Surnames of the Waldensian Valleys

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Surnames of the Waldensian Valleys Surnames of the Waldensian Valleys The following surname list is based largely on Osvaldo Coisson, I Nomi di Famiglia delle Valli Valdesi [Torre Pellice, 1975]. You should photocopy each Coisson article about a surname on your pedigree so you know the variations in the spelling of the name before your search other records and in which villages you should begin searching. Surnames mentioned only in early medieval records are not included on this list. NOTE: In parish and notary records, names may appear in either French or Italian forms and with many variations in spelling. Common spelling variants are in parenthesis. Abonel Acay Achard Afos Aghit (Aguiti Aguit Aghitto) Agiaton (Aguiton) Agli Agnes (De Agues) Aiello Aillard Aimar (Aymar Aymer) Aimon (Aymon) Albarea (Arbarea Arbareta Arbrea Ala Albamo Albare) Albarin (Arbarin Arbarino Albarino) Alberge Alberguin Alberti (Albert Alberge Albergia Alberico Albertengo Aliberti) Allais (Alais Aillaisa Alatia Alaxia Albertin Allai Alasia) Allamburgo (Alambergo Alamborgo) Allard (Alard Alliar) Allaud Allemdandi (Alamanni Allamani Allesan (Alesan Aleysan Alleisan Alemand Alamandi Allemanno Alligmen Alesano Alesani) Alamanda) Alliet (Aillette Alliata Allieta Alieta Allevato Alliaud (Allio Allier Alier Alye Aliar) Lietta Lieta) Alliaud (Aillaut Aillaudi Agliaudo Allio Alliou Aillaud Alio Allioud Aliot Ailiaud (Aillaud Ailleaud) Alioud) Aloerio (Aloerious Alloero Alloerio Allion Allois Alouer) Amat Amberti Amphoux (Anfossi Anfoso) Amstetto (Arasetto) Anastate (Anatate Anastaze) Anastase Andreon (Andrion Andreone Angrogne (Angrognin Langrognin Anselme Andrioni Panderion Andre?) Angrognini) Anthouard (Antoardi Anthodardo) Appia (Apia Appie Appuie Appy) Arbaud (Harbaud Larbaud) Archer (Archetti) Arciena (Arcienna) Arduin (Arduino Ardun) Armand (Armano Armandi Armant Armand-Hugon Armand-Ugon Armando) Armand-Hugon la Copeite Armand-Hugon-Paillas Armand-Pilon Armand-Rivet Armand-Bosc Armand-Clairet Armingeon (Armingione Ermenione) Arnaud (Arnaut Arnaudi) Arnone 1 Arnoul (Arnulphi Arnolfo Arnoux Arnoulf Arnol Arnal Arnole Alnulfus Arnoux Arnoulet Elnulfus) Arnoux (Arnos) Artero (Artier Hartier Heritier) Artus (Artusso Dartusio Artuso) Artusoto (Artusato) Asari (Azari) Assoul (Assolo) Audeando Audemar Audet Audri Auiart Aurelio (Aureli) Avondet (Avondetto Avonde Autre Avienne (Avienny) Abundet) Ayassot (Aiassot Ajassot Ayesot Ayasse Balangero Aiacot Ayassotto) Balin (Baline) Bal (Bals) Balce Balcet Balset Balsa Balma (Balme) Balmas (Balmasso Balmazzo) Balberi Barac Barrac Baral (Barral Barrale Barale) Baret (Barret) Baridon (Baridone Buridone) Barrietton Barile Barin (Barino) Barolin (Barrolin Barroulin Barrolino) Bartolmio (Bartolomio Bartholomia Barolo (Berolo) Barot (Berrot) Bartolome Barthelemy) Bastia (Bastie Bastian Bastiano Bartulin (Bertoulin Bertulin Bertullin) Barus (Baruzzo) La Bastie) Baud (Beau Baudo Baut) Bauderon (Bauderonne) Bayle Baile (Bay Baille) Beaudoin (Bodoin Baudino Badouin) Baeuregard Beliard (Beleart Belliard Beliart Bec (Bech) Bein - Ben (Beno Being Bain) Belleard) Bellion (Belion Bilion Blion Belione Bellegarde Bellin (Belling Belin Bellino) Beleon Pelione) Bellonat (Bellonatto Bellonato Beltramino (Bertramino Benech Bellon (Bellone) Bellonatti Blonat) Benecchio Benechio Benesh) Benedetto (Benoit Benaud Benedet) Berard (Brard) Bergat Berge (Bergio) Berger (Bergier Bergero Bergiero) Bergogni Bermond (Bremond Bremondo Bergoin Berin Bermont Bremonde) Bernard (Bernardus Bernardi Bernaton Berru (Beru) Bernart Barnand?) Bertalmio (Berthalmio Beltramio Bertalot (Bertolotto Berthallot Bert (Bertt Berth Berto) Bertramio) Bertaloto Berthelot) Bertin (Bertino Bertini Berthin Bertinat (Bertinatti Bertinetto Bertet (Bertetto) Berting) Bertinatto Bertinotto) Bertoch (Bertochio Bertoche Bertolin (Bertolino Bertoulin Bertole (Berthole Bertollet) Bertocht) Bertholin) Bertot (Bertoto Bertoti Bertotto Bertolotto Bertone (Breton Bourton) Bersot) Bertrand (Bertram) Bescheis Besson (Bessone Besun Beux (Beus Beuz Bous Boyso Bezzone) Bianciotto (Blanciotto Blanchot) Buci?) 2 Bianchi Bianchis Bianquis Blanc (Bianco Bianqui Blanchi Bieynetto Billon (Billot Billione) Bianque) Billour (Bigliore Biglior Billeur) Blanc Blanchet (Blancho Blancher) Blanchon .Bleynat (Blainat Blenat Belleinat) Bocia (Bochia) Bodet Bodoira (Boudoira) Boer (Boerio Boveri Bouero) Boirat Bois Boissat (Boisset) Bon (Boin Boine Bone) Bonardel Bondrano Bonin (Bonnin Bonino) (Bounnin Bonjour (Bongiorno) Bonne (Bonna) Binnin) Bonnet (Bonetto Bonet Bounet) Borel (Borelli Borrel Bourel Bourelli) Borno Borgo Borrin (Bourrin) Bosc (Bosco Bosque) Bosia (Bosia Bossia Bossio Boisa Botto Bouc Bosj Bosii) Bouchard (Bochiardo Bociardo Bouchardin (Bochiardino Boudrandi (Bodrandi) Bocchiardo Bogiardo) Bocchiardino) Bouissa (Bouisse Boysa Boujsse Bounous (Bonoso Bonos Bouneux Boulard (Bollardo) Bouisa Bousse) Bonosio) Bouquet Bountemp (Bontempo) Bourcet (Bourset) Bourcetin Bourg Bourlot Bourne (Borno Bourgne Borgna) Bourque Bout (Bont?) Bouvier (Bovero Bovier) Bovet Braida (Brayda) Bres (Brez Bresse Brezzo Bressi Bresson Breuza Brezzi) (Breuse Breusa Breux Breuzia Brianza Broquet Brusa Bruggia Bressia Brosa Broso) Brosia (Brozia Brosio Brussia) Broue (Broue Broue) Bruera Brunerol (Bruneyol Brunerolo Brun (Bruno) Brunel Brunerollo) Brunet (Brunnet Brunetto) Brusseau (Brousson) Buffa (Buffe Buffas Bufa) Buffaro Bus Cadet (Cadett) Cadeville Caettino Caffarel (Caffarello Capharel) Cairus (Chayruzzo Cheiruzzo Caglieri Caffetto Cayrus Querus Queirus Queyrus Quayrus Cherus Cayruzzo) Calanquin Calandre (Callandre) Calma Calodon Calva (Carva Calve) Calvetti (Calvetto Zalveto Calvet) Calvin Calvino Camosso Canaguel Canal (Canale) Canone (Canoni) Canonico (Canonio Canonici) Canton (Cantons Cantone) Cardon (Cardone Gardon) Caron Carrier (Charrier) Casset (Caseus) 3 Catalin (Catelin Catalino Cattalino Castagno (Castagna) Castellano (Castelan) Cattallino) Catine (Cattino) Cattre - Catre Cauvi Caviglia Centurier (Ceinturier) Ceretto Cesan (Cesano Sessano Sezzano Cerutti (Cerutto) Cerverie (Cervera) Seizan Sezane Caesone) Chabert Chabrand (Chiabrando) Chabier Chalier (Chailler Calliers Challers Chabriol (Chabrol Cabriolo) Chaleron (Challeron) Chalier Cialier) Chalmis (Chalmas Chialmitio Chalvin Chambeau (Chambeaud) Charmis Ciarmis) Cambon - Chambon (Chiambone) Champ Chanforan - Chianforano Chapelle (Chappel Chapel) Charbonnier Carbonero (Ciarbonero) Chardoussin (Chardocino Sardosin Chiardossino Ciardossino Charle Charlin (Charlino Ciarlino Chiarlone) Giardosino) Charret Charreau Charrier (Chiariero Scharrier) Chauvie (Chiavia Chauvia Chovie Chatelain (Chastelain Chatelan) Cheynel Chouvie Chialva Cauvia) Cheynet Cheyrel Cheyret (Chairet) Chiarvetto (Charvet Chavet Ciarvet Chiavia Chiavoula (Chiaboula) Ciarva Chiarva Ciarvo Carve Giarva) Chiout (Chioust) Choiret (Chiarietto) Cinquet Cioca Ciomale Clapier (Clapie Clappier) Claret (Chiaretti) Clarge Clee (Clie) Clement (Clementi) Cleo (Clion?) Clot (Clott Cloth Clotto) Coltino Cocorda Cogno Coisson (Corsone Couysson Queisone Coysson Coinson Collatino (Colatino) Collet (Colet Colletti Chollet) Coisone Coisono Coscione Coyssone Cresson Coissonne) Colombier (Colombara Collombers Coltino (Coletino) Collino Colomberius Colombe) Comba (Combe Cumba Combo Colombat (Colombatto) Colombo (Colombe Colomb) Combat) Condino (Condegnaut?) Condreto Constans (Constanzo) Constantin (Costantino) Consul Conte (Comte Compte) Copero (Copier Couper Coppero Copin (Cupini Copino Coupin) Coque (Cocque Cogn) Coperi) Cordier (Cordero) Cordin Corneto Corveil (Corvelo Corveglio Corvej Corriero (Coriera Coreard?) Costa Courville) Costabel (Costabello) Costafort Costantino Cot (de Cottes?) Cotta Cottino Cougn (Cogno Cougno Coin Coign Coucourde (Cocorda Coccorda) Courdin (Cordin Coardino Cordino) Coignio) 4 Coutandin (Contandin Cantandin) Crespin (Crispino) Cresson (Cressone) Croce Croi Crof (Croff) Crouzet (Croset) Croyat Cunil Cupin Cure-Busque Curt (Curto Curti Corto) Dalmas (Darmas Dalmatio Dalmaso Dagot (Dagotti) Dalmasso Dalmazzo Darmase Damiano (Damien) Dalmage Darmade) Davit (Davyt Dauit David Davi Danna - Dana (Danne Dan DAnne) Davin Davico Davite) De Dio (Di Dio) Deirin (Deyrin DEyrin DAirin) Dema (Deme De Mas?) Demaria (De Maret?) Didero (Didier Dedier) Domenici Donnaud (Doneaud Doneodo Dominico (Dominique) Don (Donn) Donaudo) Douvier (Douier Douiaire Dohoro Drella Droume (Drome dHomme) Dojer) Dumas Dumoulin (du Moulin) Durand (Durant Durando) Durand-Canton (Canton-Durant) Duval Enriue Escolier Esmerille (Smeriglio) Esteve Eynard (Isnard Isnardi Aynardi Fabre (Favre Fabri Faure Faber) Faisan Aymard Airnardo Einart) Falco (Farco Farquet Falc) Falcoin (Faucon) Falconero (Falconnier) Fallacian (Falacian Falaziano) Fantino (Fantin Fantini) Fasset (Fassetto Fascio) Fassiot (Facioti) Faubert Faure Faurenchi Fautrier Favat (Favot) Favatier (Fauatero Favatero Favout (Fauato Favoudo Favotto Feliero Favatiero) Favot Favolo Favuti Favoti) Fenouil (Fenoglio Fenochio Fenogli Fernando (Ferrand) Ferrero - Ferrier (Ferreri) Fenouille) Ferron (Ferroni) Festa Feutrier (Fautrier Feautrier) Filipon (Filipone Felippone Philipon Filliol (Fillol Filhol) Fina (Fine) Filipin) Flandin Flot (Flotte Floth Flotz Felot) Foglier Fontana (Fontane Fontaine) Forchino (Fourchin) Fornero (Fournier Fornier Furnier) Forneron (Fornerone Forneirone Frache (Fraschia Frasche Fracia Forneyron Fourneron Fonro Fostel Fossat Fraccia Frassia Fracha) Fustel) Franc (Franchi) Francesot (Francesetti) Francois Freissineno (Freyssinenq Fraissinet Fraschia (Frache Frega Freiria
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