Provisional Population Totals, Paper-3, Series-21, Jharkhand
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CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES -,. t JHARKHAND P APER- 3 OF 2001 PROVISIONAL POPULATION TOTALS Distribution of Workers and N on-Workers ~~~~~ cri't~ PEOPLE ORIENTED SUDHIR KUMAR RAKESH Director of Census Operations, Jharkhand CONTENTS PARTICULARS PAGE NO. Preface v Acknowledgement vii Figures at a glance ix Map showing Administrative Divisions of the State, 2001 C?ensus xi Introduction 3 Analysis of Data 13 MAPS Work Participation rate 2001 77 Male Work Participation rate 2001 79 Female Work Participation rate 2001 81 Percentage of Agricultural Workers to total workers 2001 83 Non-agricultural Workers 2001 85 .' - CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS Work Participa'tion Rate 2001 89 Female Work Participation Rate 2001 91 Work Participation Rate by Sex 1961 - 2001 93 Percentage distribution of Main Workers, Marginal Workers and ..... 95 ......, Non-Workers by Sex 1991 and 2001 Percentage distribution of Workers to total Workers by Category and Sex 1961-2001 ..... 97 Categorywise di~tribution of Workers to total Workers 1961 - 2001 ..... 99 Percentage distribution of Male Workers to total Workers 1961 - 2001 ..... 101 Percentage distribution of Female Workers to total Workers 1961 - 2001 103 TABLES Table 1- Total population, workers and non-workers in Stpte, Districts, 107 Community Development Blocks, Urban Agglomerations, Cities and Towns by residence and sex: 2001 Table 2 - Percentage of workers and non-workers to total population in State, 155 Districts, Community Development Blocks, Urban Agglomerations, Cities and Towns by residence and sex: 2001 PARTICULARS PAGE NO. Table 3 - Distribution of total workers (Main and Marginal) as cultivators, 205 agricultural labourers, workers in household industry and other workers in State, Districts, Community Development Blocks, Urban Agglomerations, Cities and Towns by residence and sex: 2001 Table 4- Percentage distribution of total workers (Main and Marginal) as cultivators, 255 agricultural labou~ers, workers in household industry and other workers in State, Districts, Community Development Blocks, Urban Agglomerations, Cities and Towns by residence and sex: 2001 Specimen copy of the Household Schedule .... 305 Glimpses of Paid and Unpaid Women's Work .... 309 PREFACE The second phase of Census of India, 2001 viz. the popUlation enumeration work was undertaken between 9th and 28th February, 2001 (both days inclusive) with a revisional th round from 1st to 5 March, 2001. Maintaining the past tradition of releasing the popUlation data on a provisional basis within a short time after the completion of population enumeration, the provisional popUlation figures were compiled at the Census Directorate based on various abstracts built up at different administrative levels such as the Enumeration block, Rural! Urban Charge (Community Development Block I Town) and the District. The entire exercise of aggregation of provisional data up to the state level was completed within a very short span of time. On the basis of these abstracts, the provisional population figures of this state were released on 27th March, 2001 in the form of Paper-l containing provisional figures with regard to Total popUlation, Population in the age-group 0-6 and Literate populaticm. The provisional population figures presented in Paper-l were for State and District level only. Paper -1 was followed by Paper -2 of 200 1 which was published in the month of July, 2001. Paper-2 was second in the series of publications on provisional population totals and it mainly included provisional data on rural -urban distribution of population and its characteristics, provisional totals for community development blocks, urban agglomerations and their constituents and population totals for individual cities and towns. The provisional popUlation of urban outgrowths was also shown separately as constituents of urban agglomerations. The present Paper-3 of200 1, which is the last in the series of publication on provisional population totals, mainly contains data on workers and their characteristics. The infOlmation on population and the number of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers and also the number of workers (main and marginal) classified by their economic activities i.e., cultivators, agricultural labourers, workers in household industry and other workers have been presented in this paper. Since the release of final population figures may take some more time, it is hoped that the provisional population data being presented in this paper would be quite useful and beneficial for the planners, government and non-government organizations, researchers and the local data users. I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the Registrar General and Census Commissionl..~r, India and his team of dedicated officers for the able guidance and encouragement provided by them in giving final shape to this paper. I am personally grateful to officers and staff of my own directorate for all the strain they took in preparing this paper in the shortest possible time. It is only because of their untiring effort and dedication that it has been possible to bring out this paper within a short span of time. Sudhir Kumar Rakesh Patna Director of Census Operations, lharkhand The 23'0 April,2002 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT List of Officers/Officials involved in preparation of Provisional Population Totals SI.No. Name Designation Sri Phool Singh Joint Director 2 Sri M.M.A.Beg Deputy Director 3 Sri S. K. Sinha Deputy Director 4 Sri K.K.Das Assistant Director 5 Sri M. Guria Research Officer (Map) 6 Sri B.K. Shrivastava Printing Officer 7 Sri P.M. Prasad Statistical Investigator Gr. I 8 Sri T.N. Rukhaiyar Statistical Investigator Gr. I Census Tabulation Unit Section 9 Sri K.N.P Srivastava Statistical Investigator Gr. II 10 Sri Ganesh Pd. Singh Statistical Investigator Gr. H 11 Sri S. K. Singh Statistical Investigator Gi. II 12 Sri M.K.P. Sharma Statistical Investigator Gr. HI 13 Sri Shailendra Kr. Sinha Statistical Investigator Gr. I H 14 Sri Binod Kumar Sinha Printing Inspector 15 Sri Kishori Sharan Sf. Compi ler 16 Sri Birendra Pd. Singh Sf. Compiler 17 Sri Rajiv Kr. Sinha Sr. Compi ler 18 Sri Oecpak Kr. Mishra Sr. Compi ler 19 Sri G. K. Labh Compiler 20 Sri Ashok Kr. Sharma Compiler 21 Sri Amar Chandra Sinha Compiler 22 Sri Sheo Balak Prasad Compiler Computer Cell 23 Sri Anup Kr. Verma D.E.O."B" 24 Sri S.S. Srivastava O.E.O."B" 25 Sri N.K. Srivastav D.E.O."B" Confidential Section 26 Sri Suresh Ravidas Confidential Assistant 27 Sri Md. Ashraful Hoda L.D.C. 28 Sri Vijay Kumar Verma Assistant Compi ler Map Section 29 Sri U.K.Mandal Sf. Geographer 30 Sri lndra Kant Mishra Sr. Drawing Assistant vii CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 PROVISIONAL POPULATION TOTALS FIGURES AT A GLANCE JHARKHAND Total Rural Urban POPULATION Persons 26,909,428 20,922,731 5,986,697 Males 13,861,277 10,660,430 3,200,847 Females 13,048,151 10,262,301 2,785,850 DECADAL POPULA TION GROWTH Absolute 5,065,517 (1991-2001) Percentage 23.19 SEX RATIO (FEMALES Total Rural Urban PER 1000 MALES) 941 963 870 LITERACY RATE Total Rural Urban Persons 54.13 46.26 79.86 Males 67.94 61.57 87.73 Females 39.38 30.33 70.71 WORKERS AND NON -WORKERS Absolute Percentage to Total POP" lation TOT AL WORKERS (MAIN & MARGINAL)Persons 10,127,733 37.64 Males 6,682,839 48.21 Females 3,444,894 26.40 a) MAIN WORKERS Persons 6,462,736 24.02 Males 5,158,527 37.22 Females 1,304,209 10.00 b) MARGINAL WORKERS Persons 3,664,997 13.62 Males 1,524,312 11.00 Females 2,140,685 16.41 NON-WORKERS Persons 16,781,695 62.36 Males 7,178,438 51.79 Females 9,603,257 73.60 CATEGORY OF WORKERS Absolute Percentage to Total Workers (MAIN AND MARGINAL) I. CULTlV A TORS Persons 3,908,235 38.59 Males 2,430,303 36.37 Females 1,477,932 42.90 IX Absolute Percentage to Total Workers II. AGRICUL TlJRAL LABOlJRERS Persons 2,861,939 28.26 Males 1,491,828 22.32 Females 1.,370,111 39.77 III. WORKERS IN HOlJSEHOLD INDlJSTRY Persons 420,118 4.15 Males 229,235 3.43 Females 190,883 5.54 IV. OTHER WORKERS Persons 2,937,441 29.00 Males 2,531,473 37.88 Females 405,968 11.78 . ~ en a: W I- •• «ena: ::J I OW I O~ U «0W« , w - I a: 1-0:: CD -... <t l enz ... I-~ t::: - (/)0 ::::;: Z OW --. a:> .( (J) u_ ::::: Q: . -- .......... 0:: ::::l • W ene:! I a:w en ~ ')r' a:: u_W <t u.. ::2' ~ ~ ~- - 1... => :: a o ~ o W en « ::2'a:« w w Z I I I- a: 0« · i 1- . - ::J o ~ a: o ~o 'r;;; ,._ Ow- « GO ) J'" I w I C ) -v' \ .. / \ IW l I-I WI .> ~ / . '"'\ a:W \. 8 _/ IW::2'« ~ Z : ---,~/ ~ \ • ,~ CD . I ~. {f . J • \_:I:,,0 :I: I o « ,/ 0 cr 00 - a / ·v·_,·._/·-..._ '$ ,....., -< ') ~ J (/) \ '" • <:J. 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