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a Concrete Evidence 6f Murder


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But Rising fejUghe^Xbreat- ^ / L o t s O f B a s e b a l l tee Will taka Up Jerwy

. And 4th Ifishfs ens Injr^ers; France Ciih City Case During Recess; PR i Jap Trade; Japanese Pro woHis Sore Of Big Crowd A Had -Many Urgings.

pose Cot-np Of Chine. Sena^ Manchester baa a fiill schedui That "Other^ Gettysbqrgr Address of j WaahIngton/.,Rjly 2.—(AP)-^The *w- holiday and week-end -h- tor Senato Civil L i b e l s committee in over the Fourth, Shanghai, .July 2.— (A P )—Japan- s Head Of Con^MMioi’l .... ^ ***'**fy formed persona said today will turn _ _ old and young. Th^ annual Legion lU attention to Mayor ese bombers today started hammer- : Hague Ing at Hukow, 2.1 miles up the - Fireworks d l ^ y will be held Mon- and complaints agalna,______*1 M tirg b l^ ». b'cTocfc bri the blit j^Hcres before C on gas m e ^ ^ a ln Yangtze river from-MfilowcbeH ami | lots. East Center street, k LaFoUette (Prog., \ believed to be the next major ob- Next Week To Agree 0r > ng the actlvlOes of the long fo T trrlT '^ * ^ t lv e In the drive on Hankow. rie.has replied to Hukow, 150 miles downriver from the provisional capital, lies at the Genera] Course Of Actioa. C ^ ter street construction, I toe must °flrs‘t‘*wmd u^fto Inquiries mouth of an .Inlet to Lake Poyang eat crowd In years Is ex- In the field of labor relations China's second>largest lake and on by mentioning limited The gateway to air northern Kjangsl Washington, July 2,— (AP)L commute recenUy received an addl- provlrice. Advices from Kluklang. « « " ‘ ctionB tlonal gSO.OOO from the Senato. hW‘- 15 miles above Hukow, 'said nine apltoty for those that stay at borne, ever, and expects to complete the I monopoly investigatiiix Japanese bombers, aided -by clear and mountalb totor relaUbns inquiry Within the weather, took part In ...the. attack., /mtnmittee, divided intb «fac^ dwayiB. Will. call-A dargfe propor'>I - — following the occupation of Matow- sub-groups to hastfip *'**‘‘**“^ M a n y Kequects. fictioiie ' ^ holiday.------W The main througha , routes Committee Investigators said they Searchers davs’ **^*'’ * I began preliminary study todfiX were .crammed with tourists ffom|h“

toe German A. C. and the Broad denials o f clvU liberties July 7 A n f Make Speech- au pan-rv cnrlr low river to the north In.the tcccnt meeting, aatdttia^eaato Brook town team, toe Germans to Till! 5 SfneraHy were accepted flood. 7116 Yangtie contltoed to mendatlons of the aubtommpSS totum toe game to the afternoon a t l ^ ^ ? l ‘ hough ; rise and. was approaching ;toe tops would be dlscuased at a ttoethw W of the dikqs an entire month ahead Broad Brook. The Blueflelds______„11L wlllj '"®®- es In Four Or Fi?e States; A l l >11x11 the full committee next ThufMlS'' meet the fast Bristol ^lleglans” at First'Report Recalled. •r-' / J of the usuitL time. The /great vol- burg, ’"pa.?” o"h‘Sa?" a en t'R o S ^ ^ ^ ^ sp«k“on^-®" and an attempt made to oettll'to toe West Side at 2:30 and Mortdr- In connection With the asserted ume of Fatertrom the highlands 1s to^ToU ’d^atl^^rhLts ro ‘;”n Tn [Ufs * §,«"**■»• course of action. tya wUl play the Bristol Ppllah- readiness of the Senato committee yet to arrive, causing/ fears that historic photo which was taken The coifiiiUtte© a Ibo may Aznjricsns at 2:30 at Mt. Nebo. to Investigate Hague’s admlnjstra- Schedded L 'd Of Slops. Say, F J i t ^ y Farl^ Are central China Is facing flood dan ^jThe BucMand- A. C. will pW Uon, It was recalled that in Its first gere as great or greater than the picture was inado bv 'D avl*“ lWh™nh“ ^^^^^ •ame spoL T to toen. he aaid, whether to lu5d tocn^waa working, fo? a m l g i i ’ '“ Photographer, who “•emblaS ***® w e » k ^ d , ^ o Hyde Park, JJ, Y., July 2—--(APJ Yellow river overfli ' ^ ■ correlate flrat all Information on Ol them with the New Britain Faf. (OontbUMd OB Page Two.) rikint Any igSred k-v- May Floto, sirs. President Roosevelt's trip to the monopoly available from the £ \TTie high, water/would Ice !t partmenu. some committee TOe program at toe Old Golf Lota Pacific congealed today into a mi easy for the Chitose to fl™„ . hers Mid It might take at leant a wll open at 8 o’clock Monday night ^e^d campaign and -sigh h Tb^ fniffana Situation. kow If mllltary/leaders should BURGLAR IS SHOT NO HERALD *®‘ '®LP°“ i'- ■!? Pholograpber TeDs Police wUl be by gates from Soggeste Thai Neoiral Port James*A''*Pfl'H» ^®*‘ ";“ n‘ e«-VG4'nerai this seatoo of the yeat-and Itrfeems * wuvc July 4,-Independent*e Day. remedial legislation already had jg w M e ld and East. Center streets. yjul» onnipalgns on with been gathered by the departments lallII boats which could be ■■■A' win be in charge of “ two-weeks cruise of used ytranspqrts. and the coinmittee needed only to toe Pacific and a trip through the Man Was Trying To Force Chief of Police Samuel G. Gordon In Be U s e d ^ From the lake the Japanese would study them. , . ' *ad a detail of police. Panama Canal to a On harbor.' .southeastern -Mor Free‘ween France and Japan monopoly question and to empower nation^ he was admitted to the hospital last them to eubpoen& witoeaiee sod to the non-intervention committee T-.. .*"*<• Many States Mni,.„A V Statehouse or- ?n *>“» '^sdlted nl^il, so serious was his condition. 1^ Guests At Gettysburg Hat of contraband goods. Present inW*r order suspend- ^Waterbury, July 2 .- (A P )- T h e records. O’Mahoney said tto com- U: |toat transcontinental Jpumev of leat him In the convention. Detective Hanrahan said - the mittee had authority .to delawata contraband la confined to actual war tollOcs and pleasure ^uTake ^him Ing importation of Japanese mer- Waterbury Grand Jury began atl materials. . chandise on the quota list. photographer, Pasquqle H. Bongo such power to subcommlttaao. ' . Gettysburg, Pa., July 2—(AP)— van JVuya If the campaign to re- Senator King: (D.. TJtah). said, **^h>lster Viscount Halifax '“ “ ® primaries and Three thousand Regular Army Md Sir Robert M. Hodgson.-Brit- ^R6neral elections. Minton I . J , volume of foreign however, that he waa- against is- trade lmoIv«l, caused obsesvfers I 0 suing any "roving commisalona'* by ^ps and hundreds of gayly uni-tain s representative In Burgos, in- arranged speeches were fixed at $2,.500. «i ^®®* 'Vlth dozens of -Isurgent capital, wrested with the iinK the commercial break ,wi£h which committee memtors might formed Legionnaires and drum and to Ohio. KentuclcvKentucky, Oklahoma and A -new-spaper clipping Identifying biock.;;tVwrrn ms reply which Sir, Robert brought to Colorado. (Continued On Pagp Two) OryechowskI as a member of the path by attoroeys for U e i t '^ v ! Inquire Into the aeUWUes of any ly? .* Sethered beneath over- ^ndon Thursday. They were un- (Continued On Page Two) busine.s8 firm. - '^ e White House announcement »Hartley7 Mafls., Po.st, 260 rested s*^®”** ®"'' ° ‘ *>®'’® ar-. historic battle- abto to, begin a detail^ examination American. Legion,;was found in his " If It becomes important to is- field today to' "strut their atuff*’ for made no mention of an address to te w *, ,.® '■®®“' ‘ of the Inquiry Jn- of Jts contents until today, how- pockete,' the detective said. W to muntolpal affairs Md sue subpoenas and take testimony’* the wearers of the Blue and Gray ***®y to wait for a (Oontlnued On Page Twot Heard Nolfw at Door legislative lobbying.- • King declared.’’lilhlnk the hearlim “'® tr^aU on of the Spanish text. Bongo asserted he Was working Alcorn, With two major victories ought to be held here In Waahing- uniformed musical orgailtiza- Monuinent, Legal Death in the da*’l*room of hls second-floor ton before the whole committee.” bna of patriotic groups Joined m « « a t Britain could do about the t; matted "'®®t 4e ’ Work With Ageade* procession be- ‘*®'’“ ,t*thig aerial raids on the FOUR MEN KILLED (Oontlnned qn Page Two.) ^ ligS^ tin. In anoth-Each Congressional member -of ‘_the ^,000 aged a v ll War vet- ■■ Mark E(irhart Anniversary Tuesday when the committee,. O’Mahoney said, will vMrt merchant fleet — aim state dignitaries, sitting which Prime Minister Chamberlain be assigned to work with a repre- -U ^ “'■^“ 'nenta on addl- lopied stadium stands ^ th protect .-‘* of tha /‘•“ tlcally through ardous leg of her world flight. ^{^ipmemoraUng her last advea- through treacherous rain squalls to Brothers;'.Political Issue. r4n®i valldlty o f the White House advlaers^S busineaa ^®®^ rock today to an hunt the nfiMing pair. a flame reach a miner trap^d for Surface toM K ‘^“'7 P'^oceedlngs were up- and relief “matters. Henderson 'Was lighted atop the 55-foot proposed International selected yesterday to be committto ^ tavestlgate tomblngs W hours 3.000 feet undergro^d by Hawallan toionlstTsTn^to^uV h^s*^tto*^fiirniieiTto fliJn ^*^“a to decision bum ’’forever’' as a aymbol ^af ren Island to * program of J.'l®.. t'vln-motorcd Earhart New York. July 2 —(Ap T—The secretary At the suggesUon of Retk ino. , . . . program of develbp- peace eternal to a nation' unite^^ | proximity t(^ llijta S “pbjecUveJ!’ ®‘'“ Potential American air bases to plane might have floated after ti mysterious four-yoar-old slaying o f ! “ cP°nough of New .^mners. (D.. Tex.), himself elect- . dropped. ed vice-chairman of the ronqnlttea. Oivalry Itoview -r ^ May Never Fobetton the mid-Paclflc.' , * Wll,lam:.Snydqr. a crime thft d ^ l ? S ^ . L ^ , army Mvalrymen will ride L , ^ “ e quarters said General DiMppearanco of the couple Most searchers agreed Miss Ear- Ye.sterday’s meeting waa closed, ta review op, the ground where M ^ « > had refused to a c c ^ t h e rock were dead, three had been res- which led to the greatest searoh hart possibly blinded by the rising vetoped toto a political Issue la s t',S ^ *:ie c to e S Tue^SaHtoether but §Criator Borah (R., Idaho), —id I Pickett made hls famous charge-1 ®®®®laalon, and added It' misht '*t® another was ewer lawched in one of the world’s fall. appeared.-today to have been appeal from the Judge Inglla' he ..would recommend that future undetermined.. rolved by the pleas of guilty -of meettogs be open. ' while airplanes drone overh e^S d Hr®*- he set up They pointeS^’lSJ onellest quarters, tad its sequel too overehm the minute Island or fell fuling upholding Alcorii’s appoint- a 48-gun salute is fired to the ml; “ "^tbe NetherlamS The trapped man, J. d . Painter. short of her goal when her’ gasoline Morris and William (Wolfle) Gold- ment. I Borah also told'reporters that be Oakland Superior Court, Bupply faUed. « « o i m e I Is. brothers. wodld propose that the committee! I . ; ~ *® “ P the third member became incoherent «aa he talk^ where Noonan, navigator on the Kelly execuUve 'secretary to Tb® first rain during the encamp-1 ®<5mmls«lon, had accented through # email 00611111? to the tragic .Journey, was declared legally __attorney for Noonan's widow, Morris Oolflis, a studious-looking Mayor Hayes and one of the 27 men look toto alleged price-fixing In tto reecuc jerew. ® dead last month.- ay now Mrs. Harry Ireland of Santa toM of-28. wa.s said by the district oil Industry. , ment. meanUme. brought from the 21^' «>ndlUon that the accus^ of conspiring to defraud the camp medical staff expreoalona of J’^ ’d be agreeable with both "Blast ine out> he begged them. ^ rto ra , Intr^uced the Itasca’s of- attorneys office to have admitted city of "over a million dollars" had the ^mdrnliTg of July 2, ceneera as to the effect It "■Ight ° ^ ‘®** factions, Ann b Broken ' V tl*® Rearing to deter- w o re a Grand Jury last week, that sought to have the special prosecu- CMAHONEVa CAREER Eralier. members o f' the rescue '" * * «» « « from Miss mine the navigator’s death. It'told Sf.,."'®-* ‘‘‘ rigger, man’’ In the Washington, July 2— (A P ) __ A have on the veterans’ health. y*^*®d Statea and Sweden al- Earhart s plane.- speeding toward KUiin^. lieutenant Colonel Pbul H. Haw-} declined to serve, ‘*1®. ^®^ from the ptkne. former newspaperman turned law- JSf^e^rte^tT ’^ r t a " ? o r ^®- New Guinea, (Oontlnned On Page Two)^ ley. commanding officer of the Flrat I .in believed Fmnce and Brit- ;^t^roported^ey had talked easUy foretold of-death to shark-filled possibly but moments before It was Aroaigned befora-Supreme Court yer, will direct the adminiatratioa’g Kedlcal Regiment, U. S. Army, and IJ S * P°*«lhle showdown on swallowed■e^ uup - "by the ocean. Justice Ferdtoand Pecora. yester- investigation of monopoly In buri* day, thq Goldls brothers were per- treasury BAL.ANCE ness. ■ . . rojnloo surgeon, oald to waafSS f«Uure to eet up ®y broken." theihl!" avlatrlx undertook i® **® vvhtch contact at 2:20' p. m. ^ t e r was quoted. ’T am bleeding, fun.” "just for EST reported half-hour fuel and no mitted tentatively to pltod gu il^ Senator Joseph C. O’Moboney. (Du --itch ing t h . _ a ^ e r closely ‘S? but take your Ume ,and come on." to charges of first degree miS. ^ W ^ t o g t M , July » _ ( A P ) — The ij'^yo.), elected yeeterday to he „ the. Coast Guard cutter PoalUon slaughter^* poslUon of the Treasury oh June 30 Already removed were the boibea * ’lj*tM , the eutter reported. <'The Luther Xicague will .hold'tts schedule for the seaalu., from the night of July 9 to cal courts.” It 'added that "thCM lows: Week of July 4th. Marlboro; of. Israel, Ah|re waa a constant ten- even more Intimate______retreats in M ^ lie « p l ^ « o f tholr house leaves . four ' alaterS, Mrs. --Cql. luberHIt MeOofnuek, Cbtca<. are regarded of equal .impdftaaee TT-Servlce 1:00 rto. July mOraing. leaving the tornjinus J ^ k of July nth. South Glaaton- spoken to him, bui-"what/piTOf is dency for. iiO(4al corruption to lay Beach. Hex« there la midu\,0 ity under the buner o f the Town- general closing down of busbieas. the moirhlng of July EL He-will "OOP" will be the arubject .of the there of toe claim?, '/fro.proof Is B.v DEWITT 51ACKEN___ ^ hattan are being utllb*dFor 'esen- riviJry, .H«l«n WiUa Ilavld Rullen, and Mrs. James Aran^ mmTNatlonal Recovery Plu. pubU|h4v, w u to'orrive here bjr review tha tflUted S U t ^ fleet 6t by your committee." . ’ at 6:30 O’clock. All tboM desiring to b i^ ; Week of July 18th, PlalnvHle; hold of -the laraielltea, sapping the going atmosphere toat spray»Hartford chestsr through the' columns of Houston, which also wm M his ship August 22nd, Rocky Hill. (iourse) are going to be deprived of sented this Week an^-ppen air pro- paper. of people witb-good weatbOTfor the "Little Steel area.” Readings from the Bible Include and Joshua, Ms aue- upon the peopl^or a deflfilte choice Anna.” "Sh(»w Boat" a i» d ^ % worthy ot the, name in. Th»^:funernl will 'be held''at 2 week-end. for tbs Paelfle emipe,^ ^ The Camp is In charge of Charles ' ''i; duction of "Show Book. Jerbme 1 Mta' o’Oot'k''eidolf Monday-, afternoern' at the Very truly yours, A u stere^ Simplicity, funeral Committee tavsstlgatofs.' tbs following: "Fear not, O land; be Swedish morning worship, 10:80. Beecher, of Wesleyan University, to toe matter of loyaiUea. He sees a lot of ‘ishuddera'/now that the KsrnW musical hit based oi Student Prince." Police Captain, POter Dowglewiea Mrvices for \the 21-year-old pub- thoM hOaringa almuld be bombompleted: glad and rejoice: for the Lord wUl English monitog worship, 11;10. It was not by chance that to6 them drifting InTt(jS:vJl practices Fronch government has decreed the Ferber novel. ^ Is this'Kodd. observation , the two bltMr California ,l^m u O. Dougan Doug F^nral Home, FORD A. FERRIS. h u tasued a warning In regard to last year's assistant 'director: wSa teiak of continuing toe 'wrork of 0 I hkd fouyht thnniyb ten Hereof S9 Hotl street. . Rey.'James Stuarf 200 Main Street, lishing heir were to be held In-the in about two weeks. ^ do gtoat things. Be not" afraid,, ye Communion service, 12:00. E. V. Hollis, Jr., also of Wi writo no vital decision, ahd-jie calls abolition of the fiotortoiin French ^Wlto-WlUlam Kent to the role of nmer theater muslcalA 7D setting off fireworks before Mon- reception room Of hls mother:s Los beasts of the field: for the pastures reyon Moses, with all its honor and Its upofl them to realize that thej^uet Guiana prls(>n colony, which la- toe producers present a taatad yamea in the oiMnlhg Neill of St Mary's Episcopal church Muchester, Conneetlcut, MONOPOLY (XlMMirrEE- ^The Stmday school and Sunday Untveialty, a native of htucky. responaibility, fell t^ n Joshua. We (Apt’ A n ^ Hawks and with the S J t^ 1,1938. day, According to a city ordinance Pabfanoebfa ranch, shortly after Col- of the wIlderneM do spring, for the evening services will be discontinu- decide either for Jehovah and tha cludce DevU’s Island. tooM Miected bw Hi 'Mbra lira, kloody ooiUd wln,- will officiate' and burial will be in the fireworiu must not be Mb off be- Both men are expert' ced camp have the plcture,.Of him ae one of ringing sisters, Natalie and Bettins I aaeoadi aaf wan a walltaway af- ^ e East cem'etery. *nuraday mornliM almost all of onel McOormlek’a- oitlval. BURGLAR iS^SHQT tTM beareth her fruit, the fig tree ed during the months of July and men and will condi ^ religion of purer Ideals, or for the '‘ PP*'Pk'’b the subject In Han, to the parts of Julie and Mag- patrons theiaatives, and they rar the 6,000 delegates traveled by cars, fore 0 a. m. on Monday morning..' Servlcee for youn^-McCormlck's Taking office ufioppom, H. O. apd the vine do yield their strength. a program tho twelve go|pg up to apy the land false gods and tha practices asso- thlftx^^ bcpau^g actually the days musical show s' i libo4y' h ^ won the flrat SPLITS UP IN CROUPS August. . ^-''^• covering crafts, athletica, na- which the children of Israel'were nolA this ,1s a schtlroenjal and busses u d automobiles .to Long TTiere .u e eleven who received per- cUmblng eompaiUon fUebard Whlt- Hatfield, above,! of Oklaboifia, City B* glad theur ye children of Zion, ciated with their worphlp. of torture .are things of humorous revival of a musical that those that were hits on BroaSwi mits for tb'e sale of the fireworks in is the new president of KlwanlS'J|i> BY STAMFORD MAN Wednesday »enlhg: sejvlce, 7 :30. ture study, p craft, games and seeking to enter. Ten jot these in recent days,- x; yaeohO appeared to be taav^ Beuh—tha home of the Townsend mer, who ahared the trSgte end of sad rejoice In the Lord your God Saturday evCntitg, Jiljy Olh, ^ the tournami Aroused by this plain challenge, the dlstant'^art They most^certato- was one of the\ late Flo Zlegfeld’s FUNERALS PIu. Ae It w u a beautiful day the .city.Extra police will be.on their mountaln-cliiablng trip June TO mS IE N INQIIIRY ternational. Hatfield, who stepped^ swimming, treasure twelve spies returned Wjlto discour- the people renounce the Idea that Most of their seleOttona. this aui tMMhle with her riyht .-ankle.^ .... And ye shall know that I anq Young People’s soqlefy sponsored by hunts^^c^p fires, story telling, and aging and fear-atricken stories.- The ly did exldt at>ne time, and the groatest hits. Ir» the original Zleg- Simon g. BUdebrasMl the morning w u tjevoted to vlaltlng duty both tonight and Sunday night 22, were pending tlfe arrival of hls Up from the poet of treasurer of .(Oonttaiiieil from Pngs OiM.) in the midst of Israel, and that I- aih they would, forsake Jehovah to once all too truthful'-appellatlon of feld production Charles Wlnninger mer are old-timers like '’Show Boal flapped ruhalny''purely and u d seeing the city of Long Beach. to see that thq law Is. enforced and mother, Mrs. T. B. Whltmer, ^rom the service organization, was ohoa- Group No. 1 wiirhave an outing at atu^njghts—with at least one land waa peopled by great and Mrve <)ther goOS: but this Is not and “The Student Prince." WM* * almoet no court at alt So Tha funeral o f Simon J.. Hilde- (OontiniMd from Page One.) the Lord your God, and none else: Marlboro LekC. ^vernlght hike in each community. strong, enemies, and there" was no Devil 8 Island has come to bo a gen- was (Apt. Andy Hawks and Norma The gathering, place of the thou- the captain h u uked the young- England. en by ,7,000 delegates meeting in and my people shall never be enough for Joshua. He does not eric term for the world’s, harshest Terris and Helen Morgan sang the wOTldindicatethat such a hlt^ raa the battle that Miae brand of 2fi Rufiiell place, in» held stiidlo ht. 270 Atlantic atroet when ‘ Camp Vagabond was brought Into possibility of the Israelites being want Mntimental. or pious profes- this Mason as "I’d Rather Be Rigiit iM -mafnlsg at Si30-at tha.W.. B. Buda of delegates w u at Bixby sters to rofraln from uttlng pfT Nqt uiitll iate yesterday, when lu work te-Botodsfr-Oolo;;;- inatead of international convention in San h« heard a-qatM at. tha. door Aixhlt: ’ .2; 21,. 22,_23 ;to places of punishment: .^)l'^°...*'ole8 glyen hece.jo. the Hall r won i^riy-three-polnbe-ln 4h* Park ‘u d ths exercuas "Sfarfea 'at ffre'c'rackefs lb“ the 'vli^ of the Ffan'cISed.'' ...... JOHhrs CHUROH being six -years agot aecordtog~to a able. tb. CQn()uer it.. . But Iwa. men, sion.. , .What- ha.' wants- lii a clear flintera. . *v RooijlWWK'l^S ^Isn funeral home u d at' St. hanging but hls shingle. 8:30 p. m. last night, Hahrahan : sod 27). Oolway street Joshua and (Baleb, bad a different - Probahty ner -blher'-lwna'f 8ettl(>. 1:30 p. m. with music by tha Long hospital or other ,placu where thefW ;foin In the search for bis nephew's ilectlona from the 'Christian plan proposed'by the late John F, Mnse of what It meaiui to serve mont In hlptory has produced so, ll^e audience sits In a half of tola New DeM, might be a suinmier sKp It w u reminiscent of tM r diw' A m u 's church at 9 o'clock, where Beach Municipal Bud. At 2:30 the 5o4y, did Colonel McCormick learn He remainedremal'aUed to that flud tintll he said. Rev. Joaeph ZJ Rolfs, pubUsher of "The Hartford report.' They emphasized toe Jehovah. That service iheuis the hit about ten years from ntwr. TM a requiem mus w u celebrated. The Is sickness. yiti appointed_,..-lnied Ml Mcretary------, „ to __ the_____ late The photographed wns quot ice textbook, "Science and richness ot toe land which awaited many tales of*horror-. and humai: .stadium where the stage is mounted antic match In the AmerlM finals meeting was called to .order ^ by Sunday Services it had been found. , : \' Times,” to give to boys and girls renunciation of sin and unrighteous- suffering as have come out of at about the 60-yard-Ilne. Mlcro- truth. "Show Bool «g i n s When Mra. MoodyM« w u burial w u in St. James's cemetery, Senator John B. Kendrick of Wyom- SNYDER SUYING sa)ring be found Oiyeobowslil Flth with Key to.the Scriptures' Low mass, 6:3^ the people and they said, ”We are ness. It means the giving of one’s George H. Newland who Introduced The union eervlcee of tbe Rock- The tall, lean-faced „youth would taring the studio when hd W«m uti Mary Baker Eddy, include the unable to leave home to attend a "French Guiana. And perhaps no oth- phonee bring the voice clearly aM "The Student Prince” arW M iMdlreppsil hy A baolt injury, Jn the bearers being Jerry Liovett, El- Roy J. Webb «to serVe u Muter of have been a fourth genera'tion'inem. ing th-1917. He began practice ot High mass^WIfaO.-... tegulariy-organized camp the same Weldable to possess H,” heart and win to the cause of truth mental romances that will ba HR U- mer Btricklud, George Nichols, ville Methodist, Baptist and Union law In 1920 to Chejrenne, Wyo., but to investigate and retreated'to^th^ rollbwing citations from 'page 339: er similar settlement has warrante(i across to the audiences to the stands Mat tastance, howetrinr, Mrs, Moody Ceremonlea. Invocation was by Dr. Congregational churches will start ber of the Chicago Tribune publish- HNALLY SOLVED Lutnla^olr rehearsal; camping program under a day-camp and the welfairexof Israel. - and the only complaint is that of ty years from now. But, aUdn M ndtsd brittle third 'set wh^ William Thompson, William Rlsley. H. S. Muon. Mayor Thomu M. ing family bad he Uved to enter a left it in 1983 to accept an appoint- ;darkrobm where hr snatched a-\2S '20-25: "As the mythology of pagan 2 p. jn//Meetteg of Ladies s^e- It waa in this clear .faith that 'nmes have changed but the old such blood-chllllng chronicles. Mtlre of the. Hardtog-CBoolidM H| and E. M. Thompron, associates of on Sunday, July 3, at the Union ment ae aselstaat postmaster gen- calibre revolver from a shelf. 'S Roipc .has yielded'to a more spirit- plan. Over 1250 boys have been Joshua accepted hie leadership, and However, all this happened prior such m modern sge-”*airplanes keei tnlttny 8^1. Eaton w u thah Introduced and wel- church. The services for the next newspaper career u he had plan- reached through thla program .fa Issues remain, and the challenge of swooping dowb to get a glimpse o mtotstrationir o s ' '~'Ot time ISlS Mrt Hildebrand In Ww^work at the comed the delegateli to Long Beach. ned. eral. Nine ihqntbs later he was ap. (Oontiaoed from Page One.) Bongo reported he forced the tor ual IdM of Deity, so will oUr Ina- It waa to the expression of hls own Joshua, or of some equally prophe- to 1926 when the laws for the ad- is already a perished musloal BOSS tn e^ Hurt Case Brothers company nf HIghlud three Sundays will be held at 10;S0 Minted to the. Senate by Governor trader to back down the. stairs at\ p. m.—Softball game, Ware vs. flv* years of the Camp's operation. ipirit .that he passed on to the peo- ministration of the penal' colony the show and their engines* roa Dr. J. J. Dunning said MUs Ja- Clarence Wagner, a member of the Simple Oeremoiiiba terlal-'tbeories . yield to spiritual 'Manchester at Ware. etlc leader of today. Is as keen and cauM It made a hit by twUtiy hc Park, Council, w u also Introduced and o'clock Instead of-the usual hour. >elle A. Miller upon the death of gun point and fired when he aaw \ Ideas, until the finite gives place to iie the admonition that had come Vital as ever. were' radically changed for toe bet- drowns out at times the voices had stntnad the achilles ten Rev. Dr. George S. Brookes, pastor Today’s simple ceremony mark- Schorr, alleged labor racketeers,, on _ 7:30— Monday evening, Polish stage. It had little romance f(?iient<> likewlae extended, nestings to the Kendrick. first degree murder charges. the map move hls hand as if rsacb- tbS'ltiflnlte, sickness to healthr sin to him, to be strong and of go^ TTie welfare of America-:- as ter. It -was- my privilege a couple The same Is traa of 'Td Rab of her right Icy yuterday and of the Union ^church, wUi. have for ed the conclusion o f one of the most Long.an odvocaM-of antl-monopty Iniig for bls pocket. DetecUtte'Haa- school., courage. ;— . of years ago to he the newspa- The explanation for this la that ; ha had b an n ed it just be- delegates shd all 'Townsend people Intensive searches in 'routhwest his- District Attorney . Thomas F. Jo' hoUnees, and (Bed's kingdom much (is the welfare Of ancient treat Rlght.” > . lathered at the park. iTshould the , subject ot hls sermon on Sun- legislation, the slender, energetic rahaniha asderted. ' Comes ‘to earth, aa it Is to heaven.’ ” . ^:0O-^Thursday,'Drum’ and Bugle But Joshua saw the people them- perman ever accorded free acceH fWe today's match. — — I tory, ln.,,whlch skilled mountain Dewey made the com an issue In corps rehearstU. STAFFORD SPRINGS Israel—depends upon clfar, definite . edge there were about 20,000 people dayl "Does My Belief In God In- climbers 'fropi Colorado scale al- Wyoming Senator brought to We hls political campaign last Novem- Investigators said no gun was selves weakened by their own lack and moral choice on the part of to all the secrets of Dovll’s Island Tmpaitlatslj after Jacobs ^xfeW0 rk8 Fund here.ud It la hard for those of you fiuence M ef" new Job a portfolio of facts gather- found In Oryechowsid’s posMdalon. 7:30—Friday; St. Cecilia rv- of faith and by the Immorality that and the rest ofMho-Mttlement. I ykassly taken her beating and most perpendicular bluffs and sure- ber. T ^ SALVA’nON ABMl’. bparsal. toOM who would Mrve (Jod ahd the ..«h u. a,om m N IV n/m ini back E u t to believe that such a . There will be no Sunday school at footed Pueblo Indians combed eteep ed In an extensive personal tovMti- He refused to coinment on pub- but they discovered a piece of eel-, Adjutant and Mrs. George Ansoombe General acceptance of toe theory provalled among theim The wor- commonweal. came away with the Impression that iBPgpad off the court, Dr. Dunning g^revlous balucs .... ;. 1414.91 crowd could be gotten together. the First Lutheran church during gatlon as well as a suggested solu- lUlold uMd by eneak thieves to * 9:00 a. m., Saturday:—• Children’s advantced by Judge WUliam H. the, prisoners arc Well treated rtow, TM.. 1.1, pr«„™.b|, ,ot lu ..m, ™ JrAMI was aalled to attend her. slopes for eight days before young llahed reports that hls office was F..J. Bendall...... 1.00 John Blscallus, sheriff of Los An- July and AugusL The children are McCormick's body was found tion for the monopoRr problem. Inquiring Into reports that a |2.5r... spring locks in bna of hls pockets. SiRUrday, opeh air meeting on Polish school. . Heald of Fait Main atrMt that toe bufT had no doubt that before 1925 from the belief that It Is possemed ' *Vha w u la gru t pain,' Edwin A. Lydall ... ^ geles County, also - welcomed the a.aked to attend the servleea with TVorka With Borah During the night, Oryechowalri they Suffered untold misery. of a primitive splrlL . Also; fierce MPlagaald. Thursdny. 000 "hush,fund" had hampered pre- Main BtrMt at 7:80 p, m. skeleton presunmbly of a man, un- SPLIT MINOR VIi Wm. J. Crawford .. delegates.. Also John L. Webster, their parents. The boy’s mother. Mrs. Ruth He and Senator Borah (R., vious efforts to prosecute the Slay- underwent an emergency operatlMi. Sunday.; TALOOTTVILLE I There were chain gongs. Prison- cuiwnts and waves, lash the rock ABkough It w u Imposai^lmme* Mrs. Harry S. Gaboon Judge of thq County Court. Services will be held at 9 o'clock Idaho), another member of -the ers.' but the bullet 'was nOt removrd- earthed by workmen engaged to ex- HEBRON NO HEflALD ers were Ironed to their plank beds ^nu give, out a constant hlM and ' ' to aaa Miss Jacobs/tbere ap- Hanna McCormick Simms, stoical- 9:80 a. m.. Sunday school. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH roar. Jack Crawford . Ths chalrinu then introduced each Sunday morning at the Cfys-' ly participated- In the. March, not committee, proposed in the lost Snyder, preatdrot of Local ,138 ot Hospital officials sdid the bullet ^ 11:00 a. m., Holihess meeting. Rev. George W. Step|ienoo«. Pastor (mvattog for a atonn water- Mwer at night,' and ' their pni(»vs were ta ^ no doubt whatever BenJ.. I^ltkow skl Muter Buddy Darezzo of Santa tal Lake Methodist church during CongreH aeaBlon that the Federal was lodged behind the liver. Small boys or others have already MONDAY blocks of wood. There was terrible While there are some 700 prisoners Insurgents Gain Half E-V: abandoning her post at the foot of tho Teamsters Ut)i0n, was lured 2:00 p, m.,. Hospital visitation. on the property of CharlM,- Bre- the Injury had been aolely re- Jamea Benevento • H — Monica U the next speaker aiid u the summer months. The pulpit the mountains until she went into government UcenM corpofatlona Ui.: into a Manhatto ' in 5:00 p. m. Park meeting, speaker Services, of Sunday, July 3: ghantl Just off West Mato “ street begun celebrating toe 4th by snap- corporal punishment. No wonder —nmng of them the most vicious ®ays In East, Lotl. teWMiMe for her ooUapeo in the sec- Marcl J. Don'se ha la only 16 years old we thought will be occupied by different leaders the eecluSlon of the Simms ranch order to prevent monopolies. September: 1034, and shot in the JoMph 'Thompson. 10:45—Morning Worship. Holy Thursday morning, had been buried No issue of the Manchester French prisoners fought and’ possible kiUers—confined on Royale Georg Hnry...... It would not amount to much, but Although determined to obtain ping off firecrackers and other small capture Hill Ne«ur T( tad set. •each Sunday during the absence of upon news of the discoveiy. back. Moirls'Goldia was arrested 7:00 p. m.. Young People's opm- (Bommunion. there no 1cm than ,a century ago, explosives. Such nuisances usually Evening: Herald will be screamed like animgis as they-^ere and St. JoMpb, Devil’s Island is re- '’Vefttra the ut atarted she had G. O. Bellows ...... this young boy gave one of the best the pastor, Rev. J, Arthur Edwards some legislation on monopotiM, the next day but waa released when air mMtlng at Purnell Place; March 12:00—Sunday School. has resulted to a lively speculation thrown Into cages aboard ships to senred for political convicts, mainly Walter H. Harrison ... orations that I have ever heard, and Oetalisjof the discovery were ob- O'Mataoney said he would make no are to force -about here for Mveral published on . Monday, he to back court u d rubbed her who is on a trip to Cbntral Amer- scure until related by two IsleU wltneasea who prevloualy had Iden- DAWN DANCE by the band. Members of the Church will per- regarding wboM remains they are days before Independence Day as be transported to “Devil’s island:” . amea. Ihere were ofily six political Hendaye, Franca (At tha i kle vigoroualy. At. no time, how- Willard H orton ...... the applauae he received ahowtfd ica. On Sunday, July 3, Mrs. Grace attempt to ImpreM hid views on the tified him recanted. 7:30 p. m. Salvation meeting with mit only what is unavoidable to and whether they came there by July 4, Independence Day. S New Model Laundry ...... that the large crowd of Townsend- Pueblo Indian brothers, Pasqiiale lnve.atigatlng committee. Old Fashioned and Modern well as afterwardq. The American SUII Bad Spots Left prisoner^ there when i visited toe FrohUer), July %y{xP)- ater. did she giy any indication Newell Thompson will, ba In charge and Joe S. Jojola, who Tojind the Silverman and Schorr pleaded in- mualo by the band and Songster keep them from church next Sunday fair means or foul. The body ap- Legion, G. Merle Jones Poet, has While toe present day adminis- colony. ~ ... Eruk W. Holllater ...... ites appreciated his talk. ,Once a departmental office hold- Brigade. In eastern Spain e b a a ^ that aha wanted to concede the John M._Hohl ...... of the service. crushed body on an almost Inac- nocent yesterday^ Justice Pecora morning, the celebraUon of the sac- parently had been Jammed Into a issued Invitations for. a dance to be tration ia broally speaking humane, TheM convicts are -treated ai- as Mrs. Moody had. done in After thla, Robert Prescott, Jr;, :4etbaek Party er hlmMlf, O'Mahoney said he fore- withheld final acceptance' of the Oda Fellows Hall . ,The WMk. rament of the Lord’s Supper, the re- rough box less than half the size From a general^hattla to a m . Abel ' Jaoquemln wu introduced u the epeaker for cessible ledge, about 400 feet from saw no likelihood that a major di- given at Hebron Town Jlall the crossing. It has long constituted a not all Is honey and flowers and moat like free men excepting toat their mtmorable " match at Forest The Tolland jQrange will sponsor' the boM of the cltlf dH the opposite guilty pleas of the Goldis brothers Monday, band outing at .Old newal of their obedience to the Lord of toe body, aa indicated by the eye'nlng of the 4th, beginning at problem to town roads, and a, good there are enough bad spots to war- they are locked up at night; Bach isoilated ehgqgemantA wHh" Isaac W. Lydall ...... the 'Youth Movement but could not vergence of vlewpointe would de- Lyme. (Bonn. (phriat; . position to which the skeleton was mna. Louis C. Kllnkhammer ..... come up to the mark set by this 13- a setback card party and dance fit said of the peak from where young until Dewey had submitted more GlOsfonbury 8:30, The Gilead Jolly Four or real of pressure baa been brought raiit eltmtoation of the colony. For haa hla own little house which gentud QPvernment toreoa the Community House thla evening, Whitmer’a body was found a week velop between the six CongreMlonal Information. The case was ad- Thursday, open air meeUng at Friday night at 6:45 tho choir found and decayed portions ot wood one thing It Is the worst sort of H. T. Livingston ...... year-old speaker. and alx departmental representa- Barnstormers,, as they now call to bear on the town for Its comple stands on a shaded street leading ing^ccaiwea about equally. Anthony / Onllo ...... July 2, There will be prizes and re- before. journed to July 15. Station 35 . 7:80 p. m. on Main street. will have their weekly rehearsal. found about It. Medical Examiner themaelvea, will play and Harold llOD* There h&ve been so m&ny cruelty, although undoubtedly un- up from toe quay—Street of Re- Mrs. Shaffer running for Lieut. tives on the committee. V Friday, Holiness meeting at 7:30 Dr. O. P. Bard said that the skele- James' M, Crough, Jr...... Governor w u the next speaker, and freshments will be served. The brothers estimated McCdr Dewey aides recommended that Gates will dO'the prompting for old other roads to care for, however, witting, to condemn a white man to grete. Apart -from a few houMhold to ^le coastal oector abottg:! SEN. MINTON TALKS - mick plummeted 260 feet from the O'Mahoney's brown hair, only the brothers be permitted-to plead : JULY 3 ZION LUTHERAN ton was that of a human body, miles'-noirto of .Valencia Mrs.. Carl Hansen ’...... she Is known u the Sky Scraper Forming Softball Team . slightly touched with gray, and gen. fashioned and mt^em dances. that It has been left over until the prison to the steaming tropical hell- (luties, the men may work or nlav Evqn Nyquist ...... 50 ! builder of San Francisco. She said The Social Italian American club ridge of the peak. The Indians to the lesMr charge becaTUM they Musle by Webster’s Orches. High and Cooper Streets probably buried many years ago. Tolland (Bounty- Democratic Aa- present. / - Tiole which Is the Guiana mainland. as they see fit. genta finally occupied tha wormed up 125 feet" of sheer cliff eral appearance belle hls M ' years. aseertedly had helped eolve the R t^CH OF THE NAZARENE Rev. H. F. B. Stecliholz, Pastor During toe day lists of old Stafford , ON P A R H SPLIT Mr. P. Tusny ^ . ;.50 i in her remarks that there are over Is organizing a softball team. It la He has a tremendous caj^acito for Gates & Tsylor,^Proinpt*rs. .sociation membera of any others, It was also"oted to um' funds left So far as the . much publicized Special food la given them, and Iw U , which had been ontrou Raymond Orlffln ...... 5Q : 800,000 Townsendltea In California; planned to form two teamS'^'And to March the ledge,' w hm Paaqiial COM. . , E. G. Lusk,,Minister Springs residents who disappeared who are Interested are invited to over from a Federal grant to com- Devil’s Island Is concerned, this.and or two days. -/ stayed, to guard the body while Joe hard work; AS chairman of a Sen- Silverman went to. California psneing9to2, Adn. 40e. Third Sunday after Trinity. mysteriously have been studied to each gets a special portion of Wine Thomas Brown . 1 ... . .SUiRoy J. Webb then toWof the defeat there were; many candidates when ate -JudlglaTy sub-eommitteer'" he attend a meeting of toe association plete the building of Hebron flre- its two small sister Islets which dally. A couple of the priaoh' They also reported they iiad V (IJMtmimi from Pige Van W agner...... ^ .50 I of Cfbsby of Pennsylvania and said the trj^outs were held Friday night scrambled down with nejys of the when Dewey, aa a special prosecu- Church School at 8:80 a. m. ' an^ effort to identify the remains, to be held at Union Grove, Somer- houM. The Interiot' is atlll to an un- snuggle llkb birds to a neat some find. , directed last session the tedious de- tor, reopqned the case last fall.. Me „ 9:.80\l m.—Church Bible school. ^ Sendee to English at 0:30 a. m. but so far nothing which aotmda the were raising chlckana when I./« en Artesa and Tales, vUlaaaa iMt Hermu C. Hill ...... 1.00 j that the crazy ones today are not Tho Red Men's baseball team ^111 tails of revising' the Federal bank- ville, .Saturday at 3 p. m. It toe finished condition, A floor and ten miles off . the (mast, are probably souto of Onda and a few mltea wait /*]If the party w u ts Wn NuySi Arthur Qlark "...... Lowering the body, they said, re- said yesterday he had goni there ' 9:46 a. m.—(Bommunlon Service. Text Of Mrinon: Matth. 9, 9-13. least bit convincing hqs been ad- day proves unpleasant the meeUng celltog wlU be token care a there. Others spent most of /toeir r .60 I the Townsendites but those whoido meet the Cromwell Rosebuds' in a ruptcy laws. of. as close to a tropical paradise as of Bechi, repreaantlng on —«—•— of course PII support him. Philip W, Llnnell .... .50 {not believe In the plan, and offered g^me scheduled to stsrt at 8 o’clock quired about seven houra. for'hie health and denied that he -8:30 p. m.—Young People’s Hour. Theme: "Th.ey that are well, have \M(jed. It 'Wan pointed out tost will be to toe ^mersviUe Town hall. siren haa already , been bought Tand can be found to that part of the Ume fishing. Some faahioned/bracO- Gains Momentum In answer , to the frank admira- An administration follower on was living ill a mansion when 7:80 p. ^ro.—Evangelistic Service no peed of a physician but they that at toe time., toe , tbdy was burled.' leta and other ornaments from toe of a UtUe more than a half mJJate Mrs. Anna M. Clay ... the follbwlng-atory to show the dlf- on Sunday at the Rockville Fair most issues,. O'Mahoney waa one of The Honorable William'J. Fitzger- will be Installed as s(x>n as possible. -world. Sea breezes constantly three days. m The drive to secure the nomina- George L. Finch .... fere^ice of opinion. He told the Grounds. The Tribe now occupy tion expresMd by experienced Dewey investigators arrested him and MRnon by the pastor. ' aro sick”."' (1) Those that are'well, If_^ Judge Heald maintaina'. It baa ald has been Mcured ae a speaker. It begins to look as If the agita- sweep them and they are so health- shells of tortlM which tbhy caught tion for Van Nuys appeared to be Nelson A. Bavlcr . mountain climbers at the brothers’ the leaders of the Senate fight as a fugitive from an Indictment ' Tho TVeejt. ' V ' who need no physician. (2) Those been buried fop^at least 100 years. off the shore. Some read and wrote. On , the westeni ’flank ot the 00- stoty of the farmer who war driving third place In the Trl-County league, against FTesident Roosevelt’s pro- Lewis W. Phelps of Andover, a for- tion for a consolidated school build- frd and safe that they are called Les gaining momentum aa the result of Clnrepce T.*-'Anderson climbing ability- and fearleasneaa. charging racketeering In the bak' “ , On Tuesday 'evening at 7!3b'\,a that are sick, who are in need of a The spot where the body was found mer resident of Hebron and well The stories of priaohers escaping mlle front. Government •past an Insane asylum and one of standing with five wins and two de- pbsal to revise the'Supreme <^urt. physician. ing for Hebron may bear fruit in n«* du Sault—a striking contrast to a ' conference between Governor Dr. F, Forbes Biishriell the inmates asked him what he had Joe grunted simply, “waa -tough.” ery Industry. ~ special missionary Mrvlce will" be formed a -poft of the old (Bbnverse known here, will preside over the the near futuro. Under date vjf the lowrlylng, fever Infested shores from pevll’a Island are said to be p^hed back Insurgent tines imiMi feats. .Uadles’ Society on Wednesday at estate, which- once covered a wide Townsend u d his lieutenants late Herbert Blevins ..... In his wagon. He replied "Fertl- On Monday the,, Pollsh-Americana held at.thk church with C. Warren ' meeting. June 14 the local school'board made of the stinking mainland.' pure flctloin:"Fier(te currents swirl of the Muem de l^rrion raqgA % yeaterday. The governor uld Thurs- Alfred Chagnot...... Jones, general miMfqnary secretary 2:16 p. m. (Quarterly congregational area, Jp /that section . of Staffeird I^bert Schuyler has taken toe Job application for a agrvey of the about- the Islands/maktog It Impos- miles aoutoftmt of Teruel, and ro. ..T^* |om*.le ihcn as.kfid.hlm will-meet-the St Anne’s Club of Springs, . The- Converse family was Be.sldes Devil’s Island "dbcre are "day Ow 2,262 delegates would be .lescph 'A. DuBanoskI', u:hat he did ,wlth It, and the farmer WATERBURY JURORS DAWNDANCfE • -of-tho- Churclrof: the Nazarene as meeUng Saturday at 2 p. m; of helping Dr. " B." R; DimmocR school- building situation looRlhg lo- Royale and .St." Joseph. • The latter sible to get a-way; RHsbhefs do ei- eaptured an-" imiwtdHr hill "eoi^ Worcester,, Maas., at 3 o’clock at YETERANSREraW •THEY WENf INTO LOVE WrtH prominent for a great many years YUamf DflFA a given u opportunity'to renominate Wm. P. Quish ...... replied that he put It In'his straw- special speaker. Mr. Jones has torough hla busy season of summer ymrd a• PWA grant for the*. purposb. ^ two are filled with tropical beaut.Y, cape from the penitentiaries on the manding the Tsru^rSagunto My«[^ Cavey’B Grill . the" Cficket'lot ’ Modern and Old Fashion * THEIR EYES WIDE OPEN spent some Ume to mlMlonary work to town affairs and the farm covered V u Nuys if they desired. trerrles. The Inmate Ioo!;cd at him The Pollah-Amerlcan team will work at bis farm in Merrow. He will In order to gather tola Information both to bird and plant Mfe.'Royale mainland, ahd they invariably My Minton, who attended the confer- Hillsdale Dairy and said, "Get down ybu darii fool TAKE A VA(!AII0N ARMY MANEUVERS .. .for a mam with to' Korea and (Bential America. A a w l^ area on either side of the probably come back to toe fall to promptly Messrs. Dakin and Nichols la the queen of the lot and tho they have come from Devil's Island, Friend ...... go to East Hampton on , Sunday Sunday, Midnight to 4 P. M. cordial invltaUon la extended to the present boundaries of West Mato anee, said the V u Nuys situation and come Join us, for we put sugar where they will meet the Young a mittiom 4oUart! WniiNGTON his work at Claude W. Jones’ place. of toe State Board of Education will largest, covering 69 acres. knowing that this Is the quickest Floyd Marsholl/v . pu&Uc to attend this service. Street. No member' of the Con- Mr. Jones haa employed Mr. Schuy- way to ex(Ute sympathy, * SEVEN CIBCUB fVORKEM •'«" was "far from being settled.” Au- ard-cream on our strawberries;.': POllska Club of that place. (Oonttnmd from Page One.) verse family, ever was reported hold a conference here with school Devil’s Island Is a striking , con- U^rltatlye sources disclosed be A. H. Barber Roy J. Webb then Introduced (Continued from Page'One.) ' Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.—Prayer ler for- quite a number, of years. authorities. Including Supervisor trast to the otho.r two.\ It Is ’ the KiLUBo In ooixani^ . sn^sated that Philippine High Raymond R. B ow ers...... Sheridan Downey, candidate fob ir. , To Occupy Pnlplt MIULER^S HALL and PralM mMttog followed by Parlzek pearl button missing, nor were any persons con- Mr. and Mrs. Charles - Warner of ._JW...J* Ste.v,crut jof .ycn»n,.,wlU osi.- tor ousted througir quo. warranto nected with toe property; either aa Martin B. Robertson, Robert. .. E. black .sheep of the fafillly—hand- —^Ow^nladoner~Paur-V;~~McWutt—be- B_J....MclCUmey- S; Senator who-after-ii few-remnrtrs 'pFbeeetfiiigs. . ------..cause It’s one ol.oue.Tgreateet; al> Tiwand-Tumpik* r— mMttog of the.nfflclai.hoard,. 5:fP:.-.WUltojston , im -.section,,ria Suffleld^Were visitors Wednesday'at •hairrowi • ® srtiool- board" and CBUSAOlLALYARiroUND^ Tqrr«m._CoahiiUa Btato^-MMtojfc/ EdwlpiN. 1 .aurance cupy the-pulpit at the Verpon Meth- Ilea or greatest dangers." employes or tenants', known to have some and-fasctoatlngr but Kiivffig~'a 2.—(AP)—Seven chOSA- to oppose Raymond E, introduced Dr. E. E. Towiiuend and '*’«®R. For toyentory apd the horne Of the latter’s fatov, Mcrjtaiy.Hra. E. N. Jones, aJso Satanic face. It is a solid rock/ Byy 2.— (APJi—Beven memheia rfi Mr.s. • H. McCfahn ...... , In hls talk roundly scored Hopkins odist church during the absence of; Touch of Mystery InereaM BtneM Deinde Orchestra. BT. MARY% EPISCOPAL ^ be to operation aga'to T^sday, disappeared. Just what •win be Frank R. Poat and her brother and Jeniaalem. — (AP) — An altar clrcua troupe were kiUad ' WllUa, Angola publiahor and Re- A touch of mystery was given the July 6. - done to- on effort to "Identify the First Selectman EkImund H. Hor- There Is little soil and plant life Is publican nonnniM.. in the November Rolln.son ...... Permanent Relief Plan. Mra: Town-, the pastor. Rev. William T. Wallace, Showers aren’t so bad," he ob- R«v. A 8. NelU, Rector Blster-ta-law, Mr. and Mra. F. Elton ton. wUl be held Tuesday, dating from crusading times—with, and oeveral others wars' Hertiort A. Alley...... who Is away for the month of July. Jury'a final - pre-holiday liesslon yes- Mr. Md Mrs. WtUlam MXore, Miss rematoa haa not been nmde public. comparatively sparse excepting for ..election. “ , ' i , send was Introduced officially for served, "b u t they dO worry me. Post , July. The forenoon .will be taken a multitude of lofty oocoanut palms a marble "menaa” or centerplecO— when a passenger train Asher 4:* I^°'hhs ^•Mtt'he first time at this'conventvon. and I On Sunday, July 3, the service terday by, the visit" of a woman, They will, probably increase llck- Supday, July 3rd—Third' Sunday A lt^ o o r o and Robert Moore went ^MIh Muriel-Lefftogwell, daughter Mrs. Louise Blume left this week has been found In the church of toe Fruk. McHale, Indiana's Depio- Levi T .' Dewey . , ___ ;... up with yialtlng; the varioua achool- which cltog stubbornly to the thin with a circus bus -emtnita to eratlo National committeeman, said •25 j how the crowd did cheer when she I wilt be a community- patriotic serv- whom Officials declined to Identify ness and rheumatic palna There's after Trinity, " I T u e s d a y , r e t u r n - . Henry Leffingwell to visit a cousin, Mrs. E. W. Potter, hoUMs of the town. In toe after- Holy Sepulchre here. " reon from La RosUa Manchester Bottling Works or say what brought her te*^ the ing WjKlnea^y night, to visit Mrs. of West Stafford and Jervis Hol- “noUiIng further wda done'^at ' the 2.00 appeared On the platform.. j ice and all of the Boy and Girl nothing particularly Mrious In It, SUNDAY” AND MONDAY 10:45 a.m.—Holy (Bommunipn and to Rlverliead, N. Y. She will remain noon-a meeUng wlll-be held at the James C. Robinson ...... 1.00 I believe that this convention will Scouts of the cqmmimlty are Invlt- scene of the inquiry. Just Increasing minor afflictions.” Sernopn. Sermon topic: ‘"Thm t.ih. Moore’s sister, Mrs/Walter Chlcfc^ brook Stevens, son of Mr. and Mra. Mveral d a ^ Hebron Green school and'a apot unity conference, but he predicted' Mrs, Lucille Kichnrdson .... 1.00 ertog and family. the Townsend-Vu Nuys bfeach show to the people of tJi.e .United ed to be present. Robert Kahan of ' The only‘•Identified witness ques-, Major general Charles R. Rey. THE NEW ertles;ties)” p.m.—Vesper Serv- JerWa 0. Stevens of East .Canaan Mra. Mary E, Mitchell spent the map will be drawn up showing the Friend'-...... : ...... 40 States that the Town.'iend Plan la the Boy Scouts will give Lincoln' tloned was James W. Beatty of New nolds, lurgeon-igeneral In the army, ice opiitted , Charies'’’Ml8ke and Victor Hack- were married tole morntog, Satur- (Jay Thursday at Point O’Woods would bs closed “sOnw time shortly Herbert TECeopi* ...... ' ..50 Mhool locations, homes of children after July 4.” •Stronger than ever. speech at Independence Hall, Phila- Haven, executive Mcretary to the inspected the-camp..; and viaited 81 , Seaelonb of the (Bhurch School enamlth have been assisting in car- day, at the Second (Bongregational beach. She went with Mra. *'Wln- to be transiSorted. etc, and a plan III D / A' ,s / () /,’ ID ) j Richard, T. HAgejiow ...... *. .25 N. E. NYSTROM. penter work At WarrenvUIe this church. West Stafford. The dou- I A’ S The National committeemu, who Harold V. Heffron'>>^.. . . ; . delphia as a part of the service. state WPA administrator, who veterans la hospitals. He said only Ato’a/Bible Class and Highland throp S. Porter and both were en- for twsportatlon will be wofked .'.25 - Birth CIRCLE week while the button mill waa sh^t ble ring Mrvi(^was performed by tertained at Mrs. (Blayton A. HlHs’ la slated to direct McNutt's 1940 Friend ...... v>„,.. .75 spent lees than ah hour In the Jury one waa In a serious eouflltfon and LoTtHa Park" Sunday School omitted unUI down. V oiit First Selectman Edmund H. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Myera area."- /_ ,,he was Improving. \ Rev. Sterling White, pastor. Dur- cottage. H (^ n Mya toat now la- the Ume presidential nomination campaign,, James M. S h erry...... 50 A Olorions Holiday BUll September, also. Vesper Serrice. ing the ceremony, Mrs. WUllam declined either to confirm or tieny Samuil Mason . , ...... of Providence, R. I., announce, .the Officials-«atd Beatty was a mem- The • fears -ot the medlcalNstalf f0U N G M c(] 'ruekday,'\7:00 p.m.—Boy Scouts. Selectman Wilbert C. RubvT man'- Mra. Edmund H. Horton had ka to get toe ball rolling for this pro- birth of a daughter. Margaret The Legion "Obes Over the ager .of the state aid )xnm road York of Crystal Lake played tha guests Wednesday hei- mother, Mrs;' ject, and conditions are nOw such reports that the eommlaslonrr had Maple Super Service Station 1 0 0 ^ ber of the WPA staff while State were hot shared by" the old sol MMUngs o f the -G. F. S. candi- organ and Mrs. White, wife of the I>-.’ beu consulted on comprorhise ef- John Husband' . WEDDINGS Mary, at the Providence Lying-In Senator Matthew A. "Daljr was ad- at whose physical ability ColOnsi Top” To Drive tlw Underworld dates, LadieA Guild, Girls Friendly ^ r k . had the newly -graded and Elizabeth Doyle of UnionvUle, "her to regard to the securing of the 1.00 widened roads tarr^ and sanded Dawning.' NewM ethodlaundns forU. g J'ames Dalton ^ .'. 1.00 hospital on June 30. Mra. Myera ministrator. They were eilent as to Hawley said he marveled. The vet- To Cover! and Woman’s Auxiliary omitted sister, Mrs. Arthur V. Unde West necesMry sums to be borrowed toat was the former Mlu Mary Wend- Thursday. Mrs. Wl bur G. Lee of Schnectady, Hartford and a friend of the latter, the plan seems feasible. ; V u Nuys, who is 'vacationing at Frank De Clahtls ..1...... 1.00 SkdW aky-Stroker , Whether hls appearance was"ln any -araas went right ahead with their during the summer months. N. Y., slater of the bride was ma- lllili6) I " f-O Q A I RA N V AMVf IJ A I> T r r , Walloon L ^e. in Michigan, has said John Kliick ...... 26 heleer of this clly .and a teacher at re-unlon activities. Mrs. A. Ltock and sons Mrs. John Palmer and daughter of Sunday school teachera and au- HARTFO RD.CO NN . Andrew J. Strokcr. of Florence way connected . with Daly's arrest BinliD , ' Sunday, July lOth, 10:46 a.m. of Bridgeport are week-end guests tron of- honor and Lawrence Ste- Hartford), They spent the day. he would accept the Democratic Friend ...... ;...... 25 street Announces the marriage of the Maple street school prior to her together with four other I^eglslatora "Naw, I don’t mind'rain,” eom- K^chester Loyal Orange Lodge ^rvlsora and asristante met Thurs'- , C / S I o ' v v N ^ Mr:-and Mrs. JoMph Peck. vens served hla brother ae beat man Mr. and Mrsr-Charles C. Sellera day evening m the home'of Mrs. nomination. Mrs. Isabel A,JJunh...... , ....-50 his sister/the , former Frances A. marriage. on-Charges of accepting bribes dur- mehted 98-year-old A. Mohroe Fore, wflr attend the morntog service,' Following the ceremony a reception El^nest L. Bengtson , i ’ 'Tleturn From Trip •uk . TOomaa Sumner of the United motored to Boston Wednesday, to make plans ' U arul P •50 : stroker,‘to Walter W. Skowsky," ing the'1935 session. of Waco, Texas. "Why, down to my waa held at toe home of toe bride spending the day. Harry G. IJndeU ...... H. Sefton. County 4-H Club state we get~real rain, hot aprin- DAVID NIVB N Philadelphia, Pa., for the aummer and tpe Samuel J.‘'Little •00'b o t h 'o f ,'Manchester. The wedding The Jurors—who have worked SECOND CONGREGATIONAL ^nd the week-end and holiday parents. Later toe rouple will recovered I There was consider* VVCarefuI SALVATION ARMY NOTES '-*•00 I. took place two years ago in Long Forestry leader, has returned from with only a few brief .recesses since kles." STUART ERWIN Rev. FOrrte-E. ReynoMc iMve on an unannounced wedding Veterans of Foreign Warr ., :5.00 Lsland. a coniWhed educational and pleas- wmi Charles Mlske on sufficiently from toe effects of hla f dlacusalOn as tp the overcrowd- the Investigation began March 8— Mcklndree Birch, 90, of Sullivan, MARJORIE WEAVER Willtogton Hill. trip. On their retuhi they will recent throat operaUon to be able “ F; of two classea, Uio m of Mlsa ure trip to New Hampshire. Those II!., carried an umbrella be(Xtusa-tha Communion service at 10:45. make their home to East (Banaan The Johnson family of 46 Walnut , Total to date, ,$466.16 who accompanied the leader were were Ju'bllant at the prospect of a PAUJ.INE MOORE M m -M arvto Edgerton, Starr to resume hla work as rural mail Lilian Grifflng and Mrs. (Bummtoxs y. The committee is requested to comparatively long vacation. fedeijil commission for tha obMrv- BINNIE BARNES Special music by the choir. ^gerton of Amherst College, Miss whero, Mr. Stevens la employed. carrier. He was laid up for'several I R ®'«s decided to divide anci street, have moved to their new "M ultgren- Charles Eastwood, Walter, Hoffmani ande "Initructed me to.” Prelude—Andante ...... Fischer TOe bri^ la a graduate of Stafford eottaile at Point O' Woods, Old bring all'returns ti the Golf Links R(rhard Hamilton, Robert Hoffman One of them remarked aa they Oncted bv WiiBijn 'A.- Stiw ^ Helen Hutchinson and Mrs. Nellie weeks and J. Banks Jones of Ollead these classes and to make an tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock. Gyllen hammier trooped down the Court House ' I've been going all day,” he de- Danyl F' ZinoA _ 2them— My Master and My ^nres of Bristol are now at Mrs. High school, 1936. took hls place on the route. —("Offort to secure the Mrvices of Lyme, for the summer. Mrs. Bella. and George Tuttle. ’ ' clared, "and we're certainly aU Mt. ALSO I* OrnTgr *4 friend ...... Brackett Wray a well known nuirse of Man- The marriage of Miss c: " City Court Case stepa: — ^gerton’a aummer home oh Wll- Mr. and Mrs. George Rosebush The Hebron Horizon aub, attend- teacher. A two weeks’ vs:ca Gyllenhammer of '101 Eut Center "It's,^ just like getting oqt, of Everything's ^agreeable.” A 20th Ccanicv-Eox PicUM Netea Ito g ^ Hill where they will spend or Prospect street were guests of Od an "Amateur Night” Boy Scout R**" tor the Sunday achool waa^de chester and her daughtor Elalp will Albert R. Marquis, 27. of 107 Their comment was typical of s^ vacation school will begin be with the Johnson family-for-the street, and David Hultgren of Hem- Brooklyn street, was beWre Judge school.^' ' , — - the Summer ^ th aome side trlpa honor at a gatherii^ held at their program at Lebanon Friday eve- upon and this may be extend- f*New Method lock street took place thlf morning that heard-(uound the O.A.R. and .ON the SA,ME SHOW. Jlday morning, July 5, at 9:00. Jc^ph Nedwled' of South Willing. home 'raursday night to honor of "'"F- I ed to the whole month of August. season.' John E. FUk In the City Courjt of U.C.V. encampments. At-night they Iren from five to fourteen years toeir sliver wedding anniversary. Juiv 97 __ -Tbe-Salvatloa- Army .x Band r .ec., JAPS MAY TRY at 11 o'clock In Hartford. Mr. RockyUle ,oij Friday charged with VICTOR McLAGLEN ^ has been elected alternate dele- Mrs. John MsDst»Hnc-iF*UiUal-Yoricv.ar»'spandlng|"8*uiual- churcir Tilenii-'’pienie; ’ •"• - S' -SSfeiES wm—open-^e- cottage- mms; A-vlblatIob/ oT the^tiSli- «tf/toWTy8tal Lake each evening celebraUon of the flrat sattlement to ernment. The government an-' “This tbit^ Called Love’* Miss Ann Strickland at toe organ. WUlfagton, left today with toe com- ylritora at the home Sept^ber, M.rved aa an orderiVdur- tho beaeh. They wtU leave the and slightly less than that percent- Rescue workers were In eom- during July and August. Twenty- northwest territory, on July 8; at nouheed It would withhold Its threat' This la the flrat of toe Mriea of Potocek. j lug thAwaf to the 26to ' Maine , **** ^ Wash, with Its pre-determlned cost qrrangmentA is mile speed limit''-aigna have bMO the Latonla race track to (Coving- •AS-Aet-PUy , Direction G. Lester Paql pany for toe mmual fifteen dqy en- platoed in Orcult (Bourt toat her beach at 6 p. m. for their return trip age of French Imports. Imports of munloatlon once with William Pef- until it saw how effective toe com- union Mrvices under toe auspices f^ P P ’ent at (Bamp (Bross to Nlan- husband struck her. ^ cloMmate poIunteers>^(! Is a member and *^**u'*n’ services. • PhoiM and haro our route mmi call. to Mandheeter so as to prepare for raw silk were not affected. Mr but believed him dead when he posted around the lake, and. all vio- ton, Ky., later that-same day; and- mission was to stopping raids on ot t o ^ two churches. AU ths Uc. They went by truck. The camp William '^tjen, of New Haven,'I past commsuM France Imported 338.300,000 failed to respond to Ahouta late lators _wlll be taken Into custody.. .at the Oklahoma City fairgrounds civilians. '-t! Mrvices during July wiU be held to "With what,"' asked Judge ’P.‘ J were at toe former’s Hebron” h(;i,e’ I Post Md hii; the evening concert at the golf lot There liave .been many complatobs oa July 9. was first opened Sept. 1, 1878 and Flnwgan, "did be strike yw?" at Manchester beginning at 8:00 p. francs of Japanese merchandise of ykaterday. Meanwhile limurgent raids on the South Church with toe psstor was nM ed Camp IngersoU to hon- tor the week-end. attended to Grm,d ArSt acU^glZ all kinds In 1937 (about $9,134,000 Three miners extricated from the to regard 'to disturbances by young Hls (Colorado speech" will be at Opening Performance With our (Bollie dog." toe boat races Fridsiy. Both m. Spanish citlea continued. Segoibe, In charge; During toe month Dr. or o f toe man who was then gover- students at Yale. Hla attendant during tho three at present rates of exchange), debrla were Carl Shackelford, aeri- people until the early morntog 'PuCblo, from tb’e rear platform of 20 miles northwest of Sagunto, waa .. of the New Story wdll be avallabls for all. pas- G** <*(>F weigh? I day conclave is hJs 1 ' ^ - oualy Injured, and Willard Elmore hours and theM will not be allow- •>««» Eighteen pounds, hut he threw Attendance at toe town meettog h T»o f •^-‘u^taw, bis train, on July;i2. -- -- bombed yesterday with 16 Idllied. toral duties to the two cooperating named o f ^ the governor fa office. him only alx fMt.” 1 aajl Gurlla Hyche, suffering from ed. Speeches la Kentacky Thursday evening waa not mt v I Hartford. and toe Spanish prsM agency ' re- parishes. ' Mrs. Orth was awarded a dl- bruises ^ d lacerations.'' - The annual outing of the State Keatucky received the Uoq'a ported from Valencia that toe vil- The 7:30 o’clock evening Mrvlce ¥/*• Charle* Mlake wUl ^**Yk*' waa voted to authorize I«»—— — Personal Notices Supreme Emblem clubs will ba held Hungarian social and voree. Her husband, John, was toe Mlectmen to get through the **®^GAN LONGSHOREMEN’S School Instrument share of attention op tha Presldant's lage Was bombed again todoj with 'Yffll be omitted toqay. club dance at WarrenvUIe tola eve- awarded custody of the dog. ] LAWLOB’S CONDITION on-Monday, July 26, at Pleaoura sohedule. With a blttef fight on for eight killed and 14 wpuoded. Bolton Lake~ Playhouse proper motions for applying for a STRIKE TIES UP SHIPPiNa Fund Beach, Bridgeport. Thera win ba tha Demderatlc Senatorial nomlna- Or Route 6, Just Beyond Bolton ST. BRIDGET'S Frent to be used to read! ------CARD OF THANKS Waterbury, July 2—(AP)—Sena- dinner and aumarous entertain- bulldli^. The g r ^ t asked for wlll | Tampico, Mexico. JuJy j._(xp» rion there, he arranged . rear plat- Rev. JamM Ttmmtos At toe annual mMttog of the cor- GOSPEL HAtX. r# wiah to tbaak our friends. Prevloualy Acknowledged ..$814.04 tor JoMph H. Lawlor'a condition at maht foaturaa. Information to rorm appearances at Loulsvills and Rev. Frederick Clarke . 415 Center Street relsUvse for klndosss Mr. and Mrs. N. Carison... LOO BiTk be^ applied to the com: ^ “P «I°nF toe 4y skowa to us at tb« 8L Mary's hospital waa reported as gaTO to tba outing may ba secured BoWUng Oraea after hls big speech My 6, 7,9,9 ^ Dpletloi^ of a river front here £oday as a result Ike diatk of our motker. Also* AuxlUaiy to Andersoa-Shaa “fair” by autboritlaa^ tbers today. from Mra. JoMphina Johnston, prea- at Covington. ABOUT TOWN KtSMs (luring toe summer sMson 10;8(i—Breaking qf^^ra^ atrip of road elght-tenL_Burn ot a mile of a strike caUed by longshoremen. „ I l*oaL 17. . lA ...... Ha bas been on the daagor Uot stoca Irog, rumUng east from -Raymoiul’a :WMt sent flowen aad loan idant of tea Rockville Emblem (dub. The Kentucky contest Is between Ur. and Mrs. ABaa Donter ef Admission 11.00 PhM Tut Cnrfsln 8iS0 w(U bs at 7180 A m., 9,10 and 11 12:15—Sunday schixn Soveraj abips loaded with bananas ba was oparatod oa for appaadtei- It la axpe e'Soek, daylight oavtog time. pujnof.' Amston, to meet the and other mcrehandias were held Albsn W. Barkley, Deatoeratlo lead- ; stzMt and theiv eeoa amt Tickets On Sale At Kemp’s, Idc. ‘ T:4^TuMdsy, Prayer mpeting. tAbaaoa town ito». There u a stem tto TUMdav. A * RooksQla win attsad tha •r eg tha Saaato and Y.40—FWdaar, B U a study. ug. The wortora are (Jsmandtog a| •re e l ’Bqaaa takA JT. & wn oB this sdetch aafl a n O i^ .lAhor eoBtract 5-' • . -S A TI^D A Y s J U L Y rapidly la ia d iw t ^ tfma ha* haowB tha frisadei ^holdlhg Its pwiTiirita ot a true deirnoeracy, had long en- iminaitt agn^tufa|xlproduc' jo y ^ aoma athall aoaaaim of Student of New Cobkinsr Method Russell Dart. Middle Jladdam; Mm. tion, giving ^ ^ e n tb riy new poirt- dividual Hherty—-untH Hitler Albert- T. Dewey„ Mtochester; Mlad land ct*ee will he'served by thel Uoa to jnolnen apd generally mak^Jrlved. Mable Duganr Middletown; Mm. tuwaamoKD w ' ^ a a . committee in c&uge. ' Lawmnee Fellows, Middle Haddam; ~~ > piuHrufa ooM PAn, ara, ing succeed" of :svsstarnlaaUdn Now every Qennan—which Dr,-Jessie Fisher, Portland; Mm. M — nil StTMt ' wltbout^riwMiig ft. But they courae mmuia evaiy Oarman i»ot at Frederick Fitch, Esift Hampton; MMr, Oowb - ;e, Soxeen and Presentations, rnaoaoM' bayen't thought of the old Ottoman the employer clsae.. has become Mr*. iRoydep Greely, Middletown; *m Maimmf he ifecls humiliated with any Mrs. Harold Holcombe, Hartford; FOR 15 DAYS - - WMr 1. l« n Bmpira aa any lo^ar. cutting any oonscrlpt worker. Bmpioybra not!' By OEOBOB BOSS lesser btUIng. Mm.(Elmeri' Hubbell,' MlddletoWn; New York, July 3.—Foreboding Anjrway, now that WUUe • How- , P o s t V J T . W . ’ ♦W * ‘ ----- I kinds o f eporta Mwtn Mtnmlwif Km particular figure in the game of In- at ■X a * « g e iu n g b r ::: : tnu aiso ce enjoyed! at q>Mt a y ' ^ am -lialca - at- Hm VJf.W, Grove hi the, education _thmr HP' ore-mr^- payingi».vMm. Grace Markham, Bi qrTUs I'vr^ m a asaocTATSD begins to loom. It Is rcalWiMl thl't andrunder wbatcyar eOnditlhiia. The tA^IU^ turn to distribute elga- Westchester; Mm- Paul Minnick, effecUve when school Cromwell, la leading a quiet life where the commuters art used to right at Bolton Center Church and port will alM to in ehaige of 6*ns-1 children of the borough placed a Ataturk, ahraya a aokMir, la i aol- matter of wages is none of his buat- with her.huaband, sans hodyguazds him and caU him Sir Joe. Ttian he ktop going about ,Mte and on half *?“ *•' --V., Bk'newmaionAt'Newlfigton Hospitalnospitaii PortAtlon.•'••‘•MW. We wo hopenope forror a goodrood at-fat- Bull Hill. East Haddam; Mm. la azalaalralr T.,'- Mitchell,' .Middletown; Mm. bouquet, preferably^ wfid flow- Tlieir Tents tla« ta ibllaatlaa dter'atni and that ha hai by . no and conapicuoua publicity. goes back to the . Howard household mUee until you see the V.F.W. sign Md toe proceeds-of this card parto^j “ All present last % ar en- all aaara aiNauebaa aramai ta It In fact, tha Cromwella get around ^ 1 be; used for this purpose. Mem-1 Joto** the good time. James StuZrt Neill, Man- kls mother. ibeana neglected tlw element of Thla la Faaclam in Its perfectloa. where he la In full cKarg* of tha- on the left. This doesn’t mean the ‘ “ "Ute must to repeatto an- ‘ M l atlMmrW'v.araait^ la lit quite a bit when they are stopping menagaria, edhoistlng (rf a hWod of grove Is flnlahed, the clam bake la tom Of toe poet should make tap a chester; Miss • Sylvia Nor-1 M r aad alaa tha-leoal aawa Mr. and Mm.' Stewart Taggart am ton. North Westchester; Mre. Leigh- <» rce in bta flgutlhg on ^•Turkey'a It la the tdga St tha back of the over in Gotham. And they have pekingesa, three panota, pedigreed only to give members a chance to table party to help out -Ihe room spending the holidays and Fourth By PANNTBRBU All ricbta . ..at rapablli at futut^^inie Tvifitm have alemya been minds of the pcopla who promoted workMl out a aimpla'strategy that cats and a baby leopard. Sir Joa^ih Ingpeet the place and see whet hAs you membra turn out, means toe -ton Nosworthy, Hampton: Mrs. Ed- ' * A t 8;li!^-tolB- morning, at ttelr cottage at Amston Lake. wsM Ottenheimer. Windham; Mm. aiapaiahaa barala ara tough At^';^erole .flghtera, and In Mussolini from a BodaJist nertopa- avoids much''Of the clamor which also tends the.gardoi, though ha liss been done. Come on out and sup. more simdces for toe toys In Now- Otort membem of our Auxiliary am I heralds thair equals In tha moneyed an aristocratio averslan to nafng.tha Homer-D. Pfeiffer. Hadlyme; Mre. heard a shrffl blast of A w M ^ a ny# TimcOy ^ ^ army Ima not per writer to dictator. But they Tbeer Is a lot of businesa to come ^ “ P *a W« toeudlng toe holiday nt various Walter Roberta, West Hartford* tralB wheels commeaead_ to I aanlM Maat at N. B. A Bot*- I set. They merely don't piaka any hose... up At the post meeting Tuesday Wednesday night i t 8 o'clock at beach resorts. \ headji^flected. Itlto'-i^, on paper, never got MusaoUrd to go ao far I noise about their going and coming, "— ___ Mm. Martin Robertson. WUllmanUc; CAMP WOODSTOCK elutylag 135 local Guam night. Make it your business to the Home. Refreabmenta will to Mm. T. M. Russell Middletown; Mm. is very bigjwmiy, Evenltajeserve___ with pure Fascism a# tha powers I which IS Inst as wen as for an those I Feel Better, New be present, Reftosbments will be served after toe games and good CAmp Cross, NIabUc, for bar .haMrtaaa lf*vaaaa«r PaV- I eoBcerned and those who are not; This is a casual, little tale that Newell R, Sage, MidcHetown; Mrs. nuAl summer en haaaatatlaa. ■■' ta not, on p^Mr, aa large asI back of Hitler have su cceed served after the meeting. prizes will be given to t)ie wtamem. - American Legton The other night, the-sleek Doris la golqg aroiMd in Radio City vriMra . ______meeUntoof DUworth-1 FrMk A. Slocum. Middletown; Mrs. toggsgo cam were sarvsa of sonia other \ powersnra potfmaMng the German. Fiiehrer go. I snd her scndemlc mate — he Well, the State Convention is over The public Is also welcome. Jeeme Allen Starr, East Hampton,< T00PENTDESI»Y PaMlahara napraatatatlraaf Tba the Promenade Cafe.le tfasL moat And the boys ary about caught up tod Elbee,—how about your gangs I Monday of toe troops. Maa Mathawa MMlal hathcr-*Ma«, classed aa...flrst-raters. B u t'ft Is 'In .Germany tba Faaciat'Nasi I writes Hterary pianaceaa to end the tkJsuUfut outdoor-cafe in the'totdn. The eoldiera am ChloaM' Oatralt ,aad ,Boatoa. Up to . about a week on their sleep. The drum feor giving us a lift for this g ) ^ cause? *ke lieual ■■ Itootiemle crisis were over to the * ' “ umber ,of membem present Dla- rive at toe camp at aeon aum>^ highly probable thatr^Uf the ‘ pinch theory has at last definitely arrived. [Marina Roof on the Hotel Boaaert chertra-'that' entertaina 1 took the ■ best appearance and —Bee-el Boat'- ______ao dit' "or trict Commander Edward Lk Dion I Upon their arrival the mea g;ij p P M m A t » O W L , Turkey could present very prompt jin Brooklyn. They didn’t teU any- enade Cafe had been proridtag best playing trophies and tosi oiit Season fo r H|i^ord VUeit / in drilling by one point tj/fhe Air- Ander*oa-SlMa V F w *““koAhe annual Do- MOL EST I NG GI RL S, kept busy placing the floerix ly an armod^ trained and partlcii r, I one about it but the headwaiter. and unobtrusive music.. The tiMes\ V. r . w , j p a r e n t tauqiecUon. a eyrtem of lit « ; '' " n a ■araM'MailaB dsmpanr laa, MIGHT BE FUN toe UnU and making mady They made no reservations in ad-| were all right and the customors x c r^ P o e ta ’ drum corpp^'irheae two Mm. Minnie Hotflltof and Preed- acoitog has bMn devised7bsj^upon I raaaonatbliltr laijy"#en equipped force of aurpris- V.r.W. drum corpe^tare so evenly. I ComityCounty Tf*T SummerSummer/Campl Cai Bumtoirtifto*to»to avpaatlaa-ta" It-may not have" beenv -ttn alto- iyance; they, took pot-luok on an ad- didn’t object but they were not the dOTt Miss Helen Gustafson wish to tlclpstlon^ill ta the many {diams of [ tng airehgtfi. Only a or two' [vantageboa table. .. mbel animated, of eounde. Otte d""* ic Ka^' gether empty and futile geatur.e for r^mtohed that the^z^^M entering the thank ev«y:^one who attended tod Pritwtes Chaster Radgiti^ ago It waa revealed that Kemal And had hot an observing press Nelson Rockefeller, youngest of'l j^contpetmon sotond most always made any dbnaUona------to Minnie------H6I- . conditionK of toe Post and how It is Rabbi Emanuel J. Jack of Yonkers, Gets Underway July 5. Ralph UcOoUuiii have twsa M ' alvMtlng -at the thmiaand mark to I agent been around, no one would clan and. active hi the affalnt ^ m e s out on top as they always llst^ . card■ party laat week. H e r | ®®"“ ucted; When toe final count ed flirt class privates to CD? 8A1 \T, JULY a N. Y.^ to bring a suit for slander I have been the wiser for thielr cslL Radio City revels, passed b y .. ^ d w im ln t or two. About six ty was very successful and wel>''“ found that we had A p p o to t^ t tAklng offset J4 the number of his. fighting planea As it was, the press agent Is a swing consciousnees rebell^' opMps were left over, due to V a verv swwl aflMii 900 IMlnta mif ■ neamm4K1,B against Fritz . Kuhn, leader of the I Two Complabte Made. To The sixteenth season o f Camp Ately. Francis MonalSA-the Aiid now. with France taking, I aenaitive .feUow about folks’ privacy. listened , to the waltz time with halfl ISUiSdemtMidlng of the oommittae addition to the a AS TO lU LT 4 pro-Nazi German-American Bund, I Re only told us. hearted appredation. And later '! Woodstock, summer camp of toe / steps which amount practically to and the Judges. Often the,ttwhlee J — . _ ---- uoope lO/NlaBaponied toe troops to/mantle:-^ even -though ths amount of dam- It seems that the Cromwells also sent a tittle taiter-ofBce memo along were given to the bantjs'the chair- Ihfei fk Monday tMa nation will eaia- the restoration to Turkey of the Police; Had Beeo Wanwd Hartford County YMCA, located column commenctog/Monday ages, asked, three million dollars. Is I can toks It, when it is publiely dish- to the proper party. man of the band atuKtrophy com- second, And A, C. on the shore of Black Pond in the P*riit®^,the DadteaflM of Indqm regarded‘aa. the atrateglc key to didn t w ^ 't h e y were to judge- the There was pother very zood af- K who left t W m orale for ' tound to- be judgjneot proof .Against [ white,, without reniect toward rank Prometheua Fpuntataq _ the lively.,, - P ^ t o ^ e parade; The Anderson- day tour-of dhty: '^ a ib» not eaiabrate on that date, mo8t '''sr—— modore Perry, being convjyiTd. from condition may also affect the vision. commercially under definite trade Hartford are occupying ,their cot- one minute and behaving like z post halL AU piayem wUl be wel- Mriousiy. Wrapped up Is hardly her a ride and thinking that It waa The eyee are fed by exactly the names. If you wish this' informa- WUmUon of the kind to this roun- a person that she knew she got into be in charge of Theodora Muagrave i “ iee, James J,, Mannlae. 1 -jgiilta a iaM , lroiit their polnt.-of THE Cf AMBLERS ACAU4 WMbington — By a harmonious his rinkirig Hagshlp tfi.another ship tage for the.’ summer and autumn saint' the next. As a- matter of Rmt, come. Prises WlU be given for toe tr y .^ t least, In American Legion the word for It, although one-Yeels Yesterday Afternoon. that carried him to rictory -over kame bloodstfeam which' the tion; write again, enclosing ifiohths.’’ ' ■ . the aiitomobUe but just about the ^®-j faculty of_. the. lOIsworth I McHugh, John H.^^'MuMoW . rYlaw, for Cbmiectlcut's celebrating little, departmental agreement, he is just busy, living. He’s n very quite smothered at times. Never- The soaring of stock ;^\inarket the British. , Painted In eighteen rest of the body and when the qual- stamped envelope so that I may Services at the Center church will winter.*^ theless, you and Jeems are under flT? **® "tarted she found School to South j Rubacha, Albert J,, RueeelL > ia*aM r data altogether—a date in members of Congress sre given a ity of that blood is Impaired, the send you a private reply. lovable youngster, even-though oo- Uout has ever had and the Veterans 4i?*® *Co“ venUon of the Le- that she had made a mistake and Wlndeor. C^unsellom include; j Scott, Thomas E_ prices for securities during'lthe past two-hour "bent” on announcement flufty fuh. at a cost of putty-huh be continued July 34. playing. Maude Leggett’ MU have London starts officially close surveillance, so go ahead. By Yqsterday the Central Oonneett- wanted to get out.' OOtobar, 177*, on wrhich'the Ooiuiec- thousand eight hundred dollars. It eyes must suffer. Choir rehearsals will he, omitted cosional^ stubborn and independrtfti of Foreign Warn should go places charge of the party. Playing will the way. Bee-el, once you were ^““«Uy vt Thompson- Ro“ Md F.. Simmons.^bn week Is due to no major change in of grants pf WPA or I’WA money One thing which I particularly (Bow Body Repairs Ttasae) In this SUtoa for the next three ®“^..Art Gallery inaugurated its Sh® told toe court that the driver vlUe; Dwight Skinner, Jr., of 1 ^ 1 Cheater E., Snow ttoew"*' ttent aenerat Assembly adopted to their home, states. The remilt Is one,of the largest panels tax the during July, and August. He. is a jeriuter, too,-and lovAo Us y«Am St least ^ g ln at 8 ' o’cl®ck. Ladlm, tell ta entiUed to send five delegates through with writing up publicity— Britain; fe s t e r B. Heale, Jr., W es- Swanson, Carl the eountrj’s prospects. The^'e haa Capitol.” - . ^ V wl.sh to call your attention Is that Question: Martha G- writes: "Will The Tolland County Democratic laughs. He is still Imaginative, but hubby and aU your friends about but it did not, work. In two more third season with a Gallery preview L )vould not stop and when 1 IMBlutlona giving Its O. K. to the is that-ln.stea(] of the home paper Tbomaa Morrison, chairman ot to represent It, and two of these jeyan Unlvemity; part Carlson, Jr, F. Vincent. Elmore O V ^ been no surprising event, no sud- eye trouble may often be partly due you kindly explain how the body re- Association wUl meet at Union Is'able, to distinguish more and more the card party July 6to. As one of .®J«®ted Monday U ght ^ montha you may observe toe effec- opening. Art- coilectora, patrons, 'FMiadelphla document and declar-.. simply announcing that a PWA The party moves oh to rest foV a the ConnecUeut Cottage Fuqd, col- get out he drove faster. As the car Wesltysn Unlvemity; Robert Win- J-> Willoughby, John’’ L_ moment in forlorn jpilet In the to. faulty digestion or to auto-intox- pairs tissue?" Grove, Somerville, Saturday, July truths. So he wmnta a variety of toe ladles said Otmrade Herbert * ^ t by-laws require the & n rivtr technique that really allows one painters sculptom end students den or unforeseen Occurrence either ganl_.QlLJjMi3Z37 .hM been made tissues are- :„Jeotod. enough money'-topsj^ for-toe ■ passed through-toe-GaMery- to a ■^^JVerteyan^Unlveralty: Maurice jubaJi:.. ^ ~ tpg tbat-tbir**ootony fa and igf'rl^ t or a sewer in Burrs Crossing, a .‘fthale gallery while the guide ex- 7T-at 3 p. m„ d. E' t. Tf stones, tndvdlng stsrioi thAt-^ajuid'— BliBBft'OBcriard lelrishSd^ to^^ -to-'lay-down-gjjob' and 'Bay7'’ T'hSve Ttalffi. trinity College; Stanley ta this country or a.|)road to make due almost -entirely to such causes injUred or destroyed, they^«l^a built speaker win be Honorable William be true,. jle..MDttaues to jnake Connecticut Cottage at toe National 8“ lshed”—and ma.ku It work. •steady atream from early afternoon ',-ongM to he-a.ftae'and'faidependent vote-pulling pieca like the follow- pialns where auch. and-suck famous-. dies would advertise'their card par- *® **“*'''• with- two not stop the car she jumped oiit. Shermap of PlatoviUe; B. Burton stocks worth a great deal roort to^ and the vision'wftl thert fcfurn'to tip again riih e r'^ the hew growth j. Fitzgerald. In ' the . event of friends among Hctiamctem of child- - Home for Widows AndOiphahs lit ^ m ^osen by the Post It waa the American- Legion until ,the cloaing at 8:30 p. m. Di- state” and that , “all political con- ing may come out; ' Senators sit- when Congress is in normal when these causes are re- Eaton Rapids, Michigan in fuIL The ties more so he coiild attend them The driver did not atop, but drove Keirstead'-*•* of — YoAkem,—Y»j N. Rob* day than they' were a month agti. - session. A clerk strolls acrq.ss the of young' cells of the same type, or rain the meeting-.Wlll be held at fiction. Loyalties are hprfi now, and We hope he wiU see this piece and assumed that the custom thinks of Professor William Geller- rectorN®rtharo R. Gould, his assist. ert Gordon of Bristol; Malcolm n i* aactlon" with Great Britain "la and "Rep.. Jerry Dooilie nniiounccii moved. the Somerville town hall. his chums of storyland afS;Jroport- mortgage.wiU be burned at toe Na- n.an today, would never be allowed the Catnp rneetm| To be sure It is' practically cer- today that the PWA hfid granted Senate fl.qor, stops to glanrc at a by a. growth of connective tissue of tell his friends and fill three, or more of the immediate past would be fol- *^‘*'®“ > ®“ d Ajn outstand- city, N. Y.; Robert Eye speciallete are now -well the scar type. As a general rule, ta'i The Girl Scouts, under the leader- snt to him. ' tional Convention In Columbus, Ohld in print without a good lot of soften- ing TTsl of patronpases did the K* f juitoping Overnight i of light ought to be totally dis- $n,433.37 to build a sewerAn Burrs forgotten sheet on the Aicc-presl- this fall. tabjea for.ua. That.Is if he arrived “*® and Sec- fi^m the car she Injured both wtlsta Whitaitt of Harford; Robert Par- tain that the new pump-pilmtag ac- aware of the fact that the physical ‘all. tissues there are present young ship of Miss Lydia Young held a Construction becomes a passidBf,^ ond Vice Commandera. a contest ing. In a recent 250-pagc thesis he honors of the .Gallery all through solved." Crossing.” den’s desk and flounces out, leav- vision of the patient may affect back from Greenwich. had seven teeth knocked out and was Jnelee of Springfield-, YMCA Col- tivities of fhe federal government ceils, called the "blasts,” and when piqpic at the Halings Beach, and love of drama tn®“®A®®z> There was a lot of busineas at attempted to take the Legion over the afternoon and evening houm It ought to be no trouble' at ' all But reporters coveting the de- ing glass doors swinging squeakily. the eyesight and I have, received toe Sunday meeting. Besides toe rae next regular meeting of toe the bumps, calling it Fascist, intol- ann at the close Mr. (3ould, toe ‘“J«red_,_ She wm “ lege; Peter Neill of Bayalde, N. Y.- Of Connectii S ' - ' ' wtll-create a-fresh volume o f-h t^ - the need Arises th ^ proUferata un- himself as hero. Yoiir Chaim Will **’ sought Cheater G. Alton and Edward partments are already' shaking Pigeons tootle ■ at , each other many letters from readers-who hav'e election of Department Offlcem, Anderaon-Shea Auxiliary - wlU be erant, Intrenched for Ignoble pur- mpUvaUng aplrlt of the Gallery, ex- 52**®“ ^ ^*‘®, •*®*Pltsl for several Bj ASSOCaATED tor tha atatas’-ilghterB to show that til they have qdirhpleted rail repair The 4H Canning club wilt be dls- be upside down half toe. time, to held July I3th at toe Green. A wt«****S2.*" ® riilrd consecutive Frost of Wesleyan Unlvemity. nesa. But anyone who doesn't- need down the agreement. They don't from fhe|r perches on fhe draped had the eyee examined and have toere wem about two hundred reao- poses, and a book-full of other presaed deep satisfaction and appre- * *■*"“ “ ®^ “ ?® ‘“Juries. She the Oontlnanta] Congresa, hadn’t work, growing Into adult cella which oonttnued this year, due to the lack make .Caves for Indians, or -may^ Ught social wIU be held under the y w . 'Hie fesulttag vote Indicated a conservator could have been %'ery like to be held off tor two hours,- marble, females abovexfhe main en- .been told nothing is wrong with the Of a leader at the Center. Miss just car-barns for patient trzws. lutoms, most of. them of great Im- ta oi^ ely that toe Port was in fa- naughty things. He is a member elation for the success of this third i®*‘* “ •'■tyurt that the police had Robert Wilson, graduate of toe New______any eOBsUtntlonal right to make a even fqf the benefit of desperate trance. arc the same as the other adult Celle direction of Mm. Mary Montianl certain, last winter, that such ac- eyes themselves, but that the eye Helen Wippert win continue as a If you are very anxious about portance to toe ex-aerviee man. The of a Post out- in Washington, but he annual opening. . . satisfaction for tyen notified, but that nothing waa Hartford School of Religious Mu- lecturer In law at Yale uan Declarationof Independence for congressmen. Wish to blazes Billy Rose-woi^d •ymptoms are dtie to sluggish of'the tissue. Sometimes, edien the meeting' lasting from 9 a.m. to 7 and her committee. Plahs will be ^ not lay claim to having ever the duality and character of the cation of toe Hartford Seminary haa been appotatod ssani Isja i tivities would soon 'be ' resumed amount of tissue destroyed Is large, soattefed' member. She wUl do the your good Chippendales or 8b*r- ■SHU*"'*®" “ >e head- the various colonies because we come down' from New York "and elimination or to digestive disturb- required work and enter her ex- atone, then I should init them p.m. , made for to* summer at the next a true Legionnaire: He must work shown and appreciation of the Friday, she told the will be in charge of dramatics. A •or o f taw at toe UntaSSty , again-^^^^^Ahd besides they are unllke- Ktoma-Near Oapttot fling a circus in the dlzzj’ old bant.' ances. the young cells will not be able to meeting, toe plans sound very, good have been, like so many others, a greneroua public' reaponae. special guest of the Cunp wUl ty 'didn't evatf have a Constitution hibits. Those who have had ex- awwr for safer times: i knew a It was .reported that toe German e i ^ ^ * Accompany the Post snrt^n/*lt.— •trawberrles n«*t fWi. iy to create more than .two or pos- Senator SchwellenbacH of Wash-, It needs something to k^'p"lt stive -We are familiar with the dentiete fill in the new tissue, in which C*se lerienee in toe work, may oonttnuc woman who boasted that every so let's all attend and take a note hitch-hiker among veterans; one of - In 1936 ten' well-known artists, 9 MW "‘"®® January Chung Yuan Chang of ChhiA grad- then. Besides, wasn't Connecticut a between ccaigresaes. - ' » Bund is.trying to purchase a large on them. those perverted minds whose pos* uate at Columbia University, and Middletown—rAbout 500 sibly three years of really good tagton was . stopped . dead In hia telling lui our tooth trouble is part- replacement and repair are effected i n the like maimZr. chair in her living room atPOd in piece of property in toe vicinity of ^®*®Jif“'^ Must appoint an al- themselves Uvtog In the central part of toe Remingtoa' Rgitd free and tadependent state that tracks In a capitnl corridor by a ly due to poor diet and now the aye by the growth^ of the type of cell ita own original marks in toe mg. sessor loltem around the outside of Connecticut; decided that toe of particular Interest in toe pro- business. Hertford.------Jt Is reported that...... toe posed visit of a caravan of young AssoctaUon met to dAtet hadn't"delegatbd any aiithorlty at 15-year-oId girl he had known since ! , Conversation bit; specialists are telling us that/poor vtaich forma connective tissue or Her little boy took to running ^/LBriftoh War Veterans t e ^ with state headquartem. The wearing the tasIgnU of a veteran time had come to provide exhibition next step to protect eyesight may likewise be partly the BOY’S EYES OO ON TWO offlcem and instructomom of Mii*~ar- while those on the inside are labot- tyto^piuc*;” '"'^® ® ^*P®« people represenung the far w ^ That there shoiild now be a-mod* she wa.s u. tol. 'nyhy,'' ahe aaked, I Ctrl heard on' a honvehminil bus; scar tissue. away, and almost invariably they ganizatlon wear the -uniform and delegate* am W._Henry Weir, Leon lifying c Agataettoe e f f e ^ ^ , „ all^to Congresa? result of wrong diet or of a syste- PLANES WHILE READING Our heartiest otaigratulatlobs to Ing for an ideal. Occasionally he »neAnUrae the police had a ^ home mission field ^6t toe erate Increase In stock quotations "doc.a the government spend ao ' "Why don’t you do yoiir reading on would find him a couple ot blocks emblem of toe Nazi Government of McCann. ®‘ »ectlo“ Al boun. Labor RetaUone Board order______Still and all. a , movement to ig- much on -Senators when there are ‘ goyernnient-tlme" matic'toxemia. our commander, Fred Baker and to Francis E. takes S' pot shot at. the workers, but darles. With this objective, the Cen- report from the Manchester Green i^ C A , and an Indian and .'an Is pe^aips reasonable enough. That xFERPECT RESEMBLANCE. off at Danny’s. Danny, had a dog, Germany and that toe Nazi flag is Mrs Baker who tomorrow will cele- he cannot harm. them. It is more ing mtastateaenTrt nore, the Fourth of July ami .shift hundreds of people living In sitrnia The eyes are delicate organs,- re- Soutobrldge, Mass. (AP)r—The if I remember, and lota of tn o- o^er In the same tra Gonnecricut Art Gallery made lA year oid girHs parents about a Hawaiian older boy. the two young there ahoiild be another Imll mnr- sponding quickly to any upMt In strange case of a reader whose displayed^ at all Umee to these brats thslr 25th wsddlog[ annlver* ®J“ ®*< •** Almeion L. Hollister like the polntleas heckling of an In- its opening Ijow July" i, 1936. The women, college students, one An' HWM-Atrlke. over ' Comiecttpurs " ' within three blocks of Xhe cSpltnl ?" Chicago—Mclytai Purvla, the for- dom. . DAnuy never cam# to this ~ much trouble kf>t Is as unreasonable ns it i.s un- He didn't have much of an an- IT’S a N '(H,D Ct'STOM dlge^on and the patient with eyes function on -different planes camps, A resolution was passed eary. In honor of this' occasion Charles L. WL ebriate. He.apparenUy ifad an axe Gallery closed lU first .season Atnerican-born Chinese and tha wf” ^ Aeeoctatka haraataefiK^v Day to October w’ouldn't aroime mer Federal agent who sprang the was .dlscloBod here through use of house, as you might know. and it wlU be forwarded to all toe Commander Baker will hold open to grind, and took this chance to h ta '^ r h** **’* "®**9®' filrt into tyen ^missed to maka r o o m ^ wanted. swer for her. There ARE al.ii stomach trouble will -frequently no- Eve'ry child of four needs a W^Bronk?*" ^ '^®>‘ ®'' « “ <1 Victor on *®*’® walking alone otoer an American' born Japanese. j^’ndon I Apt —- Coal was used trap on John Dillinger four years a new device for "X-raying” read- State Departments of toe Veterans bouse at his home on 380 Eaist Cen- vent his spleen. Oh, well, we find tnuch enthusiasm, even among the' wlthhi throe blocks. tice the vtsiqn la blurred and thahhe number of things to play ■with. mg membeta considered toe experi- Alexander K. o^kol will return in the relnetated Btrikem. D e U q S iS Aetufiliy wliat has hi-en happen- for crenmtlofl 3..500 years ago. said is unable to see as well as usual. ago, stopped off in Chicago 'kmg ing habita. ; of Foreign Warn for them to take ter street and will be at home to We ehoUd like to have a large them in Avery community, and can lasttart^mrht night toe Manchester ® "*’ ®®urtGreen charge of th^^camp craft pro- from toe Symeuee,^ Elntm and most convinced opponents ^'b^. cen- epough to buy a telephone slug. He won't be so quick t o ^ daya' '" well -afford to Ignore them. The ‘ •’® Gallery *^an ing is that many listed securities Sir Cyril Fox. director of the Na- The. patient wit.h a sliiggleh liver During study, one of toe boy's action on, that they send a resolu- greet his many friends Sunday and Satuntays 6dtabliflhed inaUtutlon. who Hewtit as the man gram. aaaiated by Wm. L. Hagen of IHon. N. Y.. plants attended tlta tralized government. You see. even p.reariefft ,: place. In Washington tional Museum: Of Wales, ta lecturing “A'nybody ever.take you tor Mel-, to clear up his muss. It sur- tion to Washington, asking that Monday. All comrade* of the Post ^rade to march behind our drum American Legion is known by its have been quoted fnr below their just now Is the cavernous capitol may find that objects tuni black e3ree moved horizontally across toe prises you, naturally, when six The season of 1937 proved the » _ op — — »/ antruhesvs ussv O studyAUUJr u pro-r v - public” * Cloned to If Connecticut did have to make Its recently before the Society of in' front of him and may be at vln Purvis, the fellow, who got Dil- page, while toe other had a tend- be passed that any person Are toylted to cAll and 'we take this corps. The corps Is dbtnir a mi^htv vrorks. and, what is more, a million the v ^ th ^ o r J^Tne!"""^ gram will be under the direction of aetual value for nia.uy.aunuths be- biiOdlng. - Except when fhe toiir- Antiquaries. ' , . linger?” asked the 'Clerk. "You months ago he WAS' sb good at good job on the rtraet t o e l ^ v . .nX of us cannot be entirety wrong. Am Thif'^f” ^ '"®“ “ * •®® optimistic, own Declaration about-being a freb loss to account for this symptom ency to move vertically, says Or. putting' things . away.. He woeW to be. a member of any oir- Sw Commander hirt Artists exhibiting Frank Strong of the faculty of the , Torrington — Injuriee suffeirt > cause so many people, belie\ing all until he learns to connect It with look a lot like him.” . John F, Morrow, of the American itlon of this kind, have his or B ^ r and his wife toe best of luck hv* h ***®“^'* Y*ve encouragement long as we are respected by decent Oltarim* y **’“* •>* •>ad New Canaan High School. Miss and Independent state, -it put be quite ao contrite, either, citizens, we shall continue to buzz had ^ re than doubled and the «^*’ '** ‘ ••‘ I “ Ot when struck by an autoatoWle they were fold about the country the deranged state of the liver. "Yes. often.” answered Purris Optical company's bureau of visual ^ citizenship papers cancelled snd imd many, many years of happy ty showing its appmclauon. It oeny that he was the driver of tK> Agnes O'Brieri of Bristol wlU be^ he was crossing South Main : enough stock, e\’cn then, Jn the Idea laconically. he ^ dragged ta mud. he a fine parade, with toe weather happily along about our business. 'cowers had ■ going to the. fcow-wrt\ys. . dumped Auto-Intoxlcatlon may cause 4rience. won't be able to make him [*t he or she be dej^^led.out of torown off the lethargy of-years and- w from which the Highland Park the Camp's registered nurse 'Ivlth caus^ the drato of Andpaw S erk ^ > r5 Ited nalldn so that when the black , spots t6 dance bMore tha Discovery of his condition was United States. Are ^mighty sorry toi learn ELBEE. Flj|l Jumped last January headquartem In vthe campus in- their holdings' for whatever ' fhev The new Streamlined Twentieth* In the least, as you used to, e^^obv’^* r ” ®**®^ “ hout that ,69. He was Torringt^s first suto~ :@ xmly attoport^-or wn-'AmericaW watton .“ 95KJ* — - t h* . ,aphthalmqgriu^, hseauss'-^yaw^iwoep.' -tyzal' Qfflqff.af; toe.Irtdtoa firmary.. jfn . - Ruto Sokol will .re-. vipUm AueilSl _j ce'HA-to' toe vitatotM^tatfdf tMfifeh CSeatory Hmfted will «o t the tdhfflhy an inatrumeni fdf .rtUOyUig t S S .-..mcQtaiy^ha Uve to'MaaiAchusetts x^hZlLhZTO e«mimd -at 8 ^ ^ ^ tyrm-as’-Camp- business" manager" .rested ta'WaShlngl^'a army around time between Now York and Chica- He may etam At you, torn ieteats a aaddle, so we m a v ^ i ’ .n The card party which had 'bCeh dancing H>wTf» h i ®®urt that - New T in fd r d - ^ V m ^ e ' e ' HOW much- A“F.jaMra_aa_aeie6ti ■WldlSM J^-O ai Army, commanded 1'^ . . ta-tet Mid the- cariy. The.se cells cast shadowe'oh^Ahe're^ - college to Massachusetts and he was Leonard Black. Miss Hazel' W i? was[;due to dellherato ■propngantla.jn quite aU port « f ’ ft- IhdqteDdeaee toe ^rch; Billy bad a relapse last Thomas-and not to the garden At th f tycarae a theater •ml in Trumbun And was a rotm- h. ykatotan and jnj,ppQfled Rfi xhe .Una and are. projected forward. In to not Always' beautlfuL And tour asked to join a certain l e ^ e wlto- .S***® ‘••*'®ctlon of Eleanor P®rt o fthe County YMCA staff ber of toe 1885 and 1886 le g lS . ihe;, Intetarts: Tif ■wtork'mai'kt^ har- bueh « way as to seem’^ eppMr & t i u ^ and he was oerlous for , ^ SF* f*"***" “ ear at hMd. Mrs. Gregan's home. Twenty.four and rtsO torn rnentloned will be to charge of headquartem the army of th* United .Stales, were hr the spirit of *75. the 4th of July : to the acbooL The name o f toe members and friends spent a very' Codj^ Gom . Ihst—or have forgotten it. clpUne weU, but you wiU ^ puz- within toe siebbol, so he signed up. “•«»>«« “-y xttrt ■airing that 'blood will tell.” R ^ . Ethel Qulah And Mrs; Mildred Mta, and the Tavern was often tax- ^ h t »hi ®®®rt last their pockets they are not only will- people, are prone to wonder why Gettysburg, Pa., July 3— ( A P ) — a g o ,. government records ty see our old ^ to capacity in serving the num- fe s t e r Howard and Edward Robb; celled a meeUng at which NaUanal . Anyhow, try and make any^Amer- zled at his contradictions. . per- After he was 1*. forthree ymeks he ty ^ , it must be good blood Wel- aarke; in set-back, Mrs. aara WM ‘ ty evidence Leader Fritz Kuhn had been an- there seems to -be.each an imme- Here are toe greetings j f toe com- show 'ITIJIOO umoa- soldlera were haps, if you understand hipi bet- ®* Anderson-Shea Poet come back, Elmer. * bem attract^ to the c5,ter ^ ^ ^ atrlcken out. ^ l^ r t Bonesio. Camp . mechanic; ing, but anxious , to .. let optimism was asked to pay five ^.tioUam en- Henimingway and Mm. Dorothy nounced aa toe speakor because ft Jcaii bsHevs that the greatest « le ^ e d that Us new hmor. underS' The Gallery is now open to toe second case, he will GAmp visiting dgya this year will of education refused to permit itaa ijnercy of racketoertag"gamb!ers.' At Angeles, of the G.A.R.r "I greet M tatareet^ in tralna on tracks tur^oU toe league. He went back A food sale to toe nepr future. & V toe”** u « stotas’-rlghtist (new style), a na- is infiuencing the eyes. you, sir; Low do you do?" ’ yearn, paly 800J00 more than 31^ carrytag real people and .cAal Trophies” had been F^^P, will Imye recuperated •pend much of the summer In j ^ be Tuesdays from 2:30 p. m. on (ex- of a public school auditorium. r the moment they'want to see things Whenever you are conscious of aptfobtato toe Utemture and with- Mrs. Pitkin has asked toe fAUOw. cept on the opening day of each 'tlonallst, or whatever. General John M. cna3rpool, 93 St. freight, than in tom own electolc ^ “ »® •>oy» the to m effect# of the Dawn Dance, and tog members to act on the nominat- ^Hartford—W4pam jasaefc RUev. boom., -Up go the stocks. eye M^knese, I suggest that flijst out mading It he attended toe first WlU show up da'Ume. , period when vlsltora are welcome .47, claim adjuster for a HArtforfi LouU of the U.CLV.: "I am well, OenerAl Paul M. San OUlnette, 93, ones. Poeaeaaiveneas and mastery meeting of toe league. On the wall *■ >®®Wng ing comimttee: Mm. Hilda Kennedy BESU.HE SEARCH FOR Bouk yotrTnrv* the eyes examined, and work together now. UtUe glris ®*“ ‘ •>owIlng team The annual Fourth of July Dawn welcome and may visit At any time during toe day) and ia«iranee company (Aetna). 0- that second, you make sure the sir. We can hold nothing against of ifoutgomery, Ala., who retoem- to the room waa a red flag; no j>toer chairman; Mm. Mary Broonan, Mm! on Sundays. PICKS AeW lNNER' each other^any more, air.” ■won't he so anxious now' to ' wrip •»Id tonight at the June Dolsen. This committee wUI ai^eBjoy evety day except Monday shortly efter hta car rammed a wrti THE THEORY ARRIVES" rtomach. large intestine and liver bem the ‘‘aurmadef" at Appomat- flag was to r t ^ L The Utemtum from 1 p. m. to g.-SO p. m.. f ^ _ New London, July',. 2__ (APt ' tow, la graadsoa of toe French you *^use-keep,” any more, hot’ meet ‘and propose a Ust'of officers of toe BushneU Memorial when bn r. ■ ^r- - Since Hitler took the center of are all doing their work in' a nor- Inetead wUl be washing their emm that was handed out cost very lit- The Veterans’ Aasoctatlon held a a. m« That ifl as near aa iaam t® September 15th. m^ch resumed ^the fainted at the rteertng wbeeL Hta It la not unusual tor the words mal aaanner. . " if they give-me that hard eggs general who fought nine yearn with for election In September. May need l *mbr e ixa doll Aiotoes, and mudng . their tle and no one seemed ' to know ^{“® *2 ^ Fourth, this year. Tbat’a> ^°®” ‘*®*A of the Central C»n. chest was crushed by toe wbeeL M d f.. ■ ■ ^ i’yv""'. the Enropaan stage, rather putting And grass mixture sgsin, riii going Naptdeon. whem toe rest of toe five doUam One week from tomorrow the f ■' Ai- - ” slavery"and "enslaved” to be used home,” said 9S-year8>ld O. R. Oil-, own doU beds. A-lot of dancing for any price (and ^ sat for our outing with the Gallery are; Miss H. Wadsworth of 42 King atree* death resulted Aom Internal hsrtoi^ oat of joint tile claasicAl. .Roman QUESTIONS AND ANSWEBB. T gue« them’e only one man went This was a long story and in political speeches in all clvfllsed lette, of Shreveport.- yL , one of the The child of four or five should ft^ tty fi^i**7" *“d ^ Post and our famUies. We expect a ■^‘•®™®“ . Harold Barbour tytTi****’ drowned last«6uiU New Haven, July 3.— (A P )—It r h a j^ Riley was oa bta-way to >■ a aoM €t 11 buce, thh world at large Facial Paralveia. hem can boast of that, and It’s me. we haven't room to tola column “ if ~ ‘*Anca of toe 1938 R- Gould, W. countries, aa. indicat^l^ a ' .remote Question: Mm. H. G. W. wants to few veterans here who fought at have from -half a doaen to per- l*rge gathering for lunch and Sound off Gardl. might be a good idea, toe weather- the bedside of hie father,' 10 to- a has hoard constdarahly. lass of Gettysburg. he says. He earns to America at haps s dozen toys, if poeible. He. for it but we give you an Idea Mriec.^Oiartle Tucker hope* that too •porta. AU membem of the Fort Rnds, Albert Mboftch. man indicated today, to have an IMyoke, Mass, hoepital. when hut perhaps conceivable :p e^ know: *My son, who was reoeatly 18. enlistod at 10. whdVB MoUkx on. wUl be overcrowded^ e ^ H ^ e r Welffer, F, Van Vleet J''*i**® ®" * ®™‘*® “ ’“ b . Jny than ft did during the lin t dsc- examined, was told the- left side of He referred to toe scrambled or she. to learning to relate one A ^ Ila r y Are urged t y come W e n ^ •"*• ^®ur other Meriden umbrella handy during the Fourth accident occurred. T T against which peoples must guard thing with another, now, and In- We o f t t e Veterans of i T l l J * * * * “®g»dAr Port meeting of July week-end. of the post^rar period. hie foM was partlaUy paralyzed. eggs, scattered 'with parsley, which "My papnr used to tell me. 'son, and bring their famuisa.. thamaalvee by this or tiuit aetida or there's a big fight coming between venting good drama. Never agsjn WAm will.have to go into tola and^ _ A Isfter has Just, bera received. ssfejr* The meteorologist at toe New We had never notieod ft. What la were served for breakfast In- toe Maaa ypraa Anxillary « • July meeting. The Nominating a e ^ * ^ ‘ ®^ during toe M osi-iaan has* auppoaod that toalitanoa. But ft haa ramaliiad tor' cAinp tritrtmii the North aUd tha SiMith.' Don’t will play be quite so serious and fight for ths stoppage at zudi or- l^ e patronesses are: At®*™ earlier ta toe Haven branch of the Wratoer Bu- WORLD CHAMPION COW the eauaa of such a ocwdltlow and preaent ita alatart to“t y i ^ ^ K * * * ^ »®«“^ ' tha laadSTshlp o f .that what eZa be doneT "A nybo^ know* tharo itaft but stlf up any toos until ft oomae. hut exciting as it to right now. fizalzatloiie wltoia our oountiy. We “ the carnival during the [-4 “ * decision to renew ac- reau predicted ahoarem for today Nud Oetmony to bring the atoa* are ourprised at tha peopl# to this proposed offlcem. a vote svfll be eaoL Tacoma, WartL—

- . f—» —vvjyraiib 4MU ifWrlTlf TT . ’ ’• "T aMwvev ■MU' M -l^ a n , did ao nobly by their fletioa* 1 jM y hair u playlnrsecoad flOOle in fiJ rtUafionahlp w ltt ftlaSW War _ their, own pi^ures. ^ t Artouo JudFs and Joha liow- ’ awny stars haiVe ebme but ard hardly had a ' look-in when it I 6. E. W ILLIS bsst in t ^ p a r t pictures— came their tim to apeak. -r- .^Bng Uw atoiy of a cbarac- "Angela # fih 5lrty Facei,” Worries diatar^M eaoenoe and nuitur^ about to be fUmed will open with & SON, iNC. ecent occanencM —that KbDywpod apparently' is two youngsters portrSyW the ver atnee Spain'e .Tittle kgtng tW ngaV hlt. tional politic*! ftimiflcance characters James Cagney and embliuonea in such world war" began, two jrAare y^Pjetw* 'Will be.'here without O'Brien play In la te r \ FOR av* been ago this 'month, it' has wreath las Mybood sequence-oT'its ..main But these boys, whoever Rheadlines as these: be. win have IltUe.m^ Eened to beOome a b{g world-war. f * ^m P ?rt* n t part: steal the plcture.^ KOFPER'S COKE NyalMdiligLaniier—ini(sifieant , _wRW^R^L Their „ PtSM sssna Last weekend’s c ^ « s lodicatad ta "Jeaa/w u l be leS ' y .. '*■ Ger^d ,P. Nye, 45. a senator Spanish loyalists might attack I t ^ '*“ *es and Tyrooe power will have , - - half reel. , since IMS, was wiiminf renomlna- and Gerfnany If Britain and France no JuvenUe OOW p^on at all. In Of “Men Wltk Telephone 5125 tibn in the North Dalrota Republican Wlngj^^bafi with the early Uvea did not grant the leftists’ demands. t w other iilem res, the only por- \V et, much of primary. Thestm'a two represen- Those demands were (1) that nothing. "US-watory of aviation actually took tatives, Usher Burdick and Wil- the loyaliits again be permitted to> Whan this sujbj4ct came up the liam l#hiKe. were renominated. otaer day; a lot of us recall^ that ^ c e when the adults ware kids in Import supplies via France, (2) kvld. knee breeobea. WUliam Langer opposed that air raids on loyalist cities, al- erfleld, in the perwmof Gene Reynolds, Just under teen A, . : . and this was the primary’s legildly by Italian and G erm an rtholomew, \ grew up. age, la one who worries atara.- / i^Mtiire race. Nye and Langer have -i—. WMie of us could LMto of his planes, be^opped, and (3) that in- ^tem e after he becama-a ybung man. He h u "doubled” for Don Ameche, quarrelled often in the last Ave surgents be do^elled to submit to Tyrone Power, Robert Taylor and a GLEN’S PAOni NC years and they fought this Campaign W* finally telepbbnM M. G. M. half dozen others. Hla work: if mediation eventually. ' about the adifif David in "David he's given half a chance, is moat ANDERSON, JSnNSON mainly on.state issues/Nye had Italy ai)d Oerma>iy.;,b*l]6wed. The boys there hhd tiiol 3330 bpen endorsed by two^rdent New Britain and FrSnee told the.Jdyal- m r g o u ^ too, but a look into the effective. ■ .Gene was the boy' in INCREASES VALDES Deal senators. ists to be careful. fllM^-duclesed hlB name aa Frank "Of Human Hearts” who, as the Ier s The AU Pnrpoe* |F|nl .. Before the returns were ail in,. Xi^n. \ misunderstood son of Waltbn Hus- Cleen, Com/ortable THE SUMMER A neutral investigation of boim>' ton. did such a credlUble Job. Tkha It lo^ a conceded fact that pabit- • ROUSE REAratil Ny* asked, and Chairma^gi Morris SIMMs'';: bardment of Spanish cities thSn -.* * !? Z ’**'*.^* »«*,M> ••*«•»* eae« aided aenatorial contest in Indiana P youngster *** exception apd Mrtain that your home is is the tog hie car throughout (he hot sum- ^-.F^ty-nine British ships, Ihelud; ,,.S0i6 did Ifc^^He la Billy Maugh.~' this Is rt^ Although Freddie Bar- ^st of Condition at all times. A y®ur car embothei operation' i ««: rather than make * nomination. With British honor.” And the Duch- New York dancing school. She took Which he grates. T u.n{S a et any other time, x / • • ** make known to local ’neb- ess of Athoi--who, like Lord CecU, a lo ^ quite a- lot of new clothes heroes ple toat they jaell and Inataii to e W* a re aeJoylBg a r That suggestion was spumod. AMBULANCE SERVICE Is decorating contiiWetor Adamy’* Bervlps StoUon euggeets NOT WANTED What Sfbek^Oid has bolted from conservative ranks Gov. 'Gross D eclare Every- wl^ her, most of which she prob- Is Olson of 12 Jackson that jrmi give theli producte^and OurtHy In t. lUymond Willis, 62. a country, At Home —added that big, long-range guna ably won't need dancings From DAY AND NIGHT , Del M o n t e . __ ___ ..J I Rzaft oU burner which form anv kraaeltoA adltOTt got the Republican aahato»' Meetings Abroad thing Possible Has Been the looks of most dancera, at least. I street haa many Important *c- ^ y®** hot-al- average I years has proven its suMriorltv hv rial nomination on. the convention’s In insurgent Spain now tponteo she won’t 175 CJcnter St.,^ Phone 3060 ^ credit-among readydone So. InafidiUon- to dia- ^ le g e athleUo star stay mav may b, be .» ,,,ro|»vtu.. i Get Our Gift From Sweden Teechers* Tornado' Checo Crisis Cont.. Gibraltar. But Chamberlain w*a Done To Reduce Costs. buUdtogs and peneing g^ H ne and oU, tola service on the rampua but he’i no dassltng country. third ballot the flrat l»llot ex- - Where Swedes add Pinns landed Snwy, inly S Things have been quiet lately etatl®n: which is located at toe cor- Virginia Sappington, 10, freckled Gettysburg anAivsrsary cere- Between Bolivia and 1 not licked. _ over in the Whoop Owl Quarter of I terougbout *a wide section in hMband. in the opln- | These oil burners are not expen- JOHNSON A LI Stn. Jemea E. Watson was only two at Wilmington, DeK, in 1638, a black country- sefioolmarm, who saved this state. . ' • ner^ of S p ^ e and Blilrldge atreeta, lon^rt Gamma Plu Beta girts, ^as ••'’•.when you consider the numv votes b t ^ d Willis. . granite shaft now holds aloft a monies continueis. a h^rt-shaped green. hell called The non-intervention committee Hartford: July 3 — (AP) — The town, but lest night an everlasting a ^ mSintaiaa a complete lubrica- lae Center SL her 21 pupils from a Kansas tor- Monday, July 4 the Chaco, as large ail Italy but of that he has relied on *10 curb the Mat* Martcd Its new fiscal year to- hard thunder etorm, without few Mr. oiron tisea only the highest the hero who yfzi'z o f eervlce they will give you Rep.'SMB WiU Retire — ThU replica of tha colonial ship Kalmar nado last March, sat down and said: Spanish war decided to go ahead ' nor faw f of nothing, whirled down matertutf in *1 apeclal serviceloe co b ^ terough to win the game was *F a great fuel savlnf. Thw donot Nyekal. A gift from Sweden’s peo- U. S. - CMtdian\ friendship doubtful value. For a Century the day with Governor Croes satisfied &n work he undertakes and din thtis ire rojefited by a three to one vote at **4*'**’z much attention, for once maent Republicans will hevp a naw “Whbw! That was worse than the celebration, Prescott, “ two countries have disputed its with Its project to yank fbrelgnert hero, - hitting the Quarter hardest COMPLETE w uebie to toe motoring public landar in tha hous* of reprasenta- ple, It was presented to America tornado!” out of the tranches, even'though that about everything possible haa A bolt was loosed which atrSaked of a more leattag ^wd the vicinity. this week by Prince Bertil, 26, and Wednesday; J ownership. By 1935 both were bled, been done to cut exMnses to the UILDIKC ^autlftil result when hS toe thrM In th* naxt congress. Joseph She just had been made an hon- All Star baseball white by war when neutrals ar- Russia refused to pay her full abara bona. ^ w n and Bit the old rod mimie on W. Xlartln. 53, of Massachufhtts, ns« accepted to President Roosevelt. orary life member of the big Na- clnnStL \ of the cost. And Chamberlain’s en- tte Squidge farm, splitting the tree S E f% V I c c ranged an armistice. “ ApprOelmately $1,606,000 baa from top to bottom. a - fairly B ^ For any painting 'o r deeomUBg been mentioned for the Job. Prince Bertil’s father. C row n tional Education Association at its Friday. July 8 ■ \ Trying to prepare the case for the voy to Rome got Italy to advise In- been trimmed from the 1938-39 COAL — CO^E work, large or smaO, wp sueaeat ® and prav^nt^ Stocky, mddy Bertrand H. Snell, Prince Qustaf Adolf, had become convention, attended by 20,000 per- Celebration of 160th.anniver- surgent President Franco to use , pleasant feature of the accident fOr cold air ourrente. O'B U n N t I. i 6T, a congressman 24 years, chair- ill crossing the Atlantic. After dett- sary of ooenlng of Northwest world mourt, the arbiters (includ- todget in the appropriation for or- old man Squidge is the fact that RANGE AND FUEL OILS tert you^iiat the aervlOes offfohn sons, this week in New York. ing the U. S.) have submitted more "moderation.” dioaty occurring expensea through the tree was toppled right over in- I. Olsop who ( ^ guarantee you J'’’ ^ Johnaon have qi Sener man of the lest two Rsipublicen na- icating, by telephone, a Swedish Starting things off with a bang, Tenitory, Marietta, Ohio. a ten percent cut requested of all saOefrotory r ^ i t s at nil tliriM flea themselves tn do com MAn■8TEE KIBRjnr <1^ I Memorial Museum-at PhiladeJphii than 30 bOunnary suggestions. A ;„Il^Duce’s pet editor, Virginio . to his cellarway, hard by the wood- Prompt Deliveries Ydur Vdipation' And Ourt tional conventions, end euthor of Columbia Universltj^released a re- Saturday, July 9 "final settlement” last spring of- Gayda, then announced that Franco ^ ^ m e n t s and histltuUon heads. shed, so that all be’a got to do ia ^lephone hta at 4870 for full w - glumblng and heating com m-' many stinging anti-New Deal stkte- in connection with Pennsylvania’s port on veterans’ organizations by Bonneville dam celebration, \ (n had forbidden attacks on Brit- Budget Director Behjamln P. Whit- saw and throw, they being no cart- At All Times ttoulars about hie service. ly* are pUnntoi^yncetloii*. Please make your of conaliUnt I WIM^.Borlwktail ' ments, will devote himself hence- 300th anniversary celebration, the’ Thepalles, Ore. !! fered Paraguay three-'^fourtna of taker aald today. MtvleeBe. l i i e y k I airil tlw T rip e iag y ., Northwestern Prof. William Gel- ^ e Chaco, with a port reserved for ish ships.at sea, (2) had ordered the ‘ wood Involved. Som* folks i MANCHESTER appointment for beauty work with your favorfU from ley iuioitr to'eir prefasehm forth to his business interests hi crown prince proceeded to a New lerman that dubbed the American Union Jack respected in loyalist Tt la estimated that about $150.- Is fortunate. ■ ^ i,F o zafl and maintain - L m .a U toe fnete New York steter Btdivia on the P ar^usy river. Bo- 000 alone will be saved in curtall- LUMBER 4 FUEL CO. operator before she gohp pn heir vacation. * au— p ro rS laoUIttoa lf^ tW fo for rih ‘ ;”'^!^;^ York hospital. Legion “fascist,” “unpatriotic,” and livia. accepted, but Paraguay want- ports as far as passible, and <3) Rains during the past few days execution of their work. auu-kaMe Bwner. ^ ‘ Vete Plea To WPA Hit—This an “expression of entrenched busi- h was willing; to designate ports for UM t of traveling expensea and pay bavp ao flUed up the aoU that plm- Telephone 5145 / ed tha whole Cbsco. meato-for luncheons. ty of wet is standhqrea top of the 1 They are located conveniently end meant Investigator-Senator Shep- Faed!ng/the Hungry., x. ness and military interests." The People Brith^ahips to use. telephoni rt ANDERSON R JOI lAH' res MAS^ AFS • M A T 'I U N E Legion’s chief, Daniel J. Doherty, So w s week, as both countries Dr. Whittaker and the governor 8Toi^ in the lo w irw ta Some pard had expressed "dUapproval’* Cneveland, with 66,000 destitutSk 1938 Miasing Hair . bought^guns with all the tfionto . TOe War In China qpaot many hours whlttUng cellars even have got water into I 8884 for eetlmatea and epeclfleatione 39 Ctlntoa St. . of a speech Aubrisy Williams, dep- hat been running.out of ralief funds then told newsmen: “Many of our they coiud scrape up, the arbiters 4to*w th# naw budget In the hope ma“ ave!"* “ wpSk that you uty WPA administrator, gave at a institutions of higher learning are John Medill McComick, 21, son —vitally concerns Europe a n ’ ttiem. Even this, aa we aald before ATNEWLOCAndN every few weeks since April. This of Ruth Hanna McCormick' Simms again triedxto find a formula tp bra- powers, too. It will be one year old la fortunate for aome. Boas Whit- Workars’ Alliance meeting. Wil- wMk the oity council eased the sit- hotbeds of-communism.” vent renewM of the jungle flght- "'2 ?' -balanced. ten had Mventeen Ihrga cider ba> Hotel SherMan BnlMtaig And Newark UnjLvenity’s Presi- and heir to a Chicago newspaper this month. UOTCL' •Maneiieet gr Dial 5909 liams, according to seme accounts, uation by (1) authorizing the sale fortune,, and Richard Whitmer, 29, *ke ^ n e r a l Assembly .appropri- rale down in his cellar, which was One rule of sueceee le to look «>>* had told the Jobless: "Keep your of $337,0Cl0 in 1039 tax anticipation dent Frank Klngdon declared the ■■ ..British" Burma and French Indo- ated $16,000,000 for ordinary oc- one teat- wa* well flooded. The ■ I SHEniDAM part you seek to play a^d m 2 ^ GREASE: school system it responsible for any went mountain climbind last week china adjoin China, and if other ounlag axp in lose and 1939. hairels, which It would have been Toe’ll kaow friends in power." noteiyto pay for food orders, and Nf*w Orleans Excifemenf in New Mexico. Golden Key; .. “ , peacances count for a great deal no SCHIELDGE PLANT Sheppard also looked into WPA (2V/aUthorizing use_of„the public CIO' truckmen called a strike defects in the American Legion arid communications are shut off, new Th* to w appropriated by the Gen- a Jaborloua thing to roll and carrv Caaapletriy B w ^ le d and Dp-to^ ^ e ahouid neglect hto m her ra , .*be dUreroooe for "such men as Mayor Hague." . Two days later, Whitmer’s body The lord chamberlain of a Brit- communications with these neigh- eral Assembly ffom the /general out Into tto open for airing, bara oate l^Bvery Oetau. zonal appearance. ^ M gteera jet cs in Kentucky and. Oklahoma. auditorium arid municipal stadium against 10 New Orleans' drayage was found. But several days later, ftmd was $26,488:800, of which $i, all been- floated Into the open. Boaa nmtcmmlae Ratee. ■F^ yoe fea« WpA Administrator Jlopkins for relief benefit entertainments— firms last week. AFL refused to rec- “It is the mIghtieBtrprivilege of ish king wears a fancy blue coat, bors may enable China to prolong *® weil.dresMd and to ■aid two Kentucky strswbosses the schools,”- said I^ A x i retiring 350 Searchers — Including experi- on the, bacl^:'of which there is a this war. D4.244 rapreaenta remaining bal- had tee foresight to bung teem up «»^y Luncheon* m Bad an Ad opening the way, two councilmen ognize the strike. Trouble fallowed; enced mountain climbers—reported ea May l, wWchTJtta cal- wh«i he ae* the water was coming Menus to Select From “ “ *** “PPzaranoe. It to no •tteadaat I had been punished tor' playing said, for r $5,000,000 relief lottery/ Three CIO members were shot and president. Dr. CarolirleS; Woodruff, golden kmr. Amo.tg other things, he Hainan, a Chines* island south of “ ^S^neceaaaiy for a man or a y®er ear • __ n they could find no trace of McCor- is (l) Dauiee doorkeeper, (2) the the mainland, not far from Francb ‘ '’•‘•••’le/tbla fiscal I / \ *** • politics. woundM. About 250 persons were “to educate children for peace.” In tplG CGtGTOi'y |u*G vftrioiiE mick. • *“ todo-China, was raided recently by At a town meeting which was SMdny Wnnero) SaMrohi® *" extensive .Djfzz are three eohrideraUona In P z • a e B r e No Censorship Tor Roosevelt— Th* ta w Wins A Race arrested. Detective C h ie f .John President Roosevelt, finally, told king’s chum and chaperone, and PMjwts^rtudleTand ro heM here laist night, foika voted I Catering To ^rtleA Banquets, only to MORI William H. greaalag. L«t the educators of a new kind of gov- (SKthester censo,'. Japanese airmen, and both Britain veya.the cost of which is. spread they would close off the old KM^ tee clothes one has in xood ochteJage _at 2o5 Bonuui itraat This meant the senate campaign A state trooper was slain last G r o 8 c h declared there was “no Aftor-ln-Law ICtCr l^arsons who give M five your investigators’ chief did not intend room in New Orleans for commu- ernment balance-!-“a long-range /T he:Earl of Cromer, having got- and France warned the Japanese ovGr two to four yoanc Beelaebub road which leads in from _ . *****vatloils Tel. 8802 not only «er a graaelng Sunday night near LaPorte, Ind., sheet which shows survival values Francis O. French, 48, used to be ten George VI off to a satisfactory this week to keep off Hainan. .. Whether or not^_the budget was the Busted Tree hlU. The road is “FF«nF(oii deserved en by toe printer but also by hto eus- 'to do anything about tlioPresldeht’s when he approached a car in which nists.’’ • a social figure at Newport, R. I., and ®*~|;^^^>^eKnight, Mgr. !*®®wlng they always Through oratory. And a U, S. circuit court judge, for our population and for our start and having curbed “strip Germany, meanwhile, apparent- balanced. ' ' — toe*•" theu*® firstursi year ofor thetee so-called because it" la one of the enable' theiii. to look K ! A , 212?'’:.,:. • ” FacUlUea. ura& '* ADJ two South Dakotans were sitting...... ;; ■ ■ his daughter married John Jacob teasers” with "a few esutlftnary. ly was jilting China for Japan. Binr- . two-year period, no one knew tndav toost outlandish-roads in th* tMm _SER1______— Mft-Roosevelt said last-week that ■njerr, In a wild" ftlghtnb*^ twarDs^" ^*l* ed -^sk j^p o H < ^ro m -m t^ft^ democratic -way of—life balanced— Ttator III. Cleaned out In thrmarket 7.2?*’ • PF®P®r,ayaluatlon of ing with CIO, called on‘city*ofll- against what we have paid for remarks,” now has handed the blue . linjl i*>iyoy to Hahkow.waa ra- promptp6u snd creative foroeight. Der. T ^ S e e and Eldridge Mi^ he f(^lt he had a right, to speak out koU men klc>naped: t,W0i deputy in 1921, he drove. * taxi, sold in- called. So, too, were German milt- - Anal story 1* told. Al- names teat could b* found i ,FF>at teelr clothes give better Md«t. P r i n ^ maolMnery to goed. in certain ewes “as head of the clals this week to preswit their them." History, he pfcdicted, will surancie and did jiome writing—in- coat over'to the Eari of Clarendon, /■ - sheriffs and a farmer and his four- side. find the long-range balance sheet 6.1, tall, bespectacled son of a for- tary instructors, creditad with hav- '. y*" *"‘**‘‘ yesterday, ?h"llSuo'?.'^“ “ "'•y «®*Fve Himce, faollltlee to do good work Democratic party" and he appealed year-old son and stole two cars. cluding an expose of Newport so- mer lord chamberlain. The new ing modernized China’s army. But / Ptny open for tJ6 I H I G H C n A O E m ^n s modern machlnety, eeonoml- . for clear-cut liberal-vs.-conserva- Four states’ officers closed in on of his administration in the black: ^ ciety, which he says his millionaire ^ t b s during which bills charge- ^ "y »rrMged, with Competent op- tive battles this fall. ■Hands Off!’ looker-outer likes "historical plays their departure was delayed this / RESIDENT OF ANSONIA ______eratort. By competent operatore to them, and at Deselm, 111., one of the A Reality & Fantasy son-in-law won’t let him publish. and thrillers” and has promised not week by farewell functions in their npproprlaUMjs may RIMTIHC U. S. Speeds Money Outflow— outlaws was slain and the other The American Rolling Mil} Col, Last summer he weht into bank- Btai be presented and paid. ^ P repuffin APPLIANCES meant men who not only uee their Russell Sbreet one of the leading independent steel Millions of people are.rt^dng'to to be “unduly censorious.” honor, arranged by.the Chinese. Jn §IM$bing the current budget all m the field of It repreMota loeallv handa but their .brains as well and This meant the $3,750,000,000 drive caught. Police blamed them for ruptcy beca'us* he couldn’t pay a These and other diplomatic de- IS AWARDED NAVY raossll to improve business was on. PWA many recent midwest crimes. firms, was accused of violating the escape from reality- to fantasy— $1.48 laundry bill. This week he ap- approprlaOons *1“FPP«‘l For c lw in g For example: ^ tozo^rzte tedlvlduality In thtir Perennial Gardena labor law. One complaint was that hence the popularity of “Snow Rrst Jew Hanged velopments this week rather ob- yit.***** these items placed P*'*®*|’ ?6 zzrvlce, fur remodeling announced grants and loans total- plied for a WPA job. scured— ' ~.:j —reserve, to be PRINTING and expert garment repairing I Printing Is of .no-value to a eua- i s $340,215,258 in less than a week, • Ship Ahoy! / i t . had dominated Ariiland, Ky., White and the Seven Dwarfs”—Dr. PERENNIALS municipal elections. Donald Rich- Stuart Rice, U. S. statistical chief, LoVe Strike- To keep Arabs and Jews from Ike Actual Fij^ttef. Washington. July “3—(AP)—the ^m pt a^ Eflolent Prlntinx/ A reconditioned Electrbmister Rafiff^^n f«®z»v4e it on time, WPA raised 500,000 southern work- FOUND: Three high school boys told the American Association for shooting each other, Britain has Navy honored with decorations •F All Kln'ds '»’«'Fa it. A printing «r. ers’ pay.. In the fiscal year that and a $25,000 yacht, at Puerta/Val- berg; former NRA head, appeared HMl Hausser is 28, red-hairM, made possesatop of a -gun in Pal- In China, floods too daep for Ja- ®®*F o f k e e p i n g o n e ' s c l o t h e e gMlzaUon may have perfect ma- ,85 BUSSELL STREET ' ■ /' as counsel for the company when the Advancement, of Science this mpthar of two children, divorced. pan’s army and not deep enough to end eitationa May 34 offteeix and be bougrht for $45.00 Mmplete Etid in- chine equipment, but if it does n o t started Friday Uncle Sam is ex- larta, Mexico, 28 days after disap- jveek in Ottawa, Ont. Other sci- estine punisheble by death. Arabs COimOMTr PRESS Socond Street Off Meh» pected to spend about $8,500,000,- pearing from Santa-Cruz. Calif. hearings opened this^eek at Cat- RoUo K. Blanchard is 48, bald, fa- have been execute on trial for chusetts Institute of Technology re- hot dog. /; And flobda and earth tremors in man or skunk T L a a tn ^ h t^ ™ ’ Cross to two other officers and 31 . •___ ~'e< ist few months In these-pagee In "it is the most far-sighted program ported sunspots are decreasing now. France's. Spy Wave Sharpened and Repaired the State Tailor Shop. Take tout !gard to good printing sq that It to for -the benefit of workers ever thwarting unionization of .miners; Japan had taken IfiO.livM and de- enlisted men.' riothM to. its new address snd you THE OONHEOnODT FOWEB COMP ANT Charles Morris, 50, and John Paul This week they.answered charges Funeral Before Death In one French district near Ger- stroyed 290,000 houses by Thurs- "For extraordinary heroism” as po longer necessary to expound ‘.o P O O F I M C adopted.” ‘ Bathelt, 26, New York race track Puirishment Problem A 73-year-bld Tennessee farmer many last year^ there were 150 day. vdll be surprisM and delighted at the local public.the advantagee—of of violence with chargM of vio- wecuUve officer, the cross ' was Washing Machine, Vaeaum toe excellent cohdltton' in which 773 IWn Street Maaeheeter. Conn I3 L S ID IH C . Flood Control Wqak Approved— followers, used tqigo camping on lence. One operator, for instance, VWelore sending, six times as chose to have his “funeral” while espionage cbnvictionr. This year In Spain, there was no let-up: ^ven Lteut. Arthur F. Anders of dtotinctive printing teat haa been the Connccticuf river at South Had- many men to pxison in . America as alive, and did, last Sunday; JRe Gnn and your clotees Win ba returned to yw rendered by WUliam H. Schleldge This meant the Presidents had tesfified that the United Mine France’s spy - swatters, have been Near the Mediterranean, loyalists ®ut From Z**V’ **ve orders in —cleaned and rejuvenated. A 'Complete Home Serrieg^ signed the bill authorizing, but not ley Palls, Mass. A year ago Morris Workers of America_had tried to in England,” Sanford'Bates, for' rode to it in a hearse, sat beside a averaging nearly four convi'etions a had 150,000 men resisting 100,000 ^ wounded In toe Lock Repairing. Key Fit- P“ F and teat he disappeared from there, and the years the federal prison burwu’s; coffin, heard!* minister prgjse him, vicious In- conUnuea to render today. YotTCkn appropriating, ^386.500.000 for con- kill him and his kin. week. T h ^ ’s why France hiked the insurgfnts, but the latter had mor* telephone 3690 for full particulars Inclading Rtwflnf HMdtof servation projects scattered all over river recently washed up a body director. told a national social'work then shook hands with m^ny of the penalty this week. Henceforth, per- planes and big guns. ntlona, which waan’t even hit bv ■ The decoration was awarded COIN harvest conference this week in Seattle. nothing UeuL Clark C. Grazier of the Medi- about hto.aervicee. ^ He will be glad - the country. He signed it with some which had been w rap p ed in a Circus Fold* 8,000 “mourners,” and went on liv- (^ns caught _ in certain .forms of at jfoud cMl noeegay results. to quote prices for pereonal or-busl- Carpentry and Petotint reluctance, he .said, because it did blanket, tied with hay wire and en- “Has this practice' made us any ing. “I don’t want another,” he said. espionage must die, just as in time if®' “fF^rtlngulahed eer- br A it h w a it e ^cago--There Wae pfoaty of « . nees puiq^ses. ' The -Ringllng Brothers, Bamum fre'fer from crjme?” ;$lecr9cy.,Storm ...... S® l« A,.Aklwk’e Mi*- home .to lngomar. Pa..* -®FFem^ .^*^9 a inan dropped .$39 not^ovide for a coordinated pro- ■cased in cement. Police tentatively . A Ba£lex,.t;dir' h«if iStartfa y ^ t jt^ ployesv oUt .bf sfep since the season ns For wheij men, all for heroism, was nost- in the . cro^vded- lobby of * —% - A r 'P I O K ' Bank RuIm Are Relaxed—This Bathelt was charged with murder. started, returned this week to win- •member of parliament and son-in- Lioop bank^ ■ ^ law of Winston Churchill, recently ™ **“* ^ P**®« *• not humous. It w as'to Edgar WlUtom $1 W j^ it. "". . Eei,'4g| ^ meant federal bank examiners now, ter quarters. A 2 5 wage cut had Carloon Snapshol’s O f The News Al Home And Abroad ®oth Chinm and ®**Fmbus^ ooKswain, of Can- . ^ rra^ of persons picked up toe Or IWng to the qufet, Ip to fiiM i*-- -: will okay some longer loans than Murde r Mixup caused a strike -that stopped the saked a'.quMtlon about an alleged shortage of anti-aircraft guns in : - ” £,®*®thes, heavens knowsr-dOT t Om wounded. tired yeara,.'ehare-holders^ here|ofore and some investments, Last fall police found Paul Dwy- show, .at Scrantpp, Pa, One. other crew member and two Th® plcker-Upper* were •previous^ discouraged, in ;small er,' 18, touring the northeast with' Britain. This caused warlords to ainting A N D of ours- have placed -their, suspect that secret information al- age to toenMlyas, Oilmp was car- foreigners also met death honest. A counUng miqhlne show- Tbzy ought to put sT mounted - corporations’ bonds not quoted oh the bodies ofia South Paris, Me., ***•"' Fhat recom- decorating ed return of the full $39, friendly confidence in the stock exchanges. W|ly'^ To encour- doctor and his wife in the back seat,_ ready had leaked out. And invoca- ■ Fo the Writer. mendaUons to honor others aboard epeclmen of a real man in the The boy pleaded guilty-of murder- In Short ,tion of the official secrets law, P Building 'A Loan-'way of_ American Musejun of Natural His- age use of private fund.s in business. OUR SERVICE INCLUDES HTSB ODjr tory so sodeiy girls esn get s lodk ( aundrv ing the doctQr_and-was sent to state Sailing: U."S. Attorney L^mar usually used against spies, was re- finished quilting on. TOj|f too vm sawings. Series 69 matured at one.. prison for life. Now the'case has Hardy of New York, to Europe, to ported threatened. near ^ e d , which gives m ^ ami Battotoctlon — why Expedition Into Econonriics^^^ Sandys considered an order to CTfc*golice m pa. If only their disposlUon JOB “Since the Lord put-up with the air'raiding of her own—in India. and three Standard Oil veeeSa ' WASHER & MAT J 1 Fhat the gypetos Findell & Swanson The most deadly problem facing''' control the wealth of the nation, 'Y'dnkees all this time. I guess I officers, to fr.pm one .year to life;'in Now the reason for it has come out: bad a sweeter' smell snd their originally came f ^ N o r to S ? ^ America to net fascism or col- PRINTING dictate Its economic policies and / caii also for a few days." the bombing that-nearly killed equipment wasn't so actively used, lecUvtoim .It is toe wrlde^read BriUin is treaty bound to defend skunks wouldn’t trouble n o b o d v ^ . C O M P A N Y For Eviaty high-handedly rule our lives.” Virginlo Gayda, Mussolini’s Harry Raymond. Lps Angeles vice - Afghanistan against invmdon; and outsiders SOMETIMES WTN Manufacturing Company foaling that we have a destiny and Hearings probably will start in ikesman; “It is really the investigator. Speaking of skunks brings' to n#A. FlitdlAlf __ Dt!T_-M a ____ ^ • in$t we shall reach It without In- Parpoee British army officers discovered mind young P laam r^ cC arte^ who Manufaetorers— U*®* Findell Richard Swanaon September. And "big steel” may be ~. S. which lent a strong hand Died: Frederick William Vander- ^ n v e r _ ( A p 7 - T h e U. S. Oran TeL 4865 dividual though^,. Indlvldurt Ini- one of the first firms probed, the in- to push Italy and Germany, on bilt, capitalist, railroad director and WkzirisUn tribennen. led by a Mo- llvesvover In tee (Ron OuUv sectw, Cor. Middle Tpk. and E. Center SU tiative, and active public service. the. road to economic autarchy hammedan priest from Iraq, were 25*re tlto critteiTsro toir todST Leather and Rubber Mats STATE TAILOR SHOP veatigators indicated last weekend, yachting enthusiast; Andrew J. Pe- ■everai timee in recent v**m « Blreb Stwet * -A rthur T. VaaderbUt, preeMeat WiHtoaiH. and today la exerting itself to. ters, mayor of Boston during the forming an insuraent army in In- Wmrro who was felled by a sun- of tee American Bar Asocla- on the heels of a alash In steel pricM. retard—one might even better dlq*i Northwest Frontier provlno* stroka recently, has come down to "outelders ” ^ o 3 Leather—Rub^r—Paper MB* SehMdfa 1910 police strike; Mrs. Carolyn «»•« Were amateur Johnnv ComRocition W sshers Cleaning — pr essin g . sey prevent—the return to eco- I'orfe (4 £o«<*vfR« riMM rSaiuM PetroU X«iM to overthrow the ruling Afghan a normslton^rature, and will get BLINDS ISSSpgRHi OOUsbOEBtlflBe' * It su rv iv e widow of a vet- ’ . So Britain bombed the ~ „meU again, says Dr. j ’- Hector ^ Olln Dutra. S e m ^ S t S l^ ' repairing 'thew ardifism fgttcnea*’ Waidriab Tony ^(aaeio and Ralph OukUhL > Manchester, Oonn. California offtciato are tzyteg to SttMt Cna^ 9taOe Sm te Te Order. stop the praetiee of squirting WHQLESALJE and retail Into- tide pools to force deviteS out o6 M Ai.. ^ '>*. ’ I KAycwi^n^mriu aiBRAtp.m!tcinwrrt^^ a. --7 wnc >;-»r ^' s . Tmvelets 'i. W'Vii' ^ MWROAV, •rULV t (OM t^ ud Etttani Bunded tte«r . M sitfofd. t J e ^ lb' ■.‘ 1 /- . fir .> • Tim« 9n^ftoi^ tottr^ J:-' -IMMMW. lo w K. CL b*«Ie chAini or ripronpi th^robr tmJoarli^ I, «0Mt <• •) oooiKMIlona inclM^o Afi aviiniKlo •uilpnC^ Bwtorn. Clojrtlfll to elwise by otoUent wiibOut'ortviout .mrtVea. M» EDWIN^ RU ifT Copyn'gM; 1938. NEA SttvicB Inc N#0*WBAI^ (RKD) NtTWORK MQJUNt.^kvor kl* koh kti krrd kfbb' , CAST o r CHABACrrEKS ----- wOa w)u COAi.Tc—'Irnx.-l^nIrnw • •' . kot Ufpy icvl k«fo ' wuc «Mb irfbr wra wta wiian kor I p . m ., JOSEPH SANOHAM -,::^i he Uid'Sftemoon found them ttea lati. you came from a .pretty"s«}l.tor^' WdO; Miami^i .Cafit,.'^ Oiii l:2(K- Connecticut .AftictUtonl thought be was Oil top o:It .wdrid Ing Niagara Falla-and the Csowli^ family, probably. YoUr uncle’a/'hhuaa wnag who wew »di_mint wire ... tMf 1:0:00—Ptomany. Trail Snaambla \ border. In a deasrted atrateh a road ntaini kea kdri: Sautlit a«utlit wm*i. 1t:Sft----- 1:S .:3b-Tha Motor CJI Bulletin. until be smacked in waa quite hotay-tots;^. anyhow, II kfi I m koms ' Malodlaa 1:30—Your Hpat la Buffslo PORTERFIELDS; 1:0ft- IiOft-Tha Marry Mai -tra Orch. K«14.F 4oeatop- X^tw'^.y.wsU, J deeded to^aiake' H JdUt . O f xiomal o*TA'“ f ationo -1lSe>»aaawaj Staftr^Oart..'• a v w W « > {.tittf.V « B r . a Jf ' OtwgaM 2:^ --^ ra irtrt the car 'audd'enly. . aOaktMbty bn mxa^ Bl^B 2:00^ S:0C^To 8t Announetd <20 m.l*^ thought she wm* headed for Ing. I never, my .dtor young" lady, W^k End and Holiday k*tw«&)i BASIC - ,Cm « rim 2:Sb-» 2:9b-»Th« Dancep«ter». Orelffga 2:30—Afternoon ™ . altar until t^am acked Into ^ - ’’You and I’’, he said to the Wea- own woii weei. MHiMm Ii had the slightest intention of tak- ' 2:4ftw. |:4^Four Clubman’s Quartat 3:00-—<3oWen. MelodJeo.- gaiigstor;' be sel, "hhve got to have a confer- WM wbow wabe^ttoo'ton*.bfia. OTHOTwi,n*n «'0(^ ttOb—Cpiumbia Cftncart OrcHts. Srao-^Swiniroioify. ,L • » ; anciiV' ■ ^ . ..«Toa conrer- Inglog you ,ler'Bbstw to ' Bbaton. 1 wa. waitihg ' OOTIONAL JTATIONO - C.anadlani 5*5?^'^*** -McCuna A Orchaatra tbou^'he headed somewhere, [ .Thn ^wr,,—, , .7or >'cbnvenlejt opportunity to ?f i ( #prrcmNG Lefigii^'-j Basebptl Schedule C r a!tt eftf:W I M * CairtraliW a * M a < - weflwtre]W M * W b l U J wlbo^wdarW l t W ^ W U l U <•’00-^ $:0C^ Praia Radio Navaa Parted 4:00— ^ Alt 8^ 1np CoUsc Fa^ Threatens Hdqk Wyr koMa^4Mutnl wtar wptf wti wjaji affalrae wwne wcae wabc. Tha Symphonattao—natwork' ■ sroraiAlr..;^,^^ • ••xb warn wme wab wapi armab wlda 4:l5e*- 8tJ$—>Chfftago*a Songs for You 4:15—Meii’^of the^ W est anxious to gat across the bord«v^ car and hit for the leaders lof.oo wkx .whiA wbap kpre. woal kiha 4f35— 5::w.vrcnaura:3b—Artia. Shaw A.Orehaatra 4;St>—Progrsm froiii New York. camp of a friend of mine, up In Veiv- , PISCOONTED BY, > ' W i l s o n ' s O l d ^-MOrtartyi tm, SL Bridget*. df HMtford, ; ktba Inyk Iqrnc: MaunUIni kplr 5:0b— 5:0b^Ban Paid and Syncopatlan 6;00—Top Hatters. .. oenvlncea Ed tiMit growled; "Wot we gotta tall^bout'* mont. He Isn’t'jSuaing It now and^t Or ASSOCIATED PKBM mfktar kob: Oaelflei kfbh kw* kmj . 5*15“ 5:30—CSS Workahopa Oramatio he Is kidAtmni^ Heiiy then un- T’lng Is to git into Cmjadk.. W est eidft a t 3:00 p . nu kom ®*Wnfay Sw*np,Ciub 6;30--Progrsin from New .York. would have been air Ideal plank', to • ;^;?i«tKRICAN''I3EAGlJll ' JT: "Sure," said Jo c^lS it wa’U neV ' •JrahchMCer MOM Cant.CbA Kaat \ S’J f c j 5jb“^Johnny and Ruaa Morgan 6:48—Junior Blrdinen of Amerlcs. ^r cover of darkness he begins to keep you until 1 could have gotten ^ LOOSE nELDING ’ a m : I Oa^Hta Jimmy’s-hel ^^W ttlng—^Averin, Clevatand, .884; fiaft— Ji9S“ §a***e ®t Oatlyaburg pro. r:0O— 5:0b—Prof. Quia Qulttaa-*-to :b 6 :00—News. do things In the F < ^ do It with all tm r |imk In the tiar.x In touch with your folks." ' o •VMUr.) "Troaky, aevelaad. . 3 6 0 . ^ ^ ' Ut. Nebo at 3:00 p.m. >- -ijlil.-t0*~ Ilia—Ca^ra from tha Campua a AJ aJiJO—Tha XX il'* flt^Uimrs»'X»nf?i RandatvauarivnUBBVOUS Box t^etory didn’t pu ahy 6-5 veriilct ov»r t l i e ____ TTV' T— Vwls. Washington, 90. sill. lf:.PauicH ak and Z.'’D •• Announcad fSO m.» NBC-WJZ (BUJEf NETWORK , his right continued to gtllde'the car for a Idt)g time. And aa for this ' \ teHield firrors Connt; Far* ffuarding ao Joaloualy slnee Hock — two homers, one »rith Weet Side a t 2:30 p. m. pitchers. IfJS— 4^ Junlar sWman of'Am'ar SASIC — Eaati wja wbi-wbta wbaj 7:48—L o n ^ Clinton’s Orchestra. be questions and delay. ” twQ,4m and the other, with the baaea Btaefields Hay Sl Bridg- 4100*I»ww SlOp—Spanishv«w«-- r»»vu« wr«naBCr« Ravua Orohaatra Wham kdka wa^* sa»w«« 8:005-«altenmeyer’f Kinderfarten. From the pocket ha diW a small cussed .tondy truck,” he stated WUoao’e heyday is going to ba B<5ton“ *2ir^^^" and Cramer. ^ o rlarty s vs. Bristol PblUh Americans. The locals feel, confident « i 4*Bfc* StS^preee-Radio Nawa Parioci Irn^LJ?"* ’""»i bloodS^r^r’ •^”‘“701^ to the Ww-S’.Tiore oblong object which he placed In his "Gee, dat’a tight," said the Wea- Jdadad, to lead the -way to an 8-0 Aaan_ MaBSkt _W^. . t 0%.._• - __. —. _ wrU wahy waE wcky wtpd wean wica 8>3o—Dale Camegrie — "How to ael thoughtfully. vlcloujly. —ril rim It Into the I rand Strmf' lB nndies;p|S^ Triples—AverlH. <31evelaad. 8- IfL Nebe S.’OO p m. ing the two games as the looala 4jlP— S IS Paul Deufllaa and Sparta Wieij.----- miawati!Midwaat: wenrwanr wit kwkCwk koil wren JS S lr« «>• thlrd-degree from a bunch Up. Then, thn-jiand went back Into ylotory over the Washington Sena- 4••’Tj4S— B•ar-r^i4S—Ratl-a-*«ta|fiu>i0ion rruTTf from *nm tha. TBBWS Nawa Win Friends, and Influence or ^ronnalrea, who are anxioua to aolve a murder. It all takes ntsce kelly looked at Joe In 'maspera- river once I’ve got the monjsy” ------mark has been iv'^be ton, tho itsth Taokee triumph In ^th. (^eveland. and. Kreevleh, et’a; Gennass Pby Broad fixs^y strengthened with t }*5J~ SrO^Olab .Hlmbar*a Orehaatra ao wowo wetn; South; wrtd wtthr the pocket and came out with a books slnca I960. TbaU^yw, ha V^nl O, T»TT—J25“ H*TT—*• ’^•^7 Clinton’aviincon a Orehaatraurcnaacra kr«v kfdm wrol krla- wlbo wdtu People.” tlon. ^ "W hat utteiC, rot.’^JaW Kelly.'" ' a row. Spud Chandler took care / - TUESDAY . ' •too— TiO^Kaltanmayar Kindarg*tV wtyn kxya; Mountain: klo kvAd>#nf: 8j4.Vr-Sarry McKinley, Baritone, smalUi^ thinner object. After that "Beyond my nahte,,.y6U know prac- Carfo Caught At Third drove 190 tallies ac ro ad u s plats, the pitching, with a aix-httter. Home runs— Foxx, Bostoh,^2S' (Twilight Let^us.) '•••»riS^Oala *#■!• wurnapiaCarnaoia'a a KrocProgram I k(o ktfd kt* kan keca^^klr for the space of five minutes, both "You would , bring that up," she and It takes acmA.|nmtty fair coun- Brook; Champs Hosts Tju 4j4S»’ 2:45—Barry Tt4S—Barry rtcKmlay BawtorrBaiJ 9:00r—NBC Symphony OrchettrA said. "You certainly do all you can Ucally nothlng^gl^t me." X,. for hla seventh victory against one Greenberg, Detroit, 22. German A. OL va PoriMlielda, 10:30—^Schnlcklefritter Orchestra. •■**7ed Innocuously '6n the try clouttag to ^c (^ anywbara closa 6:00 p. m •i2?*-Ta Ba Announetd (t hr,) Cant Baal. ” f. TJia companion featura la "Out- WDggl < to smooth the wajr for"our amiable , 'Don’t ^ T i ’ve i ^ a d y told you ' defeat for the year. Craig’t Orehaatra 11:00—News. >aws of Sonora" with the 8 ^eaqulteera. - wura la uui- Mancbeatac Green had a better to -that epir*. . OcoMdcr. for In- Tanks CHmblng. Kw^vlch, Bristol Monday. lb; Wink Winzlar, 2b; Mtfc« “ Braat# A Orehaatra J?’?Sr •"<• ‘•'■ebtalca 11 ;4.6— Francis Craig’s I Orchestra In the back of the cap the head Jailer here, don’t yoiiT’; that l>stispected you came from a Btane^Mut Baba Ruth never made ™c*«ro, and^^iv^rber, Phlladai|gm«, m : Johnnjr Green, 3h: Hsnfc Vailaa A Orehaatra il-tSZ l!?9~X®^j'^"®“"®®0 (li nf.l "I figure It a romantic touch -jy family. Weir"—he reached balanoed team thap ^ PortarMda , tf)|0—Bill# Bsrron'ii Orehaatra 'J:J5r‘ l'125*fi.®r* Parby# Orcnttira 11:30—Lou Brecse’S'Orchestra. of Ed the Weaael noddMi I , * *v « romanuc louc itIt, and. Lou Oebrig. wbo.bolda. the a s FraW T i l t *"** Jaati'Ellihglbn 12:00—Weather Report. Me ws* by ^e«* "f«’ you ai«l me A-PPcHet on. the UUOde of t h e ...... - laat night- at the West Side 5^ 10— L e i g h t o n N o b l e ’s O r c h e s t r a lulled his aensiblllties Joe h*ir snortT^Kblly alrtlgbt pitching of Earirand. Sox were rained out Detroit NATIONAL LEAOUE i>u*y basball week end I xi 7^*"®*!®*^ Green wifi v& y a t ML ’2 5 ? wpro arfbl wjay wgar; I 1 :00—Silent. / . ^ WBRC turned In h i. ^ r « n d a to l7 « ^ J "M*rrled? Yjm-itnov. darJt filling station attendant—"thli c o t fit was a good game for^four in- mer to, travel at a clip ao far thla tt^St. Louis Browns weren’t AVERIIL AND LOMBARDI the Fourth; *'Sft~'"ZZ • d:Sft—Paul i.”r* wwwiifSbbln oiMuand v/rcnvEirHOrehattri Vr f ’ 7-ombardl.' anclnniu. ® F o u r t h . T h e r544»*._^«btn‘ wfbm Irmoe kmoi jamaa 4 Armed.It.-Plenty.” -" > \ i r*.;* season that lndlca(as ItoU paaa the ■359, Medwlck, St.,Louis, .349. t •;5— ■■vs»*o»*an^ ,EW Kfab kmc r-rr wnnouneaa H a r tf o ^ Conti; is6o Monday's Program at him out of the comer of his eve ^«*7 •»'bom-rm gqlnk to. marry. And filnge. Server holding the Green to to too Brood Brook. Town team toe 'm down under - ; iWST—wbna !'J5^5'‘«P*"R»dlu fawa Panod "Getting aleeny?" he baked ^ ***«?.?T*? a 7°®**'6hything like you.” Wpnderlngly, Kelly took it Fort * a pair of hits, both by Quartus who 200 m ark if ha can keep it up. The Over 1ii toe NatlonaI„Lba^e. the In the first Icagi ’o r o e f r b B aA a aa—•,«na nt* wrcnssTriOi-ehaatra Tomorrow’s Pro^nun.”-! .X ■A.M. Wilson record has been especially <5oftd- tllL biSt aintse nine wtbx wmaa w< wkbn 5*JJ^ S-O^Ridlb Maasaga «f (sraai EMteitt-teyiight Saving Time "Naw,” aald the Weaael bitnirinv t handsomer,” said a motneht she stared wide-eyed si^” scored the flraU run A.M. 7;00—Eta Alpha.Programnia precious to the senior circuit, be- toe West Side field and in the entiF Jmn>7 ... _ - ■ OBUBBilOnB ' 7;30—Treasure House through th darkness ' * l w’. *** turned to the Weaael her own Ukenessr Finally ahe spoke. \ vtrtiM of a single, a strien base and late of Nefwsrlv "clouted a homer na” ’/!."!. New Tork TOP LEAGUE HITTERS s4raigtoened and tw gsMan. : w b r o ^ w ^ ^ wdod : J“ *tj Orehaatra—waal ■ ■6:45—Nsws.,'..... P.M.. defiantly. 7 ' then acainpered across with the first cause in the last .15 years or ao w ith two m.atea on base to give toe 65^ Codman, Cincinnati 53 .■S 31|ls Ult wtu " ,ia*: - - btOb^frld ktrh kliw •:0ft- 7:00—Tha OaarMj ^ n■ ' f- o r M-- u a i e ,7:45—News Service for aiiother mile In b^rd''\haUa®alT” '^ most of the slugging standards have et 2 oftMk •bo koms^rMte wbt wdaa whig wrtbj •ijft— 7:30—Orlsinal ____lerophenak.—... Play 9:00—Turn Back the Clock. 1.'30—^Buffalo Preaenta tally, on 'a perfect squeeze play en- Natfohal..^LiMtRUe leaders a 3-1 win Cnclnnau. 95; P "**plly,-;wrlth BoreUo or QnertiiB ■ wajjsrfrmhr wala ktui kpko V??T •:0^Bam ' Dancaja on tha RadtRadia 9:30—Toiii'Terrlas. 8i00—Shoppers Special orthodox fashion. Then verv cxre. *77. . "U you think you can scare/my been taken over to the American Martin, Philadelphia 83 wi5?" "'*7»t too G eraafis ,Z'V'' Rhba kwkh know wmmm J:00—Romany Trail fuUy, hla right hand a iln b ^ •®*”* P7ace. den," sild father, you’re Crazy. He .k n o ^ f gineered by Zapatka... over, toeine BrooklyntsrooKiyn Dodgers. Tbti Tills “ ^^“'•.‘^'“‘““eipnia, «t. ptae hurling. wjno web* 4rpar wmaa wcob wrva Mualo.'OtrnIval 9:45—Melody Moments, 8:48^;—Tha Mountaineers Porterfields got the Jitters In the League swat set. like Ruth. Gehrig. Dqubles-r- -- Cinci^^And hdiaii Plaj- ^Alned out game a-SZin.'fttrl*’* party-weat 10:00—Highlights of the BIWe. City Melodies . 9:00r-^Dear Opluinbia - tfie wheel, groped «" his l a ^ o T ^ — ‘t.’’ take cere .of myselfJL.. ' Laszeri ahd .tbe like. Victory increased toe Gla nts''Ie a d to “ *''‘ 7" . Philadelphia. Sports^ Roundup ^to the Porterfields at the Wi t'ffo gam as.toe Orma ^mDW BST-wm bd' with wtbw- kth •■Oft—.tftOft—Nawai Danca Orehaatra o:D0—Merryrnakera • s Itp next frame and before-the smoke 4!i4 games.....games ...... - ...... _;^®uotwlck, ClncIttnaU, 20..- wjbb wtsq wkbb weoo irobl kicj woax ; Barn Dinea—-waat y#r>#af 10:3(L—Program from New York. 9:26—Star Gazing In Hollyw'ood hder thing which he hhd takm ' ^ offered a convenient ” M a ^ e eo. B ut he'll coma" bad blown aWay four runs > had Adds Five iMora. r‘in« ^ Triples — Goodman and Rim Side and. will wihd ' iin uisTfikt VtiT .“ l«l>ty Impreaalve 3;30--OBrtrude Lutzl and "John spot. At the point of the Weasel’s .C3ay .Bryant pitched a slx-hltter By EDDIE BBIETZ round In the twUl^t I field but aesm to lm« •®-*>—••:*!>—Fraddia Martin Orehaatra II.'00—Musical Interlude. 9:30r:-Glrl Interne through to keep your hiother from crossed the plate and another ball Foxx waa olowad up for a wbfle and the Chicago Cuba trampled the Cincinnati, and Suhr, Pittsburgh 1 efi thiBir R^pec- t ^ W e d - tUwiir eWIIty to clout Mngle*. Joe 11:05—Aunt Abble Steps Out. Sturgeas 9:46—Dan Harding’s Wife long ®bJecrisy*fla/oThl8*ki^.*An^^^^ .joe evacuat^ the wrrjdng. She’s probably hjisterlcal in the laet couple of wedu. and It h^y night against to* a fi.'OO—Ebtploring Music / by now.” ’x gam. was oh the win side of the Cincinnati Reds, 11-4, In .a hlirht Ntiw York, . July 2,—(A PJ-^lisd BAs. By{I^® tt has regained somo of Ufe n :80—Program from New York. 70:00—P retty K itty Kelly oOhimn for the Men of Hublard. looked like he mlgbt Hot keep up ffEine. -*••**• •* *“ th'e fold form a t t o S d « d toi“S l » t S Stripes Handicap a t Chicago; MBS 11:45—Noresmen Quartet. ' ' 4:30—Dunroln Music Festlval froni 10:15—Us on a Bus flmt‘fiS^^f“h"?: '^orto^roverseem- ‘ Kelly’a eyes narrowed to bright the pace. But sfaice tbs Red Sox bp^dope from St. Louis says Frank 7:46—National aquatic m e^ a t Los MaoaoUnl aQowed on ordlnaryjrtngle ■rao PhUlles’ pitchers, aautfe Paa- * ^^71 wind put Vlht Into toe slot to 12:0()—Silver Stringe. Ridgefield, Conn. / 10:45—Stepmother tortuously busy, while wlto”tts"w * do”SIlff^;iur’ silts. , . , to slip through his legs 'sM . Joe have retnmed east, he’s' back In seau and Lefty LamaafOT, celebrat- Frisch and toe Ckirdlnal front office up to tte l nM •ddtrf a lot to too Angeles and 8-—American Handicap 5:30-^WIll McCune and/hls Orches- there fence-busting and well on the . as a 12:30—Song Guessing fkmtest. 11:00—Institute of Public Affaire— , .‘T v e n e v e r k n o w n a n y b n e , ’’ a h a Lovett turned It into a -Ihree boae’ ing their "Declaration-of Independ- naO^‘“» e ' ; * ^ n " ® ® r . Clncln- Halfway Marl< Neari. fre on the outs and that toe veteran Pl*y Of tiia whole t s a i ^ B RADI0 ^">’*^ at Hollywood. 12:45—News, tra ■ / • «7««»7- ,« T ^"pe°n“ld the hack door, of the aald, "that I detested os much aa I '*rip scoring a.run ahead of him ^ wav to the record. Yesterday he John Hamilton and aaude Pen- ence” at belhg released from the neH’irrr P'“ *hurgh, 10-2. /Burt Shotton of Columbus‘ wili be ‘J " • ^ ®*«7» aa “ Ul^trissplay thsmldwiiyi ss= Talks—WABC-CBS 1(T a m.— 1:00—L.lvlng Portraits from the 6:00—News Service / per ; , Finally he ceased hla labors ®"‘ »"‘l 8Urted In. Confections of do you." : Hedlund Spears Oaggo added five more to hla. total for the telephone booth proporyoija of Bak- and Klinger, Pittsburgh. 5-1. players are playing perfection and Zapatkiato John Hamilton on "Alma of the Re- year, hitting a homer and a double in there next year....even Odl- I BtMidard Mias Bible— Federal Theater 6:15—Highlights In/Conn. Sports H;30~Blg Sister . W ant some candy’” ____. ,he ‘said ‘’f d r a g g e d but "ThaUs perfectly okay with me,” I losers ndght have tiemed had er Bowl, tossed a pair of five-hit- New York, July 2—(AP) W IUi In theHartfmtl Insurance Les^e • bit better at flrsL publican Party" jw d Sen. Claude, Project and Baseball Scores—Oil Mar- suddenly to Ed the __y. Weasel he ^ ^ d I and dumped carelessly at the road- JO fen sleep at third ’ and to help Lefty Grove down the Ath- ters and trounced toe Boston Bees fornla ociibes are yelling that Max tlno 11:45—Aunt Jenny’a • Real Life “W/oe- “Your opinion la Imma^ letlca, 12-7. the haUway mark of the, majVr ^k? ThI'lL!*^Vr"'" First Tfais Hem Pepper and, "Accompllabmenta of 1:80—Glenn Darwin, baritone and Stories car’s lousy with It.” ™«'*8lde. And as hewprked Mr. Sand- tenal. Im after money and- noth- at fufthar into draaptland twice, 4-1 and 5-0. *1116 l^ lls an- Baer should.be made .to ptovs hlm- -riSfiv OA s wiu have to be on I South Olaatoabnry Is rwM. Waw Tork, July 2.— Another the Roosevelt Administration”: Charlotte Lansing, soprano. 8:30—Artie Shaw’s Orchestra ham aang, raqcoualy. He broke off Thoee five gave him a total of 88 leaguo season coming up, tobee old Mlf against Bob Paitor of aoatori 12:00 Noon—Melody Ramblinga "Don’t care If I ’do,” said the ing more.” !|edlund’s perfect throw to nounced that henceforth, beginning Tfie ^Sfandings I tort^ r tS L Ji^'.fc**** Tutllday to take M“ <*eater fOr t ^ f l r s t Um ^ATOBtlcaet by President Roosevelt, to "^^®C-CBS. 3:45 p.,m. Paris 2:00^-Sun 9:30—Rhythm Rendezvous better than ordinary support at T'he racee last week were marked want more lime to train for John a real, teaaa.' ' Forum, Sec. Ickes on'"Billion dollar 4:30—"World Is YOursJ’ MacHugh back to the Weasel. ’^Orocolate *’““*^“** *^?*"‘*® fbe "AH those—those things you told Etoe'tol-'’- 0- on tosfleld ^ .Ysraary of the opening of the north- program of public works Adminis- 10:00—Your Hit Parade-' 2:00—^Dictators I F o r d . short and second h^t hla mates Philadelphia 7. by few changes, notable among Heniy Lewis?. . ...didn’t tha beer ^ *7’*7r games, The Indus- , QH.yuuSay tba,Orsw tafll’ west territory. 5:00—Marion Tally and Joseph covered peppermints." 1 rord. : me, then? They were"—her voice oCUId not fathom Farr^d's delivery (Other postponed;) tration." * 10:45—C^laplto) Opinions 2:30—Three Consoles Then, ail at once, the Weaael (Only which were toe spurts^ of Jimmy truck ai;rive r trial league, in which several of toe to Wetosrafleld for tbs flnt Kocatneris Orchestra. 11:00—Sports—News The Weasel took the box and dropped—"Just lies?” In the pinches. The b^.sc®?®: scheduled.) ing of the town teams WHl\F-NBC, 4:30—Your Family 6:3(1—Radio Newsreel. . 3:00—Matinee In Manhattan dropped It as If R had been a 'piiff Foxx of the Boeton Bed Sox and local piayem are entered, will elna« Completion of U. 8. Route 40, 11:16—Henry K lrg’jTOrchcstra tore at the celqphane wrapper with l a d d e r . ------, .Joe laughed,' an UnneceasarUy-. Manchester Gi /ill kasteni, Stelnbacher of the Chicago In two weeks. Manager Ed.’ In that year fha Oresa and-Mlne; 7—Burns and Allen; 7:3U. 6r0(l-• wlB he watched w ith late My Handicap; 7—Cal TInney Im Hl30~^MaJor Bowes' Capitol Fam- 6:30—Melody Weavers and Harold With his mouth, full of peppermints. mouth tight, "that you’re the'rot- ■'4_. I - ... — .17 Wreck) Kelly, former '‘Jtoutucky wtu AUmony"; WABC-CBS, 9:48-Rep. tervlews;_ 8 America’s Rhythm 10:30-Unlverelty of Chicago Round - ‘Jy- Fleer , CHAPTER X 5-21 9 2 Scratcl^Jng Dauber made Herbert Philadelphia ...... 18 41 -Lombardi sulfercd an eight-point football star, and part owner of the eblllty against-some j jhle gwn* wlR, start p^mpOp •saaa D* B, Harlan of Ohio on "Pump Table Discussion. ■Take ill yon want," Joe Invited. tenest person I’ve ever met.” toss, for a .359 average through last Masters; 9—True or False (moved P.M:" . 6:45^Ray Heatherton A quick glance was enough to M. Woolf a present of a $60,000 .Amerlnin. football Dodgers, is back from an line opposition. Many players hlSi? *^®lo®k and sach chiji must P riming.'* . 10:30—News. "I got enough," said the Weaael. from MBS) 72‘30—Last Minute Hews Flashes 7.'Ott—Jiist Entertainment show Mr. Sandham w hat to do. Not^y Racegoers Until purse, and toe Hollywood version of W. L night’s game, but contliiued to lead around the world tour and la again age have hung^np tha. suit many 7>«« rules Of rx WgAF-NBC, 6:30-—Larry Clinton b:15—:Fletcher Henderson Orches- "I don’t go fer sweets much.’’ Rlchart, as .”. a 3-year-old championship a bigjfer Cleveland ...... to 22 the National league by a ten-point years ago, but anything he can dol*’*'* ***P®«t Tuesday fe'aturca: i ■ . '' tra. ' 12:45—Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir 7;15^Star Garing tn Hollywoba— With a lightning-like movement he Twilight drew around Ontario. decorating the night sp o ts..T h e 7—Kindergarten; 7:30—- ■ "Guess I’ll have one myself," said Thickened Into darklieas. The car ’U u r d o c k . 2 b . Joke than It waa In the first place. ’ N e w Y o r k , ...... 18 margin. Joe Medwlck of the St, to help out hts team he-is ready ! BLUEFIELDS-1I81B1«W WEAF-NBC, 1:45 p. m.—Hymns; li:30—Musical Interlude. and Organ, . with Harvey Olaon ” , Joe. ' . knocked the Weasel’s hand toward Chapman. Ib Thej^r^ Paid/That Star Boston Chattanooga lookouts haven’t drop- •Mfei - Dale Carnegie: 10—Cincinnati Sum- 1:00;-Church of the Air, ■ ~ >\i'. ? 7;3flk- freshment , stand whose environa me s pals." ground from the Oak Street Grill, certainly must have been evident BO.HBINOS KILI/ 24 that—that Hplfn Jacobs will get be In thehe lineupllneiin Simday. . r By CAROL DAY were devoid of other vfhlclea. A place does seem dark though, Wea- 7-0. At the end of-the aevento a early that rooriilng . . . In ample ing 138-and 140 pounds. •- Danning. N. Y. . .62 225 27 72 .320 even with Mrx Moody In a big way, 1:00—New.s and'W eather I sel. Maybe Cissy took a runout Ott, .N, Y...... 65 242 64 76 .314 On Monday afternoon the strong 'T h e All;^ nine defeated tha Boado- 1:15—"Hl-Boys.” * " simple lltub pattern thiit black-haired girl was polishing the I “napped Kelly. dispute arose fegardlng the planned Ume to so advlae toe trade. Minstrel. wWch kept Valencia, July 2—(At*)—Bight today... .Jim Chaplin; former Bos- locals earlier In the season 944 at Bostat Joe climbed Into the car: - powder.” _ ' War A dinl^ out of the iSonfey in a Polish-Americans of Bristol will be ' ^ P.vllnes; I Where i.s the one who nut in . Ii30—"Words and Music." aports outfit ?or counter Inside. At Joe’s signal she length of toe jgame. and Captain pefsons were killed and 14 wounded ton Bee right-hander,' Is burning up Hartford. Cordler or WOkas. both ■oaar "WeU," he said, "If the abuse ses- -. "Not a chanct,” said the Weasel I photo finish. Is Just a step or two today by an Insurgent bomplng raid entertained by Morlarty Brothers at I. 8.30—Henry King orchestra. ' ' nctiee^ln tlie paper la.«>t year when 2:00—Studio Program. ' ' tpts 2 to_10. There’s nothing much Issued forth. Shorty Zanlungo put up a stiff pro- Jeb F ar DaetaMas Bnreaas pa a o pr a c t ic e tjie Pacitic coast league.... Jliarfy varsity pitcher# ot tola year’s Hart- 2:30—Jake and Carl. sion Is over. let’s go, Time’s And said It almost reluctantly Joe/ There would not have been 40,000 removed from the plat^ clasa. ,.on Segorbe, 20 miles northwest of Mt. Nebo at a. The Polish-Ameri- Help ' .. -n" Ivey. 2 and Grant of the Comnumlty P'iU- to It except a flare, a few scoops ’Kawfee,” said the Weaael a-waatln’.’’ '' ‘ ” "'®* Markson. one of'the Mike Jacobs’ cans to date have won four games ford High school team are eltber Bsip t 2:45—Rhythm of the Day:— a pussycat pocket. It’s e x a c ^ u,* thought. . . ' ' "Cap" 2!anlungo plans to strength- raoegpere at Hollywood Park, the -A truly great horse can pack Sagunto, the Spanish Press Agency ace press agents,, is. taking a well- ' ' n'leef; a “'K ^t.ntlon sponsored the boys’ and hoarsely, from the depths of the weight M d ron -a dlMMJce on rmy The Poliah-Amerks ;wtn practice and lost^two. They already have a Balaaa WL\% summer, concert: 9--.Nom.an S’’"'*' P«rade, that plans were al- 3:00—The Story bf Mary .Marlin, i type of Cg.tton play frock- In which Ford. "An’ hot cakes. Fer free. paving the car they stole qiiW 1 hla team and arrange another picture colonya new plant at Ingle- reported. 7 eanied vacation around the old (CbnttniMd on Fags Ten.) B s lp t The Weasel helped Kelly In. She kind of track. / tola afternoon at 2 o’clock at, Mt. aoutlep presents, i '‘nJ.itrway to make an annual 3:15—Ma Perkins. youngster., look and feel thelf best We’ll have ’em duf here In oa car.’.; ly around the house. light waa sii’ ...ama with Cervinl’a Panthers In the wood, Calif., bad not they expected Segorbe was attacked yestlrday Nebo. AU players are urged to be home tpwn at Kingston. N. T, AasDu 3:30—Pepper Young's Family. resumed her seat -with bad grace ning from a kitchen window a v v liear- future. to M a renewal of tha Kentucky and 16 were killed and j5p^|nJUred, Bltnetl - . ---- ^ ' , I ^''^'11. the parade and pel.l day' ' ^ ut;th rrf -Jtriy eacpeCtetlohsr ’ -ffsJi -teturaed— bearing—sustenancer 'Dbumv; ~ "'r: j j V n"'- . |PecIaT7-WAB(>qBS,. 1:30 p".:au..f.® progroni held, on ^00—BackHtagr'Wlfe. ■------'The. hot cakes, w ere'huge, brown minutes;'* she TOrd spitefuiry. :"!^^^^^ T hey-peered--m aHd'perreTved ik"? Uve a 4; 15—Stella DallM /- r^ r r" ' " ^’“"ty and ail. You’ll -make the fur fly-around here ” blond girl playing solitaire^ at tb W Dauber WM withdrawn 40 min- Dea»— s ------concert; .. W ' i J Z 19^7.- .*. Mr..Mr. Grant feels probably make It up by- the half and indigestible. Kelly and Joe ate By A8g4MXATEn^'wwyAia -^~ r, "N ukh'sr'el" _ presenting kltcli^ table. / . utea before poet time wtth the ex- Uve a -NBC,. ,l;3(^Premifcr-of ..Syrophanifr^fe^^^li P' ^S-ram -sh‘.aad_not—be- of- them - but; sparln^y;- EM—tha “ ‘‘7. the W e ^ Jo- - F s e i t r t -Rush Hughes,.news cbrnmeri' ■ 'co^r' "b®" y»« sec hnwr bapjity affl welly, is, damn near as tough as _ ‘iDat'a Ossy.’’ . whispered the AGAWAM PARK phBwtlon that beriu)SI«hiy'l)id been Bob S ec^, . OJahta—His homer Sport Eorum overture "1776" from Bar O rb% eM ««?ain. : tator. ' • omlbrtable it niakes your young -Weasel, howet'er. was no weak sls- Cissy.” , effected by a filled laff. ^ Gjahta~-HIs ■/ Weatoi . L'-ATf.*..! -asany; - WABC-GBS; - 2--- Georrei ?r«-s:!iw '^^^^^ Weasel. su e (MiaeMue ^ t h .Jk O; aboard beat Dodgers,- a-i. 20Q.^Juntors:'Gontpetez ,4;i6-r*Girl Alone. - ter. H e cut-his allotment Into great - Nw a^ fitted tag dnaa have bMn Dear Sports Editor: Waahjngton w i^ g e programim f Tr^^ r ^ l farfa® nC’^Lne® wouldwould'spt.nsor sponsor iV.'" It. ^ So segments, drowmed them In syrup The crossing of the., horde/ was-' A modulated wHUsper from ICd OR A CBS _ Bill Dickey, Yankees—Hit two A rtl e l e 6:0O-rThe Top Hatters. _ uneventful. A preoccupliSI customs the Weasel might have been liken- developed only In a workout, which Will you please print toe follow- -B o a ts England and Alt. Vernon; WABC^ ^ "l 'off ' chit ® » 5:30—Your Family and Mine. and masticated With audible saus- Q DAILY at toe latest could have taken place homers, driving In aevSn nma, in -'Z'-zHri National Events ing letter In your sports .column ? BoUdle CBS. 5-American v-.5" "<7 . children, ..orry, . The “”'7 calico are official took a,^8weeplng glance at 5:4.5—Sunset Serenade. ■factlon.' ed to- steam escaping. Inside, the tow.day before, and in auch case 8-0 win over Senators. "I *lsh to toank the Center Dla m oi iS -^ .T 'S Z r T K S ” : i r toe empty car, Joe filled out toe blond girl raised her head, sat for a ■^ON JULY 4 Mt. Nebo Bleetrl / 6:00—News. , _• "Dat bits da spot," he stated, be- must have been apparent * “ ' 7 L e f t y L a m a s - Springe Junior Barebalt club for the - '6:15—Baseball scores, tween bitds. . ■ necessary papers ano they were In. second alert and suspicious,. Uke a . The Berkshire 1 * , ■ * r e e l ei Through .^the ceremony 'toe Weaael snake listening. \ Handicap Anyway, It la plain that toe rac- tcr, Phllllea-i^Each pitched .five-hit- gift which they prceented to me for O ard e e 6:30—Wrlghtrille aarlon. "Do enjoy yourself," said Kelly. ing commissions would do weU to coaching toelr team In the Amerl- Be a a ah .sat on the front seat with Kelly, hla UINaaSHINI ter In doubleheAder victory ' over 6:4-5—Adrian Rollinl and Ensem- Presently the girl returned wtth The Weasel - Upped three Umea make ownera and trainers of stake ^M i^m aater drove In thm runs CM Logloh-MOriarty Brothers base- Game A t 3 OXIoek K a e ht a ble. . _ Pattern 89fi4 U designed In'slzes gun pressed against her side. on the ivlndow piane. Suddenly the tucky Derby of American track_ ball league. *«. 4, 6, 8, and 10 years. Size 4 re- coffee In thick China.mugs. When MIIY DOUBLETS? taoisM adbers to the 8 a. m: sciatch with two hlU, and hurled 5-0 siut- ’wiiy...w.- ehould ... - L'accure Glenn of OSle e I ------A s w a z i V a f C JA w l t t * 7:0O;—Anioa ”n’ Andy. Once on the road for- St.-Cath- blond girl was out of her chair and ' out, , __— cooled their heels today while the Colora-!77>«J.*71 who slrive In and get gas they had finished drinking Joe hand- 8USSES EMM A ll 7Sf , rule In effect for ordinary races, in anything like that On the track I oUy hope these boya will stick ^«^’’ 35-lnch material ed her a bill. ‘ arines, however. Kelly Tound speech wtlng cacllke across th«i rbom. place of giving them up to IS or 20 youngsters — shooting for Junior together Md some-day become one _ - E-Z-R-A. ’ ' agalh. " ■rae light’ went cut. A moment of __MAIN MI NTS AUlg'AgtAHggrAMt Jimmy Foxx, Red Sox-Hl‘t horn- titles—showed their waros. , when he’a toe sweUest fella Im the ynuites Sunday. July 3rd. Moh'.lav. July 4th‘ ’.'Keep the change." he said grand- yTnutee before poet time to wlto- er tmd double, driving In five runs. w orld?” San l^bmani lhqulred?"^-~/ of the leading ’baseball teams in 7:30—Program from New York. P'U’ty. 3'. yards of ricrac to-trtm. "Look her,” said KelJy, in per- silence passed. Tliefi. through the ^w . Otberwlae, It is a. Job for toe The cream of the nation’s track town;'" ' ( . 7:45— "Chandu. The Magician." ly- ’ plexity, "what la!tola ^yw ay?" In 12-7 win over Athletics. But toraorroiiv Archie will go out pencil and a card to write v-hiir SPRING AND SUM- She flashed him ' a smile keyhold oftoe kitchen door, a voice better bttelneee bureaux and field aUre, half a th o u ^ d ' '- -,;Tours In sports, name on for a chance to get a Blue 8:00—George BurM and Gragle “Shall we tell her?” Joie asked the rasped: lyPxo'a theie?" 7 Days More aay Bryant. Cuba—Held Reds to strong, broke in a new track 'in a to ^ t CUnnrngham. present title- Bee kie 7*attern Book. 32 pages "Thanks." A few more eour notea and.raelng r a hiU and drovi^ in , two run# in holder, ■ San/Romani Isn’t the only ' ■ ■■ r J qhNNY HBDLITND. dREEN Be arOai ^ c e r wagon. All fre^ - Come Allen: Jan Clarber's >Orrtes- of attractive designs for every Mze Weaael. ■ The Wfasel cleared h i. throat. new atedfum^ today (1 p.m. as.L) Ooa atT] tre f "And Ju?l as a token of our ea- .11-4 viotory. . teM the (;immp ■ will have to beat.' '•"d re t >T.ur X g ■Why not?-" aald toe great -man. *"*’ 7>aby." he said loudly. for toe, start of tha two-ttey, aoth B o t a la- imd have your own parade. It is 6 Alfred Wallenstein’s Or- teem, * said Joe, evidently made "We’re almost dere." ' ' Open up." annlversay program of the Amer- There’e Louth Zamperlnl of U. S. C. CLUBWOMEN’S C lO T iR S ( nu Wa a te4 fmm dresses made meUow by the coffee, "accept these Oiarlee Fenake of Wisconsin, Josef RACING hoped that next 4th of July we can chestra. 7>“ttems being worn; a "Well.^ then. Miss Archer,” said JcDu TYicIi and F*l€ld Chainpioo- INSPIRE DEBATE ever y night . 9:00—James .ilelton— Vic Ar- chocolate peppermlnu. Delirious, (To Be C-oA(tnued) of Belgium and some eight feature you will enjoy. Let the Joe, "let me inform ybii that vou’re •shlpa; gold-plated attracUone for others. Be alo ai 1937“^ 2' the program jjf July 6th, den’s GrehestTA charming designs In this new book fine-flavored, a boon to the digea- being kidnaped.” T ^ " BASEBALL— FOURTH OF JULY, Last Night« Fights fans are scheduled the senior Ixiindon. — (AP) — Are English Boeaaa ^ DAILY DOUBLE rll5—Studio Program. " Upn., Here you are. On the house." Kelly Jumped. '’Kidnaped?” .. MISFIRE . Soma 15 other tlUists" are pre- clubwomen dowd^ dreaeere SO. GLASTONBURY 6ebqrb< 9:30—"MUaiq ‘for Modems." “®'"*7ng. One pat- He picked up the box chocolate 2:86 F. M. — WEST SIDB FIELD ^champs renew old feuds, blast out pared to defend their crowns. Yes, declared , a woman M. P •oaiaai is t o ag races for space. tern and the new Spring and Sum- For-e moment Kelly looked «ave tecorda and topple crowna. W ast ed 10:00—Contended Program. < » peppermints and £hrust them at her. / By ASSOCXAIED PRESS Among them Perrin Walker of Cbli Mrs. Henry Tath. In an address to 10:30—Guy Hedlund and Company mer Patton Book-;-25 cents. P^t- Thw ahe gave a'light Uugh. San Francisco—-Dedication of tha Glenn Cunningham and ^rcU e .^tern or book alone— 16 cenU. The girl hesitated. Joe’s eyes held new marine fire sutlon went Bff on ^e-Puit. Ga., hopee to retain Us the Women’s AflverUsing Club hera A P a rt a ilin ttu tu u i. T tifk itf. 11:00—News. , •’That,** ahe eald. "la the most HoUywood—Andy ScrlvaiU, 136. San Romani, who have .been atep- tactfuUy excepting her audlenca. Tri-County Leogiie herx outlandish thing Tve ever heard of.' MbedUle with JamM C o l ^ master BLUEFIELDS ping on each other’s hiels tn toe KW-meter dash DUe. Allan Tol- nsteae P°P"l»71on of the Republic 71:15—Ray Kinney's Orchestra. » pa t t e r n of this attrac- .‘‘Oome on," he said. 'Take ’em. Otlc^, outpointed Jimmy Vaughn. ^cH Wayne UUveralty, DetroiL Many women In clubs and . Faza H •:00 to t:30 P.M.-W8PB Ove.m^el send 16 cents In y Doran, ifl®, Ot- UO-meter and 200-metor himlU»/ care about how they look, Mrs. / Ba aort MW Mongolians. >Turkestans and Terrace Orchestra. looking around for a way to m.i.^ of rain to spika reports they were crowns Tate aaeSTted, and thus detract ' •sherbi She reached for the box then. Joe Just ae Cole started to introduce BRISTOL COLLEGIANS tawa, OnL. outpointed Buddy ScotL Kiting OB each other’s nerves. llDBtAZUk 12:30—Isham .Jones 'Orehaatra. slid In the clUtch. He winked fla- some easy dough. sWeU. I ran into 164, Ada/ OklA, (10). from toelr value to toelr cares B e al B j you by chance. And when that toe ^ y o r the alarm sounded and ’ Archie declared that when be said The Olympic Club of' San Fron- W e a u e cnntly at the. girl of the tefreah- hntobi risco brought an .aggregation to de- Ne, came bade Marion R ^ e a . business of .going to Boston rente toe flromen made their first run Atlanta-..Ben Brown. 189, At- Cunningham cat over him in a prominent member of toe Wo- - f ment ataa^ Tha Ford rbarod away. from the new building—to ■«»<.»- , • Brteiel H. M. nta, outpolntetf BatUlng Bur- fjod tha 400-mater relay trophy. ub. It Hve BM an idea. I thought P ^ e t p a BtesL toe stories quoted Tho New York Curb Exchange A.-A. man’s Freedom League. It may be ffuiah 8 hliM In Oble’a bqoaa. rm ho, 181H, PaacagmUE Mtea., him, but didn’t go oa to tail true of a few axtremtste but not of Two Pollor AdmiMion Prisgl -CWja , hohadhaUlt - mat will defend in tha 1.600-iaeter re- is9. majority of clubwomen, she i,'— Ifhclared. v ■ • ^ ^^LUNC g C s A R E 'Q HERALD, IfAKGBBSTBB, OONNh RATDRDAt^ JtTLTMtti

L5H«. Cb'MARl BW SE L L C L A S S IF IE D , G R i O I . "yEX.e»AP Ytf KMOvOr »CR <*1rc *TH\S ^ o v s t MOMOCt->d«S^ ydt an iba Anndyataflia to ertileb a iM ih stttM r tiha (Ikys irtie o 'a rOw WVAkvT AJRfe,.V0E , ("I I car mwner to taf sign boards aimag m hlghivay Jh£^ £9 haring to-jttteh id tta* baek-*tet meantryou were.nterihgja townt drlver-:--^liw le none vrorte thiiil: A ^•Vvlifii'lie locka blmaelf out ot hla 'T ttnevar odcimH^o a boy of eigh- egt. NOW. here's an Idea that should taen tfiat-som «r day he vrtU ta MOVINOe-TRUCl LEGAL NOTICES /n»ft WlndaorvlUa.,Bim]e and Drum LU S l AND EOU] .AIIM OUN C EM ENTS G-r J^I|OMS WltUOUT BOARD 59 oveMoma/.thJa^dtatoaty and ire (Jiimh^aa/ilf father, :/ /■ ; ... sa^^' STOR II ■ ■ .'ill' V 'li.l ti I . ill's tw r^lM lI have flnrrttbnui'oh side FOR RBatT—UlTEST ‘nrP B bospl AT A COURT op PROBATE HELD GILEAD liw p ntuiluenoN , "stttr It iratultoUily to ttenty Ftod ^ ''x — LADinr OOU} EliGDt FOR RENT-PLEASANT fumlah -- - *Reeve’s Comer In Wlndaorvlilg from for the bgoafit of his auftertag mis- n W bed -tor boms um.' R ates rea- at .UsnehebUr; Within and for. ths ileen—-Why are you takiak TiStot-waUrta. toscrlpUoo o» ew k AUSTIN A G H A A ^R B when you ed ' 1%ofh. Reasonable, 98 Pine Dlstrtc.t' of, Mahehestar, on th e '2nd July 1 to 8, the proceeds wilt ta* tomar*. Bmiry doesn't irent It, X. acn^bie. QaU Kemp'a Inc. B680. street. Ji whistle with you tonight? KHawd. Ptaotia *38S. >t want the beat lit Local and Long day of July. A, D.. I9S». ' by the corps’ to offset ciHTent'hx-' OFF 17 P. C. IN 1938 Ur. (2hevy can hav* it Har* It Janet—I have a data with a foot- / Distance Movtag. Dally Ehipreas . PXMnt WILLIAII a HYpBr'EsQ.. SoSmyDfclmw. Have a bicycle j^ATlipNGE MASTERS iienses.' , Equip the cap-door* with epairaia- bidl player. Sj >N® 10 TOOT rubber die- HaHford, Manchester, KbcKviue. Foil RENT -ONE unfumlahed Judga. j kj;, afeaigiiig bona. Reward U returned pletaic,' Orraps taken care of kftc: room. Inquire 62. RusSell ' streat/ Estate Of KentfsFsoD Cnambsra lats' ,S7inda:y a t 3 j>,':>nV'f.- Of Year. , isn’t It ? tsLTha credit lOrrsd, and ws must oom* haek ahd ■'-L0BT — : ENVinL/)PE cdntatnthjgH -■mlt Phone_6323. . / APARTMENt^FLAt^ tst« to,r,this Court for allowancs, “ Will Present Hebron Unit With : Mr. and Mrai William Hanly, and for thl* nw id idea, however, should s 6ttle the account ■ om i'tithe, . ...W« F. \ tliree tasurance pollcte#.^ W o w 'l l f^PE R T Y OWNEaiS —Attention. I's.. ' ' . " Miss Helen Hanly of Webster, Maas., go .to Be*a, for It wte inajfirgd by n)ay shirk rreyiTefiBlbiUUea,. h u t we ■X, tanm and receive rew^rdr''^,Srube, '16.98 repapefa room, calling paper- TENEMEN'l'S 6,3 OnOEHED:—That ths »th dag of Check Won In Safety Prd- Julyi/A D., 1938 at 9 o'clock f. t,J Were recent visitors at'the hoine ot Prodoctlon of. electricity for p: that happened to Lariry cannot lose th r a ... t Much getter to -? r lOB Footer atreeL PERSPNALSOl ed .or'.kalaomlned.. Material,, labor BEAUTIFUL 8 ROOMS. New forem-on. at the Probats Offips In-sSlt Srram; Other Gnmges Invited Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur C. Hills. Miss Uc. use In Connecticut durlng/tlW ' .Atfd Bere on one of th eir movie meet them today, then, ire won't I complete. Inblde, oiitalcle p ilin g . paint and paper, 2 new scraped .Manchester, be and the akins Is as- Hanly waa a former local' '‘school ■Blghte. It seesile that Larry l* bleae- \^ve Interest chafes to pay tomor- zz. 3* slirhed fdV a hearing on ths all6w- first five ihonths of 1 B 3 8 /iw less Tgonerville FoU^ ./ DIAMOND -RING recently pawftCd Large savings Work guaranteed: floors.'Reasonable. 3 Walnut street. Hebron Orange No. ill wlu\lio)d teachers. cd with a trilfe who la adept a t back- In New York MOr^acrlflce/f>awn ande of said - admlnlat'rator account . than that Of the eorreapondiiig WUfjjURMEm^ ■ 2 Lang. Phone 8.30s. Inciulre Tailor Shop. wfth said estate, and this Court dl- It* regUlar'meeUng at the Gllgad Mrs. George Willson -Is able to be j period last year. bjt/TiB percrat, sc- Beat driving. Bees announces all of ■ ticket John M ^lcka hallf Tuesday evening, July 8, Sit, to reduce, tB th« l:;x«0cutorut- to give public out, again, a fte r'a few days llThess. cording to statistics c o h ip u t^ the red_ lights the Instant of the IN FLOThBIt MART OeneraJUDwIvery, M u rh ^ ter. (In FOR RENT—FIVE room, tenement, .iotVc#inot All per^hn tntere*t«d ^therein 8:30. o'clock. A t thl* tim e ttie Sunday, the South Windsor pull-1 from the moptfily power product! change.' she watches . the speedo- X • . HURT BY SUNSHINE | of __ star. Aak about ft spectton invited)'. KEPAIUING 2H io «pt>«sar Afta be beerd therein f^y Grange will have the hono;; to eh X, second flOo'r, with gariige, 1.8 Stark- puhlUhlns copy of this .order In dogs play the Granby. A. C.. at reports of-^e Federal Power meter and she can talk the tough- Loirion — (A P )'— The bottom OUR BOARDING HOUSE SCTA ■'Oeorge B. WilUama, tertain Edgar L. Tucker of Shelton, ' MOWER SUARPENINa, rapAliIng. w eather (itreet. Apply a t 718 N orth ■oihe newspaper -having .it-otrcuiatlon Granl^, with either Chevlnsky, mlsslcm. est traffic cop Into giving her hus- drpppM out of the fldwer market ''^1/ tbs vtl Strickland. Main atreet. , ’ In evid^leinctf five daya before aald^ master of the State Grange. .Mr. here In Marph—all. because of :an J «2S4. Vacuum' cleaners reconditioned. Carey, Berger, or Farrell, pitching. 'Total production . for^.Afie State ttan'd a ticket. On the night In guee- AUWMOBlL^fOR SALE day;^ hearing and-return, make to Tucker will present the' Grwge ffdm January to Mast^mcluslve, this untraditional spell of suneblnaj fiO AMBAD / you M Eiro , Key making.vjock. repairing, safe j FOR RENT-,-3 OR 4 ROOMS thia Court. vrith the check of $100 which Hev- The Bulldpgs who recently added Mon. Larrv found, after coming-out 1938 P L Y M O yro. SEDAN. 1BH4 ’Shorty" Farrell, Williams Coljege year-was S50,045J)6(rktlovvatt hours ’ of the movie, that be had left the which lasted most of llie month. TW' PRACTiSS Ip VDU'RB Julljr or combination changing. Braltbwaite. I Midland Apartments. Call 4131/or X WILLIAM n. HVDK bron Grange won as second prize, in Showdraps, crocuses, daffodils, . WjM^ -M a n f PlymotiOr^edan. 1983-- Pontiac 62 Pearl s tr e e t H . • J u d g e . pitcher to their roster seek a game ag'compar.ed with 668,147,000 kilo- keys in the car and. had locked him- <301 M<3 T O P L Y 3 0 MHJBS r “8333. the National Rural Safety, prograth ■watt hourg-tn the aimijaF period a_ tulips, hrecinUi], riolete,. prim- sedbn, 1933 Ford coach. 1932 Olds ______/_ which was carried out as a grange fob .the af ternoon of July 4th with a self out. It was a sorry predicament. ,U U P / t o * -INTO TW' STRATOSPHeRB^ Herald ELEITTRIC REFRIOERATOR eerv- year ago: The decrease reflect* to roms, slmoad and cherry blossoms m oblle/tedan, 1932 Pontiac coach FOR RENT—TWO ROO^ apart, X court of pr o b a t e HELD project last year. Hebron Grange leading, amateur or semi-pro state that is; imtU Bess was struck by a all came orutyt once. TrtBR^S WOTHlMe Ice on all makea. Reconditioned •at Mancheat^c within and for t*he extent a considerably leas- 1931/F o.rd ...... coach. Cole Motors, merit,-also one furnished room In wl.shes to Invite all th* surrotindt: team. JAMdresa Dave ■Smlth.^bx 1.11 brauant Mea. "Oh, don't.. wenry 'IRm . .iharlcM .became so gluttsd 1 CLASSIFIED commercial unite tnatalled. -Waype XHatrijOt. ,af. M^cheater- the dad demand for power W Conneett-. about it, dsar/' she said, "we catr UKP USEfivRMiMa Selwltz Block. Apply A psrtnteht 1. dky of July. A. Xfl. U38. Orange* 16 attend this' meeting but South wtaul'soK or Php«e/ 8-0182, that some floriats quit cutting newi P|)IHIpa, 63 W alker s tre e t Tel., after 6 p. cut Industry due to Shut-downs and home in. the rumble seat." 1»»i« t /D rat TO TAKB 'WOSE ISOBT. AD V ERTISEM ENTS ------—■■■*------'/______rrcBent WlLtlAM 8. HTDE; Eeq.. due. to the holiday andi only hear- 'part-time operations caused by blOome and unloaded th eir stock | PNR 1938 CHRYSLER 8 ' Deluxe 4978. * ■* FOR RBNT-r-SIX ROOM tehement, Judge. ing from Mr. Tucker last evening on ■ hand for a*. 1UU« as eix and! rrfn MAKB3 tM V BS P R O M r a t ML: Oeaat atm averae* words le a Maa sedan, radio and heater, low mile- with steam heat, and all improve- KVtate of Johft Mahoney late of reversal of business conditions, le decrepit old car drove up to ‘U n c t o laltiala, aambore aad abbrsvlatioos' about his coming to visit our dlcatlon . that the trend may- eight centa a bunMi. ” ■ A1B .ffilO D V TO (SROUAJD U P / eash eeaat as s word aad eonpenirt age. one 1938 Chrysler 6 sedan LAWNMOWERS sharpened and re- ments. Telephone 6989 or Inquire Manchester. In etfid District, deceas* Grange, It wll] be Impoesible to get „ toll-bridge; t under radio an&-H(iir.r, one 1934 Stude paired. Precisiongrinding De- cd. • somewhat drrested is found In thel VCAM4 AT OUCH WAIT'LV.! RUKI t aineo «sards:as two worda MtalsiBa aoat is 44 P earl atreet. The Administratrix having exhibit- in touch with all the (SYsuigea except electrical output figures for May. 'Oateman—Fifty ceiita. atjes ef tbrss Uasa. baker sedan, heater, one, 1931 livery service. Karlaei,"and Bdger- ■ • - ______/ - ed her partial admlnletratlon aj^- through the courtesy of the Man- Driver-Sold! <. HEiaWTS/ UP TM*. TIPAU. 7 iua Idas rates aer dar ton, Buckland. Phone 7388. FOR RENT“ F0UR rbom tene- which although . substantially' less Chevrolet coach, hebter., Smith’s count with said estate to thie C$ chester Evening Herald,' we extend s Y u T t : WARMlUa camaa. ment, with all Improvehnenta. at 18 for allowance, It le than those of the lYfth month of STAMkNEWS o’eloar Mrootfro llareb Oarage, Stiidebakrr> .Sales and HARNESSES. COLLARS, luggage this m-vltatton to all patrons 'to bh '^Mlss/r'ertnide Klasman and AI- 1937, are not as divergent from RRAl^ IT OR NOT— >ou Sendee.' .10 BIsaell atreet. Phone William atreet. Telephone 3379: OHDKRKU;—That the POr^day of pre.sept at this meeting to be held at ' 5 P ijtT July A. V., 1R38., at 9 .o'cltKfk (d. a. t.) bert'^lsStilan, of Highiand street, the previous yearls total as were AufotaiobUe drivers of high school • all I Qsasseauvs ,oara .,1 stsi t 80.84. ------and-.harness repairing, sport tops ---- — .X . ■ ■ / . .. Gilead Hall, Tuesday evening, July T**® 414-cent •Wh'Ue House, • Oaasssa O v/D airs stsf u ets and (pirtalns repaired. 90 Cam-1 ---- - ^ ^ forrnoon, at Hi#' rro>tfTe Offree, In -With. Mr. and Mrs. Harrj' Fowler of those of the months immediately age are lnyQlved.5,, In 10 tltnes as THAT BLUB^R OfMR t Bar sts| U ets said .Manchester, b e^ n d Ihe same is 8 at 8:30 p. m. Autumn'street, and Truman'Wetl>- preceding, many fatal . aceldentST" per mile starap' of the new U.'s, regular' I A SAFE PLACE TO BUT. Schai bridge rftreet,._Telephone 4740, HOUSES FOI^ RENT 65 ,«.*?’iK.nrd. I.bje,.a)lg.w-., , - N o t e s ______/••rle s, scheduled for \flrst-day 'PV B R B K aA R p/ ilTa -tat IMartlenB snee of said-^dm infstratlon acco.unt erell, left-early -this'iilorning':' Sat-- ' Household us*' of' electricity" 't*' driven, -a* the driver 45 to 80 am i be see tlwe rate. ler Motor Bi^ea Inc. . Dodge-Ply- M l/ E. E. Foote retmiued' to. her Urday, July 2nd. on a ten day raOtor years,.,.'''' . ^ • sale July 11, b printed to ebony > J o i t toaa terai svanf WE SPECIALIZE in recovering FOR RENT—ON .SlIMMIT street, with said..-^tkte, and this Cpurt di- not seriously affected by current Joa motith Shlea and Service. Center roofa, and applying asbestos aiding rects t>e Administratrix >0 give pub- home Frida.v after visltihg at the trip to Tennessee. ' conditions, since It Is built upon gray Ink and conforms I n ^ e and a apoD roeasat. at Olcott St. Phone 8101. Open single, also duplex-16! rooms, new ^ r n e of her sqn'-1 n-lavv a ^ daugh- or tain >ro Ike third or Ofth Yekrs of exp^encc. Workmanship lic ...tTMIrp to ell persons, interested John Hastings and Albert B. Lord widespread utilization of domestic Xieslgn with the prh^oifljMSsued dad sair far ika eo- evenings. paint, steam heht, 'fearage. Tele- J^r^ln‘ to appear and be heard there- ter Mr. and^li^i^deems L.'Buell in tttbat guaranteed. Minting--and carpen- phorie ,8409. / . ^ on by publishing a copy of this order of Cambridge, Mass., will be week- appliances and - lighting. Such use •Ths Han Who Wtais" values of the rerised) serles-AThe i. o iBoa the ad syp Laconia, :N. H t stamp features as It* cJmtral\d6- , the rale aarnod bat try. A. A. Dion, 81 WeUa. Phone In some newspaper having a clrculaf- end guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. L. ha^ been gro'wing steadily each The man who wtam Is an average 7 t.ton in said District. fVv.e daya before Mrs. Ai H. Post who has been Oowell. year with the per customer con- man. fl*" frontXof or rafaalto ess bo mada BUSINESS SEHVICBS 4860. I atayipgXt the home, of her son-ln- ads stoppsd ottsr ths FARMS AND La ND said day of hearing and return make Miss Catherine Purlntbn of New sumption of. electricity advancing Not built on any partloular plan. the White House. It is being OFFERED / n to this Court. / layv; Louis. Twining In E ast H a rt- printed in sheets of Toil by rot LAtVJSMOWERS SH.ARPENED — FOR 71 WILLIAM « W D E York City, formerly of'-the- Park even ln\the earlier days of depres- Not blessed with any particular — forbids”! dlsplsp Unas aot ford has retunied to her home In sailed yesterday oh the “SS Ameri- process. ^ LOOK OVER TOUR evergreens Price $1.00. Factory method, tun- /Judge. sion. luck. JONES SPIRALS—Few 6 acre li-7.J-.n«. / Gilead for a visit. can Farmer” of the United slate .8 In no single month of 1938 ' has Fi r s t-day/Cancellations are ■oraU will aot ha rospenslblo blue spruce and hemlocks for red ed for ah'd delivered free. Walt 'M r. and Mrs. CHarcnce J. Fog'll Just steady and earnest and full' of aMro thaa obo laaorroet iBoortioa Burnett, 110 Spruce atreet. Phone plots on 'liard- road, electrlcItyT line for England. She will apend the production of electricity In Con- ' pluck, ^ / available to collectprs who send of aar advartlaemoBl ardarod for spider. Very numerbua this year. "T and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fogll at- one month In Europe, r H er parents, nectlcut; exceeded that of the cor- not in excess of 10 addressed ■ era thaa oao tlaia 6266. 310^-down, 8 .years on balance. tended the funeral services of Mrs. When asked a^questlon he does not Spray at once or Phone 8897, John Jjurfa, 33 Oak atreet. Mr. and Mrs. ,R. B. Purinton of responding month Of the previous covers totoe Postmaster at Wash- Tho laadvsrtoBt oailasloa mt laoer- S. Wolcott for attention. Hattie S. Park held at the Congre- ’’g u is e " , root pebllaatloa of ^vartialaa will bo OPEN ENOEMOR SOCIETY Highland Park were at the pier to year. The highest output- from the He knows and answers T o" or .ington, DT C. Send cash, or pOstal' featliod aalr hr aaaaollatloB ef tbo SITUATIONS Wanted— gational church In East Hampton, bid her "Bon Voyage." State’s generatifig-^ stations came In money order remittance to cover aharwo.aMda for tbo aorvleo roadarod. Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Fogil and **y#i/* CB Air^vsitlaoBonta Bast oeaform MALF 39 HOUSES FOR SAI.E 72 January. This was followed by a When set, to s task that the rest only cost of stamps to be affixed. FLORISTS—NURSERIES 15 CONFERENCE TUESDAY Mrs. Park . were sister-in-laws. sharp drop In February, ^ slight pla. aepr>P7 aad tvpoeraphr with A softball, game was played at the can’t do. Each cover should bear a pencil oaforead a? ths pabllsh- YOUNG MAN married, wants EOR SALE—S4 HUDSON Street, N. CABOUNA RUN-OFF rise In March, and a return again to FOR SALE}—TOMATO planU, egg- A mston. Lake'field last evening be- Re bueklea down till he puts it endorsement in the upper right tbor rossrvo U s rlghi U salaried work. Has Conn.-N. Y. -'■>701180, all Improvements. On lot I PRm.ARIES HELD TODAY the February level In April and comer to show the number of 'fevlss or rslset' sap aopp pea* plant, late cabbage, cauliflower, chaiifreur'a. license. Qwn business extending through from Hudson to tween Bolton Grange and Hebron through. . sUoaabla ,Ea.st Northfield .Tuly 2—The van- May. This approximately inatched stamps to be attached. Envelopes broccoli. Also aatera, alnnlSi mari- experience. W rite P. O'. Box 342. William street. Width 99 ft., length Grange, with Hebron winning, the Raleigh, N. C.. Ju ly 2.— ( A P I - the curve of production foil Owed In So he works and waits; till one fine ------RODItS—Clsaaiasd ads gold, .and salvia a t O derm ann’a. 8U4 guard of niore than 600 young peo- scorA being 14-3. The next gam e is day tor cover should not be smaller i bo pabUshod satoa dap Baal be ro< ,168. Garden planted. Phone 7900. Two Congressional seats were at thOvearly months of 1937. although than 3 by 6 Inches, Parker atreet. ple representing iiearly all ■ the scheduled for July 3; Hebron will There's- a better job with, bigger MliS i s O N B ' 8 5 ? o'oloek BooBi Oaurdapa Christian Endeg,voi societies of stake In a run-off Democratic pri- In case Slay’s output w as the • • • ■ ■; GIVE S i< ^K — VEHICLES 42 play East Wlnd-sor Grange at East pay. / VLI&HT MB's -ReALLV Massachusetts and many from near- mary In North Carolina today. The low es/pf the group. Total first-day sales of the /' FOR SALE—CELERY plants, 3 SUDURBAN FOR SALE 75 Windsor. candidates in the Eighth district And the men who shirked ^enever GOfWO TO TAKEtss TELE P H O N E YOUR dozen for 28c. Inquire 12 Glenwood OR 8ALE-PIO,S 6, 8 and 10 by states arrived today for the 32nd Residents oPiSileatl are lnvited to they could / S-cent Jefferson stamp of the reg- were W. ’O. Burgln of Lexington, u lar series aggregated $17,483. 1031. ht Fmir Im j ~tere.iw*evwasi atreet. Telephone 4809. weeks old, also Jersey row, second IN NEARBY TOWN, .8 acres hllfh annual Northfield (Christian En- attend th6 .d*nce given by the Merle Are bossed by the man whose work W A N T ADS calf due about July 4th. Joseph deavor Conference Which has Its former state . senator, and C. B. There wer> 118,000 first-day cov- level,, land. 3200 doU-n, .8 years to Post Legion '..at the Hebron town Seane of Rockingham, former Rich- m^e good. / Ate apo aaoMted ever the ulspbeaa Grabow'skl, Route 1, Andover, pay balance J. Rennie. 62' Hamlin preliminary meetings this weekendi hall, Monday evening, July 4, at 8:30 ers oanceled at the Washingtoiv a t the' CHAJUIB RATB Vtvea above mond county register of deeds. In Local Baseball FOr/ihe mah 'whe wins Is the than post office. . , / . RtllYSMlTH as a ’ ooBvealaaoe to adverUaeriL bat (}oqn. street. ■» - - and Its formal opening on the o’clock. The Jolly Four will furnish ,/w how orka ; Help frdm Heaven Glorious Fourth. . The conference the mu.sic vrithi. Harold Gates as tho Sixth' district the race was be- the CAW IM TM Wiu be aeoeptid as tween Oscar Barker of Durham, (OontiniiM from Page Nine) Rlho. neither labor ' nOr trouble OFF FROM Tyg o a m v m OtMP, rVUL PATlUCNT If paid at U s basl- 2 ACRE ri-,ACE near toWn. 7 room continues until July 11. prompter. ^ The O. S. Post Office D epart- MlNOTBi .A TORggNTIAL T, ----- ) I aoaa onaa oa or bafofe Uo sovooth ARTICLES FOR SALE 4,5 former newspaperman and legisla- Shirks— THg yriiL gAftN 6- house. Eleq,, irood, condHIon. Price The program '.offers 24 dally expected to' get the nod to' ment is printing 7^000,000 of the THg TIHPgHLANP ------. .X : A / NOTHIN® MOItW ICAN dap foUowtoa Uo Brat iasartloa of tor, add Lewis E. Te.agjie, Judge of Who uses his bands, hla head, hla new Delaware Teirtenienary stamp aaah ad otharwlss Uo CHAROB ONE ITSfKD 8 FT. Servel Electric J3500.00. Terms. Jas.'i’Rennie," §2 . classes In Bible Study, C. E. tech-' the High Point thuniclpal court. against the locale.,. eyes; / ^^' ///\' r, I \ . /WNOW. nique, general courses, and missions, on initial order. This issue com-- CUMPINfr ID rats will bo sollooud. No raapoual* EMERGENCY . refrigerator, one jisrti Nokol Fur- Hamlin street. The pitching usignm ents of the kain/ , , .. viirrvAL lu Hr bUlfp for oners to ulepHoaod ada ivdth a total of 144 houra of study. WAPPING V'nM.maa who irins la the man.who prises 45,stamps to a sheet, print- "nvakt iMflwMNp 5''* / / I V nace oil burner, both In good con- games w"!!! probably be divided be* .\ .tries. / IT'S STARTIW^ '/60V6SH0I will bo hasatbed aad Uelr aaaaraap Each moTTilng a t 10 thh chapel sefv- *4 te-tne flat plate/process. The FBiir sawoHy / > M-wearwAiKpoRT- •aaaat be saaraateod. dition. Smith's Garage, aO.BIssell BRITISH REAR ADMIR.AL tween Hemingway, Yost, Vaiilgnt rp KAiMi . L E G A L T V O T IC ES ice will be-corvlucted by hey„ Edgar Services at the Wapping Com- FBEDEBICI^ALtTIRT DEAD first order for thO Constitution 0f9om &09m ivTp ^ ^ /L i /'•C*'/ atreet munltv church tomorrow will be'a.s and Fromhart. ->•' / Little Girl—What happens to San- nf?B- IN D E E OF. CALLS A T A COURT OF PFiDBATK REt.D H, S. C handler,■ pastor Of tiic*Cen- The rest of the lineup .will re- (mmmemoratlve likewise called GRILUAHr follows: The church school will meet ta Claua after he hands, out all at f0r<7s.000,000 stamps. 0 .MatH'hfHirr, wUliltj and for the. f ral Congregational^ Church of London, July 2—(AP)—Rear Ad- main Intact with Zeppa, Rautenberg the presenta. Sis? ' ■5i;iVU6«rADfH« ^ - CLASSIFICATIONS Dlatrlrf (If .Manrhealer, on lh« 2nd at 9:30 a. m., with classes for all 'X - Electrical .Tamaic-a Plain. Vesper servlcea will miral Thomas' Frederick Parker and Troyges in the outfield, Becker. Big Sister—He’S left holdihg the day of .Inl.v. A. D,. ir<3.8. be held at the sunset hour on Round ages. The morning worship will m SUwlE u a a • a a cauBdiBwa a aa POLICE AHFLIANCKS— RADIO 49 Presenl U'lLLIA.M a. H'VOE, Kaq.. Calvert. 55, who commanded British Franhowltz, Bocewiz and Yost, on bag!! - y • » papers of the •acaasBeau .’•••4fe«*« Jiidt;.., Top. Evening services will begin open.at 10:48 a. m. and the Sacra- naval forces off the north coast ot British coiQnia continue to deluge l^rtacea wm. mk. m . u ... the infield, and Hayes catching. ba r ga ins in reposce.ssed radlo.s, F,.'Male of IlaT^low,: IV, Willis lain of at 7:4.8, and be led by members of ment of the Lords Supper will be Spain In October, 1937, died yester- the collector, latest additions be- 4343 •M.anchrster, In said 1'Istrlrl,: deceas-' observed. Rev. .Douglas V. Maclean Speedy Drlver-r-What’s the mat- ing Cayman, Islands. Cook Islands, all kind.s hand vacuum, cleaners, r-dr ., the faculty; day. He was a first lieutenant on ter, officer? Was I.golng too faat> Just right for the car, or cottage, ■will take for/hfs theme. 'The 'Holy board the IronDuke In the battle, and Niue. /Upwards of 900 major 7^®® |Towb4 «•••••«••«• The AdiiiliilMralnr havltiB ev'hlldt- Officer (grinUy as he wrote out also ilo.uhlc door, 12 cubic ft.' re- ed-. hla ndlnlnlst ration nroonnt ileith Sacrqmento, Calif,, will cele-/ Communion,/* the Young People^ of Ju tlan d In the World W ar. and minoi/ varieties have been is- Aa»OBtt#emeDte thp ticket)—perhaps, you were only sued by the colonies since George J 4 1 Fmoaata FIRE frigerator, using frlgidotre com- said estate to lids Court for ollotv- brate Ita centennial from February ■ Group wlIJ 'meet at 7:30 p.-m., a t the fljdng too low;. .— ■-'C pressor, like new, i ^ear guaran- anre, -It Is to December, 1939.7 ' Wappli^ Community church House Vi’s coronation. ___ s Aatsssshtlce ID: ■<.'flyad - the Mb'.da,H-of CGopyrIght 193S, KEA Service. Inc ) e iMi n* A. r. ~Siif«'Sehl]^ lot tets South tee. Can be Ixjiight/ for 1-3 lt,a .l.uly, A. Ij.. 11)38. at .9 o'clook (d. a. t.l Al l ■ iiiwiit . A o t e a u t b l l t s tot Bxohaage \' ' Aatb Ahessabrisa—Tins ...... regular priCW-Just/ight- for tavern Jorticoj!in...qit H it .JlioUata-. .otrioa, tn o r sm all sto re ., Rhone .8191, H nin- ■ said Mjdu'hesicr, bo and the aaino due. Aato Rspalrtag^-PalDtlng 4321 te .(fislymd, ftir a hi-arinK- on the al- Gy Clydft FLAPPER FANNY FRECKLES and HIS FRIENDS By Bloier Aata gohobls 7-A ner's, 80 Oakland street. Open .t-'WHnre i,f said - adlnlnlslratioti ac- HOLD EVERYTHING Ab Im —S hip by Track ...... | nights imtil 10 p. in.' ommt with sold estiite, and Uds Court Lewis . WASHINGTON TUBBS______Aata*—Far airs t North tllrr'ds the Adndutstrator .to k Ivo By Crane OUT OUR WAY g»M«a*-8cr*los—Storage w Itiiblk* notl.re to all perst.ns Interost- .raeoaB S i«c«3oseT fV^SX OF ALL, The VER.50H MV.5AU6HTER \* TO Ajv- Metereyelea—aieyeles ...... 11 iAAVRV 1AU6T 8 E A WAN OF p - - '’------— OM THE COMTRARY, WY DEAR, t By WilliaiTiH Waatsg Aatos—lletnrersiss .... U * F U E L A N D F E E D 4 9 - -ril thrrsln. to apuoar amt ba hi;ard’ a n d l a r d s m i t h i RK3MT? V' HEV, don’t V’LL 00 T H A X 5432 therron by publlsjdnK a copy of fids 5TEB.LlWfi CHARACTER, r ^H. YOU MKOVJT FIUO .THAT (AR. TUBBS HA6 SttDOW LAM HIAA LIK E aag rr-tacslsB «l gsvsti '"■'I' r. JP si.iiia lu y-spapiT hayltiK a WELL, I'M OR. l^e eLES.CAMP JU WORKED. HAS FRITTERED AWAY T O Y Q U M YS E L F Bastasas Ssrvtess OlTsrsg ...... ii STANDING MAY 3 lots, gyiod mow- ■m ujaUoii I|| sabl lUstrlcI, rive days D l R K ^ 1 T& MEET / ^ / HOWOY, ' WORRY ABOUT WA5H16 that--GOOD cosh! IF Y (Q ulsh) Depot'Sijuarie. Manchester, .Oorvn. Thf eoanM aoa ClSssss -----2...^. ft huaineSN ta owned l»y Cdward J. M ur/ ravats lattraotlooa ' Ii MACHINERY AND TOOLS 52 phy of 2S Strickland street, Manchea« DgBOlng sssa«aS., Providence Rd., Hoaer to Loan ...... U Wllllmantlc. - - I,rm 4>H I'l'HlMIT I'LL ACQUAiMt IliitM E A i»«r^^H fiToolcH S3rH froSsH TT& 00^ MS'THER Bclp aag BItaatlsaa FOR .SALE—TWO^ horse McCor- . ?MtTirE OP AIMM,I4 \TtO!« TtXJ WfTM TWlhJeS Balp Waotsd—Fsmala ...... M 5131 Thla ta to Rive notice t.ljat I Kdward W B ' W T b ““'SSW: HI w>«rreo Balp Wamsd—Mats $« mick mowing machine, hayrake, J. Murphy of SfrlcklAnd atreet. 1 AROUND C a m p AMO Salsai^a Waatsd ...... If. a ^O O U R A O E BOYS -a one set hemess, foiir reach wagons, Mancht-ater. 'Cbnn,. have tiled an ap- SHOW ^eXJ GOVERN t h e m BACKGROUND? Balp Waotsd—Mala or Fsaiala,. 17 one spring wagon, stake htidy farm plication dated July 4. with tha QUARTERS / FIRST ^SBU Waotsd ...r...... «..I7-A WATER DEPT. I/iquor- Control ConvoU^alon fo r’ a s e l v e s AND OEPBND Blteattpos Waotsd—Fsmals .i„ ,18 truck, also one m;ile. and one Drugglat Permit fbr the aailt* of aloo. I WAMT Tb u TO ON t h e i r OWN" _ SUoatloos Waotsd—Mala 19 horse. S. D. Hearl, 100 Woodldnd KNOW w e r e A U j VVERb / k. . - Stash—Pkto-^ealtryl.^ ▼ahJeles xs^^3077 by i^dwarU ,J,-Murphy >ag»—Bird*—Fats ...... ----- fi liind atreet; Manrhearer, Conn., and 6000 .TTME t J F S w i l l . around herb BLTT Uvs Stock—Tsblclcs 41 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE win ba conductec^.’hy Edward j. Mur- * p iltr y aad- Sapplisc v'.-:. • ' 48 -^(A fter 5.P. aL) _ OR. ■ m -M A V B TO waated— Pats—poaltrr—.stock 44 rnsure your' c a r ' In th e •I.nmher- i»r.-Conn.. a, iiarrowir,. • PxjA&ueSl _^SOMe Fas Bala-' Mtssenssssas 7868 mens Mutual. About 30% savings . KDWARD J. .MUiTMlT.- oraopuN ^ Attlclas For Sals ...... 4| over some companies. DarrO (till cf'Jtil'r, ISIS. —Boats aad Acesssbrlca...... 44 H-:-l-2S. . , — ANV BolMlag Matsrlsla ...... 47 It Will Pay Yon To See ouesnoNS Dlsaaeado—Watehea-^eweUy „ 'A8 ma n c h W er STUART J. W.A8LEY ■"Oh„^y dear, you should have been here when the gar- Blcatriejfl' Appltaaeaa—Radio ' 49 State Bldg. TeL 6648-714g Halifax^ Ithe principal seaport must be home from college. Tom-J-haveti''! go* den was at ita height—aweet peaa, panaiea and the moat n o l aad Food ...... ^-...ft-A of Canada. Oardaii—Farm— Dairy J^rodoota SO WATER CO: a letter from him in three weeksT BEAUTIFUL oniona!” B o a a ^ ld Ooods n Matelaary and Tocia ti !5 5 « 'S R :'/ . Maalaal Inatnuasata 88 5974 r-t aad>tan EoBipiqaat .... 14 MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE T-T7 7 7 fpae^ «t tba ■ tarsa...... 14 By THOMPSON AND COLL Waarlng Apparal—Farr *»«..«arr« SI ■ BORM TH IRTV years T O O S d O M . ct.p .vu.llm M S fTA Boy f l GAS CO. ALLEY OOP Mmwmm Beam fielela Ileaeiia 50.' TM 'TQ S r ttf H E R E AMD «aCOV\ THETV e ^VEN BONE THQOUCtH MY [ 5 0 . ' MOD NOT ONLY TRY TO BUT.TAMIA, W-WHAT Hete ONDY the camp When Do We Start? WTTW - T A M I A .' M O T a PLEASAWT PeOSPECT &AO.' WELL, WMEN 1 5UP INTO ariEALTAWIA'S AAAN, BUT WAS THAT?] vvwofe By HAMLIN Bao^ W ^ot Board >19 /ILSASE.:.. BANC.' TUB MAM THE I'M LOOKIMG FOR ^ Boargara_Waqtad ...... g t.A 5075 BUT XVE OCfT TO HAMD U TO THEW K5C, TKAT O C ^ O E T CrIBL COSTUME NOW YOU TAHE HER POVJ- itL gladly G CT MAO A T HIM-THEY Alley OOP mot It^CTLY-ANO 1 _ j L ^ R ENOyCHl BEIWO CACe* r - - 3 <- IT’LL BEA4V 1“' ■ .... • I DEC. KIDS ALL CALL E?n«t»y Board—R aao rta^..„.„ M T CALL HIM D R. RU6SLES / ba r ga ins... K^OW WHERE h e n Hatala 'RsataBranta , li PUL -' ^ s. TUCW 7" ♦SOCKER'f . . . i p y b u T ^ W WaataS—Rocota—Board «i V ■ L ._ T^ROUBLE .A BARGAIN WITH 3 0 P tS AN’ I’LL B E t a k e ms ) o o w e Baal Batata Fat Baat ELECTRIC CO. WITH YOU? - Apartmaota, Ftata, Taaaoisata .. gg ..vog,,.. ) f CLAOT’OlRECT YOU , W i t h v o u I ^ s t a r t ? Baaiaaa LooaUeoa fat Rant g4 SttbvbaaHov*; '■ “I For Rsat ...... - ««« ' 5181 ■oasiaor Bomos For Boot ...m > 42 Waatod to Rsdi ...... u BaaJ Bsiato Fas tala r Apartasat Bulldlog ror

h t m psLsswl h » n , J t ia A IMES ' F«denU nohetrald BOGUS $ 1 0 BILL Re—rve Ekalt o f N eg^T ork. Tbs weight o f pop—,<|bf'sl»ost sgaSetly Dorothy Armitroivof Vwt MONDAY that of a Wll. arid the en- street left yesterday for s irromcERs PICKED UP HERB}graving ,a|A> Is line..'dniit.^the btlt with her cousins, i(r. and iMue of the Manchester <3>pe»r9 to be Inferior graaoKjwd Jdln Rurd, at their l^dttee Chlef^Samnel G. Gordon evening Herald will' Be en'lnk smudge 'on the reverse e at John8on.^R. I, And Caiptain ScheH' ^pubHahed on Monday, of .the bill was the flaw that first del Are Appointed. July 4, Independence Day. Handed To drew notice t o .lt On the reverse Mr. and Mrs^atJ&oy^ ______Both Drook, Caose TroDble; Aide Is a landscape scene, ahd on a It*» , . : Juda» HarakL£Sarci^oe the Town ...... m, tr^eea aad-TfloUege-awt: iln tiN rt.: & spend the holiday Court Isst nlghtrtse^ore the opening ' ToifivesHgate What Can fWson, A r P a it U f In crearifeuf linos’. The counterfeit, wsiric-h F I R E W O R K S 4ii> ,We Cater To Banquets Mr. .and Mrs. Walter Klein of 22 who are on dut>f from 9:30 a.m. to ^ Callf). West Center street And Michael F. 12:00, and froth 2:00 until 8:00 p.m., madq u)-find who should pay his Pupils of All Ages. 'V* YVlsh You A Grand and Glorious Fourth! SO Oak Street ^^ For Further Information Haberem of 135 Blssell street, left or after supper from 6:00-9:00 p.ni. keep' at the almshouse, or possibly OAK CRI Telephone 8894 bring about his deportation. Dial 5026, Manchester. last night for Old Orchard Beach, , The court Is In good condition and A New Supply of Fireworks.

Me., for the- holidays. the hourly fee la nominal. If .it is iS more convenient for you to call on First sta ^ on your riffht, top of Bolton Frances and Eleanor Dlmohd the the telephone to make your, reser- ^ POLICE COURT eight and seven year old daughters vation please call 7206' when the CUT Hill—Cherp^ Bdmbs^ Pistols, Blanks. All /^AK E A TRIP TC> HAWAII? ^ of Adjutant and Mrs. Victory Dl- "V-’'-Is open .ihirlng the evening A case In which two automobiles ABEL'S RATE. kinds of Fireworks at most reasonable mond of Etoe^qn__are vacationing h'oiirA from 3:30-7:3Q; were Involved, with Utile damage We’ll say it’s as good as being therm o dance away the during July with their grandpar- The Y. M. C. A. IS open fob show- resulting that look place at the in- Guaranteed ElectricaT aiid prices. , ents Major and.Mra. Edward Atkin'- ers dally from 5:30-7:.30.- Members Mechanical Auto Repairing evening to the captivating tune^of . . \ _ tersection of M.vrtle and Lthden •on of Bigelow street. Both of the who bring their Ovi'n towels are en- street a week ago, proved to be one REAR 26 COOPER STREET A Present With Every Worth. ^ - flt\B ame natives of this town, hav- THE HAWAIIAN SERENADERS titled to free showers, or they may that was indre civil In Its action Established 1921 ' A ^1 ing been bom at the Manchester secure a towel and soap for a small 'Purchased. \ ^ "I*. -inr I s than, criminal, and John VV. Kemp, Memorial hospital and It Is always fee. , Non^members may al.w take arrested On the charge of violation Plus Food and Drinks That Are Beyond Comparison! , ‘ ’ S • delight to visit Manchester. Mas- shoVvers for 15 cents. H6rb Stevenson Alton Cowles of the rules of the road, and defend- ter Edward Victor Dimond Is visit- The “ Y|’ win be closed for the ed hv Attorney William .1, . Shea, OPEN ALL DAY MQNDAY, JULY 4TH -J, 'Si ing'with his parents^ In Boston, Fourth of .iuly all day. 'I^he ''y " l.t was foimd not guilty in la.st night's P AMATEUR Mass. Re Is a pupil .at the 'Lincoln alway.s open- .Saturday-S Ifrorn 2 :,0il .seH.sl()n.. ' ...... X/- . 10 East Centec Street •4l BcKbol thls town; / ’ p.m.-4:00 and from 5:30-7:30. jiimes j. lilannlsc', charged with ^^^^ , violation of a town by-law dis- T A M ^ S G R ILL bdd Fellows Building ' 3 FILMS .K • All members of the Daughters of charging 'fireworks, had. his case ^ ^ -A Liberty, No. 125, Ladles Orange continuei(^,for three weeks as he was DEVELO PED Loyal Institution are requested to PUBLIC RECORDS to leave for ramp this morning with V .'.I meet at Orange hall at 7 o'clock to- Company K. Mannlse Is a minor > to- night to proceed' to Dougan’a Fun- Warrantee and his father promised the court 25 per cent o ff FireworksI According- to a warrantee deethre- e i^ home to pay their re.spects to that he would'take, care .of the case corded late yesterday; Vernon .street On All Aihateur Work Free Transportation To Bolton and'Return! their former associate, Mrs. Nellie iqg the , meantime. / Woodhouse, who died last night. really consisting of s small house Alfred K. Seott, charged/ with Left At Onr Studio Enjoy Your Holiday and lot has been tran.^ferred by Gather At the Silk Citj^Diner jiarking his car overtime in, a re- Miss Muriel Kemp of 821 Main Charles F. Kicbniond to Maiden 's! rlcted territory, on Walnut s.trect, At the New Studio yltreet has completed a three Baton. Conhiileratlon Is Indicated was discharged .when the woman 9 Jqhnson Terrace at $1,500. ” who rnnde the-complaint about the months’ course at the Charles V. Chapin Hospital In Providence.-and Quitclaim ear being parked overtime did not .der provisions of a quitclaim Join Donohue’sJItijid Is'spending a vacation at her'home Appear* ^ recorded by .Town t VILLA M ARIA before returning on July 21 to the Clerk Srfm- At.the New England House , tuel .1. Turkington, Worcester City 'Hospital, from W'oodlmnntrcct ^ which training .school she was grad- property ha.s been J-tan-ifeiTod fcoin Je.--sle R. Horton to Jamo;James .F,.Hpr'> uated this spring. - . ’1 ton. n / H O TEL


U Washing iMachlne SERVICE



AUTOMATICALLY W m . E. Krah IN BOtTON G O O D R IC H G A S D U C K LIN G DIN N ER Make the Loop—Go up the Old Road, come back the new.. PHONE 4457 Turn Right At Fork Above Manchester Green. Also

KEMP’ S, Inc. . 33 Delihont Street Look For Our Signs! IT 'S S W ELL!' 763 llaln Street Lobster, Chicken, Steak iDinners •-5 "

Moemui Brotiraps Musi^^turda^


SONS OF ITALY HOUSE Jim Tolly and Orchestra - Keeney S treet'^ - For Reservations—^Telephone Glastonbury 2434 NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE FOURTH Look for i he Red Light One Mile. Off New London 1^', For Outingn - Wedding* • Turnpike . " ^^ A Higher Octane Rating Than Any Other Ga«t Picnics’- Etc. td'eal spot. Hot and cold rnn- s

'nlng water. - Electric lights. h Including Many You Read So .Much About % whole towft FIREWORKS I-arg^ cooking range. Dance p

We Have Proof,of This! floor space 60x40. Dtnlng ta- AT P

ble, 'to accommodate 200 peo- -.^S ple. - lin in g ahoHt -B For Information. Phone 6010 ta t T A N K F U L W ILL C O N VIN CE


Y O U T H A T WE'RE RIG H T! o COMPLETE SELECTION . vl low-price^ ic


ex ^ G^S. $1.00 FILMS fo ^ DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 'drive 5 miles to Bolton .w’hen you can fls Th

24-HOUR SERVICE drive 1 mile over the line at Oakland to le GOWDY'S 1,0 Film Deposit Box A t get your fireworks? ~ " ^


Johnson & Little Pe Plumbing aad Heattaig Contractors AT BOLTON CENTER ROAD ON THE RKJHT ert 426 Hartford Road STATION Cor. Center and Trotter Streeta Telephone 3866 KEM F'S TeL 8870 1 NIGGER HILL