SHIRSHOV INSTITUTE OF OCEANOLOGY CRUISE REPORT No. 71 RV AKADEMIK MSTISLAV KELDYSH CRUISE 23 June – 15 August 2018 North Atlantic Repeat Hydrography of WOCE section along 59.5 N and sill sections between Greenland - Iceland - Faroe Islands and Shetlands Norwegian and Barents Sea Research Principal Scientist S. Gladyshev1 2019 Shirshov Institute of Oceanology 36 Nakhimovskii prospect Moscow 117997 RUSSIA Tel: +7(495) 719 0255 Fax: +7(499) 124 6342 Email :
[email protected] 1Shirshov Institute of Oceanology DOCUMENT DATA SHEET AUTHOR PUBLICATION DATE 2019 GLADYSHEV, S TITLE RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh Cruise 71 , 23 June – 15August 2019. REFERENCE Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Akademik Mstislav Keldysh Cruise Report, No. 71, 103pp. tables & figs. ABSTRACT RV Akademik Mstislav Keldysh Cruise 71 was a contribution to the Russian CLIVAR and State Research Programmes. CTD sections were designed to enable the ocean circulation in the Subpolar gyre of the North Atlantic to be mapped and in particular the course of the North Atlantic, Irminger and East Greenland Currents within the region to be determined. The main goal is to continue annual monitoring of the North Atlantic large-scale circulation and climate changes in the North Atlantic started in 2002. The sections over North Atlantic sills between Iceland - Faroe Islands and Shetlands were carried out to estimate variability of the meridional fluxes and water mass exchange between the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. During the cruise 27 sta. were made in the Labrador Sea. KEYWORDS CRUISE 71 2019, AKADEMIK MSTISLAV KELDYSH, CLIVAR, TRANSATLANTIC SECTION, EAST GREENLAND CURRENT, IRMINGER BASIN, NORTH ATLANTIC SUBPOLAR GYRE, CTD OBSERVATIONS, LADCP, VMADCP, SILLS, THE LABRADOR SEA ISSUING ORGANISATION Shirshov Institute of Oceanology 36 Nakhimovskii prospect Moscow 117997 RUSSIA Active Director: Dr.