Manish Pole Founder: Manish@21stCentury.


Introduction ...... 3 LEARNING OBJECTIVE ...... 4 CONTENTS ...... 5 Tratak ...... 5 Jal ...... 5 Kapalbhati ...... 6 Kriya ...... 6 Vaman ...... 7 Laghushankaprakshalan...... 7 Khichri/Khichdi Recipe ...... 8 Five for Laghushankaprakshalan ...... 8 ASSIGNMENT ...... 9 SWADHYAY (SELF STUDY) ...... 9 DISCLAIMER ...... 9

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Shatkriyas are integral to the practices of . These are cleansing practices that the foundation on which your Asana and must be built. Yet it is something that is taught so infrequently because it’s a difficult subject to teach and has to be learnt from an experienced teacher. It is often seen that even elaborate 200 hours courses do not cover these cleansing practices.

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Shatkriyas or are a key aspect to the keeping the body pure. Entire practice of yoga is about body and mind being in sync. Shat meaning 6 and meaning practices. has two additional kriyas mentioned, Chakri and Gajakarani, these have been briefly mentioned in this course, but will not be covered in detail.

In Hatha Yoga Pradipika text, there are five ranges of practices. First of them is Shatkriyas (6 cleansing practices), second is Asana, then Pranayama, then & Bandhas and fifth is .

The first four must be done daily eventually meditation Nada will happen. Of the Shatkriyas, some can be done daily some only once a month.

The biggest challenge in this online course will be to guide you in person so we are making our best effort to guide you like we were there together.

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If the body has impurities, then it is hard for the mind to be still. have gone through great lengths to keep the body clean. These Yogic kriyas remove the waste materials of our internal organs which are not expelled normally. Therefore, the aims of Hatha Yoga and of the Shatkriyas are to cleanse the internal organs and thereby create harmony between the major pranic flows, Ida and pingala, and attaining physical and mental purification and balance.

The Shatkriyas are also used to balance the three doshas or humours in the body Kapha- the mucus, pitta- the bile and vata-the wind. According to both and Hatha Yoga an imbalance of the doshas will result in illness. These practices are also used before Pranayama and the other higher yoga practices in order to purify the body from toxins and to ensure safe and successful progression along the spiritual path.


Tratak is for cleansing the eyes. Usually done with a candle flame but can also be done with a small black dot () or the sunrise and sunset. The sunrise and sunset tratak is best done after become acquainted with Tratak for a few years.

Preparation: A few rounds of Shodhana. Place a candle at the eye height from you, about a hand distance away.

How to Practice: Sit in stillness, comfortably with a straight back and stare at the tip of the wick. Try not to blink too much. When the eyes start to water or feel tired, blow out the candle and close your eyes. You will notice the vision of the flame in your minds eye. The flame will start rising up, keep focus on the flame until it disappears out. Start with 3mins, build up to 5mins and then move to 10mins.

Benefits: Tratak cleans out eyes and its defects. It improves focus and concentration. It makes the mind still. Doing it everyday will help with focus. When you study the Yoga Sutras, the entire process of yoga is about training of focus. This is not just for day to day focus, on work or study but for every aspect of life. It is so you can have a discriminatory wisdom, of what is self and what can be seen. Jal Neti

Neti is to cleanse the nostrils. This can be done in four different ways. Jal Neti is one of those which is very practical to do every day.

Preparation: Jal Neti is done with lukewarm water with a pinch of salt in a neti pot. Salt is important in this practice just a pinch.

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How to practice: Remember to breath in and out through the mouth. Standing up, keep knees bent. Place left hand on your knee and bend forward so the water doesn’t fall on your clothes. Holding the Neti pot in your right hand, turn your face to face to the right, left ear towards the ground. Place the tip of the pot is held at your right nostril, keeping your mouth open, pour half the water in the pot through your right nostril. It will ideally come out of your left nostril. Then do the left side in the same way. When you have poured out all the water, do Kapalbhati on each nostril and then through both the nostrils as shown in the video.

Benefits: Neti is to cleanse the nasal pathways, to remove bacteria or any sinus, allergic rhinitis, improve respiratory function. Kapalbhati Kriya

Kapal is the frontal lobe of the brain, Bhati is to shine.

Preparation: Sit comfortably in your favourite meditative asana, hands on your lap.

How to Practice: Place your right thumb on your right nostril, blow out ten times through the left nostril. Then do the left side. Once this is done, place your hands on your lap and blow out through both the nostrils expelling the breath from your nostrils. Exhalation is active and Inhale is passive/automatic. Do this about 20times for the first time.

Benefits: This practice is to clean the nasal passage and expels carbon dioxide form the body. It’s a cleansing practice and prepares you for Kapalbhati Pranayam which is an energizing Pranayam. Nauli Kriya

Nauli Kriya works on the abdominal cavity. It is the movement of the abdominal space by moving the abdominal wall, mainly the rectus abdominus.

Preparation: All of these practices have to be done on an empty stomach preferably first thing in this morning. Before you practice Nauli Kriya, try practicing Udiyaan Bandh (pulling the abdominal muscles into the abdominal cavity and holding it in). Then practice Agnisar kriya. Flapping the stomach.

How to Practice: Once you have mastered those, first try Madhyama Nauli where you pull the stomach into the centre and hold. After that try Dakshina Nauli, where you pull the stomach to the right and Vama Nauli to the left. Once you have mastered the movement of the stomach from left to right then practice Nauli Chalana, moving it from left to right and then right to left.

Benefits: Nauli Kriya is exceptionally good to train the peristaltic movement of the intestine. The food gets broken down through a chemical and mechanical process where it is pushed down through the intestine. This peristaltic movement gets slower over time and this kriya is integral to have a good digestive fire.

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Vaman Dhauti

Vaman Dhauti is also known as Kunjal Kriya. This is usually done with water but can also be done with a cloth (Vastra Dhauti) or a rubber tube (Dand Dhauti). This is used to clean the digestive tract. The GI tract.

Preparation: Take about 600ml to 1 or 2 litre of warm potable water and dissolve a teaspoon of salt per litre into it.

How to Practice: Drink all of the water in one go, glugging it down. Then put three fingers into the back of your throat and tickle the back of your throat to regurgitate all the water out. When the water expels from the body it vomits out any impurities and cleanses the elementary canal. After this practice, you will need to eat mungdal khichri and nothing else. Then take rest with covering your stomach with a blanket to keep it warm. *People with blood pressure issues make sure not to put too much salt

Benefits: Cleanses the Gastro Intestinal tract and addresses ailments associated with it such as ulcers, bad digestion, constipation etc. Laghushankaprakshalan

Shanka means a conch shell and prakshalan is to cleanse. So Laghushankaprakshalan is the kriya to cleanse the colon and intestine. This is a kriya done first thing in the morning and is usually done with Vaman Dhauti/Kunjal Kriya.

Preparation: For this practice you will need at least about 4-5litres of warm water and salt. You will also need to be close to a toilet. Create the first lot of two litres of water and dissolve a teaspoon of salt in it.

How to Practice: Drink two litres of water at one stretch. Then do the five asanas shown in the video eight times each. This will make you go to the toilet. Once you have expelled in the toilet, come back drink the second lot of two litres with the teaspoon of salt. Do the five asanas (see below) eight times again and you will need to go to the toilet again. Keep going with this process until you pass just water in the toilet instead of stools. This means that your intestines are now clear of any excreta. Once you have completed this kriya. Make sure you take rest by covering your stomach with a blanket. After half an hour of rest eat some khichri. Then rest again. After a couple of hours eat some more khichri.

It is VERY important that on the day you do this kriya you don’t have any other plans and give yourself a complete day of rest. You should try and eat khichri for all three meals making sure you do not eat any raw food (fruit/veg), spicy food, non-vegetarian food, alcohol, coffee, tea (light herbal non caffeinated teas are OK). Then from the next day you can start adding sattvic food to your diet. Please honour your body and mind by keeping a relaxed schedule for two days.

Benefits: Laghushankaprakshalan is also good for peristaltic movement of the intestine. It completely cleans out your internal digestive system giving you a light and clean feeling. It clears out any build up of bile acid in the intestines. It is also very good for the parasympathetic nervous system to function.

Contraindications: if you have stomach ulcers, piles or any other stomach/digestive tract ailments, make sure you consult your doctor and remedy those issues before doing these kriyas.

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Khichri/Khichdi Recipe

Take same quantity of white rice and yellow mung dal in a pot and wash at least three times. Then put it in a pressure cooker or cook it in a pot with double the quantity of water and a teaspoon of turmeric and a little salt to taste. It is a soft preparation quite similar to a risotto but a bit runnier. Once cooked, you add Ghee (purified butter) and then eat the preparation.

Five Asanas for Laghushankaprakshalan

These have been chosen to open the sphincters and valves in the body. So that the water can go straight into the digestive tract and clear out all the undigested food.

Taadasana x 8 – Come up on your toes, interlock hands above head, hold breath, exhale. Do this 5 times. This opens the pyloric valve.

Tiryaka Taadasana x 8 - Come up on your toes, interlock hands above head, bend to right then left, inhaling, exhaling.

Kati x 8 – Standing up hand on opposite shoulder twist back, then do the other side.

Tiryaka Bhujang asana x 8 – Come into twist to right then left. This opens up the ileocecal valve.

Udarakarshan Asana x 8 - Sitting in squat position with the feet hip width apart and the hands on the knees. Exhale, twist, bring the right knee to the floor near the left foot. Using the left hand, push the left knee towards the right, while twisting to the left. Squeeze the lower abdomen and look over the left shoulder. Then do other side.

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ASSIGNMENT To complete your course, you will have to give 30 min. presentation on the learning from your chosen Module. This presentation will be done as a video recording uploaded / live on Online group so your peers can give you encouraging feedback. Manish will email you critical feedback to enhance your learning within 10 days.


You will immediately have lifetime access to our closed online Community of fellow Yogis doing the Beyond Asana course. Every Saturday Manish be going Live for 2 hours on Zoom exclusively for this tribe- to teach and to answer questions on your practice. Even after the course the learning doesn’t END! and you can continue to attend the Saturday Live sessions. DISCLAIMER


We have designed this course with complete sincerity. If there are any errors, please do forgive us and let us know. Learning Yoga is an ongoing process and in the years to come we will keep updating based on more information and wisdom that we are able to understand.

The PDFs supplied with each online module, are only support documents to the online content. As a student and learner, to get the best out of Beyond Asana which is a purely online course, please make your own notes to complement the PDFs

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