London, South London £1,150,000 Leasehold The Jam Factory VI Tis carefully considered two-bedroom apartment unfolds on the frst foor of Te Jam Factory, an outstanding industrial conversion in Bermondsey, and has two private balconies. Originally dating from 1902 when it was constructed as a factory for Sir William Hartley’s famous jam-making company, the building was converted in 2003 to a design by Simpson Haugh architects. For more information, see the History section below. Te Tour Te Jam Factory is a gated complex; the buildings have a striking red brick façade and retain the original Hartley’s logo. Entry to this apartment is on the frst foor, opening into a hallway that leads to the large open-plan living spaces. Te apartment is illuminated by light that streams in through huge windows, which are framed by their original curved brick surrounds. +44 (0)20 3795 5920
[email protected] The Jam Factory VI Te apartment is currently arranged with a dining area at its centre and a living area at the far end of the plan, but is a wonderfully versatile space that would suit a variety of layouts. Te current owners use part of the space for working at home, and there is a pleasant sense of fow to the space. Te kitchen is sleek and simple, with white cabinetry and stainless steel worktops. Te open layout makes it a wonderfully social space and perfect for entertaining, and there is plenty of storage. Te bedrooms are set at either side of the plan and the main bedroom is decorated in a neutral white, which sits harmoniously against the exposed brickwork, and has a dressing room to its rear.