March 9-19, 2000 Cincinnati, Ohio 43rd Spring North American Bridge Championships DAILYDAILY BULLETINBULLETIN

Vol. 43, No. 5Tuesday March 14, 2000 Editors: Brent Manley and Henry Francis Walsh, Coon dominant in Silver Ribbon win In what is almost certainly a record perfor- second in the in 1962 and the mance, and Charles Coon led the Sil- Rosenblum Knockout Teams in 1990, has several ma- ver Ribbon Pairs from start to finish, winning the jor wins as well, including the Vanderbilt Knockout event by nearly two boards. Teams in 1961 and the Blue Ribbon Pairs in 1966. Gerald Caravelli of Des Plaines IL and Marc The victory with Coon was Walsh’s third North Low of Centerville OH were second. American championship with a first-time partner. Walsh and Coon, first-time partners who agreed She won the Life Master Women’s Pairs in 1972 to play 25 minutes before game time, got off to a with Amalya Kearse and in 1989 with Sabine Zenkel. great start, scoring 70% in the first qualifying ses- Coon also has had the experience before. He sion, then followed with 68% to take a lead of more and the late Bobby Goldman made a last-minute than three boards going into the final. date in 1964 to play in the Life Master Men’s Pairs They kept going Monday, with a 59.31% game and won that event. in the first final and a 61.27% effort in the second Besides being from opposite ends of the coun- final session. try – she lives in Los Angeles, he in Marshfield MA Both players have enjoyed success at the national – they are poles apart in their styles. She likes a level previously. Walsh has won more than a dozen structured 2/1 system, while he might be described Rhoda Walsh and Charles Coon North American championships. Coon, who finished Continued on page 2 Some struggles, but no big surprises in Vanderbilt KO Although a couple of the top seeds struggled in day two of the Vanderbilt Knockout Teams, victory went to the favorites for the most part leading into today’s round of 32. No. 2, captained by Nick Nickell, led by only 4 IMPs going into the final set before emerging with a 30-IMP victory the squad led by John Zaluski of Nepean ON. The Rita Shugart foursome, seeded No. 3, also found themselves in a tight battle before ousting the team captained by Gregory Potts of Portsmouth OH. The highest seed to fall in the round of 64 was the four-man team led by Jim Krekorian of New York, seeded 19th. They were knocked off by Ed- ward Wojewoda, Antelope CA; Leszek Rabiega, Salt Lake City UT; Srikanth Kodayam, Union City CA; Farid Assemi, Fresno CA; Harvey Brody, San Fran- cisco, and Doug Dang, San Mateo CA. No. 21, led by James Welch of Ketchum ID, was defeated by Michael Diesel, Medford MA; Don Moeller was honored at yesterday's Goodwill Committee meeting. He is shown here with Larry Mori, Clearwater FL; Stephanie Hamilton- his wife Joan, right, and Goodwill Chairman Aileen Osofsky Diesel, Saugus MA; Juanita Chambers, Schenectady NY; John Saxe, Hudson MA, and Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA. Goodwill Committee honors Don Moeller

Don Moeller, who is for all practical purposes president. Mr. District 11, was honored yesterday at the Daily Bulletin co-Editor Henry Francis com- Polisner to resign Goodwill Committee meeting. His contributions, pared Moeller’s life before and after retirement. his financial expertise, his dedication, his passion It turns out that most of the jobs Moeller held as League counsel for the game were highlighted by four of his big- while a member of the Board are still his jobs. gest fans. The big difference is that he’s added a couple Jeff Polisner, ACBL counsel for the past 15 Also honored was George Rosenkranz of more on the local scene. Francis added that years, will resign his position when a replacement Mexico, who will accept the Blackwood Award Moeller doesn’t miss being on the Board – he’s is found or at the end of the year, whichever comes and become a member of the ACBL Hall of Fame relieved to no longer have to deal with the stresses first. He has accepted a post as counsel for the World at the Summer Championships in Anaheim CA. that besiege Board members. Bridge Federation. After giving a quick overview of Moeller’s Mike Passell told about the old days when A search committee will be formed soon. Watch accomplishments, Goodwill Committee Chair- Continued on page 2 for details on how to apply either on the ACBL man Osofsky turned the rostrum over to Moeller’s website on the Internet or in the ACBL Bulletin. friends. Tournament Chairman Patty Eber told how much she appreciated Moeller’s help in prepar- Membership dues ing for the highly successful 1994 Cincinnati NABC. “He helped me see the problems,” she Adult players who become ACBL members af- said. “He has a knack for seeing both sides of an ter June 1, 2000, will pay full dues every year from issue.” their second year of membership on, even after they “I was often on the opposite side of Don on become Life Masters. This regulation also covers some Board matters,” said former ACBL Presi- players who renew their membership after June 1, dent Bobby Wolff, “but Don added intelligence 2000, following a lapse in membership.. and humanity to the Board.” Those members who are already Life Masters “Those of us who have known Don for many or who achieve Life Master after becoming a mem- years have only one thing to say to him – thank you, Don,” said Barbara Nudelman, former ACBL ber prior to that date will continue to pay a service George and Edith Rosenkrantz fee rather than dues. Page 2 Daily Bulletin SPECIAL EVENTS 2 curious problems in Vanderbilt play Tuesday, March 14 By Barry Rigal 9:00 a.m. - Noon Club Directors Course. Colonnade A, Regal. Of course everyone plays different deals in the 9:00 a.m. - Noon Easybridge! accreditation course A with Easybridge! creator Edith McMullin and Vanderbilt. A couple of boards came up in our first- Field Coordinator Marti Ronemus. Pavillion B, Regal. round victory that posed curious problems. Both fea- 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Howard Piltch (subject to be tured defensive problems which should, or could, have announced). Grand Ballroom A, Regal. Piltch, a former president of the ACBL, is been solved – but weren’t. the District 25 director and an outstanding player. « 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Easybridge! accreditation course B with Easybridge! creator Edith McMullin and Dealer: North A K 8 7 Field Coordinator Marti Ronemus. Cardinal Room, Regal. Vul: N-S ª A 8 3 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Kathie Wei-Sender, Championship © 8 6 4 Bridge. Grand Ballroom A, Regal. Wei-Sender, Nashville, is an ACBL Grand Life ¨ 10 8 7 Master and WBF Grand Master. She was inducted into the Bridge Hall of Fame in « Q J 10 5 2 « 6 4 1999. ª 8 5 ª K 7 11:45 p.m. Free food and beverages in the Bronze Room at the Regal Hotel. Hypnotist Mike © K 9 7 2 © A J 5 3 Thomas will be featured. ¨ Q J ¨ 6 5 4 3 2 « 9 3 Wednesday, March 15 ª Q J 10 9 4 2 © Q 10 9:00 a.m. - Noon Club Directors Course. Colonnade A, Regal. ¨ A K 9 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Sylvia Summers, Basic Logic of the A couple of weeks ago a hyper-critical partner of Auction. Grand Ballroom A, Regal. Summers, Pasadena CA, won the North American mine told me that whenever I had a six-card suit and Swiss Teams in 1983 and 1988. She has also won numerous regional events. heard my partner raise my suit I should bid game – 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Michael Huston, Thinking Like a Bridge whatever my hand! That is my only excuse for jump- Player. Grand Ballroom A, Regal. Huston, Joplin MO, is a bridge teacher and a ª professional player. He has been a speaker at NABCs for several years. ing to game when I opened 1 and heard Debbie 11:45 p.m. Free food and beverages in the Bronze Room at the Regal Hotel. Solid Gold will Rosenberg use Drury. perform for your listening and dancing pleasure. On the lead of the «Q game appears to depend on the trump finesse or the club honors onside. There was a small extra chance, however. I won the spade lead Thursday, March 16 and East echoed, so I led a diamond to the queen and 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Billy Miller, Good Humor! Grand Ball got the expected top spade continuation. I covered that, room A, Regal. Miller, Las Vegas, is a professional player and teacher who writes the then ran the «8 to pitch my remaining diamond. popular “Dear Billy” columns in The Bridge Bulletin. West now had to play a fourth spade to kill the 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Jim Kirkham, Lebensohl. Grand Ballroom discard, and East started thinking, betraying his heart A, Regal. Kirkham, San Bernardino CA, represents District 22 on the ACBL Board of holding. Whether he ruffed high or low, he was dead. Directors. He is a Grand Life Master who won the Silver Ribbon Pairs and the Senior In fact he ruffed with the ªK, letting me pitch my club Swiss Teams, both in 1999. loser. (Of course the doubleton queen-jack might have 11:45 p.m. Free food and beverages in the Bronze Room at the Regal Hotel. Enjoy the music of let me make legitimately, but this was more fun.) Fourth Avenue, a five-man band with a diverse repertoire. The second board had fewer IMPs at stake, but the point was equally challenging. Painful extraction « Q J 7 3 Moeller honored ª 10 8 7 Steve Castellino of Fremont CA has read about Continued from page 1 © Q 7 4 the so-called Dentist’s Coup, but until he played in the ¨ J 5 2 second session of the Stratified Open Pairs Saturday, he first became acquainted with Rosenkranz. “We « 10 6 2 « A 9 5 he had never executed one himself. When the play – played for the first time 18 years ago in Victoria, ª Q 5 4 ª A J 6 3 extracting an outcard from an opponent before throw- British Columbia. I was told that I would have to © K 6 3 2 © J 10 ing him in – came up, Castellino was thrilled to report play Romex, so I quickly bought the book. But I ¨ A 9 4 ¨ 10 8 6 3 it. He was playing with Lino D’Souza of Toronto. couldn’t see how I could learn it all overnight. But « K 8 4 Dlr: North « J 10 7 3 George sat me down and gave me the basics. Then ª K 9 2 Vul: N-S ª 9 4 after that he kept adding a little at a time. It’s a great © A 9 8 5 © Q 8 2 system ¨ K Q 7 ¨ 9 6 4 3 “George is the second most gracious person South opened 1NT and bought the hand there. The « A K 6 4 2 « Q 8 5 I have ever known,” Mike continued. "And he’s play at both tables saw declarer win the diamond open- ª J ª 10 7 6 5 always kind. Who’s more gracious than George? His ing lead with the ace and play two rounds of spades, © J 7 6 5 4 3 © K 10 wife Edith of course!” both ducked. At the table where I was playing declarer ¨ 10 ¨ K J 8 2 Joan Morse told of a new award they are now played two rounds of clubs, West winning the second « 9 giving in District 16 (Texas and Mexico). Every unit to lead a low diamond. Declarer guessed well to hop ª A K Q 8 3 2 submits a name for the Texas Star Award, given to up with the queen. He now cleared the diamonds to © A 9 the person who has done the most for bridge and emerge with eight tricks. ¨ A Q 7 5 bridge players during the past year. The award has Note that East had the chance for a neat ploy at West North East South proved to be an instant success, and Joan suggests trick one. If he plays the ©J (denying the 10 of course), D’Souza Castellino that other districts try the idea. declarer will very likely misguess the second round of Pass Pass 1ª Other speakers included Tournament Chairman diamonds. The defense would score a bonus trick in 2ª (1) Pass 2« 3¨ Eber, ACBL President Glenn Smith and ACBL CEO that suit plus the tempo to set up the heart suit. If South Pass Pass Dbl 3ª David Silber. ducks the heart, West must win the queen, cash the Pass Pass Dbl All Pass ©K, and revert to clubs, setting up the 13th club as the (1) Spades and a minor. Silver Ribbon Continued from page 1 defense’s seventh trick. If South takes the first heart, it West started with the «A and erred by continuing is much more straightforward to cash out – seven tricks as a seat-of-the-pants player. with the «K. Castellino ruffed and played the ©A and via the heart suit. Nevertheless, Walsh was effusive in praise of a low diamond. He should have cashed the ªA first, Coon’s talents. “He is the most fantastic dummy but at least he got the diamond play right by ducking player,” Walsh said. “Whenever he was declarer, in dummy to East’s king. East, perhaps anxious to I could sit back and relax and know we were go- Live Longer... shorten Castellino’s trumps, made the second defen- ing to get a top.” sive error by continuing with the «Q (a heart out would Live Better Coon demurred on that point. “I’m good at have been much better). That was all Castellino needed the part-score battle,” he said. “I’m pretty good Win More Masterpoints to bring home the shaky contract. at petty larceny.” He ruffed, cashed the ªA, extracting West’s He did allow that he was playing 2/1 “for the outcard, and played a low club from his hand. West JOHNMOHAN.FREELIFE.COM first time in my life.” He was non-committal on won the ¨10 and, with nothing but spades and dia- whether the win was enough to convert him to 2/1. Member of the American Academy monds left, had to play to one of dummy’s winners. Walsh is a personal injury attorney on the West got out with a spade to dummy’s jack, ruffed by of Anti-Aging Medicine verge of retirement. As soon as her new home is East and overruffed by Castellino. He then pulled completed in Las Vegas, she is heading for Ne- trumps and played another low club from his hand. vada. “I’m going to play bridge,” she said, “and East won but had to had to play a club into declarer’s 800-499-4089 I’m thinking about learning to play golf – and I A-Q for the contract. want to take tap-dancing lessons. I’ve always (voice mail) Plus 730 was a tie for top. wanted to learn to tap dance.” Daily Bulletin Page 3 A tale of two beers Believe it or not Double trouble If there is one player at this tournament who By could qualify as the expert on the beer card, it’s Haig Haig Tchamitch and Dave Treadwell are I have been playing bridge for 60 years, and I Tchamitch, a.k.a. Hagar the Horrible. For those who two players who seem to attract the unusual © thought I had seen everything. But the first deal I don’t know, the beer card is the 7. If you win the at the bridge table. So what happens when last trick with that card, your partner must buy you played during a brief appearance in the Vanderbilt they play against each other? You guessed it: had something entirely new – to me, and prob- a beer. something strange. On this deal from the first qualifying session of ably to you. The setting was the Flight A Open Pairs. Making 2ª for a score of 110 does not seem Open Pairs I, Hagar managed what he described as Tchamitch was dealer. He passed. Treadwell, a “double beer card.” Hagar was playing with Stacy worth reporting. But have you ever had that score next to call, bid 1ª, which drew a reaction ¨ Green against a world-class pair who no doubt will after an opponent has opened 2 , strong and ar- from the rest of the table. Treadwell was play- tificial? My wife, Dorothy, and I were playing be grateful to be left anonymous. ing with Dave Adams, Hagar with Stacy Dlr: North « 7 6 5 3 against Steve Weinstein and Robert Levin. Green. « Vul: None ª 7 5 4 2 Dlr: South K J 10 7 4 “What?” said Treadwell. ª © 9 4 3 Vul: E-W Q 9 3 The other players advised him to look © ¨ 7 5 Q 9 again at the bidding cards. ¨ « J 10 8 « K 9 4 K 4 3 It turned out that Green, Treadwell’s « « ª 9 3 ª A Q J 10 A Q 9 8 3 2 LHO, had passed out of turn, condoned by ª ª © 7 6 5 2 © Q A 8 5 4 2 Adams with a bid of 1NT. 1ª, obviously, was © © ¨ A J 10 8 ¨ Q 9 6 3 2 A K 6 2 8 4 an insufficient bid. ¨ ¨ « A Q 2 A Q J 9 6 10 8 7 2 The director was summoned and Green, « ª K 8 6 6 5 an relatively inexperienced player, was given ª © A K J 10 8 K J 10 7 6 her options, including accepting the 1ª bid. © ¨ K 4 J 10 7 5 3 In such cases, it is usually best not to ac- ¨ West North East South 5 cept the insufficient bid, but that was Green’s West North East South Hagar Green choice, and she passed. ¨ Weinstein Dorothy Levin Me Pass 1 Dbl Adams bid 2ª, which Treadwell knew 1NT Pass Pass 2© Pass was a pretty good raise, thanks to the 1NT 2¨ Pass 2© 2ª Pass Pass Dbl All Pass opener, so Treadwell bid the heart game, scor- ª Pass Pass Pass (!!??) Hagar led the 9 to the Green’s ace, and she ing 11 tricks with ease for an average board ª West’s pass of 2ª was forcing, and East returned the Q. South won the king and returned a (the two hands had a nine-card heart fit). ¨ thought long and hard before passing. He thought heart, on which Hagar pitched the 8 (upside-down It turned out that had Green declined to carding). Green won the ªJ and got out with a spade, this might be his best chance for a plus score. This accept the insufficient bid, Treadwell would ª ducked to Hagar’s 8. He returned the «J to declarer’s proved to be wrong: I made 2 after West led a have bid 3NT (his heart suit was not robust), ¨ queen. top diamond and shifted to the A, with the queen which also makes 11 tricks. Adams, of to follow. I would, I think, have been defeated by By this point, declarer had figured out the dis- course, would have been forced to pass. Mi- tribution, and knowing that the ¨A was offside, repeated diamond leads. nus 660 instead of 650 would have been a So there I was with 110. Did the opponents along with four diamonds to the queen (?), decided very poor score for Green and Hagar. to go for the tricky end play by leading the ©10. have a game? Certainly not in notrump after a Green, it turned out, made the right de- ¨ The plan was for the ©10 to be ducked, at which heart lead, but how about 5 ? cision for a curious reason – she accepted My teammate, David Better, demonstrated point the expert South would follow with the top the 1ª bid because she felt guilty about pass- « that 5¨ can be made. He won the heart lead and two diamonds, the A, stripping West’s last outcard, ing out of turn. and then a diamond to the theoretical queen. West played diamonds, ruffing the third round. He then would be endplayed, forced to play up to declarer’s ruffed a heart and ruffed another diamond. An- ¨K. other heart ruff reduced him to six black cards That plan ran smack into reality as the ©10 lost and he led trumps. North won the king and put to East’s singleton queen. Green played the ª10, The lowly 7 was high West back in with a trump, but he had the last « ruffed high by South (Hagar discarded his third word. He led the 9, forcing North to win and © © Spots count – don’t ever forget it. Barbara Kasle lead from the «K. spade). South now cashed the A and played his 8 learned this lesson long ago, so she knew what to to the 9 in dummy and, in desperation, played a club A good start to the match? Not at all. After do when Bruce Ferguson attempted to put the pres- to his king. Two more clubs forced declarer to ruff the bidding began sure on her on this deal from the Vanderbilt Knock- with his last trump at trick 12. West North East South out Teams. 2ª Hagar’s last card was the ©7, the only trump « J Dbl 3ª Pass Pass left. Hagar figured it was worth two beers – the op- ª 10 8 4 2 4ª Dbl Pass Pass ponents were playing in diamonds and they were © A Q J 6 2 Better took a shot at 6¨. He hoped to find the doubled. Who can fault that logic? ¨ A K J dummy with one good card, but it proved to be a « « Q 10 8 6 3 9 7 5 2 disappointment. One down. Just a routine push. ª 7 5 ª K Q J 9 3 Smoking policy © 9 8 3 © K 10 5 4 ¨ ¨ This is a reminder that the Convention Center is a 5 4 2 -- « A K 4 non-smoking facility. Players must go outside to smoke. ª Violators will be subject to Zero Tolerance citations. A 6 © 7 How about bidding At the Regal Hotel, smoking is restricted to desig- ¨ nated areas. Q 10 9 8 7 6 3 Jim Welch, North, and Ferguson, South, climbed Zero Tolerance? all the way to 7¨. On defense were Kasle, West, Not his day and Donna Compton, East. Kasle led a trump. Ferguson won with dummy’s At the Scottsdale Bridge Club in Arizona, Even former world champions have bad ace, crossed to a high spade and ruffed a spade with you can actually bid Zero Tolerance! days, and a string of bad results certainly can the king. Then he led the ¨J and overtook to run the Yellow Zero Tolerance cards are in the affect one’s outlook. rest of the clubs. Compton was severely pinched for bidding boxes, and they have had a positive Seymon Deutsch, winner of the World discards – the squeeze in the red suits was real. She influence on behavior, according to Jan Bridge Olympiad in 1988 and the Rosenblum pitched her hearts to hold diamonds, leaving Kasle Bricklin, owner of the club. Knockout Teams in 1994, is an example. to cover the hearts. Kasle doggedly held onto her Players are asked to flash a ZT card to Playing with Bobby Wolff in the final of lowly 7-5 and eventually took the setting trick with an offending player (or players) when they Open Pairs I, Deutsch was in 3NT against the 7. Excellent defense. feel intimidated or abused. Of course if the JoAnna and Lew Stansby after JoAnna, on At the other table, George Mittelman LED the bad manners continue, the offended players Deutsch’s left, had overcalled 1ª. Instead of ª7 against 6¨. Now the squeeze was fully opera- can call the director and get a ZT ruling. leading her suit, JoAnna started with a club, tive against East and declarer took all 13 tricks. “There are too many new players who which knocked out Deutsch’s only stopper and are simply afraid to call sthe director when forced him to cash out for nine tricks and a unruly behavior occurs,” said Bricklin. “So lackluster result. Child care these cards can be very useful. I think they “Good lead, JoAnna,” Deutsch said, add- are a very good reminder.” Child care is available daily through the second ing with a sigh: “I hate matchpoints.” The Goodwill Committee applauds this Sunday of the NABC in the Buckeye Room on the Wolff said, “I don’t blame you.” gentle way of letting players when they are fourth floor of the Regal Hotel. The charge is $20 to There was a brief pause before Deutsch out of line, according to Goodwill Commit- $25 per session depending on the number of children. concluded his commentary with, “I hate team tee Chairman Aileen Osofsky. The child care room opens at 12:30 p.m. and 7:30 games, too.” p.m. daily. Page 4 Daily Bulletin TOURNAMENT APPEALS

In order to keep the bridge public informed of right to offer North the opportunity to reconsider appeals results in a timely fashion the NABC Daily her pass. E/W were instructed that any information Bulletin staff publishes write-ups. Every effort is from the withdrawn calls was unauthorized to them. made to ensure that these reports are accurate and East then took fifteen seconds to decide to pass— complete. However, before they are published in the perhaps not really excessive for a player new to du- NABC Appeals Casebook revisions may be made. plicate, given what had happened to that point. The Panel found that enough things had happened to place West with considerable unauthorized infor- Appeal case 4 mation. When expert opinion was solicited, all four Subject (Tempo/Unauthorize Information): players consulted thought that pass was a logical Event: Continuous Pairs, March 10, First alternative and agreed that there was unauthorized Walter Johnson, left, and Doug Simson finished second Session information available to West which made bidding in Open Pairs I on Saturday. Bd: 20 « 6 more attractive. The consultants rated nine tricks as Dlr: West ª J863 being most likely, with eight tricks possible and ten The power of 10s Vul: Both © J9854 tricks unlikely. The Panel decided to change the ¨ Q84 contract to 3ª made three, plus 140 for N/S (Law Doug Simson and Walter Johnson, runners-up in « 974 « KQJ2 12C2). Open Pairs I, finished nearly three boards behind the ª 2 ª Q94 DIC of Event: VanCleve winners, but they were right on the heels of the top © K32 © AQ10 Panel: Ron Johnston (Reviewer), Mike Flader, finishers for much of the event. This deal, played against ¨ K109532 ¨ A76 Charlie MacCracken, Matt Smith, Sol Weinstein a world champion, helped their cause considerably. « A10853 Players consulted: Geoff Hampson, Jeff Dlr: West « 8 6 4 2 ª AK1075 Meckstroth, Eric Rodwell, Dave Treadwell Vul: N-S ª K 8 7 © 76 © A J 7 6 ¨ J ¨ 5 3 West North East South « K 7 « Q 9 5 3 Pass Pass 1NT 2ª(1) He’d rather be lucky ª 4 ª J 9 6 5 3 2«(2) Pass 3NT(3) By Alan Truscott © Q 9 8 5 © K 4 --- 3ª Pass(4) Pass I knew it was not going to be my week right at ¨ Q J 8 7 4 2 ¨ A 10 4¨ All Pass the start. In the Open Pairs I sat West and listened to « A J 10 (1) Majors this auction: ª A Q 10 2 (2) Not Alerted; transfer to clubs West North East South © 10 3 2 (3) 2« bid questioned, misinformation discovered, Pass 1¨ ¨ K 9 6 Director backed up auction to North Pass 1© Pass 1ª West North East South (4) Break in tempo Pass 1« Pass 1NT Johnson Simson The Facts: 4¨ made four, plus 130 for E/W. All Pass Pass Pass 2© (1) 2NT The opening lead was the «6. The 2« bid had not I led a spade and the dummy produced: Pass 3NT All Pass been Alerted so North passed and East bid 3NT. The « K Q J (1) 5-10, 5-4 in the majors either way. Director was called when South asked the meaning ª Q 4 Simson’s 2NT overcall was supposed to show 15- of the 2« bid and was told it was a transfer to clubs. © K J 7 4 17 high-card points, but he upgraded the hand because North indicated that she would have bid if she had ¨ Q 6 4 2 of his 10s. It turned out he needed each one of them in known that 2« was not a strong bid. The auction A 1NT dummy opposite an opening bid is a rare what turned out to be a fascinating deal. was backed up to her and she bid 3ª. E/W were bird, so I felt sure I had the bidding wrong. “What is West started with the ¨Q. East won the ace and cautioned about unauthorized information. East then the contract,” I inquired. continued with the ¨10. Simson ducked, but West took fifteen seconds before she changed her call to “One notrump,” said my partner. “One notrump,” overtook with the jack and cleared the suit. On this pass. The Director ruled that both the original 3NT said South, sadly. “Three notrump,” said the lady in trick, East discarded a heart, which turned out to be a call and the break in tempo by East suggested a the North seat, confidently. fatal error. maximum 1NT. In addition, the change of the origi- She was not quite so confident about how the bid- Simson next played the ©10, covered by the queen nal 3NT call to pass suggested heart weakness, ding had proceeded, but was sure the contract was 3NT. and ace. Simson’s plan was to duck a diamond later, which made the 4¨ bid more attractive. It was there- After some discussion, she was persuaded the contract which would set up the jack as a winner. He was still fore ruled that pass was a logical alternative to 4¨. really was 1NT. She was very unhappy, but the play short a trick, however, even counting four heart tricks The contract was changed to 3ª made four, plus began. The complete deal was this: (thanks to the 10 in his hand). 170 for N/S. Dlr: East « K Q J On the run of the hearts, West had to make three The Appeal: E/W appealed the Director’s rul- Vul: N-S ª Q 4 discards. The first two were easy – he let go of two ing. East was new to duplicate bridge and had less © K J 7 4 clubs. The fourth round of hearts squeezed West in than 1 masterpoint. Although he did not Alert the ¨ Q 6 4 2 three suits. If he discarded a diamond, dummy’s J-7 2« bid, he clearly knew what the agreement was « 9 8 7 6 5 « 10 4 3 would be good after the planned duck to the king. If and was able to tell South what the bid meant when ª A K 9 8 ª 10 7 3 West discarded a club, it would be safe for Simson to he was asked. He also did not know what a transfer © 10 2 © Q 8 5 3 double finesse in spades since West would have no refusal was and did not know how many clubs West ¨ 10 5 ¨ K J 7 club to cash when he came in with the «K. If West would normally show with her bid; he finally « A 2 discarded a spade, Simson could simply cash the ace, guessed “maybe four.” West stated that she always ª J 6 5 2 dropping the king, and set up another spade trick by intended to bid 4¨ citing her 6 HCP with an eight- © A 9 6 playing the jack. card fit and a singleton. She had also planned to bid ¨ A 9 8 3 In practice, West discarded his last club, allowing 4¨ over 3NT since she had no idea what her part- It is easy to make 3NT. You win the «A and Simson to duck the diamond as planned and insert the ner held. N/S thought West’s bid was influenced by lead the «9 for an intrafinesse. If West does not jack when East made the forced spade switch. the withdrawn 3NT bid and the slow pass. They cover, you lead the queen later to pin the 10. Later Had East discarded a spade instead of a heart at pointed out West’s broken clubs (which had already still, you lead the ©J from the dummy, a backward trick three, however, the ending would have been much been shown by the transfer) and that her three small finesse to pin West’s other 10. You score three tricks different. If East had had a heart to cash on coming in spades was a liability. each in spades, diamonds and clubs. with the ©K, West would have been able to bare his The Panel Decision: The Panel determined that South missed this obvious play, but he had the «K without losing the fifth defensive trick. The de- there had been misinformation in failing to Alert only North-South plus by making seven tricks for fenders would come to two clubs, one diamond, one the 2« bid as a transfer to clubs. The Director was plus 90 and North was now happier. I was not. heart and one spade. Daily Bulletin Page 5 VANDERBILT KNOCKOUT TEAMS ROUND OF 32 Rockwell Trophy 107 Teams Rosenberg, Wykagyl NY; Robert Claremont CA The Mixed Pairs is a four-session event with two qualifying and two George Jacobs - Ralph Katz, Hinsdale Levin, Orlando FL; Steve Weinstein, vs final sessions. The Rockwell Trophy, IL; Howard Weinstein, Chicago IL; Glen Ridge NJ Michael Kovacich, Stone Mountain donated by Helen Rockwell in 1946, Steve Garner, Northfield IL; Alfredo vs GA; Patricia Tucker - Kevin Collins, is presented to the winners. Versace - Lorenzo Lauria, Italy Colby Vernay, Lacon IL; Barry Schaffer, Atlanta GA; Robert White, Raleigh Winners: vs Frisco TX; Tom Kniest, Saint Louis MO; NC; Samuel Marks, Dunwoody GA; 1946 Anne Burnstein, Alvin Roth David Treadwell, Wilmington DE; Karen Walker, Champaign IL Dwight Meredith, Decatur GA 1947 Evelyn Ansin, Charles Goren Danny Sprung - Jo Ann Sprung, ————————————— ————————————— 1948 John Crawford, Margaret Wagar Philadelphia PA; Barbara Sartorius, Rose Johnson-Meltzer - Peter Michael Moss - Bjorn Fallenius, New 1949 John Crawford, Margaret Wagar Lake Hiawatha NJ; Bob Glasson - Weichsel, Los Gatos CA; Alan Sontag, York NY; Magnus Lindkvist - Peter 1950 Peter Leventritt, Ruth Sherman Joann Glasson, Pennington NJ Gaithersburg MD; Lew Stansby, Fredin, Sweden 1951 Edith Rosenbloom, ————————————— Castro Valley CA; Chip Martel, Davis vs Sidney Silodor Nick Nickell, New York NY; Richard CA; Kyle Larsen, San Francisco CA Malcolm Brachman, Dallas TX; Eddie 1952 Anne Burnstein, Alvin Roth Freeman, Atlanta GA; Jeff vs Wold, Houston TX; Geoff Hampson, 1953 Jewel Hodge, Paul Hodge Meckstroth, Tampa FL; Eric Jim Zimmerman, Shaker Heights OH; Okemos MI; Eric Greco, Philadelphia 1954 Said Haddad, Betty Windley Rodwell, Naperville IL; Bob Paul Swanson, Morgantown WV; PA; Curtis Cheek, Huntsville AL; 1955 Sidney Silodor, Helen Sobel Hamman, Dallas TX; Paul Soloway, Phillip Becker, Beachwood OH; Billy Miller, Las Vegas NV 1956 Sidney Silodor, Helen Sobel Mill Creek WA Kumar Bhatia, Cleveland OH ————————————— 1957 Bee Gale, Howard Schenken vs ————————————— Goodwill Message 1958 Carol Ross, Edwin Smith Jim Reiman, Mansfield OH; Frederick Reese Milner, Los Angeles CA; Marc 1959 John Crawford, Dorothy Hayden Allenspach, Potomac MD; William Jacobus, Las Vegas NV; Brad Moss, We’d like to think that everybody 1960 Elsie Abrams, William Passell Pettis, Silver Spring MD; Don Probst, New York NY; Fred Gitelman, Toronto we meet at this NABC will add to our 1961 Art Comstock, Fairfax VA ON; Larry Cohen, Boca Raton FL; enjoyment. Realistically, of course, we Margaret Muirhead ————————————— David Berkowitz, Old Tappan NJ know that won’t happen. 1962 Clarice Holt, Paul Levitt Rita Shugart, Pebble Beach CA; Andrew vs The key is our response. Continue 1963 Agnes Gordon, Robson, Carmel CA; Tony JoAnna Stansby, Castro Valley CA; to be polite, friendly – whether it’s an 1964 Dan Morse, opponent or your partner. It’s calling Forrester, Herrefordshire, Great Britain; Michael Shuster, Stateline NV; Barry Mary Margaret Swan rubbing out a problem with kindness. Geir Helgemo, Trondheim, Norway Rigal, New York NY; Debbie 1965 Betty Kaplan, Edgar Kaplan Aileen Osofsky vs Rosenberg, New Rochelle NY; Kerri 1966 Robert Sharp, Louise Sharp Chairman, Goodwill Committee Dan Jacob, Burnaby BC; Bryan Sanborn, Stony Point NY; Stephen 1967 Gertrude Machlin, Kit Woolsey Maksymetz, Coquitlam BC; Walter Sanborn, Poughkeepsie NY 1968 Marilyn Johnson, Peter Rank Schafer Jr, Bloomingdale IL; Bill ————————————— Correction 1969 Peggy Parker, Steve Parker Kent, Iowa City IA Gerald Sosler, Purchase NY; Kay 1970 George Dawkins, In the article about Lynn Deas that ————————————— Schulle, Oak Harbor WA; Andrea Carolyn Flournoy appeared in yesterday’s Daily Bulle- James Cayne, New York NY; Mike Buratti - Massimo Lanzaraotti, Italy 1971 Eugenie Mathe, Lew Mathe tin, it said at one point, “At one point Passell, Plano TX; Michael Seamon, vs 1972 John Mohan, Peggy Sutherlin Beth was on her way to get a medical 1973 Bernie Chazen, Marilyn Johnson Miami Beach FL; Mark Lair, Canyon Brian Platnick - Connie Goldberg, degree.” This was a story about Lynn, 1974 Gerald Caravelli, TX; Ron Smith, San Francisco CA; Merion Station PA; Jeffrey Ferro, not Beth, and it was Lynn who was Helen Utegaard Chuck Burger, West Bloomfield MI Santa Monica CA; Rich Rothwarf, working toward a medical degree. vs Philadelphia PA; John Diamond, 1975 Barry Crane, Kerri Shuman Richard Coren, Fort Lauderdale FL; Narberth PA; Stephen Goldstein, 1976 Peggy Lipsitz, Steve Parker Matt Granovetter, Israel; Jill Levin, Elkins Park PA New Life Masters 1977 Joel Friedberg, Nancy Gruver Bronx NY; Larry Cohen - Murray ————————————— 1978 Ahmed Hussein, Gail Moss DAN PLATO of Gray TN became 1979 Juanita Skelton, Mike Smolen Melton, Las Vegas NV; Simon Richard Pavlicek, Fort Lauderdale FL; a Life Master Sunday when hhis team 1980 Jeff Meckstroth, Kantor, Agawam MA William Pollack, Warren NJ; Mark placed second in Strat C and fourth in Patty Meckstroth ————————————— Feldman, New York NY; Ron Gerard, Strat B of the Swiss Teams. His part- Steve Robinson, Arlington VA; Peter White Plains NY ner was Ray Spalding, and his team- 1981 Esta Van Zandt, Jim Zimmerman Boyd, Silver Spring MD; Kit Woolsey, vs mates were Arman Hartung and Don 1982 Barry Crane, Kerri Shuman Kensington CA; Fred Stewart, Michael Diesel, Medford MA; Larry Greenwood. 1983 John Gustafson, Kingston NY; Michael Kamil, Mori, Clearwater FL; Stephanie BILLIE FLOYD of Evansville IN Helen Gustafson 1984 Kathy Sulgrove, Larry Rock Holmdel NJ; Michael Becker, Boca Hamilton-Diesel, Saugus MA; Juanita went over the top in the Bracket 3 1985 Beth Palmer, Steve Robinson Raton FL Chambers, Schenectady NY; John Knockout Teams consolation on Sun- 1986 Lisa Berkowitz, vs Saxe, Hudson MA; Stephen day, playing with Phyllis Beumer and David Berkowitz Ron Smith - Linda Smith, Hixson TN; Gladyszak, Chelsea MA teammates Bill Lea and Bill Sokeland, 1987 Lisa Berkowitz, Jim Foster - Allen Hawkins Jr, ————————————— all of Evansville. Also earning her gold card is David Berkowitz Birmingham AL; Bernard Yomtov, John Onstott, New Orleans LA; Steve LAURA OWENS of Cincinnati. Her 1988 Claire Tornay, Michael Moss Cambridge MA Beatty, Destrehan LA; Russ Arnold, team won their bracket of the Sunday- 1989 Dorothy Truscott, Alan Truscott ————————————— Miami FL; Bill Eisenberg, Boca Raton Monday Knockout Teams. Her part- 1990 Jo Ann Manfield, Ken Cohen Grant Baze, La Jolla CA; Tipton FL ner was Elena Hickman, and their 1991 Jo Ann Manfield, Danny Sprung Golias, Beaumont TX; Cezary Balicki vs teammates were Jerry and Joann Katz, 1992 Kitty Bethe, Larry Mori - Adam Zmudzinski - Merek Steve Levinson - Barnet Shenkin, all of Cincinnati. 1993 Libby Fernandez, Szymanowski - Marcin Lesniewski, Boca Raton FL; Boye Brogeland - Erik JUDY SELIG of Chagrin Falls Happoldt Neuffer Poland Saelensminde, Norway needed 10 gold points, so her victory 1994 Jillian Blanchard, vs ————————————— in the Continuous Pairs, worth 13 Geoff Hampson William Doroshow, Skokie IL; Gary Bobby Wolff, Fort Worth TX; Dan points, was enough to make her a Life 1995 Cindy Bernstein, Bob Bernstein Cohler, Highland Park IL; Gaylor Morse, Houston TX; Russell Ekeblad, Master. She was playing with Harriet 1996 Margery Tamres, Joseph Brady Kasle, Boca Raton FL; Ralph Cohen, Providence RI; John Sutherlin, Dallas Adelstein, also of Chagrin Falls. 1997 Phyllis Quinn, Wafik Abdou Memphis TN; Leslie Amoils, Toronto TX; Adam Wildavsky, Jackson 1998 Joan Eaton, Leslie Amoils ON; James Ward, Champaign IL Heights NY; Ivar Stakgold, Hypnotist scheduled 1999 Shannon Lipscomb, ————————————— Wilmington DE Mike Cappelletti John Mohan, Christiansted VI; Sam vs for tonight’s show A similar, three-session event was held at Lev - Jaggy Shivdasani - Ravindra Edward Wojewoda, Antelope CA; Had a bad game? Want to forget the Spring NABC from 1958 to 1962. Murthy, New York NY; Piotr Gawrys Leszek Rabiega, Salt Lake City UT; about it? Perhaps hypnotist Mike Tho- Winners: - Jacek Pszczola, Poland Srikanth Kodayam, Union City CA; mas can help you blot the experience 1958 Mrs. M. J. Novak, vs Farid Assemi, Fresno CA; Harvey from your mind. John Gerber Hugh Grosvenor, Alexandria VA; Lou Brody, San Francisco CA; Douglas Even if he can’t, you don’t want 1959 Mary Jane Farell, Al Roth Reich, Wheaton MD; Venkatrao Dang, San Mateo CA to miss the show tonight in the Bronze 1960 Shirlee Harris, Koneru, San Antonio TX; Pratap ————————————— Ballroom at the Regal Hotel right af- Edward Rosen Rajadhyaksha, Powell OH Jack Coleman, San Francisco CA; ter the game. 1961 Carol Sanders, ————————————— Chris Compton, Dallas TX; Bart Remember, now: Tommy Sanders Richard Schwartz, East Elmhurst NY; Bramley, Chicago IL; Sidney Lazard 1962 1-2. Jessie Cook, Grant Marsee Drew Casen, Boca Raton FL; Zia Sr, New Orleans LA; Ross Grabel, Your....eyes....are...heavy. 1-2. Shirlee Harris, Mahmood, New York NY; Michael Huntington Beach CA; Jon Wittes, You’re...getting...sleepy. . . Edward Rosen Page 6 Daily Bulletin

MORNING KNOCKOUT Suzi Steffenhagen, Horseheads NY; Susan Coo- 19.55 3/4 Rita Ellington, Fairfield Anton Habash, Oxford OH; Robert Delaney, per - Ann Rees - Judy Mustico, Elmira NY CT; Martin Caley, Montreal PQ; John Richmond IN; George Schmid Sr, Williamsburg TEAMS I Gassenheimer - Jill Fisch, New York NY IN; D Balsmeyer, Middletown OH Bracket 1 16 Teams Barbara Corbin, Alcoa TN; Sandra Echternacht 19.55 3/4 Stephen Sturm - Charlotte vs Ellen Anten, Encino CA; Steve Gross, Agoura - Gayle Cornwell, Knoxville TN; Ruth Fouche, Sturm, Whittier CA; R Grover - Carole Dawkins, Mark Leonard, Ypsilanti MI; Edward Horton - Hills CA; George Dawkins - Carole Dawkins, Maryville TN Austin TX Scott Merritt, Champaign IL; Patrick Horton, Austin TX vs Tallahassee FL vs Raymond Depew, Kingston PA; Kenneth Sarner, Bracket 2 16 Teams Chuck Said, Nashville TN; John Russell, North Wilkes Barre PA; Walter Brenholts, Mountain 28.57 1 Thomas Corlett - Ethel Alan Resser, Chicago IL; Andrew Reis, Skokie Barringto IL; Dick Benson, Le Roy IL; Paul Top PA; Raymond Harris, Dallas PA Buzze, Waco TX; Dewitt Hudson Jr - Elizabeth IL; Kenneth Marcroft - Carole Marcroft, Day- Schroeder, New Berlin WI Hudson, Arlington TX ton OH Rosalie Campeau, Libertyville IL; Rachel 21.43 2 Jill Ohlson - Arthur Ander- vs Gary Hann, Ann Arbor MI; Ranald Davidson, Chittaro, Lake Zurich IL; Mary Kever, Grayslake son - Kelley Butler - Glenda Hart, Lexington KY Lisa Sievers - Robert Sievers - C Adrian Hutber, Toronto ON; Hans Jacobs, Aurora ON; Joe Neal IL; J Richards, Rockwall TX 14.29 3/4 Donna Rodwell - Patricia Champaign IL; Will Engel, Polo IL; Adam Kroll, San Francisco CA; Jennifer Jones - Frank vs Chiszar, Naperville IL; Rick Schoenfield, Miller, Redondo Beach CA Bessing, Santa Rosa CA Yonsey Karasek, Hayward WI; Emerita Hay- Westchester IL; Ronald Simmons, Lasalle IL; vs ward, Leonardtown MD; Susan Butler, Urbana Richard Gibons, Princeton IL; Charles Clickner, James Breihan - Mike Ralston - Mahesh Rathi, Patricia Gibbs, Cleveland OH; Kenneth Kranyak IL; Eileen Carlson, Cadillac MI Clearwater FL Austin TX; John Oakley, Round Rock TX - Laurie Kranyak, Bay Village OH; Carl 14.29 3/4 Robert Cappelli, Southfield vs Edwards, Westerville OH; Phil Brady, Philadel- Janet Peek Clancy, Hendersonville NC; Jerry MI; Alan Goldman, Flushing NY; Frank Sensoli, Wyatt Mapp Jr - Jackie Powell, Newport News phia PA Roth, Maryville TN; Gary Dayton, Champaign Macomb MI; Deborah De Witt, Ann Arbor MI VA; Dianne Morton - Yo Buehler, Williamsburg IL; Donna Rice, Traverse City MI VA Bert Newman - Kathy Newman, West vs Bracket 3 16 Teams Bloomfield MI; Yifan Yang, Darien IL; Jiun- Don Greenwood, Tampa FL; Arman Hartung, 23.58 1 William Prensky - Sherman Stewart Mackeigan, Wilmington MA; Pierce Ming Chen, West Lafayette IN; Joan Stein, Mil- Pierson FL; Paul Hern, Cincinnati OH; Tom Kahan, Frederick MD; Robert Oslin, Chicago Smith, Rutland VT; Lois Belliveau, Lynn MA; waukee WI; Paul Stern, Grayslake IL Gilpin Jr, Princeton WV IL; John Bacsa, Wood Dale IL Patricia Worthley, Andover MA vs 17.69 2 Donald Addis - Jackie vs James Priebe - Joan Priebe, Mississauga ON; Bracket 5 12 Teams Addis, Darien IL; Laura Raczek, Joliet IL; Car- Henry Caspar, Toronto ON; Bonnie Bagley - Mike Petras - Heather Peckett, Nepean ON Patrick Shaw, Olean NY; Helen Dickinson - Leda rie Touslee, Roseville CA Denis Murphy - Shirley Scott - Dennis Goldston, Kulawinski, Indianapolis IN; Lois Scott, Carmel 11.79 3/4 James Murphy, Nixa MO; Colorado Spgs CO James Murphy, Chesapeake VA; David Siebert, IN Clara Pyles, Shawnee Mission KS; Frank Little Rock AR; David Adams, Kennesaw GA; vs Bresnahan, Titusville FL; Neil Manley Jr, De- Cheryl Koontz - Beulah McCracken - Gwen Peter Friedland, Los Altos CA; Randall Pettit, Sally Waibel - Milly Warner, Troy OH; Lowry troit MI Wilkerson, Columbus IN; Lois Herald, Nineveh Marietta GA; Michael White, Atlanta GA Miller, Springboro OH; Mary Lou Eigsti, Day- 11.79 3/4 Richard Mellor, Chatta- IN vs ton OH nooga TN; Perrin Rountree - Barbara Levinson vs John Blubaugh, Indianapolis IN; Howard Piltch, - Leslie Reynolds, Cincinnati OH; Karen Lawrence Diamond, Orlando FL; Randolph Andover MA; Jim Linhart, Delray Beach FL; Brett Orban, Martins Ferry OH; Conner Cau- Kendall, Houston TX Johnson, Billerica MA; Al Blinder, Torrance CA; Leonard Ernst, Las Vegas NV; Colin Revill, sey, Wheeling WV; Thomas Danford, Bellaire 5.31 5/8 Dona Letourneau, Cincin- Bob Cole, Bethlehem PA Burlington ON; John Villman, Yorba Linda CA OH; Timothy Aspenwall, St Clairsvle OH nati OH; Gertrude McLeod, Rexford NY; Patricia vs Bowen - John Bowen, Satellite Beach FL David Hemmer - Edward Hung, Chicago IL; Bracket 2 16 Teams Stephanie Bernstein, Solon OH; Sheila Fox, 5.31 5/8 William Lea Jr - Phyllis Jonathan Kurasch, Northbrook IL; Sheng-Hung Paul Johnson III, Four Oaks NC; Yo Buehler, Cleveland OH; Edward Kirkham, North Beumer, Evansville IN; William Sokeland, Oak- Wang, Columbus OH Williamsburg VA; Merle Stetser, Honolulu HI; Royalton OH; Ken Resnick, Beachwood OH land City IN; Billie Floyd, Newburgh IN vs Eric Swanson, Huntersville NC Paul Sorren, Miami Beach FL; Bella Adler, N vs Amy Staska, Saint Paul MN; Jackie Bracket 4 16 Teams Miami Beach FL; Gerty Grotte - John Mincher, Robert Stitt, Springfield OH; Harold Sebourn, Moneypenny, Burnsville MN; Edie Siemens, 17.44 1 Gary Fan - Sheila Dippel, Miami FL Huber Heights OH; Dallas Moore, Dayton OH; Prior Lake MN; Janis Ellis, Lakeville MN Florence KY; Geoff Wise, Fairfield OH; Arnie Terry Grogan, Urbana OH vs Gerren, Dayton OH; Steven Lamer, Waterloo IA 0-750 KNOCKOUT TEAMS Bonnie Wood - Debra Eaves - Julia Misslin, 13.08 2 Sandy Milford - Joy Cellars Forest Clark Jr, Aurora CO; Charles Reed, Den- Northville MI; Lynne Cook, Wyandotte MI - Carol Grieselhuber, Centerville OH; Connie 47 Teams ver CO; Carole Grob, Alexandria VA; Shirley Kramer, Dayton OH Don Greenwood, Tampa FL; Arman Hartung, Kollas, Woodbridge VA Loran Gruman, Saint Paul MN; King Hamilton, 8.72 3/4 David Nurenberg, Dallas Pierson FL; Paul Hern, Cincinnati OH; D Anne vs Golden Valley MN; Roy Marsh, The Woodlands TX; Bernard Zions, Naples FL; Lawrence Pientka, Laurens SC David Baker, Kitchener ON; John Moser, St TX; June White, Spring TX Lowell, Hartsdale NY; R Cramer - Nell Jane vs Agatha ON; Larry Woods, Waterloo ON; Colin vs Cramer, Davenport IA Eileen Gold - Bonnie Goodman - Rosalyn Harrington, Cambridge ON Alan Steggles, Ravenna OH; Henry Essig, 8.72 3/4 Tom Gilpin Jr, Princeton Sukenik, Cleveland OH; Joan Rogoff, Westlake OH; Robert Hirst - Dorothy Hirst, WV; Nicholas Gisondi, Centerville OH; Jane Beachwood OH Kenneth Davis, Alexandria VA; Ronald Spath, Antioch CA Wininger - Elizabeth Moore, Glasgow KY Severna Park MD; Julian Boyce, Silver Spring Larry Shell - Dale Wicks, Muscatine IA; Alan MD; John Ashe, Fairfax VA FIRST SUNDAY ZIP Bracket 5 16 Teams Goff - Coral Harris, Waltham MA vs vs KNOCKOUTS I 10.96 1 Jerry Katz - Joann Katz, Leon Fisher, Ann Arbor MI; Jakob Kristinsson, West Chester OH; Elena Hickman, Cincinnati Stephanie Bernstein, Solon OH; Sheila Fox, Rochester MI; Gail Hanson, Rochester Hills MI; 10 Teams OH; Laura Owens, Loveland OH Cleveland OH; Ken Resnick, Beachwood OH; Hjalmar Beijl, Flushing MI; Fioa Hirschhaut, 3.03 1 Tom Shannon, Toronto 8.22 2 Richard Chase, McMurray Edward Kirkham, North Royalton OH Vickie Sebastian, Beavercreek OH; Jack Mills, ON; Helen Johnston, Ajax ON; Nancy Stewart, PA; Lenore Smart - Anita Osmer, Columbus OH; Indianapolis IN; Terry Parker, Medway OH; Pickering ON; Rob Kischuk, Scarborough ON Yoshiko Fukuno, Westerville OH Lodean Pesavento - Lee Pesavento, Alamo CA; Kenneth King, Raleigh NC 2.27 2 Joyce Strelitz, Virginia 5.48 3/4 Nancy Evans, Stow OH; Diana Diel, Warwick; Nea Willits, Paget vs Beach VA; Doris Riley, Norfolk VA; Emerita Gloria Gagola - Barbara Schidlowski, Kent OH; vs Randy Corn, Kirkland WA; Marjorie Michelin - Hayward, Leonardtown MD; Susan Butler, Shirley Lundstrom, Cuyahoga Falls OH Jim Overcasher, East Canton OH; Peg Clifford, Canton OH; Mary Michel, Louisville OH; Sa- Howard Einberg, Los Angeles CA; John Urbana IL 5.48 3/4 Stephanie Schwingel, rah Neptune, Massillon OH Gassenheimer - Roberto Verthelyi - Alan 1.52 3/4 Lindsay Pearlman, Coloma WI; Nancy Ogreenc, Wautoma WI; Hayman, New York NY Trumbull CT; Charles Halasi, Toronto ON; Gertrude Dressman, Edgewood KY; David Dressman, Burlington KY Janet Peek Clancy, Hendersonville NC; Alan Kent Mignocchi, Bronx NY; Patrick Clark, Steggles, Ravenna OH; Jerry Roth, Maryville Bracket 3 16 Teams Manton MI 2.47 5/8 Paul Carson, Nashville TN; James Breihan - R Grover - Mike Ralston - TN; Donna Rice, Traverse City MI 1.52 3/4 J Lang - Grant Lewis - Henry Essig, Westlake OH; Richard Telkamp - Mahesh Rathi, Austin TX; John Oakley, Round vs Jennifer Christman, Virginia Beach VA; Su- Kathleen Telkamp, Birmingham AL Rock TX; Bob Bainter, Creve Coeur MO 2.47 5/8 Rick Larkin - Millie Larkin, David Wetzel - Michelle Wetzel, Mahomet IL; san Roberts, Maryville TN vs Silver Spring MD; Laurie Kaiser, Fonthill ON; Peter Petillo, Urbana IL; R Shair, Champaign IL Henry Caspar, Toronto ON; Ted Le Munyon, Barry Segal, Lincolnshire IL North Fork CA; Denis Murphy - Dennis FIRST SUNDAY ZIP Patrick Shaw, Olean NY; Lois Scott, Carmel IN; Goldston - Bonnie Bagley - Shirley Scott, Colo- Bracket 6 12 Teams Helen Dickinson - Leda Kulawinski, Indianapolis rado Spgs CO KNOCKOUTS II 8.43 1 Louis Navin - Sharon IN 10 Teams Navin, Naples FL; William Dupuis Jr - K vs Winston Gokavi, Saskatoon SK; Michael 3.03 1 Marshall Tuly, Fairfield Crutchfield, Caro MI Donna Moore - W Eric Morris - Diane Rinaldi, Leighton, Grafton ND; Rob Kischuk, OH; Diane Travis, Cincinnati OH; Judy Cohn, 6.32 2 Antoinette Edeiken, Sugar Dayton OH; Marilena Moore, Miamisburg OH Scarborough ON; Tom Shannon, Toronto ON Wilder KY; James Cunningham, Indianapolis Land TX; Jill Hendricks, Tomball TX; Nancy vs IN Perry - Fredrica Lake, Houston TX Marge Handley - William Wong, Elizabethtown KY; Darlene Pyles, Leesburg FL; Joyce Clark, James Murphy, Nixa MO; Clara Pyles, Shawnee 2.27 2 Harvey Bernstein, Solon 4.22 3/4 Cliff Pleatman - Lowell Bradenton FL Mission KS; Neil Manley Jr, Detroit MI; Frank OH; Albert Freeman, Cleveland OH; Mary Mazer - Robert Carter - Michael MacPash, Cin- vs Bresnahan, Titusville FL Anne Laier, Canton OH; Frank Aquila, cinnati OH 4.22 3/4 Dorothy Richards - Dor- Suzi Steffenhagen, Horseheads NY; Judy Fairlawn OH Mustico - Ann Rees - Susan Cooper, Elmira NY Joseph Muenks, Cincinnati OH; Lucille Maranda 1.52 3/4 Eric Swanson, othy Campbell - Tom Hassett, Cincinnati OH; - Bob Rebelein, West Chester OH; Rose Berman, Huntersville NC; Richard Ferrin, Washington Suzy Haerr, Batavia OH Laurel MD Charles Halasi - Susan Halasi, Toronto ON; Carol DC; John Hatcher, Kent; Geoff Smith, Kent vs Nickels, Berwyn PA; Peggy Hawthorne, Nor- Annette Bergstrom, Burbank CA; Loris Blevins, UK 0-2000 KNOCKOUT TEAMS folk VA Hurst TX; Florence Belford, Milton ON; Joseph 1.52 3/4 Larry King, Hanalei HI; 39 Teams vs Byrnes, Orleans ON Daisy Gould, Boca Raton FL; John Hogan Jr, John Glick, Hope IN; Nancy Zakim, Kentfield Mark Brader - Catherine Brader, Toronto ON; Wayne NJ; Merle Stetser, Honolulu HI CA; Michael Roeder - Lyle Nestingen, Madison Mary Brown, Oakville ON; Florence Belford, John Giles - M Giles, Carbondale IL; Lin Chen WI Milton ON - J Chen, Murphysboro IL KNOCKOUT TEAMS II vs vs Randy Okubo, Saint Paul MN; Sarah Imig, Sioux Rosalie Campeau, Libertyville IL; Irene Faletto, Bracket 1 16 Teams City IA; Richard Ekstrum, Crystal MN; Linda Heath TX; Mary Kever, Grayslake IL; J Richards, James Watson - Bettie Detwiler, Louisville KY; 39.10 1 Mike Albert - Marilyn Mary Lou Zimmer - Carol Greve, Cincinnati OH Webb, Fargo ND Rockwall TX Hemenway, Omaha NE; Geoffrey Mallette, vs Christiansburg VA; Pete Robey, Buena Vista VA Bracket 4 14 Teams Jim Perna - Cheryl Perna, Highland MI; Jean Matthew Bone - Carolyn Sieber, Dayton OH; 29.33 2 Donald Rumelhart, Ann Shufelt - John Shufelt, Farmington Hls MI Anne Marie Harrington, Scottsdale AZ; Victoria Byron Crittenden, Kingswood Surre Y; James Arbor MI; Zeke Jabbour, Boca Raton FL; Morrie Bochsler, Surry SM6.0QQ; Nancy Ferguson, vs Plotner, Centerville OH Kleinplatz, Windsor ON; Jerry Richardson, Lon- Helen Miller, Miller Place NY; James Bochsler- Greenbrae CA; David Bryant, San Francisco CA don ON vs Byron Crittenden, Great Britain; Hans Stocker, Orlando FL Daily Bulletin Page 7

MONDAY SENIOR PAIRS 500/1250/+ SUNDAY-MONDAY CONTINUOUS PAIRS 114 Pairs 82 Pairs A B C A B 18.48 1 Roger Boeka - M Boeka, San Antonio TX 397.50 7.74 1 Betsey Schneider, San Carlos CA; Ken Badertscher, Tucson AZ 188.50 13.86 2 Richard Day - Bill Osborn, Cincinnati OH 396.50 5.81 2 Corinne Kirkham, San Bernardino CA; Howard Piltch, Andover MA 165.00 10.40 3 Lilly Lachter, Culver City CA; Harold Feldheim, Hamden CT 390.00 4.35 3 Bob Rebelein, West Chester OH; Keith Connolly, Minneapolis MN 164.00 7.80 4 William Vinson, Baltimore MD; Charles Stenger, Bethesda MD 386.00 3.27 4 Jim Bachelder - Ellen Royer, Columbus OH 160.50 10.05 5 1 Keith Harstad, Saint Paul MN; Don Christians, Mill Valley CA 371.50 2.45 5 Mike Marlin, Versailles KY; Jim Bottom, Russell Springs KY 157.50 3.84 6/7 John Davis, Columbus OH; Patricia Tullis, Kihel, HI 369.50 2.80 6 Haig Tchamitch, Peoria AZ; Laila Leonhardt, Springfield IL 157.00 3.84 6/7 Kaye Amdon, Orange CA; Lowell Andrews, Huntington Bh CA 369.50 4.10 1 Wayne Hall, Washington DC; William Heess, Marlborough MA 156.50 7.54 8 2 Rachel Chittaro, Lake Zurich IL; Edward Nield, Westchester IL 367.00 3.08 2 Rachel Chittaro, Lake Zurich IL; Edward Nield, Westchester IL 150.00 5.65 3 Jim Wilson, Memphis TN; Ruthe Young, Bloomfield MI 363.00 2.31 3 Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY; Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY 146.00 4.24 4 Lois Cohen, Cincinnati OH; Janyt Pockros, Boca Raton FL 362.00 1.73 4 Ben Finegold, Brooklyn NY; Marilyn Renaker, Cincinnati OH 144.50 3.18 5 Caroline Robertson - Katherine Westbrook, Cincinnati OH 349.00 1.30 5 Elaine Kehm Tallackson - Rochelle Shapiro, Chicago IL 142.50 2.40 6 Fran Watrous, Fairfield OH; Helen Lutz, Cincinnati OH 347.50 0.98 6 Judy Ruehl - Chris King, Batavia OH 141.50 1.79 7 David McNitt - Leroy Boser, Elkhart IN 337.50 4.91 1 Richard Wethington - James Bush, Cincinnati OH 327.50 MONDAY BOARD-A-MATCH TEAMS 3.68 2 Elaine Kehm Tallackson, Chicago IL; Masao Matsumoto, Arlington VA 318.50 40 Teams 2.76 3 Janet Henthorn - Zeta Deye, Cincinnati OH 317.00 A B C 2.07 4 Sanford Franklin - Howard Ringel, Cincinnati OH 316.50 8.34 1 Douglas Doub, Hartford CT; Martin Fleisher - John Rengstorff, 1.72 5 Arthur Beach - Eleanor Blount, Columbus OH 316.00 New York NY; John Stiefel, Wethersfield CT 17.00 1.27 6 Meredith Clarke - Elaine Clarke, Peachtree City GA 315.50 5.48 2/3 Mike Cappelletti, Red Bank TN; Mike Cappelletti Sr, Alexandria VA; Jason Ciano, Lawrenceville GA; Eustis Paine III, Melbourne FL 16.50 MONDAY MORNING 299ER PAIRS 5.48 2/3 Howard Einberg, Los Angeles CA; David Sokolow, Austin TX; Jill 30 Pairs Fisch - John Gassenheimer, New York NY 16.50 A B C 2.71 4/6 Patricia Cayne - Jacqui Mitchell - Amalya Kearse, New York NY; 3.50 1 Sandra Williams, Indianapolis IN; Ruth Panelli, Carmel IN 139.10 Karen Allison, Jersey City NJ 16.00 2.63 2 1 Michael Salmon, Perryville MD; Thomas Lewis Jr, Lexington KY 132.52 2.71 4/6 James Koley - Donald Sloter, Omaha NE; Sally Kane - Marvin Kane, 1.97 3 2 Denyse La Gasse, Springboro OH; Will Engel, Champaing IL 129.00 Willoughby OH 16.00 1.48 4 3 Marjorie Lunzer - Kenneth Lunzer, McGregor MN 125.45 4.84 4/6 1 Carolyn Sullivan - James Sullivan, Richfield OH; Bruce Moore, 1.47 5 4 1 Barbara Simpson, Godfrey IL; Linda Brazier, Moro IL 122.00 Mentor On The L OH; Timothy Baker, Lakewood OH 16.00 0.88 6 Eileen Skozey - Patricia Yingling, Indianapolis IN 119.65 3.63 2 1 Brett Orban, Martins Ferry OH; Thomas Danford, Bellaire OH; 0.63 5 Thomas Prall - Joan Prall, Hamilton OH 117.00 Timothy Aspenwall, St Clairsvle OH; Conner Causey, Wheeling WV 15.50 1.10 2 Arthur Altman - Nancy Altman, Charleston WV 116.95 2.72 3 2 Diane Hibbard - Paul Hibbard, Arlington Hts IL; Michael Saltzman 0.83 3 Kenneth Dixon - Janet Dixon, Springboro OH 109.50 - Linda Saltzman, Naperville IL 14.00 2.04 4 Frances Herrick - Betty Raney - Mary Williams, Huntington WV; MONDAY-WEDNESDAY MORNING CONTINUOUS PAIRS Deanie Smith, West Palm Beach FL 13.50 1.69 5 3 Ron Woofter, Bowling Green OH; Donald Scheibly, Fostoria OH; 18 Pairs Dixie Hord - Mary McFarland, Marion OH 13.00 A B 1.11 6/7 William Hurst - La Quitta Talbot - Jenny Rose, Alexandria VA; 2.88 1 1 Annette Clark - Frederic Hadley, Indianapolis IN 105.00 Jackie Greene, Great Falls VA 12.00 2.16 2 Stuart Foster, Mission Viejo CA; William Sentman, Scott Depot WV 102.00 1.01 6/7 Terry Goodykoontz - Paul Soper, Champaign IL; Nancy Conway, Vero 1.82 3 2 Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY; Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY 99.50 Beach FL; Harold Kolp, North Canton OH 12.00 2.22 4 3 Ben Finegold, Brooklyn NY; Wes Burgar, Warren MI 97.50 1.55 5 Nancy Pickering, Penllyn PA; Brij Mohan Banda, Fremont CA 95.50 1.11 4 Douglas Duker, North Benton OH; Stanley Brodersen, White Plains NY 91.00 MONDAY EVENING 299ER SWISS TEAMS 20 Teams A B C MONDAY AFTERNOON SIDE GAME 4.20 1 1 Richard Magnus - Anita Mangold, Cincinnati OH; Jimmie Bernard, 70 Pairs St Petersburg FL; Karen Richards, Harvest AL 101.00 A B 3.15 2 Susan Sekulow, Scarsdale NY; Jill Rosen - Rachel Tanowitz, 6.83 1 Mike Cappelletti Sr, Alexandria VA; Eustis Paine III, Melbourne FL 231.42 Greenwich CT; Phyllis Brown, Wykagyl NY 98.00 5.12 2 1 Paul Hamper, Chicago IL; Wes Burgar, Warren MI 193.50 2.36 3 Loran Gruman, Saint Paul MN; Steven Fox, Kensington MD; Thomas 3.84 3 Colin Harrington, Cambridge ON; Larry Woods, Waterloo ON 188.29 Ball, Lakewood OH; M Neyer, Cincinnati OH 89.00 3.27 4 Arthur Rainey Jr - Jean Baldwin, Springfield MO 187.88 1.77 4 Alice Jones - Ruth Hawes - Florence McCarthy, Huntington WV; 3.15 5 2 Harriet Adelstein - Judith Selig, Chagrin Falls OH 187.50 Elizabeth Rice, Barboursville WV 78.00 1.64 6 Roland Brabant, Palatine IL; Larry Hayslip, Norcross GA 186.96 2.21 5 2 1 Michael Dickman, Loveland OH; Carol Jercher - June Cushman, 1.88 3 Ann Hedden, Watkinsville GA; David Sterner, Glen Burnie MD 172.54 Cincinnati OH; Jackie Mullins, Mason OH 76.00 1.64 4 Thomas Henderson - William Dempler, Pittsburgh PA 170.58 1.66 6 3 2 Mary Armacost, Hillsborough CA; Christine Hevener, San Mateo 1.06 5 Thomas Kuster, Holiday FL; Nina Lubick-Reich, Fullerton CA 170.50 CA; Shirley Liebhaber, Los Altos CA; Juanita Girand, Palo Alto CA 72.00 0.97 6 Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY; Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY 167.00 1.24 4 3 Lawrence Jones, Ballwin MO; Carolyn Koch, Carbondale IL; Linda Brazier, Moro IL; Barbara Simpson, Godfrey IL 70.00 MONDAY AFTERNOON 5/20 PAIRS 0.93 5 Dorothy Wierwille - George Wierwille, Cincinnati OH; Bob 10 Pairs Farison - Dottie Farison, Lebanon OH 66.00 A B 1.40 1 Patricia Shuler, Mansfield TX; Gloria Allen, Arlington TX 39.50 5/20/50 STRATIFIED PAIRS 1.05 2 1 Pat Holm, Cincinnati OH; Donna Harpsoe, West Chester OH 35.50 12 Pairs 0.79 3 2 John Osoinach Jr, Washington IL; Jeannie Dell, Cincinnati OH 34.50 A B 0.59 4 Diane Bofferding - Richard Bofferding, Saginaw MI 33.00 1.68 1 Patrick Lammers - Jack Moore, Cincinnati OH 51.50 1.26 2 Jane Rice - Don Rice, Marietta GA 47.50 MONDAY AFTERNOON 50/100 PAIRS 1.21 3 1 Patricia Shuler, Mansfield TX; Gloria Allen, Arlington TX 45.50 42 Pairs 0.71 4 Daniel Taylor, Littleton CO; Judith Hunt, Englewood CO 44.50 A B 0.91 2 Diane Bofferding - Richard Bofferding, Saginaw MI 44.00 3.62 1 1 Sari Miller - Philip Miller, Wyoming OH 118.50 2.72 2 James Bard, Warren MI; William O’Connor, Rochester Hills MI 108.57 100/200/300 STRATIFIED PAIRS 2.04 3 Lawrence Jones, Ballwin MO; Carolyn Koch, Carbondale IL 101.50 40 Pairs 1.53 4 Carol Jercher, Cincinnati OH; Michael Dickman, Loveland OH 98.50 A B C 1.23 5 Thomas Prall - Joan Prall, Hamilton OH 95.00 4.20 1 Mark Zeitler, Davenport IA; John Bremser, Bettendorf IA 115.50 1.66 6 2 Kathleen Love, Lewis Center OH; Nancy Barnes, Westerville OH 94.57 3.15 2 Samuel Barco - Joan Barco, Franklin TN 104.50 1.24 3 Martha Newman, Huntington WV; Clara Marcum, Ashland KY 93.50 2.07 3/4 Carolyn Doll - Patricia Scheimann, Cincinnati OH 103.50 0.93 4 John Nichols - Sandra Nichols, Carmel IN 91.00 3.21 3/4 1 Mei Cheng - Judith White, Wichita KS 103.50 0.82 5 Penny Ericson, Cottage Grove WI; Malinda Pittman, Cincinnati OH 89.21 2.11 5/6 2/3 1 Ron Plybon - Frank Parsons, 101.00 0.89 6 Jeanne Weyers, Cincinnati OH; Rosalie Knight, Temecula CA 86.50 2.11 5/6 2/3 Martin Mayer - Robin Mayer, Westlake OH 101.00 1.58 4 2 Judy Coffey - Mary Jo Sergent, Rockford IL 100.00 MONDAY AFTERNOON 200/300 PAIRS 1.18 5 3 Daniel Jablonski, Cambridge MA; Vincent Fish, Somerville MA 96.00 38 Pairs 1.03 6 4 Herb Schapera - Morton Zeff, Cincinnati OH 91.50 A B 0.72 5 Clara Marcum, Ashland KY; Martha Newman, Huntington WV 90.50 4.06 1 1 Wilhelmina Szabo - Lajos Szabo, Columbus OH 102.86 3.05 2 2 Ellen Ammons, Cincinnati OH; Dorothy Gard, Hamilton OH 101.00 MONDAY WOMEN’S PAIRS 2.28 3 Elizabeth Rice, Barboursville WV; Alice Jones, Huntington WV 99.00 62 Pairs 1.88 4 3 J Maybruck - Jackie White, Columbus OH 98.50 A B C 1.41 5 4 Martin Mayer - Robin Mayer, Westlake OH 97.64 11.48 1 Elsiemae Smith, Cuyahoga Falls OH; Patti Burriss, St Petersburg FL 790.50 1.06 6 5 Gertrude Dann, Copley OH; Patricia Cronin, Akron OH 95.50 8.61 2 Jackie Toth, West Chester OH; Agnes De Lany, Cincinnati OH 782.00 0.79 6 Susan Hermans, West Chester OH; William Oliver, Erlanger KY 94.86 6.46 3 Anita Heitler, Englewood CO; Barbara Odlin, Tacoma WA 771.50 4.84 4 Gail Hastings, Verona PA; Brita Bridenstine, Pittsburgh PA 756.00 4.18 5 Cheryl Gorman - Donna Givner, Omaha NE 742.00 3.83 6 Betty Engelgau, Fort Gratiot MI; Carole Findley, Port Huron MI 740.00 SUNDAY-MONDAY OVERALL CONTINUOUS PAIRS 5.02 1 Betty Fleischer, Ossining NY; Judy Soley, Scarsdale NY 726.00 447 Players 3.77 2 Karen Bell, Midland MI; Connie Anderson, Knoxville TN 720.00 13.72 1/2 Judith Selig, Chagrin Falls OH 126.77% 2.82 3 Judith Inker, Wellesley Hills MA; Ronnie Frank, Saint Louis MO 708.50 13.72 1/2 Harriet Adelstein, Chagrin Falls OH 126.77% 3.41 4 1 Dorothy Aschkenasy - Terry Heled, New York NY 685.00 10.58 3/4 Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY 122.47% 1.78 5 2 Elizabeth Houghton, Johnston IA; Jean Seiser, Ames IA 662.00 10.58 3/4 Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY 122.47% 1.19 6 Mary Harvey, Upper Marlboro MD; Mary Eisenman, Dunkirk MD 653.00 6.49 5/6 James Edmunds, Altamonte Spg FL 119.94% 6.49 5/6 Leonard Smith, Taylors SC 119.94% 4.76 7/8 Norman Leslie, New Orleans LA 117.95% 4.76 7/8 Alan Hayman, New York NY 117.95% Page 8 Daily Bulletin

FINAL STANDINGS IN SILVER RIBBON PAIRS MONDAY OPEN PAIRS 78 Pairs 252 Pairs 100.00 1 Charles Coon, Marshfield MA; Rhoda Walsh, Los Angeles CA 1347.83 A B C 75.00 2 Gerald Caravelli, Des Plaines IL; Marc Low, Centerville OH 1278.29 36.30 1 Jim Kirkham, San Bernardino CA; Bruce Reeve, Raleigh NC 424.50 56.25 3 Judy Schwarz - Phil Schwarz, Burnsville MN 1170.01 27.23 2 William Higgins - Amitabh Raturi, Cincinnati OH 405.50 44.44 4 Gene Simpson, Redlands CA; Hamish Bennett, Menlo Park CA 1152.49 17.87 3/4 Jeff Roman - Marc Umeno, Arlington VA 393.00 40.00 5 Donald Berman, Laurel MD; Eugene Kales, Arlington VA 1151.17 17.87 3/4 Milton Zlatic, Saint Louis MO; Tom Oppenheimer, Ballwin MO 393.00 36.36 6 B Troyer, Joliet IL; Ross Robbins, Port Isabel TX 1150.77 11.49 5 Donald Riley, Alexandria VA; Kim Smith, Bethesda MD 388.00 33.33 7 Susi Katz, Longwood FL; Harry Ross, Tukwila WA 1133.84 8.61 6 David Baker, Kitchener ON; John Moser, St Agatha ON 386.50 30.77 8 Anne Simon, Syracuse NY; David Adams, Kennesaw GA 1133.21 6.46 7 Raymond Ward, Portland OR; Judy Kay, Hillsboro OR 384.00 28.57 9 William Esberg, Long Branch NJ; Marla Chaikin, Monmouth Beach NJ 1133.19 5.60 8 Ashraf El Sadi, Union City CA; Andre Rakhmanin, Granite Bay CA 383.50 26.67 10 Peter Filandro - Marie Filandro, Smyrna DE 1121.33 4.76 9 Keith Woolf, Mentor OH; Carl Edwards, Westerville OH 383.00 25.00 11 Jim Barrow, Lake Charles LA; Randall Pettit, Marietta GA 1118.43 16.93 10 1 Keith Overpeck, Louisville KY; Michael Kuhnle, Fishers IN 378.50 23.53 12 Martin Baff - Richard Fleischman, Beachwood OH 1118.21 5.72 11 Jack Bryant - Kenneth Bland, Saint Louis MO 377.50 22.22 13 Arnold Malasky, Longboat Key FL; Richard Wegman, Bethesda MD 1116.27 4.76 12 Joan Jackson - Petra Hamman, Dallas TX 376.92 21.05 14 Veronica McMurdie - John McMurdie, Sacramento CA 1106.91 3.78 13 Cordelia Menges, New York NY; Jay Baudler, Piedmont CA 373.50 20.00 15 Ulker Mutlu, Clearwater FL; Phil Leon, Grosse Pointe MI 1106.14 3.90 14 Richard Meffley - James Tritt, Fresno CA 372.50 19.05 16 Richard Katz, N Versailles PA; Herbert Sachs, Pittsburgh PA 1105.95 2.94 15 Frank Bessing - Jennifer Jones, Santa Rosa CA 370.50 18.18 17 Leonard Ernst, Las Vegas NV; Frederick Hamilton, Fresno CA 1097.54 4.20 16 Richard Dorfman, Oconomowoc WI; Danny Schamehorn, Orillia ON 366.50 17.39 18 Louise Childs - Gene Freed, Los Angeles CA 1091.84 3.92 17 Ellen Crawford - Rob Crawford, Lauderhill FL 365.50 16.67 19 Ed Lewis, Falls Church VA; John Potter, Panama City FL 1090.60 3.92 18/19 Raymond Raskin, King of Prussia PA; Daisy Goecker, Yardley PA 364.50 16.00 20 Carol Pincus - Rebecca Rogers, Las Vegas NV 1090.58 3.36 18/19 Clark, Manton MI; John Harris, Port Huron MI 364.50 15.38 21 Ilse Rothman - Edward Rothman, North Dartmouth MA 1089.66 3.36 20 Randy Helmink - C Noel Helmink, Indianapolis IN 364.00 14.81 22 Alvin Levy, Commack NY; Gerald Levine, Brooklyn NY 1087.94 3.36 21 John Gustafson - Helen Gustafson, Des Moines IA 361.50 14.29 23 Mary Hardy - Max Hardy, Las Vegas NV 1087.86 2.86 22 Tony Petronella, North Kingstown RI; Carole Weinstein-Gorse, 13.79 24 Martin Chaitt - Ellasue Chaitt, West Palm Beach FL 1084.39 Acton MA 359.00 13.33 25 Richard Taube, Marietta GA; Michael Huston, Joplin MO 1082.98 12.70 2 D Berg, Edgewood WA; Ann Labe, Kirkland WA 352.59 12.90 26 Kamla Chawla - David Kowarsky, Longmeadow MA 1065.75 9.52 3 Jules Schoenberg - Hazel Schoenberg, Plano TX 349.50 12.50 27 Liane Turner - Donald Turner, Overland Park KS 1065.35 7.14 4 Sali Ma, Birmingham AL; Richard Tulley, Portland OR 346.00 12.12 28 James Davis - Richard Ellis Jr, Kokomo IN 1062.82 7.74 5 1 Nobuko Wakasa, Kawasaki-Shi 44 08; Masaharu Wakasa, Kanagawa JP 340.50 11.76 29 Roy Falck, Tucson AZ; Jackie Boisseau, Etobicoke ON 1060.67 4.02 6 Michael Gladfelter - Mary Jane Gladfelter, Columbus OH 340.00 11.43 30 Richard Anderson, Regina SK; Cecil Cook, Long Beach CA 1056.05 5.81 7 2 Donald Morris - Stephen Creed, Fairfield OH 339.00 11.11 31 Donna Stack Magee, Prairie Village KS; Donald Stack, Shawnee Mission KS 1053.68 2.48 8 Sally Eggleston - William Henneke, Columbus OH 331.50 10.81 32 Mary Anne Laier, Canton OH; Frank Aquila, Fairlawn OH 1053.67 4.35 3 Bernie Wehrle - David Shepler, Charleston WV 326.00 10.53 33 Chuck Said, Nashville TN; John Russell, North Barringto IL 1053.36 2.86 4/5 Russell Cowgill - Patricia Cowgill, Orinda CA 324.50 10.26 34 Linda Wong, Poughkeepsie NY; Claude Vogel, Chicago IL 1052.30 2.86 4/5 Anthony Viscomi, Dayton OH; Bob Ve Verka, Cincinnati OH 324.50 10.00 35 Ed Groner, Duncan OK; David Horner, Carrollton TX 1049.94 2.80 6 Walter Bunker - Sherby Chernin, Cincinnati OH 314.00 9.76 36 Floyd Woldt, Destin FL; Ruth Stearns, Milwaukee WI 1046.66 9.52 37 Carlos Munoz - Kassie Ohtaka, White Plains NY 1045.61 9.30 38 Jayne Thomas, Lutz FL; Virgil Anderson Jr, Springfield MO 1030.98 Team Trials for Olympiad 9.09 39 Shirley Presberg, Norfolk VA; Gloria Brown, Virginia Bch VA 1020.83 8.89 40 Robert Lix - Sally Lix, Brownsville CA 1020.27 Trials to select open and women’s teams for the 2000 Olympiad in the Nether- 8.70 41 Jess Stuart - Lois Stuart, West Chester PA 1019.45 lands are scheduled for May and June. 8.51 42 Jean Jacobson, Fullerton CA; Sally Murphy, Fountain Valley CA 1005.76 The Women’s International Team Trials will be held May 23–30 at the Hilton 8.33 43 Robert Ryder, Caldwell NJ; Richard Budd, Portland ME 1000.42 8.16 44 Judy Kay, Narberth PA; Jane Segal, Villanova PA 998.63 North Raleigh in Raleigh NC. For hotel reservations, call 1–800–445–8667 and 8.00 45 Charles Gray, Philadelphia PA; Gail Bell, Laverock PA 996.13 mention the WITT. 7.84 46 Marjorie Baldwin, Fairlawn OH; Charlotte Baff, Beachwood OH 993.86 Teams with byes to later rounds must register by March 1 while teams entering 7.69 47 Sandra Talish - Marvin Talish, Merrick NY 989.19 at the first round-robin stage have until March 31. The International Team Trials 7.55 48 Franklin Lowenthal, Pleasanton CA; Albert Barbanel, Riverhead NY 986.39 will be held June 4–12 at the Hilton East Memphis in Memphis. Hotel reservations are being handled through ACBL. Call Rena Hetzer at 901–332–5586 ext. 307. Tournament tours Teams with byes to later rounds must register by April 13 while teams entering at the first round-robin stage have until April 27. Wednesday, March 15 Each Trials will qualify one team to represent the United States at the 2000 The Newport Aquarium. 9:30 a.m. $11.50 per person. Olympiad, scheduled Aug. 26–Sept. 9 in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Turfway Raceway. This racetrack is among the most beautiful in the Applications must include the names of all team members, including a captain country -- enclosed and comfortable. :00 p.m. $4 per person. or non-playing captain; all ACBL player numbers and email addresses known; and Thursday, March 16 the address, phone and fax numbers of the captain or NPC. Museum Center Tour. The center has very interesting exhibits of flora Applications may be completed online (go to the ACBL website: and fauna. Tour of Rotunda and admission to the Historical Society and the and log onto the “tournament” link), by email ([email protected]), Natural History Museum. Also as an option, the Omnimax Theater. by regular mail (Rena Hetzer, ACBL International Events Coordinator, 2990 Air- Argosy Casino -- the country’s biggest floating palace. 7:00 p.m. Admis- ways Boulevard, Memphis TN 38116), by fax (901–398–7754, Attn: Rena Hetzer) sion $14 (admission includes bus ride, entrance and buffet).. or by phone (901–332–5586 ext. 307).

SUNDAY-MONDAY CONTINUOUS PAIRS 4TH SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION GGG EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Jim Bachelder - Ellen Royer, Columbus OH 160.50 1 Bob Rebelein, West Chester OH; Keith Connolly, Minneapolis MN 164.00 2 1 Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY; Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY 146.00 2 Mike Marlin, Versailles KY; Jim Bottom, Russell Springs KY 157.50 3 Vincentina Simak, Mc Keesport PA; Phyllis Cowie, Pittsburgh PA 142.50 3 Bob Pfeiffer, Chesapeake VA; John Hackett, Oxford ME 152.00 4 Leonard Smith, Taylors SC; Marshall Kuschner, Reston VA 141.00 4 1 Elizabeth Moore - Jane Wininger, Glasgow KY 141.00 5 Stephen Maltzman, N Plainfield NJ; Mani Gupta, Bridgewater NJ 138.50 5 John Jackson - Joan Jackson, Wheaton IL 134.50 2 Paul Hamper, Chicago IL; Wes Burgar, Warren MI 135.00 2 Nina Lubick-Reich, Fullerton CA; Tom Kuster, Holiday FL 130.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION HHH EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Betsey Schneider, San Carlos CA; Ken Badertscher, Tucson AZ 188.50 1 1 Wayne Hall, Washington DC; William Heess, Marlborough MA 156.50 2 Corinne Kirkham, San Bernardino CA; Howard Piltch, Andover MA 165.00 2 Evelyn Ruby, Chestnut Hill MA; Adacie Allen, Brookline MA 151.00 3 Tom Gardner - Bev Gardner, Southfield MI 150.00 3 Richard Mellor, Chattanooga TN; Barbara Levinson, Cincinnati OH 150.50 4 Geraldine Chavez - Georgette King, Miami Beach FL 147.50 4 Sarah Callicoat-Yates - Carolyn Gibson, Annandale VA 147.00 5 Frank Burke - Janet Burke, Seattle WA 144.50 5 Alan Goldman, Flushing NY; Robert Cappelli, Southfield MI 142.00 6 Cleopatra Guastella, Deer Park NY; Victoria Giusti, Commack NY 134.00 6 Harv Sidhu, Basking Ridge NJ; Bharat Rao, Robbinsville NJ 141.50 1 Mona Mao, Springfield OH; Maria Roda, Vero Beach FL 132.00 2 Kyle Gearhart, Terrace Park OH; Wayne Wisemandle, Dayton OH 123.50 2 Bernard Zions, Naples FL; Lawrence Lowell, Hartsdale NY 127.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION III EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Haig Tchamitch, Peoria AZ; Laila Leonhardt, Springfield IL 157.00 1 Norman Leslie, New Orleans LA; Alan Hayman, New York NY 154.00 2 Betty Bursey, Herndon VA; Lucy McCoy, Mc Lean VA 154.00 2 Peggy Allen, Chevy Chase MD; Doug Fretz, Philadelphia PA 147.50 3 Hal Norris - Joy Norris, Cincinnati OH 151.50 3 1 Ben Finegold, Brooklyn NY; Marilyn Renaker, Cincinnati OH 144.50 4 1 Rachel Chittaro, Lake Zurich IL; Edward Nield, Westchester IL 150.00 4 2 Judy Ruehl - Chris King, Batavia OH 141.50 5 2 Elaine Kehm Tallackson - Rochelle Shapiro, Chicago IL 142.50 5 Jim Watson - Betty Detwiler, Louisville KY 140.50 6 Nancy Sachs, Cincinnati OH; Paul Pschesang, Milford OH 142.00 6 Gwyneth Abts, Geneva IL; Charles Pan, Chevy Chase MD 138.50 3 Judith Selig - Harriet Adelstein, Chagrin Falls OH 137.00

MONDAY BOARD-A-MATCH TEAMS ONLY SESSION SECTIONS II KK A B C 1 Mike Cappelletti, Red Bank TN; Mike Cappelletti Sr, Alexandria VA; Jason Ciano, Lawrenceville GA; Eustis Paine III, Melbourne FL 16.50 2/3 Patricia Cayne - Jacqui Mitchell - Amalya Kearse, New York NY; Karen Allison, Jersey City NJ 16.00 2/3 James Koley - Donald Sloter, Omaha NE; Sally Kane - Marvin Kane, Willoughby OH 16.00 4 1 1 Brett Orban, Martins Ferry OH; Thomas Danford, Bellaire OH; Timothy Aspenwall, St Clairsvle OH; Conner Causey, Wheeling WV 15.50 5 Jose Valdes - Paolo Pasquini, Miami FL; Morella Pacheco, Pompano Beach FL; Steve Hamaoui, Venezuela 15.00 6/8 Dale Dye - Douglas Dye, Wyndmoor PA; Jim Relihan, Tampa FL; Bryan Morgan, Dallas TX 14.50 6/8 Ed Lazarus - Diane Lazarus, Baltimore MD; Duncan Phillips - Joy Phillips, Toronto ON 14.50 6/8 Gail Hanson, Rochester Hills MI; Jakob Kristinsson, Rochester MI; Fiad Hirschhaut, Venezuela; Leon Fisher, Milan MI 14.50 2 William Hurst - La Quitta Talbot - Jenny Rose, Alexandria VA; Jackie Greene, Great Falls VA 12.00 3/5 Yonsey Karasek, Hayward WI; Eileen Carlson, Cadillac MI; Joan Powell, Elmira NY; Leslie Powell, Great Falls VA 10.50 3/5 Martha Brown, Manchester MA; Sandy Sloan, Ipswich MA; Courtney Nelson, Wells VT; Sandra Hammer, Dedham MA 10.50 3/5 Kenneth Sarner, Wilkes Barre PA; Walter Brenholts, Mountain Top PA; Raymond Depew, Kingston PA; Raymond Harris, Dallas PA 10.50 2 Arlene Seppelt - Ed Snyder - Lois Gschwender - Pat Huber, Dayton OH 9.50

SECTIONS JJ LL A B C 1 Douglas Doub, Hartford CT; Martin Fleisher - John Rengstorff, New York NY; John Stiefel, Wethersfield CT 17.00 2 Howard Einberg, Los Angeles CA; David Sokolow, Austin TX; Jill Fisch - John Gassenheimer, New York NY 16.50 3 1 Carolyn Sullivan - James Sullivan, Richfield OH; Bruce Moore, Mentor On The L OH; Timothy Baker, Lakewood OH 16.00 4 Ray Grace - Helene Grace, Sherwood Park AB; Grace Jeklin, Surrey BC; Judy Chapman, Edmonton AB 15.50 5 Eileen Fertig, Winter Springs FL; Wayne Merkel, North York ON; Gordon Cable Jr, Jamesburg NJ; Stanley Littlefield, Maitland FL 15.00 6 Stephen Sturm - Charlotte Sturm, Whittier CA; R Grover - Carole Dawkins, Austin TX 14.50 7 2 1 Diane Hibbard - Paul Hibbard, Arlington Hts IL; Michael Saltzman - Linda Saltzman, Naperville IL 14.00 8 3 Frances Herrick - Betty Raney - Mary Williams, Huntington WV; Deanie Smith, West Palm Beach FL 13.50 4 2 Ron Woofter, Bowling Green OH; Donald Scheibly, Fostoria OH; Dixie Hord - Mary McFarland, Marion OH 13.00 Daily Bulletin Page 9

5/20/50 STRATIFIED PAIRS MONDAY EVENING SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION UUU EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Patrick Lammers - Jack Moore, Cincinnati OH 51.50 1 Jane Rice - Don Rice, Marietta GA 47.50 2 1 Patricia Shuler, Mansfield TX; Gloria Allen, Arlington TX 45.50 2 1 Diane Bofferding - Richard Bofferding, Saginaw MI 44.00 2 Joe Frederick - Lorrie Frederick, Claypool IN 42.50

100/200/300 STRATIFIED PAIRS MONDAY EVENING SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION WWW EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Samuel Barco - Joan Barco, Franklin TN 104.50 1 1 1 Ron Plybon - Frank Parsons, 101.00 2 1 1 Daniel Jablonski, Cambridge MA; Vincent Fish, Somerville MA 96.00 2 2 2 Judy Coffey - Mary Jo Sergent, Rockford IL 100.00 3 2 Clara Marcum, Ashland KY; Martha Newman, Huntington WV 90.50 3 Noreen Bryant - Diane Scott, Clinton IN 87.00 4/5 Mary Walker, Mount Albert ON; Anna Gray, Toronto ON 82.00 4 3 Robert Carter - Michael MacPash, Cincinnati OH 86.50 4/5 Laura Hoskins, Indianapolis IN; Mary Frances, Atlanta GA 82.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION XXX EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Mark Zeitler, Davenport IA; John Bremser, Bettendorf IA 115.50 1 1 Mei Cheng - Judith White, Wichita KS 103.50 2 Carolyn Doll - Patricia Scheimann, Cincinnati OH 103.50 2 2 1 Herb Schapera - Morton Zeff, Cincinnati OH 91.50 3 1 Martin Mayer - Robin Mayer, Westlake OH 101.00 3/4 3/4 Thomas Rand, Canton OH; Richard Rand, Columbus OH 87.00 4 2 1 Karen Golden, Davis IL; Dolores Witte, Roscoe IL 89.00 3/4 3/4 Craig Herold, Fort Wayne IN; John Haskin, Traverse City MI 87.00 3 2 Jerry Campeau, Libertyville IL; Jerome Kever, Grayslake IL 80.50

MONDAY WOMEN’S PAIRS 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS K L EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Jackie Toth, West Chester OH; Agnes De Lany, Cincinnati OH 430.50 1 Cheryl Gorman - Donna Givner, Omaha NE 394.50 2 Gail Hastings, Verona PA; Brita Bridenstine, Pittsburgh PA 413.00 2 Anita Heitler, Englewood CO; Barbara Odlin, Tacoma WA 393.00 3 Sharon Austin, Bainbridge IN; Catherine Lindholm, Indianapolis IN 401.50 3 Gladys Collier, East Hampton NY; Justine Cushing, New York NY 377.00 4 Elsiemae Smith, Cuyahoga Falls OH; Patti Burriss, St Petersburg FL 386.50 4 Jeanette Deverian, Pasadena CA; Betty Jackson, Temple City CA 371.50 5 Sharon Jabbour, Boca Raton FL; Caroline Pascoe, Sarasota FL 378.50 5 Susan Goodman - Erna Herre, Cincinnati OH 369.50 6 1 Gudrun Zieler, D-61476 Kronber G; Lesley Fells, Worthington OH 374.00 6 Reanette Frobouck, Pittsburgh PA; Toni Bales, Pickerington OH 360.00 7 2 Betty Fleischer, Ossining NY; Judy Soley, Scarsdale NY 368.00 7 Jean Talbot, New Orleans LA; Joan Van Geffen, Metairie LA 359.00 8 3 Karen Bell, Midland MI; Connie Anderson, Knoxville TN 359.50 8 1 Judith Inker, Wellesley Hills MA; Ronnie Frank, Saint Louis MO 350.00 9 4 Mary Harvey, Upper Marlboro MD; Mary Eisenman, Dunkirk MD 345.50 9 Julia Bomalaski, Louisville KY; Sarah Anne Cressy, Falls Church VA 345.00 10 Carol Hamilton - Lee Emmer, Sarasota FL 340.00 10 Eleanor Grinslade - Joan Lenze, Indianapolis IN 343.00 11 Shirley Gilmore - Margaret Young, Cincinnati OH 336.00 11 2 Barbara Swan - Darlene Roby, Roseville CA 342.50 12 Marjorie Michelin, Los Angeles CA; Brenda Montague, Swampscott MA 332.00 12 Barbara Swaney Canon - Phyllis Goldstein, Louisville KY 342.00 1 Dorothy Aschkenasy - Terry Heled, New York NY 296.50 3 Dotty Warrick, Port Clinton OH; Rosemary Kleis, Solon OH 336.50 4 1 Rosanne Winokur, West Bloomfield MI; Rhonda Monro, Beverly Hills MI 311.00 5 Judy Graf, Clarence NY; Donna Steffan, East Amherst NY 310.00 6 Saundra Andersen, Prospect KY; Carol Lee Schweitzer, Huntington WV 306.00

SILVER RIBBON PAIRS 2ND FINAL SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS G H I EAST-WEST 1 Gerald Caravelli, Des Plaines IL; Marc Low, Centerville OH 607.38 1 Charles Coon, Marshfield MA; Rhoda Walsh, Los Angeles CA 609.83 2 Kamla Chawla - David Kowarsky, Longmeadow MA 589.88 2 Martin Baff - Richard Fleischman, Beachwood OH 592.49 3 Arnold Malasky, Longboat Key FL; Richard Wegman, Bethesda MD 555.17 3 B Troyer, Joliet IL; Ross Robbins, Port Isabel TX 575.62 4 Leonard Ernst, Las Vegas NV; Frederick Hamilton, Fresno CA 553.49 4 Robert Ryder, Caldwell NJ; Richard Budd, Portland ME 571.83 5 Anne Simon, Syracuse NY; David Adams, Kennesaw GA 549.30 5 Jerry Pietscher, Elk Grove CA; Loren Hawkins, Bremerton WA 559.64 6 Ulker Mutlu, Clearwater FL; Phil Leon, Grosse Pointe MI 535.67 6 Judy Schwarz - Phil Schwarz, Burnsville MN 557.33 7 Chuck Said, Nashville TN; John Russell, North Barringto IL 527.71 7 Roy Falck, Tucson AZ; Jackie Boisseau, Etobicoke ON 540.33 8 Martin Chaitt - Ellasue Chaitt, West Palm Beach FL 526.67 8 Jayne Thomas, Lutz FL; Virgil Anderson Jr, Springfield MO 536.49 9 Mary Anne Laier, Canton OH; Frank Aquila, Fairlawn OH 525.17 9 Buf Slay, Paris TX; George Pisk, Manchaca TX 536.14 10 Carlos Munoz - Kassie Ohtaka, White Plains NY 516.71 10 William Esberg, Long Branch NJ; Marla Chaikin, Monmouth Beach NJ 527.47 11 Susi Katz, Longwood FL; Harry Ross, Tukwila WA 516.51 11 Veronica McMurdie - John McMurdie, Sacramento CA 525.79 12 Louise Childs - Gene Freed, Los Angeles CA 514.71 12 Ed Lewis, Falls Church VA; John Potter, Panama City FL 521.62 13 Marjorie Baldwin, Fairlawn OH; Charlotte Baff, Beachwood OH 508.88 13 Richard Taube, Marietta GA; Michael Huston, Joplin MO 521.47 14 Mary Hardy - Max Hardy, Las Vegas NV 507.38 14 Donald Berman, Laurel MD; Eugene Kales, Arlington VA 520.33 15 Richard Katz, N Versailles PA; Herbert Sachs, Pittsburgh PA 505.88 15 Ilse Rothman - Edward Rothman, North Dartmouth MA 519.83 16 Franklin Lowenthal, Pleasanton CA; Albert Barbanel, Riverhead NY 504.36 16 Janet Daling - Steve Mansfield, Seattle WA 513.49

MONDAY OPEN PAIRS SECOND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION MM EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Donald Riley, Alexandria VA; Kim Smith, Bethesda MD 209.50 1 William Higgins - Amitabh Raturi, Cincinnati OH 207.00 2 Gary Hann, Ann Arbor MI; Keith Garber, Pelham NY 176.00 2 Joshua Stark, Grayslake IL; Suzanne Dunn, Crystal Lake IL 182.00 3 1 Keith Overpeck, Louisville KY; Michael Kuhnle, Fishers IN 174.50 3 Alex Ladyzhensky - Irina Ladyzhensky, Bradenton FL 181.00 4 Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON; Elaine Said, Nashville TN 172.50 4 Frank Bessing - Jennifer Jones, Santa Rosa CA 175.50 5 Denny Cahan, Roswell GA; Geraldine Cahan, Asheville NC 166.00 5 James Steele - Karen Renne, Denver CO 170.50 6 2 1 Raymond Spalding, Atlanta GA; Dan Plato, Gray TN 165.00 6 Edith Rosenkranz, Mexico; Robert Morris, Las Vegas NV 169.50 1 Rion - Marjory Rion, Olathe KS 151.50 2 Humbert, Uniontown OH; Mike Houchard, Cincinnati OH 142.50 1 Bud Staaf - Lia Staaf, Bay Village OH 127.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION NN EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Janet Lee, Centerville OH; Gilbert Stinebaugh, Van Nuys CA 209.50 1 Rusty Rapport, Englishtown NJ; Rita Rosenberg, Monroe Township NJ 185.00 2 Jeff Roman - Marc Umeno, Arlington VA 197.50 2 John Blubaugh, Indianapolis IN; John Villman, Yorba Linda CA 184.00 3 Forest Clark Jr, Aurora CO; Charles Reed, Denver CO 172.00 3 Lloyd Van Vliet - Ruth Van Vliet, Manakin Sabot VA 181.00 4 Richard Meffley - James Tritt, Fresno CA 168.00 4 Franco Baseggio, New York NY; Timothy Goodwin, South Portland ME 174.50 5 1 Carol Humble, Loganville GA; Dorothea Baugh, Snellville GA 167.00 5 Roshen Hadulla, Coral Springs FL; Steve Shirey, Fort Worth TX 163.50 6 Mary Anne Pixley, Littleton CO; Skip Carson, Denver CO 163.50 6 1 Margaret Brennan, West Des Moines IA; Dixie Dill, Urbandale IA 163.00 2 Erin Anderson - Janice Anderson, Regina SK 161.00 2 Joseph Conger III, Cold Spring KY; Evan Gay, Cincinnati OH 153.00 1 Harry Kollman, Mequon WI; Thomas Allen, Slinger WI 132.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION OO EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Cordelia Menges, New York NY; Jay Baudler, Piedmont CA 203.00 1 Alex Kornel - Barbara Seagram, Toronto ON 200.50 2 Ellen Crawford - Rob Crawford, Lauderhill FL 185.50 2 Greg Hinze, Euless TX; Nagy Kamel, Plano TX 191.50 3 Tony Lipka - Bill Cook, Louisville KY 173.50 3 Diane Travis - Joseph Muenks, Cincinnati OH 190.00 4 Colin Revill, Burlington ON; Jacob Schuurman, Three Rivers MI 173.00 4 Sally Rewbotham, Mississauga ON; Mary Gorkin, Liverpool NY 162.50 5 1 Fred Wagner - Sallie Wagner, Forest Hill MD 164.50 5 John Gustafson - Helen Gustafson, Des Moines IA 161.50 6 Jean Cole, Richards TX; J Link, Houston TX 159.00 6 Lawrence Lau, Westport CT; Pat Levy, Houston TX 157.00 2 1 Kenneth Sagstetter, Dayton OH; Karen Nolletti, Palm Bch Gdns FL 156.50 1 1 Greg Morse, Richmond BC; Andy Hellquist, Surrey BC 153.50 3 Douglas Duker, North Benton OH; Stanley Brodersen, White Plains NY 156.00 2 Ian Friedland, Bala Cynwyd PA; Drew Allen, Philadelphia PA 153.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION QQ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Arnold Fisher, Clementon NJ; Fred Paul, Secaucus NJ 197.50 1 Jack Bryant - Kenneth Bland, Saint Louis MO 192.00 2 1 Sali Ma, Birmingham AL; Richard Tulley, Portland OR 184.50 2 Winston Gokavi, Saskatoon SK; Michael Leighton, Grafton ND 189.00 3 Alden Perry, Kingwood TX; Gary Foutch, Stillwater OK 179.50 3 Tony Petronella, North Kingstown RI; Carole Weinstein-Gorse, Acton MA 185.00 4 Jan Weyant, Cincinnati OH; Ronald Babcock, Wilmington OH 169.50 4 1 Sally Eggleston - William Henneke, Columbus OH 176.50 5 Les Bart, Olney MD; Craig Ganzer, New York NY 165.50 5 Lanette Moore, Dunwoody GA; Gerald Popkin, Atlanta GA 164.00 6 Kenneth King, Raleigh NC; Vickie Sebastian, Beavercreek OH 163.00 6 Nancy Borden - David Beal, La Quinta CA 160.50 2 Deloris Ankrom - Robert Robinson, Winnipeg MB 141.00 2/3 1 Bernie Wehrle - David Shepler, Charleston WV 159.00 1 Eugene Wilson - Ellie Fox, Fort Myers FL 134.00 2/3 Randy Pace, Elverta CA; Jess Sellers III, Rch Cucamonga CA 159.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION RR EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Milton Zlatic, Saint Louis MO; Tom Oppenheimer, Ballwin MO 205.00 1 Ryerson Schwark, West Linn OR; Jeff Olson, Dallas TX 187.50 2 John Stubbe Jr, Dublin OH; Jean Davis, Columbus OH 192.00 2 Raymond Raskin, King of Prussia PA; Daisy Goecker, Yardley PA 181.50 3 Richard Dorfman, Oconomowoc WI; Danny Schamehorn, Orillia ON 175.00 3/4 1 Robert Hickes, Ithaca NY; Heidi Hickes, Bozeman MT 165.00 4 1 Peter Connor, Wilmette IL; Mark Thompson, Cambridge MA 166.00 3/4 Gloria Silverman, Toronto ON; Hans Jacobs, Aurora ON 165.00 5 2 Gregory Foltz - Dawn Foltz, Fort Collins CO 164.00 5 Paul Bethe, Williamstown MA; Henry Bethe, Ithaca NY 163.00 6 Jim Washer - Dennis Hesthaven, Louisville KY 162.00 6 2 Andy Muenz, Glen Rock NJ; Bob Zehm, Allendale NJ 159.50 1 Gari Andreini - Milli Andreini, Medina WA 156.00 1 Donald Morris - Stephen Creed, Fairfield OH 149.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION SS EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Nancy Molesworth, Croton Hdsn NY; Laura Brill, White Plains NY 196.50 1 Ronald Spath, Severna Park MD; Julian Boyce, Silver Spring MD 179.50 2 Michael Cassel II, Roseville MN; Steven Gaynor, St Louis Park MN 183.50 2 David Baker, Kitchener ON; John Moser, St Agatha ON 177.50 3 Randy Helmink - C Noel Helmink, Indianapolis IN 180.00 3 Larry Kolker - Alan Popkin, Saint Louis MO 175.00 4 James Di Napoli Jr, Manasquan NJ; Jay Korobow, Princeton NJ 178.00 4 1 Jules Schoenberg - Hazel Schoenberg, Plano TX 171.50 5 Claire Alpert, New York NY; Kent Mignocchi, Bronx NY 172.50 5 2 Paul McMullin, Silver Spring MD; James Huffman, Dayton OH 165.00 6 Ellen Gabriel, Chicago IL; Kay Beck, Fishers IN 166.00 6 Randy Corn, Kirkland WA; Lee De Simone, Alexandria VA 164.00 1 Michael Gladfelter - Mary Jane Gladfelter, Columbus OH 156.50 1 Gary Dayton, Champaign IL; Thomas Lewis Jr, Lexington KY 143.00 2 Gordon Adkins - Lucille Maranda, West Chester OH 147.00 1/2 Cheryl Skinner, Batavia OH; William Binder, Cincinnati OH 136.00 1/2 Joan Gaaskjolen - Merle Gaaskjolen, Centerville OH 136.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION TT EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Chandler Gibbs Jr, Auburndale MA; Judy Prescott, Trumbull CT 182.50 1 Raymond Ward, Portland OR; Judy Kay, Hillsboro OR 203.50 2 Nell Cahn, Shreveport LA; Phyllis Quinn, Cortlandt Manor NY 180.50 2 Keith Woolf, Mentor OH; Carl Edwards, Westerville OH 182.00 3 Michael Gilbert - Susan Gilbert, Sarasota FL 178.50 3 1 1 Nobuko Wakasa-Masaharu Wakasa, Japan 175.50 4 Gary Williams, Milwaukee WI; Lizabeth Kennedy, Germantown WI 171.00 4 2 James Crouse - Bruce Hutt, Hendersonville NC 165.00 5 Sarah Wiener, Fort Lee NJ; John Hogan Jr, Wayne NJ 163.50 5 Mary Orock - Carolyn Pinto, Fort Worth TX 164.50 6 1 1 Russell Cowgill - Patricia Cowgill, Orinda CA 162.00 6 Thomas Carmichael, Iselin NJ; Larry Ascher, Whitestone NY 162.50 2/3 P Caplan - Catherine Caplan, N Versailles PA 158.00 2/3 Mary Louise Williams, Red Bank NJ; R Brumbelow Jr, Charlottesvle VA 158.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION UU EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Gail Carns - Mary Paulone Carns, Export PA 179.66 1 Joan Jackson - Petra Hamman, Dallas TX 195.42 2 Michael Whitman, San Francisco CA; Garey Hayden, Tucson AZ 177.29 2 1 D Berg, Edgewood WA; Ann Labe, Kirkland WA 184.09 3 J Lang - Jennifer Christman, Virginia Beach VA 174.58 3 Cheryl Schneider - Larry Paisley, Westerville OH 173.88 4 Lloyd Loux, Westlake OH; Roger Tiktin, Independence OH 165.00 4 2 1 David Bryant, San Francisco CA; Nancy Ferguson, Greenbrae CA 165.21 5 A Booth, Brookfield WI; David Schudson, Milwaukee WI 164.62 5 Alice Leicht - Marvin French, San Diego CA 160.84 6 Dottie Zike-Stoppe, W Palm Beach FL; Richard Stoppe, Greenacres FL 164.58 6 Rick Goldstein, White Plains NY; Stephen Schneer, Croton Hdsn NY 158.50 1 Sylvia Gindi, Oakhurst NJ; Aaron Cohen, Lakehurst NJ 159.83 2 Grant Lewis, Virginia Beach VA; Susan Roberts, Maryville TN 151.17 1 Herb Behr - Jerome Katz, Cincinnati OH 144.83 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION VV EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Jim Kirkham, San Bernardino CA; Bruce Reeve, Raleigh NC 219.00 1 Ashraf El Sadi, Union City CA; Andre Rakhmanin, Granite Bay CA 191.00 2 Patrick Clark, Manton MI; John Harris, Port Huron MI 191.50 2 Robert Stitt, Springfield OH; Terry Grogan, Urbana OH 179.50 3 Ernestine Murphrey, Altamonte Spg FL; Carol Rynders, Saint Paul MN 174.00 3 Terry Currie - John Zilic, Houston TX 174.00 4 Rhoda Prager, Allentown PA; Brian Ellis, Cleveland OH 172.00 4 James Edmunds, Altamonte Spg FL; H Fertig, Winter Springs FL 170.50 5 Ray Jotcham, Scarborough ON; Lewis Richardson, Toronto ON 168.50 5 1 1 Anthony Viscomi, Dayton OH; Bob Ve Verka, Cincinnati OH 168.00 6 Terry Parker, Medway OH; Jack Mills, Indianapolis IN 160.00 6 William Malesevich, Mayville WI; Charles Bantz, West Allis WI 166.00 1 Albert Nemcek Md, Brookfield WI; Robert Mandel, Mequon WI 157.50 2 Jack Burns, Milford OH; Otto Walter, Cincinnati OH 156.50 2 1 Luvern Mitby, Madison WI; Joan Jenson, Oregon WI 151.50 Page 10 Daily Bulletin

MONDAY STRATIFIED SENIOR PAIRS 1STSESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION A EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Richard Day - Bill Osborn, Cincinnati OH 199.50 1 1 Jim Wilson, Memphis TN; Ruthe Young, Bloomfield MI 185.50 2 Thomas Gardner - Beverly Gardner, Southfield MI 193.00 2 2 Keith Harstad, Saint Paul MN; Don Christians, Mill Valley CA 182.50 3 Ferne Weatherill, Minneapolis MN; Sherol Howard, Chanhassen MN 175.00 3 3 George Graff - Gail Sanders, Dayton OH 171.00 4 Rodger Whelan, Westbury NY; Marjorie Dunne, Moraga CA 168.50 4 Lee Secrist, Powell OH; George St Pierre, Columbus OH 170.50 5 1 Rae Ann Eastwood - Reva Brehm, Lexington KY 167.50 5 4 Marge Kolb - A William Kolb, Centerville OH 165.50 6 2 1 Charles Milbrodt - Alice Milbrodt, Toledo OH 163.00 6 Charlotte Haneberg - Betty Lipps, Cincinnati OH 158.50 3 2 Susan Whitney - Robert Whitney, Decatur GA 155.00 1 Vila Sill, Cincinnati OH; Harriet Hussey, Aiken SC 153.00 4 Janet Arey - Vernon Arey, Monmouth ME 153.50 2 Elaine Brinn - Jacqueline Cohen, Cincinnati OH 142.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION B EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 William Vinson, Baltimore MD; Charles Stenger, Bethesda MD 201.50 1 Roger Boeka - M Boeka, San Antonio TX 204.50 2 1 Lois Cohen, Cincinnati OH; Janyt Pockros, Boca Raton FL 189.00 2 Walter Sobol, Sylvania OH; Mary Ann Cooper, Maumee OH 183.50 3 2 Caroline Robertson - Katherine Westbrook, Cincinnati OH 185.50 3 1 Donald Russell - Dorothy Sheffman, Miami Shores FL 166.50 4 Genevieve Hewitt - Richard Hewitt, New York NY 177.00 4 David Burke - Robert Head, London ON 165.50 5 3 Elaine Reubel - Mary Alice Meyer, Cincinnati OH 175.00 5 2 Paula Messinger - Sandy Ritchey, Columbus OH 161.50 6 Charles Weed, Shreveport LA; Maureen Sullivan, Cinnaminson NJ 166.00 6 3 Abraham Jacobs - Claire Jacobs, Plantation FL 160.00 1 Judy McNeilly, Mississauga ON; Joan Sinder, Winnipeg MB 144.50 4 1 Rochelle Shapiro - Rochelle Goldenberg, Chicago IL 155.50 2 Lawrence Carcare, Carmel IN; Curtis Jacobson, Detroit MI 138.00 2 Rita Boeh - Rita Fischer, Cincinnati OH 138.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION D EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Lilly Lachter, Culver City CA; Harold Feldheim, Hamden CT 202.00 1 Cherrolyn Woolwine, Naperville IL; John Kinst, Batavia IL 188.00 2 1 Rachel Chittaro, Lake Zurich IL; Edward Nield, Westchester IL 177.50 2 Dorothy Shorts, Mesa AZ; Martha Stevenson, Columbus OH 182.50 3 2 John Nesser - Donna Nesser, Lockbourne OH 174.50 3 John Ross, Wauseon OH; Melvin Conn, Toledo OH 179.50 4 John Davis, Columbus OH; Patricia Tullis, Kihel, HI 170.00 4 Robert Whitehead - Richard Weissman, New York NY 177.00 5/6 3/4 Mel Greene, Bellevue KY; Charles Fisher, Cincinnati OH 168.50 5 1 Barbara Wagner - Maurine Kuiken, Cincinnati OH 172.00 5/6 3/4 Richard Howell - Phyllis Howell, Sarasota FL 168.50 6 Estelle Frankl - Daniel Frankl, State College PA 164.50 1/2 Janet Henthorn - Zeta Deye, Cincinnati OH 154.50 2 1 Arthur Nelson - Janice Nelson, Burnsville MN 157.50 1/2 Garnell Cunningham - Bettye Guthrie, Waco TX 154.50 3 2 Rebecca Joike - Trevor Joike, Rockford IL 152.50 4 Meredith Clarke - Elaine Clarke, Peachtree City GA 149.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION E EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Nancy Mandel, Mequon WI; Bernice Larson, Greenfield WI 204.00 1 Kaye Amdon, Orange CA; Lowell Andrews, Huntington Bh CA 206.00 2 1 Mary Segal, Cincinnati OH; E Lee, Terrace Park OH 184.00 2 Jane Kennedy - Jim Stevens, Chicago IL 194.50 3 Ethel Reed, Hagerstown MD; Dean Berger, Leola PA 178.50 3 1 1 Richard Wethington - James Bush, Cincinnati OH 179.00 4 2 George Carmichael - Joyce Cramer, Dayton OH 174.50 4/5 2/3 David McNitt - Leroy Boser, Elkhart IN 172.00 5 Ronnie Kutik, Chappaqua NY; Anne Meltzer, Ithaca NY 169.50 4/5 2/3 Fran Watrous, Fairfield OH; Helen Lutz, Cincinnati OH 172.00 6 3 Mary Holman Allen, Mahtomedi MN; John Allen, Saint Paul MN 167.00 6 Dolores Daringer - Ronald Daringer, Cambridge MD 162.00 4 1 Jan Peltier, Shorewood WI; Mary Ritt, Milwaukee WI 143.50 4 Jody Wadhwa, Northbrook IL; Brij Kalra, Des Plaines IL 160.00 2 Arthur Beach - Eleanor Blount, Columbus OH 143.00

MONDAY SENIOR PAIRS 500/1250/+ 2ND SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION A EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Roger Boeka - M Boeka, San Antonio TX 193.00 1 Richard Day - Bill Osborn, Cincinnati OH 197.00 2 William Vinson, Baltimore MD; Charles Stenger, Bethesda MD 184.50 2 Sarah Callicoat-Yates - Carolyn Gibson, Annandale VA 186.50 3 1 Abraham Jacobs - Claire Jacobs, Plantation FL 166.00 3 1 Elmer Johansen - J Morris Swiger, Ann Arbor MI 167.00 4/5 2 Paula Messinger - Sandy Ritchey, Columbus OH 160.50 4 2 1 Robert Frondorff - Joan Frondorf, West Chester PA 162.50 4/5 Gail Hawkins - Loughery Hawkins, Saint Charles MO 160.50 5 3 Algernon Tinsley, Louisville KY; Barbara Vinzant, Dayton OH 161.50 6 Walter Sobol, Sylvania OH; Mary Ann Cooper, Maumee OH 160.00 6 Malle Andrade - Ritchey Goodwin, New York NY 155.50 3 Dyan Vaughn, Burlington KY; Jacqueline Meyers, Cincinnati OH 158.00 4 Rae Ann Eastwood - Reva Brehm, Lexington KY 155.00 4 1 Harold Collings - Juanita Collings, Saint Helena Is SC 153.50 2 Susan Whitney - Robert Whitney, Decatur GA 152.00 2 Lawrence Carcare, Carmel IN; Curtis Jacobson, Detroit MI 147.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION B EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Lee Secrist, Powell OH; George St Pierre, Columbus OH 193.00 1 David Burke - Robert Head, London ON 182.00 2 1 Keith Harstad, Saint Paul MN; Don Christians, Mill Valley CA 189.00 2 Joan Hasch, Frankfort IL; Robert Butz, Kankakee IL 173.50 3 2 Jim Wilson, Memphis TN; Ruthe Young, Bloomfield MI 177.50 3 1 Lois Cohen, Cincinnati OH; Janyt Pockros, Boca Raton FL 173.00 4 Shirleen Ellsworth, Kansas City MO; Jerie Kittell, Lawton OK 176.50 4 Charles Johnson - Lucy Johnson, McPherson KS 166.50 5 3 1 Dale Bessette - Joyce Bessette, Greenfield WI 175.00 5 Charles Weed, Shreveport LA; Maureen Sullivan, Cinnaminson NJ 165.50 6 Thomas Gardner - Beverly Gardner, Southfield MI 162.00 6 Genevieve Hewitt - Richard Hewitt, New York NY 164.50 4 2 Herb Schapera, Cincinnati OH; Max Gordon, Merrill WI 155.50 2 Caroline Robertson - Katherine Westbrook, Cincinnati OH 163.50 3 1 Mary Johnson - Jan Harrison, Belleville IL 158.50 2 Rochelle Shapiro - Rochelle Goldenberg, Chicago IL 157.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION D EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Jeanne Stenger, Bethesda MD; Gail Rust, Daytona Beach FL 184.00 1 John Davis, Columbus OH; Patricia Tullis, Kihel, HI 199.50 2 1 Fran Watrous, Fairfield OH; Helen Lutz, Cincinnati OH 175.50 2 Anita Torrence, Bexley OH; Edwin Malmuth, Cardiff CA 194.50 3 2 1 Arthur Beach - Eleanor Blount, Columbus OH 173.00 3 1 Rachel Chittaro, Lake Zurich IL; Edward Nield, Westchester IL 189.50 4 Ethel Reed, Hagerstown MD; Dean Berger, Leola PA 172.00 4 Dorothy Shorts, Mesa AZ; Martha Stevenson, Columbus OH 173.00 5 3 2 Doris Ring - Douglas Johnson, N Myrtle Bch SC 165.00 5/6 2 1 Janet Henthorn - Zeta Deye, Cincinnati OH 162.50 6 4 Mary Lou Smith - Albert Smith, Sewickley PA 163.50 5/6 John Hackett, Oxford ME; R Pfeiffer, Chesapeake VA 162.50 3 Mel Greene, Bellevue KY; Charles Fisher, Cincinnati OH 161.00 4 2 Ann Sheedy - Janis McIntosh, Waco TX 154.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION E EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Lilly Lachter, Culver City CA; Harold Feldheim, Hamden CT 188.00 1 Allan Cohen, Marietta GA; Phil Hook, Atlanta GA 186.50 2 1 Jody Wadhwa, Northbrook IL; Brij Kalra, Des Plaines IL 176.50 2 1 George Edwards - Marilyn Edwards, Cincinnati OH 179.00 3 Robert Whitehead - Richard Weissman, New York NY 169.00 3 Robert Herold - Kurt Allmacher, Columbus OH 176.50 4 2 Diane Harstad - Beverly Ryan, Saint Paul MN 167.50 4 2 1 Elaine Kehm Tallackson, Chicago IL; Masao Matsumoto, Arlington VA 176.00 5 3 1 Meredith Clarke - Elaine Clarke, Peachtree City GA 166.50 5 3 2 Sanford Franklin - Howard Ringel, Cincinnati OH 172.50 6 John Ross, Wauseon OH; Melvin Conn, Toledo OH 161.50 6 4 David McNitt - Leroy Boser, Elkhart IN 165.50 4 John Nesser - Donna Nesser, Lockbourne OH 155.50

MONDAY AFTERNOON SIDE GAME NORTH-SOUTH SECTION GGG EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Arthur Rainey Jr - Jean Baldwin, Springfield MO 187.88 1 Mike Cappelletti Sr, Alexandria VA; Eustis Paine III, Melbourne FL 231.42 2 Lucy McCoy, Mc Lean VA; Betty Bursey, Herndon VA 181.96 2 Colin Harrington, Cambridge ON; Larry Woods, Waterloo ON 188.29 3 1 Thomas Henderson - William Dempler, Pittsburgh PA 170.58 3 Roland Brabant, Palatine IL; Larry Hayslip, Norcross GA 186.96 4 Geraldine Chavez - Georgette King, Miami Beach FL 169.58 4 1 Ann Hedden, Watkinsville GA; David Sterner, Glen Burnie MD 172.54 5 2 Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY; Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY 167.00 5 Loris Blevins, Hurst TX; Paul White, Edmond OK 169.71 6 Robert McPhee, Belleville ON; Rosemarie Miller, Waverly NY 162.50 6 Richard Sternlieb, Milwaukee WI; Douglas Dean, New Berlin WI 169.20 7 Nancy Sachs, Cincinnati OH; Paul Pschesang, Milford OH 161.04 7 Lew Levy, Houston TX; David Au, Joliet IL 168.00 3 Ann Barney - Glen Tolle, Plano TX 154.54 2 G Richard Ramage Jr - Nancy Ramage, Downey CA 148.13 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION HHH EAST-WEST A B A B 1 1 Paul Hamper, Chicago IL; Wes Burgar, Warren MI 193.50 1 1 Harriet Adelstein - Judith Selig, Chagrin Falls OH 187.50 2 Harvey Bernstein, Solon OH; Albert Freeman, Cleveland OH 173.50 2 John Jackson - Joan Jackson, Wheaton IL 186.50 3 Betty Bratcher - Bob Bratcher, Vista CA 168.00 3 Bess Griparis, Joliet IL; Al Levering, Frankfort IL 181.50 4 Betty Capodice, Bloomington IL; Joanne Glazebrook, Washington IL 166.00 4 Candace Boughner - Marshall Kuschner, Reston VA 180.50 5/6 Deborah Cummings, Villa Hills KY; Donna Miller, Cincinnati OH 165.50 5 2 Thomas Kuster, Holiday FL; Nina Lubick-Reich, Fullerton CA 170.50 5/6 Phyllis Allmacher - Monte Mees, Columbus OH 165.50 6 John Derdall - Jan Derdall, Western Springs IL 167.00 7 Joyce Penn - Joanne Griesenauer, Columbus OH 160.50 7 Anita Bent - James Bent, Yorba Linda CA 158.00 2 G Kohler, Canton OH; Stuart Foster, Mission Viejo CA 158.00

MONDAY AFTERNOON 5/20 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION UUU EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Patricia Shuler, Mansfield TX; Gloria Allen, Arlington TX 39.50 1 1 Pat Holm, Cincinnati OH; Donna Harpsoe, West Chester OH 35.50 2 1 Diane Bofferding - Richard Bofferding, Saginaw MI 33.00 2 John Osoinach Jr, Washington IL; Jeannie Dell, Cincinnati OH 34.50

MONDAY AFTERNOON 50/100 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION VVV EAST-WEST A B A B 1 1 Sari Miller - Philip Miller, Wyoming OH 118.50 1 James Bard, Warren MI; William O’Connor, Rochester Hills MI 108.57 2 2 Penny Ericson, Cottage Grove WI; Malinda Pittman, Cincinnati OH 89.21 2 1 Kathleen Love, Lewis Center OH; Nancy Barnes, Westerville OH 94.57 3 Laura Hoskins, Indianapolis IN; Barbara Carne, Louisville KY 86.50 3 Mary Jo Sergent - Judy Coffey, Rockford IL 94.00 4 Richard Robertson - Emily Robertson, Lufkin TX 86.09 4 2 Martha Newman, Huntington WV; Clara Marcum, Ashland KY 93.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION WWW EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Thomas Prall - Joan Prall, Hamilton OH 95.00 1 Lawrence Jones, Ballwin MO; Carolyn Koch, Carbondale IL 101.50 2 Shirley Levy - Zelda Penn, Cincinnati OH 93.50 2 Carol Jercher, Cincinnati OH; Michael Dickman, Loveland OH 98.50 3/4 Roy Marsh, The Woodlands TX; June White, Spring TX 93.00 3 Shirley Williamson - Theressa Lafontaine, Frankfort KY 93.50 3/4 John Ackenhusen - Anne Ackenhusen, S Charleston WV 93.00 4 1 Jeanne Weyers, Cincinnati OH; Rosalie Knight, Temecula CA 86.50 1 John Nichols - Sandra Nichols, Carmel IN 91.00 2 Albert Seissiger - Mildred Seissiger, Cincinnati OH 80.00 2 Jan Smith, Toledo OH; Kaye Welty, Holland OH 84.50 3 Michael Salmon, Perryville MD; Catherine Thompson, Pittsburgh PA 79.50

MONDAY AFTERNOON 200/300 PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION XXX EAST-WEST A B A B 1 Elizabeth Rice, Barboursville WV; Alice Jones, Huntington WV 99.00 1 1 J Maybruck - Jackie White, Columbus OH 98.50 2 1 Lilam Stanley, Cincinnati OH; Cecelia Gleisinger, Loveland OH 94.00 2 Duane Beisner - Doris Beisner, Las Vegas NV 92.00 3 2 Gerry Mirus, Cincinnati OH; Lorna Davis, West Chester OH 93.50 3/5 2/4 Peggy Ellis - LouAnn O’Sullivan, New York NY 90.00 4 3 Craig Herold, Fort Wayne IN; John Haskin, Traverse City MI 87.00 3/5 2/4 John Yuratovich - Anne Yuratovich, Lees Summit MO 90.00 3/5 2/4 William Cashbaugh - Carol Cashbaugh, Chagrin Falls OH 90.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION YYY EAST-WEST A B A B 1 1 Martin Mayer - Robin Mayer, Westlake OH 97.64 1 1 Wilhelmina Szabo - Lajos Szabo, Columbus OH 102.86 2 2 Bette Gamble - Jean Kaufman, Fishers IN 90.50 2 2 Ellen Ammons, Cincinnati OH; Dorothy Gard, Hamilton OH 101.00 3 Alice Adams - Loretta Young, Cincinnati OH 89.43 3 3 Gertrude Dann, Copley OH; Patricia Cronin, Akron OH 95.50 4 Mary Walker, Mount Albert ON; Anna Gray, Toronto ON 87.64 4 Susan Hermans, West Chester OH; William Oliver, Erlanger KY 94.86 Daily Bulletin Page 11

SILVER RIBBON PAIRS 1ST FINAL SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS G H I EAST-WEST 1 Gene Simpson, Redlands CA; Hamish Bennett, Menlo Park CA 615.50 1 Peter Filandro - Marie Filandro, Smyrna DE 597.00 2 Charles Coon, Marshfield MA; Rhoda Walsh, Los Angeles CA 586.00 2 Gerald Caravelli, Des Plaines IL; Marc Low, Centerville OH 596.00 3 William Esberg, Long Branch NJ; Marla Chaikin, Monmouth Beach NJ 581.00 3 Alvin Levy, Commack NY; Gerald Levine, Brooklyn NY 595.50 4 Donald Berman, Laurel MD; Eugene Kales, Arlington VA 559.50 4 Carol Pincus - Rebecca Rogers, Las Vegas NV 588.50 5 Anne Simon, Syracuse NY; David Adams, Kennesaw GA 557.50 5 Susi Katz, Longwood FL; Harry Ross, Tukwila WA 552.00 6 Ilse Rothman - Edward Rothman, North Dartmouth MA 556.50 6 Jim Barrow, Lake Charles LA; Randall Pettit, Marietta GA 544.00 7 Donna Stack Magee, Prairie Village KS; Donald Stack, Shawnee Mission KS 556.00 7 Jean Jacobson, Fullerton CA; Sally Murphy, Fountain Valley CA 543.00 8 Judy Schwarz - Phil Schwarz, Burnsville MN 553.00 8 Leonard Ernst, Las Vegas NV; Frederick Hamilton, Fresno CA 541.50 9 Jess Stuart - Lois Stuart, West Chester PA 547.00 9 Richard Katz, N Versailles PA; Herbert Sachs, Pittsburgh PA 538.00 10 George Rosenkranz, Mexico Df 11000; Martin Hoffman, Lauderhill FL 545.50 10 Richard Taube, Marietta GA; Michael Huston, Joplin MO 536.50 11 Louise Childs - Gene Freed, Los Angeles CA 542.50 11 James Davis - Richard Ellis Jr, Kokomo IN 532.00 12 Floyd Woldt, Destin FL; Ruth Stearns, Milwaukee WI 541.50 12 Mary Anne Laier, Canton OH; Frank Aquila, Fairlawn OH 528.00 13 Linda Wong, Poughkeepsie NY; Claude Vogel, Chicago IL 541.00 13 Ulker Mutlu, Clearwater FL; Phil Leon, Grosse Pointe MI 523.50 14 B Troyer, Joliet IL; Ross Robbins, Port Isabel TX 537.50 14 Robert Lix - Sally Lix, Brownsville CA 520.00 15 Veronica McMurdie - John McMurdie, Sacramento CA 528.00 15 Martin Chaitt - Ellasue Chaitt, West Palm Beach FL 518.00 16 Spike Lay, Ormond Beach FL; Marilyn Garcia, Daytona Beach FL 519.50 16 Mary Hardy - Max Hardy, Las Vegas NV 510.00

MONDAY WOMEN’S PAIRS 1ST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTIONS K L EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Betty Engelgau, Fort Gratiot MI; Carole Findley, Port Huron MI 405.00 1 Elsiemae Smith, Cuyahoga Falls OH; Patti Burriss, St Petersburg FL 404.00 2 Kay Hathaway, Glenview IL; Susan Agramonte, La Conner WA 384.00 2 1 1 Dorothy Aschkenasy - Terry Heled, New York NY 388.50 3 Anita Heitler, Englewood CO; Barbara Odlin, Tacoma WA 378.50 3 Marjorie Michelin, Los Angeles CA; Brenda Montague, Swampscott MA 369.00 4 Reanette Frobouck, Pittsburgh PA; Toni Bales, Pickerington OH 377.00 4 Bobbie Gomer, Willow Grove PA; Jeri Baraf, Roslyn NY 365.00 5 1 1 Lindsay Pearlman, Trumbull CT; Meredith Beck, Pearland TX 369.50 5 2 Karen Bell, Midland MI; Connie Anderson, Knoxville TN 360.50 6 2 Elizabeth Houghton, Johnston IA; Jean Seiser, Ames IA 365.50 6 3 Betty Fleischer, Ossining NY; Judy Soley, Scarsdale NY 358.00 7 3 Judith Inker, Wellesley Hills MA; Ronnie Frank, Saint Louis MO 358.50 7 Shirley Gilmore - Margaret Young, Cincinnati OH 354.00 8 Jackie Toth, West Chester OH; Agnes De Lany, Cincinnati OH 351.50 8/9 Mildred Rush, Beverly Hills MI; Barbara Jur, Warren MI 353.00 9 4 Patricia Newbold, Hagarstown MD; Janet La Grassa, Chambersburg PA 349.50 8/9 Michele Foran, Oconomowoc WI; Liga Byrne, Mequon WI 353.00 10 Kathie Wei-Sender, Nashville TN; Esta Van Zandt, Houston TX 349.00 10 Audrey Dybvad, Dayton OH; Renna Mourer, Fairborn OH 351.50 11 5 Saundra Andersen, Prospect KY; Carol Lee Schweitzer, Huntington WV 346.50 11 Cheryl Gorman - Donna Givner, Omaha NE 347.50 12 Julia Allen, Willoughby OH; Pat Chisholm, Lakewood OH 337.50 12 Janet Abramson, West Bloomfield MI; Martha Hooberman, Farmington MI 344.00 6 Rosanne Winokur, West Bloomfield MI; Rhonda Monro, Beverly Hills MI 320.50 4 Elizabeth Horwitz - Eve Horwitz, Cincinnati OH 336.50

KROGER OPEN STRATIFIED PAIRS FIRST SESSION NORTH-SOUTH SECTION NN EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Jack Bryant - Kenneth Bland, Saint Louis MO 185.50 1 Richard Meffley - James Tritt, Fresno CA 204.50 2 Daniel Taylor - Donald Murray, Manteno IL 184.50 2 Jeff Roman - Marc Umeno, Arlington VA 195.50 3 Tony Petronella, North Kingstown RI; Carole Weinstein-Gorse, Acton MA 174.00 3 Andrea Hayman, New York NY; Mason Davis, Marietta GA 189.50 4 Jerry Clerkin, North Vernon IN; Brian Kelly, Denver CO 168.50 4 Larry Friedman, Montreal PQ; Richard Gabriel, Chicago IL 186.00 5 1 1 Bernie Wehrle - David Shepler, Charleston WV 167.00 5 Forest Clark Jr, Aurora CO; Charles Reed, Denver CO 161.00 6 Rob Avery, Barrie ON; Warren Collins, Indian Shores FL 164.50 6 Leif Erickson, Omaha NE; Patrick Moran, Dayton OH 150.00 2 Sally Eggleston - William Henneke, Columbus OH 155.00 1 Barbara Hicks - Robert G Hicks, Shawnee Mission KS 149.00 2/3 Randy Pace, Elverta CA; Jess Sellers III, Rch Cucamonga CA 147.00 2/3 James Bottom, Russell Springs KY; Jimmy Pelham, North Baldwin NY 147.00 1 Harry Kollman, Mequon WI; Thomas Allen, Slinger WI 138.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION QQ EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 1 Donald Morris - Stephen Creed, Fairfield OH 189.50 1 Sandra Fleischman, Beachwood OH; Roni Gitchel, Pittsburgh PA 193.50 2 Donald Kerry, Ballwin MO; Roger Walton, Bothell WA 179.00 2 Raymond Raskin, King of Prussia PA; Daisy Goecker, Yardley PA 183.00 3 Gloria Silverman, Toronto ON; Hans Jacobs, Aurora ON 169.00 3 Nadyne Cheary, Silver Spring MD; Jerry Miller, Potomac MD 176.50 4 Jan Weyant, Cincinnati OH; Ronald Babcock, Wilmington OH 167.00 4 Harold McConnell - Dallas Moore, Dayton OH 175.50 5 Les Bart, Olney MD; Craig Ganzer, New York NY 166.00 5 John Macchi - Janet Macchi, Stuart FL 169.50 6 Susan Bullard - H Gordon, Lexington KY 164.50 6 Paul Bethe, Williamstown MA; Henry Bethe, Ithaca NY 162.50 2 Robert Hickes, Ithaca NY; Heidi Hickes, Bozeman MT 150.00 1 Sali Ma, Birmingham AL; Richard Tulley, Portland OR 161.50 2 1 Eugene Wilson - Ellie Fox, Fort Myers FL 146.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION RR EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 1 Charles Pecarro, Falls Church VA; Ronald Spieker, Arlington VA 195.50 1 Richard Dorfman, Oconomowoc WI; Danny Schamehorn, Orillia ON 191.50 2 John Blubaugh, Indianapolis IN; John Villman, Yorba Linda CA 173.50 2 Milton Zlatic, Saint Louis MO; Tom Oppenheimer, Ballwin MO 188.00 3 Franco Baseggio, New York NY; Timothy Goodwin, South Portland ME 164.50 3 1 Linda Lloyd, Baltimore MD; Pat Galligan, San Mateo CA 169.00 4 Judy Wirtenberg, East Brunswick NJ; Gerald Mindell, Chicago IL 164.00 4 John Stubbe Jr, Dublin OH; Jean Davis, Columbus OH 166.50 5 2 Nicholas France, Spring Valley NY; Shirley Matthews, Lindale TX 162.50 5 Jim Washer - Dennis Hesthaven, Louisville KY 165.50 6 Lloyd Van Vliet - Ruth Van Vliet, Manakin Sabot VA 155.50 6 John Burgener, Noble IL; Karen Erlanger, Saint Louis MO 164.50 1 Joseph Conger III, Cold Spring KY; Evan Gay, Cincinnati OH 152.50 2 Peter Connor, Wilmette IL; Mark Thompson, Cambridge MA 161.50 1 Elinor Saperstein - Rudy Saperstein, Nashville TN 131.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION SS EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 David Baker, Kitchener ON; John Moser, St Agatha ON 209.00 1 Sarah Wiener, Fort Lee NJ; John Hogan Jr, Wayne NJ 177.50 2 Larry Kolker - Alan Popkin, Saint Louis MO 179.50 2 Gary Williams, Milwaukee WI; Lizabeth Kennedy, Germantown WI 174.50 3 1 Jules Schoenberg - Hazel Schoenberg, Plano TX 178.00 3 Chandler Gibbs Jr, Auburndale MA; Judy Prescott, Trumbull CT 167.50 4/6 2 1 Matthew Heuser - Richard Newtz, Lexington KY 163.00 4 1 William Woodfine, Toronto ON; Theresa Howard, Sharon ON 164.00 4/6 Randy Corn, Kirkland WA; Lee De Simone, Alexandria VA 163.00 5 Robert Tracy, Troy MI; Hjalmar Beijl, Flushing MI 163.00 4/6 Darlene Shirey, Fort Worth TX; William White, Arlington TX 163.00 6 2 1 Russell Cowgill - Patricia Cowgill, Orinda CA 162.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION TT EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Keith Woolf, Mentor OH; Carl Edwards, Westerville OH 201.00 1 Charles Reynolds - Frederic Pollack, Cincinnati OH 184.00 2 Kenneth Wolf, Libertyville IL; David Moss, New York NY 185.00 2 Gail Carns - Mary Paulone Carns, Export PA 176.00 3 Raymond Ward, Portland OR; Judy Kay, Hillsboro OR 180.50 3 Michael Whitman, San Francisco CA; Garey Hayden, Tucson AZ 173.50 4 Thomas Carmichael, Iselin NJ; Larry Ascher, Whitestone NY 171.50 4/5 J Lang - Jennifer Christman, Virginia Beach VA 172.00 5 1 1 Nobuko Wakasa, Kawasaki-Shi 44 08; Masaharu Wakasa, Kanagawa JP 165.00 4/5 Barbara Lehman, Glenview IL; Craig Jacobson, Skokie IL 172.00 6 Paul Vickers - Mary Vickers, Northborough MA 161.00 6 1 Sylvia Gindi, Oakhurst NJ; Aaron Cohen, Lakehurst NJ 164.50 2 Betty Lutz, Parkersburg WV; Richard Sullivan, Washington WV 152.00 2 Grant Lewis, Virginia Beach VA; Susan Roberts, Maryville TN 154.00 1 Malcolm Barker, Great Britain; Monelle Richmond, Woodstock NY 152.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION UU EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Sonia Kaplan, Eatontown NJ; Phyllis Burstein, Springfield NJ 182.50 1 1 1 Walter Bunker - Sherby Chernin, Cincinnati OH 185.00 2 Joan Jackson - Petra Hamman, Dallas TX 181.50 2 Randy Helmink - C Noel Helmink, Indianapolis IN 184.00 3 Rick Goldstein, White Plains NY; Stephen Schneer, Croton Hdsn NY 176.50 3 2 Michael Gladfelter - Mary Jane Gladfelter, Columbus OH 183.50 4 Roger Lord, Saint Louis MO; Parames Laosinchai, Ballwin MO 175.50 4 Michael Cassel II, Roseville MN; Steven Gaynor, St Louis Park MN 166.00 5 Richard Odlin, Tacoma WA; Don Heitler, Englewood CO 169.00 5 Ellen Gabriel, Chicago IL; Kay Beck, Fishers IN 163.00 6 1 D Berg, Edgewood WA; Ann Labe, Kirkland WA 168.50 6 Douglas Drew - Madi Drimmer, Sarasota FL 162.50 2 1 Denis Lavoie, Sainte-Foy PQ; Rosella Vanek, West Fargo ND 158.00 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION KK EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 John Gustafson - Helen Gustafson, Des Moines IA 200.00 1 Jim Kirkham, San Bernardino CA; Bruce Reeve, Raleigh NC 205.50 2 Lawrence Lau, Westport CT; Pat Levy, Houston TX 181.50 2 Ray Jotcham, Scarborough ON; Lewis Richardson, Toronto ON 185.00 3 Jack Leach, Cedar Park TX; Louallen Leach, 179.50 3 Patrick Clark, Manton MI; John Harris, Port Huron MI 173.00 4 1 1 Louise Conner - Richard Conner, Centerville OH 174.50 4 1 Albert Nemcek Md, Brookfield WI; Robert Mandel, Mequon WI 171.50 5 Terry Parker, Medway OH; Jack Mills, Indianapolis IN 168.00 5 Sally Rewbotham, Mississauga ON; Mary Gorkin, Liverpool NY 163.50 6 Diane Travis - Joseph Muenks, Cincinnati OH 157.00 6 2 1 Bate Hamilton - Wanna Ernst, Charlottesville VA 159.00 2 Molly Tranovich - Ed Tranovich, Naperville IL 155.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION LL EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Ashraf El Sadi, Union City CA; Andre Rakhmanin, Granite Bay CA 192.50 1 1 Keith Overpeck, Louisville KY; Michael Kuhnle, Fishers IN 204.00 2 Linda Mamula, Mill Creek WA; Sharon Fairchild, Rocky River OH 185.00 2/4 Paul Schroeder, New Berlin WI; Dick Benson, Le Roy IL 178.50 3 Allan Mazer, Towson MD; Jerry Helms, Charlotte NC 169.00 2/4 Kenneth Bergman - Barbara Bergman, Wexford PA 178.50 4 1 Gary Neisler, N Richlnd Hls TX; Nancy Peterson, Euless TX 164.50 2/4 Donald Riley, Alexandria VA; Kim Smith, Bethesda MD 178.50 5 Denny Cahan, Roswell GA; Geraldine Cahan, Asheville NC 164.00 5 Jonathan Steinberg, Toronto ON; Elaine Said, Nashville TN 170.50 6 2 Jack Burns, Milford OH; Otto Walter, Cincinnati OH 157.50 6 Gary Hann, Ann Arbor MI; Keith Garber, Pelham NY 157.50 1 Anthony Viscomi, Dayton OH; Bob Ve Verka, Cincinnati OH 156.50 2 Barbara Sobel, Willoughby OH; Dee Weisberg, Cleveland OH 155.50 1 Raymond Spalding, Atlanta GA; Dan Plato, Gray TN 142.50 NORTH-SOUTH SECTION MM EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 William Higgins - Amitabh Raturi, Cincinnati OH 198.50 1 Martin Hunter, Mississauga ON; Ranald Davidson, Toronto ON 199.50 2 Frank Bessing - Jennifer Jones, Santa Rosa CA 195.00 2 Ellen Crawford - Rob Crawford, Lauderhill FL 180.00 3 Alex Ladyzhensky - Irina Ladyzhensky, Bradenton FL 173.00 3 Colin Revill, Burlington ON; Jacob Schuurman, Three Rivers MI 178.50 4 Joshua Stark, Grayslake IL; Suzanne Dunn, Crystal Lake IL 169.50 4 Cordelia Menges, New York NY; Jay Baudler, Piedmont CA 170.50 5 1 Ernest Humbert, Uniontown OH; Mike Houchard, Cincinnati OH 162.00 5 Mike Sloan, Jeffersonville IN; Betty Mattison, Louisville KY 158.00 6 2 Suzi Shymanski - Doug Moore, Ballwin MO 159.50 6 1 1 Kenneth Sagstetter, Dayton OH; Karen Nolletti, Palm Bch Gdns FL 155.50 1 Daniel Palmer - Evelyn Palmer, Punta Gorda FL 150.00 2 Douglas Duker, North Benton OH; Stanley Brodersen, White Plains NY 149.50 3 Bud Staaf - Lia Staaf, Bay Village OH 146.50

MONDAY MORNING 299ER PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION OO EAST-WEST A B C A B C 1 Sandra Williams, Indianapolis IN; Ruth Panelli, Carmel IN 139.10 1 1 Denyse La Gasse, Springboro OH; Will Engel, Champaign IL 129.00 2 1 Michael Salmon, Perryville MD; Thomas Lewis Jr, Lexington KY 132.52 2 2 1 Barbara Simpson, Godfrey IL; Linda Brazier, Moro IL 122.00 3 2 Marjorie Lunzer - Kenneth Lunzer, McGregor MN 125.45 3 Eileen Skozey - Patricia Yingling, Indianapolis IN 119.65 4 Joy Selesko, Livonia MI; Jack Bourget, Bloomfield MI 117.05 4 Dolly Klee, Geneseo NY; Robert Miller, Princeton NJ 119.43 5 3 Thomas Prall - Joan Prall, Hamilton OH 117.00 5 Gary Martin, Spring Hill FL; Dennis Martin, Omaha NE 114.55 6 1 Arthur Altman - Nancy Altman, Charleston WV 116.95 6 Peggy Ellis - LouAnn O’Sullivan, New York NY 111.90 2 Kenneth Dixon - Janet Dixon, Springboro OH 109.50 2 Penny Ericson, Cottage Grove WI; Malinda Pittman, Cincinnati OH 104.20

MONDAY - WEDNESDAY CONTINUOUS PAIRS NORTH-SOUTH SECTION NN EAST-WEST A B A B 1 1 Annette Clark - Frederic Hadley, Indianapolis IN 105.00 1 1 Ben Finegold, Brooklyn NY; Wes Burgar, Warren MI 97.50 2 Stuart Foster, Mission Viejo CA; William Sentman, Scott Depot WV 102.00 2 Nancy Pickering, Penllyn PA; Brij Mohan Banda, Fremont CA 95.50 3 2 Robert Neuhart, Rochester NY; Bernard Neuhart, Niskayuna NY 99.50 3 2 Douglas Duker, North Benton OH; Stanley Brodersen, White Plains NY 91.00 4 Kim Smith, Bethesda MD; Donald Riley, Alexandria VA 88.50 4 M Broida, Oxford OH; Edna Gawlick, Hamilton OH 88.50 TODAY’S SCHEDULE *Unless otherwise noted, strat breaks for Stratified Open and Stratified Senior events are: A (1250+), B (500-1250), C (0-500). Breaks for Continuous Pairs and single-session open events are: A (750+), B (0-750). **Members whose dues payment is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current.

Tuesday, March 14, 9:00 a.m. Event Session Entry/player/session Sold ACBL members** Other Deschappelles Bridge Club Morning Monday-Wednesday Continuous/Side Pairs* 2nd single $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom A.M. Bracketed KO Teams 2nd $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Continues at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday and Thursday. Stratified 299er Pairs single $11.00 $12.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Tuesday, March 14, 10:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m. Stratified Senior Pairs* 1-2 $12.00 $13.00 Regal Bronze Ballroom Stratified Open Pairs* 1-2 $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Tuesday, March 14, 1:00 & 8:00 p.m. VANDERBILT KNOCKOUT TEAMS $14.50 $15.50 C.C. 2nd Floor Room 204 MIXED PAIRS 1-2Q $13.00 $14.00 C.C. 2nd Floor Room 200 2 qualifying, 2 final sessions Firstar Bank Stratified Open Pairs* 1-2 $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom 0-2000 KO Teams 3-4 $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Continues Wednesday 0-750 KO Teams 3-4 $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Continues Wednesday Tue/Thurs Continuous/Side Pairs* First single $12.00 $13.00 Regal Grand Ballroom Stratified 299er, Larry and Anne Elston 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single $11.00 $12.00 Regal Grand Ballroom 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single $11.00 $11.00 Regal Grand Ballroom Tuesday, March 14, 8:00 p.m. Senior Bracketed KO Teams 1st $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Continues at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Tue/Thurs Continuous/Side Pairs* Second single $12.00 $13.00 Regal Grand Ballroom 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single $11.00 $12.00 Regal Grand Ballroom 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single $11.00 $11.00 Regal Grand Ballroom Tuesday, March 14, midnight West Virginia-Appalachian Bridge Association Zip KO Teams* single $11.00 $12.00 Regal Grand Ballroom TOMORROW’S SCHEDULE

*Unless otherwise noted, strat breaks for Stratified Open and Stratified Senior events are: A (1250+), B (500-1250), C (0-500). Breaks for Continuous Pairs and single-session open events are: A (750+), B (0-750). **Members whose dues payment is current and Life Masters whose service fee payment is current.

Wednesday, March 15, 9:00 a.m. Event Session Entry/player/session Sold ACBL members** Other Deschappelles Bridge Club Morning Monday-Wednesday Continuous/Side Pairs* 3rd single $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom A.M. Bracketed KO Teams 3rd $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Continues at 9:00 a.m. Thursday. Daybreak Bracketed KO Teams 1st $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Continues at 9:00 a.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Stratified 299er Pairs single $11.00 $12.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Wednesday, March 15, 10:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m. Stratified Senior Pairs* 1-2 $12.00 $13.00 Regal Bronze Ballroom Stratified Open Pairs* 1-2 $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Wednesday, March 15, 1:00 p.m. Dan Gorman International Fund Pairs* single $11.00 $12.00 Regal Grand Ballrom Wednesday, March 15, 1:00 & 8:00 p.m. VANDERBILT KNOCKOUT TEAMS $14.50 $15.50 C.C. 2nd Floor Room 204 MIXED PAIRS 1-2F $13.00 $14.00 C.C. 2nd Floor Room 200 NABC 49er PAIRS 1-2 $13.00 $14.00 Regal Grand Ballroom Mike Geagan Stratified Open Pairs* 1-2 $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Bracketed KO Teams III 1-2 $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom 0-2000 KO Teams 5-6 $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom 0-750 KO Teams 5-6 $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Stratified 299er, Marge Hutchinson 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single $11.00 $12.00 Regal Grand Ballroom 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single $11.00 $11.00 Regal Grand Ballroom Wednesday, March 15, 8:00 p.m. Senior Bracketed KO Teams 2nd $12.00 $13.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom Continues at 8:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Jeff Simpson Stratified Board-a-Match Teams (A 1250+, B 500-1250, C 0-500) single $11.00 $12.00 C.C. 3rd Floor Ballroom

ACBL Charity Pairs* single $11.00 $12.00 Regal Grand Ballroom Stratified 299er, 199er, 99er, 49er Pairs single $11.00 $12.00 Regal Grand Ballroom 0-20, 0-5 Pairs single $11.00 $11.00 Regal Grand Ballroom 299er Stratified Swiss Teams single $11.00 $12.00 Regal Grand Ballroom

Wednesday, March 15, midnight John Andrew Higgins Zip Swiss Teams* single $11.00 $12.00 Regal Grand Ballroom