CLARE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL 2014-15 ANNUAL CLARE ASSOCIATION CLARE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL 2014 - 15 THE CLARE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL 2014 - 2015 CONTENTS Page EDITORIAL 3 Prof Sir BOB HEPPLE Obituary 5 Dr M (Mitch) Mitchinson Obituary 9 COLLEGE NEWS 11 MASTER & FELLOWS An informal listing 27 BENEFACTIONS & GIFTS 30 The COLOSSUS OF CLARE by Martin Murphy (1952) 37 STILL ENIGMATIC AND MYSTERIOUS (Tibet) by Bruce Huett (1964) 49 MEMORIES OF A CAREER START by The Revd R.S.Houghton (1949) 52 SOME SIXTY YEARS AGO by Peter Knewstubb (1950) 55 THE CLARE ASSOCIATION Report from the Alumni Council 57 The Lady Clare Fund “OLD CLARE” NEWS 60 OBITUARIES 70 NOTICES and a DONATION FORM 108 Send contributions for the next Annual to
[email protected] or to The Editor of the Annual, Clare College, Cambridge, CB2 1TL 1 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Illus 1 The late Professor Bob Hepple 4 Illus 2 The late Dr Malcolm Mitchinson 9 Illus 3 The Very Revd Peter Judd, Acting Dean for two terms 41 Illus 4 Peter Allinson semi-retires 42 Illus 5 Joseph Townsend 43 Illus 6 Weather magician, Tibet 44 Illus 7a Changtang: “The sky is my tent” 7b A Snow Lion 45 Illus 8 Solo skaters, Trinity Hall backs also Clare backs, 2nd February 1954 46 Illus 9 More people on the ice and watching, 3rd February 1954 47 Illus 10 Lady’s Slipper Orchids 48 Clare garden, July 1955 Acknowledgements: Illus 5 Clare College Archive Illus 6, 7a Dr Hildegard Diemberger Illus 7b Bruce Huett Other illustrations by the Editor, including the outside cover.