Qt Group Company report 1/2019 Inderes Commissioned Research Qt Group Company report Jan 9, 2019, 8:00 Analyst Heading for scalable growth Mikael Rautanen Qt Group is well positioned for growth, as many industries are on the brink of technological transitions. In our view, it is still a +358 50 3460 321 good time to jump on board the growth story as market trends continue to gain momentum, Qt’s investments are proven
[email protected] and bearing fruit, but still the market has somewhat neglected the company as it is still burdened by earnings’ in the red due to the growth investments. The digital society is being built using tools by Qt Qt develops, productizes, and licenses software development tools based on Qt technology by means of open sourced and commercialized licenses. The company’s products are used to develop applications for embedded devices as well as graphic user interfaces for desktop, mobile, and embedded devices. An increasing amount of Qt’s customers’ industries are facing a turning point. The value creation for their products is transitioning from the device to software and services, which is why the customers are in need of knowhow and tools to develop graphic interfaces. The Qt cross-platform development Recommendation and target price framework as a technology enables this transition. The business model is highly scalable. It is based on licenses sold to developers, and distribution licenses, where the income is based on sales volumes of the end devices that use Qt Buy technology. Previous: Buy Lack of developers and graphic user interfaces gaining popularity drive market growth 10.0 EUR Many of the industries in which Qt Group’s customers operate are at the verge of making long term choices on technology, Previous : 10.0 and they are searching for a competitive edge and differentiating factors by introducing software and digital services as part of their products.