Cincinnati Daily Bulletin 4

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Cincinnati Daily Bulletin 4 March 9-19, 2000 Cincinnati, Ohio 43rd Spring North American Bridge Championships DAILYDAILY BULLETINBULLETIN Vol. 43, No. 4Monday March 13, 2000 Editors: Brent Manley and Henry Francis Easy-going Zeke enjoys columnist role Most top seeds In a long and varied career involving bridge, poli- advance in tics, the stage and even a construction company, Zeke Jabbour is now doing something for the first time – Vanderbilt Teams writing under his own name. The experience – his column, Winsome and Loath- All but two of the top seeds in the Vanderbilt some, is now a regular feature in The Bridge Bulletin – Knockout Teams survived the first day to play in has been nearly overwhelming. the round of 64. The highest seed to fall was No. “The reaction has been unbelievable,” says Jabbour, 18, captained by Roger Bates. His squad was a five-time North American champion, former Barry knocked off by Michael Kovacich, Patricia Tucker, Crane Top 500 winner and one of the competitors at the Kevin Collins, Robert White, Samuel Marks and Cincinnati NABC. “People stop me and ask if I’m Dwight Meredith. Jabbour, or they want to know if I’m still lost (a refer- In the Spingold Knockout Teams at the Sum- ence to an anecdote in his debut column).” mer NABC in San Antonio last year, Kovacich, It’s enough to make a calm man nervous – except Tucker, Collins and White combined with two other that the easy-going Boca Raton FL resident is the players to pull off several upsets before being elimi- epitome of composure (as long as you give proper re- nated in the round of eight. spect to his beloved Michigan Wolverines). The other high seed to fall was No. 28 (John In fact, when Jabbour teaches bridge, relaxation is Rengstorff). They lost to a four-member team led one of his key messages. He tells students that to be by Diana Tenery. Her teammates are Andy Stark successful, they must study, practice, relax and concen- (New York), Fred Zhang and Qing Yang. They were Zeke Jabbour Continued on page 5 seeded No. 101. Lynns bridge interest Magic act still as strong as ever scores a top Being confined to a wheelchair has changed After one of his many many things in the life of Lynn Deas, but it sleight-of-hand tricks with play- hasn’t reduced her interest in bridge – if any- ing cards wowed the crowd Sun- thing, it has increased her dedication and en- day evening, Dennis Hurm was joyment. asked, “Will you be my partner “I still love to play,” said Deas, “but I get tonight?” special enjoyment when one of my pupils If you saw Hurm with play- makes the grade. I like to work with experi- ing cards, you’d want to make the enced players and help them rise from the in- request yourself. termediate to the expert range.” The Cincinnati resident She has been doing this more or less on an worked the Convention Center crowd for an hour Sunday before individual basis, but she is planning to expand her base in two ways. “I want to get on the the second session, and he will Internet and form small classes – four to six be back Friday and Saturday. players – to work with. I believe I can be in- Hurm, 45, is representing the strumental in improving their game. United States Playing Card Co., a sponsor of the Spring NABC. “In addition, I have been making copious Magician Dennis Hurm has the full attention of Terry Grogan, Urbana The affable performer has notes over the past few years, and I think they OH, and Frank Bresnahan, Titusville FL, at the Convention Center done a sleight-of-hand act for 25 might well be the basis for a book that will en- Saturday. Hurm, representing the United States Playing Card Co., able dedicated upper intermediate players to will be back on Friday and Saturday. Continued on page 4 find the necessary strategies to rise into the expert world.” Educational Foundation okays Deas couldn’t stress strongly enough how im- portant it is to realize that bridge is a partnership Bridge Camp 2000 grants game. “You can’t afford misunderstandings. Go over your convention card carefully with your The ACBL Educational Foundation has ap- partner and make sure you’re both on the same proved grants of $200 per person to Junior wavelength. For instance, your partner overcalls players planning to attend Bridge Camp 2000, 1NT after the bidding goes 1¨ - Pass - 1«. What scheduled for Aug. 2-10 in Southern Califor- nia just prior to the Summer NABC in Ana- Continued on page 4 heim. The grants for up to 70 ACBL members to Coon and Walsh lead attend the camp were announced at a reception Saturday evening. The reception was paid for Silver Ribbon Pairs in part by the ACBL Goodwill Committee. Bridge Camp 2000, the third such gather- Charles Coon of Marshfield MA and Rhoda Walsh ing conducted by the ACBL, will take place at of Los Angeles had two strong sessions in the Silver Pitzer College in Claremont CA, just east of Judy Prescott, president and Jonathan Stenberg, Ribbon Pairs qualifying to lead 78 pairs into today’s Los Angeles. vice-president, of the ACBL Educational Foundation two-session final. They outdistanced the field, finish- There will be various sporting activities and ing approximately three and a third boards ahead of contests each morning, a choice of lectures af- runners-up Glenn Smith of Creve Coeur MO, current ter lunch and a session of bridge during the af- Put on a happy face! ACBL president, and Wayne Hascall of Grandville MI. ternoon. Coon, a runner-up in the Bermuda Bowl back in Players 16-25 who are ACBL members may the Sixties, and Walsh, one of America’s top woman attend. The price is $425 per person. Today is Goodwill Day players for many years, topped their section by a wide If you are interested, contact Charlotte margin in both sessions. Blaiss, ACBL director of Junior programs. Today's Goodwill reception will be held in the Two former presidents of the ACBL – Richard Phone 901-332-5586, Ext. 222 or e-mail Regency Ballroom on the 3rd floor of the Hyatt Anderson of Regina SK and Cecil Cook of Long Beach [email protected]. You may also contact Harley Regency. CA – were third, less than one matchpoint behind. Bress, Ext. 222, or e-mail [email protected]. Page 2 Daily Bulletin SPECIAL EVENTS Extra Intra By Barry Rigal Monday, March 13 Board 23 « 8 2 Dlr: South ª A J 5 4 9:00 a.m. - Noon Club Directors Course. Colonnade A, Regal. Vul: Both © K 10 5 9:00 a.m. - Noon Easybridge! accreditation course B with Easybridge! creator Edith McMullin and ¨ K 10 4 2 Field Coordinator Marti Ronemus. Cardinal Room, Regal. « « 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Barbara Seagram, Takeout Doubles. J 9 6 3 A Q 7 5 ª ª Grand Ballroom A, Regal. Seagram, Toronto, is the owner and manager of Kate Q 8 3 K 7 6 2 Buckman’s Bridge Studio, one of Canada’s largest. She is the co-author of 25 © Q 8 © A7 3 2 Bridge Conventions You Should Know. ¨ Q 9 6 3 ¨ 5 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Easybridge! accreditation course A with Easybridge! creator Edith McMullin and « K 10 4 Field Coordinator Marti Ronemus. Pavillion B, Regal ª 10 9 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Goodwill Reception, Regency Ballroom, third floor, Hyatt Regency. © J 9 6 4 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Ellen Crawford, Signals on D-Fence. ¨ A J 8 7 Grand Ballroom A, Regal. Crawford, Lauderhill FL, teaches bridge and plays When North opens 1¨ in third seat, the auction professionally. She won the North American Women’s Pairs at the 1999 Spring 1¨ - Double - 1NT leaves South well placed to make NABC in Vancouver. at least seven tricks (double dummy he is due 120) but 11:45 p.m. Free food and beverages in the Bronze Room at the Regal Hotel. Enjoy the music of « the Professionals – traditional, pop, R&B. I overcalled 2 as West and bought the hand there. The defense led and continued trumps, and I was in Tuesday, March 14 dummy to lead a diamond to the queen and king. North neatly led a club to the ace for a third trump lead (if he 9:00 a.m. - Noon Club Directors Course. Colonnade A, Regal. does not I get to ruff two diamonds in hand to make 9:00 a.m. - Noon Easybridge! accreditation course A with Easybridge! creator Edith McMullin and seven tricks easily). Now to the ending: Field Coordinator Marti Ronemus. Pavillion B, Regal. « -- 12:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Howard Piltch (subject to be ª A J 5 4 announced). Grand Ballroom A, Regal. Piltch, a former president of the ACBL, is © 10 the District 25 director and an outstanding player. ¨ K 10 4 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Easybridge! accreditation course B with Easybridge! creator Edith McMullin and « J « Q Field Coordinator Marti Ronemus. Cardinal Room, Regal. ª ª 7:15 p.m. Intermediate/Newcomer Speakers Program: Kathie Wei-Sender, Championship Q 8 3 K 7 6 2 Bridge. Grand Ballroom A, Regal. Wei-Sender, Nashville, is an ACBL Grand Life © 8 © A 7 3 Master and WBF Grand Master. She was inducted into the Bridge Hall of Fame in ¨ Q 9 6 ¨ -- 1999. « -- 11:45 p.m.
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