Selling Death: Cigarette Advertising and Public Health
67 66 enough to bl' c;irried ;iway? She woulil "\Ve were up ;1t Grandma's. She A R.E.,POR.TE,R. AT LAR.GE., first d;ites. Although they Wl'Jlt there told Ma I should he" return from tlw Adagio whik he was A CLOUD OF SMOKE often, he co11ld nL'\'t:r get accustomed to "\ Vlwt di,l Ivla sad" the n:1me. Affettuoso; why not the Af skqiing, and in the morning they would "She told Graml111i1to take mc down IIEN a manu an extensive review nf fcttuoso? At times wh,:n, for one reason look at 1:ach other :iet:1tsingl}' acros, the t11wn antl gct me baptized if it made hrr fact11red product thl' subject. It rn ncludcd 11r;innth1:r, he hat! failed to make love to 1IL·hrisof the breakfast tahk The fin: hadn't gone nut. It was hanked, banked hnppy. Em ily's saving her allnwanCL· to W that most con ,, t hat "cignrette smoking is his wife wlll'n she exp1:cted him to, shc buy a Bible . I think we shoultl all go tn sumi:rs accept as usd11l or ' ( t he: most likely causo: of would g1:t up, dn:ss, and go down to against soll1l' long, unexpected, and im • J church eHr}' Sunday and confess." pleasurnble coml's 11ndcr tht: world wide· incr ease in the Acbgio. It had prect'ded him. It w;is prohabl1· winter. "\\That's sill' doing there he asked, "Confrss?" said Fidding. strong suspicion of heing ' cl<:aths from lung cancer," her homt: hasc:.
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