skies, cold, solemn and *^J the man at the head of it had no imperturbable, and your eyes turn at head for business, nor did he have the last to the eternal blue overhead, and capacity to select a man who had. But you are hushed, awed, subdued, and the its "failure" was a success, in that it Sense of Sublimity holds you fast. Tears was a rotting log that nourished a bank come as a great relief. of violets. —

Page 124 THE WOTB SOO/C CORRESPONDENT— asks man can love a woman long if she does me this: " Do brilliant not help him carry the burden of life. men prefer brilliant wo- He will support her for a few weeks, or men?" $+ s^ possibly years, then if she does n't show First, disclaiming the gentle a disposition and ability to support him, assumption that I am brilliant, I say, her stock drops below par. Men and yes s«» so» women must go forward hand in hand The essence of marriage is companion- single file is savagery. A brilliant man is ship, and the woman you face across the dependent on a woman, and the greater coffee urn every morning for ninety-nine he is the more he needs her. years must be both able to appreciate The brilliant man wants a wife who is his your jokes and to sympathize with your chum, companion, a " good fellow" to aspirations. If this is not so the man will whom he can tell the things he knows, or stray, actually, or else chase the ghosts guesses, or hopes, one with whom he can of dead hopes through the grave-yard of be stupid and foolish—one with whom his dreams $* s^ he can act out his nature. If she is By brilliant men is meant, of course, men stupid all the time, he will have to be who have achieved brilliant things—who brilliant, and this will kill them both. To can write, paint, model, orate, plan, grin and bear it is gradual dissolution; to manage, devise and execute. bear it and not grin is death. Brilliant men are but ordinary men, who Robert Louis, the Beloved, used to tell at intervals are capable of brilliant of something he called " Charm." But performances. Not only are they ordi- even his subtle pen with all its witchery, nary most of the time, but often at could not quite describe charm of times they are dull, perverse, prejudiced manner—that gracious personal quality and absurd «• s+ which meets people, high or low, great So here is the truth: Your ordinary man or small, rich or poor and sends them who does the brilliant things would be away benefited, blessed and refreshed. ordinary all the time were it not for the C Ellen Terry, turned sixty, has it. fact that he is inspired by a woman. The Duse, homely, positively homely in C Great thoughts and great deeds are features, rests her chin in her hand and the children of married minds. looks at you and listens in a way that When you find a great man playing a captures, captivates and brings again big part on life's stage you '11 find in the pleasures of past years. sight, or just around the corner, a great We are all just children in the Kinder- woman. Read history! garten of God, and we want play-fellows. A man alone is only half a man; it takes d If a woman is pretty I would say it is the two to make the whole. no disadvantage unless she is unable to Ideas are born of parents. forget it. But plainness of feature does Now life never did, nor can, consist in not prohibit charm of manner, sincerity, doing brilliant things all day long. honesty and the ability to be a good Before breakfast most men are rogues. house-keeper and a noble mother. And even brilliant men are brilliant There are many degrees of brilliancy, only two hours a day. These brilliant but as a general proposition this holds. moments are exceptional. Life is life to C A brilliant man wants a wife who is everybody. We must eat, breathe, sleep, intellectually on his wire—one who, exercise, bathe, dress and lace our shoes. when he rings up, responds. We must be decent to folks, agreeable to This is PARADISE!—Men and Women. friends, talk when we should and be silent when we ought. €[ This incapacity for independent To be companionable—fit to live under action, this moral stupidity, [this infirm- the same roof with good people—con- ity of the will to catch hold and lift, are sists neither in being pretty nor clever. the things that put pure Socialism so far It all hinges on the ability to serve. No into the future. —


HE habit of Self-Confidence evolve physical and mental Industry by is a result of the habits of doing certain things at certain hours, Industry and Concentration. ceasing the effort before it becomes weari- And I hope I 've made it some. In mental work keep in touch with clear that Concentration is people who are a little beyond you. the result of pleasurable, useful effort, or The joy and satisfaction of successful Industry. Also, I hope I 've made it clear effort—overcoming obstacles, getting that for Industry to be of the first quality lessons, mastering details which we once the person must at thought difficult, times relax and evolves into a ha- find rest in change IFE is beautiful, and for bit, and gives Con- through play be centration. Indus- — all we know, death is a child—run, frolic, try and Concentra- dig in the garden, just as good. And death, tion fixed in charac- saw wood—relax. ter as habits mean When you have science shows, is in itself a Self-Confidence. point Industry, Concen- reached a form of life. where your work tration and Self- gives you a great, The man who lives well is the Confidence spell quiet joy, and Mastership $+ s* one who is willing to go or through this joy So from the man and interest you stay. And the man who is we get the Master- concentrate, then man $+ What lies comes Self-Confi- willing to go or stay, stays beyond I do not dence. You are now quite a while. John Calvin know s+ Perhaps well out on the road when I become a to Mastership. and John Knox had a deal to Master I shall Ste- know one stage Robert Louis do with devising and formu- — venson said, " I at a time is enough. know what plea- lating a religion of sorrow, and If there is n't time sure is, for I have in this life, per- done good work." each died old at fifty-seven. haps there will be C The recipe for Unfortunately, they took hereafter. Self-Confidence is: Do good work. themselves seriously, attempt- XF I were an " Courage, " says employee I Emerson, " comes ing to say the final word. And would never men- from having done any one who does this is suf- tion wages. I would the thing before." focus right on my C A man who does fering from arterio-sclerosis of work and do it. good work does not The man that his think-cells. Life is fluid; C have to talk, apol- endures is the man ogize or explain and nothing is permanent but that wins. I would his work speaks. never harass my And even though change. employer with in- there be no one to opportune [proposi- appreciate it, the man feels in it a great, tions. I would give him peace, and I quiet joy. He relaxes, smiles, rests, fully would lighten his burdens. intent on taking up his labors to-morrow Personally, I would never be in evidence and doing better than ever. unless it were positively necessary—my The highest reward that God gives us for work would tell its own story. good work, is the ability to do better The cheerful worker who goes ahead and work. Rest means rust. makes himself a necessity to the business So we get the formula: Acquire and —never adding to the burden of his —; —

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superiors—will sooner or later get all those who are true to the cause which that is his due, and more. He will not they undertake. " This one thing I do." only get pay for his work, but will get a d, The human mind can be likened to a bonus for his patience and another for tract of land divided into lots. These his good cheer. This is the law of the mental lots are made up of say, business, world &+ s+ religion, education, love, art, music, The man who makes a strike to have his work, play—a single lot being given to wages raised from fifteen to eighteen each subject—then each of these is also dollars a week may get the increase, and subdivided $+ &+ then his wages will stay there. Had he In some of these town lots the man has a kept quiet and just been intent on mak- devout, loyal interest; for others he is ing himself a five-thousand-dollar man, neutral; and toward others he may have he might have gravitated straight to a an indifference bordering on repulsion. five-thousand-dollar desk. No man has ever lived who had an equal I would not risk spoiling my chances for loyalty toward every department of life, a large promotion by asking for a small and if a person is absolutely loyal to one one. And it is but a trite truism to say he does well. If he can show himself that no man ever received a large pro- equal to being true to several, he is a motion because he demanded it—he got genius. The more worthy things to which it because he was wanted to fill the job. you are loyal, the greater are you. Ask the man who receives a ten-thou- d, Unloyalty is very much more common sand-dollar-a-year salary how he man- than disloyalty. Unloyalty means simply aged to bring it about, and he will tell indifference. For instance, most church you that he did his work as well as he members are quite indifferent to truth. could s+ £•» Their belief is supplied hand-me-down. Never did such a man go on a strike. They join the church for social reasons C The most successful strike is a defeat in response to mild coercion or family and had this man been a striker by pressure, and so are moving in the line of nature, sudden and quick to quarrel, least resistance. The person of intelli- jealous of his rights, things would have gence who does not join a church is conspired to keep him down and under. usually one who resists this polite social I do not care how clever he may be or blackmail, because his religious con- how well educated, his salary would have science forbids his being disloyal to been eighteen a week at the furthest, truth. Such were the martyrs—Tyndale, with a very tenuous hold upon his job. Wyclif, Ridley, Latimer, Savonarola, Bruno. These men all preferred the KOYALTY is that quality which fagots to social favor and intellectual prompts a person to be true to the slavery, just as there are women who thing he understands. It means definite prefer death to ease, gauds and baubles direction, fixity of purpose. and disloyalty to their ideal of love. Loyalty supplies power, poise, purpose, C All artists who succeed are loyal to ballast, and works for health and success. their art. That maxim " false in one, C Nature helps the loyal man. false in all," is as false a commonplace If you are careless, slipshod, indifferent, as was ever launched. Gladstone was Nature assumes that you wish to be true in his domestic affairs, and loyal as a nobody and grants your prayer, a statesman, but he could not possibly d, Loyalty, in one sense, is love, for it is imagine how and why Ingersoll could a form of attraction. not accept the Book of Genesis. A vacillating mind is a sick mind in a Gladstone's loyalty to England was the sick body. Vacillation is lack of loyalty keystone in his arch of triumph. And we and it is a disease. forget his sophistry in Bible argument, Loyalty is not a mere matter of brain iust as we forget the book written by capacity; success does not go to those Sir Isaac Newton, proving the literal who know the most—it gravitates to truth of the Old Testament prophecies. — ——


And so it is that every man who suc- and not through a furtive eye on the ceeds in anything wins through his un- house and a canny peep-hole in the cur- flinching, unfailing, tireless loyalty to tain has not traveled far. that particular thing s* Byron made No man ever succeeded in business, or bargains with Barabbas, but he never can, who wears the dial off the clock. Such wrote a muddy slipshod line, nor could an one may not be disloyal — he may he be bribed nor bought to do so $+ be merely unloyal — but he is ever He had the "artist conscience," whether ripe for a lay-off, and always imag- he had any other ines some one has kind or not s+ s** it in for him. F you are defamed, let time Michelangelo was And he is right ever and always vindicate you—silence is a everybody and ev- loyal to his art, and thousand times better than erything, including this was why six explanation. Explanations do not Fate and Destiny, popes, under whom Clio and Nemesis, explain. Let your life be its own ex- he worked, all have it in for him. cuse for being cease all explana- kissed his big toe. — The only man who And this is why we, tions and all apologies, and just live goes unscathed is too, kiss his big toe, your life. By minding your own the one who is loy- even yet. business you give others an op- al to himself by be- Lincoln was loyal ing loyal to others. portunity to mind theirs; and de- to the land of his C The ship that it, the great souls will birth, but disloyal pend upon starts from New to the niceties and appreciate you for this very thing. York to Queens- proprieties of I am not sure that absolute, perfect town and arrives thought and lan- justice comes to everybody in this safely and on time, guage S* £•» is the one that flies world ; but I do know that the best Success hinges on the Queenstown justice is loyalty. Be true to way to get not to be too signal, that has a your art, your bus- anxious about it *» s+ Queenstown pur- iness, your employ- As love goes to those that do not pose—whose every " er, your house." lie in wait for it, so does the great package and letter Dalliance is defeat. and post-card is reward gravitate to the patient man. C " All is fair in marked " Queens- love and war," is town." She fights a maxim that may be true as regards wind and wave and tide and current, war, but never as to love. Love is always and forever with Queenstown in founded on faith, and he who vio- mind. C. Should the captain and mate, lates faith vitiates his own nature and just outside of Sandy Hook, shake dice wrecks the venture s+ *•» to see where they should go, or the " C Loyalty is for the one who is loyal. wheelmen all say, To '11 with Queens- It is a quality, woven through the very town," it is quite likely the ship would fabric of one's being, and never a thing not go to Queenstown, but instead would apart. Loyalty makes the thing to which go to Davy Jones' Locker. you are loyal, yours. Disloyalty removes The hospitals, jails, asylums, and sani- it from you. Whether any one knows of tariums are full of disloyal people your disloyalty is really of little moment, folks who have been disloyal to friends, either one way or the other. The real society, school, business, work. Never point is how does it affect yourself! say, " That will do," or " This is good 4[ Work is for the worker. enough," or " Who cares? " Nothing but Love is for the lover. Art is for the artist. your best is good enough. Stick! you Acting is for the actor, and he who does rogue, and if you quit, quit to tackle not know that Richard Mansfield's suc- a harder job s*> $* cess was due to his "artistic conscience," God is on the side of the loyal ! Loyalty. Page 128

HOMAS DE QUINCEY if you insist on it, that asceticism is a was saved from despair and form of sensuality that finds its grati- death by Ann of Venusberg. fication in denial. I will also grant that De Quincey lived for full your Artist is not a celibate, and all I fifty years after that—always claim is that his highest pleasures are looking for Ann. €[ Some folks say that to him a symbol. He knows that the he was looking for his Ideal, and that things which endure are spiritual s+ .--* " he simply called her Ann," but this C And so the woman who is to comple- is mere quibble «•» ment this man of C^DeMusset trans- intellect and soul OYALTY is the great lated the Confes- must be the Wo- sions of an Opium- lubricant in life. It saves man who Under- Eater and trans- stands. He can not the wear and tear of making formed Ann into teach her, life is too a conventional so- daily decisions as to what is short. She should ciety belle, lest the comprehend with- Faubourg D 'Upper best to do. It preserves balance out explanation be shocked. and makes results cumula- that sex must not Let that pass, if run rampant; nei- the Hepburn Bill tive. The man who is loyal to ther need it be sub- does not forbid s+ dued, but it must his work is not wrung nor C Every man be spiritualized «•» whose life and as- perplexed by doubts—he sticks If she allows mere pirations are intuition to lead touched with the to the ship, and if the ship she is a vampire, Spirit, spends his founders, he goes down a hero and in a very short life, perhaps un- time will hold her consciously, look- with the colors flying at the mate only by a ing for the Ideal statutory bond a» playing. Woman—the wo- mast, and band C And even though man whose soul a bishop in full ca- will make good the deficiencies in his nonicals has solemnized a riot of pas- own. He feels his weakness, his incom- sions, and little girls in white have gone pleteness; he is conscious that alone he before strewing flowers, love's death is but half a man, but if he could only surely follows license. Can law sanctify find Her—his other half—all would be sensuality? s+ &+ as God designed it. Do all the " bad women " live in this Thus sought Dante, thus sought De " quarter " or that? Quincey, thus sought Le Gallienne in The police do not know, for they are his Quest. And Le Gallienne found Her but the tools of that ignorant, blunder- —the Golden Girl—found her just where ing, blind thing, the law; and the preach- De Quincey found his Ann. ers who conventionally bless certain Ann of Venusberg was not a vampire; things, and curse others, lift an eyebrow the Golden Girl was not a vampire s— and ask in affected surprise, " What Each was the Woman who Understands. does the gentleman mean? " But the C And having an understanding mind law of antithesis exists, the paradox and a willing heart each gave life and lives, life is a spiral; and possibly when healing and complemented the soul of all Things are Made Plain, we who have a strong man, instead of sucking his glorified in women but a single virtue, heart's blood. will find that De Quincey and Le Galli- The man of Spiritual Impulse is to a enne were right, and that the Woman degree an ascetic; perforce, he must be, who Understands is the Magdalene, who for Spirituality is sex manifesting itself from out of the purging fires of purgatory in religious or artistic fervor. I will grant completes the circle and arises pure and The Greatest Mistake You Can Make in Life is to be Continually- Fearing You Will Make One

— — 1


spotless, recognizing Deity incarnate ence is good—the Law of Compensation when all others blindly fail. I really never rests and the stagnation of a do not know s*» s* dead-level " happy married life " may Walking through the gallery of statuary not be any more to the strong man's of the Luxembourg I saw the white advantage than a long course of stupid carved nude figure of a man—a man misunderstanding. Milton bewailed the in all the splendid strength of youth. fact that he could get freedom from Standing behind him on a higher part marital woes on no less ignoble of the pedestal was grounds than by the form of a wo- violating his mar- is - gjS^jHE menial a man who man;niaii, andanu this111.1.0 wo-vw I^'Vt^M riagex lcl &^ vows.vwwo. Miltonavjl 1 lwi man was leaning is disloyal to his WOrk. did not get his free over, her face turned toward «A11 ed £LK*,£S him, her lips about to the plane of art insensate, and so to be pressed upon did her whole fam- love for the task his. I moved closer When ily of seven persons. and .to one side, Loyalty—is fused with the And his sharp cry and saw that on made him the butt effort so the face of the &o of jibes and jeers youth was an ex- innumerable. Mil- pression of deathly agony; and then I ton was at one time an obscure school noted that the muscles of that splen- teacher and clerk; but if any of those did body were tense with awful pain. great men who sought to humiliate and And in that one glance I saw that the defeat him are mentioned nowadays in woman's body was the body of a tigress history it is only to say " they lived in —that only her face was beautiful—and the Age of Milton." " that the arms ended in claws that were " His life ruined by a woman —Pish! digging deep into the vitals of the man you flatter her; she has n't the power. as she drew his face to hers. Suddenly €1 And the end of the whole matter, feeling the need of fresh air I turned and Brother, is, it does n't much matter what went out on the street. your condition in life is: all things are That piece of statuary gave Philip Burne equalized. Even pain, grief and loss are Jones the suggestion for his painting, good, if you are big enough to take your " The Vampire." medicine. When the Prophet said, " God Now one might suppose from that awful is good and His mercy endureth from sermon in stone that woman is the cause everlasting to everlasting," he certainly of man's undoing. But for the benefit of understood himself. henpecked and misunderstood husbands I '11 call attention to the fact that the MERICA is a giant; it is well to men who have achieved most in litera- 2 1 have a giant's strength but not well ture, music, painting and philosophy are to use it like a giant. This is the richest men who knew from sad experience the country the world has ever known—in sharpness of woman's claws: Socrates, treasure and in men and women. If we Dante, Shakespeare, Rousseau, Milton, mind our own business and devote our Wagner, Paganini and so many more energies to the arts of peace we can that were I to name them all the world solve a problem that has vexed the world would not be large enough to contain from the beginning of time. the books in which they were printed. Of course I '11 admit that the men who have been flayed by women have usually Young man, don't get groggy over girls, been greatly helped by women, and this religion, words, art or politics. They are sometimes accounts for the flaying. But all good in moderation, but bad if you get the point that I make is that all experi- an overdose s^ s«» — —

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F T is a great man who can in trees and the birds that live in their introduce us to the divinities branches, that he would forget his own that surround us, and make needs, if some one did not look after him us realize our sacred relation- with the same loving care that he be- I ships. I met such a man some stows on the trees. Fortunately, John months ago. Davey has a very practical wife and His life and work so appealed to me they have four sons and one daughter, that I grew suspicious of myself, and all tree-folks, who realize that it is not refused to write of him until I knew him quite time to adopt the Elijah habit ot better. That is to say, the very excess of life, and bank on the ravens. my regard for this man made me go John Davey is a genius, for a genius is slow. In the past the man with a surface- one who has the faculty of abandonment show has occasionally caused me to to an idea, or a cause. He is a genius ebulliate and then stand in the under- without a taint of degeneration—a gen- tow and apologize for my rashness and ius with the innocence of childhood, and unfounded zeal. You remember all the the intellect of a man. complimentary things I said about The actions of men have two effects What's-his-name? He was n't worth it, primary and secondary. Often the se- was he? He could not live up to the mark condary effect is of more importance

I set for him. than that of the primary . The Messianic Instinct is in us all. Like John Davey calls himself a tree-surgeon. Carlyle and Emerson we are hero- His treatment of decayed trees is paral- worshipers $•» And our expectancy of el to the work of a dentist on a decayed meeting the exceptional person constant- tooth a+ $+ ly leads us astray. He arrests decay, and works for health. And this is no tragedy, either, provided <[ This is Davey's primary work. The we are not led so far afield that we are secondary result of his work is not its lost in a miasmatic mental swamp, and effect upon the tree and the owner ol turned misanthropes. the tree, but the influence of his work on It is a terrible thing to lose faith in man- society s^ £» kind. And it is a glorious and refreshing This, to me, is the vital issue. thing to meet a person who restores our In carrying torward this work of looking faith in humanity and enables us to for- after sick trees, Davey is assisted by get the fools who have done us dirt. several hundred young men, whom he C A year has passed since I first heard has selected and educated for the busi- of this man of power whom I would dis- ness £•» .'€» cover to all Roycroftia and the lands that When you hear of a " Davey gang" lie beyond. " Now there was a man sent being at work somewhere, go and see from God, and his name was John." them s* *•» This man's name is John—John Davey. They are a type. Bare of head and of He is sixty years old, but looks forty, arm, brown, small or of medium size, and at times acts twenty. In figure he is silent, they work with a precision, an slight and slender, but in strength he is intelligence and an earnestness that is a like the silken cord that held the god delight to see. Thor—it stretched but never broke. If they use tobacco it is not during work- d John Davey is the Tree-Man, or the hours; if they frolic and play it is never Tree-Doctor, or the Father of Tree- at their employer's expense. Their zeal Surgery. I like to call him the Tree's is the zeal of John Davey. " This one Brother. No man I ever saw so mixed thing I do." him with the elements—no man I ever John Davey has created a new breed ot knew was so blended with the leaves men—athletes all—who climb trees like no man I ever knew possessed such a troglodytes, and yet have the sensibility sympathy for waving, swaying saplings of artists. They are big factors in reclaim- as this man. His life is all so bound up ing the earth for the joy of man. As the — —


years go by there will be more John with injured accent. And not waiting for Davey men, and every Davey man is a an answer to their conundrum they teacher—an educator. This widens the began to talk about the downtrodden circle. " So far does that little candle taxpayers s^ s— throw its beams." The Tree-Surgeon. Sam said that if the city could provide palatial places where thieves and other TRONG men are in demand. You rogues could be locked up, fed and looked can always hire men, plenty of after, it should also supply a place where them, for two dol- poor women could lars a day. When a go and give their you want a man, HAT expression, "sink- children a bath. however, to fill a And Sam had his ing self," is only a figure ten-thousand-dol- way £•» $+ lar position, you of speech. At the last the true Sam had no sym- have to hunt for pathy with cruelty, him; and when you artist never sinks self: he is injustice, poverty, want a fifty-thou- always supreme and towers and misery even sand-dollar man, admitting that you find that he above every subject, every ob- these things were already has a good hoary with age. In ject that he portrays. job and is not anx- my various talks ious to give it up. and walks with him, I noticed he discussed principles, Farmers did not trust the bankers as a not persons—things, not individuals. rule, and certainly, as a rule, bankers did And this characteristic, be it noted, is the not trust the farmers. I can swear to distinguishing mark of greatness. "He that! ». *» ^ ^ always talked of things not people," said Huxley in his eulogy of Darwin. AMUEL M. JONES was elected C The fear of Death was not in the ±J Mayor of Toledo four times. Even formula that made Sam Jones. Death when the Democrats and Republicans was to him the deliverer, and life he made a deal and combined on one candi- often regarded as a jailer that holds us date to beat the Golden Rule Man, he captive. This view does not tend to won. When he ran for Governor of Ohio longevity—this nostalgia of the soul does he was defeated. He won in his own city not make for length of days. It is a fever because he was beloved by the poor, the that consumes. plain, the ignorant. The fact that he I have heard him repeat Beecher's was elected by the submerged one-half, words: " When I die do not place crepe can not be denied. The submerged did n't the emblem of gloom—on the house, but understand Sam Jones any more than rather hang a basket of flowers at the we understand God, but they believed door as an emblen that a soul has passed in him. To Sam, we were all submerged, from death unto life." more or less, and those who claimed to And again he would quote the clown in have reached the sunlight, really had n't. Twelfth Night, " The more fool, Madame €[ Sam Jones planned, at the expense ot to mourn because your brother's soul is the city, a comfortable and safe place in heaven." where working women could leave their Gladly would Sam Jones have given his children—a sort of club house for over- life for his race—he yearned for his worked women—with a competent ma- kind as a mother yearns for her babe. tron in charge. C He had in him a strain of the madness The demagogs were shocked. They lifted of the old Hebrew prophets. He was a howl of dissent that could be heard in Malachi and Isaiah, Koheleth and Toronto—" What business has a work- Daniel, Walt Whitman and Tolstoy by ing woman to have a baby?" they asked turn. He lacked the placidity and poise Page 132 THE 1VOTE fiOO/C

i AN is a detached portion piteously if left behind, and only asks of the Divine Life," says to go that he may be near me; he runs Chunder Moozamdar. Like ahead and then barks for an encouraging a planet flung off by the word, and getting it leaps and quiv- sun, and following its own ers in pure joy; and I lift up my orbit for a time, he will return again heart in gratitude for the privilege of to the central mass from whence he life and health and conscious oneness sprung. Man is a lonely creature. In with the Life that is Universal. his heart there is —Domini Canes. a craving for sym- pathy and com- AY what you will of the (gJjWIMMING panionship, and coldness and selfish- K-/ uneasily in my the unrest that inkbottle is an es- drives him on and ness of men, at the last we say on the benefits on is only a search and advantages of for his own. Leo- long for companionship and Sin. As yet I do nardo da Vinci felt not feel myself the fellowship of our kind «•» sure that the love competent to fish of animals was a it out. I am wait- manifestation of this same desire. ing, hoping that some one else will do Unconsciously man often turns to a the task for me. It is a delicate and horse or a dog and finds in the brute a elusive bit of work, and no matter how complement for his own nature that well done, I know that the man who he never does in his own kind. And so does it will lay himself open to the Leonardo, the sanest and least morbid charge of being an advocate of the Devil. of men, could see no distinction in the €1 Yet the grim fact remains that Sin " divinity " of life in the man and the has in very many instances led the way divinity of life in the beast. to saintship. No woman happily married The loyalty of the dog for his master to the man she loves ever recognized so excited the admiration of a certain divinity incarnate, breaking over his man in Italy, a long time ago, that as head the precious ointment of her loyalty he walked through the field, his faithful and wiping his feet with the hairs of her dog with him, a prayer came to his heart head z* $+ that he might be as loyal and unselfish There is something startling in the truth in his service to God as the dog was to that the woman who preserves her " vir- him. The idea grew upon him, and he tue " pays a price for the privilege s+ explained it to several other men, and C And where is the preacher who dare they formed a society, calling themselves face the fact that the " honest " man " Domini Canes," literally, the Dogs of or woman with fixed income, happily the Lord. Soon the name was written situated, is to a degree isolated from all " Dominicans," and Dominicans it is, sympathy and fellowship with the great even unto this day. And I wish to em- mass of beings who suffer and endure phasize the fact that the original idea the slings and arrows of outrageous of the Dominicans was not one of ab- fortune? Prosperity is not all prosperity: jectness, but of loyalty. there is even a penalty in traveling suc- <» <» cessward, although Samuel Smiles knew HE beast makes no demands upon it not. Men are great only as they possess %• you. His affections and loyalty are sympathy, and that which causes a man complete, he has no sinister motives, he to center in himself, taking a satisfaction holds nothing back. The proud, strong in the security he has attained for the horse that carries me over the miles, good things of this, or another world, and responds with his entire nature to is not, can not be, wholly good.—Sm. my slightest wish, rests me as no man who argues ever can. My dog whines €1 Joyous are the busy. —


HE first necessity in organi- IVILIZATION is a matter zation is initiative. of the organization of men And initiative is imagination and materials. in action so so Civilization lays out road- £•** Initiative does not imply ways, builds factories, equips merely the suggestion of the right thing; them with machinery, educates men to men of initiative are men who can carry the use of this machinery, converts raw their plans to a successful issue. C^ Intel- materials into useful commodities so so ligent supervision €1 Men and ma- of oth- terials are organ- of the labor ON'T sit down in the er men is a rare ized so as to manu- gift. Nine out of meadow and wait for facture, distribute ten men do not and transport the possess it at all. the cow to back up and be necessities of life. Only one in ten Transportation milked — go after the C thousand can do cow ^ is the first great fac- it well so so tor in civilization. Sir Humphry Davy said his finest dis- Savages get enough to eat by killing covery was Michael Faraday. animals and using raw fruits and veg- Donald G. Smith—Lord Strathcona etables. To preserve, pack, transport said his one great achievement was the and distribute are beyond their power. discovery of James J. Hill. Andrew Car- C The barbarian may plant, and he negie made Charles M. Schwab possible. may take care of a limited number of C. And Schwab distributes seventeen livestock, but the savage does not trans- thousand pay-envelopes every Saturday port; and until men organized so as to night so so safely transport, famine was just around To wisely encourage initiative is a the corner so so necessity. Otherwise the Dark Ages are Both men and materials have to be at the door. That which would destroy moved before they are of much value. initiative would destroy civilization so SO SO €[ The ability to plan a thing that has KHE men who manage big utilities never been done before, to organize great ^^ now everywhere realize the neces- numbers of men and use great masses sity of going in partnership with the of materials in an intelligent way, is people. A public utility thrives only as it a gift valuable beyond the ability of is backed up by the best people in the men to compute. town. A public utility stands for per- Theoretically, socialism is beyond argu- manence. It is always a booster. It joins ment, but if put to actual test it would hands with everybody who is in a good prove the decline of individuality, the business, and the financial advantages " " death of initiative. Liberty —all the that it enjoys over any local concern put liberty a man can use—this America it in a position where it can render a has supplied, and this is why we lead great, important service to the commun- the world so so ity. It siphons capital from a thousand A man of initiative must work out his towns and cities and centers it in places own plans in his own way. Curtailment where it will do the most good. of his liberties breaks his wings and so so imagination languishes. HE thought of getting safely out of No man knows his capacity for initiative. ^•the world has no part in the life of Great men are always surprised at their Enlightened Man—to live fully while he achievements. is here is his problem—one world at a so so time is enough for him. NY system can be defeated by one SO SO single man who places himself out Be moderate in the use of all things, of harmony with it. save fresh air and sunshine. —

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HERE are big institutions nullity. Communism only succeeds where which never produce big there is a strong, just and efficient leader. men. In many shops there is C. Successful communism is beneficent a general tendency to keep autocracy s+ s» down all originality. Strong Great industrial leaders set large num- men, if they are secured at all, have to be bers of men to work. They plan and imported from the outside. execute great engineering schemes. They If any man in the place suggests a new take vast quantities of raw materials thing the whole proposition is gently and manufacture them into forms of use pooh-poohed s+ s* and beauty &+ s+ Too much discipline destroys individual- These organizations give work to mil- ity; and mediocrity is the rule. lions. And this work, with the distribu- Marshall Field is one of the big business- tion of the pink and pudgy pay-envelope, men who discovered latent genius. Mar- makes prosperity possible. shall Field produced a few big men, and When you make war on men of initia- he did it by paying men a commission tive you paralyze the pay-roll. where they increased the business above That power unrestrained tends to ty- a certain amount. ranny is a fact. Therefore, supervision There are at least ten men who are of our great organizations is necessary. millionaires several times over who be- But this supervision must be conducted gan employment with Marshall Field intelligently, and not as an inquisition. and Company on very moderate salar- C And it should be taken entirely out of ies 8+ S* the guiding hands of political parties. You can not bring out the powers in a Otherwise we get a condition where man unless you offer proper incentives. party obligations are paid for in offices, C Had James J. Hill been kept on a and we get a government of grafters, by salary he never would have evolved. grafters, for grafters. He would today not be known outside Industrial leaders today understand that the city of Saint Paul. they can help themselves only as they Edison's genius came from the fact that help humanity. To work for self alone is he had a full and free field and oppor- fatal to any business enterprise. tunity to make millions for himself. But liberty to sell your labor, either col- C Money is the measure of power. Men lectively or individually, must be grant- do not especially prize money for the ed, otherwise we get the rule of the walk- sake of money, but they prize it as a ing delegate, who rides in a taxi and tangible recognition of their ability. never works s+ s^ €[ Socialism with its restrictions on This way tyranny lies, for all professional what any man shall receive would never reformers are tyrants in false whiskers. have produced a Marshall Field, a James Producing Big Men. J. Hill, a Commodore Vanderbilt, a Henry Ford, a John H. Patterson, a Charles M. Schwab. must not be supposed that the The end of socialism would be when a XTmere amount of money a man pos- strong man emerged out of the mass and sesses gives him any claim on the loving ruled through the autocratic exercise of remembrance of his fellows. But in the power. Then we would have a monarchy. interest of truth I might here relate a d Democracy is a compromise between little anecdote that seems to illumine socialism and monarchy. It seeks the the subject in hand. A young woman, greatest good to the greatest number. from Memphis, who had been engaged d, Also, it places no limit on individual in College Settlement work, was with us achievement $+ $+ for a few weeks, and grew quite interest- That which would iron out men to one ed in Baba as she saw him working common level, and cease to offer reward around the place. Being philanthropic to initiative, would reduce the race to she concluded it would be nice to start a — —

OF *ELBERT HUBBARD Page 135 bank account for the old man, and thus RAVEL, as a means of broad- encourage him in habits of economy. ening one's horizon, and giv- Ali was consulted and made no objec- ing a new point of view, has tion, only stating that he already had no substitute s— &+ a bank book, issued by the Erie County It is easy to call attention Savings Bank of Buffalo. The young to Immanuel Kant, who was born at woman was a bit surprised, but con- Konigsberg, and was never more than cluding that some other charitable person ten miles from that city in all of his life had anticipated her, of more than eighty congratulated Ba- IFE consists of molting years s^ &+ ba on the fact, and But the very fact said if he would let our illusions. that we mention take the bank Kant the her form creeds today only to proves book she and oth- We case. He was the ers would add throw them away tomorrow. rare exception. something to it $o We get rid of our The book was giv- C The eagle molts a feather whims, notions, en to her the next because he is growing a better prejudices and day. She looked at fears through it and when she one $*> £» travel. discovered that Through travel we there was a credit balance of just vitalize our ideas s^ s— $2,385.50, she nearly threw a Double Travel, transportation and transmission Arab backward over the book-binder's —these disseminators of things and ideas glue pot a* «•» —are what is working the solidarity of The mistake made by the charitably the race. The villager is a man who is disposed young woman was that she interested in just what is going on in took Ali Baba's beautiful brick-dust his own town. Of necessity, he deals complexion as a consequence of intoxi- largely in gossip and vacuities. cants used to excess; and his impossible The provincial is a man who does not hat, the reinforced trousers and pictur- get out of his own province, intellectu- esque coat for tokens of poverty. The ally or otherwise «•» s* complexion of the Baba is merely the Immanuel Kant lived in one town, but result of a plentiful supply of ozone, and he was neither a villager nor was he a betokens iron in the blood—a vigorous provincial. His thought roamed, not only red corpuscle. The impossible hat and the world, but the universe. The strength the rags reveal nothing more than the of his imagination allowed him to stay eccentricity of genius. at home and project himself to the farthest planet. His body dwelt in /S^TRONG men can always afford to Konigsberg, but his soul was a citizen ^J be gentle. Only the weak are intent of the universe. He was one with the on " giving as good as they get." Milky Way. Not many of us have the ability to take a little journey from the j^CHE man who lives truth, if such safe and comfortable recesses of a Morris ^^ there be, does not think it worth chair. We have to see, to feel, to touch, while to formulate it. He knows no more to come in contact with things in order of truth than the fishes know of the sea. to be impressed s» s^ It is the gyve and the fetter that make These journeys are great educators, but a man formulate truth. Only prisoners I advise everybody, after taking a jour- meditate. And so does the philosopher ney around the world, across the conti- forever meditate upon plans of escape nent, to Washington, to Niagara Falls, escape from his own limitations, and the to East Aurora, or even to the next town, bonds of custom, prejudice, ignorance to just take a look out of the window and pride *•» $+ when he gets home. Travel. Page 136 THE WOTB BOO/C

r T has been said, " Man is the him. The drones buzz around and make most wonderful of all the a bluff at working, flying around in the works of God," but no one sunshine near the hive watching for the i ever said so but man. Bees can queen. The workers do not like the I do things man can not, and drones and they always kill a great they know things man never will. A many before St. Bartholomew's day, if queen bee will lay over a million eggs Br'er Drone gets too gay. Bees very sel- during the summer. The eggs she lays dom die in the hive: if they do, it is a every day are about double her own sign the whole hive is weak. The bees weight. These eggs are all alike when clean out all dust and dirt with great they hatch, but by feeding the larva care, and if a bug or mouse gets into the differently, bees produce drones, work- hive they will straightway kill the intrud- ers or queens, at will. er. Then if the body is too big for them It only takes three days for the eggs to to drag out they will cover it over and hatch. The young are then fed by the seal it up with propolis, a sticky sub- nurse bees, which are the bees under stance, which bees gather from buds or sixteen days old. These nurse bees feed the bark of trees. the others from glands in their heads .-©» .-•© that secrete milk. BHIVE of thirty-five thousand work- When the bee is sixteen days old she is ers will often bring in twenty of age and goes to work. The average pounds of honey in a day, if the flowers life of the worker is only forty-five days. are just right; and one man I know who She just works herself to death, unless owns eighty-five hives, has had his bees winter comes on and then she may live make a ton of honey in ten hours. And through until the next year. yet one bee only gathers a grain of honey There are about fifty thousand bees in a a day, and may visit three hundred hive, thirty-five thousand workers and flowers to get it. fifteen thousand nurse bees or house- The wax is a secretion from the bee's keepers. Then there are six hundred body, but the honey they get from the drones and one queen. The queen often flowers. The object of the honey in the lives for five years, but the drones never flower is that the insect will come and live over winter. As soon as the first sign get itself dusted with pollen, which they of winter comes and the flowers begin to carry to other flowers. So besides gath- wither, the bees have a St. Bartholo- ering honey, bees do a very necessary mew's day and kill every drone. Drones work in the fertilization of flowers. In have no stingers, but queens and workers fact, you can not raise white clover have. The workers are females—unde- without bees, and bees do not thrive at veloped queens. their best excepting when they find Bees have five eyes, three they use for white clover, so thus does nature under- seeing in the dark and for reading, and stand her business. two for long distance hustling. Nature plays some rather mean tricks When a hive gets too full, the bees on men and birds and bees, just to get swarm, the old ones going away led by her work done. Nature seems to make the queen. As soon as the old queen goes, use of man just as she uses bees, and all the bees that remain at home imme- the time man chuckles and congratu- diately grow a new queen. lates himself that he is using nature. ©.'©» ."^ But nature says nothing—just lies low EES are very orderly and cleanly. and works, and man can only guess They have inspectors that stay at what the end of it all is. the door of the hive and see that no bee &+ :» comes in from the field without a good The soul goes by leaps and bounds, by load of honey. Often if the bee has only throes and throbs. A flash! and a glory a little honey, the inspector will turn stands revealed for which you have been him back and give him what is coming to blindly groping through the years. —


FADED flower flung from thought of her—some one has sent her the grated window of a pris- a flower! so so on cell; it falls at the feet She brushes her hand across her eyes, of a passer-by, a woman of as if to clear her misty vision and looks the town so so up again so so But why should I call her a woman? This time she sees nothing, only the She is a creature of the night. She be- sullen front of a great prison wall, longs to all and to none, her home is jutting stone, grated windows, stone a hovel and she piled upon stone. lives in hell—a hell soul grows by leaps C She thrusts the of her own prepar- |HE flower into her ing SO SO bosom, and forget- I and bounds, by throes Once she was ful of where she courted, flattered, and throbs s— so was going, turns petted, pampered. about and hastens flash, and a glory stands She had her night- A to the den she calls mare of glory when revealed — home so so gold was showered Some one has upon her, silks rus- For which you have been thrown her a flow- tled,perfumes filled er—not the flower blindly the air, bouquets groping such as patroniz- burdened her table, Through the years. ing women of the carriages with foot- Flower Mission men stopped at her bring with tracts door. Mansions, servants, joyous suppers and words of advice—not that—a flow- laughter, diamonds, pearls—to do noth- er from the hand of a man, a man in ing and have everything, this was her trouble, a prisoner, disgraced like her- ambition so so self, in bonds. He has thrown her a She has drunk to its dregs the cup of flower. Who is this " he " of whom she nothingness. She has sought the potion thinks? so so that gives forgetfulness ; for abandon- Alas, she does not know. Years and ment, desertion, death follow as an un- years, aye, centuries ago, when she wore erring sequence on all the gleam, glitter pinafores and lived with her father, and glamour that have gone before so mother, brothers and sisters in the coun- d And now she breathes only the sul- try, she dreamed of that man, this man phur fumes of Gehenna, and the scant who would come to her and love her silver that comes her way goes for the and give her freedom. drug that brings oblivion. It is the same dream come back—it is With bloodshot eyes, disheveled hair, he. He will deliver her from the body and burning thirst she hurries along of this death. He has flung her a flower. watched, hunted, hooted. She draws her He is in trouble. What can she do to tattered shawl closer about her be- help him! numbed frame as the cutting blasts She is a woman. She is not old. God of winter, rushing down alleys and from sent her into life and she has a right around sharp corners, hunt her out so to love, to tenderness, to motherhood C. The flower drops at her feet. and a home. No chill of doubt can put She stops, looks around, no one is watch- out the eternal fire—she loves the Ideal. ing, she picks it up—yes, it is a spray C This is her misery, her disgrace and of hyacinth. She looks up to see from her crown. Illusions will not fade away, whence it came, and high up she thinks she has prayed and watched and longed she sees a hand thrust out from a grated for this—some one loves her. He has window so so flung her a flower. Some one is waving a hand to her When he is released he will come to her to her. €1 Who can it be—some one has and take her away, and they will leave a

Page 138 THE 1VOTE SOO^C this life of horror, and fly to the country (HERE is a nervous disease and make themselves a nest as the birds called paranoia. Its first sym- do. C. Some one has flung her a flower. ptom is the belief that some She belongs to him and him alone. She one is plotting to undo you. has loved him all these years. She has 4[ The holding of such a waited for him. God knows she has done thought feeds the malady. We believe wrong, but God knows, too, her heart is things first and look for proof later; and pure. She appeals to the Higher Law— when the idea is once fixed in a man's power greater than herself has been pull- mind that some one is his enemy, reasons ing her down to death—but God knows, light as air are to him confirmation God knows! For was it not God who strong as holy writ. The individual who allowed her to be tempted beyond her thinks he is hated, will be hated, in strength $* s^ fact, very shortly. Some one has flung her a flower. It has C. Hate is catching. awakened in her the Ideal—she had The person who thinks another hates thought it dead, dead and nailed down him is, while in that mood, unlovable. with the coffin nails of her crimes. C Love only responds to love. <[ But no, there is light there yet. She Incipient paranoia manifests itself in wishes to do penance, to condole, to suspicion, distrust and jealousy. Acute succor, to sanctify herself to some one, paranoia reveals itself in pronounced to be kind, to be useful. hallucinations, and efforts in the line of The refluxes of the heart are as sure and revenge, even to the taking of lives of certain as the march of the planets. persons entirely disinterested. d The desires of the heart are fixed Every police captain is familiar with the stars—clouds may obscure, but wait and phase of paranoia where persons with you shall see the light. staring eyes and cold sweat upon their There is that in souls which never per- foreheads demand protection from sup- ishes :-+ •«* posed enemies that are upon their Some one has flung this woman a track s» ?*> flower and she becomes happy with a The psychologist can look down the horrible happiness. She sees a cottage, paranoiac's past and see the time when warmed and lighted; a kettle singing on the disease was only the germ of a dis- the hearth; supper on the table for him trust or glimmering suspicion. who was even now coming to his home, Gcethe said, " I have in me the germ of their home, whistling from his work; she every crime." And just so are we all sees in the corner a cradle, and she potential paranoiacs. To harbor the begins crooning a lullaby to a babe that thought of wrong is to warm and vivify she has never pressed to her aching the germ $+ s+ breast. Some one has flung her a flower. If a person injures me accidentally, 1 In the direst gloom, in the chill of aban- am quite willing to forgive him. If I donment, in the black of darkest path- think he did it purposely, I want to fight. ways, in the dim, gray light of prison The matter lies with me and not with cells where the sun never enters, before him. My mental state controls the situ- stern judges, while policemen leer and ation—it is violence or peace, just as I men restrain not their evil tongues; attribute an evil intent where none beneath the maze of pitfalls; in nights of exists. If we can think wrong we bring horror and blackest chaos there is a wrong into being, and thus create a gleam of light. It grows into a flame. condition of hate out of nothing. What think you it can be? Then if we can attribute wrong intent to It is love—it is the Ideal. It exists even others, of course they can to us. Yet we in hell &+ God never quite withdraws know that, at the last, what we desire His Holy Spirit. most is to be loved and trusted. And yet Some one has flung her a flower. this person who attributes malice to us, — Wilted Hyacinths. can, if we are not guarded, control us OF 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 139 through a wrong thought, so as to make right that no fault of another can touch us unlovely and unlovable, In certain US S* £» physical conditions we think less of And this I believe is true: The jealous people than in others. I know a man who person is really the one first at fault. hates everybody and everything until Back of a result lies a cause. Before about ten o'clock in the morning. By there is unfaithfulness, there is indiffer- noon he is quite approachable, and for ence, secrecy, repulsion, neglect. an hour or so after dinner he is usually The recipe for unfaithfulness—concrete gentle and generous. selfishness $+ $• Does not the amount of wrong and in- The jealous individual always considers justice in the world vary with us all himself wronged—all he thinks of is his according to the time of day and our own condition. And the epithet he physical condition? applies to another usually fits himself We do not fear anything but evil. best. He hugs his woe to his heart night The fear of evil is largely, if not entirely, and day, and shows it to every pitying a morbid and therefore insane idea. passer-by. He centers on self. C From these things I gather that each Go back a way and you'll find he has man is really the creator of the world in caused the unfaithfulness of which he which he lives. And what is more, every now so bitterly complains. man creates in his own image. Without No one can harm you but yourself. Jeal- an evil thought there never would have ousy is a crop of nettles that is being been any evil in the world. Banish evil garnered from seeds sown in darkness. thought, and thought of evil, and there For he who lives more lives than one, would not now be an evil in the world. more deaths than one must die.

Page 140 THE WOTB BOO^, and delivered his letter to Garcia—are Which encyclopedia? C Where is the things I have no special desire now to encyclopedia? s+ s+ tell in detail. The point I wish to make Was I hired for that? is this: McKinley gave Rowan a letter Don't you mean Bismarck? to be delivered to Garcia; Rowan took What 's the matter with Charlie doing it? the letter and did not ask, " Where is €1 Is he dead? he at? "$•*&— Is there any hurry? By the Eternal! there is a man whose Sha'n't I bring you the book and let form should be cast you look it up for in deathless bronze yourself? s+ .-•« and the statue IVE so as to get the ap- What do you want placed in every col- to know for? $+ &+ : probation of your Other lege of the land s* C And I will lay is book- It not Self, and you ten to one that learning young after you have an- men need, nor in- Success is yours. swered the ques- struction about tions and explained this and that, but But pray that success how to find the in- a stiffening of the formation, and why Will not come any faster than vertebrae which you want it, the will to cause them You are able to endure it. clerk will go off and be loyal to a trust, get one of the other to act promptly, clerks to help him concentrate their energies: do the thing to try to find Garcia—and then come —" Carry a message to Garcia." back and tell you there is no such man. General Garcia is dead now, but there Of course, I may lose my bet, but ac- are other Garcias. No man who has cording to the Law of Average I will not. endeavored to carry out an enterprise Now, if you are wise, you will not bother where many hands were needed, but has to explain to your " assistant "< that Cor- been well-nigh appalled at times by the reggio is indexed under the Cs, not in imbecility of the average man—the in- the K's, but you will smile very sweetly ability or unwillingness to concentrate and say, " Never mind," and go look on a thing and do it. it up yourself. And this incapacity for Slipshod assistance, foolish inattention, independent action, this moral stupidity, dowdy indifference, and half-hearted this infirmity of the will, this unwilling- work seem the rule; and no man suc- ness to cheerfully catch hold and lift ceeds, unless by hook or crook or threat these are the things that put pure So- he forces or bribes other men to assist cialism so far into the future. If men will him; or mayhap, God in His goodness not act for themselves, what will they performs a miracle, and sends him an do when the benefit of their effort is for Angel of Light for an assistant. all? a*. .«* You, reader, put this matter to a test: A first mate with knotted club seems You are sitting now in your office necessary; and the dread of getting the six clerks are within call. Summon any " bounce " Saturday night holds many one and make this requrst: " Please look a worker to his place. Advertise for a in the encyclopedia aud make a brief stenographer, and nine out of ten who memorandum for me concerning the life apply can neither spell nor punctuate of Correggio." and do not think it necessary to. Will the clerk quietly say, " Yes, sir," Can such a one write a letter to Garcia? and go do the task? On your life he CL " You see that bookkeeper," said the will not. He will look at you out of a foreman to me in a large factory s— s#» " fishy eye and ask one or more of the C " Yes; what about him? following questions: " Well, he 's a fine accountant, but if Who was he? I 'd send him uptown on an errand, he ;


might accomplish the errand all right, his threadbare coat. No one who knows and on the other hand, might stop at him dare employ him, for he is a regular four saloons on the way, and when he firebrand of discontent. He is impervious got to Main Street would forget what to reason, and the only thing that can he had been sent for." impress him is the toe of a thick-soled Can such a man be trusted to carry a Number Nine boot a«* $* message to Garcia? Of course I know that one so morally We have recently been hearing much deformed is no less to be pitied than a maudlin sympathy physical cripple; but in our pitying, best Preparation for SESftrSddtS HE let us drop a tear, denizens of the H1 too, for the men J togood WOrk tomOXTOW is sweat-shop " and a^ who are striving to the "homeless to do good work today carry on a great wanderer searching enterprise, whose for honest employ- The best preparation for life working hours are ment," and with it not limited by the in the hereafter is to live now. all often go many whistle, and whose hard words for the hair is fast turning men in power. Nothing is said about the white through the struggle to hold in employer who grows old before his time line dowdy indifference, slipshod imbe- in a vain attempt to get frowsy ne'er- cility, and the heartless ingratitude do-wells to do intelligent work; and his which, but for their enterprise, would long, patient striving after " help " that be both hungry and homeless. does nothing but loaf when his back is Have I put the matter too strongly? turned. In every store and factory there Possibly I have; but when all the world is a constant weeding-out process going has gone a-slumming I wish to speak on s+ so a word of sympathy for the man who The employer is constantly sending away succeeds—the man who, against great "help" that have shown their incapacity odds, has directed the efforts of others, to further the interests of the business, and, having succeeded, finds there's noth- and others are being taken on. No matter ing in it but bare board and clothes s^ how good times are, this sorting con- I have carried a dinner-pail and worked tinues: only, if times are hard and work for day's wages, and I have also been is scarce, the sorting is done finer—but an employer of labor, and I know there out and forever out the incompetent and is something to be said on both sides. unworthy go. It is the survival of the There is no excellence, per se, in pov- fittest. Self-interest prompts every em- erty; rags are no recommendation; and ployer to keep the best—those who can all employers are not rapacious and high- carry a message to Garcia. handed, any more than all poor men are I know one man of really brilliant parts virtuous. My heart goes out to the man " who has not the ability to manage a who does his work when the " boss business of his own, and yet who is is away, as well as when he is at home. absolutely worthless to any one else, And the man who, when given a letter because he carries with him constantly for Garcia, quietly takes the missive, the insane suspicion that his employer without asking any idiotic questions, is oppressing, or intending to oppress and with no lurking intention of chuck- him. He can not give orders, and he ing it into the nearest sewer, or of doing will not receive them. Should a message aught else but deliver it, never gets be given him to take to Garcia, his " laid off," nor has to go on a strike answer would probably be, " Take it for higher wages. Civilization is one " yourself! long, anxious search for just such indi- Tonight this man walks the streets look- viduals. Anything such a man asks shall ing for work, the wind whistling through be granted. He is wanted in every city, — —

Page 142

.".«*• to Garcia." A Message to Garcia. . t> DATURE makes the crab-apple, but lOCIETY is in league without man's help she could never against all of its members," evolve the pippin $+ s^ wrote Emerson. And as Nature makes the man, but unless the once every clan was at man takes charge of himself, he will enmity with every other never evolve into a Master. He will clan, and every nation at war with every remain a crab-apple man. other nation, so yet does every man in So Nature requires men to cooperate his heart distrust every other man. with her. And of course in this state- Suspicion, hate, jealousy, apprehension ment I fully admit that man is but a —all forms of fear—fill the hearts of higher manifestation of Nature. men. The newspapers that have the Nature knows nothing of time—time is largest circulation are those whose for men. And the fleeting quality of columns bulge with tales of disgrace, time is what makes it so valuable. If defeat and death. If joy comes to you life were without limit, we would do the news will go unheralded, but should nothing. Life without death would be great grief, woe, disgrace and hopes appalling. It would be a day without dashed upon the rocks be your portion, end—a day with no night of rest. Death the wires will flash the news from con- is a change—and death is a manifes- tinent to continent, and flaring headlines tation of life. We are allowed to live will tell the tale to people who never during good behavior, and this is what before heard of you. leads men toward truth, justice and And all that this proves is that it is a beauty, for these things mean an ex- satisfaction to a vast number of people tension of time and happiness instead to hear of the downfall of others—it is of misery &+ s+ gratification to them to know that dis- We work because life is short, and through aster has caught some one in the toils. this work we evolve. The Master is a €1 The newspapers print what the man who has worked wisely and intel- people want , and thus does the savage still ligently, and through habit has come to swing his club and flourish his spear. believe in himself. Ride in any American city, on the morn- Men are strong just in proportion as ing cars, or upon any suburban train, they have the ability to say NO, and and note the greedy grab for the daily stand by it. Look back on your own papers, and observe how the savory life—what was it caused you the most morsels of scandal are rolled beneath the worry, wear, vexation, loss and pain? tongue! s+ s+ Was n't it because you failed to say NO So long as most men glory in the defeat at certain times and stick to it? of other men, it is a perversion of words This vice of the inability to say NO to call this a Christian Land. comes from lack of confidence in yourself. But, as clan once united with clan, and You think too much of the opinions of nation with nation, for a mutual pro- other people and not enough of your own. tection, so do a goodly number of people And the real fact is that the good opinion now recognize that men should unite of the best people comes from your say- with men—not only in deed, but in ing NO, and not weakly yielding to a thought—for a mutual benefit. contract which is none of yours. Abolish fear and you can accomplish Cultivate self-confidence and learn to say whatever you wish. NO. It is a great thing to be a man, Reserve your best thoughts for the elect but it is a finer thing to be a Master few s+ s* Master of yourself. —


E are finding out things ©RAIN work is just as necessary as right along; and one of the physical exercise, and the man who things we have recently studies his own case and then plays discovered or rediscovered one kind of work off against another, is that getting old is simply finds a continual joy and zest in life. a bad habit. A man who thinks he is The Greeks came near finding this just old, is. And the man who retires from balance of things; Solon, Sophocles, Pin- business will shortly be retired by death. dar, Anacreon and Xenophon lived to Nature has no use be over eighty, do- for the person who are rich only ing strong and ex- quits, so she just EN as cellent work to the takes his word for they give. He who gives last. When Goethe it and lets him quit. died, past eighty, CAnd another great service gets great re- the doctors laid his rather curious naked body out on turns s» Action and reaction thing is, that the the table and fear of death is are equal, and the radiatory Scheffler ex- the monopoly of claimed, " It is the young people. The power of planets balances body of a Greek man who has lived god," and burst in- lives long; and who their attraction. The love you to tears. There was has kept right at no wastage, nor keep is the love you give away. his work, living one shrinkage nor signs day at a time and_ of age in that he- not bothering other folks any more than roic form. Michelangelo was writing love he had to, doing each task the best he sonnets at eighty-nine, and Titian came could, keeping an interest in all good within one year of making the century things—that man is not afraid to die. run, and his prayer at the last was that He is willing to go or stay, and the man he might live to finish a certain fresco.

who is willing to go or stay, stays quite . <* so a while so so flrt ALTER SAVAGE LANDOR wrote So So \Rs his "Imaginary Conversations," picturing the love of Pericles and As- ENTAL work of a congenial kind pasia, at eighty-five. Izaak Walton went VM is a great stimulus to bodily vigor a-fishing and wrote fiction about his luck —to think good thoughts, work them at ninety. Fontenelle was as light-hearted out like nuggets of gold and then coin at ninety-eight as at forty; Cornaro en- them into words, is a splendid joy so so joyed better health at ninety-five than And joy is life so so at thirty, and Sir Isaac Newton at I remember seeing Oliver Wendell Holmes eighty-five was still smoking the pipe when he was eighty-three at Emerson that cost him his lady-love. Simon College of Oratory, where of course, he Cameron went to the Bermudas at was dearly beloved by everybody. On ninety to investigate the resources of the occasion I have in mind, he made the Islands. On Getting Old. a little speech and explained that he SO SO was just getting his affairs into shape, ^lEES have a scheme whereby they that he might come and join the school ^kJ eliminate the useless drones. That as a student. Then to prove his quality is where the bees set man a pace. But he recited, " Has there any old fellow bees have no way of making a worker " got mixed with the boys? out of a drone; and possibly that is The man's enjoyment in life was com- where we score one on Brer Bee. plete—he was satisfied, grateful for the so so past, and he showed his gratitude by He has achieved success who has lived filling the present with good work so well, laughed often and loved much. Page 144 THE 9V0775 BOO/C

TACK the following theses on conducive to the best mental, moral and every college bulletin-board, spiritual development. every church door in and 14.—The plan of examinations, in order stand ready Christendom, and to ascertain how much the pupil knows, publicly debate and defend to does not reveal how much the pupil nights and days together, them, six knows, causes much misery, is condu- all comers college presidents 'gainst — cive to hypocrisy, and is like pulling up preferred. and preachers the plant to examine its roots. It further indicates that have small faith in 1. —Man's education is never complete, we our $+ and life and education should go hand in methods s* hand to the end. 15.—People who have too much leisure, consume more than they should, and do 2. —By separating education from prac- not produce enough. tical life society has inculcated the vicious belief that education is one thing 16. —To go to school for four years, or and life another. six, is no proof of excellence; any more than to fail in an examination is proof 3. —Five hours of intelligently directed of incompetence $+ s+ work a day will supply ample board, lodging and clothing to the adolescent 17.—The giving of degrees and diplomas student, male or female. to people who have done no useful things is puerile and absurd, since 4. —Five hours of manual labor will not degrees so secured are no proof of com- only support the student, but it will add petence, and tend to inflate the holder to his intellectual vigor and conduce to with the idea that he is some great one his better physical, mental and spiritual when, probably, he isn't. development a» s+- 18. —All degrees should be honorary, 5. This work should be directly in the — and be given for meritorious service to line of education, and a part of the society—that is, for doing something school curriculum. useful for somebody. 6. —No effort of life need be inutile, but all effort should be useful in order to /^fVERY preacher who preaches ably satisfy the consciousness. v2X has two doors to his church: one 7. —Somebody must do the work of the where he attracts people in and the other world. There is a certain amount of through which he preaches them out. work to do, and the reason some people Still there is recompense in the thought have to labor from daylight until dark that people who walk out with unneces- is because others never work at all. sary clatter are often found after many moons tiptoeing in again. Yet I do not 8. To do a certain amount of manual — see how any man, though he be divine, labor every day, should be accounted a could hope, or expect, to have as many privilege to every normal man and as twelve disciples for three years and woman $+ &— not be denied, doubted and betrayed. If 9. —No person should be overworked. you have thoughts and speak them frankly, Golgotha for you is not far 10. All should do some work. — away s* s^ 11.—To work intelligently is education. Let us all pray to be delivered from 12.—To abstain from useful work in whim : it is the poisoner of our joys, the order to get an education, is to get an corrupter of our peace, and Dead Sea education of the wrong kind. fruit for all those about us. 13.—From fourteen years up, every nor- mal individual can be self-supporting, Better mend one fault in yourself than and to be so is a God-given privilege, a hundred in your neighbor.


ILLIAM PENN was born anteeing that his commodity is exempt with his hat on, and he from theft—and all will be well. Then never took it off even in when we enter the dining-room we will church or at bed time. simply fling the overhead into the corner, Happy man! forget it and take a chance on recovery. My hat cost me three dollars. I have As it is, we submit to the Hat-Snatcher worn this hat for three years, and while and pay the stipend, rather than risk the original investment was only three social contumely. To successfully guard dollars, as truthfully stated, the expense a hat in a first-class hotel requires a involved in safeguarding the dicer has ten-per-cent insurance-premium on the been, constructively, one hundred twenty cost of the tile per day. dollars a year. And I submit that this is more than the In three years, three hundred sixty service is worth, judged according to dollars was expended, or one hundred the rule of reason. If every one who twenty times the original investment. goes up in an elevator in an office- d. If I had followed the law of natural building should be required to pay, selection, this hat could have been stolen we would lift an unholy howl of protest. one hundred times and I would still be Yet the service rendered in transporting no worse off than I am now. an individual up four, five, six, or a I notice that in all first-class hotels a safe dozen stories, and safely delivering him is provided in the office in which you in apparently good order, is much great- can deposit your money, jewels and er than the act of simply taking care of valuables, but when you endeavor to his headgear while he is courting indi- put your hat in the safe the landlord gestion. Any institution that maintains lifts unmanicured, pudgy paws in vir- this graft should be anathema in the tuous protest. minds of every honest person. When you attempt to enter the dining- The first hotel that has the courage to room, you will find yourself overpowered come out against this pestiferous hold- and your hat taken from you; and you up will receive the thanks of mankind, can recover the property only by paying and the lasting gratitude of posterity. an indemnity. C Just let one landlord come out Ladies wear their hats, even at break- strong, making an announcement to the fast, and thus elude the Hat-Snatcher. effect that no charge is made, nor will an But when I attempted to wear my employee be allowed to accept a fee, for headgear in a fashionable New York caring for hats and wraps, and the insti- hotel dining-room the foreign reservists tution will get an advertisement valua- were called in, and I was requested ble beyond the dreams of avarice. And in eleven languages to abdicate. if one hotel summons its conscience to I have repeatedly shied my castor into the bar of public opinion, and meets the ring, but so far have succeeded in this issue by officially decapitating the getting it back, and in spite of wear and Hat-Snatcher, the flank will be turned, tear and natural deterioration, it costs the combination broken, and all other me just as much to guard this ancient taverns will be obliged to follow suit, bean-protector now as when it was in or die in the trenches. the heyday of its youth. There are some optimistic people who In fact, my hat has reached a stage say that if you do not care to disgorge where no sane man would really annex cold cash to get your overhead released it, and if he should make bold to wear from chancery, you can defy the flunkey, it down the street he would be quickly boldly demand the dicer, and defiantly overtaken by the hurry-up wagon. walk off with it without anything worse C What we need is that Stetson shall befalling you than the scorn of the hire- issue an insurance policy with every lings *•» £•» hat, agreeing to replace it if stolen. Let This, however, is like that sophistical Knox knock the Hat-Snatcher by guar- proposition of looking a lion in the eye Page 146 THE 1VOTJB BOO/C when he crouches to spring for you. Most businessmen nowadays realize C Or, we are told that if a bear attacks the necessity of giving full value. Reci- you you must do everything the bear procity must be the rule. does, imitating his every gesture and To take money for a service, beyond action, and you will escape criticism and what the service is worth, is petit lar- not even have your feelings hurt. ceny. If we wish to judge it in the bulk We are also told that when bulldogs as to what is taken from the public, it are fighting and one gets another by the then becomes grand larceny. I now pro- throat, the thing to do is to blow in the pose that the Government take over all belligerent's ear, and this will cause him Hat-Snatching privileges, and thus meet to relinquish his hold. It is very easy to the deficit caused by a bad guess on the give advice as to what we should do, but income tax, and the hysteric tariff jump I notice that these men who supply sug- in the dark. gestions move in the line of least resist- Then we will all gladly pay, realizing ance, finding discretion the better part that we are pulling the Democratic of valor, and pay without any outward Mule out of an inconvenient cavity. murmurs, rather than be socially dis- graced in the eyes of the 'elp. CKHE poor and the ignorant will con- The worst about Hat-Snatching as a / tinue to lie and steal as long as the fine art is that we are hoodwinked into rich and educated show them how. the idea that when we give the tardy dime C The lie is a mistake in judgment; it or the elusive quarter, the worthy indi- does not lead to the right place. It is a vidual who guards the overhead is being poor sort of defence, and usually no recognized for heroic service rendered. defence at all, since it is always calling The fact is, however, that what is called on other lies to help it, and they break the " Hat and Cloak Privileges" are sold down by their own weight. Can't you to the highest bidder, and the man then get the preachers, lawyers and doctors employs Turcos, Cossacks, Uhlans and a to encourage the lowly to tell the truth few vivandieres, who are experts in by setting them an example? social skullduggery, and skilfully extract from us the needed coin. S there some one who believes in the This money is dropped into a box that is .*-*%. value of your mission? Ah, I am hidden in some obscure corner, guarded glad, for without that stimulus you were by a bashi-bazouk, and the beggar is in a sorry plight. Professor Tyndall paid a paltry five dollars a week for his once said the finest inspiration he ever or her services. Over in London I have received was from an old man who seen an old woman, disheveled, miser- could scarcely read. This man acted as able, seemingly half-fed and under- his servant. Each morning the old man clothed, with a baby in her arms, crouch- would knock on the door of the scientist ing on a street corner. These babes, I am and call, " Arise, Sir; it is near seven told by the police, are often borrowed, o'clock, and you have great work to do and the actual owner of the babe re- today." a^ 6+ ceives a percentage from the old crone who croons her witch-song. In Italy I am not sure just what the unpardon- there is a beggars' trust, somewhat like able sin is, but I believe it is a disposi- the late Knickerbocker Trust Company, tion to evade the payment of small where cripples and deformed individuals bills s+ a*. are at a premium. They hire themselves out to a general manager and work both Just how much discord is required in sides of the street. God's formula for a successful life, no This hat iniquity, which has grown up one knows; but it must have a use, for and established itself, is a piece of atro- it is always there. cious graft, an imposition on the plain people s+ &+ A friend is Nature's masterpiece s+ *» —:


HERE is no doubt that a AN never plots another's undoing teacher once committed to >1< except upon the stage. Because you a certain line of thought will do not like a man is no reason he is your cling to that line long after enemy: this is a busy world, and no one all others have deserted it a«» has time to sit right down and hate you. In trying to convince others, he convinces The only enemies we have are those we himself. This is especially so if he is op- conjure forth from our own inner con- posed. Opposition evolves in his mind sciousness One thing, we are not a maternal affec- of enough account; tion for the prod- DUCATION is simply and the idea that uct of his brain, a man has enemies and he defends the encouragement of is only egotism it blindly to the gone to seed s+ s+ death *• Thus we right habits—the fixing of see why institu- good habits until they be- j^^O recognize tions are so con- ^J the acciden- servative. Like the come a part of one's nature, tally impolitic coral insect, they from the essen- secrete osseous and are exercised automati- tially wrong is a matter; and when a step always taken cally. preacher preaches, first by a Philis- he himself goes for- tine. The Chosen ward to the mourners' bench and accepts People damn him for his pains, after all the dogmas that have just been so which they adopt and swear on their ably stated. beards that they always held it.

not only fill the teeth one knows the vanity of riches MERICANS * DO 1. of royalty, but we furnish the Old save he who has been rich; there- World machinery, ideas and men s+ For fore, I would have every man rich, and every twenty-five thousand men they I would give every youth a college supply us, send them back one, education that he might know the we and the one we send them is worth more than insignificance of it. the twenty-five thousand they send us. s» «•» can be no secret in life and CHERE OD always gives us strength to bear / morals, because Nature has provided XlX our troubles of each day; but He that every beautiful thought you know never calculated on our piling the trou- and every precious sentiment you feel bles past, and those to come, on top of will shine out of your face, so that all those of today. who are great enough may see, know, understand, appreciate and appropriate. No man wins his greatest fame in that You keep things only by giving them to which he has given most of his time away «•» *•» it 's his side issue, the thing he does for recreation, his heart's play-spell, that There is no freedom on earth or in any gives him immortality. star for those who deny freedom to others. It is a great privilege to live, to work, Women under thirty seldom know much to feel, to endure, to know: to realize unless Fate has been kind and cuffed that one is the instrument of Deity them thoroughly. being used by the Maker to work out His inscrutable purposes. a«» Peace comes to him who brings it ; joy $*

to him who gives it ; but perfect under- The sad thing about the optimist is his standing only to him who loves perfectly. state of mind concerning himself. — —


J; VERY man has moments guests, requested the clergyman to omit " when he doubts his ability. the word ' obey.' So does every woman at Now there was nothing peculiar about times doubt her wit and that request of the soon-to-be Mrs. beauty, and long to see them Newcomb. In fact, a clergyman, a good mirrored in a masculine eye. This is why friend of mine, tells me that at least one flattery is acceptable. A woman will bride out of five, where he officiates, doubt everything you say except it be makes the same demand. compliments to herself—here she be- And strange enough, that is the exact lieves you are truthful and mentally proportion of divorces to marriages in admires you for your discernment. Indiana and Illinois! The wife of Abraham Lincoln stipulated XN one of his short stories Anthony with her lord that the word "obey" Trollope tells of a Sea Captain who be omitted, and she reminded him of fell in love with a Worthy Dame of dis- the fact every little while for the rest of creet years and some property. All went his natural life. well until the day before the wedding The woman who stipulates is lost was to take place, when the Worthy she is preparing for trouble ; and, has not a Dame called in witnesses and stipulated wise man whom we all know, recently as to which side of the bed she was to said, we get anything for which we pre- sleep on, arranged for a division of the pare? s» s+ bedclothes, and said she had heard as "The lie is the first blow," and the how sailor men liked to sleep in a breeze, woman who gives notice that she is not and therefore she wanted it understood going to obey, illy masking the matter in that she was to have sole say as to opening merry smiles, is striking the first note of and shutting of all windows. She also discord. She is serving notice that her told of a few things she would do, and own sweet caprice is to have prece- gave a list of things she would n't do dence over the wishes of her husband there now! she has already begun to hedge, and the Jack rolled his cud perplexed, then he war is on. scratched his head, and finally found At the time of marriage the idea of his voice to say that if he was to be captain wife obeying him is the farthest from the of the matrimonial expedition, the craft mind of the average man, and a lawyer- in tow should n't have too much to say like request to strike out a certain word, about the course. And as for sleeping on of which he had never thought, savors the right side or the left, she could have so much of a cold matter of the head, both sides, and sleep in the middle of that for the instant all the tenderness in the bed for all of him—he was going to his heart is chilled. " She is not going to put for open sea, and leave all gay- obey me!" he inwardly gasps, and some- painted galleys to work their course thing clutches at his heart. alone s+ $* Now, very, very seldom does a man And straightway he hove anchor and want his wife to slavishly obey him, but disappeared, never to be seen in that in the heart of even the most stupid of harbor again $+ s& men, is a singular repugnance against In the action for divorce in Newcomb having his wishes disregarded by his vs. Newcomb, recently tried in New family «•» £•» York City, the cross-examination of Men idealize women more than women plaintiff brought out the following: idealize men. That is to say, men do not " Mr. Newcomb, when did the first lack understand women nearly so well as of harmony between yourself and wife women understand men; but often a manifest itself?" woman's cleverness and shrewdness and " At the altar." secrecy are her undoing—no good sub- " Indeed! how was that?" stitute has yet been found for simplicity " The bride, in the presence of the and truth. In love affairs, centuries of OjF 'ELBBRT HUBBARD Page 149 serfdom have bred in the minds ot her wish would be to me a sacred com- women a sharpness and a smartness mand; and her attitude of mind toward in love affairs that very few men pos- me, I know, would be the same. sess. If a woman is big enough she will And the only rivalry between us would keep this shrewdness entirely out ot be as to who could love most, and the sight, and then she may lead her liege desire to obey would be the one control- and he will never be aware of it. ling impulse of our lives. But if she is yet a little bigger she will We gain freedom by giving it, and he not be a party to an alliance where who bestows faith receives it back with there is not absolute trust, reverence interest. To bargain and stipulate in and perfect faith. In which case, can you love is to lose. imagine her prompting the clergyman Perfect faith implies perfect love; and as to what he shall say or what omit? perfect love casteth out fear. It is the To accept the rites of the church, and fear of imposition, and a lurking intent then stickle at this or that implies that to rule, that causes the woman to somebody is in doubt, and is getting haggle over a word—it is an absence of ready for an emergency. love, a limitation, an incapacity. The woman who thinks a clergyman The price of a perfect love is an abso- " marries 'em," is possessed of the mind lute surrender. of a microbe. She believes that if the Keep back part of the price and yours preacher uses the word " obey," she will be the fate of Ananias and Sap- will have to do it, and if he does n't use phira a«* s& the word, she need n't. She is so soulless To win all we must give all. that she does not know that the spirit s«» .«» which actuates the couple, and not the ^^O the clerk who would succeed, I words of the priest, or justice of the ^^ say, Cultivate Charm of Manner. peace, controls the destiny of this man C Courteous manners in little things and woman. are an asset worth acquiring. When a No woman is worthy to be a wife who customer approaches, rise and offer a on her marriage day is not absolutely chair. Step aside and let the store's lost in an atmosphere of love and perfect guest pass first into the elevator. These trust ; and the supreme sacredness of the things, though little, make for finer work. relation is the only thing which, at the €1 To gibe visitors, or to give fresh and time, should possess her soul. Is she a flippant answers, even to stupid or im- bawd that she should bargain? pudent people, is a great mistake. Meet Women should not " obey" men, any rudeness with unfailing politeness and more than men should obey women. see how much better you feel. Your There are six requisites in every happy promise to a customer is your employer's marriage; the first is Faith, and the promise. A broken promise always remaining five are Confidence. hurts; and it shows weakness in the Nothing so compliments a man as for a character of a business organization, woman to believe in him—nothing so just as unreliability does in an individual. pleases a woman as for a man to repose €[ Most inaccuracies come from not confidence in her. really listening to what is said, or not And at the last the desire of the man and really seeing what you put down. woman who are mentally and spiritually 4[ Having promised to obtain goods or mated is to'obey each other. information, or to deliver goods by a Obey? God help me! Yes, if I loved a certain time, do not start the thing woman, my whole heart's desire would going and trust to luck for the rest. be to obey her slightest wish. And how Do your own part in full, and then fol- could I love her unless I had perfect low up to know that the rest is moving confidence that she would only aspire to on schedule time. Remember that "acci- what was beautiful, true and right? dents" and " hindrances " get after just And to enable her to realize this ideal, those things with a keen scent. Page ISO THE 1VOTE BOOK,

Give each customer your whole atten- IE was not a suffragette. tion, and give just as considerate atten- She lived in the days before tion to a little buyer as to a big one. there was talk of the rights If asked for information, be sure you of women, before women have it before you give it. Do not were supposed to need assume that the location or fact is so rights. Her name was Dorcas, and she now because you once thought it so. was a spinster in both the primitive and

Don't misdirect. Make your directions the modern sense of the word ; she went so clear that they from house to house will be a real help. JjHERE are three kinds spinning and weav- f[ There are hous- ing. The children es known by court- of friends: those who used to watch for eous telephoning. her coming, for she Telephone courtesy love you; those who are indif- was Aunt Dorcas, is a big thing, as ferent to you; and next friends, even then, before courtesy always is. she committed the Loss of temper these being the people who crime that helped gains nothing. to liberate her more want something that is yours. The less you re- fortunate sisters: a quire looking after, strong, straight, the more able you are to stand alone and capable, little woman of good, tough complete your tasks, the greater the re- English stock, who feared not loneliness, ward. Then if you can not only do your nor hunger, nor cold, and loved hard work, but also intelligently and effec- work *» ." tively direct the efforts of others, your Nothing is said of her early life, of how reward is in exact ratio. she lost father and mother, sisters and And the more people you direct, and the brothers, perhaps. So far as anybody higher the intelligence you can rightly cared, she had always been Aunt Dorcas, lend, the more valuable is your life. who lived alone in the small house by the The most precious possession in life is crossroads. Pine-forests shut her in on good health. Eat moderately, breathe the North and East, beech and birch deeply, exercise outdoors and get eight woods sloped away to the West; but hours' sleep. And cultivate Charm ot South there was a clearing, and here the Manner as a Business Proposition. sun shone and ripened her small garden. —Courtesy As An Asset. And no matter how far she must tramp to her day's work of spinning, she always The world has always acted on the prin- came back to this small house at night, ciple that one good kick deserves an- sure of a welcome from her cat, Kittima- other 8+ $+ turus s+ v— It happened that in the village where Do not lose faith in humanity: there are Dorcas went to spin and weave, there over ninety million people in America lived a man who was afflicted with a bad who never played you a single nasty son. He was an old man, older by twenty trick s+ £•» years than Dorcas. He had been a shoe- .-•» »» maker in his youth, and fairly prosper- HALLING in love is the beginning of ous; best of all, a good man, gentle, all wisdom, all sympathy, all com- " and loving, and giving." He had mend- passion, all art, all religion; and in its ed Dorcas' shoes for her often without larger sense is the one thing in life worth pay, when she was a child. His one son doing $+ «•> was not like him. If the son had had a harsh and cruel father, he might have Nature in her endeavors to keep man been cudgeled and disciplined into some- well has not only to fight disease, but thing resembling a decent citizen. Lack- often the doctor as well. ing this, he became a drunkard and a OF 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 151 spendthrift. He married a wife whose King Number One, being also Justice ot dominant characteristic was parsimony. the Peace, performed the ceremony then Having no standards of his own, he grew and there s+ a^~ to accept hers, except only as they affect- Old Lazarus never seemed quite to ed his own personal desires. As long as understand. Sometimes, he thought Dor- old Lazarus could earn a few cents each cas was his daughter who had died when day as a cobbler, he was allowed a home, she was a child. Sometimes he called her if it could be called a home, by his son's Mother, as a child might; but as long fireside s+ When as he lived, he was rheumatism finally « HERE are two kinds of very happy and crippled his hands, well content. When the son, prompted thought: New Thought he died, Dorcas by his wife, declar- and Secondhand Thought. knew, for the first ed he was too poor time in her life, to bear his father's New Thought is made up of what the bitterness support, and, as of loneliness really the saying was, thoughts you, yourself, think. is *» *»> " threw him on The other kind is supplied to Stepson Peleg and the town." his wife came to the There were kings you by jobbers. funeral, quite de- in those days, three corous in borrowed in each town. They were called " The mourning. The widow, softened by the Selectmen." They were usually good solemnity of death, did not express her men; but as far as the poor were con- mind to him, as she had often threatened cerned, they were absolute tyrants. King to do if they ever met. She wished to Number One, who lived in this part ot forget the bad son, for this day at least, the town, accordingly took Lazarus in and think only of the good father. But his one-horse shay , and as he had busi- Peleg placed himself directly in her way. ness in another direction, he left the old €1 " I don't believe in putting things man at the crossroads to walk the last oft," he said; " I guess you and I might quarter of a mile to the poorhouse. as well talk a little business, Stepmother. It was early, and Dorcas was just start- I don't mean to be hard on ye, but my ing for her day's work. She found the wife an' I have been talkin' things over, old man weeping by the roadside. It was and we've decided to move into this a sight such as no woman could endure. house o' Fathers right away. We're She took old Lazarus to her house, gave willin' to board ye as long as your him a good meal, her own supper, and third lasts." told him he was welcome to stay as long Dorcas glanced at him coldly. " This as he liked. house is mine," she said. She kept him three days before The " Used to be, I know; but it belonged to Selectmen found it out. Instantly, there Father as soon as you married him. was a great buzzing of scandal through- Married women can't hold property. out the town. King Number One, insti- That 's the law." gated by his wife, went to see about this. Dorcas turned her back on him and " C " It won't du, Dorcas," he said; it walked away. She feared to profane the won't du." gentle dead, if she spoke in her anger. " He's old enough to be my father," d Next day, she went to see The First said Dorcas; " and it'll break his heart Selectman. She got no comfort from him. if he has to go to the poorhouse." " I 'm afraid it is the law, Dorcas," he " I know; it's a hard case, but we can't said; " you orter thought o' that when have sech duin's in this town. He can't you married Lazarus." stay here onless you marry him." Dorcas went home. All through the C. " Then I will marry him," said Dor- night in her loneliness, she sat and cas s» «•» thought. She thought as an ignorant Page 152


OT long ago Prof. Edwin hoe. All food and all wealth are hoed out Markham spent a day with of the ground. Wq us. The title of Professor is If you never hoe, and yet eat, you are for so excellent a slanting the forehead of j too cheap the hoe-man man, and so, with your per- and adding to that stolid look of God- mission I '11 call him Mister, which forsaken hopelessness. means Master. Mr. Markham is the man If you help the hoe-man hoe, he will who wrote " The Man with the Hoe." then have time to think, and gradually When Mr. Markham arrived at the the shape of his head will change, his Shop, Saint Gerome, Sammy the Artist, eye will brighten, the coarse mouth will Ali Baba and I were just starting for become expressive, and at times he will the potato field, each armed with a hoe. take his dumb gaze from the earth and Mr. Markham laughed heartily at our look up at the stars. appearance and thought it was a planned Let us all hoe—a little, says Ali Baba. reception; but it was not—it was all C I have not quoted my friend with purely accidental. slavish exactness, but substantially. I sent one of the boys to the barn to :-o .-«* find another hoe. Mr. Markham did not j^\HE known may be alarming but shy, and when he was provided we V*/ the Unseen is terrible. It saps the started away. springs of action and by it decision is We reached the field and hoed. shorn of strength. It is the miasma of Mr. Markham is no stranger to the hoe. the dismal swamp that shuts down and He is hearty, bronzed, and his white holds the victim in its soft embrace; the hair and beard quite belie his strong mist of the mountain top that conceals physique and boyish spirit. As we hoed the precipice and yet says alluringly we discussed the " hoe-man." Baba " This way." It is the fog that hides declared he knew more clearly than Mr. the iceberg; the jungle that covers the Markham does, himself, just what the tiger; the doubt that paralyzes will. We author had in view when he wrote can cope with the defined : when Goliath " The Man with the Hoe." comes forth on the open plain we fear- So Baba explained to Mr. Markham what lessly give him fight with nothing better he meant. Mr. Markham was grateful. than a sling and pebbles from the brook. The trouble with the hoe-man, said Ali But Goliath in a maze of mystery, Baba, is too much hoe—it is hoe-con- Goliath shouting curses, guttural and gestion S* 8+ deep, from out the blackness of a cloud The hoe is all right, and all men should —ah! that is different. hoe. If all men hoed a little, no man SO So would have to hoe all the time. Yft HAT wonderful things we imagine To hoe all the time slants the brow. vi/ we would do if we were off on an To never hoe tends to hydrocephalus island somewhere where folks didn't and nervous prostration. bother so eternally! But why not con- Many men never hoe, because, they say, sider the whole earth an island—a speck " I don't have to." It is a fool's answer. —and perform our wonders right here 41 Then very many men are not allowed and now? so so to hoe—the land is needed for game So So preserves. And in a country called Italy, Violence is transient; hate consumes it- where the true type of the hoe-man is self and is blown away by the winds of found most abundantly, there is an heaven; jealousy dies; but the righteous army of two hundred and fifty thousand thought is a pressure before which malice fighting men who have to be fed with is powerless so so the things the hoe-man digs out of the P«t SO ground so so When you accept a present, you have Wherever there are many soldiers there dissolved the pearl of independence in are also many hoe-men. Some one must the vinegar of obligation. Page 154 THE WOTB BOOJZ,

T was only a few weeks ago left a permanent order at the florist's for that I had occasion to have an a bouquet of roses, a gardenia, an orchid interview with a poet on a rare, a cluster of lilies of the valley, to be matter that was semi-busi- delivered at exactly eleven o'clock each ness 99* 99* morning 99* 99* The poet seemed to me unreasonable and He caroused, he went to places that he unreasoning in his demands. should not, he brought people to the I learned, in the course of our conference, home of his host who had no right there. that to his mind there were degrees in C. " What did you do?" I said to my obligations of indebtedness. He had a friend 99* 99* class which he called debts of honor; " Oh, I waited until he had used up all another class, debts of a gentleman; his money and was in debt, then I and some debts that were not worth helped him to clean up and paint another mentioning. A loan of money fell under picture." 99* 99* the last class. " And the previous experience was What he called the debt of a gentleman repeated?" I inquired. —one which could wait an indefinite " To the minutest detail" length of time—was payment for ser- " And then what did you do?" vices rendered. Debts of honor were " I confess that I kicked him out," was those which the sheriff compelled him to this businessman's response. " He is an pay 99* 99* artist. I am a businessman. The artistic When I asked him to which class debts temperament is too much for me." " " to a grocer, baker or butcher belonged, d, But," said a lady present, see he assumed the attitude of an injured what he does for the world! He is an soul and said they were too vulgar to artist, and artists are gifts from God for speak of 99* 99* the inspiration of all the people. They In mentioning the conversation to two should be supported by the State for the or three interested persons, the general benefit of the State. Tell me where this summing up was that this was the artis- poor artist lives and I will buy his pic- tic temperament, that the man was a tures." 69* 99* great poet, and the situation must be And the woman's eyes filled with tears. endured. There was no remedy. 99* 69* 99* 99* XT was my responsibility at one time ^rtHILE the subject was the topic of to get artists to do some necessary >*^ talk, a man told me of his experience work in connection with manufacturing with a great painter. The artist had been artistic goods that were to be put upon a guest in his house for many months. the market. He had invited him to be his guest when In order to sell goods, it seems necessary the painter was in great distress, without to have a definite price which you can decent clothing, food or shelter. More name to a buyer. Unless this can be done, than that, he was intoxicated. there is very little opportunity for ex- Through the personal care and ministra- exchanging the product for money. tion of my friend, who had fed, clothed C In order to make a just and equitable and watched him as a mother her child, selling-price, one must know at least the the artist had been able to paint one cost of material and production. beautiful picture. A friend of the host " Do not ask me anything about the purchased this picture, at a great price, cost of material," said the artist. " I and the artist came into possession of an make a beautiful vase, that is enough." abundance of money. He became unus- €[ " How much time did it take you to ually independent and arrogant. His make this? " I next inquired, because demands upon his host were an insult. this artist was on the payroll, and I Yet he used his money only for his own could easily find the amount of money gratification. he did the firm the honor to accept each He bought himself a wonderful vase. He week 99* 69* OT ALBERT HUBBARD Page 155

" Time! How can you ask me the time two very hard and unwholesome beds, it takes to make a beautiful thing?" he very little bedding, and the clothing petulantly responded. " You certainly which they wore. do not understand art. An artist knows I made inquiries of the farm superin- nothing about time nor expense. He tendent concerning these people. How creates. That is enough." And I knew came they to be so poor? instantly that I was properly classified In the farmer's recounting of the story in his mind as being plebeian, possibly of this man, I discovered the astonishing proletarian s+ s— fact that this uncivilized, inartistic, However, this same artist had a work of ignorant, improvident creature has the art, which, in an unguarded moment, he artistic temperament. He has not the offered to part with if I would pay a price ability to philosophize, so he has not which seemed to me beyond that of classified his indebtedness to grocer, rubies. Because I was obliged to refuse butcher, baker, his employer nor the to take it, he re-rated me a little lower farm-boss. In fact, all debts are of one than proletarian s» s» class to him. They are something to Then I realized that, latent within his forget, to deny, and to go into a fit of being, there was a dim sense of price, rage over if questioned concerning them. time and material. C On pay-day he forgot that he had a " Oh! It is the artistic temperament! wife and six children, bills to pay, or obli- You have to expect that," said a sym- gations to meet, if he ever knew it. He pathetic friend. " Artists are all that took time off, went to the city, and way." m> $+ stayed as long as his money lasted. I felt a decided irritation and began to CL When he returned and the foreman be a little nervous lest this artistic- asked for an explanation, he was boor- temperament idea were contagious, and ish. He had neither rhyme nor reason. that I might be affected. I am blessed He was simply insolent, stubborn, dog- with a friend who knows the truth, and gedly impertinent, sullen, and then is gracious enough to tell me in a kindly silent £•» s<* but forceful way a few facts concerning I have never heard any one excuse his myself, when it is most helpful and performances on the ground that it was wholesome s+ $+ due to his artistic temperament, how- And this friend said: " You are getting ever. In fact, quite other names were cross and unreasonable. It might be a used. But so far as I am able to discern, good plan to keep out in the sunshine all he had the same artistic temperament the afternoon and get all the sleep you that the painter or sculptor has. need." *^ *• I followed the advice and noticed that I HE artistic temperament has lost my artistic temperament, and I ^^ ceased to irritate and has begun to suppose my immediate chance of having interest me. It has become a problem in any artistic qualities. During my after- science. I have watched its manifesta- noon out, I had a few experiences that tion in the ditch-digger, the clown, the gave me pause, and cause to think. " menial," in the " wash-lady," the scrub-woman, the cook, the farm-boss, rllORKING on the farm where I took the supervisor, the superintendent, the my sunshine was a primitive, un- management, myself included, and I cultured, uneducated son of the soil, find, upon careful scrutiny, that all have German by birth. the artistic temperament just in propor- He was an object of attention, because tion to their ignorance, to the area of he was in our employ—a new helper, their uncultured, undisciplined acreage. most interestingly poverty-stricken. In other words, the artistic tempera- He had a wife and six children. ment is a common manifestation of They owned a cook-stove, one steel knife, ignorance. The artistic temperament is a fork, two plates, three cups, a spoon, an expression of an undisciplined mind. Page 156

Brain, reason, intelligence, never express YMPATHY is the first attribute of themselves in the form of the artistic love as well as its last. And I am temperament s+ s+ not sure but that sympathy is love's own The artistic temperament naturally be- self, vitalized mayhap by some divine longs to the boor who will hold the actinic ray. Only a thorn-crowned bleed- handles of the plow poorly even under ing Christ could have won the adoration minute direction, who can dig a ditch of the world. Only the souls who have

1 only when it is marked out for" him. suffered are well loved. Thus does Golgo- <[ It is the primi- tha find its recom- tive expression of a O not dump your woes pense. Hark and young child, un- take courage, ye skilled, unschooled, upon people—keep the who are in bonds! without reason or sad story of your life to your- thought. It belongs REAT organ- *+ *+ to the animal who self 8 izers are men is peaceable only Troubles grow by recounting who are able to dis- when its physical tinguish between &+ comfort is undis- them 5^ initiative and turbed .<* s+ " freshness." And When the artist grows angry, has no quite frequently the difference is very sense of honor, is self-indulgent, he slight .- s+ grades himself with the beasts of the .<* «•» field. He is advertising that he is a mon- -Qf OR the most part, the women who grel. He is most imperfectly cultured and JLi live in history are those who were uneducated s+ $+ mismated, misunderstood, neglected, Weigh him in the balance, putting all his abused, spit upon by Fate, scorned. They poetry, his beautiful dreams and lovely were sometimes loved, of course, but ideas, and all that they can be worth to loved by those who had no business to humanity, all that he is into one scale, love them—loved by the wrong man. and his brute qualities in the other, and But the men who loved them were no see if the scale stands at balance. more potent factors for good in their We have used the term " artistic temper- evolution than the little men who ament" to cover a multitude of sins, taunted, harassed, scorned and neglected shortcomings, ignorance and unforgiv- them &+ $+ able boorishness. It might be well for us i- «» to look at the facts and call this spade fX VERLASTING life will be yours if " just plain spade." When a poet, V>4 you deserve it—your present belief painter or musician is in a fit of temper, or disbelief does not affect the issue. But

or manifests gross ignorance, or brutal, make sure of this : if you are to be a great low self-indulgence, we might use those soul in Heaven, you have got to begin to terms in connection with it that are hard be a great soul here. facts s^ s+ At least that is the way the artistic tem- Remorse is the form that failure takes perament looks to a disinterested person. when it has made a grab and got nothing. t» ©» DATURE'S best use for genius is to HE mind sees all, hears all, listens, make other men think; to stir V./ sifts, weighs and decides a* Over things up, so sedimentation does not take against this there is something in man place; to break the ankylosis of self-com- which sees the mind and watches its placency; and start the stream of public workings—which analyzes the mind and opinion running, so it will purify itself. knows why it does certain things, which knows the mind is not the soul; and this To pardon is the privilege only of the something that knows the mind is not living s+ s+ the soul, is the soul s* s— — ; —


GARLYLE tells of a certain village FROWSLED,towsled, grea- in the dominion of Peter the Great sy and shiny One, in bat- where a few Catholic families dwelt. tered dinky derby and tight- The " best citizens" felt that these Cath- ly buttoned Prince Albert, olics were a menace to the well-being blew into the Shop the other of the place, as " they were worshipers of day and greeted me effusively. He was images and hopelessly given over to one of the Elect, he said, temporarily popery." So, for the good of the place, reduced and slightly disfigured by too and the glory of much contact with God, the first citi- a cold and cruel zens sent a commis- ESP ONSIBILI TIES world. He glibly sion to the King Gravitate to the Person explained these asking permission things, although he to kill the Catho- Who can Shoulder Them needed not, for life lics S+ Ztr POWER writes its record on The King heard the face, and the their prayer and Flows to the Man record in this case agreed to give them was writ large. the desired permis- Who Knows How Society was all sion, provided they wrong—the rich would agree to his giving other Catholics were getting richer, the poor poorer permission to kill them. merit was never considered, all things " Oh, but your Majesty," replied the went by favoritism—my friend longed commissioners, " there is a difference for the Ideal Life. I started to say some- you seem to forget that we are in posses- thing, but the Lubricated One shut me " sion of the True Faith! off with the gracious wave of a hand un-

r-©» .'-©» manicured. " Oh, never mind that," said "jHE dominant note observable in he, " I anticipate you—you are going to ^^ nature—observable only to the eye say that the Ideal Life is an iridescent of the mind that has severed itself from dream, and that all the East Aurora the prejudices of the will—is blitheness. there is is the East Aurora that one C She seems always to be laughing; her carries in his own breast. Truth, truth, most terrible moments are like the shining truth, but you see I brought my scowls that gran'pa puts on in front of East Aurora with me—my heart is naughty children who really amuse him right— I believe in the Brotherhood of —the mocking mask of mirth. Nature Man!" $+ $+> goes her way through her four seasons " And you have no money?" I mused with a carelessness, an insouciance, a aloud, trying to gain time to formulate a sang froid, such as men have who care Scheme s— $* nothing for death or who have learned " Money—money? Have I money? Why, the fine secret that the tomb covers, but Comrade, I am a feather! I trust I am in does not hide. Life is a huge joke to the time for the quarterly dividend!" Immortal Mother. She laughs eternally " Yes," he continued, " and I never because she is wiser than her children. could have reached this Haven of Rest She knows nothing is lost. She knows I mean Work—were it not for Col. Smith that death is recomposition and pain of Cleveland—A. J.—great fellow, is n't the way character is tooled. he? He gave me a ticket here. Where's Ali Baba? I think I'll have him take me #c\HE one unethical thing in the uni- over to the Phalanstery and get a bite of ^^ verse is to " brand " any one with something before I go to work. ' You can a bad name, especially so if this person take no joy in your tasks if you are on happens to be in the same line of busi- half rations,' William Morris used to say, ness as yourself. The business world no and wisely say. Ali Baba, he's the man I longer knocks a competitor. want to see!" — —a

Page 158 THE JVOTE J30 0/Z,

" " There he is," I exclaimed, out there PICNIC party is a pretty on that wagon with the spotted pony, good example of applied and the load of mail bags." I walked to communism. The atmo- the door, arm in arm, with my new found sphere on such an occasion friend, and as we reached the steps I is vibrant with good will and pressed a big silver dollar in his palm and good cheer. Everybody wants to carry called, " Oh, Baba, one moment, please the baskets, and everybody is anxious to —here is a gentleman going to Buffalo. help everybody else over the fence and He wants to catch the four o'clock train!" across the ditch. Reaching the place that €[ Baba reached out a big calloused the party has set out for, some get fuel, hand, and gave the fellow a lift to the top others water, still others arrange the of the mail bags. tables. The spirit of co-operation and " Hold on," called the Elect One, " just mutual service is supreme. There are no a second!" old, no young, no high, no low—the We shook hands warmly. college-bred and homespun meet on an " Give my regards to Col. Smith when equality. There are no noses in the air; you see him," I said, as the wagon moved patronage is unheard of. away s— s* Did I say that all unite on this occasion. " That I will!" called the passenger I forgot. astride of the mail bags—" that I will There is one couple that followed far he's our kind, is the Colonel—so long!" behind on the way to the picnic-ground. And he lifted the battered derby with a They talked together soft and low. At the flourish that symboled sincerity, respect, ground they did not gather fuel, nor did good will, and told of the brotherhood of they wash the dishes after the meal. man. I now hear that the Frowsy One Instead they sat on a log, close together, has given a not wholly complimentary but clear apart from the rest, almost lost lecture on " The Roycrofters as I Found in the dense foliage. Them."—One of the Elect. They were in love, very much in love— .*• .-•• fact patent to all observers. All the rest were in love, too, but the HE best service a book can render many were filled with universal love, ^^ you is, not to impart truth, but to while this one couple focused their make you think it out for yourself $+ thoughts upon the personal and particu- lar S+ £•» Health and happiness can be found only They were talking of the " home " they out of doors. were soon to have—love in a cottage. C Schopenhauer would explain that HOR disobedience the man and wo- they were caught in the toils of the man were put out of the Garden " genius of the genus." Nature was —they had wandered far—and they can intent on using them for a purpose. This only return hand in hand. desire on their part to get off in secrecy by themselves, to hide away and exclude If you have not known poverty, heart- the world, was right and proper. hunger and misunderstanding, God has But to found a society on this transient overlooked you, and you are to be pitied. and intense mood is not scientific. This young man and young woman fully $•> ."•« expected to perpetuate their mood Theology is not what we know about that is exactly what they hoped to do. God, but what we know we do not know They are going to have a perpetual about Nature. C trysting-place, and never for a moment will their cottage become irksome. Men congratulate themselves on their But life to them will only be possible as position, no matter what it is; the world they mix with other lives. The home is is wrong, not they. founded on this momentary sex impulse —

O/^ TBLBBR.T HUBBARD Page 159 of exclusiveness; and the reason joy and ENTLENESS, consideration peace do not last is because the occu- and constancy are natural pants cease to be individual and long to to the civilized, normal man become universal. Exclusion has its use, —these things pay and are and up to a certain point it serves, but a in accordance with his best point is surely reached where it is not welfare. They are a part of the great wise to say, " Here will we build three divine law that works for the self-pre- tabernacles"—not one. servation and evolution of the species. The selfishness of individual love should Enlightened self-interest means fidelity; give way to the universal. and loyalty to your own is the only Where the heart once went out to a per- policy that pays compound interest to son, it now goes out to mankind. The both borrower and lender. That which is lesser love is absorbed by the greater. natural is best; and what is best is most expedient; the expedient thing is the BONEST people are those who have right thing; and righteousness is simply been lifted up into a more spiritual a form of commonsense. That is good atmosphere. They exercise an attractive which serves—and that which serves is force, and the better they are, the sacred, and nothing else is. stronger this silent force they exert works for good. Purity of purpose is a OO much intimacy repels. Propin- force, just as truly as is the Law of quity is both the cause of love and Gravitation. €[ The man who can not V^ its cure. The secret of human satisfac- take care of himself and think for him- tion lies in the just balance that separ- self, and act rightly for himself, will be a ates indulgence and denial. drag and a burden on any community. Man in his heart feels that he was made to be free. Self-reliance, self-respect and self-control Morever he compliments himself by are the three things needful—and these thinking that he knows what is for his things will bring you success in a com- own good. When you tell him he does munity, or out of it. not, and issue threats and prohibitions, you sow the seeds of rebellion. Society HE monks were the first of our ^J modern bookmakers, and the is now existing under a condition of enforced monogamy, " prohibition" volumes they made are even yet the but does prohibit, effects hopeless tantalization of every aspiring not and the of force are always more or less neutralized printer and binder. They set us a stand- by stealth. It needs no argument to ard of excellence so high that it almost prove that William Dean Howells is discourages emulation. Italian art, from right in his assertion that " American which our modern art is derived, was not society is imperfectly monogamous." a private affair—it was for the Church, and the Church was for all. others ?* :>o The man who does too much for EN who marry for gratification, leaves himself underdone. M< propagation or the matter of but- tons or socks, must expect to cope with Meanness is more in half-doing than in and deal in a certain amount of quibble, omitting acts of generosity. subterfuge, concealments, and double, deep-dyed prevarication m> And these Not only does beauty fade, but it leaves things will stain the fabric of the souls of a record upon the face as to what be- those who juggle them, and leave their came of it. mark upon futurity. People whose souls are made of dawn- When you see a tomcat with his whiskers stuff and starshine may make mistakes, •full of feathers, do not say "Canary!" but God will not judge them by these he '11 take offense. alone *•» *•» Page 160 THB WOTB jBOO^C

EN are not punished for and the desire of one person, who thinks their sins, but by them. he has discovered the norm, to compel Expression is necessary to all other men to stop there has led to war life a» The spirit grows and strife untold. All law centers around, through exercise of its fac- this point: What shall men be allowed ulties, just as a muscle grows strong to do? Most of the frightful cruelties through use. Life is expression, and re- inflicted on mankind during the past pression is stagnation—death s+ .-<*• have sprung out of a difference of opin- Yet there is right ion arising through expression and a difference in tem- wrong expression. OULD you have your perament. The If a man allows his name smell sweet with question is as live life to run riot, and today as it was two only the animal the myrrh of remembrance, thousand years side of his nature is ago: What expres- and chime melodiously in the allowed to express sion is best? that itself, he is repress- ear of future days? is, What shall we ing his highest and do to be saved? best, and therefore Then cultivate faith, not And concrete ab- those qualities not doubt $+ s» surdity consists in used atrophy and saying we must all die s* Sensuality, And give every man credit for do the same thing. gluttony and the Whether the the good he does, C life of license re- race will ever grow press the life of the Never seeking to attribute to a point where spirit, and the soul men will be willing never blossoms; base motives to beautiful acts. to leave the matter and this is what Actions count s+ *+ of life-expression to it is to lose one's the individual is a

soul s+ s+ question . Most men C All adown the centuries, thinking men are anxious to do what is best for them- have noted these great truths, and again selves and least harmful to others. The and again we find individuals forsaking, average man now has intelligence enough. in horror, the life of the senses and devot- Utopia is not far off, if the folk who ing themselves to the life of the spirit. govern us, for a consideration, would C. The question of expression through only be willing to do unto others as they the spirit or through the senses—through would be done by. War among nations, the soul or the body—has been the and strife among individuals, is a result pivotal point of all philosophies and the of the covetous spirit to possess power or inspiration of all religions. things, or both. Asceticism in our day finds an interest- A little more patience, a little more ing manifestation in the Trappists, who charity for all, a little more devotion, a live on a mountain, nearly inaccessible, little more love, with less bowing down and deprive themselves of almost every to the past, a brave looking-forward to vestige of bodily comfort—going with the future, with more confidence in our- out food for days, wearing uncomfortable selves, and more faith in our fellows, garments, suffering severe cold. So here and the race will be ripe for a great burst we find the extreme instance of men of light and life. repressing the faculties of the body, in :-€» c» order that the spirit may find ample CADEMIC education is the act of opportunity for exercise. 2—* memorizing things read in books, Between this extreme repression and the and things told by college professors license of the sensualist lies the truth. who got their education mostly by mem- But just where, is the great question; orizing things read in books.


HE other day I read in a always stands ajar, and where the dwell- printed book these words, ers therein start with gladness when they " Some mocked, some shook hear the coming of my footsteps so to their heads and some be- —Some Mocked—Some Believed ^* lieved." And that is the uni- versal experience of every man who ever know: That newspa- thought anything or did anything, or pers are managed by men; was anything. People always mock the And that editors are men; thing they are not used to. Afterwards . And that doctors are men; their hilarious mockery may reduce it- ^** And that lawyers are men; self to a dubious shaking of the head, And that judges are men; and a cynical smile; then the smile may And that all laws are and have been fade away into blankness, and the man made by men; may believe. Deborah standing in the And that all priests and preachers are doorway of her father's house and mak- men; *• so ing fun of the moon-faced Benjamin And that all religions were made and as he walked up the street munching formulated by men; at his loaves and gaping on every side, And that all books were written by men; is typical so so C And that all the justice we know is Deborah had no flitting ghost of a man's justice; thought that this strange, loaf-munch- And that what we call God's justice is ing, mirth-moving youth would ere long only man's idea of what he would do humble her into the very dust; then if he were God; when she had been flung adrift by fate, And that this idea changes as man her arms would reach out to him and changes; so so he would marry her and give her im- And that man's conception of God's mortality by linking her name with his justice has softened, refined, and become own—the greatest name America has less severe than ever before; produced so so And that all the love we know is man's No, of course she had n't. love; so so Saul of Tarsus, going down to Damascus And all compassion, man's compassion; to persecute the Christians, could not And all sympathy, man's sympathy; foresee that he would come back and And all forgiveness, man's forgiveness; henceforth be the Master Christian of And that there is nothing finer, greater all time so &+ or nobler in the world than man; Some mocked, some shook their heads And that all beings, spirits and persons and some believed. greater than man have been, and are, Yes, be you preacher, lawyer, physician, the creation of man's mind; artist, writer, do your work the best And that man is not yet completed, but you can and try to live up to your only in process of creation; highest ideal, some will surely mock. And that in his present transitional state If you have genius a great many will he has partially abandoned intuition, mock, and a great many will shake their without fully getting control of his in- heads. But although a great multitude tellect; may mock, so long as a few believe, all And that all laws, creeds and dogmas is well. No good life was ever lived but are of only transient value; there was some one believed in it. These And should be eliminated when they no few people who believe in us make life longer minister to human happiness so possible. Without them, what should we C And that now, for the first time in do? But with them we are knitted to the the history of the world, a very large Infinite so so number of people know these things; so Let the mob mock, let the crowd shake d, And are exercising their brains; And their heads! There are a few who believe. that the brain is an organ and grows €1 I know a cottage whose door for me strong by use, and only through use; so — .

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And that man's ability to think is a CIENCE is simply the clas- new acquisition; sification of the common And that very few people as yet are able knowledge of the common to think at all, being moved by feeling people. It is bringing to- —hunger, fear, and the hope of reward; gether the things we all C And that most so-called educated know and putting them together so we men are those who have memorized can use them. This is creation and finds things and can glibly repeat the things its analogy in Nature, where the ele- which other men ments are com- e HE man bined in certain andana ment™ibtygnoiy ^|lv^ ways to give us told them; for to ever received quick reC- fruits or flowers or think efficiently _ ... « - , gram £» $+ one must be log- ognition, but not a lasting Every living man ical, rational, sci- fame. We deify only the Gen- is a salesman. We entific and philo- all have something sophic; &+ s^ tle Man—the man of heart. to offer—doctors, That to be logical lawyers, preachers, The sober sense of the one must be able to good actors, teachers, follow a sequence, time, simply through the law painters, orators, or a cause and ef- poets, clerks, mer- will fect, step by step; of self-preservation, not chants — all sell That to be ration- continue to push to the their talent, their al one must be able skill, their knowl- to accept and use front the man who delights edge or the result a unit of measure- and accumulation in a fight. ment, so as to as- of their talent,their certain proportions skill, their knowl- and to reason rightly concerning the sim- edge, their foresight, wit, cleverness $+ ple movements of life and its tendencies; That to be scientific one must be able ORATORS have died practically un- to classify and coordinate the facts that heard; writers have existed in gar- logic and reason supply; rets, and starved painters have com- And that to be philosophic he must be mitted suicide—all through an inability able to unify and deduce right conclu- to command the attention of the public. sions from science; One-half the battle is to get the speaker's And that this faculty of efficient think- eye; the other half is to have something ing is yet only in its infancy; to say s+ s>+ And that philosophic thinking gives The wrecks of the world are of two kinds, wings to the imagination; those who have nothing that society And that through right thinking we will wants, and those who do not know how gradually learn to control our bodies, to get their goods into the front win- our tempers, our desires, our imagi- dow s^ s» nations, our environment; And that the Good luck is science not yet classified; trained imagination is a searchlight which just as the supernatural is the natural reveals the future; not yet understood. And that by the use of imagination we Men who are successful in most of their now see Paradise ahead; undertakings we call " lucky dogs." ** A Paradise of increasing effort, work, Diagnose the case, however, and you endeavor, and increasing power; find that these successful men all have A Paradise of this world, that is to come certain qualities. Men succeed or fail through health, work, simplicity, hon- through lack of positive qualities, or esty, mutuality, cooperation, reciprocity through the possession of certain nega- and love? A Question—Do You Know! tive qualities s+ $+ OP TSLBE&T HUBBARD Page 163

T is perfectly safe to say that by the plea of patriotism, d They de- ninety -nine men out of a hun- ceive us, and oh, the infamy and the dred, in civilized countries, are shame of it! They deceive us in the opposed to war. name of the bleeding Christ—the gentle Savages like to go to Christ whose love embraced a world, war; we do not. €1 We are farmers, and whose pitying eyes look down upon mechanics, merchants, manufacturers, us from a cross—the Christ who dis- teachers, and all we ask is the privilege tinctly taught that war was wrong, and of attending to our that the only rule own business. We of life should be to ALM, patient, persistent own our homes, do unto others as love our friends, pressure wins. It wins! we would be done are devoted to our by s^ s^ families, and do Violence is transient. Hate, In order to estab- not interfere with wrath, vengeance are all lish a reason for our neighbors any their domination more than is neces- forms of fear, and do not en- this self-appointed sary — we have superior class pre- dure. Silent, persistent effort work to do, and tend to follow in wish to work while will dissipate them all. Be the footsteps of it is called the day. Christ—they call &+> We recognize that strong ! ^ themselves Chris- life is short, and tians Sfr s«* the night cometh. Leave us alone $& s+ Few people, comparatively, think for C But they will not—these demagogues, themselves, and so this deception acts politicians and rogues intent on the as a hypnosis on the many, and being strenuous life. We wish to be peaceable peaceably disposed, they accept it $& s* and want to be kind, but they say this C But Christ never endorsed war, not life is warfare and we must fight *•> Of even a war of self-defense, much less course we would fight to protect our a war of aggression. The Bible is the homes; but our homes are not threat- book we all talk about but seldom read. ened, nor our liberties, either, save by d, Christ opposed war, never took up the men who chew the ubiquitous clove a collection, accepted no salary, founded and insist on the strenuous life. Leave no church, had no ritual, wore no mitre us alone s+ $<* nor robe of office. He did not belong to We wish to pay off the mortgages on the superior class—did not ever take our houses, to educate our children, pains to associate with respectable peo- to work, to read, to meditate, to pre- ple. He was a carpenter who felt certain pare for old age and quick-coming, cool, truths so intensely that He left His bench all-enfolding death. for a time and went forth speaking to But they will not leave us alone—these men in the streets, the market places men who insist on governing us and and by the seashore. living off our labor. They tax us, eat War is hell s& s^ our substance, conscript us, draft our We would like to obey the Golden Rule. boys into their wars to fight farmers C[ But the superior class will not have whose chief offenses are that they wear it so—they pass conscription laws, and trousers that bag at the knee and culti- use the army thus conscripted to con- vate an objectionable style of whisker. script other men s<* s& C They call themselves the superior War is the sure result of the existence class. They live off the labor of our of armed men. That country which main- hands. They essay the task of govern- tains a large standing army will sooner ing us for a consideration. They deceive or later have a war on hand. The man us—this superior class—they hoodwink who prides himself on fisticuffs is going, us; they betray us; they bulldoze us some day, to meet a man who considers — —

Page 164 TUB WOTB BOO/C himself a better man, and they will fight. decorated with a mortgage. I have youth <£ So the people who wish to follow the —I am only fifty—and as in degree the teachings of Christ are not allowed to public is willing to lend me its large do so, but are taxed, outraged, deceived furry ear, I have prospects. I have a by governments—by the superior class library of five thousand volumes to read; who demand that we shall lead the and besides, I have a little case of a strenuous life, when all we ask is the hundred books to love, bound in full privilege of doing our work—and doing levant, hand-tooled. unto others as we would be done by *•» Then besides I have a saddle-horse C Christ taught humility, meekness, with a pedigree like unto that of a the forgiveness of one's enemies, and Daughter of the Revolution; a Howard that to kill is wrong. The Bible teaches watch, and a fur-lined overcoat. So there men not to swear, but the superior now, why should n't I enjoy Life? »» &+ class swear us on the Bible in which 41 I anticipate your answer, which is, they do not believe. that a man may have all of these things The only relief lies in education. Edu- enumerated and also have indigestion cate men not to fight, and that it is and chronic Bright's Disease, so that the wrong to kill. Teach them the Golden digger in the ditch, than he, is happier Rule, and yet again teach them the far. Your point is well taken, and so Golden Rule. Silently defy this superior I will gently explain that if I have any class by refusing to bow down to their aches or pains I am not aware of them. fetich of bullets. Leave Us Alone. C I have never used tobacco, nor spiri- *• .*> tuous liquors, nor have I contracted the COMMON question is this chloral, cocaine, bromide or morphine one, " Would you care to habit, never having invested a dollar " live your life over again? in medicine, patented, proprietary nor C Not only is it a common prescribed *^ s^ question, but a foolish one, In fact, I have never had occasion to since we were sent into life without consult a physician. I have good eye- our permission, and are being sent out sight, sound teeth, a perfect digestion, of it against our will, and the option and God grants to me His great gift of a return-ticket is not ours. But if of sleep *^ »+ urged to reply I would say with Ben- And again you say, " Very well, but jamin Franklin, " Yes, provided, of you yourself have said, ' Expression is course, that you allow me the author's necessary to life,' and that the man privilege of correcting the second edi- who has everything is to be pitied, since tion." If, however, this is denied, I will he has nothing to work for, and that still say, " Yes," and say it so quickly to have everything is to lose all, for life it will give you vertigo. lies in the struggle." All the points are In reading the Journal of John Wesley well made. But I have work to do the other day, I ran across this item compelling work—that I can not dele- written in the author's eighty-fifth year, gate to others *•» *• "In all of my life I have never had a This prevents incipient smugosity and period of depression nor unhappiness introspection. For more than twelve that lasted more than half an hour." years I have written the copy for two I can truthfully say the same. One monthly magazines. During that time thing even Omnipotence can not do, no issue of either magazine has been and that is to make that which once skipped. The combined paid-in-advance occurred never to have been. The past circulation of these periodicals is more is mine -+ c+ than two hundred thousand copies each What does life mean to me? Everything! issue, giving me an audience, counting Because I have everything with which at a conservative rate of three readers to enjoy life. I own a beautiful home, to a magazine, of more than a half- well furnished, and this home is not million souls. Here is a responsibility OT 7ELBEJRT HUBBARD Page 165

that may well sober any man, and which engagement, seated with a strange fat would subdue him, actually, if he stopped man who talks to me, as I write, about to contemplate it. The success of Blondin the weather, news from nowhere, and in crossing the Niagara Gorge on a wire, his most wonderful collection of steins. with a man on his back, hinged on his All of which, I hear you say, is very not stopping to think it over. interesting, but somewhat irrelevant and In order to write well you require respite inconsequential, since one may have all and rest in change. And so to keep my of the things just named, and also hold think-apparatus in good working order the just balance between activity and I dilute the day with much manual work rest, concentration and relaxation, which —which is only another word for play. we call health, and yet his life be faulty, <{, Big mental work is done in heats s^ incomplete, a failure for lack of one Between these heats are intervals of thing—Love s+ $+ delightful stupidity. Your point is well made. When Charles To cultivate his dull moments is the Kingsley was asked to name the secret mark of wisdom for almost everythought- of his success he replied, "I had a friend." juggler who aspires to keep three balls C If asked the same question I would in the air at one time. In the course of give the same answer. I might also ex- each year I give about a hundred lec- plain that my friend is a woman. tures «*• $+ This woman is my wife, legally and But besides writing and public speak- otherwise. She is also my comrade, my ing, I have something to do with a companion, my chum, my business part- semi-communistic corporation called The ner s* :** Roycrofters, employing upwards of five There has long been a suspicion that hundred people $+ s+ when God said, " I will make a help- The work of The Roycrofters is divided meet for man," the remark was a subtle into departments as follows: a farm, bit of sarcasm. However, the woman of bank, hotel, printing-plant, bookbindery, whom I am speaking proves what God furniture-factory and blacksmith shop **> can do when He concentrates on His The workers in these variousdepartments work *»• a* are mostly people of moderate experi- To this woman I owe all I am—and to ence, and therefore more or less super- her the world owes its gratitude for intendence is demanded. Eternal vigi- any and all, be it much or little, that lance is not only the price of liberty I have given it. My religion is all in my but of success in business, and knowing wife's name &+ *•> this I keep in touch with all departments And I am not bankrupt, for all she of the work. So far, we have always been has is mine, if I can use it, and in degree able to meet our payroll. All of the I have used it **• a^ top-notchers in the Roycroft Shops have And why I prize life, and desire to live, been evolved there, so it will be seen is that I may give the world more of that we aim to make something besides the treasures of her heart and mind, books. In fact, we have a brass band, realizing with perfect faith that the sup- an art-gallery, a reading-room, a library, ply coming from Infinity can never be and we have lectures, classes or concerts lessened nor decreased. every night in the week. Some of these I have succeeded beyond the wildest classes I teach, and usually I speak ambitions of my youth, but I am glad in the Roycroft Chapel twice a week to find that my desires outstrip my per- on current topics s+ s+ formances, and as fast as I climb one These things are here explained to make hill I see a summit beyond. So I am clear the point that I have no time for not satisfied, nor do I ever declare, ennui or brooding over troubles past or " Here will I build three tabernacles," those to come. Even what I say here but forever do I hear a voice which is written on by-product time, on board says, " Arise and get thee hence, for a railroad-train, going to meet a lecture this is not thy rest." Page 166

€*• Bfr . into being during the Italian Renais- HAT the Jews are a joyous sance, say about the year Fourteen people and find much sweet Hundred and Fifty. The Jews had their sorrowful re- £s)*Jw s^306 * n settled in one corner of the city, as they S^^^jK/ ligion is proven by one fact too always have done, and are still prone to "t^S^^ai obvious to be overlooked — do. They had their own shops, stores, they reproduce. Children are born of bazaars, booths, schools and synagogues. joy. The sorrows ofJewry are more appar- They built close but high, and they ent than real. After every Black Fast, built well. There they were packed, bus- when the congregations used to sit shoe- ied with their own affairs, jostling, less on the stone floors of the synagogues, quibbling, arguing—taking no interest weeping and wailing on account of the in the social life outside. destruction of Jerusalem, the youngsters To be sure, they traded with the Christ- and the grown-ups as well, were count- ians, bought, sold, ran, walked with ing the hours before the Feast of Pente- them, but they did not dine with Christ- cost would begin. The sorrow over the ians nor pray with them. There were loss of things destroyed a thousand years Jewish architects, painters, printers, or so ago is reduced to rather a pleasant lawyers, bankers, and many 01 the emotional exercise. richest and most practical men of Venice Fasts were followed by feasts, also pro were Jews s» s*. and con, as Mrs. Malaprop would say, Children born and brought up in the so in the home of an orthodox Jewish Ghetto always felt a certain pity for family there was always something those who had to live beyond the gates, doing. Fasts, feasts, flowers, sweet- in the great selfish, grasping, wicked meats, lights, candles, little journeys, world. Those inside the Ghetto were the visits, calls, dances, prayers, responses, Chosen People of God; those outside wails and cries of exultation—" Rejoic- were the Children of the Devil. ing of the Law"—this prevented mono- That the Jews kept aloof from the Gen- tony, stagnation and introspection. tiles and preferred to live apart is true, And these are the things which have no matter who built the Ghetto wall. pressed their pre-natal influences upon Also, no matter who built the wall, it is the Jew until the fumes and reek of the a fact that the Government of Venice, Ghetto, the rumble and squeak of the which was Christian and under the im- rabble and the babble of bazaars are mediate jurisdiction of the Church, kept more acceptable to him than is the breeze guards at the gates and allowed no Jew — —


to leave after a certain early hour of they possessed a fine pride concerning the evening, nor on Sundays or holidays. their humility, as all ascetics do. They ;<* >'©» have every characteristic that distinguish- elBBON, who was a Deist or Mono- ed the Jew of the Middle Ages—those theist and really liked the Jews, characteristics which invite persecution, intimates that it was lucky for the and wax strong under it. Christians that Constantine did n't em- Poverty and persecution seem neces- brace Judaism instead of Christianity, sary factors in fixing upon a people for if he had, the a distinctive and Jews would have peculiar religion «•» who is worthy treated the Christ- HE man Persecution and ians exactly as the of being a leader of men poverty have no Christians have power to stamp out since treated the will never complain of the a religion—all they Jews m» Of course, stupidity of his helpers, of the do is to stain it nobody claims that deeper into the Christianity is the ingratitude of mankind, nor of hearts of its votar- religion of Christ the inappreciation of the pub- ies. Centuries of it is the religious starvation and re- rule of pagan lic. These things are all a part pression deepened Rome, with Christ the religious im- as a convenient la- of the great game of life, and pulse of the Irish, bel. Gibbon, in this to meet them and not go down and it has ever connection, says at been the same with least one irrefut- before them in discourage- the Jew. able thing and that The downfall of ment and defeat is the final is that the Jewish primitive Christ- people are men and proof of power. ianity dates from women. Christians the day that Con- are men and women, too; both are surely stantine embraced it and thereby made human beings, and it is quite likely that it| popular. Prosperity is a form of disin- the race is not to the swift, nor the battle tegration—a ripening of the fruit. Things to the strong, but time and chance succeed only that they may die. happeneth to them all. Liberal Judaism is fast becoming a I am not so sure that Gibbon was right Universal Religion, taught in fact, if not when he says the Christians were lucky in name, by priests, preachers and muftis in that Constantine did not turn Jew. To of all denominations. The end of the be persecuted is not wholly a calamity, Jew is near, for we are adopting him, but to persecute is to do that for which willy, nilly. The Jews. Nature seemingly affords no compensa- tion. The persecutor dies, but the perse- j^vHE wise man contains in himself cuted lives on forever. The struggle for ^^ every quality of the foolish person, existence which the Jew has had to plus the attributes and characteristics make, is the one thing that has differ- of the wise one. His foolishness is held entiated him and made him strong. in check by discretion, and instead of Those first Christians—Primitive Christ- energy being blown about by caprice, ians—who lived during the years from it is controlled by judgment. the time of Paul to that of Constantine, were a simple, direct, sincere and honest The object of teaching a child is to people—opinionated no doubt, and ob- enable him to get along without his stinately dogmatic, but with virtues teacher s^ *•• that can never be omitted nor waived. They were economical, industrious and Chase your work or your work will filled with the spirit of brotherhood, and chase you. Page 168 CTHB 7VOTE BOOX,

trouble with the hoe-man the business of the prize-fighter is i HE to de- is too much hoe—it is hoe- fend himself from any packages that congestion s+ «* may be directed to him. The hoe is all right, and all Recently a noted prize-fighter has spent '^men should hoe. a month at Roycroft. This man is If all men hoed a little, no man would Freddie Welsh, Champion Lightweight have to hoe all the time. of England, who is matched to meet To hoe all the time slants the brow. Matt Wells in the near future. To never hoe tends to hydrocephalus Freddie Welsh is twenty-six years of and nervous prostration. age; he weighs one hundred thirty-five Many men never hoe, because, they say, pounds; stands five feet, six. He has " I don't have to." It is a fool's answer. fought seventy-nine battles, and lost C^ Then very many men are not allowed just two. to hoe—the land is needed for game pre- Freddie is a very kindly, good-natured, serves. And in a country called Italy, intelligent individual. He knows enough where the true type of hoe-man is to keep good hours, not to overeat, not found most abundantly, there is an to underbreathe, and he carries a civil army of two hundred and fifty thousand tongue in his Welsh head. He makes fighting men who have to be fed with the friends, and keeps them. He is a good things the hoe-man digs out of the mixer. The truth that he is an individual ground. Wherever there are many sol- of intelligence is proven in the fact that diers there are also many hoe-men. he reads everything I write, and buys a €1 Some one must hoe. copy of every book I fling into the All food and all wealth are hoed out of literary ring. the ground. At Roycroft, Freddie passed the medi- If you never hoe, and yet eat, you are cine-ball with the girls, played baseball slanting the forehead of the hoe-man with the boys, and every evening, be- and adding to that stolid look of God- tween five and six, he put on the mitts, forsaken hopelessness. over on the Roycroft playground, with If you help the hoe-man hoe, he will then any individual who announced himself have time to think, and gradually the as a candidate for honors. shape of his head will change, his eye will At one of our little amateur seances in brighten, the coarse mouth will become the squared circle, a husky farmer from expressive, and at times he will take his South Wales was in attendance. It seems dumb gaze from the earth and look up this man had been a sailor, and about ten at the stars. years ago was a handy individual at Let us all hoe—a little. polishing the anchor or splicing the main ." .' brace ^ b* IGHTING according to Mar- However, he has taken on a little avoir- quis of Queensberry rules dupois, and now tips the beam at two with five-ounce gloves is not hundred ten. a dangerous sport. In the A right bold and manly specimen he was, year past, not a single ser- and many a time when under the influ- ious accident has occurred among all the ence of apple-juice, he cleaned out the many fights in the State of New York. whole bunch at the General Store at the

New Orleans, or that Paul Jones passed and go after the party who had admin- out to the same on the High Seas. istered the ether, but instead reached for He insisted on taking off his shirt and so the nearest man, who happened to be wore buff to the umbilicus. This was Deacon Buffum, and landed him one on against the rules, but we waived prece- the puss. dent and allowed the innovation. Then he waded through the crowd, strik- He was a sea-monster all right, all right. ing left and right, and we might have €[ His arms were beautifully tattooed had a stampede had not AH Baba been with the American Flag; and a dancer in there with a fence-rail. The Bab struck yellow and blue, with one foot on earth him over his No. 6 bean with the rail and and the other pointed toward the stars, sent him to the turf. The man was soon was worked in on his steamer trunk. up, and Ali chased him down the road and This is probably why he took off his clear off the quarter-section, thereby sav- shirt, so we might study art and fisti- ing what might have been a tragic scene. cuffs at one fell swoop. C After that, peace, kindliness and the I whispered to Freddie, begging that I sweet spirit of harmony prevailed. might explain to the people that he had As the bold buccaneer carried away a been taken suddenly ill, but Freddie only new pair of boxing-gloves, not having smiled and said, " No!" time to take them off, we mourn the loss Then the big man went after the little of his friendship. We might go up where one, much as a big bulldog might go the fellow works and demand the gloves, after a rat-terrier. It was a Marathon. but no one yet has volunteered to take The big man pushed Freddie at will all his life in his hands and be a candidate around the ring. However, he could not for Carnegie medals. reach him. Every good thing can be abused. Exer- The bull-moose charged. Freddie side- cise can easily be carried to the point stepped, and the big 'un hit the void, where it gives a diminishing return; con- always with a tremendous grunt. And tinued, it may be fatal to life. But it once the little fellow said, " Friend, you must be admitted that man has a body can't fight a little, but I like your voice." that thrives only when it is properly C. Then the big fellow seemed to think exercised. We eliminate the cosmic slag it was a matter of catch-as-catch-can, only when we work. every man for himself—a sort of Presby- Boxing is a game. It tends to give cour- terian prayer-meeting, with the Lord age, to make the man a cheerful loser. It looking the other way, and Gabriel busy teaches him to keep his temper, and its on his card system, marking up the sins general tendency is to put fear behind of the many. and make him carry the crown of his The big man went at it again, and as he head high and his chin in. came rushing, Freddie side-stepped. As While I have no desire to revive the the man-of-war went by, Freddie gave Roman sports as practised in the Colos- him a short-arm punch with the right on seum of old, yet I realize the important the point of the jaw. part that play and games form in a well- The dreadnought spun twice around, and rounded universe. then Freddie landed him another. The I believe the man who knows how to man spun round and round like a tur- counter is reasonably free from introspec- bine, and finally dived over the ropes on tion and brooding. He is not looking for to the friendly soil, making a dent in the insults, slights and troubles; he is not Roycroft lawn. eternally thinking about himself. He was not hurt, merely surprised and Life is no soft, silly, four-o'clock " tea." grieved. The business of man is to hustle, and He sat up, trying to locate his latitude when an individual has lost his fighting and longitude. edge, he is out of the game, and the Much to the surprise of the whole assem- Great Timekeeper is about to give him bly, he did not climb back over the ropes the count s+ a* — — !


OWN at Syracuse, where they It is managed by Mrs. Evans, her three take things cum grano salts, daughters and her son. These five work is a concern that does busi- together as one person. They man the

ness under the unique name ship . o s«» of " Mary Elizabeth." This earnest, honest, healthy, intelli- The head of the firm is Fanny Reigel gent, active, alert and loving little group Evans, a widow anywhere between produce candy of a most superior kind thirty and fifty. Five years ago she had and quality. The candy they make is like sorrow, bereavement and a much tangled themselves $+ &+ estate to fill up the void of leaden hours. That is all we can do anyway—repro- d The lawyers straightened out the duce ourselves. Your work is a broken estate—and kept it. This simplified off piece of your own spiritual estate. If matters &— s+ there are sleazy strands in the warp and The mother would have just laid down woof of your character, they will reap- and died of a broken heart, for hearts pear in the woven fabric. Everything we are made to be broken, but she had a make, we manufacture right out of our family of three girls and a boy just hearts $+> •«* " blooming into adult life, leaving child- The name Mary Elizabeth" stuck—it hood behind. C It is easy to die, but to is still on the package. bravely live and face each new day If love writes all the good books, sings that often takes courage, indeed! all the songs, covers the canvas with I think so. harmonious color, and liberates beauty And so we find Mrs. Evans in dire ex- from the marble block, why may it not tremity revolving in her mind what she make candy and do business could do and do well, that she might earn I think it can and does. The more love a living for herself and brood. She thought you work up into life the better for you she could not do anything, but it came and the better for the world. to her that years before she had made Starr King tried to trace the transform- candy for her brothers and sisters, and ing of a beefsteak into a poem, and we then for neighbors, and occasionally for can trace mother-love into a factory fairs and bazaars. that makes an art out of a candy pack- So she made some candy and Mary age. Here you get the true correlation of Elizabeth, a bright slip of a girl, went force—the divine transmutation of en- out and sold it. Mary Elizabeth was ergy 5^ 5^ genius enough to march her troops on a Art is the beautiful way of doing things. phalanx—the candy was wrapped, boxed, C. There is quite a list of things I do not labeled and tied in a most tempting and know, but set this down as beyond dis- appetizing way. Then Mary Elizabeth pute: There can be no art without love, wrote her name with one hand on every and the love you keep is the love you package to show that the goods were gen- liberate in your work. Mary Elizabeth. uine. €1 People smiled and bought, and .«* ©• would have patted Mary Elizabeth on her HITERATURE is the noblest of all flaxen head, but she was fourteen goin' the arts. Music dies on the air, or on fifteen $+ s+ at best exists only as a memory; oratory Orders came in for the Mary Elizabeth ceases with the effort; the painter's col- candy—people of taste and distinction ors fade and the canvas rots; the marble liked it and liked the looks of it. Then is dragged from its pedestal and is they liked the looks of Mary Elizabeth broken into fragments; but the Index —she was such a fine, strong, healthy Expurgatorius is as naught, and the books youngster—so full of life and good burned by the fires of the auto da fe still cheer—so honest and genuine! live. Literature is reproduced ten thou- The business grew. sand times ten thousand and lodges its It continued to grow. appeal with posterity. It dedicates itself It is growing still. to Time s* s«» —


England and America, every citi- |OT long ago, a woman, going INzen with a grievance has the legal through from New York to right to prosecute or defend his own case Chicago, stopped off at Buf- before the courts. If he can not do this in falo and came out to visit an intelligible manner, the judge, as in the Roycroft Shop. She had the Age of the Barons, will tell him he only recently come over to the Lord's must have the services of a lawyer. Now, side, so everything in Sun-up was very if the man has come into court of his own new and novel, just as it would be to a accord, he can go " sheep " recently and hire a lawyer, arrived in heaven. F I supply you a thought or else it's " back d, Among other to the woods." If you may remember it things that seemed he hasbeenbrought curious to this wo- into court against and you may not. But if I can man were the no- his will, and he has make you think a thought for tices on the bulle- no money to hire tin board. One such a barrister, the yourself, I have indeed added announcement court is obliged to reads, " Class in to your stature. name a lawyer to Greekhistorymeets assist him exactly, tonight at 7:30 in as in olden times. I state the fact for the the Oak Room." s+ $* benefit of any of my friends who may be Now, this woman's husband is an instruc- brought before a Sunrise Court. tor in History in Columbia University. " The idea of justice, excepting as a legal And when she saw that particular notice fiction," says that eminent lawyer, Clar- she was especially interested. ence Darrow, " has been long abandoned " Who teaches that class?" she asked of by the people of intelligence. We do the the girl who was acting as guide. thing we want to do, if not thwarted by " Mr. McVulcan, the blacksmith," was our neighbors, and hire men to get the the answer. courts to help us. A lawyer's business is " What! a blacksmith teaching Greek to evade the law, quite as much as to History?" s+ :+ comply with it." " Why, yes, of course." Thus, by befogging judge and jury, and " Show him to me." reading into the law new interpretations, So the two tramped back to the McVul- are we arriving at peaceful anarchy by can studio, and there were the black- indirection. The danger of this process smith and his busy helpers pounding lies in the fact that while judges are not away on the anvils. for sale, lawyers certainly are. " That is the man," said the guide, who The " Rule of the People" is as yet a thought the visitor wanted to talk with legal fiction, pleasing of course, but as this volunteer school-teacher. rudimentary as that pocket on the back " No, I do not wish to speak with him, I of a barrister. might be disappointed. I just want to go away and remember that here a man may Laugh with folks—not at them. be a teacher of history and something more." $+ s+ " OHE world is full of folks who are You mean a blacksmith and something quick to ascribe an ulterior motive more," answered the guide with a smile. to every generous act. They ask with d " No, I mean what I say, and it im- uplifted eyebrow: " Was Mary Magda- plies no slight upon my husband, either. lene sincere? Was n't it just a transient, He often bemoans the fact that he can hysterical spasm of repentance? *•» And only talk—he can not do things." about that box of precious ointment Another thing that surprised this visitor what proof is there that she did n't steal was that an East Aurora preacher was it? " *» «•» also there at work, handling the big Page 172 THE WOTB BOO/C sledge, acting as the blacksmith's helper. on your soul, but God help you if you H And the woman went away full of the have any on your hands! This is extrica- thought that she had caught a glimpse of tion, separation—specialization carried Utopia *»• s+ to the limit of lunacy. But it was n't Utopia—it was only a We are just getting back to sanity, and finger on a mile-post pointing the way. here was a woman surprised and delight- CI. If a man works ten hours at heavy ed to find that culture and useful work manual labor, the probabilities are that were really not incompatible. he has little vitality left for thought. Manual training is a necessary part of who can wonder that if, too often, And every man's education. All men should when the day's work is done, he seeks work with their hands. The trouble has forgetfulness from his sore joints in been that we have given all the work to strong drink ! And then most certainly he one set of men, and the culture to another has no mind for books. set, and the result has been the degrada- So we look at the man as he nods in his tion of both. It is as if you should make chair at eventide and we say he is your dinner of either pie or pickles. stupid he lacks sparkle. And surely he — —Culture and Useful Work. does fall far short of being clever. He has had too much of a good thing. And so has the soft, yellow, lily-fin- LEASE bear in mind that the great- d, Q gered dyspeptic whom the world calls est dietetic sinners are not the poor cultured a» .-*. and ignorant, but the so-called educated These men must come together, and each class. We all realize the dangers from bear a portion of the other's burdens. strong drink, but strong meat that sets They must clasp hands for mutual re- up its ferment after you eat it, is quite as spect and mutual support, and then we bad as the product of the grain that is will have two strong men instead of a fermented first and swallowed after- couple of defectives. wards *» s+

And everywhere are the fingers on mile- The craving for stimulants is a disease, posts pointing the way. We live in great and never goes with Dietetic Righteous- times, Brother—your hand! your hand! ness. Crime follows mal-nutrition, as €1 Now why was this woman surprised does night the day. Irritability, stupid- that a man should be a blacksmith and ity, touchiness are some of the results still teach a class in Greek History? of food poisoning. The criminal is a sick Is the making of useful things out of iron man. You try to sip your Martini, ;• degrading? s— Fletcherize it, hold it in your mouth and Oh, no. Robert Collyer was a blacksmith. taste, taste, taste it, and you are a hero Elihu Burritt was a shoemaker. Paul if you can empty the glass. Nature rebels was a tentmaker. Jesus was a carpenter. after two or three very little sips and it C The woman's surprise was simply an tastes like kerosene. involuntary indictment of the social and Nature knows—trust her! economic conditions under which we live s+ s+ We have so separated things and divi- there some one who believes in ded them up, that for the most part, XSthe value of your mission? Ah, I carpenters and blacksmiths are exclud- am glad, for without that stimulus you ed from " good society." How would a were in a sorry plight. Professor Tyndall blacksmith look wearing white kid once said the finest inspiration he ever gloves at a reception perfunk? received was from an old man who could The idea of culture until yesterday was scarcely read. This man acted as his ser- that if a man were cultured it was quite vant. Each morning the old man would enough—he need not be useful. If a knock on the door of the scientist and woman were pretty, let her sit around call, " Arise, Sir; it is near seven o'clock, and look pretty. You might have stains and you have great work to do today." Or 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 173

DENTIST to be successful There is another thing to which I want must be a surgeon, an artist, to direct your attention in connection a sculptor and a mechanic. with the dentist's shop. The man in his He must have the same care is usually in bad humor. He does mental grasp of the laws of not go to the dentist until he has to, as a physics, chemistry and biology as is rule, and as soon as he gets there he needed by the physician. He must have begins to fuss about countless other the manipulative skill that is required by things he would rather be doing; as a the surgeon in his result he gets peev- most delicate work. ish and will not sit He must be able EAVE the idle rich to still. The dentist to take advantage Nemesis. Disease and has to show con- of the finest re- sideration s«» He quirements of the death are at their heels. must be tolerant. mechanic, and The men who operate our He has to do all must have the abil- the smiling, both ity to carry out great enterprises—mills, fac- for his patient and those mechanical for himself. His operations on liv- tories, elevators, banks and best efforts are sel- ing tissue in such department-stores—know- dom appreciated. manner as to cause C He is commonly no irritation there- nothing of ease. Their work- regarded as a dis- to. agreeable His workshop ing-hours are not limited by neces- is a hole in the face sity. His task is about two inches the whistle. They sweat blood a thankless one, in diameter; in and because as that hole he has to meet payrolls and to keep a rule he is square to perform] all the wheels of trade revolving. and honest, and of his operations charges by the and the patient hour or by the takes the work away with him s^ s* operation, he does not make as much In nine-tenths of the work done by the money as he ought to make. A surgeon physician or surgeon, Nature is expected can put up a bluff. He can make a to complete what he leaves. The dentist mountain out of a mole-hill and charge has to do his work. His failures stand out the price for removing a tumor when he where he can always see them. The doc- takes out a wart, and the patient will tor buries his. never be any the wiser. The most the Most diseases are greatly aggravated by physician has to do is to look wise and unsanitary oral conditions that some let Nature take her course. Nature has physicians ignore completely, but that precious little to do with the restoration every dentist appreciates. I venture the of teeth in the human mouth. assertion that half the diseases that take When I say a dentist has to be an artist, toll of mankind will be controlled when I mean he must have a knowledge of dentistry has succeeded in teaching color, which enables him to properly people to keep their mouths clean and match missing teeth with those remain- their teeth in condition to masticate ing. When I say he must be a sculptor their food properly and vigorously. I mean he must have a knowledge of The beauty, vigor and health of the symmetry which will enable him to human body and mind are greatly de- restore contours either in gold or silver or pendent on the possession of sound, use- cement *»• a^ ful, masticating apparatus. Is n't the man who is able to control this situation As a general proposition, the community worthy of equal honor with the writer of believes in the banker who believes in prescriptions? s* s» the community. —

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HEN Theodore Roosevelt ear of that convention; and then his said that was voice, exquisitely modulated, rang out " the most able man before clear as the song of an ax in the woods on the American people to- an October morning. day, and probably the Never can I forget how he walked down most able man ever before the American to the front of the stage and pointing people," he slipped past the main en- with his gavel at one cheering, shouting, trance of the Ananias Club for once, and howling individual, who stood on his walked the open road of truth. chair and endeavored to incite the mob In all my acquaintanceship with so- to violence. called great men, I never met one who Root's attitude commanded silence, for impressed me as being the genuine goods just a second; but during that second, until I met Elihu Root. At that time he Root's voice rang forth. " If the gentle- was Secretary of State. man continues his present conduct but a Doctor Johnson said, " If I should meet very little further, he will bring a dis- William Shakespeare on the stairs, I grace upon the American People that would faint away." time will not efface. I now order the If I had met Elihu Root in Washington gentleman to take his seat!" in his office, my heart would have And the silence that followed was voci- thumped fast. ferous s^ «•» Since the days of Thomas Jefferson, we If the man wanted to raise a riot, there have never had a man in America that was his opportunity. Root gave him his was in Elihu Root's class. chance; but he failed to rise to the level The literal, cool fact is that Elihu Root of events. He sank sullenly, cowed, back and Thomas Jefferson each have the into his seat. crystalline mind. I say " have," for, as Elihu Root has about him somewhat of far as I know, Thomas Jefferson is living the elemental indifference of Nature. He yet, and his soul goes marching on. In has the calm insouciance which realizes what form it marches, I do not attempt that nothing matters much; although, to say s+ s+ being wise, he knows that all things But everything that Thomas Jefferson matter a little. The man possesses moral wrote was sharp, clear, lucid and logical. and physical courage. He has pride, He was not an orator, but he was the poise, power—plus. Elihu Root. best thinker who ever played a part in American politics. Read any of the State 6VERYB0DY is really decent in documents of Elihu Root and you will spots; and I have seen the gentle find the same lucidity. It is cold, clear, answer completely disarm a grouch who frosty, intellectual, with all soft senti- was bent on chewing the red rag of ment eliminated. wordy warfare. Elihu Root's feelings never run over so Yes, courtesy is catching. that he stands in the slop. He is always in .© .-••» control of one man, and that is himself. Being master of his own spirit, he is also OHE fact is that so-called rich men able to be master of many. are simply trustees. All they have, At the Chicago Exposition, it was the at best, is a life-lease on the property s* greatest sight of my life to see how this If these men are producing wealth—-dig- man, slim, slender, agile, graceful, man- ging it out of the soil, cutting it out of aged that fifteen thousand seething, the forest, fishing it out of the sea, dig- struggling, moving mass of humanity. ging it out of the mines, manufacturing Elihu Root let them run out, as a mask- it into forms of use and beauty—this inonge takes the hook and scoots for the wealth is the heritage of society. You will rushes, oh. But when the Chairman remember the question, " How much did wanted to bring them back, he did it. He the gentleman leave?" And the answer never spoke until he had the large, furry was, " All he had." —


SyESgTlY little girl, 'leven years old brilliant in color than the female, but the twelve, has been female is '"VXV S°inS on much larger. She makes a nest 3/1/ giving me a few lessons in and lays her eggs. These eggs do not jj»f lepidopterology, which she hatch out butterflies—bless your soul! W" ?ir =^3 tells me, and I have no They hatch caterpillars. C The cater- reason to doubt her, for she has never pillar is a worm. It can not fly ; it can not deceived me in anything, is the science run—it just can crawl. It has lots of of butterflies. I know lots of educated legs, it has horns and feelers which are men, but only a- called antennae,and bout one out of a on the ends of the hundred ever heard USINESS is a game, and antennas some- of lepidoptera. I times are eyes $+ s+ we are all in it. It re- have always known Antennae are in a little about but- quires a terrific, unending en- place of eyes, so terflies but I never to keep from run- imagined they were ergy to succeed. But the men ning into things. lepidoptera until who do big things are those When Nature got lsst week [ Hskcd make a good eye the best educated who occasionally get away ie TetTup on an- man in East Au- from the mass and find rest tennae. The eye is rora, the Baptist a mirror that re- preacher, if he was and recreation where the flects things and lepidopterologist, at the back of a winds blow the soothing the and he thought I and mirror is a tele- was calling him waters flow; where the Odor phone to the brain bad names. with little nerves *.*.*_•• i j Among the things Of the pineS IS perpetual, and for wires, so not my little science only does the eye where Nature supplies every-J teacher has taught rr see but it tele- me are these: There thing in the way of health phones to the brain what it sees, so you thousand separate and healing that tired bodies always know whe- and distinct species demand *» *» ther to run or stay. of butterflies. The It took a long time life of a butterfly is for Nature to from three days to three months, but make an eye—it was a wonderful in- there is one species that migrates, like vention and God and Gabriel both birds, and this one may live three years. turned somersaults and walked on their No two butterflies of the same species hands when they found the scheme are exactly alike, and the same species would work. When the caterpillar has vary much in size. On account of the been a worm as long as it wants to extremely fragile quality of its body a and finds out there is nothing in it butterfly usually lives but a few days. it wraps itself in a leaf and makes for it- A rain-storm always kills many, and col- self a cocoon. The silkworm is very parti- lectors in order to get perfect specimens cular, so it makes its cocoon of silk in- often prefer to breed them. stead of calico. It can make silk so well Moths and butterflies are very different. and so much silk, that man, who is a Moths fly at night and butterflies in the grafter, just steals this silk and fools the daytime. The reason moths fly at night worm into making more silk, just as we is so to escape the birds—it is a habit. steal the honey the bee makes, and also And the reason the whip-poor-will and as we take advantage of the love of a some other birds fly at night is so to cow for her calf and steal the milk. Man catch the moths—this is a habit, too. is the most wonderful grafter of all the €[ The male butterfly is much more works of God. All man gives the silk-worm — ——

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OT VBZJ3JSIZT HUBBARD Page 177 undress them. This, of course, is the property began with the ownership of extreme type, but I mention it to show woman, and with that which she pro- the tendency. The outcrop is occasion- duced s«» £•» ally seen yet in the nobleman who has The fact is that every city, town and a valet. And we all know of men who village has its self-appointed Superior never do a useful thing for fear of los- Class, and this class gets its tone and ing caste. The survival may even be takes its fashions from the extreme types seen in England, where no gentleman just mentioned. will " clean " his own shoes—this work That these people in the smaller towns is done by women. On the Continent, actually do work with their hands, and the care of public lavatories is all given help carry the burdens of the world, is to women. The woman is the scullion, true, yet on Sundays and other holidays the menial, the drudge, the vehicle of they delight in parading themselves in what is dirty, uncouth, inconvenient or a dress which seems to advertise that disgraceful s+ so they do not work. Their raiment, when they can afford it, ^^HE property-right in marriage still is the dress of those who habitually ^^ exists, and the Common Law of indulge in Conspicuous Waste. America, which is founded on the Com- Almost without a single exception they mon Law of England, which is founded look forward to a time when they will on the Common Law of Rome, provides not have to work. And those who do that the property produced by the in- have to work unremittingly here, are dustry of the wife belongs, by legal right, offered an equivalent through a promise to the husband. She may make blankets, of endless rest and a mansion in the skies. beadwork, baskets, and her husband can C No heaven has yet been pictured take these things and do what he chooses excepting as a place of idleness and Con- with them s— $+ spicuous Waste &+ s+ Up to the year Eighteen Hundred Sixty- Your country storekeeper, if he is pros- three, the custom of men selling their perous, straightway advertises his pros- own children was common and well perity in Conspicuous Waste. He builds recognized in various States in America. a house five times as big as he needs s*> And the children yet belong more to d One might at first suppose that the the man than to the woman. size of the house would give the beholder s^ so some idea of the number of people who England the law still gives the live in it, and this is true: excepting that IN " " , husband the right to reprove a small families live in large houses and refractory wife—the same right that he large families live in small houses. Indeed has over his children. Yesterday he could the number in any given family is usu- " kill her; and the right to " reprove ally in inverse ratio to the size of the with a stick is yet conceded in London house. If prosperity smiles, the wife has police-courts, but provision is made lim- two servants, and the daughter ceases iting the thickness and length of the to work, in order to advertise the father's stick mn s+ prosperity s+ s* We have seen that first women alone The mother will tell you her servant-girl were enslaved, but later more workers woes, and of all she suffers, but what were needed, and then men were made can she do? She was far happier when slaves also. Very often these were given they lived in a cottage and she did her charge of women slaves. And so the work, but now there are all these things supervision of slaves by slaves, or the to care for, and the social duties besides. ownership of slaves by slaves, has, to Yet she is very happy in her misery. a certain degree, still survived. These They are respectable and must adver- things are not noted here by way ot tise the fact; so the fashion that Paris criticism or reproach, but simply to decrees in dress is followed as it filters make clear the proposition that personal through New York, Chicago, Grand —

Page 178 TUB 1VOTE SOO/C

Rapids, Galesburg and Des Moines, as HE Samurai stand for the the case may be s* And this fashion entire list of military virtues is always with a design of Conspicuous which Thompson Seton has Waste $+ s+ put before the world so vivid- ^*» ly; that is to say, loyalty, 3 STILL further refinement of his- truthfulness, honor, integrity, health, trionic seizure of honors is some- self-reliance, and the silent and prompt times seen among the descendants of obedience of orders. geniuses, who have produced somewhat America as a country suffers from the of a marked literary or artistic excellence. proclivities of the genus buckwheat C These people are like the descendants that is, the native villager, who talks of Captain Kidd—they have everything all day to everybody on any subject but the great man's courage and ability. and seldom says anything. This kind of The dead ancestor was a writer, and a man lives either in his garret or in his man of culture and kindness; the play- sub-cellar, and a good deal of the time actor descendants assume the gait and is talking through his roof. gesture, the manner and habit of this All people who revel, roll and wallow supposed greatness &+ Theirs is the in their emotions are cast down in defeat tone of kindness, minus the kindness; and exultant in victory. The Samurai the thoughtful looks without the thought. accept everything as it comes and count C They tell of literary tasks, and relate it good—even death itself. And life itself how busy they are at this or that great is a small affair when it comes to giving problem, but they never solve any prob- it away in a good cause. This gives you lem, and the long-expected book dies a type of man that is pretty nearly in- a-borning $+ $+ vincible s+ He can not be stampeded, At the last the reverence of these de- bribed, bought or panic-stricken s+ :•*. generate descendants of great men for ^ .'-» literature is a pretense towards the liv- delight in — I ROWN-UPS make- ing men who produce literature, this believe. Count , social Superior Class have only aversion the greatest thinker in Rus- and scorn. Their reverence is for the sia, and a rich man, plays dead. Shakespeare, Browning, Keats, he is a peasant; and often Rembrandt, Shelley, Thoreau, Whitman gives his family goose-flesh by threats and Byron were not respectable; and the to give away his property. Those who decayed gentility that holds letters in threaten to dissipate their property never its custody would have scorned a genuine do, and those who do, do not intend to. creator during his life. d. Americans are rich people with big That most sweet and gentle of all estates, who live the Simple Life five women writers, Elizabeth Barrett Brown- days each month and the rest of the ing, was accursed in the mind of her time drive bangtail horses or ride in father to the day of his death, because Red Devil automobiles, defying bucolic she did not conform to his idea of what justice. Education, until yesterday, was was respectable and right and proper. of two kinds—priestly and military s+ C She sent him letters, but they were Roughly speaking, Harvard represents returned to her unopened; she dedicated the one, West Point the other. to him books, but he refused to read Harvard has departments of Theology, them. And now he lives only because Law, Medicine and the Classics—all are he sired this daughter, and his folly non-productive, and largely make-be- and his hate are his sole monument s* lieve. The simple fact that the education C Our social play-actors have neither in Law, Medicine and Theology of the ability nor the inclination to con- twenty-five years ago is now regarded centrate on chaos and make it concrete. as inept, puerile and inconsequent, shows They will not pay the price; they demand the make-believe in the pedagogics and the honors, but they want ease. science of the past. Or 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 179

As for the study of the Classics, its chief Asheville, Saratoga and Newport have charm lay in its Futility—in the fact no power and reveal no prowess, but that it unfitted a man for useful life s» they take to themselves all the credit To know a dead language was a meri- of prowess and parade their ability in torious separation from life, and a thing killing time and following the aniseed desirable. Its desirability was an honor make-believe trail, poetically speaking. —you could use it so seldom and with The men of power who exploited labor so few. C Education in the science ol or monopolized good things through war, which is the force of arms or science of carrying had better learn to force of cunning desolation and in- OU and intellect were flicting death, is accept all the small mis- the ancestors of still considered to these men s«* And, be an honorable fits and the trivial annoy- by a strange para- acquirement $+ So ances of life as a matter of dox, these descen- everywhere we dants of men of have Military course. To allow them to re- power scorn a gen- Schools, where the uine, living man of ceive attention beyond their martial spirit is in- power, and take to stilled and encour- deserts is to wear the web of themselves credit aged, and where on being one or two patriotism—the your life to the warp. Be on removes from a detestation of oth- the lookout for the great joys, sure-enough person er countries—is in- of prowess. culcated. That this and never let mosquitoes .'>«* .'<< class of schools do ^|"F Captain worry you into a passion. good there is no ^JL. Kidd were doubt, but they alive today he minister largely to this habit of self- would not be considered Respectable, deception so common in the Superior although, no doubt, he was, in the circle Class. The people who patronize these in which he moved. But I am told there academies joyously believe that they are are lineal descendants of Captain Kidd fitting their boys to protect the toilers. who are very proud of the name. So we C^ Anyway, they unfit the boy for be- have many descendants of Captain John coming a toiler. Smith, who was no less than an outlaw. Thus we hark back to the savage idea, There are well-authenticated pedigrees which was that the best men should be of persons tracing a line direct to Poca- set apart to protect the tribe. "In Eng- hontas, and these people take much pride land," Gladstone once said, " there are in saying they trace to a genuine Ameri- only two honorable walks open to young can. But if Pocahontas were alive today men: the Army and the Church." they would hardly have the old lady in It is still the Warrior and the Priest, their homes and call her gran'ma $+ *»• guised and glossed by a smug, com- C It is somewhat like Anton Seidl, who placent make-believe, carried out and claimed to be a natural son of Franz refined by higher personal potencies $* Liszt. When asked as to the truth of Visit Old Point Comfort, Saratoga, New- this claim, Philip Hale said, with a yawn, port and Point of Pines and you will " Oh, but it is no great mark of distinc- at once see the premium paid to in- tion—there are so many claiming the " eptness and futility $+ s^ honor, you know! The inability and the disinclination to Liszt is dead, removed from us by both partake in useful effort is considered time and distance, but, by a curious a virtue, in that it proves the prowess metamorphosis, we evolve the bar sin- of the person—his power to make others ister into a virtue, and multiply honors do for him s+ The Superior Class at by the square of the distance. Almost —;


anybody traces back to William the hearthstone," a " return to savagery," Conqueror, and that he was a Natural etc. Yet changes occur and the morning Son of Nobody makes no difference s+ stars still sing together. Thus we have Societies of gentlewomen whose sole badge of distinction lies in ^rtlTHIN twenty-five years men of that they had certain ancestors who Vl/ sense have abandoned the idea of fought in a certain war. No inquiry is hell, and a personal devil is now only made into this man's character, or as a huge joke even in orthodox churches. to why he fought. " Spare the rod and spoil the child," was once a great and vital truth, but ^^HIS idea of Respectability through now we spare the rod and save the child, ^^ Vicarious Virtue is an interesting d Love, patience and kindness are an- subject for the psychologist, involving swering the purpose much better than as it does the pretty make-believe of a the rod. Capital punishment has been histrionic benefit, where we play to the done away with in some States and will

gallery of our own self-esteem. The idea be ere long in all ; the dark cell has every- of Respectability is a phantasmagoria where been abolished, and the time will contrived and created by the people that most assuredly come when jails and peni- it controls. The desire is not to be, but tentiaries will have to go, as well. We to seem. The intent of life is to make an doubt the wisdom of men turning them- impression upon other people, and this, selves into a section of the Day of Judg- and this alone, is the controlling impulse ment in order to punish other men, in what is called Good Society. And so, and to kill the murderer we find neither to a great degree, we are all play-actors, brings his victim back to life, nor does and make-believe runs through the en- it prevent other crimes. tire fabric of our lives. To the man who The best lawyers now are businessmen, can get off at a little distance, so as to who keep people out of trouble, instead get the perspective, the whole thing is of getting them in. The best doctors no a comedy. But not wholly a comedy of longer treat symptoms—giving you some errors, for it is all evolution—slow, per- thing to cure your headache and settle haps, but necessary and very sure s+ your stomach—they seek the cause and tell you the truth. The preachers are away with Ancestor-Worship in everywhere acknowledging they do not OOChina, and convert the Mussulman know anything about another world to the truth that if he prays to the South they are preaching social salvation here it will be just as effective as toward the and now. The world is growing better, East, and your task will be no greater and that many people behold the chi- than to show some men that the fact mera of Respectability through Con- of Doctor Edward Everett Hale's par- spicuous Waste, and are refusing to taking of the communion in Trinity conform their lives to it, is very hope- Church is a matter of really no impor- ful. Conspicuous Waste and Conspicuous tance to anybody. Such trivial things Leisure do not bring health, happiness, as the privilege of a man to marry his long life nor contentment. Once we deceased wife's sister has set the world thought work was a curse; then it by the ears. And suggestions to do away came to us that it was a necessary evil with the death penalty, to introduce the and yesterday the truth dawned upon single tax, to bring about arbitration in us that it is a blessed privilege. That place of war, have all been hotly de- the many are still blind to truth may be nounced and their promulgators vilified. a fact, but the light is growing in the Suggest social changes such as these East. There is joy in useful effort. named and you will hear much talk We want to do what is best for ourselves, about " the dissolution of society," " a and we have made the discovery that reign of terror," " pulling out the key- what is best for ourselves is also best stone of society," " destruction of the for others. OF TBLBB&T HUBBARD Page 181

LREADY we say, "That Ragged Haggard by his clothes. This is man is the best educated the point: the family whose members who is the most useful," and work together succeed. And the success the true test of education of this family is in exact ratio to the love will be in its possessor's that cements them into a Whole. Of ability to serve. And the day will surely course the more intellect you can mix come when the only man who is not with this mutual love, the better; but Respectable will be the man who con- intellect alone is too cold to fuse the sumes but does not dumb indifference produce. Disgrace reason opinions are of inanimate things will then consist in HE and command suc- living a life of Con- so diverse concerning cess. Love is the spicuous Waste, fulfilling of life's and the greatest every strong man is that most law. man in our midst people fix their attention on will be the one who NCE when confers most bene- some particular phase of his O bread and fits. The light is character—some mere ex- honey were up for dawning in the discussion a little East. We are liv- ternal eccentricity possibly, girl from the city ing in eternity now asked her country just as much as we that is of no value, one way cousin this ques- ever shall. God is tion, " Does your or the other. The whole is " right here now, and papa keep a bee? we are as near Him what makes up the char- And that is all now as we shall ev- there is of the sto- acter not these trivial parts. er be s^ He never — ry. But let me here started this world state a great, un- a-going and went away and left it—He disputed fact: A bee alone can make no is with us yet. There is no devil but fear, honey. A bee alone is not self-supporting. and nobody and nothing can harm you C In fact, a bee alone loses heart abso- but yourself. We should remember the lutely; its intelligence vanishes, it even week-day to keep it holy, live one day forgets how to sting. And separated a at a time, doing our work the best we distance of from three to five miles from can. There is no more sacred place than its hive it will soon droop and die. Bees where a man is doing good and useful are successful only as they work with work; there is no higher wisdom than to other bees $+ «•» lose yourself in useful industry, and be A man alone will accomplish nothing. kind—and be kind. All of his thoughts and acts have a direct relationship with others. Men suc- T is not necessary to see the man ceed only as they work together. Without -*"* to know what sort of person he is. companionship ambition droops; cour- You know the farmer by the appearance age flags; reason totters; animation van- of his farm—his character is written all ishes and the man dies. Nature puts over it. His cattle, horses, hogs and a quick limit on the horrors of solitary sheep—all proclaim him. A farmer is confinement—she unhinges the reason known by his team, not by the company of the prisoner, and he addresses com- he keeps. As a boy I could look at the rades who have no existence, save in horses tied in front of a country store his fevered imagination. and make a close guess as to the moral, mental and financial status of the own- HERE are two kinds of literature: ers, and I was not so awfully smart, ^^ one, the literature of power; and the either. The bridle and saddle of a drunk- other, the literature of explanation and ard always give him away. We know apology a* s» — —


//ttOLDIERS who are cowards when by proud step of the horse, the flamboyant *-J themselves often fight bravely when tail of the peacock, the song of the bird, placed on the firing line with others s» the perfume and color of the flowers., €[ We succeed only as we band ourselves are all sex manifestations, put forth with with others. Each man is a molecule that intent to attract, please and fascinate. is needed to make up the All. Successful 4[ Charm of manner is a sex attribute employers of labor recognize this full well, which has become a habit. for they always allow their helpers to The creative principle in all art is work in gangs where possible. A division secondary sex manifestation. superintendent in the employ of the + *> Pennsylvania Railroad tells me that in O not be disturbed about sav- painting railroad-stations he has found ing your soul—it will be saved that four men working together will do if you make it worth saving. at least five times as much work as one C Do your work $+ $+ man working alone, and they will also Think the good. do the work better. Teachers know the And evil, which is a negative condition, principle, and thus they teach in classes. shall be swallowed up by good. The private tutor is never quite a success Think no evil: and if you think only unless his scholar is a defective. Children the good, you will think no evil. will teach each other quite as much as Life is a search for power. To have they are taught by their teachers. power you must have life, and life in Healthy people like to work, play, eat, abundance. And life in abundance comes learn and live together. The Kindergar- only through great love. ten Spirit (and no finer thing exists) is -+ «* possible only through association •» A HE age is crying for men child absolutely alone would never evolve. civilization wants men who A child deprived of the companionship of can save it from dissolution; its own becomes abnormal. A great man and those who can benefit it is one who carries the Kindergarten most are those who are freest Spirit right through life, and any one from prejudice, hate, revenge, whim and who carries the Kindergarten Spirit fear. Two thousand years ago lived One through life is great. who saw the absurdity of a man loving •- •» only his friends—He saw that this meant j^\HERE is a fallacy to the effect that faction: lines of social cleavage: with ^^ plain and so-called ignorant people ultimate discord, and so He painted the can not get into city society. This is a truth large and declared we should love mistake; there is a shade and grade of our enemies and do good to those who society in every city that fits any and might despitefully use us. every class &+ There are " fifty-seven It is not necessary for us to leave our varieties " of city society. tasks and pattern our lives after His, The grade of newly rich is a very im- but if we can imitate His sublime pa- portant grade; it is hard to get into, tience and keep thoughts of discord out if you do not belong in it, but deadly of our lives, we, too, can work such easy if you do. It imitates the foibles wonders that men will indeed truthfully and follies of the grade above. Conspicu- say that we are Sons of God. ous Leisure and Conspicuous Waste start There is n't much rivalry here—be pa- at the top with the Four Hundred, and tient, generous, kind, even to foolish run right down through to girls who head folk and absurd people. Do not extricate the Social Seven, and work in the Paper yourself—be one with all—be Universal. Box Factory. Respectability. So little real competition is there in this -+ ."* line that any man, in any walk of life, ONE of Nature's chief intents in sex who puts jealousy, hate and fear behind is to bring about beauty, grace and him can make himself distinguished *•» harmony. <£ The flowing mane and All good things shall be his. OF TELBERT HUBBARD Page 183

ERSONALITY reveals it- uncover the thinkery; to unattractive self especially in headwear. maidens, or married women who are Fashion decrees that all known to be needlessly happy in their men who do not have their domestic relations, we just barely lift hair cut to a certain length, the hat; to vinegar-faced virgins and and in a certain way, shall be anathema to all those on moderate salaries, we and without the pale. Now, the man of merely jerk the hand toward the hat spirit rebels against this universal at- brim, and let it go at that. Then, of tempt of society to course, there is a make all men look whole MALL men are apolo- round of and act alike s+ people at whom we Wild animals are getic and give excuses merely stare, leav- alike, and with ing the hat to sit them there is no for being on the earth and firmly on our head. progression s+ You reasons for staying here so So, from Beau can not tell one Brummel, who wild pigeon from long. Not so the Great Souls. lifted his hat with another, and in great flourish Their actions are regal, their to jack-rabbits all titled and illustri- personality is com- language oracular, their man- ous nobodies, to pletely ironed out. William Penn who $+ *+ This is what socie- ners affirmative was born with his ty is constantly hat on and never trying to do for her members- -make uncovered, even to King George, we run them revert to a type. the whole gamut of symbolism of heart- But the strong man knows that progress attitude with the hat. is only obtainable by the exercise of Personality first reveals itself in the hat. individuality. He thinks as he pleases, Woman lures with her hat—a bonnet writes as he feels, expresses himself in beckons. The hat is a purely secondary his own way, and confronts ossified sex manifestation s+ What the comb social smugness by letting his hair grow and wattles are to the cock o' the walk, long, when society's edict has ordered the hat is to man. With the hat we it short. Further than this he glorifies signal, apologize, or defy. Strong men his dome of thought by covering it with do not allow Mrs. Grundy to dictate a peculiar hat. To wear a hat just like when they shall have their hair cut, nor everybody else is to outwardly acknowl- to select their hats. edge that your head thinks the same thoughts that all other heads think. "^EN are only great as they have ; If you have reason to believe you have >*< sympathy. Imagination is sympathy a peculiar head, you adorn it in a pe- in motion. And the writers in the United culiar way s+ s+ States who possess a universal sympathy, To wear a hat that is long out of fashion, served by a winged imagination, can be or one devised by your own genius, is counted on the fingers of one hand. We to throw down the gauntlet to the bour- have purists by the score, stylists by the geoisie, and say: " Behold! As I now dozen, and advocates by the hundred cover my thinkery with a hat different who defend this, that and the other in from the one you prescribe, so do I think strong and splendid English, but they thoughts that are to you impossible." are not men of all-round sympathy s+ C It is with the hat that we bestow homage, placate our enemies, or affront All that tends to tyranny in parent our foes. To attractive young women, manifests itself in slavish traits in the pretty widows, or parties rated in R. G. children. Freedom is a condition of mind, Dun and Co., Z, or above, we raise our and the best way to secure it is to breed hat with a flourish and completely it a» «* —

Page 184

* HE way to learn to earn a melting pot. Business nowadays is a t£^i living is to go at it and earn constant readjustment, just as is the a living. And the man who sailing of a ship, the running of an auto- M^yzjR^ can not and does not earn mobile, the driving of a team of horses. 33BHM.AI his own living is a parasite The vast majority of businessmen are —a burden to society. good business pilots. They know where Moreover, the man who can not and they are going, and they know how to does not support himself—producing manage the machine so as not to land more than he consumes—is not an edu- it in the ditch or make it climb a tele- cated man, no matter how many college graph-pole. degrees he may possess. :^ :<> Herbert Spencer says, " the first requi- * :+ ness that begins big is the one that goes And so we have the new Contract Social, by the board s^ $+ wherein we have all agreed to be decent. And always before a failure in business The man in business who does not tell occurs, there is moral degeneration of the truth does not last as long as a snow- the men who manage it. ball lasts in Juarez. A man fails mentally, morally and phy- Truth was foreign to the old-time busi- sically, and then his business sympathizes nessman, just as it is foreign in war s+ with him, and together they go into the From the age of violence we drifted into OF ALBERT HUBBARD Page 185 the age of palaver. Now we do business [ESTERDAY I came across a right out in the sunlight—we do busi- valuable Fact—and this is ness with our friends. how it all happened.

,'-.«»• ."© For some time I have thought I E now know that truth is an asset, that the Roycroft Shop would *U and a lie is a liability. not be just right until it had a huge fire- There are too many of us here now to place, made from boulders—many-hued, play the game on the haggle basis. The grim and ancient, each with a message one-price system makes rapid trading from the eons that were, even when man possible. We eliminate friction and lubri- was not: boulders that had been ground cate the whole proposition with recipro- and polished by Fate, with the glacier's city. That is to say, business is now on a help, just as experience grinds us. human basis. We have imagination And to the end that the fire-place might enough to see that the brotherhood of be built, as I tramped through the fields, man is a paying principle. I located good and suitable specimens. I We are parts and particles of one an- tried each with a geologist's hammer: and other. To injure another is to injure my companion, Simon, a St. Bernard, yourself. We thrive only as we bestow barked and wagged his tail in expectancy a benefit. All that we give away comes whenever I would stop to examine a back to us. Cast thy bread upon the boulder, for Simon was sure we were on waters and it shall return to you shortly the track of game, when all I wanted —buttered s+ «•» was to see the quality and character of Here we get a great Spiritual Law. And a the nigger-head. Having selected my Spiritual Law is a Natural Law. Natural specimen, I would go and ask the Honest Law manifests itself in the Science ot Farmer, who owned the land, if I could Service. The laws of economics are emi- have it, and the answer was always a nently Nature's enactments. smile and willing assent. And once out of Sentiment plays a big part in business the tail of my eye, I saw the Farmer turn today. Emotion, enthusiasm, good-cheer, to his wife and motion at me, over his affection, friendship—these are import- shoulder with his thumb, and then he ant factors in business. tapped his forehead with his fore-finger, ,')© s^ onimously. But never mind, I was given is to HE only way to make money to understand that the boulders were render a service for humanity to — mine for the hauling, for the dash-blame supply something that people want, and things were only in the way, no-how! to carry things from where they are So I would tell Ali Baba where the geo- plentiful to where they are needed. logical specimens were, and he would He who confers the greatest service at hitch Juliet, the spotted pony, to the the least expense is the man whom we wagon, and go with pick and shovel and will crown with honor and clothe with crow-bar, and proudly the spoils would riches s+ s+ be brought home. Any other policy is running its rim on thus it was that yesterday I walked the high clutch, headed for the cliff. And across the farm of Deacon Hoshkins, C. Success turns upon ability to produce is on the road the goods. A business built by bunkum which as all folks know Frog Pond to Wales beckons bankruptcy. We live in the age that leads from miles northwest from East of business. Economics is fast becoming a Center, four is science «•» s* Aurora. The Deacon's farm made up I dis- There is only one sin, and that is waste; more of stone than soil, so when and disuse and misuse are both forms of cussed hard-heads, the owner said; " waste. The best brains in the world are Take 'em, Neighbor, take 'em and now at work, endeavoring to eliminate welcome; and if you take all there are lost motion and take up the economic you can come back next year and get as slack $+ £•» many more." —


Now Deacon Hoshkins is no joker, and tute when I expressed a doubt as to the so I asked him to explain his remark, world having been made in six days of and he told me this: twenty-four hours each. No, I only said " No one knows just how boulders mildly: " Goodness me! do tell! who come. You plough a field and pick up all would ha' thought it!" The Deacon told the stones, and when you plough the me I could have the boulder that had next year, you can pick up more stones grown from a pebble in '53 to a boulder than you did the year before. Something in '99. I thanked him heartily. very mysterious So this morning Ali about it!" EFORE co-operation Baba hitched up Then boulders in- the pony, and got crease in size 15 comes in any line, there Uncle Billy Bush- slowly, of course, nell, and they have is always competition pushed but all stones that gone with pries are partially on the to a point that threatens des- and crowbars after surface, so the sun the nigger-head and rain strikes truction and promises chaos; that rests half-cov- 'em, grow. then to avert ruin, men devise ered with soil, in In the year 1853, Deacon Hoshkin's Deacon Hoshkins a better way, a plan that con- front yard. But be- carried a small serves and economizes, and fore going Ali Baba stone in his over- assured me that it coat pocket and behold it is found in co- was a fact that all tossed it into his field stones increas- &- front yard. operation ^ ed in size if not too " Four men can't much molested, lift that rock now—come and see!" said and if I doubted it I could ask By the Deacon. Gibson s*. «•» I went with him and looked the rock .' .--©» over. He was right: four men could not EN are only grown-up children. lift it s^ $+ p^c They are cheerful after breakfast, " " But if stones grow," I asked, how cross at night. Houses, lands, barns, rail- is it possible that when we use them in roads, churches, books, racetracks are building a wall the wall does not swell the playthings with which they amuse and crack?" themselves until they grow tired, and " There, Neighbor, is where you show Death, the kind old nurse, rocks them your ignorance," replied the Deacon, all to sleep. chewing a straw in a meditative way. So a man on earth is good or bad as the " When you take a stun out of its native mood moves him. The devils are not place and chuck it in solid with a lot o' coal-black, nor the saints pure white, stuns it never saw afore, why, it just but generally we are all a sort of steel- loses heart and dies. It stays there, of gray S^ '-* course, but it's dead, dead as hay, dead Caprice, temper, accident, all act upon as a tooth when the Doc has killed the man. The North wind of hate, the si- nerve. All field stuns want liberty; they moon of jealousy, the cyclone of passion want to choose their mates—tain't Pilots strong and natural, see? to chuck a good decent beat and buffet him. pilots cowardly stand at the helm by stun all over with mortar and put it sometimes the South wind where it never gits the sun or rain or turn. But day, dew! It dies, of course,—I guess you softly blows, the sun comes out by the would too." $•» s+ the stars at night; friendship holds I did not dissent from the good old Dea- rudder firm and love makes all secure. con's philosophy—I never have since he €[ Such is the life of man, a voyage on called me to order at the Farmer's Insti- life's unresting sea. OF *ELBEFLT HUBBARD Page 187

American Plan: A scheme for shortening were first devised as an excuse for the human life through overeating. Agricultural Department at Washington.)

Anarchist: Any man who wears his Feathers: Secondary sex advertisements opinion pompadour. made of fibre and horsetails, and used on ladies' lids, as eye gougers and such. Atheist: Any man who does not believe Hand: A convention-sized bread hook. in himself. Has-Been: Any man who thinks he has Bibliocuss: A Person who borrows books arrived s+ , <* and never returns them. Ignoramus: Any man who flatters him- Bughouse: 1. A condition of mind (see self that he is educated. Boston). 2. The place where a person Immortality: 1. A reward given to without funds is sent under certain infidels and atheists by a somewhat conditions s» s+ humorous God, for not groveling before Charity: A thing that begins at home, Him and annoying Him with impor- and usually stays there. Bracing up tunities. 2. A system of punishment for Ralph Waldo Emerson's reputation by suicides which makes suicide impossible, attributing to him literary mousetraps thereby putting one over on the ingrate which he should have made, but did n't. who was tired of the gift of life or com- (also cheese). pelling him to live forever, willy-nilly. 3. A valueless thing, because unlimited College: place where have to go A you in quantity, which those, hotly intent in order to find out that there is nothing upon achieving, will forfeit through the in it. (See Marriage). law which provides that that for which Compliment: A sarcastic remark with a we clutch, we lose. 4. A condition sought flavor of truth, or not, as the case may by political office holders, where the be *» «•» incumbent never either dies nor resigns. Infidel: One who defames his Creator Co-operation: Doing what I tell you to and impeaches his own reason by be- do, and doing it quick. lieving in Orthodox Christianity. Devil: god has been bounced for A who Ingrate: Any person who has got some- conduct unbecoming a gentleman. thing for nothing, and wants more on Discord: A guinea hen, a peacock and a the same terms. blue jay singing a trio. Irish Confetti: Brickbats. Divorce: One of the beneficent results of Knocking: A slow but sure way of marriage s— s+ putting the skids under your prospects. Push in the door softly, and all things Divorcee: Any lady who is a post- are yours—knock and nothing shall be graduate in Love's correspondence opened unto you. From the autobio- school ;'•« s+ graphy of a Has Been. Education: A form of self-delusion by Libelous: To be tactless in type. those who muff every good wheeze. Litigation: A form of hell whereby money An Epigram: Is made up of wit and wis- is transferred from the pockets of the dom, flavored with surprise. proletariat to that of lawyers.

Epitaph: 1. Postponed compliments. 2. Man: 1. A being that claims to be the Postmortem bull con. 3. Qualifying for highest work of God. 2. Any creature the Ananias Club. that creates a Creator in its own image. Morality: The line of conduct that pays. Farmer: 1. A man who raises early feed for potato bugs. 2. One who supplies Nancy: A person of neither sex, who yet raw stock for vaudeville jokes. (Farms combines the bad qualities of both. Page 188 THE WOTB BOO/C

Optimist: A man who does not care what Villager: Any man laboring under the happens, so long as it does n't happen to illusion that he is very wise and infintely him s* $+ clever s^ £» Palaver in a Prince Albert. Oratory: Wealth: A cunning device of fate where- Perfume: Any smell that is used to by men are made captive and burdened drown a worse one. with repsonsibilities from which only tracts the lively interest of lawyers, and Death can file their fetters. warrants your being sued for damages Wit: The thing that fractures many a Prosperity: 1. That condition which at- friendship s+ $+ tracts the lively interest of lawyers, and warrants your being sued for damages or Work: A plan of God to circumvent the s* indicted for something, or both. 2. That Devil $m peculiar condition which excites the Metaphysics: 1. An attempt to define a lively interest of the ambulance chaser. thing and by so doing escape the bother Reciprocity: 1. The act of seconding the of understanding it. 2. The explanation emotion. 2. When a widow teaches a of a thing by a person who does not clergyman how to tango, in return for understand it. his kindness in showing her how to Middleman: One who works both ends swim $+ :+ against the middle. Renunciation: The act of giving up Music: 1. Anything that has charms your seat in a street car to a pretty to woman, and then purposely stepping on soothe a savage beast. 2. Unnecessary noises heard in restaurants and cheap an old man's toes. hotels. 3. The only one of the arts that Righteous Indignation: Your own wrath can not be prostituted to a base use. as opposed to the shocking bad temper 4. An attempt to express the emotions of others. that are beyond speech. 5. A noise less than any other noise. Sanity: The ability to do team work. objectionable Sorehead: A politician who has reached Obstinacy: 1. To stick to your favorite for something that was not his, and lie or truth because you know you are missed .«* :-* wrong in either case. 2. The ego's pea- cock-plumes $+ .- Total Depravity: The greatest idea for the acquisition of power and pelf ever Public Opinion: The judgment of the devised s— $•» incapable many opposed to that of the discerning few. Trouble: 1. A hallucination that affords great joy to the possessor. 2. Any Philistine: A term of reproach used by interesting topic of conversation. 3. A prigs to designate certain people they plan of nature whereby a person is do not like. diverted from the humiliation of seeing " himself as others see him. Roycroft: 1. Roy means king;" and croft means " home or craft." Thus, The Unpardonable Sin: Neglecting to Roycroft means King-craft; working close screen door. the for the highest; doing your work just Utopia: A place where you have but to as good as you can—making things for suggest a thing to consider it done; a the King. 2. The dignity and the divinity condition where all things are supplied of labor—peace, reciprocity, health, in- on slipping a wish into a slot. dustry, persistency and endurance.

Vacation: A period of increased and Repartee: Any remark which is so clever pleasurable activity when your wife is that it makes the listener wish he had at the seashore. said it himself. —-


IEN I write I never con- ment, or not enough. Platform work sider what will be done keeps your mental pores open and tends with the matter, how it to correct faulty elimination of mental will be liked, and who will dross o*» s+ read it m» s* To stand before an audience of a thous- I just write for myself. And the most and people for two hours with no manu- captious, relentless critic I have is my- script, and only your tongue and brain self. When I write well, as I occasionnally to save you from the ruin that may do, I am filled with engulf you any in- a rapturous intoxi- |jACH of us imagines he stant, and which cating joy. No plea- many in your aud- sure in life com- Hi*i is bigger than Fate—an ience hope will en- pares with the joy gulf you, requires of creation—catch- exception to the rule. And out a goodly modicum ing in the Cadmean of the sadness we distil a kind of concentration. mesh a new thought I have seen the giv- —putting salt on of joy on account of the fact ing way of a collar the tail of an idea. button in an im- that we are alive. In the pains And a certain cri- passioned moment tic has said that I of others there is a certain cross-buttock a can catch more Baptist preacher. I ideas with less salt satisfaction, and we mentally am always prepar- than any other are congratulating ourselves ed for accidents in man in America. oratory, such, say, C[ I am not sure on the fact that the tragedy is as a harmless ne- whether the man cessary cat coming none of ours. was speaking iron- on the stage with- ically or in com- out her cue. In pub- pliment, but since the remark has been lic speaking one shakes the brush-piles bruited abroad, it has struck me as being of thought and starts a deal more game fairly good, and so I here repeat it, for I than he runs down at the time, and this am making no special attempt to con- game which he follows up at his leisure, ceal the fact that I am still on earth. and the stimulus of success in having €1 In order to write well you require stayed the limit, make for mental growth. respite and rest in change. Ideas come to one on the mountains, while tramping HE teacher is the child's other the fields, at the woodpile. When you are ^^ mother. In a pure state of nature in the best condition is the time to do the child would need no other teacher nothing, for at such a time, if ever, the than its mother, but the economic divine current surges through you. demands upon the poor and the social If we could only find the cosmic switch- demands upon the rich make a third board when we want to think, how party indispensable. delightful it would be to simply turn on In the average home, there is a woful the current! But no, all we can do is to lack of love—everybody is so busy! So walk, ride horseback, dig in the garden, the child is sent to school, and the other placing ourselves in receptive mood, and mother gives her mother-love, her pat- from the Unknown the ideas come. Then ience and her tact to bring about a pleas- to use them is a matter of the workroom. urable animation—a condition the aver- <[ In the course of each year I give about age parent can not evolve, and without a hundred lectures. which mental and spiritual growth is Public speaking, if carried on with impossible s+ s+ moderation, is a valuable form of mental excitation. Is it worth while to hate anything Ill-health comes from too much excite- even sin? Page 190 THE WOTB BOO/L

Y wife is my helpmeet, and I comparison bubbling forth that makes am hers. I do not support association with her a continual delight. her; rather, she supports me. I have no more sounded the depths of her All I have is hers—not only soul than I have my own. do I trust her with my What she will say and what she will do heart, but with my pocketbook. And are delightful problems; only this, that what I here write is not a tombstone what she says and what she does will be testimonial, weighted with a granitic regal, right, gracious, kindly—tempered sense of loss, but a simple tribute of with a lenity that has come from suffer- truth to a woman who is yet on earth in ing, and charged with a sanity that has full possession of her powers, her star enjoyed, and which knows because still in the ascendent. through it plays unvexed the Divine I know the great women of history. I Intelligence that rules the world and know the qualities that go to make up, carries the planets in safety on their not only the superior person but the one accustomed way—this I know. sublimely great. Humanity is the raw Perhaps the principal reason my wife and stock with which I work. I get along so well together is because I know how Sappho loved and sung, and we have similar ideas as to what consti- Aspasia inspired Pericles to think and tutes wit. She laughs at all of my jokes, act, and Cleopatra was wooed by two and I do as much for her. All of our Emperors of Rome, and how Theodora quarrels are papier-mache, made, played suggested the Justinian Code and had the and performed for the gallery of our last word in its compilation. I know psychic selves. Having such a wife as Madame De Stael, Sarah Wedgwood, this, I do not chase the ghosts of dead George Eliot, Susanna Wesley, Elizabeth hopes through the graveyard of my Barrett. I know them all, for I can read, dreams s* s+ and I have lived, and I have imagina- tion :•» •'^ HO can deny that the mother-heart And knowing the great women of the >1/ of a natural and free woman makes world, and having analyzed their char- the controlling impulse of her life a acters and characteristics, I still believe prayer to bless and benefit, to minister that Alice Hubbard, in way of mental and serve? reach, sanity, sympathy and all-round Such is Alice Hubbard—a free woman ability, outclasses any woman of his- who has gained freedom by giving it. But tory, ancient or modern, mentally, her charity is never maudlin. morally or spiritually. She has the courage of her lack of convic- To make a better woman than Alice tions, and decision enough to withhold Hubbard one would have to take the the dollar when the cause is not hers, talents and graces of many great women and when to bestow merely means and omit their faults. If she is a depart- escape from importunity. To give people ure in some minor respects from a per- that which they do not earn is to make fect standard, it is in all probability them think less of themselves—and of because she lives in a faulty world, you. The only way to help people is to with a faulty man, and deals with faulty give them a chance to help themselves. folks, a few of whom, doubtless, will €[ She is the only woman I ever knew peruse this book. who realizes as a vital truth that the s* s«» basic elements for all human betterments 2^^ HE youth loves his doxy in the mass; are economic, not mental or spiritual. ^^ I analyze, formulate and reduce C Alice Hubbard is an economist by character to its constituent parts. nature, and her skill as a financier is And yet, I have never fully analyzed the founded on absolute honesty and flaw- mind of the woman I love, for there is less integrity. She has the savings-bank always and forever an undissolved resid- habit, and next to paying her debts, gets uum of wit, reason, logic, invention and a fine tang out of life by wise and safe —

OF 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 191 investments. She knows that a savings explain that disgrace is for those who bank account is an anchor win'ard, and accept disgrace, and defeat consists in that to sail fast and far your craft must acknowledging it. be close-hauled to weather squalls. I have seen her face the robustious fury In manufacturing she studies cost, know- of an attorney weighing three hundred ing better far than most businessmen pounds, and reduce him to pork crackl- that deterioration of property and over- ings by her poise, quiet persistence, and head charges must be carefully consider- the righteousness of her cause. ed, if the Referee in Bankruptcy /53HE is at home would be kept at WOULD rather be able with children, a safe distance. She to appreciate things I can the old, the decre- is a methodizer of pit, the sick, the time and effort, and not have than to have things lonely, the unfor- knows the value of tunate, the vicious, I am not able to appreciate. system, realizing the stupid, the in- the absurdity of a sane. She puts peo- thirty-dollar-a-week man doing the work ple at their ease; she is one with them, of a five-dollar-a-week boy. She knows but not necessarily of them. the proportion of truth to artistic jeal- She recognizes the divinity in all of God's ousy in the melodious discord of the creatures, even the lowliest, and those anvil chorus; and the foreman who who wear prison-stripes are to her akin opposes all reforms which he himself all this without condoning the offense. does not conjure forth from his chickadee She respects the sinner, but not the sin. brain is to her familiar. €1 Wherever she goes her spirit carries The employee who is a knocker by with it the message, " Peace be still!" nature, who constantly shows a tendency With the noble, the titled, the famous, to get on the greased slide that leads to she is equally at home. limbo, has her pity, and she in many I have seen her before an audience of gentle and diplomatic ways tries to show highly critical, intellectual and aristo- him the danger of his position. cratic people, stating her cause with that same gentle, considerate courtesy and XN my wife's mind I see my thoughts clearness that is so becoming to her. enlarged and reflected, just as in a The strongest feature of her nature is her telescope we behold the stars. She is the humanitarianism, and this springs from magic mirror in which I see the divine. her unselfish heart and her wide-reaching Her mind acts on mine, and mine reacts imagination. And imagination is only upon hers. Most certainly I am aware sympathy illumined by love and ballast- that no one else can see the same in her ed with brains. which I behold, because no one else can She wins by abnegation and yet never call forth her qualities, any more than renounces anything. She has the faith any other woman can call forth mine. that gives all, and therefore receives all. Our minds, separate and apart, act to- gether as one, forming a complete bino- HE has proved herself an ideal cular, making plain that which to one & mother, not only in every physical alone is invisible. function, but in that all-brooding tender- Every worthy theme and sentiment I ness and loving service which is con- have expressed to the public has been tained in the word Mother. She, of all first expressed to her, or, more likely, mothers, realizes that the mother is the borrowed from her. I have seen her in true teacher: that all good teachers are almost every possible exigency of life : in really spiritual mothers. She knows that health, success, and high hope; in not only does the mother teach by pre- poverty, and what the world calls dis- cept, but by every action, thought and grace and defeat. But here I should attribute of her character. Scolding Page 192 THE 1VOTE BOO/C mothers have impatient babies and edu- only a point of view, and even at the cated parents have educated children. last, people should have the right to be d, That supreme tragedy of motherhood, wrong, so long as they give this right to that the best mothers are constantly others. She does not mix in quarrels, has training their children to live without none of her own, nor is she quick to take them, is fully appreciated and under- sides in argument and wordy warfare. stood by Alice Hubbard. C She keeps out of cliques, invites no Those who are admitted into the close secrets and has none herself, respects the presence of Alice Hubbard are trans- mood of those she is with, and when she formed into different people. This is does not know what to say, says nothing, especially true of budding youth—boys and in times of doubt minds her own and girls from fourteen to eighteen. For business s^ «•» them she has a peculiar and potent She is patient under censure, just or un- charm—Her vivacity, her animation, just; and resentful toward hypocrisy, her sympathy, her knowledge of flowers, pretense and stupidity. Of course, she plants, trees, birds and animals delights recognizes that certain people are not them s— '+ hers, and these she neither avoids nor She carries with her an aura in which seeks to please or placate. She holds all vulgarity can not thrive nor pretense ties lightly, never clutching even friend- flourish. She has a gentle and gracious ship—growing rich by giving. dignity that contains not a trace of a«. '-«*• affectation, prudery, pedantry or prig- YAHYSICALLY she is strong as a rope gishness. She has the happy faculty of ££ of silk; she can outride and outwalk putting people at their ease and making most athletic men, although her form is them pleased with themselves; so with slender and slight. Those who regard her they are wise beyond their wont and bulk and beauty as synonymous, never gracious beyond their accustomed habit. turn and look at her in the public streets. s* .<* In countenance she is as plain as was [HE wins without trying to win, and Julius Caesar, and to his busts she bears if she pleases, as she always does, it a striking resemblance in the features of is without apparent effort. nose, mouth, chin and eyes. In moral qualities she has a steadfastness In the moral qualities of patience, poise in the right; a sharp distinction as to and persistence she is certainly Caesarian, meum et tuum: a persistence in complet- and in these she outranks any woman I ing the task begun ; the habit of being on have been able to resurrect from the time and keeping her word, especially dusty tomes of days gone by. This, then, with servants and children and those is my one close companion, my confiden- who can not enforce their claims; an te, my friend, my wife; and my relation absence of all exaggeration, with no ves- with her will be my sole passport to tige of boasting as to what she has done Paradise, if there is one beyond this life. or intends to do—all of which sets her C I married a rich woman—one rich in apart as one superior, refined and unsel- love, loyalty, gentleness, insight, grati- fish beyond the actual as we find it, tude, appreciation—one who caused me, except in the ideals of the masters in at thirty-three years of age, to be born imaginative literature. again s+ a— In mental qualities she appreciates the s» .'•<* work of the great statesmen, creators, The fact that a man advertises does not inventors, reformers, scientists, and all prove that man's inability to do work of those who live again in minds made a high grade, any more than you can better s— £•» assume that because a man does not advertise he is safe and competent. ^<0 those who disagree with her she is W/ ever tolerant; in her opinions she is It is the finest thing in the world to not dogmatic, realizing that truth is live—most people only exist.

— —


HROUGH a sudden and ter- Jesus, and when I had finished she rible accident, a few weeks departed without a sigh, without a tre- ago, the daughter of John mor s* *•» Alex. Dowie was fatally in- My hand was upon her head and my jured. Half of the surface of hand was upon her body and I. felt no her body was burned to a crisp—death quiver &+ s* was inevitable. In a few hours she passed And now I stand here and I have no away $+ s+ daughter on earth. I need not dwell upon the place which a I had only one. You must all be my beautiful and intellectual young woman daughters, daughters of Zion. I have no of twenty-three fills in the heart of a daughter. Death of Dowie's Daughter. father of sixty. The feeling is something essentially loverlike—Shakespeare has {SEVENTY per cent of the members hinted at the tenderness of the relation *-^ of all our law-making bodies are in the story of King Lear and his daugh- lawyers s* Very naturally, lawyers in ter Cordelia. making laws favor laws that make A thousand people attended the funeral, lawyers a necessity. If this were not so, and standing by the open grave Dowie lawyers would not be human. delivered an address—an address tragi- Until very recent times, and in degree I cally, fearfully self-contained, with that am told it is so yet, laws are for the sub- reserve which only a sorrow too great jection of the many and the upholding of for tears can know. The breaking heart the privileges of the few. The few employ of the man would have hidden itself a vast lobby, while all the many can do away, but the public position of all con- is to obey, or be ground into the mire. cerned made a private funeral out of the All the justice the plain people have, question. No daily paper mentioned the they have had to fight for, and what we address—no religious periodical quoted get is a sop to keep us quiet. The law, it. I give the following short extract from for most people, is a great, mysterious, the stricken parent's words: malevolent engine of wrath. A legal sum- She said, " Father, will it be long?" mons will yet blanch the cheek of most C I said, " Not long, dear." honest men, and an officer of the door " Lord, take me," she said. sends consternation into the family. And we prayed for it at last, because we The District Attorney prosecutes us could not bear to see her suffer any more. we must defend ourselves. " And if you H Then I sang, " Lead Kindly Light." have no money to hire a lawyer, you are d Then we repeated the Shepherd Psalm: adjudged guilty and for you justice is a " The Lord is my Shepherd"—She said by-word," says Edward Lauterbach, the it so strongly—" I shall not want. He eminent lawyer. maketh me to lie down in green pastures; s+> ."© He leadeth me beside the still waters." ©UILDERS all come from a country d I could hear her murmur, " Beside that has weather as well as climate. the still waters." On the equator, where Nature is too The still waters were there. She was be- lavish, man simply lies down and depends ginning to see the green pastures. upon the Dame to tuck him in and shake " Yea, though I walk through the Valley the friendly branches so that fruit will of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no fall within his reach. evil." &+ 5^ Where parents do too much for their And that was all we could hear. children, the children will not do much She closed her lids and was sleeping, for themselves. And when Mother Nature d I would let none weep. does too much for her family, the result She opened her eyes and smiled and then is exactly the same. she slept. I sang to her the song I have sung so d Is he sincere? Probably not, if he is many times to those who were sleeping in always asking this question about others. Page 194 THE WOTB BOOK,

' T was about the year Eighteen been a man who has played second Hundred Fifty-seven that fiddle $+ s«» Henry Ward Beecher entered his pulpit one Sunday morning ERANKLIN'S dictum that Govern- and announced to his congre- ment would yet be educational, and gation that he wanted a thousand dollars nothing else, was backed up by the argu- to buy Bibles for poor people in Kansas. ment that it was cheaper to educate men He said the matter was absolutely im- than forcibly to restrain or compel them. perative, and he would not go on with the To breed criminals and produce the in- services until the money was raised. competent is surely a costly and foolish €[ The Plymouth Church congregation plan as compared with educating boys had faith in Henry Ward Beecher, so and girls to use their heads and hands to they simply raised the money as a matter help themselves by helping other people. of course $+ $+ The first intent of our American Govern- And the next day Henry Ward Beecher ment is not to compel people to do cer- took the thousand dollars, and bought tain things and restrain them from doing

Sharpe's rifles and shipped them to Old other things ; but it is to make the right John Brown in Kansas. life and the useful life the natural and One of these " Bibles" was given to easy one to live. To this end, as a people, Major Pond, and he, in turn, presented we stand pledged to education. The me the document, after he no longer had Schoolhouse is our fortress and our hope. use for it. I have it now, with his initials Moreover, we believe that all men and cut on the butt, with several notches women should go to school as long as adjacent. Just what these notches stand they live. There is no end to education. for, I do not know. We are all in the Kindergarten of God.

ORTHODOXY: That peculiar condi- ARTIES pass, politicians die, but tion where the patient can neither the people live on forever. eliminate an old idea or absorb a new The most important thing in the world is one. 2. In religion that state of mind business, and business is a matter of which congratulates itself on being supplying human wants. absolutely right, and a belief that all Business is the production and the dis- who think otherwise are wholly wrong. tribution of the things that are necessary 3. A faith in the fixed—a worship of the to life and its well-being. static. 4. The joy that comes from think- The ability of the many to buy makes ing that most everybody is lined up for business good. If men are out of work, Limbus with no return ticket. 5. A con- naturally they are not purchasing any- dition brought about by the sprites of thing save the bare necessities of life. Humor according to the rule that whom We build only when prosperity flows. the gods would destroy they first make mad. 6. The zenith of selfishness and the N an inventor's work there is re- nadir of egotism. --*-» quired something similar to that t» «» which the artist brings to bear. O love one's friends, to bathe in the The artist must be a man of imagina- ^«^ sunshine of life, to preserve a right tion. He must be able to close his eyes mental attitude—the receptive attitude, and see things which the world does not the attitude of gratitude—and to do one's perceive. So the inventor must have the work—these make the sum of an ideal life. prophetic vision. The machine exists in To make a man exempt is to take away his brain before he materializes it. from him just so much manhood. The great thing is the idea, and imagina- tion is the greatest gift of God. EFORE you are fit to give orders, ^-J you must be willing to take orders. Men are strong only as they believe in The leader of the orchestra has always one another. O/^ 7ELBER.T HUBBARD Page 195

OW there is a certain kind of them. From the standpoint of the iron- lawyer, a new kind, and this master, the case looked very dark. is the man who, when you Gary discovered that there were two lay a proposition before him, other manufacturers of iron in the same will not say, " My dear boy, vicinity; and these three manufacturers you can't do that; I advise you to leave were fighting each other fiercely. They it strictly alone!" This isn't what he manufactured pig iron, steel ingots, bar says. He says, " If you will be here iron and sheet steel, all in hearty compe- tomorrow morning tition with each at ten o'clock, I other; men on the will, in the mean- HO are those who will road cutting prices, time,formulate you eventually be damn- offering rebates, a plan of action and the cost of sell- that I believe will ed?" "Oh, the others, the ing cut seriously work to the ad- out others, the others!" into the profits; vantage of every- overhead and de- body concerned." terioration took C This is exactly what Judge Elbert H. the rest. Judge Gary decided that if these Gary did for a whipped-out manufactur- three men could be gotten together, and er of steel. Gary was County Judge of the three companies combined in one, DuPage County, Illinois. He lived at the problem would be solved. How to Wheaton, a common everyday county get enemies together was the question. seat, population two thousand, and a These men did not speak to each other public square and a courthouse in the as they passed. They had threatened center, with a row of stores all round. each other in the mails. Lawsuits had Judge Gary was fairly prosperous; had been carried on between them. served two terms as County Judge, and However, Gary took them one at a time given up the job to a more worthy man, and showed how the three mills should because he wanted a wider field. and could be owned by one corporation. The salary of the County Judge was four Every man should be paid a proportion- thousand dollars a year. ate amount of stock, in payment for his Gary thought he ought to make five business. Then one mill should make the thousand, anyway. pig iron and the ingots. All of its product Then it was that the whipped-out iron- would be taken by one of the other mills, master came to him. The ironmaster was which should manufacture all of the on the verge of making an assignment; rolled bars. And the mill that made the but out of the wreck he wanted to pull a ingots should also supply the third mill, few thousand dollars to save his family which rolled the sheet steel. This would from starvation. cut out two-thirds of the sales force. How to get this money out and let the Also, it would help to maintain prices. business go to the devil was the question Bonds then could be issued on the entire at issue $+ s+ business, and the creditors paid in these. Right there is where the lawyer, of the This would clean up the floating indebt- kind that keeps you from getting into edness of the entire outfit, and the cash trouble, sees his chance. Lawyers are sale of a few of the bonds would give always interested in receiverships, bank- working capital. ruptcies, dissolutions. Did Gary show the Here was the work for a diplomat and a ironmaster how to lie down and take the financier, and Gary was the man. He legal count? Not at all. He studied the showed these fighting, competing indi- case and he found that this man had viduals the silliness of economic warfare. assets of three hundred thousand dollars. €[ The whole thing was consummated, His liabilities were over a hundred and out of the idea grew the Federal thousand dollars, and these were coming Steel Company, an institution essentially due. and the man had no money to meet sound, strong, productive. Page 196 THR WOTB BOOK,

Where did Judge Gary get his fee out of vertising of power by conspicuous waste; this getting three fighting competitors and certainly they do not advertise it by together? Oh, he simply took a certain conspicuous leisure. per cent of the bonds. Nobody in partic- Anybody who has business with Judge ular paid him his fee; nobody was strain- Gary can see him. ed or overcharged. The service he ren- He has set a new example for executives dered was worth the money; but Judge in office furnishings. Gary's fee was—never mind the exact Judge Gary has no desk. He simply sits figures call it one hundred thousand — at the head of a long table, with chairs dollars ^ $+ down each side, and for two or three Not only had Judge Gary supplied these hours every morning holds a continual three competitors, all of them on the reception. Any one who wants to see him verge of bankruptcy, a big idea, but he is invited in and takes one of the chairs. also supplied himself one. Out of this Judge Gary sits at the head of the table, transaction grew the United States Steel with pencil in hand and a pad before Corporation s+ &+ him, and talks or listens. A man who can take a complex situa- If you had never seen the before, tion, where good and able men are dis- man you would put him as Christian tressed, at their wit's end, not knowing down a Scientist. He has the placid smile, which way to turn, and make friends of the glow of health, the good teeth, men who were before enemies, and trans- the bright eyes, the patience, form bankrupt institutions into a paying the hopeful attitude that marks a man who is on enterprise, is a genius. And the simplicity good terms with himself, with the and ease of the whole transaction is of world, and with his Creator. such a commonsense sort that one is amazed to think that no one else had With him nothing matters much, but ever done the thing before. everything matters a little. And as he Peace, to Judge Gary's mind, is n't the visits with one after another, and gently peace of Julius Caesar, nor is his civiliza- disposes of them, each man going away tion that of Ferdinand and Torquemada. pleased and satisfied, thinking that he It is the antithesis of these. has got something, all without jolly or He touched the rock of natural resources josh, it grows upon you that the title of " with the wand of his genius, and the The Great Pacificator" is eminently welling waters gushed forth. fit and proper. Judge Gary is now Chairman of the Judge Gary is never irascible, peevish, Board of Directors and Chairman of the fretful. He does not accuse. If any one Financial Committee of the United makes accusations against others, Judge States Steel Corporation. Gary always seems to be forming a de- The President is James Farrell, a man fence. You hear him gently murmur in who has come up from the ranks, having reply: " Oh, well, you know his inten- once worked as a laborer. Step by step, tions are right. He carries heavy burdens. Farrell has climbed the steel ladder. You must remember how long his hours <[ Farrell and Gary form a great team. are. He copes with great difficulties. His There is a complete understanding tasks are very much greater than ours." between them. They do not usurp each d Such simple phrases, interjected in other's territory and each assumes that the conversation, show the attitude of the other knows his business. When the man's mind. He is not militant, save either of these men wants to do a thing, passively. He wins through sympathy, the other gives way and allows him to do through sociability, through knowing it s+ s+ what he wants; and he does not want The general offices of the United States anything that is not within reach. His Steel Corporation are plain, simple, un- plans are eminently practical, and his pretentious. There are no costly rugs, business is to work from the complex to hangings or furnishings. There is no ad- the simple s^ $+ OT 'ELBERT HUBBARD Page 197

He thinks with pencil in hand and a pad All difficulties are comparative, and a before him. There are no letters in man who has known trial and obstacle sight; no papers. One thing is brought and loss early in life is doubly blest, in to him at a time, and he gives a decision that the small misfits of life are accepted on it, as a wise judge should and that quite as a matter of course. And so I disposes of it. can not conceive of Elbert H. Gary His secretaries seem to be clairvoyant. reading a father-confessor into whose They know his needs and move quietly pliant ears he would pour a tale on O'Sullivan rub- of woe &+ $+ ber heels, entering HE weaknesses of the Gary is an inspirer into no disputes, of men, and his understanding that many make the leader attitude is one that their chief is a man gives courage and who comprehends possible—and the man who lends ambition. everything with a craves disciples and wants minimum of ex- #"?\HE entire planation C*> S+ followers is always more or ^^ Christian doc- Elbert H. Gary is trine of rewards less of a charlatan. a great democrat; and punishments, he is one of the The man of genuine worth of vicarious atone- demos. His days of ment and the poverty, struggle, and insight wants to be him- substitution of a obstacle, trial are self; and he wants others to pure and holy man still before him, for the culprit, is unforgotten. He be themselves, also. a vicious and mis- has great respect leading philosophy. Discipleship is a degenerating for old people, and his love for the process to all parties con- f=lNY individual young is unfailing. ^—* who uses the His nerves do not cerned ^ ^^ word "commercial" play him false. People who are able to do as an epithet, who When you call on regards business most of the so- their own thinking should not enterprise as syn- called Napoleons onymous with graft allow others to do it for them. of finance, you will and greed, who find them fussy s» speaks of certain They monkey with papers pick things men as " self-made " and others as ; up and laythem down; play with their watch- " educated," who gives more attention chains; cough, sneeze, and indulge in a to war than to peace, who seeks to deal of vacuity and sometimes verbosity. destroy rather than to create and build C^ Judge Gary does none of these things. up, is essentially un-American. He gives his undivided time and atten- The word "education" sometimes stands tion to each visitor, to each project in for idleness, but the American Philos- hand, to every document that is laid ophy symbols work, effort, industry. before him. He does not try to antici- It means intelligent, thoughtful, reason- pate you, nor run ahead of you. I would able and wise busy-ness—helping your- not put him in the class with Sir Isaac self by helping others. Newton and Alexander Humboldt. He is The world's greatest prizes in the future just the average man focused—the will go to the businessman. The business- strong, able, practical, athletic type of man is our only scientist, and to him Middle-West man—a man who in his we must look for a Science of Economics youth constantly met with what the that will eradicate poverty, disease, su- pampered sons of the East might have perstition—all that dissipates and de- called misfortune. stroys. The day is dawning! —


iHILOSOPHERS of the Far €1 Then let each man and woman set East have told us that man's a guard over his own spirit and try to deliverance from the evils of be greater than he who taketh a city. life must come through the C In other words, just do our work killing of desire; we reach and practise the old, plain, simple Nirvana — rest — through nothingness. virtues of gentleness, charity and hon- But within a decade it has been borne esty, doing unto others as we would be in upon a vast number of thinking done by $+ $+ men of the world By this method we that deliverance should not have to from discontent E shall never get the talk so much and and sorrow was right idea of work until do so much, and so to be had, not could think and through ceasing we see at the bottom of it is rest , and dream and to ask questions, love. I 'm sure it public service. but by asking would be better for e. our nerves — that one mor( The question is this, " What can I do? " And are getting outside of our clothes — and then doing it. possibly just as well for the heathen and When man went to work, action removed drunkard $* ;<> the doubt that theory could not solve. Stop this violent running to and fro, and C The rushing winds purify the air; be simple and honest—only for a year! only running water is pure; and the holy And then possibly at the end of that man, if there be such, is the one who time we could sit in the presence of each loses himself in persistent, useful effort. other and be silent without being un- The saint is the man who keeps his word comfortable a^ .- and is on time. By working for all we Let us try being gentle in our judgments secure the best results for self, and when —just kind—and see if we can't reform we truly work for self, we work for all. more wrongs than by going after folks The self-assumed superior class evolves who have made mistakes, with come- naturally into being everywhere as man alongs and the loud ballyhoo and a awakens and asks questions. Only the brass-plated bazoo. Let us be kind unknown is terrible, says Victor Hugo. something the world has really never

r We can cope with the known, and at the tried £» . ^ worst we can overcome the known by accepting it. EN hotly intent on making money ^£ are not apt to make much money, THINK I '11 start a crusade for the because the dollar is a rolling disk, X reformation of reformers. I am fully and when you chase it, it attains a persuaded that our besetting sin, as a terrific velocity. people, is neither intemperance nor It exceeds the speed-limit, and many grafting, but plain pretense. a man has chased it clear into the We are not frank and honest with our- penitentiary-walls and heard the gates selves nor with each other. click behind him before he realized what The disposition to cheapen and adulter- he was doing. ate and get the start of our fellows by Number Six Bluff and Guff is the HE longing for perpetual bliss, in universal habit of Church and State. ^^ perfect peace, where all good things CL We are copper cents trying to pass are provided, might well seem a malev- for half-dollars. olent inspiration from the Lords of My suggestion is that for a whole year Death and Darkness. We grow only by we let the heathen rest, resign all public enduring and overcoming. work in the Personal Purity League, and declare a vacation in the W.C.T.U. Art is only the best way of doing things. —


EFT alone and uninstructed, /^SHE worst effect of vivisection is not, no one would ever imagine ^^ I believe, the fact of the cruelty to he was conceived in sin and the animal, but the evil reactionary born in iniquity. Neither effect on the man who practises the busi- would he say that we are ness. Work is for the worker, art is for born to trouble as the sparks fly upward, the artist, love is for the lover, and mur- and that sickness was sent from God. der is for the murderer. The victim dies Naturally we slough trouble, we shed the one who does the deed lives on. sorrow, we sleep C.That poor wretch and awake refresh- < business of govern- in the stocks suf- ed. In six months HE fered, but not so the grass grows ment is to make all direly as did the over all graves. children who were Much of our sick- government unnecessary, just given opportunity ness is caused by as wise parents are bringing to pelt him with fear, and fear is mud. All cruelty an importation &•> up their children to do with- and inhumanity re- Our very existence out &+ $+ acts to the detri- turns on being hap- them ment of society s+ py. Misery affects Nature is kind the circulation, fear means congestion, she puts a quick limit on suffering—per- and congestion continued means disease, haps the vivisectionist is right, that the and disease continued means rigor mortis. animal does not really suffer much. But d, Diseases are symptoms. To cure a the fact is, the vivisector suffers, whether disease or cut out a diseased part is not he knows it or not. He has immersed his to make the man well—it will catch him hands in innocent blood, and instead of somewhere else. You have to reach the being the protector of the helpless, he cause s+ s+ has taken advantage of the animal's Bad collections and inability to meet a helplessness to destroy it, by a means note will give you cold feet and then a slow, complex, refined, prolonged and cold in the head. A quarrel will cause peculiar. Life has become to him cheap tonsilitis. A threat will give granulated and common. Something divine has eyelids. Overeat, underbreathe, fill life died out of his soul. full of fear, jealousy and hate, and Bright's Disease follows, and Bright's ERESTCHAGIN, the great painter, Disease is simply a contamination of who knew the psychology of war as the water-supply by the sewage. few men have, and went down to his $+ s+ death gloriously, as he should, on a sink- IGH aims are good things, we are ing battleship, once said: " In modern **—* told, and doubtless, like the mari- warfare, where man does not see his ners, we should steer our courses by the enemy, the poetry of battle is gone, and stars. Still there is good game which lies man is rendered by the unknown into a close to the earth if we knew how to quaking coward. Enveloped in the fog of hunt for it—and there is the fun of ignorance, every phenomenon of Nature hunting anyway, game or not. causes man to quake and tremble—he wants to know. Wonder prompts him to Hot air is all right, but see that it is well ask, and greed for power, place and pelf compressed before you use it. replies." s+ *•»

LL strong men begin by worshiping Armistices are agreed upon only for the a shrine, and if they continue to sake of getting into the other's camp to grow they shift their allegiance until find out what is going on. they know only one altar and that is the Ideal which dwells in their own hearts. Remember the week-day to keep it holy. Page 200 THE JVOTE BOOK,

1 T was once considered a won- valet disappeared, engulfed by the all derful thing to agitate the cat- enfolding night, gut, pound the piano, and toot s» *» the B-flat horn, while folks /^SOCIABILITY at meals is right and were feeding. natural. We talk as we eat, and The introduction of London Music-Hall exchange confidences. Friendship is hy- features in hotel dining rooms is only gienic. C. But music is, or should be, a about fifteen years old. collaboration between the listener and The innovation came in with the bizarre, the performer. Music demands an at- the loud, the blatant. It matched the mosphere. But it is impossible to get an Plaster-of-Paris, gold-leaf figures on the atmosphere in a public dining-room to a wall .- <*» jingle of dishes and a buzz of conversa- All of the modern hotels about that time tion. And not to listen to music is an had a balcony built for the musicians. insult to the musicians. We gulped our soup to waltz time, did In the music-halls, people eat, drink, the entree to a two-step and disposed of laugh and talk, while the singing is going pie to Chopin's Funeral March. You on, or a man is making a speech. Nero bawled to your vis-a-vis across a three- fiddled while Rome burned, but surely foot void, and if the music stopped sud- we do not want to fletcherize to fire- denly, you found yourself addressing the works, or to be fiddled at while we feed. audience s* &+ C Just note the musicians and see how It was a wonderful thing. We got the they bang it off in true union-labor concert free, and we had to have a dinner style, and hand us back the indifference anyway ! The concert was given as a sort that we have given them. They play of premium, and at that time the air was not for the love of it, but for fifty cents full of the idea of getting something for an hour, and to get even with capitalism nothing £» s+ —darn it! The hotels and restaurants advertising Music at meals is all right for convicts, music at meals caught the great un- where the silent system prevails. But in washed, who hypnotized themselves into hotel dining-rooms, there should not be the belief that they had broken into good too much display of art, either mural or society with a social jimmy. musical. Neither should there be either gaudy or noisy things in sleeping-rooms, devoted to rest, sweet peace and dreams. HE first protest that I know of came There are bookworms who prop a Vb/ from Richard Mansfield who walked C book up in front of them, as they nibble; into the Grand Central Hotel at Osh- and we are all familiar with the sociable kosh. Behind him was his valet, carrying party who eats breakfast and hides be- two big grips. hind the morning paper at the same time. four strides from the The tragedian took These are merely individual preferences, door to the desk, and leaning over in one but if art in the mass is to be fired at of those half-confidential stage-voice people as they dine, then by all means let asides that reach to the topmost gallery, some one read aloud from the Essay on " have-you-music-at-meals?" said, Ah, Silence s+ s+ C And the clerk adjusted the glittering glass on his bosom, smiled serenely, and denominations are needed—they " BLL said, Oh, yes, surely so; yes, we have fit a certain type of temperament. music at all meals." Down in Pennsylvania they break up And Mansfield turned to his valet, who the coal and send it tumbling through was resting his hands from carrying the various sieves, and each size finds its heavy valises, and said, " Oho, oho, place in a separate bin. If sects did not James! Look you to our luggage! To our serve mankind they would never have luggage!" And four more strides took been evolved—each sect catches a cer- him to the door, and the actor and the tain-sized man. Or 7BLBERT HUBBARD Page 201

HEN Judge Lindsey de- an Idea or a Thing, is the man who is cides that it is best to send crowned with honor and clothed with a boy to the Reform School riches s^ ^ at Golden, he does not What people need and what they want send an officer with the may be very different. youngster. No, he just makes out the To undertake to supply people a thing commitment papers, gives the lad thirty- you think they need but which they do five cents to pay car fare, shakes hands not want, is to have your head elevated with him, and e» on a pike, and your away he goes. Of a bones buried in a hundred boys sent Potter's Field. in this way, not one F you would have But wait, and the has proved disloyal world will yet to the trust repos- want the thing it friends, one. ed in him. Judge be needs, and your Lindsey believes bones may then be- in the boy, and the come Sacred Relics. boy believes in Judge Lindsey, and when C This change in desire on the part of you get a boy in that frame of mind mankind is the result of a growth of where he responds to a trust, proving intellect s^ $+ true, even going to prison alone and un- It is Progress, and Progress is Evolution, attended, that boy is on the way to re- and Evolution is Progress. formation, for he is reforming himself. There are men who are continually try- C Judge Lindsey is one of the modern ing to push Progress along: we call them saviors of the world. " Reformers." s* s* There are others who always oppose the EFORE Co-operation comes in any Reformer—the mildest name we have line, there is always competition for them is " Conservative." pushed to a point that threatens destruc- The Reformer is a savior or a rebel, all tion and promises chaos; then to avert depending largely upon whether he suc- ruin men devise a better way, a plan that ceeds or fails. He is what he is, regardless conserves and economizes, and behold it of what men think of him. is found in Co-operation. The man who is indicted and executed Civilization is an evolution. as a rebel, often afterward has the word Civilization is not a thing separate and " Savior" carved on his tomb; and some- apart, any more than art is. times men who are hailed as saviors in Art is the beautiful way of doing things. their day are afterward found to be sham Civilization is the expeditious way of saviors—to wit, charlatans. Conserva- doing things. tion is a plan of Nature. To keep the And as haste is often waste—the more good is to conserve. The Conservative is hurry the less speed—civilization is the a man who puts on the brakes when he best way of doing things. thinks Progress is going to land Civiliza- As mankind multiplies in number, the tion in the ditch. problem of supplying people what they Brakemen are necessary, but in the lan- need is the important question of Earth. guage of Koheleth, there is a time to And mankind has ever held out offers of apply the brake and there is a time to reward in fame and money—both being abstain from applying the brake. To forms of power—to whomsoever would clog the wheels continually is to stand supply it better things. still, and to stand still is to retreat. Teachers are those who educate people Progress needs the brakeman, but the to appreciate the things they need. brakeman should not occupy all of his €[ The man who studies mankind, and time putting on the brakes. ascertains what men really want, and The Conservative is as necessary as the then supplies them this, whether it be Radical. The Conservative keeps the Page 202 cTHE 1VOTE BOO/C

Reformer from going too fast, and N the walls of the Louvre plucking the fruit before it is ripe. Gov- for nearly four hundred ernments are only good where there is a years has hung the " Mona strong Opposition, just as the planets Lisa" of Leonardo da Vinci. are held in place by the opposition of **J This picture has been the forces s+ s+ exasperation and inspiration of every And so civilization goes forward by portrait-painter who has put brush to stops and starts—pushed by Reformers, palette. Well does Walter Pater call held back by Conservatives. One is it, " The Despair of Painters." necessary to the other, and they often There is in the face all you can read into shift places. But forward and forward it, and nothing more. It gives you what forever civilization goes—ascertaining you bring, and nothing else. It is as the best way of doing things. silent as the lips of Memnon, as voice- less as the Sphinx. It suggests to you ORINK in the ozone, bathe in the every joy that you have ever felt, every sunshine and out in the silent night, sorrow you have ever known, every under the stars, say to yourself again and triumph you have ever experienced. yet again, " I am a part of all my eyes C This woman is beautiful, just as all behold!" And the feeling will surely come life is beautiful when we are in health. to you that you are no mere interloper She has no quarrel with the world — she between earth and sky; but that you are loves and she is loved again. No vain a necessary particle of the Whole. longing fills her heart, no feverish unrest ^ t- disturbs her dreams, for her no crouching Happy is the man who conserves his fears haunt the passing hours—that God-given energy until wisdom and not ineffable smile which plays around her passion shall direct it. mouth says plainly that life is good. .«* s*> And yet the circles about the eyes and If pleasures are greatest in anticipation, the drooping lids hint of world-weari- just remember that this is also true of ness, and speak the message of Koheleth trouble. and say, " Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." s+ s* Mutual favors do not cancel each other. La Gioconda is infinitely wise, for she has lived. That supreme poise is only The widow who marries again does not possible to one who knows. All the deserve to be one. experiences and emotions of manifold o *• existence have etched and molded that form and face until the body has become THINK I know what love is for, the perfect instrument of the soul. X although I 'm not quite sure. I think love is given us so we can see a soul. And Like every piece of intense personality, this soul we see is the highest conception this picture has power both to repel and of excellence and truth we can bring to attract. To this woman nothing is forth. This soul is our reflected self. And necessarily either good or bad. She has from seeing what one soul is, we imagine known strange woodland loves in far- what all souls may be—and thus we off eons when the world was young. She reach God, who is the Universal Soul £•» is familiar with the nights and days of

*- . *» Cleopatra, for they were hers : the lavish of soul on fire, OON'T be selfish. If you have some- luxury, the animalism a thing that you do not want, and the smoke of curious incense that know some one who has use for it, brought poppy-like repose, the satiety give it to that person. In this way you that sickens—all these were her portion; can be generous without expenditure or the sting of the asp yet lingers in her self-denial, and also help another to be memory, and the faint scar from its fangs the same s+ s+ is upon her white breast, known and —

O/^ *ELBERT HUBBARD Page 203 wondered at by Leonardo who loved her. so that all those who have had a like Back of her stretches her life—a mys- experience read and understand. terious purple shadow. Do you not see The human face is the masterpiece of

r the palaces turned to dust, the broken God c-o . -«» columns, the sunken treasures, the creep- ing mosses and the rank ooze of fretted 'F ANY aspiring college youth wishes waters that have undermined cities and ra subject for a thesis, I commend turned kingdoms into desert seas? this Pamphlets and Pamphleteers. The The galleys of pa- theme is old, but gan Greece have has constantly it is not hackneyed. swung wide for her AN When you write of on the unforgetting grown in power, wis- pamphleteers, you tide, for her soul will touch history dwelt in the body dom, excellence and worth. at a thousand of Helen of Troy, If he has ever fallen, it has points £•» $* and Pallas Athene He who knows the has followed her been upstairs, not down &+ so history of pam- ways and whisper- phleteering knows ered to her even the secrets of the gods. the record of the rise of human rights. Aye! Not only was she Helen, but she C The pamphlet is the weapon of the was Leda, the mother of Helen. Then thinker. By the pamphlet he extends his she was Saint Ann, mother of Mary ; and mental antennae and reaches millions next she was Mary, visited by an Angel that otherwise could not hear his mes- in a dream, and followed by the Wise sage. The pamphlet has been an arsenal Men who had seen the Star in the East. of arguments for the common people and The centuries, that are but thoughts, was in circulation long before the age of found her a Vestal Virgin in pagan printing s+ s+ Rome, when brutes were kings, and lust stalked rampant through the streets. She was the bride of Christ, and her From the Roycroft Dictionary fair, frail body was flung to the wild torn limb from limb while beasts, and Romance: Where the hero begins by feasted on the sight. the multitude deceiving himself and ends by deceiving the central impulse of her soul, True to others s+ $+ the Dark Ages rightly called her Cecilia, and then Saint Cecilia, mother of sacred Righteous Indignation: 1. Hate that music, and later she ministered to men scorches like hell, but which the possessor as Melania, the Nun of Tagaste; next thinks proves he is right. 2. Your own as that daughter of William the Con- wrath as opposed to the shocking bad queror, the Sister of Charity who went temper of others. throughout Italy, Spain and France and Righteousness: 1. Only a form of com- taught the women of the nunneries how monsense. 2. Wise expediency. to sew, to weave, to embroider, to illum- Revival: Religion with a vaudeville nate books and make beauty, truth and attachment s+ »•• harmony manifest to human eyes. And so this Lady of the Beaituful Hands Self-reliance: The name we give to the stood to Leonardo as the embodi- egotism of the man who succeeds. ment of a perpetual life; moving in School: A training-place—mental, phys- a constantly ascending scale; gathering ical, moral. Good boys are boys at work. wisdom, graciousness, love, even as he Bad boys are good boys who mis-direct himself in this life met every experience their energies. half-way and counted it joy, knowing ability to restrain a that experience is the germ of power. Self-Control: The wrong place. C Life writes its history upon the face, laugh at the Page 204

HE business of Robert Burns make hay; but a company of a dozen or was love-making. All love is more men and women would not only good, but some kinds of love reach the field, but do a lot of work. In are better than others. Scotland the hay-harvest is short: when Through Burns' penchant the grass is in bloom, just right to make for falling in love we have his songs. A the best hay, it must be cut. And so the Burns' bibliography is simply a record men and women, girls and the boys, of his love affairs, and the spasms of sally forth. It is a jolly picnic-time, repentance that followed his lapses are looked forward to with fond anticipa- made manifest in religious verse. tion, and gazed back upon with sweet, Poetry is the very earliest form of liter- sad memories, or otherwise, as the case ature, and is the natural expression of a may be s+ s+ person in love; and I suppose we might But they all make hay while the sun as well admit the fact at once that with- shines, and count it joy. Liberties are out love there would be no poetry. allowed during haying-time that other- Poetry is the bill and coo of sex. All poets wise would be declared scandalous; dur- are lovers, either actual or potential, and ing haying-time the Kirk waives her all lovers are poets. Potential poets are censor's right, and priests and people the people who read poetry; and so with- mingle joyously. Wives are not jealous out lovers the poet would never have a during haying-harvest, and husbands are market for his wares. never fault-finding, because they each If you have ceased to be moved by get even by allowing a mutual license. religious emotion; if your spirit is no In Scotland during haying-time every longer surged by music; if you do not married man works alongside of some linger over certain lines of poetry, it is be- other man's wife. To the psychologist it cause the love instinct in your heart has is somewhat curious how the desire for withered to ashes of roses. propriety is overridden by a stronger It is idle to imagine Bobby Burns as a desire—the desire for the shilling. The staid member of the Kirk. Had he a' Scotch farmer says, " Anything to get been, there would now be no Bobby the hay in;" and by loosening a bit the Burns s^ .-•. strict bands of social custom the hay is The literary ebullition of Robert Burns, harvested *» &+ he himself told us, began shortly after he In the hay-harvest the law of natural

had reached the age of indiscretion; and selection holds ; partners are often arrang- the occasion was his being paired in the ed for weeks in advance; and trysts con- hay-field, according to the Scottish cus- tinue year after year. Old lovers meet, tom, with a bonnie lassie. This custom touch hands in friendly scuffle for a fork, of pairin g still endures, and is what the drink from the same jug, recline at noon students of sociology call an expeditious and eat lunch in the shade of a friendly move. The Scotch are great economists stack, and talk to heart's content as —the greatest in the world. Adam Smith, they Maud Muller on a summer's day. the father of the science of economics, C Of course, this joyousness of the hay- was a Scotchman; and Buckle, author of ing-time is not wholly monopolized by A History of Civilization, flatly declares the Scotch. Have n't you seen the jolly that Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations haying-parties in Southern Germany, has influenced the people of Earth for France, Switzerland and the Tyrol? good more than any other book that has How the bright costumes of the men and ever been written—save none. The Scotch the jaunty attire of the women gleam in are great conservators of energy. the glad sunshine! The practice of pairing men and women But the practice is carried to a degree in the hay-field gets the work done. One of perfection in Scotland that I have not man and one woman going down the noticed elsewhere. Surely it is a great grass-grown path afield might linger economic scheme! It is like that inven- and dally by the way. They would never tion of a Connecticut man, which OT

billiards too well is proof of a misspent beautiful as a poet's dream, but tickle it youth." In Plutarch's life of Pericles he as you will with a hoe it will not laugh a has King Philip say to Alexander, " Are harvest. At the best it will only grimly you not ashamed to sing so well?" grin f<* c+* And Antisthenes, when he was told that It is a country of timber and toil. Ismenias played excellently upon the Valuable hardwoods abound—oak, wal- flute, answered, " Well he is good for nut, ash, hickory. nothing else; otherwise he would not Springs flowing from the hills are plenti- have played so ful, wild flowers well." O doubt Browning was grow in profusion, .<* .'-» — the trees are vocal ARK TWAIN partially right "God's with song of birds, said there are but the ground is ® in His Heaven," but fortu- only six original stony and stub- stories, and four of nately, He does n't remain born $+ $+ these were unfit for Here the family ladies' ears, and there all the time. rested by the side that all six of these of the cold spark- stories trace back to Rameses the Second ling stream. Across the valley to the West who had the felicity to live ninety-six the hills arose, grand, somber, majestic. years *»• &+ C Down below a stream went dancing This remark of Mark Twain traces a its way to the sea. direct pedigree to Plutarch, who said the And near by were rushes and little patch- Egyptians lived life in its every phase; es of grass, where the tired horses nibbled and anything that could happen to any in gratitude. man or woman happened in Egypt, And so they rested. There were Thomas therefore all stories of misunderstand- Lincoln; Nancy Hanks Lincoln, his ings, tragedies, comedies and such can wife; Sarah Lincoln aged ten; and little be traced to Egypt. Abe Lincoln, aged eight.

*• . «* The family had four horses, old and ON a simple little granite column in lame. In the wagon were a few house- Nancy Hanks Park, Lincoln City, hold goods, two sacks of cornmeal, a side Indiana, is the Inscription: of bacon. Instead of pushing on West- NANCY HANKS LINCOLN ward the family decided to remain. They Mother of Abraham Lincoln built a shack from logs, closed on three Died October 5th, 1818 sides, open to the South. Aged 35 years The reason the South side was left open " Died, aged 35," runs the inscription. was because there was no chimney, and d, The family had come from Kentucky the fire they built was half in the home only a half-day's journey distant as we and half outside. count miles today by steam and trolley. Here the family lived that first, bleak, C But in Eighteen Hundred Seventeen dreary Winter. To Abe and Sarah it was it took the little cavalcade a month to only fun. But to Nancy Hanks Lincoln, come from LaRue County, Kentucky, who was delicate, illy clothed, underfed, to Spencer County, Indiana, sixteen and who had known better things in her miles as the birds fly, North of the Ohio Kentucky home, it was hardship. River s+ $+ She was a woman of aspiration and pur- Here land was to be had for the settling. pose, a woman with romance and dreams For ten miles North from the Ohio the in her heart. Now all had turned to soil is black and fertile. ashes of roses. Children, those little Then you reach the hills, or what the bold explorers on life's stormy sea, accept early settlers called " the barrens." The everything just as a matter of course. soil here is yellow, the land rolling. <[ Abe wrote long years afterward: " My It is picturesque beyond compare, mother worked steadily and without OF » s*> HEN Abe was twenty-one, the

Page 208 THE WOTB SOO/C roofed, but open on all sides, has been winds by the thorn-road, and all along built, the trees are trimmed, the under- one can trace it by the tracks of bleeding brush removed. Winding walks and well- feet s+ s+ kept roadways are to be seen. The park :*> :•*- is open to the public. Visitors come, some XT is coming across the best minds in of them great and learned. America that if we had sent mission- And now and again comes some old aries to Japan in order to learn of the woman, tired, worn, knowing somewhat Japanese, instead of trying to convert of the history of Nancy Hanks, and all them to our social and religious system, she endured and suffered, and places on it would have been just as well for the the mound a bouquet gathered down in Japanese and a good deal better for us. the meadows. Abraham Lincoln can C Nations must get acquainted with never die. He belongs to the ages. Mem- one another, just as individuals should, ories of him will be passed on from gener- in order to have a fair and proper under- ation to generation—the blessed heri- standing. Electricity and quick trans- tage of all mankind. portation have practically made the And here alone on the hilltop sleeps the world one. woman who went down into the shadow and gave him birth. QACH soul is a center in itself, and

Biting poverty was her portion ; depriva- the mistakes of others—the follies tion and loneliness were her lot. But on of wife or child, husband or parent—are her tomb are four words that express the none of ours. We are individuals—we highest praise that tongue can utter, came into the world alone, we live alone, or pen indite: and we die alone; and we must be so MOTHER OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN girded round by right that no fault of —The Mother of Lincoln. another can touch us. God is on our side —nothing can harm us but ourselves. 2^\HERE is only one thing worth Let us make sure that we are right, and V^ living for, writing for, working for, then the follies of others will pass us by dying for—and that is freedom. unscathed. And above all, remember it On the way to the gallows, a mother is not for us to punish. " Vengeance is held up her baby boy, and John Brown mine: I will repay, saith the Lord." stopped long enough to kiss the cheek of the little black baby. John Brown Two necessities in doing a great and could not take the baby in his arms, important work: a definite plan and for his hands were tied behind his back. limited time. Happy l'il coon—Mammy's pet! kissed $+ s*> by Ol' John Brown on his way to launch To try many things means power: to his soul upon the River Styx. finish a few is immortality. To be kissed by a man who was on the way to the Ferry, going because he tried To act in absolute freedom and at the to make men free, is no small matter. It same time realize that responsibility is has been denied that John Brown kissed the price of freedom is salvation. the black baby, but I guess, and I also reckon, that it was so, for I've seen that The Divine Economy is automatic and painting depicting the scene, by dear very simple: we receive only that which Tom Hovenden, who died rescuing a we give. child from in front of a moving train. :* s» C John Brown was a fanatic, certainly, Men do not vary much in virtue: their that is true. His methods were wrong vices only are different. but the man himself was right, as every .'•• ;©• man is who lifts up his voice for free- A few conquer by fighting, but it is dom, and flings away his life that others well to remember that more battles are may have liberty. The path of progress won by submitting. INDEX

Ability, doubt of, 148. first use of word, 16; genius in, 195; liars are Abnegation, defined, 32. failures in, 184; limited by size of owner, 83; Advertising, how I write, 113; a science, 64; and loyalty in, 50; what is a man, 82; men and service, 64. women, 116; a struggle, 50; what constitutes a Alcibiades, Socrates questioned by, 101. safe, 184. Alexander the Great, Caesar and Napoleon compared Byron, 127. with, 30; what Aristotle foretold, 30, 93. Caesar, 86, 90; Alexander, Napoleon and, 30; Julius, Ali Baba, 72; 74; 82; 94; 169; 135. founder of corporation, 87. America, a giant, 129. Calvin, John, 125. American business, enemies of, 197. Capitalists versus Socialists, 116. Americans, need of standing together, 33. Captains of Industry, advice to, 205. Anarchist, and work, 34. Carlyle, and Peter the Great, 157. Angelo, Michael, 127; and the Renaissance, 47. Cervantes, supreme seer and philosopher, 198. Antony, Mark, 90. Chang, Li Hung, 79. Appian Way, 107. Character, a matter of habits, 66; the result of Apocryphal versus Canonical, 52. mental attitude, 54. Aristotle, 80; Alexander's teacher, 30; 93. Charity, question of, 62. Armament on Great Lakes between Canada and the Charlatan, characteristics of a, 197. United States, agreement to discontinue, 122. Charm, of manner, 149; what gives a woman, 192. Art, and Commerce, 106; and Expression, 95; and Children, quality of, dependent upon happiness of Individuality, 88; a Sexual Manifestation, 91. mother, 32. Artistic Temperament, The, 154. Christ and Christians, 85; opposed to war, 163. Asceticism versus Sensuality, 160; and the Trapp- Christian doctrine, viciousness of, 197; evolved, 20; ists, 160. traits of, common to other religions, 23. Aspasia, 90; her son's reward, 46. Civilization, British, due to roads, 107; man an Astor, heroism of Col. John Jacob, 103. instrument of, 56; march of, westward, 106; As You Like It, story of Adam and Eve in, 54. and organization, 56; relation of to cooperation, Atheist, definition of an, 187. 201. Athens, standards of art in, 71. Classics, futility of studying, 179. Aucassin and Nicolette, love of, 54. Claudius, Appius, Appian Way commemorates, 107. Augustus, the Age of, 90. Cleanliness, importance of personal, 67. Authors, how enemies are made by, 49. Cleopatra, 90. Authorship, secrets of successful, 189. Cleveland, Grover, 106. Bach, John Sebastian, Parentage of, 49. College, a make-believe, 29; education, drawbacks Banker, The, and the Community, 173. of a, 184; precepts for, 144. Bankruptcy, Best Insurance against, 191. Columbus, the world's awakening with, 47. Beauty, Its record upon the face, 159. Commerce, human service, 16; and Art, 106; pur- Beecher, Henry Ward, 194. pose of, to improve life, 57. Belief versus Proof, 73. Commonsense, a new party, 61; necessary for Bertrand and Napoleon, 114. stability, 123. Besant, Sir Walter, 62. Community, the abiding place of truth and loyalty, Bible, Chained, 52; Not the only book, 20, 53; Its 71. canonicity, 53. Companionship, the essence of marriage, 124. Billiards, Herbert Spencer on playing, 206. Competition, 84. Billingsgate, Calendar, The, 89. Comradeship, 59. Biography, broader vision through reading, 91. Concentration, 28; and Industry, create self-con- Blackstone, what Law meant to, 46. fidence, 125. Blondin, crossing Niagara, 165. Conduct, Culture and Character, necessary graces, Book, my best, 112; its service in making you think, 67. 158. Consciousness, cosmic, 111. Bookmakers, of Venice, 106; the Monks as, 159. Conservative, importance to civilization of the, 201; Borrowing, evils of, 72. the, evolved by opposition, 147. Boss, The, 27. Consequences, the law of, works both ways, 111. Boy, The as a potentiality, 78. Constantine, and the Jews, 166. Brook Farm, the failure of, 123. Cooperation, origin of business, 186. Brotherhood of Consecrated Lives, 73. Corporation, the, its rise with Julius Caesar, 87. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, and her unforgiving Courtesy, as an asset, 19, 149; is catching, 174. father, 178. Cowardice, modern warfare promotes, 199. Browning, Robert, 54. Crawford, Captain Jack, 100. Brown, John, 208. Creative work, the delight of, 91. Burns, Robert, love affairs of, 204. Creed, a modern, 26; busy man's, 21; of common Burne-Jones' statue, the Vampire, 129. sense, 31; of the future, 24, 25; an ossified meta- " Bum Peter Cooper," The, 123. phor, 111 Burroughs, John, manliness of, 91. Crepe, gloom and, 131. Butt, Major Archibald, tribute to, 104. Culters, commonsense, 61. Butterflies, 175. Culture, the cream of conduct, 77; and education, Business, a game, 175; aims of, 16; definition of, 194; 29; and useful work, 171. Cultured Mind, The, versus the Uncultured, 98. Epilepsy, what it is, 116. Cyrus, king of Persia, 90. Epitaph, an immortal, 208. Damnation, candidates for, 195; none for any one, Equality in marriage, 34. 107. Erasmus, 48. Danites, The, 99. Espionage and suspicion, 89. Dark Ages, reason for the, 70. " Esprit de Corps," 63. Darwin, Charles, 80. Essay on Silence, The, 112; time to read the, 201. Daniels, George H., 66. Eugenics, the science of, 108. Davis, Richard Harding, 79. Eulogy to Man, 11. Davey, John, 130. European war, 107. Death, Fear of, 152; fear of, the monopoly of the Evans, Fanny Reigel, 170. young, 143; and Life, 125. Evil, law to eliminate, 183. Deborah, 161. Exemption and immunity, 76. Debts, payment of small, 33; of honor, 154; of a Expectancy, the habit of, 94. poet, 154. Explanations do not explain, 127. Declaration of Independence, 80. Expression, in life, an individual matter,160; through Degenerating, begins in cities, 42. spirit or senses, 160; in art, 95; equal impression, Democrat, a great business, 197. 38. Democracy, and the masses, 86. Exports of raw material and food stuff, 44. Dentist, The successful, 173. Departments, Divisions of a business into, 83. Factory Melancholia, 118. De Quincy, Thomas and Ann of Venusburg, 128. Faith, an unreliable guide, 49; in humanity, 150; Diamond, The, a symbol of infinity and eternity, 91. the true, 157; should be cultivated, 160. Dignity, 79. Fame, from side-issues, 147. Discord, Success survives, 146. Family Life, what is the trouble with it, 70. East Disloyalty, less common than unloyalty, 126. Farmer, an Aurora, 72; the honest, 72. 131. Divine Energy, man part of, 15, 37. Farmers, bankers and, Fate, misconception of, 189; Divine Passion, The, and a broader life, 92. a popular and success, Divorce Laws and Marriage, 39. 44; and what it supplies, 77. Farrell business of, Doctors and Lawyers, a new code for, 120; lawyers and Gary, methods 195. and preachers, 35. Faust, 167. Fear, eliminate from life, no devil but, Dogs and Horses, loyalty of, 132. 25; 181; of disease, law, sickness Dollar-chasing, the business of, 198. death, 166; caused by, 199; Domini Canes, 132. what fosters, 13. Female, The, in Nature, 55. Don Quixote, the greatness of, 198. Feathers, definition of, 187. Dowie's daughter, death of, 193. Field, Eugene, 112; Marshall, 134. Drugs, futility of, 45. First Impressions, 130. East Aurora farmer and his sheep, parable of, 36, 72. Folks, commonsense, 61. East India Company, The, 87. Ford, Henry, sells manufactured products, 44; Hen- Economic warfare, silliness of, 195. ry. 134. Economist, a great woman, 190. Forgetful ness, retentive memory versus, 95. Economists, great Scotch, 204. Forms change, but nothing dies, 92. Edison and Electricity, 47. Franklin, Benjamin, 48; 164; and industry, 28; the Editorial, power of, 52. strongest man America has produced, 77. Education, Academic, a matter of memory, 160; Freedom, and Youth, 89; not for those who deny the right kind of college, 26; disadvantages of it to others, 147; those who die in the cause of, 33. college, 17; the encouragement of right habits, Friction and Harmony, 110. 147; culture not dependent on, 29; before and Froebel, Frederick and Education, 74. since Froebel, 74; the insignificance of, 147; Friend, a definition of, 112; how to make, 201; a, priestly plan of, 17; relief from war in, 164; Nature's masterpiece, 146; three kinds of, 150. Stanley Hall, 74; by travel, 89; will be general Friendship, The desire for, 14; between members of in the future, 113. the same sex, dangers of, 115. Educated man, the useful man, 29; first requisite Future, creed of, 24, 25. of the, 184. Efficient thinking, in its infancy, 162. Garcia, A Message to, 49; 66; 139. Egotism, in literature, 38. Garnet, 94. Eliot, Dr. Charles W., 64. Gary, Elbert H., how a big business was saved by, Elzivirs, The, and the Plantins, 106. 195. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 118; 125; 142; 80; 93. Genius, descendants of, 178; the man of, welcome En plus, too much is bad, 117. everywhere, 40; Nature's use for, 156; the power Employee, and wages, 125; the booster, 40. of, 13. Enemies, waste no time on, 51. Gentleness, and greatness, 94. Energy, the principal thing in the world, 37; con- Getting old, a bad habit, 143. servation of, 202. Ghetto, 166. Enlightenment versus fear, 166. Giorgione, 106. Enslaving of Women, 55. Gladstone, 126. Enthusiasm, the hill climber, 115; necessary to suc- God, absentee, 15; and Divine Energy, 37; gifts of, cess, 89. misuse of, 18; gives strength for each day, 147; Epicurus, 167. in hand-made temples, 105; is God, 93; of mercy whose name is love, 60; operating through man, Idleness, people who advertise their, 177. 57; smiles at our altruism, 81; where love is, 96. Imagination, 152; regards of, 190; the greatest gift Golden Rule, opposed to war, 163. of God, 194. Good Fellow, The, a misnomer, 70. Immortality, definition of, 188. Good -nature, 61. Impersonal contemplation, the secret of laughter, 79. Goodrich, and rubber tires, 107. Impulses, caprice and reality, with the law, 83. Good Work Today, the best preparation for Good Individuality, 63; not perfect, 32. Work Tomorrow, 141. Industrial leaders and service, 134. Gould, Jay and his system, 83. Industry, 28; and concentration, give rise to self- Government, the aim of, 199; Franklin's dictum on, confidence, 125. 194; purpose of our American, 194. Infidel, Corner Grocery, 76. Great man, defined, 88. Infinite, symbolized by the diamond, 91. Great men, scorned in their lifetime, 178. Initiative, 49; and " freshness," 156; the first neces- Greek History, class in, 171. sity in organization, 132. Grief, not to be shared, 33. Intellect, and common sense, 105; cultivation of, 98. Habits, enoouragement of right, 147; importance of, Intelligence, 152. not realized, 59; and happiness, 82; whether they Intimacy, too much, repels, 159. manage us or we them, 115. Intolerance, due to lack of imagination, 99. Hall, Stanley, and education, 74. Intuitions, and knowledge, 112. Hand, Heart and Head, 119. Inventions, new, fight for life, 47; in language, 95. Happiness, in quality, 34; and habits, 82; a habit, 82; J. B. Runs Things, 84. health and wealth, 29; power for good, 25. Jealousy, 139. Horatius at the Bridge, 65. Jefferson, Thomas, 80; 174. Harmony, and friction, 110. Jesus, 172. Harriman, William, 83. Jews, the, 167; their treatment of their families, 122; Harvard and West Point, contrasting, 178. their commonsense religion, 95. Hate, sowing of, is dangerous, 119; no one has time Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 174. to, 147; admit no, 23. Joint Stock Company, the modern, based on Roman Hat-snatcher, the, 145. idea, 87. Hats, the importance and significance of, 183. Jones, John Paul, 65; Samuel M., 131. Hayes, Charles M., 104. Joy, and reconciliation, 90. Head, carried high, 51. Judgment, the final, 111. Health, dependent upon congenial mental work, 143; Judiciary, public opinion and the, 120. habit, six rules for, 118; a habit, 41; happiness Justice, Law distinguished from, 171. and wealth, 29; laws of, simple, 67. Khayyam, Omar, 100. Heaven, a place of idleness, 177. Kidd, Captain, social status of, 179. Hell and Heaven, doctrine of, 23. Kindergarten Spirit, importance of the, 182. Herodotus, 64. Kindness, religion of, 18. Hill, James J., 134; 82; 83. Kingsley, Charles, 165. Historical shrines, pilgrims to, 31. Kipling, Rudyard, 48. Hoe-man, the, 153. Knowledge, and Intuition, 112. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 68. Knox, John, 125. Home, making of, 19. La Gioconda, 202. Honesty, and purity of purpose, 159. Lamb, Charles, 69; 85. Hope, the Star of, 101. Landor, Walter Savage, 43. Hopes, mistake to raise false, 113. Lang, Andrew, 69; 85. Horn, little end of the, 111. Laughter, 79. Horse, my kingdom for a, 93. Law of compensation, the, 129; Impulse, Caprice Hot air, the only useful kind of, 199. and Reality, 83; and Justice, 46; and Life, 46; Hotel, character of, determined by type of owner, 84. popular terror of the, 193; Women and the, 150. Hotels, advice to American, 200. Lawyers, businessmen the best, 180; and doctors, Hot Springs, 51. 120; doctors and preachers, 35; and lawyer-made How I found my Brother, 112. laws, 193; new kind of, 195. Hubbard, Alice, in praise of, 190; Elbert's indebted- Lecturing, pleasures and perils of, 189. ness to, 191; Miriam, 94; Dr. Slias, father of Le Gallienne, Richard and the Golden Girl, 128. Elbert Hubbard, 17. Letter; of criticism, 39; a Eugene Field, 112; a Hugo, Victor, 89. grouchy, versus the telephone, 112. Human Service versus Selfishness, 29. Lepidopterology, 175. Humanity, education to help, 49; faith in, 150; re- Lewis and Clark Expedition, 45. ligion of, 15. Liar, punishment of a, 47. Humboldt, Alexander von, 90; William, 80; 90. Liberty, 153. Hundred-point man, 68. Lies are mistakes in judgment, 146. Husband and wife, legal status of, 176. Life, all a prayer, 94; is beautiful, 125; to you ever- Hyacinths, wilted, 137. lasting if you deserve it, 156; everlasting, 156; " " I Believe," versus I Know," 24, 25. and death, 125; every, its own excuse for being, Ideal Republic, 152. 65; a gradual death, 39; human service, 63; the Ideal, Real separated from, 47. ideal, 12; insurance, 112; and law, 46; length of, Idealist, a sick man, 85. dependent upon habit, 22; manifestation of, 15; Ideal life, main factors in the, 194. a paradox, 44, 81; preparation for, 23; 29; radi- —

ant, 11; " Ruined by a Woman," 129; the useful, Message, giving, as important as delivering, 113. 23; My, what it means to me, 164. Mexico, attitude toward scholars, 52. Lincoln, 127; Abraham, Indiana boyhood of, 207; Military schools, condemnation of, 179. Nancy Hanks, home life and characteristics of, Miller, Joaquin, 98; 100. 206. Milton, John, 129. Liszt, Anton Seidl and, 179. Mind Your Own Business, 127. Literature, and light, 49; and music, 170, of future Mission, believe in your, 146; the value of a, 172. not diffuse or profound, 1 17. Missions, California, 76. Lives, of others, our interest in, 72, double, of insti- Moderation, 129; in all things, 45. tutions, 117. Moliere, 167. Living, earn your own, 82. Mona Lisa, 202. Love, in conjunction with work, health and study, Money, no criterion of work, 134; the only way to 41; falling in, 150; for the lover, 127; goes to make, 185. deserving, 18; idealizes its object, 47; and in- Morality, definition of, 188. sight, 58; life and death, 88; of man for woman Morris, William, 89. woman for man, 26; memory of, 14; a path to Moses, a pragmatist, 95; the publicity-man of the Heaven, 57; power generated by, 182; purposes Old Testament, 65. of, 202; a sacred thing, 57; and strife, 94; that Mother, an ideal, 191; my, how I played a joke on, encourages, 58; what it is for, 73; where is, 96. 77; my, how she worked, 77. Lovers, glory of the, 59. Mother Love, 94; manifested in nature as well as Lovers, and secrecy, 59. among humans, 47; what men owe to, 47; man's Loyalty, 127; finds many aids, 126; the great lubri- obligation to, 168. cant in life, 128; and obedience, 50; and success, Mozart, social position of, 16. 127. Music, 106; and Literature, 170; at meals, the mania Luther, Martin, the Reformer, 47; his interpretation of, 200; the distinguishing quality of, 187. of The Song of Songs, 53. Napoleon, 86; Alexander and Csesar, 30; and Ber- Madness, prophets and, 131. trand, 114; secret of his power, 83. Magdalene, Mary, 171. Nation of builders, 33. Make-believe, grown-ups delight in, 178. Nature, efforts of to keep people well, 45; and en- Man, a migratory animal, 89; at his work, 81; ergy, 37; as guide, 39; fights disease and doctors, eulogy of, 11; heroic, does n't pose, 20; his 150; improved on by man, 142; and overeat- business tower, 21; his personality and Deity, ing, 172. 88; his search for happiness, 109; his treatment Nemesis, and the Idle Rich, 173. of his wife, 70; ideal type of, 178; importance Obedience, in Creed of Common Sense, 31; the of, 20; improves on Nature, 142; in process of spirit of, 50; " Obey," omission of in marriage creation, 67; not base at heart, 23; the compe- service, 148. tent, 115; the instrument of energy, 37; the Old, on getting, 115; 143. instrument of Deity, 147; the tool of Deity, Opportunity, what constitutes, 187. '56; the transformer of energy, 37; weak or strong, Opposition, governmental value of, 202. as seen by woman, 100. Optimist and Pessimist, 51; and failure, 153; sad Management, and selection of men, 63. thing about, 147. Mankind, moving toward the light, 20; Saviour of, 16. Optimist, definition of, 152. Manners, forfeited, 81. Orders, giving and taking, 194. Manual labor, part of education, 26. Organization and Civilization, 56. Manual Training Schools, 76. Organizers, great, 156. Manufactured products versus raw material, 39. Orthodoxy, misconceptions of, 187; a definition of, Markham, Edwin, 153. 194. Marital Bundling, 57. Over-eating, 172. Marriage, a way station, 118; the ceremony and the Owen, Robert, our debt to, 205. word " obey," 148; for gratification and propa- Pamphlet, power of the, 203. gation, 159; and property rights, 176; requisites Panacea, no perfect one for human ills, 57. for happy, 72; and divorce laws, 39; to reform Paradox, life is a, 81. a mistake, 42; and sex, 55. Paranoia, 138; and the Hundred-Point Man, 69. Mary Elizabeth, 170. Party, the New, 61. Master-Man, The, 28; 125. Pater, Walter. 85. Matrimony, making a success of, 190. Patient Man, rewards reaped by the, 127. Maud, the blind girl and her blind father, 96. Paul, the apostle, 161; 172. Meanness, defined, 159. Pauline Doctrine, Women and the, 55. Medicine, practice of, 18. Peace Area, extension of, 113. Memory, and academic education, 160; a retentive, Peg, round versus square, 47. versus forgetful ness, 95. Penn, William, 145. Men, and their estimates of other men, 88; and People, The Chosen, 53. women, 124; great versus dull, 73; producing Perfect Faith, and Perfect Love, 149. life, 134; rich only as they give, 143. Pericles, 90, 80; the age of, 101; his reward for Menial, Tasks versus Intellecticism, 105; The, is service, 46. disloyal to his work, 129. Pessimist, and Optimist, 51.

Mental attitude, 51 ; and disillusion, 23. Phidias, 46; 80; 101. Mental work of a congenial kind, a stimulus to Philosophy, value of, 194. health, 143. Physician, each man his own, 22. iv Pilgrims to Historical Shrines, 31. Salesmen, all men, 162. Pity and Sympathy, 99. Saltus, Edgar, 85. Plato, his account of Socrates' death, 46. Sam, the Chinese servant, 13. Pallas Athene, 203. Samurai, virtues of the, 178. Personal Purity League, 198. Santa Maria Dei Frari, 106. Plutarch, 64; 90. Savage man, true to his mate, 56. Poise, difficult to maintain, 111; sympathy and Saviors, number of, 16. wisdom, 107. Scamp, 48. Poisoning, from excess of food, 45. School, the private is preparation for life, 111; the Policy, political, not molded on Europe, 166. public is life, 111. Poor Rich versus, 33. School-teacher, evolution of the, 189. Power, analyzing men of, 179; Life, a search for, 71; Schopenhauer, 110. and poise must go together, 13; and responsi- School house, our fortress and hope is the, 194. bilities, 55; unrestrained, a tragedy, 40. Schwab, Charles M., 134. Powerful man, The, 32. Science, classified knowledge, 162. Prayer of Elbert Hubbard, 18, 19; of gratitude, a Scott, Sir Walter, 66. 89; the supreme, 11; whining, 120. Sculpture, 106. Preachers, Doctors and Lawyers, 35; if honest, Second Commandment, the, the death of art, 55. must continually lose adherents, 144. Secrets, 36. Precepts for Colleges, 144. Sects, 201. Presents, 153. Seer, the scout of civilization, 47. Pretense, 198. Self, approval of one's other, 108. Progress, individuality the basis of, 183; evolution Self-Confidence, 125. is, 201; opposition to, 18. Spencer, Herbert and the " Messianic Idea," 76; Property-Rights, and marriage, 178; right in mar- Herbert, 82. riage, origin and history of, 177. Spinoza, Baruch, 80, 167. Prosperity, definition of, 188. Spinsterhood, the achievement of, 203. Public Opinion, a restraining force, 33; and the Sphinx, 52. Judiciary, 120. Spirit, versus Senses, 160. Public Utilities, in partnership with the people, 132. Socialism, incapable of independent action, 124. Punishment, the worst, 111; hatred invites, 77. Socialism and Shirks, 106; and Work, 34. Quitter, the world hates a, 35. Social Worker, the, and Ali Baba, 135. Race, The, improved by patience, charity and de- Society, an organized instinct, 60; aggression of, 60. votion, 26; the improving of, 160. Socrates, 167; 211; put to death, 46, 90. Radical, 201. Song of Songs, 52; interpretations by Luther, Tal- Recreation, gives immortality, 147; in absence from madge, The English, Theodoret, The Moderns, business, 175. Andreas Lang, our own, 53; The Story Inter- Reconciliation, 90. preted, 59. Reformers, social, indict their time,'78; men with small Soul and Mind, 156; growth of the, 137; how to faith in natural love, 70; what they tell us, 112. save, 71; what constitutes the, 202. Religion and communities, 95; of humanity, 15, 20; Star of Hope, the, 101. in conjunction with work, health, study and love, Stead, Wm. T., 104. 41; of kindness, 18, to know but one, 23. Stevenson, Robert Louis, 54, 125. Remorse, 156. Stones, a sermon in, 186. Respectability, the meaning of, 180, 181. Stories, Egyptian origin of all, 206. Responsibilities and power, 55. Stradivarius, 106. Rubens, 106. Straus, Mr. and Mrs. Isador, 102. Revere, Paul, 65. Strength needed in a community, 71. Revolt, Obedience versus, 31. Strife and Love, 94. Ridicule, a self-accusation, 40. Self-justification and self-preservation, 44. Riches, the vanity of, 147. Self Love, 68. Rich men as trustees, 174; people, sometimes ig- Self-Reliance, 28. norant, 79, the idle, and Nemesis, 173; versus Self-sacrifice, a pernicious doctrine, 123. poor, 33. Selfishness, versus human service, 29. Right-Hand Man, 84. Selfishness versus self-love, 68. Right to be decent, 39. Senses versus Spirit, 160. Riley, James Whitcomb, 112, memory, 113. Serra, Fra Junipero, 76. Romans, the, 90; builders and engineers, 87. Service, 63. Roosevelt, Theodore and Elihu Root, 174. Serving humanity, pathway to success, 26. Rostand, his rooster, 44. Service through advertising, 64. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 88. Sex and God, 54; in animal and vegetable kingdoms, principle Rowan, Andrew J., 66. 55, and marriage, 55; and Nature, 54; Roycroft Dictionary, from the, 187, 188. in Nature, 182; a sacred thing, 57; the relation Roycrofters, The, 165; meaning of, 188 of art to, 182. Sacajawea, 45. Shakespeare, 64, 91, 174. Sacred Writ and Profane Writing, 53 Sincerity, test of, 193. Safety, in living like a poor man, 105; thought of, Sin, its benefits and advantages, 132; its own punish- no place in life, 111. ment, 160, misdirected energy, 15; the pardon- Saint Cecelia, 203. able, 146. " Sinking Self," 131. Unloyalty, more common than disloyalty, 126. Sleepy Hollow, 86. Upstairs, man is constantly falling, 203. Strikes, futility of, 126. Utopia, 100; not worth while, 85. Strong Man, defined, 212; in demand, 108; what Vampire, the, 129. makes a, 181. Vanderbilt, Commodore Cornelius, Submission, victory won through, 208. 134; System, the, 83. Succeed, three ways to, 205. Vanity, of riches, and college education, 147. Success, in cooperation and reciprocity, 42; defini- Vengeance and sympathy, 94. tions of, 203; dependent upon approval of your- Venice, 106. self, 140; and enthusiasm, 89; and fate, 44; how Vinci, Leonardo da, the Renaissance, 47. Judge Gary achieves, 196; and loyalty, 127; Violence and gentleness, 162; transitory, 163. my, 165; no such thing as, is bad business, 21; Vigilance, eternal, the price of liberty, 50. and quality of work, 153; and systematization, Virtues, old-fashioned, 79. 83; and system, 84. Vivisection, evils of, 199. Suffrage, for Women, 74. Voice, index to personality, 88; index to the soul, Superior Class, the, and war, 163. 88; mild and gentle, 88. Sympathy, the first and last attribute of Love, 156* Volta, 80. greatness develops through, 183; and pity, 99; and vengeance, wisdom poise, 107. 94; and Wages, and the employee, 125; based on productive System, 84. 83; and Success, power versus paternalism, 33. 7 Talk less, and listen more, 108. W agner, Richard, 89. Talmadge, DeWitt, his interpretation of The Song Wallace, Alfred Russel, 93. of Songs, 53. War, Civilization opposed to, 163; preparation Teaching things, out of season, 17. for, brings wars, 121. Teacher, unswerving in his opinions, 147. Washington, George, and self-reliance, 28. Telephone, no letter, 112. Watt, James, 80. Temperament, 91; artistic, and debts, 154. Wealth, happiness and health, 29. Tempest, The, 54. Wedgwood, Josiah, the world's first business- Ten Positive Commandments, 120. man, 205. Tenth Legion, the, of Caesar, 63, 87. Wesley, John, Journal of, 164. Terminus, a poor God to worship, 64. West Point, and Harvard, 178. Westinghouse, Terrible, only the unknown is, 198. George, and the air-brake, 47. Thayer. John B., 104. Wheelbarrow, and Ali Baba, 74. 7 Theology, by entail, 153; fetish, elimination of, in, W hims, the poisoners of joy, 144. 30. Whitechapel, 62. Thucydides, 64. Whitman, Walt, 89. Thinking, constructive, 51. Who is the great man? 88. Thoreau, 99; his place in heart of humanity, 86. Widener, Mr. and Mrs. George, 103. Wife, Thought is the Thing, 86. a perfect, 192r my, 165. Thought, 171; new and second-hand, 151; righteous, Wisdom, poise and sympathy, 107. 153; spontaneous, 157; supreme, 51; two kinds Wise Men, the, 52. of, 150. Woes, do not dump your, 156. Thrift, a habit of, 86, 87. Woman, and penance under Jewish Law, 56; posi- Titanic, 35; disaster, the, 102; survivor of, the, 43. tion in Bible, 55; and the law, 150; the, for Titian, 106. whom I write, 95; the, who understands, 128; Tolstoy, Leo, 89; idiosyncracies of, 178,- the priest when she first became a factor in business, 78. and the peasant, 70. Women, ancient Teuton, 56; as workers, 44; con- Transportation, importance of, 107 servators, 44; enslavement of, 177; tribute to, Trappists, and asceticism, 160. 190; who live in history, 155; young, with ambi- Travel, and Education, 89; and the breadth of one's tions versus marriage, 84. horizon, 135. Wonders, should be performed here and now, 210. Tree-Surgeon, the, 130. Words, invention of new, 42. Tree Surgery, father of, 130. Work, cures socialism and anarchy, 34; for a com- Trinity, Father, Mother and Child. 26. mon cause, 94; for the worker, 127; habit of, 41; Trollope, Anthony, story of worthy dame, 148. honest, 48; man at his, 81; safety in, 119; to Troubles, defined, 188. please self, 21. Truck, the motor, 116. World, one at a time, 133; redeemed, 33. Truth, every, a paradox, 110; formulating, 135; Worry, 29; defined, 213. the man who lives, 167; the new virtue, 64. Writers you hate, 88. Tyndall, Professor, 146; his old servant, 172. Writing, a matter of inspiration, 112; good recipe Typewriter, the beginning of woman in business, 78. for, 42. Written Record versus Deeds, 65. Ulterior motives, 171. Unethical thing, the one, 157. Xantippe, wife of Socrates, 211. United States Steel Corporation, origin of, 195. Yellowstone Park, 123. Unfaithfulness, and concrete selfishness, 139. Yourself, be, 50. University, militant, ten precepts' of, 30. Youth and Freedom, 89. Unseen, The, terror of, 153. Unkind fate, 86. Zionist, 70. vi SO HERE ENDETH THE NOTE BOOK OF ELBERT HUBBARD NOW PUT INTO PERMANENT FORM BY THE ROYCROFTERS *. THE BORDERS, INITIALS AND BINDING BY ROYCROFT ARTISTS AND CRAFTSMEN »- THE WHOLE PRODUCED BY THE ROYCROFTERS AT THEIR SHOPS, WHICH ARE LOCATED AT ROYCROFT-TOWN, EAST AURORA, ERIE COUNTY, NEW YORK STATE, ANNO DOMINI, MCMXXVII

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