The Bungonia Times Community Grape Vine Incorporating the District In it’s 27th continuous year

Printed Circulation: 496 Est. Readership: 1,100 Volume 27 Issue 9 October 2017 Bungonia Markets $15 Nutritious Meal at Judy’s Kitchen Morning Tea Saturday 30 September 2017 the Hall Wednesday Wednesday from 9am - 2pm 4th, 18th & 25th 11 October. 10.30am $5

Bungonia now has its own Facebook page. Find us at

MANDATORY BUSH FIRE SEASON This is another, twice a year, event held at Bungonia Hall and is an absolutely great way to meet your neighbours in a friendly STARTS ON SUNDAY 1 OCTOBER 2017. and very relaxed country atmosphere. NO BURNING OFF WITHOUT A PERMIT Wine & Cheese is only a heading. If you don’t eat cheese or CONTACT YOUR LOCAL RFS FOR DETAILS drink wine, that doesn’t matter because you bring what you

want to drink and bring what you would like to put on the table to share with others to eat. ( dips, chips, sandwiches, nibbles BUNGONIA MARKETS etc ) SATURDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 2017 It doesn’t cost a brass rarzoo to come and enjoy the night, so leave your money at home. From 9a - 2p It is a kid friendly night and they are also welcome to come. The Bungonia Markets are on again and our old chook has See you there. been hard at it over the past couple of weeks making home made apple pies and cakes to sell in the Halls’ Supper Room to have with a great cuppa coffee or tea. DAYLIGHT SAVING There will also be fresh home made scones and other delicious Commences Sunday 1 October 2017 treats together with the BBQ with sausage sandwiches and ba- Wind those clocks and watches FORWARD 1 hour at 2am. con and egg sandwiches. Other vendors will have various other treats and wears for you to view and buy. BUNGONIA C.W.A. So come on down and support this, twice a year, event at the After 89 years in the Bungonia District, we say goodbye to all Bungonia Hall and enjoy the atmosphere of the country. the girls from the Bungonia C.W.A. who have had to close their doors due to lack of members. We thank you all, past & pre- sent, for the help you have given to our community and others WINE & CHEESE NIGHT across the world and wish you all the very best for the future. They officially close as of Saturday 30 September 2017. Saturday 14 October 2017 Lack of community support could see other, local, organiza- 7.30pm to late. tions going the same way. It is up to you, the community, to ensure this doesn’t happen. Join a local organization now.

Come along to Judy’s Kitchen Table $5 per person and you will be treated to magnificent coffee, tea and scrumptious food which are home made. All monies raised go towards the Bungonia Hall Supper Room. 10.30am — noon October dates: Wednesday 11th 2017 at Bungonia Hall

BUNGONIA Bungonia Hall Hire BUNGONIA PARK TRUST The Hall is available for hire. For full details and HISTORICAL SOCIETY Next Meeting: Next meeting: bookings call Moria McGinity on 48444266. Wed. TBA 2017 @ 7.30pm @ the Monday TBA 2017 @ 7.30pm at Unlike many village halls, ours is owned & operated Hall. by the community & the hall rental provides the Pro- Hall. gress Assoc. With a bit of income to pay rates, insur- BUNGONIA PROGRESS AS- ance, repairs & improvements to the hall. BUNGONIA RURAL WATCH SOCIATION The new Supper Room has a commercial kitchen Next Meeting: and can be rented separately to the main hall or they Next Meeting: Monday TBA 2017 6.30pm at the Monday 9 October 2017. can be rented together. We have hourly hire rates, Hall 7.30pm at the Hall daily and a package over three days suitable for func- Contacts: tions like weddings where a set up time etc. Is neces- Moira McGinity 4844 4266 sary. Diana Moran 4844 4234 Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 These are the hire rates: If Senior Constable Kim Finch is not - 1954), Daily rate for Hall and Supper Room - $300 ( $400 available at the Marulan Police Station Monday 13 January 1873, page 2 for Govt & Business entities) ( 48411516 ) when you ring, your call Hall only or Supper Room only - $200 per day. will be transferred to Goulburn Police A youth named Ryan, of Brisbane Supper Room AND Hall together - $50 per hour Station ( 48240799 ). Meadow, near Bungonia, whilst out a Supper Room or Hall separately - $40 per hour Mick Calleja is the Rural Crime Inves- few days ago wallaby hunting, fell Wedding Package - $550 tigator and deals with matters relating from a rock, and was killed on the spot. Wedding package is from noon the day before, full to stock theft or stolen equipment or day of wedding and a.m. to noon the day after, plus chemicals. refundable deposits. TIP TIMES Refundable fee’s Report any theft no matter how small Damage deposit = $400 as it may build up a picture of a wider Goulburn Tip. 7 days 8a - 4p Cleaning = $150 ring. Discount of 50% to financial members of Progress Always report to the police any sight- Marulan Tip Sat / Sun 8a - 4p Assoc. With 12 mths standing on the fee’s. ing of vehicles hanging about. If pos- Marulan Tip Fri & Mon 8a - noon sible give the registration number, col- Enquire here our, make etc. This gives the Police Tarago Tip Sat / Sun / Mon 8a - information to work on if there are any 4p incidents in the area.

You won’t drink away the alcoholism 2

Advertising charges Bungonia WEATHER FACTS - 2017 Jan. 39.6 mm over 9 days For Sale/Wanted $ 5.00 (Max. 3 lines ) CWA Feb. 49.5 mm over 12 days Business Card Size $ 8.00 - $80 per annum. Mar. 163.6 mm over 23 days Quarter Page $15.00 - $140 per annum. Apr. 22.0 mm over 6 days Half Page $20.00 - $200 per annum. May 23.6 mm over 3 days Full Page $40.00 - $400 per annum. June 18.2 mm over 8 days Community Service Special Rate: 33⅓% off normal rates. Monthly Report Bungonia CWA July 7.6 mm over 6 days Loose leaf inserts subject to quote. September 2017 Aug 37.0 mm over 7 days ( to 31st ) Sept mm over days BUNGONIA TIMES DEADLINE: Oct mm over days 12 MD 20th of each month. Well it has been a sad month for us with the passing on Colleen’s hus- Nov mm over days Please ensure that all contributions Dec mm over days are received by the above time and band Don. We wish Colleen and her YTD: 353.5 mm over 74 days date. family sincere condolences and we 2016 total 837.2mm 113 days will miss Don and seeing him at our Home Delivery by Mail: Send your Branch functions and I will miss his Bungonia Heights mailing details to Cal, 70 Blakes Bvd, dry wit, footy discussions and great Bungonia, NSW, 2580 with a cheque for UHF Repeater frequency

$25 to cover the cost of postage stamps and drying up skills. The private frequency for Bungonia has envelopes for one year (11) issues. If you now been turned off. wish to have Bungonia times emailed to Also on another sad note, Bungonia you, please email your name & address CWA Branch will be closed as of Channel 8 UHF CB will be the local UHF to: 30th September 2017. We are too CB Repeater channel to use locally. [email protected] small in numbers and not really vi- able so our members are transferring If you are close enough to speak directly All expressions of opinion are published by the with someone, you can use channel 38 to other Branches across the Group. Bungonia Times (Volunteers) on the basis that ( simplex ) car to car, car to portable, but if they are not to be regarded as expressing the you need to utilise the Repeater function, official opinion of the publishers unless ex- We would like to thank the people of use channel 8 ( duplex ) for all of your radio needs ( depending on the terrain and pressly stated. The Bungonia Times Bungonia and surrounds for their distance you are from the repeater ) (Volunteers) accept no responsibility for the friendship and support over the last accuracy of any of the opinions or information 89 years. GET WELL: contained in this edition and readers should rely on their own enquiries in making decisions And yes lucky you; this is my last touching their own interest. report. HAPPY BIRTHDAY:

This newsletter is COMPILED and DE- So all stay well, safe on the roads Condolences to friends & LIVERED by volunteers as a service to and wish for rain family of: the community. If you have any questions regarding this publication or its delivery, Yours in CWA Friendship Don Cooper please feel free to phone one of the contacts Leanne and we will endeavour to help you. On behalf of the Ladies ALL ADVERTISING COPY Mulwaree Arts & Small Hall MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY Theatre Company are presenting PAYMENT. Cheques to be made Sad to see such a long standing commu- “The Dream of a payable to: nity group fade away from our area due Midsummer Romp” THE BUNGONIA TIMES to lack of numbers. Bungonia Progress, Shaken up Shakespeare

Copy and payment can be placed in the RFS, Times and various other groups locked post box in front of the Hall or also suffer from the same fading. On Saturday 21 October 2017 at send your copy to: Marulan Memorial Hall at 6.30pm. 89 years is nothing to sneeze at and you EMAIL: 2 course dinner & show $30—BYO ladies have carried on a very long & Raffle & Lucky Door prizes on the [email protected] fine tradition within this community. night.

Bank details: We wish you all the very best for your Please book your table early. BSB: 802101 futures within the other groups. Acnt: 74973 Bea 48411569 or 0488 378884 Name: Bungonia Times Cal Please RSVP by 16 October 2017 Bank: BDCU

The doctor told the woman she can’t touch anything alcoholic. The divorce will happen next week. 3

some tea and sugar, a coat, and a knife; the saddle I borrowed from A fire must be supervised at all times. Owen O'Neil, of Bungonia; I swear positively to the prisoner; I Yass Zone MUST be notified at least 24 hours before have often seen him before; after they took the things they rode you light the fire, during business hours ( 9am - 5pm ) or away towards Goulburn; I followed them for two miles; I saw 3.30pm on Friday. Phone 62263100 them go to the house of a man named Chalker; the next morning I went into Goulburn and informed the police; while I was being Your immediate neighbours must be notified before robbed the prisoner put his foot on my neck; none of the men were you light any fire. disguised in any way. - The prisoner was remanded for a week.-- Notify the local RFS Brigade, as a courtesy, to cir- Four men named Henry Jobson, John Jobson (brothers of Tho- cumvent the false alarms of smoke being reported by oth- mas), John Ronan, and William Harris, were apprehended by the ers. mounted constables on Thursday, and brought into town yesterday. As there are only three men, in addition to Thomas Jobson, re- quired to make up the number that attacked O'Neil, one of these Captain Terry Lewis 0408 223380 must be innocent.

Voluntary Contribution We, at your local Volunteer Brigade, are seeking volun- tary contributions from residents & landholders in the area Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (NSW : 1864 - 1881), to help maintain & upgrade our equipment so that we can Saturday 12 November 1864, page 3 offer the best assistance possible to the people in Bungonia & its surrounds. POLICE COURT. WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 9 ( Before the As you are all no doubt well aware, we are in the midst of police-magistrate and W. Conolly, Esq.) a very dry and hot summer. The Bungonia Brigade has been very active this season, responding to many incidents. ILLEGALLY USING A HORSE. - Peter Cummings, on the Voluntary contributions assist us in the maintenance & upgrade of our summons of John Conlon, of Bungonia, was fined 20s. and 5s. 4d. equipment, in both the fire station & on vehicles, as well as the purchasing costs. James Kelly, summoned by John Conlon, for the same of- of Personal Protective Equipment. Donations are greatly appreciated. fence, was fined in a similar penalty.

Acc. Name: Bungonia Rural Fire Brigade BSB: 641 800 ASSAULT. - Frederick Styles summoned John Crane and Sophia Acc # 200547578 Please include your name in the reference. OR Jane Brassington, for assaulting him. in person at the Fire Shed Mr. Walsh appeared for the complainant and Mr. Yates for the defendants. Complainant said: I live at Bullamalita ; on the 4th November I MANDATORY went to drive a flock of sheep in charge of Crane, who is Sophia FIRE SEASON STARTS AS OF Brassington's shepherd, off my land where they were trespassing; I SUNDAY 1 OCTOBER 2017. told him to take them off ; Miss Brassington was standing near ; NO BURN OFFS WITHOUT A PERMIT. when Crane got near me I heard the other defendant say "ah, would CONTACT BUNGONIA RFS FOR YOUR PERMITS. you see him drive your sheep off that way;" Crane than rushed at me with a stick, and said " you b----y varmint," and struck me on the shoulder; he then struck at me several times; I had nothing in my Goulburn Herald (NSW : 1860 - 1864), hand, but picked up a stone and struck him on his arm to keep the Saturday 29 March 1862, page 3 blows off'; I was driving the sheep, at the time he struck me, off HIGHWAY ROBBERY. - On Friday, at the Goulburn police land I claim as my own ; two persons were present at the time. court; Thomas Jobson was charged with the above offence. It will be seen by the subjoined evidence that his brother John Jobson, Cross-examined: The land is now in dispute, pending the decision who had only just been discharged from gaol, the attorney-general of the supreme court. For the defence, Edward Armitt deposed having declined to prosecute, was engaged in the same transaction. that he saw complainant strike Crane several times, and heard him Constable Banon deposed to the apprehension of prisoner, and to say " I'll knock the old b------'s head off;" Crane had a stick in his finding on him a £1 note, two half-sovereigns, and some silver. He hand; did not see Crane strike Styles before this. The case was dis- denied all knowledge of the charge against him.- Daniel O'Neill, on missed as regarded Sophia Brassington, but Crane was fined 1s. oath, saith as follows: I am a carrier residing at Redbank, near Pic- and 4s. 6d. costs.-- Frederick Styles was then charged on sum- ton; on Wednesday last, I was on my way home from Goulburn; mons, with assaulting John Crane, and at the close of the case, the when about seven or eight miles from Goulburn on the Bungonia bench fined defendant 1s. and 4s. 6d. costs. road, four men on horseback rode after me; one of them, by name Jacky Jobson, rode in front of my horse and told me to go into the bush; the prisoner was one of the men; he took my handkerchief off Bungonia’s UHF CB channel. my neck to put it in my mouth and held me while Jacky Jobson and Channel 8 ( repeater ) / 38 ( simplex ) is now up and running another of the men, Ronon by name, stripped all my clothes off; the from Bungonia Hts. fourth man I never saw before; he assisted to hold me; I called out murder until they put the handkerchief over my mouth ; they took £16 from me in £1-notes, 16s. 4d. in small change, some receipts for If you have a uhf cb radio, you can now take advantage of the purchase of horses, a promissory note for £9, a saddle worth £5, these channels for your daily communications needs - if your radio / location is suitable.

BUNGONIA NOW HAS A FACEBOOK PAGE: FIND US AT: & That one liner “ I’m not drinking too much tonight “ never goes to plan. 4

Gardening in October

K9 Beauties October in the garden is such a wonderful time when gardens burst into full bloom. Enjoy the beauty around you TAFE Accredited Groomer while feeding, pruning, watering and keeping a watchful Now going Mobile eye on pests ( especially snakes ) and planting in earnest for Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday summer. Those plants that have rested up all winter will 0427 785292 show their full splendour, like virburnium, maybush, lilac and banksia rose. Make compost from grass clippings with [email protected] chipped prunings, old leaves, torn up newspaper and No stress. We come to you ve3getable waste from the kitchen. The secret to success- ful composting is the thin layering of all the materials. Grass Not just a dog wash clippings in particular can turn to wet sludge if added too thickly. Basic wash to breed clips Fresh warm water Flower laden climbers like jasmine and wisteria are Brushed & blow dried now in full bloom. Fill sunny flower beds with lavender, Flea treatments petunias, phlox, marigolds and lots of geraniums also grow Nails trimmed hardy daylilies in bold groups for spring colour. Ears cleaned Pension discount of 10% Start planting summer vegetables like beetroot, Loyalty Card beans, carrot, spring onions, radish, lettuce. Also basil and summer herbs. Water well after planting. Enjoy the sun- shine and be aware of those snakes in the garden. From just $30

We have good Sydney and local enquires for small farms, land and residential homes. Anything from a house to humpy!! We sell from Bungonia to Big Hill and to Tallong We offer you

an honest and accurate market appraisal an internet marketing programme strong local print advertising an extensive data base excellent photography regular market updates and knowledge of your area

Call John Everett for an obligation free appointment 4841 1500 or [email protected]

What’s the difference between men and pigs? Pigs don’t turn into men when they drink. 5

Subway is definitely the healthiest fast food available because they make you get out of the car to get it. 6

Welcome to our Road Safety Day

Saturday 28 October 2017 10am to 3pm

Truck Displays Quarry Information Food Stalls Family Fun Local Community Groups

Located 500m South of Bungonia Village on Ford Rd

The man who created autocorrect has died. May he resturant in peace. 7


Mass is to be celebrated at St. Patrick’s Marulan on the 2nd and 4th. Sundays of the month at 8am.

Dates for October 2017 St Michael’s - Bungonia Sunday 8th Sunday 22nd

Mass times in Goulburn are: Saturday vigil Mass: 6pm at St. Peter & Paul’s. ( SUMMER time table ) Sunday: 7am at Fatima, North Goulburn Sunday : 10 am. at Sts. Peter & Paul’s.

Parish Priest: Fr. Dermid McDermott Assistant Priest: Fr. Assin Retired Priest: Fr. Laurie Bent Deacon: Chris Van Gessel Parish Office & Presbytery Phone 4821 1022 Secretary Sharon Hickey. Office hours 8.30am - 12.30pm.

ST. MICHAEL’S BUNGONIA Thursdays 7pm - Rosary.

Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 BUNGONIA TIMES - 1940), is a NOT FOR PROFIT organisation that Thursday 17 February 1910, page 4 is now into it’s 27th year. Accident. - Mr T. Cooper met with This publication can ONLY exist through rather a peculiar accident the other day. the sponsorship of those who advertise in While on a visit to Cr. Styles at the Par- this publication and in order to advertise, sonage he found a neighbour's cow Every two weeks I attend the Goulburn you also need to pay for the extremely low entangled in a wire fence, and while lib- Blood Bank in Auburn St, and donate costs of your adds. You will NOT find erating the animal he got his hand en- plasma which takes about 1.5 hours for cheaper advertising anywhere. tangled in the wire, and finally the mate- the process to complete & can produce rial got plaited round his finger through It has been noticed that the Bungonia Face- the animal becoming restless. 17 different life saving products from that book Group, together with other Community Cr. Cooper was held fast until some one donation. Facebook Groups, are now being flooded one came to the rescue. I used to attend and donate whole blood with local businesses who are seeking no Mr. Cooper's cries for help were heard, but you can only do that every 12 weeks cost advertising which is having an impact but no one realised what had occurred. which saves 3 lives. The girls down at on this, and other Community, publications. As luck happened, a couple of lads chanced to be going to the same place, the Blood Service are absolute crackers Not all community members are on Face- discovered what had occurred and soon and you will thoroughly enjoy your time book, or for that matter, even have internet - set to work to extract Mr. Cooper and down there with them, have a few milk thus the importance of these types of publi- the animal. Mr. Cooper may lose the shakes and snacks before leaving and cations. To publish each and every issue of injured finger, which was cut to the bone. you know that your donation will be di- the Bungonia Times costs around $266 per Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - rectly used in a life saving situation. month - and that is just the cost of printing and that cost can ONLY be met by advertis- 1932), It is a great feeling to know that you are ers and those advertisers paying their bills. Thursday 14 February 1918, page 28 helping people that you might not even On January 12, at SS. Peter and Paul's know with the aid of your blood. These Facebook Groups were not set up for Cathedral, Goulburn, the Rev. Father Percy celebrated the marriage of Mary The new opening hours are now: advertising but a portal to keep those locals on Facebook informed of the happenings Christina, only daughter of the late Mr. and Monday Closed ( both criminal and social ) around our area. Mrs. John O'Neill, of Goulburn., and Cecil Tue 7.45am - 1.30pm Thomas, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wed & Thu 11am - 6.15pm Shortly, adverts that appear on the Bungonia Blake of 'Thorwood,' Bungonia. The bride Fri 9.30am - 2.45pm Facebook Group will no longer be accepted. wore white silk embroidered in pearls. A Sat Closed tulle veil was worn over a wreath of orange If you wish to advertise, please support your blossom, and she carried a shower bouquet. * * * Community Newspapers by advertising Miss May Hogan (cousin) was bridesmaid. Goulburn Evening Penny Post within their pages and pay immediately in- The reception was held at 'Koomungra,' the Tuesday 24 October 1916, page 4 stead of us having to continually chase you residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. J. Hogan. BUNGONIA. ( From a Correspondent. ) for payment of your advertisement. Afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Blake left for the South Coast.

Moses had the first tablet that could connect to the cloud 8

Specialising in:

Exposed Aggregate Spray Stencil Coloured Oxides Garage / Shed slabs Driveways and Footpaths Saw Cutting Dry Grind Trip Hazard Removal

Obligation Free Quotes

Phone Matt today 0487 941 069 or Email [email protected]

My dad sent to me a psychiatrist for wearing his bra again. 9

For HIRE FOR SALE Buying or Selling a House or Land?

Three kelpie cross JOHNSON & SENDALL PADDOCK pups ( Incorporating Stephen J Lamond ) Slashing / Mulching All female And Mullens

8 weeks old SOLICITORS — CONVEYANCERS 48447273 $200 each 13 Montague Street, Goulburn, 2580

4844 7272 Phone: 02 48211588 Fax: 02 48219850 INFORMATION For Sale Email: [email protected]

If you would like to FOR ADVICE ON ALL YOUR LEGAL NEEDS advertise in the Bungonia Times - simply contact Cal Partners: Associate: with your advert and Morris Owen Tim McGrath Bungonia placement. Whether it be a quarter, Alison Howarth half, full page advert, we can cater for your Consultant: requirement. Stephen Lamond

[email protected]

NEW BUS RUN IN OUR AREA Next ‘RUN’ DATES ARE see Calendar on p21

Due to increasing demand, Valmar Community Transport will now be operating a fortnightly Bungonia, Bungonia Heights, , Tarago Bus Run on the Second & Fourth Thursdays of the month.

A fortnightly service will continue from this date & pick ups will commence from 9am, stopping along the way to collect booked clients and then proceed into Goulburn.

The Bus will leave Goulburn, for the return journey, at 2pm.

The latest in teapots. Please call Valmar Community Transport office on The “Rapid” 48212933 to book your place.

6 October 1888 This service can be utilised by anyone for your shop- ping, access or medical appointment needs for a small fee and they will pick you up from your property door.

Isn’t it scary that doctors call what they do as “ practice “ ? 10

GLENDARLYN STOCKFEEDS 97 Burrabinga Road Tarago Phone: - 48494565 Mobile: 0428 430 693 Delivery Service Available

 Large and Small bales of hay  Huge range of feed for your horse, pony, sheep, cattle, alpaca, goats, pigs and many more  Chooks - feed for chicks to layer hens  Dog & Cat food - cans & kibble - kitty litter  Bird seeds, rabbit and guinea pig food  Feeders and waterers - 1000ltr water tanks  Wormers, herbal products - mineral blocks & veterinary products etc; with professional advice given for your steeds needs



I don’t think it is possible for me to become a sniper. Not by a long shot. 11

Farmer and Settler (Sydney, NSW : 1906 - 1955), Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940), Friday 18 May 1928, page 16 Tuesday 10 July 1928, page 4

Country Women's Association BUNGONIA.- The Shire has a gang on, carrying out much needed NEW BRANCHES work at Manning's Creek, Inverary Road, where the creek was Branch at Bungonia washed deep by the late heavy storms. The gang is labouring under When it was proposed to establish a branch at Bungonia, only a great difficulties with one day fine and two days' rain. The structure small membership was expected, but despite bitterly cold weather when completed should serve for all time. about thirty five visitors gathered in the Progress Hall on Satur- Ryan's Creek, on the Grand Canyon Road, where the traffic is day last to meet Miss Fitzpatrick (organising secretary), Twenty- greater and more consistant, requires some attention. five of the party enrolled as members, and the following officers Goulburn and Bungonia telephone exchange will soon be linked were elected — President, Mrs, Chapman ; vice-presidents, Mes- up by a new trunk line of two metallis wires to take the place of the dames Marsh-Morehead, Studdart, Frost, Styles ; secretary, existing trunk line of a single cable. Now is the chance for settlers Mrs. D. Morehouse ; treasurer, Mrs. P. Hopkins. along the road to have phones installed on their premises and Meetings will be held on the first Saturday in each month, at the switched on to the exchange with the single cable, thus saving the Progress Hall. cost of erecting another line of wire. * * * The contractor ( Mr. Scarlett ) is new on the job and is pushing 89 years later and Bungonia CWA Branch will be closed along with the work and keeping strictly to the road-side. as of 30th September 2017 as the Branch is too small in num- A number of people of the district are suffering from heavy colds bers and not really viable anymore in this community and so, the and several are laid up. The complaint is no doubt influenza in a members are transferring to other Branches across the Group. mild form. Mr. Silvey Wells, a Marulan baker trading with Bungonia, met We thank all those women over the past 89 years who have helped with a serious accident the other day while delivering orders. His their local community throughout numerous emergencies and vari- car struck a stump when he was thrown out and was badly disfig- ous other events and wish you all the very best in your next ven- ured. The car suffered considerably. tures. Mr. W. Cooper sustained injuries to a leg while building, a log rolling on him and jamming his leg. His injuries compelled him to proceed to Goulburn to have medical attention. Cal While Mr W. Woodward was cycling, out from Goulburn on Sun- day he found a young man lying on the roadside beside a broken bike. A Bungonia car travelling to Goulburn came along and the injured man was taken to Goulburn.

Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940), Wednesday 11 July 1928, page 6

BUNGONIA.-The Aurora Australis appeared in the sky on Sun- day night and made a grand spectacle of brilliant colours. When first seen the light was coloured from salmon to a shade of green, with splashes of blue amongst the water colours. Then it changed to the colours of a rainbow. On the Goulburn road on Saturday night a car travelling at a fast speed failed to take the sharp turn between the two bridges over Spring Ponds Creek and ran over the embankment. No one was seriously injured and a car was brought from Goulburn to repair the damage to the car.

Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940), Thursday 3 February 1921, page 4

HISTORICAL RECORDS. BUNGONIA WANTS REPRESENTATION. Bungonia District Progress Association wrote to the Mulwaree Shire Council on Wednesday, asking "that in the compilation of historical records the following places be not over-looked:-Old gaol at Reevesdale, near Bungonia; toll-bar gateposts along the Inverary road; old police station, or rather old courthouse, in Bungonia; and Larbert tree, which stands at the junction of Win- dellama ( now Oallen Ford Rd ) and Tarago road ( now Lumley Rd ), three miles from Bungonia." The communication was re- ferred to the engineer for investigation.

Spoiler alert ! The milk has been in the fridge for three weeks. 12

Goulburn Evening Post (NSW : 1940 - 1954), Dr. Lawson deposed that he examined the body and found the left Thursday 30 October 1952, page 1 cheek blackened and charred, and the skin fell as if it had been burned ; on the right cheek there was an irregular wound ; there was "GUNDARY PLAINS" a wound on the outer edge of the right lip and another down the left The "Gundary Plains" sale on Friday last comprised 795 acres of the side of the nose, there was also another at the bottom of the left ear ; property owned. by Mr. E. J. Pope. The purchaser was Mr. Phil the bones of the skull and face were broken into numerous frag- Welch, who paid £13/10/ an acre. The main property now consists ments ; the cause of death was a sun shot wound ; the gun had evi- of 3800 acres. dently not been many inches away ; death would be instantaneous. The coroner found that deceased died from the effects of a gun shot wound accidentally inflicted by his brother, Leslie Walter Goulburn Herald (NSW : 1881 - 1907), Winter, on Saturday, 7th October. Monday 9 October 1899, page 4

SHOOTING FATALITY AT GUNDARY. Goulburn Herald (NSW : 1881 - 1907), A FATAL shooting accident occurred at Gundary, about six miles Monday 9 October 1899, page 4 from Goulburn, on Saturday, resulting in the death of a lad named Arthur Winter, aged ten years and eight months. WHERE BLACKS ROAMED This morning Mr. O'Brien, coroner, held a magisterial inquiry, Gundary Plains History Days associated with the discovery of the when the following evidence was adduced:- Goulburn Plains and early settlement there are recalled by the re- George Winters, father, deposed that he was in Goulburn when cent submission to auction of 1730 acres at Gundary for the estate his son died, and he knew nothing of the circumstances. of the late Bruce Maple-Brown. His son Leslie was thirteen years old, was used to firearms, and Writing on the subject, "Native" mentions that some five months was very careful. after the discovery of the Goulburn Plains by Surveyor Meehan Leslie Walter Winter deposed that he took his brother George's and Hamilton Hume in 1818 a grant of 600 acres of land at Gar- gun on Saturday afternoon to shoot a hare for the dogs ; his brother roorigang ( near South Goulburn railway round house) was Arthur ( deceased ) was with him ; they went to Carey's paddock promised to Mr. W. Broughton. about half a mile away ; he loaded one barrel ; he cocked the gun Two years later Goulburn received a visit from Governor Mac- and was sneaking on a hare with deceased behind him, when the quarie, His Excellency and his party camping at the point where the gun went off ; he was carrying the gun on his shoulder ; he looked Gundary Creek joins the Mulwaree River. When Macquarie round and saw deceased lying on his back, shot ; the shot struck him halted, the aborigines - some had set out with him and others had on the side of the head ; witness tried to pick him up ; deceased joined the party at Goulburn - went away in search of food, return- never spoke ; witness then ran home and told his sister ; they had ing with five eels which they had caught in the nearby ponds. After had no quarrel ; witness and his sister brought deceased home ; the dinner the natives, none of whom wore an article of clothing, went gun goes off easily ; he did not know whether he touched the trig- to sleep on the lee side of the fire and, in commenting on this Inci- ger ; the gun was loaded with No. 3 shot. dent, a record of the trip says: "Nature seemed to compensate the Mary Layessa Winter, sister, deposed that she saw her brothers aborigines in some degree with a covering of hair, which was par- going shooting ; Leslie returned and said he shot Arthur ; witness ticularly observable in the older ones, for they continued fast asleep went and found her brother quite dead ; she helped to bring the body during a violent storm of rain that lasted three hours, with the ther- home. mometer standing at 39." ( cont. Page 18 ) I’m great at multitasking. I can waste time, be unproductive and procrastinate all at once. 13

Jenni from AVON Now servicing Bungonia & Goulburn Districts [email protected]

For an Avon brochure, please ring 0438 882854 Back Pain Neck Pain Headaches Tennis Elbow Postural Problems Carpal Tunnel Sports Injuries Hip Tightness Nerve Pain Disc Injuries

Your business card can be here GLENDARLYN LODGE—Agistment & Riding Centre

Lynda Howell $8 per issue or $80 for 11 issues EA/NCAS Riding Instructor

( 12 months ) Teaching beginner to advanced riders Agistment Full sized sand dressage arena Available Stables—yards—washbay available for overnight stays for Full board only with Hyperlinked to your your horse professional care given Servicing Goulburn, ACT & surrounding areas Business and email address Will travel for more than 4 riders Must have your own horse 97 Burrabinga Road Tarago Many years experience with many types of rider Phone: 48494565—0427 074 579 and horse combinations LAWN MOWING Large or Small Lawns Grass Cut & Edged

Please call John 48447176 ( message ) 0490 368579 ( no voice message ) [email protected]

Tobas Archery The Quickest Way to That Trophy

Grahame Benson Proprietor

0404 185296 Southview 02 48411800 159 Jerrara Rd [email protected] Marulan South NSW, 2579 Come and see our range. Mathews, Prime, Bear, Predator, Blackwidow, acadianwood, Martin, Tomahawk, Longbows, Custom made back quivers. Best prices you will ever find.

A blonde heard that accidents happen close to home - so she moved ! 14

[email protected]

I don’t engage in mental combat with the unarmed. 15

Community First Responders C.F.R. / S.E.S.

These blokes and women do an absolutely fantastic and critical job in responding to medical emergencies in this area and dedicate a lot of their personal time in an effort to help and protect members of this, and other, communities.

C.F.R. Members are also member of the S.E.S., and are further trained in advanced First Aid techniques by the NSW Ambulance Service and could be called upon to provide advanced first aid at roadside collisions and other emergencies in areas where there is no immediate State ambulance service available or close by.

C.F.R. Members also have a positive working relationship with local Police, Ambulance and other emergency services.

In order to keep this vital C.F.R. Active in this community, further volunteers are urgently required. If you are interested in this line of activity - please contact Kevin Muffet on 4844 7143 who will be more than glad to explain the processes to you.

Regards from Kevin Muffet Team Leader 48447143 Windellama S.E.S.& C.F.R. Windellama CFR are in desperate need of new members for their Community First Responders.

These new members would preferably be in their 30’s - 40’s but not necessarily.

Without such Units in our Communities, Emergency situations would be severely delayed and the CFR mem- bers are usually the first ones called to an emergency be- cause of their Senior First Aid Training.

Join the winning team & become a CFR member.


For over 85 years, STIHL® have been the innovators of power tools for the land owner, with the range stretching from petrol powered to battery powered tools to help you with your gardening task.

Everything is available from the Stihl® Shop Goulburn from the best in chainsaws, hedge trimmers, brush cutters, hand tools and safety equipment.

For the servicing of your Stihl® products, there is No better place to take them than your Local authorised Stihl® dealer.

So for a great range at a great price, come on down to the Stihl® Shop Goulburn where Scotty will look after your needs.

STIHL® SHOP GOULBURN 474 Auburn St Goulburn 2580 4822 2066

About a month before he died, my uncle had his back covered in lard. After that, he went down hill fast. 16


9A Victoria Ave, Goulburn ( behind Goulburn Mazda ) Ph: 4822 3788

Gas Conversions & All Mechanical Repairs All light vehicle rego, Inspections Blue, Pink & Green slips Gas bottle re-stamping & inspections arranged

What’s the difference between deer nuts & beer nuts? Beer nuts are $1.75 but deer nuts are under a buck. 17


We are there for you 7 days a Our experienced, friendly week 24 hours a day. staff are at your disposal, We have Pre paid funerals, ready to help you and quiet Chapel and on site park- your family in your time of need.

David Rudd and his sister Shane are an Australian family owned Funeral Home in Goulburn

All Monumental Work – through Bob Rudd Funerals – Please call Shane on 02 48224400 Email: [email protected]

( continued from page 13 )

HORSES BOLT A little before dinner eight or nine of the Governor's horses had taken fright and galloped away, disappearing in the direction from which the party had come. All the horses except two were recov- ered, some being found on the return journey by the aborigines, who, according to the narrative, "possessed the faculty of vision beyond anything I could conceive." It is on record that towards the end of 1819 Charles Throsby sent a large herd of cattle to what was evidently Gundary Plains, but what he referred to as the south -western lands of the cowpastures. In March, 1820 - five months later, 12 head of the cattle were turned into store and were found to average 750lb in weight. Some turned the scales at 900lb. There is an interesting story of the discovery of a shorter route to Goulburn, this saving travellers of the day a journey of 12 miles. In 1822 a Mr. Hall was returning from Lake Bathurst by cart to his hut in the centre of the Goulburn Plains. On the advice of a young man named Riley, Hall took the shorter track, which became known as Riley's road. CORROBOREE In 1832 a big aboriginal corroboree was held on the Goulburn Plains, and in the same year a disease known as Black Leg broke out and played havoc with the grazing cattle. Early visitors to the Plains included Rev. Fr. Therry, who arrived in the Thirties, and Archbishop Polding, who made the trip in the Forties.

[email protected]

I saw an add for burial plots, and thought to myself “that is the last thing I need” 18

COMMUNITY CONTACTS EMERGENCY NUMBER 000 FROM MOBILES 112 BUSINESS DIRECTORY UHF CB: Channel 8 Bungonia Hts Automotive Channel 16 Bungonia Fire Ground ONLY Goulburn City Glass 4821 2633 Channel 21 Windellama Base Goulburn Automotive 4822 3788

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Tom Larkin 4844 7191 Farm Services Pauline O’Brien Mobile: 0458 211250 Southern Weed Management 0407 012 663


UHF CB: During a Fire, UHF Ch 16 is Bungonia RFS Ground channel. Call sign: Bungonia Base. Real Estate OUTSIDE OF FIRES - THERE IS NO BUNGONIA BASE Jordans Crossing Real Estate 48411500 Captain Terry Lewis 0408 223380 Richardson & Wrench Goulburn 0432 410410

Senior Dep: Sean Whitby 0401 712677 Dept Cpt. Brendon Hobbs 0406 379759 Building Services Dept Cpt. Donna Squires 0437 626059 Acom Design 4844 4321 Corey Martin Carpentry 0405 556455 Megsy’s Painting & Decorating 0414 571525 FIRECOM: Goulburn during business only 4822 2900 Local Plumber 0416 035907 FIRECOM: Yass Zone (of which Bungonia is within) 6226 3100 C J Solar 4849 4225 NOTE:THESE NUMBERS ABOVE ARE FOR YOUR Merino Lawns & Gardens 0401 139438 SAFETY IN A FIRE SITUATION Assured Glass Fencing 9603 2063

BUNGONIA PROGRESS ASSOCIATION Stylewise Concrete 0487 941069 President: Bill Dobbie 4844 4272 My Mate Marty - Window / Solar panel cleaning 0498 034495 Secretary: JCF Contracting 0428 624966 Treasurer: Diana Moran 4844 4291

BUNGONIA & DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY Johnson & Sendall Solicitors 4821 1588 President: Moira McGinity 4844 4266 Goulburn Foot Clinic 4822 3132 Treasurer: Diana Moran 0448 270322 Bob Rudd Funerals 4822 4400 Secretary: Anne Wiggan 4844 4228 Lawn Mowing 4844 7176 Little Treasures - Day Care 4841 1985 BUNGONIA PARK TRUST Tobas Archery 4841 1800 President: Diana Moran 0448 270322 Stihl Shop Goulburn 4822 2066 Secretary: Anne Wiggan 4844 4228 Valmar Community Transport 48212933 Treasurer: Coolabah Pines Accommodation 4844 7176

COUNTRY WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION K9 Beauties Dog Groomer 0427 785292 President: Shirley Smith 48411976 Southern Region Chiropractic 4871 2762 Secretary: Leanne Lourigan 48445545 Treasurer: Colleen Cooper 0400 132633 WIRES 4822 3888 BUNGONIA TIMES Home Care Community Transport 4824 0140 Editor: Greg ‘Cal’ Callander 4844 7273 Email: [email protected] Ambulance Treasurer: Pauline O’Brien 0458211250 Bookings 131 233 Email: [email protected] Goulburn Ambulance Stn 4827 0444 Pauline Dickson: 4844 4202 Moira McGinity: 4844 4266 SES 132 500 Printer: Greg Callander 48447273 Poisons Information 131 126 JACQUA CREEK LANDCARE GROUP Goulburn Base Hospital 4827 3111 President: Ken Moran 48 444234 Police - Goulburn 4824 0799 Treasurer: Diana Moran 48 444234 Police Assistance Line ( P.A.L.) 131 444 Secretary: Julia McKay 48 444457 Country Energy - interruptions 132 080 Email: [email protected] Life Line 131 114 RURAL WATCH Kids Help line 1800 551 800 President: Moira McGinity 4844 4266 CFR - Kevin Muffett ( Ambulance ) 4844 7143 Secretary: Diana Moran 4844 4291 Contact: Marulan Police 4841 1516 & Mick Calleja on 4824 0799 (Goulburn Police)

You know you’re ugly when it comes to a group picture and they hand YOU the camera. 19


Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Fri - 30 Sept 2017 MANDATORY Bush 1 DAYLIGH SAVING Bungonia CWA closes Fire Season STARTS FORWARD 1 hr at 2am Marulan Art down after 89 years. from SUNDAY 1st. Exhibition - Marulan Hall 10a - 4p, Free

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Labour Day RFS Meeting $15 lunch at Home Educators & Marulan Art Marulan Art family meet at Hall noon 7.30pm at Bungonia Hall. Exhibition - Marulan Hall 10a - Exhibition - Marulan Hall 10a - - 3pm Shed. 4p, Free 4p, Free Big READ Bus Community Bus Outside Hall See page 15 Nissan Sporting Car Club Mass, St Patrick’s Maru- 10a - 11a Wakefield Pk lan 8am St Michael’s, Bungonia 9a - 4pm Marulan Pony club meet 7p Rosary Jonifields, Brayton Rd, Marulan

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 School resumes Judy’s Kitchen Home Educators & Lynton Horse Trials WINE & CHEESE night. Marulan Art Morning Tea at family meet at Hall noon 13 - 15th Bungonia Hall Exhibition - Marulan Hall 10a - Progress Assoc. Bungonia Hall - 3pm 7.30pm See Page 1 4p, Free meeting at Hall 10.30a - MD. See Council website St Michael’s, Bungonia 7.30pm $5 Flyball Racing 7p Rosary Marulan Art Dog sport at Dog grounds Exhibition - Marulan Hall 10a - Gbn show ground 4p, Free 8am

St Patrick’s Marulan 8am Triump Car Club Wakefield Pk Marulan Book Exchange 9a - 4p At Marulan Hall 10a - 1p Peejar Dam Trout Fishing free 6a—3.30p

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 History Meeting $15 lunch at Home Educators & Marulan Art Colour Me Fun Run Bungonia Hall. family meet at Hall noon 7.30pm at Hall - 3pm Exhibition - Marulan Hall 10a - Victoria Pk, Gbn 9am 4p, Free Mass, St Patrick’s Maru- Community Bus lan 8am See page 15 Crookwell Rotary St Michael’s, Bungonia Club Swap Meet 7p Rosary 6.30am

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 $15 lunch at Home Educators & 24 hr of LeMons Multiquip Road Safety Day Marulan Art family meet at Hall noon Bungonia Hall. Wakefield Pk 10a - 3p. See Page 7 Exhibition - Marulan Hall 10a - - 3pm 8a - 5p 4p, Free

Big READ Bus Marulan Art Outside Hall St Michael’s, Bungonia 7p Rosary Exhibition - Marulan Hall 10a - 2017 Table Tennis Champ. 10a - 11a 4p, Free 28th & 29th 9am John Lees Centre, Sports Way, St Patrick’s Marulan 8am Gbn

Cancer Council Relay for Life. Eastgrove 9.30a 30 31 HALLOWEEN

When I die, I hope I have enough time to point at a complete stranger and whisper “You did this” 20

The Bushfire Season is now upon us again and it is antici- Sydney Gazette and Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - pated that we could have severe fires in the area. 1842), Thursday 6 November 1834, page 2

LIEUTENANT MACALISTER. It is now time to update the local Emer- gency Warning System database. To Lieutenant Macalister, Mounted Police.

For those who are not members ( there are currently 351 indi- Sir, --- We cannot permit you to leave Goulburn upon your removal viduals on the system ) this doesn’t cost you a cent. It is a from the command of the Second to the First Division of Mounted system whereby I can send bulk alerts at the same time to mo- Police, without offering to you our most cordial thanks for the very bile phones, emails, home phones, faxes to inform you of a efficient manner in which you have performed the arduous duties pending danger - i.e., fire, flood, road closures, accidents in devolved upon you during the four years, in which you have held the command. our area. If there is a pending weather event that may impact on the To your unceasing exertions, activity, and zeal in the service, and area ( rain, hail, wind etc ) the system will automatically send especially to your perfect knowledge of the surrounding country, we you the warning from the Weather Bureau whereas we can feel ourselves deeply indebted for the present state of security, and send individual or bulk messages that otherwise impact upon quiet enjoyed by the inhabitants of these extensive districts; the our area. more so when we recall to mind their very disturbed state, when, If we become aware of a situation and we are in a position to previous to your appointment to the Police, you first volunteered send these other local alerts - you will receive it. your services against the band of Bushrangers who were committing every species of outrage in this part of the Colony. If you are new to the area or your details have changed, sim- ply send the below information to Cal at We should be wanting in duty towards ourselves, were we to omit [email protected] so that I can update the system. If you this opportunity of expressing our approbation of the conduct of the wish to mail them: Cals’ Rock, 70 Blakes Bvd, Bungonia, party under your command ; as well as our opinion of the very great benefits arising to the Colony from the services of the corps in gen- 2580 eral.

For each person you would like to be on the system, send the We beg to offer you our sincere wishes for your health, happiness, following details: and prosperity.

Name 1st January, 1834. Local address  * * Local phone number  Mobile number Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - Fax number 1842), Thursday 6 November 1834, page 2

If, especially where you are new to the area and no-one would To the Magistrates, and the principal Land-Proprietors of Argyle, know who to contact if something serious happens to you, and the Southern Districts. you may also wish to supply emergency contact details for Gentlemen - I beg to return you my sincere acknowledgements for yourself and/or family. the very handsome letter you have been pleased to address to me, on

If so, send those details to the same email. It can be more the occasion of my removal from Goulburn to take the command of the Division of Mounted Police stationed at Bathurst. than one emergency contact. The approbation you are so good as to express of my conduct, will Next of Kin ever be a source of satisfaction to me ; and it is in the highest degree Their address gratifying to find, that not only my own humble exertions in the Their phone numbers discharge of my duty, but the services of the Detachment lately un- Any allergies you may have. der my command, and the Corps in general, have been such as to obtain the good opinion of Gentlemen who, from local experience, All of this information is kept in the strictest of confidence but is intelligence, and respectability, are so well enabled to form a correct essential in an emergency situation. judgment.

If you wish to speak to me about this system or the information, With my best wishes for your continued welfare, believe me to re- simply contact me. 48447273 main, Gentlemen, your faithful and obedient

PLEASE, like back in 2015, don’t wait until the fires are coming before deciding to get yourself upon the warning system because the servant, very real possibility is that we just won’t have time on the day to put you on the system. L. MACALISTER, Lieutenant Commanding First Division Mounted Police. Regards Bathurst, 10th January, 1834.


If every day is a gift, I’d like a receipt for Monday. I want to exchange it for another Friday. 21

Have hope for the future - but maybe build a bomb shelter anyway. 22