Project : Project to Strengthen Infrastructure Between Casablanca and Marrakech

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Project : Project to Strengthen Infrastructure Between Casablanca and Marrakech AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP PROJECT : PROJECT TO STRENGTHEN INFRASTRUCTURE BETWEEN CASABLANCA AND MARRAKECH COUNTRY : MOROCCO SUMMARY OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (ESIA) Project team: P.S. MORE NDONG, Senior Transport Engineer, OITC2/MAFO J.J NYIRUBUTAMA, Chief Transport Economist, OITC.2 J.P. KALALA, Chief Socio-economist, OITC1 M.L. KINANE, Principal Environmental Specialist, ONEC.3 S. BAIOD, Consultant Environmentalist, ONEC.3 Project Team Sector Director: A. OUMAROU Regional Director: J. KOLSTER Resident Representative: Y. FALL Division Manager: A. BABALOLA Settat – Marrakesh doubling ESIA summary Project name : PROJECT TO STRENGTHEN INFRASTRUCTURE BETWEEN CASABLANCA AND MARRAKECH Country : MOROCCO Project code : P-MA-DC0-005 Department : OITC Division: OITC.2 1 INTRODUCTION This document is the summary of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the Project to Strengthen Infrastructure between Casablanca and Marrakesh in the Kingdom of Morocco. The summary was prepared in accordance with the environmental and social assessment directives and procedures of the African Development Bank for Category 1 projects. The project description and rationale are first presented, followed by the legal and institutional framework in Morocco. A brief description of the project area’s main environmental conditions is presented in its physical, biological and human (social, cultural and economic) components, and the scenario and alternatives are compared in terms of technical, economic, environmental and social feasibility. The most significant positive and negative impacts of track doubling on the biophysical and human (socio- economic) environments are presented. Environmental and social impacts are summarized and inevitable impacts identified. The descriptions cover expected impacts during the line preparation, construction and operational phases. The improvement and mitigation measures proposed to increase the benefits and/or prevent, minimize, mitigate or offset the negative impacts as well as the monitoring programme are presented subsequently. Public consultations are outlined as well as project-related additional initiatives such as the needed Compensation and Resettlement Plan (CRP). The conclusion mentions project acceptability in respect of which an environmental compliance decision was issued by the Environment Department, which, in 2013, was under the Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment. 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RATIONALE The project consists in completing the doubling of the track between Settat and Marrakesh and is an integral part of the consolidation of the Casablanca-Marrakesh railway line linking the country’s economic megalopolis to the Kingdom’s tourist capital, and which was partially doubled over 66 km in Phase 1 (enhancement of railway capacities between Tangiers and Marrakesh). This project is developed in the railway right-of-way for a total length of 172 km. At a cost of nearly EUR 177.7 million (MAD 1,944,000), its activities concern: 1. infrastructure works over 42 km (widening of the platform between Imfout and Skhours); 2. construction of facility extensions over 42 km (Imfout and Skhours); 3. overhead catenary wires over 106 km; 4. railway equipment (substation) over 106 km 5. signing equipment (BAL, ERTMS, PAI, Centralized Station Control) over the entire Casablanca Settat to Marrakesh line 6. renovation works on 7 stations (Khemisset, Imfout, Mechraa ben Abbou, Sidi Abdallah, Mzalet El Adam, Sidi Bou Athman and Koudia. This railway line is in very high demand due to the socio-economic, cultural and tourism dynamism of the two cities. Passenger traffic rose by 125% in the space of six years from 972,000 in 2002 to 2.8 million 2 Settat – Marrakesh doubling ESIA summary passengers in 2012 or nearly 21.4% on average per year. In addition to supporting the national tourism development strategy and the urban development strategy of the regions serviced, other benefits accrue from this project, the most significant of which are: (i) contributing to the fluidity of traffic between Casablanca and Marrakesh in order to absorb the increase in traffic; (ii) the reduction of travel time (45 mn) between Casa-Voyageurs and Marrakesh (247 km) from 3 h 15 min (76 km/h on average) at present to 2 h 30 min (110 km/h) at project completion, which will help to make both passenger and freight railway services more competitive; and (iii) the improved train regularity rate, which currently stands at 60% , or an average delay of 22 min. The line’s increased capacity will: (i) make it possible to identify white periods, so as to ensure the maintenance of rail facilities and equipment in better conditions; (ii) greatly reduce maintenance costs; and (iii) create direct jobs estimated in the works phase at 1 million working days or 1,840 jobs, all categories taken together, and at 150 permanent jobs during operation. Thus, during works implementation, the stations between Settat and Marrakesh will be used as a deposit areas, depending on the works schedule and also by virtue of their proximity to the sections under construction. This project is in line with the Moroccan Government’s economic and social development programme, and especially with the transport sector strategy for the period 2012-2016, which gives priority to the implementation of major development works. The project is also consistent with the Bank’s Country Strategy for Morocco, especially its second pillar "support to the development of ‘green’ infrastructure". It is perfectly in line with the Bank’s Long-term Strategy (LTS), which, it should be recalled, is focused on two strategic objectives, namely (i) inclusive growth; and (ii) green growth. 3 POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK Morocco relies on a national and international legal framework, particularly conventions, agreements and treaties, development policies, programmes, plans and strategies and national legislative and regulatory instruments on environmental and social protection. The project also relies on African Development Bank policies. 3.1 Policy Framework • Act No. 99-12 establishing the National Environment and Sustainable Development Charter, • The Municipal Charter (2002-2009), by which the municipality is given responsibility over hygiene, sanitation and environmental protection issues, • International conventions ratified by Morocco. 3.2 Legislative and Regulatory Framework The legislative framework in Morocco consists mainly of: • Act No. 11-03 on the Protection and Development of the Environment; • Act No. 12-03 on Impact Assessments and its enabling decrees, namely: (i) Decree No. 2- 04-563 on the functions and operation of the National Committee of EIAs and (ii) Decree No. 2-04-564, which stipulates the terms of organization and conduct of the public inquiry; • Act No. 28-00 on Waste Management and its enabling decree. It is specifically supplemented by: (i) Decree No. 2-07-253, on the classification of wastes; (ii) Decree No. 2-09-538 of 22 March 2010, which defines the terms for preparing a national master plan for hazardous waste management; 3 Settat – Marrakesh doubling ESIA summary • The “Dahir” (Royal Decree) of 25 July 1969 which sets out the rules on authorizations/prohibitions with respect to the exploitation of natural resources; • Act No. 65-99 on the Labour Code promulgated by Dahir No. 1-03-194 of 11 September 2003. • Act No. 52-03, by which the National Railway Authority (ONCF) is given a mandate to manage the Kingdom’s railway assets; • Act No. 07-81 on Expropriation on Grounds of Public Utility and Temporary Occupation and its enabling Decree No. 2-82-382; • The 1914 “Dahir” on Public Domain, which decreed that roads, streets, railway and tramways lines, bridges and, generally, all kinds of public communication network, shall be considered as part of the public domain in Morocco; Other legal instruments regulate the environmental framework: (i) Act No. 22-80 on the Conservation of Historical Monuments and Sites, Inscriptions, Artifacts and Antiquities; (ii) Act No. 8-2001 on Quarries; (iii) Act No. 13-03 on Air Pollution Control and its enabling decree; (iv) Act No. 10-95 on the Water Resources and its enabling instruments; (v) Decree No. 2-04-553 on Spills, Runoff, Discharges, Direct or Indirect Deposits in Surface or Ground Water; (vi) Decree No. 2-97-487, which stipulates the procedure for Granting Authorizations and Concessions on Public Water Resources; (vii) Decree No. 2-97-657 on the Demarcation of Protection Areas as well as Safeguard and Prohibition Perimeters; and (viii) Decree No. 2-97-787 on Water Quality Standards and Inventory of the Degree of Water Pollution. The ultimate objectives are to ensure that environmental and social problems have been taken on board for decision-making, through the provision of a consultation and information-dissemination mechanism, as well as to facilitate the participation of beneficiaries in the decision-making process. This regulatory framework is consistent with the Bank’s environmental process and concerns which were designed in the spirit of an integrated environmental and social approach. The framework is also in line with the African Development Bank Group’s environmental policy, especially its five Operational Safeguards (2014 ISS). 3.3 For the AfDB This concerns the July 2014 Integrated Safeguards System (ISS), with the following five operational safeguards: - Operational Safeguard 1: Environmental and Social Assessment; - Operational Safeguard 2: Involuntary

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