Minutes of Meeting MICHIGAN NATURAL
Minutes of Meeting MICHIGAN NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Harley Hotel 3600 Dunckel - Jolly Road and law Building Auditorium 525 West Ottawa lansing, Michigan November 7-9, 1984 PRESENT Harry H. Whiteley, Chairman Thomas J. Anderson E. R. Ca ro 11 0 Marlene J. Fluharty Stephen V. Monsma - Wednesday and Thursday Morning Only O. Stewart Myers Raymond Poupore - Wednesday and Thursday Only Ronald O. Skoog, Director - Thursday and Friday Only . John M. Robertson, Executive Assistant Thomas Emery, Assistant Attorney General - Thursday Afternoon Only 'Department Staff * * * PUBLIC APPEARANCES Fijalkowski, Dennis, Michigan Wildlife Habitat Foundation Kapp, Dr. Ronald 0., Provost and Vice President, Alma College, and Member of the Wilderness and Natural Areas Advisory Board Kelley, Cliff, General Manager, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Industries, Inc. Kruger, Kyle, Michigan State University laidlaw, David, Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Park Authority Mainville, Frank, Outdoor Editor, lansing State Journal Metzgar, Don, Director, Exploration and Michigan Operations, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Industries, Inc. Myler, Ben, Pere Marquette Watershed Council Nicholson, Bob, Pere Marquette Watershed Council Pelt, Andy, Executive Director, Michigan Steelhead and Salmon Fishermen's Association Sellers, Mark, Michigan Herpetology Association Taylor, Dr. William, Michigan State University Minutes November 7-9, 1984 Page 2 Acting ChaiPman Andepson caZZed the Wednesday evening session to oPdep at 7:50 p.m. (Chairman WhiteZey entepod s~tZy thepeaftep.) * * * BaitiryJ Issue: Ch.a:l-Zes J. Guenthep~ Chief~ WiUUfe Division~ discussed the issue of baiting and distPibuted a summary titled~ "!WiUlife Baiting Papep". In pesponse to a request from the Michigan United . Conservation Clubs (MUCC)~ staff is developing a policy on baiting~ ta:z>geted fop the 1985 MUCC Convention.
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