NORTHMAVEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL Chair: David Brown Clerk: NCDC Services Crogreen C/o Ollaberry Hall Ollaberry Ollaberry Tele: 01806 544374 ZE2 9RT Telephone: 01806 544222 E-mail:
[email protected] Minute of Ordinary Meeting of the Council on Monday 11th November 2019 In Ollaberry Primary School This minute is UNAPPROVED until adopted at the next meeting Present: CCllr D Brown (Chair) CCllr K Williamson CCllr R Doull (Vice Chair) CCllr B Wilcock CCllr D Robertson CCllr K Scollay 1. Apologies Submitted: CCllr J A Cromarty Ex Officio Present: CCllr E Robertson Mrs R Fraser – SIC Community Worker Ex Officio Apologies Mr M Duncan – SIC Community Worker Cllr E Macdonald In attendance: Ms C Sutherland – Clerk PC Jamie Henderson – Police Scotland Pete & Jan Bevington The meeting started at: 7.30pm, CCllr D Brown in the Chair. Agenda Item Narrative 2. Declaration of None interest 3. Approval Of The minute of the meeting held in Ollaberry Primary School on Previous Minute Monday 14th October 2019 approved: CCllr K Williamson, seconded: CCllr D Robertson. 4. Police report PC Jamie Henderson informed members that Police Scotland have started their Winter Safety Campaign which will run until January. They will be doing speed checks and vehicle checks. He also stated they would be focusing on ensuring young people knew how to drive in wintry conditions. 5. Matters arising Previous visit from Capt Maitland – SIC Ports & Harbours. Nothing further. It was agreed that members will continue to monitor infrastructure at the pier. NCDC No update. 1 Broadband An e-mail has been received from D Lamont at BT regarding the 4g EE mast at North Roe.