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Li-.11:1-3779Rothiliat Mach Admission Tone 440Imination Based Di;COMENT,BESUME, , E-D111786 'SE 0616 803 TITLE Hearings Before theSubcommittee No. 2 of the Committee on Armed. Services, House of 45. 'Representatives, Ninety -Third Congress, Second ( Session on H.R. 9832 to Eliminate Discrimination Based on Sex with Respect to the Appointment and Admission of Perspns to the Service Academies and . H.R. 10705, H.R. 11267, H.R. 11268, H.R. 11711, and Li-.11:1-3779roThIliat Mach Admission tone Service Academies Shall Be Made Without Regard to a CandidatesSex, Race, Color, or Religious Beliefs. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House Commitre on Armed Services. REPORT NO HASC-4 -9, PUB DATE . 75 NOTE 304p. AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of Documents,*T.S.Government Printing 'Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 ($2.75) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC- $15.86 Plus Postage DESCRIPTORS *EducationalDiscrimination;..*Federal,Legislition;,., *Higher Education; *Military Personnel; *Migitary Schools; Racial Discrimination; Religious Discrimination; Sex Discrimination ABSTRACT , P . H.R. 9832 isa- billto43.4ting,t 440imination based . on sex, wi respect to .the appointment-and ad ission of persons to t the servidelacademies. H.R. 10705, H.R. 11267'1-H.R. ii68, H.R. 6 ' 11711, and H.R.-12,729 are bills toinsurethat each,diisSion to the seriO.ce academies shall be made without regard' to accandidates, sex, race, or religious beliefs.- The hearings forthese bills were held before the SubcOmmittee Number 2 of the Committee on Armed Services,, House of Representatives, Nine third Congress, Second Sessioh. (Author) , I ,> *******4*************************************************/********** * Documents acqUired by ERIC include many informal unpublished 4; * materials not available from. other sources,. ERIC makes everyeffort * ,* to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of'marginal * 0 * reproducibility. are often-encountered and this affects thequality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makesavailable * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRSis not * * responsible. for the *quality of the original document. Reproductions* * supplied by EDRS, are the'best that can be made from theoriginal. * ******************,*#**************14*********************************** . \ .. .. 1. '-. *, tH.A.S.C. No. 94-9] CO p '171EARINGS ON H.R. 9832 TO ELIMINATE DISCRIMINATION BASED ONSEX WITH RESPECTTOTHE---APPOINTM-PINT- ADMISSION OF- PERSONS TO THE SERVICE ACADEMIES AND H.R. 10705, H.R. 1-1267, ER. 11268,, H.R.11711, AND H.R. 13729 TO INSURE THAT EACH ADMISSION TO THE 'SERVICE ACADEMES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUTREGARD TO A CANDIDATE'S SEX, RACE, COLOR, OE RELIGIOUS-BELIEFS BEFORE of SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 2 OF THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-THIRD CONGRESS SECOND SESS N HEARINGS OD MAY 29; JpIE/ 4, 5, 12, 18, 19; 'JULY 16, 18; AUTiST 8, 1974 OF HEALTH, U S DEPARTMENT / EDUCATIONi WELFARE / 0 NATIONAL 'INSTITUTE EDUCATION PAS B N REPRO TN'S OcCuMENT RI ..ERED PROM DUCE!) CXACLY AS AT C/N OR KAN THE PCRIDI, uR OPC,A //.4,N OP OFHN1ONS ATM° .1 PQ,NTS ,SARILY REPRE STATED CO NOT NICE tTUT EOF SENT OPPIC.AS NATONA POSTION OR POL,CY EDUCATION S -)U.S.GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 67-046 0 WASHINGTON :1976 For sale by the SuPerIntorident of Documents, U.S. Eloiirnment Printing Office ' Washington, D.C. 20402 -Price 32.75 , , SUBCOMMITTEE NO. 2 93d Congress (Military Personnel) 0. C. FIRMA, Texas, Chairman LUCIEN N. NEDZI, Michigan WILLIAM L. DICKINSON, Alabama DAN DANIEL, Virginia WALTER E. POWELL. Ohio 0. V. (SONNY) MONTGOMERY. MississippiDAVID C. TREEN. Louisiana NIARTO/IIP. S. HOLT, Maryland CHARLES H. WILSON, California ELWOOD H. HILLIS, Indiana WILLLtm H. HOOD, Jr., Counsel (a) .....* CONTENTS Wednesday, May 29, 1974: rage H.R. 9832. < 2 H.R. 10Z05 ., H.R. 1126'7 8' . 11 H.R. 11711 14 H.R. 13729 17 Department of Defense views on H.R. 10705, correspondencefrom W. P. Clements, Deputy Secretary of Defense 20 Schroeder', Hon. Patricia, Representative from Colorado 21 Stratton, Hon. Samuel S., Representative from Nev York 35 Tuesday, June 4, 1974: . du Pont, Hon. Pierre S., Representative from Delaware_ 51 Faseell, Hon. Dante B., Representative from Florida 56 Frenzel, Hon. Bill, Representative from Minnesota' 59 Wednesday, June 5, 1974: Hoffmann, Hon. Martin R., General Counsel, Department of Defense_ 65 Benade, Lt. Gen. Leo C., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for - Military Personnel,. ,. 72 Wednesday, June 12, 1974: /' Middendorf, Hon. J. William, 14 Seere ry of the Nayy 89 Mack, Vice Adm. William P. .,nperindent, U.S. Naval Academy_ 90 Bagley, Vice Adm. David, Chief <IA N, al Operations 106 Bagley, Vice Adm. Worth, Cpief of Naval Operations 128 Tuesday, June 18, 1974: A McLucas, Hon. John L., Secrethry of the Air Force 131 Brown, Gen. George S., Chief ofStaff of the 'Air Force > 133 Clark, Lt. Gen. A. ,P:-. StrperintAndent, U.S. Air Force Academy 134 Wednesday, June 19, 19-74 7 , . Callaway, Hon, Howard,H:, Setretary of the Army 160 Address of Gen. Dbuolaff MacArthur, U.S. Military Academy, May 12, 1962.;-../ 162 Analysis ,f Federal/laws regarding women in combat roles and admissi n to WeAt /Point 180 Weyand, a, laic hief of Staff, U.S. Army 166 Knowlton,Lt. 'G 'Willi A.,Superintendent, U.S.Military Academy 119648 .e Compariso 'estoint and ROTC programs Kirby, Lt. M. , Wes Point graduate, class of 1974 2Ci1'J . Townes, Ca aptain Stephen, first-classman, West Point Military Aeade 202 Tuesday, Julj19"1 4: Dondy, .i-.irgi ia M., Center for Women Policy Studies 211 Gates,s. Marg ret, Center for Women Policy Studies 215 Marti , Thomas, Center for Women Policy Studies,. 216 Ell. on-Brooks, Ms. 'Glenn, Director, Veterans Affairs, Women's/ zz bby, Inc_ , 224 urris, Ms. Carol, President, Women's Lobby, Inc 224 King, Lt. Col. Grace M., U.S. Army Reserve 226 Wells, Miss Susan_ 237 Thursday, July 18, 1t74: , Fraser, Hon. Donald M., Representative from Minnesota- 241 Stark, Hon. Fortney H.,.Representative from California_ 248 Cochran, Miss Jacqueline 254 Edwards, Hon. Don, RepresentatiVe from California 264 (171) Thtirsday, July 18, 1974Continued / ' Page Rangel, ton. Charles B., Representative from New York 265 Won Pat, Hon. Antonio B., Delegate from the Territory of Pherto Rico ,. 266 Dellums, Hon. Ronald V., Representative from California 267 Burke, Hon. Yvonne B., Representative from California 267 Hansen, Hon. Julia Butler, Representative from Washington 268 Hathaway, Hon. William D. Senator from. Maine .269 Hogan, Hon. Lawrence J., Representative from Maryland 269 Mester, Hon. Edward G., Representative from Pennsylvania 2 Holtzman, Hon. Elizabe S . 272 ara, Representative from Texas ' 273 Dent, Hon. John H., Representative from Pennsylvania .. 274 Gale, Mary Ellen, counsel, American Civil Liberties Union 283 Thursday, August 8, 1974: -Nroa Van Doren, A, Reading, Jr., General Counsel, Maritime Adminis- tration i 287 Jenkins, Comdr. Emmanuel L., Director of Admissions, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy 288 SUBCOMMITTEE )N MILITARY RSONNEL HEARINGS ON H.R. 9832 TO ELIMINATE DISCRIMINAON BASED ON stx WITH RESPECT TO THE APPOINT/4NT ADMISSION OF PERSONS TO THE SERVICE ACADEMIES; H 10705, H.R. 11267, H.R. 11268, ,H.R. 11711, AND H.R. 13729, TINSURE THAT EACH ADMISSION TO THE SERVICE ACADEMIES L BE MADE WITHOUT REGARD TO A CANDIDATE'S SEX, CE, COLOR, OR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, V COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, SUBCOMMITTEE No. 2, Washington, D.C., Wednesday, May 29, 1974. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 10:10 a.m. in room 2118, Rayburn House Office Building, Hon. 0. C. Fisher (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding.. - Mr. FISHER. The committee will come to order: , This morning we meet to commence hearings on several measures that would admit qualified apPlicantS tothe, service, academies regardleskof sex, race, color, or religious beliefs. I want to indicate for the recorc that I announced these hearings in a 1-minute speech on the floor o* May 15, 1994, and issued a press release on the, same day. In addition, we notified personally each Member who joined in sponsoring legislation, on the subject. We are scheduled to commence .recent g testimony today. from Members of Congress and in future sessions will hear from represent- atives of the Department of Defense, the service academies, and others. We welcome as witnesses here this morning our colleagues on the Armed Services Committee, and we have scheduled hearings next Tuesday, June 4, to"hear from other MemberS'of Congress. We will make the bills and the report a part of the record at this .point. [The bills and report follow:] MD CONGRESS hr Szsarcer R. 9832 -0. IN TIE HOUSE OF .AcousT 291973 Mr. MoAlitxr introduced the following bill; whichwas referred to the Com- mittee on Armed tierviepq B To eliminate discrimination based on sex with respectto the appointthent andadmissionofpersonstothe service academies. 1 Be it enacted- by the Senate and House of Representa- . tives of the United States or l.merica in Congress assembled, 3_ :That in the administration of chapter 403 of title IQ, milted 4States Code, (relating to the United States :Ifilitaty,Aad- 5eniy), chapter 603 of such title(relating to thetUtited 6States Naval Academy), and, chapter 903 of such title (re- , 7lating to the United Stiate: Air Force Academy), the Seere- 8, tary of the military department concerned shall dike- Ltdt 9 'action as may be necessary and appropriate)p inpure;1 that 10female individuals shall be eligible for appointmenianad- I 1,mission to the service academy concerned and that the aea- 2demic and other relevant standard: required for the appoint- 3meat and admission of female individuals 'shall be the .sine 4as those required for the appointment and admission of male 5individuals. "DiSTWSL\ESS.G1?8 H R. 10705 IN THE HOUSE 01? REPRESENTATIVES , 0i,-roann 3,1973 Mr.Dt;PONT introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Com- mittee on Armed Sehrices A BILL To insure that each admission to the service academies shall be made without regard to a candidate's sex, race, coldr, or religious beliefs.
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