Graduation Dates Set. Ok a Trip to Ireland. a Big Floral

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Graduation Dates Set. Ok a Trip to Ireland. a Big Floral RED BANK KECxISTER (••u«d Wnkly; Enured u 8»ond-Cluw UatUr at tb» Port. VOLUME LI, NO. 47. ofllc« u Bid Buk, N. J., ondir th» Alt of Much >, 181V. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 12. GRADUATION DATES SET. OK A TRIP TO IRELAND. REPUBLICAN ENDORSEMENTS. YEW SHORE BOULEVARD. DOUBLE TROUBLE. MOVIE SHOWFOR SCOUTS. SPIRITS IN THE SEWERS. I. Warren Harbour and Frank E. HEADY FOR MAY FESTIVAL >no Baby Got Hurt and Another 'rice Approved by Highlands Club. Had an Unpleasant Experience, PUBLIC BCIIOOX. COMMENCE- GEORGE HOOP IS BOUND ON A MJNTJAL EXHD3ITION' TO BE OUBT AS TO WHETHER IT WDLL ENTERTAINMENT JUNE 6TH AT OT GHOSTLY ONES BUT JOHN At a recent meeting of the High- Joan Crawford, daughter of Mr. MENT ON 'JUNE 20TH. BUSINESS MISSION. ands' Republican club Mayor W. HELD FRIDAY NIGHT. BE BUILT THIS YEAR. ,nd Mrs. Allen Crawford of Tinton BAPTIST CHURCH. BARLEYCORN'S DREG3. Varren Barbour of Rumson was en- :, fell out of a baby carriage at ClaiR Night Exercises Juno 10th— He Will Assist In Sotting up Talking lorsed for senator and Frank E. uplls of the Red Bank Public Ircumgtanccs Have Occurred Which ler parents' home last week and a The Proceeds Will be Used for Troop ye Whiskey Math In the Sewer Hilda Johnson, Irving Hanoe and Picture Machines In. Eighty Irish 3rlce of Red Bank for freeholder. Schools Will Take Part in Songs May Delay the Building of tho ut was made on her head. Two 23 to Help Build a Troop Cabin at Mains on Mechanic Street Blade MarguBrlte Hendrlckion Are Hon- Theaters—He Will be Away More The endorsements were not unan- and Dances in tho Senior High Road Until 1034—There Is a Hope- .tltches were required to close the Allaire—To Malic Camp Site at Quite n Bit of Trouble for Robert or Students—Other School News. Than Three Months. mous. The club endorsed two con- School Gymnasium. ful Side to the Story, However. •ound. Joan i3 rapidly Improving. Falrfleld Gardens. Pierce nnd the Street Department Class night exercises for the grad- George Roop of Bed Bank sailed ildates for councllmcn, they being Everything Is in readiness for the The proposed shore boulevard or While Mrs. Crawrord was attend- A motion picture entertainment for Portions of Mechanic street, Ljn* uating class of the Red Bank high last Friday night for Ireland, where Frank Blegfried and Henry Quast. May festival to be held Friday night larine boulevard from Keyport to ng the injured baby, another little the benefit of boy scout troop 23 will in place and HudBon avenue at Red. school will be held on Wednesday ho will spend more than three Mr. Siegfried la the son of Simon of this week in the senior high school lghlands is In a twilight zone of laughter, Wllma, got a bottle of be held Thursday night, June 6th. at 3ank are soon to be paved with con- night, Juno 19th, Commencement months in Betting up talking moving Siegfried and is associated with his gymnasium by the Red Eanlc public ncertalnty. The legislature last lathing alcohol, consisting princlpal- the Red Bank Baptist church. The :rcte. An ordinance to this effect night exercises will take place Thurs- picture machines In thoaters. Mr. father in the hardware business at school pupils. All the schools will be inter passed a measure for the con- y of wood alcohol. Wilma drank feature picture will be "Whern the passed its final reading. The day night, June 20th. The honor Roop Is employed by the Synchro Highlands. He Is secretary of the •epresented. The program will con- ruction of this road, and it Was )art of the contents of tho bottle be- Trail Begins," with Silverstreak, the ontract for tho work will be award- students are Hilda Johnson first talking picture ^machine company, Highlands business and civic associ- ilst chiefly of songs and dances of enerally taken for granted that the bro her mother saw what she was dog, da the star perofrmer. There (1 soon. honor, Irving Hance second honor and live other employees of this con- ation and he Is a former resident of arious countries. A new feature this wrk would be started this summer, iolng. An antidote was used and will also be a comedy and other short Before concrete work la started Bt and Marguerite Hendrlckson third cern who live at New York are ac- led Bank. • will be a queen and her court. levelopments have occurred of late ft'ilma suffered no bad effects, ex- subjects. The show will be present^ ed Bank it in the practice of the honor, Hilda Johnson, who has had companying him to Ireland. The The queen will view the exhibition ;hlch leave doubt as to whether or :ept a slight stomach sickness. ed by the Peerless entertainment treet department to flush the sewers , a perfect scholastic record during forco will bo Increased to thirty or rom a throne. Miss Ruth Leddy, su- ot the road will be started this year, Eervice of Asbury Park. 'here the paving is to be put down. her four years In high school, will more men in Ireland. Machines are itrvlsor of physical training, will di- may not be started until 1934. The profits from the entertainment ho reason for this la obvloui. It is be valedictorian, Irving Hanco will to be put In eighty theaters. MEMORIAL DAY PARADE ect the dancing and Miss Emma La- The state highway commission has •will be used to help build a troop whole lot easier and ICBS expensive bo ealutatorlan and Marguerite Hen- The boat will dock at Quecnstown. Fetra, supervisor of music, will be ooked the proposed new road for Its 'WOMORE MANEESYORES cabin at the new scout camp at Al- dig holes In dirt streets if necen- drlckson will deliver the mantle or- The flrst installations of the ma- •KTAILS ARE BEING ARRANGED ,n charge of the singing. i34 program. It was planned to get laire. Music will be provided by the lary to get at the sewers than tt Is ho work done earlier by having the ation. chines will be made at Cork. From FOR ANNUAL EVENT. Cecil Dlxon will be the queen. Her HEY WILL CONNECT WITH troop fife, drum and bugle corpa. An 'o do thia after the concrete haa been Fifteen mmbors of the Journalism that place Mr. Roop and the men ittendants will be girls of the River :ounty finance the undertaking, un- address on scouting will bo made by laid. T a plan whereby the county would THE PRESENT MANEE EOW. claEB attended the interscholaHtlc "working with him go to Dublin to act 'he Line of March Will be Longer street school. The members of* this a prominent scout man from the na- Robert Pierce, superintendent pi press association convention Friday »up a machine In the Galoty theater, group are Tina Cannelia, Lena Caprl- e re-lmburscd by the state later on. tional council. and Different From the Route Tra- One Store Will bo 14x75 Feet—The he street department of Red Bank, at Orange. Miss Adeline Reed, which Is the principal playhouse at one, Beatrice Acquarro, Geneva Jack- There were obstacles to this arrange- Scoutmaster Russell L. Tetley Is in ind the men who work under him versed by Parades In the Fast— ent, but during the last part of the Other Will be 32x100 Feet and Has teacher of Journalism, and Charles that place. The talking picture ma- Exercises at Town Hall. on, Rose DeCarlo, Cecelia Rufflni, general charge of the arrangements vem engaged In this work on Me- A. Wolbach, assistant principal, were :hine men will make their headquar- itty Ackerman, Ruth Burr, Flor- giBlatlve session action was taken Been Leased by the Atlantic and for the show. G. Drummoml Roop Is Pacific Tea Company. banlc street last week. All went In charge of the party. The pupils :ers at Dublin. Further arrangements for the Me- nco Hackett, Dorothy Gerrity, Hel- > overcome the difficulties. chairman of the advertising commit- veil with the job for a time, but who made the trip were Qeorgo Wol- Mr. Roop's position with the com- orial day parade at Red Bank were n Feeney, Anna Cannelia, Esther This action was more or less suc- Two new stores are to be built on tee, Kenneth Brower ot the ticket ihen the men got to a certain part cott, William Firth, Douglas Berry, pany Is that of engineer. Ho re- made a few nights ago at a meeting ?ohen, Bettio Dennis, Jennlo Figaro, cssful, but there Is still trouble. One Mrs. Amanda .B. Maneo's property on committee, William Firth of the pro- f the stroet they discovered an un- Bernlce Soule, Dolphlno Silver, Euth turned home a few days ago from t the American legion rooms on Wlloner Turner, Carolina Caprlone, f the things which the legislature :he north side of Monmouth street, gram committee and Grandln Ham- leual obstruction. The sewer mains Straus, Kathryn Coulon, Hllma Min- Brunswick, Maine, where he helped Broad street. > The meeting was at- ivlnla Zucco, Filomcna Mazza, id was to pass a bill to the effect iearly' opposite the town hall. The mell of the ushers committee. fere not entirely obstructed, but the ton, William McVey, Arthur Borons, to set up a machine. He has been ended by the parade committee of ith Adams, Rose Fiasconaro, Fran- hat when a county advanced money ,wo stores will connect with the pres- The troop is making plans for the ater seeped through them very jack Jacoubs, Joseph Wlldanger, with the Synchro company the past he legion, tho United Veterans' as- :es LoBionda, Eleanor Jcrvls, Flos- or state work the county was to re- ;nt seven stores on that street owned summer season.
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