The European Movement International Becoming a member Who We Are to be the place where business, section of sectors in the devel- trade unions, NGOs, political opment of European solutions The European Movement is the parties, local authorities and to our common challenges. We largest pan-European network academia come together to offer thought leadership on the of pro-European organisations. craft a way forward for the Eu- issues that confront ; It is present in over 30 coun- ropean Union. We develop new we seek to inform the debates tries and encompasses 38 In- ideas to address the challenges on our Union’s future, involve ternational Associations, bring- we face, be it economic or po- citizens and stakeholders in ing together European society litical. We want to spark debate the decisions that affect them at large, be it organisations on the EU’s future and develop and influence policy-makers in representing business, trade forward-looking proposals on favour of an open, democratic, unions, NGOs, political parties, how to offer solutions at the inclusive, and united Europe. local authorities and academia. European level. In 2016, we organ- The European Move- ised 16 events bring- ment International has ing together a range around 80 members, of stakeholders to dis- representing a diverse cuss topics ranging range of organisations from Brext, to TTIP and countries and the Rule of Law

Founded nearly 70 years ago, What being a Member we have continuously advo- means cated in favour of European co-operation and integration, Membership allows for organi- based on the principles of What We Do sations to be part of the Euro- peace, democracy, liberty, soli- pean Movement network, feed darity, equality, justice, the re- The European Movement seeks their thinking into our work spect for human rights and the to provide a platform to en- and connect and liaise with or- rule of law. courage and facilitate the ac- ganisations from across soci- tive participation of citizens ety. This can be done via pub- The European Movement aims and stakeholders from a cross- lic events and joint member projects and through the par- Regions), large NGOs (Euro- within the EU institutions, be ticipation in private network pean Environmental Bureau, it the European Parliament or meetings like the EMI’s Political ) and the European Commission, Committees (where EMI policy academic institutions (College and it features political parties positions are debated and for- of Europe) among others. This like the EPP, S&D and ALDE as mulated) and representation at gives us access to a whole host Members of its network. the Board, Members Council, of big stakeholders, with a sig- General Assembly and non- nificant presence in EM International Membership statutory gatherings of mem- but also in key member states. enables you to engage policy- bers, like the meetings of Euro- makers from across the po- pean Associations. EM International Membership litical spectrum, both in joint creates networking opportu- public events and in private Together with the above men- nities for the development of briefings and EM International tioned, certain offerings are partnerships with members of meetings. available to accommodate the our network, be it civil society, interests of Members. political parties, the trade un- Membership Fee ion movement or sectoral in- terests. The European Movement Inter- national has different member- The EMI network has offices ship fee levels, depending on all over Europe, with a strong the size and model of each or- presence in key EU capitals ganisation. We can discuss with (Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Copen- you what level of membership hagen, Dublin etc.) and beyond suits your organisation best. (Belgrade, Oslo, Istanbul).

EM International Membership enables you to utilise those na- tional links for joint events and The EMI network features ma- a platform for debate in capi- jor trade unions (ETUC), em- tals of interest and on subjects ployer organisations (CEEP), that cover EU policy areas of local government (European relevance to you company. Council of Municipalities and The EMI is a respected brand International Associations

European Association of Teachers – AEDE | Association des Etats généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe – AEGEE | International Association of Former Officials of the EuropeanCommunities – AIACE | Associati- on of Local Democracy Agencies – ALDA | Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party – ALDE | European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of general interest - CEEP | Council of European Municipalities and Regions – CEMR | The European Association for Natio- nal Trade Organisations representing the European Manufacturers of Weighing Instruments – CECIP | Confederation of Independant Trade Unions – CESI | International Centre for European Studies – CIFE | Council of the Notariats of the – CNUE | European Environment Bureau – EEB | Eu- ropean People‘s Party – EPP | – ESN | European Youth Forum – EYF | Euro- pean Trade Union Confederation – ETUC | European Organisation of Military Associations – EUROMIL | European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training - EVBB | European Women Lawyers Associ- ation – EWLA | The European Grouping of Societies of Authors and Composers – GESAC | Young Euro- pean Federalists – JEF | Party of European Socialists – PES | Union of European Federalists – UEF | New European Business Confederation – UNITEE | Union Syndicale Fédérale – USF | Association of Women of Southern Europe – AFEM | Council of European Dentists – CED | European Association of Railway Personnel – AEC | European Association of Retirement Schemes for Liberal Professions – EurelPro | European Confederation of Veterans – CEAC | European Centre for Culture – ECC | European League of Economic Cooperation – ELEC | Foundation EurActiv | Permanent Forum of the European Civil Society | Rurality-Environment-Development – R.E.D. | College of Europe | Eyes & Ears Europe – Association for the Design, Promotion and Marketing of Audiovisual Media

National Councils

Albania – – Bosnia And Herzegovina – – Cy- prus – – Fyr Of Macedonia – – Ireland – – Montenegro – – Turkey –.

European Movement International Rue Marie-Thérèse 21 B-1000 Brussels T +32 (0)2 508 30-88 [email protected] @EMInternational