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Title Diversification of Trait Combinations in Coevolving and Lineages.

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Journal The American naturalist, 190(2)

ISSN 0003-0147

Authors Thompson, John N Schwind, Christopher Friberg, Magne

Publication Date 2017-08-01

DOI 10.1086/692164

Peer reviewed

eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California vol. 190, no. 2 the american naturalist august 2017

Diversification of Trait Combinations in Coevolving Plant and Insect Lineages

John N. Thompson,1,* Christopher Schwind,1 and Magne Friberg2

1. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064; 2. Department of Plant Ecology and Evolution, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Norbyvägen 18D, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden Submitted October 17, 2016; Accepted March 15, 2017; Electronically published May 8, 2017 Online enhancements: appendix.

abstract:Closely related often have similar traits and some- 2002), and coevolution of wild parsnips and parsnip web- times interact with the same species. A crucial problem in evolution- worms differs when cow parsnips locally co-occur (Zangerl ary ecology is therefore to understand how coevolving species diverge and Berenbaum 2003). These and other studies have indi- when they interact with a set of closely related species from another cated that the coevolutionary process does not always favor lineage rather than with a single species. We evaluated geographic dif- pairs of coevolving species (Thompson 2005, 2013; Nuismer ferences in the floral morphology of all woodland star plant species et al. 2012; Poisot et al. 2012; Kagawa and Takimoto 2014). (, ) that are pollinated by (Prodoxi- Although coevolution between pairs of interacting species dae) . Flowers of each woodland star species differed depending on whether interact locally with one, two, or no pollinating can form geographic mosaics of traits and ecological out- species. Plants of one species grown in six different environments comes (Lorenzi and Thompson 2011; Gibert et al. 2013; showed few differences in floral traits, suggesting that the geographic Vergara et al. 2013; Hague et al. 2016), coevolution within differences are not due significantly to trait plasticity. Greya moth pop- networks of interacting species has the potential to form even ulations also showed significant geographic divergence in morphology, more complex geographic mosaics. Coevolution within lo- depending on the local host and on whether the moth species co- cal networks can act both directly and indirectly on each spe- occurred locally. Divergence in the plants and the moths involved shifts cies as each evolutionary change cascades throughout the net- in combinations of partially correlated traits, rather than any one trait. The results indicate that the geographic mosaic of coevolution can be work. Mathematical models of coevolution have shown that amplified as coevolving lineages diversify into separate species and the evolution of traits may differ when selection occurs within come together in different combinations in different ecosystems. networks rather than between pairs of species (Guimarães et al. 2011; Nuismer et al. 2012; Bascompte and Jordano fl Keywords: coevolution, complex traits, oral evolution, geographic 2013). mosaic. Networks can form as coevolving lineages diversify. Spe- cies that originally coevolved with only one species in an- Introduction other lineage may expand their interactions in some regions to include other congeners within that lineage. What began Coevolution between pairs of species is almost always em- as a globally pairwise interaction becomes a geographic mo- bedded in a geographically varying network of interactions saic of interacting species. Ongoing local loss or addition of with other species. For example, coevolution between lodge- species to an interaction, through range changes or other pole pines and crossbills differs when red squirrels co-occur ecological processes, may continually alter this mosaic, as in the same community (Benkman et al. 2010), coevolution has been documented in multiple studies (Brodie et al. 2002; of woodland star (Lithophragma) plants and Greya moths is Parchman and Benkman 2002; Zangerl and Berenbaum 2003; altered in a few localities by the presence of abundant soli- Lankau 2012; Stouffer et al. 2014; Newman et al. 2015; Pérez- fl tary bees or bombyliid ies (Thompson and Cunningham Méndez et al. 2016). How interactions assemble and evolve into local, regional, and global networks of different sizes * Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]. and phylogenetic configurations has therefore become a ma- ORCIDs: Thompson, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5941-6498. jor problem to understand in coevolutionary biology (Jor- Am. Nat. 2017. Vol. 190, pp. 171–184. q 2017 by The University of Chicago. dano et al. 2003; Strauss et al. 2005; Thompson 2005, 2013; 0003-0147/2017/19002-57334$15.00. All rights reserved. This work is licensed Olesen et al. 2007; Hoeksema 2010; Jordano 2010; Nuismer under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), which permits reuse of the work with attribution. et al. 2012; Bascompte and Jordano 2013; Wise and Rausher DOI: 10.1086/692164 2013; Heath and Stinchcombe 2014; Bronstein 2015; Parch-

This content downloaded from on July 30, 2018 12:35:47 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). 172 The American Naturalist man et al. 2016). Addressing the problem requires large-scale ogy found within each species results in part from differ- analyses of how lineages of closely related species assemble ences among ecosystems in the combination of locally in- and coevolve with other lineages in different environmental teracting plant and moth species. This prediction follows contexts. from several past observations and results. First, popula- In some coevolving interactions, the focus of reciprocal tions of each woodland star species differ in whether they selection is sometimes on a particular trait in one species interact with one coevolving Greya moth species, two lo- that is countered or matched by a particular trait in another cally pollinating Greya species that differ in how they pol- species. Among the best-studied examples are the geographic linate flowers, or, more rarely, no locally coevolving Greya differences in the levels of tetrodotoxin in Taricha newts and moths. These interactions therefore have the potential to tolerance or detoxification of tetrodotoxin in Thamnophis produce not only a geographic mosaic of coevolution be- garter snakes (Brodie et al. 2002; Hague et al. 2016) or the size tween any one pair of interacting woodland star and Greya of Camellia fruits and the length of camellia weevils used to moth species but also a geographic and phylogenetic mosaic pierce the fruits to reach the seeds (Toju et al. 2011). In some of coevolving traits in plants and the moths. other coevolving interactions, however, the focus of selec- Second, Greya moth species differ in how they pollinate tion may be on a set of traits that are partially correlated but and lay their eggs in the reproductive parts of Lithophragma evolve to similar outcomes when exposed to similar selection plants (fig. 1). females pollinate flowers mostly pressures. The now-classic example is the coevolution of the while ovipositing through the corolla, as pollen adhering to complex morphological traits of conifer cones and crossbill the abdomen rubs off onto the stigma. In most populations bills in different environments, in which the cones evolve to- of this species, females oviposit by piercing the base of the ward more conical or cylindrical forms depending on whether nectary disk with the ovipositor. While doing so, pollen ad- selection is driven by squirrels or crossbills (Benkman and hering to the membrane of the extended ovipositor rubs onto Mezquida 2015). In yet other interactions, selection could the stigma. In contrast, G. obscura moths pollinate flowers act on suites of partially correlated traits in ways that create only while nectaring. They then move to the base of the flower multiple evolutionary solutions even within a single lineage. to oviposit into the outer ovary wall or the scape (Thompson Previous work has suggested that the interactions between et al. 2010). Experimental studies have shown that although woodland stars (Lithophragma: Saxifragaceae) and Greya G. politella is a much more effective pollinator than G. ob- () moths have coevolved in this way (Thompson scura, G. obscura is often more abundant (Thompson et al. et al. 2013). Species and populations differ so widely in trait 2010, 2013). The relative effects of these moth species on combinations involved in the interaction that no single co- plant fitness could therefore vary among ecosystems. evolutionary solution is evident. Third, past studies have shown that fitness in the plants We therefore undertook an analysis of how multiple co- and the moths depends on their interaction in most locali- evolutionary solutions are clustered within and among all ties. Not only are Greya species associated with Lithophragma species of interacting woodland stars and Greya moths. specialized to feed as adults and larvae only on this plant ge- We predicted that the diversity of floral and moth morphol- nus in all communities in far western North America (Thomp-

Figure 1: Greya moths pollinating Lithophragma spp. Far left, Greya politella ovipositing into L. bolanderi and pollinating with pollen ad- hering to abdomen. Middle, Greya obscura nectaring on L. cymbalaria. Far right, Greya politella (top) and G. obscura (bottom) nectaring simultaneously on L. cymbalaria. Photos: John N. Thompson

This content downloaded from on July 30, 2018 12:35:47 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). Diversification of Coevolving Traits 173 son 2010) but also these moths are the major pollinators of and endemism in many taxa (Harrison 2013). The sites in- their host plants. They also are the only that normally cluded all the named species and the full range of phylogeo- feed on these plants either as pollinators or as herbivores graphic divergence within each plant clade and each moth (Thompson and Cunningham 2002; Thompson and Fernan- species found in previous studies. In the zone of overlap be- dez 2006; Thompson et al. 2010). Both moth species impose a tween the two moth species, we then chose 37 sites to eval- cost to the plants through larval feeding, but G. politella larvae uate whether the moths differ in morphology when they oc- eat only a small percentage of the developing seeds (Thomp- cur together rather than alone within ecosystems. We also son et al. 1992), and G. obscura larvae usually feed on the ovary evaluated the extent to which plasticity may affect floral wall or the upper parts of the scape, although they sometimes traits by growing L. cymbalaria in six environments that also eat a small percentage of developing seeds. Past studies differed in light, soil, and water treatments. have found the interaction between the plants and the moths to be mutualistic in all but a few sites (e.g., Thompson and Cunningham 2002; Thompson and Fernandez 2006; Thomp- Material and Methods son et al. 2010). These few nonmutualistic sites are at the north- Taxa ern edge of the geographic ranges of plants and moths, where the mutualism is swamped in some sites by locally abundant Lithophragma is a strongly supported monophyletic bombyliid flies and solitary bees (Thompson et al. 1992). that is broadly distributed across the western United States Otherwise, the plants and moths have been found to depend and southwestern Canada (Taylor 1965; Soltis et al. 1992; on each other throughout their geographic ranges. Kuzoff et al. 1999; Deng et al. 2015). Two monophyletic clades Fourth, multiple floral and moth traits are involved in within Lithophragma are used by Greya moths as adult and these interactions, generating a wide range of possible ave- larval hosts. The two clades differ in multiple molecular and nues for coevolutionary change. The differences among Greya morphological characters (Kuzoff et al. 1999; Deng et al. species in pollination and oviposition mechanisms have the 2015). The two Greya moth species that pollinate woodland potential to favor the evolution of different combinations stars are closely related but are not sister taxa. Molecular of floral traits associated with pollination, including ovary analyses have indicated that each of these moth species in- depth, floral width, floral flair, stigma size, pistil height style, cludes populations with varying degrees of genetic related- and size of the floral petal platform that the moths use to po- ness (Brown et al. 1997; Rich et al. 2008; Thompson et al. sition themselves while ovipositing or nectaring. Previous 2011). Both moth species are restricted to Lithophragma work has shown that these traits are phenotypically corre- throughout their geographic range, except some divergent lated to varying degrees and the absolute and relative values populations of G. politella in the northern Rocky Mountains of the traits vary among population, species, and lineages that have shifted onto a closely related plant genus, Heuchera, within the genus (Thompson et al. 2013). On the moth side, and may be a separate species (Thompson et al. 1997; Nuis- the differences in oviposition behavior have the potential to mer and Thompson 2001). Both moth species show evidence fl affect the evolution of traits such as overall body size, haus- of local adaptation in their behavioral responses to oral vol- tellum length, abdominal segment lengths, and ovipositor atiles and in oviposition behavior on their hosts (Thompson length. As with the plants, past studies have shown that these and Cunningham 2002; Thompson et al. 2013; Friberg et al. traits vary considerably among populations and species (Da- 2014, 2016). vis et al. 1992; Thompson et al. 2013). As expected, then, previous experimental studies have shown that the trait Sampling combinations involved in pollination differ among plant and moth species and populations (Thompson et al. 2010, Flowering begins and adult moths eclose between late Feb- 2013; Friberg et al. 2014, 2016). ruary and June, depending on elevation and latitude. Polli- Based on this suite of previous results, we expected that nation and oviposition occur at each site for only about trait combinations in woodland stars and Greya moths would 3 weeks each year. The sites sampled for Lithophragma flow- vary geographically depending on whether local plant popu- ers included a wide range of habitats, including Ponderosa lations interacted with G. politella, G. obscura, or both moth pine woodlands, gaps in Douglas fir forests, open oak wood- species. We assessed the interactions in 90 ecosystems across lands, rocky slopes of rivers, and meadow steppe (fig. 2; ta- the latitudinal range of Lithophragma in western North Amer- ble A1). A few ecosystems had more than one Lithophragma ica (fig. 2; table A1; tables A1–A8 available online). In effect, species, but the species pollinated by Greya generally oc- our goal was to assess how coevolution of species is altered curred in different habitats. Hence, we analyzed how each as pairwise interactions begin to diversify into small net- local Lithophragma population interacts with its local moth works of interacting species. This region of North America population(s). We surveyed flowering plants for presence of is characterized by a wide range of levels of local adaptation moths along transects up to 1 km through each site. Plants

This content downloaded from on July 30, 2018 12:35:47 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). This content downloaded from on July 30, 2018 12:35:47 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). Diversification of Coevolving Traits 175 are easily assessed, because each plant is about 20–40 cm tall Moth Traits with 1–10 flowers that open sequentially from bottom to We collected and measured 547 female moths (316 G. po- top, starting about halfway up the scape. litella and 231 G. obscura) from 37 sites within the geo- An unusual feature of the interaction between woodland graphic region where the ranges of the two moth species stars and Greya plants is that the moths can be reliably de- overlap (table A2). These sites included 20 sites used for tected whenever flowering host individuals are present. Adult the analysis of floral traits and an additional 17 sites that in- moths are active only during the day and remain on the host creased the sampling density within the region. The sites flowers throughout each day either resting, nectaring, mat- encompassed populations from southwestern Oregon to ing, or ovipositing, moving only to find another host indi- southern California and east to the Sierra Nevada, including vidual or mate. Males search for females by moving among all local combinations of plants and moths commonly found woodland star plants, and pairs mate only on host flowers. in nature. All moths were collected directly from host flow- Some of the 90 sites were visited for collection of plants and ers. Phylogeographic and phylogenetic studies have shown moths in multiple years as parts of other studies of interac- that G. politella and G. obscura are each monophyletic, but tions between woodland stars and Greya moths (Thompson each includes a complex of populations that vary in degree and Cunningham 2002; Thompson et al. 2013; Friberg et al. of relatedness (Brown et al. 1994; Rich et al. 2008; Thompson 2014, 2016), but most were visited specifically for this study. et al. 2011). Sampling included all previously identified phy- For the Lithophragma populations in which we did not de- logeographic groups. tect moths in the initial sampling year for that site, we re- We measured wing length, haustellum length, seventh turned to most in at least one more year to confirm that abdominal segment length, and ovipositor length on freshly the moths were indeed not present at that site. These repeated dead moths. We chose these four moth characters, because visits confirmed that the initial scoring of the presence and prior time-lapse photographic analyses had indicated that absence of moth species was correct at all sites. they are important in how the moths interact with the plants, affecting pollination, oviposition, or both (Thompson et al. 2013). Wing length was used as an indicator of overall body Floral Measurements size. It was measured as the combined length of each wing Across the 90 sites, 3,223 flowers were collected and mea- andtheinterveningthoraxwidth.Haustellum(suckingmouth- sured (see appendix, available online, for details). At each part) length affects the ability of moths to reach nectar within site, one flower was measured from each plant, and each the flower and was measured as the total length of the fully sampled plant was at least 1 m from other sampled plants. uncoiled haustellum. The length of the seventh abdominal For consistency, we collected the second flower produced segment is variable in both species and is especially elon- by a plant whenever possible. Samples included 190 flowers gated in G. politella females relative to females or males in for each Lithophragma species, except for the two endemics all other species in the genus. The combination of the length with very small geographic ranges: L. maximum (N p 30), of the seventh abdominal segment and the length of the ovi- which is restricted to San Clemente Island off the coast of positor affects the ability of G. politella females to reach the California, and the hybrid species L. thompsonii (N p 28), ovary when ovipositing through the corolla. These two char- which is restricted to a narrow geographic band in central acters also affect the orientation of G. obscura females when Washington State. Sample size for each population averaged ovipositing into the side of the ovary wall or the upper scape 28:3 5 10:97 SD. wall. Floral measurements included ovary depth, floral width, petal length, petal width, floral flair, stigma size, and pistil Statistical Analyses height (fig. A1; figs. A1, A2 available online). Prior exper- imental studies of the mechanics of pollination of wood- Values for all floral and moth characters were initially mea- land stars have shown that these morphological characters sured in millimeters, which were then log10 transformed affect pollination efficacy by Greya moths (Thompson et al. prior to analysis. We first evaluated how overall morpho- 2013). logical variation was distributed within Lithophragma with

Figure 2: Geographic distribution of interactions between woodland star (Lithophragma) plants and Greya moths in the far western United States from Washington State in the north to California in the south. The pie diagrams include only plant species that interact with Greya.In central California, where some neighboring sites differ in species composition, overlapping pie diagrams are combined into a single pie to indicate the regional complexity of the interaction structure. Local sites, however, generally had one Lithophragma species and one moth species, two moth species, or no moths. Overlapping pie diagrams with the same combination of plant and moth species are shown as a single pie. Smaller pies with black and gray horizontal bars are sites at which Lithophragma plants occur without moths. Details of the sampled ecosystems are given in tables A1 and A2, available online.

This content downloaded from on July 30, 2018 12:35:47 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). 176 The American Naturalist respect to multiple floral characters associated with pollina- plant, using the same measurement protocol as in the field- tion by Greya moths, using quadratic discriminant analysis collected plants. We included nine floral characters to in- (QDA) to evaluate the traits that separate the species and crease the chance of finding any floral characters that vary clades (Thompson et al. 2013). We used quadratic linear with abiotic conditions: longest petal length, longest petal analyses throughout, because the variance/covariance ma- width, ovary depth, floral width at the nectary disk level, trices were sufficiently variable that quadratic analyses were pistil height, maximum stigma lobe diameter, nectary thick- the more conservative choice. Linear analyses gave similar ness, maximum corolla opening diameter, and floral flair results with respect to statistical significance (not shown) from the tip to the nectary disk on the opposite side and hence did not change conclusions. We evaluated whether of the flower. Results for the number of flowers were expo- floral trait combinations favored at sites where plants inter- nentially distributed and therefore were analyzed with a gen- act locally with one moth species differ from trait combina- eralized linear model based on an exponential distribution tions at sites where plants interact with both moth species to evaluate the effects of the six different environmental con- or no moth species. Hence, each plant population was char- ditions. Results for floral traits were log transformed and acterized a priori as interacting with G. politella only, G. ob- analyzed with ANOVA. Because the goal was to determine scura only, both moth species, or neither moth species. Priors whether any of the six treatments affected these morpholog- were set proportional to their occurrence in each data set. ical floral characters, we report a one-way ANOVA for the We also used QDA to analyze how moth species differed effect of treatment for unbalanced data. in morphology when they occur separately or together. Canonical axes were scaled and displayed isometrically Results for the first two canonical axes. Separate absolute canonical scalings were used for plant and moth traits. Discriminant Among the taxa that interact with Greya, the L. campanu- values are shown as multivariate means surrounded by an latum clade (L. bolanderi, L. campanulatum, L. cymbalaria, ellipse showing the 95% confidence limits. The standard- and L. heterophyllum) formed a ring of populations around ized scoring coefficients were used to determine the partial the central valley of California, as did G. obscura moths (fig. 2). contribution of each variable to each discriminant function. The ranges of these species were, in turn, embedded within The structure coefficients (i.e., pooled within-canonical struc- the broader geographic ranges of the L. parviflorum clade ture values) were used to interpret the discriminant function. (L. affine, L. parviflorum) and G. politella moths. Conse- Structure coefficient loadings !0.3 were not interpreted. Cen- quently, the local assemblage of Lithophragma and Greya troids for each group were used to evaluate the direction in species varied geographically (fig. 2). Sites at the northern discriminant space by which one group differed from the and southern edges of the species distributions had only other(s). All analyses were performed using JMP Pro 12. one Lithophragma species pollinated by one Greya moth species. Sites near the center of the range of these interac- tions varied in whether the local Lithophragma species in- Evaluation of Plasticity in Floral Traits teracted with one Greya species, two Greya species, or, un- We evaluated whether abiotic conditions could affect Litho- commonly, no Greya species. phragma floral characters by growing L. cymbalaria plants Lithophragma clades and species differed in multiple flo- from seed to flowering in growth chambers under six abiotic ral characters and showed considerable multivariate varia- treatments: three light levels replicated for two soil and wa- tion in characters within species (fig. 3; table A3: Wilks’s ter conditions (see appendix for details). Field-collected seeds l p 0:0316, F p 226:969, df p 63, 16,897, P ! :0001, of L. cymbalaria were germinated in an incubator, placed into no. flowers p 3,015). Species differed primarily along ca- separate pots, and then transferred to growth chambers. For nonical axis 1 through a negative correlation between pistil each of three light treatments, half the plants were grown in height and ovary depth, with floral flair also contributing to flat-bottomed rose pots and watered from above. The other a significant but lesser extent (table A3). Multiple charac- half were grown in Cone-tainers and watered from below. ters contributed to the separation of species along canonical The pots contained only slightly less soil than the Cone-tainers axis 2, driven partially by a negative correlation between in- but had a substantially lower water column. These two treat- creasing petal length and decreasing stigma size and floral ments provided large differences in the soil and water environ- flair (fig. 3; table A3). Some taxa never associated with Greya ment in which the plants grew. The trays within each growth diverged strongly along this axis from taxa associated with chamber were rotated weekly. Greya, whereas other taxa never associated with Greya had We counted the total number flowers per plant to assess trait combinations intermediate between the two clades that whether the six environmental treatments were sufficiently interact with Greya. These results indicated that evaluation wide to affect plant growth and reproduction overall. We col- of trait shifts in response to selection imposed by Greya re- lected and measured the second flower produced by each quired separate analyses for each plant species, because each

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Figure 3: Variation in floral morphology among clades and species of Lithophragma as assessed with quadratic discriminant analysis. Crosses indicate the multivariate mean for each species. The black circle is the mean for the basal species of the genus, L. maximum. Phy- logenetic affinities are based on Kuzoff et al. (1999) and Deng et al (2015). The dotted lines indicate the phylogenetic origin of a hybrid species. See table A1 for sample sizes for each species. Each axis shows the percentage contribution of that canonical axis to the overall dis- criminant analysis and up to three characters contributing to negative correlations among traits along that axis. The major characters con- tributing in each direction to negative correlations on that axis are shown along each axis. Photo shows the two extremes of floral morphol- ogy along canonical axis 1: longitudinally cut L. parviflorum on the left and L. heterophyllum on the right. species occupied a range of morphological space that over- nation (Thompson et al. 2013). Greya obscura usually co- lapped only partially with that of other species. occurred with G. politella,butwhenonlyG. obscura was pres- Four Lithophragma species had geographic ranges suffi- ent locally, the floral trait combinations in both L. affine and ciently broad that they differed in which Greya moths were L. bolanderi differed from flowers in ecosystems in which present locally. Lithophragma bolanderi and L. affine oc- G. politella was present (fig. 4; table A4). Few Lithophragma curred in all possible combinations with Greya moths. In populations lacked Greya species, but those populations dif- both plant species, multiple floral characters contributed to fered in floral trait combinations from conspecific popula- divergence among populations, depending on which Greya tions that interact with Greya (fig. 4; table A4). species was present (fig. 4; table A4; QDA Wilks’s l p In L. cymbalaria and L. parviflorum, populations occur 0:7433, F p 9:320, df p 14, 816, P ! :0001 for L. bolan- in nature under only a subset of the possible combinations deri, no. flowers p 417; Wilks’s l p 0:7274, F p 19:074, of interactions with Greya moths (fig. 4; table A4). Litho- df p 21, 3,471, P p :001 for L. affine, no. flowers p phragma cymbalaria flowers in populations that interact 1,200). The relative effects of characters contributing to di- with only G. politella differed from flowers in populations vergence among populations differed between the two spe- that interacted with both moth species (fig. 4; table A4; cies (fig. 4). These results corroborate and extend previous QDA Wilks’s l p 0:6616, F p 14:910, df p 7, 204, P ! experimental studies showing that small differences among 0:0001, no. flowers p 212). Lithophragma parviflorum flow- Lithophragma in multiple floral traits are important to the ers from populations that interact with only G. politella moths evolution of these interactions, because they affect which differed from those from populations that interacted with no moth body parts touch the stigma and anthers during polli- Greya moths (fig. 4; table A4; QDA Wilks’s l p 0:7526, F p

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Figure 4: Differences in Lithophragma floral morphology among plants that interact with Greya politella only, Greya obscura only, both moth species, or neither moth species, using quadratic discriminant analysis. Crosses for each species are the multivariate means, and ellipses are the 95% confidence limits. The biplot rays for L. bolanderi and L. affine indicate the relative contributions of the floral characters to the observed differences for species in which multiple comparisons were possible. Panels on the left show species in the L. campanulatum clade, and panels on the right show species in the L. parviflorum clade. Each axis evaluating three or more groups shows the percentage contri- bution of that canonical axis to the overall discriminant analysis. For comparisons between two groups, loadings are shown vertically as well as horizontally to separate them visually, but their relative contributions are only their vertical projections downward along canonical axis 1. There is no canonical axis 2 for these two-group comparisons.

24:369, df p 7, 519, P ! :0001, no. flowers p 527). In Wilks’s l p 0:8811, F p 1:587, df p 14, 340, P p :08, both species, flowers from populations that interact only with no. flowers p 179). G. politella were narrower than in other populations. Other- We next assessed whether the moths, too, differ in mor- wise, the two plant species differed in the floral traits contrib- phology when they co-occur in the same ecosystem rather uting strongly to divergence mediated by interactions with than isolated from each other. We evaluated morphologi- Greya (table A4). In one additional species, L. heterophyllum, cal traits of the moths known from previous studies to be most populations interacted with both moth species, but a few important during pollination of Lithophragma (Thompson populations interacted with only G. politella. Flowers from et al. 2013). We focused this analysis on the geographic re- the few sites with only G. politella did not differ significantly gion of overlap between the two species, from southwestern in this species from those with both moth species (QDA Oregon to southern California. Both Greya species differed

This content downloaded from on July 30, 2018 12:35:47 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). Diversification of Coevolving Traits 179 in morphology when occurring with the other moth species tern occurred: G. obscura differed in traits when occurr- rather than alone (fig. 5; table A5; QDA Wilks’s l p 0:0522, ing with G. politella, but G. politella did not differ, based F p 235:754, df p 12, 1,379, P ! :0001, no. moths p 528). on overlap of the 95% confidence limits (fig. 6; table A6; The differences were driven most strongly by shifts in ovi- QDA Wilks’s l p 0:0436, F p 102:995, df p 12, 545, P ! positor length and seventh abdominal segment length, al- :0001, no. moths p 213). Hence, divergence of Greya moths though all four characters contributed somewhat to shifts in ecosystems where they occur sympatrically is mediated along these two axes. in part by the particular Lithophragma species with which These overall differences in morphology between sym- they locally interact. The differences in both moth species patric and allopatric moths included any direct effects of were driven mostly by divergence in ovipositor length and the moths on each other and any indirect effects mediated seventh abdominal segment length. by coevolution of each moth species with its local host plant The experiment evaluating the effect of six abiotic grow- species. We were able to evaluate host-associated effects for ing conditions on floral traits showed that the proportion of one species in each of the two Lithophragma clades that are L. cymbalaria plants that produced flowers among treat- pollinated by Greya moths (fig. 6; table A6). These two plant ments did not differ significantly (x2 analysis, x2 p 4:36, species are sufficiently widespread to include populations df p 5, P 1 :499), but the number of flowers per plant dif- that interact with both moth species and other populations fered significantly on plants that produced flowers (GLM, that interact with only one moth species. For moths on x2 p 18:09, df p 5, 55, P 1 :003), ranging among treat- L. bolanderi, G. politella differed in traits when co-occurring ments from a mean of 14.1 to a mean of 53.9 (table A7). Typ- with G. obscura,butG. obscura did not differ, based on ically, only some Lithophragma plants produce flowers in overlap of the 95% confidence limits (fig. 6; table A6; QDA their first year of growth. Hence, these results indicate that Wilks’s l p 0:0271, F p 80:329, df p 12, 331, P ! :0001, the six treatments were sufficiently ecologically realistic that no. moths p 132). For moths on L. affine, the opposite pat- a similar numbers of plants in all treatments reached flow-

Figure 5: Differences in Greya morphology among ecosystems in which with the plants interact with G. politella only, G. obscura only, both moth species, or neither moth species, using quadratic discriminant analysis. Crosses for each species are the multivariate means, and ellipses are the 95% confidence limits. The biplot rays indicate the relative contributions of the morphological characters to the observed differences. Each axis shows the percentage contribution of that canonical axis to the overall discriminant analysis.

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Figure 6: Effect of local Lithophragma host plant species and co-occurrence of Greya moths on divergence of morphological traits in each Greya species, using quadratic discriminant analysis. Crosses for each species are the multivariate means, and ellipses are the 95% confidence limits. The biplot rays indicate the relative contributions of the morphological characters to the observed differences. Each axis shows the percentage contribution of that canonical axis to the overall discriminant analysis. ering, but the treatments were sufficiently different that some acting species as they came together as different subsets in dif- treatments allowed plants to produce many more flowers ferent ecosystems. than other treatments. Within Lithophragma each species has shifted trait com- The large differences in growing conditions, however, had binations in a unique way depending on which Greya spe- little effect on floral size or shape (fig. A2). Eight of the nine cies are present locally, but some general patterns emerge. floral characters did not differ significantly among any of the Flowers from woodland star populations with only G. po- six treatments (ANOVA, all P 1 :05; table A8). Only the litella tend to have trait combinations that include shorter width of the widest petal differed among some treatments pistil heights or narrower flowers than found in other popula- (ANOVA, F p 3:64, df p 5, 52, P p :007; table A8). Hence, tions. These traits have the potential to increase the chance floral size and shape characters associated with pollination that an ovipositing female will contact the stigma with pollen were largely insensitive to a wide range of light, soil, and wa- that is adhering to the base or lower portion of her abdomen. ter conditions. Plants responded to variation in abiotic con- The analyses show that both Greya species have different ditions mostly by altering the number of flowers rather than trait combinations when they occur together rather than the sizes and shapes of flowers. alone, but the selection pressures that may have driven these differences are not known. The results indicate that morpho- logical shifts in the moths depend on the plant species on Discussion which they co-occur locally, but that effect could be either di- The overall results indicate that the traits of woodland stars rect or indirect. There is little indication from previous stud- and Greya moths vary across the latitudinal range of the in- ies of any direct competition between these moth species. teraction depending on whether local woodland star popu- Adult moths rest for long periods of time on flowers, poten- lations interact with one or both Greya species. The trait tially excluding visits by other moths, but a previous study combinations favored in the plants and the moths have indicated only in 1 of 2 years that resting on flowers may expanded as both lineages have diversified in species and limit access to flowers (Thompson et al. 2010). Direct larval come together in different combinations in different eco- competition also seems unlikely, because larvae rarely eat systems. The results therefore suggest that these interac- more than a small proportion of developing seeds. More- tions coevolve as a highly dynamic geographic mosaic that over, G. politella and G. obscura larvae only rarely co-occur has been reshaped repeatedly over time as different combi- in the same plant reproductive tissues. nations of plants and moths have assembled in different More indirectly, parasitoids could to contribute to shifts ecosystems. The overall lack of sensitivity of floral size and in moth morphology and behavior when the moth species shape to the six experimental treatments suggests that the co-occur, and these shifts could depend on the plant species large differences in floral traits observed among Lithophragma locally available to the moths. Braconid wasp parasitoids populations are not environmentally induced. Instead, the search for G. politella and G. obscura larvae on woodland analyses suggest a strong effect of selection imposed by Greya stars and are common in some populations (J. N. Thompson, moths. Identifying these coevolved patterns was possible only personal observation). Past studies suggest that braconid through analysis of trait combinations among all the inter- parasitoids commonly attack the larvae of some other Greya

This content downloaded from on July 30, 2018 12:35:47 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). Diversification of Coevolving Traits 181 moths and impose selection on the moths (Althoff and ulation subdivision, range expansions in some regions, and Thompson 1999). Moreover, these studies have shown that population stability in other regions (Rich et al. 2008; Thomp- some parasitoids differ among populations in how they search son et al. 2011). The current geographic patterns in the local among plant parts when attempting to locate Greya larvae. interactions between the moths and the plants, and the local Hence, selection imposed by parasitoids could affect where differences in the combinations of plant and moth traits, and how G. politella and G. obscura oviposit into woodland probably reflect Pleistocene and post-Pleistocene changes in star tissues. That in turn could affect selection on morpho- geographic ranges. logical traits such as the length of the ovipositor or the Woodland stars and Greya moths may be particularly length of the seventh abdominal segment. Tissue-dependent strong agents of natural selection on each other. The adult risk of parasitoid attack is one of the current working hy- moths take nectar only from the flowers on which they lay potheses to explain why G. obscura oviposits most often into their eggs, mate only on host flowers, and rarely leave the the base of the floral ovary in some woodland star popula- flowers except to fly to another Lithophragma plant to search tions but often into the scape, away from the flowers, in some for nectar or mates. Individuals complete all stages of devel- other populations (Friberg et al. 2016). It could also poten- opment on the host. Hence, fitness of these moths is tied di- tially explain why G. politella females in most populations rectly to their survival and reproduction on their local host. oviposit by piercing the nectary disk to reach the ovary but In turn, the fitness of the plants depends on the moths’ ef- females in at least one population slide through the unfused fects as pollinators in most populations that have been stud- styles to lay eggs (Thompson et al. 2013). These differences in ied. No other specialist insects feed on these plants, and few oviposition behavior affect where the eggs are deposited generalists have been found to attack the plants in any pop- within the floral ovary and, consequently, could affect the ulation during several decades of study throughout the geo- ability of parasitoids to reach eggs or larvae. The possible role graphic range of these interactions. of parasitoids in shaping these interactions is therefore More generally, the ability of woodland stars and Greya strong but not yet evaluated. moths to locally fine-tune their coevolving adaptations may There is great potential for geographic and phylogenetic be a consequence of three aspects of how evolutionary and divergence in these coevolving interactions, because they have coevolutionary selection act on complex traits across eco- been diversifying for millions of years across a wide range systems. Some mathematical models suggest that the degree of habitats. Lithophragma and the saxifrage-feeding Greya of local adaptation within species increases with the number moths are both endemic to western North America (Davis of traits exposed to spatially variable selection (MacPherson et al. 1992; Thompson 2013). Molecular studies have indi- et al. 2015). Also, the coevolutionary process appears to be cated that the plants and the moths have been diversifying particularly adept at favoring and shaping the evolution of for at least 5–10 million years and have probably been inter- complex traits (Zaman et al. 2014) and diverse evolutionary acting for much of that time (Rich et al. 2008; Thompson outcomes (Thompson 2013). Evolutionary feedbacks result- et al. 2011; Deng et al. 2015). Woodland stars are part of the ing from reciprocal selection may therefore fuel the ongoing Heuchera group (sometimes called the Heucherina group) evolution of traits and the fine-tuning of local adaptation. In of the Saxifragaceae, which has radiated widely in western addition, studies of the evolutionary ecology and interac- North America over the past 10 million years (Kuzoff et al. tions between plants and other taxa have repeatedly shown 1999; Deng et al. 2015). During that time, taxa within the that plants can adapt to interactions with other species across Heuchera group have become specialized to different polli- even small spatial scales. In a major review of studies of lo- nator taxa (Soltis and Hufford 2002; Okuyama et al. 2008; cal adaptation in plant populations, Laine (2009) found that Thompson et al. 2013). The interactions between woodland all reviewed species showed evidence of divergent selection stars and Greya moths have further diversified into interac- among populations in the traits involved in interactions with tions that range among species from parasitic to mutualis- other species. tic (Thompson and Fernandez 2006; Thompson et al. 2010, Some floral and insect characters may be among the best 2013). A similar diversification in moth species and ecolog- candidates for local adaptation driven by coevolutionary se- ical outcomes has occurred in the closely related yucca moths, lection. Although floral characters are correlated to varying as they have coevolved with yuccas in western North America degrees, there appears to be much opportunity for selection (Althoff et al. 2005; Segraves et al. 2005). to favor new trait combinations. A review of phenotypic in- During their millions of years of diversification, different tegration for morphological traits found that morphologi- combinations of Greya moths and Lithophragma plants surely cal traits in flowers are less tightly correlated than morpho- have come together repeatedly in different ecological set- logical traits in (Conner et al. 2014). Multiple studies tings as the geographic ranges of the species have expanded have documented strong selection on floral traits mediated and contracted. Phylogeographic analyses of both G. poli- by interactions with pollinators (Anderson et al. 2010; Slet- tella and G. obscura suggest a complex past history of pop- vold and Agren 2010; Agren et al. 2013; Schiestl and John-

This content downloaded from on July 30, 2018 12:35:47 PM All use subject to University of Chicago Press Terms and Conditions (http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/t-and-c). 182 The American Naturalist son 2013; Campbell et al. 2014; Gómez et al. 2015) or the tion of locally interacting species. The combined geographic combined effects of selection imposed by pollinators and and phylogenetic patterns in these responses would be masked herbivores (Cariveau et al. 2004; Sletvold et al. 2015). Floral if all the plants and moths were lumped into a single anal- shapes often converge on similar trait combinations when ysis to assess the overall effects of Greya moths in general on under selection imposed by particular groups of pollinators woodland star plants. The species each evolve in slightly dif- (e.g., bees, moths, flies; Fenster et al. 2004, 2015; Rosas- ferent ways, providing evidence of coevolution as a relent- Guerrero et al. 2014; Johnson and Raguso 2016), and mul- less and highly dynamic process. Amid ongoing fragmenta- tiple studies have shown that plant populations adapt to the tion of habitats worldwide, the conservation of coevolving traits of local pollinators (Pauw et al. 2009; Armbruster et al. interactions may require increased focus on how best to 2011; Gowda and Kress 2012; Temeles et al. 2013; Anderson conserve the multiple evolutionary and ecological solutions et al. 2014). Similarly, studies of experimental evolution in that arise as coevolving lineages diversify among ecosys- and phylogenetic analyses have shown a re- tems. sponse to selection in multiple directions even among par- tially correlated traits (Allen et al. 2008; Brakefield 2010). Hence, the quantitative morphological traits that have di- Acknowledgments verged in Greya and Lithophragma may be particularly re- We thank P. Brakefield, S. Dwiggins, C. Fernandez, J. King- sponsive to subtle selective differences among populations. solver, B. Piculell, R. Raguso, K. Rich, M. T. Waters, and The geographic mosaic of coevolution between wood- J. Velzy for help with data collection, technical help, dis- land stars and Greya moths therefore appears to be driven cussion of the results, or comments on the manuscript. This in part by differences in how pairs or groups of species shape work was supported by National Science Foundation grants the partially correlated traits of each species in different DEB-0073911, DEB-0344147, and DEB-0839853; Trinity Col- ways in different ecosystems. No single plant or moth char- lege, Cambridge; and University of California, Santa Cruz. acter drives the observed patterns. 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