Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.29, No.2, 2013

ROLE OF GRASSROOTS COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS (GRCO) IN POVERTY ALLEVIATION: EVIDENCE FROM THE COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT INTERVENTIONS IN *NAEEM SHAH1, NAUSHAD KHAN1, IKRAMUL HAQ2 and MUHAMMAD IDREES2 1 Institute of Developmental Studies, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar – . 2 Department of Agricultural Extension Education & Communication, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar – Pakistan. *Email:[email protected] ABSTRACT This study conducted in Haripur district during year 2009 and, the objectives of this research were to analyze the grassroots community organization’s process and its role in the empowerment of stakeholders. The study investigated the impact of community participation on decision-making, household incomes, poverty alleviation and overall empowerment initiatives. A large number of local, national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are investing their efforts in community organization and human resource development activities in this district. Data collection was completed with (120) respondents selected through random sample technique from the list of (718) registered members of the grassroots community organizations (GRCOs) in the selected fifteen villages. Through a set of questionnaires, interviews completed with respondents to collect data and information on the study objectives. Outcome of the study reveals that majority of the GRCOs in the district organized by SUNGI - Foundation (a local NGO) and Sarhad Rural Support Program (a provincial NGO). About 93% of the respondents feel that grassroots social mobilization and organizational activities carried out by NGOs have empowered the stakeholders. While (80%) of the registered members of these GRCOs practice modern agricultural technologies in crop production activities and they ascertained that their knowledge and skills have been enhanced. The GRCOs could manage the demand of 67% members for improved fruit plants, vegetable seeds and fertilizers in their respective villages and provided technical assistance in different income generation activities. Respondents informed that because of these GRCOs crop and forest areas have substantially increased that lead to increase in the annual household incomes. This increase in the household income helped alleviate poverty. Respondents feel that the study villages still face problems in the timely supply of irrigation water, agricultural inputs, marketing of agricultural produces and human capacity building and development. Keywords: GRCOs, HRD, empowerment, marketing, poverty alleviation, household income, technology, capacity building Citation: Shah, N., N. Khan, I.U. Haq and M. Idrees. 2013. Role of grassroots community organizations (grco) in poverty alleviation: evidence from the community empowerment interventions in haripur district. Sarhad J. Agric. 29(2): 325-330 INTRODUCTION The community organization is a process through which people living in proximity are brought together to act for their common self-interest and it usually focuses on more than just resolving specific issues. This organization induces empowerment to its members at its mature stage. The organized community groups attempt to influence government, corporations and institutions as well as achieve increased direct representation within decision-making bodies and social forums. The grassroots organization is one of the three basic community organization types that include; faith-based organization and coalition organization. The idea of grassroots organization is to build the community groups from dispersed people and develop leadership. It is a value based process where people are brought together to act in the interest of their communities and the common interest. A strategy revitalizes communities and allows the individuals to participate and incite social change. It empowers the people directly involved and motivated by the issues addressed. Developing innovation systems mainly focus on empowerment, experiential learning and organization (Giddens, 1976). Empowerment prevails when community assumes the authority, resources and capabilities to hold accountable and influence the content of public and private services (Friis-Hansen, 2004). Today poverty is the single most important development issue of the world. In addition, more than three fourths of the world’s population lives in developing countries, but they have access to only 16% of the world’s income, while the rich 20% have control over 84% of the global income (Todaro, 1997). Community development goals can be achieved through successful community organization and this process can help people feel more competent and more effective (Sarfaraz, 2003). The present study was carried out to evaluate the grassroots community organizations (GRCOs) contribution in natural resource management, community empowerment and poverty alleviation in Haripur district of KP, Province - Pakistan. Components of GRCO include; social organization and mobilization, health and sanitation, infrastructure and livelihood mean development. Naeem Shah, et al. Role of grassroots community organizations (grco) in poverty alleviation… 326

The development challenges for the rural Khyber Pakhtunkhawa Province in general and the Haripur district in particular are numerous. Therefore, a demand is created to achieve sustainable economic growth through the empowerment and capacity building of human resources and the development of agricultural and livestock sectors through natural resource management activities. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study was conducted in Haripur district of province during 2009 aimed to analyze the role of grassroots community organization (GRCO) towards gender empowerment and poverty alleviation (GE & PA) in the district. For the purpose of data collection, a multistage purposive random sample was carried out. In stage 1st of sampling 15 Union Councils (UCs) with maximum number of GRCOs were selected from the whole district. In the stage 2nd of sampling again 15 villages one each from the selected UCs with a maximum number of GRCOs were picked and in the 3rd stage of sampling 120 respondents were selected from the lists of registered grassroots community organizations (GRCOs) members in these selected 15 villages. The majority of the members of these GRCOs comprised of farmers and rural locale of the district. These members include male and female in a mix without any gender bias. Data were collected through questionnaires set, especially developed for the beneficiaries and non-beneficiary respondents and the Community Organizations (COs) office bearers. The purposive selected UCs and villages are situated in the two tehsils Haripur and Ghazi with 10 UCs hailing from Haripur and five from Ghazi tehsils. Thus according to sampling criteria eight respondents per village were interviewed that gives us total 80 respondents belonging to and 40 to . A set of questionnaires was designed in light of the set objectives of the study and all questionnaires were pre-tested in the field for internal and external validity. In light of the pretesting responses, questionnaires were redesigned for data collection. The data obtained were analyzed through simple percentages and averages to maintain its simplicity for stakeholders and common person. Table 1. Details of Sample from selected Union Councils, Villages and GRCOs Name of Tehsil(s) Name of UC/Village Total GRCOs members Sample

Male Female Total Haripur 30 13 43 08 /Tubewell 52 20 72 08 Changi Bandi 26 17 43 08 Pindgakra 36 15 51 08 22 15 37 08 Mirpur/Kalbala 33 21 54 08 Beer/Hill 46 15 61 08 Bajeeda 19 09 28 08 Sarai Naimat Khan 21 09 30 08 Kalinjer 53 17 70 08 Ghazi /Butigram 28 17 45 08 /Aldo 44 22 68 08 Kundi 27 08 35 08 Piplala 17 10 27 08 Hassanpur 41 13 54 08 TOTAL 495 223 718 120 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Data reveals that 718 members including farmers and non-farm rural inhabitants were registered with these GRCOs in the district and from where sample respondents selected for data collection in the fifteen villages. Out of the total registered population 229 members hail from Ghazi tehsil and rest of 489 belongs to the Haripur tehsil of the sample district. Except four villages all other 11 villages carry same name as the UC in itself. The GRCOs contributed prominently towards gender development and empowerment through a number of interventions endeavored with the community. The major areas of human resource development include enterprise development and management skills pertaining to kitchen crop production, livestock products value addition, marketing, decision making and natural resource utilization for poverty alleviation. A detail about the efforts rendered by the GRCOs presented in the proceeding paragraphs. The Ratio of Male/Female GRCOs The community organization and mobilization work is the corner stone of efforts for almost every nongovernmental organization in the study district. These efforts enabled the rural poor to have an equitable share in the male and female community organizations. It also reveals that tremendous efforts been made to educate the locale towards gender empowerment. Table-2 given below explains the grounded situation in the area pertaining to the GRCOs regarding male and female membership. Out of total 40 registered GRC organizations in the district, 23 GRCOs are for male and remaining 17 for female stakeholders. In the sampled 15 villages 63% of the GRCOs belong to male 9,

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while the remaining 37% to female 6. However, one aspect is very encouraging that almost 100% villages possess at least one female GRCO that gives an opportunity to female gender to participate in development interventions. It also elaborates that there exists an equitable environment for gender development in the villages.

Table 2. The ratio of male/ female GRCOs in the study area Tehsils GRCOs Total Male % Female % Haripur 16 57% 12 43% 28 Ghazi 7 58% 5 42% 12 Total 23 57.5% 17 42.5% 40 Trainings Imparted by GRCOs in HRD As reported by the GRCOs office bearer and depicted in Table-3 below that 718 members registered with these forums including farmers and non-farming community members of the sampled villages. It shows that only 74% 532 of the registered members could get the human resource development (HRD) trainings from these GRCOs. In these trainings participation of female members remained 26% 174, while male participation was 76% 358. The members who participated in these training interventions viewed that they learned skills and knowledge and are very satisfied from the quality of skills and training imparted by the GRCOs. These trained members explained that because of trainings, now they have vision and strengths to manage their household matters and resources in a better way. They female members were in particular feeling more empowered in decision making at the village level and are capable of doing something of economic value that contribute to their household income.

Table 3. Capacity building trainings imparted by GRCOs Tehsils HRD trainings availed by members of GRCOs Total Male Female Haripur 222 102 324 Ghazi 137 71 208 Total 358 174 532 Modernization of Farm Technologies Respondents views portrayed in the Table-4 showing that maximum respondent 59% were using improved technology, while 41% respondents still utilizing a mix of traditional and improved technologies due to either non- availability or non-awareness issues. These findings of the study are analogous to the findings of (Hassan, 2001). The use of improved agricultural technology made a significant contribution towards increasing the productivity of various crops and ultimately household incomes. The uneconomical and shapeless land holdings that hinder the operation of improved machinery is also an obstacle to the use of heavy and improved machinery. The average use of improved technology in two tehsils varies greatly and respondents view it due to the education and land terrain in both tehsils. Table 4. Training on the Use of improved technologies Villages Type of farm technology in practice by respondents Total Improved Improved + Traditional Haripur 59 21 80 Ghazi 23 17 40 Total 82 (68%) 38 (32%) 120 (100) Use of Improved Seed by Sample Respondents Information provided by the respondents revealed that mostly (89%) farmers are using improved seeds and a few percentages (11%) are using local seeds. The use of improved inputs were high in Ghazi tehsil because of soil types and being at the cross road of Attock and Swabi districts where agriculture is highly equipped with modern techniques of production and farmers use latest machinery and improved seeds. Majority of farmers in the Haripur tehsil are comparatively poor to Ghazi tehsil and thus are unable to purchase improved inputs. A complete digest of the data in this regard is presented in Table-5 below. These findings support the results of (Shah, 2004) study in which self-help, self-reliance and the sense of collective decision-making and action in the poor community ensure livelihood improvement. Table 5. Improved crops inputs used by sample respondents Villages Types of seed Total Improved % Local % Haripur 98 59.0 12 8.0 100 Ghazi 48 29.0 7 3.0 055 Total 146 88.0 19 11.0 155

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Trainings Imparted in Natural Resources Management (NRM) The study findings noticed that majority of the registered farmer members cultivate vegetables and fruits and raised animals and poultry. They acquired the skills and knowledge through the GRCOs about the usefulness of livestock, poultry, growing vegetables and other kitchen crops. All these activities can save a major chunk of their household incomes that can be invested in other utilities. Respondents’ views grouped and reflected in Table-6 below. It reveals that GRCOs have introduced new vegetables and fruit varieties to the members. About 73% respondents appreciated the efforts made by GRCOs for training programs on horticulture crops. While 27% are of the view that trainings and know how schedules were not enough and it should be strengthened further. Table 6. Usefulness of NRM Trainings Managed by GRCOs Were these Trainings properly designed Tehsil(s) Yes NO Total No. % No. % Haripur 93 56.0 17 10.0 110 Ghazi 28 17.0 27 16.0 055 Total 121 73% 34 27% 165 Micro Credit Facilities for Farming Activities The study findings noticed that majority of the registered farmer members are facilitating with micro credits from GRCOs plat form with soft loans, which are utilized by the poor members in purchasing vegetables seeds, fruits plants, animals and poultry birds. Respondents’ responses are grouped into the Table 7. It reveals that GRCOs have introduced new vegetables and fruit varieties to the members. About 78% respondents appreciated the efforts made by GRCOs for micro credit programs. While 22% are of the views that credit facilitation is not enough and needs to be further strengthened. Table 7. Micro credit facilitation for farming activities through GRCOs Tehsil(s) Credit provided Total Yes % No % Haripur 77 46.7 33 20.0 110 Ghazi 52 31.5 3 1.8 55 Total 129 78% 36 22% 165 Contribution of GRCOs in Livestock Management Table 8 reveals that almost 95% of the sample respondents got livestock vaccination training in both tehsils. Whereas pertaining on skills for artificial insemination, training was availed by 61% of the members of the GRCOs in the selected villages. These trainings increased the livestock production of the area. Table 8. Trainings imparted by GRCOs for livestock management Tehsil(s) Types of intervention by GRCOs Total Vaccination % Artificial % insemination Haripur 106 64.2 58 35.2 110 Ghazi 51 30.8 42 25.5 55 Total 157 95.0 100 60.7 165 Water Management Trainings Facilitated by NGOs The data in Table 9 shows that only 30.3% members could be facilitated with improved technologies pertaining to On Farm Water Management activities. While rest of the 70% are without any irrigation water source and thus are least interested in these trainings. Because forty two percent of the agriculture land in Haripur district is irrigated and rest (58) percent is rain-fed. Thus, very limited farm families have access to irrigation sources. However, OFWM department and GRCOs are trying to improve the situation through non-traditional and high efficiency irrigation means in the study area. Table 9. Water Management trainings facilitated by NGOs through GRCOs OFWM trainings Total Tehsil(s) Yes % No % Haripur 32 19.4 78 47 110 Ghazi 18 10.9 38 23 55 Total 29 30% 136 70% 165 Impact of GRCOs Interventions on Crop Productivity Data presented in the Table 10 shows that 95% sample respondents appreciate the GRCOs contribution towards productivity of crops, which resulted in an overall increase in the farm and household income. While 5% respondent were a bit wobbly and not sure about any increase in their crop production. However, respondents were unanimously

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agreed upon the fact that their farm management has improved considerably and they attributed it to the GRCOs efforts for capacity building. These results are in conformity with (Khan, 1995). Khan reported that rural economy can be improved through agricultural development including investment in appropriate technology.

Table 10. Impact of GRCOs interventions on agriculture production and incomes Increase in production Tehsil(s) Yes % No % Total Haripur 106 64.2 4 2.4 110 Ghazi 50 30.3 5 3.1 55 Total 156 (95%) 9 (5%) 165 GRCOs Interventions and the Household Income Social organization and empowerment has reduced the household livelihood expenditures as mentioned in Table-11. Good management and decision-making skills pertaining to the use of modern technologies of agriculture in various household economic activities has resulted positively. The household average income increased by 36% in the study district, which is about rupees 10125.0 per annum. This shows that the household income substantially increased due to enhanced capacities of the stakeholders who are the registered members of GRCOs and beneficiaries of the capacity development initiatives. The GRCOs’ inputs help the locale to live a life with ease through improved livelihood means. Further, these efforts help registered members to escape poverty and ultimately alleviating it from the study area. Table 11. Impact of GRCOs interventions on the income of the respondents Tehsil(s) Average income/year (Rs.) Total Annual increase Before Organization After organization % income (000 Rupees) Haripur 27445.0 39135.0 44% 18310.0 Ghazi 28972.0 37532.0 30% 08560.0 Total 28208.5 38333.5 36% 10125.0 Categorization of Problems as In Rank Order The respondents were asked to rank their preferences as very important, important, somewhat important and not important about the problem. According to the responses recorded during data collection, eight major problems listed by the sampled respondents including; micro credit, inputs for farm and kitchen crops’ inputs, irrigation means, trainings / HRD aspects, agricultural and livestock produce marketing, education, registration as members in GRCOs and public sector departments’ coordination with GRCOs. It is evident from the figures reflected in Table 12 that micro credit facilitation ranked as most important. About 75% respondents, felt that credit can ensure a high farm incomes and agricultural and livestock productivity. Followed by the inputs supply 73%, irrigation resources development and trainings for enterprise development with 70% each, agriculture and livestock products marketing as 69%, education facilitation by public sector and NGOs 61%, membership issue 58% and public sector departments coordination amongst each other in serving the target group and coordination with GRCOs as 45%. Table 12. Categorization of problems in ranked order Rank Problems Very important Important Somewhat important Not important 1. Credit 124 21 12 8 2. Inputs 121 20 15 9 3. Irrigation 116 26 12 11 4. Trainings 116 25 18 7 5. Marketing 113 19 18 15 6. Education 100 29 15 21 7. Registration 95 40 14 16 8. Coordination 74 60 20 11 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The study findings portray that the grassroots community organization has a tremendously towards the human and natural resources development and management in the study area. The member clientele of the GRCOs were more aware about the use of improved/appropriate technology for household income generation. They also realize the role of capacity building and technology in food security and poverty alleviation on sustainable bases. The skills development trainings enabled the respondents to utilize the modern technologies of agriculture production at their farms that ensured high agricultural production and farm incomes. This contributed to poverty alleviation in Haripur district prominently by increasing farm incomes up to 36%. The respondents feel that skills development trainings in agriculture and livestock imparted by GRCOs empowered them to take rational farm and household decisions. The gender equity in social issues is a notable feature of these organizations in the study villages. This will contribute towards poverty alleviation initiatives in near future. The findings of this study match with (Shah, 2004) that states

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‘the international experience demonstrates that when women and men are relatively equal, economies tend to grow faster, the poor move more quickly out of the poverty and the well being of all household enhanced through community organization’. In light of the study findings the following few specific measures can further the work of GRCOs towards poverty alleviation and natural resource management and community empowerment. i. Recognize women’s role and their contribution to the rural economy and household income in particular and include them in the future interventions grassroots organization ii. Capacity building and development activities play pivotal role in empowerment as observed in the GRCOs activities in Haripur district and this experience should be multiplied in other districts of the province in particular and country in general to benefit low income households. iii. For effective utilization and timely return of micro credits in rural and agriculture sectors; government and private institutions should streamline their facilitation through these GRCOs iv. To enhance the role of grassroots community organizations in capacity building and development, there is a need to link GRCOs with some bigger networks like Farm Services Centers at provincial and national levels.

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