NF-κB inhibits T-cell activation-induced, p73-dependent cell death by induction of MDM2

Valere Busuttila,1, Nathalie Droina,b,1, Laura McCormicka, Francesca Bernassolac, Eleonora Candic, Gerry Melinoc,d, and Douglas R. Greena,2

aDepartment of Immunology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN 38105; bHematopoiesis Unit, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale U1009, Institut de Recherche Intégrée en Cancérologie de Villejuif, Institut Gustave Roussy, 94805 Villejuif, France; cDepartment of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical Sciences, Biochemistry Laboratory, Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata,” 00133 Rome, Italy; and dMedical Research Council Toxicology Unit, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 9HN, United Kingdom

Edited by Tak Wah Mak, The Campbell Family Institute for Breast Cancer Research, Ontario Cancer Institute at Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada, and approved September 8, 2010 (received for review May 5, 2010) NF-κB is a key transcription factor involved in the regulation of T-cell have not been identified to date. Interestingly, NF-κB has been activation and proliferation upon engagement of the T-cell receptor shown to induce MDM2 expression in mouse embryonic fibro- (TCR). T cells that lack the IκB kinase (IKKβ) are unable to activate blasts (19), as an NF-κB–responsive element has been identified in NF-κB, and rapidly undergo apoptosis upon activation. NF-κBacti- intron 1 of MDM2. vation following T-cell receptor engagement induces the expression Here, we explore the role of NF-κB in the expression of MDM2 of Mdm2 through interaction with NF-κB sites in its P1 promoter, in activated T cells and its role in preventing p73-dependent, and enforced expression of Mdm2 protected T cells deficient for activation-induced apoptosis. We further identify BIM as a p73 NF-κB activation from activation-induced cell death. In T cells with target in T lymphocytes, required for this form of AICD. intact NF-κB signaling, ablation or pharmacologic inhibition of Mdm2 resulted in activation-induced apoptosis. Mdm2 coprecipi- Results tates with p73 in activated T cells, and apoptosis induced by inhibi- To generate T cells defective in NF-κB signaling, we bred −/− −/− tion of Mdm2 was p73-dependent. Further, Bim was identified as Ikkβ Tnfr1 animals to rescue the embryonic lethality seen −/− +/+ −/− a p73 target required for cell death induced by Mdm2 inhibi- in Ikkβ mice. Splenic T cells from 7-d-old Ikkβ Tnfr1 −/− −/− +/+ tion, and a p73-responsive element in intron 1 of Bim was charac- or Ikkβ Tnfr1 mice (hereafter referred to as Ikkβ or −/− terized. Our results demonstrate a pathway for survival of activated Ikkβ ) were stimulated with anti-CD3 plus anti-CD28, and as T cells through NF-κB–induced Mdm2, which blocks Bim-dependent expected (5), apoptosis was dramatically elevated in activated −/− apoptosis through binding and inhibition of p73. Ikkβ T cells (Fig. S1 A and B). Similarly, we found that Jurkat T cells, stably expressing an IκBαM superrepressor (20), un- apoptosis | T lymphocyte | Bim derwent apoptosis upon stimulation with anti-CD3, whereas cells stably transduced with a control vector did not (Fig. S1C). uring the course of an immune response, activated T lym- In mouse embryonic fibroblasts, NF-κB has been observed to Dphocytes undergo cell death by a variety of mechanisms (1). drive the expression of MDM2, which regulates p53 function (19). Such activation-induced cell death (AICD) can be mediated by Similarly, in both primary T cells (Fig. 1 A and C) and Jurkat cells expression of death ligands of the TNF family, including CD95 (Fig. 1 B and D), activation led to increased mRNA and −/− ligand (1) and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (2), and the expression of MDM2. Ikkβ T cells and Jurkat cells expressing engagement of their respective receptors. An independent mech- IκBαM did not display increased MDM2 following activation. anism of AICD involves the expression and stabilization of the We next asked if the expression of MDM2 participates in NF- proapoptotic BCL-2 protein, BIM (3). Another, less well charac- κB–dependent cell survival following T-cell activation. To ectop- IMMUNOLOGY terized mode of AICD in T cells involves engagement of the p53 ically express MDM2 in primary T cells, we optimized transduction family member p73 (4). Intriguingly, this mechanism of T-cell to achieve expression of GFP in almost 50% of primary cells (Fig. death appears to be inhibited by the function of the transcription S2C). We introduced a construct for transient expression of −/− factor NF-κB, as T cells expressing a nondegradable mutant of its MDM2 in Ikkβ T cells before activation with anti-CD3 plus inhibitor, IκB, undergo AICD in a p73-dependent manner (5). anti-CD28 (Fig. 1E and Fig. S2A). Although activation of Ikkβ-null Upon ligation of the T-cell receptor (TCR) and coreceptors, T cells resulted in extensive cell death, enforced expression of T cells activate NF-κB via the IκB kinase (IKK) complex, com- MDM2 inhibited apoptosis. posed of IKKα,IKKβ, and IKKγ/NEMO (6). T cells deficient in Similarly, we stably enforced MDM2 expression in Jurkat cells NF-κB components (7) or lacking IKKβ (8, 9) develop normally with or without IκBαM superrepressor (Fig. S2B). Although acti- provided TNFR1 is disrupted (10), but display defective pro- vation of Jurkat cells with anti-CD3 resulted in apoptosis in cells liferation (11) and accumulation of memory T cells (12, 13). expressing IκBαM superrepressor, this cell death was inhibited by The p53 family of includes p53, p63, and p73, and forms MDM2, but not by stable transduction with the control vector of these proteins produced by alternative splicing and/or alterna- (Fig. 1F). tive translation-start sites (14). A critical regulator of p53 is the E3- ubiquitin ligase, murine double minute-2 (MDM2), which binds directly to the NH2 terminus of p53 in the nucleus, inhibiting its Author contributions: V.B., N.D., and D.R.G. designed research; V.B. and N.D. performed transcriptional activity (15). The MDM2–p53 complex shuttles research; V.B., N.D., L. M., F.B., and E.C. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; V.B., from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, where MDM2 targets p53 for N.D., G.M., and D.R.G. analyzed data; and V.B., N.D., G.M., and D.R.G. wrote the paper. proteasome-dependent degradation. MDM2 also binds to p73 and The authors declare no conflict of interest. inhibits its transcriptional activity, but does not target p73 for This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. degradation (16). 1V.B. and N.D. contributed equally to this work. Expression of murine and human MDM2 is under the control of 2To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. two promoters, P1 and P2 (17, 18). Whereas P2 is driven by p53 This article contains supporting information online at (17), transcription factors responsible for P1-mediated expression 1073/pnas.1006163107/-/DCSupplemental. PNAS | October 19, 2010 | vol. 107 | no. 42 | 18061–18066 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 12000 3000 Human Mdm2 A Ikk Tnfr1 -/- Mdm2 B LXSN-Jurkat -/- Ikk Tnfr1 I BM-Jurkat A Mdm2 promoter 1 -CD3/CD28 GFP 2000 8000 -CD3 0 1h B2 GFP 2h

1000 4000 B1 GFP

B1 B2 GFP mRNA expression (relative to L32) (relative expression mRNA

0 to PPIA) (relative expression mRNA 0 pGlow Time (h): 0 1 2 3 12 18 24 Time (h): 0 0.5 1 2 4 8 12 24 2000 6000 10000 14000 18000 22000 26000 C D GFP mRNA expression (relative) Ikk Ikk -/- LXSN-Jurkat I BM-Jurkat Cold Probe: + Tnfr1 -/- Tnfr1 -/- 150 B -CD3 (h):0 0.5 1 2 3 4 3 114 100 Human 81 MDM2 MDM2 75 61 Actin 37 LDH 36 B1 0 24 0 24 0 0.5 1 2 4 0 0.5 1 2 4 Time (h) -CD3/CD28 Time (hours) -CD3 Cold Probe: + C -CD3 (h): 0 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 2 E 70 Ikk -/- Tnfr1 -/- pcDNA F 60 LXSN-pCEP4 Ikk -/- Tnfr1 -/- MDM2 LXSN-MDM2 60 50 I BM-pCEP4 50 I BM-MDM2 40 40 B2 30 30 20 Cold Probe - - - - - + - - - - - + 20 D Anti-RelA/p65 - - - - + - - - - - + - Apoptotic cells (%) Apoptotic cells (%) 10 10 Anti-p50 - - - + - - - - - + - - - CD3/CD28 -CD3 Anti-c-Rel - - + - - - - - + - - - 0 0 Anti-RelB - + - - - - - + - - - - Time (h): 0 12 24 36 48 Time (h): 0 24 48 72

− − − − Fig. 1. Impaired Mdm2 up-regulation in primary Ikkβ / Tnfr1 / and IκBM- Jurkat T cells upon TCR activation. (A) Total mRNA was isolated from anti- − − − − − − mCD3/anti-mCD28 activated Ikkβ+/+Tnfr1 / and Ikkβ / Tnfr1 / lymphocytes Non and assessed by real-time RT-PCR for Mdm2 mRNA expression. Absolute specific mRNA values were determined, normalized to L32, and reported as arbitrary 0 -CD3 B2 units. (B) Total mRNA was isolated from anti-hCD3 (OKT3) activated LXSN- κ and I BM-Jurkat T cells and assessed by real-time RT-PCR for human Mdm2 140 Human Mdm2 100 human I B mRNA expression. Absolute mRNA values were determined, normalized to E prom B1 − − 120 prom B Cyclophylin (PPIA), and reported as arbitrary units. (C) Ikkβ+/+Tnfr1 / and − − − − 80 Ikkβ / Tnfr1 / lymphocytes were activated for 24 h with anti-mCD3/anti- 100

mCD28. MDM2 and Actin protein expression was detected by immuno- 80 60 blotting. (D) LXSN- and IκBM-Jurkat T cells were activated with anti-hCD3 60 (OKT3) for the indicated times. Human MDM2 and lactate dehydrogenase 40 − − β / 40 protein expression were assessed by Western blotting. (E) Primary Ikk Relative recruitment −/− Relative recruitment 20 Tnfr1 lymphocytes were transiently transfected with pcDNA or pcDNA- 20 MDM2 for 13 h and then activated for the indicated times with anti-mCD3/ 0 0 anti-mCD28. Apoptotic T cells were determined visually by nuclear chro- 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 matin staining with Hoechst 33342 dye. (F) The indicated cell lines were RelA RelB c-Rel p50 HA RelA RelB c-Rel p50 HA /p65 NLS /p65 NLS activated with soluble anti-hCD3 (OKT3) for the indicated time and apo- ptotic cells were counted as in E. Fig. 2. NF-κB regulates Mdm2 promoter 1.(A) LXSN-Jurkat T cells were cotransfected with the indicated GFP reporter plasmids with or without κB1 and κB2 sites and stimulated for 1 and 2 h with anti-hCD3 (OKT3). GFP mRNA We identified six potential NF-κB sites in the human Mdm2 was analyzed by real-time RT-PCR and normalized to LacZ mRNA expression promoter (Fig. S3A) and found that two were active in reporter as a transfection efficiency control. (B)NF-κB binding to a DNA probe con- assays and electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs; Fig. 2 taining the κB1-binding site in the human Mdm2 P1 promoter. Nuclear A–C κ κ extracts were prepared from LXSN-Jurkat T cells treated with anti-hCD3 ). These sites in the P1 promoter, denoted B1 and B2 (Fig. 32 A A (OKT3) for the indicated time and incubated with a γ P-labeled double- S3 ), drove reporter expression in activated Jurkat cells (Fig. 2 ). κ κ stranded oligonucleotide probe corresponding to the putative NF- B site in EMSA analysis showed binding to B1 following T cell activation the P1 promoter region. Specificity of binding to the κB sites was shown by (Fig. 2B). Consistent with earlier reports for other κB sites (21), competition with double-stranded oligonucleotides (cold probe). The arrow NF-κB binding activity to the κB1 site appeared in two waves. indicates specific binding. (C)AsinB, use of a DNA probe containing the Similarly, an observed background binding for κB2 was increased κB2-binding site in the human Mdm2 P1 promoter region. The arrows in- upon treatment with anti-CD3 (Fig. 2C). To explore the latter dicate specific binding. (D)AsinC, use of the DNA probe containing the κB2- binding in more detail, we performed neutralization studies with binding site with the addition of against p65/RelA, p50, c-Rel, and κ D RelB to identify the subunits present in the bound complexes (arrows in- antibodies to NF- B components (Fig. 2 ). We observed no role fi κ for c-Rel or RelB in the binding, but inhibition with anti-p50 an- dicate p50/p65, p50/p50, and nonspeci c complexes). (E) ChIP of NF- B proteins detects NF-κB site in the human Mdm2 P1 promoter. Jurkat T cells tibody blocked both background and enhanced binding following were activated with anti-hCD3 (OKT3) for 2 h and ChIP was performed with activation. Addition of anti-RelA caused the appearance the indicated antibodies. DNA was probed by quantitative PCR for the in- of a different band, likely to be a p50 homodimer (22, 23). Thus, it dicated sequences. Activation resulted in binding of p65 and p50 to both the is likely that, upon activation, p50/RelA binds to the κB2 site in the established NF-κB site in the human IκB promoter and the κB1 site in the Mdm2 P1 promoter. human Mdm2 promoter.

18062 | Busuttil et al. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 A B To further analyze the binding of NF-κB to the κB1 site, chro- matin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis was performed (Fig. 2E). The κB site in the IκB promoter (24) was used as a control. ChIP with anti-p50 precipitated both elements in resting and ac- tivated Jurkat T cells, whereas anti-RelA precipitated the elements only in activated T cells. Precipitation with anti–c-Rel was also observed. Together, these results implicate p50/RelA (and possi- bly p50/c-Rel) heterodimers in driving the Mdm2 P1 promoter following T-cell activation. Consistent with a role for p50/RelA in Mdm2 promoter activation, we found that both κB1 and κB2 promoter reporter expression was induced by coexpression of p50 and RelA in Jurkat cells (Fig. S3B) and primary T cells (Fig. S3C). C A role for p53 in this AICD, however, was unlikely, as Jurkat T cells lack p53 (25), and we were unable to detect significant p53 stabilization following activation of primary Ikkβ-deficient T cells. Previous studies (5, 26) had shown that cell death in activated T cells expressing an IκB superrepressor is dependent on the p53 family member p73. As described earlier (4), we detected in- duction of p73 mRNA expression by T-cell activation in both primary T cells and Jurkat cells, and this was unaffected by NF-κB status (Fig. 3 A and B). We therefore immunoprecipitated MDM2 D G from activated, primary WT T cells (Fig. 3C and Fig. S4 A and B). We found that p73 coprecipitated with MDM2 from activated but not resting T cells. The identification of p73 was validated using lysates from p73-deficient T cells (Fig. S4A). The effect of an MDM2 inhibitor on the binding of MDM2 to p73 was then ex- amined. Chalcone is an MDM2 inhibitor that binds to MDM2 and competes for p53 binding (27). We found that chalcone effectively blocked the coprecipitation of p73 with MDM2 (Fig. S4B). The presence of chalcone had only a minor effect on levels of p73 following activation (Fig. 3D). This is consistent with the obser- vations that MDM2 binds to and blocks the function of p73, but E does not induce its degradation (16, 28). Further, we found that whereas the presence of chalcone promoted activation-induced apoptosis in WT T cells, T cells lacking p73 were strikingly resistant to this effect (Fig. 3E). In contrast, T cells lacking p53 were fully sensitive to activation-induced apoptosis in the presence of chal- cone (Fig. 3F). Genetic ablation of MDM2 is embryonically lethal, but can be rescued by deletion of p53 (29, 30). We therefore examined the role of MDM2 in activated T-cell survival by comparing T cells F −/− +/+ −/− −/− from p53 Mdm2 and p53 Mdm2 mice (Fig. 3G). Strik- ingly, the absence of MDM2 resulted in dramatic AICD in these T cells. Together, our results show that expression and function of IMMUNOLOGY MDM2 upon T-cell activation is required for survival of the cells. The transcriptional targets of p53 and p73 are distinct, but overlapping (31). The proapoptotic BH3-only proteins PUMA (32) and BID (33) are p53 targets required for p53-mediated apoptosis in different tissues. PUMA is also a transcriptional target of p73 (34–36). We therefore examined the expression of Puma Bid Ikkβ+/+ Ikkβ−/− − − − − and following activation of and T cells Fig. 3. Ikkβ / Tnfr1 / and IκBM-Jurkat T cells express TAp73 upon TCR A β+/+ −/− β−/− −/− (Fig. 4 ). In addition, we also examined the expression of an- activation. (A) Primary Ikk Tnfr1 and Ikk Tnfr1 lymphocytes were other BH3-only protein, BIM, which is not a known p53 target, stimulated with anti-mCD3/anti-mCD28 for the indicated times. Total mRNA was isolated and assessed by real-time RT-PCR for TAp73 mRNA expression. Absolute mRNA values were determined, normalized to Cyclophylin (PPIA), − − and reported as arbitrary units. (B) LXSN- and IκBM-Jurkat T cells were (E) Primary T cells isolated from p73 / and p73+/+ mice were activated with stimulated with anti-hCD3 for the indicated times. Total mRNA was isolated plate-bound anti-mCD3/anti-mCD28 for the indicated times in the presence and assessed by real-time RT-PCR for p73 mRNA expression. Absolute mRNA of the indicated concentration of MDM2 inhibitor (chalcone) and were an- values were determined, normalized to Cyclophylin (PPIA), and reported as alyzed by flow cytometry for AlloPhycoCyanin (APC)-conjugated annexin V arbitrary units. (C) Primary T cells from C57BL/6 mice were untreated or staining. Percentages of annexin V-positive cells are indicated. (F) Primary − − stimulated for 24 h with plate-bound anti-mCD3/anti-mCD28. Immunopre- T cells isolated from p53 / and p53+/+ mice were activated with plate-bound cipitations (IP) with an anti-MDM2 Ab or isotype control were followed by anti-mCD3/anti-mCD28 for the indicated times in the presence of the in- immunoblot detection of MDM2 and p73 with HRP-coupled antibodies. dicated concentration of MDM2 inhibitor (chalcone) and were analyzed by Controls include the Ab isotype alone (IP IgG1) and beads incubated in the flow cytometry for APC-conjugated annexin V staining. Percentages of absence of Ab (beads). (Top) IP, anti-Mdm2; WB, anti-Mdm2. (Bottom)IP, Annexin V-positive cells are indicated. (G) Primary T cells isolated from p53−/− anti-Mdm2; WB, anti-p73. (D) WT primary T cells were activated for 48 h with and Mdm2−/− × p53−/− double KO mice were activated with plate-bound plate-bound anti-mCD3/anti-mCD28 in the presence or absence of increasing anti-mCD3/anti-mCD28 for the indicated times and were analyzed by Flow concentrations of MDM2 inhibitor (chalcone). Total cellular proteins were cytometry for APC-conjugated annexin V staining. Percentages of annexin isolated. p73 and Actin protein expression was assessed by immunoblotting. V-positive cells are indicated.

Busuttil et al. PNAS | October 19, 2010 | vol. 107 | no. 42 | 18063 Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 Ikk +/+ Tnfr1-/- Ikk -/- Tnfr1-/- Bim promoter 2 A A Vector 7 2000 p73 +

L32 ) Puma 2000 WT Bid BimEL MDM2 6 p73 + Mutant 1600 1600 5 pCEP4 pcDNA 1200 1200 4 + pCEP4 3 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 800 800 GFP mRNA expression (relative) 2 ‘ 400 400 1

mRNA expression (relative to (relative expression mRNA B 0 0 0 0 Time (h): 0 12 24 0244872 0244872

BM 4 I 7 4 12 B Bim+/+ BimEL D p73+/+ BimEL 6 Bim-/- p73-/- 0 5 3 Bim promoter 2 4 4 Vector -CD3 stimulation (h)

2 LXSN WT 3 12 Mutant 2 1 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 1 mRNA expression (fold) expression mRNA mRNA expression (fold) expression mRNA GFP mRNA expression (relative) 0 0 LXSN Chalcone ( M): 0051025Chalcone ( M): 0051025 C D 400 I BM -CD3/CD28: - ++++ -CD3/CD28: - ++++ p73+/+ p73-/- Time (18 hours) Time (6 hours) BimEL 300 Chalcone ( M): 0 5 10 25 0 5 10 25 -CD3/CD28: +++ ++++ + 100 C +/+ 200 25 90 Bim WB: Bim Bim -/- 80 100 WB: Actin 37 70 Time (48 hours) 60 to hprt) (relative expression mRNA 0 50 Time (h): 06 40 30 E -CD3 -CD28 20

Annexin V positive cells (%) V Annexin 10 0 Chalcone ( M): 00510250 5 10 25 0 5 10 25 Bim -CD3/CD28: -+++ + ++++ ++++ NF- B Mdm2 p73 Time (h): 24 48 72 transcription transcription Chalcone Fig. 4. p73 regulates Bim after TCR costimulation. (A) − − − − − − (inhibitor) Primary lymphocytes from Ikkβ+/+Tnfr1 / and Ikkβ / Tnfr1 / mice were Death activated with plate-bound anti-mCD3/anti-mCD28 for the indicated times. Fig. 5. p73 binds and activates the bim promoter. (A) LXSN-Jurkat T cells Total mRNA was isolated and assessed by real-time RT-PCR for Puma, Bid, were cotransfected with different constructs expressing human p73-α in the and BimEL mRNA expression. Absolute mRNA values were determined, − − presence or not of Mdm2 with the indicated GFP reporter plasmids with WT normalized to L32, and reported as arbitrary units. (B) Primary Bim / and +/+ p73 site (white bars), mutated p73 site (black bars), or empty vector (gray Bim T cells were activated with plate-bound anti-mCD3/anti-mCD28 for 18 bars). GFP mRNA was analyzed by real-time RT-PCR and normalized to LacZ h in the presence or absence of MDM2 inhibitor (chalcone). Total mRNA was mRNA expression as a transfection efficiency control. (B) LXSN- and IκBM- isolated and assessed by real-time RT-PCR for BimEL mRNA expression. (C) −/− +/+ Jurkat T cells were cotransfected with the indicated GFP reporter plasmids Primary T cells isolated from Bim and Bim mice were activated with without (gray bars) or with WT p73 site (white bars) or mutated p73 site plate-bound anti-mCD3/anti-mCD28 for the indicated times in the presence (black bars) from Bim P2 promoter region. GFP mRNA was analyzed by real- of the indicated concentration of MDM2 inhibitor (chalcone) and were an- time RT-PCR and normalized to LacZ mRNA expression as a transfection ef- alyzed by flow cytometry for APC-conjugated annexin V staining. Percen- fi κ −/− +/+ ciency control. Anti-hCD3 (OKT3) stimulation. (C) LXSN- and I BM-Jurkat T tages of annexin V-positive cells are indicated. (D) Primary p73 and p73 cells were activated with anti-hCD3 (OKT3) for 6 h. Total mRNA was isolated T cells were activated with plate-bound anti-mCD3/anti-mCD28 for 6 h in the and assessed by real-time RT-PCR for BimEL mRNA expression. (D) Primary T − − presence of the indicated concentration of chalcone. Total mRNA was iso- cells from p73+/+ and p73 / were activated with plate-bound anti-mCD3/ lated and assessed by real-time RT-PCR for BimEL mRNA expression. anti-mCD28 for 48 h in presence or not of the indicated concentration of chalcone. Total cellular proteins were isolated and Western blots were probed with antibodies against Bim and Actin. (E) Model of the NF-κB/ but has been implicated in activation-induced apoptosis in thy- Mdm2/p73/Bim pathway for survival and death of activated T cells. mocytes (37) and mature T cells (38). Puma mRNA was selec- tively induced in activated T cells lacking IKKβ. Although both Bid Bim and were transiently induced following activation of B Ikkβ+/+ presence of chalcone (Fig. 4 ). T cells lacking p73 did not show T cells, levels of expression of both were dramatically D enhanced in T cells lacking IKKβ (Fig. 4A). this effect (Fig. 4 ). This suggested that Bim is expressed in response to p73 in ac- To determine if any or all of these BH3-only proteins play roles κ in p73-dependent, chalcone-promoted death of activated T cells, tivated T cells, provided the function of NF- BorMDM2isdis- Bim fi we used primary T cells from mice deficient in PUMA, BID, or rupted. We therefore examined the promoter and identi ed A BIM. Treatment with chalcone promoted activation-induced a potential p73 target element (Fig. S6 ). A reporter of 70 bp of T-cell apoptosis, regardless of the status of PUMA (Fig. S5A)or the human Bim promoter containing the potential p73 binding site BID (Fig. S5B). In contrast, T cells lacking BIM were resistant to was cotransfected with p73 into Jurkat cells (Fig. 5A). Although the effects of chalcone (Fig. 4C). Consistent with these findings, p73 drove expression of this reporter, a mutation in the p73 site Bim mRNA was elevated in primary T cells, activated in the rendered the promoter unresponsive to p73. Coexpression of

18064 | Busuttil et al. Downloaded by guest on September 25, 2021 MDM2 prevented this activity of p73 on the Bim promoter. In our studies, however, treatment with the MDM2 inhibitor chal- keeping with these observations, activation of primary T cells in the cone resulted in activation-induced apoptosis in T cells lacking presence of chalcone effectively induced expression from the Bim p53, but not in T cells lacking p73. Thus, T-cell activation appears promoter reporter (Fig. S6B). to engage p73 but not p53, and the former is inhibited by NF-κB– We then examined the effect of NF-κB status on activation- induced MDM2. Intriguingly, we have found that T cell activation induced expression of the Bim promoter reporter. Although only also engages expression of another p53 inhibitor, MDMX [also marginal reporter expression was observed upon activation of called MDM4 (46); Fig S7B]. At present, we do not know if Jurkat cells with anti-CD3, this was dramatically enhanced in MDMX can inhibit p73, or if chalcone interferes with MDMX Jurkat expressing the IκBαM superrepressor (Fig. 5B). Mutation function in this context. However, such expression of MDMX to of the p73 site in the Bim promoter negated this effect. Consistent inhibit p53 might explain why inhibition of MDM2 by chalcone with these observations, we found that Jurkat cells expressing the does not appear to induce p53-dependent apoptosis in p73- IκBαM superrepressor induced expression of Bim mRNA (Fig. deficient activated T cells. Indeed, irradiation of activated T cells 5C). In primary WT T cells, a low level accumulation of BIM was results in p53-independent apoptosis. Interestingly, irradiation of observed following activation, and this was dramatically enhanced activated T cells recruits p73 to the Bax promoter, and this effect is D −/− by chalcone (Fig. 5 ). In contrast, activation of p73 T cells did antagonized by p50/RelA (47). D not result in BIM expression with or without chalcone (Fig. 5 ). When might a failure to engage NF-κB during T-cell activation Discussion occur during normal immune responses? Although engagement of the CD3-TCR complex activates IKK, coreceptor (e.g., CD28) fi κ We have de ned a pathway in activated T cells in which NF- B signaling enhances NF-κB activation. Thus, at the initiation of induces the expression of MDM2, which in turn binds to and immune responses, a failure to costimulate T cells may result in inhibits p73-induced BIM expression, thereby preventing BIM- inefficient NF-κB activation, thereby engaging the death pathway E κ mediated apoptosis (Fig. 5 ). NF- B, induced upon T-cell acti- we have elucidated. If so, the lack of p73 may allow such cells to vation, directly engages the Mdm2 P1 promoter, and in the ab- fi κ persist. Intriguingly, p73-de cient mice often show early postnatal sence of NF- B function, T-cell activation leads to cell death that lethality, in part because of systemic inflammatory re- can be inhibited by enforced expression of MDM2. κ sponses. The possible contribution of T cells to this effect has not NF- B can drive MDM2 expression, without a direct interaction been rigorously explored. with the P2 promoter of Mdm2. Recently, an NF-κB component, BCL3, was found to bind in the first intron of Mdm2.Wehave Materials and Methods found (Fig. S7A) that Bcl3 is expressed in activated WT but not Cell Lines and Animals. Ikkβ fi All mice (described in detail in SI Materials and -de cient T cells, but our results directly implicate p50/RelA Methods) were bred and housed under specific pathogen-free conditions in (and perhaps p50/c-Rel) in binding to and promoting expression our animal facilities at La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology (La from the P1 promoter of Mdm2. This does not rule out a role for Jolla, CA) and at St. Jude Children’ Research Hospital (Memphis, TN). BCL3 in MDM2 expression as well. T cells from mice lacking p50 and c-Rel develop normally but die upon activation (39). This was T Cells and T-Cell Lines. Briefly, T cells were enriched from spleens by negative attributed to a requirement for NF-κB for expression of the anti- selection using a MACS systemwithmicrobeads conjugated to monoclonalanti- apoptotic protein BCL-2 and IL-2, either of which prevented mouse CD45R (B220; isotype: rat IgG2a; clone:RA3-6B2; Miltenyi Biotec) fol- AICD in the deficient T cells, as did ectopic expression of active lowing the manufacturer’s instructions. LXSN-Jurkat and IκBM-Jurkat cells have been previously described (20). Primary T cells were stimulated in 96-well flat- AKT. As BCL-2 blocks BIM-dependent apoptosis (40) (impli- – cated in the pathway we have elucidated), the effect of ectopic bottom plates with plate-bound anti-mCD3 (clone 145 2C11) and anti-mCD28 (clone 37.51; antibodies coated in PBS solution at 10 μg/mL overnight at 4 °C; BD BCL-2 is not unexpected. Similarly, the ability of IL2 or AKT Pharmingen) and 0.5–1 × 106 T cells were added per well or Jurkat T cells were signaling to prevent apoptosis in this setting may involve the role of stimulated with soluble anti-hCD3 (OKT3; eBioscience), in the presence or ab- cytokines and AKT in inhibiting BIM expression via phosphory- sence of an MDM2 inhibitor [Chalcone (trans-4-Iodo, 4′-boranyl-chalcone); lation of FOXO3a (41). Recently, however, the absence of Calbiochem] was added as indicated. Following culture, cells were harvested at IMMUNOLOGY FOXO3 in T cells was observed to have no effect on the expansion indicated times and apoptosis assessed as described (48). or contraction of T cells in response to viral infection (42). At present, we do not know if FOXO3a (or another FOXO protein) Plasmid Constructs and Transfections. Murine mdm-2 cDNA was amplified by participates in optimal BIM expression induced by p73. RT-PCR from total RNA (SI Materials and Methods provides details). Human Recently, p73-induced expression of BIM was implicated in cell Mdm2 promoter constructs (κB1–κB2, κB1, κB2, and no κB sites) and human death induced by prolonged mitotic arrest in fibroblasts (43). Three Bim promoter constructs were generated by PCR (SI Materials and Methods). p73-binding elements distinct from that we found in the promoter Transient expression experiments were performed as described previously region were identified in the first intron of Bim by ChIP analysis. (2) (SI Materials and Methods). Bim Thus, although does not appear to be a target of p53, it is Real-Time RT-PCR. Bim Total RNA isolation, reverse transcription, and real-time a target of p73. Direct induction of by p73 accounts for the role PCR were assessed as described previously (2). Primer sequences are available of BIM in p73-dependent apoptosis we observe in activated T cells upon request. with defective NF-κB activation, or in which MDM2 is inhibited. We have found that T cells with normal NF-κB function but EMSA. Extracts and probes were prepared as previously described (49). SI deficient in MDM2 (either by genetic ablation or pharmacologic Materials and Methods provides more details on EMSA. inhibition) undergo cell death upon activation. Mice carrying one hypomorphic allele of MDM2 have been noted to display a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Emmanuel Dejardin, Scott Brown, Jean- marked lymphopenia that was attributed to p53 hyperactivation François Peyron, Ulrich Maurer, Martina Malatesta, and A. Emre Sayan for their fi (44). This p53-dependent destruction of lymphoid cells was also valuable scienti c support. This work was supported by grants from the −/− National Institutes of Health and Medical Research Council (United Kingdom), observed in Mdm2 mice carrying a tamoxifen-responsive “ ” tam Ministero Sanità Alleanza Contro il Cancro Grant ACC12, Associazione Italiana p53ER knock-in allele upon treatment with tamoxifen (45). In perlaRicercasul Cancro Grant 2008-2010_33-08,and TelethonGrant GGPO4110.

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