Civico Signatures Op

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Civico Signatures Op Signatories of the #WeEuropeans Op-ed Guillaume Klossa (FR), CIVICO Europa Initiator and CoPresident, Author, founder of EuropaNova; Axel Dauchez (FR), CEO and Founder of; Alberto Alemanno (IT), Law Professor, Founder of the Good Lobby; László Andor (HU), Economist, former European Commissioner; Pilar Antelo (ES), Former President of the European Parliament Staff Committee and of the SFIE-EP Trade Union; Jean Arthuis (FR), Chair of the Committee on Budgets, European Parliament; Lionel Baier (CH), Film maker; Pedro Bacelar de Vasconcelos (PT), Member of Parliament, President of the Constitutional Commission; Miklós Barabás (HU), Director of the House of Europe, Budapest; Enrique Baron Crespo (ES), former President of the European Parliament; Mars Di Bartolomeo (LU), President of the Luxembourg Parliament; Sébastien Bazin, Chairman & CEO AccorHotels; Jerôme Bédier (FR), Corporate Manager; Stavros Benos (EL), President of Diazoma association, former Minister; Laurent Berger (FR), Secretary General of the French Democratic Confederation of Labour (CFDT); Brando Benifei (IT), Member of the European Parliament; Anna Bonaiuto (IT), Actress; Jean-Laurent Bonnafé (FR), CEO of BNP Paribas; Sylvain Bonnet (FR), Corporate executive; Ghislain Boula de Mareuil (FR), Lawyer; Franziska Brantner (DE), Member of the Bundestag; Mercedes Bresso (IT), Member of the European Parliament, former President of the European Committee of the Regions; Elmar Brok (DE), Member of the European Parliament, former President of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Fabienne Brugère (FR), philosopher; Philippe de Buck (BE), former General Director of BusinessEurope, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee; Sebastian Burduja (RO), Business entrepreneur, Founding President of PACT for Romania; Massimo Cacciari (IT), Philosopher, former Mayor of Venice and former Member of the European Parliament; Daniel Cohn-Bendit (FR/DE), former President of the « Greens » group, European Parliament; Silvia Costa (IT), Member of the European Parliament; Costa-Gavras (EL), Film Director and Producer; Georgios Dassis (EL), former President of the European Economic and Social Committee; Virgilio Dastoli (IT), President of the Italian European Mouvement; Tremeur Denigot (FR), Director of Communications, CIVICO Europa; Kathrin Deventer (DE), Secretary General of the European Festivals Association (EFA) and Co-director of Europe for Festivals, Festivals for Europe (EFFE); Paul Dujardin (BE), General Director of BOZAR; Pascal Durand (FR), Member of the European Parliament, Isabelle Durant (BE), former Vice Prime Minister, Deputy Secretary General of the UNCTAD; Emmanuel Faber (FR), CEO of Danone; Michele Fiorillo (IT), Philosopher, Coordinator of CIVICO Europa network; Cynthia Fleury (FR), Philosopher and psychoanalyst; Markus Gabriel (DE), Philosopher; Christophe Galfard (FR), Astrophysicist, Writer; Marco Ghetti (IT), President of the civic movement "Per l'Italia con l'Europa"; Roman Goupil (FR), Film maker; Aart de Geus (DE), President of the Bertelsmann Foundation; Felipe Gonzalez (ES), former Prime Minister, former President of the Reflection Group on the Future of Europe (European Council); Sandro Gozi (IT), President of the Union of European Federalists (UEF), former European Affairs Minister; Olivier Guez (FR), Writer and Journalist; Ulrike Guérot (DE), Director, European Democracy Lab; Cristina Hernandez Montanari, (ES), Founder member of Alliance4Europe, Civil servant, European Parliament; Claus Haugaard Sorensen (DK), Humanitarian Advisor, CTG; Hichem Hellara (BE), Founder and President of IHE group; Anne Hidalgo (FR), Mayor of Paris; Danuta Hübner (PL), former European Commissioner, President of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, European Parliament; Luca Jahier (IT), President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC); Lídia Jorge (PT), Novelist; Philippe Journo (FR), Founder of Compagnie de Phalsbourg; Alain Juppé (FR), former Prime Minister, Mayor of Bordeaux; Axel Kahn (FR), Geneticist, Honorary President of the Paris Descartes University; Isabelle Kocher (FR), CEO of Engie; Ivan Krastev (BG), Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies and Permanent Fellow at the IWM; Alain Lamassoure (FR), Member of European Parliament, Former Minister; Lavinia Landru (RO), Journalist; Guillaume Leblanc (FR), Philosopher; Christophe Leclercq (FR), Media entrepreneur and founder of EurActiv; Jo Leinen (DE), Member of the European Parliament; André Loesekrug-Pietri (DE), Founder of ACapital, J.E.D.I. Spokesperson; Eduardo Lourenço (PT), Essayist, Philosopher; Ian McEwan (UK), Novelist, Screenwriter; Denis MacShane (UK), former Minister of State in charge of European Affairs; Riccardo Maraga (IT), Employment Lawyer; Luís Marques Mendes (PT), former Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and former President of the Social Democratic Party; Vitor Martins (PT), Former Secretary of State for European Affairs; Evagoras mavrommatis (CY), Entrepreneur, President of the Cypriot Community in France; Robert Menasse (AT),Writer; Íñigo Méndez de Vigo (ES), Member of the Cortes, former Minister, President of the Administrative Council of the College of Europe; Frédéric Meseuws (BE), Artist; Jean-Pierre Mignard (FR), Lawyer; Radu Mihaileanu (RO), Film Director; Jöelle Milquet (BE), former Vice Prime Minister, Minister; Alexandra Mitsotaki (EL), Founder of ActionAid Hellas, Chair of Action Finance Initiative; Jonathan Moskovic (BE), Founding member of CIVICO Europa, Co-coordinator of the G1000 project; Lindsey Nefesh-Clarke (UK), Founder and Managing Director at Women's WorldWide Web (W4); Ferdinando Nelli Feroci (IT), former Ambassador and Permanent Representative, former European Commissioner, President of the IAI; Kalypso Nicolaïdis (EL), Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford; Catherine Noone (IE), Senator, President of the Irish Citizens’ Assembly; Annika Nyberg Frankenhaeuser (FI), Art Teacher and Media Professional; Johanna Nyman (FI), former President of the European Youth Forum; Philippe Oddo (FR), CEO of ODDO BHF; Birgitta Ohlsson (SE), former Minister for European Union Affairs; Sofi Oksanen (FI), Writer; Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins (PT), Administrator Gulbenkian Foundation, former Minister of Finance and Education; Claudia Olsson (SE), CEO and founder of Exponential AB; Erik Orsenna (FR), Writer; Frédéric Oudéa (FR), CEO of Société Générale; Markku Palipea (EST), Entrepreneur and Futurist; Hermann Parzinger (DE), President of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation and Executive President of Europa Nostra; Eric Philippon (FR), Founder of Famae; Ottavia Piccolo (IT), Actress; Rossen Plevneliev (BG), former President of the Republic; Francesco Profumo (IT), former Minister, President of Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation; Sneska Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic (NL/RS), General Secretary of Europa Nostra; Monica Radu, Présidente du Centre pour l'Innovation et le Développement de l'Europe Démocratique (CIDED); Francesca Ratti (IT), former Deputy Secretary General of the European Parliament, founding member and Co- President of CIVICO Europa; Mart Raudsaar (EE), Managing Director of Estonian Newspaper Association,columnist; Nina Rawal (SE), Head of Life science, Industrifonden; Thomas Reynaud (FR), CEO of the Iliad Group; Stéphane Richard (FR), CEO of Orange; Ricardo Rivero Ortega (ES), Rector of the Salamanca University; Maria João Rodrigues (PT), former Minister, Vice-President of the Socialist and Democrats Group, European Parliament; Robin Rivaton (FR), Writer; Petre Roman (RO), former Prime Minister; Taavi Roivas (EST), former Prime Minister; Jochen Sandig (DE), Director of the Sasha Waltz and Guests dance company; Fernando Savater (ES) Philosopher; Roberto Saviano (IT),Writer; Elly Schlein (IT), Member of the European Parliament; Luísa Schmidt (PT), Sociologist and Principal Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon; Nicolas Schmit (LU), former Minister for Labour, Employment, and Immigration; Gesine Schwan (DE), President of the governance platform Humboldt- Viadrina; Denis Simonneau (FR), President of EuropaNova; Benjamin Spark (BE), Artist; Philippe Starck (FR), Designer; Sonja Stuchtey (DE), Founder of Alliance4Europe; Farid Tabarki (NL), Founding Director of Studio Zeitgeist; Wolfgang Tillmans (DE), Photographer and Plastic Artist; Petros G. Themelis (EL), Professor of classical archaeology, Director of the Messene Projet; Taavi Toom (EE), Spokesperson of Estonia 200 on Foreign and European Affairs, former Ambassador; Kirsten van den Hul (NL), Writer, Editorialist; René van der Linden (NL), former President of the Netherlands’ Senate and former President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe; Guy Verhofstadt (BE), former Prime Minister, President of the ALDE Group, European Parliament; Vaira Vike Freiberga (LT), former President of the Latvian Republic; Álvaro Vasconcelos, founder of Forum Demos, former Director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies; Harry Verwayen (NL), Executive Director of Europeana; Nicolas Vignolles (FR), Director of Public Affairs and Communication,, former Political Advisor of the Minister of Culture; Cédric Villani (FR), Mathematician, Fields Medal awardee, Member of Parliament; Pietro Vimont (FR/IT), Founding member, CIVICO Europa; Luca Visentini (IT), General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation; Leendert de Voogd (NL) ), Corporate Manager; Jean-Louis Vullierme (FR), Philosopher; Sasha Waltz (DE), Dancer and Choreographer; Wim Wenders (DE) Film maker. .
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