Composition and Distribution of Vascular Epiphytes in a Tropical Semideciduous Forest, Ghana
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Composition and distribution of vascular epiphytes in a tropical semideciduous forest, Ghana Patrick Addo-Fordjour*, Alexander Kofi Anning, Mathew Glover Addo and Margaret Frimpomaa Osei Department of Theoretical and Applied Biology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana examine´, et l’on a note´ la pre´sence, l’emplacement et les Abstract formes vivantes de tous les e´piphytes. Vingt-neuf (29) es- The composition and distribution of vascular epiphytes pe`ces d’e´piphytes appartenant a` 14 genres et a` 11 familles were studied in two 1-ha plots in the KNUST Botanic ont e´te´ identifie´es au cours de cette e´tude. Elles croissaient garden, Ghana. One-hectare plot each was randomly set sur 48 espe`ces d’arbres et se pre´sentaient sous trois formes up in secondary and cultivated forests for the identification vivantes, he´mi-e´piphytes (45%), e´piphytes opportunistes and enumeration of trees and shrubs (‡10 cm dbh), and (45%) et e´piphytes vrais (10%). Les espe`ces vasculaires epiphytes. Each tree was carefully examined, noting the d’e´piphytes repre´sentaient 25,7% de toutes les espe`ces presence, positions and life-forms of all epiphytes. Twenty- ve´ge´tales identifie´es (a` l’exclusion des herbace´es et des nine epiphyte (29) species belonging to fourteen genera plantes grimpantes). Les espe`ces hoˆtes (P < 0,001), and eleven families were identified in the study. These were l’habitat (P = 0,001) et leur interaction (P < 0,001) ava- hosted by 48 tree species and occurred in three life-forms: ient un effet tre`s net sur la composition des e´piphytes dans hemi-epiphytes (45%), casual epiphytes (45%) and true les foreˆts. Les Moraceae e´taient la famille dominante epiphytes (10%). The vascular epiphyte species made up (44,8%) et Nephrolepis undulata J. Sm. et N. biserrata (Sw.) 25.7% of all the identified plant species (excluding herbs Scott e´taient les espe`ces d’e´piphytes les plus communes. En and climbers) encountered. Host species (P < 0.001), termes de distribution verticale, la plupart des e´piphytes se habitat (P = 0.001) and their interaction (P < 0.001) had situaient sur les troncs et quelques-uns croissaient dans la strong effects on epiphyte composition in the forests. canope´e. Moraceae was the most dominant family (44.8%), while Nephrolepis undulata J. Sm. and N. biserrata (Sw.) Scott. were the commonest species of epiphytes. In terms of vertical distribution, most epiphytes were located on the Introduction trunk, while a few occurred in the canopy. Epiphytes are plants that attach themselves to and grow on Key words: composition, distribution, hosts, vascular other plants occurring from the forest understorey to the epiphytes periphery of tree crowns (Benzing, 2000). The importance of vascular epiphytes to tropical biodiversity lies in their ability to provide habitats and food for many of the animals Re´sume´ inhabiting the rainforest canopies (Cruz-Ango´n & Green- On a e´tudie´ la composition et la distribution d’e´piphytes berg, 2005). Epiphytes, as vulnerable as they are known to vasculaires dans deux parcelles d’un hectare, dans le Jar- be, can serve as a good indicator group of biodiversity that din botanique de la KNUST, au Ghana. Chaque parcelle can be monitored to assess the effects of forest disturbance d’un hectare fut cre´e´e au hasard dans des foreˆts secondaire (Turner et al., 1994). Other important ecological functions et cultive´e pour y identifier et faire la liste des arbres et des played by epiphytes include regulating water balance and arbustes (‡10 cm dbh). Chaque arbre fut soigneusement nutrient cycling through the maintenance of high humidity levels and reduction of the potentially disruptive *Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected] ⁄ effects of torrential rains in the forest (Coxson & Nadkarni, [email protected] 1995). Ó 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation Ó 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Afr. J. Ecol., 47, 767–773 767 768 Patrick Addo-Fordjour et al. Epiphytes as a group may be prominent, accounting for of tree species as a whole in the composition of epiphyte a large proportion – or even most – of the vascular species flora. The findings of this study would help increase the of the forest (Kelly et al., 1994). They generally make up understanding of ecology of epiphytes in Africa. about 10% of the total vascular flora worldwide (Benzing, This study was conducted to determine the role of host 1990). Most of them are limited to tropical and subtropical tree species and habitat type on the composition of epi- forests, where they may be the most diverse life-form in phyte flora and their distribution in a semideciduous very humid formations (Gentry & Dodson, 1987). Their rainforest. composition in tropical forests is influenced by frequent disturbance and habitat patchiness (Benzing, 1990). Materials and methods As hosts, the type and nature of trees constitute important determinants of epiphyte composition in the Study area tropical forest (Burns & Dawson, 2005). Epiphyte distri- bution is also affected by conditions of the canopy The study was carried out in a tropical semideciduous including shortage of water and nutrients, and the modes rainforest of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science of seed dispersal of epiphytes (Hamrick & Godt, 1996). Tree and Technology, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana (latitude bark architecture has also been suggested as an important 6°35¢N–6°40¢N and longitude 1°30¢W–1°35¢W) (Fig. 1). factor in the distribution of epiphytes (Butler, 2005). The forest, which is located in an urban area, covers an Studies have shown that epiphyte diversity and composi- area of 12.9 ha, comprising two main habitat types tion often vary vertically along tree trunk and crown (Ter namely, secondary forest and cultivated forest. Most of Steege & Cornelissen, 1989; Dickinson, Mark & Dawkins, the plant species (both native and exotic) in the 1993), with most of them located in the canopy of rain- cultivated forest were intentionally introduced. Part of forests (Werneck & Espı´rito-Santos, 2002) compared to a this forest has also been developed for recreational few on the trunk (Schuettpelz & Trapnell, 2006). activities, resulting in increased pressure on the vegeta- Epiphyte studies in the tropics, though lagging behind tion. Human-induced disturbances from illegal felling of those of trees and shrubs, have gained much more atten- trees and hunting are also common in this part of the tion in recent times. However, literature on epiphytes in garden. This habitat thus experiences human distur- Ghana and Africa as a whole is scanty. While several bance from time to time. The secondary forest on the studies have suggested that tree size plays an important other hand has been free from human intervention in role in the composition of epiphytes in forests (Lyons, terms of cultivation. This portion of the garden is Nadkarni & North, 2000; Zotz & Vollrath, 2003; Burns & therefore characterized mostly by native species and less Dawson, 2005), only a few studies have examined the role disturbance. Main Entrance Cultivated Main Road forest ver Wiwi Ri Farm Road Secondary forest Unity Hall Ayeduase R Fig 1 Map of a section of the KNUST showing the secondary and cultivated Paa joe Stadium oad forests of the Botanic garden Ó 2009 The Authors. Journal compilation Ó 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Afr. J. Ecol., 47, 767–773 Vascular epiphytes in a semideciduous forest 769 The garden is endowed with diverse species that include and habitat were used as factors, while the number of tropical palms, timber species, bamboo species and other epiphyte species on the host was used as the variate. Epi- species of medicinal value, with up to 68% of all species phyte species numbers at the various positions along the being native (Anning et al., 2008). The annual rainfall in hosts were compared using a t-test. All analyses were the area ranges between 931 and 1120 mm, while the conducted with the 10th edition of the GENSTAT Software average annual monthly temperature ranges between (VSN International Ltd, Hemel Hempstead, UK) at a sig- 21.6 and 32.1°C (The KNUST Meteorological Department, nificance level of 5%. unpublished data). Results Sampling Composition of epiphytes The study was carried out between February and May 2007 in two 1-ha plots. One-hectare plot each was set A total of 29 epiphyte species belonging to fourteen genera up in the secondary and cultivated forests. Each plot was and eleven families were recorded during the study. The subdivided into sixteen 25 m · 25 m quadrats to ensure family Moraceae contributed most of the vascular epiphyte accurate enumeration of all species. All trees and shrubs flora (44.8%) followed by Nephrolepidaceae (10.3%). The (‡10 cm diameter at breast height, dbh) were enumer- families Orchidaceae, Polypodiaceae, Rubiaceae and Aster- ated in each quadrat. The trees were then carefully aceae contributed equally (6.9%) to the epiphyte flora examined for the presence and relative positions of epi- (Table 1). Species richness was greater in the secondary phytes. The canopies of very tall trees were accessed forest (24 species) than in the cultivated forest (fourteen using single-rope climbing techniques (Perry, 1978). The species). life-forms of the epiphytes were described according to The vascular epiphytes were characterized by three Bogh (1992), which included true epiphytes (T) – species life-forms (Table 1) namely, casual epiphytes (45%), hemi- that normally spend their entire lifespan as epiphytes; epiphytes (45%) and true epiphytes (10%). The hemi- hemi-epiphytes (H) – species that germinate on trees and epiphytes were represented by one family (Moraceae), later establish root contact with the ground; casual whereas the true epiphytes and the casual epiphytes were epiphytes (C) – species that can complete their life cycles represented by three and nine families respectively.