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RAJACIRI Ot\/€*C\ -J Raiagiri Educational Alternatives and RAJACIRI ot\/€*c\ Community Health (outREACH) Service Society Raiagiri College ol Social Sciences (Autonomous) Rajagiri PO., Kalamassery-683 '104, Kerala, lndia' Ph: +91 484 291'1 330-332, 2550785 RCSS Teefax]+914842532862.e'mal:rossrajagiri@grnail,comoutreach@rajaglreduwcbsite:www,rajagirioulreach,org The District Collector 04.10.2018 Malappuranr District trgreqDr Malappuram 0 6 C.' ?"j3 )' Dear Sir, Sub: SIA Study Theyyala Railway Over Bridge in Malappuram District Final RePort reg. Ref TNo.DCMPM/5241 / 2017 -LA 5 dated 13.05.2018 from MalaPPuram District ) t\ Your kind attention is invited to the subject cited, we are enclosing herewith the final report of SIA Study - Land Acquisition at Thanoor-Theyyala Railway Over Bidge in Malappuram District. We take this oppodunity to extend our sincere gratitude towards you fol your kind co- operation extended to us in completing the study. Thanking You, You$ Sincerely 6ena Kuruvilla Chairperson, SIA Unit & (Project Dire.tor, RAJAGIRI oUtREACH) Encl: 7) SIA Final Report (English Malayalam) -land Acquisition at Thanoor-Theyyala Railway Over Bridge in Malappuram Dishict . Copy to: '1. ,,.DistrictCollector. Malaopuram U Deputy Collector 0-A), Malappuram 3. Land Acquisition Officer, Malappuram 4. Special Tahsildar (LA), Malappuram 5. The Secetary , Thanur Municipality Ofri@s af RAJAGIRI @\REACH Sstuice Society, lhe prcfess@ nel seNice wing al Raiagh Col/ege of Se,a/ Sciences ERNAKULAM . PERUMBAVOOR. MALAPPUMM . THRISSUR . PONNANI Reg stercd under T6va ncoE.(ochl Lile.a ry SqenlfcandChadiabes@eliesAclx 011955-Reo No ER157/02 PAN No MATRssTsc FCtiAReg No 052850501, nmmeTaxEremplionu/s80G(5)lv)ol IAcl196, Cenificate No CIT/CNN/12AlTedtll/200203dt 2/_3_2008 Accrcd led NGo oi S@d Juslice Depanmenl Govt. ol Kerala as per Go (Rl) No. 111/2016/SJD SOGIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY FINAL REPORT LAND ACqUISITION FOR THANOOR - THEYYALA RAILWAY OVERBRIDGE IN MALAPPURAM DISTRIGT ?1 .r, l \I REOUIRING BODY \l Roads and Bridges Development Gorporation of Kerala (A Gooerflfient of Kerala Undertaking) M ah ak azt iV a il oP a I lY Ro a d P alaittattom, Kochi - 682025 Ph: 0484 2338205 October SIA Unit RAJAC tru rrffirct Rajagiri College of Social Sciences Raiagid P.O Kalamassery Pin: 683 104 Ph: 0484 29110-332 4':". rossra j agiri.gmailcom ffi# ) 2 flDD.REVIflTION TVU Train Vehicle Unit PAF Project AlJbcted Family PAP Proiect Affected Person District Construction of Railwoy Over Bridge in Thanoor- Thelyala' Malappuram Octobel 2018 3 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 introduction - Proiect and Public Purpose 1.2 I-ocation 1.3 Size and Attributes olLand Acquisition 1.4 Altematives Considered 1.5 Social Impacts and Mitigation Measurcs CHAPTER 2 DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Background and Rationale olthe Proiecl 2.2 Details ofProject Size. Location, Produciion I a€ets, Costs and Risks 2.3 Examination of Allematives 2.,{ Phases ofthe Projeci Construction 2.5 Details ofEnvironment lmpact Assessment Study 2.6 Need for Ancillary lnlrastructural lacililies 2.7 Work lorce Requirements 2.8 Applicable Legislations and Policics CHAPTER 3 TEAM COMPOSITION. STUDY APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 3.1 Background 3.2 SIA and SIMP Preparation Process 3.3 Desk Research 3 4 Reconnaissance 3.5 Data from Secondary Sources 1.6 Sire Vi\irs and Informalion Disseminrlion 3.7 Socio Economic Survey 3.8 Compilation and Verification ofData 3.9 Data Analysis and Report Writing (an$ruction of Raihl)ay Over Bridge in Thanoor- Thqlyala, MoldPP rdn Dislrict Oclobel 2018 3.10 Community and public Consultation CHAPTER 4 4. I Entire Area of fmpacl under the Infl uence of the proiecT 4.2 l-and lnventories ,1.3 Land Requirenent fdr rhe projecr 4.4 Use ofpubiic Land 4.5 Land Already purchased 4.6 Details proposed ofland to be acquired zl.7 Previous Tmnsactions in the Area CHAPTER 5 ISTIMATION AND ENUMER,{TION 5.1 Direcrl) Aflcctcd 5.2 duration ofthe ownership 5.i Indirecrly impacted by project 5.4 Inventory ofproductive assets 5.5 Inventory of Unproductive assets CHAPTER 6 SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE 6.1 DeInographic details 6.2 Income and poverty level 6.3 Vulnerable group 6.4 Land Use and Livelihood CEAPTER 7 SOCIAL IMPACT MANAGEMENT PLAN 7.1 Framework and App.ou"h to L irfig trrrpu.t 7.2 Opinions ofthe Stakeholders 7.3 Measures stated by the Requiring Body in project proposal 7.4 Measures to Avoid, Miligate and Compensate Impact 7.5 Awareness and opinion about the project (hnst-uclion ofRdihray Ovr Bri(lge in Thunoor- t heyyata, Moloppura,n t)istricl Oclohcr 2018 5 CIIAI'TER 8 ou ,oaror trnoa, *o"oat*tt' u""u' o]\I' t'*o*t'I\{" MITIGATION PLAN il.1 Institutional strucfur'e ancl key pcrson CHAPTER 9 RING AND EVALUATION 10.1 Key Monitoring ancl Evaluative indicators lolcs 10.2 Reporting Mechanisms and monitoring 10.3Plan of Indepcndent Evaluation CHAPTER 70 i*oi"i* ou.ottt o*, ua*ut'" o*' o"o"u*'o''o* o* ACOUISITION ConstruclionofRai]vo!O|,erBridgeinThanoor-|'heyyala,MaluppufunDislricl 6 LIST OF TABLES Table no Conteflt Table o 1.5.1 Social impact and mitigatioll Meosure Table no 2.2.1 Estinnted cost of the prcject Table no 3.4.1 Staff detoils Toblc no 4.1.1 Area of imPact Table no 4.6.1, Details of land acquisition Table no 5.1.1 Socinl impact on the dircctl!/ affecte.l Table no 5.2.1 Duration of possession/ ownership on ProPert! Table no 5.2.2 Type and use ofpropertq Table no 5.4.1 Producti|re assets Erequency tables Table no 6.1.1, Age group and gender Tablc to 6.1.3 Social group Table no 6.1.4 Moital stotus of Project aJfected person's Tnble no 6.'1.5 Fatnily pattern o;f Projecf affecled person Table no 6.1.6 E du c ati on al at t ainmen t Table no.6.2.1 TyTte of rution ctrrtl Table no 6.2.2 Family Monthly income Table rto 6.2.3 Major source of irtconc Table no 6.3.7 Vulnerable group Table no 6.4.2 Type of use of land Table no 6.4.3 Impact on family income opiniott regarding fhe projecl Table no 7.2.'1 Constnrtion of Rdilway Over Bridge in Thanoor- TheD,alo, Malapp ram District October 2018 7 Table no 7.5.1 Table no 7.5.3 Vietos regarding ocquisition of land The list of figures Fig.3.2.1 Approach and methodology lor SIA Fig 6.1.2 Religiaus gtoup of thc responllents Fis 6.4.1 Tvpe of land District TheYYala' Mola\Puram Thflloor- a in Oclober 2ol Over Bridge oJ Ro't*'O (,orrsfucfiorr LIST OF ANNEXURIS Annexure 1(a) 4 (l) Gazette Notification Amexure I (b) 4 (l) Notification (Malayalam) Annexure I (c) 4 (1) Notification (Engtish) Annexure 2 Socio Economic Suwey Questionnaire Annexure 3 Public Hearing Notification (Madhyamam, Deshabhimani) Armexure 4 : Notice to the affected families Annexure 5 (a) List ofparticipants - affected families - Annexure 5 @) : Participants officials Revenue Deparfinent- State Annexure 6 : Govemment ofKerala - in Land Policy for Compensation and Transparency Acquisition. families Annexue 7 : Details of affected Rajagiri Educational Alternatives and RAIACIRI aVft-xcn Community Health (ouiREACH) Service Society Rajagiri College of Sociat Sciences (Autonomous) .t04, Rajagiri PO., Kalamassery-683 Kerata, tndia, ph; +91 484 2g1.t33}_332,2SSO1Bi Telefax: +91 484 2532862, e-mait: [email protected] RCSS oLrlreach@rajagni edu websle i www.rEagirioulreach.org Declaration As per the Kerala Gazette Notification Vol.VII, No.26 dated 26.06.2018 RAIAGIRI outREACH, Rajagiri College ofSocial Sciences, Kalamassery is assigned as the SIA Unit to study the Social Impact Assessment of Land Acquisition for Thanoor_Theyyala Railway Over bridge in Malappuram district for Roads and Bridges Corporation ofKerala. The land details are given to the SIA team by Land Acquisition Officer, Special Tahsildar (LA), Tirur. The SIA team has collected data from the project affected familics and the stake holders at Thanoor and Theyyala proposed project area. The supportive documents have to be verified by the concemed authorities. \\t \\-,-o .Chairperson, 04.10.2018 SIA Unit Kalamassery R.IAGIRI outMACH Onces ol F.AJAGIRI outRFACh Seryice SeiorJa rhe ,roless bnat se4@ *ng at Ratdg,o Corlege or S;SoercF ERNAKULAM . PERUMBAVooR . MALAPPUMM . THRISSUR . PoNNANI Regqered under TBva ncoc r<ochr litec sceotfcand ry charriabe s@ eries Acl xr oi 1955 - Reg. No ER 157i02 pAN No. AMTR5978C FCRA R€9. No.052850501, rncome r Exemplonu/s80c(5)(vi)oirrAcl196c€dic€leNo.cT/cHN/12A1rs:nIl2ao2-03dr.27-:r2aos Aeedited NGo or S@d Justice Dercnmenr Go(' ot KeEta as per co (Rt) No. 111/2016/SJO 8 CHAPTER 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Inhoduction _ project and public purpose A state is said to be developed with the increase in the infrastructural for the people facilities in the communitl,. Thc infr.astructural facility cloes not simply meaas the production of enough goocis and seryices but the d".,"lop-*t nt th" facilities which results in the production of goods ancl services. The ,t"_r"l rp-"rr, in fransportation and communication necessary for a state or community to develop sociany, e"."",or.",rr, .r,;;:r!ery Tlansport inftastructure is the il part of the transpolt svstem in.rnv state or city. with the intensificaarorrn'nttu' advenr of gtobatizarior,, th" t ur,.portnllo:j: ::::::::jr::":T ;:il:,:, factor for the economic and social dcr, svstem or thc srates ancr ciries rer.re*s rh.. econonic;c:o;;::,:::":""*-.arion The Government of Kerala bv rccognizing this nced for dcvclopment initiated has the infrastrucfural development in the transportation of various clistd.ts io Ihe sl.lte of Kerdld. Availability of a good infrastructure is an essential factor lor the growth and development of the region.
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