Alpena Dates of Events
>>>>>>o<<<<<< ALPENA DATES OF EVENTS. 18,62---lgo2. 25 CENTS. >>>>>>o<<< ARGUS, ALPENA, MICH. ALPENA DATE,SOF EARLY EVENTS On the follo*'ing pages are showD 'he dates of t'he principal hap,pen- rngs and events in the history of Aipen,a city, .A.lpena county, and some important da,tesin the history qf adjacent counties. The list has been co.mpiled with the greatesl nossible ac.curacyand is hrought up to January 1, 1I 1'5. As the years oass this little tboo'kw,ill become all the mcre valuable,. Preserve it for reference. It will make interesting reading and will settle many a dis- DUte. I a;39-ta4 0- First survey ,by the Unite(! ,States of lancls in Alpena eo'unty. The first sarvmill in Alpen,a coun- ty was erected at the mouth ol Devil River in 1844, by Jonathan Burteh and Ans.on Eldred. Darid D. Oliver built and opened a store on Thunder Bay Isiand, in 1845. ! at6- Simeon M. H,olden erected a frame bttiltling on Thunder Bay Island. I S,56- Nov. 26.-I)aniel ,Carter. $ife and, c,ame t0 Alpena, the {irst settlers. € { _.<--.-"€r' ra57_ Feb. T._AIpena county organize.d. Whac is now the city of rvas _\lpena then oalled x'remoni, ailii" ljrt election of county oflicers""0 in . November, Daniel ,carier ;;;';.# treasu.rer, rI :9.-?l:'rlsl,ip. the torrr.iri'r, cotnprising the entjre eounty. lf; Carter was atso the fi".t of Fremont. ;;;t;u.;, r850- _ In February, t g,b9, the name ot"' Fremont was changed t" .sr;"rul \ In,t8b8 the first s,c,hoolin Alpena was { held in ,a-rougn ooard eooDer srrop n on l9t t0, block 3, ot tfre-fUis,s vii- tage, oi { t Water street, witn ivrary L'arter as the teacher.
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