Sokolow, Holtz Are LM Pairs Champs

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Sokolow, Holtz Are LM Pairs Champs July 18-July 28, 2002 74th Summer North American Bridge Championships Daily Bulletin Washington, DC Vol. 74, No. 4 Monday, July 22, 2002 Editors: Henry Francis and Paul Linxwiler TheSokolow, 2002 Life Master Pairs Holtz saw a suspenseful are LM Pairs champs conclusion as a pair that led most of the final session was eclipsed by another that surged at the very end. Tobi Sokolow and Leni Holtz emerged as the win- ners of the six-session, three-day event, posting a fi- nal score of 2135.43 matchpoints to finish a half board ahead of Lynn Deas and Curtis Cheek at 2098.71. Sokolow, of Austin TX, and Holtz, of Los Ange- les, have been friends for some time, but they had never played together before this event. Sokolow has 12 previous NABC titles, but this is her first victory in an open event. Holtz won the 1988 Red Ribbon They won the Red Ribbon Pairs: Chris Pesce and Rich Pairs, but this is also his first open win. Atwater. The 2002 Life Master Pairs winners: Tobi Sokolow and Amongst a flood of players wishing the first-time Leni Holtz. winners congratulations, Holtz repeatedly described his partner’s performance as “amazing”, while Atwater, Pesce top Sokolow praised Holtz as “unbelievable and the most fun to play with!” Sokolow is a real estate broker and a self-described Promote bridge and RichRed Atwater Ribbon of Tacoma WA andPairs Chris Pesce of aspiring artist in portraiture. Holtz is the executive di- Seattle practically made it no contest in the Red Rib- rector for West Coast ad sales for Lifetime Television. BridgeAtSchools Inc. is raising funds to conduct bon Pairs when they piled up a 74.78% game in the win a Mexican trip Deas and Cheek led by a full board after the first formal research studies on bridge as the initial step first final session. Bob Sievers of Champaign IL and final session, while Sokolow and Holtz were fifth. Deas toward marketing educational bridge program to Georgia Heth of Peoria IL had two fine 60% games, and Cheek remained near the top of the leader board schools nationwide. but that still left them more than a board behind the throughout the second session and were back at the top Funds are needed to develop a new bridge cur- winners. with one round to go. A flat final round, however, al- riculum tied to national education standards and to Atwater and Pesce were only 39th after the quali- lowed Sokolow and Holtz to seize the crown. research the impact this curriculum has on students’ fying session, but that giant game put them ahead of In third with 2090.08 was yet another mixed pair, test scores in math, critical thinking and social skills. the field by three boards going into the second final. the husband-wife duo of Chip and Jan Martel. Bridge units and districts will benefit directly During that huge session they scored more than 75 from this program by hosting inter-school competi- matchpoints out of a possible 90 on half the boards. tions at regular tournament sites, and clubs can at- Two of the boards were complete tops. tract children and their parents for regular play. Did they play a phenomenal game? No, they said. A vacation home in Puerto Vallarta has been do- “We are very grateful to our opponents for self de- nated for a raffle to raise money for this significant structing,” said Pesce. “There were lots of better play- project. The winner will enjoy the exclusive use of ers out there, but we had good fortune” was the way this home for one week and also receive two round- Atwater put it. trip airfare tickets to Puerto Vallarta from his or her Atwater, a computer salesman, and Pesce, a math home city. An excellent time to use this vacation home teacher and an attorney, have been playing together would be during the Puerto Vallarta Regional Octo- for only two years. They play a two-over-one style ber 21-27, but it’s available virtually year-round. This with Bergen raises. is a prize package valued at more than $3500. They also played in the Red Ribbons last year Tickets cost $10 or two for $15. They may be and they qualified for the final. How did they do? purchased at the BridgeAtSchools booth or from any “We don’t know,” said Pesce. “We were so bad we of the representatives of BridgeAtSchools wearing didn’t even look at the scoresheet.” raffle ticket badges. Sievers and Heth also are a two-year partnership. The winning ticket will be drawn September 29 at Incidentally Heth will be the new District 8 repre- ACBL President-elect Al Levy and wife Beverly. the Wilmington DE Regional. The winner will be noti- sentative to the Board of Directors, replacing former fied by phone and posted at ACBL President Glenn Smith. They also play two- over-one. “I think our steady play is the reason why we Al Levy elected came in as high as second,” said Sievers. “During the final two sessions we never had a complete catastro- AlPresident Levy, Board of Directors for member 2003 from Dis- CellCell phones, phones: audible pagers turn or anyem similar off com- phe – we scored at least 15 points on every board.” trict 24 (the New York City area), was elected presi- munication equipment may not be operated or oper- dent of the American Contract Bridge League for able in the playing area during a session of play at 2003 by the Board of Directors last week. NABCs except for health-related equipment or by No thanks, I’ll earn it Levy has served on several important commit- permission of the director-in-charge of the tourna- At last summer’s NABC in Toronto, 16-year- tees during his tenure on the Board. He has shown ment or the event. old Ryan Humphreys was erroneously listed as special interest in bridge-playing computer programs. The attitude of the user is important. An im- the fifth member of the knockout team in the A full interview will appear in the Fall Daily Bulle- mediate shut-off followed by an apology will Educational Foundation KOs that included his tins and the January issue of The Bridge Bulletin. usually earn only a warning. However, a viola- grandparents Burrell Ives and Joy Humphreys tion of the intent of the regulation (answering) playing with Ed and Cynthia Schneider. Ryan will usually result in a penalty. didn’t actually play on the team, but he received the 25 gold-point award anyway for the team’s Special Individual second-place finish. When he got notice of the It's Goodwill Day points in the mail, he contacted tournament di- ACBL Onlineset members for Tuesday and e-bridge subscribers Today is Goodwill Day. My co-chairs and rector Sol Weinstein and had them removed. will be eligible to play in a 12-board Individual Tuesday I invite members of the National Goodwill This year, he was again listed as the fifth morning at 9 a.m. The event will be played in Exhibit Committee to join us at a reception from 5 to 7 player of the same team in the same event, and Hall C. There will be many prizes, incoluding a one- p.m. in the Cotillion Ballroom. We hope to see again the team came in second. This year, how- year extension of e-bridge membership for the winner. you there. ever, Ryan did play and earned 21 gold points Aileen Osofsky, Chairman In addition there will be door prizes including a copy of for his efforts. National Goodwill Committee the new Encyclopedia of Bridge. Page 2 Daily Bulletin SPECIAL EVENTS Montreal World Solution in tomorrow’s Daily Bulletin Monday, July 22 Championship Quiz #4 Goodwill Day & Intermediate/Newcomer Day To heighten awareness of the Montreal World 9 a.m. - Noon Club Directors’ Refresher Course with Associate National Tournament Director Championships that will take place in August, the Guillermo Poplawsky. Johnson Room. Three sessions focusing on the public relations organizers are offering a daily problem. There will aspect of running a successful bridge club. (Continues same times Tuesday and be a daily drawing among those who turn in the cor- Wednesday). $20 course fee if preregistered; $25 at the door. 10 a.m. - Noon Teaching Online with Bridge Base (Accredited Teacher Update Meeting). Eisenhower rect answer to the Daily Bulletin office in the Taft Room. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet with Fred Gitelman for a guided tour of the Room of the Marriott Wardman Park. Bridge Base site and its outstanding teaching features. Every day five prizes will be awarded as the re- 10 a.m. - Noon Free Bridge Lesson with Audrey Grant. Exhibit Hall B-North 1-3. Grant presents a free sult of the drawing. The winners will have their choice “Welcome to Duplicate” bridge lesson. Come early for coffee and pastry. of a 1995 or 1996 World Championship book or a 10 a.m. ACBL Online seminar with David Libchauber. Exhibit Hall C. 2002 World Championship hat. 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers program: Ginny Schuett, Negative Doubles. Exhibit J Hall B North. Schuett, Riverwoods IL, is a Three-Star Teacher, a former president of the « American Bridge Teachers Association and a Diamond Life Master. ª 10 9 4 1 - 3 p.m. Bridge Plus+. Exhibit Hall B-North 1-3. Bridge Plus+ is a special game for players new © K Q J 3 to duplicate.
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