
L'épidémie de la maladie du virus et le vaccin VSV-EBOV : un essai clinique de phase I dans une situation d'urgence



L'épidémie actuelle de maladie du virus Ebola a été reconnue en Guinée en Mars 2014. La maladie a touché plus que 10 pays sur trois continents, et aux Etats Unis et en Espagne, des transmissions nosocomiales ont eu lieu. La portée de l'épidémie a déclenchée un certain degré de panique et, enfin, une collaboration internationale sans précédent. En automne 2014, sous la coordination de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, les Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève ont lancé un essai de phase I pour tester la sécurité et immunogénicité du candidat vaccin le plus prometteur. Cette étude randomisée, contrôlée par placebo a inclus 115 volontaires sains. Le vaccin a été réactogène mais fortement immunogène ; résultats inattendus comprenaient des arthrites, dermatites, et vasculites cutanées liées au vaccin. Ces effets secondaires ont été enfin auto-limités, et le vaccin a été sélectionné pour des essais ultérieurs (phase III) sur le terrain.


CSAKI HUTTNER, Angela. L'épidémie de la maladie du virus Ebola et le vaccin VSV-EBOV : un essai clinique de phase I dans une situation d'urgence. Thèse de doctorat : Univ. Genève, 2016, no. Méd. 10827

DOI : 10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:94945 URN : urn:nbn:ch:unige-949452

Available at:

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Section de médecine Clinique Département des spécialités de médecine Service des maladies infectieuses

Thèse préparée sous la direction du Professeur Laurent KAISER

" L'épidémie de la maladie du virus Ebola et le vaccin VSV-EBOV : un essai clinique de phase I dans une situation d’urgence "

Thèse présentée à la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université de Genève pour obtenir le grade de Docteur en médecine par

Dre Angela HUTTNER


New York, New York, Etats Unis

Thèse n° 10827

Genève, Suisse

12 octobre 2016


My dear Gorgas, instead of being simply satisfied to make friends and draw your pay, it is worth doing your duty, to the best of your ability, for duty’s sake; and in doing this, while the indolent sleep, you may accomplish something that will be of real value to humanity. Your good friend, Reed.

Dr. Walter Reed to Dr. William Gorgas, 18981


Table of Contents

Résumé (français) ...... 5

1 Prelude to a phase I, first-in-human clinical trial: the Ebola virus and the 2013 – 2016 epidemic ...... 16 1.1. The Ebola virus ...... 16 1.2 Ebola virus disease ...... 16 1.3 Transmission of Ebola virus ...... 18 1.4 The 2013 – 2016 Ebola virus epidemic ...... 19 1.5 Prevention of Ebola virus transmission: still in the Dark Ages ...... 20

2 The need for an effective Ebola vaccine ...... 21 2.1 State of the art: Ebola vaccine development through 2014 ...... 21

3 The VSV-EBOV vaccine ...... 22 3.1 History of the VSV-EBOV vaccine, including its journey to Geneva ...... 23 3.2 Overview of the vector: the vesicular stomatitis virus ...... 23 3.3 The rationale for moving VSV-EBOV into clinical trials ...... 24 Lack of reassortment & cytosolic replication ...... 24 High expression of EBOV-GP ...... 25 Modification of soluble EBOV-GP ...... 25 Clinical data in humans before phase I testing ...... 27

4 The Geneva VSV-EBOV phase I trial: preparation and launch ...... 28 4.1 The VEBCON Consortium ...... 28 4.2 Geneva trial preparation, design & launch ...... 29 Study objectives ...... 29 Trial design ...... 30 Determination of sample size ...... 31 Entry criteria ...... 32 Run-in phase ...... 32 Selection of doses ...... 32 Selection and timing of dose ...... 33 Blinding ...... 33


5 Trial findings ...... 33 5.1 Safety findings ...... 34 5.2 Immunogenicity results ...... 36

6 The end of a trial – and the beginning of everything ...... 36 Final note ...... 37


Résumé (français)

Introduction Contexte L'épidémie actuelle de maladie du virus Ebola a été reconnue en Guinée en Mars 2014, mais a commencé dans ce pays en Décembre 2013. A ce jour, l'épidémie a causé 28,646 cas (confirmés, probables et suspects) et 11,323 décès. Le taux de mortalité est estimé autour de 50%. Cependant, ces chiffres sous-représentent probablement largement l'ampleur réelle de l'épidémie, et dans certaines régions la mortalité était supérieure 70%. La maladie a touché principalement trois pays en Afrique de l’ouest, à savoir la Guinée, la Sierra Leone et le Libéria. Quelques cas ont également été recensés au Mali, au Nigeria et au Sénégal, et des patients infectés en Afrique de l’ouest, majoritairement des soignants occidentaux, ont été rapatriés et soignés au Royaume-Uni, en Allemagne, en France, en Norvège, en Suisse, en Espagne et aux États-Unis. Dans ces deux derniers pays, une transmission nosocomiale a eu lieu.

L'épidémie actuelle est la première à se produire en Afrique de l'Ouest, où systèmes de soins de santé et les économies locales étaient mal équipés pour faire face à sa portée. Comme la propagation de l'épidémie, les hôpitaux se sont retrouvés dépassés et ont fermé, laissant d'autres besoins médicaux non traités. Il en a donc résulté un « nombre de morts supplémentaires» difficile à quantifier, ayant probablement dépassé celui de l'épidémie elle-même.

En dépit des avertissements au début de 2014 par des organisations médicales internationales, essentiellement Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), l'épidémie a continué de progresser. Le 8 août 2014, l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a répondu et a déclaré que l'épidémie relève d’une «urgence de portée internationale de la santé publique.» Dans le même mois, alors que l’ampleur de l'épidémie Ebola devenait de plus en plus hors de contrôle, l’agence de santé publique canadienne (Public Health Agency of Canada, PHAC) a fait don de 800 fioles d’un vaccin expérimental à l’OMS. En quelques semaines, l'OMS a contacté le Professeur Laurent Kaiser, médecin chef du service des maladies infectieuses aux hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG), et a demandé le lancement d'un premier essai clinique de phase I chez l’humaine pour tester la sécurité et immunogénicité de ce candidat vaccin.


Le virus Ebola Le virus Ebola (EBOV), anciennement désigné le virus Ebola Zaïre, est l’une des cinq espèces connues appartenant au genre Ebolavirus, qui, avec les genres Cuevavirus et Virus Marburg, forment la famille des Filovirus. Le virus Ebola est un virus enveloppé, pléomorphe, dont le génome est un acide ribonucléique (ARN) de sens négatif, de 19 kilobases (kb), codant pour seulement sept protéines.

Le virus a été décrit pour la première fois en 1976 après des épidémies simultanées ayant eu lieu au Soudan et en République démocratique du Congo. Il est nommé d'après la rivière congolaise Ebola, qui coule près du village où l'épidémie a eu lieu. Comme cela est maintenant bien connu, le virus provoque une fièvre hémorragique grave et souvent mortelle connue sous le nom de maladie à virus Ebola (MVE) chez l'homme et d'autres mammifères, principalement les chimpanzés et les gorilles.

Pathogenèse et immunogénicité La pathogenèse du virus Ebola et la nature de la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte ne sont pas complètement élucidées. L'infection a lieu via une exposition des muqueuses oculaires, nasales ou oropharyngées, ou de la peau lésée aux liquides biologiques contaminés provenant d'animaux infectés ou d'autres humains. Les particules virales pénètrent dans le corps à travers les vaisseaux lymphatiques et/ou le sang. Les premières cellules à être infectées sont des cellules présentatrices d'antigènes telles que les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques. Le rôle des monocytes, cellules présentatrices d'antigènes les plus abondantes dans le sang, a été quelque peu controversé, certaines études indiquant une infection de monocytes productive, alors que d'autres rapportent une résistance monocytaire à l'entrée GP-médiée du virus. Plus récemment, il a été montré que les deux observations peuvent être correctes. En effet, des monocytes fraîchement isolés sont dans un premier temps réfractaires à l’entrée du virus, mais EBOV se lie à ces cellules et exploite leurs programmes de différenciation dans un deuxième temps lors de la division et de la différenciation, il est capable de diminuer l’expression de facteurs de restriction d'entrée virale, tels que les protéines transmembranaires inductibles par l’interféron, et d’augmenter l'expression de facteurs critiques d'entrée de EBOV, telles que la cathepsine B et des protéines endosomales.

Une réponse d'anticorps primaires (IgM) peut être détectée dans le sang des personnes infectées entre 2 et 9 jours après l'infection, tandis que les anticorps IgG apparaissent approximativement entre 17 et 25 6 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

jours après l'infection. Cette réponse IgG coïncide avec la phase de guérison. Chez les survivants de MVE, l’immunité à la fois humorale et cellulaire sont détectées; leur contribution relative à la protection chez l'homme n’est toujours pas totalement comprise.

Manifestations cliniques Jusqu'en 2013, le virus Ebola n’avait probablement jamais infecté plus de quelques milliers humains, en plusieurs épidémies de brève durée. Ainsi, les manifestations cliniques de la MVE ainsi que les séquelles à long terme chez les survivants n’ont été que partiellement caractérisée. La période d'incubation de la maladie est de 2 à 21 jours (7 jours en moyenne) et est suivie par une maladie aiguë souvent en plusieurs phases, la première étant caractérisée par l'apparition de symptômes non spécifiques mimant un état grippal tels que fièvre, fatigue importante, pharyngite, anorexie, céphalées, myalgies/arthralgies. Surviennent ensuite des troubles gastro-intestinaux tels que douleur abdominale, nausées/vomissements et diarrhées parfois très importantes pouvant entraîner rapidement un état de déshydratation. Classiquement, ces premiers symptômes durent environ 2 à 7 jours, après lesquels des symptômes plus graves liés à la coagulopathie se produisent, incluant des saignements divers (éruption purpurique, épistaxis, hématurie, hémoptysie, hématémèse, méléna, hémorragie conjonctivale), une tachypnée, une confusion et une somnolence, expliqués par une défaillance d’organes multiples. Il convient de noter que durant l’épidémie de 2013 à 2016, moins de complications hémorragiques ont été observées: des saignements inexpliqués ont été rapportés chez seulement 18% des patients, le plus souvent du sang dans les selles (environ 6%). En revanche, les syndrome gastro-intestinal, caractérisé notamment par des volumes importants de selles liquides, y figurait au premier plan. Les anomalies biologiques comprennent leucopénie, thrombocytopénie, troubles de la coagulation, troubles électrolytiques (hyponatrémie, hypokaliémie, hypomagnésémie), élévation de la créatinine, de la créatine kinase (CK) et des enzymes hépatiques. En général, les symptômes durent environ 7 à 14 jours, durant lesquels on observe soit une amélioration clinique évoluant vers la guérison, soit une détérioration menant au décès.

Jusqu'à l'épidémie actuelle, on savait peu sur les survivants de MVE. Il devient de plus en plus clair que beaucoup, sinon la majorité des survivants souffrent de séquelles à long terme, telles que des arthralgies/arthrites chroniques, des troubles oculaires, y compris l'uvéite, ainsi que des atteintes de santé mentale. Récemment, et peut-être plus inquiétant, une infirmière qui avait guéri d’une MVE 7 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

contractée en Sierra Leone, a développé une méningite aiguë neuf mois plus tard. Le virus Ebola a été détecté par la réaction en chaîne par polymérase (PCR) dans son liquide céphalo-rachidien. Ceci témoigne d’une réplication virale persistance dans certains compartiments « privilégiés », à l’abri du système immunitaire. L’un de ces compartiments est le testicule, à partir duquel des particules virales gagnent le liquide séminal, permettant une transmission sexuelle de la maladie à partir de survivants masculins (cf. ci-dessous).

La transmission du virus Ebola La transmission initiale du virus Ebola chez l'homme n’est pas encore entièrement comprise, mais semble être due à l'exposition accidentelle à des animaux infectés. Le virus Ebola provoque alors des épidémies par transmission interhumaine, via un contact direct avec des liquides biologiques contaminés (sang, selles, salive, etc.) provenant d’une personne malade, et le contact indirect via l’environnement contaminé par de tels fluides. Le nombre de reproduction de base du virus Ebola (Ro) avant 2013 variait de 1,3 à 2,7; les estimations pour l'épidémie actuelle varient mais généralement se situent entre 1,51 et 2,53.

Les gens restent infectieux tant qu’ils émettent des fluides corporels contenant du virus; la durée de la persistance virale après guérison varie selon le type de liquide. Chez un homme infecté dans un laboratoire, le virus a été isolé à partir de sperme 61 jours après l'apparition de la maladie. Parmi cinq survivants de l'épidémie 2013-2016, de l'ARN et du virus EBOV infectieux ont été détectés dans le sperme par réverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) et culture virale jusqu’à 290 et 70 jours, respectivement, après le début de symptômes de MVE. Chez un survivant de MVE ayant développé, une uvéite unilatérale sévère pendant la convalescence, du virus Ebola viable a été détecté dans son humeur aqueuse 14 semaines après le début de la MVE et neuf semaines après la résolution de la virémie.

L'infectiosité élevée du sang et d’autres liquides biologiques met travailleurs de la santé de première ligne à risque particulièrement élevé pendant les épidémies. A noter également que le contact direct avec les corps des victimes décédées joue également un rôle majeur dans la transmission du virus.

Prévention de la transmission du virus Ebola Il n'y a pas de traitement validé pour la MVE, et il n'y a pas de prévention approuvée pour la MVE au-delà 8 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

des mesures horizontales de base de contrôle des infections. Une maladie qui, avant l'épidémie actuelle, avait infecté relativement peu de personnes dans des régions géographiques reculées n'a pas déclenché un effort coordonné pour la prévenir de manière plus efficace. L'appel lancé par Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) pour « formations » et «activités de sensibilisation » a été lié directement à des mesures de contrôle des infections immédiates visant à éviter le contact avec le virus Ebola, dont la transmission était déjà en plein essor. Ces mesures-barrières sont essentiellement ont peu changé depuis les premiers temps et consiste entre autres en un équipement de protection individuelle (EPI) inconfortable dans ces régions équatoriales. La chaleur et la sueur qui sévissent à l’intérieur de ces combinaisons limitent leur utilisation à de courts intervalles de maximum une heure, ce qui réduit à son tour la capacité des travailleurs de la santé de première ligne de prendre soin de leurs patients.

La nécessité d'un vaccin contre le virus Ebola L'ampleur de l'épidémie actuelle, la mortalité élevée associée, et la facilité de transmission du virus, a finalement abouti à un niveau élevé de préoccupation mondiale, et la nécessité d’un vaccin est devenue évidente. Mais les tentatives visant à développer un vaccin contre le virus Ebola ont commencé dans les années 1970, peu après que le virus a été identifié. Ces préparations consistaient en du virus inactivé par formol, de la chaleur, ou par irradiation. Ces vaccins ont été testés de différentes manières et sur différents animaux. Alors que 100% des souris immunisées par du virus irradié ont survécu à une dose léthale de virus Ebola, un tel effet protecteur n’a pas été observé chez des primates non humains (PNH). Ces derniers succombaient systématiquement à l’administration du virus, malgré le développement d’immunoglobulines G (IgG) spécifiques anti-EBOV et d’anticorps neutralisants en réponse à la vaccination.

Un vaccin à acide désoxyribonucléique (ADN) a été le premier type de vaccin pour obtenir une protection à 100% dans les PNH suite à l’administration d’une dose létale, mais sa capacité à protéger les humains n’a pas été démontrée. Les anticorps ont été induits chez quelques volontaires en phase I d'essai après l’administration de plusieurs doses de vaccins, et les titres ont chuté chez presque tous les participants en 24 semaines. Ce vaccin est considéré par ses développeurs aux National Institutes of Health (NIH) comme un «précurseur» du candidat vaccin NIH en cours, le ChAd3-EBOV, dérivé d’un adénovirus de chimpanzé. Il s’agit d’un vaccin vivant mais dont la réplication est défectueuse. Le ChAd3-EBOV a été testé chez l'homme pour la première fois en 2014 dans le cadre d’un essai ouvert à doses croissantes 9 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

incluant 20 volontaires, et peu de temps après à Lausanne, en Suisse, dans un grand essai randomisé, placebo-contrôlé, et en double-aveugle. En dépit de son incapacité à répliquer après un cycle infectieux, le vaccin a été très réactogène. Alors qu'il a permis de stimuler la production d'anticorps spécifiques EBOV, les titres ont chuté en 6 mois, comme c’était le cas dans les études sur les PNH (données non publiées).

Alors que l'ADN et des vaccins candidats à base d’un vecteur adénovirus ont été mis au point, un groupe canadien explore une approche différente: un vaccin vivant, réplication-compétent, dérivé du virus de la stomatite vésiculaire (VSV-EBOV).

Le vaccin VSV-EBOV Parmi les candidats vaccins contre le virus Ebola, le vaccin VSV-EBOV a sans doute suscité le plus d'excitation. Le vecteur vaccinal est le virus de la stomatite vésiculaire recombinant (VSV), clone XN2, dont la glycoprotéine enveloppe (VSV G) a été remplacée par la glycoprotéine d’un virus Zaïre Ebola (variant Kikwit, 1995) (ZEBOV-GP), donnant lieu à rVSVΔG- ZEBOV-GP (actuellement raccourci à "VSV- EBOV"). Toutes les autres fonctions VSV demeurent et aucune autre fonction du virus Ebola n’est inclus.

Des scientifiques de l'Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC) ont créé le vaccin au Laboratoire national de Micriobiologie à Winnipeg en 2001. Le PHAC possède le vaccin et son brevet. En 2010, les droits commerciaux ont été vendus à NewLink, une petite société de biotechnologie américaine, qui à son tour a vendu les droits à Merck en 2014 au sommet de l'épidémie 2013-2016.

Bien que les essais précliniques testant ce vaccin aient été couronnés de succès, montrant une protection de 100% des PNH après administration d’une dose létale de virus Ebola, aucun test humain n’avait eu lieu après la vente de ses droits commerciaux en 2010. Un essai de phase I, initialement prévu pour 2016 au Walter Reed Army Institute pour la recherche (WRAIR), a été avancé à 2014 dans le contexte de l'épidémie inattendue.

Le vecteur: le virus de la stomatite vésiculaire Le virus de la stomatite vésiculaire de type sauvage (VSVwt) est transmis par des insectes hématophages et infecte généralement le bétail. Elle est du nouveau monde et transmise parmi le bétail via morsures 10 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

de phlébotomes ou par contact direct avec des lésions vésiculaires. L'infection humaine avec VSVwt est rare et caractérisée par une période d'incubation de 2-6 jours, qui peut être asymptomatique ou se manifester par une maladie de type grippale (myalgie, céphalées, frissons), parfois avec une rhinopharyngite ou des vomissements, et rarement avec des vésicules sur la langue et les muqueuses buccales. L’infection par le VSV n’est donc généralement pas associée à une maladie grave chez l’humain. Aucune transmission interhumaine de VSVwt n'a été documentée. Pour ces raisons, le VSV est un vecteur attractif pour les chercheurs depuis plusieurs décennies.

Discussion Le Consortium VEBCON À la fin d’août 2014, après que l'OMS ait contacté le Prof. Laurent Kaiser, la Prof. Claire-Anne Siegrist a été rapidement inclue et, avec sa participation, les HUG ont accepté de se joindre à l'effort de l'OMS. Les enquêteurs de l'OMS et les HUG ont donc commencé à planifier les essais du vaccin expérimental dans un essai de phase I, basé à Genève.

En même temps, l'OMS a cherché des contacts en Afrique pour tester le vaccin sur ce continent. Bientôt le "VEBCON" (Vsv-EBov CONsortium) est né: quatre sites—Genève, Suisse; Hambourg, Allemagne; Kilifi, au Kenya; et Lambaréné, Gabon—procéderaient à des essais indépendants, mais en harmonisant les issues et en partageant les données, sous la coordination de l'OMS. Les autres membres du consortium étaient NewLink, qui s’est engagé en septembre 2014, et Merck, qui a acquis le brevet du vaccin deux mois plus tard.

Préparation, conception, et le lancement de l’essai genevois Grâce au dévouement de nombreux acteurs à la fois au sein et en dehors des HUG en cette période d'urgence, l’essai a été planifié, préparé, approuvé et lancé dans un délai record.

Objectifs de l'étude L'objectif primaire de sécurité était d'évaluer la sécurité et la tolérance du candidat vaccin VSV-EBOV lorsqu'il est administré à des volontaires sains à la dose de 107 pfu (initialement appelée «dose plus faible») et une dose de 5 x 107 pfu ("haute dose"). Après l’interruption transitoire de l’étude en raison 11 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

d’effets secondaires (cf. ci-dessous), l'objectif de sécurité principal lors de sa reprise était d'évaluer la sécurité et la tolérance du vaccin candidat à la «très faible dose" de 3 x 105 pfu.

L'objectif de l'immunogénicité primaire était de déterminer si les taux d’anticorps différaient significativement après immunisation avec ces différentes doses de VSV-EBOV. Les objectifs secondaires étaient d'évaluer l'immunogénicité cellulaire et humorale du vaccin lorsqu'il est administré à des volontaires sains à 107 pfu, 5 x 107 pfu et 3 x 105 pfu.

Les critères d'inclusion L'étude a inclus des volontaires adultes en bonne santé âgés de 18 - 65 ans. Les femmes enceintes, les personnes immunodéprimées et les personnes ayant un contact régulier avec du bétail étaient exclus.

Phase de rodage Etant donné qu'au moment du lancement de l'étude, le vaccin n'avait pas encore été systématiquement testé chez l'homme à une dose supérieure à 3 x 106 pfu, l’essai de Genève a commencé avec un groupe de rodage pour maximiser la sécurité : la dose de 107 pfu a été injectée aux 19 premiers sujets de manière ouverte (sans insu), avec une période d'observation d'une semaine et un rapport de sécurité sur les événements indésirables immédiats, avant le début de la phase de randomisation.

Les résultats des essais Le recrutement a commencé le 3 novembre 2014; le premier volontaire a été vacciné une semaine plus tard. La période de rodage initial s’étant déroulée sans incident, la phase de randomisation a commencé le 24 novembre comme prévu. Au début du mois de décembre, cependant, quatre volontaires ont présenté des mono- ou oligoarthrites. Les investigateurs ont suspendu l’étude le 9 décembre 2014 pour effectuer des bilans approfondis et observer l’évolution clinique des personnes touchées. Ces données sont décrites en détail ci-dessous. En fin de compte, les investigateurs ont choisi de reprendre l'étude le 5 janvier pour tester une seule dose très réduite du vaccin (3 x 105 pfu), étant donné qu'aucune arthrite n’avait été observée à Lambaréné, au Gabon, où des doses plus faibles ont été testées. Malheureusement, 13/51 (29%) des bénévoles de ce groupe "très faible dose" ont également présenté des arthrites.


Les résultats de sécurité et d'immunogénicité sont brièvement résumés ici; ils sont décrits en détail dans les deux publications qui suivent: « Phase I Trials of rVSV Ebola Vaccine in Africa and Europe » et «The effect of dose on the safety and immunogenicity of the VSV Ebola candidate vaccine: a randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 1/2 trial ».

La sécurité du vaccin Aucun événement indésirable grave associé au vaccin n’a été observé. La vaccination à haute dose (≥107 pfu) conduit à une virémie détectable chez presque tous les sujets vaccinés et à une dissémination virale avec arthrite secondaire dans jusqu'à 22% des vaccinés de Genève. Avec la reprise de l’essai, une réduction de dose importante à 3 x 105 pfu a nettement diminué la virémie et la réactogénicité, mais n'a pas empêché la diffusion virale au niveau articulaire et cutané conduisant à des cas d'arthrite, de dermatite et de vasculite.

Une réduction de la dose de VSV-EBOV de 5 x 107 pfu ou 107 pfu à 3 x 105 pfu a également réduit la fréquence et l'ampleur de la virémie transitoire du virus vaccinal. Qu’il s’agisse d’une conséquence directe de l’infection virale ou d’une réponse immune, ce qui est actuellement impossible à distinguer, l'activation des monocytes (défini par l'expression CD169) était moindre chez les sujets vaccinés avec la faible dose, et l'apparition de la réactogénicité aiguë a été considérablement retardée. Ainsi, la manière dont le vaccin vecteur VSV-EBOV réplique diffère de celle des vaccins vivants atténués classiques. Des analyses approfondies des réponses innées, actuellement en cours, sont nécessaire pour comprendre les corrélations entre la dose VSV-EBOV, la virémie et la réplication virale périphérique, l'activation immunitaire et l'apparition des symptômes inflammatoires.

En dépit de la réduction de la dose de VSV-EBOV à la reprise de l’essai, le vaccin est resté tout aussi arthritogène, la mise en évidence d'ARN du vecteur vaccinal dans le liquide synovial confirmant la présence du virus dans les articulations. Les résultats de l'arthrite et d’atteinte cutanée ne sont donc pas dose-dépendants, mais intrinsèques au VSV-EBOV. Ces effets ne sont pas signalés à la suite d’une infection à VSV de type sauvage ou d’une vaccination avec un VSV recombiné avec des inserts non-EBOV- GP, alors qu’une polyarthralgie est fréquente après la maladie Ebolavirus, suggérant que des réactions immunitaires à l’antigène EBOV-GP contenu dans VSV-EBOV au sein des articulations infectées. L'arthrite n'a pas été signalée comme effet secondaire après immunisation avec le vaccin ChAd3-EBOV, exprimant 13 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

pourtant la même protéine GP, suggérant un rôle physiopathologique de la réplication virale. Notre hypothèse actuelle est que l’EBOV-GP fortement exprimé permet l'entrée de VSV-EBOV dans les monocytes dans le sang, qui le transportent aux articulations, où la réplication se produit et l'inflammation locale est déclenchée et continue jusqu'à ce que les antigènes viraux sont finalement éliminés par le système immunitaire.

Les résultats d'immunogénicité Nous avons également observé un effet de dose sur l'immunogénicité du VSV-EBOV. Les titres d'anticorps anti-EBOV-GP y compris d’anticorps neutralisants étaient significativement plus faibles chez les bénéficiaires de la « très faible dose » (3 x 105 pfu). Jusqu'à ce que les corrélats de protection contre EBOV soient établis, toute prédiction quant à savoir si cette réduction des titres d'anticorps aurait un effet néfaste sur la protection reste spéculative. Les sensibilités des différents tests de détection d’anticorps varient considérablement, et les corrélations entre les titres d'anticorps induits chez les PNH et les humains immunisés par le VSV-EBOV n’ont pas encore été établies. De même, les comparaisons entre les réponses immunitaires provoquées chez l'homme par le VSV-EBOV et le vaccin ChAd3 font encore défaut. À des doses élevées (≥107 et 2 x 1011 pfu, respectivement), les deux vaccins semblent induire des réponses EBOV-GP-spécifiques initiales d'une ampleur similaire. Un avantage de VSV-EBOV, qui a contribué à sa sélection pour d'autres essais en Afrique de l'Ouest, est son potentiel attendu comme un vaccin à dose unique.

La fin d'un essai - et le début de tout L’essai, dont la période de suivi a été prolongée de six à 12 mois après l'émergence d'arthrites liées au vaccin, s’est terminé dans les délais prévus le 26 janvier 2016. A ce moment, tous les cas d'arthrite étaient résolus. Pas d'autres incidents de sécurité ont été détectés dans la période post-vaccination de 12 mois. Les données de durabilité immunitaire à six mois étaient extrêmement prometteuses ; les analyses de 12 mois sont en cours. Des analyses exploratoires des réponses innées sont également en cours, nous permettant de nous rapprocher de la compréhension de comment et pourquoi certains vaccinés ont vécu une dissémination du virus vaccinal, alors que d’autres non (manuscrit en préparation).

Notre population d'étude est tout à fait unique; il s’agit des premiers volontaires dans le monde qui ont 14 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

été randomisés au vaccin VSV-EBOV. Ceux qui ont reçu le vaccin (quelle que soit la dose) et ont complété le suivi (n = 100) seront bientôt invités à participer à une étude de cohorte observationnelle prospective qui sera lancée en novembre 2016 et qui a pour but l’évaluation de la durabilité immunitaire dans les cinq ans suivant la vaccination.

Le vaccin VSV-EBOV a été sélectionné pour des essais de phase 3 en Guinée, en Sierra Leone et au Libéria. Il est également désormais utilisé par l'OMS dans une stratégie opérationnelle de vaccination en anneau chaque fois que des cas supplémentaires de la MVE sont diagnostiqués. Une évaluation plus précise de son innocuité et son efficacité est nécessaire dans ces populations cibles. Etant donné que des symptômes transitoires d’intensité légère n’auraient pas un impact important sur l'utilisation d'un vaccin efficace contre le virus Ebola. Afin de s’en assurer et de permettre le développement ultérieur de VSV- EBOV, une caractérisation plus poussée de la fréquence et de la gravité des symptômes liés à des arthrites, dermatites ou vasculites (ou leurs séquelles, le cas échéant) dans les populations africaines sera critique.


1 Prelude to a phase I, first-in-human clinical trial: the Ebola virus and the 2013 – 2016 epidemic

1.1. The Ebola virus Ebola virus (EBOV), formerly designated the Zaire Ebola virus, belongs to the genus Ebolavirus, which, with the Cuevavirus and Marburgvirus genera, forms the Filoviridae family. Ebola virus is an enveloped, pleomorphic, negative-sense ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus whose genome is 19 kb long and encodes only seven proteins3 (Figure 1).

1.2 Ebola virus disease The virus was first described in 1976 after simultaneous outbreaks occurred in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is named after the Congolese Ebola River, which flows near the village where the outbreak occurred.4 As is now well known, the virus causes a severe Figure 1. An Ebola virus virion seen on and often lethal hemorrhagic fever known as Ebola virus colorized transmission electron micrograph. (CDC Public Health Image Library, #10816). disease (EVD) in humans and other mammals.4

Pathogenesis and immunogenicity The pathogenesis of Ebola virus and the host’s immune response have not been fully elucidated. Exposure and infection occur through close contact with skin and secretory products from infected animals or other humans. Viral particles then enter the body through lymphatic and/or blood vessels.5 The first cells to be infected are antigen-presenting cells (APC) such as macrophages and dendritic cells. The role of monocytes, the most abundant blood-borne APC, has been somewhat controversial, with some early studies indicating productive monocyte infection6 and others reporting monocytic resistance to EBOV GP-mediated entry.7 Most recently, it was shown that both observations might be correct. Freshly isolated monocytes are indeed initially refractory to EBOV entry, but EBOV binds to these cells and later exploits their differentiation programs: during division and differentiation, EBOV is able to down-regulate viral entry restriction factors such as interferon-inducible transmembrane proteins and up-regulate the expression of critical EBOV entry factors such as cathepsin B and endosomal proteins.8


Monocytes, dendritic cells, and macrophages are probably responsible for the viral dissemination and systemic infection that occur after first contact with EBOV. Hepatocytes, endothelial cells, fibroblasts and epithelial cells are targeted for further, intensive viral replication in secondary lymphoid organs, spleen and the liver.5 A dysregulation of the innate immune response and adaptive immunity characterize fatal filovirus infections. The infection of macrophages and monocytes leads to an aberrant release of soluble inflammatory cytokines known to be involved in the recruitment of additional macrophages to infected areas as well as increased levels tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1, and other elements involved in cytokine storms.5 Focal infiltrates in the lamina propria of the gastrointestinal tract are found in patients with EVD, while in the liver, hepatonecrosis is seen, with steatosis and viral inclusions. Renal insufficiency is a result of acute tubular necrosis rather than direct inflammation.5

The highly expressed envelope glycoprotein GP also contributes to the virus’s pathogenicity. The gene (G) for the glycoprotein actually encodes three proteins of different sizes: the full-length 676-residue surface glycoprotein (GP1,2), the 364-residue pre-secreted glycoprotein (pre-sGP), and the 298-residue small secreted glycoprotein (ssGP). GP1,2 is produced as a result of a slippage or stuttering by the viral polymerase at the editing site in the G gene. This adds an eighth adenosine residue to the transcribed mRNA, overriding the premature end to GP transcription, and allowing for the fusion of the two separate open reading frames, which results in the mRNA’s encoding GP1,2. The unedited mRNA transcripts lead to the production of secreted (or soluble) glycoprotein (sGP), whereas the addition of two additional adenosine residues during this process (resulting in nine adenosines) leads to the production of ssGP, a secreted N-glycosylated homodimer, whose function remains unclear.9 Experimental data for the G gene show that the transcripts coding for these proteins (sGP: GP1,2:ssGP) are produced at a ratio of 71:24:5 in Vero E6 cells, confirming previous data showing that sGP is the main product resulting from G transcription (although this ratio has never been confirmed at the protein level).9 sGP seems to be involved in immune suppression by inactivation of neutrophils10 and activation of endothelial cells.11 Full- length GP (GP1,2) also seems to be pathogenic through its mucin domain, with the induction of cytotoxic effects in human epithelial cells.12

A primary antibody response (IgM) can be detected in the blood of infected persons 2 to 9 days after infection, while IgG antibodies appear approximately 17 to 25 days after infection. This IgG response


coincides with the recovery phase. In survivors of EVD, both humoral and cellular immunity are detected; their relative contribution to protection in humans is still not fully understood, however.3

Clinical manifestations Until 2013, the Ebola virus had probably never infected more than a few thousand humans.13 Its acute and post-acute clinical course was thus poorly characterized. The incubation period of EVD is 2 to 21 days (7 days on average, depending on the strain) and is followed by a severe, acute illness often characterized by the rapid onset of nonspecific symptoms such as fever, extreme fatigue, pharyngitis, gastrointestinal complaints, abdominal pain, anorexia, headache, myalgia and/or arthralgia. Classically, these initial symptoms last for about 2 to 7 days, after which more severe symptoms related to hemorrhagic fever occur, including hemorrhagic rash, epistaxis, mucosal bleeding, hematuria, hemoptysis, hematemesis, melena, conjunctival hemorrhage, tachypnea, confusion, somnolence, and hearing loss. Of note, however, clinical manifestations in the current epidemic have tended toward fewer hemorrhagic complications: unexplained bleeding has been reported in only 18% of patients, most often blood in the stool (roughly 6%).14 Laboratory findings include leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and elevated liver enzymes.15 In general, symptoms last for about 7 to 14 days, after which recovery may occur. Death can occur 6 to 16 days after the onset of symptoms, and mortality rates in some outbreaks have been as high as 90%.15-17 There is no licensed therapy for EVD.

Until the current outbreak, little was known about EVD survivors. It is becoming increasingly clear that many, if not a majority of survivors continue to suffer from long-term sequelae such as chronic arthralgias and arthritis, ocular disorders including uveitis, and mental health disturbances.18 Most recently, and perhaps most alarmingly, a nurse who had presumably made a full recovery after contracting the disease in Sierra Leone developed acute meningitis nine months later. Ebola virus was detected by PCR in her cerebrospinal fluid.19

1.3 Transmission of Ebola virus Initial transmission of Ebola virus to humans is not yet fully understood, but appears to be due to incidental exposure to infected animals.16,20,21 Ebola virus then causes outbreaks through person-to- person transmission, with infection resulting from direct contact with blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and indirect contact with environments contaminated by such fluids.15 18 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

22 23 Ebola virus’s basic reproduction number (Ro) prior to 2013 ranged from 1.3 to 2.7; estimates for the current outbreak vary but generally lie between 1.51 and 2.53.24

People remain infectious as long as their blood and secretions contain the virus; the upper limit of viral persistence still has not been determined. In one man infected in a laboratory, the virus was isolated from semen 61 days after the onset of illness.15 Among five survivors of the current outbreak, RNA and infectious EBOV were detected in semen by real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and virus culture as long as 290 days and 70 days, respectively, after the onset of EVD symptoms.25 One patient who had ostensibly recovered from EVD was subsequently found to have severe unilateral uveitis during convalescence; viable Ebola virus was detected in his aqueous humor 14 weeks after the onset of EVD and nine weeks after the clearance of viremia.26

The high infectivity of blood and secretions puts frontline workers at particularly high risk during outbreaks, and direct contact with the bodies of deceased victims can also have a role in the transmission of the virus. Currently there is no approved prevention for EVD beyond basic, horizontal infection control measures.

1.4 The 2013 – 2016 Ebola virus epidemic The current EVD outbreak was first recognized in Guinea in March 2014, but began in that country in December 2013.27 As of this writing, the epidemic has caused 28,646 documented infections and, among them, 11,323 deaths, leading to an official overall case fatality rate of 40%.28 It is believed, however, that these figures vastly underrepresent the true scale of the epidemic, and in certain areas mortality was over 70%.29 The disease has touched the African countries of Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone as well as the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Norway, Switzerland, Spain and the United States; in the latter two, nosocomial transmission occurred (Figure 2).


The current epidemic is the first to occur on the West African subcontinent, and local healthcare systems and economies were ill equipped to deal with its scope. As the outbreak spread, many hospitals became overwhelmed and closed, leaving other medical needs untreated. There is thus an “additional death toll” that is difficult to quantify, but may have exceeded that of the outbreak itself.30

International medical organizations, most notably Médecins sans Frontières

(MSF), began to sound the Figure 2. Worldwide EVD cases in 2015 ( alarm as early as March 2014, characterizing this epidemic as unprecedented in its mobility and scope. By June, MSF was forced to turn EVD patients away from its overwhelmed clinic in Monrovia, Liberia. In a damning report issued a year later by the organization, its director of operations recalled, “We raised the alarm publicly again on 21 June, declaring that the epidemic was out of control and that we could not respond to the large number of new cases and locations alone. We called for qualified medical staff to be deployed, for trainings to be organized, and for contact tracing and awareness-raising activities to be stepped up. But effectively none of these things followed our appeal for help. It was like shouting into a desert.”31

The epidemic continued to advance. On 8 August 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) ultimately declared the epidemic to be a “public health emergency of international concern.”

1.5 Prevention of Ebola virus transmission: still in the Dark Ages As described above, there is no approved prevention for EVD beyond basic, horizontal infection control measures. A disease that, before the current epidemic, had infected relatively few people in only remote geographic regions had not triggered any coordinated effort to prevent it. The call by MSF for “trainings to be organized” and “awareness-raising activities to be stepped up” related directly to immediate 20 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

infection control measures aimed at avoiding contact with infectious Ebola virus—whose transmission was already in full swing. These barrier measures are essentially crude and little changed from earlier times: cumbersome, full-body “personal protective equipment” (PPE) is necessary in these equatorial regions. The heat and ensuing perspiration limit the use of PPE to short intervals of 20 to 30 minutes, which in turn reduces frontline workers’ ability to care for their patients.

2 The need for an effective Ebola vaccine

Fortunately scientists almost always embark on vaccine development as soon as a pathogen is identified. Stanley Plotkin, 201632

The scale of the current epidemic, which has grimly showcased the virus’s high mortality and ease of transmission, ultimately resulted in a high level of global concern. But there has long been concern on a governmental level. Viruses in the Filoviridae family are categorized as potential threats for use as biological weapons due to their relatively rapid dissemination and transmission and their high mortality. Currently, no effective therapies or FDA-licensed vaccines exist for any member of the Filoviridae family of viruses. Development of an effective vaccine against the Ebola virus would maximize the safety of those at greatest risk of disease during outbreaks and, in the event of successful mass vaccination campaigns, prevent further such outbreaks.

2.1 State of the art: Ebola vaccine development through 2014 Attempts to develop an Ebola vaccine began in the 1970s shortly after the virus was identified. These used formalin- or heat-inactivated virus preparations. While initial challenge experiments with immunized guinea pigs appeared successful, the use of wild-type EBOV in the challenge (as opposed to a guinea-pig adapted variant) led to doubts about true vaccine efficacy, as less than a third of non- immunized control animals succumbed to lethal challenge.33 Later experiments utilized irradiated EBOV, which apparently overcame this problem in small animal challenges, but introduced the next hurdle: while immunized mice were 100% protected, the protection did not extend to non-human primates (NHP). These animals failed lethal challenge although that they had developed anti-EBOV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) and neutralizing antibodies in response to vaccination.34,35


A deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) vaccine was the first vaccine type to achieve 100% protection in NHPs after lethal challenge, but its ability to protect humans is dubious. Antibodies were induced in only some volunteers in phase I testing after several vaccine administrations, and titers dropped in almost all participants within 24 weeks.36,37 This vaccine is considered by its developers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to be a “precursor” to the current NIH vaccine candidate, the live, replication-deficient, chimpanzee-adenovirus-vectored vaccine (chAd3-EBOV). The chAd3-EBOV was tested in humans for the first time in 2014 in an open-label, dose-escalation trial with 20 volunteers38 and shortly thereafter in Lausanne, Switzerland, in a large, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.39 Despite its inability to replicate after one infectious cycle, the vaccine was highly reactogenic. While it did stimulate the production of EBOV-specific antibodies, titers fell sharply by 6 months, as they had in NHP studies (unpublished data).

While DNA and adenovirus-vectored vaccine candidates were being developed, a Canadian group was exploring a different approach: a live, recombinant, replication-competent vaccine candidate with the vesicular stomatitis virus as its vector (VSV-EBOV).

3 The VSV-EBOV vaccine

Among vaccine candidates against Ebola, the VSV-EBOV vaccine has arguably generated the most excitement. The vaccine vector is a single recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) wild type (wt) isolate (clone XN2) whose envelope glycoprotein (VSV G) was replaced with the Zaire (Kikwit, 1995) strain Ebola virus glycoprotein (ZEBOV-GP), giving rise to rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP (currently shortened to “VSV-EBOV”). All other VSV functions remain and no other Ebola virus Figure 3. The structure of the VSV-EBOV vaccine.2 functions are included.


3.1 History of the VSV-EBOV vaccine, including its journey to Geneva Steven Jones, Heinz Feldmann, and Ute Stroeher, scientists working at the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), created the vaccine as in their biosafety work at the National Micriobiology Laboratory in Winnipeg in 2001.40 The PHAC owns the vaccine and the patent on it. In 2010, it licensed the vaccine to NewLink, a small U.S. biotech company, which in turn licensed the rights to Merck in 2014 at the peak of the current epidemic.

Although the vaccine had completed preclinical testing with rare success, protecting 100% of NHP lethally challenged with Ebola virus, after the sale of its commercial rights in 2010 no human testing had occurred. A phase I trial was slated to take place in 2016 at Walter Reed Army Institute for Research (WRAIR); this was ultimately fast-tracked in 2014 in the context of the unexpected outbreak.

While NewLink held the commercial rights to the vaccine, PHAC retained intellectual property rights—as well as several hundred vials of GMP-grade vaccine. In August 2014, as the Ebola epidemic grew increasingly out of control, the PHAC publicly donated 800 of these vials to the World Health Organization. Within a few weeks, WHO contacted Prof. Laurent Kaiser, chairman of the Service for Infectious Diseases at the University Hospital of Geneva (HUG), and requested collaboration in the launch of a first-in-human phase I trial to test the safety and immunogenicity of this experimental vaccine candidate.

3.2 Overview of the vector: the vesicular stomatitis virus Wild-type vesicular stomatitis virus (VSVwt) is transmitted by blood-feeding insects and typically infects livestock. It is transmitted among livestock by biting sandflies or direct contact with vesicular lesions. Human infection with VSVwt is rare and characterized by an incubation period of 2-6 days, which may remain asymptomatic or be followed by an influenza-like illness (malaise, myalgia, headache, chills), occasionally with rhinopharyngitis or vomiting, and rarely with vesicles on the tongue and buccal mucosae.41 Human VSV infection is thus not typically associated with serious disease. Person-to-person transmission of VSVwt has not been documented.


For these reasons, VSV has been an attractive vector to scientists for many decades. In the laboratory, VSV has been engineered to target cancer cells or stimulate immunity against influenza and human- immunodeficiency virus (HIV).42

Encephalitis is not a feature of natural VSV infection,43 but neurological lesions have been observed in rodents, livestock and non-human primates (NHP) following direct intracerebral VSVwt inoculation. These experimental models have demonstrated that the neurovirulence of VSVwt is strictly dependent upon the VSV G protein: neural tissue lesions were only observed in NHP injected intrathalamically with VSVwt, but not with VSV-EBOV.43 To date, no neurovirulence following VSV-EBOV vaccination has been observed.

Arthritis caused by wild-type VSV has not been described.

Importantly, in vivo virus replication of VSV-EBOV is significantly attenuated by the substitution of the VSV G with EBOV G protein: pre-clinical data from NHP and individuals who have received the vaccine for post-exposure prophylaxis indicated that the replication of the vaccine virus lasts approximately 2 days.44,45 But despite in vivo attenuation, VSV-EBOV vaccine virus maintains the capacity to replicate in vitro and can thus be produced at high titers in VERO cells.

3.3 The rationale for moving VSV-EBOV into clinical trials As described above, the low pathogenicity of VSVwt and the further attenuation of the virus through the deletion of the glycoprotein (GP) made this vaccine design attractive.

Lack of reassortment & cytosolic replication In addition, VSV is considered a promising vaccine vector because its simple 12 kb RNA genome does not undergo reassortment and therefore lacks the potential for reassorting with wt viruses. It replicates in the cytosol and cannot integrate into host cell DNA. Moreover attenuated VSV-based vaccine vectors


expressing foreign proteins induce potent immune responses and protect against viral and bacterial disease in several animal models, including in nonhuman primates.46,47

High expression of EBOV-GP Another strength is that cells infected with VSV-EBOV express particularly large quantities of the EBOV envelope gylcoprotein GP, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence staining. This is likely the basis of their potent immunogenicity. Indeed, antibodies to EBOV-GP are considered essential in protection against EBOV (see below).

Modification of soluble EBOV-GP As described above, the release of high quantities of soluble EBOV-GP (sGP) during EBOV infection plays a crucial role in disease manifestations, which include inflammatory dysregulation, loss of vascular integrity and viral escape through immune suppression.4 The pathogenic functions attributed to sGP are debated but are likely to include cytotoxicity,40 immunosuppressive properties (interference with type I interferon responses and T-cell activation, T-cell apoptosis, reduced Th1 and increased IL-10 cytokine production, interference with neutrophil activation),40 loss of adherence properties and endothelial dysfunction.12 To mitigate this risk, VSV-EBOV was engineered to contain the 8A variant of the EBOV G gene (the authentic EBOV has 7As at this position). This results in the exclusive expression of full-length GP and no expression of the soluble GP. Accordingly:

• The preclinical evaluation of a panel of EBOV-GP-expressing constructs identified no sign of immunosuppression; rather, it elicited potent protective anti-GP immune responses. • There was no difference in tolerability between VSV-EBOV-GP and VSV-Lassa-GP. • The preclinical evaluation of a large variety of vectors expressing EBOV-GP identified no evidence of coagulopathy, cytopenia, alterations of liver function or other observable toxicities, including in NHP (see below). • The post-exposure administration of VSV-EBOV was not associated with any adverse outcomes in NHP (see below).


Pre-clinical data: safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP in NHP The characteristics of the VSV-EBOV vaccine were reviewed before its testing and use in the current epidemic47 and are detailed below.

Protection against disease was first reported in NHP in 2005: a single intramuscular (IM) injection of ≥ 107 pfu of VSVΔG/ZEBOV-GP elicited completely protective immune responses against lethal EBOV challenge.46 Notably vaccine vector shedding was not detectable in the monkeys and none of the animals developed fever or other symptoms of illness associated with vaccination. The EBOV vaccine induced humoral and cellular immune responses in all vaccinated monkeys. No evidence of EBOV replication was detected in any of the protected animals after challenge. A 50% protection (4/8 macaques) was reported following post-exposure vaccination with VSV-EBOV as late as 20-30 min after lethal challenge with Zaire stain Ebola virus.4 In 2008, the protective capacity of VSV-EBOV was evaluated against aerosol challenge: all macaques were completely protected whereas all control animals succumbed.40 In 2009, 11 cynomolgus monkeys were vaccinated with a vaccine consisting of equal parts of vaccine vectors encoding for the Sudan, Zaire or Côte d’Ivoire EBOV GP proteins. Again, none of the vaccinated macaques succumbed to filovirus challenge with these strains.12

Safety in immunocompromised hosts such as HIV-infected patients was evaluated in six rhesus macaques infected with simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV). None of the six animals showed evidence of illness following VSV-EBOV vaccination, and four of six SHIV-infected macaques (those with the highest CD4+ counts) were protected from death following EBOV challenge.20 That immune competence is not required to control VSV-EBOV was confirmed by the lack of symptoms following the injection of severely immunocompromised mice with 2 x 105 pfu/ml, i.e., 10 times greater than the normal mouse immunization dose.21 These observations indicated that viral replication was terminated by innate immunity through the induction of an antiviral state in VSVwt-infected cells, as a result of a strong induction of type I interferons, long before the onset of B and T cell responses.

Potential for protection against, newly emerging, phylogenetically related strains was assessed by immunizing macaques with VSV-EBOV prior to challenge with Bundibugyo (BEBOV), a newly discovered species in the Ebolavirus genus. A single vaccination provided cross-protection (75% survival), suggesting that monovalent VSV-based vaccines may be useful against a newly emerging species.48 26 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

The lack of neurovirulence of VSV-EBOV in NHP was demonstrated in 2012, as summarized above.49

The immune mechanisms of protection conferred by VSVΔG/ZEBOV-GP were defined in groups of cynomolgus macaques which were depleted of specific immune cells before and during vaccination with rVSV/ZEBOV-GP, prior to challenge. CD8+ T cell responses were elicited by immunization but CD8+ T cell- depleted animals survived. CD4+ T cell depletion abrogated both the induction of anti-GP antibodies and vaccine protection. However, CD4+ T cell depletion only at time of challenge resulted in the survival of immunized animals, indicating a minimal role for CD4+ T-cell immunity and a critical role for antibodies in rVSV-mediated protection against ZEBOV.23

Among all of these studies, which include roughly 80 NHP vaccinated with VSV-vectored vaccines targeting filoviruses, adverse clinical symptoms were not identified post-vaccination, even in immunocompromised animals. Significant changes in hematology and blood chemistry were also not observed. The NHP vaccinated with VSV-EBOV consistently exhibited only low-level (101 - 104 pfu/ml) and transient (day 2) recombinant VSV viremia. Vaccine virus could be detected only by means of PCR; attempts at virus isolation were unsuccessful. In all animals, infectious viral shedding was never observed.

Clinical data in humans before phase I testing Prior to the launch of the Geneva phase I VSV-EBOV vaccine trial, clinical experience with VSV-EBOV was limited. At that time, only three people worldwide were on record as having received the vaccine. The first was a laboratory worker who experienced a needlestick injury during an animal experiment in the (BSL) 4 laboratory of Hamburg, Germany, in March 2009. The syringe contained EBOV mixed with Freund's adjuvant. A single dose of VSV-EBOV (5 × 107 pfu) was injected 48 hours after the accident. The vaccinee developed fever 12 hours later and low-level VSV viremia was detectable by PCR for 2 days. Infection with EBOV was not confirmed, precluding any conclusion related to protective efficacy. However, blood chemistry, coagulation, and hematology parameters remained in the normal range and the person remained healthy.45


In addition, two healthcare workers were vaccinated post-needlestick injury in the current outbreak. Both received a high post-exposure dose of 1 x 108 pfu. The first had no symptoms and transient VSV viremia (< 1 day) appearing 1 day after vaccination. The other had transient fever (40° C) with chills the day after vaccination. Neither contracted EVD, and no other adverse events were reported (personal communication).

4 The Geneva VSV-EBOV phase I trial: preparation and launch

4.1 The VEBCON Consortium In late August 2014, after WHO contacted Prof. Kaiser, Prof. Claire-Anne Siegrist was quickly brought on board and, with her participation, HUG agreed to join WHO’s effort. Investigators from WHO and the HUG thus began planning the testing of the experimental vaccine in a phase I Geneva-based trial. Simultaneously, WHO sought contacts in Africa for phase I testing there. Soon the “VEBCON” (Vsv-EBov Consortium) was born: four clinical sites—Geneva, Switzerland; Hamburg, Germany; Kilifi, Kenya; and Lambaréné, Gabon—would conduct independent trials but with endpoint harmonization and data sharing, under the coordination of WHO. Other members of the Consortium were NewLink, which pledged cooperation in September 2014, and Merck, which acquired the vaccine license from NewLink two months later.

Figure 4. Timeline to the Geneva trial launch and first safety and immunogenicity results.


4.2 Geneva trial preparation, design & launch Due to the unparalleled dedication of many players both within and beyond the HUG in this time of emergency, the trial was planned, prepared, approved and launched with unprecedented alacrity (Figure 4). This swiftness did not, however, imply that the approvals process, both at the level of two ethics committees (Geneva Canton Ethics Commission, CCER, and WHO’s Ethics Review Committee) and the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic), was an easy one. While the trial was indeed fast- tracked given the level of international concern during the epidemic’s peak, members of these entities performed the work with their usual thoroughness and rigor—if not more, as trial documents were unusually complex. As an example, there were eight different iterations of the informed consent document: that for deployable vs. non-deployable volunteers (explained below), run-in group vs. randomized volunteers, and English vs. French-speaking volunteers.

Study objectives The primary safety objective was initially to assess the safety and tolerability of the VSV-EBOV vaccine candidate when administered to healthy volunteers at a dose of 107 pfu (initially called the “lower dose”) and a dose of 5 x 107 pfu (“higher dose”). After the safety-driven study hold described below, the primary safety objective was to assess the safety and tolerability of the vaccine candidate at the “very low dose” of 3 x 105 pfu.

The primary immunogenicity objective was to determine whether seroresponses differed significantly following immunization with these different doses of VSV-EBOV.

Secondary objectives were to assess the cellular and humoral immunogenicity of the Ebola Zaire vaccine BPSC1001 when administered to healthy volunteers at 107 pfu, 5 x 107 pfu and 3 x 105 pfu.

The following parameters have been/are being assessed: • GMTs of ZEBOV-specific IgG antibodies measured by ELISA at day 0, 7, 14, 28, 84, 168 and 365 after immunization (all subjects, but the deployable were allowed to leave after day 14 and provide a serum sample as soon as possible after day 28 and for days 168 and 365)


• Seroconversion rates for ZEBOV-specific IgG antibodies at day 0, 7, 14, 28, 84, 168 and 365 after immunization (idem) • Geometric mean titers (GMTs) of ZEBOV-specific neutralizing antibodies at day 0, 7, 14, 28, 84, 168 and 365 after immunization • Frequency and phenotype of ZEBOV-specific T cell responses at day 0, 14, 28, 168 and 365 after immunization

Trial design The Geneva trial was designed to be of the highest methodologic quality: a randomized, double-blind (Figure 5), placebo-controlled, dose-finding trial. It was the largest of the four VEBCON trials, with 100 planned vaccinees. But funding for the study, later secured from Wellcome Trust by WHO, was limited; WHO could approve resources for only around 15 placebo volunteers. In addition, many deemed it unethical to randomize volunteers who might be deploying to Ebola-affected regions (“deployable”) to placebo. Thus two separate randomization schemes were designed: one for the deployable, who would be randomized to either dose of vaccine, and one for the non-deployable (local volunteers with no immediate risk for Ebola exposure), who would be randomized to either dose of vaccine or placebo (Figure 5).


Figure 5. Geneva trial’s study design before (upper panel) and after (lower panel) the safety- driven study hold.

Determination of sample size A sample size calculation (based on the preliminary immunogenicity of another EBOV-GP construct, ChAd3) indicated that 74-124 subjects per vaccine dose would be needed to demonstrate a ≥ 2-fold difference in ZEBOV-GP antibody titers. Thus the overall goal of the VEBCON Consortium was to collect safety and immunogenicity data on roughly 200 VSV-EBOV-immunized subjects (+ controls). This initially included: • 30 volunteers enrolled in a dose-escalation (3 x 106, 2 x 107, 5 x 107 pfu) study led by the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany • 60 volunteers enrolled in a randomized dose-selection (3 x 105, 3 x 106, 2 x 107 pfu) study in Lambarene, Gabon • 40 volunteers enrolled in a randomized dose-selection (3 x 106 and 107 pfu) study in Kilifi, Kenya • 115 volunteers enrolled in a randomized, placebo-controlled, dose-selection (107, 5 x 107 pfu) study in the HUG

These data were then combined with those from two US trials, each enrolling roughly 40 volunteers in a dose-escalation (3 x 106, 2 x 107, 108 pfu), single-administration study conducted by WRAIR and a two-


dose, prime-boost study conducted by NIAID and NIH, in order to determine the optimal dose for phase 3 testing of the vaccine in the field. (For field studies, the dose of 2 x 107pfu was ultimately chosen.)

Entry criteria The study included healthy, adult volunteers aged 18 – 65 years. Pregnant women, immunosuppressed persons, and those with regular contact with livestock were not eligible.

Run-in phase Because at the time of study launch, the vaccine had not yet been systematically tested in humans at a dose higher than 3 x 106 pfu, the Geneva trial opened with a protocol-stipulated run-in group, in which the dose of 107 pfu was given open-label to the first four participants, with an observation period of one week and a planned safety report on immediate adverse events before the randomization phase could commence. Although this run-in safety analysis reported no serious or other significant or unexpected adverse events, Swissmedic then recommended extending the run-in group to the next 15 volunteers scheduled for injection. Thus the first planned interim safety analysis covered 19 subjects receiving 107 pfu open-label.

Selection of doses At the time of study launch, preclinical observations indicated that VSV-EBOV was ready to undergo trial in humans, but the optimal human dose was still unknown:

o Robust protection was seen with macaques only at doses ≥ 107 pfu, and up to 1 x 108 pfu was given with no safety concerns o The few humans immunized post-exposure received ≤ 5 x 107 pfu with no reported grade 3 or serious adverse events o Using a lower dose (107 pfu) would reduce the costs and double the number of potential vaccinees during a period of limited vaccine production

Because among all Consortium studies, the Geneva trial was likely to have the most deployable volunteers (with a relatively increased risk of Ebola exposure), it was decided that Geneva should test 32 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

the Consortium’s “highest” doses. Thus WHO thus asked for 107 pfu and 5 x 107 pfu to be tested. The decision to lower the vaccine dose substantially after the trial hold is discussed in more detail below.

Selection and timing of dose Preclinical observations suggested that a single injection of VSV-EBOV at the doses described above would be sufficient to induce an immune response. All Consortium trials tested a single dose of vaccine only.

Figure 6. Blinding status of study personnel and subjects. Blinding The Geneva trial was double-blind. Certain study investigators and other personnel were blinded, others were necessarily not blind to treatment allocation, and still others were “facultatively blinded” (Figure 6).

Breaking the blind for a single subject was to be considered when knowledge of the treatment assignment was deemed essential by the subject's physician for the subject's care.

Ultimately, because of vaccine-related side effects (see below), the blind was broken both unintentionally (e.g., when VSV-EBOV was discovered in peripheral tissues) and intentionally for all volunteers presenting with vaccine-related arthritides and/or skin lesions.

5 Trial findings

Screening began on 3 November 2014; the first volunteer was vaccinated one week later. As there were no safety signals during the initial run-in period, the randomization phase began on 24 November as planned. In early December, however, four volunteers presented with peripheral mono- or oligoarthritis. Investigators called a safety-driven study hold on 9 December 2014 to allow for in-depth investigations


and the observation of the clinical courses of those affected. These data are described in detail below. Ultimately, investigators elected to resume the study on 5 January (Figure 5) to test only one much- reduced dose of vaccine (3 x 105 pfu), given that no arthritis had been observed in Lambaréné, Gabon, where lower doses were being tested. Unfortunately, however, 13/51 (29%) volunteers in this “very low dose” group also presented with arthritis.

The safety and immunogenicity results are summarized briefly here; they are described in detail in the two publications that follow: “Phase I Trials of rVSV Ebola Vaccine in Africa and Europe”50 and “The effect of dose on the safety and immunogenicity of the VSV Ebola candidate vaccine: a randomised double- blind, placebo-controlled phase 1/2 trial.”51

5.1 Safety findings No vaccine-associated serious adverse event was observed at any dose. High-dose (≥107 pfu) VSV-EBOV vaccination led to detectable viremia in almost all vaccinees and viral dissemination with secondary arthritis in up to 22% of Geneva vaccinees. With the trial resumption, a major dose reduction to 3 x 105 pfu markedly decreased viremia and reactogenicity but did not preclude the viral dissemination to joints and skin leading to arthritis, dermatitis and vasculitis.

Replicating vaccines classically remain infectious and thus trigger similar vaccine-specific reactogenicity across a large dose range. This was thus expected for VSV-EBOV: reducing its dose from 2,000 to 2 pfu did not reduce its efficacy in mice, and reactogenicity and viremia have been similar in humans receiving doses between 3 x 106 and 5 x 107 pfu. Our findings, however, demonstrate a strong dose effect of VSV- EBOV on acute reactogenicity: at 3 x 105 pfu, early reactogenicity was similarly low in vaccinees and placebo recipients and significantly stronger in high-dose vaccinees.

A VSV-EBOV dose reduction from 5 x 107 pfu or 107 pfu to 3 x 105 pfu also reduced the occurrence and magnitude of vaccine viremia, which remained transient. Whether resulting from direct infection or indirect activation, both of which are currently indistinguishable, monocyte activation (defined by CD169 expression) was indeed reduced in low-dose vaccinees, and the onset of acute reactogenicity was significantly delayed. Thus, the replication pattern of the VSV-EBOV vector vaccine differs from that of live-attenuated vaccines. In-depth analyses of innate responses, which are now ongoing, will be required 34 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

to unravel the correlations between VSV-EBOV dose, viremia and viral replication in the periphery, immune activation and the onset of inflammatory symptoms.

Despite the reduction in VSV-EBOV dose at the trial’s resumption, the vaccine remained equally arthritogenic, with the recovery of vaccine RNA in synovial fluid confirming viral arthritis. The arthritis and associated skin findings are thus not dose-dependent but intrinsic to VSV-EBOV. These effects have not been reported following wild-type VSV infection or vaccination with recombinant VSV with non- EBOV-GP inserts, whereas polyarthralgia is frequent after Ebolavirus disease, suggesting immune reactions to EBOV antigens in VSV-EBOV infected joints. Arthritis was not reported following immunization with the replication-deficient ChAd3–EBOV vaccine expressing the same GP protein, suggesting the pathophysiologic role of viral replication. Our current hypothesis is that the highly expressed40 EBOV-GP mediates the entry of VSV-EBOV into blood monocytes, which transport VSV-EBOV to the joints, where replication occurs and local inflammation is triggered and continues until viral antigens are eventually cleared by the immune system. Whether vaccine-induced arthritis might be obviated by further attenuation of the rVSV backbone and/or modification of the EBOV-GP is unknown.

A significant age effect was observed: low-dose vaccinees with arthritis were significantly older, as previously reported for rubella vaccine-induced arthritis: the relative risk of arthritis increased from 5% at 20 years to 60% at 60 years. This association was not observed in high-dose vaccinees. Whether young age exerts a protective influence through faster viral clearance in peripheral tissues and/or attenuated inflammatory joint responses at low—but not high—doses, and whether joints become more vulnerable to viral seeding by infected inflammatory cells with age and/or increasing viral load, require further investigation. Regardless of the mechanism, the determinants of VSV-EBOV-induced oligoarthritis thus include host factors. One case of arthritis has been reported from Africa and cases of transient low-grade oligoarthritis and skin lesions have been identified (but at lower frequency) in a U.S. multicenter trial.

The occurrence of VSV-EBOV-associated cutaneous lymphocytic vasculitis in two volunteers receiving 3 x 105 pfu VSV-EBOV was unexpected, as it also does not occur in wild-type VSV infection. The vaccine may target and infect dermal endothelial cells, possibly mediated by EBOV-GP given its observed effects on endothelial cells. The delayed onset of purpura, not associated with early or delayed viraemia, and the perivascular CD4+ T cell infiltrate suggest a pathophysiologic role for vaccine-induced T cells. 35 THESE EN MEDECINE – DRE ANGELA HUTTNER

5.2 Immunogenicity results We also observed a dose effect on VSV-EBOV’s immunogenicity. Titers of EBOV-GP-binding and neutralizing antibodies were significantly weaker in low-dose (3 x 105 pfu) recipients, affecting the seropositivity rates of the less sensitive assays. Until correlates of protection against EBOV are established, any prediction as to whether this reduction in antibody titers would have a detrimental effect on protection remains speculative. Assay sensitivities vary substantially, and correlations between antibody titers elicited in VSV-EBOV-immunized non-human primates and humans have not yet been established. Similarly, direct correlations between immune responses elicited in humans by VSV-EBOV and the chimpanzee adenovirus 3 (ChAd3)–vectored vaccine are yet lacking. At high doses (≥107 and 2 x 1011 pfu, respectively), both vaccines appear to elicit initial EBOV-GP-specific responses of a similar magnitude. An advantage of VSV-EBOV, which contributed to its selection for further trials in West Africa, is its anticipated potential as a single-dose vaccine.

6 The end of a trial – and the beginning of everything

The trial, whose follow-up period had been extended from six to 12 months after the emergence of vaccine-related arthritides, terminated on schedule on 26 January 2016. At that time, all cases of arthritis had resolved. No other safety signals emerged in the 12-month post vaccination period. Six-month immune durability data were extremely promising;50 12-month analyses are ongoing. Exploratory analyses of innate responses are also ongoing, as we move closer to understanding how and why certain vaccinees experienced peripheral vaccine virus dissemination, while others did not (manuscript in preparation).

Our trial population is highly unique; they are the first volunteers in the world who were randomized to receive the VSV-EBOV vaccine. Those who received the vaccine at any dose and completed full follow-up (n=100) will soon be asked to participate in a prospective observational cohort study that will launch in November 2016 and evaluate immune durability in the five years following vaccination.


Final note The VSV-EBOV vaccine was selected for further phase 3 testing in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. It is also now being used by WHO in an operational ring vaccination strategy whenever additional cases of EVD are diagnosed. Its safety and efficacy require further definition in these target populations. As low- grade, transient symptoms would not impact the use of an effective Ebola vaccine, the further characterization of frequency and severity of arthritis-, dermatitis- or vasculitis-related symptoms (or sequelae, if any) in African populations will critically inform the development of VSV-EBOV.


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