ArquivosInstituto dc filosofia Diplomáticos e UNICAMP c C^,iências Mu^anas

Estrangeiros sobre o Brasil I (Estados Unidos) e II (Grã Bretanha)




Título: Arquivos Diplomáticos e Estrangeiros sobre o Brasil I (Estados Unidos) e II (Grã-Bretanha)

Natureza; INSTITUCIONAL Nível de descrição: Coleção Data(s): 1808-1963 Dimensão e suporte; 484 rolos de microfilmes (ADEB I), 16 DVDs (ADEB II). Nome(s) do(s) produtor(es); Embaixadas e Consulados dos Estados Unidos e do Brasil História arquivística: A coleçao ADEB I foi adquirida em dois momentos: entre 1985 e 1986 , o Banco do Estado oe São Paulo S.A. (Banespa) patrocinou a microfilmagem e a vinda para o Brasil de algumas séries documentais que compõem o Record Group 59/General Records of the Department of State in the National Archives, Washington, DC. São eies: Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Affairs of , 1910-1929 ((\/l519), Records of the Department of State Relating to Politicai Relations between the and Brazil, 1910-1929 (M525), Records of the Department of State Relating to Politicai Relations between Brazil and the Others States, 1910-1929 (M526), Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, 1930-1939 (M1472), Records oí the Department of State Relating to Internai Politicai and National Defense Affairs of Brazil, 1950-1954 (M1487), Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Economic, Industrial, and Social Affairs of Brazil, 1950-1954 (M1489), Records of the Department of State Relating to Interna! Affairs of Brazil, 1945-1949 (M1492), Despatches from U.S. Consults in Santos, Brazil, 1831-1906 (T351), Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, 1960-1963 (C80). Em 2008, esta coleção veio a ser complementada com a aquisição de outras séries do mesmo Record Group 59/General Records of the Department of State in the National Archives. Estes microfilmes foram adquiridos pela Biblioteca Prof. Dr. Octávio Ianni, Projeto FAP-Livros V/FAPESP. São eles: Notes from the Brazilian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1824-1906 (M49), Despatches from U.S. Ministers to Brazil, 1809-1906 (M121), Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Politicai and National Defense Affairs of Brazil, 1955-1959 (1511), Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Affairs of Brarl, 1940-1944 (M1515), Despatches from U.S. Consults in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1829-18S7 (T145), Despatches from U.S Consults in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1811-1906 (T172), Despatches from U.S. Consults in Bahia, Brazil, 1850-1906 (T331), Despatches from U.S. Consults in Pernambuco, Brazil, 1817-1906 (T344), Despatches from U.S. Consults in Maranham (Maranhão), Brazil, 1817-1876 (T398), Despatches from U.S. Consults in Sro Salvador, Brazil, 1808-1849 (T432), Despatches from U.S. Consults in Para, Brazil, 1831-1906 (T478), Despatches from U.S. Consults in Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1831-1874 (T483). Respeitamos os codigos de acesso dos microfilmes originais, que se encontram entre parêntesis, e atribuímos um número de localização física para guarda no AEL. A coleção ADEB II foi adquirida por meio da Biblioteca Prof. Dr. Octávio lanni/IFCH, através do Projeto FAP-Livros V/FAPESP, e encaminhada ao AEL no ano de 2012. O AEL possui "FO 13 Foreign Office, General Correspondencel906, Brazil". Procedência: Doação em 198_ e 2008 (ADEB I) e em 2012 (ADEB II). Âmbito e conteúdo: Arquivos Diplomáticos e Estrangeiros sobre o Brasil I (Estados Unidos): 1799- 1963. Esta documentação pertence ao "Record Group 59: General Records of Departament of State" do National Archives, Washington, D.C. A coleção abrange correspondências com os oficiais diplomáticos e consulares norte-americanos, firmas oarticulares e indivíduos. Há relatórios sobre política, ordem pública, assuntos militares e económicos do Brasil. A documentação microfilmada pelo Banespa traz mensagens presidenciais ao governo brasileiro ao Congresso Nacional, artigos de jornais, panfletos, informes sobre as condições de vida e comportamentos sociais, análises militares sobre as relações do Brasil e outros países, posição do governo Vargas frente aos Estados Unidos. A documentação microfilmada por meio do Projeto FAP-Livros V traz "Dispatches from US Ministers to Brazil, 1808-1906" (74 rolos de microfilme) e todas as séries até 1963 dos "Pecords of the Department of State relating to internai affairs of Brazil": 1910-1929 (59 rolos), 1930-39 (48 rolos), 1940-44 (84 rolos), 1945-49, 1950-54, 1955-59 e 1960-63. O AEL possui documentação dos vários consulados norte-americanos do começo do século XIX até 1906, Os distritos consulares são; Rio Grande do Sul, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina (até 1874), Pará, Pernambuco, Bahia e Maranham [sic] (até 1876). Arquivos Diplomáticos e Estrangeiros sobre o Brasil II (Grã-Bretanha): 1824-1905. A coieção é formada por correspondências sobre o Brasil, especialmente das relações económicas e políticas entre o Brasil e a Grã-Bretanha. Inclui informação, às vezes bastante detalhada, sobre a política interna brasileira; traz correspondências entre oficiais dos dois países e relatórios de fontes não governamentais. Local; Washington, Estados Unidos. Sistema de arranjo: ADEB I: está dividido 21 series documentais: M49: Notes from the Brazilian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1824-1906; M121; Despatches from U.S. Ministers to Brazil, 1809-1906; M519: Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, 1910-1929; M525: Records of the Department of State Relating to Po :ical Relations between the United States and Brazil, 1910-1929; M526: Records of the Department of State Relating to Politicai Relations between Brazil and the Others States, 1910-1929; M1472: Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, 1930-1939; M1487: Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Politicai and National Defense Affairs of Brazil, 1950-1954; M1489: Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Econcmic, Industrial, and Social Affairs of Brazil, 1950-1954; M1492: Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, 1945-1949; M1511: Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Politicai and National Defense Affairs of Brazil, 1955-1959; M1515: Records of the Department of State Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, 1940-1944; T145; Despatches from U.S. Consults in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1829-1897; T172: Despatches from U.S Consults in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1811-1906; T331: Despatches from U.S. Consults in Bahia, Brazil, 1850-1906; T344: Despatches from U.S. Consults in Pernambuco, Brazil, 1817-1906; T351: Despatches from U.S. Consults in Santos, Brazil, 1831-1906; T398: Despatches from U.S. Consults in Maranham (Maranhão), Brazil, 1817-1876; 1432: Despatches from U.S. Consults in São Salvaaor, Brazil, 1808-1849 T478: Despatches from U.S. Consults in Para, Brazil, 1831-1906; T483: Despatches from U.S. Consults in Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1831-1874; C80: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, 1960-1963. ADEB II; 16 DVDs contendo 865 volumes. Condições de acesso: Consulta livre. Localização Física: ADEB MR/0001-MR/0484 (ADEB I); DVO/00311-DVD/00326 (ADEB II). Veja em notas a correspondência entre a série documental feita pelo National Archives e a localização física no AEL Condições de reprodução: Consultar normas internas do AEL. Idioma: Inglês, francês, alemão entre outros. Instrumentos de pesquisa: ADEB I: Catálogo: http:/'; Research Our Records, Microfilm Catalog, Brazil. ADEB II; Catálogo;; Versão impressa na Sala de Consulta do AEL. Endereço do arquivo eletrônico: Documentos catalogados no Sistema de Bibliotecas da Unicamp: Nota sobre publicação: IViAKbHALL, Oliver. Brazil in Erirish and Irish archives. [Oxford, ]: Centre for Brazilian Studies, University of Oxford, 2002; MARSHALL, Oliver. Brasil nos arquivos Britânico e Irlandeses: guia de fontes, Trad. Esther Caldas Bertoletti, 2002. Notas: ADEB I: 21 séries documentais: M49: ADEB MR/0001-MR/0008; M121: ADEB MR/0009- MR/0082; M519: ADEB MR/0083-IViR/0136; M525: ADEB MR'0137; M526: ADEB MR/0138-MR/0139; M1472: ADEB MR/0140-MR/0187; M1487: ADEB MR/0188-MR/0201; M1489: ADEB MR/0202- MR/0235; M1492: ADEB MR/0236-MR/0283: M1511: ADEB MR/0284-MR/0291; M1515: ADEB MR/0292-MR/0375; T145: ADEB MR/0376-MR/0382; T172: ADEB MR/0383-MR/0415; T331; ADEB MR/0416-MR/0423; T344: ADEB MR/0424-MR/0440; 1351: ADEB MR/0441-MR/0445; T398: ADEB MR/0446-MR/0448; T432: ADEB MR/0449-MR/0452; T478: ADEB MR/0453-MR/0461; T483: ADEB MR/0462-MR/0463; C80: ADEB MR/0464-MR/0484. ADEB II: 865 volumes: v. 1-84 DVD/00311; v. 84- 180 DVD/00312; v. 181-250 DVD/00313; v. 251-290 DVD/00314; v. 291-338 DVD/00315; v. 339-387 DVD/00316; v. 388-425 DVD/00317; v. 425-480 DVD/00318; v. 481-502 DVD/00319; v. 503-558 DVD/00320; v. 559-609 DVD/00321; v. 610-659 DVD/00322, v. 660-672 DVD/00323; v. 673-740 OVD/00324; v. 741-800 DVD/00325, v. 801-865 DVD/00326. Nota do arquivista: Descrição elaborada pelo Processamento Técnico em outubro de 2016. Arquivos Diplomáticos e Estrangeiros

sobre o Brasil I (Estados Unidos)

Código nos Título da publicação Quantidade de Localização física USA rolos no AEL M49 Notes from the Brazilian Legation in the 8 ADEB MR/0001- United States to the Department of State, MR/0008 1824-1906 M121 Despatches from U.S. Ministers to Brazil, 74 ADEB MR/0009- 1809-1906 M R/0082 M519 Records of the Department of State 54 ADEB MR/0083- Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, M R/0136 1910-1929 M525 Records of the Department of State 1 ADEB MR/0137 Relating to Politicai Relations between the United States and Brazil, 1910-1929 M526 Records of the Department of State 2 ADEB MR/0138- Relating to Politicai Relations between M R/0139 Brazil and the Others States, 1910-1929 M1472 Records of the Department of State 48 ADEB M R/0140- Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, M R/0187 1930-1939 M1487 Records of the Department of State 14 ADEB M R/0188- Relating to Internai Politicai and National M R/0201 Defense Affairs of Brazil, 1950-1954 M1489 Records of the Department of State 34 ADEB MR/0202- Relating to Internai Economic, Industrial, MR/0235 and Social Affairs of Brazil, 1950-1954 M1492 Records of the Department of State 48 ADEB MR/0236- Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, MR/0283 1945-1949 M1511 of the Department of State Relating to 8 ADEB MR/0284- Internai Politicai and National Defense MR/0291 Affairs of Brazil, 1955-1959 M1515 Records of the Department of State 84 ADEB MR/0292- Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, MR/0375 1940-1944 T145 Despatches from U.S. Consults in Rio 7 ADEB MR/0376- Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1829-1897 MR/0382 T172 Despatches from U.S. Consults in Rio de 33 ADEB MR/0383- Janeiro, Brazil, 1811-1906 M R/0415 T331 Despatches from U.S. Consults in Bahia, 8 ADEB M R/0416- Brazil, 1850-1906 M R/0423 T344 Despatches from U.S. Consults in 17 ADEB MR/0424- Pernambuco, Brazil, 1817-1906 M R/0440 T351 Despatches from U.S. Consults in 5 ADEB M R/0441- Santos, Brazil, 1831-1906 M R/0445 T398 Despatches from U.S. Consults in 3 ADEB MR/0446- Maranham (Maranhão), Brazil, 1817- M R/0448 1876 ll ^ UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS gi y ÉS INSTITUTO DE FILOSOFIA E CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth p 5 1 UNICAMP Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social c Cjcncúis M uniami

T432 Despatches from U.S. Consults in São 4 ADEB MR/0449- Salvador, Brazii, 1808-1849 M R/0452 T478 Despatches from U.S. Consults in Para, 9 ADEB MR/0453- Brazil, 1831-1906 M R/0461 T483 Despatches from U.S. Consults in Santa 2 ADEB MR/0462- Catarina, Brazil, 1831-1874 M R/0463 C80 Records of the U.S. Department of State 21 ADEB MR/0464- Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil, M R/0484 1960-1963

Arquivos Diplomáticos e Estrangeiros

sobre o Brasil II (Grã-Bretanha)

Codiqo nos USA Localização física no AEL v. 1-84 DVD/00311 v. 84-180 DVD/00312 v. 181-250 DVD/00313 v. 251-290 DVD/00314 v. 291-338 DVD/00315 v. 339-387 DVD/00316 v. 388-425 DVD/00317 v. 426-480 DVD/00318 v. 481-502 DVD/00319 v. 503-558 DVD/Q0320 v. 559-609 DVD/00321 v. 610-659 DVD/00322 v, 660-672 DVD/00323 v. 673-740 DVD/Q0324 v. 741-800 DVD/Q0325 v. 801-865 DVD/00326 Arquivos

Diplomáticos e

Estranr siros

soarc o brasil I


UNICAMP Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth 'jnstítuto de fMosofia' nc as Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social c Oí^ ' Humanas


Notes from the rrazilian

Legatio i in the United

States to the Department of



ADEB JVIR/30C J-MR/0008 Frequently Ajked Question Dctail tinps //


Publication Summary | Continue to ( Publication Details Publication Number: M49 ■an^ Publication Title: A/i Notes From the Erazilian Legatiun ín tne Unuea btates to tne Department of State, Jhtó View important Publication 1824-1906. Details Record Group Number; 59 Note; Prices shown in the Publication Record Group Title: Details are no longer valid. General Records of the Department of State Viewing Locations Number ofRolls/Fiche Form; Color: /Disks; Microfilm, B'ack & White Location Facility 8 35mm National Archives at Kiverside For Sale: ForRent: NARA's Rocky Mountain Region (Denver, Yes No CO) SubjectTerm(s); NARA's Southeast Region (Atlanla, GA) Brazil (South America) nation; Diplomatic and consular service Records and correspondence NARAs Great Lakes Region (Chicago IL) NARA'; Northeast Region (Boston, MA) National Archives at Co'lege Park - Archives II (College Park, MD) National Archives at Kansas City NARAs Mid Atlantic Region (Philadelphia PA) NARms Pacific Aaska Region (Seattle, NA)

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Collection of this informafion is authonzeo by t4 U.S.C. 2108. Disclosure of the information is voluntary, however, we will be unable to respond to your request if you do not furnish your name and address and the minimum required information about the records. The information is used by NARA employees to search for the record; to respond to you; to maintain contrai over information requests received and answered; and to facilitate preparation of internai statistical reports. If you provide credit card information, that information is used to bill you for copies. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not requ red to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB contrai number. The OMB Contrai No. for this information collection is 3095-0027. Public burden reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be 10 minutes per response. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the information collection, induding suggestions for reducing this burden, to National Archives and Records Administration (NHP), 8601 Adelphi Road, CoHege Park MD 20740. DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. Home Contact Us Privacy Policy Accessibility Freedom of Information Act The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272


Pamphlet Accompanying Microcopy No. 49



On tlie eight rolls oí this microcopy ax-e x^epx-oduced eight volunips that consist, fox- the most pax-t, of notes trom the Braziilan Legation (Embassy alter 1905) in the United States to the Department of State between April 5, 1824, and July 27, 1906. On Roll 1 of this micro- film publication are reproduced selected pages from 13 State Depax-t- ment registers of correspondence, which, taken as a unit, comprise a register of notes from the Bx-azilian Legation from April 5, 1824, through December 26, 1906. These notes, with theír enciosimes, are arranged in chx-onological order.

Occasionally thei'e are included in the volumes unofficial Commu- nications from officials of the Brazilian Legation to the Department of State, Communications from Brazilian officials to the President of the United States, memoranda prepared by State Depaxdment officials commenting on Brazilian notes, memoranda of conversations between officials of the Bx-azilian Legation and the Department of State, Com- munications from White House officials, and copies of speeches de- livei'ed by Bx-azilian ministers and ambassadors.

The notes contained in this sei ies are written in French. Portu- guese, or Engiish. Those in French and Portuguese are frequently accompanied by Engiish translations prepared by the Department of State. Among the enclosures are letters from tiie Emperor of Brazil to the President of the United States, Communications from the Min- ister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, lists of officials and employees of the Brazilian Legation and of Brazilian consular officials in the United States, copies of Communications from Brazilian consulates in the United States to the Legation. and pamphlets, newspapers, and other printed materiais.

The records reproduced in this microcopy are part of a body of records in the National Archives designated as Record Group 59, General Records of the Department of State.

In the same record group in tne National Archives are several other series of records on relations between Brazil and the United States. Complementary to the notes from the Bi'azilian Legation are the notes to the Brazilian Legation in the United States from tlxe De- partment of State. 1834-1906 (Roll 9 of Microcopy 99); copies of instxmctions from the Department of State to United States Ministers to Brazil, 1833-1906 (Rolls 23-26 of Microcopy 77); and despatches

2 from United States Ministers to Brazil to the Department, 1809-1906 (Microcopy 121).

In addition there are despatches from United States consular officials at Bahia, 1850-1906; Maranhão, 1818-76; Para, 1831-1906; Pernambuco, 1817-1906; Rio de Janeiro, 1811-1906; Rio Grande do Sul, 1829-97; St. Catherine, 1831-50; and Santos, 1831-1906. Com- plementary to the despatches are instructions to the consuls. Ali these series were discontinued on August 14, 1906, when the Depart- ment of State adopted the practice of filing incoming and outgoing cor- respondence by subject.

In Record Group 84, Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State, in the National Archives, are records originally kept at U. S. diplomatic and consular posts. Among these are rec- ords of the U. S. Legation (later Embassy) in Brazil, 1809-1935, as well as those of most consular posts in that country.


Volume Inclusive Dates

[RegisterJ 1824 - 1906 1 Apr. 5, 1824 - Sept. 3, 1829 2 Sept. 2, 1829 - Mar. 8, 1849 3 Apr. 10, 1849 - June 27, 1859 4 Sept. 27, 1859 - July 27, 1867 5 Aug. 13, 1867 - June 27, 1876 6 July 4, 1876 - Dec. 31, 1889 7 Jan. 3, 1890 - Dec. 14, 1900 8 Jan. 24, 1901 - July 27, 1906

Total $28



úespalohes from U.S.

Minisíars to '3razil

13C 9-1906

ADEB MR/0009-MR/0082 Frequently Question Detail https //eservii;'start.swe


Publication Summary | Conti Publication Details Publication Number; M121 Publication Titie: / Despalches From U.S. Ministers to Brazil, 1809-1906. View Important Publication Record Group Number: Details 59 Record Group Titie: Note: Prices shown in the Publication General Records of the Department of State Details are no longer valid Number of Rolls/Fiche Form: Color; Viewing Locations /Disks: Microfilm, Black & White 74 35mm Location Facility ti For Sale: For Rent: National Archives at Riverside Yes No vlARAs Rocky Mountain Region (Denver, SubjectTerm(s): CO) Brazil (South America) natiorr Diplomatic and consular service Records and NARA's Southeast Region (Afanta, GA) correspondence NARA'? Great Lakes Region (Chicago, 11) NARA's Northeast Region (Boston, MA) National Archives at College Park - Archives II (College Park, MD) National Archives at Kansas City NARA's Mid Atlantic Region (Philadelphia, PA) NAPA's Pacific Alaska Region (Seattle WA,

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Collection of this infcrmation is authonzea oy 44 U.S.C. 2108. Disclosure of the information is voluntary, however, we will be unable to respond to your request if you do not furnish your name and address and the minimum required information about the records. The information is nsed by NARA employees to search for the record; to respond to you; to maintain contrai over information requests received and answered; and to facilitate preparation of internai statistical reports. If you provide credit card information, that information is used to bill you for copies. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT A ^ederal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB contrai number. The OMB Contrai No. for this information collection is 3095-0027. Public burden reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be 10 minutes per response. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to National Archives and Records Administration (NHP), 8601 Adelphi Road, Col'ege Park MD 20740. DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. Home Contact Us Privacy Policy Accessibility Freedom of Information Act The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone; 1-86-NARA-NARA cr 1-866-272-6272

l de 1 31/05/2016 13:50 » • » ^ 1 H J " 4 ' tSATlONAl ARCHlVt S MlCROKlM RUBI IC ATIONS • ? ■ '-'V 'W , .. -f. _ PAMpHIÉT DESCR^ING M121 '■ •

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^ -W' I'í^ r/i.a> -^*ÉI mi * /SBA. * I "i & f' * * 4 \ NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RCCORDS SERVICE QENÈftAl.SERVI^E.S adminjstrat.ion

^WASHÍNGTONs 1197j ■ v ' 1/ ^ A « > A # « RICHARD NIXON President of the United States

ROBERT L. KUNZIC Adminislraíor of General Services iAMES b. rhoads Archivist oftne United States

The recorõs i-eproclaced in the n icrcfil;,-; publication

ai'e fro^

General Records of the l)ep„rtnent of State

Record Group ^9

j.n the líational Archivea

Note: xntroductory rerr.arhs in this pamphlet incluõe revisions

to the pamphlet issued in 195^• DESPATCHES FROM CJNiTEL STATES MINISTERS TO BKAZIL 1809 1906 On the rolls of this rcicrofilm publication are reproauced 7^ volujr:es that consist mainly of despatches addressed to the Department of State by U.S. diplomatlc representatives to Brazil between April 3j 1809, and Áagust 10, 1906. On the first roll are reprodaced selecteò pages froip 13 State Department registers of correspondence, whlch, taken as a unit, comprise a register of despatches frcni Brazil frotn April 3, 1809, through December U, 1906. Most of the coramunicatlons are original despatches, and many of them are accorapanied by enclosures. These despatches relate to such iratters as Brazilian politicai and economic conditions and events, cases of alleged mlstreatrnent of United States citizens in Brazil, claims of these citizens agalnst the Brazilian Government, slavery and the slave trade In Brazil, operations of United States naval vessels in the South At?antic, violations of Brazilian neutrality during the Civil War in the United States, trade between Brazil and the United States, and the appointment, qualification, and conduct of United States consular of- ficials in Brazil. Many of the enclosures are copies of notes to or from officials of the Brazilian foreign office. Such notes, in turn, often transrnit enclosures, such as copies of complaints or claims by United States citizens, and various klnds of Information conceming • Brazil requested by United States diplonatic representatives. Other enclosures relate to other activlties of United States citizens or of- ficials. Pamphlets, issues of newspapers, and other printed materiais are soraetiraes enclosed Apart from numbered despatches and enclosures, these volumes con- tain tnany unnumbered comraunications, some of which are marked "Prlvate" or "Confidential." These unnumbered coirmiunicaticns, more informal than despatches, rcay report offlclal matters requiring secrecy or not 'fully covered in the despatches or may convey personal news, acknowledgmeuts of appointment, announcements of arrival or departure, and bills of of- ficial expenses. The volumes also contain occasional telegrams or ca- bles, which are not numbered, Communications from private citizens and Vhite House officials, and memoranaums prepared by State Department officials. From March T, 1809, the date of the appointment of Thomas Sumter, Jr., as Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to the court of the Prince Regent of Portugal in Bra?il, until August 6, 1820, when Sumter's successor, John Graham, died, the ranking United States of- ficlal in Brazil held the rank of Minister Plenipotentiary. In April 1821 the Portuguese court left Brazil for Portugal, and the comraunica- tions from United States diplomatlc representatives in Brazil cease on July 12, 1821. It wlll be noted that there is a gap in the series from that date until December 11, 182U. From March Q, 1825, the date of the appointment of Condy Baguet as Chargé d'Affalres of the United States in Brazil, until September 13, 18U1, the chief of the United States diplomatlc mission in Brazil held the title of Gharge d^ffaires. From September 13, l8i(.l, the date of the appointment of William Hunter as Envoy Extraordlnary and Minister Plenipotentiary, until January 13, 1905, the head of the mission to Brazil held this title. Since January

1 13> 1905, the date of the appolntment of David E. Thompson as Ambassadcr Extraordlnary and Plenipotentiaryj the title of the head of the mission has been that of Ambassador Extraordlnary and Plenipctentlary.

An index by names of authors follows this introductlon, givlng the author^ title, if any. inclusive dates of corranunlcations wrltten by him, and the numbers of the rolls on uhich the conmunications are filmed. The followlng abbreviations for titles have been used : MP, Minlster Plenlpotentiary; EE and MP, Envoy Extraordlnary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary; and AF and P, Ambassador Extraordlnary and Plenipotentiary. The records reproduced in this microcopy are part of a body of records in the National Archives designated as General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59. In the same record grcup in the National Archives are several se- ries cf volumes containing additional rnatei-ial on the relaticns between Brazll and the United States. Coirplc-entary to the diploiratlc des- patches are instructions tc United States Kinisters to Brazil, 1833- 1906 (reproduced as I.Í77, rolls P.I-V.G). Also related to these are notes from the Brazilian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 182U-15C6 (M'i-9), notes from the Department of State to the Bra- zilian Legation, 183^-19^6 (M99, roll 9), despatches from United States consular officlals in Bahia (Salvador), 1830-1906, toranham (Sao Luiz), 1818-76, Pará, I83I-1996 (includlng despatches fron Manát-s, 1881-82, Maranham, 1870-77, and Parnahibn, 1867-72), Pernambuco (Recife), 1817- 1906, Rio Grande, iblf-lJOè, and Santos, 1331-1900; and instructions to these consuls. Ali these series werc discontinued cii August 1^-, 1906, when the Department of State adopted the practice of fillag Incoming and outgoing corrçspondence by subjcct. There are related records in other record grrups in the National Archives. Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the cf State, F.ecord Group 8U, inclunes the records of the United States lega- tion in Brazil, 1809-1935, as well as those of various consular por.ts in that country. In the Naval Records Colleotlon of the Office cf Naval Records and Library, Record Group 1+3, are the Lcttera Peceivcd by the Secretary of the Navy fron Commanding Officers cf tbc Brazil, l8Vl-6l, and South Atlantic, 1865-85, squadrons, (mR9, rolls ihjjo and P07-227).


Adams, Robert, Jr., EE and MP, Apr. 11, 1889 - Jun^ 10, 1890, 50-51 Anderson, George B., Secretary of Degatxon, July 24, 1893 - Sent, 21, 139A, 56-59 Appleton, John James, Secretary of Legation and Chargé d^faires, April 20, 1819 - July 12, 1821, 5 Armstrong, H. Clay, Cônsul General, Rio de Janeiro, ard Ohargé d'^- faires, Nov. 19, 1888 - Aug. 3, 1889, 50 Banks, V.'. Ví., Secretary of Legation, Kov. 3-30, 1857, 27 Beúwell, Thomas, Jr., Feb. 15, 1826, 6 Biddle, Thosas, Secretary of Legation, and Secretary of Legation and Chargé d'Affaires, Oct. 16, 1861 - June 9, 1863, 29-30 Blackford, Alexander L., Secretary af Legation ano. Chargé d,Àffaires, July 1-Oct. 25, 1861, 29 Blow, Henry T., SE and HP, liay 10, 1869 - July 26, 1871, 37-41 Blow, Susie, Dec. 13, 1870, 40 Briggs, VíilliamM., Secretary of Legation, Sept. 4, I863 - Apr. 5, 1864, 31-3-2 Brown, Ethan A., Chargé d'Affaires, June 5, 1330 - liar. 1, 1835, 10-12 Jryan, Charles Page, EL and MP, Mb. 21, 189S - Nov, 30, 1902, 64- 70 Clack, Franklin K., Secretary of Legation, 1'a.r. 15-Oct. 28, I85I, 21 Conger, Edwin H., EE and HP, Oct. 4, 1890 - Dec. 14, 1893 und June 3, 1897 - Feb. 15, 1898, 52-57 and 63-c4 Coxe, Ferdinand, Secreuarv of Legation, Feb. 3, 1852 - Aug. 2o, I853, 21-22 Crichton, william, Secretary of Legation, and Secretary of Legation and Chargé d'Affaires, Apr. 3, 1896 - aug. 16, 1897, 61-62 Davraon, Thomas 0., Secretary of Legation, and Secretary of Legation and Ohargé d'Affaires, July 21, ^897 - Liay 18, 1904, 63-64, 66- 69, and 71-72 Dillon, Ho.naine, Feb. 25, I857 - Feb. 12, 1861, 27-28 Dockery, Oliver H., Cônsul General, Rio de Janeiro, and Chargé d,Af- faxres, Feb. 24, 1890 - Liar. 19, 1892, 51 and 54 Edwards, V/illiam Hayden, Secretary of Legation, Kov. 2, 18'77 - June 25, 1878, 45 Glover, R. 0., Oct. 5, 1852, 21 Graham, John, KP, lúay 9, 1619 - Liar. 29, 1620, 5 Griscom, Lloyd C., AE and P, liar. 2-^ug. 10, 1906, 74 Oros, J. A., clerk of the Legation, líov. 24, 1867, 35 Hilliard, Henry Tf., EE^ar.d LIP, Aug. 7, 1877 - Jan. 16, 1882, 44-47 Hunter, Tíilliam, Chargé c^Bfaires and EE and LíF, July 6, 1834 - Liar. 13, 1844, 12-14 Jarvis, Thomas J., EE and HP, Éay 6, 1885 - Feb. 21, 1889, 46-50 Kent, Edward, Cônsul, Rio de Janeiro, and Chargé d U-.ffaires, July 12-Sept. 11, 1852, 21 Lawrence, Víilliam H,, Secretary of Legation and Chargé dLdTfaires, Lar. 19-JuIy 11, 1892, 54 Laaarus, Charles L., Secretary of Legation, January 7, 1862, 29 Lee, James Fenner, Secretary of Legation and Chargé dLiffaircs, Mar, 29, 1890 - July 18, 1891, 51-53 Lidgerwood, William V. V., Secretary of Legation and Chargé dLLf- faires, Oct. 23, 1805 - «ar. 25, 1869, 34 and 36 Lorillard, George L., Secretary of Eubassy, May 30, 1906, 74

3 Mann, A. Dudley, Mar. 5, 1857, 26 Mann,Briiliaiii Grayson, Secretary of Leí?ation, t.íay 5, IH55 - Sent. 30, 1856, 24-25 Harkell, Charles F., Secretary of Legation, and Secretary of Lega- tion and Charge d'Affaires, July 30, 1892 - June 30, 1896, 54-56 Heade, Richard K., ES and MP, July 27, I857 - Oct. 1, 1861, 27-29 ÍJonroe, James, Cônsul, Rxc de Janeiro, and Chargé d'Affaires, June 7-Áug. 28, 1869, 37 horgan, Thonas J., Secretary of Legation, Sent. 27, 1847 - Jan. 19, IS49, 19 Os bom, Tliomas A., EE and MP, Sept. 23, 1881 - July 10, IS 8 5, 46- 48 Partridge, James R., EE andgt, iisty 29, 1871 - ÍJay 3, 1878 , 40-45 Pittwan, ,í. D., clerk and castodian of thc archives of tí^e Lepation, Aug. 13-31, 1904, 72 Proffit, George H., EE and y.P, June 20, 1843 - Aug. 14, 1844, U Purrington, hilliara^A., Secretary of Legation, and Secretary of Le- gation and Ciiarge dBffaires, Apr. 15, 1875 - Apr. 5, 1S77, 43- liappiet, Condy, Chargé d";iffaires, Dec, 11, 1824 - Sent. 10, 1829, 6—7 Richardson, Charles, Secretary of Legation and Secretary of Embassy, and Ghargc d^faires, Seot. 5, 1904 - lay 25, 1906, 72-74 Rutter, Philxp, Commercial Agent, Rio de Janeiro, Apr. 4, 1817, 4 Schenck, Robert C,, EE and MP, Mar. I5, IP5I - Oct. 11, lí;53, 21-22 Seeger, Eugene, Cônsul General, de Janeiro, serving as custodian of the Legation, dec. 13, 1902 - liar. 3, 1903, 69-70 Síiamon, Ricliard Cutts, Secretary of Legation, and Secretary of Lega- tion and Chargé d'Affaires, June 30, 1871 - June 9, 1875'. 41-44' Sternberg, Jime 30, 1887, 49 Ste-vcns, 0. F., United States Despatch Agent, Aug. 24, 1878, 45 Surater, Thomas, Jr., MP, Apr. 3., 1809 - L'ay 22, 1819, 2-4 Thompson, David E., EE and MP, Oct. 17, 1902 - Jan, 16, 1906, 70-74 Thompson, Thomas L., EE and MP, May 25, 1893 - Sent. 7, 1897, 56-63 Tcd, David, EE and MP, Aug. 9, 1847 - Kov. 9, 1851, 19-20 Trail, Charles B., Secretary of Legation and Chargé dlAffaires, Oct. 19, 1883 - Pov, 17, 1888, 48-50 Trousdale, Charles Vi., Secretary of Legation, June 30 and Dec. 5, 1857, 26 Trousdale, Vfilliam, EE and PP, June 7, 1853 - Dec. 5, 1857, 23-26 Tudor, Viilliam, Chargé d^ffaires, fiovj 20, 1827 - Feb. 1, I8.3O, 8 Venable, .Villiam tu., Secretary of Legation, June 2, 1854, 23 IValsh, Robert M., Secretarj' of Legation, June 13, 1842 - July 1, 1847, 14-16 and 18 T/ebb, James Vatson, EE and MP, June 3, 1h6í - June 26, 18é9, 29-36 Vfnite, John C., Secretory of Lepation and Chargé d,Affaires, Sept, 9, 1878 - May 12, 1888, 45-50 Mlliams, Samuel T., Secretam of Legation, Oct. 15, 1887 - Oct. 6, 1888, 50 Víise, Henry A., EE and MP, Feb. 17, 1844 - Nov. 3, 1847, I5-I8 bright, Robert Cxinton, Secretary of Legation and Chargé d'Affaires, Hov. 9, 1870 - July 24, 1871, 40-41 VVright, William H. "D. C., Cônsul, Rio de Janeiro, and Chargé d^f- faires, liar. 12, I83O - Feb. 26, 1831, 9 Iright, V/illiasa T., Secretary of Legation, Dec. 31, 1857 - Dec. 31, 1858, 27 Yates, Robert C., Secretary of Legation, Aug. 9, 1851, 21 4 CCMTENT?

Roll Volume Inclasive Dates 1 [Registe April 3j 1609 - UecerVer i;, 190^ 2 1 April 3, 1809 - October II, 1813 3 IA May 27, 1813 - February 23, 1817 A 2 April A, 1817 - I'ay 22, 1819 5 3 April 20, 1819 - July 12, 1821 6 4 December 11, 182A - May 6, 1826 7 5 May 25, 1826 - Ssptember 10, 1829 8 6 Noveraber 20, 1827 - February 1, 1830 9 7 March 12, I83O - February 26, I83I 10 8 June 5, 1830 - July 28, Í832 11 9 Aucust 1, 1832 - August 16, 183A 12 10 July 6, 183A - January 31, 1337 13 11 February 10, 1837 - Nove^iber 25, I839 IA 12 December 29, 1839 - August lA, 18AA 15 13 March 13, 18A3 - May 1, 18A5 16 IA May 2-Deceraber 23, 18A5 17 15 August 27, 18A5 - September 29, 18A6 18 16 October 16, 18A6 - Noveraber 3> 18A7 19 17 August 9, 18A7 - January 8, 1850 20 18 January 12, 1850 - Noveraber 9, 1851 21 19 March 15, 1851 - Jure 30, I853 22 20 January A-October 11, 1853 ^3 21 June 7, 1853 - December 28, 185A 2A 22 January 8-December 31, 1855 25 23 January 23-December |l, 1856 26 2A January IV-December 5, 1857 27 25 July 27, 1857 - May 6, 1859 28 26 June 7, 1859 - February 12, 1861 29 27 April 6, 18 61 - June 23, 1862 30 28 June 3, 18 62 - June 9, I863 31 29 May 23-December 22, 1863 32 30 January 6-0ctober 19, 186A 33 31 October 20, 186a - March I5, 1866 3A 32 October 23, 1865 - July 28, 1867 35 33 August 19, 1867 - September 2A, 1866 36 34 September 2A, 1868 - June 26, 186? 37 35 June 7, 18É9 - January 2a, 1870 38 36 January 2A-June 10, 1870 39 37 June lU-Septeraber 30, 1870 AO 38 October 3, 1870 - June IA. 18TL Al 39 June 17, 1871 - June 23, 1872 A2 40 June 2A, 1872 - April 23, 187A 43 41 April 2Ã, 187A - May 2a, 1875 A^ 42 May 25, 1875 - August 28, 1877 A5 43 October 19, 1877 - August 30, 1879 A6 44 September 1, 1879 - September 27, 1881 A7 45 October 11, 1881 - August 16, 1883

5 Roll Volume .Cnoxusxvfe A8 A6 September 6, 1883 - January 20, 1886 A9 A7 February 9, 1886 - July 29, 1887 50 A8 August 1, 1887 - October 25, 1889 51 A9 loventH 5, 1889 - September 23, 1890 52 50 October A, 1890 - J'ine 26, 1891 53 51 July l-Fecember 26, 1891 5A 52 January 2-July 30, 1892 55 53 August 1, 1892 - February 2£, 1893 56 5A March 2-Septeraber 30, 1893 57 55 October l-Qecember 3^-j 1893 58 56 January 2-April 30, 189A 59 57 May l-Koveraber 27, 189A 60 58 December 6, 139A - June 30, 1895 61 59 July 7, 1895 - August 31. 1896 62 60 September 18, 1896 - August 16, 1897 63 61 June 3» 1897 - January 81» 1S98 6A 62 February 1-June 28, 1898 65 63 July 1, 1898 - April 25, 1899 66 6A May 2-Decernber 31» 1899 67 65 January 3-December 27, 19DO 68 66 January A-October 30, 1901 69 67 November 1, 1901 - September 15, 1902 70 68 September 27, 1902 - October 30, 1903 71 69 November A, 1903 - April 29, 190A 72 70 Hay 3-Becember 30, 190A 73 71 January i-August 28, 1905 7A 72 and September 9, 1905 - August 10, 190b 72 Annex



UÍVJICAMP Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth Instituto cií-. filosofia' Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social f, Í"J um a nas


Records of the

Department of í !ate

Relating to Internai Affairs

of Brazil

191U-1929 Frequently Asked Question Detail https;//


Publication Summary | Continue to ( Publication Details Publication Number: M519 SÈSiV. Publication Title: Aí Records of the Department of State Relatmg to Internai .Wairs of brazil, 1910-1929. '*** View Irrportant Publication Record Group Number: Details 59 Record Group Title: Note: Prices shown In the Publication General Records of the Department of State Details are no longer valid. Number of Rolls/Ficne Form: Color; Viewing Locations 'Disks: Microfilm, Black & White 54 35mm Location Facility For Sale: ForRent: National Archives ai College Park Yes No Arch ves II (College Park, MD) Subject Term(s): Brazil (South America) nat;on; International relations

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1 de 1 31/05/2016 13:58 # ' , * > ■ NATIOHAL ARCHIVES MICROFILM PUBLICATIQNS % i 5 « * - PAMPHIET D'ESCftlBING M519 f • i t

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% - ' > i -n ^„ % ^ „ ? . ' • - " . Hécoreis of

& .Reptil;(meli,< aí' State ' /

Hcíating to Internai Affairs

k. * ^ * of Brazil

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' * * • í NATIpNAL'ARCHIVES AND«RECORDS ÇERVICE GfNEBAl"s^RVICES ADMINISTRÂTION " ♦ .WASHINGTON! 1972 r , \ ^ v »^ *. • ■» * •y í - r RICHARD NIXON Presidem of the United States

ARTHUR F. SAMPSON Aciing A dministrator of General Scndccs

JAMES B. RHOADS Archh ist of the United States

Tlie records reproduced in the microfiLn publication

are from

Ceneral Records of the Department of State

Record Groui

in the Haticnal Archives Building RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE RELATINS TO INTEMAL AFEAI RS OF BRAZIL, 1910-1929 On the 54 rolls of this micrcfilm plblioation are reproduced the records from the decimal file of the Department of State, 1910-29, that relate to internai affairs of Brasil. The records, consisting of bound volumes and uribound documents, are mostly instructions to and despatches from diploraatic and consular of- ficials; the despatches are often accompanied oy enclosures. Also included in these records are notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representativas in the United States, memorandams prepared by officials of the Department, and correspondence with officials of other Government departments and with private fims and persons. The Lists of Documents or "rurport sheets" reproduced on rolls 1-5 give brief abstracts of the documents reproduced in this microfilm publication and serve as a finding aid to the documents themselves. The arrangement of the entries on these lists generally corresponds to the ar- rangement of the documents in the file.

From 1910 to 1963 the Department of State used a decimal system for its central files, assembling and arranging individual documents according to subject and assigning file numbers. The decimal file consista of nine primary classes numbered 0 through 8, each oovering a broad subject area. . The records reproduced in this microfilm publication are in Class 8, Internai Affairs of States, The country nuraber assigned to Brazil is 32; thus the documents bear the file number 832 and relate to internai affairs of Brazil. A decimal point is used after the first three digits, followed by a number that represents a spscific subtopic. This number, in turn, may be followed by a slant mark (/). In such cases the numbers after the slant mark wcre acsigned to in- dividual documents as they were accumulated on a specific subyect. For example, a decimal file number taken from a document repro- duced in this microfilm publication is 832.51/556. The number 51 signifies that the subtopic is financial conditions, and the number afuur the slant mark indicates the number of documents on this subtopic.

The documents under one subject classification are generamly in chronological order, coinciding with the document number as- signed (which follows the slant mark), There are instances, however, when a document file number was not assigned until a date considerably later than the one on which the document was received.

Cross-reRerence sheets referring to related records under other subject classifications in the decimal fij-e have been re- produced as they occur, and appropriate cross-referonce notations

1 appear in the Lists of Documents. Other cross-reference nota- tions are to dccumeniis in the "numerical file," a system used for the central files of the Department of State for the period 1906- 10. The checkmarks that appear by most entries in the left-hand column of the Lists of Documents indicate that the papers are in the file; entries without marks, it is believed, refer to docu- ments that were not among the records when they were received from the Department óf State.

Soms of the documents that have been checked in the Lists of Documents do not appear in this microfilm publication. The file contains security-classified documents and Communications received from and classified by foreign governments and Federal agencies, in addition to those classified by the Department of State. Documents that have not been declassified are not avail- able as part of this publication. The National Archives and Records Service does not have authority to make reproductions of such documents available to searchers.

The largest group of records reproduced in this publication concern politicai affairs (832.00). Among the subjects covered are National and State elections, conflicts between various high government officxals, relations between Brazil and Germany befure and during World War I, the sinking of the Brazilian ship Paran^ by German submarines, and the ensulng riots, and Brazilian neu- trality and eventual entry into the war agalnst Germany, 191?. Following World War I, most of the records relate to riots, civil unrest, and revolutionary activities of dissident civilian and mil^tary groups. There are extensive monthly diplomatic reports on general politicai conditions in Brazil and monthly reports from various consolar districts describing local politicai conditions.

The records reproduced in this microfilm publication are part of the records in the National Archives designai ed as General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59.

In the same record group are several diplomatic correspond- ence series containing additioral docoraents on relations between Brazil and the United States, They are copies of instructions from the Department of State to U.S. Ministers to ali countries, 1815-33 (rolls 3—? and 9 of WJT), and to U.S. Ministers to Brazil, 1833-1906 (rolls 23-26 of M77); notes to foreign ministers and consuls in the United States from the Department, 1821-34 (roils 3-5 of M38), and notes to the Brazilian Legation in the United States from the Department, 1834-1906 (roll 9 of M99); despatches from U.S. Ministers to Brazil to the Department, 1809-1906 (rolls 1-74 of M121); and notes from the Brazilian Legation in the United States to the Department, 1824-1906 ÍM49).

Despatches from U.S. consular officials in Brazil are avaii— able as separate microfilm. publications for each post with varying

2 date spans between 1811 and 1906. Complementary to the despatches are instructicns to consuls.

The method of arranging the diploraatic and consolar series cited above was discontinued in 1906, when the Department of State adopted the practice of filing incoming ar.d outgoing cor- re spondence, memoranduras, and bther documents by subject in a single numerical series. Information on documents relating to Brasil for the 1906-10 period may be found through the use of card indexes and Lists of Documente in the National Archives,

Among the records in the sarae record group, in Class 7 of the Department of State decimal file, 1910-29, are two other series regardlng Brazilian affairs that are closely related to the records reproduced in this microfilm publication. One con- cerns politicai relations between the United States and Brazil (M525), and the other is politicai relations between Brazil and other states (M526).

Additional documents are in the remaining classes of the Denartment of State decimal fale as follrws;

Class 0. Oeneral. Mlscellaneous. Class 1, Administration, Government of the United States. Class 2. Extradition. Class 3. Protection of Interests. Class 4. Claims, Class 5. International Congresses and Conferences. Multi-lateral Treaties. League of Nations. Class 6. Commerce. Customs Adiuinistration. Commercial Relations, Treaties and Convcntions. Commercial and Trade Agreements,

In Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State, Record Group 84, are records originally kept at U.S. diplomatlc and consular posts, Among these are records of the U.S. Legation (later Embassy; in Brazil, 18C9-1935, and of con- aular posts in that country.

Other records relating to Brazil are in Records of Inter- national Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions, Record Group 43í including documents relating to several conferences, commis- sions, and exhibitions in whlch Brazil participated. Records of Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitrations, Record Group 76, includes records relating to the Gonvention for the Settlement of Claims, signed at Rio de Janeiro, January 27, 1849, between the United States and Brazil.

The records reproduced in this microfilm publication were prepared for filming by Ralph E. Huss, who wrote these introduc- tory remarks and provided the other editorial material.

3 Página n. 4 em branco conforme instrumento de pesquisa original. CONTENTS The decimal file number span anu the subjects covered by the documents reproduced in this microfilm publication are as follows: Roll File Nimíber and Description L1STS OF DOCITÍE^ITS 832.00/51 - 832.506? 832.51/39 - 832,607Road Buildin^ Exposition/lS 832.61 - 832.927/2 Brief abstracta that serve as a finding aid to the documents. DOCUMENTS FOLITICAL AFFAIRS 832.00/51-225 Mar. 1910-Dec. 1921 832.00/226-399 Jan. 1922-July 192A. 832.00/400-567 July 1924-Mar, 1926 832.00/568-652 Mar. 1926-nec. 1929 S32.00B - 832.00Pre3Ídential Campaigns/ll Recognitlon of the Soviet Government by Uruguay, 1926j Communist activities in ; Soviet influ- ence in Brazilian labor circles, 1928; foundation of the Fascist movement and Fasclst propaganda; reports on politicai conditions, 1928-29; the presidential campaign of 1929. Chief Executive: 832.001 - 832.0011/3 Presidents: Sr. Francisco de Paula Rodrigues Alves, Arthur da Silva Bernardes, Dr. Wenceslau Braz, Washington Luiz, Delfim Moreira da Costa Ribeiro, Epitácio Pessoa; inaug-iration of the President and Vice President, 1910; removal of the remains of the last Eraperor and Empress to Portugal, 1920; death of the President's wife, 1912. 832.002/0-53 Cabinet personnel; changes by deaths, resignations, and new appoinunents. Gcvernm^n^ 832.01 - 832.0177/1 Creation of a new Department of Communications anu Public Works in Alagoas, 1924; proposed establishment of a Bureau of Standards; commercial attaches of the State of Sac Paulo, 1927; agents of Brazil in the United States, 1918-19 and 1926; constitutional re- form and a new constitution for the States of Pernam- buco and Rio Grande do Norte, 1924-29; boundary ie- marcation and mapping; Brazilian flag flown at half mast on occasion of death of President Harding, 1923; national anthem; government salaries in the State of

5 File Number and Descriptxon

Sao Pauloj 1929. Executive Department of Government 832.02 - 832.0211 Decrees and plans for the reorganlzation of the exec- utive departments, 1923-24 and 1927; Foreign Office: appointments and resignations, U.S. vacation by Min- iater for Foreign Affairs, lauro Miller, 1916; per- sonnel changes in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1918; regulations and decrees; consular fees, 1926. Legislative Branch 832.03 - 832.032/18 Dec. 1910-Sept. 1919 Legislative control of international relations; annial and budget messages by the President to the Congress, 1910-19. 832.032/20-75 Dec. 1919-Oct. 1927 Presidential messages to Congress; messages of State Governors and Presidents. 832.032/76-101 Oct. 1927-Dec. 1929 Messages of State Presidents to the legisla+ures; messages by the President of Brazil to the Congress. Judicial Branch 832.04 - 832.0492 Creation of the post of State Judicial Auditor, 1924; new appointments to the Supreme Court, 1927; lawa of the States of Brazil; the civil, commercial, and penal cedes of Brazil; the code of criminal proceed- ings of the State of Pernambuco, 1924; commercial and probate laws of Brazil, 1921-25; bankruptey laws; Brazil-Uruguay Treaty conceming letters rogatory, 1911; effect of judgments of Courts of Brazil in the jurisdiction of the Unitea States; notarial practices in Brazil. PiffifflE ^:ÍER im SAFETY 832.10 - 832.108/3 General; politicai activities of municipal cooncils and mayors; orgam-zation of police forces of Pernam- buco ana Bahia, 1927; police methods. 832.111 - 832.1191 Regulations governing residence, trade, travei, and passports; firearms, anminition, and explosives; liq- uor, narcotics; prostitution, obscene matters; street traffic, Public Health 832.12 - 832.1283/2 Health statistics and death statistics; hospitais; organization of the health services; public health education; infant mortality; birth statistics; dis- posal of the dead; removal frora Brazil of remains of U.S. sailors who died in 1918; hygiene and sanitation; reports of sanitation commissions; sanitary

6 File Number dna Description

regi lations; report on combating infant mortality; extermlnation of Saúva ants; charges for bills of health for vessels; food and drug control; require- ments for practice of medicine; practice of dentistry: pharmacy. Correction and Punishment 832.131/0-6 Reporte on new nrisons and refom schools, 1924-26; regulations of the Penitentiary Council of PernambucOj 1927; report on Bahia State Penitentiary, 1928. Charltiee 832.142 - 832.147/2 The Red Grose, 1917; federal aid for public hospitais in Pernambuco and Santarém; organization of merchant seamen1s home in Rio de Janeiro, 1920. Public Works 832.15 - 332.157/5 General; construetion in Sao Paulor drainage work, 1922; hyaro elecoric plant and remodeling of the tel- ephone service, 1926; lighting and street railway concession in the city of San Luiz, Maranhao, 1922-23; contract negotiations for financing and constructing waterworks and sewers in San Luiz, 1923; State aid for public Utilities In Pernambuco and proposed re- organization of public utillties in the State of Alagoas, 1924; municipal improvement in Recife, Pernambuco, 1927; oublic works in Sao Paulo munici- pality anu refunding of bonds of the State of Maranhao, 1928; construction of -water supply system for cities of Brazil; sewerage system construction and improve- ment, 1922-27; public lighting of Rio de Janeiro, 1916; electric light service for Maceió, 1922; paving contracts; renaming of streets; road building con- cessions; Mghway and road construction; uood Roads Conference in the City of Pernambuco in 1925; traffic regulations, 1928; bridge construction, 1921-26; con- struction and improvement of portworks and construc- tion of trunk railway lines from them; quays and docks; stevedoring; construction of public buildings, 1921-28. LELITaitY AFFAluS AIR THE ARMY 832.20/0-49 Defense of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia by antisubmarine nets and coast artilfery, 1917; instruction of the army by foreign military officers, 1910-12 and 1919; military preparation and strengthening of the army, 1922; reduction of military forces, 1924; Bahia State troops, 1925; military police of Rio Grande do Norte and Ceara; military missions, 1928,

7 File Number and Description

Personnel 832.22 - 832.22734 Anthropological report on Brazilian males as result of exa^ination of army recraits, 1927; movenent to- ward granting admission of foreigners to military institutions for service or studyj 1918; visit cf U.S. Military Attache to Brazilian military establish- ments, 1924; award of scholarship to Lt, Jose D. Jara to ccir.plete military studies, 1922, Equ-^pment and Suppjies 832.24 - 832.248/5 Mode of procuring contracts for projectiles and other forms of ordnance, 1912; efforts of Bethlehem Steel Co. to obtain ordnance contracts, 1913; effect of U.S. entry into the -war on supplies of mmitions for the Brazilian Amy, 1917; negotiation of brazilian Ministry of War vith U.S. firms for supplies of arma and munitionsj Brazilian Military Commission to the United States, 1917-18; complaint of Colfs Patent Fire Arms Co. on award of rifle contract to another f:rm, 1920-22; Brazilian import and export of arais and munitions; hospitalizaiion and recreation for armei forces personnel; purchase of airplanes and construction of airfields. NA\/AL AFFAIRS, NAVY, NAVAL VESbELS 832.30/0-184 Employment of U.S. naval officsrs as instructors in the Brazilian Naval War College, 1914-18 and 1922, and on battleships in European vraters, 1918-19; nego- tiations for a U.S. Naval Mission to Brazil, 1922-23; competition between the United States and Great Britain for prestige in reference to the Brazilian Navy; and operation of the'Naval Mission, 1923-29. tersonnel 832.32 - 832.323/1 General; capture and retum of deserters, 1919; neg- ulations for goveming the Naval School of Aviation in Rio de Janeiro, 1921; inauguration of courses in the Brazilian Naval War College, 1921. .■iovc .cnt of 14,vai jc^ools 8,2..-,; - ^2^55" Movement of a battleship to Rio de Janeiro for re- me vai of parts of machinery and gun gear to preveni use against the Government, 1919; visits of Brazilian naval vessels to ports of the United States, Uruguay, Argentina, Cuba, and Belgium. Equipment and Supplies 832.34/3 - 832.348/2 Negotiations for purchase by Brazil of submarines, battleships, cruisers, and auxlliary vessels.

8 Rsll File Number and Description

1910-14; efforts of U.S. companles to buy Brazilian warships for resale, 1915; wartime purchases of ships, naval Instruments, and supplies by Brazilian Ministry of Marine, 1917-10; visit of battleship Sao Paulo to the United States, 1910; entertainment of the Brazilian fieet in English waters, 1919; repairs to the Sao Paulo and the Minas Gerais by the U.S. Navy Department, 1919-20; contracts between Brazil and the ELectrie Boao Co. for construction of submarines; the Brazilian naval construction program, 1924-25; construction of a training ship by Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co., 1928-2^; negotiation of contracts for construction of a marine arsenal, 1910-12 and 1917-21; shipyards and docking facilities; efforts to purchase coal from the United States for the Brazilian Navy, 191?; purchases of hydroplanes, 1922. SOCIAL MTTERS 20 832.401 - 832.4081 Proposed law for protection of Indians, 1912-13; bib- liography of Brazilian books on intemational law, 1913; religion; reports on the Brazilian Confederaiion for the Advancement of Women, 1924; law on raarriage by proxy; public entertainment; motion pictures; ath- letic contests to be held in connection with the cen- tennial celebration, 1922; holidays; and the Boy Scout program of the Sao Paulo schocls, 1922. Hisuory 832.41 - 832.415/ÔÔ Postponement of Congresso Regionalista do Nordeste until Feb. 7j 1926; monuments and memoriais; monument in commemoration of the Battle of Ayacucho; dedication of a mausoleum in memory of Joaquir Nabuco, former Minister to the United States, 1914; celebration of the centennial of Brazilian independence, 1922. 21 Education 832.42 - 332.428/4 Reports on Kindergarten, primary, secondary, and brade schools, institutions of higher learnlng, professinnal schools, and normal schools; required teaching of Portuguêse language and suspension of German language newspapers, 1917; missionary schools and schools for children of U.S. citizens in Brazil; reorganization of the piblic educational system, 1924-25, instruction facilities; reports on the Third National Educational Conference, 1929; subsidization of the Recife Medicai School, 1925; activities of the Rockefeller Foundation in Sao Paulo, 1925; engineering and technological schools, 1924; agricultural education; establishment of agricultural experiment stations; orgamzauion of a suramer school in Rio de Janiero for secondary school

9 File Number and Description

teachers f^om the United States, 1927; Brazil-Uruguay treaty for exchan^e of professors and studentsj 1921; Brazil-Paiaguay exchange program, 1928; libraries. Societies 832.43Am3 - 832.43P.otary Club Organization of American Association of Sao Paulo, 1928; American Women^ Organization, 1928; American Road Association of Pernambuco, 1924; Brazilian Mili-- tary Judicial Association of Rio de Janeiro, 1918; fjunding of the Brazilian Touring Society, I?24; the Rotary Club, 1928. Public Men 832,44 - 882.44Pedro II Brazilian engineers, jurists, educators, economists, and historians, 1929; death of Dr. Ruy Barbosa, 1923; death of Carlos de Campos, President of Sao Paulo, 1927; death of Dr. Osmldo Goncalves Cruz, 1917; death of Hermes da Fonseca, 1923; Dr. Barbosa Goncalves, 1914; death of Nilo Pecanha, 1924; tribute to former Emperor Dom Pedro II, 1Ç28. Etlquette 832.451 - 832.458/28 Diplomauic ceremonials; naval salutes, 1919; congrat- ulâtory Communications from U.S. Presidents to Brazil- ian Presidenta on November 15th, celebration of the anniversary of the Republic of Brazil, 1911-29. Entertainment 832.4'1 - 832.463/15 Entertainments by Brazilian officials; Gen. Cornélius Vanderbilfs audience with the President of Brazil, 1922; celebration of U.S. holadays by the U.S. colony; July 4th entertainments by resident officers of the United States. ^alamities and Disasters 832.48 - 832.48Santos/17 American Red Cross activities, 1924; landslide at Santos, Brazil, 1928, ECONOMIC MATTERS 832.50/0-43 Reports of economic conditions in Brazil and in the States of Brazil; price fixing and raticning, 1917-18. 832,501 - 832.5067 Statistics, general; population census figures for the Brazilian riation, States, and cities; cost of living statistics, 1924-28; fuel oil consumption; housing problems, 1921-25; cooperative societies and rural credit; organization, laws governing, and repores on individual corporations; plans for establishment oí a financial rating service, 1925; labor lavra and regulations, strikes and labor disturbances, creation

10 Roll File Number and DescrlT:tion

of a ífetional la.t or Council, 1923; reports on waget in general, coffee plantation vages, viages of railv/ay eraployees; organization of Railroad Workers Union, 1924; proposed social legislation, 1925; strikes; re- ports on child lator, 1924; workmen1s compensation legislation, 1920; Insurance, general, 1918-25; fire, marine, fidelity, liability, life, accident, and auto- mobile Insurance. Financia,! Gonditions These records concem such matters as negotiation of 2 oans by National, State, and municipal govemments of Brazil; budget and financial matters and financial reports from Brazil and the States and cities; a finding loan arranged betvreen the uovernment and the Pothschild Banking House, 1914; efforts to obtain assurances from the Allles that Germany would pay for coffce sold in lermany during the ¥ar, 1917; efforts of the Government to liquidate gold treasury bonds knovm as Sabinas, 191?; and sale of municipal bonds: 24 832.51/39-194 Jan. 1910-May 1919 25 832.51/195-380 May 1919-May 1925 26 832,51/381-556 May 1925-Dec. 1929 27 832.51A - 832.51M43/14 Interest of Prof. E. W. Kemmerer in appointraent as Financial Adviser to Brazil; financial affairs and loans to Brazil and to the States of Alagoas, Amazonas, Bahia, Minas Gerais, and Ceara; loans to Central of Brazií Railway, 1922; to Companhia Estrada de Ferro Itararé Fartura, S.A., 1927; to Credit Foncier du Bresil et de l,Amerique du Sud, Rio de Janeiro, 1927; to the city of Curityba, 1922; to the city of Antonina, 1929; to the city of Bahia, 1928; to the raunirtpality of Itajahy, State of Santa Catharina, 1929; to State of Espirito Santo, 1927-29; and to the Institute for Promotion and Economical Development of Agriculture in State of Rio de Janeiro, 1G27; State of Maranhao, 1922 and 1928; State of Matto Grosso, 1927-29. 28 832.51M66 - 832.51Porto Uniao/l Loans to: the State of Minas Gerais, 1927-29» the Mortgage Bank of Brazil and South America, 1928, National Jute Textile Company of Sao Paulo, 1927» the city of Nictheroy, 1927» Pedro B. de Oliviera, 1924» the State of Parana, 1926 and 1929» Pauliste Railway ^ompany, 1922, State of Pernambuco, 1922-29» city of Porto Alegre, 1925-28, State of Para, 1928, State of Parahyba, 1928» State of Prtuhy, 1929» muricipality of Porto União, 1929. 29 832,51R24 - 832.51Sa5/57 Loans to: the city of Recife, 1922 and 1924» city of Rio de Janeiro» 1922 and 1926-29, State of Rio Grande do Sul, 1926-29, State of Rio de Janeiro, 1927 and

11 Roll File Niunber and Description

1929» State of Santa Catherina, 1922-29. 30 S32.51Sa51 - S32.51V66 Loans to: the city of Santos, 1923-29, State of Sac Paulo, 1924-29, city of Sao Paulo, 1927-29, munici- palioy of Sao Francisco do Sul, 1929, report of finan- cial conditions of Sao Joaquim for 1928, loan to the Sociedade Industrial Hulha Brance, 1926, finances of the raunicipality of Tijucás, 1929? and a loan to Victoria, 1926. 31 Taxation: 832.512 - 832.5124 General; sales tax, 1928; income tax, 1921-22, Lotuery: 832.513 Club method of selling automobiles, 1924. Monetary System: 332.515 - 832.5151/38 Laws and regulations goveming issuance and stabili- zation of the currency; amendment of the statutes of the Bank of Brazil making it a bank of issue, 1920; restriction of credit and shortage of currency, 1924; rate uf exchange of Brazilian noney. Banks and Bantcng: 832.516 - 832.5l6Hypothecary and Rural Credit Bank Rigulations governing operation of savlngs banks; liquidation of German banks in Brazil; regulations for conducting examinations of banks and exchange op- erations; foreign bank activities in Brazil; establish- ment of new banklng institutions; bank failures; bal- ance sheets and reports on brazilian banks; banking organization changes; cooperativa and agricultural credit; new Bahia State bank, 1928; and the Hypothecary and Rural Credit Bank of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Exchanges: 832.5172 law relating to cotton grading in Rio Grande do Norte, 1923. 32 Lands 332.52 - 832.5211/2 Concessions of land oy States of Brazil to private Brazilian and foreign companies; reports on metal deposits; land and howestead laws; land prices; pur- chases of land by immigrants and foreign speculators; agricultural stations and colonization schemes; col- onlzation scheme for attracting U.S. citizens to Brazil, 1927; plans for establishing colonies of Italxans, Japanese, Norweglans, Poles, and Russians; protection of U.S. property in Brazil; public land laws.

12 File Number and Description Intellectual and Industrial Properby W \ ^ pã Ex.ecutive decree of 1923 creating a tíureau of Indus- trial Property and regulating issue of passports and industrial trademarks. Patents: 832.542 - 832,542Syring+on Co. lAsts of patents granted by the Brazilian Government during 1914 and 1916-17; lã ws and regulations relative to patents; patent and trademark fees; litigation between the American Gramophone Co. and Frederico Figner and the International Talking Machine Co. over cancellation of certain Brazilian patents, 1911-17; patenting of a dye process by N. Naegli and Co., 1920-21; pirating of patents of the Symington Co. by a Belgian firm, 1928. Trademarks: 832.543 - 832.543Stein and Co. Reforms in the trademark law; cancellation of regis- tration by German firms Ln Brazil of trademarks of U.S. products, 1918; establishment of an Inter- Amerlcan Patent and Trademark Registration Office in Rio de Janeiro, 192'?; registration and infringeraent of U.S. trademarks by Brazilian firms—A. Stein and Co,, and others. Copyrights; 832.54^+ - 832.54453/3 Copyright law of 1912 and Decree No, 4790, dated Jan. 2, 1924; infringement of copyrights of Universal Pictures Corp., 1924; copyright treaty between Brazil and France, 1917; copyright treaty between Brazil and Portugal ratified Feb, 28, 1923. Immigration 832.55 - 832.5594/36 Laws and regulations on immigration and colonization in Brazil; reports and statistical presentations of nationality and numbers of iramigrants; European and especiaily German immigration; immigration from the United States; inducements offered Portuguesa to era- igrate to Brazil, 1912; restriction on immigration into Manaos because of unemployment problem, 1929; immigration from Foland, 1927-28; immigration from Rússia, 1921 and 1926; immigration from Germany, 1921-22; imnigration from Áustria, 1921; immigration from Italy, 1913, 1922-26; immigration from Japan. INDUSTRIAL MATTERS 832.60/0-2 Laws and decrees aimed at promoting industrial develop- ment in the State cf Rio Grande do Norte, 1923; en- couragement of industry in Para and Bahia.

13 File Number and Description

Concessions and Contracts, Subsidies: 332.602 - 832.602W42/9 Concessions and contracts granted by the Government, of Brazil and of the States of Brazil; efforts of Crucible Steel Co. of America to obtain contracts with Brazil to furnish laminated steel, 1911; con- cessions to Manaos Improvement Co. in Brazil, 1910-14;. Palmolive Co., 1917; concessions to F. A. G. Pape for cultivation of oil producing plant, 1922; to Radium Luminous Material Corp, for extraction and exportatíon of monazite sands, 1913; to Dr. Augusto Ramos and Dr. Lacerda Franco for aarthmo-vlng operations in Rio de Janeiro, 1920; to A. Leo Weil for certain industrial activities, 1923-25. Expositions and Exhibitions: 832.607 - 832,607A/3 Second Cattle Exposition, 1913; National and State corn shows, 1918-25; National Livestock Exposition, 1920; Cattle Fair at Manaos, 1927; Brazilian Centen- nial and Commercial Exposition at Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 1922-July 1923; reports of U.S. participation in the Exposition: 832,607B/0-248a 832.607B/249-485 832,607B/486-775 832.607B/776-1035 832.6078/1036-1120 832.607c - 832.607Road Building Exposition/13 Cotton textile exposition in connection with the Cen- tennial Exposition, 1922; plan for Centnnnxal Exi^ibi- tion in Pernambuco, 1924; International Exposition of Dental Supplies at Eio de Janeiro, 192°, Automobile Exposition at Sao raulo, 1924 and 1926; projected In- ternational Sample Fair to be held in Rio de Janeiro in 1925; annual livestock exposition at Sao Paulo, 1925; report concerning permanent Exhibition of Prod- ucts at Pernambuco, 1925; Automotive Exposition at Rio de Janeiro, 1925; Second National Congress of Oils in Sao Paulo, 1926; announcement of an industrial and agricultural exposition at Belo Horizonte, 1927; Ag- riculuural and Avicultura3 Exposition at Bahia, 1928; plan for a roadbuilding exposition to be held coinci- dentally with the Pan-American Highway Congress of 1929. Agriculture 832.61 - 832.61332/7 Agricultural resources, productxon, education, and research; irrigation works, 1919-27; control of pests affecting plantlife; regulation concerning importation of fruits and vegetables from the United States, 1929;

14 Roll File Number and Eescrlption

the rice inlustry of Brazilj report on cotton pro- duction, tobacco production and ressearch, and mate tea culture, 41 832.61333/6Ô-19S Dec. 1910-Dec. j-922 Coffee.production; danage to coffee crop by excessive rainíall, 1911; coffee valorization and the Department of Justice; antitrust suit against the Coffee Valori- zation Committee of the State of oao Paulo, 1912. 42 832.61333/199-316 uan. 1923-Dec. 1929 Valorization of Brazilian coffee; coffee culòivation; effects of politicai unrest on coffee shipments, 1924) plans for stabilizing the price of coffee; and 200th anniversary of the introduction of the coffee tree into Brazil, 192V. 43 832.61334 - 832,6l76F75/57 Cocoa production; production of forage in the North- east, 1922; sugar production and price control; fruit products, 1929; lemon culture; nut production; for- estry and conservation; production of pencil cedar; concessions for exploitation of timberlands; gum- producing trees; the rubber industry; and concession to the Ford Para Rubber Co., 1927-29. 44 Aniiial Husbandry 832.6222 - 832.628/31 Cattle raising; bee culture; the silk industry and regulations goveming imports; development of the fisning industry and fisheries. Mines and Mining 832.63 - 832.6347/12 General; reports on nineral deposits and industries; minine concessions and investments; mning laws; gold mining; puatimm nining; diamond mines and mining, 45 Base Metals: 832.635 - 842.6359/2 General; monazite; allotment of -wartime supply of Brazilian mangar.ese to the United States and the prob- lem of transportation, 1917-18; iron mining and proc- essing; concession to the Itabira Iron Co. Ltd. for construction of railroad lines and quays for loading and unloading, 1920-29; copper mines and mining; lead deposits and mining; chromium mining. Carbon and Graphite: 832.6362 - 832.6363An4 Coal mines and mining; discovery and exploitation of petroleum deposits, oil lana concessions, petroleum laws and regulations; concessxon to Anglo-American Petroleum Co. to erect oil tanks, 1919. 46 Other Mining Products: 832.637 - 832.6376 Caustic soda production, kaolin deposits, fluorspar

13- File Number ana Description

production and trade, manganesej zircon deposits, salt deposite of Rio Grande do Norte, nitrates, and cement production, Quarries and Quarrying: 822.638/1-8 Quartz deposits, 1925. BagiMeering 332.641 - 832.6463C73 Building construction, 1922; construction of wo^den ships, 191B; Kydioelectric power plant construction and production; flood control and hydroelectric de- velopment in Sao Paulo, 1927; electric power conces- sion to Companhia Brasiliera de Electricidade Siemens- Schuckert, S.A., 1924. Manufactures and Manufacturing 832.65 - 832.659USGA/1 Proposed Brazilian loans for construction of caustic soda factories, 1918; the iron and steel industry; laws and concessions in the tanning industry; rubber manufacture; concession to the Goodyear Tire ana Rub- ber Co., 1913; paper and textile manufacture; sugar mill production, 1924; meat packaging; publicity for the Second Annual Gil Congress, 1927; manufacture of alcoholic beverages, 1920; flour milling; industrial alcohol; chemical fertilizer plant in Pfrnambuco, 1925; gasoline substitutes. MjBMjIGATim Al- TR^K pr/ |gN 13 Transportation and navigation difficulties in the State of Amazonas, 1926. Po st 832.71 - 832.7182 Reports of the Postal Service, 1914 and 1924-28; post- al censorship, 1918-19; transportaiion of mail in Brazil; convention between Brazil and France, ccn- cluded July 11, 1911, providing for postal service; postal rates; mail service between Brazil and Argen- tina, 1923; parcel post service in Brazil, 1922 and 1027; parcel post servuce between Brazil and Uruguay, 1920; parcel post treaty between Brazil and Italy, 1911; money order treaty between Brazil and Great Britain, 1921; complaints against the mail service for nondelivery and delay.

832,72 - 832.7234/3 Telegraph apparatus used in Brazil, 1922; opening of new telegraph Unes; telegraph censorship and deten- tion of official Communications by the Brazilian Gov- ernment, 1924; telegraphic convention between Brazil and Paraguay, 1927.

16 File Number and Description Cable 832.73/22-94 Feb. 1910-Dec. 1916 Cable lariing rights and concessiona. 832.73/95-254 Jan. 1917-Oct. 1926 Cable landing rights and concessions, 832.73A15 - 832.7365/1 Cable concession to Ali American Gabi es Co., ±923-26; cable concession to Enrico Schloch, 1922; cable censor- ship, 1914-19; rates; cable communication with Urugnay, Argentina, Gemany, and Ita1.y. Wireless Telegraph 832.74 - 832,7452 Radio telegraph and radio broadcasting stations • con- struction, concessions to privai.e firms, laws anu regulations governing operations; -wartime controls; concession granted to Amazim Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Co., 1911-13; radio services concession between Brazil and Spain, 1929. Telephone 832.75/0-13 Construction of telephone lines; manufacture of equip- ment, telephone installations, telephone concessions, and changes in rates. Wireless Telephone 832.76/0-4 Government monopoly of radio Communications, 1924; list of radio broadcasting stations, 1927; and con- struction of new stations, 1927. Kcilways 832.77/2 - 832.7734/1 Construction and operation of railroads and railroad equipment; railroad concessions; electrification; ef- fects of railroad construction on the economy; freight rates, 1912, 1924, and 1929; projected Brazil-Paraguay Railroad, 1926-27, Street Railways 832.78/0-31 Reports on construction, ownership, and operation of electric street railways; purchase of railway cars. Other Means of Communication and Transportation Aerial Navigation: 832.796 - 832.79665 Sale of U.S. planes to Brazilian Government, 1920; presidential decree authorizing airline between Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre, 1922; civil aviation and its regulation, 1925; aerial photography; opsration of the French Compagnie Generale Aeropostale, 1929; airmail concession to Empreza de Transportes Aereos, 1928-29; laws and regulations governing flights of foreign nationals over Brazilian territory, 1929;

17 File Number ana Description

report on the airport at Recife^ 1923J commercial air service between Brazil and Argentina, 1927, Port\igal, 1927, Datch Guiana, 1922, and Italy, 1927-28. Automobile: 832.797 - 832.7971/4 Taxes on or relative to automobiles, 1^21] subsidized automobile service in Alagoas, 1921 and 1924; automo- bile registrations in Rio de Janeiro, 1921 and 1924, and in the State of Bahaa, 1927; proposed bus service in Parahyba and Alagoas, 1921 and 1924; ambulance service in Ceara, 1924; Automobile Exposition in Sao Paulo anu Rio de Janeiro, 1927; and traffic and ve- hicle laws and regulations and requirements, 1923. MARINE NAVIGATION 832.T - 832.SC"/^ Navigation difficulties in the State of Amazonas, 1926; U.S. laws regarding regulation of inland river and lake transportation, 1911; laws and regulations relating to such matters as handling of combustible cargo, limitation of hours of ship departures, the coastwise trade, and obligatory docking of vessels; regulation of ship brokerage, 1920; subsidy to Compania de Navegacao Baniana, 1923; subsidy to the Lloyd Brasileiro Co., 1928-29; concession to the Port of Para American Co., 1911; increase in navigation rates, 1922; lifesaving services and appliances, 1921, 1926. Waterways 832.312 - 332.813 Canal dreoging in the Logoa Dos Patos, 1923; flood prevention. Aids to Navigation 832.822 - 832.825 Letting of contraets and construction of coastal laght- houses; recommendation for maintenance of a pilot ship at the mouth of the Amazon, 1919. Menaces to Navigation 832.83 Wrecked ship in shallows off Maranhaò, 1926. Taxes on Navigation 832.34 - 832.843/4 Hospital tax levied on ships entering Brazillan ports; port and dock chaiges. .ferchart Vessels 832,85 - 832.8591 Internment of German msrchant ships and their dispo- sition, 1917-20; chartering by France of German ves- sels interned by Brazil, 1917-18; reports on Lloyd Brasileiro Steamshlp Line; inauguration of new steam- snip lines; Government subsidies of steamship lines;

18 Roj.1 tile Murnber and Description sale of merchant ships; change of hours for inspection of vessels, 1926-27; Braziliar merchant ships sunk by German submarines; aid given by U.S. Navy vessels to Brazilian merchant ships, 191^; salvage of sunken car- goes, 1921-22; privileges accordcd yachros, "ali. 832.862/0-1 Shore leave for crevmen in Brazilian ports. 54 fflÉM arTAlno P iblic Press 832.91 - 832.91S/1 Law relative to the press, 1923-24; suspension of German language newspapers, 1917; translations of newspaper articles reflecting attitudes toward the United States; the Brazíl News, published by the Amer- ican Brazilian Asoociation of Néw York, 1929; estab- lishment of a branch of Agencia Americana di Inf^rmazion Giornalistich e Telegrafiche in Genoa, 1916; press censorship, 1923-2/+. Science 832.922 - 832.927/2 Invitation from the Brazilian Govt rnment to foreign astronomors to observe eclipse of the sun, 1912; pro- posed establishment of a model siderographic fomdry, 1922; establishment of meteorological stations; re- ports of rainfall statistics at Para, 1900-1924; law on weights and measures, 1911; the use of the metric system, 1917; establishment of Greenwich time, 1913; empl^yment of U.S. scientists in the fields of chem- istry ana zoology; exploring expeaition on the amazon River, 1913.


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Rcfliations between

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Publication Summary Continue to Order Publication Details Publication Number: M525 wmh Publication Title: Records of the Department of State Relating to Poinical Reiationb between tne United .êáiã View Important Publication States and Brazil, 1910-1929. Details Record Group Number: 59 Note; Prices shown in 'he Publication Record Group Title: Details are no longer valid. General Records of the Department of State Viewing Localions Number of Rolls/Fiche Form: Color Location Facility /Disks: Microfim, Black & White 1 35mm NARAs Southeast Region (Atlanta GA) For Sale ForRent: National Archives at College Park - Yes No Archives II (College Park, MD) SubjectTerm(s): Brazil (South America) nation; International relations

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PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Collection of this information is authorized by 44 U.S.C. 2108. Disciosure of the information is voluntary, however, we will be unable to respond to your request if you do not furnish your name and address and the mimmum required information about the records. The information is used by NARA employees to search for the record; to respond to you; to maintain contrai over information requests received and answered; and to facilitate preparation of internai statíshcal reports If you provide credit card informatior that information is used to bill you for copies PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB contrai number The OMB Contrai No. for this information collection is 3095-0027. Public burden reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be 10 minutes per response. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to National Archives and Records Administration (NHP), 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park MD 20740 DO NOT SÉND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. Home Contact Us Privacy Poiicy Accessibility Freed jrr of Informaton Act The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272


Repords of « ■ fc ^ the Department of State «■ « ♦ 4 , Relating to.

Politicai Relátiòns

B«tween the línitèd States # m m • s ■ ' » 1 and Byazil, 1910-1929

and. 0*. * ' Betwèén Brazil

and Otiíer States, 1910-1929

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are froti

Record Group 59

General Records of the Department of State

in the National Archives Tltle

Mlcrocopy No. 525 Records of the Lepartment of State Relating to Politicai Relations Between the United States and Brazdl, 1910-1929 1

Mlcrocopy No. 526 Records of the Department of State Relating to Politicai Relations Between Brazil and Other StateSj


On the single roll of thls microfllm publication are repro- duced the recorde from the decimal file of the Department of State, 1910-29, that relate to politicai relations between the United States and Brazil. The recorda, oonsisting of bound vol- umes and unbound documents, are mostly instructions to and des- patches from diplomatic and consular officials; the despatches are often accompanied by enclosures. Also included in these records are notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, memoranda pre- pared by officials of the Department, and correspondence with officials of other Government departments and with private firms and persons. The Lists of Documents or "purport sheets" filmea at the beglnning of the roll give brief abstracts of the docu- ments reproduced in this mlcrocopy and serve as a finding aid to the documents themselves. The arrau^ement of the entries on these lists generally corresponds to the arranjement of the doc- uments in the file.

From 1910 to 1963 the Department of State used a decimal system for its central files, assembling and arranglng individ- ual documents according to subject and assigning decimal file numbers. The decimal file consists of nine primary classes num- bered 0 through 8, each coverlng a broad subject area. The rec- ords reproduced in this microcopy are in Class 7, Politicai Relations of States. The country numbers assigned to the United States and to Brazil are 11 and 32, respectively. Thus the docu- ments bear the file number 711.32 and concern politicai relations between the United States and Brazil.

When one or more digits follcw the second country number, they represent a specific subject. This number, in turn, raay be foliowed by a slant mark (/). In such cases the numbers after the slant mark vere assigned to individual documents as they were accumulated on a specific subject. For example, a decimal file number taken from a document reproduced in this microcopy is 711*322/13" The number 2 following the country number for Brazil (32) signifies that the subject is a treaty concerning c munerce and navigaticn, and the number afuer the slant mark in- dicates the number of documents on this subject.

The documents under one subject classification are generally in chronological ordar, coincidlng with the document number as- signed (which follows the slant mark). There are instances, how- ever, when a document file number vas not assigned until a date conslderably later than the one on which the document was re- ceived.

1 Cross-reference sheets referring to rej.ated records under ctner subject classifications in the decimal file have been re- produced as they occur, aad appropriate crcss-reference nota- tions appear in the Lists of Documents. Other cross-reference notations are to documents in the "numérica! file," a system used for the central files of the Department of State for the period 1900-10. The checkmarks nhat appear by most entries In the left-hand column of the Lists of Documents indicate that the papers are in the file; entries without marks, it is believed, refer to documents that uere not among the recorda when they v/ere were received from the Department of State.

Some of the documents that have been checked in the Lists of Documents do nct appear in this microcopy. The file contains security-classified documents and Communications received from and classified by foreign governments and Federal agencies, in addition to those classified by the Department of State. Docu- ments that have not been declasslfied are not available as part of this microcopy. The National Archives and Records Service does not have authority to make reproductlons of such documents available to searchers.

The largest group of records reproauced in this microcopy concern treaties relating to arbitration, the renunciation of war, commerce and navigation, consular functions, and imraigra- tion between the United States and Brazil. Other records con- cern general relations and a proposed agreement for the control of traffic in liquor and narcótica between the United States and Brazil.

The records reproduced in this mocrocopy are part of the records in the National Archives designated as Record Group 59^ General Records of the Department of State.

In the same record group are several dipxomatic correspond- ance series containing additional documente on relations between Brazil anu the United States. They are copies of instructions from the Department of State to U.S. Ministers to ali countries, 1815-33 (Rolls 3-7 and 9 of Microcopy 77) E.-ã to U.S. Ministers to Brazil, 1833-1906 (Rclls 23-26 of Microcopy 77); notes to forexgn ministers and consuls in the United States from the De- partment, l8lO-3^ (Rulis 2-5 of Microcopy 38); notes to the Brazilian Legation in the United States from the Department, 183^-1906 (Roll 9 of Microcopy 99); despatches from U.S. Minis- ters to Brazil to the Department, 1809-1906 (Microcopy 121); and notes from the Brazilian Legation in the United States to the Department, 1824-1906 (Microcopy ^9)* Also related to matters concerniug Brazil are despatches from special agents of the United States to the Department, 175^-1906 (Microcopy 37).

There are also microfilm publicatlons available on des- patches from U.S. consular officials at Bahia (Salvador), 185C-

2 190b (T-331); Florianópolis (Desterro), 1831-36, see Santa Catarina (Roll 1 of T-14-83); Manáos (Manaus), 1881-82, sée Para (Roll 5 of T-l+78';; Maranham (Maranhão), 1817-76 (T-398T7~for 1876-77 see Para (Roll 5 of T-Vr8)j Para (Belém), 1881-1906 (T-478), for 1827-29 see Maranham (Roll 1 of T-398)i Paranaiha (Paranhiba), 1867-72, see Para (Roll 5 of T-l+78)j Pernambuco (Recife), 1817-1906 (Tlpíl^); Rio de Janeiro, I8II-I906 (T-172)j Rio Grande do Sal, 1829-97 (T-IU5), St. Salvador (Salvador), 1808-14-9 (T-l+32); Santa Catarina (St. Catherine), 1831-7^ (T-483); and Santos, 1831-1906 (T-351)• Complementsory to the despatches are tnstructions to consuls.

The method of arranging the dlplomatlc and conaular series cited ábove was discontinued in 1906 when the Department of State adopted the practice of filing incomlng and outgoing cor- respondence, memoranda, and other documents by subject in a sin- gle numerical series. Information on documents relating to Brazil for the 1906-10 period may be found through the use of card indexes and Lists of Documents in the National Archives.

Among the records in the same record group in the Department of State decimal file, 1910-29, are two othcr series regarding Brazilian affairs that are closely related to the records repro- duced in this ralcrocopy. One is another series in Class 7, which concerns politicai relations between Brazil and Other States (Microcopy 526), and the other is e series in Class 8, which re- lates to internai affairs of Brazil (Microcopy 519).

Additional documents are in the reraaining classes of the Department of State decimal file as follows:

Class 0. General. Miscellaneous. Class 1. Administration, Government of the United States. Class 2. Extradition. Class 3- Protection of Interests. Class I4. Claims. Class 5. International Congresses and Conferences. Multi-lateral Treatles. League of Nations. Class 6. Commerce. Customs Administration. Commercial Relations, Treaties and Conventions. Commercial and Trade Agreements. In Record Group 84, Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State, are records originally kept at U.S. diploraatic and consular posts. Among thera are records of the U.S. Legation (later Embassy) In Brazil, 1809-1935, and of con- sular posts in that country.

Other records relating to Brazil are in Record Group U3, Records of United States Participation in International Confer- ences, Commissions, and Expositions. There are also records of

3 the Cornmlsslon representing ti e United States at the Brazllian Centennial acposition, 1922-23.

The records reproduced in thls rnicroccpy vere prepared for filning by Ernestine S. Cognasso, who wrote these introductory remnrks aivd provided the cther editorial material.


The decimal file number span and lhe subjects covered hy the documenta reproduced in this microcopy are as follous:

File Number and Descriptlon


711.32/14 - 711-329/a Brief ahstracts tiiat serve as a finding aid to the doc\iments.



Mar. 31, 1910 - Dec. 23, 1929 Politicai Relations 711.3212 - 711.3212Anti-var Arhitration treaties hetween the United States and Brazil; nefeotiations for treaty renouncmg war, 1928-29. Commerce and Ravigatlon 711.322 - 711. Proposed treaty of friendship, commerce, and the consular rights between the United States and Brazil; status in 1916 of a Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navlgation concluded between the United States and Brazil on Dec. 12, 1028. Immigratlon 711.325 Inquiry as to whether provislons exlst for Negro immigration mto Brazil from the United States. Other Relations 711.329/a Proposed agreement for control of trafflc in liquor and narootics.

The price of the single roll of film in Microcopy 525 is $4.

5 Página n. 6 em branco conforme instrumento de pesquisa original. RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE RELATING TC POLITICAL RELATIONS BETWEEN BRAZIL AND OTHER STATES, 1910-1Q29

On the 2 rolls of thls mlcrofilm publication are repro- duced the records from the decimal file of the Department of State, 1910-29, that relate to politicai relations between Brazil and nations other than the United States. The records, consiet- ing of hound volumes and uhbound documents, are moetly instruc- tions to and despatches from diplomatic and consular officials; the despatches are often accompanied hy enclosures. Also in- cluded In these records are notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, nemoranda prepared by officials of the Department, and corre- spondence with officials of other Government departments and with private firms and persons. The Lists of Documents or "purport sheets" filmed at the beginning of Roll 1 give brief ábstracts of the documents reproduced in this mlcrocopy and serve as a finding aid to the documents themselves. The arrangement of the entriea on these lists generolly corresponde to the arrangement of the documents in the file.

From 1910 to 1963 the Department of State used a decimal system for its central files, assembling and arranglng individ- ual documents according to subject and assigning decimal file numbers. The decimal file consists of nine primary classes num- bered 0 through 8, each covering a broad subject area. The rec- ords reproduced In thls microcopy are in Class 7j Politicai Re- lations of States. Each country has been assigned a two-diglt oumber. The country numbers assigned to Brazil and to Italy, for example, are 32 and 65, respectively• Thus the documents bearing the file number 732.65 concern politicai relations between Brazil and Italy.

When two country numbers are used in a single file num- ber, the lower number is the controlling one and precedes the decimal point; the number after the decimal,point rauut be higher. Most of the documents reproduced in this mlcrocopy concém rela- tions between Brazil and those countrles assigned a number higher than 32. Documents on relations between Brazil and countrles having a number lower than 32 would be among records for the other countryj for example, those on relations between Bolívia (24) and Brazil (32) would be filed under 724.32. Documents re- lating to relations with other countrles in general, however, are filed under 732.00 and are included in thls mlcrocopy.

When one or more dlglts follow the second country number, they represent a specific subject. Thls number, in turn, may be followed by a slant mark (/). In such cases the numbers after the slant mark were assigned to individual documents as they were accumulated on a specific subject. For example, a decimal file number taken from a document reproduced in this microcopy is

7 T32.655A. Tiie nwnber 5 followinfe the country numbsr for Itely (65) signifies that the subject is negotiaticn of an immigration treaty between Brazil and Italy, and the ramber after the slant mark indicates the ntunber of docunents on this subject.

The documents under one subject classification are gen- erallj in chronological order, coincldlng wlth the document nuci- ber a.ssigned (which follows the slant marK). There are instances, howeverj when a document file nuiriber was not assigned until a date considerably later than the one on vhich the document was received.

Cross-reference sheets referring to related records under other subject classifications in the decimal file have been repro- duced as they occur, and appropriate cross-reference notations appear in the Lists of Documenos. Other cross-reference nota- tions are to documents in the "numerical file," a system used for the central files of the Department of State for the period I906-IO. The checkmarks that appear Dy most entries in the left- hand column of the Lists of Documents indicate that the papers are in the filej entries without marks, it is believed, refer to documents that were not among the records when they were received from the Department of State.

Some of the documents that have been checked in the Lists of Documents do not appear in this mlcrocopy. The file contains security-classified documents and Communications received from and classified by foreign governments and Federal agencies, in addition to those classified by the Department of State. Docu- ments that have not been declassified are not available as part of this raicrocopy. The National Archives and Records Service does not have authority to make reproductions of such documents availabxe to searchers.

The largest group of records reproduced in this microcopy concern relatlons between Brazil and other nations of Latin America. Included are reports concerning boundary disputes be- tween Brazil and Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, British Guiana, und Prench Guiana.

The records reproduced in this microcopy are part of the records in the National Archives designated as Record Group 59^ General Records of the Department of State.

In the same record group are se^eral diplomatic corre- sponnence series containing auditicnal documents on relations between Brazil and the United States. They are copies of in- structions from the Department oí State to ali countries, 1815-33 (Rolls 3-7 and 9 of Microcopy 77); and to U.S. Ministers to Brazil, 1833-1906 (Rolls 23-26 of Microcopy 77); notes to foreign minis- ters and consuls in tne United States from the Department, 1810- 3^ (Rolls 2-5 of Microcopy 38); notes to the Brszillan Legation in the United States from the Department, l83';-1906 (Roll 9 of

8 Mlcrocopy 99)> despatches from U.S. Mlnisters to Brazll to the Department, 1809-19^6 (Mlcrocopy 12l); and notes from the Brazil- ian Legatlon In the United States to the Department, 182^-1906 (Mlcrocopy Íj9) . Also relsted to maLters concerning Brazll are some records among despatches from speclal agents of the United States to the Department, 179^-1906 (Mlcrocopy 37).

There are also microfllm punllcations avallahle on des- patches from U.S. consular officials at Bahia (Salvador), iBpO- 19C6 (T-331); Floriandpolis (Destêrro), 1831-36, see Santa Catarina (Roll 1 of T-Í4-33); Manáos (Manaus), 1881-82, see Para (Roll 5 of T-478); Maranham (MaranhSo), 1817-76 (T-398), for 1876-77 .see Para (Roll 5 of T-478)j Para (Belém), 1831-1906 (T-478), for 1827-29 see Maranham (Roll 1 of T-393); Paranaíba (laranhiba), 1867-72, see Para (Roll 5 of T-U78); Pernambuco (Recife), 1817-1906 (TlfÇiO; Rio de Janeiro, IÒII-I906 (T-172); Rio Grande do Sul, 1829-97 (T-l45)j St. Salvador (Salvador), I808- 49 (T-432); Santa Catarina (St. Catherine), 1831-74 (T-483); and Santos, 1831-1906 (T-351)• Complementary to the despatches are instructions to consuls.

The raethod of arranging the diplomatic and consular series cited above was discontinued in 1906 when the Department of State aaopted the practice of filing incoraing and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, anu other docoments by subject in a single numerical series. Information on documenta relating to Brazil for the I906-IO period found through the use of cr.rd indexes and Lists of Documents in the National Archlves.

Among rhe records in the ssme record group in the Depart- ment of State decimal file, 1910-19, are two other series regard- ing Brazilian affairs that areclosely related to the records re- produced in this microcopy. One is another series in Class 7, which concerns politicai relations between tne United States and Brazil (Microcopy 525), and the other is a series in Class 8, which relates to internai affairs of Brazil (Mlcrocopy 519)*

Additional docurnents are in the reraaining classes of the Department of State decimal file as follows:

Class 0. General. l|-liscellaneous. Class 1. Administration, Government of the United States. Class 2. Extradition. Class 3* Protection of Interests. Class 4. Claims. Class 5» International Congresses and Conferences. Multl-lateral Treaties. League of Nations. Class 6. Comraerce. Customs Administration. Comraercial Relations, Treaties and Conventions. Commercial and Trade Agreements.

9 In Record Group 6k, Records of the Foreign oervxce Posts of the Department of State, are records originally kept at U.S. diplometic and consular posts. Among these are records of the U.S. Legation (later Dmbassy) in Brazil, 1809-1935/ and oí" con- sular posts in that country.

Other records relating to Brazil are in Record Group 43, Records of United States Participation in International Confer- ences, Conmiosions, and Expositions. There are also records of the Commission representing the United States at the Brazilian Centennial Exposition, 1922-23.

The records reproduced in this microcopy were prepared for filraing by Ernestine S. Cognasso, who olso virote these in- troductory reaarks and provided the other editorial material. COKTEWJS CF MICROCQPY >20

The deciriial file uumber span and the subjeciis covered dji the docuznents reproduced in this microcopy are as follows:

Reli File Nurriber, Descrlptlcn, end Prlce of Roll


1 732.00 - 732.94 $3 Brief abstracta that serve as a finding aid to the documents.



General Relati 1 732.00/0-3 General. 732.0021 Note relatlng to consular functions with foreign countries. Relations and Treatles 732.33 - 732.339Sanitary With Uruguay. 732.3^ - 732.9^ With Paraguay, Argentina, Cuba, Haiti, Great Britain, British Guiana, France, French Guiana, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden, , Poland, Rússia. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Tuiicey, Iran (Pérsia), anu Japan.

The price of the 2 rolls of film in Microcopy 526 is $7 •


UNICAMP Arquivo Eagard Leuenroth Instituto Jc f^iloftofía' Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social r, An cias ^ju manas

Records ►f the

Dep irtment of State

Reiating to Poli leal

Relations between Brazil

ai.d th Others S .r^tes


ADEB MR/0138-MR/0139 Frequently Asked Question Detail


Publication Summary i to Order I Publication Details Publication Number: M526 JÉSSiK Publication Title: Records of the Department of State Reiatmg to Politicai Relations Between Brazil and ^ View Important Publication Other States. 1910-1929. Details Record Group Number; 59 Note: Prices shown in the Publication Record Group Title: Details are no longer vaMo General Records of the Department of State Viewíng Locations Number ofRolls/Fiche Form: Color;Color: /Disks: Microfilm, Black i& White Location Facillty 2 35mm NARA's Southeast Region (Atlanta, GA) For Sale: ForRent: National Archives at College Park - Yes No Archives II (College Park, MD) Subject Term(s): Brazil (South America) nation; International relations

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Coliection of this ínformation is authorized by 44 U.S.C. 2108. Disclosure of the information is voluntary, however, we will be unable to respond to your request if you do not furnish your name and address and the minimum required information about the records. The information is used by NARA emp^oyees to search for the record; to respond to you; to maintain contrai over information requests received and answered; and to facilitate preparation of internai statistical -eports tf you provide credit card information, that information is used to bill you for copies. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not to respond to a coliection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB contrai number. The OMB Contrai No. for this information coliection is 3095-0027. Public burden reporting for this coliection of information is estimated to be 10 minutes per response. Send comments -egarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the information coliection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to National Archives and Records Administration (NHP), 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park MD 20740. DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS.

Arch Home Contact Us Privacy Policy Accessibility Freedom of Information Act The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272

1 de 1 31/05/2016 13:43 i t > « NATION^l ARCHIVES MlCROFIlM PUBLICATIONS I , i - ' l PAMPHLET ACCOMPAKYING MICROCOPIES NOS. 525 & 526 í «í . *•

« f

m >• •« ' g*' Repords of

the Department òf State - i ■' - • t * ^Relatinfí to. « 5 ' Politicai RelaLtions

Between the United States

and ÍB|*a2iI, 1910-1929

^ ^ and.

* Between Brasil , ^ ^ •* * and Other States, 1910-1929 94 ,v •. * * •* • ■ ■ > : . / ^ '.V > i . * » • . v . . «

*'■ « a Ç ' '« I / i* - \ n I ^ATÍONAl ARÇ^IVES'AND RECORDS SERVICE , GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 4 s * !> . ^ WASHINGTON! * -1--1969 „ • v o* ■ -ç# •f % } a

_» » The records reproduced in these microfilm publications

are from

Record Group 59

General Records of the Department of State

in the Mational Archives Titxe Page

Microcopy No. 525 Records of the Department of State Relating to Politicai Relations Between the United States and Brazil, 1910-1929 1

Mlcrocopy No. 526 Records of the Department of State Relating to Politicai Relations Between Brazil and Other States,


On the single roll of this miorofilm publicaticn are repro- duced the records from the decimal file of the Department of State, 1910-29, that relate to politicai relations between the United States and Brazil. The records, consisting of b^ond vol- umes and unbound documents, are mostly instructions to and des- patches from diplomatic and consular officials; the despatches are often accompanied by enclosures. Also included in these records are notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representativas in the United States, memoranda pre- pared by officials of the Department, and correspondence with officials of other Government departments and with private firme and persons. The Lists of Documents or 1 purport sheets" filmed at the beginning of the roll give brief abstracts of the docu- ments reproduced in this microcopy and serve as a flnding aid to the documents themselves. The arrangement of the entries on these lists generally corresponds to the arrangement of the doc- uments in the file.

From 1910 to 1963 the Department of State used a decimal system for its central files, assemoling and arranging individ- ual documents according to subject and asslgning decimal file numbers. The decimal file consists of nine primary classes num- bered 0 through 8, each covering a broad subject area. The rec- ords reproduced in this microcopy are in Class 7, Politicai Relations of States. The country numbers assigned to the United States and to Brazil are 11 and 32, respectively. Thus the docu- ments bear the file number 711.32 and concern politicai relations between the United States and Brazil.

Whon one or more digits follow the second country number, they represent a specific subject. This number, in turn, may be followed by a slant mark (/). In such cases the numbers after the slant mark were assigned to individual documents as they were accumulated on a specific subject. For example, a decimal file number taken from a document reproduced in this microcopy is 711.322/13. The number 2 following the country number for Brazil (32) signifies that the subject is a treaty concerniug ccmraerce ani navigaticn, and the number after the slant mark in- dicates the number of documents on this subject.

Tne documents under one subject classification are generally in chronological order, coincidlng with the document number as- signed (whlch follows the slant mark). There are instances, how- ever, when a document file number vas not assigned until a date considerably later thau the one on which the document was re- celved.

1 Cross-reference sheets rererring to re±a-ced recoras under other subject classifications in the decimal file have been re- produced as they occur, and appropriate crcss-reference nota- tions appear In the Llsts of DocumenLs. Other cross-reference notations are to documents in the "numerical file," a system used for the central files of the Department of State for the period 1906-10. The checkmarks i;hat appear by most entries in the left-hand column of the Lists of Documents indicate that the papers are in the file; entries withcut marks, it is believed, refer to documents that uere not among the records when they v/ere were received fron the Department of State.

Some of the documents that have been checkea in the Lists of Documents do not appear in this microcopy. The file contains security-classified documents and Communications received from and classified by foreign governments and Federal agencies, in addltion to those classified by the Department of State. Docu- ments that have not been declassified are not available as part of this microcopy. The National Archives and Records Service does not have authority to make reproductions of such documents available to searchers.

The largest group of records reproduced in this microcopy concern treaties relating to artitration, the renunciation of war, commerce and navigation, consular functions, and immigra- tion bet^een the United States and Brazll. Other records con- cern general relations and a proposed agre-ement for the control of traffic in llquor and narcotics between the United States and Brazll.

The records reproduced in this mocrocopy are part of the records in the National Archives desxgnated as Record Group 59; General Records of the Department of State.

In the sarae record group are several aiplomatic correspond- ence series contalning additlonal documents on relations between Brazil and the United States. They are copies of instructions from the Department of State to U.S. Mlnisters tc ali countries, 1815-33 (Rolls 3-7 and 9 of Microcopy 77) ani to U.S. Mlnisters to Brazil, 1033-1906 (Rolls 23-26 of Microcopy 77); notes to foreign mlnisters and consuls in the United States from the De- partment, l8lO-3^ (Rolls 2-5 of Microcopy 38); notes to the Brazilian Legation in the United States from the Department, 183^-1906 (Reli 9 of Microcopy 99); despatches from U.S. Mlnis- ters to Brazil to the Department, 1809-1906 (Microcopy 121); and notes from the Brazilian Legation in the United States to the Department, 182^-19^6 (Microcopy I9)• Also related to matters concerning Brazil are despatches from special agents of tne United States to the Department, 17914-1906 (Microcopy 37).

There are also microfilm publications available on des- patches from U.S. consular officials at Bahia (Salvedor), 185C-

2 1906 (T-331); Florianópolis (Destêrro), 1831-36, see faanta Catarina (Roll 1 of T-Ws); Manáos (Manaus), 1881-82, see Para (Roll 5 of T-^78); Maranham (Maranhão), 1817-76 (T-398T7~for 1876-77 see Para (Roll 5 of T-Vr8); Para (Belém), 1881-1906 (T-478), for 1827-29 see Maranham (Roll 1 of T-398); Paranaiba (Paranhiba), 1867-72, see Para (Roll 5 of T-U78)j Pernambuco (Recife), 1817-1906 (TTpíU); Rio de Janeiro, I8II-I906 (T-172)j Rio Grande do Sul, 1829-97 (T-lUj), St. Salvador (Salvador), 1808-1í-9 (T-lt32); Santa Catarina (St. Catherine), 1831-7^ (T-l+83); and Santos, I83I-I906 (T-351). Complementary to the despatches are instructions to consuls.

Phe method of arranging the diplomatlc and consular series cited above was discontinued in 1906 when the Department of State adopted the practice of fillng incoming and outgoing cor- respnndence, memoranda, and other documents by subject in a sin- gle numerical series. Information on documents relating to Brazil for the 1906-10 period may be found through the use of card indexes and Lists of Documents in the National Archives.

Among the records in the same record group in the Department of State decimal file, 1910-29, are two other series regard"1 ng Brazilian affairs that are closely related to the records repro- duced in this microcopy. One is another series in Class 7, which concems politicai relations between Brazil and Other States (Microcopy 526), and the other is a series in Class 8, which re- lates to internai affairs of Brazil (Microcopy 519)•

Additional documents are in the remaining classes of the Department of State decimal file as follows:

Class 0. General. Miscellaneous. Class 1. Administration, Government of the United States. Class 2. Extradition. Class 3. Protection of Interests. Class Claims. Class 5- International Congresses and Conferences. Multi-lateral Treaties. League of Nations. Class 6. Commeroe. Customs Administration. Ccmmercial Relations, Treaties and Conventions. Commercial and Trade Agreeraents. In Record Grouj 64, Records of the Foreign Service Posts of che Department of State, are records originally kept et U.S. diploraatic and consular posts, Among their are records of the U.S. Legation (later Embassy) in Brazil, 1809-1935, and of con- sular posts in that country.

Other records relating to Brazil are in Record Group U3, Records of United States PartxCipation in International Confer- ences, Commlòsions, and Expositions. Tnere are also records of

3 the Commission representing tlse United States at the Brazillan Centennial Ecposition, 1922-23*

The records reproduced in this rnlcroccpy were prepared for filralng by Ernestine S. Ccgnasso, who vrote these inuroductory reniarks and provided the cther editorial material.


The decimal file nui.íber span and tne subjects covered hy the documents reprodvced in this microcopy are as follows;

File Nomber and Descrlptlon


711.32/1^ - fi-1.329/a Brief ahstracts that serve as a finding aid to the ducuments.



General Relations

Mar. 31, 1910 - Dec. 23, 1929 Politicai Relations 711.3212 - 711.3£12Antl-war Arbitration treaties between the United States and Brazil; negotiations for treaty renouncing war, 1928-29• Commerce and Ravigation 711.322 - 711.3221 Proposed treaty of friendship, commerce, and the consular rights between the United States and Brazilj status in 1916 of a Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation concluded between the United States and Brazil on Dec. 12, 1828. Iiiimlgration 711.325 Inquiry as to whether provisions exist for Negro iraraigration into Brazil from the United States. Other Relations 711.329/* Proposed agreexr.ant for control of traffic in liquor and narcotics.

The price of the single roll of film in Microcopy 525 is

5 Página n. 6 err, branco conforme instrumento de pesquisa original. RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE RELATIND TO POLITICAI RELATIONS BETWEEN BRAZIL AND OTHER STATES, 1910-1929

On the 2 toIIb of tMs microfiJLm publicatioa are repro- duced the recorda from the decimal file of the Department of State, 1910-29, that relate to politicai relations hetween Brazil and nations other than the United States. The recorda, conslet- ing of hound volumes and unbound documents, are mostly instruc- tions to and deapatches from diplomatic and consular officiais; the deapatches are often accorapanied by enclosurea. Also in- cluded In these recorda are notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, memoranda prepared by officials of the Department, and corre- spondence with officials of other Government departments and wlth private firma and persona. The Lista of Documents or "purport sheets" filmed at the beginning of Roll 1 give brlef abstracta of the documents reproduced in this mlcrocopy and serve as a flnding aid to the documents themselves. The arrangement of the entries on these lista genei&lly corresponda to the arrangement of the documents in the file.

From 1910 to 1963 the Department of State used a decimal system for its central files, assembllng and arranging individ- ual documents according to subject and assigning decimal file outribers. The decimal file consists of nine primary classes num- bered 0 through 8, each covering a broad subject area. The rec- srds reproduced In this mlcrocopy are in Class 7, Politicai Re- lanlons of States. Each country has been assigned a two-digit number. The country numbers assigned to Brazil and to Italy, for exa^iple, are 32 and 65, respectlvely. Thus the documents bearlng the file number 732.65 concern politicai relations between Brazil and Italy.

When two country numbers are used in a single file rum- ber, the lower number is the controlllng one and precedes the decimal point; the number after the decimal,point must be hlgher. Most of the documents reproduced in this mlcrocopy concern rela- tions between Brazil and those countries assigned a number hlgher than 32. Documents on relations between Brazil and countries havlng a number lower than 32 vould be among recorde for the otl r country; for < acanale, those on relations between Bolívia (24) and Brazil (32) would be filed under 724.32. Documeuòs re- lating to relations with other countries in general, however, are filed under 732.00 and are included in this mlcrocopy.

When one or more dlglts follow the second country number, they represent a speclflc subject. This number, in turn, may be followed by a slant mark (/). In such cases the numbers after the slant mark were assigned to individual documents as they were accumulated on a speclfic subject. For example, a decimal file number taken from a document reproduced in this mlcrocopy is

7 732.655/^. The nui.iber 5 following the countri' nLunbar for Italy (65) signifies that the subject is negotia-&icn of an iKmigratioí treaty between Brazil and Italy, and the numb^r after the slant mark indicates the nianber of documents on this subject.

The documents onder one subject classificaticn are gen- erally in chronological order, coinciding with the document num- ber assigned (which follows the slant mark). There are instances, however, when a document file number was not assigned until a date considerably later than the one on which the document was received.

Cross-reference sheets referring to related records under other subject classifications in the decimal file have been repro- duced as they occur, ana appropriate cross-reference notations appaar in the Lists of Documents. Other cross-reference nota- tions are to documents in the "numerical file/ a system used for the central files of the Department of State for the period 1906-10. The checkmarks that appear by most entries in the left- hand column of the Lists of Documents indicate that the papers are in the file; entries without marks, it is believed, refer to documents that were not among the records when they were received from the Department of State.

Some of the documents that have been checked in the Lists of Documents dc not appear in this microcopy. The file contains securlty-classified documents and Communications received from and classified by forelgn governraents and Federal agencies, In addition to those classified by the Department of Stace. Docu- ments that have not been declassified are not avallable as j art of this microcopy. The National Archives and Records Servi ce does not have authority to make reproductlons of such documents available to searchers.

The largest group of records reproduced in this microcopy ccncern relations between Brazil and other nations of Latin America. Included are repcrts concerning boundary disputes be- tween Brazil and Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, British Guiana, and French Guiana.

The records reproduced in this microcopy are part of the records in the National Archives designated as Record Group 99, General Records of the Department of State.

In the sarae record group are severa! diplomatic corre- spondence series containing additional documents on relations between Brazil ana the United States, They are copies of in- structions from the Department of State to ali countries, 1015-33 (Rolls 3-7 and 9 of Microcopy 77); and to U.S. Ministers to Brazil, 1833-1906 (Rolls 23-26 of Microcopy 77)^ notes to foreign minis- ters and consuls In the United States from the Department, 1810- 3^ (Rolls 2-5 of Microcopy 38); notes to the Brszilian Legatlon in the United States fron the Department, iSS^-^Oó (Roll 9 of

8 Mlcrocopy 99); dsspatches from U.S. Ministers to Brazil to the Department, 1809-1906 (Mtcrocopy 121); and notes from the Brazil- ian Legatlon in the United States to the Department, 182^-1906 (Mlcrocopy ^9). Also releted to matters concerning Brazil are some records among despatches from special agents of the United States to the Department, 179^-1906 (Microcopy 37).

There are also microfilm publications available on des- patches from U.S. consular officials at Bahia (Salvador), I85O- 1906 (T-331); Florianópolis (Destèrro), IO31-36, see Santa Catarina (Roll 1 of 1-433); Manáos (Manaus), 1881-®. see Para (Roll 5 of T-4T8); Maranham (Maranhão), 1817-76 (T-398), for 1876-77 see Para (Roll 5 of T-478); Para (Belém), 1831-1906 (T-478), for 1827-29 see Maranham (Roll 1 of T-398); Para^alba (Paranhiba), 1867-72, see Para (Roll $ of T-478); Pernambuco (Recife), I817-I906 (1-344); Rio de Janeiro, I8II-I906 (1-172); Rio Grande do Sul, 1829-97 (1-145); St. Salvador (Salvador), I808- 4.9 (t_432); Santa Catarina (St. Catherine), IÔ31-74 (1-403); and Santos, 1831-1906 (T-351). Compuernentary to the despatches are instructions to consuls.

The method of arranging the diplomatic and consular series cited above was discontinued in 1906 when the Departrent of State aaopted the practice of filing incoraiug and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, and other documents by subject in a single numérica! series. Information on documents relatlng to Brazil for the 190b-10 period may be foond thr^ugh the use of card indexes and Lists of Dcmments In the National Archives.

Among the records in the same record group in the Depart- ment of State decimal file, 1910-29.» are two other series regard- ing Brazilian affairs that are'closely related to the records re- produced in this microcopy. One is another series in Class 7, vhich concerns politicai relations between the United States and Brazil (Microcopy 525), and the other is a series in Class 8, which relates to internai affairs of Brazil (Microcopy 519).

Additional documents are in the reraaining classes of tne Department of State decimal file as follows:

Class 0. General. Miscellaneous. Class 1. Administration, Government of the United States. Class 2. Extradition. Class 3. Protection of Interests. Class 4. Claims. Class 5. International Congresses and Conferences. Multi-lateral Treatles. League of Nations. Class 6. Commerce. Customs Administration. Commercial Relations, Treaties and Conventions. Commercial and Trade Agreements.

9 In fiecord Group 8^ Records of the Forelgn Service Posls of the Department of State, are records origlnally kept at U.S. diplomptic and consular posts. Among these are records of the U.S. Legation (later Embussy) in Brazil, 1809-1935, and of con- sular posts in that couutry.

Other records relating to Brazil are in Record Group í+3, Records of United States Participation in International Confer- ences, Commissions, and Expositions. There are also records of the Commission reorecenting the United States at the Brazilian Centennial Exposition, 1922-23-

The records reproduced in this microcopy were prepared for filraing by Ernestine S. Cognasso, who ciso wrote these in- troductory remorks and provided the other editorial material. CUNTENTb OF MICROCOPY 526 The decimal file number span and the subjects covered by the aocuments reproduced in this microcopy are as follows:

Roll File Number, Descríptlcn, and Price of Roll


1 T32.0C - 732.9^ $3 Brief abstracts that serve as a finding aid to the docvunents.



Jeneral Relatloi _> 732.00/0-3 General. 732.0021 Note relatlng to consular functions with foreign countries. Relations and Treaties 732.33 - 732.339Sanitary With Uruguay. 732.34 - 732.94 $4 With Paraguay, Argentina, Cuba, Haiti, Great Britain, British Guiana, France, French Guiana, Spain, Portugal, Switzerlanu, Belgium, Sweden, DenmariC, Polani, Rússia, Gennany, Austrla-Hungary. Italy, Turkey, Iran (Pérsia), anu Japan.

The price of the 2 rolls of filra In Microcopy 526 is $7.


UNICAMP Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth jnâl.íiutn Jc filosofia Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social c. (^.íítncías uma nas


Rec i ús f the

De par Ime it of í :aie

R^tal ng li te mal Afra i rs

>r Brazil

Í ::O-19X

ADEh MR/0140-MR/0187 Frequently Asked Q^iestion Detail


Publication Summary j Continue to Order i Publication Details Publication Number: M1472 aSh- Publication Title: 4, Records of the Department of State Relatmg to Internai Attairs of Brazii, 1930-1939. jáíi View Important Publication Record Group Number; Details 59 Record Group Title: Note: Prices shown In the Publication General Records of the Department of State Details are no longer valid. Number of Rolls/Fiche Form Color; Viewing Locations /Disks: Microfilm, Black <& White Location Facility 48 35mm For Sale: ForRent: National Archives at Coliege Park - Yes No Archives II (Coliege Park, MD) SubjectTerm(s): Brazil (South America) nation; International relations

Oontinue to I

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Collection of this informafion is authorized by 44 U.S.C 2108. Disclosure of the information is voluntary, however, we will be unable to respond to your request if you do not furnish your name and address and the minimum required information about the records. The information is used by NARA employees to search for the record; to respond to you; to maintain control over information requests received and answered; and to facilitate preparation of internai statistical repcrts. If vou provide credit card information, that information is used to bill you for copies. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB control number The OMB Control No for this information collection is 3095-0027. Public burden reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be 10 minutes per response. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to National Archives and Records Administration (NHP), 8601 Adelphi Road, Coliege Park MD 20740. DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. Home ContactUs Privacy Policy Accessibhity Freedom of Information Act The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road, Coliege Park MD 20740-6001 Telephnne 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272

1 ae 1 31/05/2016 13:53 Publication Number: M1472

Publication Title: Internai Affairs of Brazil, 1930-1939

Date Published: n.d.



Roll Description

1 Politicai Affairs; 832.00/ 653-824 2 Politicai Affairs; 832.00/ 825-1115 3 Politicai Affairs; 832.00/116- 832.00B/ 81 4 Communist Activities; 832.00B/82-832.Gen. Condotion/35 5 Politicai/ Gen. Conditions; 832.00 Gen. Condition/36-87 6 Politicai Japanese Immigration, 832.00 Japanese/832.00 Revolutiún/98 Politicai Revolutions; 832.00 RevoIutions/199-48b 8 Politicai Affairs/ Revolutions; 832.00 Revolutions/ 487-644 9 Government; 832.01/ 12-832.002/ 107 10 Government; 839.01/ 1-832.01287/ 1 11 Politicai Rights/Suffrage; 832.0131/1-832.049/2 12 Municipal Government; 832.101/ 5-832.1284/ 1 13 Correction and Punishment; 832.13/1-832.049/ 2 14 Military Affairs; 832.20/ 50-832.20/ 191 15 Visit by U.S. to Brazilian Military; 832.20111/ 1-832.245/ 2 16 Military Fiuspitals; 832.247/10-832.30/342 17 Naval Personnel; 832.32/1-832.348/ 48 18 Social Matters; 832.40/1-832.428/ 15 19 Societies; 832.43/1-832.5051/2 20 Insurance; 832 .506/ 13-832.51/642 21 Financial Conditions; 832.51/ 643-870 22 Financial Conditions; 1832.51/ 871-1121 23 Financial Conditions; 832.51/ 1122-1364 24 Financial Conditions; 832.51/ 1365-1583 25 Financial Conditions; 832.51/ 1584-832.51032/ 83 26 Credit Advisors; 832.5 1 c32/ 84-162 27 Credit Advisors; 832.51c32/l63-832.5 lp83/ 50 28 Public Securities; 832.51p83/ 51-832.5 1 sa5/ 60 29 Stocks; 832.5 lsa61-832.51 Tijuca 30 Excise Tax; 832.51121/20-832.5151/ 170 31 Exchange; 832.5151/ 171 - 410 32 Exchange; 832.5151/411 - 680 33 Exchange; 832.5151/681 - 1U00 34 Exchange; 832.5151/ 1001-1270 35 Exchange; 832.5151/ 1271-1450 36 Exchange; 832.5151/ 1451-832.516/360 37 Banking; 832.516/361-832.55/75 38 Immigration; 832.55/ 76-832.5594/ 40 39 Immigration/Brazil from Japan; 839.5594/41-832.61211/ 71 40 Wheat; 832.61311/1-832.61333/469 41 Coffee; 832.61333/497-832.61333/650 42 Coffee; 832.61333/651-832.6351/ 14 43 Iron; 832.6351/ 15-832.6363/ 80 44 Petroleum; 832.6363/81- 832.6463/ 50 45 Electric Power; 832.6463/51-832.74/ 100 46 Wkeless Telegraph; 832.74/ 101-832.77/ 550 47 Railway; 832.77/551-832.7971/ 14 48 Navigation/ Laws and Regulations; 832.801/ 23-832.927/ 4 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS | m í£ A INSTITUTO DE FILOSOFIA E CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS Pi i âj UNICAMP Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social c (3'cnr.iris í~Í tinia nas

Rea t \3 c l the

Department of f':í tu

Ralatit.j to [n:^rnal

Politicai ont tional

Defense Affairs of B^azil

19r M954

ADEB MR/0188-MR/0201 Frequently Asked Question Deiail


Publication Summary j ContinueContinue to OraerlOn Publication Details Publícation Number: M1487 1228», Publication Title: 1 Records of the Department of State to internai Politicai and National Defense ife View Important Publication Affairsof Brazil, 1950-1954. uetails Record Group Number: 59 Note: Prices shown in the Publication Record Grouo Title: Details are no longer valid. General Reccrds of the Department of State Viewmg Locations Number of Roils/Ficne Form: Color: Location Facíiity fDisks: Microfilm. B^ck & White 14 35mm National Archives at College Park - For Sale: ForRent: Archives II (College Park MD) Yes No SubjectTerm(s); Brazil (South America) natiom International relations

Continue to (

ORIVACY ACT STATEMENT Collection of this information is authorized by 44 U.S.C. 2108. Disclosure of the íniormanon is voluntary, however, we will be unable to respond to your request if you do not furnish your name and address and the minimum required information about the records. The information is used by NARA employees to search for the record; to respond to you; to maintain contrai over information requests received and answered and to facilitate preparation of internai statistical reports. If you provide credit card information, that information is useo to bill you for copies. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB contrai number. The OMB Contrai No. for this information collection is 3095-0027. Public burden reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be 10 minutes per response. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the information collection including suggestions for reducing this burden, to National Archives and Records Admimstration (NHP), 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park MD 20740 DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. Home ContactUs Privacy Policy Accessibility Freedoo of Information Act lhe U.S. Narional Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272


V •«

Records of thc / ' ■ '■*í. Department of State f >

Relating to Internai Politicai . 1 and National Defense Affairs

of Brazil


Decimal File 732

f O/'/v ;


are from

General Recorda of the Department of State


On the 14 rolls of thla mlcrofllm publlcatlon are rapro- duced the recorda froro the Decimal File of the Department of State, 1950-54, that relate to Internai politicai and natlonal defense affairs of Brazil. The recorda, consiatlng of unbound documenta, are mostly instructiona to and despatches from dlplo- matic and consular officials, many in the fortn of telegrama and alrgrams. Despatches transmitted by the diplomatic pouch are often accompanled by enclosures. Also included in these recorda are notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatlves In the United States, memorandums prepared by officials of the department, and correspond ice with officia s of other U.S. Government departments i id with priva te flrms and individuais. These recorda belong to Natlonal Archives Record Group 59, General Records of the Department of State.

The records reproduced in this microfilm publication are in class 7, Internai Politicai and National Defense Affairs of States. The councry number asslgned to Brazil is 32; thus the documenta bear the file number 732 and relate to internai poli- ticai and natlonal defense affairs of Brazil. A decimal polnt is used after the first three dlglts, followed by a number that representa a speciflc subtopic. This number, in tum, is followed by a slant mark (/). The numbers after the slant mark represent the date the document was created or filed; the first number representa the month, followed by a dash (-), whlch In turn is followed by numbers representlng th day and year. For example, a Decimal File number taken from a document reproduced In this publication is 732.00/1-252. The number 00 slgnifies that the subtopic is politicai affairs and conditions, and the numbers aft: the slant represent January 2, 1952, the date the document was created.

The documenta under one subj ct classification are generally in chronological order, However, there are instances wh^n the numbers representlng the date of a document were not assigned until conslderably after the date it was actually created.

Securlty Classifled Records

Some of the documents In the file have been removed and do not appear In this mlcrofllm publlcatlon. The removed materiais are the aecurlty-classifled documents and communlcr tlons received from and classifled by foreign govemments and federal agencies, in additlon to those classifled by the Department of State. They have been withdrawn from the file and replaced by

1 withdrawal notlces that contaln Information sufflcient to iden- tlfy the docum it and to ascertaln the baslc reason for Its con- tlnued classificatlon. The National Archlves does not have the authorlty to make reproductlons of classlfied documents available to researchers.

Related Records

Record Group (RG) 59 contains ali the departmental recorda relating to Brazll. Those that have been fllmed are llsted below in accordance wlth the three successlve filing systeras uaed by the department and posts.

From the beglnning of formal relatlons wlth Brazll in 1799 untll 1906, the Department of State flled dlplomatlc records created or accumulated by country. Out of these records the followlng have been fllmed: Copies of Instructlons from the department to U.S. mlnisters In Brazll, 1808-1906, M77 (1808-32, rolls 2-7; 1832-33, roll 9; and 1833-1906, rolls 23-26); Despatches from U.S. mlnisters In Brazll to the department, 1809-1906, M121; Notes from the department to forelgn mlnisters and consuls In the United States, 1793-1834, M38; Notes from the department to the Brazlllan Legatlon In the United States, 1834-1906, M99 (roll 9); and Notes from the Brazlllan Legatlon In the United States to the d partment, 1824-1906, M49,

In 1906, the department adopted a subject-numerlcal filing system, filing documents In a slngle num^rlcal series and uslng a subject Index to ald retrieval, Thls "Numerlcal and Mlnor Fl] " has been fllmed as National Archlves Publicatlon M862.

Between 1910 and 1963, the department used another subject- numerlcal syst n called the Decimal File. From 1950 through 1963 a revlsed verslon of thls system was used; a comparlson of the maln subjects (abbrevlated) and decimal numbers reveals the dlfferences: Original: Decimal: Revlsed;

General. Mlscel. 0. General. Mlscel. Administratlon, U.S. 1. Administratlon, U.S. Extradltlon 2. Protectlon of Interests Protectlon of Xnterests 3. Internat* l-^ultinat' l Clalms 4. Internat'1 Trade Intertu t' l-^ultlnat' 1 5. Internat* 1—Cultural Internat'1 Trade 6. Internat* l--BHatcral

2 Original: Decimai.. Revisto:

Internat1I--Bilateral 7. Internai Politicai, Nat*1 Defense Internai 8. Internai Economlc, Industrial, Social 9. Communications. Transport. Science.

For the perlod 1910-29, ali records In Class 7 have been fllmed; politicai relatlons between Brazll and the United States on M525 and between Brazll and other states on M526. ALI records In Class 8 have been fllmed for the perlod 1910-29 on M519; for the perlod 1930-39 on M1472; and for the perlod 1945-49 on M1492, Addltional recorda on the Internai affalrs of Brazll for the perlod 1950-54 (Class 8, revlsed) are fllmed on M1489.

In Records of the Forelgn Service Posts of thi Department of State, Record Group 84, are records orlglnally kept at U.S. dlplomatlc and consular posts. Among these are r.cords of the U.S. Legatlon (later Embassy) In Brazll and of consular posts In that country.

Othe : ecords relatlng to Brazll are In Records of Boundary and Clalms Commlsslons and Arbrltra ;lons, R ;ord Group 76, whlch Includes records relatlng to clalms agalnst Brazll under the conventlon of 1849 (T1187).

The records reproduced In thl: ralcrofllm publlcatlon were prepared for fllmlng by Patrícia Ortega. J. Dane Hartgrove wrote these Introductory remarks and supervlsed preparatlon of thls mlcrofllm publlcatlon.


F1It Numuei and Descrlptlon

732.00 Jan. 1950-Dec. 1951

Politicai affalrs and conditlons. Electlons.

732.00 Jan. 1952-Dec. 1954

Politicai affalrs and conditlons. Electlons.

732.00 MAY DAY/5-250 - 732.00 (W)/12-3154

May Day observances. Weekly reports.




Brazillan agents in thc United States.


Immunltles, prlvileges, restrlctlons, exemption frora taxation of U.S. and Brazillan agents.

732.02/3-2152 - 732.12/7-1554

Government. Terrltory. Chlef executive. President. Vice president.

732.13/1-450 - 732.2/10-654

Cablnet. Mlnlstry. Leglslatlve branch of govern- raent.

732.21/1-1150 - 732.3511/12-854

Leglslatlve proceedings. Judicial branch of government. Procurement of evldence from the United States for use In Brazll.

4 Roll F1 Numbei id Descrlptlon

10 732.5/7-2050 - 732.5 MAP/1-2^52

National defense affairs (general). Mliitary asslstance and purchases,

11 732.5 - MSP

Mutual security program.

12 732.52/3-1251 - 732.56/12-2154

Intelllgence actlvities. Subversiva actlvltles. Biographical data. Mllitary equipraent and supplles.

13 732.561/1-1150 - 732.58/12-2751

Mllitary armaraents. Naval vessels. Mllitary alrcraft. U.S. mllitary mlsslon In Brazll.

14 732.58/1-352 - 732.69/8-2453

U.S. mllitary mlsslon In Brazll. Vislts to Brazll by U.S. mllitary personnel. Stockplllng of strateglcally Important coramodltles.

(KA nc-891170205o


UNICAMP Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth 'jriãLítuto cíc filosofia' Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social e C,ícnc,ias J" jumanas


Records of the

Departmerit of State

Relating to Internai

Economic, Industrial, and

í ocia! Affairs of Brazil

1350-1 cJ4

ÂDEB MR/0202-MR/0235 Frequently Asked Question Detail https;//eservices


Publication Summary | ContinueContinue to OrdtOrder] Puolication Details Publication Numbei M1489 iSar Publication Title: Records of the Department of State Keiating to internai Economic, Industrial, ano Social ,**#3 View Important Publication Affairsof Brazii, 1950-1954. Details Record Group Numoer: 59 Note: Prices shown in the Publication Record Group Title: Details are no longer valid. General Records of the Department of State Viewing Locations Numberof Rolls/Fiche Korm: Color: Location Facility " ' /Dísks; Microfilm, Black i& White 94 35mm National Archives at College Park - For Sale ForRent. Archives II (College Pa"k, MD) Yes No SubjectTerm(s): Brazli (South America) nation; International relations

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Collection of this information is authorized by 44 U.S.C. 4108. Disdosure of the information is voluntary, however, we will be unable to respond to your request if you do not furnish your name and address and the minimum required information about the records. The information is used by NARA employees to search for the record; to respond to you; to maintain control over information requests receved and answered; and to facilitate preparation of internai statistical reports. If you provide creditcard information, that information is used to bil1 you for copies PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB control number. The OMB Control No. for this information collection is 3095-0027. Public burden reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be 10 minutes per response. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to National Archives and Records Administration (NHP), 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park MD 20740. DO NOT SEND COMPl.ETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. Home ContactUs Privacy Policy Accessibility Freedom of Information Act The U.S. National ArcHves and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272


Records of the

Department of State

Relating to Internai Economic,

Industrial, and Social Affairs

of Brazil


Decimal File 832

NATIONAL ARCHIVES TRUST FUND BOARD NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON: 1987 The records reproduced In the microfilm puollcation are from General Records of the Department of State Record Group 59 RECORDS Oí THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE RELATING TO INTERNAL, ECONOMIC INDUSTRIAL AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS OF BRAZIL 1930-1954 On the 34 roils of thls mlcrofilm publlcaclon are repro- duced the recorda from the D clmal File of the Department of State, 1950-54, that relate to Internai economlc, industrial, and social affalrs of Brazil. The records, consisting of unbound documents, are mostly instructlons to and despatches from dlplo- matlc and consular officials, many In the form of telegrama and alrgrams. Despatches transmltted by the diplomatic pouch are often accompanied by enclosures, Also included in these records are notes between the I partment of Sta,.; and forelgn dlplomatlc representa tive in the United States, raemorandums prepared by officials of the department, and correspondence with officials of other U.S. Govemmcnt dcpartments and with priva te firma and individuais. These records belong to National Archives Rccord Group 59, General Records of the Department of State. The records reproduced In this mlcrofilm publicatlon are In Cless 8, Internai Economlc, Industrial, and Social Affairs of States. The country nuraber assigned to Brazil is 32; thus the documents bear the file number 832 and relate to internai economlc, industrial, and social affairs of Brazil. A decimal polnt is used after the flrst three dlglts, followed by a number that repres ots a speclfic subtopic. Thls number, in turn, is followed by a sl it mark (/). The numbers after the slant mark represent the date the documcnt was creatcd or flled; the flrst number representa the month, followed by a dash (-), whlch in turn is followed by numbers representlng the day and year. For exaraple, a decimal file number taken from a docurr st reproduced in this publlcatlon is 832.10/4-350. The number 10 signifies that the subtopic is general financial matters, and the numbers after the slant represent Aprll 3, 1950, the date the document was creatt . The documents under one subject classificatlon are generally in chronologlcal order. However, there are instances when the numbers repreaentlng the date of a document were not assigned untll conslderably after th^ date it was actually created. Classlfied Records Some of the documents In the file have been removed and do not appear in this mlcrofilm publlcatlon. Removed materiais are the securlty-classlfied documents and Communications reccived from and classlfied by forelgn governmcnts ind fei eral

1 agencies, in additlon to those ciaasífied by tne Department of State. Tney have been vlthdrawn from the file and replaced by wlthdrawal notices that contaln Information sufficlent to Iden- tlfy the document and to ascertaln the basic reaaon for Its con- tinued classificatlon. The National Archlves does not have the authority to make reproductlons of classifled documents avallable to researchers. Rçlated Records Record Group (RG) 59 contalns ali the dcpartmental records relating to Brazll. Those that have been fllmed are llsted below In accordance wlth the three successlve flllng systems used by the department and posts. From the beglnnlng of formal relatlons wlth Brazll In 1799 untll 1906, the Department of State filed dlploraatlc records created or accumulated by country. Out of these records the followlng have been fllmed: Copies of Instructlons from the department to U.S. ministers In Brazll, 1808-1906, M77 (1808-32, rolls 2-7j 1832-33, roll 9; and 1833-1906, rolls 23-26); Despatches from U.S. mlnlsters in Brazll to the department, 1809-1906, M121; Notes from the department to forclgn mlnlsters and consuls In the United States, 1793-1834, M38; Notes from the department to the Brazlllan Legatlon in the United States, 1834-1906, H99 (roll 9); and Notes from the Brazlllan Legatlon In the United States to the department, 1824-1906, M49. In 1906, the department adopted a subject-nuraerlcal flllng system, flllng documents In a single numi 'leal series and uslng a subject Im to ald retrleval. Thls "Numerical and Mlnor File" has been fllmed as National Archlves Publlcatlon M862. Between 1910 and 1963, the department used another subject- numerlcal system called the Decimal Fll- . From 1950 through 1963 a revlsud verslon of thls system was used; a comparlson of the raain subjeets (abbrevlated) and decimal numbers r:veals the differences: Original: Decimal: Revlsed: General. Mlscel. 0. General. Mlscel. Admlnl cratlon, U.S. 1. Administratlon, U.S. Extradltlon 2. Protection of Interes-s Protection of Interests 3. Internat' 1—Multlnat' 1 Clalms 4. Intemat'L Trade Intemat' 1—^Multlnat' 1 5. In-temat* 1—Cultural Intemat'! Tradc 6. Intemat'1--Bi! teral

2 Original: Decimal: Revlsed: Internat'1--Bilacerai 7, Internai Politicai, Nat'! Defense Internai 8. Internai Economic, Industrial, Social 9. Communications, Transport, Science. For the perlod 1910-29, ali records In Class 7 have been fltraed; politicai relations between Brazll and the United States on M525 and between Brazll and other states onh526. Ali records in Class 8 have been filraed for the perloa 1910-29 on M519i for the perlod 1930-39 on M1472; and for the perlod 19A5-49 on M1492. Additional records on the internai affalrs of Brazil, for the perlod 1950-54 (Class 7, revised), are filmed on M1487. In Records of the Forelgn Service Posts of the Department of State, RG 84, are records origl-ally kept at U.S. dlplomatic ind consular posts. 'nong these are records of the U.S. lega- tion (later Embassy) In Brazil and of consular posts in that country. Other records relating to Brazil are in Records of Boundary and Clalms Commlssions and Arbltratlons, RG 76, whlch includes records relating to claims agalnst Brazll under the Conventlon of 1849 (T1187). The records reproduced In thls ralcrofilm publication uere prepared for fllraing by C. Jean Sadlowe. J. Dane Hartgrove wrote these introductory reraarks and supervlsed preparatlon of thls microfllm publleation.

3 CONTENTS Roll File Number and Descrlptlon 1 832.00 Jan. 1950-Dec. 1952 Economlc raatters, condltions (general). 2 832.00/1-353 - 832.00 TA/9-1250 Economlc matters, condltions (general). Technlcal asslstance program, U.S.-Brazll. 3 832.00 TA Oct. 1950-Sept. 1951 Technlcal asslstance program, U.S.-Brazll. 4 832,00 TA Oct. 1951-May 1952 Technlcal asslstance program, U.S.-Brazll. 5 832.00 TA June 1952-Dec. 1954 Technlcal asslstance program, U.S.-Brazll. 6 832.001/3-1651 - 832.055/8-1854 Statlstlcs (general). Houslng, rents bulldlng constructlon. Corporatlons, buslnesses. 7 832.06/1-1350 - 832.062/10-653 Labor, labor condltions (general). Hours, wages unemploymcnt Insurance and compensatlon. 8 832.062/10-1553 - 832.10/3-3050 Organlzatlons, unlons, relations with employers,, lockouts, slowdowns. Financial matters (general) . 9 832.10 Apr. 1950-Jan. 1951 Financial matters (general).

4 RoLl File Numuer ano Descrlptlon 10 832.10 Feb. 1951-Dec. 1951 Financial matters (general). 11 832.10 Jan. 1952-Nov. 1952 Financial matters (general). 12 832.10 Nov. 1952-Sept. 1953 Financial matters (general) 13 832.10 Oct. 1953-Dec. 1959 Financial matters (general) 19 832.11/7-750 - 832.131/12-1952 Taxation. Foreign exchange, exchange rates. 15 832.131/1-253 - 832.133/2-551 Foreign exchange, exchange rates. Councarfeltlng 16 832.19/1-350 - 832.191/10-1859 Banks, banklng. Interest, dlscount. 17 832.15/1-350 - 832.171/10-1752 Exchanges, commodity exchanges. Stock. Cotton exchange. 18 832.172/1-950 - 832.2/5-1250 Trademarks, trade nam .j. Industrial matters. 19 832.20/2-250 - 832.2311/8-1952 Agricultura. Field crops. 20 832.2311/9-1552 - 832.2321/12-2952_ Uheat. Cotton. 21 832.2321/1-253 - 832.2333/12-550 Cotton. Coffee.

5 Rol1 File Number and Descrlptlon 22 332.2333 Jan, 1951-Dec. 1954 Coffee. 23 832.2334/1-2750 - 832.2376/4-1554 Cocoa, cacao. Sugar-yielding planes. 24 332.2377/1-250 - 832.24221/12-1354 Nuts, coconuts (copra), palm kernels. Ruboet. 25 832.24222//5-1750 - 832.2546/7-3150 Sheep. Mines, rainlng. Uraniura, other atomlc minera Is. 26 832.2546 Aug. 1950-Aug. 1953 Uranlum, other atomlc minerais. 27 832.2546/9-153 - 832.2547/8-1754 Uranlum, other atomlc minerais. Other base metais. 28 832.255/4-1151 - 832.2554/8-1753 Carbon, graphlte. Petroleum, oll. 29 832.2562/2-2351 - 832.2614/7-752 Sulphur. Public utllltles, electrlcity, water, gas, power dams. 30 832.2614/7-752 - 832.322/11-1450 Public utllltles, electrlcity, water, gas, power dams. Meat packing. 31 832.324/2-350 - 832.352/3-2350 Rubber manufactures. Animal, flsh, and vrgetable olls. Steel mlll produets.

6 Roll File Number and Descrlptíon 32 S32.352/4-350 - 832.424/9-654 Cotton manufactures, thread, piece goods. Paper, newsprint, wood pulp. Commemora tive celebra tlons, holldays. 33 832.43/4-150 - 832.512/4-1351 Education. Motlon plctures, 34 832.53/4-1051 - 832.60/8-2054 Trafflc in narcotics. Public health, diseases, epldemics.


UIMICAMP Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth 'jnstíiiíto ílfí filosofia» Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social (^.íêncías ["Jumanas


Records of the

Department of State

Relating to Intima! Affairs

of Bmil


ADEB IVSU/0236-MR/0283 , Frequently Asked Question Detail, orderonline/start.swe

PuDlication Summary j Continue to ( Publication Details Publicatlon Number: M1492 Publication Title: Records of the Department of State Relating to internai Aftairs or Brazii 1945-1949. ..ÉÊKá \/iew Important Publication Details Record Group Number: 59 Record Group Title: Note: Prices shown in the Publication General Records of the Department of State Details are no longer valid. Number of Rolls/Fiche Form: Color: Viewmg Locations /Disks: Microfilm Biack &i White Location Facility : 48 35mm For Sale: ForRent: National Arctnves at College Park - Yes No Archives II (College Park, MD) Subject Term(s): Brazil (South Amenca) nation; International relations

Dontinue to I

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Collection of this information is authorized oy 44 U.S.C. 2108. Disclosure of the information is voluntary, however, we will be unable to respord to your request if you ao not furnish your name and address and the minimum required information about the records. The information is used by NARA employees to search for the recc :d to respor d to you; to maintain contrai over information requests received and answered; and to facilitate preparation of internai statistical reports. If you provide credit card information, that information is used to bill you foi copies. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB contrai number. The OMB Contrai No. for this information collection is 3095-0027. Public burden reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be 10 minutes per response. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to National Archives and Records Admin stration (NHP), 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park MD 20740. DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THiS ADDRESS. Home Contact Us Privacy Policy Accessibility Freedon of Information Act The U.S. National Archives and Recoras Administraticn 8601 Adelph Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 Telephone- 1-b6-NARA-iVARA cr 1 866-272-6272


« í * «

* >


Records of the Department of State

Relating to Internai Affairs of Brazil íj 1945-1949

M Decimal File 832 1 % 8 ^ t <


• . r■


t The recocds rreproduced in the mictroEilm publication ace from General Records o£ the Department: of State Record Group 59 RECORDS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE RELATING TO INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF BRAZIL 1945-1949 DECIMAL FILE 832 On the 48 rolls of this mlcrofilm publication are reproauced the records from the decimal file of the Department of State, 1945-49, that relate to internai affairs of Brazil. The records, consisting of unbound docuraents, are mostly instructions to and despatches from diplomatic and consular officials, many In the form of telegrams and airgrams. Despatches transmitted by the diplomatic pouch are often accompanied by enclosures. Also included In these records are notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, memorandums prepared by officials of the department, and correspondence with officials of other government departments ano with private firms and individuais. These records belong to National Archives Record Group 59, General Records of the Department of State. From 1910 to 1963 the State Department used a decimal systero for its central files, assembling and arranging individual documents by subject and asslgning file numbers. The decimal file consists of nine primary classes nurabered 0 through 8, each number covering a broad subject area. The records repro- duced in this microfllm publication are in Class 8, Internai Affairs of States. The country number assigned to Brazil is 32; thus the documents bear the file number 832 and relate to internai affairs of Brazil. A decimal point is used after the first three diglts, followed by a numoer that represents a specific subtopic. This number, in turn, is followed by a slant mark (/). The numbers after the slant mark represent the date the document was created or filed; the first number represents the month, followed by a dash (-), which in turn is followed by numbers representing the day and year. For example, a decimal file number taken from a document reproduced in this publication is 832.00/1-247. The number 00 signifies that the subtopic is politicai affairs and conditlons, and the numbers after the slant represent January 2, 1947, the date the document was created. The documents under one subtopic are generally in chronological order. However, there are instances when the numbers representing the date of a document were not assigned until considerably after the date it was actually created. Securlty-Classitied Records Some of the documents in the file have been removed and do not appear in this microfilm publication. lhe removed materiais are the security-classified documents and Communications received from and classified by foreign governraents and federal

1 agencies, In addition to those claaslfled by the Department of State. They have been wlthdrawn from the file and replaced by wlthdrawal notlces that contaln Information sufficient to identify the document and to ascertain the basic reason for its continued classifIcation. The National Archives does not have the authorlty to make reproductlons of classlfied documents available to researchers. Related Records In the same record group are several series of diploraatic correspondence containing additional documents on relations between Brazil and the United States. They are copies of instructions from the Department of State to U.S. ministers to ali countries, 1808-32 (rolls 2-7 of M77), to U.S. ministers to the American states, 1832-33 (roll 9 of M77), and to U.S. ministers to Brazil, 1833-1906 (rolls 23-26 of M77) ; notes to forelgn ministers and consuls In the United States from the department, 1793-1839 (M38), and notes to the Brazilian Legation in the United States from the department, 1834-1906 (roll 9 of M99); despatches from U.S. ministers to Brazil to the department, 1809-1906 (M121); and notes from the Brazilian Legation In the United States to the department, 1824-1906 (M49). Despatches from U.S. consular officials in Brazil are available as separate microfilm publications for each post, with varying date spans between 1799 and 1906. Complementary to the despatches are instructions to consuls, which are microfilmed only through 1834 (M78). The arrangement of the diplomatic and consular series cited above exlsted from 1789 to 1906, when the Department of State adopted the practice of filing incoraing and outgoing correspond- ence, memoranduras, and other documents by subject in a single numerical series, called the numerical and minor file. This filing scheme was used untll 1910. Information on documents relating to Brazil for the 1906-10 period may be found through the use of card indexes in the National Archives. The numerical and minor file has been filmed as National Archives Microfilm Publication M862. Between 1910 and 1963, the department used another subject- numerlcal system called the decimal file. A revlsed verslon of the 1910 system was begun in 1950; a comparison of the main subjects (abbrevlated) and decimal numbers reveals the differences:

2 1910-1949 Decimal 1950-1963 General, Miscellaneous 0 General, Miscellaneous Adninlstration, U.S. 1. Administratlon, U.S. Extraditlon 2. Protection of Interests Protection of Interests 3. International, Multinatlonal Claims 4. International, Trade International, Multi- 5. International, Cultural natlonal International, Trade 6. International, Politicai International, Politicai 7. Internai, Politicai Internai 8. Internai Economlc, Industrial, Social 9. Internai Communications, Transportation, Science There are six other microfilm publications of records m che decimal file relatlng to Brazil. In class 7, 1910-29, there are two categorles, 711.32 and 732, whlch cover politicai relatlons between the United States and Brazil (M525) and politicai relations between Brazil and other states (M526), respectively. Records in Class 8, Internai Affairs of States, have been reproduced for 1910-29 (M519) and 1930-39 (M1472). In the revised fillng system in use after 1949, records have been reproduced for 1950-54 in Class 7, Internai Politicai and National Defense Affairs (M1487), and in Class 8, Internai Economlc, Industrial, and Social Affairs (M1489). In Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State, Record Group 84, are records orlginally kept at U.S. diplomatic and consular posts. Araong these are records of the U.S. Legation (later Emhassy) In Brazil and of consular posts in that country. Other records relatlng to Brazil are In Records of Boundary and Clalms Commissions and Arbitrations, Record Group 75, whlch includcs records relatlng to claims agalnst Brazil under the conventlon of 1849, fllmed as National Archives Microfilm Publlcatlon T1187. The recorda reproduced In this microfilm publication were prepared for filming bv Patrick Moore. Milton Gustafson wrote these introductory remarks and supervised preparatlon of this microfilm publication.


L CONTENTS Roll File Number and Descrlption Politicai Affairs, general. 1 832.00 Jan.-Mar. 19A5 2 832.00 Apr.-May 1945 3 832.00 June-Aug. 1945 4 832.00 Aug.-Sept. 19'-i5 5 832.00 Occ. 1945 6 832.00 Nov. 1945 7 832.00 Nov. 1945 8 832.00 Dec. 1945-June 1946 9 832.00 July-Dec. 1945 10 832.00 Jan.-Apr. 1947 11 832.00 May-Dec. 1947 12 832.00 Jan.-Dec. 1948 13 832.00/1-549 - 832.00B/12-1345 Politicai Affairs, Jan.-Dec. 1949 Communistic Activities, Jan.-Dec. 1945 14 832.00B Jan.-May 1946 15 832.008 Junc-Dec. 1946 16 832.00B Jan. 1947-Dec. 1948 17 832.00B Jan.-Dec. 1949 18 832.001 Dutra, Enrico Gaspar/12-1745 - 832.001 Vargas, Getulia/12-I345 19 832.0011/2-1247 - 832.011/2-349 Chief Executiva, Family. Agents of Brazii in the United States. Constitution. 20 832,012/7-2345 - 832.032/6-1449 Citizenship. Territory. Legislative Branch of Government, Proceedings. 21 832.04/2-546 - 832.12/12-1348 Judicial Branch of Government. Regulations Governing Residence, Trade, and Travei. Public Health. 22 832.122/3-1045 - 832.20 Hissions/11-2949 Vital Statistics. Docks. Port Faciliries. Military Affairs. Missions. 23 832.20111/4-2845 - 832.24/7-2845 Visits of Officers of Brazll to Military Establishments in the United States. Military F.quipment and Supplies. 24 832.24/8-245 - 12-2745 Military Equipment and Supplies. 25 832.24/1-446 - 832.30 Missions/12B346 Military Equipment and Supplies. Military Aircraft. Naval Affairs. Naval Missions. 26 832.30 Missions/1-1047 - 12-949 Naval Missions. 27 832.304/3-1045 - 832.42/9-2945 Accídents to or on Naval Vessels. Public Entertainment. Education. File Number and Dcscrlptlon 832.A27AI/1-2645 - 832.50/12-1847 Cultural Relations. Exchange of Professora and Students. Libraries. Economic Hatters. 832.50/1-1648 - 832.50 JTC/10-449 Economic Matters. Joint Technical Commíssion. 832.50 TA/4-1149 - 832.5045/12-1749 Technical Asslstance. Corporations. Other Businesses. Labor. 832 .5046/3-1045 - 832.51/6-3047 Female Labor. Financial Conditions. 832.51/7-147 - 832.51 Bond Holders/8-2849 Financial Conditions. Brazilian Bonds. 832.512/1-945 - 832.5151/12-3149 Taxation. Income Tax Excess Profits Tax. Exchange. 832.516/1-945 - 832.5171/12-1949 Banks. Banking. Branch Banks of Brazil in the United States. Stocks. 832.5172/4-2347 - 832.61/11-2549 Cotton. Trade Marks. Trade Names. Agriculture. 832.61A/2-2847 - 832.61317/6-2249 AgriculCural Advisor. Wheat. Rice. 832.61332/9-445 - 832.61333/12-2945 Tea. Coffeo. 832.61333/1-346 - 12-3049 Coffee. 832.61334/1-3145 - 832.628A/12-148 Cocoa. Nuts. Rubber. 832.63/1-1045 - 832.6359/12-2849 Mines. Mining. Other Base Metals. 832.6362/1-445 - 832.6363/12-2447 Coal. Petroleum. 832.6363/1-248 - 832.6463/10-1345 Petroleum. Lime and Cement. Electric Power. 832.65/1-1645 - 832.761/8-1847 Textiles. Cereal Products. Flour. Meai. Wireless Te]ephone. 832.777/1-445 - 832.796/11-949 Railway. Aerial Navigation. 832.7961/5-2047 - 832.85/12-2449 Aerial Navigation: Laws and Regulations, S.tations, Landing Fields. Merchant Vessels. 832.8503/6-945 - 832.911/12-2746 Merchant Vessels. Rates. Disabled, Wrecked, and Strandcd Vessels. Newspapers. 832.911/1-1047 - 832.9111/11-2949 Newspapers. Newspaper Clippings and Iteras. 832.91211/12-2745 - 832.927/9-1348 Brazillan News-Cathering Agencies in the United States. ■09iiboo'ii'4 Ferlodicals. Anthropology. Ethnology. Ethno- graphy. Archaeology.


UNICAMP Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social «Cjêna..>n-«


Recordo of ths

Dwp j tment of State

Re!a ing to nternal

Politicai National

Defense Affairs of Brazil

1955-1S 59

ADEB MR/0284-MR/0291 Frequently Askcd Question Detail

Publication Summary | ContinueContinue to OrOrder l Publicaiíon Details Publication Number; M1511 wms Publication Title: 1 i Reccrds of the Department of State Kelating 10 Internai Politicai and Nanonai Defense - 1/iew Important Publication Affairsof Brazil, 1955-1959 Details Record Group Numbei 59 Note: Prices shown in the Publication Record Group Title: Details are no longer valid. General Records of the Department of State Viewing Locations Number ofRolls/Fiche Form Color: Location Facility /Disks: Microfilm, Black & White 8 35mm National Archives at Gollege Park For Sale: ForRent: Archives II (College Park, MD) Yes No SubjectTerm(s); Brazil (South nation; International relatiors Records

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Collection of this information is authorizeo by 44 b.S.C. 2108. Disclosure of the mformation is voluntary, however, we will be unable to respond to your request if you do not furmsh your name and address and the minimum required information about the records. The information is used by NARAemployees to search for the record; to respond to you; to maintain contrai over information requests received and answered; ai.d to facilitate preparation of internai statistical reports. If you provide credit card information, that information is used 'o bill you foi copies. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT A Federal agency mav not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a current valid OMB contrai number. The OMB Contrai No. for this information collection is 3095-0027. Public burden reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be 10 minutes per response. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of the information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Nationa. Archives and Records Admimstration (NHP), 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park MD 20740. DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. Home ContactUs Privacy Policy Accessibiiity Freedom of Informafon Act The U S. National Archives and Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 íelephone: 1-86-NARa-NAFA or 1-866-272-6272

1 de 1 31/05/2016 13 47 Publication Number: Ml511

Publication Title: Internai Politicai and National Defense Affairs of Brazil, 1955- 59

Date PubHshed: n.d.



Roll Description

1 732.00/1-155 — 8-2956 2 732.00/9- 656 — 9-3058 3 732.00/10-158— 12- 3159 4 732.00w/l- 755 -2-2157 5 732.00w/3- 157 — 732.01111/3- 1858 6 732.02/ 11-1255 — 732.111/11-1758 7 732.111/2-350 —732.5-msp/12-2959 8 732.5-msp/ 1-2258 —732.7262b/ 4-2356 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS INSTITUTO DE FILOSOFIA E CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS

UNICAMP Arquivo Edgard Leuenroíh {rt»titulo cic f^iiósofía Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social í*. ( .innc.iíis |~ jumanas

Feo. i s >. :h3

Department of S :at3

F.e!atin<: to lnt( \ ia! Affairs

)f Brazil

1 940-1944

AC £B MRIQ: 2-MI /0375 Frequentl> Asked Question Deiail


Publication Summary | ContinueContinue to Order 1 Publication Detaíls Publícation Number: M1515 Publication Title: Records of ths Department ot State Relating to internai Attairs of Braai 1940-1944 .Émà View Important Publication Record Group Number: Detaíls 59 Record Group Title: Note; Prices shown in the Publication General Records of the Department of State Details are no longer valid. Number of Rolls/Fiche Form. Color; Viewing Locations 'Disks: Microfilm Plack & White 84 35mm Location Facility For Sale: ForRent: National Archives at College Park - Yes No Archives II (Co^ege Park, MD) SuDjectTerm(sl; Brazil (South Ameiica) nation; International relations

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l de 1 31/05/2016 13:46 Puolication Numoer; Ml In 5

Publication Title: Internai Affairs of Brazil, 1940-1944

Date Publisned: n.d.



Poli Descriotion

1 Politicai Affairs; 832.00/ 1280 - 4249 2 Politicai Affairs; 832.00/ 4250 - 832.00' 8-343 3 Politicai Affairs; 832.00/ 2444 - 832.00n/ 181 4 Nazi activities; 832.00n/ 182 part 1 5 Nazi activities; 832.00n/ 182 part 2 6 Nazi activities, 832.00n/ 183-832.001 Vargar, Getúlia 9-744 7 Family; 832.0011/ 7-832-832.01bl 1/ 249 8 Agentsof Brazil in the U.S.; 832.01bl 1/250-832.0131/8 9 Territory; 832.014/ 43-832.02/ 9-744 10 Foreign Office; 832.021/ 63-832.111/ 194 11 Regulating Gov. Trade, travei; 832 111/ 195-832.11321/10-144 12 Narcotic Traffic; 832.114 narc/43-832.832.12/ 12-444 13 Public Health Advisor; 832.12a/ 2-832 20/249 2/3 14 Military Affairs; 832 20/250 - 572 15 Military Affairs; 832.20/573 - 649 16 Military Affairs; 832.20/650-832.2311/25 17 Military of Brazil visit U.S.; 832.3211/26-832.24/ 299 18 Military Equipment/Supplies; 832.24/ 300 - 599 19 Military Equipment/Supplies; 832.24/ 600 - 849 20 Military Equipment/Supplies; 832.24/ 850 - 1099 21 Military Equipment/Supplies; 832.24/1 100- 1349 22 Military Equipment/Supplies; 832.24/1350- 1648 23 Military Equipment/Supplies; 832.24/1649- 1999 24 Military Equipment/Supplies; 832.24/2000- 2299 25 Military Equipment/Supplies; 832.24/2300- 2599 26 Military Equipment/Supplies; 832.24/2600- 2999 27 Military Equipment/Supplies; 832.24/3000-832.24/12-2944 28 Armament/Ordnance; 832.242/1-832.248/398 29 Military Aircraffs; 832.248/ 399; 832.30/ 499 30 Naval Affairs; 832.30/ 500-832.34/ 499 31 Naval Equipment/Supplies; 832.34/450-832.4061/ 12-2944 32 Motion Pictures; 832.4061mopic/99-832.413.22 33 Commemorative ceiebrations; 832' 415/33-832.42/299 34 Education; 832.42/300-832.428a2 35 Society; 832.43/22-832.463/34 36 Calamities and Disasters; 832.48/9-832.5017/ 12-1844 37 Food; 832.5018/2-832.5051/3 38 Insurance; 832.506/106-832.51/ 1799 39 Financial conditions; 832.51/ 1800 - 2000 40 Financial conditions; 832,51/2100 - 2299 41 Financial conditions; 832.51/ 2300 - 832.5Ir471/129 42 Financial Affairs of State; 832.51/471/ 138-832.5131/ 66 43 Monetary system; 832.515/ 80- 832.5151/ 1699 44 Exchange; 832.5151/ 1700-1899 45 Exchange; 832.551/ 1900-832.516/375 46 Banks and banking; 832.516/3'76-832.543/ 199 47 1 rademarks; 832.543/ 200-832.60/ 50 48 Industrial matters; 832.60/51-62 part 1 49 Industrial matters; 832.60/ õ2 part 2 50 Industrial matters; 832.60/ 76-832.607 Rio de Janeiro 51 Agriculture; 832.61/32-832.6132/5 52 Cotton; 832.61321/ 113-832.61333/ 850 53 Coffee; 832.61333/ 851-832.61333/ 11-344 54 Coffee; 832.61333/ 11-444 832.6174/7 55 Rubber. 832.6176/95-832.628/55 56 Mines arid Mining; 832,63/ 54-832.6351/ 4-2044 57 Concession of the Itabira Iran Co; 832.6351 It S99-832.6362/ 12-2044 58 Petroleum; 832.6363/ 299 -660 59 Petroleum; 832.6363/661-832.6461/ 11-944 60 Electric power; 832.6463/ 58-832.6511/ 95 61 Iron and Steel; 832.6511/ 96-832.654/ 12-2644 62 Textiles; 832.655/ 2-832.71 1/ 65 63 Postal laws and regulations; 832.711/ 66; 832.75/ 69 64 Telephones; 832.75/ 70-832.76/ 142 65 Wrreless telephone; 832.76/ 143-389 66 Wireless telephone; 832.76/ 390-506 67 Wireless telephone; 832.76/ 507-832.77/ 657 68 Railway; 832.77/ 658-857 69 Railvvay; 832.77/ 858-832.7911/6-1544 70 Aerial navigation; 832.796/ 86-519 71 Aerial navigation; 832.796/ 520 - 809 72 Aerial navigation; 832.796/ 810-986 73 Aerial navigation; 832/796/987-1189 74 Aerial navigation: 832.796/1190-832.796/ 6-2244 75 Aerial navigauon; 832,796/ 6-2644-832.7965/ 9-2244 76 Communication between Brazil; 832.79651/ 3-832.85/11-1844 Merchant vessel rates; 832.8503/ 12-1844 78 Survey of wrecked vessels; 832.8571/ 155-832.911/ 12-2944 79 Newspaper clippings and items; 832.9111/ 4-44 80 Newspaper clippings and items; 832.9111/45-156 81 Newspaper clippings and items; 832.9111/ 157-832.9111/ 6-2Q44 82 Newspaper clippings and items; 832.9111/ 7-144-832.9111/9-3044 83 Newspaper clippings and items; 832.9111/ 10-244- 832.9111/ 11-2844 84 Newspaper clippings and items; 832.6111/ 12-144- 832.927/ 40 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS INSTITUTO DE FILOSOFIA E CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS

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Despatcher from U.S.

Consults in Rio Grande

do Sul, Brazil


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Publication Summary j ContiiContinue to Order Publication Details Publication Number: TMS Publication Title: A-, Despatches From U.S. Consuls in Rio Granoe ao Sul, Brazil, 1829-1897 View Important Publication Rocord Group Number: Details 59 Record Group Title: Note: Prices shown in the Publication General Records of the Dep trtment of State Details are no longer valid. Number of Rolls/Ficne Form Color: Viewing Locations 'Disks: Microfilm, Black & White Location Faciiity : : 7 35mm For Sale: ForRent National Arch.ves at Co.lege Park - Yes No Archíves II (College Park, MD) Suoject Term(s); Brazil (South America) nation: Diplomatic and consular service; Records and correspondence

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Despatches from U.S.

Consults !n Rio de

Janeiro, Brazil


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Publication Summary | Continue to Oi Publication Details Publication Number: T172 Publication Title: Despatches From U.S. Consuls in Rio oe Janeiro, Brazn, 1811-1906 ..iiíteJ View Important Publication Record Group Number: Details 59 Record Group Title: Note: Prices shown in the Publication General Reccds of the Department of State Details are no longer valid. Number of Rolls/Fiche Form: Color: Viewing Locations /Disks; Microfilm, Black & White 33 35mm Location Facility For Sale: ForRent: National Archives ai San Francisco Yes No National Archives at College Park - SubjectTerm(s): Archives II (College Park, MD) Rio de Janeiro (Ric de Janeiro state Sudeste region, Brazil, South America) inhabíteo place; Diplomatic and consular service; Records and correspondence

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1 de 1 31/05/2016 13:45 Deapatches From U.S. Consuls in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1811-1906. T172. 33 rolls Rol! Dates 1 Apr. 3, 1811-Dec. 7, 1822 2 Jan. 24, 1823-June 14, 1824 3 July 12, lf'24-Oct. 27, 1827 4 Nov. 13, 1827-Nov. 27, 1830 5 Feb, 11, IBSl-Oct. 12, 1835 6 Jan. 13, 1836-Nov, 30, 1839 7 Feb. 12, 1840-Dec. 27, 1842 8 Jan. 4 1843-DeC. 7, iâ44 9 Jan. 3-Mar. 28, 1845 10 Apr. 3-May 21, 1645 11 Juna 2-Aug. 18, 1845 12 Sept. 1, 1845-Dec. 25. 1848 13 (an. 5-May 4, 1849 14 juna 5, 1849-Dec 27, 1850 15 Feb, fl, 1851—Aug. 16, 1854 16 Dec. 2, 1854—Dec. 16, 1857 17 Jan. 8, 1858-June 20 ld82 18 july 1, 1862-Dec. 2, 1865 19 Jan. 5 1868-Nov 25, 1869 20 jan. 11, 1870~May 24, 1875 21 Jane 22. 18/5-Ocl. 31, 1878 22 Nov, 9, 1878- Jan, 31, 1880 23 Feb. 2, IboO-Apr. 24, 1882 24 May 2, 1882-Mar. 20, 1884 25 Apr. 4, 1884-Feb. 25. 1886 26 Mar, 15. ISoty-Apr, 21, 1887 27 May 14. 1887-Dec. 12, 1889 28 Jan, 3, 1890-Dec, 26, 1891 29 Jan. 5. 1B92-Dec. 18 1896 30 Jan. 2, 1897-May 24 1901 31 July 13, 1901-Dec. 30, 1903 32 Feb. 17, 1903; Jan, 4-Oct. 29, 1904 33 Nov. 1b, 1904—Aug. 11, 1906 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS INSTITUTO DE FILOSOFIA E CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS

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Despatches from U.S

Consults in Bahia,



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Despatcnes from U.S.

Consults in Pernam iuco,



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Despatches from

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Despatches from U.S.

Consults in Marinham

(Maranhão), Brazil


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Publication Summary j ContinContinue to Order | Publication Detaíls Publication Number: T398 mm Publication Title: , Despatches From U.S Consuls m Maranham (Maranhao), Brazil, 1817-1876. View Important Publication Record Group Number: Oetails 59 Record Group Title: Note: Prices shown in the Publication General Records of the Department of State Details are no .onger valid. Number of Rolls/Fiche Form Color Viewing Locations /Dlsks; Microtilm, Black & White Locatlon Facility 3 35mm For Sale; ForRent. National Archives at College Park - Yes No Archives II (College Park, MD) SubiectTerm(s): Brazil (South America) nation; Diplomatic and consular service; Records and correspondence

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Despatches from U.S

Consilts in São

Salvador, Brazil


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Despa :c[ies from U.S.

Cônsul :s in Para, Brazil


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1 ae 1 31'05/2016 13-40 Despaicnes From U S, Consuls m Pará, Brazil, 1831- 1906. T47a. 9 rolls. Rol! Dates 1 Jane 23, 1031-Oec. 31, 1857 2 Dec. 31, 1857-Dec. 5, 1869 3 Ian. 24, 1870-Iuly 26, 1875 4 Oct. 14. 1875-Dec. 20, 1883 5 Jan. 3. 1883-May 20, 1690, including despatches from consular agenls in Manaoe, Maranham, and Parnaiba, Nov. 21, 1887-Oct. 4, 1882. 6 June 4, 1890-Apr. 29, 1891 7 May 2, 1891-Nov. 25, 1895 8 Jan. 3, 189ô-Apr. 2a, 1904 9 May 9 1904-Aug 6, 1906 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS INSTITUTO DE FILOSOF'A E CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS

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1 de 1 31/05/2016 13:49 Despatchea From U.S. Consuls in Santa Catarina, Brazil, 1831-1074. T483. 2 rolls, Roll Dates 1 Oct. 17, 1831-Dec. 23, 1850 2 Jan. 30, 1851-Oct. 8 1874 UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS INSTITUTO DE FILOSOFIA E CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS

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Records of the U.S.

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0 war 7**.00 Politicai affaire and Sbi' Q' CJS.& Fascism.Nazism tsee7**^2## SociáliOTi

.01 Agents (othcr than diploniatic or consular) In coontiy #* ..motion 6om taxatton. etc. Cm counnyM) .01## Immumties, pnvúeges exempuon nu .011## Government. Recogniuon Advisois . ,

shí,1)' G"-oíraphI

0221 Constitution

.04 .041## ^Misuse of flag. insulta and indigniUes to flag of country ** by nationala of country ##

Seal. Coat of arms

Natiqnal anthem

politicai ngto. Snflmgc. Frcadom of apecch. Homan nghts . i ^rv

U-S-,,aSSp0m- ^130

7**.10 Exccutive branch of govcmmcnt For U.S., sec Class CMcfcxeconvc. Pmaidcnt. King. tógmo. Govotnor-Gcncnd fmduding family) Govemors of states and drsmcts

Vice presidem

Cabinet.Miinstiy CindudingFOreign Offico. and ^1 otogovommcnt agcndca)

Ovil service. Salaries, Retiremcnt

l 1

7**.20 Legisladvc Oranch oí govcmraent

Proceedings, Debates, Messages to legislatíve body

7**.30 Judicial branch of govemment

National courts, Personnel, Rules Attomeys, Practice of law

Proceedings, Judgraents

Jurisdictúm Prcceós issued for service abnoad Rigjbts of aliens to sue in national courts Absconding defendants ano witnesses

Laws, Statutes, Ordinances, Decrces, A cts, Codes Criminal Civil. For marriage and divorce, see 8**4141 Commerdal Probate Bankruptcy Admiralty jurisdiction

.35 Procuiement of eviderce 35## Procurcment of evidence frorn country ## for use in country **

36 Sffect ofjudgments and decrees .36## Effect ofjudgments and decrees of courts of country ## in country **

Other judicial matters Authority to adminlster oatbs Requirement of country regarding authentícation of documents for use therein

7**.40 Mixed (intemaíional) courts

7**50 National defense affairs. Anny, Navy and Air (general)

FbrtLficarions, Defenses

.52 Intelligence activxties, Subversive activities 521 Biographical data (*♦ nationality of individual) .52## Intelligence activities, espionagc, of country ♦* in country ##. For Comraunist activities, see 7* *.001 Classify under individual cases wherc possible

Military and naval courts, Law

Maneuvers, Target practice, Troop movements (use 7**54 if witbin territorial lirmts of «Hmtry **) 54## Movements of, and attacks upon, naval vessels and military and naval aircraft of country ## withín territorial jurisdiction of country **, Overflights

Oiganization Personnel (effectives), Commissioned and enlisted Enlistment, Conscription, Draft, Disdharge, Desertron

2 Fay, suosisiencc, Retircraem, fensions Marine Coips Schools and acaderaies ...... Admission of nationals of country ## for visn or siuay (mcluaes admission or observatíon to war industries, airplane {áants, etc.) \jxlliaiy services,WACS.WAVES, WR íS, etc.

^A^m^jorfnance, arsenais, armories, tanks, trench mortais, flame throwers. Fbr govemxnental control of anns traffic, see 4**M8 Atomic bombs, Hydrogen bombs Guided missiles, supersonic weapons. rockets Poison gases, jacteriologicals, cbemicals. For illcgal or inhuman warfarc, see 6** .##26 Sm ali anns, bombs, grenades. r es Helium —TvS (ali ^es) constmction, purcíiase and sale, accidents et ) For intemational negotxations tieaties,_ etc.,_ limitation« of annamenís. see 6*».##l:A ali tviV;€' nf milltâTV

563 BaS 563## Cmmto!towhich located ## (includes air. land, and sea bases, landing fidds, fueling statíons of any type, naw yards, drydocks, etc.) 564 Uráfonns, aothing. Insígnia .564## pTrhangp. of uiriforms with country ##, smaHer country number .5641 Unauthorized wearing of unifonns of country *♦

Hospitais, Rest centers, Recreation centelS, Commissanes, Post exchanges

.58 Missions (** country in which located) . .58## Vlsits, etc., of militaiy, naval, or air foice personnel and/or equipment of country ** to country##. Fbr admissicmof for gnersto study m or visit rmlitary, naval and air force schools and academies, see 7**.553## , , .. . Entrance of naval vessels into the Great Lakes (** nationality ofvismng naval forces)

Civil dffrnws, Civilian (non-military) defense organizations, measuxes (Air-raid wardcns, fire wardens, blackout measures, air-raid sbelters; Protecoon against atomic borab attacks)


Rubber (natural and synthetic)



Drags (ali typcs of irfiarmacei? içais etc.)


Other commodities not listed above I


íNTERNAL ecqnomic, industrial, and scx:ial AFFAERS

«♦•.oo Economic matters, Conditions (general) -OOA Econoraic adviser .001 Statistics (general) .002 Conservatíon of natural resources. Classify subjectivdy when possíbw

Cost of li ving, Retail prices, Black maricets (general), dassiíy subjectively wnen •xjssible

housing, Renís, Building constmctíon (indudes commercial and industrial housing, City and couníry planning, ELimination ofcongesíed and slum arcas, "Blightev arcas

Food, Food conditions, Refrigeratíon, Food shortage, Ratíoning, Black maricets, Hoarding

Riec, Fuel conditions. Fuel shortage (includes coal, wood, peat, oil, coke), Black maricets

.05 Capital 051## tavestment of, or fíeld for investment of, capital of couníry ** in country ## .052 Cooperative systems. Rural circdits 053 Cor jraíions, "Big" business (fonmdation, rcgul^tion, bond issues, stock certíficaies) Combinations in restraint of trade, Mon^olies, Canteis, Trusts, Contracts. Classify subjectively when possible wiif

Labor, Labor conditions (general) Hours, Wagcs (for pensions, see 8 **.07), Unemployraent insurance and compensation Oiganizatíons, Unions, Relatíons with employers, Strikes, Lockouts, Slowdowns Female labor, Qàld labor Compulsory labor, Slave labor Hazaidous employmení, Accidents, Preveaitíon of accidents Employeris liability. For pensions, see 8**.07

Pensions. Formilitary pensions, see 7**5512 Industrial Old-age (social insurance)

Insurance. For "social" insurance, see 8**072 Life Hrc Accident (includes aQ types of accidents) Automobile Health Marine (includes war risk insurance) Aviation

Finanaal matters (general). Budget, Defci, Bond issues, Loans, Public securities, Balance of oayments. For wcr-time regulations, see 6**.##231 Financial adviser

4 Taxation .111 Land, Rcalty .112 Incomc. ?or douDie laxauon trcaaes, see 6**.ff#92l .113 Personal properr;' .114 ínheritance


Monetary system, Coinage, Currency, Bullion. Mint Fbreign exchange, Exchange rates Currcncy of revolutionary govemments Counterfeit, Counterfeitmg (♦* country whose currcncy is counterfeited)

.14 Banks, Banking. For war-tíme measures, see 6**.##231 .14#n Branch banks of country ** in country ## .141 Interest, Discount

Exchanges, Commodity exchanges. For currcncy exchange, see í *.131 Stock Cotton Wool Livestock Grain Produce Coffee Sugar Other exchanges

16 Lands .16## Rights of latkmals of coiuiiiy ## to hold or acquire real property in country ♦* .161## Colonizalion in country **

Intellectual and industrial property (see also 6**.##233) (** indicate country in which protection is sought). For treaties, see 6**.##95 Patents Trade-raarks, Trade narnes Copyrights

ímmigration, Bnigration. For immigration to lhe IMted States, see 150 unmigration to country ** frora country ## Residence, trade and travei of aliens in **, Forcign visas, Tourism, Foreign exit pennits

Industrial raatters, Nationalization. Classify subjectively when possible. For raonopolies, concessions, franchises, contracts, ele., see 8**.054 Atomic energy peaceful purposes. Qassiíy subjectively when possible Expositions, Exhibitions, Fairs (see also 4**. ##174 and 5**.##2)

$**.20 Agriculture .20A Agricultural adviser 201 Agricultural clubs (4-H, etc.)

Soil, Properties, Tillage Soil consc*-'aaon; Drainage, reclamatíon. irrigation; Inigatíon aams; "Dry farming," Fertílization r

8**22 Pests afrecdng piara Utè, Jiscases, Bbghts, lusecis, Methods of corabating. Foi rcgulatíons goveming importaíion of plants, etc.. see Class 4

23 Reid crops 231 Grain? .2311 Wheaí .2312 Buckwheat .2313 Oats .2314 Ryc 2315 Com 2316 Baiiey 2317 Rice .2318 Hops .2319 Other field crops .232 Rbers 2321 Cotton .2322 Hemp, Sunn .2323 Ha* 2324 lute 2325 Rareie .2326 Sisal, Cabuya 2327 ■\baca .2328 tCapok .233 Aritaloidal piaras .2331 Tobacco .2332 Tea .2333 Coffee .2334 Cocoa, Cacao .2335 Vanilla .2336 Medicinal heibs, Ipecac .234 Forage crops .2341 Grasses .2342 Alfalfa .2343 Otovers 2344 Cowpeas .2345 Soyabeans .2346 Vetches .235 Sugar-yielding piaras 2351 Cane f For processing or raanufacturing .2352 Sugar beet l of food, ete., see 8**.31 .236 Garden crops (vegetab'es, such as Lettuce, Tomatoes, Potatoes 1 Pepper, Nutmeg, Spices, Pulses, Dandelion, etc.) 237 Fruits 2371 Citrus fruits .2372 Bernes, Currants .2373 Grapes, Raisins 2374 Rgs 2375 Olives .2376 Bananas, Plantains .2377 Nuts, Coconuts (Copra), Palm kemels 2378 Other ftuits, Apples, Apricots, Cherries, Dates, Nectarines, Peaches, Pears, Persimmons, Pineapples, Plums, Quinces Howers, Bulbs 8*».239 Trees. For manufactures of wood products, see 8**3 and 8**. 391 .2391 Fbrettiy. Fires, Fire prevention, Reforcstation .2392 Lumbering, Timbcr cutting .2393 Barks, Cork, Cinchona .2394 Saps, Resins, Gums, Tuipentine, Naval storcs .2395 Rubber (indudes ali natural rubber). For manufactures of rubber products md synthcucrubber.scc 8**324

Animal husbaiKlry Practía of vetennaiy medicine, Outbrcak or incidencc of animal diseases where nc questton of exportation is involved .242 Domestic animalfi .2421 Beasts of burden .2422 Stock raising .24221 Cattle .24222 Sheep .24223 Swine .24224 Poultry, Eggs .24225 Ostriches, Ostrich fanning .2423 Daiiying, Milk, Cream .2424 Bee culturc, Honey .2425 íilk culturc, Seriajlturc .243 vVÍId animais. Game laws .2431 Huníing and trapping industry .2432 Bixds .244 nu- seals. For treaties, see 6* *.##7 .245 Fisheries (including sponge físheries). íòr treaties, see 6** ##6 .2451 Other products of the sea, Pearis, Pearl fishing .246 Whaling. For treaties, see 6**.##8

Mines, Mining Laws, Reguiations Accidents, Preveni ion Precious metais and precious stones Gold Silver Platinum Radium Diamonds Other precious metais and stones Base metais Iron Copper Lead Tin Zinc Uranium, Other atomic minerais Other base metais (chromium) Carbon, Graphite. For fuel conditions, see 8**.04 Peat, Ligmte Coal Petroleum, Oil Natural gas Hclium

7 8**.256 Otner mining proaucts .2561 Salt .2562 Sulphur .2563 Potash 2564 Sodlum nitrate, Salipeter 2565 A.,phalt 2566 Ume and cement .2567 PI osphates 2568 Asbestos .2569 Bauxite .257 Qua»ries, Quanying

26 tngraeenng, Architecturc. For housmg, see 261 PuMic worics, Public constructíon. For haíbors, uocks, and porte, ^ee 9**.734 2611 Buildirtgs, Maricete, Maricet places 2612 Roads, Highways, Bridges. For railroads, see 9**712 2613 Parics, Playgrounds 2614 Public Utilities, Elecuidty, Water, Gas, Power dams 2615 Sewerage, Disposal plante

8**.30 Manufactures, Manufacturing

.31 Foods •33 Meat and slaughíeihouse producte. Meai packing •312 " fish, fowl and game producte, Ice cream. Formilk, cream, and eggs, sa 8**2423 and 8**24224 respectivdy •313 Grain producte and preparations, Flour, Cercais •314 Nut producte and preparations •315 Vegetable and fruit producte and preparations •316 Beverages and beverage materiais, alcoholic and non-cucoíiolic Breweries, distilleries. Forliquortraffic, see 8** 531 •317 Spices, Condimente, Flavorings, Leavening producte, Extracts .318 Sugar and related producte, Candy. For honey, see 8**2424 .319 Animal, fish and vegetable oils and fats. edible

^2 Animal and vegetable producte, inedibIt .321 Rides, Sláns, Rirs, Feathers. For trapping industty. see 8**2431; for manufacture of wearing apparel, see **.351 .322 Leaíher and leather goods. For shoes, se^ 8**3511 .323 Tobacco manufactures •324 Rubber manufactures, in ;i i ling synthetic. For wearing apparel, see 8**.351 ^ Animal, fish and vegetable oils, fats and grcases, inedible. For medicinal oils, see 8**.3971 -3251 Tung o»!, Palm oil •326 Miscellaneous animal producte, inedible •327 Miscellaneous vegetable producte, inedible ■328 Cork and cork producte

and steel and related indostnes, Buildíng and paving materiais and equiranent •331 Iron and steel, Steel mill producte •3311 Heavy raachinery. For transpoitaticn and constructítm equipment, see 8**.333 and 8**.334 Li^it macMneiy, mcluding agricultural and dairy. For household and office appliances, see 8**.343 •3313 Foundry and machine shop producte not otherwise dassifiable 8**.3314 acrap metal .332 Buflding and paving materiais (ali types, metal, wood, glass, etc.) .333 Transportation cquipment (ali types) .3331 Automobfles. Tracks, Buses, Motorcycle. .3332 Railroad, Locomotives, Care, Signalling devices .3333 Aircralt For military aircraít constmction, see 1**5622 .3334 Shipbuflding (ali types, sizes, except naval). For constmction of naval vessels, see 7**.5621 Constmction equipment (ali types) Communications cquipment (ali types)

Household, office and school fumishings and supplics. For silvenvarc, see 8**. 38; for glass and chinawaxc, see 8**.3931 Rimiturc. For antiques, see 8**.38 Hoor covenngs, mgs, carpets, linoleum, etc. Appliances (ali types), Hectrical and gas appliances Draperies, Curtains, Sbades, Blinds, A enetian Blinds, Awnings Household linens, Bcddings, Mattresses, Pillows, Cushions Other household, office and school fumishings and supplies Kitchenware, Pots and pans Office machines, Adding machines, Calculators, Typewriters

.35 dothing, Textile industry .351 Wcaring apparcl (merfs, women's, dbildrerfs and infants") .3511 Shoes, ali kinds .3512 Hats .3513 Accessories .352 Cotton manufactures, Thread, Piece goods .353 Unen manufactures, Thread, Piece goods .354 Wool manufactures, Thread.HPiece goods .355 Silk manufactures, Thread, Piece goods .356 Hair manufactures. For beauticians' supplies, see 8**395 .357 Jute, hemp, flax, coir yam, reed and straw products, rope, buriap, basfcets .358 Synlhetic fibere. Nylon, Rayon

Sporting and athletic equifment, Recreational equipment, Toys and games. Musical supplies and equipment, Smokere' supjáies, Theatrical supplies and equipment

Photographic apparatus and supplies, Artists' supplies, Pa ings, Pictures, Caraeras, Ptinters' supplies

Jewelry, Gold and silverware. Prccious stones, docks and watches, Antiques. For mining of gold, silver. precious stones, etc.. see 8**.253 .

Other manufactures, Mxscellaneous. For building and paving materiais, see 8**.332 Lumber, Wood products not otherwise classifiable Paper. Paper products not otherwise dassiflable Newsprinl, Wood pulp Manufacturcd nwi-metallic minerais not ot- :rwi -e ciascáfiable Marble, Orne and liraestonc, Asbestos, Slate. For mining, see 8**25 Glass and day products, Ceraraics Fuels and petroleura products, Refinery products. For oil, wells, oil-drilling, etc., see 8**.2553 Metal manufactures not otherwise classifiable, Aluminum, Copper, Brass, Bronze, Lead, Tin, Zinc. For manufacture of íron and steel, see 8**.331 8»*.395 tíeautiaaii anu Damer equipnienr and supplies Toilei preparatíons, Cosmetics Scientific and professional instmments and equipnem (surgical, dental, opucai, stc.) Themicals and dyes Industrial alcohol Medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations, Dmgs, Disinfectants. For illicit raffic in narcotics, see 8**i3 .3972 Fertilizers .3973 Explosives (non-military) (see also 8**.36) .3974 Paints and vamishes, Stains, Enamels .3975 Soap, Qeaning compounds, Poíishes .3976 Jiimical specialíies, Plastics, Celluloids, Cellulose, Cellophane, Resins 398 Nutions and noveltíes, Flags, Pennants, Emblems, Badges, Pins 399 Moticians' supplies and equipment

8**40 Social matters, Conditions (general) .401 Population, Statistics, Census

People Race problems, Disturbances, Massacres, Pogroms, Dísplaced pdrsons, Reíugees. Fbr politicai refugees, see 7** .00 .412 Language, Literature .413 Rdigion, Church. Forprotection of religious missions, see 2**.## ,414 Manners and customs, Dress, Mode of life 4141 Marriagc, Divorce .4142 Welfarc of mother and child. For child laoor, see 8**.063

.42 History 421 Hikorical relics, Manuscripte 422 Monuments, statues, memoriais .423 Public records .424 Commemoratíve celebrations .425 Holidays

.43 Education ,43 A Advisera ,431 Elemcntary education, Primaiy schools, High schools .432 Advanced education, Universitíes, Colleges, etc. .433 Technical, Commercial, Agricultural .434 Education of lhe blind, physically handicapped .435 Vocational 436## Reciprocai recognition of diplomas .437 Libraries (see also 5**.##1)

.44 Fine arts ,441 Painting, Drawing 442 Sculpture .443 Architecture 444 Engraving .445 Photograj^iy 446 Music I

8** 45 Ainusements, Sports, Recreatíon .451 Theaters, Stage, Operas. Museums, Camivals, Concerts .452 Motíonpicturcs .453 Sports, Athletics, Indoor ainusements 4531 Olympic Games

.46 Societies (Induding social organizatíons) •46! Better dtizenship oiganizations .4611 YMCA.YWCA •4612 Boy Scouts, Giri Scouts, Camp Pire Giris .4613 Military and veterans organizatíons

.47 Etíquette .471 Ceremonials .472 Precedence .473 Salutes .474## Ceremonial coraxnunications, New Yeatís grcctings, Felicitation on national anniversaries, ## country scnding felidtations

48 Entertainment in country ** •481 By the country or its ofiBcíals •482 Audience with tlie chief executive or sovereign •483 Presentatíon at Court •484 By private persons and societies •485 By resident officers of the United States .486## By resident officers of other foreign countries, ## nationality

•49 C; i itíes, Disasters. Earthquakes, Tomadoes, Cyclones, Typhoons, Famines, Fire, Redef measures (see also 8**.03)

"*-50 Public order, Safety and healíh, Charities .501 National and staíe police

.51 Municipal govemment .511 Police organization .512 Protectíon against fire

.52 Crime, Ciiminal organizatíons, Suspects

53 Traffic in narcotícs 531 Liquors. For manufactures of liquors, see 8**316

S' Sex relatíons, Prostitution, Procurement, White slave traffic 541 Traffic in obscene matíers, literaturc, etc.

55 Public health, Diseascs .551 Miai statístics, Birth, Marriage, Death •552 Disposal of the dead, Cerncteries, Cremation - ^ Hygiene and sanitation, Quarantine against communicable diseases (home, school, vcssels, aircraít) •557 Supervision of food and dmgs. For food and dmg regulatíons, intemational írade. see 4**.##51. Matéria medica 358 Pracúcc of medicine and surgery, dentistry, optometry, psychiatry, pharmacy, aurring, psychology I

8»*.56 Corrccnon and punishment 561 Prisons, refoimatories, jails, penal colonies, farms, etc.

57 Charities, Philanthiopic o-ganizations .571 Red Cross .572 Hospitais, Asylums ,573 Salvation Araiy 574 Institutional homes, Almshouses, Oiphanage 575 Soldiers" and sailors' homes (military and naval) 576 Seamens' homes (merchant marine) CLASS 9


9*».00 Communications (general)

Conccssions, Contracts

La ws and regulations


9**. 10 Postal .101 Ccmcessions, Contracts .102 La ws and regulations .103 Censorship .104 Raies, Postage (domestic and foreign) .105 Fraudulent use of the mâls. For traffic in obscene matters, see 8**541

.11## Transportation of mail between country or arca *♦ and ##. Use smaller númber for *

.12 Parcel post .12## International parcel post transportatíon

Money orders (domestic and foreign)

Postal savings banks

Complaints against service Nondelivery, Delay, Misroutíng Loss, Thefl, Damage, Tampering with mail

Telegraph. Cable Concessions. Contracts Laws and rcgulatíons Censorship Rates (domestic and foreign)

Communicatíon between country ** and country ##. Use smaller number for **

Codes (conunerci 1 and govemraental)

Complaints against service

Tclephonc Concessions, Contracts Laws and regulations Censorship Rates (domestic and foreign)

Communicatíon between country ** and country ##. Use smaller number for *♦

Complaints against service Radio, Kadio omaocasung. Radio-telegraph. Reception. Monitoring also 5**.##4) Concessions, Contracts Laws and regulations Censorship

Communicatíon betwecn country or arca ♦♦ and country or arca ##. Use smaller number for **

Amateurs Cham" operators)

Television, Facsimile transmissioii Concessions, Contracts Laws and regulations Jeisorship

Communication between country or arca *♦ and country or arca ##. Use smaller number for ** Public press

Newspapers. Clippngs, Bons

62 Newsgathering agencies (including news roadcasting). Commentators .62## Newsgathering agendes (** nationality of newspaper or magazine and m ^untiy arca of operaíions)

Magazines, Periodicals, Books, Book jwblishing

Censorship of newspapers, books, and other priníed material

Transportation Gand, air, and watt i Laws and regulations (general)

.71 .71## ^ ÍSSjortatiaa between country or arca ** and country or arca ##. Use smaller number for ♦♦ .711 Laws and regmatíons .712 Railioad, Railways, Rates, Demuirage, Accidents .712## Rail transportatíon between country or arca »♦ and country or arca ##. Use smaller t u líber SSt raihvays, Subways, Buses, Taxicabs and other land transpon, Accidents.

Automobiles (privately owned and operated), Trucks, Motorcycles, Acddents, Rates

Air transportatíon (ali types, non-military aircraft). For air transportatíon reservations, see 9**.72-RES Air transportatíon between country or arca ** and country or arca ## (sm aller country number for ♦♦) (includes rcgulariy established ai í aM non-scheduled jQights, private flighís [non-commerdal], pennission for fhgbis). Fbr movements of military aircraft, see Laws and regulations (air pdot licenses) Rates (domestic and forcign), Concessions, Contracts, Subsidies Accidents (♦♦ nationality of plane) , Rcpaix Airports, Landing fíelds, Landing aids. Radar, Landing ngnts Rieling 9** .126 Sale, Parchase (** indi cates nationaT y of purchaser], Cárter. Reeistration JLicense, Libei ' D^^itation and inspection. Cargo. Manifeste, Bills ofhealth. Endy and

V^^d^sponatíon, Merchant vessels, Merchant marine, Yachts fincludes afl water ri^portatiMi inland, coastwise or other). For water transportation reservatíons, see 9*\71

mter transpoitatíon beíween country or arca ** and countiy or arca ## (indudes rcgulariy scheduled steamship lines) (smaller country number for *♦) .7301 Rivera, Canais, Flood preventíon .731 Laws and rcgulatíons .732 Rates, Concessions, Contracís. Subsidies .733

c k dKI TC

i, iEmsandservicesavaiiab!ei0 TaXÊSo^ss2^^^ rtfl navíírafírtn TVvMMArM i Í_ ^^ « . - _ . í — - 7^-^ v ic^JusuTíiuon ox vessei) d provisioning (*♦ indicares country fueling vessei)

i^^0^^^taKas,mmeM'02,30 Bm STindicates nationality of purchaser). Charter. Regisíration. COnStniCtlon of vessels' ^ 8*+.3334. Use name of vessei

Navigation Gand, air, and water), inland, coastwise and other ^navigation, Signalling devices. Radar, Radio beacons Lieht houses, Lrgl tships. For "L0RA1SP' see 900.7- .OR/ 'Um

Personnel, Crews, Seamen, Airmen


Science (general) Research and develofanent Sdentífic instítutions, Laboratories, Bodies Scientiflc publica tions, Fílms Scientífic facilities and equipment Utilization f7 scientífic and technical personnel Govemmenfs rclatíon to sdence Scientífic training program

Physical sciences g^eoy, tngonomeBy. caloío,. diffcreaM

(the0rctíCaJ ^ pnicticaj' bodies. tables and atíases, Physics, Rheology, Crystallography General mechanics Mechanics of fluids Mechanics of gases ♦♦.8134 Optics ,8135 HeatandCoid .8136 Hectricity ana magneusD> vgyioscopes) .8137 Nuclear physics and nuclear chemistiy, Cosmic rays, Heavy watei .8138 Atomic and molecular physics .8139 vliscellan-->us, Hme, Calendar, Welghts and measures 814 Basic chemistpr (analyi cal) .815 Applied cheraistry .8151 Liquid fixeis and lubricants .8152 Resins, mbbers, plastics, auxiliary chemicals .8153 Pharmaceuticals and xaitíbiotics 8154 High performance fixeis (liquid monopropellants, solid propellants and explosives, bipropellants [fixeis and oxidants], combushon and flame phenoraena) .8155 High temperaturc materiais .8156 FakS, fatty waxes, soap ,8157 Other industrial chemical products .81571 Industrial explosives .81572 Gases ,81573 Agricultural chranicals .81574 Leather and glue .81575 Inorganic NEC (potassium ni trate, sulfixric add, etc.) ,8158 Chemical warfare ,816 Metallurgy

,82 Earth sdences. For traveis, expeditions, and explon .om,see 03 !.♦*## .821 Geography .8211 Geographical names ,8212 Mapping, map analysis, surveying .822 Physical geography .823 Geography of setúements .824 Military geography .825 Human geography .826 Politicai geography .827 Economic and commerdal geography .828 Geology .829 Geophysics .8291 Geodesy (size and shape ofthe earth, variation of gravity, etc.) .8292 Geophysical prospecting for locatíon of mineral resources 8293 Hyd )logy (distribution of water, undeiground water sources, damsj 8294 Meteorology .8295 Oceanografhy, Oceanic organizations .8296 Seismology .8297 Tene strial magnetism .8298 Miscellaneous (vulcanology, tcctonphysics, etc.)

Natural sdences Biology Biological warfarc Botany Zoology 9**. 84 MMg sotaces (dends^and tamractions „ OTViroIlmeaal

of ^ey, radioscopy, cteniany, ^

Electronics (communicatíons devices, radar, sonar. etc.)

Engineering Qvil engineering

MjSc7eSS^hM"1,a,8toK^ Electncal engineering Mining engineering

Engineering, Power plants Chemical engineering

Oflier sciences, Riilosophy

17 Page intentionally left blank SUBJECT MOEX FOR CLASSES 7,8. AÍTO 9 REC»RDS

Ftote; ** and fl# indicais countiy numbers

rtbacia (agriculture) goveanraent 8** 2327 -Abancionmeiu of seamen Aeronautícal engineenng (enguieering) ^caàemic education 9**751 Aerooaulttal instruments and equipmenl Academies 8*».43l (aetonautícal engineenng) my, Navy, and Air Force Agencies 7* *.553 Merchant Marine foteign govemment, cabinet and Accessones (wearing api oel, 9**.753 noo-cabinet rank manufactures) newçgatbering, press associadons Accidents 8**3513 Agents, foreign, otíier than diplomatic and ctxisular Amjy, Navy, and Air Fbrce Agrarian laws < aircraft Agriculture (genial) . . 7**3622 adviser j attacks upon 7**' "wT rl/ fr commercial andpdvate chemicals (^çnlied chemistry, automobile 9**723 physícal sciences) o 9**714 education g 9**.713 Insurance maciiinery (manufactures) g merchant vessels 8**.083 schools and colleges g mine 9**' 33 (name) Ag>nomy. botany (natural sciences) 9 naval vessels 8**252 7**5621 aítacks upon iatiding. for aircraft çi 7**54## prevention of (hazardous Havigadcm (land air, and water) 9< employment) railway 8**065 accidents street cars 9**,712 * commercial aircraft 9* subways 9**713 núlitaty and naval aircraft 7*' vessels 9**713 aids to air navigatíon p», merchant attacks on military and naval naval 9** 733 (name) aircraft 7**5621 ctHIunacial and private aircraft 9** attacks upon 7**54## • w^ountíng, sdence of conditíoning (mechanical 9**811 1 áds of ali Jdnds (manufactures) engmeenng, engineenng) 9** vcuvities 8**397 engmeering (aetonautícal intelligence (espionage) engineenng) q»* subversive (esjàjnage) 7** .52## landing fields **.52##. Acts (illegal), on vessels or aircraft commercial and privai - i ictoa ai science 9**.75I military and naval 7»* < Adding machines (manufactures) 9** 811 laws and regulatíons p*« í 8**347 Admeasurement of merchant vessels íines (air transportation) ** n Administratioo of oaíhs 9**.738 fitaiy and naval air forces i*» Admirai ty law 7**371 national defense affâirs (Air Fcsce) 7** 5 dmissionof forcigners ftw visit or 7**346 navigatíon ; 9^7, study ir govemmental militaiy schools or academies i a 7**553## " ■idvertising port faciíitíes 72 general port^ commercial and private 9** 77, 9**60° newspaper J lng Adviser 9**61 radar,^ radio aids 10 8**45-

agrícultural ^«aaft 3Í72j economíc 8**.20A airports *» Jj 8**.OOA 9 7 navigatíon (general) 9**74,

19 L Air—com Aapuot (airmen; 9**.75 liccnses 9**121 raid shcners 1**59 rurports, commencuu ano civil 9**124 raid wardens 1**59 enginecring, airport engineering 9**.86i raies, commercra 9**122 Alcohd reservatíon, tran^xstatíon 9**.72-K£i> beverages (manufactures) 8**316 routes, commercial 9**12## industrial 8**397 ships (see Aircraft) liquor ttaffic 8**.531 statistics (air transportatioo) 9**12 pharmaceutical preparations transportaíion, commercial and (manufactures) 8**3971 pi vate 9**12 Ale (manufactures) 8**316 Aircraft Alfalfa (agriculture) 8**3342 accidents . Álgebra 9**811 commercial and private 9**123 Aliene, rights of aliens to sue in military and naval 7**5622 national courts 7**332 airpods, landing fíelds A^caloidal plants (agriculture) 8**333 commercial and private 9** .724 Allergy (medicai sciences) 9**84 military and naval 7**363 Alligator skins (manufactures) 8**321 attacks upon military and naval 7**.54## Ahnonds (agriculture) 8**3377 Mlls cfiThealth 9**727 Aimshonses 8**514 commercial and private 9**12 Aluminum (manufactures) onstruction ingots (manufectures) 8**394 ccmmercial and privatc 8**3333 ídtchenwarc (manufactures) 8**3461 military and naval 1**5622 pcoducts not otharwise classifíáble 8**394 entry and clearancc 9**121 Alums (manufactures) 8**397 'ields, airpozts Amang, heavy mineral concentrate 8**3546 commercial and pivate 9**.724 Amateurs, radio "ham" operators 9**42 military and naval 1**563 American tlights Legion 8**4613 commercial and privatc 9**12## Red Cross 8**.571 military and naval 7**.54## Ammon ia (manufactures) 8**3971 "anding fíelds, anpcsrts Ammonium salts (manufectures) 8**397 commercial and private 9**.724 Amnesty, politicai 7**.00 military and naval 7**563 Amuseaients 8**.45 libeling 9*"* .726 Anesthetics, narcotics, and hypnotics .naiii nance, items arei services 9**724 (applied chemísliy, physical nilitary and naval 1**5622 sciences) 9**.8153 novement of Anarchísts 7**.00 commercial and private 9** .12## Animal(s) military and naval f "Tilli diseases of (animal husbandry) 8**.241 pivate, commercial aircraft 9**72 domestk (animal husbandry) 8**.242 quarantine rcgulations 9**121 fighting (amuscments, spcsrts) 8**.453 visits to or in transit through fish and vegetable oils and fats, foreign countries ediblc (manufactures) 8**.319 commacial and privatc 9**12## foods of ali kinds (manufactures) 8**31 nilitary and naval 7**.58## husbandry 8**.24 navigatioa 9**74 oils and fats, edible (manufactures) 8** 319 overflights of 7**.54## parasites (diseases, animal \ir Force (general) 1**55 husbandry) 8**341 academies and schools 1**553 pcoducts, inedible (manufactures) 8**32 aircraft 1**5622 products, misccilaneous inedible auxiliary services 1**55# (manuãctures) 8**326 bases 1**563#» wild, game laws 8**.2438**243 hospitais 1**57 Anníversaríes, felicitation on nadcmal 8**.474 maneuvcrs 7**54 Anthem, national 7**.06 caganizatx»! 1**55 Anthropology 8**.41 planes, aircrafv 1**5622 Antibiotics and pharmaceuticals ichools and academies 1**553 (applied chcmistry, physical ships, planes, aircraft 7**562 sciences) 9**.81539**8153 Airmoi 9**.75 Antimalarials (applied chemisíry, notíces lo 9**.721 physical sciences) 9**8153 1

Hnomony enlisted personnel 7*| mating establishments, schools ilo and compouads academies. admission oí (manuâctures) 8**.397 foreigners to 7**J Antiquas, ali types 8**.38 fuel and fueling stations 7*í Apiarists, eqtripment (maauâctares) 8**.3312 lospital ships 7»»j Apiculture 8**2424 nsignia 7*»j ^pparatus instructors 7** j and equipmcnt (clectronics) 9**.85 intelligence and supplies, photographic landing fields, aixfields 7*p (manuiàctures) 8**37 medicine, Army medicine Apparel, men's, womeo^ children^, (medicai sciences) 9»» .8 infants' (manufactures) 8**351 mooring towers 7*»^ Apptes (fruits, agriculture) ; 8**2378 movement of troops, vessels, and \pp? ances, electiical and gas, aircraft within country 7**I househokl and office movement of troops, vessels, and (manufactures) 8**.343 aircraft to min transit througi Apricot (agriculture) 8**2378 foreign countries, visits 7" '5 Aprwis (manufectures) mutiny 7**.V butchers 8**351 navy yards 7*» 56 leathesr 8**322 ofBcers women's of ali kinds 8**351 mdnance * « Archaeology 9**.82 pay 7**55 Arcbay personnel 7**.55 sports, amusements 8**.4 53 post erchange, eommissaries 7**.57 sports goods, equipment ralions 7**35 (manufactures) 8**36 rest and recreation centers 7**37 Architecture schools, academies 7»»5< engincering 8**.26 adinission of foreigneas to 7»*.5Í finearts 8**443 ships, vessels 7**367 Archives (see Records) subsisteoce 7**.55j 'Vrctic medicine (medicai sciences) 9**.84 suxplus materiel 7**.56 Armaments, anns, ammunition arget practice 7**34 Anny, Navy, and Air Force 7**.56l transports 7**362 ncm-military, ^xxting uniform clothing 7*» stí (manuÊKtutes) 8**3973 vessels 7**367 sporting, l untíng, target shootíng movement of, within A .• arms (manufactures) 8**3973 Armories (Anny, Navy, and Air Force) 7**561 jurisdictimi of country 7**34$ visits of, to foreign countries 7**38ã Arms, coatof 7**05 Army, Navy, and Air Force isits of military bodies. aircraft, 7**5 and naval vessels to foreign academies, schools 7**553 countries 7**38# admission of foreigners to 7**553## weapons standardizaíion of 7*» 56 accidents to vessels and airwaft 7**3622 Arsenais, armaments, armories 7**361 aircraft 7**562 Art, fine art o*»*44 attacks upon 7**54## Artifícial movement of, within country 7**,54 flowets (manufectures) 8**.398 overflights 7**34## xímbs (manufacture) 8**.396 sits lo or in transit through respiration 8**358 foreign soil 7**5m Artilleiy, ordnance, a-mament 7**3ó) arms and ammunition 7**561 auxiliaxy ser^ccs Artistic supplies and matpriaiv 7**554 (manufectures) 8**37 7**563## Arts, fine (social affeirs) S**.^ commissanes 7**57 ccmipulsory service, Asbestos fenlding materiais (manufactures) 8**332 consçxíptioa, draft 7**5511 cOTstruction. purchase, sale of mining 8**.1^8 prodacts not otherwise r.hsãfíahjp vessels and aircraft 7**562 (manufectures) 8**393 courts and laws 7**53 defenses and fcsrtificanons utensils, housebold (manufactures) 8**.34 7**51 Ashtrays (manufactures) 8**.36 discipline 7**551 dtydocks Asparagus (agriculture) 8** 236 7**563## Asphalt (mining) 8**2565 jute and hen% §♦*.357 ass (domestic animais^ 8**3421 leather suitcases 8** .322 \ssassini ' r (see Murdei y Mpcr 8**.392 ssets, externai (capital) 8**.051## voinen's accessones ali lunos 8**.35l3 issistance, public (social welfare) 8** .072 9*».62## Bakery products (manufactures) 8**.313 \ssociatío , press 8**317 Astronomy, science of 9**812 Baldng powckr (manufectures) Balance of payments 8»*.10 \sylun» 8**3313 charitable inslitutions 8**.572 Ball bearings (manufactures) 8**572 3alls of ali Idnds (manufactures) qx tting and athletic 8**.36 Athletic and sporting equipment 8**36 (manufactures) 8**36 toy Alhleti cs, sports 8*».453 Bamboo cultivation of (agriculture) \tomk: physics (physical sciences) 9**.8l38 products (manufactures) bmnbs (military equipment, crdnance) 7**.5611 Baiana (agriculture) enagy, military use (i.jmts) 7**.5611 Ba ds (manufactures) metal 8**3313 other tfaan bomos 7**.562 rt rubber 8* .346 energy, noo-military use 1**345 aireraft, commmãal 9** .72 iankiuptcy (laws) 8**.14 automobiles 9**.714 Baiks, banking 9**713 branches in foreign country 8**. 14## buses 9**14 merchant vessels 9**.73 postal savings 8**398 public Utilities, power 8**3614 Banners (manufactures) 7**311 railways 9** .712 Bar, admlssk» to 8**3313 trucks 9**.714 Barbed wire (manufactures) nergy, peacefiil purposes of 8**.1901 Barbeis* eqmpment and supplies 8**395 eqmpmeait (manaJEactures) 8**396 (manufactures) 8**3546 Barics (trees) 8**2393 minerais (mining) 8**,23I6 rOtCineys Barley (agriculture) 7**312 Barometers (manufactures) 8**396 power of 8**391 practice of law 7**311 Barreis (manufactures) Authentications by Foreign Service Base metais (mining) 8**354 8**.453 officers 7**35## Baseball (amusemmts, sports) Bases, military anu naval, Air Force 7**.563## utomobiles 8**357 aeddents 9**714 Baskets (manufactures) nsurar v 8**084 Bathrobes, raen^, womfcn^, ch2dren's 8**351 manufacture 8**3331 (manufactures) tacing 8** .453 Balbing stdts, meíi's, womeris, transportation, commercial and children's (manufactures) 8**351 private 9** .714 Batteries, dry cell and others 8**394 Automotive engineering (mechanical (manufactures) engíneacing) 9**.862 Battleslrips, cruisers, destroyers, other 7**.5621 Autunite (mining) 8**354f naval vessels Auxiliary services (Army, Navy, and Bauxite (mining) 8**.256Ç Air Force) 7** .554 Bay rum (manufactures) 8**3971 9**.741 A-iatioo (see Air) Beacons, radio (navigation) Insurance 8**.087 Beads of ali Jcinds (manufactures) 8**398 medicine (medicai sciences) 9**.84 Beans (garden crops) 8** .236 notices to airmen 9**.721 Bearings, bali and roller (manufactures) 8**3313 8**.2421 Avocados (agriculture) 8**3378 Beasts of burden (horse, mule, etc.) Awnings (manufactures) 8**344 Beautttians* and barbers' equipment and supplies (manufactures) 8**395 Beddings, bedspreads (manufactures) 8**345 Bee 8**.2424 Babbiti meta! and solder (manufactures) 8**331 culture 8**39 Bí :taiologicals, poison gases hives (manufactures) (equipment and supplies) 7**.5613 Beef, slaughlabouse products Bacteriology, general (medicai sciences) 9**.84 (manufectures) 8**311 Badges (mandàctures) 8**398 Becr (manufactures) 8**316 8**.2352 Bags (manufactures) Bcct, sugar (agrfculturc) cotton textík 8**352 Bells and chimes (manufactures) 8**3313

I Belting (manufactures) Bdshevism «HtcMi 8**.352 Bolla, hardware (manufactures) leather 8**322 Bomber aireraft, militarv rabber 8**.324 Bombs Belts of ali kinds, men'», women's, aíomic childxen's (manufactures) 8**.3513 hydrogen (military equipment) Beribéri 8**.5S small anns, gienades (military Bernes (agricolture) 8**2372 equipment) Beryl 8**.2546 Bond, boods, govemmental Beryllia (mining) 8**2546 Bondissues Beryllium (mining 8**2546 corporations (non-govemmentaí) Betatitc (mining 8**2546 govemmental, public Bevcrages and beverage materiais, Bone noveltíes (manufactures) ateobolk and non-alcohdic Bookbinder^s leather (manufactures) (manufactures) 8**.3]8**316 Bookcases (manufactures) Bicycles Book paper (manufactures) manufactures 8**.338**333 Book publishing, magazines, transportatíon 9**.719**.713 periodicals Bílliards (amusements, sports) 8**.458**.453 Books Bills of health censorship aírcraô 9**.729**.727 periodicals, magazines (public vessds 9**.739**.738 press) Binders, agricultural implements Boots and shoes, ali kinds (manufactures) 8**,338**3312 (manufactures) Biographical data 7**527**521 Botany (natural sciences) Biological warfare(naturalsdences) 9**839**.8311 Botíle corks and caps (manufactures) Biology Bottlcs, glass, ali kinds (manufactures) natural sciences 9**.83i9**831 Bowling (amusements, sports) radioscopy, radiology. chemistry Boxes (manufactures) íncluding warfare, medicai leather aspeets of (medicai sciences) 9**84:19**.841 metal Bird foods d ali kinds (manufactures) 8**.318**31 paper Birds (wild animais, game laws) 8**.2438**2432 wooden Birth, vital statistks 8**551 koxing gloves (manufactures) Bíscuits (manufactures) 8**.3138**313 Boy Scouts Bismuth (mining) 8**2548**254' Braids (manufactures) Black markets cotton cost of living (general) 8**.01 hair food, food conditions (shortag s) 8**.03 Brass (manufactures) fiiel, fuel conditions (shortages) 8**.04 Braad (manufactures) Blackberries (agriculture) 8**2378**2372 Birck of ali kinds (manufactures) Blackboards (manufectures) 8**346 Bridges, engineering Blackmg, polishes (manufactures) 8**397'8**3975 Brief cases, leather (manufactures) Blackout measurcs (civil defense) 7**.597**39 Bristles Blankets (manufactures) synthetic (manufactures) horse (leather) 8**322 Broadcastíng household fumishings 8**34^8**34* commercial < Blasting caps and powder, non-military news • (manuíàctures) 8**3973 Bronze (manufactures) I BÍcaching compounds (manufactures) 8**3975 Brooders (manufactures) í Blights, agriculture, pests, etc. 8**.22 Brooms of ali Idnds (manufactures) { Blind, educatíon of Âe 8**.4348**434 Bmshes (manufactures) Blinds, window (manufecturcs) 8**344 artists' supplies S Slood donors, blood plasma 8**35 household 8 íotters, blotting paper (manufactures) 8**346 Bmssels sprouts (agriculture) 8 3Iouses, womcn's and childrcn's Buboiic plague 8 (manufactures) 8**351 Buckwheal (agriculture) 8 Blueberries (agriculture) 8**2372 Budget, govanmenlai. other than U.S. 8' Bluing. household (manuiãcUues) 8**3975 Builders' hardware (manufactures) 8' Boaling (amusements, sports) 8**453 Building, buildings and prcmiscs Boilcrs (manufactures) 8**3311 construction s Bmlding, buildings and prcmises—conL Canes, men^ and womeris (manufactures) 8**3513 7**.561 enginccring 8**.^I1 Cannon 8',t*.332 Cans of ali kinds (manufactures) 8**394 materiais (manufactures) 8**352 paving materiais (manufactures) 8**.332 Canvas (manufactures) 8**37 Bulbs, flowers (agricultor artist materiais (manufactures) Buli fighting (amusements, sports) 8*M53 Capes, womcn's and children's 81,"*'.334 (manufactures) 8**351 Bulldozers (manufactures) 8**05 Bullion, gold and silver 8**. 13 Capital invés tment of 8**.051## Bunkmng 8**3512 merchant vessels 9**.131 Caps of ali kinds (manufactures) 1**563 Capsules, filled and empty naval veásels 8**3971 Buoys, navigation 9**741 (manufactures) 8**.341 Caiboo 8**255 Burcaus (manufactures) 8**346 Burial paper (manufactures) 8**.399 Carbonic-acid gas (manufactures) 8**397 cases (manufactures' 8**392 clothing (manufactures) 8**.399 C.irdboard (manufactures) 8**.552 Cards laws and customs 8**453 Burlap (manufactures) 8**.357 8**.322 playing and ali other Bumt leather goods (manufactures) 8**.36 Bumt-wood articles, novelties (manufactures) (manufactures) 8**.398 Cargoes, manifests of ' 9**.727 Burro (beasts of burden) 8**.2421 air cargo water cargo 9**.738 Buses 8**451 manufactures 8**.3331 Camivals transportaíioa 9**.713 Camotite (mining) 8**2546 8**.343 Butchcrs* aprons (manufactures) 8**.351 Carpet sweepers (manufactures) 8**.342 Butter (manufactures) 8**.3i2 Caipets of ali kinds (manufactures) 8**322 Buttemuts (agriculture) 8**2377 Carriage leather (manufactures) Buttons of ali kinds (manufactures) 8**.398 Carriages of ali kinds and parts (manufactures) 8**333 Carrots (agriculture) 8**236 Carrying trade, foreign 9**73 8**3332 8**.236 Cars, nrilroad and street (manufactures) Cabbage (agriculture) 8** .054 Cabinet 7**.13 Catei» 8** .341 Cartogtaphy (earth sciences) 9**8212 woik (manufactures) 8**392 Cable (see Telegraph and cable) Cartons, paper (manufactures) Cabuya 8**2326 Cases, bricf and instrument, leather 8**2334 (manufactures) 8**322 Cacao, cultivatíon of 8**.343 Cadmium (raining) 8**2547 Cash registers (manufactures) 8**313 Cashew nuts (agriculture) 8**2377 Cakes and cookies (manufactures) 8**354 Calamities 8**49 Cashmeres, wool (manufactures) 8**.397 Caskets, burial (manufactures) 8**399 Calcium carbide (manufactures) 8**.2393 Calcium metal (mining) 8**2547 Cassava (agriculture) 8**.347 Castíngs, sted (manufactures) 8**331 Catfutflfrwg (manufactures) 8**2319 Calculus 9**.811 Castor beans and seeds (agriculture) 8**3971 Calendar (physical scienccs) 9**8139 Castor oil (manufactures) 8** .346 Cats 8** .242 Calendars (manufactures) 8**.24221 alf sldns (manufactures) 8**.321 Cattlc 8**2421 Cauliflower (agriculture) 8**236 Camel 8**397 Caracls' hair, wool (manufactures) 8**.354 Causdc soda (manufactures) Cameras (manufactures) 8**.37 Ceiling prices, price control 8**.01 8**.424 Zamp E-re Girls 8**.4612 Celebratioos, commemoralive 8**236 Canais Celery (agriculture) commerce and navigation (general) 9**.7301 Celkphanc (manufactures) 8** 3976 .lavigation on 9**.74 Celluloid 8**3916 Câncer 8**.55 manufactures of Candles (manufactures) 8**.346 novelties (manufactures) 8**398 8**3976 Candy (manufactures) 8*».318 products (manufactures) 8**36 Cane, sugar (agriculture) 8** 2351 toys (manufactures)

P ■aaa I

Cellulose ^nanuiaciures) 8**.397tJ liquid fuels and lubricants Cement (manufactures) (physical sciences) 9 c»" building and paving materiais 8**332 nuclear and nuclear physics mavding 8**.346 (physical sciences) 9 *.8131 organic (jrfiysical sciences) 9»» 814 rubbor 8**324 Cemení (mining) 8**.2566 radiology, radioscopy. and iology including warfare, medicai Cemeteries 8**.552 9**.03 aspeets of (medicai sciences) 9**.84')**.84i Censcaxhip (general) 8**23TÍr motion pictures, commercial 8**.452 Cherries (agriculture) * ' 9',,*.103 Chess 8**.453 postal 8**2371 ptess 9** 64 Chestnuts (agriculture) 8**i3' 9',",,.403 Cheviots, wod (manufactures) 8**3>8**354 radio 8**31? telegrajrfi and cable 9**3D3 Chewing gum (manufactures) 8* Su Chickens, poultty raising 8**.24:8**.247 tekphou 8**233 tetóvisitm 9** .503 Chicory (agriculture) 8**23: (manufactures) 8**8**315: 31: Censos S^^AOl Chief executive 7**.ll7**11 Centers, service, philanthrqric or 1 8**31 Chiffonieis (manufactures) 8**341' charitable 8**.063 Ceramics (manufactures) 8**3931 CMd labor 8**.0fi Cereal Children^ wearing apparel 8**331 (manufactures) ^ 8**.35:8**351 crops (agriculture) 8**341 products (manufactures) 8**.313 closets (manufactures) * 8* *.34 Chinaware (manufactures) 8**..^8**393: Cereais (manufactures) 8**397;t Ceremonial communicatíons 8* *.474 Chloroform (manufactures) 8* Chocolate products, confectionery Ceremonials 8**471 | 8**2546 (manufactures) 88**318 '♦.3I Cerium (mining) |**.55 CertiBcates Cholera 8 *.33 8*».24j identification, non-U.S. citizensl f 7**.081 diseases of animais 8**.24! 8**254. stock 8**.053 Chrcmiium (mining) 8**25 8** .41? Jhains (manufarturcs) 8**.3313 Church 8**.4i: 8**316 Chairs (manufactures) 8**.341 Cider (manufactures) 8**.31i Chalk, school suHJiies (manufactures) 8**.34ó Cigareòe (manufactures) 8**36 Charcoal (manuâctures) 8**3932 boxes 8**.36 8**36 Charitíes 8**.57 ' holders 8**.36 8**323 Charter Cigaretíes (manufactures) 8**.32: 9**326 rigjtr cutters and holders (manufactures) &**.3â aircrafl, commercial ,, merchant vessels 9**339 Cigars (manufactures) 88**.323*.32: Chartography 9**.8212 Ciricbora 8**8**239; 23! 8**451 Checkers 8**.453 Circus 8**.4S Cheese (manufactures) 8**312 Citizenship, non-U.S. 7**.0í7**.08 i Chemical Citron (agriculture) 8**.2318**.237l 8**2371 and thermal metallorgy (aj^lied Citrus froits (agriculture) 8^*23' chemístry, physical sciences) 9**816 City planning 8**.0218**02) engineering 9**.868 Civil products, industrial (rçplied defenses 7**.591**39 chemistry, physical sciences) 9**.8157 engineering (engineering) 9**.869**.86ll ^jecialties (manufactures) B**3976 sanitary and public health warfare engineering 9**.86J ^pplied chemistry (physical laws 7**.3421**341 sciences) 9**8158 service 7**.14 ordnance engineering 9**865 Civiliaa defense 1**39 Chemicals chemicai warfare (applied agricultural (applied chemistry, chemistry, physical sciences) #*.81|9**8158 physical sciences) 9**.81573 police organizatiem g**.5118**51] \nny, Navy, and Air Foice Qams 8**245 cquipment 7**5613 Qassification of salaries (civil service) 7**.14 manufactures 8**397 Clay products (manufactures) 8*"8**.393! 393 Cleaning compounds and polishes Chemistry 7Ç analytical (physical sciences) 9**.814 (manufactures) 8**.3P'8*».39'7 applied (physical sciences) 9**815 .learance basic (jAysical sciences) 9**.814 of aireraft 9**.7279**.72? inorganic (physical sciences) 9**.814 of merchant vessels 9**.7389**33% Climatology (cann sciences) 9**,.8294 Combinauons in resuamt of nade S**^ Zlippings, newspaper 9**.61 Combines, carteis, industrial 8*A.054 Qcxks and watches (manufactures) Combs (manufactures) 8**.39í ^lothespins (manufactures) 8,*'*.346 Combustion phenomena (applied dothing (manufactures) 8**.35 chemistiy,physical sciences) 9**815 unácrrns 7**.564 ComfcHts, household fimushings ^lovers (agriculture) 8**J2343 (manufactures) 8**.345 CIovcs (manufactures) 8 **.317 Commemoralive celebra tions 8**.424 Clubs. agricultural 8**.201 Commentators, news 9**.62 Coal Commercial mines and mining 8%*.2552 and cconomic geography (earth mining engineering 9**.864 sciences) 9**.827 shortage 8**.04 educadon 8**.433 Coal-tar produets (manufactures) 8**. 397 laws 7**.343 Coaling staticHis, naval 7**.563 Commissaries, Army, Navy, and Coast defenses 7**51 AirFcrce 7**57 Coastal zones, analysis of (military Commissions, to take testimony 7**35 geography, earth sciences) 9**.824 Commodes (manufactures) 8**341 Loasting 8**.453 Commodity exchanges 8**. 15 Coasts and landing beaches (military Communication (see also respective geography, earth sciences) 9*'''.824 subjeets) 9**.0O Coat oi arms 7**.0S devkes (clectronics) ' 9**.85 Coats, men'sf womerfs, and children's Jommunications (manufactures) 8**.351 ceremonial 8 **.474 Cobalt (mining) 8**.2547 equipment (manufactures) 8**335 Cock fighting 8**.453 Communism 7**.001 Cocoa Compasses (manufactures) 8**396 beverage materiais (manufactures) 8**.316 Compensation cultivation 8**.2334 unemployment 8**.061 produets (manufactures) 8**315 worianen's 8**,0651 Coconuts (agriculture) 8**.2377 Complaints against Todes postal service 9**. 15 law 7**34 radway service 9**.712 telegraph and cable other than telepháne service 9**35 U.S. Government 9**.22 Compounds, cleaning (manufactures) 8**3975 Coffee Corapulsory cultivation 8**.2333 labor 8**064 exchanges 8**. 157 military service, conscription, draft 7**.55U manufactures 8**.316 Joncerts 8**.451 Joffins (manufectures) 8**399 Concessions (see also under respective Coinage 8**. 13 subjeets) 8**.054 Toir air transporta tion 9**.722 fíber (agriculture) 8**.232 Communications (general) 9**.019**01 yam (manufactures) 8**357 mail 9**.1019**101 Joke (manufactures) 8**3932 mining 8**.25 shortage 8**.04 navigation 9**.732 Cold (physical sciences) 9**.8135 postal 9**101 Cold creams and lotions (manufactures) 8**395 radio, commercial 9**401 Cold storage 8**.03 railways 9**.712 Collars (manufactures) telegraph and cable 9**.201 dog (leather) 8**322 telephone 9**.3019**301 men^, women's, and children's 8**351 television 9**,50i Colleges 8**.432 Concrete (manufactures) Colliers, naval 7**.5621 building and paving materiais 8**332 Coilisions (see Accidents) mixers 8**334 looizatíon 8**.161 Condiments (manufactures) 8**317 Colored smoke, screcning agents, Condolences chemical warfare (applied death of chief executivc, king, chemistry, physical sciences) 9**.8158 sovereign 7**11 Coloring matíers (manufecturcs) 8**397 death of prominent persons 8**.41 Columbite (mining) 8**.254? disaster 8**.49 8**318 Corset (manufactures) Conlecoonay (manufactures) Cosmctics (manufactures) Confetíi (manufactures) 8**392 8**.474## Cosmic rays (physical sciences) Ccmgratuktary communicaáons Cost of líving Congress (legislative branch of Cotton govemmait) 1**2 7**.55I1 batting (manufactures) Conscription cultivation Conservation 8»*.2391 exchanges of forests, forestry flannel (manufactures) of natural resources (general) 8**.002 8**.21I manufacture of of soils piccc goods (manufactures) C(«ispirac es, politicai 7**.00 7**03 priccreports ConstitB oa thread (manufactures) Construo ticm seed oil (manufactures) aitcraft waste (manufactures) Army, Navy, and Air Force 7**.5622 8**3333 Couches (manufactures) commercial (manufactures) Counter-intelligence building 8**.02 8**334 Counterfeiting equipmení (manofectures) Countermeasures (electronics) pubUc 8**.261 Court vessels of Clairas, U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force 7**5621 merchant (manufactures) 8**3334 of Customs and Patent Appeals 8**.03 presentation at Consumer rationing Supreme, U.S. Continental shelf 7** .022 Courts Contracts. general 8**.054 8**722 judgments and decrc< of air tran^XHtation jurisdiction of national Communications (general) 9** .01 9**. 101 military and naval mail mixed navigation 9**232 9**.1QI national postal proceedings radio, commercial 9**.401 9**712 rights of aliens to sue in national railways Cowpcas (agriculture) street railways 9**713 telegraph and cable 9**.201 Crackers (manufactures) . telephone 9**301 9**.501 Granes, constmction equipment television (manufectures) Contro! of Crash, linen (manufactures) prices and cost of livin^ 8**.01 Cream rcnts 8**.02 Creameary equipment (manufactures) travei 8**.181 Credits Cooking utensils of ali kinds (manufactures) 8**3461 national Cooperadvc systems 8**052 rural Crematíon Copper manufactures 8**394 Cresols (manufactures) 8**3542 Crews, merchant vessels mines and m ig illegal acts committed by Copia (agriculture) 2377 Cricket Ccpyrights, protection 8**173 Cordage. hemp and jute (manufactures) 8**357 Crime Criminal Corduroys, cotton (manufactures) 8**352 8** .2393 hvfi Cork organizatíons products (manufactures) 8**328 Crimping, searoen, merchant vessels Com cultivation 8** .2315 Crops products and preparations Seld (manufactures) 8**313 forage Ccsrporations, formatíon and regulation 8**053 garden Coneclion and punishment 8**.56 insurance Ctxrespondence schools (see also rotation of Rccords) 8**.43 mick COTrespondents, press 9**62 Croquet cnicioles (manuiacmres) 8**331 Decrecs Cruisen 7**.5621 effect of judgments and decrces 7**36 Ciystallography (physical sciences) 9*».813 laws, statutes, etc. 7**34 Crystalt 8**3546 Defective children, education of 3**.434 Cucumbcri (agriculture) 8**336 Defectors 7**.00 Cu£E^ roen's, wotnen's and childrcn's Defendants, absconding 7**333 (naamiâctufes) 8**351 Defense 'ultivaiors, agricultaxal imptements aflãirs (general) 7**3 (mreto&ctures) 8**3312 Air Force 7**3 Cups, papcr (manufactures) 8**392 Army 7**3 Qurants (agriculture) 8**3372 clvilian 7**39 Currcncy military 1 7**3 control mesure, «.«aHILation 8**.131 natíonal 7**3 mooetary system 8**.13 Navy 7**3 rates of exchangc 8**.131 Permancnt Joint Board on (U.S. Curtains (manufactures) and Canada) 7423 ali kinds, cxcqx theaírical 8**344 Defenses and fOTtifícations 7**31 theaírical 8**36 Dehydratk» (foods, manufactures) 8**31 Cushioos (-lanufaclores) 8**.345 Demurrage, merchant vessels 9**735 Customs " railwat' 9**712 Court, U.S. 71131 Denim, cotton (manufactures) 8**352 social 8**.414 Dental instrumente and equipment Cutlery (manufactures) 8**3461 (manufactures) 8**396 Cyclitig 8**.453 Dentísíry Cyclones 8**.49 medicai sciences 9**84 Cytology (natural sciences) . 9**.831 practíceof 8**358 Dependencies, tenitodes 7**022 Q Deportation, travei control . 8**181 Derelicts, menaces to navigadon 9**741 Oairy Derricks (manufactures) 8**334 implements and machinery Des^jion (manufactures) 8**3312 aircraft crew 9**751 products (manu&ctures) 8**312 Array, Navy, and Air Force 7**3511 uairying 8**.2423 seamen, merchant vessels 9**751 Daniar to mail 9**.152 Desk pads (manufactures) 8**.34 Oamask (manuÊcturcs) Desks (manufactures) 8**.341 linen 8**353 Destroyers 7**.5621 silk 8**355 Deuterium oxide (heavy water) Doma (physical sciences) 9**.8137 irrigation 8**311 Devices power 8**.2614 communicatíon (electronics) 9**.85 public works 8**3614 position-finding, navigational aids Dancing (amusements, sports) 8**.453 (elccironics) 9**85 Dandelkms (agriculture) 8**336 radw-type (electronics) 9**85 Oata, biograpfakal 7**321 signalling Dates (agriculture) 8**2378 manufactures 8**3332 Dead, disposal of thc 8**352 navigation 9**741 Deaf. educalion of thc 8**.434 Diamonds (mining) 8**2535 Death Díce (game) 8**.453 prominent persons 8*»,41 Diesel statístics 8**351 engineering, power plants Debates (legislativc branch of (oigineering) govemment) 7**31 engines, tmnsportaúon equipment Debt (manufectures) 8»*.333 natíonal 8**10 Differentíal equations 9**811 war 8**10 iplomas, academic, reciprocai Deciduous fruíts (agriculture) 8**337 rccognition of 8**436## Itecontaminaíioo, chemical warfare Dirigibles (sec Aircraft) (applicd chemistry, physical Dúabícd, wrccfced and stranded vessels, sciences) 9**8158 salvagc of 9**.733 fna Disasim 8^.49 Drawing (art) Díscharg. Dress aircra^aBAv 9**.751 ceremonial Army, K~vy, anu Air Force national persoonel 7*».5511 Dresses, ali Idnds (manufactures) scamea, mcrchant vessels. Dressing tables (manufactures) seamcn services 9**.751 Drought (agriculture) ^xjciplinc Druggist supplies (manufactures) aircraftaew 9**.751 Drugs Army, Navy, and Air Force 7**.551 and food, supeavisicKi of seamea, merchant vesse s, and pharmaceutical supplies seamen services 9**751 (manufactures) Jiscount 8**.141 hábil forming. traffíc in Di—ases sfockpiling calamítrcs 8**.49 sulfa (applied chemistry, physica injuries and causes of deatí) sciences) (medicai sciences) 9**.84 Drums, iron and steel (manufactures) of domestic animais 8**J41 Dry cell batteries (manufactures) crfpersOTS 8**^5 Dry docks of plants 8**^22 merchant vessels o£ wild animais and bixds 8**.243 military Dishes (manufactures) naval irf ali kinds, excq)t paper 8**3931 Dry farming paper 8**392 Duck, cotíon (manufactures) Disinfectants of ad kinds Ducks (manufactures) 8**3971 domestic Jisplaced persons, social welfare 8**411 wild Di^posal Dues of thedead 8**.552 harbor plants, sewerage 8**.2615 light Disputes and complaints, trade, labor 8^.062 navigatíon Distillerií (manufactures) 8**316 port Disturbances tonnage racial 8**4n Dusters of ali kinds (manufactures) riots, politicai 7**.00 Dwellings Dividends 8**.053 housing Divorce laws 8**4141 hygiene of Docks, harbors, ports 9**734 Dyes Documcntaticsi and inspecdon of and dyestuffs (manufactures) 1 aircrafl 9**.727 chemicals and (manufactures) j vessels 9**.738 Dynamite, non-military (manufactures) í Documcni authentication of, requirements forr 7**372 travei, foiugn govemments 7**081 Dog collars, leadier (manufactures) 8**322 Earth sciences Jogs, domestic 8**.242 Earthenware (manufactures) DoUs (manufactures) 8**36 Earthquakes, calamities Domestic Ecology (natural sciences) animais 8**.242 Economic money orders 9»*13 advisers Door mats, ali kinds (manufactures) 8** .342 analyses Docks (manufactures) and commercial geography (earth metal 8**332 sciences) sash and frames 8**332 geology (earth sciences) wooden 8**332 Draft matters, general plans and programs Air Force 7**.55I1 Army smistks (general) 7**.55H Edible, oíls and fats, animal, fish and military 7**5511 vegctable (manufactures) Navy 7** 5511 Drainagc (agriculture) j Education 8**.2I1 acadesnic Draperies, ali kinds (manufactures) í8**.344 8**,432 advanced 8**432 cnmnfK oi ali Jonds i.manuíaciuresj Education—cont Engineering agricultural 8',,*.433 aeronáutica}, sciences commerdal 8**.433 akport (civil engineering) elementary 8*',,.431 ardiitecture general 8**.43 chemical a£ lhe blind 8*^.434 civil (engineering) of lhe physically handicapped 8**.434 education professional 8**.432 electrical, sciences fechnical 8**.433 gas turbine (engineering) Educatkmal advisets 8* ".43A heatíng, refirigerating and air Egas conditíoning (engineering) poultry 8**.24224 hydrographic and reclamaticm powdered (manufactures) 8**.312 (engineering) Elastic and woven goods, rubber industrial and safety (engineering) (manufactures) 8**324 jet (engineering) Elastomm, synthetíc (appUed mechamcal chemistry, physicaí sciences^ 9**. 52 mining Elections, politicai 7**.00 ordnance Electrical power plants appliances, household and office rocket (engineering) (manufactures) 8**.343 sanitary and public health (o il engineering 9**.863 engineering, engineering) machines (engineering 9**.863 sciences Electricity steam (engineering) and magnetism (physicaí sciences) 9 i,*.8136 supersonic (engineering) public «tilities 8**.2614 Engines, transpertation equipment Electronics (manuíacmres) equipment (manufactures) 8**335 Engraving, art science of Enlisted personnel (Army, Navy, and apparatus and rquipment 9* .1Í5 AirFbrce) communlcation devices 9**35 Enrollment countermeasures 9**.85 aireraft in&ared devices 9**.85 mêrehant vessels instrumentation 9**.85 Entertainment (amoseraents, sports) navigational aids, position- Entry finding devices 9**.85 and clearance of íHOximity fuse 9*' '.85 aireraft radar-type devices 9**.85 vessels radio wave propagatlon, data and departure of aliens, control of, and thcwry 9**.85 in foreign countries sonar devices 9**.85 permits, travei in foreign count » eiemetearing 9**.85 Envelopes, paper (manufactures) Elephantiasis (public health) 8**.55 Epidemics. calamities ELcpí. Jits 8* *.3421 Equipmeitt and supplies Elevators, grain 8**.02 Army, Kavy, and Air Force 7**56 Embalming fluids (manufactures) 8**399 athletic and sporting Embargo, railroad, railways 9**.712 (manufactures) 8**36 Embezzlement, criminal (laws) 7*'1 1 commimications (manufactures) 8**335 Emblems (manufactures) 8**398 consttuction (manufactures) 8**334 Embroideiy (manufactures) daiiymen's, poultrymen's cotton 8**352 (manufactures) linen 8**353 heavy (manufactures) silk 8**355 mocticians' (manufactures) wooí * 8**354 musical (manufactures) Emery paper (manufactures) 8**392 professional >and scientiílc Emigratioo. general 8**. 18 (manufactures) 8**396 Smployees' compensation, laws ^xxting (manufactures) 8**36 aml regulations 8**.0651 theatricai (manufactures) 8**36 Zr iploye^s liability 8**.0651 transportation (manufactures) 8** 333 En iployment, hazaidous 8**.065 Exascrs (manufactures) 8**346 Enameled ware (manufactures) 8**.3461 Erosion, soil 8**.211

30 I

8*'.343 Fans (manufk; tares) tjy^iarnnt (manufactures) 8** .332 8** .20 7**.52## Farming Espionagc 8**3971 machinery, agncultural p<;ynHal oils (manufactures) implements (manufactures) 8*'3312 í 8**397 Ethers» sulfiffic (manufactures) ostrich 8**.24223 8**.4I 7**.002l Ethojgjraphy 8** .41 Fascism, fascist activities Ethnology Fashions Etiquette, social 8**A7 8**.35 8** .2546 clothing (manufactures) Euxenite (mining) manners and customs, mode of life 8**.414 Evkteace, prorarcmení of 7**35 Fats. fetty waxes. soa] [applied Excelsk* (manufactures) 9**.81561 8**.112 chemistry, physical sciences) Excess profits tax Fats (manufactures) Exchange 8**319 i 8»M31 animal and vegctable, edible foreign animal, físh and vegetable, inedible 8-32SÍ of uniforn clothing 7**j56A## 8**.321 8**.13l Feathers (manufactures) rates oí millinery findings (manufactures) 8**3512 Exchange» 8**.23í 8**.157 Feeds (agriculture) coffee Fees comraodity 8*M5 8**.152 foreign cotton passports 8**.155 grain issuing 7**.08l h livestock visaing * 8»*.l8ll 8**.156 produce merehant vessels 9**.732 :] 8**151 8**.474 s stock Felicitation on national anniversanes 8**.158 8**.35i sugar Felts of ali kinds, wool (manufactures) 8**. 153 8**.06' wool Female (laba) Execulive Fbndng, wire (manufactures) 8** 3313 branch of govemment 7**.l 9**.73 1 7**.ll Ferries, inland waterways chief Fentms metaílurgy (applied chemistry, dspartments, foreign, cabinet and 9**.8l6 7**.13 physical sciences) non-cabinet rank Fertilization of soil 8**.211 8**36 ?»*.397) Exercise machines (manufactures) Ffertílizers of ali kinds (manufactures) Exhibitions, industrial 8*».191 8**.181 Fibers Exit permits, foreign cultivation 8**.23J Exploáves stockpiling of 7**.65 enginecring, ordnance jytuj tic (manufactures) 8**.35« 9**.865 8**.2S (engineering) Reid CTops industrial (applied chemistry, 9**81571 production, soil management, physical sciences) agronomy (natural sciences) 9**.832 8**3973 9**.724 J non-milita (manufactures) Helds, landing (air transportation) 8**.50 ,**.562. regulations goveming Rghters, aireraft Expositions 8**.191 8»* .453 Rghting, p te 8**337I Express 9**.712 Rgs (agriculture) railway 9**.714 fillets, hardwood and liquid trucking (manufactures) • 8**3974 Externai assets 8**,051## 8**317 Rim pbotographic supplies Extracts (manufactures) (manufectures) 1**3,7 8**.55 Eye bank donas Finance 8**.10 Financial advisers 8**.10A conditions 8**10 Fabrics (manufactures) 8**.l0 8**352 matters cotton Hre 8**353 8*^.49 linen calamities 5 sik 8**355 8**332 8**354 escapes (manufactures) wool insurancc 8**.082 9**.50 ! Facsimile, television ' prevention (forestxy) 8**.239 I Fairs protection against 8**.512 industrial 8**.I91 8**.333t 8**.451 trucfcs (manufacures) publk entcrtainment ríreanns, non-military . Family life and customs 8** .414 8**36 8**.49 manufactures of Famines regulations conceming 8**.5C I ■f"

Fira. mauuíacaaing 8**31 calamities 8**.49 prices faxsstry, prevention of 8**.2391 retail 8**.01 Fire wanlens (civiliao dcfoi»;) 7**.59 wholesale 8**159 Rrewoda (manufactures) %*'3973 rationing 8**.03 First aid to injured 8**558 shortages 8**.03 Hsh substitutes, generai ^manufactures) 8**31 oila, fats and grcascs, incdlblc Fbot and mouth disease, disease of (manufactures) 8**.325 anúnals 8**.241 edibic (manufactures) 8**.319 j ootball pnxlucts (manufactures) 8**312 goods (manufacturcsi 8**36 Fuáieries, animal hosbandry 8**245 sport 8**.453 Rldiing t ootstools (manufactures) 8**.341 xods and tackle (manufactures) 8*4.36 Fòotwear, ali kinds (manufactures) 8**351: sport 8**.453 Fora®! crops (agriculture) 8**.234 ?Iag 7**.04 Foreign laws and custrans regulating use advisers oo govemment affairs 7**.<02A and display of 7**.04 Affairs, Ministry of 7**. 13 manufacture of 8**.398 agencies, merchant vessels 9**.73 misuse, indignities, and insult to 7**.041## -anying trade 9**.73 Flame exchange 8**.131 and combustion pbenomena Office . 7**.13 (af ^lied chemistry, physical officials exempt from taxatíon 7* *.01H sciences) 9**.8154 Foreign settlements 7**.021 and incendiary warfarc, chemical Foreign visas 8**, 181 warfarc (applied chemistry, Foreigners, admission to military, physical sciences) 9**.8158 naval, and Air Force establishments throwers, armaments 7**.561 for service or study 7**553# FlanneiS, wool (manufactures) 8**354 Forest fíres 8**.2391 Flavoring extracts (manufactures) 8**.317 FOrestry . 8**.2391 Flax botany (natutíu sciences) 9**.832 cultivation 8**3323 Forests.^conservation of 8**.2391 products (manufactures) 8**357 Forgings (manufactures) 8**331 Flights Fbrics, siíverware (manufactures) 8**38 permission for 9**.72## Formaldehyde (manufactures) 8**3971 private 9**.72m Fortifications 7**.5I Floods Foundry and ma;hine-shop products, calamities 8**.49 not otherwise classifiable pteventíon 9**.7301 (manu&ctures) 8**3313 rfcx* (manufactures) Fbuntain pens (manufactures) 8**346 building materiais 8**.332 Fowl products (manufactures) 8**312 covenngs of ali Idnds 8**.342 Tranking privileges, postal 9**., 10404 Fiour (manufactures) 8** .313 Freight rates Flour of ali Jdnds (manufactures) 8**313 serial navigation 9**322 Flour prices, wholesale 8**.155 merchant vessels 9**332 Flower pots (manufactures) 8**3931 railway 9**.7129**312 Flowers trucking 9**.7149**314 artificial, not otherwise classifiable Frequencíes, radio 9**409**.40 (manufactures) 8**398 Fruit artificial accessories, wearing and vegetable products and appareí 8**3513 preparatkms (manufactures) 8**315 cultivation 8**.238 juices. beverages (manufactures) 8**316 iduids, mechanics of (physical Fnriís sciences) 9**.8I32 canned and dried (manufactures) 8**315 Hy papear (manufactures) 8**392 cítms (agriculture) 8**2371 "lying sauccrs 7**. 5612 cultivation 8**237 Food deciduous (agriculture) 8**.2378**237 and drug regulations, internai Fuel control 8**.557 Army. Navy, and Air Force condi tions 8**03 fueling stations 7**.563## costs 8**01 costs 8**.04 Riel—com. Gas, gases heateis, swves anu appiiances fra ,, household and office oil (manuiacaues) 8*' .3932 ratíoning 8**.04 (manufactures) shwtage 8**.04 industrial (applied chemistry, statíons, merchant vessels 9**J3'I physical sciences) ^ucling nanufactures air tran^ortatioo 9** .125 nechanics of (physical sciences) merchant vessels 9** .131 natural slatioo latural (mining) (n ining merchant vessels 9**.131 engmeering) military 7**563## , oison (Army, Navy, and Air naval 7**563## Rot») Fueis fublic Utilities anu pctroieum produets turbine engineering (power plants, (manufectures) 8**,3932 engineerfiig) higL performance (applied 3asoline (manufactures) hemistry. physical sciences; 9**.8154 Gauntlets, mea's, womerfs, and liqukl and lubricants (applied chilórerfs (manufactures) chemistry, physical sciences) 9**.8151 Gauze (manufactures) synthetk liqirids (applied nibber chemistry, physical sciences) 9**.8I51 surgical Functíons Geese ceremonial 8**,471 Geiger counters (manufa: lures) commemorative celebrations .424 Genetics (natural sciences) Funds, ftaeign exchange regulations 8**. 131 Geodesy (earth sciences) Fur Geographical names (earth sciences) apparel of ali kinds, i 'en's, Geography women's, and children's earth sciences (manufactures) 8**.351 economic and commercial (eart. auctkms, sales 8**.2431 sciences) farming 8** .242 human (earth sciences) ■mnting and trapping industiy .2431 napmaking seals (animal husbandry) 8**.244 oilitary (earth sciences) Fumaces (manufactures) 8**.332 of setdement (earth sciences) "umiturc physical (earth sciences) ali kinds (manufactures) 8** .341 Kílitical (earth sciences) covering (manufactures) 8 *.3' Geology household (manufactures) 8**.341 economic (earth sciences) office (manufactures) 8**.341 structure (earth sciences) polishes (manufactures) 8**3975 Geometry sebool (manufactures) 8**.341 Geophysical prospectíng for location of Furs (manufactures) 8**.321 mineral resources (earth sciences) ^uses, non-military (manufactures) 8**.3973 Geophysics (earth sciences) Gcrmicidcs (manufactures) Gin (manufactures) Girders, inonwork (manufactures) Samblmg 8**.45 Girdtes, women's and girFs Game (manufactures) laws 8**^243 Girl Scouts produets (manufactures) 8**.3I2 Girls" wearing apparel (manufactures) Games Glass and glàss produets not otherwise manufactures 8**.36 classifíable (manufactures) Olympic 8**4531 building materiais sports 8**453 Glassware (manufactures) Garden crops (agricuíture) 8**.236 Glazed paper (manufactures) Gartcrs and hose supporters, men's, Gliders, aireraft women'®, and children's Globes, spheres (manufactures) 1 (manufactures) 8**.3513

33 I 1 Oloves (manuiactures Greases ynanuiactures; boxing 8**36 animal, fish and vegetable, men's, womea's, and cíúldtcn s, inediblc 8**3Z ali IdiKb 8** J513 lubricating 8**39: Glucose (manufactures) 8**.318 Great Lakcs, entrance into 7**.58] Glue Jre« ngs, holiday, and felicitaJons and leaíher, industriai chemical (ceremonial Communications) 8**474 producta (applied chemistry, ,, Grenadcs, small anus 7* phyãcal scíences) 9* .8I574 Grindstones (manufactures) 8**331 manufactures 8**.32 C 'iceries, general (manufactures 8**31 Glycerin (manu&ctures) 8»»397i Groundnuts, peanuts (agriculture) 8**.237 Goat hair 8**.24222 Groups, politicai 7* *.00 joats vanimal husband^; 8**.24222 rcligioas 8**413 Goatsldns, animal products Guano (manufactures) 8*» 307 (mamifedarcs) 8**.321 Guayule odrwns, stotage facilitíes 8**.02 cultívatíoa 8**.239! Gold manufectures 8**324 cdna^ 8**.13 Goided missiles foil and leaf (manufactures) armaments 7**.5612 jcwíliy (manufectures) 8*»,38 engineering(crdnanceengineering) 9**865 mines and mining 8**.253! Gums, crude (agriculture) 8**.2394 Golf Guny bagging, jutc, and hemp • accessories (manufactures) 8**.36 (maniifectures) 8**357 ^«ts 8**453 Gunpowder, non-military Goods (manufectures) 8**3973 cotton (manufactures) 8**352 3uns leather (manufactures) 8**322 shot, non-military (manufactures) 8**36 linen (manufectures) 8**J53 8**36 smaO arms, military 7**.5614 áJk (manufactures) 8** .355 7**.5614 ■ Gymnasium (manufactures) wool (manufectures) 8**.354 suits and accessories, men's, Goosefaerdes (agriculture) «** 2372 3ovemmen <» women's, and diildren's 8**351 sujçlies and equxpment 8**36 advisers 7**.02A Gyroscopes 9**.8136 agendes, foreign, not of cabinet rank 7**.13 agents, ftffeign 7**.01## executivc brandi of, fweign 7»*.I Hair (manufactures) general 7**.02 braids and wigs judicial brandi of 7**.3 8**356 driers 8**395 legislative brandi of 7»*.2 goods, ali types of beautícians' nunidpal 8**.51 supplies offkes, foreign 7**! 13 8**395 materiais and products not recognitíon d" 7**.02 Govemor general, including femily otherwise classifíabJe 8**356 Hairpins of ali kinds (manufectures) (executive brandi of govemment) 7**. 11 8**3513 Haltcrs, leather (manufactures) 8**322 Govemors of states, foreign 7**. 111 "Ham" operators Grain 9**.42 fem ocks (manufactures) cultivation 8**.231 8**346 Handbags, women^ accessories, ali elevators 8**.02 types (manufectures) exchanges 8**. 155 8**3513 products and preparations Handicapped persons, educatíon oí 8**434 (manufactures) 8**.313 Handkerchiefs, ali kinds, menX Granaríes 8**.02 Granite (quairies) 8**251 women's, and childrai^ Grape&uit (agriculture) 8**.2371 (manufectures) 8**3513 Grapes (agriculture) 8**.2373 Harbor ducs (navigation) 9**.735 Harbors Graphitc (mining) 8**.255 9**734 Grasses (agriculture) 8**,2341 Hardware (manufactures) Graves, soldiers' and saiiors', builders' 8**332 maintenance of 8**.552 househoid 8**34 Harmónicas (manufactures) 8**36

34 Hamess anu saacuay, leamer Hodkworm disease (manuãctuies) 8**.556j 8**.322 Hoops, metal (manufactures; 8**3313 Harvesters (manufactures) 8*».3312 Hops (agriculture) 8**.2318 Hashísh (agjiculture) 8*^53 ífom noveltics (manufactures) Hats and caps of ali Idnds 8**398 Home 8**.242l (manuâctures) 8**3512 Ilay hamess, leather (manufactures) 8*».322 racing cultivation of 8**.45? 8**^34 ^mchides (manufactures) 8**321 stackm, agriculteal ixnplements 8**.3312 H rsemanship Hazardoos cmployment 8**.453 8**.065 xultme 8**.20 Hazdnuts (agriculture) 8*»2377 Hosc (manufactures) ffeaders and bindcrs, agricultural nien's. women's, and children's. implements (m^iufactures) 8**.3312 ali kinds Healtf 8**351 rubber 8**324 auair,, general 8**.55 Hospital ships, Army and Navy bills of 7**562 8**556 Hospitais merchant shipping 9**.738 and hospital service engineering. puhlic, and sanitary 8**572 Vrmy. Navy, and Air Force 7**57 (engineCTing) 9**8611 Hotels (housing) Insurance 8**02 8**.085 Hours of labor 8**.06i (physkal sciences) 9**.8135 Hbusc of Repesentatives Oegislative fcatín,» aparatas (manufactures) branch of govemment) » boiMing materiais, fumaces, etc. 8**.332 Household heaters and stoves of ali kinds for fumishings and supplies household and office 8**.343 (manufactures) mechanical engineering 8**34 9**862 fumiture (manufactures) 8**341 Heavy machinery (manufactures) 8**3311 Heavy waier (deuterium oxide) linens (manufec tares) 8**345 Housing (physical sciences) 9**.8137 ^ "tograph machines (manufactures) construction 8**02 8**.347 renfs Helicopters 8**02 Houses, prefabricated (manutaciures) 8**332 manufactures 8**.3333 Homan tran^xatatioo 9**72 Heiiui (military equipment) geography (earth sciences) 9**.825 **.5615 reactkxis to environmental mines and mining 8**2555 Hemp elements (medicai sciences) 9**.84 cultivation of rigfats (general) 7**07 8**.2322 Hunting products (manufactures) 8**.357 T inAistry 8**3431 enequen (agriculture) 8*».2326 Herbs, medicinal (agriculture) sport 8**.453 8**.2336 lurricanes. caiamities Cckory nuts (agriculture) 8**2377 8**.49 Hides and sldns (manufactures) Husbandry, animal 8**.24 8**.32l Huskcrs, ag cultural implements Highway engineering 9**.861 íighways (manufactures) 8**3312 public works j Hydro-electric power 8**2614 8**.2612 Hydrogen traffic laws and regulations <9**711 Historical bombs (military equipment) 7**5611 archives j peroxide (manufactures) 8**397' 8**.423 Hydrographic and reclamatior rclics g8**.42 Hóarding. food g engineering (engineering) 9**861 8**.03 ydrogr^jhy (earth sciences) Hogs (animai husbandry) g8**.24223 9**821 ?sheads (manufactures) 8 Hydrotogy (earth sciences) 9**.8293 8**391 1 fygicne and sanitation íioliday greetings g8**474 8**556 Holidays g Hypnotics, narcotics, and anesthetics 8**.425 (applied chemistry, physical Home hygtene 8**.556o. fomes sciences) 9**.8153 institutional 8**.574 scamen's (Merchant Marine) 8»*.576 sokSetf and SãUors' 8**.575 Honey culture Ice (manufactures) 8**39 8**.2424 boxes Iodes and eyes (manufactures) 8**.3513 8**.343 8**.3Í2

35 '.ceberg patrtx (navigaáon) 9'•"*.741 irnentano, Icebargs, menaccs to navigatíon 9** .741 and .'tcirsnjp jtaws draú^catíon catifícatcs, non-U.S. tax citizenship 7**.081 «njury iJegal acts. oew of merchaní vessels 9** .751 and causes of deati., Jiseases Hl treatroent, seamcn, merchant vesseL 9,*'*.751 r (medicai sciences) Tiraigratioo liability of employer and emigratk» (general) 8**.I88**18 Ink (manufactures) residencc, ttade and travei affairs in printers' siçplics country** as aífecting 8**.8**.181 Inkstands (manufactures) to country ** fijom country ## 8**.8**18## ínland waterways, navigatíon of munundogy (medicai sdences) 9**.9**84 (general) taj ementa, agricultora! Insane asylum (manuíãctures) 8**,:8**3312 [nseet pests affecting plant life Impressmcnt, seamen, merchant methods of combating vessels. seamen services 9**9**.751 tns cides (manufactures) «ncuidia ' and flame nsignia (Army, Navy, and Air Force, armamena 7*»j7**^61 Inspection physical sciences (warfere) 9**.{9**8158 aircraft, commercial incinerators (manufactures) 8**.;8**.332 merchant vessels Tnctanc tax 8»*.]8**112 nsu tíonal homes exemptions and/or paymena Institutions American diplomatic and cons- charitable úar employees, U.S. tax 811.112 penal and refeamatory fercign offidals 7**.011## scientific jicuoators (manufactures) 8**.3312 Instruotors (Army, Navy, and Air Indemnity for deaíh or injury in Foice) 7**553 ndustrial accidentó 8**.0651 Instrument cases, leather (manufactures) iidignities to flag of country ** by 8**322 Instrumentation (electronics) 9**.85 natíonals of country ## 7**,041## Instruments (manufactures) uidoor amusemente 8**.453 and equipme.. (aeronautical (ndustrial engineering) accidents 8**065 musical, taass, stringed, etc. employeris liability 8**'o651 pffofessional and scientific alcohol (manufactures) 8**,397 telephone, telegraph, cable, radio and safety engineering (mechanical Insubordination, merchant vessels engineering) 9**.862 Insults to flag of country ** •xhibítíons, expositions and fairs 8**. 191 Insurance fiatters (general) 8**. 19 ctop 8**.08 nonopolies general) 8**054 general pensions 8**071 8**.08 unemployment 8**.061 pnxiuction (general) 8**.19 Insurrectíons property, intellectual 8**.17 7**.00 Intellectual property 8**. 117 tatistics (general) 8**.001 Intelligence actívities muustries (general) 8**.19 7**.52 Interest (banks) 8**.141 ndustry, nationalization and International socialization of 8**.19 postal rates IníantUe paralysis 8**55 9**. 104 settlements Infants' wearing afparel (manufactures) 8**.351 8**.51 Inventions, patente for Infectíous diseases, methods of 8»*. 171 Investment of capital combating 8**.556 8**.051## 8**.556 Ipecac (agriculture) 8**.2336 - ilatíon (monetary system) 8**. 13 Iron influenza 8**558**,55 and steel and related industries, Infrared de vices (electronics) 9**85 9**85 general (manufactures) 8**.33 Inõingements bars (manufactures) cm copyrights 8**. 173 8**,3311 8**173 mines and mining 8**.2541 on paíaws 8**.171 pig (manufactures) 8**.3313 cm trademarics 8**.1728**. 172 Ingots plates, etc. (manufactures) 8**3313 ods (raanu&ctures) aluminum (manufactures) 8**.394 8**3313 áieet (manufactures) steel (manufactures) 8**331 8**.3313 íroning boàrds (manufactures) 8**346

36 Irons, electric (manufactures) 8**343 Labels and tags, paper (manufactures) Ironworic, structural and ornamental Labor (manufactures) 8**332 accidents Irrigatíon 8**.211 aífairs (general) Isotopes 9**.8137 chDd Istle (agriculture) 8**332 compulsory Ivory novelties (manufactures) 8**398 disputes female hazardoos employment ernployers' liability Jackets, women's and children's hours of (manufactures) 8**351 peonage, slavery Jails 8**.561 statisdcs Jeans, wocí (manufacture) 8**351 strikes and wal outs Jerscys, wooí (manufactures) 8**351 oemployment compensation Jet enginecring (power plants, unions and organizations engineering) 9**.867 wages Jet-prqpelled airáaft wcrianan's compensation military 1**5622 Laboratories (science) non-mditary 9**.72 Lace (manufactures) Jewelry of ali kinds (manuíacttires) 8**38 cotton Jowar (agriculture) 8**331 linen Judgraents and decrees of courts 7**32 silk Judicial Lacquers Of ali kinds (manufactures) brandi of govemment 7**3 Larab process, issued for service abroad 7**331 animal husbandry Judidary, perscmnel of 7**31 slaughterhouse products Jukes (manufactures) 8**315 (manufactures) JurisdictiOTi Lamps of ali kinds (manufactures) admirai ty 7**346 Lands mixed and consular courts 7**.4 acquisition, laws regarding national courts 7**33 colonization process issued for service abroad 1**331 « navigation 9**74 territorial 7**.022 teclamatíor 8**211 Jute tax 8**111 cultivation of 8**3334 tenureof 8**16 products (manufactures) 8**357 transportation 9**.7I autcmobiles 9**.7I4 & buses 9**.7I3 laws and regulations 9**.711 Kale (agrk;ulturc) 8**336 railways 9**.712 Kapok (agriculture) 8**3328 statistics 9**.71 Karakul 8**34222 street railways 9**713 xgs (manufactures) 8**391 subways 9**.713 Kerosene (manufactures. 8**3932 traffic regulations 9**711 Key rings, novelties (manufactures) 8**398 trucks 9**714 Keys (manufactures) 8**3313 Landing íCing 7**11 aids (air transportation) 9**.724 Kimonos, women's and children's beaches anc coasts, military (manufactures) 8**351 geography (earth sciences) 9**824 Kitchenware (manu&ctures) 8**3461 fields (air transpcrtation) Knights of Columbus 8**46 Anny, Navy, and Air Force Knives (manufactures) 8**3461 (general) 7**563 Krebíozen (manufactures) 8**3971 commetcial ai.d private 9**724 Komquais (agriculture) 8**337 rights (air transpcrtation) 9**.724 Kyanite (mining) 8**3547 anguage 8**412 Lard, tod compounds (manufactures) 8**319 L Lashes, leather (manufactures) 8**322 Látex (agriculture) 8**3395 Labeling of food and dmgs Lath (manufactures) 8**391 íntOTial regulations 8**557 Law admiralty 7**346 ^aw—com, Libiaries 8**.437 License military ana navai coum aircraii 9**226 practíceof 1**3X1 airpUot 9**.72l Lawn mowers (manufactures) i**33ll mcrchaía vessels 9**239 Laws, statutes, etc. 1**34 tife aerial navigaãon 9** 721 insurancc 8**.08l bankmplcy 1**345 mode of. social customs 8**.414 burial 8**352 prcsarvers (manufactures^ 8**328 civil 1**342 Life-saving serviços and applkuices commercial 7**.343 (navigation) 9**.741 communicatíon (general) 9** .02 Ught dues (navigation) 9**.735 ximinal 7**.341 Lighterage, towing, and transporta^ 9**334 game (wild animais) 8**J243 jghthouses 9**.741 land tran^portatíon 9**.711 jghting (public woiks) 8**.2614 lands, acquisition of 8**.16íf# jghtships 9**.741 marriage and divorce Jgnite (mining) 8**.2551 merchant marine and vesseu. 9** 73! Jmbs, artificial (manufactures' 8 "J 196 military and naval 1**33 Lime and limestone (manufactures) 8**393 mines and mining 8**251 building and paving material 8**33' motion pictures, commercial 8**A52 mines and mining 8 1566 navigation 9**231 products not otherwise classifiable 8**393 postal 9**.102 Limes (agriculture) 8**2311 probate 1**.344 Linen quarantínc, rcgarding persons 8**356 manufacture of 8**353 radio, commercial 9**.m. piece goods (manufactures) 8**353 real ptppcrty, acquisition of 8**. 16## thread (manufactures) 8**353 telegraph and cable, commercial 9**.2Ça Linens, houschold (manufactures) 8**345 tclephone. commercial 9**302 Lingerie, ali kinds (manufactures) 8**351 television 9**302 T-infilenm (manufactures) 8**342 transpoitaticai (general) 9**201 Linseed (agpculture) 8**3323 vater transportation 9**231 oil (manufactures) 8**325 Lead Lipstick (manufactures) 8**395 manufactures not otherwise Liquid fuels and luteicants (physical classifiable 8**394 sciences) 9**.8151 mines and mining 8**2543 Liquor traífic, regulations goveming 8 *351 I eather (manufactures) Liquors 8**.531 goods not classifiable elsewhere 8**321 manufacture of 8**316 phyãcal science of 9**81574 traffic. internai 8**531 tanned, curried, and fínished 8»».322 Literature 8**.412 ceavening jHoducts (manufactures) 8**.317 traífic in obscene 8**341 Legaries Livestock lawof 7**.344 mimai husbandry 8** ,2422 processes íssued for service abroad 7**331 exchanges 8**. 154 tender &*13 slaughter 8**311 'xiggings (manufactures) 8**.351 Living, cost of 8**.01 Legislative branch of govemment 1**2 Lizzard skins (manufactures) 8**321 messages to 1**21 Llama (animal husbandry) 8**.. 1 -egumes (agriculture) 8**236 Load-line regulations, merchant vessels 9**.731 Lemons (agriculture) 8**2311 Loans, naticmal 8**. 10 Lend-lease (military equipment) 1**36 Lockouts (labor) 8**.062 Lenses, photographic apparatus Locks (manufactures) 8**3313 (manufactures) 8**31 Locomotives (manufactures) 8**3332 Lentils (agriculture) 8**236 Logs (manufactures) 8**391 Lcprosy 8**35 Longshoremen 9**.734 xtters, rogatcay 1**35## Loran (navigation) 900.741-Ior Lettuce (agriculture) 8**236 Lotioos (manufactures) 8**395 Liability, employers' 8**.0651 Lotteries 8**. 12 Libei Lubricants air (transportation) 9**226 applie 1 chemistrj physical merchant vessels 9**239 sciences 9**.8151 Lubricants—cont IMap analysis, mapping surveying (earth sciences) 9** j liquid fiiels (applied chemistry, Maplc sugar (agriculture) 8»» 3 phyácal sciences) 9**8151 Marble LubricatiRg oils and greases manufacture of 8**3 (manufectures) 8**.i932 quanies 8**3 -vUggpgr leather (manufactures) Lum (manufactures) Margarine products (manufactures) 8**3 #*391 Marginal sea 7+»'^ buiWing materiais 8**332 arijuana, cultivation. sale, use, traffic 8**.5; dressed and rough 8**391 Marine wood (manufactures) 8**3392 bornes, merchant 8**5; Lurnbering 8**3392 insurance 8**.0f merchant 9»*73 schools and academies 9**.7í shipbuilding 8**33 . tacaroni (manufactures) 8**313 Marine Corps 7**35 Machme(g) (manufactures) Maritime matlers (general) 9**.74 àuding 8**347 Market electrical (electrical engineering) 9**.863 and market places, public 8**26 office (general) 8**347 black (cost of living) 8**01 sewing 8**343 black (food) g»* 03 shqj products 8**3313 black (fuel) . 8**.04 washing 8»*.343 Marriage laws and customs g** 4 ^ i^achinery Masonicargamzations (Freemasonry) 8**46 construction (manufactures; 8**334 Massacres, racial disturbances 8**411 engineering, mechanlca» Matches (manufkJtuxes) 8**34 engineering 9**,862 Matéria medica 8** 557 heavy (manufactures) 8**3311 Materials, building and paving light, including agriculture and dair 'manufactures) (manufactures) 8**332 8**3312 Materiel (Army, Navy, and Air Force) 7** 56 transportation (manufactures) 8** 333 Mathematics, scienceof 9**811 --«ignesium (mining) 8**3547 Mats of ali Ídnds (manufactures) 8**342 Magnetism and "lectricity (physical Mattresses (manufactures) 8**.345 sciences) 9»*.8136 Meai of ali kinds (manufactures) 8**313 terrestrial vearth sciences) 9**.8297 Measures Mail (see also Post; Postal civil defense 7**39 comm unications) physics (jphysical sciences) 9**8139 censorship 9**.103 Meat products and packing fraudulent use of 9**. 105 (manufactures) 8**311 laws and regulations 9**.102 Méchanical engineering (engineering) 9**.862 ampering with 9**152 Medicai ivlaintenance of aircraft instraments (manufactures) 8**396 9**.724 sciences 9**.84 vessels, ccanmercial 9**734 * nc. aspects of radiology, .raize (agriculture) 8**3315 Maiana radioscopy, chemistry and 8**.55 biology including warfare dal (manufactures) 8**316 (medicai sciences) 9**.841 Mandates 9**841 7**021 ^tecialtíes (science) q** «4 Maneuvers. within country (Aimy, 9**84 Navy, and Air Fcrce) Medicinal 7**.54 herbs g** 2336 Manganese (mining) 8**3336 8**3547 preparations of ali Ídnds Cangocs (agriculture) 8**3378 ' lanifest (manufactures) 8**3971 air transportation 9** .721 Medicine (medicai science) 9»*.849**84 water transpotation 9**.73S patent and proprietary Manners and customs j4 (manufactures) 8**8**3971 3971 Mantels of ali ídnds, building materiais practice of 8**5588**358 (manufactures) g** 332 veterinary 8**2418**341 .Manual trainíng 8** 43 Memoriais 8**8**.422 422 Mjnu&ctures (general) g»»'3 vfenaces to navigation (land, air, and Manuscripts 8** 421 water) 9*»9**.741 742 Meningitis «*8**35♦ ss

39 Men's wearing apparei (manuiacturcs) i 8**351 novemems of 7**,54#i Merchant marine 9**.73 organizations 8**,461 schools and academies 9**.753 personnel 7**.55l admií on of nationals 9**.152## weapons, standanuzauon of 7* *.56 homes $**.576 Min tia 554 Merchant seamcn 9**75 Víilk Merchant vessels 9**.73 condensed, dried, and powdere^ accidents 9** .733 (namt) (manufactures) 8**.2423 bills of health 9**.738 Vtiinery, ali Jdnds (manufactures) 8**3512 9*» 739 charter Mimeograph machines (manufactures) 8**.347 construction of 8**.3334 Mimosa (agriculturc) 8**2393 costs of operatíng 9**.73 Mincemeat (manufactures) 8**.315 demurragc 9**.735 Mineralogy (earth sciences) 9**.828 documcntation 9**.738 MtneraKs) foreign agencies 9**.73 atomic (mining) g** 254^ fueiing, provisioning 9**.737 mines and mining 8**.25 tovemmentaid 9**73 non-raetallic (manufactures) 8**393 inspection, admcasurement, passenger regulatíons oils (manufactures) 8**.319 9**738 resources, geophyãcal prospecting aws and regulations 9**.73l for location of (earth sciences) 9**.8292 load-line regutations 9**.731 stodqnling 7**.63 movement of 9**.736 water (manufactures) . 8**.316 offenses commitíed on 9**,7 51 MinesVíines and mining 8**25 operation, govemmeru and private 9**.73 rates accidcntsaeddents 8**.252 9**.732 concessions 8**.2518**.25I repairs 9**.733 laws and regulations 8**2518**.251 sale, purchase, and charter 9**.739 Miningdining 8**,258**25 Mtetcury 8**2547 Aessagcs to (legislatíve branch of engineering (engineering) 9**.864 Ministers,linisters, religion 8**.413 govemment) 7**.2l Metahuigy (afçlied chemistry, Ministry cabinet 7**. 13 physícal sciences) >9** .816 Metals of Fffieign Affairs 7**. 13 Minor children manufactures !abor building materiais i 8**063 iron and steel products f welfare 8**.4142 8**,331 Mint 8**. 13 not otherwise clasáfiable Mirrors (manufactures) 8**.3931 (aluminum, brass, bronze, Missiles, guided 7**, 5612 copper, lead, tin, and zinc ordnance engineering 9**.865 products) S8**394 scrap Missions (Army, Navy, and Air 88**,3314 Force) 7**.58 mines and mlning g8**25 base g Misose of flag 7**.041## Mixed courts, intematioial 7**.4 precious g- 8**.253 MQxers (manufactures) nming and engineering sciences 9"9**.864 Meteorology concreie 8**.334 earth sciences 9=" household appliances 8**.343 9**.8294 Moccasuis, ali kiiids (manufactures) 8**.3511 instruments (manufactures) 8*8**.396 Mica (mining) g» Modeof life (customs) 8»*.4I4 $**.2547 Mbhair (animal husbandry) g** 24222 Microfilm (manufactures) g*8**37 Hcroi ;cpes (manufactures) g» Mofasses (manufactures) 8**.318 8**396 Molecular physks (physical science) 9**,8138 A Bgration g»8*».18 Military Molybdenura (mines and mining) 8**.2547 affa í, Am , Navy, and Air Fcrcc Monazite (mining) Monetary system 8**.13 (general) j**7**5 Aid Program (MSP) y** Money adens 9*». 13 7**.5-MSP Monitoring, radio broadeasting 9** 40 bases y**7**.563## courts and laws y** « Monopolícs 8**.054 Monuments, memoriais 8**.422 geography (earth sciences) 9**9**.824 homes g** of ali kinds (manufactures) 8**.393 8**.575 Mooring towers (Army, Navy, and measures j**'7**.5 medicine (medicai sciences) 9**. Air Force) 7»* 5^5 9**84 Mops of ali kínds (manufactures) 8**.346

40 IWortars, armaments 7**.561 IVÍorticians' supplies and equipment {manufactures) 8*','.399 Nails (manufactures) paper (manufactures) 8**392 Narcotícs IVÍotfacr and child, welfarc of 8**.4142 hypnotícs and ancsineíics (applien IVfother-of-peari novelties chemistry, physical sciences) (manufactures) 8**398 manufactures Pvlotioo pictures, conunercial 8**.452 smuggling. internai traffic censorship 8**.452 National laws and rcgulations 8**.452 anniversaries, felicitatíons, and Pvfotor trucks of ali Idnds ceremonial (manofactuxes) 8**3331 anthem IMotor vehicles bondissues manufactures 8**3331 budget transportation (general) 9**.71 courts Nfotorcyctes (manufactures) 8**3331 credits transportation 9**.714 debt Motas, transportation equipment defense affairs (manufactures) 8**333 loans Movement of police merchant vessels and yachts 9**736 seal troqps, naval vessels and militaiy securities aireraft within country 7**.54## security Mbvements and organizations Nationality, foreign (citizenship) Communist 7**.001 Naíionalization of industry (general) Fascist 7**,002 Nationak, admission of foreign, for Nazi 7**.002 visit or study to Army, Navy, Socialist 7**.003 and / r Force schools and trade union 8**.06? academies youth 8**.46 Natural Mbwing machines (manufactures) 8**3312 gas mining (mining engineering) ! Mucilage (manufactures) 8**.346 resources, conservatíon of Mules ( animal husbandry) 8**3421 =" (general) j Multígraph machines (manufactures) 8**347 sciences < Municipal Nautical instruments (manufactures) i govemment 8**.51 Naval police 8**511 affairs (general) ■; VIunitions aircraft, movement of 7 and war industry plants, admission overflights 7 to, for observatíon, service or bases 7 study 7**.55:7**.553## courts 7 Army, Navy, and Air Force homes, military and 8 equipment and supplies 7*»7**56 56 medicine (medicai sciences) 9 Murder ships vessels, aircraft (general) 7 cabinet ministry 7**.137**13 stores 8: chief executive, sovereign 7**.ll7**11 supplies T others, not involving protectí n vessels 7' of interests 8**.528**52 accidents to T vice iHesident 7**127**. 12 attacks upon 7* Museums 8**.451 ' bunkering of 7* Muác 8**4468**.446 construction of 7* Musical instruments of ali kinds vessels (manufactures) 8**36 entrance into Great Lafces 7* dustard (manufactures) 8**317 fueling o» 7* seed (agriculture) 8**.234 movement of, within country Mutiny or boundary waters 7* Army, Navy, and Air Force 7**.551 purchase and salc of 7*' seamen, merchant vessels 9**.751 salvage of 7** scuttling of 7*" visits to foreign countries 7* *

41 Navigauoi mining ana quanyuig (.tuining acrial 9**.14 engineering) aidsto Non-military aireraft (transporiation) acrial 9**.m Non-scheduled flights (a waier 9** .141 transportation) canal (general) 9**.14 Noodles (manufactures) coastwisc (genaal) 9**.14 North Atlantic Pi ct coocessions and contracts 9**.132 Notarial scrviccs (general) docks and harbois 9**.734 Notions (manufactures) fec» 9**J35 Novdtics (manufactures) home waters 9**.74 Nuclear chemistry and nuclear physics inland 9**.74 (physkai sciences) laws and regulatíons 9** .731 atomic minerais, fuels (mining) menaces lo, water 9»*.741 Numbering machines (manufactures) poit does 9**J35 Sfursing, practice of port facilitica 9**.734 Nut produets and preparatíon ates (manufactures) acrial 9** .122 Nutmeg water 9**.132 Nuts taxes on 9**.135 and bolts (manufactures) tonnage, Ugbt, pilotage, and cultivation of haibor does 9**.135 Nyloos Navigatíonal aids (positíon-finding manufacture of devices) (electtonics) 9**.85 wearing apparel (manufactures) Nazi movoments 7*' .002 NEC, inorganic, industrial chemical produets (applied chemistry, phyàcal sciences) 9**.81575 Oakum, jute, and hemp (manufactures) 8**.357 ixeckwear, men^, women's, and Oatfas, authonty to administer 1**311 children'® (manufactures) 8**.3513 Oats (agriculture) > 8**.313 íectarine (firait) 8**.2378 Obscene matters, literan^e, etc., Needles (manufactures) traífic iq, 8**.541 aU kinds, except phcaiograph 8',",'.398 Occupied tenitray, by foreign milirary {áionograph 8**.36 forces 7**.0221 Nels, jute, and hemp (raanufiactares) 8**351 Oceanic wganizations (earth sciences) 9**. 829 Neutrality laws 1**34 Oceanography (earth sciences) 9**.829í New Yeads greedngs and reception 8**.414 Offenses committed on merchant News broadeasters, troadeasting vessels 9**.73 commentators 9** .62 byaew 9**.751 Newspaper Office advertising 9**.61 fumiture (manufactures) 8** .341 censorship of 9**.64 machines (manufactures) 8**.347 ctippings 9**.61 supplies (manufactures) 8**.346 correspondents 9 **.62## Offícers "uns 9**.61 Army, Navy, and Air Force 7**.551 Ncwsgathering agencies 9**.62## courte, national 7**.3l Ncwsprint (manufactures) 8**.392 Foreign Service of U.S.. Nickel (mining) 8** .2547 entertainment in country by 8**.485 Nickel ware, kitchen utensils Oil (see also Petroleum) (manufactures) 8**.3461 pipelines 8**.2553 Ni trate, sodiura (mining) 8**.2564 Oilcloth (manufactures) Nítric acid (manufactures) 8**391 floor 8**.342 Nijroglycerin (manufactures) 8** .3973 shelf and lable 8**.346 "fon-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages Oils (see also Petroleum) and beverage materiais animal and vegetable, edible (manufactures) 8**.316 (manufactures) 8**.3i9 Nb i-commercial £Úgh. 9**.72## animal, fish, and vegetable, Non-deliveiy of postal Communications 9**.151 inedible (manufactures) 8**.325 Non-ferrous scrap (mining) 8**.254 essential and medicinai Non-metallic (manufactures) 8**3971 minerais, not otherwise fuel classiflable (manufactures) 8 **.393 Army, Navy, and Air Force 7**.563

42 Oils—con*.

lúbrica—0 (manufacaireíi) 8**3932 fVkagmg ot goods (general, manufactures 8**3932 manufactures) mineral (manufactures) 8**319 Paclõng, meat (manufactures) Old-agc Insurance 8*'\072 Painting (fine arts) Jleomargarine (manufactures) 8**319 Painting and pictures (manufactures) 0 íve oil (manufactures) 8**319 Paints 3 res (agriculture) 8**.237S artísts' materiais OljTupir Games 8**.4531 manufactures Otrions (agriculture) 8**336 rajamas, men's, women's, and Opaas 8**.4S1 childreris (manufactures) Qpium raleontology cultivatioa, sale, shipmen , Palm trafQc, use 8**53 kemels (agriculture) manufactures 8**3971 oil (manufactures) Optical supplies and equipment sugar (agriculture) (manufectures) 8**396 Pans and pots (manufactures) Jptics, physics (physical sciences) 9**.8134 Pants, men's and boys' (manufactures) Optometry, practicc of 8**558 Paper (manuft tures) ^ Tangi (agriculture) 8**2371 and papa- products not oth^rwise Ordinances (íaws) 7**34 cíassifiable Irdnance officc and school supplies armaments 7**561 photograpbic supplies Arniy, Navy, and Air Force 7**561 Parades, commemoraiive celebrations engineering (engincering) 9**865 Paraffin (manufactures) Ores (mlning) 8**254 .-"aralysis Orgarazation(s) -"aras ss, animal Army, íavy, and Air Force 7**55 Parasoís (manufactures) charítable 8**.57 Parcel post, internai civilian defense 7**.59 Paiks Communist 7**001 - Pariiament (legislative branch of criminal 8**32 government) in interest of better citizenship 8**.46l ■arsley (agriculture) labor 8**.062 Partíes, politicai legi latíve taranch of government 7**2 Vtisan movements miLíaiy 8**.4613 Passport regulations xeani';, oceanograjAy (carth foreign sciences) 9**.8295 Passports, foreign philanthrcpic 8**57 Paste (manufactures) police 8**511 Pasteurization i veterans' 8**.4613 Patent medicine (manufactures) j yonth, including Communis; 8**.46 Patents, industrial and intellectual 1 C rgans and parts (manufactures) 8**36 Pattems, paper (manufactures) f Omaments (manufactures) Paving i t elsewhere cíassifiable 8**398 blocfcs of ali Idnds (manufactures) í stiver and gold 8**398 ma riais (manufactures) g Orphanages 8**574 publíc works g Jstrich farming 8**24225 Pay. Army, Navy. and Air Force Outerg ments, metfs, womeds, and personnel 7 chi]dren's (manufactures) 8**351 Paymcnts, balance of g Dvcralls (manufactures) 8**351 Peace, dísturbances of the Overcoats. men's and bo/s politicai riots 7> (manufactures) 8**351 racial riots gi Overflights, military and naval aircraft 7**54## Peaches (agriculture) gi Overshoes (manufactures) 8**J511 Peanui (manufactures) g* Oxen 8** .2421 buííer g* Oxides (manufactures) 8**397 oil g* Oxygen (manufactures) 8**397 PBanuts (agriculture) g» Dysters 8**.245

43 Pearii p-pe lutes artticiai ^manufactures) S^.JS prulucts ano luei (.manuíacuues) peatl fishing %**3A51 stDckpiling Pearis, cultívatkm of 8** .2378 substitutes (aR)Iied chemistry, Pcas, garden (agriculture) 8**236 physical science) Peai fmining) 8** .2551 ^etrology (earth sciences) shorlage (fuel) 8** .04 Pet Icoats of ali kinds (manufactures) Pena! t harmaceutical prqparations colonies 8** .561 (manufactures) instítutkfflj 8**J61 Çht rmaceuticals and antibiotics (applieo Pt icils of ali Idnds (manufactures) 8**346 chemistry, physical sciences) Pcnholdei;- of ali Idnds (manufactures) 8*" 346 t- lanmcopoeia Penicillin (manufactures 8**3971 Pharmacy, practice of Pamante (manufacture^)- 8**398 Philantluropic organizations Pens of ali Idnds (manufactures) 8**346 Philately 'ensions Philosqjhy in general 8**.07 Phonographs (manufactures) industrial 8**.071 Phosphates, mining of military 7**3512 Photographic apparatus and supplies Social Security 8**072 (manufactures) m^nage 8**.064 Photograjáiy , People aerial prominent 8**.41 Physical geography (earth sciences) social matters 8**.40 Physical sciences t eppers (agriculture) 8**236 Physically handicapped, education of 'erfumery (manufactures) 8**395 Physics, science of 'ennanent Joint Board on Defense, molecular and atomic physics D.S. -Canada 742.5 (physical sciences) Permanent-wave equipment and nuclear and nuclear chemistry supplies (manufactures) 8**395 (physical sciences) Permission for flights, ali types, Physiography (earth sciences) í non-military alrcraft 9**. /2## Physiokjgy, general (natural sciences) S Permits Pianos and parts (manufactures) f entiy Picldes (manufactures) í fereign, general 8** 18 Picture firames (manufactures) 8 military travei control 8**.181 Pictures and paindngs (manufactures) 8 travei control, forcign 8**.181 Pictures, motion (see Motion pictures) Peroxide, hydrogen (manufactures) 8**3971 Piece goods (manufactures) Purimmons (agriculture) 8**2378 cotton g Personal efifeets, property tax 8**.l 13 linen 8 Personnel rayon 8 Air Force 7**.551 silk 8 airrnen 9**.75 wool 8: Army 7**.'551 Pig iron (manufactures) 8! crew 9** .15 Pigeon racing 8" cffectives 7**,551 Pigs (animal husbandry) g' national courts 7**31 Hllow cases (manufactures) 8" Navy 7**.551 Pillows of ali Idnds (manufactures) 8* seamen 9**75 Pills and tablets (manufactures) 8* .^ersons Pilot licences 9* entertainment, by privaie 8**.484 Pilot smicc (navigation) 9* prominent 8**.41 Pilotagc dues (navigation) 9* Pest Pin cushkxis (manufactures) 8* animais 8**24 Pineapples (agriculture) g* insecticides (manufactures) 8**3971 fíns of ali kinds (manufactures) 8*' plant life 8**22 Pioneer setllements (earth sciences) 9*' Petroleum 8**2553 Pipc, metal (manufactures) 8*' extractíon and exploitation Pípes, and pipe stems, smokers' (applied chemistry. physical supplies (manufactures) g*»8**.36 sciencc) 9**,81519**.8l51 Pistoh. non-military (manufactures) 8** lining (mining engineering) 9**.864 8**36 9**.864 Pitchblende (mining) g*»8**2546

44 fiaguc igeneial) 8**,55 Pony (domestic animal) of animais 8**.24 of persons Pool 8**55 indoor arausement Pianning, dty 8**.m F^ants tablcs and accessories (manufactures) alkatoidal 8**233 Popccrn (agriculture) diseascs &**22 Population statisões ; diq»sal 8**2615 liíe, pests affectíng Píwcelain (manufactures) > 8**22 Pode. slaugbtertiouse produets sugar yklding 8**235 (manufactures) j PJantairs (agrioiluire) 8** .2376 Planía^ wgricultural impicuicms Port dues, navigation c (mano&ctures) 8**.3312 facilities c .laster (manufactures) 8**.332 Plastereo' supplies (manufactures) Pbst 8**332 exchanges, Anmy, Navy, and Plasters, medicinal (manufactures) 8**.3971 Plastic AirFcace 7 belts, nrai's, wonieo's, and mail 9 children's (manufactures) censorship 9 8**3513 laws and regulations 9 cigarette cases (manufactures) 8**36 manufacture of parcel 9. 8**3976 Postage, domestic and foreign rates 9' novelties (manufactures) 8**398 pocketbooks, women's ^ostal . Communications (general; 9* (mano&ctunes) 8**3513 9*».10 produets not otherwise classifiable concessions, contracts 9^9**.10l money orders 9* (manufk;tures) 9**13 8**3976 rates 9* r>ys (manufactures) 8**36 9**.104 Plasu- (applied chemistty, physicai avings bariks 9*9**14 tvsts, Amy. Navy, and Air Force 7* sciences) 9**8152 7 **363 r latinum (mining) Potash, mining of g* 8**2533 8**.2563 Playgrounds Potassium 8**.25d3 nws (manufactures) 8**.2613 Potassium nitrats, industrial chemícal 8**3312 produets (afçlied chemistty, Plumbers' supplies (manufactures) 8**332 Plumes, miUinery findings physicai sciences) 9** 315'; Po ta toes (agriculture) 8**. 236 (manufectures) 8**3512 'ums (agriculture) Pottery (manufactures) 8**3931 8**3378 Plush (manufactures) Pots, kitchenware, etc. (manufactures) 8** 3461 Poultry codon 8**352 silfc produets (manufactures) 8**312 8**355 Plutoníum (mining) stock raising 8**2422 8**,2546 v.ckeftxxhjí, ali kinds (manufactures) Poultrymen's equipment (manufactures) 8**3312 8**3513 Powder (manufactures) Pc groms (people) 8**411 >0 «u us gases (equipment) lastíng and gim, non-military 8**3973 7**3613 Poles (manufactures) i face and talcum 8** 395 8**391 Police msect g** 397] municipal Powder metallurgy (applied chemistty. 8**311 physicai sciences) 9** 816 national 8**301 state Power 8**301 dams g** 2 eolishes and c sning compounds, ali 8**2615 kinds (manufacto rs) electric and water 8**.28**.2614 8**3975 ofattomqr 7**3 Fuíi tical 7**372 plants engineering (engineering) 9*»,g affairs 9**,867 7**.00 Practicc of law y** ^ biographic data and background 7**311 Precedencc, etiquette +» 4- ú formation 7**321 88**472 nghts Precious metais and ston ís (mining) 7**.07 Politicai geography (earth sciences) (manufactures) g**8**38 3^ ?oll tax ' 9**826 Prefebncaícd houses (manufactures) 8** 33 8**. 11 8**332 Polluti - n of tesrritorial waíers Pfesentatton at Court (entertainment in 7**02 countty**) g»* Polo, sport 8**.48348 8**.453 fteserves of ali kinds (manufactures) 8** 31' water 8**315 Polymeric materiais, other (appbed 8**.453 Prcsidcnt (executive branch of chemistty, physicai sciences) govemment) j** j j 9**.8152 associations censorship "ovisxonmg merchant vesreis and 7**02 9**.64 «arespondents yachte freedoni of the 9**62## 9**717 9*».64 ^ ^mity fuse (electnonics) general fSychiatíy, practíce of 9**85 news-gathering agencies 9**.60 ftychology, practíce of 8**358 9 **.62## rtíblic ftyHium seeds (agriculture) 8**358 printíng (manuâctures) 9**.60 xUUlIC 8**2336 8**.3311 pnces buildings contrai, decontrol 8**3611 8**.01 constraction retail hcaltft 8**361 8**,01 food adviser 8**35 tj commodity involved) 8**.03 and sanitary engineering, 9**8611 8**15 science of highways 9**8611 ^feSg st:®plies (ntanníàctures) 8**.37 markets 8**2612 presses (manufactures) 9**.63 xder and safety 8**2611 ™schis and refonnatorfes 8** 3311 parics 8**30 8**561 oersons 8**2613 9**.72## i^Ss " " ' biographic data *robai laws 8**453 7**321 7**344 cabinet ministers ^rnceedings chief executive *. 7**13 judicial branch, atíonal courts dce presidem 7**.n branch ofgovemment 7**.32 7**12 7**511 wess censorship 9**60 service abroadi natíonal records 9**.64 " courts roads 8**.423 mixed courts J7**331 8**2612 7**.4 securities Procurément Utilities 8**.10 of evidence woris 8**.2614 «x relations I7**.35 8**261 8**54 Publica tions Sroduce, exchange í censdtehip of 8 "*.156 9**64 S8**.. 19 scientifíc Publishmg, books, magazines, 9**.8012 education periodtcals instrumente and equipment 8 **.432 9**63 (manufactures) s. ^'S:Srr(,na",,faC,TOi> 8**392 ^mnentpersons L8**396 Pmnps (manufactures) i8*».236 PtopeUmts engineering (ordnance 8**41 8**3312 engmeenng) SSS®8 )8**36 Prpperties, soil 9**365 8**.56 'toperty 88**21 Purchaseof ^ aircraft industrial ... merchant vessels o9**726 mtellectual 8**17 9**739 8**17 raal, acquisition of Sr1 dnJg regu,ations (Public fâxation of personal o**"8**16## tv. ' 8**357»> ^osutution °8**. • 113 8**397 ftrotection 8**34 8**3513 atomic bombs and other warfare m (agriculture) 8**332 (cmlian defense) .0 Pyrotechnics 8**338 engineering (oxdnance chemical warfare (applied engmeering) PMical sciences) 9** 7 9**865 ^mmunicable dtseases g*'*^9**7158 8**356 ' «fiingcment of copyright HZf8**312 8**. 173 Qtarantine reguíations patents vu^mcs, qmnymg 8**356 teademarics L8**171 8**357 Police, municipal L-i78**172 9**864 S8**311 natíonal -5I Qulcfcsilver 8**3547 statc 8*^0i8**301 8**3547 8**301 Qudts (manufactures) FVoceste, marine 8**50]A 8 **.345 9**.733 (name) Qujnces (agriculture) Quinínc (manufactures) 8**3378 8**3971

46 Raisins (.agriculture) Ramie (agriculture) Rabbit sitjis (manuiacturc!»^ 8**.32l Ranges, ali kinds (manufactures) Rabbits Rape domestic 8**341 crime wiM 8*^343 seed (agriculture) Rabies, diseascs of animais 8^^41 Raspbenies (agriculture) Racc problems 8**.4U Rales Racing 8**.453 air transportalion Radar bases air 9**.T2A Communications defense freight navigatk» 9**: i UKarchant vcsscls water 9**.741 of exchangc Radar-type devices (efecttonks) 9**.85 postal Radiators, manufactures of radio, commercial buihfing 8**.332 railway express transportalion equipmcnt 8**333 street railway s Radio subways aids, aerial 9**324 telegr^ih and cable navigational (Iami, air, and jdephone water) 9**341 television beacons 9**341 troei ing broadcastíng, domestic 9**40 ivatc transportation amateur, "fiam" qperatcxs 9**42 Rationing, ration cards censorsfaip 9**403 food coocessioos, contracts 9**401 fuel laws and regulatíons 9**.402 receptioo 9** 40 miscellaneous tdegr^)h 9**40 Rations, military, naval, and Air Force tdevisioo, facsimile Rattan fomiture (manufactures) transmission 9**50 Rayon jroadcasting, forcign manufacture of conununicaticais between piece goods countries

3 sex 8**.54 Relics, historcax 8**.42l equipment (manufactures) 8**36 Relief Rccraitment (Anny, Navy, and An measures. calamittes. 8**49 Foice) 7**.551 merchant seamen 9**.751 Red Cross Keligion 8**.413 American 811.571 manufacture of religious articies foreign 8**571 not otherwise classiflable 8**39 International 800.571 Ruits (housing) 8**.02 symbol, misme of 8**.571 Repairs Reed produets (manufactures) 8**357 to aireraft (commercial) 9**323 Reentry permits, foreign 8**.181 to merchant vessels 9**.733 v Refínery produets (manufactmes) 8** 3932 to naval vessels 7**3621 Refining processes, liquid fuels and Rcporters, newspaper 9**.62## lubricants (applied chemistry, Res rvations (air and sea travei) fíiyácal sciences) 9**.8l;9**8151 air 911.72-RES Rcforestaíion 8**.23í8**.2391 sea 911.73-RES Reformatories 8**.56:8**.561 Residence, regulatíons (foreign) Rcfrigcration cnginecring (mechanical goveming 8**181 engineering) 9»*.86:9**862 Resins Refrigeration plants, storage 8**03 applied chemistry (physical Refrigerators (manufactures) 8**3428**,343 sciences) '• 9**.8152 Refugees 8**.41]8**411 crude (agriculture) 8**2394 politicai 7**.00 manufactures 8**3976 Rcfus«](s) thermoplastic (applied chemistry, passports, foreign 7**.081 physical sciences) 9**.8152 visa, foreign 8**181 íhen - osetting (applied chemistry, íegeot 7**.ll7**11 physical sciences) 9**.8152 Register, ship^ papeis, merchant Resources, natural, conservation of vessels 9**.7389**738 (general) 1 8**.002 Registratíon Rest and recreatíon centers (Army. agenl of foreign principais 7**01#7**01## Navyí and Air Force) 7**.57 aireraft 9**.7269** .126 Restaurants 8**.055 automobiles ?etail laws and regulatíons 9**.7119**711 prices 8**.0I statistics 9**.719**71 food 8**.03 merchant vessels and yachts 9**.739 tmde 8**055 Regulatíons Retirement aedal navigatícai 9**721 Anny, Navy, and Air Force air transportation 9**.721 personnel 7**.5512 civil service 7**. 14 civil scrvice 7**. 14 Communications (general) 8**.053 Revenue, natíonal 8**,10 corporatiais 8**053 Revolutíonary govemments, culrcncy goveming residence and travei 8**. 181 of 8**. 132 health 8**.55 Revolutíons 7**.00 immigration 8**.I8 Rheology 9**.813 land transportation 9**.71l Ret jlvers, non-mil" uy (manufactures) 8**.36 merchant vessels 9**,731 Ribbons, silk (manufactures) 8**355 nines and mining 8**.251 Rice motion piciures, commercial 8**.452 cultívatíon 8**.2317 policc 8**.50 0512 produets and preparations P ! 9**.102 (manufactures) 8**313 quarantinc, regarding persons 8**.5560 Rifles (manufactures) 8**,36 radio, conunerdal 9**402 Right elegraph and cablc 9**.202 of natkmals of country ## to hold elephone 9**302 or acquíre real property in íelevision 9*».502 country ** 8**. 16## trafGc (land transportation) 9**.711 8**. 16## xavcl, foreign 8**. 181 to vote 7**.07 Rights valer transportation 9** 731 «.etaíions, labor 8**.062 aliens to sue in natíonal courts 7**332 human 7**.07 Rights—^ont

landing, diicraft 9**J7a Saootage politicai 7**.07 Saddlcry and hamess, teathei kiots (manufactures) labor 8**.0& Saddletrees, leather (manufactures) politicai 7* '.00 Safe conduct racial disturbances Safes (manufactures) Rivers Safety engineering (mechanical canais, flood prevcntíon 9*».7301 engineering) navigatkxi on 9** .14 Safety and health, public cader Rivm (manuíactures) 8*»J3I3 Jailors Ro^-oirilíLig (manubtctures) machant marine (see Seamen) machinery 8*».334 Navy (sec Army, Navy, and •"aieoala 8**332 Air Force) Koads 4 Saiiors' homes public worics 8* .2612 Safls (manufactures) traffic raies and regulattons 9**.711 Salaries, civil service ^obes, bath, men's, womcn's, and Sale children^ (manufactures) 8**351 aireraft ^ock-a: engiaeearing, power plants merchant vessels (engineering) 9**.867 na-^l vessels * Rockets, guided missSes 1**.5612 Salt Rocks, obstructíons to navigatíon 9**.741 groceries (manufactures) Rogatory letters 7**35## mines and mining Roiler bearings (manufactures) 8**3313 Saltpeter (mining) loofing materiais of ali Idnds Salts, ammonium (manufactures) (manufactures) 8**332 Salutes (etiquette) Roots 8**.2393 Saluyut (agriculture) Rope, jute, and hemp (manufactures) 8**351 Salvage Rouge (manu&ctures) 8**395 » aireraft (Army, Navy, and Air Royai family 7**. 11 Force) Rubber aireraft, commercial applied chemistry (physical merchant vessels sciences) 9**.8152 ships and vessels (Army, Navy, cultívation 8**3395 and Air Force) manufacture of 8**324 Salvation Army natural (ajfplied chemistry, Samarskite (mining) physical sciences) 9**.8152 Sandp^per (manufactures) nod cts not otherwise classifiable Sanitariums (manufactures) 8**324 Sar Itary and public health engineering stockpiling 7**.61 (engineering) synthetic, manufacture of 8**324 Sanitation, hygiene and toys (manufactures) 8**36 Saps, gums, resin, and turpentine Rugs (manufactures) 8**342 Sash (manufectures) Roles Sateens, cotton (manufactures) measuring, ali Idnds Saucers, flying (manuíactures) 8**346 Sauces (manufactures) national courts 7**31 Sausage (manufactures) ofroad 9**.71I Rum (manufactures) 8**316 Savings banks, postal Sawdust (manufactures) Rural Saws (manufectures) credits 8**.052 Scabies settlements (earth sciences) 9**.823 Scarfs, me s, women's, and chiJdren's Rye cultivation of 8**.23I4 (manufectures) 8**3513 Scenery, theatrical (manufactures) products and prqjarations 8**36 Scheduled flights (air transporlatíon) (manuíactures) 8**313 9**.72## School fumitore (manufactures) 8**341 supplíes (manufectures) 8**346

49 I Schools k d acadcimes. merchaiu marine jeaptanes, consuuction of 9*'.753 Seawecd 8**3333 Array, Navy and Air Force 7**.553 8**.2451 admission of forcigners to Secundes è**A3 counterfeiling contsspondence 8**.133 8*».43 natíonal hygiene of 8**.I0 Science Secority, natíonal 9**.S0 7**3 equipment and supplies Sefcd- s, agricultura! implements 9**.8013 (manufacturei publicatíons 9**.8012 8**331 scientific msdtutions, laboratoríes, Sceds fieW crops bodies 8**23 9**.mi flower Sciences 8**238 eanh Seines, jute, and bemp (manufactures; 8**357 9»».82 Seisroology (earth sciences) elcctnonics 9* *.8296 9**.85 Selenium (manufectures) : engineering 9**.86 8**394 medicai Senate Ocgislative branch of 9**.84 govemment) natural 9**83 7**2 physical Separators (manufectures) 8**3312 9**.8l Serge, wool (marufactures) Scientific instruments and equipment 8**354 S< culture (manufactures) 8**2425 8**J96 ierums (manufactures) Scisscrs (manufactures) 8**3971 8**.395 Service of process ahroad and clippers, beauticians' and 7**331 barfcers' supplies Services *» 8**.395 Army, Navy, and Air Force household and ofSce supplies 8**346 Scooters auxiliary 7**354 motorized complaints against 8**.3331 mail toys (manufactures) 8**36 9**.15 Scouts telegraph 8**,4612 9**35 Scrap telephone 9**35 metais (manufactures^ tr aixcraft 9**.724 8**3314 to qjerchant vessels, yachts ncm-ferrous (mining) 8**.254 Screcning agents, chemical warfare andaircraft * 9**.734 (applied chemistty. physical to seamen 9**.75 Sesame (agriculture) sciences) 8**3336 9**8158 Setilements Screens (manufactures) 9**823 Screws (manufactures) 8**332 Sewerage 8**3313 8**2615 Scu^ture Sewing machines (manufactures) 8**442 Sex relations 8**343 Scuttling 8**54 merchant vessels Sbac&iock (agriculture) 8**2371 ta vai vessels 9**.733 (narr Shades, window (manufactures) 7**3621 8**344 Sea Shale oil extraction and exploitation foods, dricd and canned (applied chemistry, physical (manufactures) sciences) 9**8151 8**312 Shanghaiing, merchant seamen marginal 7**022 9**.751 other products of fiaiic skins (manufactures) 8**.2451 Shaving crearns 8**321 reservations 8**395 Seal, natíonal 91I.73JÍES Shawls, women's (manufactures) 7**.05 Sheep 8**3513 Sealing wax (manufactures) 8**34222 I Seals 8**.346 io sldns (manufactures) Sheeíing (manufactures) 8**321 fur 8**352 8**344 cotton ali Jdnds (manufactures) 8**352 8**.346 linen Sealskins 8**321 8**353 \ Seamen, merchant Sheets, ali Idnds (manufactures] 9**75 Shell noveltíes (manufactures) 8*».345 discharge. discipline, desenion, 8**3974 Sbdlacs (manufactures) r rtiny, ill-treatmenc 8**3974 9**.751 Shelters, r-raid idenáScation certifkates 7**39 | relief and tranqxwtation 9**.75 Shingles (manufactures) 9**751 8**332 shipment, crimping, shanghaíing >hip subsidies 9** 751 9**.732 wages, seamen^ service Shipbuilding 8**3334 Seanien's homes 9**75 constructíon of naval vessels I 8**376 7**.562I


Anny. Navy, and Air Force merchant 7** 5621 9»*.73 papers transporlation equipment aircraft Sleighs (manufactures) 9**.m merchant vessels Síippers, ali Ídnds (manufactures'* Smpyartfe, merchant 9**.738 blowdowns (labor) Shirtwaists, womens (manufactures) 8**3334 SIu areas, clearance 8**351 Small arras and ammunition, cS* 4 31x1 (manufactures) 8**351 otwals, menaces to navigation equipment Shoddy, wooí (manufactures) 9**.74l SmalJpox Shoe (manufactures) 8**354 Smoke, colored, screening agents laces. aQ Idnds chemical warfare pedistes 8**3511 Smokers' supplies (manufactures) Shoes and boots, ali ídnds 8**3975 Smuggling 7 (mmufectures) ngs, habit-fcaroing 8**3511 liquors. internai Shartagc"^ ^"^^cs) 8**391 í tap fasteners (manufactures) food Snowshoes, Sporting equipment 8**.03 fuel (manufactures) í owc-ises (manuftetures) 8*»04 Snuff (manufactures) 8**.34l ShfYV^Í#yne frr>OT\.^/Vv^«v""uimaccures) v Soap mnp (fisherics) 8**.3312 fats. faíty waxes (aççtlied * • 8**245 8**399 chemistry, ph) sical sciences) sS*p. ' ^ kinds (manufectures)^«fectures) "aebomds (manufactures) 8**332 SoccS3" Pfwder and flakes iignalliiig devices 8**.341 Social navigation affairs (general) railrcád and locomotivc 9**,741 8**3332 insurance Silk: Security, pensions culture Sociaíism I*ecc goods (manufactures) 8**2425 Socializationof industry (general) threads (manufactures) j8**35 8**355 ^(gNationalizatíon of industry) coinage chantable, philanthropr jewelry (manufactures) 8^.13 8 **.38 organizations leaf and foil (manufactures) eutertainment by mines and mining 8**38 Soda (manufacturei 8**2532 caustic 8**38 groceries Sisal (agnculture) *8**.318 f Sodas, sodium and its compounds 8**2326 Sj^mnMauKs, 8..;3l (manufactures) , 8**36 Sodium nitrate (míning) , Slding 8**.453 Skins, and hides (manufactures) 8'*8**453 37 v0^SlP^nitm> (manufactures) g 8**321 Skirts, women's and girls' M | (manufactures) Solar cncrgy jj Sfas and accessodes (manufactures) 8**36 Solder (manufactures) c. Slacfa^ men s. women-s. and children-s Soldiers & Soldiers* and seamen's homes Slalc «"J5. merchant marine o* blackboanls (manufactures) «** 346 militaiy and naval L8**5' bmldmg materiais (manufactures) 8**3% / — O8**5' produets not otherwise classifxable ^««« ucvices (eiectronic 8**32 (raanufactrires) g»| ,9CI Sorghum (agnculture) 9**85 quaines a»* Sovereígn, head of state 8**23 Steightahouse produets (manufactures) 8**3n Soya beans (agnculture) 7**11 8**23^ labor animal husbandry fora and plants $**.24 8**,064 Speech, fieedom of 8**20 7**.07

51 Sperm oil (manmactures) Spiccs 8**.325 bars. castings ingoa, mffl garden crrps produets 8** 331 S**JZ36 manufactures olates, rods. sheet Spies, spying 8**317 7**.sm Spinach (agricullure) 8**236 Sponge fisheríes catíficaíes 8**053 Spoots (manufactnrcj) 8**245 exchange 8**151 8**391 Spoons, silverware (manufactures) o 8**2422 Sporting arms and cquipment 3**38 Stockpilmg, criticai materiais 7** g (manufactures) Stone (manufactures) Sports 8**36 bmMing and paving material 8 **.332 8**453 Spreados, agricultural implements produets not otharwise classifíablc 8*' S93 ■Jtoncs, precious (manufactures) 8**3312 Squash (agriculture) manafactmes g**8**38 3g Squirrel sJdns (manufactures) 8**236 mines and mining 8»»Í53 8**321 8**^53 Squsrels Skorage, warehousing g»* ^ 8**243 Stores, naval o»*8**02 2304 Stackers ncuitural implements 8**.2394 (manufactures) Stoves of ali kinds. household and Stage 8**3312 office (manufactures) 8**343 8**J43 amusements iHagglos Vrmy, Navy, and Air Force) 7**551 8**.451 eqmpmem and supplies Sfranded merchant vessels 9**733 faame) (manufactures) Strategic materiais (mining) gv» 254 Stained glass (manu&ctures) 8**36 Straw produets (manufactures) $**8**254 357 8**357 Stains of aU Idnds (manufactures) 8**3931 Strawbearies (agriculture) 8**2372 tair materiais (manufactures) 8**3974 S^wboard (manufactures) g**8**2372 392 8**392 Stamps 8**332 postage accidents mbber and metal (manufactures) 9**104 automobile (privately owned standards 8**346 and operated) 9**2149**.714 otber land transport 9** 713 manufactures 8**3 9**713 weights and raeasures, physics carr (nanufactures) Starch, household (manu&ctures) 9**.8139 railways 8**3332 9**713 Starehes. edíble (manufactures) 8**327 traffic, reguladon goveming 9»* 711 9**211 StatííMiery (manufaitares) 8**317 Streets (public works) 8**2*1? Statíons 8**.346 Strikes and lockouts om8**2612 cko fiiclúig and provisioning Structural 8**062 airciaft engineering 9**.86I 9**725 uoo work (manufactures) g**9**.86I 332 merchant ships, ya:hts, etc. 8**332 mibtary, naval, and Air Force 9**237 Sínicture geology (earth sciences) 9*' ■>« Statistics 7**363 Submannes 7**'sfí2i9**828 7**.56211 agricultural Subsidies aircraft 8**20 air (iransportation) o** ^ 9**72 9**222 economic (general) industrial 8**054 8**.001 8**054 industrial matters feeneral) merchant vessels 9*» 732 labor 8**.06 Subsistence (Army. Navy. and Air 9**231 8**.06 merchant vessels Force) 7**5512 MInt 9**73 Subversivo achvities i**'Ío7**.55I2 7**.52 population 8**.13 Subway 8**401 dtal accidents—.w ^ 9**.7J3 8**551 S tatues cars and equipment (manufactures)^iianui 8**3332 Statutes 8*».422 Suowaysways im engineering, power planes 7**34 íufirage 9**213 (engineering) , Sugar 7**07 Steam roUers (manufactures) j9**367 beet (agriculture) Stcamsfúp lines ç8**334 cane (agriculture) 8**3352 9**23 Steel (manufactures) commodity exchange 8**.2351 8**. 158 and iron and related industries manufactures (general) o mapíc (agriculture) 8**318 8**33 yielding plants (agriculture) 8**.235 8 **.235

52 r

Suit ifht of aliem to mainlain 7**332 Smteases, leather (manufactures) elastomers Suitmgs, wod (manufactures) 8**322 fibera (man ofectures) Suite, i n's, women's, and childrens' 8**354 liquid fuels (appUed chemistn (manufactures) physical sciences) Sulfa drugs 8**351 ^Pplicd chemistry (physical sciences) manufactures ,9**.8153 TaWecloths (1 -anufectures) Salim- : acid 8**3971 Taíáes (manufactures) mdustrial chemkal products Tabfcts and pills (manufactures) :^jplied chemistry. physical lalcum (manufactures) sciences) o Tallow (manufactures) Sulphur (mining) S8**397 Tampcnng with mails Sumac (agricuitare) a8**2562 Ta^rines (agriculturc) Sunn (agxicultnre) |■;**.239 Siy -oagy, merchant vessels O'8**2322 Anny. Navy, and Air Force 9**.75 Supersonic ^ equipment engineei tg (aeionautical t « . v engincering) o, 9**.866 imanuractures) weapons, guided missiles 7* materiais (manufactures) Supplles and equipmcot 7**5612 Tantahte (mining) Navy, and Air Force 7* j[aPes> cotton (manufectures) ' • mtots' (manufactures) o*.7**.56 •mM&k and Sporting 8**37 (manufactures) Tar. T tilding and paving materiais 8**36 íarhcn' and beautícians' (manufectures) (manufactures) Target 8**395 maticians' (manufactures) Prac&c( rmy, Navy, and Air m^cal (manufactures) o**8**399 8**36 Force) office (manufactures) shootmg (amusements, sports) í^nteis' (manufactures) o**8**.343, 346 fflpaulms, cotton (manufectures) 8**37 Ptotographic (manufactures) s*»' dane acid (manufectures) 8**.343, 37 7 ■nanufectures) Taxatkm smokecs* (manufactures) í**.343, 8**36 0ÍEcials e .portmg and athletic xncofne.wP ' *emption from (manufactures) , inheriíance theaírical (manufactures) o*»q8**36 land, reaity ! Supreme Court of the US. 7,,8**36 , 00 navigatíon t 71131 Smgeiy 711.3 T^cabs (transpcítation) 5 practiceof L,?;9**84 8**558 vetennaiy s*» cultívatíon Surgical instrumente and equipment 8**241 s manufactures c (manufactures) „r Technical education í, 8**396 mplite materiel (Army. Navy. and Tectonphysics (earth science) í Air Force) i elecominiinicaíiofis Surveymg(earth sciences) 0**0%7**56 9**8212 8**396 oncess,on 88**.5252 p s and cotidacis a. Suspendera, men's and boys* **' «nsmunents and equipment (manufactures) ^ 8**3513 (manufectures) Rara£ions domestic 8**34224 Tomatoes (agriculturc) 8»* 2^6 wíld 8**2432 Tombstones and monuments of ali rui] -.tine, production of (agricultura londs (manufactures) c Tweeds, wool (manufactures) 8**.2394 Tonnagc dues (navigation) 98**393 vills, cotton (manufactures) 8**354 9**735 8**352 Tools (manufactures) s Twinc, j and hemp (manufactures) 8**3313 8**357 Toothtrushes g 1 ypewntery ^manufactures) 8**346 Typhoons 8**.347 8**.49

54 Visas, foreign Visitors, admission of, to natíonal TmbreUas, parascds (manufactures) 8**.3513 legisladve chambers 7**21 Undergarments, men's, women's, and Visits childrcn^ (manufactures) 8**.351 of military aircraft to fareign Undertakers' supplies and equipme t countries (manufactures) 8**.399 of militaiy bodies to or transit Unemployment insurance and thrcw^h foreign countries compensatioa 8**.061 of naval vessels to foreign Uniform cfotiiing (Army, Navy. and countries Air Force) 7**.564 to merchant marine schools and unauthorized wearing crf' 7**5641 academies ions, labor organizaíions 8**.062 Vital statístics Univerãties 8**432 Vocatksnal education Upholsíerers' supplies (manufactures) 8**341 Volcanic engrdons (Jianite (mining) 8**2546 Vote, right to Uranium (mining) 8**2546 Vulcanoíogy (earth sciences) Urban settlcments (earth sciences) 9**823 Urea (fertflizef) 8**.3972 Utensils, Idtchen (manufactures) 8**3461 Utilities, public (engineering) 8**.2614 Wages labor 8**.061 merchant seamen 9**75 Wagons aud iarts of ali Idnds Vaccines (manufactures) 8**.3971 (manufactures) Vacuum cleaners (manufactures) 8**343 8**333 1 Walkouts and strikes 8**062 "alises, leather (manufactures) 8**322 Wal^paper (manufactures) Vanadium (mining 8**2547 8**332 Walnuts (agriculture) 8**2377 Vanilla bcan (agriculture) 8**2335 War Varnishes, palnts, stains (manufactures) 8**3974 industry and munitions plants, Veal, slaughceriiouse products admission to of foreigners for (manufecturcs) g** 3 j 2 observaíion, service or study \ egetables risk insurance canned and dried (manufactures) 8**315 i^ardrobes (manufactures) cultivaíion, growing 8**236 ÍVarehousing and storage oilsar fats, edible (manufactures) 8**319 War&re ; ils and fats, greases, inedible biologicaJ (natural sciences) 9**8311 (manufactures) 8**325 chemical (applied chemistiy, products, preparations, edible physical sciences) 9**8158 (manufactures) 8**315 Washboards. household (manufactures) pnoducts, miscellaneous, inedible 8**346 Washers, harthvare [manufactures) 8**3313 (manufactures) 8**32 Washing machines manufactures) 8**343 Vehictes, transportation (manufactures) 8**333 ÍVaste, cotton toys (manufactures) 8**36 8**352 iVatcbes (manufactures) 8**38 Veilings, silk (manufactures) 8**355 Water Velocípedes (manufactures) g*» 35 distnbutioo of, underground water Velvet soorces, dams, hydrology cotlon (manufactures) 8**352 (earth sciences) 9**.8293 silk (manufactures) 8**355 heavy (deuteriura oxide) (physical Venetian blinds (manufactures) 8**344 sciences) 9**81371 Ventxlators (manufactures) g** 332 navigation 9**74 Vessels power 8**2614 Army, Navy, and Air Fare- 7**.5621 sovereignty over territorial 7**022 hygiene oa 8**556 supply (public wcarfcs) 8**.26I4 íllegal acts committed by tbe transportation, general 9»» 73 crew on 25^ Wáterways movement of merchant 9**.736 cetches (agriculture) 8**2346 commerce and navigation (general) 9**73 etmns' mganizations 8** 4613 navigation «1 9**.74 Vice Prcsidcnt 7** 12 Wattle (agriculture) 8** 2393 Wax Victrolas (manufactures) 8** 36 Vinegar (manufactures) 8**317 animal (manufactures) 8**326 polishes and cleaning compounds 8**.3975

55 Wax—cont pulp 8**392 shortage (fuci shcnage) vegetao» (manuractures) 8**321 8**.04 Waxes, fats, soap (appued cheniiscr>, Wuodcn boxes of ali kinds physical sciences) (manufactures) 8**391 9*».gl56 Wool We^ons exchange Arm; Navy, and Air Force 8**. 153 (general) manufacture of 8**354 7**56 picce goods (manufactures) guided 8**354 7**3612 aisingof Wearing apparel (manufictures) S**351 8**24222 Wcather thread, yarn (manufactures) 8*" .2354 forecasts, meteorology (earth ""odcmen's compcnsation 8**0651 Workiáiops, adnussion to, of foreigners sciences) 9**.8294 (Anny, 'íavr. and Air Foce) reports 9**.8294 7**553## stations (LLS. Air Fcrcc) Wòrsted fabrics (manufactures) 8**354 7U.563## Wrappers. women's (manufactures) stríps (manu&ctures) 8**351 8**.332 A tçpiug papey (manufactures) ebblng, cotton (manufactures) 8**.352 8**392 W ^ids, control of (agricnlture) Wrecked 8** .22 Weights aircrafit 9** 723 and mcasures, physical sciences automobiles. trucks, and 9**.8139 motorcycles window (manufactures) 8**.332 9**714 welfare of mothor and chíM merchant ships ■ - —"«v chju wuuu 58**.4142 .4142 9**733 Wcll-drilling machinery (manufactures) 8**.33ll subways, buses. and taxicafis 9»*.713 VhalingVhalinff industryíhAlsítv vessels 8»*^46 9**733 Vheat Vnting paper, stationery (manufactures) cultivation 8**.231I 8**.346 products and prqxtrations (manufactures) 8**.313 M .ts^ne (manufactures) 8**393 X-ray ^-ps, leather (manufactures) 8**322 Whisky (manufactures) equipment (mai.afac tures) 8**396 8^.316 treatment of disease White slave ttaffic 8**54 8**.558 Wholesale prices (conunodity exchanges) 1 ,*.15(etc) teks, cotton (manufactures) 8**352 fachtíng js (manufactures) 8**.453 Wild animais 8*».395 Yachts (see Merchant vessels) 8**.243 WIUow fumiture of aD fcinds Yam (manufactures) (manufàctures) «rir (manufactures) 8**357 8**341 cotton • ills, law of 7** TdA. 8**352 tVind energy jute and hemp 9**.8135 8**357 Windnulls (manufactures) linen 8**3312 8**353 Víndow (manufactures) rayon 8**358 glass síãt 8** .332 8**355 sash and frarae wool B**.332 8**354 screcns Yeast (manufactures) 8**332 YeDow fever 8**317 shades and fixtures 8**344 8**55 sta icd glass Young Men s Christian Associatíon 8**332 8**4611 Wines (manufactures) ' [ Women's Christian Associatíon 8**316 8**4611 Wire of ali lunds (manufac tures) Youth movements and organiza ti ons, 8**3313 Wireless equipment. Communications xncluding Communist 8**.46 Youths' wearing apparel (manufactures) (manufàctures) 8**335 8**351 Wlíncss absconding 7**333 procurement of evidence Wolfram (mining) 7**35## Vomen, labor of 8**2547 mines and mining 8**063 8**.2545 Vbojeo's apparel (manufactures) products i * otherwise classifiable 8**351 Wood (manufactures) (manufactures) 8**394 buiklmg materiais Zirconium metal (mining) 8**2546 lumbor (manufactures) 8**332 Zoologkal collections, specimens for 8**2392 8**.243 products not otherwise classifiable Zoology (natural sciences) 8**391 9**.833

56 Arqu ds

Diqloná cos e

Estran airos

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Foreign Office: Politicai and Other Departments;

General Correspondence before 1906, Brazil

Refere nce: FO 13

Title: Foreign Office: Politicai and Other Departments: General Correspondence before 1906. Brazil

Description. This series contains general correspondence relating to Brazil.

Date: 1824-1905

Held by. The National Archives, Kew

Legal status. Public Record(s)

Language; Engnsh

Physical 865 volume(s) description;

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Access Subject to 30 yeai closure unless otherwise stated conditions:

Context of this record

Ali departments ^ FO - Records created or inherited by tne Foreign Office ^ General Correspondence from Politicai and Other Departments ^ FO 13 - Foreign Office. Politicai and Other Departments: General Correspondence before 1906, Brazil

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