ICSS NEWSLETTER No. 8 March-April, 2001






Editor: Alexander Pocetto, OSFS

E-mail: [email protected]

Fax: (610) 282-2059


St. Frances de Sales Aviat!

There will be great rejoicing in the Oblate family on Sunday, November 25th when Léonie Aviat, (1844-1914) the co-foundress with Fr. Brisson of the Oblate

1 Sisters of St. Francis de Sales, will be canonized and known as Sainte Françoise de Sales Aviat. Her feast day will be on January 10th.

The founding of the Oblates Sisters came about from both a specific apostolic need and the desire to disseminate Salesian spirituality. Fr. Brisson found it difficult to find competent, reliable and dedicated women to manage the shelters that he established for young working women in Troyes and other cities where the industrial revolution was exploiting them and seriously endangering their spiritual lives. Moreover, he was very familiar with St. Francis de Sales' original vision for the Visitation, viz., of combining the contemplative life with some outreach to the poor and the sick, especially women. So his desire was to found a congregation of religious women imbued with Salesian spirituality who would, in a very real sense, be the apostolic arm of the Visitation . The social justice work of the Oblate Sisters under the inspiration and leadership of Fr. Brisson anticipated Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum Novarum by almost 30 years.

At the young age of 22, along with one of her classmates of the Visitation boarding school in Troyes, Léonie Aviat decided to take a big risk by dedicating her life to a religious congregation that was not yet founded. She and her companion, Lucie Canuet, the future Sr. Jeanne-Marie, did their novitiate at the Visitation of Troyes under the guidance of Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis. It's interesting to note the pivotal role that the Visitation played in the foundation of both the Oblate Sisters and the Oblates. Mother Aviat's is being formally recognized by De Sales University in naming its new student residence Aviat Hall. To learn more about the saintly life of Mother Aviat , read To Forget Myself Entirely: Léonie Aviat, Mère Françoise de Sales by Marie-Aimée D'Esmauges available from the Oblate Sisters, 399 Childs Rd., Childs, MD 21916. Fax: (410)398-5801.

50th Anniversary

On March 17th, the Oblate Sisters celebrated 50 years in the United States. At the special Mass held at their community in Childs, Maryland, the preacher, Fr. John Brennan, OSFS, recalled the history of their arrival and the various apostolates in which the Sisters are engaged. He noted that two of the three pioneers, Sr. Jane Stanislaus and Sr. Mary Bertha, were in attendance. In his homily, Fr. Brennan paid tribute to the Sisters: "Over these last fifty years, our Sisters have given a witness that is authentically religious and genuinely Salesian. They are straight shooters. They do not have to apologize to anyone for who they are or how they live." The ICSS joins in congratulating the Sisters and to wish them God's continued blessings on all of their endeavors.

2 Research on Collaborative Ministry

Fr. Joseph Di Mauro, OSFS, Assistant Professor of Education at De Sales University, recently completed a doctoral dissertation at Temple University on "Lay Vice Principals' Enactment of the Philosophy of Education of a Religious Order of Men." He studied lay collaborators' knowledge, understanding and appropriation of the Salesian philosophy of Education in two schools administered by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.

Three lay groups in these schools were surveyed on the principal themes of Salesian education: 1) Salesian spirituality, 2) Salesian principles of leadership, 3) the imitation of Christ ("Live "), and 4) the motivation of others to live the Salesian lifestyle. Lay faculty, staff and vice-principals were asked about their level of understanding of these principles, and the first two groups were asked about their perceptions of how the lay principals understood and modeled the Salesian philosophy of education.

Not surprisingly, the results indicated that our lay collaborators, especially in leadership positions needed more formal, on-going education and formation in order to effectively implement and model the Salesian philosophy of education. Fr. Di Mauro recommends in his study a weekend retreat away from the school having as its theme the Salesian philosophy of education. It is his belief that many other religious orders experience the same problem of transmitting their charism to their lay collaborators. His study is particularly valuable because it can provide "a model for the construction of an instrument of assessment and evaluation of key personnel's knowledge and understanding of the mission and philosophy of an organization." The ICSS was happy to be able to give some small financial assistance for the completion of this research project and congratulates Fr. Di Mauro on obtaining his doctorate. For further information, contact Fr. Di Mauro at: [email protected].

ICSS Website

This site has been recently reorganized and given a face lift, thanks to the resources generously provided by De Sales University. Some of the newer items include the latest Generalate Newsletter in which Fr. Lewis Fiorelli, OSFS, presents the first installment of an insightful article on "Spiritual Direction: A Salesian Perspective." You will also find an article by Sr. Mary Patricia, VHM, Archivist of the Visitation monastery of Annecy, on "Trois Lettres Inédites de Saint François de Sales à Antoine Favre, Premier Président du Souverain Sénat du Savoie" ("Three Unpublished Letters of St. Francis de Sales to Antoine Favre, First President of the Sovereign Senate of Savoy"). There is also an English translation of this article done by Fr. Pocetto, OSFS. You might find the third letter of particular interest because it shows an unusual sterner side of Francis' personality. Through the very fine work of Fr. Larry van der Raadt, 3 OSFS, we now have nos. 6 and 7 of the ICSS Newsletter translated into Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. The easiest way to access the site is to go to : www.desales.edu. For the ICSS site, click on "Salesian Studies World Wide" and then on "Salesian Resources."


A young priest, Fr. Marcelo Falcón, of the diocese of Buenos Aires, became interested in St. Francis de Sales when he read the Introduction to a Devout Life in the seminary. After a few years of very active pastoral work, he realized that a profound study of a spiritual author would make his pastoral work all the more effective. He convinced his Archbishop to assign him to a smaller parish where he could work on a Master's degree and decided to delve into some aspect of Salesian spirituality. He is currently thinking of doing something in the area of the saint's Christocentricism. The ICSS has been able to offer him some assistance by sending him articles in various languages on this topic and Fr. James Finnegan's doctoral thesis. Fr. Falcòn came into contact with the ICSS through its website. This is just another indication of how far reaching the Internet is. We wish Fr. Falcòn every success in his studies and pastoral ministry. His email address is: [email protected].

OSFS Europe

Frs. Michel Tournade, OSFS, Provincial of the French Province and Ennio DiGiampasquale, OSFS, of the ItaIian Province, have extended an invitation to all European Oblates to come together at Villa Altieri in Albano, Italy for several days of prayer and reflection from June 3-7. Among the discussion leaders will be Fr. Lewis Fiorelli, OSFS, Superior General, and confrères of the French and Italian Provinces. Those interested in attending should contact Fr. Tournade by email: [email protected].


With the editorial and scholarly assistance of Fr. Roger Balducelli, OSFS, Fr. Jean Gayet, OSFS, is continuing the important work of putting the writings of Fr. Brisson on a CD-ROM. This should make research on Fr. Brisson's writings much easier. Fr. Balducelli has just completed writing a monogram on the spirituality of Fr. Brisson. The ICSS would like to make this work readily available in both the original French as well as in English, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.

The archivist of the Annecy Visitation, Sr. Mary Pat, VHM, is putting the finishing touches on a biography of Mother Françoise-Madeleine de Chaugy, the first biographer of St. Jane de Chantal. The publishing house of Tèqui is reprinting the life of St. Jane by the Vicomte du Jeu. The Proceedings of the

4 Conference on the Visitation ("Actes du colloque sur la Visitation"), held in Annecy in 1999 and will be published by CERCOR at the University of St. Etienne.

Les échanges salésiens will be held again this year at Annecy-le-Vieux from July 16 - 20. The theme will be "Holy Indifference" with an in-depth study of Book IX of the Treatise. For further information, contact: M. Marc Boutantin. 28 rue de la Gare, 67118 Geispolsheim, France.

One of the active participants of Les échanges salésiens is M. Phillipe LeGros, who sucessfully defended his doctoral thesis in January, 2000 on "François de Sales - l'imaginaire de l'écriture: Études des représentations visuelles dans l'Introduction à la vie dévote et le Traité de l'amour de Dieu" (Francis de Sales - - Imaginative Writing: A Study of the Visual Imagery in the Introduction to a Devout Life and the Treatise on the Love of God) at l'Université de Haute-Alsace Mulhouse. Two very well-known French Salesian scholars were on his jury - Drs. Hélène Bordes and Jacques Hennequin. Other writings of M. Legros will be noted below.

German-Speaking Regions

Austria/South-German Province

On January 23rd, the eve of Francis’ feast day, the Catholic Center of the University in Eichstätt honored the saint as patron of writers and journalists. Fr. Johannes Haas, OSFS, the Chaplain of the Center, celebrated the Eucharist with his students. In his sermon, he pointed out that Francis de Sales used the mass media of his time in order to disseminate effectively the message of the faith. So he would have been one of the first in our day to use the new technologies for his work. After that he presented the very imaginative painting by Bro. Michael McGrath,OSFS, showing St. Francis sitting at the computer and drinking a cup of coffee. The students of journalism and of the mass media were especially pleased with this artwork. After the service, the students had a discussion with Fr. Gerhard Eberts, MSF, a leading representative of the Catholic press in Germany. The main subject of the discussion was the relationship between the Church and the mass media, which is not always without tension.

For the celebration of St. Francis’ feast day 2001. Fr. Thomas Vanek, OSFS, gave a day of reflection at St. Franziskus' school in Ried im Innkreis, Upper Austria. The topic of the day was "To Whom God Does Not Satisfy, Nothing Can Satisfy Him in This World." The participants were invited to ask themselves how they can live with God in the modern world. Responses were given from the viewpoint of the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales. During Lent

5 Fr. Thomas Vanek, OSFS,and Fr. Eugene Szabo, OSFS, gave a series of "Salesian evenings" at the same institution. The general topic was: "The Way of the Small Steps — Discovering God's Traces in Everyday Life." The participants had the opportunity to learn something about the "little virtues" of St. Francis de Sales, in particular, humility, gentleness, simplicity and caring. For further information: P. Thomas Vanek and P. Eugen Szabo, OSFS, Bildungshaus St. Franziskus, Riedholzstraße 15 A, A-4910 Ried im Innkreis, Tel: (+43) 07752/82257, Fax: (+43) 07752/82257-75, e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected].

Michael Schnee, one of the teachers of the grammar school of the Oblates in Dachsberg, Upper Austria, wrote a new song about St. Francis de Sales. It was first performed during the dedication of the new multi-purpose hall of the school in November 2000. Anyone interested in a hard copy of this song, contact Fr. Herbert Winklehner OSFS, Rosental 1, D-85072 Eichstaett, Tel. (+49) 08421/40 68, fax. (+49) 08421/80805, e-mail: [email protected].

In the digital edition of the January 2001 issue of a German journal for liturgy "Liturgie konkret" (www.liturgie-konkret.de), St. Francis de Sales was featured as the "Saint of the Month." In addition to a short biography, ideas for a sermon and for special liturgical elements (prayers, intercessions, readings) by Klaus Arntz, you will also find the lyrics of a song about Francis de Sales written by Fr. Johannes Haas, OSFS, entitled "Ein Mann von Gott gegeben" (A Man Given by God).

The annual pilgrimage of the "Salesbund" to the pilgrimage Church Pöstlingberg in Linz an der Donau, Upper Austria, will take place on May 20, 2001. The "Salesbund" is an association of lay people who are linked closely to the Oblates and interested in Salesian spirituality.

Since 1995 Andreas Laun, OSFS, auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese Salzburg, Austria, has had his own private website, which contains a list of his different publications. Among other topics, you can find publications about "Salesian Spirituality." Some of them are free for downloading. There is a touch of Salesian humor on his site with a lot of "episcopal" jokes. So you should find a visit to his website profitable: www.kirchen.net/bischof/laun .

After a long hiatus, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Salesianische Studien, under the direction of Fr. Franz Wehrl,OSFS, will publish a further edition (no. 33) of the Jahrbuch für Salesianische Studien. This volume contains an interesting study about "Göttliche Gnade und menschliche Mitwirkung in der Theologie des hl. Franz von Sales" (Divine Grace and Human Cooperation in the Theology of Saint Francis de Sales) by Andreas Schmidt (see also "New Publications"). Fr. 6 Wehrl investigates the life of two special friends of Francis de Sales: Bishop Jean Pierre Camus and Johann Peter Silbert, an Austrian translator of many Salesian books at the beginning of 19th century. Fr. Alois Bachinger,OSFS, compares, in his article, Salesian spirituality with the so-called "Spirituality From Below", a very popular spirituality in Germany which maintains that before God everybody can be who he is, even with all his weaknesses. Fr. Konrad Esser. OSFS, describes his first experiences with the Salesian Accompanied Retreats which he organised. And finally, Fr. Johannes Haas gives a report on the spiritual concert held in conjunction with the General Chapter at Fockenfeld in the summer of 2000. This concert was an attempt to relate Salesian thoughts to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach.

In volume 33 of the Jahrbuch, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft gives the readers an update on the translation project of the letters of St. Jane de Chantal from French into German. Of the six French volumes, four volumes have been given an initial translation. The Arbeitsgemeinschaft sees this as a priority for the next few years.

The former archbishop of Vienna, Austria, Cardinal Dr. Franz Koenig, gave an interview for the Salesian magazine Licht. In this interview, which appears in the edition of March/April 2001, the Cardinal answers the question on the importance of Francis de Sales for the new millennium: "For me, Francis de Sales is a future companion for the young people who responded, in incredibly great numbers, to the invitation of Pope John Paul II to attend the world wide youth meeting in Rome; I would like to think that something similar will also occur for Taizè."

In his new book Priester sein in unserer Zeit (To Be Priest in Our Times), the well-known German dogmatic professor Gisbert Greshake quotes Francis de Sales in the context of the need of a new spirituality for priests. In this spirituality, a priest should combine, as well as he can, his priestly office with personal holiness. Greshake quotes St. Francis: "Between the written word of the gospel and the life of the saints there is no other difference than between the notes of music and their performance." The book, especially insightful for every priest, was published by Herder Verlag, Freiburg 2000.

As in previous years Fr. Herbert Winklehner, OSFS, will give in 2001 a seminar on the topic: "Life Management - Thus I Will Reach My Destination." The seminar will take place at the Benedictine school in Zwettl, Lower Austria, from July 19-21, 2001. In this seminar elements of Salesian spirituality (mainly taken from the Introduction to a Devout Life) will be combined with different planning methods of modern management. Specific topics for this seminar are: To Discover One's Destination, Problem Solving and Finding Time. For further information, contact: [email protected]

7 In Ried im Innkreis, Upper Austria, a residential building is being constructed with the name "Franz von Sales Hof" (Court of St. Francis). The building is on the former soccer field of the boarding school "Konvikt St. Josef", that the Oblates had to give up some years ago because of a manpower shortage. The building will be completed in August 2001. At the opening, a sculpture of St. Francis de Sales by Bro. Benedict Schmitz, OSFS, will be unveiled.

German province

The archdiocese of Cologne has incorporated a page about the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales on its website:www2.erzbistum- koeln.de/servlets/mht/erzbistum/Orden/oblaten_franz_sales.htm. It contains some information about the origin and apostolates of the Congregation, as well as its activities, particularly in the archdiocese.

The province has two youth houses that are operated from a Salesian perspective. "Salesianum" in Paderborn "desires to be a house for and with youth, a center for living and learning together." To learn more about this apostolate, check out the website of the Salesianum: www.jugendhaus- salesianum.de "To search for and draw out the good in everybody" is the Salesian motto of the house for young people called "Francis de Sales" in Marienberg, Germany. This institution has for its principal mission to help adolescents in difficult living situations. The former Provincial of the German Province, Fr. Josef Lienhard OSFS, is particularly involved in this apostolate. You can find out more about it at: www.home.t-online.de/home/jugendhaus- franz-von-sales.

Fr. Konrad Esser OSFS is conducting "Salesian Accompanied Retreats" from August 24 to September 2, 2001 at the Visitation Monastery in Zangberg, Bavaria. And from September 12-19, 2001 he is leading a pilgrimage "In the Footsteps of St. Francis de Sales" to Salesian places in Annecy, Paray-le-Monial and Troyes "For further details, contact: Fr. Esser Haus Overbach, D-52428 Jülich, Tel: (+49)02461/930-01, fax: (+49)02461/930-499, e-mail: P. [email protected].

Near the grammar school of Haus Overbach, administered by the Oblates in Jülich, Germany, is the parish of St. Francis de Sales. The pastor, Fr. Guenter Esters, makes a great effort to have his parishioners become acquainted with their patron. Almost every year he organises a trip to Annecy so that they can get to know St. Francis, where he lived and worked. The parish celebrates his feast with great solemnity. One of the attractions of the parish church is a beautiful bronze relief showing the saint leading the people of the parish through the world under the protection of the Blessed Mother and her son Jesus. Until 8 recently, Fr. Esters was convinced that his parish was the only parish in Germany with St. Francis de Sales as patron. He now knows, that there is another St. Francis de Sales parish in Kandern, Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Fr. Günter Gödde, OSFS, Superior of the Oblate community in Haus Overbach and Chaplain of the local grammar school gave a talk on the topic: "Image of Man: A Comparison of the Thinking of Carl R. Rogers with the Doctrine of Christianity." As an example for the Christian image of man, he used the teaching of St. Francis de Sales. Then he compared this teaching with the approaches of the psychotherapist Carl R. Rogers. The result was very interesting because it showed the great relevance to the present and the psychotherapeutic sensibility of St. Francis de Sales.To obtain a copy of this talk, contact: Fr. Günter Gödde, Haus Overbach, D-52428 Jülich, Tel: (+49)02461/930-01, Fax: (+49)02461/930-499, e-mail: P.G.Goedde@t- online.de

Netherlands Province

In the periodical of the Oblates of the Netherlands Province, Salesiaans Contacts, Fr. Willem Spann, OSFS, reports on an "unexpected discovery" of a very old edition of the Traité de l’amour de Dieu. The book dated 1617 (sic!), was printed in Douay, a city at the southern border of Belgium, and is in the possession of the Netherlands Province of the Oblates.

Swiss Oblate Community

The Swiss Oblates now have a Salesian website: www.franz-von-sales.ch. Supporting this site is the Community of St. Francis de Sales, founded in 1872 by the French priest Henri Chaumont. The contact persons are: Helen Dora-Fehr from Windisch and Fr. Johannes Foehn, OSFS, from Kriens. The website is very beautifully edited and contains information about St. Francis de Sales and Salesian spirituality. Francis de Sales is introduced particularly by his well- known maxim: "Do everything for love and nothing through constraint" and as patron of writers and journalists.

Sisters of the Visitation

In the Visitation monastery in Dietramszell, Bavaria, there is an exhibit "Francis de Sales in " on the three stays of St. Francis in Paris - as a student, coadjutor and bishop. More than 40 original engravings from the 16th and 17th century and numerous other items document these three important episodes in the life of the saint. Fr. Erich Hehberger, OSFS, spiritual director of the monastery and the head of the Institute for Salesian Investigation located there,

9 set up the exhibit. It will be open until the end of May, 2001. Registration by phone is required: (+49) 08027/801. Further information on that as well as on other activities of the Institute and the monastery can be obtained via the Internet: www.erzbistum-muenchen.de/klosterdietramszell. Fr. Hehberger has recently discovered a very old painting of an authentic portrait of St. Francis de Sales. This painting was hidden in the loft of the monastery. On the back, the year 1608 is written. So this portrait could be the oldest one of the saint. An interesting element of this painting is that someone painted a halo on it many years later.

Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales

The Sisters in Austria now have their own website: www.computronic.at/homes/oblatinnen. It contains information about the Congregation as well as its activities in Austria.

The Secular Institute of St. Francis de Sales

Also venturing into cyberspace is the Secular Institute of St. Francis de Sales in Austria at:http://members.chello.at/st.theresia/salesschwester.htm. It has a link to the Secular Institute in the USA with a link to the Brazilians under construction.

Interesting "Salesian" links

Francis de Sales and his spirituality are becoming more and more known via the Internet in the German speaking world. One example is www.heiligenlexikon.de. On this website one can learn about the saints and what they are patrons of. St. Francis is represented and noted as the patron of writers and journalists. Another site: www.handwort.wtal.de - is dedicated to the hearing-impaired. There you can find a page about Francis de Sales as their patron. Surfing the web, you will find a soccer team (www.fcfvs.ttn.at) and a scout troup (www.pfadfinder-juelich.de) bearing the saint's name. A site for children (www.kidlane.net) describes for them briefly and concisely the saint's life.

New publications:

Andreas Schmidt,OSFS, Tirez-moi, nous courrons nous deux — Göttliche Gnade und menschliche Mitwirkung in der Theologie des hl. Franz von Sales, Bischof, Kirchenlehrer und feinsinniger Psychologe (Divine Grace and Human Cooperation in the Theology of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor of the Church and Sensitive Psychologist), dissertation (submitted for a Diploma), Munich 2000: An excellent study about St. Francis de Sales' theory of the soul and its practical effects on the theology of prayer. The principal sections of this

10 work will be published in the Jahrbuch für Salesianische Studien, volume 33, in 2001.

Hildegard Koenig/Irene Leicht (Ed.), Heilige Unruh. Bewegende Frauen in den Zeiten der Kirche (Holy Unrest. Touching Women in the Church of Today), Don Bosco Verlag, Munich 2000. This book describes the role that different women have played in the Church's 2000 year history. Interestingly, there is an article about Angélique Arnauld, the abbess of Port Royal, who became acquainted with Francis de Sales during his third stay in Paris. She wanted to join the Sisters of the Visitation. Unfortunately, the article does not mention the relationship between her and Francis de Sales.

Gisbert Kranz, Zwölf Kirchenmänner (Twelve Men of the Church), Eos Verlag, St. Ottilien 2000: Along with Augustine, Albert the Great, Thomas à Kempis and John Henry Newman, the author includes a short, accurate biography about St. Francis de Sales, which emphasizes his importance as a pastor and spiritual director.

Pietro Stella, Don Bosco — Leben und Werk (Don Bosco - His Life and Work), Verlag Neue Stadt, Munich, 2000: A comprehensive and solid description of the popular apostle of the youth. Those who expect a collection of anecdotes of the saintly soccer player and youthful tight-rope walker, however, will be disappointed. Stella concentrates on hard, historical facts. Those readers who want to know at last why Don Bosco put his Congregation under the protection of St. Francis de Sales and those who are interested in the influence of St. Francis on the life and work of Don Bosco will be very satisfied.

Teresio Bosco, Zeichen der Liebe Gottes (Signs of God’s Love), Don Bosco Verlag, Munich, 2000: A collection of 38 biographies of saints and blessed, children, women and men, martyrs, teachers, educators, witnesses and confessors all whom belong to the world wide family of Don Bosco. They are members of those communities that were founded by St. John Bosco. These impressive portraits not only illustrate Don Bosco's influence up to the present time, but also show the different ways in which Christianity can be lived in the world.

Johannes Bosco, Erinnerungen an das Oratorium des hl. Franz von Sales (Recollections of the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales), Don Bosco Verlag, Munich, 2001 documents the autobiographical notes of John Bosco over the first 40 years of his life in the service of the youth. It deals particularly with the first Oratory he founded and named it the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales. The memoirs were translated and adapted by Fr. Dr. Otto Wansch, SDB, the leader of the Institute for Salesian Spirituality, Pedagogy and History of the Salesians of Don Bosco.

11 Giuseppe Alberigo, Johannes XXIII. — Leben und Wirken des Konzilspapstes (John XXIII. - Life and work of the Pope of the Council), Gruenewald Verlag, Mainz 2000: This biography is, without doubt, not only the most comprehensive, but also the most historically accurate of all the biographies, which were published in Germany on the occasion of the of John XXIII in September 2000. All readers who are interested in the Salesian influence on John XXIII. will also be satisfied. Alberigo shows in many parts of the book that St. Francis de Sales was one of the John XXIII's favorite saints. This biography illustrates that a full exploration of the relationship of John XXIII to Francis de Sales could be very fruitful.



In a period of less than 20 years, the Oblates in India have experienced a remarkable growth. There are currently three priests and over 50 in formation, including professed, novices, postulants and candidates, with the number of candidates expected to increase within the next few weeks. New construction is under way in the state of Kerala near Iritty. This new formation community, instead of having one large building, will consist of 5 cottages housing not more than 25 each. Four of the cottages will accommodate the four different groups - candidates, postulants, novices and professed - with the fifth being used as a guest house. We salute our Oblate confrères under the leadership of Fr. Joseph Költringer for their outstanding evangelizing work. This explosive growth is a very encouraging sign for all of the Oblates.

Fr. Sebastian Leitner, OSFS, focused his homily for the feast of St. Francis de Sales on the theme of self-acceptance, which helps us to appreciate our true worth and contributes to community life in helping others to value themselves as God values us. This gives us the self-confidence to develop our God-given talents. These words, spoken to a group of young men with so much talent and such great promise, readily resonated in their hearts.

Salesian Sister "Banks on the Poor in India"

Sr. Nancy Pereira, after having initiated in 1994 the Fides project in India to offer educational opportunities to families and financial support to the poor, followed it up three years later with The Bank of the Poor. It consists of a system of micro-credits that allows borrowers to buy work tools to begin small businesses. This bank encourages the poor to save and gives them the opportunity to take out small loans which other banks do not give. The whole Fides Project of this Indian sister was featured by Italian television on RAI 2 and spurred great interest among the Italian population and beyond in her work in

12 the slums of Bangalore -- an apostolate that is restoring dignity to the most desperate. For further information, visit: www.raidue. rai.it/undono.

Toledo-Detroit Province

The January-February 2001 issue of the Province's Newsletter, Bondings, contains a favorable review by Fr. Roland Calvert, OSFS, of Fr. Dirk Koster's book Francis de Sales translated from the Dutch original Fr. Calvert states: "The author presents Francis as a real human being who had to struggle with imperfections in his personality, who at times didn't know how to solve the dilemmas life offered, who had a weight problem as he grew older."

The 19th Annual Conference on the Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal sponsored by the De Sales Resource Center will have as its theme "Celebrating Little Virtues and the Little Way." It will be held from August 2-5, 2001 at St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana. Among the presenters and their topics are: Dr. Lawrence Cunningham, Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame, "The Outrageous Particularity of the Gospel;" Dr. Keith J. Egan, Professor of Theology at St. Mary's College, "The Little Way of Thérèse of Lisieux, Saint and Doctor of the Church;" Anna Berger, currently a faculty member of the Religion Department at Immaculata High School in Somerville, New Jersey, "Littleness in a Big World;" and Visitation sisters Karen Mohan and Mary Ruth Dolch, "The Little Virtues: Wisdom and Unbelief." A special feature of this year's conference is a series of mini-workshops on "Living Little in a Big World." These will offer participants attend interactive workshops on how to live out these simple teachings in specific areas of interest/work. For further details, access the De Sales Resource Center's website at: www.desalesresource.org.

The De Sales Resource Center (DRC) has launched a very attractive newsletter in December 2000. This first issue notes that the DRC is now coordinating Salesian Parish Missions, which follows a fromat developed by the Center.

Wilmington-Philadelphia Province

The DeSales Spirituality Center under the leadership of Fr. Michael Murray, OSFS, is humming along. Fr. Murray is looking into the possibility of introducing the Center's special pamphlet series -- Salesian Perspectives -- as resource materials for the RENEW movement that has been introduced in both the archdiocese of Philadelphia and diocese of Allentown. RENEW is based on small group faith sharing and is consonant with de Sales' fundamental idea that spiritual friendships are forged by communicating our loving faith in God. If these materials are utilized by RENEW, the potential for Salesian spirituality deeply touching the lives of thousands of Catholics becomes very exciting. The Center has undertaken the project of translating into Spanish the "Salesian 13 Perspectives" as well as "Sundays Salesian." An interesting feature of its website are brief "Articles for Living" intended to enrich the everyday lives of its visitors. Among the topics are: "A Model of Civility" and "Highway to Holiness: All Work? No Way!" For all the many other activities of the Center, visit its site at: www.oblates.org/center.

Fr. Robert Rutledge, OSFS, has recently been appointed by Fr. Morrissey, OSFS, as Provincial Internet Director. In this capacity, he will assist Fr. James Greenfield, OSFS in maintaining and improving the Province's website. The ICSS is well acquainted with Fr. Rutledge's extensive knowledge of the web and the creative ways in which he uses it. In the past, he has contributed interesting graphics to the early issues of this Newsletter. We congratulate him on his new assignment.

The translation of the Positio Super Virtutibus of Father Brisson, to be known as the Documented Biography of Father Brisson has been completed and sent to an experienced copyeditor to be prepared for publication. The translation done by a team of Oblates from both American provinces, viz., Frs. Baraniewicz, Bowler, William N. Dougherty, Gambet and Power, was coordinated by Fr. Pocetto. It will likely be published sometime in the fall.

In addition to his duties as Director of the Salesian Center for Faith and Culture at De Sales University, Fr. Thomas Dailey, OSFS, has kept himself busy promoting Salesian spirituality. Among his Salesian activities are the following: "St Jane de Chantal and the Culture of Sanctity" -- conference to the Sisters of the Philadelphia Visitation. "The Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales" -- presentation to the Serra Club of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, "On the Jubilee of Religious Life" -- series of retreat conferences to the Visitation of Tryingham.

Aviat Summer Academy

A new initiative of the Salesian Center for Faith and Culture with the collaborative support of De Sales University, the De Sales Spirituality Center, the De Sales Secular Institute, the Second Federation of the Visitation Order in the United States and the ICSS is the Aviat Summer Academy. The Academy plans to offer "an intensive holistic program of continuing education in the tradition of Salesian spirituality" as a concrete response to the need pointed out by Fr. Di Mauro's research for lay collaborators to deepen their knowledge of and commitment to promoting Salesian spirituality. For further information, access the Center's site on the home page of De Sales University: www.desales.edu.

Bro Michael McGrath,OSFS, has just published two new books - Journey with Therese of Lisieux: Celebrating the Artist in Us All and Patrons and Protectors: Saints and Occupations. In Journey with Therese, Bro. Mickey reveals the real 14 saint and Doctor of the Church and in one of his paintings beautifully portrays her closeness to St. John of the Cross and St. Francis d Sales. In the second work, Francis de Sales is depicted as the Patron of writers and journalists. Both books have received very favorable reviews. They may be ordered from: FUQUA Center, PO Box 132, Childs, MD; Phone410-398-3057; Fax: 410-393- 0367; Email: [email protected].

DeSales Service Works (DSW)

The DSW Director, Fr. Mark Plaushin, OSFS, is making steady progress in laying an excellent foundation. This new an major initiative of the Province has for its mission providing "collaborative volunteer service" for the poor and disseminating Salesian spirituality. A residence has been purchased in the Frankford area of Philadelphia and a number of possible service areas have been considered and researched. DSW is in need of young volunteers between the ages of 21 and 28 willing to participate in this program as well as financial support. Those interested in assisting in this very important apostolate should contact Fr. Plushin at: [email protected].

To formally celebrate the change in its name and status, De Sales University held an academic convocation on the feast of St. Francis de Sales with the Most Rev. Edward Cullen, Bishop of Allentown, presiding. The main speaker was Fr. David O'Connell, CM, President of the Catholic University of America, who spoke on "De Sales University: A New Era of Excellence." One of the highlights of the program was a poem written for the occasion by Dr. Stephen Myers, Associate Professor of English. His poem was inspired by a small copy of the Turin portrait of the saint. With his kind permission, we print it here for our readers:

In a Gallery, Saint Francis, Laughing

Before us, Saint Francis, portrayed by a minor

Alsatian painter

Though it's clear the subject's wholly unaware he's being done.

Here he's come away from the laborer's home

His library, the town,

15 Gone up to the mountains beyond Annecy

Probably on foot,

And having reached this rough hut dropped down

By the door on what appears to be a three-legged stool.

It's likely April -- notice how, while ice packs in the high ravines, the valley overflows with edelweiss, anemone, acres of blue lupine -- the style extraordinary for its time, looking forward to Van Gogh, still some two hundred years over Mont Blanc's shoulder. Surely the book he holds is a missal or the Bible itself, though at first it's difficult to tell why this model of moderation is bent double, laughing his fool head off.

As if this Swiss dawn, the sun, the cerulean sky, the falcon gliding high overhead comprise for him a parody of extravagance, a gifting too rich for words; and this swarm of bees, half-roused with spring

16 and sunrise, an unmistakeable emblem: like him a living thing specially blessed, transfixed by a vision of sweetness, and transformed by zeal for work well done in the humdrum, ordinary world beyond these walls.

That is the world that is, Francis says, only inflamed,

Infused with love and laughter, and if we often hunger, if our small engines of desire suffer, and yearn, it is because we hold in memory the savor of a Name that lies like perfect honey on the tongue.

Salesians of Don Bosco

Under the leadership of Fr. Joseph Boenzi, SDB, as Director of the Institute of Salesian Studies in Berkeley, CA., several teams of priests and 4th year theology students were formed to do a "Salesian Week" to coincide with Catholic Schools week in a number of parishes. Fr. Boenzi descibes this activity of these "Salesian teams." A team visits each school, "makes classroom visits, animates retreats for the older children, facilitates inservices for teachers, leads prayer evenings for the Salesian family of the area." For the priests and seminarians, it was a good opportunity to experience collaborative ministry by working with Salesian sisters and lay collaborators, and for the latter to experience a deepening of their knowledge and commitment to the Salesian charism. For further information on this model, contact Fr. Boenzi at: [email protected].

Additional Recent Publications

William A. Meninger, OCSO. The Committed Life: An Adaptation of the Introduction to a Devout Life. Continuum International Publication Group, New York, 2000. This is not a new translation or a paraphrase but, as the author states, an "attempt to express the teachings of the saint in a wholly contemporary

17 idiom." Readers familiar with De Sales will vary in their assessment of how well Fr. Meninger has realized this goal, but if his adaptation prompts them to re- think the book, or leads religious seekers to read Francis' actual writing and to embrace a committed Christian life, it will have served its purpose splendidly. The books is available from the DRC at: www.desalesresource.org.

Papers by Phillipe Le Gros. "L'esthétique de saint François de Sales de quatre méditations de l'Introduction à la vie dévote, " (The Aesthetic Quality of Francis de Sales's Four Meditations in the Introduction to a Devout Life), Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, vol. xxi, 1994, no. 40; "Approche iconlogique de l'oraison dédicatoire du Traité de l'amour de Dieu de François de Sales," XVIIe Siècle, n. 196 (49e année, n. 3); "La Dance macabre chez François de Sales"; "Le Jardin dan l'Introduction à la vie dévote et le Traité de l'Amour de Dieu"; Les Psaumes dans l'Introduction à la vie dévote de François de Sales. For copies of these articles, make requests to Trexler Library, De Sales University:

Newspaper articles: Jim Kanter, "St. Francis de Sales: A Spiritual Writer for Busy Lives," The Georgia Bulletin, January 18, 2001; Leon J. Suprenant, Jr., "Patron of the Catholic Press," The Catholic Journalist, February, 2001. Both articles include a photo of the 1606 painting of Francis de Sales done by his secretary Etienne Martellange and provided to these publications by the De Sales Resource Center. The photo was taken by Sr. Mary Pat Burns, VHM and so acknowledged.


This newsletter can be accessed by clicking on "Salesian Studies World Wide" of De Sales University's home page at: www.desales.edu. . Suggestions for improving this newsletter and information for future issues may be sent to A. Pocetto via email:[email protected]. Fax:(610)282-2059 or by mail at De Sales University, 2755 Station Ave., Center Valley, PA 18034-9568, USA. The ICSS is very grateful to De Sales University for the technical assistance and other resources the University very generously makes available to continue its work.